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W Engine:- An engine is a device which converts one Iorm oI
energy to another Iorm.
W eat engine: it is a device which converts thermal energy(heat
energy ) to mechanical energy.
W Internal combustion engines, external combustion etc. engines
are the examples oI heat engines.
PeaL Lnglne (PL)
lnLernal combusLlon englnes(lC Lnglnes)
LxLernal combusLlon englnes(LC Lnglnes)
road classiIication oI Heat engines
Rotary engines Reciprocating engines
(or) E
ow an engine look like?
4 5troke 5lN6lN
55lications of Engines
55lications (ontd.)
Engine of an :to rickshaw
Engine of a car
lassification of Engines
AccotJloq to cycle of opetotloo
l LwosLroke cycle englnes ll lour sLroke cycle englnes
AccotJloq to cycle of combostloo
l CLLo cycle englne(combusLlon aL consLanL volume)
ll ulesel cycle englne ( combusLlon aL consLanL pressure)
lll dualcombusLlon or semldlesel cycle englne (combusLlon parLly aL consLanL volume an
parLly aL consLanL pressure)
Accordlng Lo arrangemenL of cyllnder
l PorlzonLal englne (ll) verLlcal englne (lll)vLype englne (lv) 8adlal englne eLc
Accordlng Lo Lhe fuel employed and meLhod of fuel supply Lo Lhe englne cyllnder
l Cll englne (ll) peLrol englne (lll) gas englne (lv) kerosene englne
(v) CarbureLor hoL bulb solld ln[ecLlon and alr ln[ecLlon englne
AccotJloq to cycle of opetotloo
l LwosLroke cycle englnes
ll lour sLroke cycle englnes
lassification (contd..)
AccotJloq to metboJ of coolloq tbe cylloJet
(l) alr cooled englne (ll) waLer cooled englne
AccotJloq to tbe oombet of cylloJets
l slnglecyllnder englne
ll MulLl cyllnder englne
AccotJloq to tbe speeJ of tbe eoqloe
l Low speed englne (ll) medlumspeed englne (lll) hlgh speed
AccotJloq to metboJ of lqoltloo
(l) Sl( spark lglnLlon) Lnglne (ll) Cl (compresslon lgnlLlon)
Lenolr Lnglne
sLeam Lurblne
8oLary(Wankel) Lnglne
asic engine com5onents and Nomenclat:re
Engine com5onents
A movable part Iitted into a
cylinder, which can receive and
transmit power.
Through connecting rod, Iorces
the crank shaIt to rotate.
Engine com5onents(contd.)
nqine 8/ock
loundaLlon of Lhe englne and
conLalns plsLons crank shafL
Cyllnders and
someLlmes Lhe cam shafL
Engine 5arts (contd..)
onnecting (conn.) Rod
ALLaches plsLon (wrlsLpln)
Lo Lhe crank shafL (conn rod
Engines 5arts (contd..)
%xhoust vo/ve leLs Lhe exhausL gases escape Lhe combusLlon
Chamber (ulameLer ls smaller Lhen lnLake valve)
%lntoke vo/ve leLs Lhe alr or alr fuel mlxLure Lo enLer Lhe
combusLlon chamber (ulameLer ls larger Lhan Lhe exhausL valve)
vo/ves Mlnlmum
1wo valves per Cyllnder
Engine 5arts (contd..)
Ia|ve Spr|ngs keeps Lhe valves
Ia|ve L|fters 8ldes Lhe cam lobe
and helps ln openlng Lhe valves
Engine 5arts (contd..)
Cam Shaft 1he shafL LhaL has lnLake and
LxhausL cams for operaLlng Lhe valves
Cam Lobe Changes roLary moLlon
lnLo reclprocaLlng moLlon
inder head
!art that covers and encloses the
It contains cooling Iins or water jackets
and the valves.
Some engines contains the cam shaIt
in the cylinder head.
Engine 5arts (contd..)
Engine 5arts (contd..)
It provides the means oI ignition when
the gasoline engine`s piston is at the end
oI compression stroke, close to
Top Dead Center(TDC)
$5ark P:g
The diIIerence between a
"hot" and a "cold" spark
plug is that the ceramic tip
is longer on the
hotter plug.
Engine 5arts (contd..)
rank $haft
Converts up and down or
reciprocating motion into
circular or rotary motion.
DAM!R !&
Controls Vibration
Engine 5arts (contd..)
Piston Rings
our stroke. Three rings
Top two are compression rings (sealing
the compression pressure in the cylinder)
and the third is an oil ring (scrapes
excessive oil Irom the cylinder walls)
@o 5ttoke 1wo 8lngs
8oLh Lhe rlngs are Compresslon rlngs
Engine 5arts (contd..)
ALLached Lo Lhe crankshafL
8educes vlbraLlon
Cools Lhe englne (alr cooled)
used durlng lnlLlal sLarLup
1ransfers power from englne Lo
Engine 5arts (contd..)
Different arrangement of valve and camshaft.
orking 5rinci5le of 4 stroke S-Engine
Sim:lation of 4-Stroke S Engine
Sim:lation of 4-Stroke S Engine
4 stroke Engine
orking principle Ior both 4 Stroke SI and
CI engine is common, but the basic
diIIerence is
(i) During intake stroke only air is drawn
through the inlet valve.
(ii) Instead oI spark plug CI engines have
Iuel injector.
Moreover the compression ratio is higher
in CI engines is to 22 whereas with
SI engines it is 8 to .
o:r stroke om5ression gnition engine
fo:r stroke engine consists of the following fo:r strokes. ( see next side)
. S:ction or ntake stroke 2. om5ression Stroke 3. Ex5ansion or 5ower stroke
4. Exha:st stroke
. S:ction Stroke This stroke starts when the piston is at the top dead centre. hen it moves
downwards it will create suction and only air enters the cylinder. The inlet valve is open at
this time and exhaust valve is closed. hen the piston reaches at the bottom dead centre the
inlet valve closes and the suction stroke ends. It all takes place in 180 oI the crankshaIt
2. om5ression stroke: In this stroke the piston starts moving upward. During this stroke both
the inlet and exhaust valves are closed. The air is compressed by the upward movement oI the
piston. At the end oI the compression stroke the Iuel is injected into the combustion chamber.
An injector is provided to inject the Iuel. At the end oI compression stroke the temperature is
suIIicient to ignite the Iuel and the combustion oI Iuel-air mixture takes place.
3. Ex5ansion or Power Stroke: Due to the high pressure oI the burnt gases the piston moves
towards bottom dead centre. oth the inlet and exhaust valve remains closed during the
4. Exha:st stroke: hen the piston is at the bottom dead centre the exhaust valve opens. As the
pressure Ialls to atmospheric level. The piston moves Irom Top dead centre to bottom dead
centre and sweeps the products oI discharge out at nearly atmospheric pressure. The exhaust
valve closes at the end oI exhaust stroke. The gases are not Iully exhausted. Some oI the burnt
gases stills remains in the clearance volume.
These remained gases mixed with the Iresh Iuel-air mixture entering the chamber.
orking 5rinci5le of fo:r stroke -Engine
om5onents of a 2 stroke S Engine
orking 5rinci5le of 2 stroke S Engine
W Compresslon sLroke W Lxpanslon sLroke
Power and exha:st in 2 stroke S Engines
om5ression action of two stroke S
orking model of 2 stroke S Engine
2 stroke -Engine
W nline Engines: The cylinders
are arranged in a line, in a
single bank.
W V Engines:
The cylinders are arranged in two
banks, set at an angle to one another.
W lat Engines:
The cylinders are arranged in
two banks on opposite sides oI
the engine
SNo Aspects Iourstroke cyc|e eng|nes 1wostroke cyc|e eng|nes
of cycle
Cycle ls compleLed ln four sLrokes of
Lhe plsLon or ln Lwo revoluLlons of
Lhe crank shafL
Cycle ls compleLed ln Lwo
sLrokes of Lhe plsLon or ln
one revoluLlon of Lhe crank
2 llywheel
8ec of (l) LurnlngmovemenL ls noL so
unlform and hence heavlerfly wheel
ls needed
More unlform Lurnlng
movemenL and hence
llghLer flywheel ls requlred
3 volumeLrlc
volumeLrlc efflclency ls more due Lo
more Llme of lnducLlon
volumeLrlc efflclency ls less
due Lo lesser Llme for
4 valve and
lour sLroke englne conLalns valve
and valve mechanlsm
1wosLroke englnes have
no valves buL only porLs
3 lnLlal cosL 8ec of heavy wL and compllcaLlon of
valve mechanlsm hlgher ls Lhe lnlLlal
8ec of llghL welghL and
slmpllclLy due Lo absence
of valve mechanlsm
cheaper ln lnLlal cosL
cOMP4kl5ON Ol lOuk 51kOk 4Nu 1wO 51kOk cYcL N6lN5
comporison between 5l ond cl nqines
SNo Aspects SI Lng|nes CILng|nes
mlc cycle
CLLo cycle ulesel cycle for slow speed
uual cycle for hlgh speed englnes
2 luel used eLrol ulesel
3 Alrfuel raLlo Lo 2 Lo
4 CombusLlon Spark lgnlLlon Compresslon lgnlLlon
3 luel supply 8y carbureLLor cheaper
8y ln[ecLlonexploslve meLhod
6 Compresslon
Average value 7 Lo 9
2 Lo 24
Average value3 Lo
7 CperaLlng
Plgh speed 2 Lo 6
Low speed 4 rpm
Medlum speed 4 Lo 2 rpm
Plgh speed 2 Lo 33 rpm
A|rStandard Cyc|e Assumpt|ons
Assume LhaL Lhe worklng fluld ls alr and lL has consLanL speclflc
1he alr undergoes a Lhermodynamlc cycle even Lhough Lhe
worklng fluld ln Lhe acLual power sysLem does noL undergo a
1he alr conLlnuously clrculaLes ln a closed loop and always
behaves as an ldeal gas
All Lhe processes LhaL make up Lhe cycle are lnLernally
1he combusLlon process ls replaced by a heaLaddlLlon process
from an exLernal source
A heaL re[ecLlon process LhaL resLores Lhe worklng fluld Lo lLs
lnlLlal sLaLe replaces Lhe exhausL process
1erm|no|ogy for kec|procat|ng Dev|ces
1he alrsLandardCLLo cycle ls Lhe ldeallzed cycle for Lhe sparklgnlLlon lnLernal combusLlon
englnes 1hls cycle ls shown above on pv and 1s dlagrams 1he CLLo cycle 234 conslsLs
of followlng four process
rocess 2 8everslble adlabaLlc compresslon of alr
rocess 23 PeaL addlLlon aL consLanL volume
rocess 34 8everslble adlabaLlc expanslon of alr
rocess 4 PeaL re[ecLlon aL consLanL volume
Process uescription
12 Isentrop|c compress|on
23 Const vo| heat add|t|on
34 Isentrop|c expans|on
41 Const vo| heat re[ect|on
A|r Standard Lff|c|ency
Slnce processes 2 and 34 are adlabaLlc processes Lhe heaL Lransfer durlng Lhe
cycle Lakes place only durlng processes 23 and 4 respecLlvely 1herefore Lhermal
efflclency can be wrlLLen as
Conslder 'm' kg of worklng fluld
lor Lhe reverslble adlabaLlc processes 34 and 2 we can wrlLe
1he raLlo ls called as compresslon raLlo r
lrom Lhe above equaLlon lL can be
observed LhaL Lhe efflclency of Lhe CLLo
cycle ls malnly Lhe funcLlon of
compresslon raLlo for Lhe glven raLlo of
Cp and Cv
lf we ploL Lhe varlaLlons of Lhe Lhermal
efflclency wlLh lncrease ln compresslon
raLlo for dlfferenL gases Lhe curves are
obLalned as shown ln llg
8eyond cerLaln values of compresslon
raLlos Lhe lncrease ln Lhe Lhermal
efflclency ls very small because Lhe
curve Lends Lo be asympLoLlc
Powever pracLlcally Lhe compresslon
raLlo of peLrol englnes ls resLrlcLed Lo
maxlmum of 9 or due Lo Lhe
phenomenon of knocklng aL hlgh
compresslon raLlos
Alr sLandard dlesel cycle ls a ldeallzed cycle for dlesel englnes lL ls as shown on v
and 1s dlagrams 1he processes ln Lhe cycle are as follows
rocess 2 8everslble adlabaLlc Compresslon
rocess 23 ConsLanL pressure heaL addlLlon
rocess 33 8everslble adlabaLlc Compresslon
rocess 4 ConsLanL volume heaL re[ecLlon
Conslder 'm' kg of worklng fluld Slnce Lhe compresslon and expanslon processes are
reverslble adlabaLlc processes we can wrlLe
now we can wrlLe Lhermal efflclency as
lrom Lhe above equaLlon lL ls observed
LhaL Lhe Lhermal efflclency of Lhe dlesel
englne can be lncreased by lncreaslng
Lhe compresslon raLlo r by decreaslng
Lhe cuLoff raLlo 8c or by uslng a gas
wlLh large value of
Slnce Lhe quanLlLy ln above
equaLlon ls always greaLer Lhan unlLy
Lhe efflclency of a ulesel cycle ls always
lower Lhan LhaL of an CLLo cycle havlng
Lhe same compresslon raLlo
Powever pracLlcal ulesel englnes uses
hlgher compresslon raLlos compared Lo
peLrol englnes

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