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When I go up through the mowing field, The headless aftermath, Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew, Half closes the garden path.
And when I come to the garden ground, The whir of sober birds Up from the tangle of withered weeds Is sadder than any words A tree beside the wall stands bare, But a leaf that lingered brown, Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought, Comes softly rattling down.

I end not far from my going forth By picking the faded blue Of the last remaining aster flower To carry again to you"

This poem represents lost love
This is kind of a depressing poem about Robert having

a lost love who is already married. But When he says that "I pick up the faded blue of the last remaining aster flower to carry again to you". It means that he will carry again his love in the form of a flower, To the person that he loved dearly.

The theme of 'A Late Walk' is that there is beauty in

even the somberist things in life. In the beginning it is talking about sober birds up from the tangles of weeds, and how it is sad. It also talks about bare trees, and since Robert Frost loved nature so much, a tree that is bare might be discouraging to him. It is talking about beauty when the speaker picks the last blue aster flower for the one he loves. The historical and social aspects that probably would have inspired Robert Frost is his love for nature, and his losses in life. Those losses are what inspired him to write 'A Late Walk and the last aster flower was being picked for everyone in his life that he had lost.

Rhyme scheme is a b c b:

eg:- 1st stanza (field, math, dew, path.) Each stanza starts with a fresh stanzaic rhyme scheme with no verse in a subsequent stanza referring back to a previous rhyme. Frost's rhyme scheme does fit definitive ballad rhyme structure.

1. Simile : figure of speech involving a comparison between unlike things using like, as, or as though. The headless aftermath smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew" We are comparing the tree that don't have any leafs with the hatch. Qualities they share are the shape and nature. 2. Metaphor : A comparison in which one thing is said to be another. "The Whir of sober birds up from the tangle of withered weeds is sadder than any words" We are comparing the sad whir sound of the birds with the sadness of the sad words. Qualities they share is the sadness.

3. Personification : giving human qualities to animals or objects. "A tree beside the wall stands bare" "bare" or naked is used for humans, not for plants. "sober birds" Sober means serious or practical, and birds don't have these characteristics, only humans do. 4. Alliteration : the repetition of the initial consonant "garden ground withered weeds

In all of humanity, through all the loss and sadness,

one can find joy. Even if it's the last remaining aster flower, no doubt beginning itself to lose the plump, erect, colorful life it once held in it's prime. That flower can be taken and used to create joy in a heart. Additionally, I see that he doesn't pick it to bring joy to his own heart, but to bless another.


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