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SCRUM 59 minutes Giovanni Asproni Rachel Davies

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59- Minute SCRUM Bringing SCRUM Alive!


Introduce the SCRUM Concepts 59-Minute Exercise: Complete Sprint Planning Meeting Conduct a Sprint Day 1 Conduct a Daily Scrum Meeting Conduct a Sprint Day 2 Conduct a Sprint Review and Demo

30 minutes

10 minutes 10 minutes 05 minutes 10 minutes 06 minutes per team (x4) 15 minutes 15 minutes

Debrief the exercise Questions

SCRUM Practices Product Backlog Sprint Sprint Planning Meeting Sprint Backlog Roles

Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum Team

Daily Scrum Meeting Sprint Review Meeting

SCRUM Lifecycle

24 hours Daily Scrum Meeting

Sprint Backlog

Backlog tasks expanded by team

30 days

Product Backlog As prioritized by Product Owner

Potentially Shippable Product Increment

Product Backlog Prioritized list of work to be performed on a product Anyone can contribute backlog items Product Owner responsible for prioritisation

A fixed period of 30 days to develop a deliverable product The Sprint includes design, coding, testing, and documentation Once a Sprint has started only the Scrum Team can add or remove items in Sprint backlog Abnormal termination of Sprint is called for when the Sprint Goal no longer makes sense

Sprint Planning

Meeting to set the next Sprint goal

Product Backlog

Team Capabilities
Business Conditions

Technology Stability
Executable Product Increment

Review Consider Organize

Next Sprint Goal Sprint Backlog

Remaining Effort in Hours

900 800 700 752 762 664 619 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Sprint Burndown Chart



304 264 180

3/ 2 5/ 00 5/ 2 2 5/ 002 7/ 2 5/ 00 9/ 2 5/ 200 11 2 5 / /2 0 13 02 / 5/ 200 15 2 / 5/ 200 17 2 5 / /2 0 19 02 / 5/ 200 21 2 5 / /2 0 23 02 / 5/ 200 25 2 / 5/ 20 27 02 / 5/ 200 29 2 5 / /2 0 31 02 /2 00 2

104 20

Daily Scrum

Daily 15 minute status meeting Team stands in a circle facing each other Each team member answers 3 questions: What have you done since the last Scrum? What will you do between now and the next Scrum? What got in your way of doing work?
For synchronization not problem solving!

Sprint Review

During this meeting the team presents to management, customers, users and the Product Owner the product increment that has been built during the Sprint The team tells the story of its journey during the Sprint. Powerpoint presentations are forbidden!

Scrum Team Self-organizing Cross-functional with no roles Seven plus or minus two Responsible for committing to work Authority to do whatever is needed to meet commitment

Chickens & Pigs Members of Scrum Team are known as Pigs because they are committed to delivering Sprint Goal People who are involved but not dedicated to the project are known as Chickens - they attend Scrum meetings as observers

Product Owner

Sets development schedule by prioritizing backlog One person in this role ensures that only one set of requirements drives development Can be influenced by committees, management, customers, sales people, but is the only person that prioritizes Works with others to estimate items on Product Backlog Eliminates confusion of multiple bosses, different opinions, and interference

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is responsible for the success of SCRUM establishing SCRUM practices and rules, shielding the team and removing obstacles representing management to the project

Exercise - Sprint Planning Sprint Planning Meeting 10 mins Review the Product Backlog Select an achievable Sprint Goal with Product Owner Determine what the number of features might be that your team can complete Think about initial assignments Produce a Sprint Backlog on team worksheet

Example Sprint Backlog

Sprint Goal: Explain Entertainment Potential effort: 6 members * 20 min = 120 minutes
2. 3.

Describe entertainment in the park

Describe special events
Music Comedy/Improv

20 min 20 min 15 min 10 min 25 min 17 min = 107minutes

Suggest related nearby activities and events

Lego Museum Giant ball of twine

Bonfire Night Sandwich appreciation month

YOUR Sprint Backlog

Sprint Goal:
1. 2. 3. 4.

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________

___min ___ min ___min ___min ___min ___min ___min ___min = _____ TOTAL

Exercise - Daily Scrum Scrum Meeting 5 mins Team stands in a circle facing each other Each team member answers 3 questions: What have I completed since our last meeting ? What do I intend to complete before our next meeting ? What is getting in my way ?

Exercise - Sprint Review Sprint Review 6 mins Elect a spokesperson to facilitate the Sprint Review and Demo Meeting Conduct a Sprint Review and Demo of your brochure at the end of the sprint: What is the potentially shippable increment (Demo)? What did we complete of our Sprint Backlog? What is the feedback from our Product Owner?

A Few Rules Each team MUST work together Everyone MUST have work in the Sprint Each team MUST demo something at the end of the Sprint (free of choice about how) Each team MUST complete their Sprint Planning with a Sprint Backlog on the worksheet Each team MUST conduct their Daily Scrum meeting No Scrum Master is used in this exercise No predefined roles on Team; self-organization rules!

Questions You can find out more information at: http://www.scrumalliance.org/ Book Agile Software Development with SCRUM by Ken Schwaber, Mike Beedle Book Agile Project Management with SCRUM by Ken Schwaber http://www.controlchaos.com/ - Ken Schwabers own site

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