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8oftware Engineering

kekayasa erangkat Lunak

tware Lng|neer|ng
W 5oftwote eoqloeetloq ls oo eoqloeetloq Jlsclplloe
wbose focos ls tbe costeffectlve Jevelopmeot of
blqbpoollty softwote systems
W 1be ootloo of softwote eoqloeetloq wos fltst
ptoposeJ lo 1968 ot o coofeteoce belJ to Jlscoss
wbot wos tbeo colleJ tbe softwore crisis#
W -ew tecbolpoes ooJ metboJs wete oeeJeJ to
coottol tbe complexlty lobeteot lo lotqe softwote
tware Lng|neer|ng
W -ew tecbooloqles tesoltloq ftom tbe
coovetqeoce of compotets ooJ commoolcotloo
systems ooJ complex qtopblcol oset lotetfoces
ploce oew JemooJs oo softwote eoqloeets
W nowevet we bove moJe ttemeoJoos ptoqtess
sloce 1968 ooJ tbot tbe Jevelopmeot of
softwote eoqloeetloq bos motkeJly lmptoveJ
oot softwote
;s ut tware Lng|neer|ng
W What |s stware?
ompotet ptoqtoms ooJ ossocloteJ
Jocomeototloo 5oftwote ptoJocts moy be
JevelopeJ fot o pottlcolot costomet ot moy be
JevelopeJ fot o qeoetol motket
W What |s stware eng|neer|ng?
5oftwote eoqloeetloq ls oo eoqloeetloq
Jlsclplloe wblcb ls coocetoeJ wltb oll ospects
of softwote ptoJoctloo
;s ut tware Lng|neer|ng
W What |s the d|erence etween stware
eng|neer|ng and cuter sc|ence?
ompotet scleoce ls coocetoeJ wltb tbeoty
ooJ fooJomeotols softwote eoqloeetloq ls
coocetoeJ wltb tbe ptoctlcolltles of Jeveloploq
ooJ Jellvetloq osefol softwote
;s ut tware Lng|neer|ng
W What |s the d|erence etween stware
eng|neer|ng and syste eng|neer|ng?
5ystem eoqloeetloq ls coocetoeJ wltb oll
ospects of compotetboseJ systems
Jevelopmeot locloJloq botJwote softwote
ooJ ptocess eoqloeetloq 5oftwote
eoqloeetloq ls pott of tbls ptocess
;s ut tware Lng|neer|ng
W What |s a stware rcess?
set of octlvltles wbose qool ls tbe Jevelopmeot
ot evolotloo of softwote
W What |s a stware rcess de|?
slmpllfleJ tepteseototloo of o softwote ptocess
pteseoteJ ftom o speclflc petspectlve
W What are the csts stware eng|neer|ng?
ooqbly 60 of costs ote Jevelopmeot costs 40
ote testloq costs lot costom softwote evolotloo
costs ofteo exceeJ Jevelopmeot costs
;s ut tware Lng|neer|ng
W What are stware eng|neer|ng ethds?
5ttoctoteJ opptoocbes to softwote Jevelopmeot
wblcb locloJe system moJels oototloos toles
Jeslqo oJvlce ooJ ptocess qolJooce
W What |s CL (Cuter |ded tware
5oftwote systems wblcb ote loteoJeJ to ptovlJe
ootomoteJ soppott fot softwote ptocess
octlvltles 5 systems ote ofteo oseJ fot
metboJ soppott
;s ut tware Lng|neer|ng
W What are the attr|utes gd stware?
1be softwote sboolJ Jellvet tbe tepolteJ
fooctlooollty ooJ petfotmooce to tbe oset ooJ
sboolJ be molotolooble JepeoJoble ooJ osoble
W What are the key cha||enges ac|ng stware
oploq wltb locteosloq Jlvetslty JemooJs fot
teJoceJ Jellvety tlmes ooJ Jeveloploq
ttostwottby softwote
@w tyes stware rduct
W Gener|c rducts
1bese ote stooJolooe systems tbot ote
ptoJoceJ by o Jevelopmeot otqoolsotloo ooJ
solJ tbe opeo motket to ooy costomet wbo ls
oble to boy tbem xomples of tbls type of
ptoJoct locloJe softwote fot ls socb os
Jotoboses wotJ ptocessots Jtowloq
pockoqes ooJ ptoject moooqemeot tools
@w tyes stware rduct
W Cust|sed (r eske) rducts
1bese ote systems wblcb ote commlsslooeJ by
o pottlcolot costomet softwote coottoctot
Jevelops tbe softwote especlolly fot tbot
costomet xomples of tbls type of softwote
locloJe coottol systems fot electtoolc Jevlces
systems wtltteo to soppott o pottlcolot
bosloess ptocess ooJ olt ttofflc coottol
What |s stware eng|neer|ng?
W Lng|neer|ng d|sc|||ne
oqloeets moke tbloqs wotk 1bey opply
tbeotles metboJs ooJ tools wbete tbese ote
opptoptlote bot tbey ose tbem selectlvely ooJ
olwoys tty to Jlscovet solotloos to ptoblems
eveo wbeo tbete ote oo oppllcoble tbeotles
ooJ metboJs oqloeets olso tecoqolse tbot
tbey most wotk to otqoolsotloool ooJ floooclol
coosttolots so tbey look fot solotloos wltblo
tbese coosttolots
What |s stware eng|neer|ng?
W || asects stware rduct|n
5oftwote eoqloeetloq ls oot jost coocetoeJ
wltb tbe tecbolcol ptocesses of softwote
Jevelopmeot bot olso wltb octlvltles socb os
softwote ptoject moooqemeot ooJ wltb tbe
Jevelopmeot of tools metboJs ooJ tbeotles to
soppott softwote ptoJoctloo
What |s a stware rcess de|?
W wrk|w de|
1bls sbows tbe sepoeoce of octlvltles lo tbe ptocess
olooq wltb tbelt lopots ootpots ooJ JepeoJeocles 1be
octlvltles lo tbls moJel tepteseot bomoo octloos
W data|w r act|v|ty de|
1bls tepteseots tbe ptocess os o set of octlvltles eocb
of wblcb cottles oot some Joto ttoosfotmotloo lt
sbows bow tbe lopot to tbe ptocess socb os o
speclflcotloo ls ttoosfotmeJ to oo ootpot socb os o
Jeslqo 1be octlvltles bete moy tepteseot
ttoosfotmotloos cottleJ oot by people ot by compotets
What |s a stware rcess de|?
W r|e]act|n de|
1bls tepteseots tbe toles of tbe people lovolveJ lo tbe
soft wote ptocess ooJ tbe octlvltles fot wblcb tbey
ote tespooslble
tware rcess de|s are ased
W @he watera|| arach
1bls toks tbe obove octlvltles ooJ tepteseots tbem os
sepotote ptocess pboses socb os tepoltemeots
speclflcotloo softwote Jeslqo lmplemeototloo
testloq ooJ so oo ftet eocb stoqe ls JefloeJ lt ls
slqoeJoff ooJ Jevelopmeot qoes oo to tbe
followloq stoqe
tware rcess de|s are ased
W Iterat|ve deve|ent
1bls opptoocb lotetleoves tbe octlvltles of
speclflcotloo Jevelopmeot ooJ vollJotloo o loltlol
system ls toplJly JevelopeJ ftom vety obsttoct
speclflcotloos 1bls ls tbeo tefloeJ wltb costomet
lopot to ptoJoce o system tbot sotlsfles tbe costomet
s oeeJs 1be system moy tbeo be JellveteJ
ltemotlvely lt moy be telmpkmeoteJ osloq o mote
sttoctoteJ opptoocb to ptoJoce o mote tobost ooJ
molotolooble system
tware rcess de|s are ased
W omponentbosed softwore enqineerinq {%
1bls tecbolpoe ossomes tbot potts of tbe system
olteoJy exlst 1be system Jevelopmeot ptocess focoses
oo loteqtotloq tbese potts totbet tboo Jeveloploq tbem
ftom sctotcb

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