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UK Work Culture

By I-Serve Systems Pvt. Ltd.

These are some of the main points to consider in the British work environment:
Everyone fetches his or her lunch and tea/coffee from the vending machines in their own mugs. You are expected to wash your own cups and mugs. Lunchtime is usually a short and casual time when 'packed-lunch' (brought from home) or 'carry out' sandwiches are eaten sitting at one's own or with colleagues. Those eating out rarely take off for more than an hour. The official lunchtime depends from place to place and is normally one hour from 12 to 1 pm and some companies have their own Cafeterias. It is considered rude to talk loudly at work, or to speak with other colleagues in foreign languages even if they are from your country. The British are very direct and love to banter. If you are teased, take it in good humour and tease back without insulting anyone. Be modest in interactions, and downplay your knowledge and expertise. Let your accomplishments speak for themselves.

Concept Of Time

The British are also very particular about honoring deadlines. They take them very seriously and expect you to do the same. Note the following:
Deadlines are honoured and stuck to, and the same is expected of you. Normally, people tend to arrive exactly on time or even a few minutes before the appointed time. In case of any unforeseen delay, make it a point to call the people concerned and tell them. Some people may tell you to come over any time. But you must call ahead, and ask them. You should normally meet clients or people in business only by prior appointment. Make sure you are punctual regarding meetings and discussions.


Note that the British give a lot of importance to meetings. They are also used to clarifying various doubts that your British counterparts may have regarded your reports. Meetings are important and have a time limit. You must be able to understand others and get your view across in the allotted time. Though the meetings may be informal at the onset, you are expected to have professionalism, competence and depth of knowledge. Be on time for the meeting and be prepared for it. Listen attentively and take notes during discussions, but don't interrupt a person who is speaking. It is important to show respect for the other person's point of view. Be clear on the points you wish to make before you speak, and respond to points made before making your own observations. Do question, but do not accuse; and do discuss but do not argue. Avoid nervous and distracting gestures. When you are meeting two or three people it is appropriate to mention that you would like to take notes on the points discussed. As a part of the meeting, you should contribute ideas. Make sure that you have understood everything that was said at the meeting and that your impressions were correct. Summarize the decisions taken and the action plan. Those who propose new ideas and actions must be prepared to implement them. The British generally do not like to 'negotiate', nor do they appreciate high-pressure sales tactics. They value directness. Therefore, present your case in a forthright manner, articulating both the good and the bad. Before beginning business meetings, spend a brief period of time in small talk. This social time will be short but will establish a familiar rapport, which is important to the British.


While working in a company, you may be asked to present the main points of your assignment to your superior, and at the end of your assignment, you will have to present your results, or the finished product. It is important how you make your presentation, because you will make an impression on your company that will stick.
Presentations need to be tightly linked to a key objective. The time spent on preparation decides the effectiveness of your presentation. Your points must be related to the goal you are seeking. It should be structured in a coherent and logical fashion. Run through your presentation with a colleague, clearing your doubts on tricky words, which will help you fine-tune it, removing obvious mistakes. Choose your words and ideas to reflect your goal clearly and effectively. Do not use jargon, slang, or showy words. Choose your words and manner according to your situation and the person to whom you are making the presentation. During your presentation, if your audience corrects you, thank them, and remember the correction. You may be asked many questions so make sure that your facts are up to date and comprehensive. When responding to a question or an observation, respond first to the concerns of the person before making your point. Modesty and casualness are British characteristics. A business presentation filled with hype and excitement will not impress the British; instead, it will inspire them to deflate the presenter with humour. Do not digress or go into too much detail.


You must look at not just the content but also the process of presentation:
Speak clearly. Don't be too loud or too soft. Be aware of your non-verbal or body language, and also be aware of the body language of your audience. Their body language will tell you a lot about how they are reacting to you. If you have a certain amount of time in which to finish and you should use this time profitably. Don't go on and on. Count on the attention span being about 30 minutes. The British will listen to your presentation attentively, and you must deliver it in a respectful manner.


Reporting is an important managerial process and it is a vital channel of information. Effective practice of your business writing skills is important for sending out good reports.
Make sure your report is clear and concise. Make sure you use the right syntax, and active verbs are preferred. Whenever possible, keep your sentences short. Use simple words and precise sentences, and have as little paper work as possible. Your report must be focussed and to the point. Highlight your important points and use graphics or live examples to illustrate a point. Be aware of whom you are reporting to and what he/she would need to know.

The Assignment

You must make sure you are fully aware and up-to-date on your job assignment, as you will be expected to be resourceful and productive. It can be difficult with jet lag, fatigue and adapting to the new place, but a little effort will go a long way. Be sure not to be overconfident as that can be of more harm than help.


The following are considered typical examples of unacceptable behavior:

Chatting and personal discussions during office hours. Poor quality work. Resource misuse, e-mail, office stationery, photocopying machines. Too much time on the telephone making personal calls.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you get to work:
Do not raise personal problems with the client/employer as soon as you join (e.g. asking for time off to get your accommodation, bank account, credit card, etc.). The client is often paying for time - it leaves a bad impression. Do not ask for permission to call home (on client telephones), as soon as you arrive, to inform your family/relatives/wife that you have arrived safely. Use a pay telephone for this purpose. Never call home from the office except as a matter of importance.

Dress Code

The dress codes in the UK are not too different from those of the US, meaning that they can be casual, but the British prefer to be a little more formal. For the first few days, dress formally but after that, play it by ear.


Clothing is an important part of first impressions and how we react to someone is largely based on our initial response to the person's appearance and first impressions count. Note the following:
Where formal wear is required by a company, well-fitting, sober, and subdued two-piece suits or trouser and jacket, worn with a white or light-coloured shirt and a dark sober tie is the norm. Women wear dark coloured skirt suits with light-coloured shirts. As a foreigner, you should dress more conservatively until you are sure what degree of formality is expected. Casual clothing (like jeans and T-shirts) is acceptable in some companies, but make sure before you turn up for work dressed like that. Jeans are good for casual wear, but shorts should be avoided.


The following are some things to bear in mind while interacting with your peers and seniors: Peers
Important to mix with colleagues quickly after starting. A good time to do this is at lunchtimes or during coffee breaks. Do not chit-chat at one another's workstations in your native language; at least not during office hours. Try to speak only in English when in the office. Refrain from speaking in your mother tongue however tempting it is. It is considered insulting. Do not chat on the telephone. Be businesslike and plan before speaking. Personal logistics or compensation problems should not be discussed with the client. Do not repeatedly ask your neighbours questions to find out things. Ask for the company handbook. You will find everything you need to know in it. Don't question your colleagues or superiors about your personal needs, although sometimes, they may offer their help in which case you can accept. As you develop a rapport with your colleagues, you may invite them for dinner or a drink. If you are invited, be sure to carry a token of your gratitude. Do not take anything too expensive as it might insult them.


Ask in advance what should be the interaction protocol with your Project Leader. Follow what is decided. Do you generally need to make an appointment first? You are expected to ask questions to clarify when you don't understand. Silence indicates you understand and accept what is being said. Any change in schedule should be intimated to the client immediately. You should use your discretion as to when to raise and when not to raise an issue. Also this raising of an issue path should be clear. Take time to find out. You are expected to use your idle time to familiarise yourself with the platform and application. If the client/employer gives you work outside your scope (not one-off cases) you may raise the issue to your seniors. If you have a conflict with other members of your project team (not snide comments and rude remarks) and it affects your work then raise the issue to your Line Manager. Do it with discretion and maturity.


The following are some dos and don'ts to bear in mind while working:
Always remember that the majority of your time should be spent at your desk. At meetings be punctual and prepared. Take down minutes. If you author a document, do a spell check, check page numbering, paragraph, naming, etc. Try to attend parties to which you are invited. Also, reciprocate the gesture where and when possible. Follow client/employer rules and regulations. Take security seriously. Obtain permission from client for working Saturdays, Sundays, and overtime. Do not criticize the work of others unnecessarily. If you must, do it constructively and only if it affects your work. You could use review meetings as a forum for this. Do not pass client/employer information to your friends or others outside the organization without prior permission. When work is allocated for execution it may be necessary to plan and do a work breakdown. After working out the estimation and delivery schedule get this approved by the client/employer. It maybe necessary to ensure a progress reporting system is set up based on your Line Manager's requirements. Use a proper format (client's/employer). This could include activities completed, activities planned and problems. Ask for reviews at all stages. This will help you to gain acceptance early and also save much of your effort (e.g. prepare-test-review-test). If you have completed a task you have been doing for over a month's duration it may be necessary to prepare a closure report (e.g. document hand-over, completion etc.). Fill in time sheets regularly and submit them weekly. Try to meet the Line Manager at least once a week to keep him updated on your work and build a relationship. When the client/employer asks you to do anything new, do not give an immediate answer. Evaluate and examine the scope, and if it is workable, get your plan accepted by the client/employer before starting the new task.

Using Facilities
Be sure to know what facilities are available to you, there are some things that you may not be allowed to use. Load only licensed software after taking permission from the Line Manager. Do not copy others' software. Do not misuse the e-mail facility or surf the net excessively. Misuse or excessive use of stationary is not acceptable to the client. Restrict personal phone calls and make international calls only when they are essential, making sure to tell your Line Manager that you are making those calls. If you need certain facilities for your project be assertive and justify your need to the client. Office facilities are usually maintained by the users themselves. For example, when you use the photocopying machine you are expected to refill the paper tray and change the cartridge whenever needed. Familiarise yourself with the procedures for the use of facilities and the work practices at your client's office. Some areas of the office may have restricted entry. Get to know the necessary security procedures.

Business Cards

Business cards are an important part of corporate communication, so note the following: Present it when appropriate. Keep an adequate stock of cards and carry some with you all the time. They should be presented in a good condition because they represent you and your company. You must not distribute your card at social occasions to everyone. Do it privately in the course of your conversations.

Be proactive

Be proactive - this gives you the highest brownie points with the client/employer. Giving suggestions, helping others beyond your scope helps you to gain respect and appreciation from the client. Generally the client/employer looks for: Quality work Timely deliveries Healthy work practices Work ethics


You will need to interact with colleagues in a social environment either at parties or business dinners in restaurants. Here are some tips on how to handle these occasions. Parties and business entertaining usually occurs after business hours. You will be entertained often, sometimes on short notice. Take advantage of any invitations to social events. Establishing a successful business relationship hinges on establishing a social relationship as well. Things to remember:
The British do not make unannounced visits; always call ahead. When invited to a party, or on a social visit, it is customary to take a small gift such as flowers or a bottle of wine. When you're invited, confirm your acceptance, and get there on time or just afterwards, try not to be early or be the last one to leave. If you want to take a friend with you, ask your host in advance. If you smoke, it is polite to ask first. Good conversation topics are sports, which are very popular, and sightseeing, since the British are very proud of their country. Politics and religion are taken very seriously, so expect some strong opinions if you discuss these topics. Remember that the British respect people with opinions, even if those opinions conflict with their own. Arguments are considered entertaining, so do not be shy about expressing your opinions.

Dinning Out

Dining customs as well as kinds of foods differ between countries. At a formal or semi-formal dinner, remember the following:
Place your napkin on your lap when seated at the dining table. If you need to leave the table at any point, place your napkin on the table to your left. Keep your free hand in your lap or rest your wrist of the edge of the table. Do not gesture with your knife, fork or spoon in your hand. If you are not using any cutlery, put it down. About cutlery: always start from the outside and work your way course by course towards the centre.

There may not be many opportunities for formal dinners, but it would be a good idea to be prepared for such occasions. You confidence at the dinner table reflect your personality and sociability. Dinners are great occasions to get to know people because it is a relaxed atmosphere. Use these opportunities to get to know people better. Note: When you go to a restaurant with friends or colleagues, remember that you're expected to split the bill.

Drinks / Tipping

The age limit for being able to drink or buy alcohol is 18 and alcohol is pretty freely available. Drinking is very common in the UK, and there are many pubs where people gather at all times of the day for a drink and a quick meal. It is illegal to drive if you have been drinking alcohol. Two servings of any alcoholic drink within two hours will probably make you legally unable to drive. Penalties are severe for drinking and driving.

You generally tip after a meal. The accepted amount is 10%-15% of the bill. You can tip your cab driver, but the amount is usually up to you.


Smoking is prohibited by law in most public places in the UK. If you need to smoke, remember the following:
Find out your company's policy on smoking. Observe other smokers, or ask where you are allowed to smoke. Most people step outside to smoke. Never smoke in an area designated as 'No Smoking'; Rules are very strict. Restaurants and many public places usually have smoking zones. You should ensure you have an ashtray with you and that you never litter the floor with empty wrappers and used matches or cigarette stubs. If you are being entertained by a colleague or you are visiting him, never light up without asking first.


Hygiene is an important but personal issue, and it is assumed that you are able to look after that. Some tips to keep in mind: Use deodorants even if you bathe daily. Use mouth-fresheners (mints) after meals. If this is not done it becomes very noticeable at after-lunch meetings and is extremely unpleasant.


for being here ,

By I-Serve Systems Pvt. Ltd.

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