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What do you like to do in your spare time (besides acting)? I suSt love hanging with my Yriends, games, MovieS, and Just doing our Homework together Do you like to play sports? Ifyes, please list: fn Tim So bad at Sports bur t ove Play) a Kickball with friends and games [ike capt gs Do you have a favorite sport(s) team? Favorite athlete(s)? : Ze ainkching footbal aith my parents someting, but don't follow ang teams really Please list types of entertainment experience you've had, or would like to have (i.e., have done sketch comedy, interested in hosting etc): J'v@ done musicals and cabaret - Style SKowS, wovld love #9 host or de a comedy shaw or Gnythings I would always Ke to de more HyReS of thin ge! ENTERTAINMENT Do you play any instruments? If yes, please list: I wiSh! Lm learning piano Do you like to sing? Aa yes! 1 sing every 48g: Favorite Band(s) or Solo Performer(s): I love Beapncé gin obseses fein Revoul! I love tht xmen moves. T love superheroes Favorite actor and/or actress: 3 a ee Accus Ad definately be Emily Bett Rickare 1 sireep LY ie ae beet) had at PN STA Tar iat) Favorite NICK TV show: mL UgratS\ 14 has always been mY favorite af Elizaleth Dail Rages sat wate Sik all dhe came! Algo aby @hiehiEl 4 Favorite Book: ‘ 3 Anything Distopian! The Giver, Honger Games, Tne Testing, ‘STYLE & SOCIAL MEDIA Cet ord ery Wiis thinte, Tea ienpottant fe.aakecsucfors Yourself) not for other People, arb wear What mates you Feel good! Where do you like to shop/what are your favorite brands? Ti Shop anywhere! y (ove Francesca'S collechon and foeverat ang a aiunys fms ate tops at target! Which celebrity's style do you relate to? Lim not even Sure what tis mews, bor I gost Wie being myself Please list your social media accounts user names / handles: Facebook: Samantha Hahn, Instagram: Sammyhannahe PRO-SOCIAL ‘Are there any charities you are passionate about? ty exerytiness, Art —bullyin foie es erases The ever Pc CER arte N ws very Are there any causes or charities you have participated in? Purple laces for Sater places # Page 2 of2

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