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Downside of globalization in education

Fikri Ryan Shauqi Ayie

What is globalization and downside mean

Globalization means to reach to worldwide scale and downside is a synonym to negative side.

What is Globalization in Education

Quoting a phrase from Professor Abdelhadi Boutaleb, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation of Morocco, ....Globalisation cannot conquer the impenetrable fortresses of these identities (esp culture) and specificities through mere adventurous and nonpondered

Meaning to say, globalization is such a high scale that carrying out mere practices only would not be able to reach it and this affects education too- our fundamental need. But, what are the downsides when education is marketed to a global level?

The Commercialization of Knowledge and Higher Education

And the effect towards the government in education

The effect of Commercialization of Knowledge and Higher Education toward us

Today, trends such as the rise of the Internet and the globalization of knowledge have the potential for

creating severe problems for academic institutions and systems in smaller or poorer nations. In a
world divided into centers and peripheries, the centers grow stronger and more dominant and the peripheries become increasingly marginalized.


grow more

pronounced. There is little leeway

for academic systems or individual universities to independently develop in the increasingly competitive and fast moving global higher education scene dominated by the worldclass universities in the industrialized countries


the growing commercialization of higher education, the values of the marketplace have intruded onto the campus. One of the main factors is the change in societies attitude toward higher education which is now seen as a private good benefiting those who study or do research and also people with money

Privatization and commercialization of Education


of public universities, the selling of knowledge products, partnering with corporations, as well as increases in student fees. The proliferation of private academic institutions of all kinds, especially in the for-profit sector, is another by-product of commercialization.


companies or elite private school, some of which call themselves universities, sell skills and training, awarding degrees or certificates to customers (students). Research is seen as a fungible product rather than an inquiry conducted to advance the frontiers of science.


and other postsecondary institutions are expected to generate more of their funding. They have had to think more like businesses and less like educational institutions.


Governments and other public authorities need to give the universities the support they need to fulfill their mission. Constantly squeezing the budget, demanding ever greater accountability, and insisting that the university fundamentally change its goals does not in the long run serve the public interest. The public must also respect the underlying values of higher education.

Educational treat

Educational products of all kinds would be freely exported from one country to another. Copyright, patent, and licensing regulations, already part of international treaties, would be further reinforced. It would become very difficult to regulate the trade in academic institutions, programs, degrees, or products across international borders.


wishing to engage in such imports and exports would have recourse to international tribunals and legal action. At present the jurisdiction over higher education is entirely in the hands of national authorities.

Dilemmas of a Globalized Education System


At the economic level, because globalization is affecting employment it touches upon one of the primary traditional goals of education, preparation for work. . This increasing commercialization of the school environment has become remarkably bold and explicit in its intentions. Forcing parents to pay more for their children education

The broader economic effects of globalization tend to force national educational policies into a neoliberal framework that emphasizes lower taxes; shrinking the state sector and "doing more with less"; promoting market approaches to school choice (particularly vouchers); rational management of school organizations; performance assessment (testing); and deregulation in order to encourage new providers (including online providers) of educational services. For example online books and education


Global changes in culture deeply

affect educational policies, practices, and institutions.

Particularly in advanced industrial societies, for instance, the question of "multiculturalism" takes on a special meaning in a global context.

Point of view

From my point of view the exploitation of education globally is because of technology The worst effect of globalization is toward the poor and people like us. When education is no longer a knowledge people now can just buy education just like bananas. people like us dont stand a chance to have higher education. Especially when you live in the development country.

Elite Private universities care about money then their students education same as online education
Think about it what will happen to our world when you can change knowledge, education with your money


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