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PTT 101, Science of Soils

Soil Biology

Soil is alive!

Ekologi Tanah, gabungan: Ekologi (orientasi organisma)

Ilmu Tanah: klasifikasi, genesis, fisika, kimia, biologi

Overlap ke dua ilmu

a. b.

c. d.

TANAH : Bahan inorganik (liat, debu, pasir) Bahan organik Hidup (biomas) Mati (nekromas) Air Udara


Organisms (BIOTA) ~ involve in chemical & physical processes

Soil as energy & nutrient source of biota except: Fertility Biology Plants & mikrobia photoautotroph ~ sun light energy source


Microbial chemoautotroph ~ inorganic; CO2 from the atmosfer

Symbiont ~plant roots ~ fixed N from the air

BIOTA pada berbagai kondisi AIR TANAH

Fase 2 Migrasi Collembola Uap air

Fase 1 Collembola & kutu

Air bebas Tt = T0 = 100C

KR = 100%
Air kapiler 4.7>pF>2.5

KR = 100% 2.5>pF>0

The size of some soil components

Component Sand particle Roots Soil pore Silt Particle Root hair Bacterium Storage pore Clay particle Residual pore Aluminium atom Diameter, m 2000 - 20 200 >50 20 - 2 10 1 50 0.5 <2 <0.5 5 x 10-5

Animals (Fauna)
Macro Micro

Largely herbivores & Detrivores Squirells,geopers, woodchucks, mice Insects, springtail, ants, beetles, grubs, etc Millipides, woodlice, mites, slugs, snails, earthworm

Largely Predators Moles, insects, ants, beetles, mites, spiders

Largely Detrivores, Predators, or Parasites Nematodes Protozoa


Plants (Flora)

Roots of higher plants

Algae Green Blue green Diatoms

Actinomycetes of many kinds

Fungi Mushroom fungi

Bacteria Aerobic Anaerobic


Heterotrophi c

Classification of soil organisms according to body with (Wood, 1989)

Grouping Microflora Microfauna Mesofauna Body with Organisms < 10 m < 100 m < 2 mm Bacteria, fungi Protozoa, nematodes Collembola, acari, enchytaeids, termites Millipedes, isopods, insects, molluses, earthworms


<20 mm

Herbi- & detritivores

dungbeetle spider


snail millipede
Isopoda centipede earthworm termite

fungi bacteria algae



Belowground ZOO

Beetle larva


Staphylinid beetle

Key biological functions

Biological function Decomposition C-sequestration


Biological/functional group Residue-borne microorganisms, Microbial biomass (especially fungi), macrofauna building compact structures Free and symbiotic N-fixers

OM/ nutrients redistribution Nutrient cycling, mineralization/ immobilization Bioturbation Soil aggregation
Population control

Roots, mycorrhizas, soil macrofauna Soil microrganisms, soil microfauna

Roots, soil macrofauna Roots, fungal hyphae, soil macrofauna, soil mesofauna Predators/grazers, parasites, pathogens

Energy+CO2 input Detritivores Primary consumers

Energy + CO2 loss SOIL FAUNA Carnivores (predators, parasites) Secondary consumers Tertiary consumers

Microphytic feeders
Feces & dead bodies Feces & dead bodies

Soil humus

Soil microflora (ultimate decomposers)

Channeling Water

Natural Soil Mixing (Bioturbation)

Termites (rayap)
Ants (semut)

Roots (akar)

Earthworms, cacing tanah

Soil engineering

Old tree root channel

Kelompok cacing tanah berdasarkan tipe ekologinya

Karakteristik Lubang Cast Epigeic tidak ada tidak ada Anecic terbuka permanen ke permukaan tanah Endogeic ekstensif dalam

Pigmen tasi

tinggi tingkat samarannya

di permukaan tanah dalam lubang berdekatan dengan pori- atau dalam pori tanah pori-pori tanah sedang, hanya di bag. tidak belakang berpigment mencernak kan tanah& BO &akar-akar mati

Makan- mendekomposisi mendekomposisi an litter pada litter yang diambil permukaan tanah dari lapisan atas dibawa ke lapisan tidak dalam mencernakkan tanah tidak mencernakkan tanah

Soil Bacteria

Symbiotic: bacteria and plants (e.g., legumes + rhizobium


Bacteria require plant for growth; plant gains free source of available N


To improve P-uptake by plants: To extend the volume of soil through its mycellium

Sollubilising unavailable P

NOT all Organisms are usefull for plant growth


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