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RESUME : Le but principal de ce projet est de dfinir les amliorations apporter

au logiciel interne de dimensionnement Bton arm appel FERRAIL. Ces

amliorations concernent dune part la convivialit du logiciel et dautre part le
processus de calcul. En effet, depuis 2010, les Eurocodes ont t reconnus
comme tant le moyen de prouver la conformit des ouvrages de gnie civil et
des btiments. Ainsi, afin de suivre la progression des normes, il tait primordial
pour le bureau dtudes de mettre niveau le logiciel dont le dimensionnement
tait effectu aux BAEL. Afin de sapproprier les normes ncessaires pour la
constitution des tapes de calcul de dimensionnement, une premire phase a
consist comparer les deux rglementations : BAEL 91 (rev 99) et Eurocode 2.
Dans un second temps, les amliorations et les changements intgrer au
nouveau logiciel ont t dfinis travers lapplication un projet de Btiment
pyrotechnique, mais galement travers le recueil des besoins auprs des
ingnieurs dtudes dISL. La dernire tape, ralise en collaboration avec le
dveloppeur charg du projet, a consist dfinir les quations et la mthode de
dimensionnement appliquer et les diffrents calculs ventuels
intgrer. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRADUCTION : The main
purpose of this project is to define the improvements to bring to the internal
software of reinforced concrete design called FERRAIL. This improvements
concern the user-friendliness of the software and also the calculation process.
Indeed, since 2010, the Eurocodes have been recognized as the mean to prove
the conformity of Civil engineering works and buildings. It was thus important for
the design office to upgrade the software to suit the new standards. For a better
assimilation of the regulations, the first step consisted in comparing both
standards: BAEL 91 (rev 99) and Eurocode 2. The improvements and changes of
the new software were defined through the design of a pyrotechnical building and
also by collecting the needs of the several ISL engineers. The last step,
conducted in collaboration with the software developer, was to define the
equations and the design method and also other potential calculations.

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