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The Right Product for the Right Market

Guatemala Apparel Sourcing Show May 22, 2012

The Playing Field is Changing

Because of changing global conditions, there is increasing interest in apparel production in Central America
.Hidden costs are beginning to shift the economic balance from labor to location.

Balanced Sourcing
The stakes have never been higher . as the sourcing landscape continues its evolution.
(Cover of Apparel magazine, Fifth Annual Global Sourcing Report, August 2011)

CAFTA/DR as a Region
Industrial success in a country requires a delicately balanced collaboration between Management, Labor and Government and . CAFTA/DR must be considered as a region

Some Thoughts on the Right Product

Buyers Perspective Good sell through at full price (normally the buyers risk) Competitive cost (total landed cost but FOB remains std) Consistent on-time delivery that meets quality standards No surprises Factorys Perspective Long Profitable production run Realistic timing Favorable terms, paid on-time (consider TradeCard) Buyer acceptance of local trim suppliers Limited surprises

Some Thoughts on the Right Market

Buyers Perspective Ease of communication Wide range of product options in region Local fabric and trim components Collaborative product development environment/technology Personal safety Social and environmental compliance Factorys Perspective Follow-on/Repeat business, long relationship Making products that are core competency

Unir a los lideres de la Industria de Serigrafia en Guatemala bajo los mismos estandares de calidad y de etica comercial con el fin de impulsar la industria serigrafica del pais, hacerla mas competitiva y promover las exportaciones de sus productos.

Ao 2000, Produccin Manual, Volumen exportable 50,000 prendas mensuales. Ao 2012, Produccin Automatica, Volumen exportable 15 a 20 Millones de prendas mensuales.

5 Empresas Exportadoras, Representan: 25 Maquinas Automaticas ( 6 a 16 Colores) Capacidad Instalada 3.7 Millones de Impresiones Mensuales Exportables 400 Muestras Mensuales

22 Empresas Exportadoras, Representan: 126 Maquinas Automaticas ( 6 a 18 Colores) Capacidad Instalada 18.5 Millones de Impresiones Mensuales Exportables 3,000 Muestras Mensuales

Es una calificacin amigable que tiene como propositos principales:

Hacer un inventario de las empresas existentes. Evaluarlas de una manera homogenia y sistematica. Presentarlas de una manera eficiente y completa como un gremio a la demanda mundial.

La calificacin Vestex es una herramienta para presentar a la industria de serigrafa de una manera unida y estandarizada. Mostrando a los clientes la diversidad de oferta y flexibilidad disponible en llenar sus necesidades de produccin. Con un respaldo institucional para que los clientes tengan mayor preferencia en colocar sus ordenes en Guatemala.

Ha sido una plataforma ideal para reunir a toda una industria, mostrar nuevas tecnologas y mas importante, educar y dar visin a pequeos, medianos y grandes empresarios del pas en como volverse exportadores eficientes.

Desde una empresa del garage a una empresa exportadora de nivel mundial.

Que este modelo se adapte en todas las reas de la Industria de Vestuario y Textiles y sea ejemplo para todo nuestro pas.

Muchas Gracias

The Measuring Stick

Asia has set Todays Standard
Responsiveness Eagerness Delivery

To Compete Successfully
Respond Quickly Embrace the Business Quote a Realistic Timeline Advise issues Early and Clearly Have your Facility Customer Ready

The Dating Game

Asia focuses on the courtship
Aggressively asks for the business The King Treatment Willing to do anything and everything to secure the initial business

To Compete Successfully
Agressively look for the opportunities Build the relationships during the development stage Promote what you do best and Avoid the Rest

The USA Production Transition supported the Maquila Model

North America held on to the jobs as long as possible initially only sending sewing to Central America Asia emerged as full package Now the merchandise teams do not have the depth of experience and technical knowledge CA suppliers need to offer the expertise

Its in the Headlines!

The move back to Central America has started Make it a successful transition The right Product for Your Capabilities


Q & A and Panel Contact Information

Carlos Arias American Denimatrix carlos.arias@denimatrix.com Juan Carlos Prato Indiana Knits jcprato@indyknit.com Roberto Matheu Serigrafica rmatheu@diseri.com Alfredo Frech Merlet alfredo.frech@imerlet.com Jeannamarie Cox JCox.com jmc@Jcox.com Gabrielle Sampietro Development and Sourcing Guru WWA gsampietro@walterwilhelmassoc.com Mike Todaro American Apparel Producers Network (AAPN) miketodaro@mindspring.com Walter Wilhelm Walter Wilhelm Associates (WWA) wwilhelm@walterwilhelmassoc.com


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