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Exercices d’accompagnement pour le vocabulaire de khôlles.

Fichier élèves

Thème d’application:
1. Son porte-parole a fait un discours indiquant qu’il n’envisageait pas de démissionner
de ses fonctions.
2. Il a cité un media colporteur de fausses informations et a proposé un récit sans
rapport avec les faits afin de fausser l’opinion des gens. En conséquence, le discours
passe-partout de son adversaire a mieux réussi à convaincre les électeurs les plus
3. Il est non seulement totalement partisan mais il est aussi complètement déconnecté
des réalités.
4. Je défends l’idée qu’il ne faut pas franchir la ligne jaune.
5. Si l’on veut s’assurer le soutien de l’électorat féminin, il faut éviter la langue de bois,
éviter d’éluder les questions et faire respecter leurs droits fondamentaux sans jamais
6. B Obama a-t-il été à la hauteur des attentes des minorités ?
7. Passer un accord avec un état voyou peut ressembler à/ faire l’effet d’un vœu pieux.
8. Il avait une solide réputation, mais il apparait qu’il peut mieux faire !
9. Son népotisme et sa corruption connus de tous / de notoriété publique l’ont mené à la
10. Maintenant il essaie de s’acheter une conduite, mais ses méfaits ne resteront pas
impunis, et il sera tenu pour responsable de la crise du pays.
11. Le rôle de gendarme du monde était auparavant une priorité pour les E-Unis. B
Obama l’a quelque peu relégué au second plan, et aujourd’hui il a quitté l’ordre du
12. Bien que le Congrès n’ait pas abrogé de loi, certains ont su tirer profit d’un vide
juridique pour renverser la situation à leur avantage.
13. Pour l’instant, ils se sont contentés d’émettre des directives sur le port du masque,
mais ils devraient présenter un projet de loi sous peu / dans un avenir très proche.
14. La décentralisation a paradoxalement contribué à la solidité de du Royaume Uni.
15. Sont-ils disposés à orienter leur politique vers la relocalisation des emplois ?
16. On lui a donné le feu vert. Cette décision des caciques du parti restera dans l’histoire.
17. Leur réaction immédiate a été de relever le niveau d’alerte, mais ils n’ont jamais traité
le problème du terrorisme de l’intérieur, et ont fini par le cautionner dans son
18. Le recours à l’état d’urgence entraîne l’érosion des libertés individuelles des citoyens.
Dans une certaine mesure, c’est une façon de céder au terrorisme psychologique.
19. C’est l’objectif même de la dissuasion nucléaire que de ne pas mettre la menace à
20. Les services de renseignements parviennent souvent à éviter un massacre.
Expanding: complete with a relevant option
The Democratic ………………………………………………………….. for the White House is Joe Biden
We need to find ways to go ……………………………..our problems, ……… …………………….. high-tech
or low-tech

many Americans anticipate voting by mail in …………………………….. to stay safe.

They are keen to fairly …………………………….. their right to vote.

Complete with relevant words, following indications when provided

Trump is ……………………………..for a second …………………………….. of office

D Trump still …………………………….. (v) to evangelicals. His strategy once …………………………….. (v)
dividends, using a political agenda …………………………….. (v) in the language of faith. He has
…………………………….. (adv= always) claimed that people of faith are “under siege,” a language
which …………………………….. (adv= precisely) echoes a common refrain from evangelical
leaders. He became the first sitting president to address the annual ……………-
…………………………….. (compound) March for Life rally in 2020. Conservative Christianity is
…………………………….. (adv=more and more) associated with issues such as free market
capitalism, …………………………….. (N = advocacy) for the state of Israel, abortion, gun ownership
and religious liberty rights. …………………………….. (adv= however), the rhetoric, promises and
symbolism has far …………………………….. (v= surpassed) the reality of policy change.
Evangelicals …………………………….. ….. (phrasal v= account for) one in four Americans according
to some estimates and are often self-described as (prep.) “born again”. They generally believe
in (prep.) the literal truth of the Bible. In the 1980s, close connections between the
…………………………….. -…………………………….. (compound= influenced by Evangelicals) religious
right and the administration of Ronald Reagan were developed …………………………….. (adv:
deliberately / intentionally) by conservative …………………………….. (N =campaigners / militants),
…………………………….. secular and religious. …………………………….. (adv= on the contrary), the
“evangelical left” has always struggled to achieve political impact.

Democracy in the world continues its disturbing retreat.

The current “democratic recession“ is described in studies which ……………………….
………………………. a country’s regime is a full democracy”/ full-………………………. democracy, a
“flawed democracy” or an “………………………. regime”. Surprising ………………………. /
………………………. it may seem, many Western countries fall ………………………. the second
Still, some ………………………. linings can be detected among the clouds: Around the world,
popular protests show potential for democratic renewal. Some counties may even
………………………. a referendum on a new constitution
Of course, reforms ………………………. (emphasis) come ………………………. a cost. Protesters often
bear the ………………………. of social progress through police violence.

Criteria to assess a country’s level of democratic achievement ……………………….

………………………. electoral process and pluralism, to the functioning of government, political
participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties.
The ………………………. (superlative: most dramatic) decline in democratic freedoms occurred in
China. There discrimination ………………………. minorities in the western region of Xinjiang and
other ………………………. of civil liberties, ………………………. as digital surveillance, contributed to
a ………………………. in the country’s score.
………………………. , (adv= As a matter of fact/ in fact / in reality), democracy can be found in
many early civilisations, not just classical Greece—………………………. ancient Mesopotamia,
Buddhist India, the tribal lands of the American Great Lakes, pre-conquest Mesoamerica and
pre-colonial Africa.
Thème d’application:

1. Le battage médiatique, la saturation de l’information, l’alarmisme et la publicité

criarde ont tendance à rendre le public méfiant des grands médias.
2. Malgré d’éventuelles inexactitudes, les grands journaux suivent une déontologie
et vérifient que leurs articles ont des contenus appropriés, dignes de publication et
3. D’un côté, on incite les gens à agir de façon responsable, et de l’autre on les
pousse à se démobiliser en regardant des séries à la chaîne.
4. Les plus jeunes ne regardent généralement plus leur présentateur de JT préféré
aux heures de grande écoute.
5. Ils trouvent plus pratique de se tourner vers des médias plus ouverts, étant donné
qu’ils sont meilleurs en informatique.
6. Ils fréquentent aussi toutes sortes de forums de discussion et de réseaux sociaux
où ils peuvent dévoiler des informations personnelles et où il faut les protéger des
abus commerciaux, mais aussi de la cyberintimidation.
7. Le vol de données informatiques et la cybercriminalité sont tellement importants
qu’ils nécessitent une règlementation, mais aussi la possibilité de faire appliquer
les lois sur l’informatique et les libertés, de retrouver les coupables et de leur
infliger des amendes.
8. Si l’on est victime d’un virus, il vaut mieux être calé en informatique. De même, il y
a bien des choses à faire pour éviter que nos données soient collectées et que des
publicités ciblées ne viennent saturer notre courriel, à commencer par le réglage
des paramètres de confidentialité.
9. Il y a une confusion possible entre la cyberguerre, l’action anti-terroriste et
l’espionnage des civils et le piratage de leurs ordinateurs par les autorités, ce qui
provoque des atteintes à la vie privée et porte atteinte aux droits des personnes.
10. Je me demande si les nouvelles sont bonnes aujourd’hui.

Expanding: Place the words from the bank (compounds and others) and complete
short-term/ the outrage-monger /frequently reported/ well-known / fast-paced job/ pen-pusher
/strategically classist /

slow / little but / turn/ very /fast/ at will /

Ashley 'Dotty' Charles: 'Purveyors of hate have turned trolling ………………………. a business.
By refusing to breathe life into the peddlers of hate we can put them ………………………. of a job

There’s a hot new profession ………………………. the rise with incredible career prospects,
flexible working hours and the opportunity to work from home. A ……………………….
………………………. in a rapidly growing industry that can catapult you from ……………………….
………………………. to proprietor without a single second of overtime. What is this highly
desirable position? I present to you the dastardly role of …………………… …. ………………………. .
They are the purveyors of hate who have turned trolling ………………………. a business model;
the intentionally racist and bloggers, columnists and Twitter accounts, triggering your
impulses and eliciting your responses. With every furious tweet or seething screenshot we do
………………………. ………………………. increase their stock value. But it is also we who have the
power to ………………………. the tables.
We first need to remove the ego ………………………. our activism. Engaging ………………………. A
………………………. ………………………. internet idiot may be great for the optics, but our outrage
should always be ………………………. long-term progress rather than ……………………….
………………………. perception.
Do this by being ………………………. to cheer and ………………………. to jeer; using our voices to
empower far more ………………………. disparage.
The argument that you need outrage-mongers ………………………. your feed in order
………………………. consume a balanced set of views is not a valid one, because social media, by
its ………………………. design, is not a reflection of the real world. So block, mute and unfollow.
………………………. ………………………. Because ………………………. refusing to breathe life
………………………. the very things we are intending to kill, we can force those peddlers of
discontent into redundancy and begin to dismantle the outrage industry.
• Ashley “Dotty” Charles is a rapper and broadcaster and the author of Outraged: Why
Everyone Is Shouting And No One Is Talking (Bloomsbury)
MORE (GENERAL VOCABULARY AND ONE PREPOSITION):flow /customize/ at hand /volunteer / practising
/ managing/ hoarding/ advance /thinktanks
Many of us would ………………………. our location data to medical researchers if it would help
public health officials make better decisions in ………………………. the coronavirus crisis – but
we can’t do that even if we want to. Instead, our location data goes to advertising firms to
………………………. the ads we see while we are ………………………. social distancing and shopping
Repairing the ………………………. of data within democracies should present people (prep)
………………………. new opportunities for civic engagement and civic expression. Charities and
other groups would have better information about public needs and aspirations. They could
produce more of the evidence they need to ………………………. their policy goals. Democracies
work when ………………………. , journalists and civil society groups can investigate and debate,
and people can decide, with evidence ………………………. ………………………. . At the moment,
technology firms are ………………………. the evidence.


Thème d’application:

1. J’ai 5 frères et sœurs, et mes parents en avaient 6 ! C’est de famille !

2. Les années 2010 ont vu apparaître des législations sur le mariage gay et les personnes
transgenre à travers le monde.
3. Il est de la responsabilité du législateur de tenir compte à la fois des partisans du choix
et de leurs opposants en matière d’avortement.
4. Les jeunes ont beau avoir des modèles parfaits dans leur entourage familial, la
pression sociale se heurte toujours à leur éducation.
5. Quand les enfants nés après 2010 atteindront la majorité, je me demande combien de
nouveaux métiers seront apparus.
6. L’enseignement professionnel aura sûrement un rôle essentiel à jouer.

7. Il y aura plus de personnes initiées à l’informatique, mais y aura-t-il plus de gens qui
s’y connaissent vraiment en matière de technologie ?
8. La société doit subvenir aux besoins des plus jeunes comme des plus âgés. Peut-on
envisager des dispositifs pour que les générations s’entre-aident ?
9. L’enseignement à distance risque de créer un fossé en termes de réussite scolaire.

10. L’absentéisme, l’indiscipline et le harcèlement y prendront des formes différentes.

Expanding: Place the words from the bank (links /grammatical structures/ collocations)

While … were / as key to / making … compulsory/ Rather than / tenement /Much like / identified /
while…ing/ were transformative/ would/ by …ing/ In addition to/

_____________________ what has happened in 2020, most U.S. schools closed during the 1918
influenza pandemic. School nurses _____________________ when they were first introduced in
1902. _____________________ simply send sick students home, where they
_____________________ miss school _____________________ receiv…. no treatment, nurses cared
for children’s illnesses and provided health information to their families.

In a version of the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child,” a study of schools in 43 US cities
during the 1918 pandemic _____________________ “planning that brings public health, education
officials, and political leaders together” _____________________ successful responses. In St. Louis,
_____________________ schools _____________________ closed, police cars became ambulances,
and teachers worked in health agencies. Reformers of the period, known as the Progressive Era,
believed that education of the schools is important, but life and health are more important.
_____________________ school nurses, they established school lunch programs, built playgrounds
and promoted outdoor education. They attacked societal barriers to child health and welfare
_____________________ enact…. child labor laws, _____________________ school attendance
_____________________ and improving the _____________________ housing where millions of
children lived.

Let’s stop talking about generation gap and explore inter-generational synergies
Instead of /to help them guide their growth /make …work/ the sharing economy /and/
would /should be age-blind/ didn’t trust/ figured out/ relentlessly/ By that time/ set upon
Creativity and entrepreneurship _____________________ as everyone has something to learn and
teach. You should try _____________________ learn more from older colleagues.
Chip Conley was 52 when he got a call from the founders of Airbnb _____________________
_____________________ from a high growth startup to a mature company.
_____________________, he hadn’t heard of_____________________, didn’t have Uber or Lyft
on his phone and had no idea what shipping a product meant. His past experience of building
boutique hotels was relevant, but it _____________________ be useless if the engineering team
_____________________ him. _____________________ judging them or doubting himself, he
_____________________ the task of building a shared language for the entire organization.
Together they _____________________ a way to _____________________ multi-generational
wisdom _____________________ , charted a common set of goals and pursued them
_____________________ . Under Conley’s mentorship, from 2013-17, Airbnb’s valuation increased
1,200% and it even managed to become profitable.
Instead of /with / mainstream / across / have proven that / as /up to /stood for / to/ B-to-B
(business to business)/ B-to-C (business to consumer)/ H-to-H (human-to-human)/
Leaders like Conley and Tasner _____________________ sharing economy is as much about
sharing wisdom across generations as it is about sharing resources. That’s why the concept of mutual
mentorship across generations strongly resonates _____________________ me. I believe that
everyone has something to learn and something to teach.
The term generation gap traces its origin _____________________ sociologist Karl Mannheim’s
theory of generations but it only became _____________________ in 1960s when the younger
generation (now called baby boomers) seemed to go against everything their parents
_____________________ in terms of music, politics, career choices and government views.
In the coming years _____________________ people live longer, retire later and change jobs more
frequently, we will witness _____________________ five generations work on the same team or in
the same office. Today, almost 40% of Americans have bosses younger than them. This trend is likely
to replicate itself in other countries. _____________________ swallowing this as a bitter pill, we
can go the Airbnb route and make generational diversity work for us.
Conley famously said that companies are not_____________________ or
_____________________ .They are _____________________. With the mainstreaming of
artificial intelligence, building scalable H2H businesses will need wisdom _____________________.


Thème d’application:
1. La prison à vie est-elle une peine aussi dissuasive que la peine de mort ?
2. La plupart des détenus souffrent de la surpopulation carcérale.
3. Ils n’ont pas toujours une réelle chance de se réhabiliter.
4. Même si une personne récidive, dans le cas de la petite criminalité, il faut avoir
systématiquement recours au bracelet électronique.
5. Selon le lieu et l’époque, les lois ne sont pas toujours sans discrimination raciale.
6. Ce gouvernement sévit sur la criminalité en lien avec le trafic de drogue mais aussi sur la
criminalité des cols blancs.
7. Les plus démunis ne sont pas souvent ceux qui descendent dans la rue pour demander la
réparation des injustices.
8. Il respecte les règles du jeu et n’a pas de casier judiciaire.
9. L’immigration de masse devrait faire l’objet de politiques migratoires concertées entre pays.
10. Les populations locales des pays d’accueil devraient être mieux informées sur la purification
ethnique et le trafic d’êtres humains pour ne pas systématiquement s’en prendre à des boucs

In the following lines, rephrase the underlined segment with alternative syntax

A movement, spurred by anger over the death of George Floyd, police brutality and widespread
concerns about systemic racism, is demanding that all jurisdictions spend less (for… to) on the police
especially now, when the challenges brought about by the pandemic make funding for public schools
more essential than ever.(passive voice)

Fill-in with relevant words from the word bank

By appropriating /over / Is/ has actually shrunk/ that/ albeit /since/ means of / deprived/ were seen
as/ formerly /pass/Juneteenth/

Underlying the recent unrest sweeping U.S. cities over police brutality ………………….. a fundamental
inequity in wealth, land and power …………………..has circumscribed black lives …………………..the end of
slavery in the U.S.

The “40 acres and a mule” promised to …………………..enslaved Africans never came to …………………...
There was no redistribution of land, no reparations for the wealth extracted from stolen land by stolen

June 19 is celebrated by black Americans as ………………….., marking the date in 1865 that former slaves
were informed of their freedom, …………………..two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Coming
this year at a time of protest …………………..the continued police killing of black people, it provides an
opportunity to look back at how black Americans were …………………..of land ownership and the
economic power that it brings. An expanded concept of the “black commons” – based on shared
economic, cultural and digital resources as well as land – could act as one ………………….. redress. The
proportion of the United States under black ownership …………………..………………….. over the last 100
years or so. Land ownership today could look very different. The idea of collective ownership has a
long history in the United States. Even during slavery, a piece of ground was granted by slave masters
for enslaved African subsistence farming. The Jamaican social theorist Sylvia Wynter called this land
“the plot.” The connection between food, land, power and cultural survival was subversive in its
nature. …………………..………………….. physical space to support collective growing practices within the
brutal constraints of slavery, black people also demonstrated the need for common, shared mental
space to enable their survival and resistance. Herbalism, medicine and midwifery, and other African
American healing practices …………………..………………….. acts of resistance that were “intimately tied to
religion and community,” according to historian Sharla M. Fett.

for wealth’s sake /community building /a blueprint for / has held back/ forging a cultural commons /
deeply embedded/ soul searching/

The disproportionate effects of the coronavirus pandemic and unrest over police brutality have
highlighted ……………………………………….. structural racism. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter and
the Movement for Black Lives are demonstrating a renewed vigor around collective action and
……………………………………….. how this can be achieved in a digital age. At the same time, black Americans
are also ……………………………………….. through events such as DJ D-Nice’s Club Quarantine – a hugely
popular online dance party. Club Quarantine’s success indicates the potential for using online
platforms to facilitate ……………………………………….. , pointing toward future economic cooperation. The
long history of racism in the United States ……………………………………….. black Americans for generations.
But the current ……………………………………….. over this legacy is also an unrivaled opportunity to look
again at the idea of collective black action and ownership, using it to create a community and
economy that goes beyond just ownership of land ……………………………………….. .

has proved / have undermined resolve /to put down/ seemingly poisoned /to shore up / to

Russia’s opposition leader is in a coma, …………………………………………… . Alexander Lukashenko, the

dictator who has ruled Belarus for the past quarter century, is trying …………………………………………… an
uprising that has come close …………………………………………… him. An admirer of Joseph Stalin, Mr
Lukashenko …………………………………………… a worthy disciple. Mr Lukashenko flew by helicopter to the
MZKT factory, hoping …………………………………………… his support. Arrests and threats to sack strikers
…………………………………………… .


Thème d’application:
1. L’économie à la tâche (ex. Deliveroo) semble avoir pris le dessus sur d’autres modèles
d’avenir comme l’économie du partage.
2. Avec la pandémie, beaucoup ont emprunté, ils devront beaucoup d’argent et leur entreprise
est lourdement endettée.
3. Si leur entreprise se révèle non rentable, ils ne pourront pas s’en acquitter.
4. Les barrières commerciales et les droits de douane devraient accompagner les subventions
gouvernementales dans le but de relocaliser.
5. Trop d’imports pourraient accentuer le ralentissement économique en Europe occidentale et
empêcher une reprise.
6. Dans certains secteurs, fabriquer localement impliquera de rattraper son retard
technologique et mettre en œuvre des concepts modernes.
7. Dans un climat de concurrence sauvage, la fiabilité sera la clé de la rentabilité.
8. Un meilleur traitement des données pourrait permettre de réaliser des gains de productivité.
9. Le recyclage de déchets électroniques pourrait même permettre une augmentation des
profits !
10. Des améliorations rapides sont nécessaires pour éviter la fermeture définitive à des
entreprises à cours d’argent.

Fill with reordered elements between brackets.

Technology startups ……………………. to go public ………………………………………………………. [the /are

/pandemic /amid/ outbreak /keen ]
Some clothes retailers ……………………….. to secure ……………………. loyalty while avoiding ………………….
of cotton…………………... [the hike /customer /hype recycling /prices]

Firms appear to do most of their ……………………………………… during slumps. Some areas then witness
……………………………… of joblessness at such times. They react over time, ans some attempt a move
from ………………………………….. to ……………………………… [the rustbelt / high rates / the brainbelt /job-
slashing ]

The U.S. Postal Service is ……………………………… of collapse and privatization. This comes after years of
federal political manoeuvring that has effectively …………………………….. revenues and staffing – issues
now amplified by new …………………. to overtime worker pay and slowed delivery. The post office is
what urban designers call a “……………………………………………………..” These are the shared civic
buildings, services and spaces accessible by all and benefiting all, and they also …………………………
public schools, libraries and parks. After the Great Depression, investing in the USPS was a key
element of the New Deal’s massive employment policy agenda and national civic building and arts
programs. Many smaller town post office branches ……………………….. as social hubs. Are those
ambitions already defeated, and have they turned into …………………. ideals? [include /depleted /
cuts /under threat/ eroded/ local public anchor institution/ double]

As the Postal Service…………………. – economically sabotaged and of being sold off – it’s ……………………
needed to preserve the durable, social, accessible, ……………………… and beautiful cities and towns that
citizens deserve. [sustainable / teeters/ all-the-more / on the brink]


Thème d’application:
1. Elle aimerait prendre l’ascenseur social, mais pas nécessairement au sein d’une entreprise
2. C’est un travail éreintant ; qui plus est, elle doit faire des heures supplémentaires non-
3. Je serais ravi de me soumettre à un code vestimentaire strict, pourvu que je sois employé à
mon niveau de compétences.
4. Elle s’en sortait à peine, mais elle a été embauchée après avoir adressé un CV anonyme.
5. A 35 ans, elle a réalisé que son expérience professionnelle n’était pas en adéquation avec sa
véritable vocation.
6. Elle avait toujours voulu un emploi à horaires de bureau et la semaine de 35 heures, mais
après un conflit social elle a été ravie de se mettre à son compte.
7. Il lui a fallu se reconvertir.
8. Elle subissait des discriminations liées à son sexe, mais elle s’est défendue pour faire tomber
les obstacles à la promotion des femmes dans son entreprise.
9. Elle n’a pris qu’une journée de repos et a repris le travail dès le lendemain.
10. Il a fait du bénévolat en vivant de son allocation chômage.

Fill with reordered elements between brackets

Remote work, also known as teleworking or WFH …………………………………………………… has proven a

decent alternative to the office daily commute. Some …………………………………………………. will not be
reversed. If remote working ……………………………………………………… , then the café staff, clerical and
janitorial staff, taxi drivers and cleaners who depend on their custom could find themselves
…………………………………………………………….. . [of the shift / out of work / (work from home)/ proves a
lasting shift]

The tech industry ……………………………………… on gender equality [far/ still/ is /-off]

Firms are attempting ………………………………….. .[the /weather/ crisis/ to]

The pandemic has sped the adoption of technology in………………………………………………………………… ,

with a rise in telemedicine and distance learning. [-intensive health sectors like labour education and

Fretting ………………………………………… in ……………………………….. is not entirely irrational, and the fear of

………………………………………………………………..has returned. But do not expect
………………………………………….. lay-offs just yet, ………………………………………. with humans altogether
and a new wave of ………………………………………………………… is no paramount threat. [dispensing /a
downturn / tech-induced / about robots / robots displacing workers / job-destroying automation]

……………………………………………………… of the capabilities of GPT-3—an AI-based language-processing

model developed by OpenAI, a research organisation—……………………………………………………….
[boggling /examples / Mind- ///// have/ internet /around /the/ zoomed]

……………………………………………………….. of investment in driverless vehicles, computers cannot ………….

pilot buses …………………. chaotic city streets. [through /yet ///// billions /dollars/ Despite/ of]

………………………………………………. deciding whether or not to make the needed investment

………………………………………………………………….. the large reservoir of underemployed labour, willing to
work for low pay. Although automating tasks in…………………………………………….. , such as
slaughterhouses, is reportedly on the rise, in America slaughterhouses—which often hire from a
big……………………………………………………………… , many of them………………………………………………………… —
are far less automated today than in parts of northern Europe, for example. [pool of low-wage
workers / high-risk environments / could be swayed by / Would-be automators / undocumented

There is one scenario where covid-19 could…………………………………………………….. —if labour costs

start………………………………………… upwards, perhaps as ………………………………………………… break down,
or minimum wages rise. The ……………………………………………………………………… could lead to pressure to
replace cheap foreign labour with robots at home. [global supply chains/ reshoring of manufacturing
jobs / unleash the robots/ to drift]

The economic devastation ……………………………………………… by the pandemic lends them momentum;

like past crises, it could ……………………………………………….. for a new social contract. If post-pandemic
policy were to enable workers to enjoy more security on fewer hours worked, firms might then face
some genuine………………………………………………. . And that would really work ……………………
…………………………………… for disruption. [lay the groundwork / labour scarcity / wrought / up an


Thème d’application:
1. L’épidémie de Covid-19 a déjà fait de nombreuses victimes dans la population mondiale.
2. Les Britanniques sont très attachés à leur Sécurité Sociale.
3. J’ai attrapé la grippe!
4. Il s’est bien rétabli sans avoir besoin d’aller à l’hôpital.
5. Les OGM permettent d’élaborer des plantes qui résistent aux maladies et dont les
rendements sont accrus.
6. L’industrie agro-alimentaire est au cœur de la solution à la crise climatique.
7. Les techniques de fécondation permettent désormais de faire des bébés sur mesure et posent
de toutes nouvelles questions éthiques.
8. Il était devenu abstinent mais il a malheureusement replongé.
9. Il est loin d’être facile pour un pays et son corps médical d’autoriser le suicide assisté ou de
pratiquer l'euthanasie.
10. Il s’est blessé simplement en tombant par terre.

Fill with reordered elements between brackets

Viruses kill more living things …………………………………….. predator [type/ than/ other/ any /of]

They……………………………………….. , driving natural selection and allowing ………………………………………….

[evolution/ spur/ constantly ///////////// swapping /the/ genes/ of]

The previous pandemics to which people often compare COVID-19 – the influenza pandemic of 1918,
the Black Death bubonic plague (1342-1353), the Justinian plague (541-542) –………………
………………………….. that long ago ……………………………………. The Black Death was indiscriminate; 14th-
century burial pits contain the …………………………………………………….. found in cemeteries we know
were not for Black Death victims. In contrast, the 1918 flu pandemic was unusual in that
……………………………………………………… with the most robust immune systems, that is, healthy young
adults. [it hit hardest those / typical age distributions/to archaeologists /don’t seem]

COVID-19 today is also leaving a recognizable profile of …………………………………………………. from the

disease, targeting older and vulnerable people and particular ethnic groups. the English village of
Eyam made a self-sacrificing decision to isolate itself ………………………………………………………….. of a
plague from London in 1665. In other eras, people with tuberculosis ………………………………….. in
sanatoria, people with leprosy ………………………………………. to specialized hospitals or segregated on
islands or into remote areas, and ……………………………………… fled cities when plagues came. [urban
dwellers / to prevent further spread / were placed /those most likely to die / were admitted ]

The use of ………………………………………………… as weapons of war is of dubious utility, completely illegal

and ………………………………………………. almost all [to/ pathogens/ engineered /repugnant]


Thème d’application:
1. Les énergies renouvelables sont pour certaines inépuisables.
2. Des mesures d’économie d’énergie permettront d’éviter les pénuries, et les compagnies
aériennes à bas coût sont une catastrophe dans cette perspective.
3. La pile à combustible est une des pistes étudiées par les fabricants de voitures.
4. L’exploitation des gaz de schistes par fracturation hydraulique provoque la pollution des
nappes phréatiques. Le jeu n’en vaut pas la chandelle.
5. La part du pétrole dans le mix énergétique doit réduire avant l’épuisement des ressources.
6. Le nucléaire semble pouvoir être une solution d’attente avant de passer à une production
complètement assurée par l’énergie éolienne, l’énergie solaire et l’énergie hydroélectrique.
7. On ne pourra pas fermer toutes les centrales d’un seul coup, cette sortie du nucléaire se fera
8. Pour réduire la pollution en ville, de nombreuses villes après Londres ont adopté un péage
urbain en désignant des zones à faible émission.
9. Les réseaux vétustes et les wagons bondés dissuadent de nombreux employés de faire le
trajet quotidien en métro.
10. Les files réservées au covoiturage ont permis aux usagers de grandes villes américaines d’être
récompensés de leurs efforts en limitant leurs retards.

Expanding: Place the words from the bank in the text. (make up compounds, prepositional
verbs and pick the right substantive).
word bank: Lineside out supply power powered onto out owned carriages run scale fuel powered

Solar- trains could make rail transport greener. The government-

operator of railway infrastructure in Britain is experimenting on a site to electricity
generated sunlight directly to a railway line, thus powering the trains more efficiently
than by plugging into the grid. The plan now is to up the idea and roll it
elsewhere. Solar arrays typically put DC current at 600-800 volts, which reduces the
complexity and cost of connecting them to the railway line. solar electricity will be
cheaper than that from the grid, Mr Kistruck calculates. Overall, he reckons, 10% of the southern
region’s needs might be met this way.

Indian Railways has been fitting solar panels the roofs of some train . They
are still pulled by dirty diesel- locomotives, but the panels the lights, fans and
information displays, which saves some .


Thème d’application:
1. Elon Musk et Jeff Bezos ont bien l’intention de changer la donne de la conquête spatiale.
2. L’ISS est d’abord un laboratoire où sont menées des expériences, à la fois par les spationautes
et sur eux.

3. Cela fait d’eux tout à la fois des chimistes, des physiciens, des biologistes et des cobayes.

4. Durant de longues années, les budgets des missions spatiales et les subventions sont restées
relativement basses, mais ces dernières années les financements et les subventions explosent.

5. Tous les projets ne sont pas des missions habitées, loin de là. Il y a en réalité toujours plus de
sondes et de robots explorateurs téléguidés en activité.
6. Tandis que certains y voient un domaine de recherche inépuisable, d’autres y voient une
façon de faire progresser l’humanité et de découvrir de nouveaux horizons.

7. Il ne faut pas oublier que la recherche spatiale stimule les avancées technologiques qui
contribuent à notre vie quotidienne.

8. La NASA entretient des partenariats avec de nombreux acteurs industriels privés.

9. Ses recherches ont conduit à de nombreux produis et services qui voient bien au-delà de
l’exploration spatiale.

10. En revanche, il ne s’agit pas que de voyages interplanétaires : il existe l’orbite cimetière une
zone trop encombrée, où des collisions de débris qui tournent autour de la Terre menacent en

Expanding: Place the words from the bank in the text. (make up compounds, prepositional
verbs and pick the right substantive).
word bank: a binding treaty /greater/ proving /heeded /likelihood /more /
hashing /brewing / including /weapons /their buy-in /requires / in
complying/ thorny /blow /attack / swathes / grapple with / if only to / are
being / nuke each other’s / cascade / from / so / unusable

Satellite warfare: an arms race is in orbit. Anti-satellite are not new. During
the cold war, America and the Soviet Union developed several ways to jam, disable, up,
ram, dazzle and even civilian and military satellites alike. New methods of
attack tested, lasers and cyber-attacks. Diplomats and lawyers
must several issues that make space war different the terrestrial sort.
Even out peace-time rules is difficult for UN experts.

The debris, the the of accidental collisions with other satellites,

which generates more debris in turn in a effect scenario. Enough debris could lead to
a chain reaction known as Kessler syndrome, which could render entire of near-Earth
space for decades.

The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 states to consult each other on actions that “would
cause potentially harmful interference”, though the rule has rarely been .

Big countries are genuinely interested with international law in war,

deprive their rivals of an excuse to break the rules. Many non-Western
countries would prefer : though most are not space powers, many are likely
to become ____________________ in the future, so is important.


1. En 1960, nous étions loin de nous douter que la diminution de la couche d’ozone et le
réchauffement climatique allaient devenir des questions majeures.
2. Ceux qui remettent en cause le changement climatique ont parfois du mal à comprendre
l’intensité réelle de l’effet de serre.
3. Même si l’érosion des sols et les pluies acides sont également des dégâts constatés à l’échelle
mondiale, les politiques locales sont une partie de la solution.
4. Espérons que la compensation des émissions de CO2 et la taxe carbone suffiront à inverser la
tendance actuelle dans un premier temps.
5. Je lui parle des polluants dans la nappe phréatique, mais il me répond d’arrêter de me
plaindre !
6. Les ressources sont épuisées, mais lui aussi apparemment…
7. J’ai envie de m’engager dans une ONG qui lutte contre la déforestation et la disparition des
habitats naturels.
8. Elle a fini par le convaincre qu’il ne faut pas seulement se préoccuper des déchets industriels
mais aussi des déchets ménagers.
9. La part de la population mondiale en situation de pénurie alimentaire avait diminué en
nombre durant les dernières décennies, mais la crise actuelle va sans doute mettre un coup
d’arrêt à ces progrès.
10. Il existe déjà bien des risques naturels, et les tremblements de terre, pour n’en citer qu’un,
peuvent avoir un effet domino sur des installations à risque.

Translate the following -adapted from somewhat negative comments published online:

Green policies.

THE GREEN NEW DEAL is an idea the UN called for as early as 2008 and has caught on in the US as a
slogan, but not yet as a policy. It is rather a catch-all for progressive hopes and dreams. The idea is
understood to imply not only tackling climate change, but also addressing health care, universal basic
income and securing/resourcing jobs in the meantime. It is geared towards curbing the excesses of
late capitalism and was therefore at the core of the Democratic primary. At times the seemingly
futuristic proposal sounds a bit Jeffersonian. The authors support “low-tech” carbon capture and
storage for example—ie, planting trees—rather than developing more efficient technology. Pollution
from agriculture would be eliminated by supporting family farming. Never mind that planting enough
trees to make a globally significant dent in atmospheric carbon would require reforesting all 50
states, or that family farms are more resource-intensive than industrial operations. Insisting on
decarbonisation within a decade—with renewable capacity still limited—would push up electricity
costs rapidly. Most of the plan is but a skeletal sketch/ a white paper. The politics of the Green New
Deal might backfire for Democrats. Republican strategists have stymied progress on climate change
by caricaturing Democratic ideas as pie-in-the-sky efforts that would result in massive tax increases.

Businesses making a case for going green: Resources can stretch only so far. Fans of the “circular
economy” want growth decoupled from the ever more voracious consumption of resources. They
want waste to be turned into wealth. Efficiency is key. Cars sit unused for 90% of their lives. The idea
of leasing products to customers, rather than selling them, drives efficiency (as the car-sharing apps

Greenwashing: when applied to the middle-of-the-road consumer, sustainability may be turned into
million-dollar businesses.

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