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JLNI o1o
Stundurds evelopment Process
O College and career readlness sLandards developed
ln summer 2009
O 8ased on Lhe college and career readlness
sLandards k12 learnlng progresslons developed
O MulLlple rounds of feedback from sLaLes Leachers
researchers hlgher educaLlon and Lhe general
O llnal Common Core SLaLe SLandards released on
!une 2 2010
ut ure te Common Core Stute Stundurds?
O llgned wlLh college and work expecLaLlons
O locused and coherenL
O lnclude rlgorous conLenL and appllcaLlon of knowledge Lhrough
hlghorder skllls
O 8ulld upon sLrengLhs and lessons of currenL sLaLe sLandards
O lnLernaLlonally benchmarked so LhaL all sLudenLs are prepared Lo
succeed ln our global economy and socleLy
O 8ased on evldence and research
O SLaLe led coordlnaLed by nC CenLer and CCSSC
is tis importunt?
O CurrenLly every sLaLe has lLs own seL of academlc
sLandards meanlng publlc educaLlon sLudenLs ln each sLaLe
are learnlng Lo dlfferenL levels
O ll sLudenLs musL be prepared Lo compeLe wlLh noL only
Lhelr merlcan peers ln Lhe nexL sLaLe buL wlLh sLudenLs
from around Lhe world
ore InIormution
lor more lnformaLlon
and Lo posL a vldeo of supporL
JLNI o1o
esign und Orgunizution
Ma[or des|gn goa|s
O llgn wlLh besL evldence on college and career readlness
O 8ulld on Lhe besL sLandards work of Lhe sLaLes
O MalnLaln focus on whaL maLLers mosL for readlness
esign und Orgunizution
@ree ma|n sect|ons
O k-3 (crossdlsclpllnary)
O 6-12 Lngllsh Language rLs
O 6-12 LlLeracy ln PlsLory/Soclal SLudles
Sclence and 1echnlcal Sub[ecLs
Shared responslblllLy for sLudenLs' llLeracy developmenL
@ree append|ces
% 8esearch and evldence glossary of key Lerms
% 8 8eadlng LexL exemplars sample performance Lasks
% C nnoLaLed sLudenL wrlLlng samples
esign und Orgunizution
Iour strands
O 8eadlng (lncludlng 8eadlng loundaLlonal Skllls)
O WrlLlng
O Speaklng and LlsLenlng
O Language
n lnLegraLed model of llLeracy
Medla requlremenLs blended LhroughouL
esign und Orgunizution
Co||ege and Career
kead|ness (CCk)
ancor standards
O 8road expecLaLlons
conslsLenL across
grades and conLenL
O 8ased on evldence
abouL college and
workforce Lralnlng
O 8ange and conLenL
esign und Orgunizution
k-12 standards
O Cradespeclflc endof
year expecLaLlons
O uevelopmenLally
progresslon of skllls
and undersLandlngs
O CneLoone
correspondence wlLh
CC8 sLandards
Compreens|on (standards 1-9)
O SLandards for readlng llLeraLure and lnformaLlonal LexLs
O SLrong and growlng octosstbecottlcolom emphasls on
sLudenLs' ablllLy Lo read and comprehend lnformaLlonal LexLs
O llgned wlLh nL 8eadlng framework
kange of read|ng and |eve| of text comp|ex|ty
(standard 10 Append|ces A and 8)
O #SLalrcase" of growlng LexL complexlLy across grades
O PlghquallLy llLeraLure and lnformaLlonal LexLs ln a range
of genres and subgenres
Reuding Ioondutionul Skills
Iour categor|es (standards 1-4)
O rlnL concepLs (k-1)
O honologlcal awareness (k-1)
O honlcs and word recognlLlon (k-3)
O lluency (k-3)
% noL an end ln and of Lhemselves
% ulfferenLlaLed lnsLrucLlon
Jr|t|ng types]purposes (standards 1-3)
O WrlLlng argumenLs
O WrlLlng lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs
O WrlLlng narraLlves
O SLrong and growlng octosstbecottlcolom emphasls on
sLudenLs wrlLlng argumenLs and lnformaLlve/explanaLory
O llgned wlLh nL WrlLlng framework
9roduct|on and d|str|but|on of wr|t|ng (standards 4-6)
O ueveloplng and sLrengLhenlng wrlLlng
O uslng Lechnology Lo produce and enhance wrlLlng
kesearc (standards 7-9)
O Lngaglng ln research and wrlLlng abouL sources
kange of wr|t|ng (standard 10)
O WrlLlng rouLlnely over varlous Llme frames
Speuking und Listening
Compreens|on and co||aborat|on (standards 1-3)
O uayLoday purposeful academlc Lalk ln oneonone
smallgroup and largegroup seLLlngs
9resentat|on of know|edge and |deas (standards 4-6)
O lormal sharlng of lnformaLlon and concepLs
lncludlng Lhrough Lhe use of Lechnology
Convent|ons of standard Lng||s
know|edge of |anguage (standards 1-3)
O uslng sLandard Lngllsh ln formal wrlLlng and speaklng
O uslng language effecLlvely and recognlzlng language varleLles
Iocabu|ary (standards 4-6)
O ueLermlnlng word meanlngs and word nuances
O cqulrlng general academlc and domalnspeclflc words and
e Advunces
% 8alance of llLeraLure and lnformaLlonal LexLs
% 1exL complexlLy
% Lmphasls on argumenL and lnformaLlve/explanaLory wrlLlng
% WrlLlng abouL sources
Speak|ng and L|sten|ng
% lncluslon of formal and lnformal Lalk
% SLress on general academlc and domalnspeclflc vocabulary
e Advunces
Standards for read|ng and wr|t|ng |n |story]
soc|a| stud|es sc|ence and tecn|ca| sub[ects
% ComplemenL raLher Lhan replace conLenL sLandards
ln Lhose sub[ecLs
% 8esponslblllLy of Leachers ln Lhose sub[ecLs
A||gnment w|t co||ege and career read|ness
Intentionul esign Limitutions
Jat te Standards do NC@ def|ne
O Pow Leachers should Leach
O ll LhaL can or should be LaughL
O 1he naLure of advanced work beyond Lhe core
O 1he lnLervenLlons needed for sLudenLs well below grade level
O 1he full range of supporL for Lngllsh language learners and
sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs
O LveryLhlng needed Lo be college and career ready
Standards Important but |nsuff|c|ent
O 1o be effecLlve ln lmprovlng educaLlon and geLLlng all sLudenLs
ready for college workforce Lralnlng and llfe Lhe SLandards
musL be parLnered wlLh a conLenLrlch currlculum and robusL
assessmenLs boLh allgned Lo Lhe SLandards
JLNI o1o
esign und Orgunizution
Standards for Matemat|ca| 9ract|ce
O Carry across all grade levels
O uescrlbe hablLs of mlnd of a maLhemaLlcally experL sLudenL
Standards for Matemat|ca| Content
O k8 sLandards presenLed by grade level
O Crganlzed lnLo domalns LhaL progress over several grades
O Crade lnLroducLlons glve 24 focal polnLs aL each grade level
O Plgh school sLandards presenLed by concepLual Lheme
(number CuanLlLy lgebra luncLlons Modellng
CeomeLry SLaLlsLlcs robablllLy)
esign und Orgunizution
O ooteot stooJotJs deflne whaL sLudenLs should undersLand
and be able Lo do
O lostets are groups of relaLed sLandards
O omolos are larger groups LhaL progress across grades
esign und Orgunizution
rade LeveI Overviews
esign und Orgunizution
Ioca| po|nts at eac grade |eve|
Nomber und Operutions, Grude 1
Number and Cperat|ons
|n 8ase @en
O LxLend Lhe counLlng
O undersLand place value
O use place value
undersLandlng and properLles
of operaLlons Lo add and
Cperat|ons and A|gebra|c
O 8epresenL and solve
problems lnvolvlng addlLlon
and subLracLlon
O undersLand and apply
properLles of operaLlons and
Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
addlLlon and subLracLlon
O dd and subLracL wlLhln 20
O Work wlLh addlLlon and
subLracLlon equaLlons
Iructions, Grudes -6
O uevelop an undersLandlng of fracLlons as numbers
O 4 LxLend undersLandlng of fracLlon equlvalence and orderlng
O 4 8ulld fracLlons from unlL fracLlons by applylng and exLendlng
prevlous undersLandlngs of operaLlons on whole numbers
O 4 undersLand declmal noLaLlon for fracLlons and compare declmal
O 3 use equlvalenL fracLlons as a sLraLegy Lo add and subLracL
O 3 pply and exLend prevlous undersLandlngs of mulLlpllcaLlon and
dlvlslon Lo mulLlply and dlvlde fracLlons
O 6 pply and exLend prevlous undersLandlngs of mulLlpllcaLlon and
dlvlslon Lo dlvlde fracLlons by fracLlons
Stutistics und Probubilit, Grude 6
eve|op understand|ng of stat|st|ca| var|ab|||ty
O 8ecognlze a sLaLlsLlcal quesLlon as one LhaL anLlclpaLes varlablllLy ln Lhe
daLa relaLed Lo Lhe quesLlon and accounLs for lL ln Lhe answers ot
exomple now olJ om l? ls oot o stotlstlcol poestloo bot now olJ ote
tbe stoJeots lo my scbool? ls o stotlstlcol poestloo becoose ooe
ootlclpotes votloblllty lo stoJeots oqes
O undersLand LhaL a seL of daLa collecLed Lo answer a sLaLlsLlcal quesLlon
has a dlsLrlbuLlon whlch can be descrlbed by lLs cenLer spread and
overall shape
O 8ecognlze LhaL a measure of cenLer for a numerlcal daLa seL
summarlzes all of lLs values wlLh a slngle number whlle a measure of
varlaLlon descrlbes how lLs values vary wlLh a slngle number
Algebru, Grude S
raded ramp up to A|gebra |n rade 8
O roperLles of operaLlons slmllarlLy raLlo and proporLlonal
relaLlonshlps raLlonal number sysLem
Iocus on ||near equat|ons and funct|ons |n rade 8
O Lxpresslons and LquaLlons
Work wlLh radlcals and lnLeger exponenLs
undersLand Lhe connecLlons beLween proporLlonal relaLlonshlps llnes and
llnear equaLlons
nalyze and solve llnear equaLlons and palrs of slmulLaneous llnear equaLlons
O luncLlons
ueflne evaluaLe and compare funcLlons
use funcLlons Lo model relaLlonshlps beLween quanLlLles
Hig Scool
Conceptua| temes |n |g scoo|
O number and CuanLlLy
O lgebra
O luncLlons
O Modellng
O CeomeLry
O SLaLlsLlcs and robablllLy
Co||ege and career read|ness treso|d
O (+) sLandards lndlcaLe maLerlal beyond Lhe Lhreshold can be ln
courses requlred for all sLudenLs
Geometr, Hig Scool
M|dd|e scoo| foundat|ons
O Pandson experlence wlLh LransformaLlons
O Low Lech (Lransparencles) or hlgh Lech (dynamlc geomeLry
|g scoo| r|gor and app||cat|ons
O roperLles of roLaLlons reflecLlons LranslaLlons and dllaLlons
are assumed proofs sLarL from Lhere
O ConnecLlons wlLh algebra and modellng
e Advunces
Iocus and coerence
% locus on key Loplcs aL each grade level
% CoherenL progresslons across grade levels
8a|ance of concepts and sk|||s
% ConLenL sLandards requlre boLh concepLual undersLandlng and
procedural fluency
Matemat|ca| pract|ces
% losLer reasonlng and sensemaklng ln maLhemaLlcs
Co||ege and career read|ness
% Level ls amblLlous buL achlevable
@e prom|se of standards
1hese SLandards are noL lnLended Lo be new names for old
ways of dolng buslness 1hey are a call Lo Lake Lhe nexL sLep lL
ls Llme for sLaLes Lo work LogeLher Lo bulld on lessons learned
from Lwo decades of sLandards based reforms lL ls Llme Lo
recognlze LhaL sLandards are noL [usL promlses Lo our chlldren
buL promlses we lnLend Lo keep
ou can ask quesLlons by Lyplng your quesLlon
lnLo Lhe C panel and
cllcklng send#
Weblnar recordlng wlll be avallable aL

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