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Presented by: C4

Time Management Is An Issue

Too much to do and too little time.

Never enough hours in a day.

You feel swamped with: Work responsibilities,

personal stuff, projects, pile of paperwork, reports, orders, messages, e-mail, deadlines etc.

The Fact
Youll never feel that you have caught up.

Youll never get on top of all your tasks.

There will never be enough time to deal with all you want to accomplish!

The Good News Is:

You can gain control of your

Time Your job Your life By changing the way you think, work and deal with your responsibilities

Imagine eating a live Frog every morning!

If you had to it would probably be the worst

thing that is going to happen to you all day long! Your frog is your biggest and most important task! If you have to eat two frogs then Eat the ugliest one first!

The key to reaching high levels of:

Productivity/Performance/Effectiveness/Efficiency is to: Develop a habit of tackling major tasks first! Develop a routine of Eating Your Frog first!


Set The Table

Clarity is the most important concept in personal

productivity Before you can determine your frog. Decide exactly what you want to accomplish Write down your goals and objectives set Set deadlines Make a list of everything you might have to do to achieve your goals and targets.

Set The Table

Organise the list into a plan.

Take action on your plan immediately.

Commit to doing something each day to move you


Plan Every Day In Advance

Every minute spent planning saves as much as 10

minutes in execution! Always work from a list Add new items to your list. Write your list the night before. Create different lists: Master (Everything + Sort Later) Monthly (Routine Monthly Activities) Weekly (Your Weekly Plan) Daily (Specifics you need to accomplish Daily)

Plan Every Day In Advance

Tick off each activity as you complete it.

This gives you a visual picture of accomplishment

and generates a sense of achievement! You could: Allocate specific days OR Times for completing routine tasks.

Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything

The Pareto Principle
20% of your activities will account for 20% of your

results. 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales. 20% of your products/services will account for 80% of your profits 20% of your tasks will account for 80% of the value of what you do! Often, 1 item on a list of 10 tasks will be worth more value than the others. This is the frog that you should eat first! Your ability to choose between important and unimportant is the key to your success in life and work.

Consider the Consequences

Your most important tasks and priorities are: Those

that have the most serious consequences, positive/negative. Rule: Long term thinking improves short term decision making.

Practice the ABCDE Method Continuously

Most important serious consequences
The ugliest/biggest frogs in your life If you have more than 1 A prioritise by A-1, A-2 etc.

Should be done Mild consequences Tadpoles which grow into frogs Never do a B task if there is still an A task to be done.

Nice to do
No real consequences Do when extra time is available

D Something to delegate E Makes no real difference, could be eliminated.

Focus on Key Results Areas

Why are you on the payroll?

What have you been employed to achieve?

What results are expected? Identify your key result areas.

Discuss that with others (if necessary)

Make a list of your output responsibilities Focus on these to ensure maximum productivity.

These are the things you absolutely have to achieve.

Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency

Rule: there is never enough time to do everything,

but there is always enough time to do the most important thing! You cannot eat every frog and tadpole in the pond, but you can eat the biggest and ugliest one!

Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin

Rule: Apply the 6P Formula: Proper prior planning prevents poor performance Create the right environment. Get everything ready, everything you need in advance. Settle down and do it!

Do Your Homework
The more knowledge and skilled you become at your

key tasks, the faster you start them and the sooner you get them done!

Leverage Your Special Talents

Take stock of your unique talents or abilities.

What do you do especially well?

What are the most significant frogs youve eaten in

the past? Capitalise on the things you do well that will make a difference!

Identify Your Key Constraints

What holds you back?

What sets the speed at which you achieve your goals?

Focus on alleviating these!

Take 1 Bite at a Time

To overcome procrastination, focus on a single

action that you can take. The best way to eat that LARGE frog is to take it one chunk or bite at a time!

Put the Pressure On Yourself

Imagine that you have to leave town for a month and

work as if you had to get all your major tasks (A & possibly B priority frogs) completed before you left.

Maximise Your Personal Powers

Productivity declines after 8-9 hours of continuous

work. Identify specific times during your day when you perform best. Use this time for your most important and challenging tasks.

Practice Creative Procrastination

Put off eating the similar or less ugly frogs.

Decide to procrastinate on low wave activity or

outsource or delegate.

Motivate Yourself Into Action

Be your own challenger look for the good in every

situation. Focus on the solution rather than the problem. Always be optimistic and constructive.

Do The Most Difficult Task First

Eat the biggest and ugliest frog first every day! Update your task lists and prioritise into ABCDE combined with the 80/20 rule Select your A1 task, assemble everything for the morning park your frog! Walk in and tackle your A1 task!

Slice and Dice the Task

Cut a big task down to size by using the salami slice

technique. Psychologically it is easier to do a single, small piece of a large project than to start the whole job.

Create Large Chunks of Time

Creating large chunks of time requires commitment

from you to work on large tasks at scheduled, preplanned times. Your ability to carve out blocks of high value, high productive time is central to your ability to make a significant contribution in your work and your life. Make every minute count!

Develop a Sense of Urgency

Make a habit of moving fast on your key tasks!

Become known as a person who does things quickly and well.

Single Handle Every Task

Your ability to: Select your most important task Begin it Complete it Is the key to high levels of: Performance Personal productivity Every bit of: Planning Prioritising Organising

Drive this simple concept of EAT THAT FROG!

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