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Evaluation of a parallel approach implementation of the p-stable semantics David Lopez

Introduction Stable & P-stable Semantics Parallel Computing P-stable models Algorithms and Test Conclusions

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Artificial Intelligence
Deduction, reasoning, problem solving Knowledge representation Planning Learning

Non monotonic reasoning

Common sense reasoning is non monotonic. If we add new information to something we already know, we may infer different things: Big animal Carnivorous Extinct million years ago

Non monotonic reasoning

In order to formalize NMR the research community has applied monotonic logics. In 1988, Gelfond and Lifschitz defined the stable model semantics. In 2006, a new semantics for normal programs based on weak completions is defined The authors call it the P-stable semantics.

Stable & P-stable Semantics

Despite the large advances observed in sequential Answer Set Solving technology only a few implementations have been developed with a parallel approach. The development of these has been made by following the standards of stable semantics of which we know its scope.

Stable & P-stable Semantics

Answer Set Programming is based on stable. Stable semantics is known and popular. Stable semantics has two decades of research. P-stable is new, and an alternative to stable. P-stable semantics is our group research study object.

Parallel Computing

Parallel computing
Parallel computing is a form of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle that large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which are then solved concurrently ("in parallel").

P-stable models

P-stable models


The hardware used was a DELL server with six Intel(R) Xeon(R) Dual Core CPUs E5540 @2.53GHz with 32 GB RAM. Execution time comparison on the server was made using the linear execution and 2, 4, 6 and the 8 cores. Reported times including grounding time were made by linux command: time. To test we used random generated problems on Argumentation theory made using an application that turns graphs into argumentation theory logic problems. We classify the programs by density and number of nodes.


Runtime G250 D.1 D.25

6 Nodos, 836.6210 8 Nodos, 862.4790



700.00 Lineal, 585.2970 2 Nodos, 504.2910 4 Nodos, 576.2930

600.00 Segundos




200.00 Lineal, 104.1940 100.00 2 Nodos, 106.1690 4 Nodos, 57.8540 6 Nodos, 44.0290 8 Nodos, 41.0400


Runtime G250 D0.1

120.00 Lineal, 104.1940 100.00 2 Nodos, 106.1690



4 Nodos, 57.8540 60.00 6 Nodos, 44.0290 40.00

8 Nodos, 41.0400




David Lpez davelopezb@gmail.com

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