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à Louis Fleury

Révision 1999 Claude DEBUSSY

Flûte seule

Très modéré

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& b b b b 43

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n œ n œ b œ- . nœ nœ bœ œ nœ œ j
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Un peu mouvementé (mais très peu)
b œ
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&b b b œ b œ n œ b œ œ œj œ b œ œ nœ bœ
F p

© 1999 by E. Dillard DEB007


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3 3

& b b b 4 œ nœ nœ bœ nœ nœ bœ œ nœ œ œ nœ nœ bœ nœ nœ bœ œ nœ
p p

En retenant jusqu'à la fin Très retenu

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p marqué perdendosi

© 1999 by E. Dillard DEB007

The musical library Score On Line offers you three subscription options

● The individual subscription Solo (US $ 30)

exclusively for private individuals, to enable them to immediately download all scores published by Score on Line
for a one-year period or a maximum of 800 connections. After this period or 800 connections, you will have to re-
new your subscription.(a connections is regarded as any search during which you entered your login and pass-
word). The publishing, distribution and reproduction of scores thus obtained are legally prohibited.

● Group subscription Allegro (US $ 625)

for institutions with fewer than 150 members, who can immediately download all scores published by Score on
Line for a one (1) year period with unlimited access to the download site. The distribution of scores obtained is
strictly limited to their members. This subscription includes free reproduction and distribution on our site of new
scores or not (10 pages maximum) which can be submitted to us. (the institution certifies that it holds the totali-
ty of the royalties attached to work unless it does not form part of the public domain).

● Group subscription Presto (US $ 925 )

for institutions with more than 150 members who can immediately download all scores published by Score on Line
for a one (1) year period with unlimited access to the download site. The distribution of scores obtained is strict-
ly limited to their members. This subscription covers the free reproduction and distribution on our site of new
scores or not (maximum 15 pages) which can be submitted to us. (the institution certifies that it holds copyright
or all rights under copyright to any work that is not in the public domain). In addition the policy of Score on Line
is to work in the best interests of subscribers who have taken out a Presto subscription.
(the subscriptions make it possible to download many scores: they are not terminable)

-- FAQ --

● Can one use the musical library on line without being member? Yes. Score on Line allows you to consult
its catalogue and to obtain scores quickly (by email) after payment validation. The payment is carried out on line
by bank card. However, a bulletin of payment is at the disposal of the people who do not have a bank card or who
do not wish to use it. Scores are paid for by non-subscribers.

● What are the advantages of subscribing? Subscriptions make it economical: by enabling you to download
unlimited scores without additional expenses and do it at any time and in any place.(See subscription details). -
group subscriptions include free reproduction and distribution on our site of new scores or not which can be sub-
mitted to us. - the publishing policy of Score on Line is to work in the best interest of its members.

● Can an institution (association, school of music, academy, university, etc) subscribe to the library?
Yes. There are two formulas (Allegro and Presto)for institutions.(See subscription details).

● Does a subscription make it possible to obtain as many scores as one wants? Yes, a subscription
makes it possible to download, without additional expenses, all titles published by Score On Line.

● Which software application makes it possible to read and print the scores of the musical library on
line? You must use " Adobe Acrobat Reader " software to read and print our scores. Follow this link to obtain a
free-of-charge copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.Adobe Acrobat Reader.

● Does my computer enable me to download your scores? Yes All our electronic scores are with the format
Adobe Acrobat pdf (Portable Document File). Follow this link to obtain a free-of-charge copy of Adobe Acrobat
Reader.Adobe Acrobat Reader.

● What do I do in the event that a score fails to download? If you are member, try later. If you are not
member, and after having paid, send to us a e-mail. We will forward to you your score by e-mail.

● Can one order a score which does not appear with the catalogue? - group subscriptions enable you to
submit scores to us. - Twice a month, new references are added to the catalogue. - We will study all your re-
quests.Write to us.

● Are musical library on line scores royalty free? The sheets of printed music published by Score one Line
concern the international regulation on the royalties.

● How to direct my search in the catalogue? A search engine is at your disposal. It obeys three criteria (ins-
trument, author, key word ad libitum) which you can associate or not.


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