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Directions: Read the following words then spell them correctly.

1.epilepsy 2. meningitis 3. cerebral palsy

4. tumor 5. polio 6. encephalitis 7. paralysis 8. alzheimer 9. neurology 10. quadriplegia

Some of the ailments affecting the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves are the following: 1. Epilepsy is a disorder of the brain.

People who suffer from epilepsy have regular convulsions. Epilepsy may affect part or all the brain. It is caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain.

There are three kinds of epilepsy. 1. a person who suddenly fall into the ground or floor 2. a person may stop what he is doing and stare in a space for few second

3. a person maybe doing something and suddenly forget what he is doing even though he may keep on doing it

2. Meningitis It is an inflammation of the covering of the brain and the spinal cord. It is caused by virus or bacteria. It can cause death.

Meningitis-causing bacteria. The tiny yellow dots are Neisseria meningitis bacteria living inside human airway cells. Although they live in the noses and throats of many people without leading to disease, if they break through into the bloodstream they can cause potentially fatal meningitis.

3. Cerebral Palsy This disorder is caused by damage to the brain. Sometimes, this is caused by premature birth. Sometimes it may happen when a person damages his brain in some kind of accident.

4. Brain Tumor A person suffering from brain tumor feels severe headache . As the tumor grows, it presses in the nerve cells causing intense pain. It can be removed by operation if it is detected early.

5. Poliomyelitis Polio is caused by a viral infection which destroys the motor nerves in the spinal cord. This is manifested by fever, headache, muscle ache, runny nose and paralysis.

The best way to control polio is by immunization. Children are given anti-polio vaccines so that they will not be infected with polio.

6. Encephalitis This is a germ-caused disorder of the nervous system. Sometimes it is called sleeping sickness because it may cause a person to be very sleepy all the time.

7. Paralysis Paralysis is a loss of the ability to move a part of the body due to nerve or muscle damage. An injury to the spinal cord may cause permanent paralysis.

Quadriplegia is the paralysis of the body from the neck down. Paraplegia is the paralysis of the lower body and legs.

8. Alzheimers Disease Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain, which causes thinking and memory to become seriously impaired. It is the most common form of dementia. (Dementia is a syndrome consisting of a number of symptoms that include loss of memory, judgment and reasoning, and changes in mood, behaviour and communication abilities.

The disease was first identified by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906. He described the two hallmarks of the disease: "plaques" - numerous tiny dense deposits scattered throughout the brain which become toxic to brain cells at excessive levels and "tangles" which interfere with vital processes eventually "choking" off the living cells. As well, when brain cells degenerate and die, the brain markedly shrinks in some regions.

Directions: Tell whether the statement is True or False. 1.A person suffering from a brain tumor feels severe headache. 2.Accidents can damage the nervous system.

3. Cerebral palsy is caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain. 4. An injury to the spinal cord may cause permanent paralysis. 5. Polio is caused by sleeping sickness.

Directions: Choose the correct answer from the choices given. 1.It is the inflammation of the covering of the brain and the spinal cord. A. Polio B. Meningitis C. Epilepsy D. Paralysis

2. It is caused by premature birth. A. Brain tumor B. Encephalitis C. Cerebral palsy D. Poliomyelitis

3. It is a germ-caused disorder which may cause a person to be sleepy all the time. A. Meningitis B. Epilepsy C. Poliomyelitis D. Encephalitis

4. It is caused by a viral infection which destroys the motor nerves in the spinal cord. A. Poliomyelitis B. Brain tumor C. Cerebral palsy D. encephalitis

5. This is a disorder in the brain manifested by regular convulsions. A. Poliomyelitis B. Epilepsy C. Brain tumor D. Cerebral palsy

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