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Pediatri Sosial-Tumbuh Kembang

Latihan 1
Bayi Ani, perempuan, lahir pd tgl 5 Desember 2009, masa gestasi 32 minggu; Tgl pemeriksaan 15 desember 2011: berat 9,4 kg; panjang 76 cm; lingkar kepala 45 cm

Hitung umur Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan Nilai hasil pertumbuhan

Hitung umur
Tgl pemeriksaan 15 des 2011: 2011 12 Tgl lahir 5 Desember 2009: 2009 12 Umur kronologis: 2 Prematur 8 minggu: 2 Umur koreksi: 1 10 15 5 10 10

Umur anak adalah 1 tahun, 10 bulan, 10 hari= 22 bulan 10 hari ~ 22 bulan Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan

PB/U: <-2 SD (stunted)



LK/U: 0 s/d -1 SD (normocephal)

Kesimpulan : Stunted


Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A child in this range is very tall. Tanness is rarely a problem, unless it is so excessive that it may indicate endocrine such as a grow th-hormone-pro ducing A Child w hose w eight-for-age falls in this range may have a grow th problem, but this is better assessed from w eight-length/heoght or BMI-for Age. A plotted point above 1 show s possible risk. A trent tow ard the 2 z-score line show definite risk It is possibke for a stunded or severely stunded child to become overw eight tumor. Refer a child in this range for assessment if you suspect an endocrine disorder (e.g. If perents of normal height have a child w ho is excessively tall fot his or her age)

Latihan 2
An. Bayu, laki-laki, lahir pd tgl 7 Oktober 2002, masa gestasi 40 minggu; Tgl pemeriksaan 15 desember 2011: berat 50,5 kg; panjang 130 cm

Hitung umur Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan Nilai hasil pertumbuhan

Hitung umur
Tgl pemeriksaan 15 des 2011: 2011 12 Tgl lahir 7 Oktober 2002 : 2002 10 Umur kronologis: 9 2 Umur anak adalah 9 tahun, 2 bulan, 8 hari Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan 15 7 8

PB/U: 0 s/d -1 SD (median)

BB/U: > 3 SD (obese)

BMI/U: > 3 SD (obese)

Kesimpulan : Obese


Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A child in this range is very tall. Tanness is rarely a problem, unless it is so excessive that it may indicate endocrine such as a grow th-hormone-pro ducing A Child w hose w eight-for-age falls in this range may have a grow th problem, but this is better assessed from w eight-length/heoght or BMI-for Age. A plotted point above 1 show s possible risk. A trent tow ard the 2 z-score line show definite risk It is possibke for a stunded or severely stunded child to become overw eight tumor. Refer a child in this range for assessment if you suspect an endocrine disorder (e.g. If perents of normal height have a child w ho is excessively tall fot his or her age)

Latihan 3
An. Lala, perempuan, lahir pd tgl 15 September 2003, masa gestasi 38 minggu; Tgl pemeriksaan 15 desember 2011: berat 41 kg; panjang 130 cm

Hitung umur Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan Nilai hasil pertumbuhan

Hitung umur
Tgl pemeriksaan 15 Des 2011 : 2011 12 Tgl lahir 15 September 2003: 2003 09 Umur kronologis: 8 3 Umur koreksi?? Umur anak adalah 8 tahun, 3 bulan, 0 hari Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan 15 15 0

PB/U: 0 s/d 1 SD (median)

BB/U: 2 s/d 3 SD (overweight)

BMI/U: 2 s/d 3 SD (overweight)

Kesimpulan : Overweight


Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A child in this range is very tall. Tanness is rarely a problem, unless it is so excessive that it may indicate endocrine such as a grow th-hormone-pro ducing A Child w hose w eight-for-age falls in this range may have a grow th problem, but this is better assessed from w eight-length/heoght or BMI-for Age. A plotted point above 1 show s possible risk. A trent tow ard the 2 z-score line show definite risk It is possibke for a stunded or severely stunded child to become overw eight tumor. Refer a child in this range for assessment if you suspect an endocrine disorder (e.g. If perents of normal height have a child w ho is excessively tall fot his or her age)

Latihan 4
An. Brandon, laki-laki, lahir pd tgl 12 April 2008, masa gestasi 37 minggu; Tgl pemeriksaan 15 desember 2011: berat 11,6 kg; panjang 95 cm; lingkar kepala 50 cm

Hitung umur Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan Nilai hasil pertumbuhan

Hitung umur
Tgl pemeriksaan 15 des 2011: 2011 12 Tgl lahir 12 April 2008: 2008 04 Umur kronologis: 3 8 15 5 10

Umur koreksi?? Umur anak adalah 3 tahun, 8 bulan, 10 hari Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan

TB/U: 0 s/d -2 SD (median)

BB/U: -2 s/d -3 SD (wasted)

BB/U: -2 s/d -3 SD (underweight)

LK/U: 0 s/d 1 SD (normocephal)

Kesimpulan : underweight dan wasted


Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A child in this range is very tall. Tanness is rarely a problem, unless it is so excessive that it may indicate endocrine such as a grow th-hormone-pro ducing A Child w hose w eight-for-age falls in this range may have a grow th problem, but this is better assessed from w eight-length/heoght or BMI-for Age. A plotted point above 1 show s possible risk. A trent tow ard the 2 z-score line show definite risk It is possibke for a stunded or severely stunded child to become overw eight tumor. Refer a child in this range for assessment if you suspect an endocrine disorder (e.g. If perents of normal height have a child w ho is excessively tall fot his or her age)

Latihan 5
An. Jessica, perempuan, lahir pd tgl 14 Juni 2001, masa gestasi 38 minggu; Tgl pemeriksaan 15 desember 2011: berat 23 kg; panjang 139 cm

Hitung umur Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan Nilai hasil pertumbuhan

Hitung umur
Tgl pemeriksaan 15 des 2011: 2011 12 Tgl lahir 14 Juni 2001: 2001 06 Umur kronologis: 10 6 15 14 1

Umur koreksi?? Umur anak adalah 10 tahun, 6 bulan, 1 hari Plot ke dalam kurva pertumbuhan

TB/U: 0 s/d -1 SD (median)

BMI/U: -3 SD (severely wasted)

Kesimpulan : severely wasted


Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A child in this range is very tall. Tanness is rarely a problem, unless it is so excessive that it may indicate endocrine such as a grow th-hormone-pro ducing A Child w hose w eight-for-age falls in this range may have a grow th problem, but this is better assessed from w eight-length/heoght or BMI-for Age. A plotted point above 1 show s possible risk. A trent tow ard the 2 z-score line show definite risk It is possibke for a stunded or severely stunded child to become overw eight tumor. Refer a child in this range for assessment if you suspect an endocrine disorder (e.g. If perents of normal height have a child w ho is excessively tall fot his or her age)

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