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DEFINITION : A Positive mind anticipates happiness,

joy , health & a successful outcome of every situation & action .

Positive thinking is all about our thoughts, words and

images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success . It is the act of thinking good or affirmative thoughts.


It is key to success . Helps achieving goals and attaining success . Success achieved faster and more easily. Greater inner power and strength. The ability to inspire . The ability to surmount any difficulty .


DEFINATION Attitude is defined as a manner, behavior and feeling about a person in a situation. An attitude is the psychological response to a person, an object, to a situation, to society and to life itself that generally influence our behaviors and actions.

Attitude makes other people judge you in a good way or bad way . Attitude show confidence of a person . Attitude is way you present your self in a particular situation. Wrong attitude make work difficult and right attitude make it easy.

Social psychologists examine attitudes in terms of three components: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Let's use the example of your attitude to understand the three components. Cognitive -- This is the mental component, consisting of beliefs and perceptions. Ex: "I think my friend is kind, charming, and humorous."

Affective -- This is the emotional component. Ex: "I feel good when I am around my friend." Behavioral -- This is the action component; more specifically, it consists of the predisposition to act a certain way toward the attitude object. Ex: "I try to hang out with my friend whenever I get the chance."

In order to maintain healthy self-esteem, you should1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Think of your positive qualities . Know your weaknesses but do not make much of them. Do not Judge yourself against those persons who are successful in life . Seek out and spend time with persons who are supportive and who nourish your spirit. Get regular honest feedback. .

Related attitudes are : Positive attitude . Negative attitude .

-If a girl says, "I like dancing", it represents positive attitude towards dancing. This attitude is formed because she believes that she likes dancing, or feels happy while dancing. -When someone says, "I hate working on this project" represents a negative attitude of that person towards the project. He either thinks so, or he believes that this work is boring.

Job Satisfaction :

Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job.

Job Involvement : Actively participates in job .

Organization Commitment :

Individuals who are highly committed and closely attached to the organization.

Dissonance Theory by Leon Festinger Self Perception Theory By Daryl Bem Congruity Theory by Osgood and Tannenbaum Balance Theory of Fritz Heider

It is proposed by Leon Festinger. Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two opposite ideas simultaneously.

Experiment .

It is given by Professor of Psychology DARYL J. BEM Change in attitudes by observing our own behavior and concluding what attitudes must have caused them. Example .

Developed by Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum . Deals with attitudes and relationships Congruity theory is one of the consistency theory. Example .

It is given by Fritz Heider . It is an interpersonal theory of consistency. It is depend upon liking and disliking. Balance exist when you like a person you associated with or dislike a person you are not associated Imbalance is stressful.


Belief is a psychological state in which an individual is convinced of the truth of a proposition. The concept of belief presumes a subject(The Believer) and an object(The Proposition) . Beliefs are sometimes divided into core beliefs (that are actively thought about) and dispositional belief .

It is either empowering or limiting. A belief is nothing but the generalization of a past incident. Example : As a kid if a dog bit you, you believed all dogs to be dangerous. To change a particular behavior pattern, identify the beliefs associated with it. Change those beliefs and a new pattern is automatically created.

Why is belief so important for positive thinking?

Power of belief is more than just a change of attitude and awareness ,but thats the first step. Being in the positive frame of mind makes it much easier to believe in possibilities and to believe in positive thinking .

One of the best examples that I can tell you about forming a desired outcome is this Muhammad Ali the world's greatest ever boxer used something which he liked to call Future History .



So interact with people those who have a positive outlook in life and adopt positive attitude and believe in yourself and your capabilities to become more confident and more successful in life.

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