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Algorithm: the Basics

Budi Hartono, ST, MPM

Simulation Laboratory, UGM
Process, Instruction & Action

 Algorithm = logical sequences

 The instruction

 t0 = state - before the action

 action
 t1 = state - after


t0 t1

t0 : A contains yellow, B contains blue

1. Pour the blue water to C
2. Pour the yellow water to B Algorithm Exchange_the_contents
3. Pour the blue water to A
t1 : A contains blue, B contains yellow
Top-down design
 General First, then go details
1 2 3 4 5 N=5
10 15 5 17 2
Order from the
smallest value

- Iterations  N-1 times

- Find the smallest
- Position exchange
1 2 3 4 5 N=5
10 15 5 17 2

Pass k = 1

Find the smallest value, from N = 1 to N = 5 Result,

1 2 3 4 5 min = 2
10 15 5 17 2

Exchange the location

1 2 3 4 5
2 15 5 17 10
1 2 3 4 5 N=5
2 15 5 17 10

Pass k = 2

Find the smallest value, from N = 2 to N = 5 Result,

1 2 3 4 5 min = 5
2 15 5 17 10

Exchange the location

1 2 3 4 5
2 5 15 17 10

And so on
The initial & final states:
 T0 : random sequence of values
 Algorithm Data_Order
 T1 : ordered sequence of values

Algorithm Data_Order
Given N random data. Order them so that data#1 < data #2 <
… < data #N
For pass k = 1,2, …, N-1
1. Find the smallest value (min) from k = 1 to k = N
2. Exchange min with data#k

k = k+1

1. Find min

2. Position min @ k

K=4 ?

1. Find min
• Not detail enough
• Must be refined

Refining Step-1
1.1 Assume data #k is the min (temporary)
1.2 compare min with data #j; where j =(k+1), (k+2), .. , N
if data #j < min, then data #j becomes the new min

Refining Step-1.2
1.2.1 For j = (k+1), (k+2), …, N do:
if data #j < min
then data #j becomes the new min
2. Position min @ k

2.1 put data #k to a temporary place (temp)
2.2 put the min on the place of the data #k (formerly)
2.3 put the temp on the min (formerly)
The final algorithm
Algorithm Data_Order
 Given N numbers of random data. Make an order of data so that:
data#1 < data #2 < … < data #N
 Description:
For pass k = 1,2, …, N-1, do the following:
{1. Find the smallest value (min) from k = 1 to k = N}
1.1 assume that data #k is the min
1.2 For j = (k+1), (k+2), …, N do:
if data #j < min
then data #j becomes the new min
{2. Exchange min with data#k }
2.1 put data #k to a temporary place (temp)
2.2 put the min on the place of the data #k (formerly)
2.3 put the temp on the min (formerly)
I leave the flowchart for
the next week’s homework
Basic Structures of Algorithms

 Sequence
 Selection
 Repetition
Basic Structures of Algorithms Sequence
A1 A1

A2 A3 ?

A3 A2

A4 A4

Basic Structures of Algorithms Selection

 Conditions
 Recall:
if data #j < min then
data #j = new min
 The general structure
If condition then
Basic Structures of Algorithms Selection
 Example

 If Amir wins the competition then

daddy will give him a new car
 If Malioboro gets a traffic jam then
go to Jl. Ahmad Dahlan

 Your example …
Basic Structures of Algorithms Selection
 Another structure
If condition then
action 1
action 2

 indenting

 Your example …
Basic Structures of Algorithms Repetition

 An advantage of using computers:

 Do repetitive jobs without getting bored
 Precision

I promise that I will never forget to do my

100 times !!!
Basic Structures of Algorithms Repetition
Algorithm Writing_500_sentences

4. Write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”
5. Write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”
6. Write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”
7. Write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”
8. Write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”

500 Write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”

Basic Structures of Algorithms Repetition
Algorithm Writing_500_sentences
sentenceNumber = 0

write “I promise that I will never forget to do my homework”
sentenceNumber = sentenceNumber +1

until sentenceNumber = 500

Basic Structures of Algorithms Repetition

 General Structure
Until condition
A combination

 Finda NIM of a student from 500 entries

(random) .

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