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In Fifth-Century Athens

Persian invasions
490 and 480-79 Boosted the young democracy Direct Athenian democracy v. Oriental absolute monarchy

Structure of session
1. 2. 3. 4. Meaning and scope of democracy Development to middle of fifth century How democracy worked The coups of 411 and 404

Meaning and scope

Demos + kratos Deme as smallest unit of democratic life.

Harris (Advance reading from JSTOR) p. 164

power of the people government of the people power is in the hands of the majority

Any constitution could claim to administer public business for the benefit of all, or most, citizens. Only democracy could boast that it placed the power of decision in the hands of the majority (Harris 1992: 164)

Harris 1991: 159

In the American constitutiongovernment is divided into three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. In none of these branches do the citizens have a direct say in the administration of public business; instead they elect representatives to serve in the executive and legislative branches.

Invention of democracy
Kleisthenes reforms of 508 BC following overthrow of Hippias son of Peisistratos.
10 tribes in place of 4 aristocraticallydominated tribes. Each tribe comprised of demes from coast, countryside, town Established boule of 500 taken from each deme Ostracism (ostraka)

Democratic revolution

461 under Ephialtes, power from Areopagos to Assembly 450s and rise to prominence of Perikles Pay for jurors 451: citizenship law Until 429: Perikles as first citizen?

Ideals of democracy
Thucydides 2.37.1 (focus of Harris 1991).
Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighbouring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Power is in the hands not of a few but of the majority: this is why it is called a democracy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if to social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way. If a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition

Participating in the democracy

Assembly Meeting place: Pnyx Circa 6,000 could attend (of 30,000)? Who wishes to address the Assembly? Importance of rhetoric

Drawn from 10 tribes by lot Period of office: 1 year Men of 30+

Law Courts
Contrast with modern judge/jury system Political/personal motivations?
NB Perikles of the Alkmainoidai

The coups
Perikles death in 429 Peloponnesian War: 431-404 Rise of demagogues 411 Spartan fort at Dekeleia 400 oligarchs seize control Fleet refuses to give support 404 Spartan-backed oligarchy of 30 Tyrants Fourth-century democracy more stable; survives until Macedonian invasion of 322.

Next week: Homosexuality

Advance Reading: 1. World of Athens pp. 5.32-6 (pp. 166-171) 2. JSTOR Article: Davidson, J.N. Dover, Foucault and Greek Homosexuality: Penetration and the Truth of Sex, Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies 170 (2001), 3-51.

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