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My family - Ma famille

Vocabulary and key phrases

le pre the father

Mon pre s'appelle Paul. My father's name is Paul.

la mre the mother

Ta mre a 40 ans. Your mother is 40 years old.

le fils the son

Mon fils a les cheveux courts. My son has short hair.

la fille the daughter

Ma fille sait dj lire. My daughter can read already.

le petit garon the boy

Ce petit garon est en colre. That boy is angry.

la petite fille the girl

Cette petite fille est trs grande. That girl is very tall.

le frre the brother

Mon frre tudie l'Universit. My brother studies at the university.

la sur the sister

Je n'ai pas de surs. I dont have any sisters.

Combien de frres et surs as-tu ? How many brothers and sisters do you

l'oncle the uncle

Mon oncle s'appelle Robert. My uncle's name is Robert.

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My family - Ma famille

la tante the aunt

Ma tante adore le football. My aunt loves football

le grand-pre the grandfather

Mon grand-pre est mort l'anne My grandfather died last year.

la grand-mre the grandmother

Ma grand-mre vit seule. My grandmother lives alone.

le neveu the nephew

Son neveu a 18 ans. His nephew is 18.

la nice the niece

Ma nice est trs jolie. My niece is very good-looking.

le cousin the cousin

J'ai trois cousins. I have three cousins.

la cousine the cousin

Ma cousine a une fille. My cousin has a daughter.

tre fils unique to be an only child

Mon cousin est fils unique. My cousin is an only child.

mon mari my husband

Mon mari habite Barcelone. My husband lives in Barcelona.

ma femme my wife
Ma femme est trs jolie. My wife is very good-looking.

le copain the boyfriend

Son copain s'appelle Marc. Her boyfriend's name is Marc.

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My family - Ma famille

la copine the girlfriend

Ma copine a 25 ans. My girlfriend is 25.

tre mari / tre marie to be married

Es-tu mari ? Are you married?

tre clibataire to be single

Es-tu clibataire ? Are you single?

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My family - Ma famille


Thomas va connatre toute la famille de sa Thomas is going to meet his girlfriend

copine Maria. Maria's family.

Mara: Tomas, je te prsente mon pre, Maria: Thomas, this is my father, Paul. Dad,
Paul. Papa, je te prsente Tomas. this is Thomas.
Tomas: Enchant de vous connatre. Thomas: Nice to meet you.
Tomas: Moi de mme. Thomas: Nice to meet you too.
Mara: O est maman ? Maria: Where's mum?
Tomas: Ta mre est dans la salle de bain, Thomas: Your mother's in the bathroom
tes frres sont l'cole. and your brothers are at school.
Mara: Oncle Marc et Tante Christina Maria: Are uncle Marc and aunt Christina
vont-ils venir ? coming?
Tomas: Oui, mais ta grand-mre ne peut Thomas: Yes, but your grandmother can't
pas venir. Tomas, comment va ta famille ? come. Thomas, how's your family?
Tomas: Trs bien, merci. Thomas: Very well, thanks.

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My family - Ma famille

Please choose the correct answer

1. Qui est Paul ?

a. Paul est l'ami de Marie.
b. Paul est le pre de Marie.
c. Paul est l'oncle de Marie.

2. Marie est fille unique ?

a. Oui
b. Non, elle a seulement un frre.
c. Non

3. Qui est Marc ?

a. Marc est le pre de Marie.
b. Marc est le frre de Marie.
c. Marc est l'oncle de Marie.

Answers: 1(b): 2(c): 3(c)

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