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Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

Recent Publications

Faried Adrom, Katrin und Arnulf Schlter, eds. Altgyptische Weltsichten.

Akten des Symposiums zur historischen Topographie und Toponymie
Altgyptens vom 1214 Mai 2006 in Mnchen.
Aegypten und Altes Testament. Band 68. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. 2008.
Stefan Wimmer, Palstinisches Hieratisch.
Aegypten und Altes Testament. Band 75. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. 2008.
Franoise Labrique, ed. Religions mditerranennes et orientales de lAntiquit.
Institut franais darchologie orientale Le Caire, rimpression en 2009.
ISBN 978-2-7247-0314-6
Actes dun colloque organis Besanon en avril 1999 dans le cadre dun groupe
de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les polythismes antiques, louvrage runit des
exposs qui se sont majoritairement rejoints autour des concepts de multiculturalisme et de transferts culturels la croise de trois mondes, lgypte, le couloir syropalestinien et la Grce. La premire dition (2002) tant puise, louvrage a fait
lobjet dune rimpression en 2009.


Jran Friberg, Unexpected Links between Egyptian and Babylonian Mathematics.

Hackensack, NJ/Singapore: World Scientic Publishing, 2005.
Pp. xiv + 294 ISBN 978-981-256-328-6.
Reviewed by Nathan Sidoli, Waseda University, in Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in
the History of Science Vol 50 (2008) 141146 May 24, 2009:
Ellen Fowles Morris, e Architecture of Imperialism: Military Bases
and the Evolution of Foreign Policy in Egypts New Kingdom.
(Probleme der Agyptologie, vol. 22) Leiden: BRILL, 2005. Pp. xvii + 891
ISBN-10: 9004140360, ISBN-13: 978-9004140363
Reviewed by Eugene Cruz-Uribe,
Journal of Near Eastern Studies April 2009, Vol. 68, No. 2: 145147.
Jacqueline Phillips, Aegyptiaca on the Island of Crete in eir Chronological
Context: A Critical Review.
Volumes I and II (Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean
XVIII. Bietak, M. and H. Hunger [eds]). Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaen (Austrian Academy of Sciences Press). December 2008, Wien.
Vol. 1: p. 320; Vol. 2: p. 417. ISBN 978-3-7001-6117-2 (pbk).
Reviewed by Marsia Sfakianou Bealby, University of Birmingham, in Rosetta
Issue 6: http://www.rosetta.bham.ac.uk/issue6/aegyptiaca

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