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Apetl) Adal iasall Ayala) Ay sean République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire Ministére de I’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique Direction de la Coopération et des Echanges Universitaires ABE... /D.C.E.U/S.D.M.E.P/2022 Alger, le 01 SE. A Messieurs Les Présidents des Conférences Régionales des Universités (Est-Centre-Ouest) Objet : Offre d’un programme d’études-inde. P.J: Brochure du programme (04). J’ai /honneur de vous informer que !’Ambassade de I’inde & Alger, nous @ fait part de 'ouverture d’un programme d’études en ligne d’une durée d'une année, via la plateforme informatique MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), offert par l'Institut National indien de Gestion de la Vulgarisation Agricole (MANAGE), situé a Hyderabad en Inde. Les conditions et modalités d’inscription ce programme d'études, qui sera couronné par un «Dipléme d'études supérieures en gestion de la vulgarisation Agricole (PGDAEM-MOOC) », sont détaillées dans la brochure ci- jointe. Je vous saurais gré des dispositions que vous voudriez bien prendre en vue d’en assurer une large diffusion auprés des établissements universitaires Online Programme So Om ; Post Graduate Diploma in J Extension Management EM-MOOCs) Batch) ANTRODUCTION National Institute of ‘Agricultural Extensio Managenterit, estabtished fn. 7957 ts an apex tevel autonomous institute ander “and Farmers Welfare, Agricuttiiré: _ india MANAGE fe invohed seorientation an eatenision syste _ way janaging whe professional. guidance the Ministry. of Government of or evohina ettective lon system throngh: “and training of criffeal: pranpower. MANAGE offers its services in Trainings ‘Management Edi iii ‘Online Post Graduate Extenstont Management Diptoma. ‘tn Ageicultaral (PaDAEMMOOCS): tion, Informat "Details B 3s To equip the “candidates. with the latest developments in the field of agricaltiral extension “To develop an insight inte various extension models to entich the agri. ~ value chale of CUES. Structire and Contents: The programme has 30 credits and will bo offered * jn two semesters across one-year, Each semester fas 15 ctedits. hours of study. The courses jn first and four in ‘one assignment for : Sill be a project Work ih the second semester. 4t is mandatory to complete all the nine courses + fine assignnients + project work during the study: “period, (n order fo qualify certificate. ‘extonsioi/deveinps Bagi he empowered through “capactry building to, finprave the effectivenes: ‘ih tte extensto ipaio2 system, 5 MANAGE Post Graduate. Diptoms “in Agricultura “Extension Management (PGDAEMY ‘was launched in 2007, currently fifteenth attt fs jo -distanice mods tor thet ae pverwtelming fesponse front “ye PGDAEM (distance education) fas recelved at pablic and private Sectors both-In order fo increase the outreach and. ‘cover, largs number of fanididates, MANA has faunched an alternate PGDAEMMOOCs prog: Post Graduate. Diploma in 1 Agricultura’ Extension Management (PGDAEW-MDOCS) using Massive Oper ‘Oniine Courses. (MOOCS),: ce the techno-mena c See ee. in tha Held of agricaitucal- mm online elearning serial competence AES208 AEM 205. ‘One credit fs equivalent to 30 programme will have five second semesters, with ‘each course. In addition, there for the award of the ‘Course Offer Semester ! tatraduetion to Agricultural, Extension Facilitation for Development (Beredits) {2eredits} Communication for Developme (4 credits) Gender Mainswresmingfor “ Agricultural Development ‘Beredits) Leadership and Management ‘Suits Semester fl. Beredits} Rural Sociology {a-credits} farm Business Management (credits) Planning for Agricultural ‘Management Prete! Extension for Sustainable oa Apicultural Development 8) Project Work (eredits) ye candidates can go through The course-wise atudy matorial, video tectures and quizzes, uatlable online for self-learning. The candidates: ‘Novernber x Nooveniberto September ‘Howto Apel [1* Semested MayboSent Perec] nian mse) ~ Bontact Oetats Dr Veenita Kumari rector and Prinoipal Coordinator (PGDAEM) Pete wa et RS TUS al gee o © Project Work: The: candidate: must possess: Bachelor's Project work (AEM. 205) is miandatory for degree in Agriculture or Ailled subjects { GR). conipteting the course, The project work sarries Cocualar's degree inary ulscdpling. 7 ,(/ 80 Marks. ond the, carne has to secure a

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