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Quatre vingt quatorzime Leon Strotypes

94th lesson Stereotypes

Les franais selon eux sont des gens dbrouillards,

indisciplins, cultivs.
1 the French according to them are resourceful, undisciplined,
and cultured people.
2 Les anglais sont fair-play , un peu froids et pragmatiques.
2 The English are fair play, a little cold and pragmatic.

Les allemands sont disciplins, mlomanes, martiaux

Ce sont l des strotypes qui influencent notre faon de

The Germans are disciplined, music-loving, martial


These are (here) all stereotypes which influence our way of


Mais aussi notre faon de parler. Nous disons, par exemple,

But also our way of talking. We say for example

filer langlaise pour partir discrtement

to slip away in the English manner for to leave discretely
(unnoticed by anyone).
Quelquun qui a trop bu est saoul comme un Polonais .
Someone who has drunk too much is drunk as a Pole.

Une personne que lon (quon) attaque systmatiquement est

une tte de Turc !
A person whom one attacks systematically is a Turks head
(whipping boy).
9 Si lon ne gagne pas beaucoup dargent, on dit ce nest pas le
Prou !

If one doesnt earn much money, one says: it isnt Peru!

10 Et si lon parle mal le Franais ce qui nest pas votre cas -,
10 And if one speaks badly French which is not your case -,

11 on dit quil parle comme une vache espagnole

11 One says that he speaks like a Spanish cow.
12 lAllemagne est faite pour y voyager, lItalie pour y
12 Germany is (made) to travel in, Italy to stay in,
13 lAngleterre pour y penser
13 England to think in
14 Et la France pour y vivre. DAlembert
14 And France to live in. DAlembert.
1 Elle se dbrouille en quatre langues: litalien, lallemand,
langlais et le Polonais.
1 She gets by in four languages: Italian, German, English and
2 Il a beaucoup trop bu.
2 He has drunk far too much.
3 On le critique tout le temps; cest une vraie tte de Turc.
3 One him criticizes all the time = he is criticized all the time.
Its a true head of Turk = hes a real whipping boy.
4 Il a t beaucoup influenc par son pre.
4 He was very much influenced by his father
5 Vous gagneriez deux fois plus si vous preniez cet emploi.
5 You would earn twice as much if you took that job.
6 Cest pas le Prou.
6 I wont get rich like that!

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