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This negotiation is hiring a shop at rent

The nature of negotiation is integrative


It focuses on commonalties rather than differences. It attempts to address needs and interests, not position. It commits to meet the needs of all involved parties. Exchange of information and ideas is motivated. Invent options for mutual gains.

Strategy and Tactics

While negotiating we ensured that a positive form of conversation was followed to eliminate all factors that could disrupt the negotiation. Common goals were the main area to achieve while negotiating

EXPAND THE PIE win-lose game to a win-win scenario where both sides took benefit more by working together on mutual benefits. Nibble strategy we required the shop in a rush and the party wasnt willing to give a large discount so we did not wanted to come to a dead end so we later asked for other concessions


Perception, cognition and emotions that are involved in a negotiation tend to act as both positive and negative ingredients for negotiation. Perception is a mixture of complex physical and other external issues, it is defined more formally as a process of screening, selecting and interpreting stimuli so that they have a meaning to an individual.


Framing is about focusing, shaping and organizing the scenarios around us making sense of the complex issues that negotiators face and help them resolve in a more meaningful way The framing types that we used while negotiating were substantive, aspiration and the outcome.


Negative emotions always negate the negotiation that is going on a proper path; it not only makes the situation competitive in nature but can also escalate the conflict. On the other hand positive emotions can fairlylead a negotiation to a positive attitude and promote persistence

During negotiation the emotions from both the parties were positive that helped to engage ourselves in a more positive manner though initially it had some problems since positive feelings tend to leave a negative image since at the start of negotiation the other party seems not to look closely at our emotions and is more concerned about the perception and negotiating techniques one is using.


The basis upon which negotiation is performed is through communication, which includes verbal, nonverbal and all other mediums The communicating mediums we used while negotiating included a proper medium of sending and receiving messages which was face to face and is regarded as the most effective way of negotiating.

The advantage we had while bargaining was the availability of BATNA (Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement) since while communicating with the negotiating party we already had transferred the BATNA information. The non-verbal communication was also used the eye-contact was made throughout the talks a study says that coward people do not make eye contact at all.


When we make an agreement where a relationship is viewed as being of little consequence to one or both parties, our level of trust diminishes. We invest less time and exertion in forging a working relationship. We communicate less with each other and as a result, our relationship, tenuous at best, will be tested to the limit, or else it will collapse altogether.


Men and women are always different in negotiation.

It is commonly believed that in formal negotiations women are poor negotiators

In our negotiation, we deal with man so it was difficult for us to negotiate and break his target point because men have high barging power as compare to women We face a little difficulty in negotiating with man because it is hard to find his resistance point and difficult to convince them.


Effective communication is essential in a negotiation. Sincerity is the power behind the delivery of a point or proposal during a dispute resolution settlement conference. Using your natural personality to color or add dimension to your delivery is your best means of making your statements come across as sincere. Getting comfortable with your innate personal style will help you become more believable; more trustworthy in the eyes of others.


After using all the negotiation techniques and tactics in our negotiation we came to know that understanding other person is easy by applying these rules and we can understand the complexity of the bargaining and easily. Clarify the target points to be achieved and the opening points.

Thank you

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