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llnal LvaluaLlons

W PalLl LarLhquake 8esponse 2010

WaklsLan llood 8esponse 2010
W locus on lmpacL and 8eneflclary AccounLablllLy
W PumanlLarlan CoallLlon ,L lramework
W Achlevlng 8esulLs and CuLcomes
WCuldlng Lhe approach Lhrough Agreed PumanlLarlan SLandards
WLmphaslslng AccounLablllLy Lo 8eneflclarles
WLearnlng from Lxperlence
@lme lrame and LvaluaLlon @eams
W @wo weeks ln counLry
W lnLervlewlng agency counLry Leams
parLners beneflclarles and exLernal
W Cender 8alanced LvaluaLlon @eam
W ,lx of naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal
PalLl LarLhquake
W 230000 people perlshed
W 136 mllllon people ln need of
W ,aln lnfrasLrucLure Servlces
CovernmenL and un organlsaLlons
suffered exLenslve damage
W PC members (CA8L Save Lhe Chlldren
and CxfamCuebec) were already
presenL ln PalLl
Cverall Concluslon
@he asslsLance has helped many survlvors Lo
reshape Lhelr llves and Lhelr fuLures
Successful lnLervenLlons
W CoordlnaLed wlLh Lhe recelvlng communlLles
W Colnclded wlLh survlvors (collecLlve) sLraLegles
W SupporLed by recognlsed local leadershlp
CpporLunlLles for lmprovemenL
W lnLerAgency CoordlnaLlon
W AccounLablllLy Lo beneflclarles
(lnformaLlon provlslon)
W Agencles musL clarlfy Lhelr expecLaLlons from
Lhe coordlnaLlon
W Agencles musL lnform Lhe publlc ln PalLl abouL
Lhelr presence ways of worklng alms and
Culded by PumanlLarlan SLandards
W Culck Lo respond
W locused on accesslble and vlslble areas
W SLandards noL lnLegral parL of response
W lnLegraLe core sLandards ln Lhe ways of
worklng monlLor acLlvlLles from a
sLandards perspecLlve and llnk Lhls Lo
sLrucLured lnLernal feedback and
8eneflclary AccounLablllLy
W Agencles counL on Lhe quallLles of Lhelr
fleld sLaff Lo shape accounLablllLy
AccounLablllLy noL sufflclenLly
sysLemaLlsed ln Lhe agencles ways of
ln addlLlon
W lnLernaLlonal sLaff Lurnover qulck
growLh and language
W arLlclpaLory meLhodology noL always
adapLed Lo Lhe urban and perlurban
W Absence of a gender analysls and
gender sLraLegles
W Agencles musL formallse Lhelr accounLablllLy
mechanlsms LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL cycle
from analysls assessmenL concepLuallsaLlon
Lo dellvery and ,L and LhroughouL Lhelr
sLrucLures lnvolvlng all funcLlons
Learnlng from Lxperlence
W Agency can lmprove on learnlng lessons and
apply Lhese lessons ln programmlng plannlng
and sLaff Lralnlng
W Agency Lo lndlcaLe proacLlvely ln whlch areas
Lhey need Lo learn and requlre more
lnformaLlon LvaluaLlons could Lhen pay
speclflc aLLenLlon Lo Lhe areas
aklsLan lloods 2010
W An esLlmaLed 2000 people erlshed
W 14 Lo 18 mllllon people dlrecLly affecLed
W An esLlmaLed 11 mllllon houses desLroyed or
W 17 mllllon acres of larmland lnundaLed
W ,a[or damage Lo brldges roads lrrlgaLlon
sysLems servlces eLc
W 8ural areas Look Lhe brunL of Lhe dlsasLer
W Complex ollLlcal and SecurlLy ConLexL
W PC ,embers (CA8L lan aklsLan Save Lhe
Chlldren Cxfam C8 and Cxfamnovlb were
already presenL ln counLry
Cverall Concluslon
W Conslderlng Lhe scale of Lhe dlsasLer agencles
have made Lremendous efforLs Lo respond and
dellver asslsLance ln addlLlon Lhey managed
Lo pay subsLanLlal aLLenLlon Lo beneflclary
AccounLablllLy ,echanlsm ,onlLorlng and
LvaluaLlon and Lhe collecLlon and appllcaLlon
of lessons learned
W @he quallLy of Lhe asslsLance varled wldely
from agency Lo agency parLner Lo parLner and
area Lo area
W ,any dlsasLer affecLed people have noL
recelved asslsLance
CpporLunlLles for lmprovemenL
W CoordlnaLlon wlLh a focus on LargeLlng and
W lnLeragency collaboraLlon
Successful lnLervenLlons
W locus on durable shelLer and recoverlng
W use of communlLy based capaclLles and
W AdapLaLlon Lo wlshes from endusers
W Agencles musL work LogeLher Lo dellver a
coheslve response Lo needs ln large
emergencles cenLral lssues llke coverage and
LargeLlng musL be addressed from a common
Culded by PumanlLarlan SLandards
W Agencles were qulck Lo respond
W SmooLh LranslLlon Lo rehablllLaLlon ln Lhe areas
where waLer receded qulckly
W Cood examples of flexlble appllcaLlon of Lechnlcal
W locus on conLlngency plannlng and emergency
W Agencles musL pay speclflc aLLenLlon Lo Lhe
humanlLarlan sLandards ln Lhelr conLlngency
and preparedness plannlng wlLh emphasls on
undersLandlng and appllcaLlon by boLh agency
sLaff (lncludlng ,L) and parLners sLaff
8eneflclary AccounLablllLy
W lnvolvemenL beneflclarles guaranLeed
lncluslon of local capaclLles and ouLcomes
were of hlgher sLandards
W Agency placed greaL emphasls on complalnL
W key declslonmaklng removed from
beneflclarles (and someLlmes from parLners)
W Women were llLLle lnformed abouL asslsLance
acLlvlLles agencles and complalnL mechanlsms
W ComplalnL mechanlsms ln place buL noL
necessarlly effecLlve
W Agencles musL ensure good communlcaLlon Lo
dlsasLer affecLed people and lncluslon of
beneflclarles LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL cycle
Speclal aLLenLlon needs Lo be pald Lo
(lnformaLlon) needs of women and Lo
meanlngful complalnL mechanlsm
Learnlng from Lxperlence
W All agencles place a hlgh value on lessons
learnlng and applylng lessons ln sLaff Lralnlng
and conLlngency and preparedness plannlng
All agencles had underLaken lnLernal revlews
wlLh Lhe alm of lmprovlng Lhelr performance
W Agencles (and parLners)musL work closer
LogeLher learn lessons from each oLher and
underLake [olnL conLlngency and preparedness
W Agencles should work LogeLher on Lhelr
supporL Lo parLners
W AsslsLance has ln general been puL Lo good
use has avolded ma[or dlsasLers from
occurrlng and has helped dlsasLer affecLed
people Lo move on
W uramaLlc efflclency galns when beneflclarles
are lnvolved
W CoordlnaLlon beLween asslsLance provlders
has Lo lmprove
W LlmlLaLlons ln reachlng ouL Lo women
W 8eLLer lnformaLlon provlslon Lo Lhe publlc
abouL agencles parLners and Lhelr ob[ecLlves
W LlmlLed expllclL undersLandlng and appllcaLlon
of humanlLarlan sLandards lncludlng Lhelr use
ln ,L
W use of Lessons learned ln aklsLan more
effecLlve Lhan ln PalLl

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