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LYCEE DIDEROT l61 RUE DAVID DANGERS 75019 PARIS Telephone: 01 40 40 36 12 Date 06/10/23 Engagement juridique n* AP - 157 / 05102W BON DE COMMANDE N° AP - 157 Références Fournisseur Fax 01 40 40 36 01 [Email - int0750712S@ec paris capi oaaaGuPadL N° SIRET: 197 507 122 00038 via derma 26 N° Client 20162 MILANO (ITALIE) oe fbenamar@eadlo com Fournitues ou prestations Unit Votreretrence | Quantté | Pric unitate] TVA.) Observations loevis 2308-199894u 200878 too] serz00] ol Toute, 1 e200] Livraison : 41 rue David D'Angers 75019 PROV|SEURE xTHALIE BUPA Une acu comport des codes fous ot re acconpannée dune ste donnantiaspicton des codes. Lo tau, fassite te montnt da T.VA. dion re pri N.B.: Ne serontreconnues quelesprstations exéoutes ou les foumituresivrées 8 pert dece bon de commande diment sign numéro Une face tals manuolement dct te ant en toute tos ot sgrdo Face &daposersu Chows Pro: hsithows gro gout Vos cooenndesbonsites ‘CADLOG GROUP SRL BIC. Berita LBAN. IT19 030 6912 9981 0900 o062 891 euler un elev ier bance FI). Fac te /ACADLOG CN Gere (ESR eee CCAS sere ATrattention de Farid HAMRANI LYCEE TECHINIQUE DIDEROT 61, rue David D'Angers 75019 PARIS France BAN: FR75 3000 4009 5400 010215148 092 Se Devis N° 2309-19459 du 27/09/2023 LOCATION : Renouvellement du contrat HEP Période du 14/11/2023 au 13/11/2024 pa Cec Ganscucl Hep Spt 2021-Design Voriieation and SW FL | sus ‘Annual leenses for Educational Institutes 1560,00€ 1560,00€ Total HT 1560,00 € va 20% Merci de nous préciser lors de votre commande si un changement devait étre apporté sur cette configuration. Validité de Voffre : Le présent devis est valide 30 jours, Au-dela de cette date, veuillez contacter notre service commercial afin dele mettre & jour. CADLOG se réservelle droit d'accepter ou de refuser un devis expire. Conditions de paiement: virement 2 30 jours nets. Compte Bancaire Cadlog SAS ~ 13 1u0 Requebiliére- 06150 CANNES LABOCCA Tel 33 486.87 02 19~ SIREN 624 587075 - TVA inva-cormmunaulare FR 16824587 676 - Capital sacat 10000 € Page 1 d02 /\CADLOG Protection logiciel Maintenance et Support: Généraltes: Logiciels & Licence: Réserve de propriété Les LOCATIONS sont protégées par une licence utilisant l'adresse physique d'une machine. La maintenance et le support sont compris pendant toute la durée de location, La maintenance comprend les mises jour logiciels mineures et majeures ainsl que le support technique aux heures d’ouverture de la société CADLOG de 09h00 & 18h00 hors jours fériés. Toute commande implique''adhésion sans réserve aux présentes conditions générales quirégissent seules nos "ventes" et prestations, exclusion expresse des conditions générales d/achat du Client ou de tout autre document émanant de Il Toute commande pourra étre adressée parle Client 8 notre Société par courrier, télécople ou courriel, Toutefois, pour étre vaide et prendre effet toute commande recue par notre Société devra faire Fobjet d'une confirmation écrite sous ls formedun accuse de réception de commande. Le Client doit s'assurer que tout Logiciel qu'il commande correspond bien & ses besoins et quill est compatible avec ses systémes existants (logiciel, matériel et systéme d exploitation} Les logiciels fonctionnant sous systéme d’exploitation Windows. Tout Logiciel est concédé en licence au Client conformément aux termes et conditions des contrats de licence applicables accompagnant le Logiciel Notre Société ne pourra étre tenue pour responsable envers le Client des pertes et dommages, directs ou indirects, consécutifs ou non, qul seralent dus & un mauvals fonctionnement du produit, ‘Nous nous réservons la propriété des produits vendus jusqu’au paiement de intégralité du prixet de ses accessoires, Cepandant les risques afférents aux prodults sont transférés au Client dés la livraison. Il importe en conséquence au Client de souscrre et de maint dlassurance adéquate, en vigueur une police Signature pour commande ~Devis 2309-19459 du 27/09/2023 ~ 1 560,00 €HT Pour LYCEE TECHNIQUE DIDEROT Vauillez indiquer votre PrénomnyN Cadlog SAS. 13 ua Roquetiliére - 06150 CANNES LABOCCA Tel 33 4 88.7 02 13 SIREN 834 587075 - TWA nls-commanaulavro FR 16624389 975 - Capital sos 10000 € /\CADLOG {w he exchiswelursicuon of Porand, Oragon when the aws of Oregon apply, or Obl, sland when th laws efvland apey. Notwithstanding the foregoing a dipvtesn Al, except orfapan ash out rn elon tos Agremenhall be resaved by abivaton in Singapore Deore ‘singe arbivaer tobe appointed by the Chatman f the Singapore InternatonalArbiaton Centre |'IAC) toe conducted inthe Engin nguage, inaccordance wih the Arlaton Rules ofthe SIAC Inelfect tthe tne ofthe dispute, wich ules ate deemed tbe acrporatedby referencein this Seton 7. Tisecton shall ates etDstibutor'srghto bring an action against youintheuriscon where your place of business located, ‘he United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods does ot spp ts Agreeme ACCEPTED AND AGREED fd User istbutor wwe HAMAANT & [emoe stern: deur. Hever Fani@ dl ely gonm C : By: (Ruthorzed Represents] yale WLASMIAK me: CAD Nenaoer ma oa O6/ Ao it, ute: saptamber 28-2023 Senauce and compary stp Slenatre end comoony sane 6150 CANES onal Ofc Maneger as. igpilioro Cadiog SAS. ~ 13 ue Roques 06150 CANNES LA BOCCA Tel-138 4.8687 02 13 ~SIREN 824 $87 075 - TVAintea-conmmunautalte FR 16 624 587 075 - Capital soil 10.000 € Iinfo@cadlog.e- wwrw.cadlogcom /\CADLOG Distributor grants permission to yout use Softare on Designated Systems nan ection classroom osborlory envtonment aan authored fe unere facut and sets may hove acess toad ute of Sofware, You shal complete, wponcequet an aanl revi tht provies course Information = number, ite, desertion, numberof students enled aod Software used. You shal not remove Softwar fram the Doignated Stans) or any restanuthouk Dribtor' price wren coment. You shall ok permit utr stdent oYermowe Soltace er dacunantation fromthe easrcom,aberstry a dedgste yey Sitom Adnan 41¥0u sha appen wo quae fulltime sta menbarsoremployeascs the designated system Aintaor ad erate System Adria, (nly he designated sjsem Adrusitatar and Alternat System Admnistatoe ae uthoraedto cont Diibuter for support sevice andsstoms management supportf support services have been purchase for Software 442 bitibutor system management snd baie pode snng clases ae sulle to tao stall membersatnacharge ana spaceaalable bass You are report fora transportation cose ad all thor expancrsetcated ith he lag elses. You aknowadge that sch dses are Ipartant tothe proper understandings ute of Software and that you fare to request members te take the cases may aiverseyatect your vol Softee (sisusor. ‘Tote extentyou purchase support series fr Soltuare, he along ters ape 5.1 Upon Distributors arcepance of your order or uppart serves, you wil receive one copy regal Scheduledsoftare releases as aval andone soto uie manual update tothe extontsuchrolasesand uptes aly to Software covered by his Agreement The telesesznd Upsates {re tobe distributed only by your designatedstem Aamlnstator at alternate System Admins. 52 Dirbutor’s software supportoblgaton wl apply onl to the latest sftiare release and, at Ostrbutr's option for certain Sofware, the one pric release. Datibuter deat at suppert hed party operating stem sftaare, You may berequvedto upgrade such sftware order to use a ew relate of Softeare. You wl be responsible forthe suppor of al raver and for keeping the desgnated stems) and operating system one wath Softare releases (Giana, Softwar is subject 0 regubtion by loa avs and United States government agence, whieh probit export or diversion of certain provues, lnfocnaton about the poset sho direct producto the produits fo eran counienrand eran persons. Yeu spree tat youwl mat exgart any Sofware deeet praductof Sofware In any manner without fest obtaining at necesary spel trom spprgeate lec srl United Sates ceovernment agence. ‘Mises ets Hole, Sofware was daelopec entirely at private expanse an is commer computer softare proved wth RESTRICTED RIGHTS, Use, duleaton or ‘iclosute by he US. Goverrent of 2 US. Government subeotaetor i subject othe rostletens set frth inthis Agreement pr svat to OFARS 227,7202-33}0¢ 9 et forth in evopaagraps (c) a 2) othe Cemsmerll Comper Sasre - Restlted Mghis cause FAR 5222719, 35 plicable. Conractor/nanulacurer ls Mento Grapes Corporation, 6005 SW Goeckman Rad Wikenvle, Oregon 97070-7777 USA (auitiea Panvsenatcae, For any Seftware under this Agreomentcensedby esoe Graphics from Microstar other Menor, terest the aopcable censors aie arty Benefit of hs Areement th the riht enforce the oblate se forth inthis Aer (21controling Law, jnsiecion and saute solution, ‘his Agreement shal be governed by and consrved under the li of the Sate of Oregon, US, you ae focaelin Noth or South America, and teams of andi youare cated cuts orth and south nei ll spate arsingovtoforn elton ths Agreementshalbe submitted Cadlog SAS, ~15 rue Roquebiliéve -05150 CANNES LA BOCCA “Tel 4334 8687 02 33 ~ SIREN 824 S87 O75 - TVA intra-communauitace FR16 24 S87 075. -Capitl socal 10 000 € info@eadlogtr- wuwcadlog.com /A\CADLOG 8 Gant of cess 1.1 The solvate progeams yous, download, or otherwise argue under ths Agreement, ining any updates, wadikatons, revsons, copes, documentation and exgn data Sofware’) sre copyighte, wade rseret and confident infrmaton of Mentor Graphs ors leersos iho tmalain exclusive ttle oa Sofware and retain al ghs not expres ranted by this Agreement. Dstribter grants o you subject opsyment of neroprite lense fees anotrnsferabe,nanencstue lzendeto se Softresoer(o) machine reodabl, cect code form; (bt as YOu Inthe irsvucon of you stadeats and in approved academe research in the automated design of electronic eu ard oysters a5 described in Seti 3} or eter and (onthe computer hardware andat testes spectedbyDstibr. You shallot ue Software for any commercs) ‘wrpores, Inciting produc development. You shall nat use Saar for he purposss af beocharking ether Mentor Grapes tedoley ot {atlware performance, You sal nol useSftware or he purpose of prowdngcomparatve reporsonthe performance of Software api sofware developedby Mentor Grapher compettors. Yu sgeeto se lasting Softate onl within sing st. You otenot ented toreclptor weet the sourcecode for any Softvare unless separately agreed to ina sled souee code Icense agreement. Notwithstanding the above ny thied party roftroceinluing open soure solvate, shal be lensed and provid solely under the teres of ho appropiste thd party Heese sgreemant ‘whichis included or embedded with sich hid party software 1.2 The termat anylcene ranted under this Agreement and support service ollere halle defined in the order with Dstbuoe. 1.3 subjecto the terms of ths Aveerentand to any appabl US. or foreign ows and reglatons, oushall hve the rgh tn ations! chase of fe,to have the software temporary used by you oculty ard studons fr telecommuting purposes via remot acces rom ection ther than ‘urate, uch athe indvisresence an spot ar hotel, provided tht suhindduls primary lace femoloye oto altendace ihe ste whore the Sofware euheried fr ute. Suchremoteaccetshal remain ted othe edvestonalur sectdin te hgreemant and School ss be respon for roving he infestruclre tnd network acces. itioutor shall ot be respons for problems xeoclated with ihe Software accessed through the eenate acess machanom or infarcts 1.4 You may choote to relerence Mentor Graphic’ Software In technical als andeferredeaperar pat of udent' as work, roe work ‘or academic resewch. You shall sek pio wien person from Mentor Grephies before referencing Mentor Graphls’ products in academic publeatiens. Such persion shall rt ba unreasonslywahheld provided tat the pubetien correctly referencesMentor Graphic’ products and traderar, and he publication doesnot publah benchmarks o compusons of Mentor Grapher technology or alrite, (aypsteltions an Uses You may copy Software only a8 censonbly necessary spport he authored use. Each copy mu nude ll obec od epends embed in Sofwere an leds mecior and container os ecehed rom Ditbuor. Alopls shal rene proper We! Menor Grophisor ks eens ‘ou shall maiainorecordol he urbe ad primary lean ofa epias of fotvare,nllngcapies argcd with eter sofware, nd shall mks those recordsevaable to Dtibutor upon request. You shall not make Software avaeble many form to any parson other han fcly or tudes lahore performance ian academe Insrtonlereironment requvessuch aces and who ste under oblgatons ol onderaly. You shal tke pproprite econ fo protect the confidently of Software ad enaue that any porton permite aces fo Stare dacs atdadore tor ure ‘swceptsepormtas by tie Agreement. Lops, dla fee, rule ar seri as generated yo fe the Software [collect Fle" enatute and/or include content information of Mertor Grahls. You ay share Flesvith third partes exludngentr Graphics competitors provided ‘hot the eonicenty of such ies protected by willen agreement atleast 21 well es you protec lhe nfrmaton of a Sinan wate or Inportanes, but la any ease wth at least reaenabe care. standard Veriton Rul Forms (SV) and Tel Verfeton Format (VE) mean [Mentor Graphics proprietary stares forespresngpoceet lat. Schoo! may ue files eonlainng SURF ot TVF any with Manor Graphic products, Under no ckeumstances hal ou ute Sofvare or low it ue forthe purpose al developing, enhancing or arlting ay product tat i any way carp ete wih Softare, ot ‘clone to ay Bes party the est of or Information pertning to, ary benehmst. You shal no pera facly ors dot a revere stem Taverse-cmpl reverse engineer rin sy way derive sourcecode rom Software. You may wi sibicens, sgn or oer wie instr Sotvae, {hie kgreement ore ihe and dutorunderi,whather by operation oll orothervite'Aterpted Tranear' aiheutDistbatars ror riten onsen. Any Atempted Transfer without Orouior’s prior rion consent al be 3 atari bresehof this Agreement nd may, st Osebuto’ topton, rel inthe medlste termination ofthe Apreemant nd eenses rantedunder Ins hyeerent ‘The terms of ths Apeementneuding without inka, the Kensing and asigmontprovons shal be binding upon youre, succssosin Interest and sons The provons ofthis Sorin shall sre the teriaalinn of is Agreement. Cadi SAS. ~ 13 rue Roquabilére - C6150 CANNES LABOCCA “el $38.4 8687 02 13 ~ SIREN 824587 075 - TVA inra-communatare FR 15 824 $87 075 - Capital sodal 10000 € info@cadlog fr - waws.cadlog.com

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