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Who Judges?
What is

Who Judges


This slide show is not oriented to support any religion. It simply is the product of nearly two and half decades of search for Truth after the author gave up a lucrative career in Biotechnology The distinctive call for the author, was to advance science and spirituality into some Click to edit Master subtitle style simplistic and comprehensible platform such that barrier of religions break down and science evolves to awakens humanity to Truth and survives the catastrophic end to which he is leading himself My interpretation of spiritual scriptures may differ from the interpretation of various schools of spirituality But given a thought from point of freedom it might open whole new realm of 4/28/12 thinking and comprehension of spiritual scriptures

Does God Judge You?

NO and YES
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God is Love, He is the Creator He Cannot be a Judge


Then Who Judges?

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The Truth

God is Truth He is the Sustainer


How God Creates and Judges?

He Creates in Love and Free Will to indestructible Souls. It occurs in darkness of the Click to edit Master subtitle style womb When time ripens, He emerges as Light or Truth or knowledge removing the 4/28/12

What is Truth?
Truth is God He is the Creator and Click to edit Master subtitle style Sustainer Truth is Life Force Truth is Knowledge and Light He is the Centrifugal or


Where Truth Exist?

It exist in Life Look at plants, animals and children, they are antiClick to edit Master subtitle style gravitational. They create mass that grow against gravity and time directed to death or gravitational collapse to the center. 4/28/12

What then creates death?

Adult Human Mind that is self centered and is slave to material world.
Death manifest when Click to edit Master subtitle style humanity breaks the law and takes the forbidden path and moves away from Truth or Light or Knowledge. In Short when he moves away from God the Father


What is the Law of the Kingdom of God?

To Love and to be obedient to God the Creator Click to edit Master subtitle style To be with Truth and uphold Truth and Justice Not to seek self and become slave to material World 4/28/12 Not to corrupt and conquer

What is Kingdom of God?

Kingdom of God is a Family We are Children of God God is Father and Mother. He is a Teacher and Role Model God manifested as Christ is role model for all men Mother Mary is role model to 4/28/12 all women
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How Mary and Christ are role models?

Mary and Jesus did Gods or Fathers Will Paving the Click to edit Master subtitle style way for Kingdom of God or Truth
They grew beyond their mind and its extensions connecting to material world to connect to their consciousness and listen 4/28/12

What is the Message of Mary and Christ to Humanity?

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Fallow their Path to Life and Truth

What is Truth?

Truth is Light or Click to edit Master subtitle style Knowledge

It is the knowledge of life and the Universe - Its creation and existence in time

Path that the modern world is taking

The path that the Click to modern world is edit Master subtitle style taking is the path of Adam and Eve or the Forbidden Path

What happens in Adam and Eves Path?

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Truth or knowledge gets lost

How death creeps in?

It creeps from mind and thoughts that are directed to external world
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It creeps through Eves mind that becomes slave to material world and makes Adam turn away from his Father. Thus it paves the way for a life disconnected from Truth or Light or Knowledge 4/28/12

What Adam and Eve represent?: Slide-1

Adam and Eve represent two realms of life; soul and body. There are two minds/brains in life; one that relates to the body and the other relates to heart/soul. The mind/brain of the body is the link Click to edit Master subtitle style point with the external space, the mind of the heart is a point that links to the internal space. Space contains information's and information flow between internal and external space is vital to maintain life. The heart and its mind and the internal space are vital 4/28/12 to life. For Truth exist init and life is

What Adam and Eve represent?: Slide-2

An individual begins to fall when he allows the mind of the body to dominate. This cuts the free flow of life or information from internal space and its connectivity with the source subtitle consciousness and Click to edit Master of life - style intelligence within that comes form the Creator When individuals fall the collective system begins to deteriorate The importance of spirituality and ancient knowledge emerges from this point. Truth cannot be sought by mind of the body that 4/28/12

Death at Personal Level

Manifest when mind of individual matures and becomes slave to matter and flesh and begins to express his self forgetting his creator and his relationship with His Family - It is isolation from God the Creator Click to edit Master subtitle style

It is spiritual deterioration
It is the cause for the fall of individual families and the various hierarchies of the society and the whole world


The cause of Disorder, Destruction and Death of the World

It is simply collective reflection subtitle style Click to edit Masterof individual mind and its thoughts that followed death

No Human is Exception

Thus God had to manifest to

The Path to Life

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Awakening to Truth in Individual and Collective Level


How to Awaken?
Turn your Mind from outer to the inner world and Click to edit Master subtitle style Change your thinking from self to dissolve into the Whole that is Selfless

What happens when you awaken?

When your mind and thoughts are turned around, you connect to the world of consciousness that is base and support of the world we live in. Click to edit Master subtitle style When you surrender your self, you enter the realm of Light or Truth that radiates from within and supports the life. At the deepest level, you will know the Truth or Mind of God that sustains the whole system. 4/28/12

What Truth Brings?

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It brings Life and New order It initializes time that exist already conquered


Is Bible Right?

Its full comprehension emerges when we edit Master it with other spiritual Click to combine subtitle style scriptures and advance it as a science We need to grow beyond the bondage of religion to comprehend the Truth and evolve to Survive

Are religions and cultures wrong?

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They actually enfold Truth such that it is protected and unfolds in Time


Lord Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and all the prophets did not create religion They spoke 4/28/12 Truth in relation to time and tried to

Time always has a deteriorative influence Thus the preaching's of the enlightened tend to deteriorate in Click to edit Master subtitle style time.
The schools of thought developed by the enlightened minds transferred by word gets infiltrated and twisted by evils in time. The intelligent realizing this puts the knowledge into written and pictorial forms, so that it could be rediscovered 4/28/12

How Scriptures Formed?

What is Second Coming of Christ?

The revelation of Truthsubtitle style and Time Click to edit Master initialization
With Calvary began a Recreation and restoration phase though Free Will to human Souls Time was conquered in Calvary. It is the expression of 4/28/12 Love of the Creator

What is the Reality of Nature and Life?

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It is Truth or Duality

The monistic state, where Truth hides in the womb is transition state of conquering time and time initialization 4/28/12When Truth Shines Humanity

What denotes Jesus and His Calvary Sacrifice? Jesus denotes Truth. His Sacrifice denotes the path Click to edit Master subtitle style back to Life
He manifested and spoke the Truth that Liberates and showed the path to life He manifested when Truth had deteriorated to critical state and the 4/28/12 whole creation was endangered

What is the Basic call of Christ to Humanity?

Break the barriers of religions and seek Truth or Click to Knowledgestyle edit Master subtitle and get initialized to Life through His Spirit
Note He ridiculed the priest and religious leaders, who studied scriptures and occupied top positions. Indirectly He spoke that the truth cannot be attained by reading and studying or listening. It 4/28/12 comes by Grace, when the spirit of God or Life

Does it mean we must not respect Religious Leaders and teachers?

ClickThey are Custodians of to edit Master subtitle style


But do not sacrifice your right to evolve and grow towards True Teacher and experience Truth to gain Life 4/28/12

Respect them

Who is a True Teacher?

One who not only teaches but follows what he teaches Click to edit Master subtitle style A Teacher who is filled with Living Spirit and works to establish Truth


How to Identify a Good Teacher? : Slide -1

A true teacher constantly evolves and dissolves he is not static He not only preaches but practices. He is Master subtitle style Click to editnot mere a observer but a participant and will have experienced the Spirit of God A spirit filled teacher attracts masses and he grows every day, in his vicinity there is peace and order

How to Identify a Good Teacher? : Slide -2

If I am to put it in a parable A true teacher is a teacher who eats Mango and then begins to study it and Click to edit Master subtitle style speaks of it. When ever he speaks about mango there will be a slur in his voice. The thought of the taste he experienced waters his mouth and creates power that spreads and makes people to eat and experience. 4/28/12 Most teachers of modern world are

How to Identify a Good Teacher? : Slide -3

A True Teacher grows and sees oneness. He sees Click to edit Master subtitle style Truth and Light as the source of all Creation and Existence He strives to uphold Truth and Justice

How to Identify a Good Teacher? : Slide -4

In short a true teacher shows and leads us in the path of Mary and Jesus. There will be miracles and peace subtitle style Click to edit Master in their vicinity They would be like Lord Krishna who lead from front in the war for Justice and Truth and strive to bring order to the world Remember Jesus Christ came to restore the kingdom back to the 4/28/12 Father

How to Identify a Good Teacher ? : Slide -5

A false teacher fails to give humanity any direction He preaches subtitle style Click to edit Master one, but practices the opposite, putting humanity in confusion. He gets engaged in establishing material growth and expansion of his school, trying to gain power by adding number to his school than making qualitative 4/28/12 changes within himself and in

How to Identify a Good Teacher ? : Slide -6

In worst case many religious teachers lead us in the path of Adam and Eve to death Bible tells us that Clickis the Master subtitle style it to edit fallen Angels that manifest as evil. We need to differentiate them in all schools No teacher can be Absolute Except One There cannot be two centers to one circle 4/28/12

Critical Problem of the World

The critical problem of the world, is not war, not terrorism, not even natural catastrophes, not food ---, but the incomplete awakening of the Click to edit Master subtitle style spirituality and incomplete knowledge of material world accumulated by science

We are edging to self destruction by our ignorance


What would save our soul and salvage the world? The only way is evolution of science to know the Truth of God beyond the barriers of Click to edit Master subtitle style religion as Pure Knowledge or Light


In short the Truth Seek Truth and Truth will set you free

Is the world controlled by God Do we have Hope to survive 2012?


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Without any doubt

When spirit filled the Disciples of Christ, the fears vanished: they saw Truth and the path to life and boldly proclaimed the Good News.

Will we enter the Kingdom of God or See the Dharma Yuga? : Slide-1


Christ came to establish Kingdom of Click to edit Master subtitle style God or Truth God has said that in the end days He will pour out His Spirit on all This means Truth emerges defeating death and there will be an Awakening to Truth such that every 4/28/12 one bows to Truth.

Will we enter the Kingdom of God or See the Dharma Yuga? : Slide-2
They will retreat from Adam and Eves path They will be style Click to edit Master subtitle restored to Kingdom of God A knowledge era then begins that redefines, health/medicines, food/agriculture, energy and its use and almost everything about 4/28/12 administering and sustaining life

There is no end but perpetual existence The end and death is Click to edit Master subtitle style conquered by Truth or the Knowledge Knowledge transforms and initializes Humanity into Golden Age

The End and New Beginning

How to take the Judgment?

Judgment is conquering of death and Giving New Life
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All we need to do is to repent and retreat to Fathers Home and accept Truth

We need not fear it

The Call
Repent and Return Home
The callMaster subtitle style from white is to get up Click to edit washed tombs And emerge to Light, Life and Truth It is a call to evolve into new realm of Knowledge

Remember God is capable of

The call extended to material reality

In the material level Truth exist in the Family As daughters we are supposed to fallow Mother Mary As sons we are called to fallow Jesus and uphold Click to edit Master subtitle style Fathers will and works for Kingdom of God

Spirituality is an individual call to awakening and doing his duty towards family, and 4/28/12

grace and expressed within my limitations read the following link http://www.scribd.com/doc/67237784 {Titled 2012 The Truth that can save humanity]

To Know more about Truth To know more about Truth revealed to me by

Click to edit and Black Holestyle Truth of Origin and Univ Information Master subtitle The http://www.scribd.com/doc/59484849 Site 2012 - Science meets Mind of God


An Appeal
If you think there is substance in what you read help spread the Truth Click to edit Master subtitle style
My call was distinct- It was to make science and religion simple such that the whole world awakens to Truth and 4/28/12

An Appeal: Slide-2
It has been a relentless struggle against odds to bring my work to the world. The world preoccupied with material thinking is failing to take note. We are now edging to critical state. Time left is very limited. If Click to edit Master subtitle style we do not awaken now, we might end in paying a huge price. My age, my health, my resources have depleted. My situations are forcing me to retreat to my village to spend more time in prayer and give my body some time to recover and to tender the field I left 4/28/12 behind and earn my bread.

An Appeal: Slide-3
I am not asking for money but I need help to convert this slide into video format and spread it Truth needs to be spread to the world to awaken humanity. We need a revolution to save the world. Just as one man Wael Ghonim used subtitle style Click to edit Masterthe media to awaken and liberate Egypt, some one well versed with modern media and its communication potential and holds media reach should take up the cause.

Human survival exist in Awakening and it is extremely important


Grace New Age Research johnpaily2002@yahoo.com john.paily@gmail.com Ph 918242451547 Mobile - 918884545158 Click to edit Master subtitle style Site : 2012 Science meets Mind of God
https://sites.google.com/site/2012sciencemeetsgod And the Linked Sites


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