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Artificial Intelligence By

Neha Sharma Sudarshana I st year , ECE ENGINEERING COLLEGE BIKANER

Historical Attempts - Frankenstein

The original story, published by Mary Shelley, in 1818, describes the attempt of a true scientist, Victor Frankenstein, to create life.

18th century Wolfgang von Kempelen invents fake chess-playing machine, The Turk.

What is AI ? Various definitions:

Building intelligent entities. Getting computers to do tasks which require human intelligence.

Simple things turn out to be the hardest to automate:

Recognising a face. Navigating a busy street. Understanding what someone says

All tasks require reasoning on knowledge.

Why do AI ?

Two main goals of AI:

To understand human intelligence better. We test theories of human intelligence by writing programs which emulate it. To create useful smart programs able to do tasks that would normally require a human expert.

Many disciplines contribute to goal of creating/modelling intelligent entities:

Computer Science Psychology (human reasoning) Philosophy (nature of belief, rationality, etc) Linguistics (structure and meaning of language) Human Biology (how brain works)

Who does AI ?

Subject draws on ideas from each discipline.

Typical AI Problems
Intelligent entities (or agents) need to be able to do both mundane and expert tasks: Mundane tasks - consider going shopping: Planning a route, and sequence of shops to visit! Recognising (through vision) buses, people. Communicating (through natural language). Navigating round obstacles on the street, and manipulating objects for purchase. Expert tasks are things like: medical diagnosis. equipment repair. Often mundane tasks are the hardest.

First successful intelligent machines Robotics Mars Rover Robotics-AIBO Sonys first pet robot introduced in 1999.

Robotics Cog

Humanoi d intelligenc e requires humanoid interaction s with the world.

Programming Languages
1958 Lisp a functional programming language with a simple syntax. This programming firstly performed a successful sitting operation of a humanoid prototype.

1972 PROLOG - a logic programming language whose primary control structure is depth-first search.logic programming which gave the machine the ability of reasoning and understanding.

1988 CLOS (Common Lisp Object Standard) published. Draws on ideas from Smalltalk and semantic nets.this programming language helped in designing the artificial neurons of the humanoid brain.


1962 Unimation, first industrial robot company, founded. Sold a dye casting robot to GM. 1990 iRobot founded, a spinoff of MIT 2000 The UN estimated that there are 742,500 industrial robots in use worldwide. More than half of these were being used in Japan. 2001 iRobot markets Roomba for $200.

Application of AI
HMD-Head mounted display. this works on the concept of augumented reality and is a future application of AI. This is a helmet type device mounted on the head of the user .this device works about collecting information about each and every thing that user sees around him and displaying the



Robot kismet

was the main difference which was gapped by the automatic robot kismet which was able to show some of the emotions the human can UNDERSTANDING CONCIOUSNESS



Virtue ethics

Difficult to predict what virtues to give Artificial life because it is a complex technology. Unable to see the results of these virtues may be a problem because there are risks involved with some virtues overpowering others. What preprogrammed virtues should computers have to allow them to be morally right? Can virtues make an AI entity behave morally at all? Wisdom, compassion, courage, strength, obedience, carefulness?

ADVANTAGES (Factual Changes)

Smarter artificial intelligence promises to replace human jobs, freeing people for other pursuits by automating manufacturing and transportations. Self-modifying, self-writing, and learning software relieves programmers of the burdensome task of specifying the whole of a programs functionalitynow we can just create the framework and have the program itself fill in the rest (example: real-time strategy game artificial intelligence run by a neural network that acts based on experience instead of an explicit decision tree). Self-replicating applications can make deployment easier and less resource-intensive. AI can see relationships in enormous or diverse bodies of data that a human could not



Self-modifying, when combined with self-replicating, can lead to dangerous, unexpected results, such as a new and frequently mutating computer virus. Military robots may make it possible for a country to indiscriminately attack lessadvanced countries with few, if any, human casualties. Rapid advances in AI could mean massive structural unemployment AI utilizing non-transparent learning (i.e. neural networks) is never completely predictable

What should happen in future??

A sentient prototype could be developed, which is able to do all sorts of work, which a normal human can. Software companies should be made legally responsible for failings of software that result in damage to third parties despite good-faith attempts at control by the user. AI and robotics have the potentially to truly revolutionize the economy by replacing labor with capital, allowing greater productionit deserves a corresponding share of research funding!

And what is going to happen

Most people are willing to torture and kill intelligent animals like cows just for a tastier lunchwhy would they hesitate to exploit artificial life? This is further compounded mainstream religious beliefs Licensing agreements will continue to allow careless companies to often escape responsibility for faulty software. For AI machines to develop in human environment such consequences should be avoided.

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