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ae Roubeuchinet & OBramay Breton ‘ . COURS D’ANGLAIS POUR TOUTES LES OPTIONS CONFONDUES b- The different tenses used in English Grammar, es différents temps utilisés d eae ‘There are altogether twelve (12) Tenge ee Seana ctuslutse, > Hens 1é 4 Grams Aegis) iglish Grammar, (II y a douze (12) temps dan: @)- three Simple tenses. b)= three perfect tenses. ¢)- three continuous tenses. d)- three perfect continuous tenses, ‘THE SUMMARY OF EACH TENSE (1 résumé ATE SRP TENS (le résumé de chaque temps), 1- The Simple Present : Il exprime des actions quotid ‘ actions quotidiennes, ce f FORMES: SUBJECT + VERty Conger aga 8 ons on les jours Exg : To Go (Fanta goes to school everyday = Fanta va al'école chaque jour). N.B: A la 3° personne du singulier (He, She et I), les verbes prennent soient ($) ou (ES). Voir tableau ci-dessous, ES (verbes terminés Examples 3 1 par: Ch (10 catch) He catches = Tl atrappe Tous les autres verbes qui Sh (to wash) She washes = Elle lave n’ont pas ces 0 (io g0) She goes to schoo! va Pécole terminaisons prennent le S (to press, to kiss) | It presses = Il appuie (S) ala 3° personne du j X (to mix, to fix) | She mixes = Elle mélange | singulier. Les verbes se terminant par Y, changent le ¥ en 1+ ES devant une consonne et prennent § devant une voyelle. To fly (He flies) ; to play (She plays). ras | 2. The Simple Past : Il exprime des actions passées 4 une période bien déterminge au passé FORMES : SUBJECT + PAST OF THE VERB + COMPLEMENT. To Come (they came = Ils/Elles sont venus). To take (1 took = j’ai pris) 3: The Simple Future : I! exprime des actions. des faits et des états dans le Futur FORMES : SUBJECT + WILL/SHALL + VERB + COMPLEMENT. Exg : To see (You will see her = Tu la verras), To buy (we Shall buy = Nous achéterons) b)- THE PERFECT TENSES 1- The present perfect tense : correspond au passé composé du francais mais exprime des actions nnon déterminées dans le temps. Evitez de luiliser avec des expressions comme : yesterday, last night, two days ago, last Friday FORMES : SUBJECT + HAVE/HAS + (PAST PARTICIPLE) VERB + COMPL. xg: To eat (I have eaten = J’ai mangé) : To speak (She has spoken = Elle a parlé). To yo (He has Lest alle). 2- The past perfect tense » correspond a ait du frangais. FORME : SUBJECT + HAD + (PAST PARTICIPLE) VERB + COMPLEMENT. plus-que- rite (I had written = J'avais écrit) : To take (She had taken = Elle avait pris) feet tense : Corresponc! au futur gntérieur du fran FORME : SUBJECT + WILL/SHALL + HAVE + (PAST PARTI) VERB + ( jg: To finish (1 will have finished = J’aurai fini), To say (She will have said = aural dit Boubuchina & Bameaty Rrestation THE CONTINUOUS TENSES ‘ 4 The present continuous tense : Exprime des actions en cours de réalisation. (C'est la forme de | «je suis entrain de... » FORME : SUBJECT + AM/IS/ARE + VERB + ING + COMPLEMENT. | E.g : To write (am writing a letter) = Je suis entrain d’écrire une lettre ou j’éeris une lettre, | 2: The past continuous tense ; ENT. / FORME : SUBJECT + WAS/WERE + VERB + ING + COMPLEMENT. E.g: To play (He was playing) = [I était entrain de jouer ou I] jouait. 3: The future continuous tense: E FORME : SUBJECT + WILL/SHALL + BE + VERB + ING + COMPLEMENT. E.g : To play (She will be playing = Elle sera entrain de jouer ; d- THE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSES : : ; 1=The present perfect continuous tense : Exprime des actions qui ont commence dans le passé et qui continuent dans le present et méme dans le futur. i FORME : SUBJECT + HAVE + BEEN + VERB + ING + CO EE E.g:: To live (I have been living in Conakry since 2000) = (J’habite Conakry depu e 2: The past Perfect continuous tense : Nik FORME : SUBJECT + HAD + BEEN + VERB + ING + COMPLEMENT. E.g : To learn (She had been learning English since 1996), 3. The future perfect continuous tense : ic future perfect continuous tense: a FORME : SUBJECT + WILL/SHALL + HAVE + BEEN + VERB + ING + C E.g : To look (They will have been looking for the job for 3 years), RAPPEL SUR LES PRONOMS : Adjectifs possessifs Pronoms personnels Pronoms personnels compl. | Anglais | Francais sujet Anglais | Frangais MY Mon ina nis Anglais | Frangais ME MOI, YOUR _| Ton, ta, tes I JE YOU TOI; TE (Is Son, sa, ses. YOU TU, VOUS HIM__|LE; CUI; | HER Son, sa; 568 HE IL [HER LA; LUI ITS | Son, sa, ses SHE ELLE I f su OUR Noire ; nos IT IL/ELLE US NOUS: YOUR I Votre, vos WE NOUS THEM | LES ; LEUR [THEIR | Leur, lews 2] THEY ILS/ELLES - Pronoms possessifs __LES ARTICLES _ Anglais Frangais zi Indéfinis Définis MINE __| Lemien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes Anglais [trangats | anglais | Trangaa YOURS _| Le tien ; la tiene ; les tiens, les tienes ra Un, une] THE tLe: HIS Le sien ; la sienne ; les sieis, les siennes ia HERS | Le sien ; la sienne ; les siens ; les siennes fies ITS Le sien ; la sienne ; les siens ; les siennes AN__[Un, une OURS Le nétre ; la nétre ; les ndtres. YOURS _| Le votre, la votre. les votres, THEIRS [ Le leur ; la leur ; les leurs Mr Traord Amara 64 03 30 40/ 6F 40 7273 Beubouchinet & OGamady Rrestaion I1)- ASKING QUESTIONS —_ (Comment poser des Questions en Anglais.) We are going to talk about three (3) types of Questions in this section. = (Nous parlerons de trois (3) types de Questions dans cette rubrique. 1)- WH Questions (long answer questions), 2)- YES/NO Questions. (Short answer questions) 3) Tag Questions. A): W.H Questions : Ces questions sont introduites par les mots interrogatifs contenant (W.H) et cherche un complement d’objet ou circonstanciel. C’est pourquoi le choix d’un mot interrogatif dépend du complement qu’il remplace. , Ces mots sont : When (quand) ; who (qui) ; what (quoi, quel, qu’est ce que) ; why (pourquoi) ; how (comment) ; which (quel, lequel, laquelle...) ; how many (combien) ; where (it) ; how much (combien, le prix) ; how long (quelle longueur, combien de temps) ; how often (combien de fois) ; how far (quelle distance) ; how tall (quelle taille) ; how high ( quelle hauteur)... FORMES : 1)- W.H + AUX. + SUBJECT + (VERB) + COMPLEMENT ? (Existence d’un auxiliaire). E.g: Where Is your father ? = Oitest ton pére ? Wh = Aux. S ‘What have you got in your pocket = Qu’est ce que tu as dans ta poche ? How many languages can She speak ? = Combien de langues peut-elle parler ? Liste de quelques auxiliaires : am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, can, may, must, could etc 2) W.H + DO/DOES + S + VERB + COMP ? (Pas d’aux et le verbe reste au simple present). E.g: Where does your sister live ? = Oii est ce que ta soeur habite ? When do you wake up every morning ? = Quand est ce que tu te réveilles chaque matin ? N.B : DO est utilisé avec les sujets (I; YOU ; WE ; THEY) et DOES avec (HE ; SHE et IT). 3)- W.H + DID + SUBJECT + VERB + COMP ? (Pas d’auxiliaire et le verbe au simple past). E.g: When did He call you ? = quand est ce qu'il t'a appelé ? How much did you buy that pen ? = combien as-tu acheté ce bie ? Why did they go there ? = pourquoi sont-ils allé ka-bas ? B)- YES or NO questions : les questions dont les réponses commencent pat YES or NO et les réponses négatives. FORMES : 1)- AUXILIAIRE + SUBJECT + (VERB) + COMPLEMENT ? (Existence d’un aw: E.g: Is your father at home ? = Est-ce que ton pére est a la maison ? Can you drive a car? = peux-tu conduire une voiture ? Are you good at English ? = Etes vous bien en Anglais ? 2) DO/DOES + SUBJECT + VERB + COMPL. ? (Pas daux. le verb reste au simple present). E.g: Do you speak french ? = Est-c A Does your brother like English ? = Est English interest you ? = Est sty su Simple pasty a EXERCISES. 1)- write a logical question for cach of these answers: a)- Fatou created her NGO in 199: b)- He had had this car for 2 years :, c}- Akoi has been to France 3 three times d)- Students should respect their Teachers : . @) No, I didn’t bring that pen with me : {}- The highest mountain in Guinea is Mount Nimba :- g)-No, Billo wasn't born in1992 ; : h)- I will go to Paris by Plane :.. i)- Guinea had its independence in 195 j)- She was absent because her Mum was sick yesterday 2}- Use the W.H words (who, what, why, where, which, wien and low) (0 complete these Questions. a)- ) (C- THE TAG QUESTIONS or THE QUESTION TAGS. ‘A tag question is a short question that we put at the end of a sentence or a statement to check out if what we have said is correct or not. (Une « tag question » est une courte question que nous mettons Ja fin d’une phrase ou dune affirmation pour chercher & savoir si ce que nous avons dit est correct ov non). Elle est toujours formée de lauxiliaie plus le sujet en « pronom personnel ». Elle correspond a « N’EST-CE PAS » en Francais. FORMES : 1)- PHRASES AFFIRMATIVES. (Formes) INTERRONEGATIVES E.g:: My friend is from Macenta + Isn’t He? He can speak English Can’t He? He lives in Conakry —___ > _ Doesn't He? = He went to school before Didn’t He? He will go to London. —————————>_ Won’t He? N.B : ces formes interronégatives restent @ la forme contractée are you late ? Because | was sick. II is your mother ? colour does She like ? The blue'one. id you go to France ? Last year Quelques formes contractées Is not Isn't SENTENCES TAG Are not Aren't aaiful QU ESTIONS Was not ‘Wasn't He is beautiful Isn’t She Moussa can drive Can't He ? Were not Weren't Have not__ | Haven't Has not Hasn’t vill drive me to Guéckedou ‘Won't He ? Doesn’t He ? wile have one son | Haven’t They ? Had riot __| Hadn't V Fanta speak English very well Doesn't She ? [Bintou went to tmonth | Didn't She? [Your name is Bineta [Isnt ht? You should respect your Teachers | Shouldn't You 2 Wasn't She? Could not Should not 2)- PHRASES NEGTIV! Eg : He is notin the class toon —————* My father does not like English _______——+ Rose can not read English books ————_ Feindouno did not score a goal yesterday —————¥ pennant Fatim will not return the book tomorrow ES (Formes) INTERROGATIVES Is He? Does He ? Can He? ig Did He? ‘ Will She ? EXERCISES : 1)- Complete the following table with the tag questions and the possible answers. SENTENCES TAG SHORT QUESTIONS ANSWERS ‘Alpha will reside in London next year Won't He? Yes, He will, ‘Amie said She'll come to see you next week Bountou went to Labé last month The man was solid as a rock Bouba can not speak English ‘She keeps her kids at home every day He told us the story about titanic A car will be owned by her Elisabeth has never been to Accra Go and sit on that chair next to Doumbouya Mariama hasn't finished school yet ‘You would like to see Davis Don’t drop that cap 7 2)- Write a sentence for each tag question given SENTENCES TAG QUESTIONS and the corresponding possible answer. SHORT ANSWER | ‘You can’t swim very well Can you? No. you can’t Weren't You? cnt Could You? Have They ? Would He ? Doesn't It? Didn’t She ? ‘Won't They ? Isn't? Will They ? Write a letter to a friend of yours livin your school. Use as many tag questions as possible. g in London ; talk about your country, your fami tan vunavk Amara G4 0% 20 40/ 6+ 40 92 F3 Boubouchinl & OSsanady Rresiaton ° a) Mr Bokar had started his classes when Bintou arrived = (Mr Bokar avait commencé ses cours quand Bintou est arrive). Before Bintou arrived at school, Mister Bokar had started his classes = (Avant que Bintou ne soit arrivée a I'école, Mr Bokar avait commencé ses cours). Some expressions used to join sentences are called « Time Expressions », There are : ‘When (quand) ; Before (avant) ; After (aprés) ; As soon as (Dés que) ; Until (Jusqu’a); — EXERCISES: Change these sentences into the Simple past and the past perfect tense and combine the two sentences by using an appropriate time expression such as : Affer, Before, When, Until, As soon as, 1): Hawa (has) just bought a ear. 1 (come) to visi 2)- Mamady and Rose (get) up at 7 :00, They (go) for a walk : 4) She (gets) dressed. Rose (takes) shower 5)- Mamady (arrives) at work, Mamady (takes) a bus 1 (goes ) to restaurant 6)- Rose (leaves) work. 3). Barry (has) just sold his new car, his father (to come) from the village 8)- My boss (get) to work, I get there - nedoea 9)- (I get) home late last night, everyone in the family (eat) the chicken 10)- I (yet up)this morning at 9 o'clock, the sun (ti 1Y)- THE CONDITIONAL TENSES : (Le conditionnel), ‘The conditional tenses are introduced by the word «IF ». (1 Ily a trois types de conditionnel en Anglais 1)= The first conditional tense : 2)- The second conditional tense ; 3)- The third conditional tense FORM! 1)- The first conditional tense : IF +S + V (Simple present) +C, _S + WILL/SHALL/CAN/MAY/MUST + V C, By: ICT have a Jot of money, | will buy a car. = Si j’ai beaucoup d'argent, j'achéterai une voiture, If [trains today, | will not go to school = $"il pleut aujourd’hui, je n’irai pas 4 I’école If my mother comes tonight,, | will call you = Si ma mére vient ce soir, je vous appelerai If finish my studies, | will go to paris = Si je finis mes études, J’irai Paris. 2)- The second conditional ; IF +$+V (Simple past) +C, $+ WOULD/COULD/SHOULD/ MIGHT + V +C. Eug : If | had a lot of money, | could buy a new car = Si j’avais beaucoup d’argent Jachaterais une nouvelle voiture ; If it rained yesterday, I would not go to school = S'il pleuvait yesterday, Je n’irais pas 4 'école. Ifyou came on time, you could meet him here = Si tu venais & temps, tu pourrait le rencontrer ici. Ifyou paid my money last month, I wouldn’t take you to the police station, Mr Traord Amara 64 03 30 40/ 6F 407273 ® Raubeuchina & OBonely Breen 3): The third conditional tense : IF +S + V (past perfect) + C, S + WOULD/SHOULD/COULD...+ HAVE + (Past participle) V- E.g: If Thad had a lot of money, 1 would have bought a new car = Si J’avais eu beaucoup d’argent, ‘Taurais acheté une nouvelle voiture. If Thad finished’ my studies, I could have gone to London = Si J’avais fini mes études, J’aurais pu aller & Londres. If Thad been to England, | would have spoken English very well = J'aurais parlé Anglais trés bien. If Thad known how to drive, | wou ‘aurais acheté une nouvelle voiture. i Savais été en Angleterre, Id have bought a new car. = Si J’avais su comment conduire, EXERCISE! 1)- Which type of conditionals is each sentence below ? Circle the correct letter a, b, c or d. 1): If pass my bace, I will go to Paris: a, Ist conditional ; b. 2™ conditional ; ¢. 3rd conditional ; d. none of these. 2) If Thad a lot of money, | would buy a car a, Ist conditional ; b. 2"’ conditional ; 3rd conditional ; d. none of these. 3). L would have changed Guinea If I had been the president of the country: a. Ist conditional ; b.2™ conditional ; ¢. 3rd conditional ;_d. none of these. 4)- Mr Kanté felt better after having. traditional treatment: a. 1st conditional ; b. 2" eonditional ; rd conditional ; d. none of these, When She gets married, She won't have many kids : a, Ist conditional ; b. 2"! conditional ; ¢. 3rd conditional ; d. none of these. 6)- She could have finished her studies If She had worked hard : a. Ist conditional ; b.2™ conditional ; ¢. 3rd conditional ;d. none of these. 7)- You can pass your exam If you work hard : a. Ist conditional ; b. 2"! conditional ; ¢.3rd conditional; d. none of these, I1)- What would you do if you were the Minister of education to change and improve the quality of education in Guinea. IID Finish these sentences using the modal verbs such as : ean, would, should, will, must and could. 1) If | had a car, a 2)- If Amadou goes to University, 3)- I the Syllas were rich, . 4) [FM rains today, .....-.e.eseee 5} If Ismaél had scored that goal, Guinea, | If T have ten Children, | ....... 7}- If Salé has a car, She. 8)-If lived in America, I... 9)- If He wasn’t busy, He i 10)- If She had gone to hospital, She... 1V)- Change these conditional tenses into the third conditional tenses. 1) If you pass your exam, I will buy a new car for you : i . 2)- They could pass that exam if they worked a lot : She will come if you send her some money : 4)- He will get married if He gets a lot_of money :. 5)+ You would go to London if you got your passport :.... 6) What would you do if you were the President of Guinea ?:........ Mr Traové Amara 64 03 3040/67 407273 @ ‘A sentence is in the active voice when ees ea vale Aaa os vole onasiva SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT nt E g ; Moussa plays the piano = Moussa joue au piano. Mary cooks rice very well = Marie prépare le riz trés bien. he ate all the bread = Elle a mangé tout le pain Mr Amara will teach English at this school = Mr Amara enseignera I’ Anglais dans cette école ‘A sentence may also be in passive voice, In the passive voice, the subject receives the action expressed or performed by the verb. (Une phrase peut aussi tre & la voix passive, A la voix passive je sujet reeoit action exprimée par le verbe. Its form is Ce to BE (temps du verbe a Ia voix active) + (participe passé) du verbe + (BY + SUJET) ; * Read the following Sentences and practice them. ‘Active; MrYansané builds ‘SEMYG = (Mr Yansané construit SEMYO). ‘Sujet verbe (present) Compl. aI :SEMYG Is. built’ by. Mr Yansané = SEMYG est construit par Mr Yansané z Compl tobe. _p.passé Sujet (Present) wwe :MrYansané built SEMYG. in 1999=Mr ‘Yansané a construit le SEMYG in 1999 Sujet verbe Comp. ccT Passive: SEMYG was built’ by Mr Yansané. in 1999 = SEMYG fut construit par Mr Compl. tobe p.passé Sujet ccT Yansané en 1999 - [Active : Mr Yansané will build another school this year = Mr Yansané construira une école cette année. Passive : Another Mr Yansané cette année Le passif se construi al. Lorsqu’il y a un «par », On peut aussi combiner les auxiliai E.g : The table can not be moved by you = + school will be built by Mr Yansané this year = une autre éeole sera construite par 1 en Anglais & aide de Mauxiliaire BE et du participe passé du vere complement d’agent, celui-ci est introduit par le mot « by » qui veut dire res de modalités et le passif. La table ne peut pas étre déplacée par toi This work must be finished before Saturday = Ce travail doit tre fini avant le Samedi. N.B: On peut omettre le complement d’agent dans ceriains €® olt celui-ci n’est pas nécessaire. The bandit was killed in the bathroom = Le bandit fat tue dans la salle de bain, This programme will be repeated next Tuesday = Cette émission sera rediffusée mardi places pour attendre hain. They were given seats to wait = On leur a donné d gs 1 was told that you were coming = On m’a dit que tw venars lowing Active voice sentences. A)- Rewrite the passive voice of the fol 1)- | will write many letters to him :.. = She keeps her kids at home every day - You bought a gift for her birthday 4)- He told us the story about the titanic 5)- Mr kaba is going to explain this lesson + 6)- Bouba has suggested a new idea = Te avaoré Amara 64 02 3040/ GF 407278 7)- Rose will return the book tomorroy 8)- Late a lot of rice last rime 9)- Lycée students blocked the bandits 10)- Yaya has answered that question B)- Change the following passive sentences into the active ones. 1)- Boubacar is helped by the teacher : 2). This house was built in 2001 by Kaba ; 3)- She will be helped by him :... 4)- Fofana is going to be helped by him 5)- We have been helped by Ismaél 6)- Barry and Souaré had been taught by Mr Diallo 7)- This car was stolen by the bandits $}- Guinea will be developped by u: 9)- This work must be done by you 10)- This country can be changed by hin C- Write a paragraph about the proces of cooking rice in your local Community in the passive voice. Use the simple past tense, (Use the back of this sheet to write your own paragraph). Vb. RELAYING MESSAG' ES (Retransmettre un message) (The Use of the Direct and the indirect or reported speech = L’emploi du discours direct et indirect). THE DIRECT SPEECH. As a definition, a direct speech is a speaker's exact words. (Le discours direct renferme les mots exacls de celui qui a parlé). In the direct speech, QUOTATION MARKS () are used in the written language E.g : He said, ‘I am not hungry”’, They said, ‘’We will get married soon’’. THE INDIRECT SPEECH. (Le style direct) ‘The indirect (reported) speech is the restatement of the speaker’s original words. Grammatically, the quoted material, often introduced by « that », is a noun clause. Quotation marks are not used, and DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH He said, “1 am living with my parents’? He said that He was living with his parents He said, “I don't like to live by myself™ He said that He didn’t like to live by himself”. She told me that She liked my blouse. Sakila shouted that He was the best. student. Nikola said that He went to school. She said that She was going to school. Pamela said that She was hungry. They said that John had an accident He says that the bank is open. She said, “I like your blouse”. Sakila shouted “I'm the best student in my class” Nikola said” I go to school” She said “I'm going to school” Pamela said ° I'm hungry” They said “John has an accident” He says” I think the bank is open” ‘om one person to another. Most often, so that the restatement pronouns are usually transformed fr the past forms in accordance with the may remain logical, verbs in the noun clause are changed! into tule of sequence of the tenses. [Le discours indirect représente les pa introduites par la conjonction « THAT » qui signifie QUE en Fran discours direct disparaissent au discours indirect ; Le temps du verbe roles rapportées par une autre personne. Ces paroles sont icais. Les guillemets au de la subordonnée « Noun ek Amara 64 03 3040/ GF4AO F273 Roubouchiner &e OGrmaly Brastaren clause » dépen fein de celui du verbe de Ta principale, Les verbes e115 a Tectis possessis ne changeut de personne qu’au discours indirect, Read these examples belo : DIRECT INDIRECT : = EXAMPLES SceecH SEEECH DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH Simple present pume past She Said, “'I go to school” | She said that She went to school e said, i i i continuous schooin Teen 5 | Seal at She ras i Simple past | Past perfect She said, “Twent to school” | She said that She had gone to school, Past Past perfect She said "Twas por ; i Pas gi on “in, | Po erie Ske said, “Twas going fo She said at she had been going Present perf Past pert She said, “Thave gone | She said that She had gone. Present perfect | Past perfect She said, “Thave been going | She said that She had been going continuous _| continuous SAN cout She said, “I can go” She said that She could go. ma Me She said, “I may go™ She said that She might go h Aust = to She said, “I must go" She said that She had to go. wil Would She said, “Iwill go" She said that She would go. Les verbes de la proposition subordonnée changent lorsque le verbe de la principale est au past tense. Cela se passe en respectant la concordance des temps appelée en Anglais (the sequence of the tenses). We do not follow the rule of sequence of tenses when the main verb is in the simple present tense. (Cette rule de concordance de temps n'est pas respectée lorsque le verbe principal est au simple present. E.g : She says, *'l go to school everyday"’ = She says that She goes to school everyday. He says, *'I will go to school next week = She says that She will go next week. Ete... Les adjectifs possessifs aussi changent en fouction des persounes. Etudiez ce tableau ci-dessous. Direct | reported EXAMPLES Direct speech Reported speech My | Histher_| He says, “My father is tall | He says that his father is tall Your | My/our_| She says, “'Your school is good” | She says that our school is good His His She says, ‘His father short” She says that his father is short Her Her She said, “"her school is built here | She said that her school was built here Our Their He said, *’Our school is the first” | He said that their school was the firs} (Their | Their She said, ‘their school is good’’ _| She said that their was good. Avec les phrases interrogatives, on se sert des mots « \F et WHY » pour former le style indirect selon les cas. Lisez ce qui suit : Direct speech = ‘Would you like a drink ?”, She asked me ~ Reported speech = She asked me if | would like a drink. Direct speech = “Why you didn’t come ?” He asked us. Reported speech = He asked us Why We hadn’t come. ; Pour le cas des phrases impératives, on transforme les verbes 4 la forme infinitive en utilisant la préposition « to ». Lisez ce qui si ae ) My Traore Amara 64 03 30 40 / GF 407273 G@ j Reubeuchines Se Banady Erestativt ‘Divet specu y Mr Wows Said, Dont aesge rete meroom Reported speech : Mr Moussa told me not to smoke in the class room. : Direet speech : Mr Oliano said, ‘Do your homework everyday”. ; Reported speech : Mr Oliano (old us to do our homework everyday. EXERCISES : Transform the following sentences into the reported specches. 1)- "I will be very glad to help you’, Mrs Johnson told me : . T have committed a mortal sin’ 3)- "I didn’t steal any money from you", John swore on the bible: 4)- Tam the best student in my class”, Bill showed. oe 1 will kill you with my knife’, the thief shouted after me ; We didn’t enjoy ourselves atthe game", Wanda and his friend said : bought a new car for myself", my teacher told me 8) "Don’t miss my classes”, Mr. David told usa. 9)- "Why do you like English ?”", Mr. Moussa asked us =, 10}- "There may be a new war in the Far East’ the radio said « The following sentences are in the reported speech ; change each of them into the direct speech. 1) Mr, Moussa said that He was tired : . saa ees, ood 2)- They told me that they were having such a terrible problem with their neighbour that they had to le the police: sc.:.scivcteetene se, es He then said that He would take care of it himself : 4)- John told me that his problem was similar to mine : . 5)- Barbara said that He didn’t enjoy living by himself =... 6)- She said that She had to tell me a secret about my boss : 7)- Mr. Kaba told us not to sleep in the classroom : ....... 8)- They asked me if I had seen my fr 9. Kader asked me which bus I had taken to Gueckedou : . 10)- She asked me If I could drive her car : VII)- MAKING COMPARISON = FAIRE UNE COMPARAISON. |. (The use of the comparative and the superlative forms = L’emploi du comparatif et du superlatif) We use adjectives to compare two (2) or more than two (2) things = (On se sert des adjectives pour comparer deux (2) ou plus de deux choses). There are two (2) types of adjectives : A): Short Adjectives (Adjectifs courts) : Big, Tall, Short, Small, Long, Hot, Fat, ete. Mr Traoré Amara 64 03 30 40/64 407273 & Bau! CREST COMPARATIVE ete ttt Ugly The Ugliest i Nice The nicest | [Far The farthest | | More: The most Easy The easiest Handsome The most handsome: Interesting _ The most interesting Lag} The laziest The biggest Big )- Use the comparative and the superlative forms of the adjectives betw Ba Uae ne nent low: Lh i ebdows rms of .ctives between brackets to «-sssathan them. (Strong). 1)- Mary is than Issa, (Intelligent), 2)- Djenab and I were. 3)- Penda is vea-than her brother (polite). 4)- She was.........-..than her brother. (Shy). 5)- Niger is the.......--tiver in west Aftica, (long). 6)- Dancing is coed one : Thana playing Tennis. (Exciter/ Funny), 7)- Vhina is the first...... vsseeseeeCounty in the world, (Populated). 8)-Fode’s school is “han Ali's school. (good), but Elie’s school cone. (bad). is the... rovided. these answers to his teacher’s questions. Correct them in the C)- Kamano gave tl 1)- Ali is tallest than Bountou :.. 2): Moussa is more nicer than Amadou 3} Mum isn’t as nicest as dad :...... 43). Aicha is attractiver than her brother 5)- Mory is more intelligent at school :. 6)- The most long river in the Africa is the Nile :, 7)- The most fat boy in this family is Balla. :...... §)- The baddest thing in this world is....... 9)- The goodest school of Conakry is SEMYG :... 10)- What is the more big town in Guinea :...... D)-Use the comparative and the superlative forms of the adjectives in the parentheses to complete the sentences below. 1)- What is the ...... river in Africa. (Long) ; 2)- India is the OP oc ecaseotem than my friend (Smart). Inthe world. (Populated). ;3)- Her brother was. _country, day in Ami’s life (Happy). than Bano’s team 4)- Tomorrow will be the..es.s-.-----0000+ : Last year, Diouma’s team played...... (bad), but Aiph’s team was “eam (bad) the VIII). HOUSEHOLD CHORES. you). = (faire faire quelque chose & quelqu'un). [To have someone do something for y READING A DIALOGUE. jestions below. but my shoes have holes in the soles. logue and answer the q. jour shoes ? (0 John’s wedding tomorrow Read the following dia se shoe maker repair y eth : 1am going t Elis Mary : why don’t you have the senegale dort yet ave him repair my shoes and I will have Fanta plait my holt good job with small braids fh : Yes, I wi hair. She does a Usually, { have Fatim plait my Mary QUESTION: aa sar dvnark Amara 64 03 3040/67 4072.73 Boubeuchinet & Soamady SA 1) What is the problem with Elisabeth's shoes 2) Who will She have repair her shoes ?: 3)- Who will She have plait her hair ? 4)- Who does Mary have plait her hair ? 5)- What about you, who do you have cut/plait your hait ?:...---s---o--. a i fe do for us. And we can useit with ‘The auxilary « have » can be used to describe the tasks that peop! different tenses by following this rule : SUBJECT + HAVE + SOMEONE + VERB (infinitive) + COMP. N.B : Only the auxilary « have » must be conjugated with the different tenses. « ig (Simple present) : We have students clean the class room You,had your daughter wash your clothes. (Simple past) (Simple future): You will have your father buy a car for you. Read_the following sentences and practice them r David teach them. 1): Last year, [had Mr Moussa teach my children, but next year, | will have M 2)- When I built my own family in 1998, I had my wife wash my clothes. 3)- When I was 5 years old, I had my mother cook rice for me, but now I have my wife do it EXERCISES: “)- Write the sentences below using the expression in different verb tenses. 1) The fire wood (to collect, simple past) :.........00000+-+ a 2). The water from the well/the pum (to fetch, present continuous tense) :. 3)- The flowers (to pick, near future) 4)- The trees (to trim, simple present) 5)- The beds (to make, past continuous tense) 6)- The living room and the bed room (clean ani d tidy, simple future) : 3). ‘The dishes (wash, Simple past) :....-..- B)- Use the correct verb tense to fill in the blanks : 1)- Mr Nyankoye always washes his clothes. [am lucky because I........-.....my sister wash my clothes every Sunday. pa 4), Tike cassava leaves very much, Tomorrow [.....----.--smy mother eook it for me 3)- Alhassane’s children are having Mr David teach them English at home this year, They . Me Mr. Hébé teach them last year. ‘ . 4)- 1am sorry for the mess in my room, Tused to. my wife tidy it but She is gone on a trip. 5) The black board is not clean, yesterday, we Mariame clean it, but He’s absent today IX)- THE USE OF SOME IMORTANT EXPRESSIONS = L’emploi de quelques expressions importantes. When I got to the cinema, the movie had already started. - |e film avait déja commencé). nglish at SEMY, She got a job at the American 1)- When (Quand, Lorsque)= (Quand Je suis arrivé au cinema, 2)- After (Aprés) = After She had learnt E' Ambassy. (Aprés qu’elle ait appris l'Anglais au SEM 3)- As well as (Aussi bien que, de méme que) = (Mariame prépare le riz aussi bien que (de me YG, elle obtint un boulot a I’Ambassade Américaine). ) = Mariame cooks rice as well as Binta does. me que) Binta). a cay ayaoré Amara 64 033040/ 6F 407273 @ Robaina & OBsanady Bretton ake 4)- So that (Alin que, Pour que)= She Tearat both French and English so that eT American Ambassy. (Elle a appris le Frangais et I’ Anglais a la fois pour qu’elle puisse t V'Ambassade Américaine). oa ties qcfrotrd 5)- Until (Jusqu’a)= We'll be here until He comes back. (Nous serons ici jusqu’a ce qu retour). 6)-Such (Tel ou telle) = The force of the explosion was such that no rebel could move. (La force de explosion fut telle qu’aucun rebel n’a pu bouger). 7)- Before (Avant)=She had got (wo children before she got married to him, 8}- Very (Trés)= Barack Obama speaks English very wel. (Barack Obama parle Anglais trés bien), 9)- So...that (Si, tellement) = He is so sick that He can’t even eat. (Iv est tellement (si) malade qu’il ne peut méme pas manger.) 10)- While (pendant que, tandis que) = He often reads newspapers while He eats. . (tit souvent les journaux pendant qu’il mange). 11)- Such as (tel que/telle que) = X)- SERIE D’EPREUVES D*ANGLAIS DES ANNEES PRECEDENTES. (Le candidat aura besoin du concours de son professeur pour traiter ces épreuves). BACCALAUREAT DEUXIEME PARTIE - SESSION 1997- (SCIENCES SOCIALES). Lisez attentivement les instructions et procédez aux opérations suivantes : Use the words in the box below to fill in the gaps in the text : ‘Twelve ~ after ~ soup — tired — isn’t - his ~ why — out- the - her — if - prepare - your - reading Does the word Wife mean Slave ? “A woman doesn’t Marry a man ( 0 lose her freedom, but unfortunately this is what has been going on since the creation of Adam and Eve”’. I choose one example where both. man and the woman work at the post-office. A\........0’elock they come back home ver} . The wife goes to the kitchen to.............he lunch and the man remains in the living room sitting room with his legs crossed and... --anewspaper. Why is it? ......seeeeesoses-scan"t the man help hi wife in the kitchen ? The wife oe +8 cook. | agree that itis partly her job, but the man also can help.......n the kitchen, He can. the dishes, He can set the table or warm the souip éte..* Moreover, when the wife is cooking, ........one of the children starts to ery the man calls... His wife saying ‘*He ! Mrs, come and see your child crying, He’s crying. Isn't the chitd his also ‘The husband should look after him. Read the table below and answer the following questions : Percent of women WITHOUT an education. Questions = Which y ha [Comites — pp gO ae hi heounry a most educated } Nigeria 85 42 2)- Women in Peru are educated than women [Senegal 94 7 in Senegal : Guinea 95 70 3)- The country with the biggest percentage of Mali 98 82 uneducated Women is,.......00000 ee Peru 19 2 4)- Women who are 45-50 are ..... educated ‘El Salvador | 40 14 than women who are 20-24. Philippines [04 0 5)- In Senegal, Guinea and Mali the women are Mexico 30 06 the........-...edueated, Mr Traoré Araara G4 03 3040/67 407273 @ BACCALAUREAT DEUXIEME PARTIE — SESSION 2008- (SCIENCES SOCIALES ) Use the words in the box to fill in the gaps in the story. Then r ed text and ansie} the story. Th ef ip: ry. Then read the completec id , {refused [enjoying [ disatisfied [can binds [= dy anise | ‘The Tortoise and the Eagle A long time ago, a tortoise... on the dusty ground and watched the birds flying in the air overhead. He began to get very -...With his life on the ground when He saw how much the birds were... themselves singing and flying in the blue skies above. “If only I could climb up into the air, I’m sure | could fly as well as. ..”?, He thought. He thought about the problem all... the sun was shining and He got hotter and hotter as He jealously watched the birds flying in the sky. Suddenly a huge Eagle came'to rest nearby and the tortoise asked him to take him up into the sky and teach him to fly. The Eagle... ceeeeeesdlt first but finally agreed to try. He took the... .....up into the air and dropped him, saying, ‘’There you are, Now try iff you.......... "OF course the tortoise fll to the ground and broke into pieces. [The overambitious destroy themselves : Be happy with who you are). 1)- Answer the questions 1)- Why was the tortoise dissatisfied with his life ?... 2)-What did the tortoise want from the Eagle 3)- Where did the Eagle take him 4)- How did He break into pieces Il)- Write one ACTIVE TENSE sentence from the text on the back of this paper. ords between the parentheses. Use the present perfect II1)- complete the dialogue with the w eed? No, | haven't. (eat, never) I’ve never 1)- A: (you, eat, ever) Have you ever eaten Seaw eaten, 2)- A: (you, stay, ever near tesa Bites a big hotel 2 Bis: Yes) livesvev-s , I (stay) ~....at a big hotel lots of times 3)- A : (you, meet, eve coven movie star? Be No, Idnaataatt. a movie star.? 4)- A: (Rose, visit, never) a owat home ? B: Yes, She .. clots of times. Bouba, be, ever win Nigeria ? . : in Nigeria, in any English speaking country. I (meet, never). She (visit on, underline A, B, C, or Das in the example below. C.... Example ; I was watching T.V- 1 heard a knock at the door, | . A, : i D. was opening. A.open _B. am opening _C.. Opened J 1). When . you talk to Jane? A.do B.are C. did D were. 2 TV when Aicha called last night. We talked for an hour... hing Dam watching Ton pa 12 2040 / OF 40 F2 FB @ Choose the best completi “TPR ST a Dao OT Se 1s in her bedroom now. She 30 We Nee a A issle 4) Aly ae te ne C slept D_ was sleeping. Slee Raoul eee He lied tous, A don’t B doesn’t C didn’t D wasn’t, ACG Bias le L.......im the ocean yesterday. NS pou swimming C were swimming D swimming. Q0 to concerts often? Yes, | go at least once a month A do Bdid C was D were Hi Write a statement for these tag questions. “haven't they ? do 1? vseeewere YOU ? wouldn't they ? will we ? “does He ? BACCALAUREAT DEUXIEME PARTIE : Session 1998, SM et SE. 1)- From the list of words given, choo: ! 0 , choose the correct one to complete each sent ite it in the space provided. There are more words than spaces “ ee [Back been played carried matured against talk fought Tad captured came said. ] ; ; 4 ford war Il sn important part in the independance of Guinea . France, Colonized Guinea, was fighting for its life. country. Soldiers from all over Afric patriotic sentiment they encountered in Europe .... French struggling against Hitler, Guineans began to France. But in 1944, Charles De gaule, the French president, “enough to govern themselves. the Germans, who had.........s+s----their "on France’s side, and they ....- “the “with them to Africa. Soon, like the of their own independence from the west African colonies were not 11)- Rearrange the following jumbled paragraphs to reconstitute the original fext- Write lettérs ‘A,B, C, D against the number. ; . he bill at your table for you to ‘pays. oon, the lame weither or wapitis will bri A)- Then, lasser Payement is made in cash in coffee bar. 1 a traine at the entrance and help yourself to the food Jou BB) In some places you will have (0 2 oe cand pay at the cashier's desk. After that, you go and sit at the table, in Conakry where you can geta quick and a cheap meal, or simply a cup Fred bars or cafés and are also popular mecting places for young people. f bar with a friend of you )- There are lots of places of tea or coffee. They are ca You usually walk into a coffe iress will come and take your fee bar, a weither or a wait litely ‘can I take your port co! He or She will say po! s, like Gbéssia Air wn at a table. D)- In other plac : wre already sitting do’ order while you 2 order, please’” ? nin a complete sentence it the space provided. = sinistaecti— ame acetate nanan rays J ‘Then, answer each questio’ AP aie _ 1)» How lo they call t e places wi me a a is there only a few bars in Contig ” ioe eee )- Why are they so Popular ?, 4); Who are the people in the cotive bay 5)- How do YOu pay in the coffee bar ?, 6)- What is the tray used for 2, BACCALAUREAT UNIQUE, Session 2009. Seiences Sociales, )- Write a logical Question for each of the following answer 1)- No, He has never been to South Africa : ee 2) Maria has had this car for two year ! 3)+ Akot has been to Dakar three times : 4)- Students should respect their teachers : 5)- Yes, I brought that bag with m 6)- My wife and I both teach Engl 11)- Choose sentences from the list below and i A vat the Ww separate paragraphs and cight sentences geese tem into the clear order. There are two . } for each fon! ee Working women A Bad idea and Workin; ouier A Ged idea aes : a a ea oe oinet fe work outside the home, I. All people in the family help each other. 1g We € too much freedom, J. Children and husbands learn how to do. C. Itis headline for women to work outside the home. house work d, working women are interesting people. K. Working women don’t need their ‘ e, They have new ideas to share with their families, Husbands anymore. f. The extra money makes life better m, If the husband is sick or out of work, g. They forget the needs of their families. The wife can earn money. h. The house becomes dirty, and lunch is always late. _N. Families are safe when women work. ©. It is better for women to stay at home. Paragraph 1 : working women A Bad Idea, 1 2 Si 4 Z 6: 7 8 Paragraph 2: working women A Good Ideas I: 2: 38 4: 5 6 7 8: IM)- What do you think of this sentence ? Write the paragraph in at least 100 wrods. “Countries develop faster if more women and girls go to school.”’. 1)- before 2)- as well a 3)- after + 4)- when | 5)-until | 6)- so that | 7)- such | 8) very: into the active tense sentences ese passive tense sentences into jp Change ™ y the teacher is helped b: : 1): Boubacar i helped kaa 2)- This house was — 30 40 / 0F 40 F273 ara G+ 0320 4 ay Traové Ant Bouhouchinet & CBamady Rrestation 3)- She will be helped by the teacher: : 4)- Fofana is going to be helped by him : 5)- we have been helped by Ismaél :.. 6)- Barry and Souaré had been taught by Mr Diall P (simple r each sentences below, Use the space provided. Write ice), PPt (Past F (future ), PP ; iampeaee (present perfect), PV ( Passive voi V1)- Identify the Tense fo! present), SP (Simple pasts perfect), C (conditional), 1)- Assie went to Gout at week______6)- The Titanic had sank when the boat arrived__ ‘a car will be owned by her___"_—_7). Go and sit on that chair next to Keo: by and Naité gotouniversity 8)- If | were Abdou, I wouldn’t miss classes. 2D: Blizabeth has never been to USA 9). All students weren’t dancing sant 3), She will go there after her study BACCALAUREAT UNIQUE Session 2010. Sciences Sociales. 1)- Choose the one word or phrase (a), s it earansiverin the blanks, (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best completes the sentences. Write 1)- This book__ to Bountou : (a) belong i i : 2s, (b) belong, (c) is belong, (d) belonging, 2A 7 roars more____than a dog : (a) furious, (b) ferociously, (c) ferrous, (d) ferocious 3 Cone My city___ name from an old anecdote : (a) and its, (b) along with it, (¢) got its, it got its. 4)- Mr Condé liked her lessons, __ She ? (a) did, (b) doesn’t, (¢) does, (d) didn’t (b), (©) or (d) that must be changed for the I1- Identify the one underlined word or phrase (a sentence to be correct, Write your answer in the blanks provided. are killed each year. it has declined rapidly because many of the animal (a) (b) (c) What don’t you have the senegalese shoe maker repair your shoes ? (a) (b) () @) __ When the carpathia was arrived about 1,500 people had already lost their lives. ; (a) ( G @ “There were people nearby who see the accident and notified the police. (a) (©) (a) She asked Bountow to say "hello" 1oher mother and tell her that She come to see her next week it (b) (©) @) a * ie when Mrs Niane was driving her car on a mountain road c @ The trouble start Ge have been Elie. __The elephant population (b) c) Suppose we had have 2 millions US Dollars, how could we (a) (b) © hh by Sekou Touré carefully and write the report of the speech you. g spec an example for ver asked for aid from any vr opulence in slavery. Did I11)- Read the follo below. The first on ‘ence, Guinea has ne in poverty rather that country, We said our wish clearly. » since Independ fe choose poverty ? No, we chose We prefer liberty ® / OF 40 F273 uaa 64 03 3040 EXERCISES. : 2 1)- complete these short dialogues with a, b, ¢ or d. 4 + Does this pen belong to yOu = Penne Alssatou’s. She was sitting at that table. had better b wi 5 up with Penda ? Is She upset about something ? : sit down with her and explain I cis d must ‘Alpha : No, it__ ~ Hey Alpha what nda ? | a She i angry because you give Eli instead her a book. You. your reasons. A will b should ¢had to dcan i your ou : [did it! 1 did it! 1 passed the “Bac? exam. ulations, Aissatou. 1 am really proud of you. Mother : Congrat ‘Aissatow: Thanks mum Now, ___I go to the night club tonight ? please, please ! Aissatou a. Will bdo emay dam Mother : No, I’m sorry, Your sister is coming tonight from Europe. Touré : What shall we do after the meeting this evening ? Issa: _pick Fatou up and all go to dinner at ‘Le Trio” together. a Let’s b why don’t ¢ should d they Thierno ; Have you seen my black Jacket ?1____ find it. a may b won't ¢ can’t d hadn't. \issatou : Look in the wardrobe. :XERCISE. : Read the following sentences and then tell what happened first and what happened next. 1). Only 651 people had got into the lifeboats when the Titanie sank....----+ 9). The Titanic had already sunk when the Carparthia arrived......-.: 3)- When the Carparthia arrived, about 1,500 had already lost their lives +). When the ship hit the iceberg, it had already received six ieewarnings 5)- The radio officer had gone to bed when the accident happened......- ERCISE. nsform the passive voice of the following sentences into the active. 1)- The winning goal will be scored by Zidane. : Zidane will score the winning goal. 2}- Money will be given to us by your father. io-.-.-1- A @ 3); Buses and taxis will be provided by the government, +), Houses will be assigned to people by the government. 5)- A car will be owned by each person :- . 6)- Private taxis will be made illegal by the government : 7)- Plans will be made by the army General :.....-ssseeeeo TRADUCTION DE QUELQUES CORSIGNES DES EPREUVES DU BAC. Jed sentences to reconstitute the original text. Write the letters against the Jes phrases désordonnées pour reconstituer Ie texte original. Ecris les 1)- Rearrange the jumb numbers : (Réarrange lettres contre (devant) les chiffres), 2)- Complete the following sentences. (Complete les phrases suivantes). 3)- Write a logical question for each of the following sentences. (Ecris une question logique pour chacune des phrases suivantes)- Tar Traord Amara 64 033040 / OF 407273 @ Reubeuchiner & OSsamady Bresation 4)- Use the WH question words « who, what, why, td ‘which, when, how » to complete tie se sentences, (Emploi les mots interrogatfs avec W.H... pour compléter ces phrases). 5)- Transform the sentences into the tenses indicated inthe parentheses, (Transformez les phras aux temps indiqués entre parentheses). 6)- Use the comparative and the superlative forms of the adjectives in parentheses sentences. (Utilise le comparatif et le superlatif des adjectifs entre parentheses pour c ces phrases). to complete these ompléter 7)- Write a sentence fc } P i Pr antes) emtence foreach of he following ings, (Beris une phrase pour ls Tag Questions 8)- Write the passive of the following acti i - i act Beri : la voix active & la voix passive), 18 active sentences, (Ecris les phrases suivantes de la 9) Fill int j i : a ha ia = using the words in the box, (Remplis le texte en utilisant les mots de la boite). \ es ‘oue cence the Ministry of Education to improve the quality of the Education in . lu si tu etais le Mini , i i ite yeducation en Guinée), is le Ministre de Education pour ameliorer Ia qualité de 11)-Choose the word that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. (Choisis le mot qui doit are change pour que la phrase soit correete.) 12))- Write a sentence using the following words or expressions. (Bevis lés phrases en utilisant les mots ou expressions suivants). 13)- Match the sentences..... (Reliez les phrases...) List of some irregular verbs [INFINITIVE PRETERIT PASTPARTICIPLE | FRENCH. ‘obe Was/ were been etre | To become became become Devenir To begin began begun Commencer To bite bit Bit /bitien Mordre To blow blew blown Souffter To break broke brokei casser a To bring brought brought apporter To build built built Construiré To burn burnt burnt Briler o burst burst burst Eclater To buy bought bought acheter To catch caught caught Attraper ‘o choose chose chosen Choisir e ‘To come came come Venir ‘To cost cost cost Coiter To cut cul cut Couper To dig dy dug Creuser | irowe did done Faire | to Raw dew am Desa | To dream dreamt reaut sr hi drank drunk bore ae | [tein dank ne — Todtive 9 oe a , Hoeat fal fallen —[tomber | To fall a a fed nourtir | ee Tet felt (Se) sentir mm . Reubouchina & Giomady Prestaion To fight Tought Mossi To find found fa (se) Battre To fly en found Trouver 3 To forbid forbade Laut Voler, aller en avion To forget forgot forbidden interdir To forgive forgave forgotten oublier To freeze foe forgiven pardonner To get [got frozen geler To give pave got Obtenir, devenir [Togo went piven Donner To grow [ew gone. aller To hanj [hung — Grandir, faire pousser To have had wn suspendre [To hear [heard iad avoir To hide hid heard entendre To hit hit hid Cacher To hold held hit Frapper Tohurt hurt ie Tenir To keep kept hurt ~_| Blesser, faire mal To kneel knelt kept garder To know knew oe Etre & genoux Tolay Taid known connait Tolead Ted aid Poser & plat Tolearn ican led mener Toleave Tet a apprendre Tolend feat left Quitter, laisser, partir Tolet ist le preter [Tolie i “ Permettre, laisser To make a ay Etre étendu Tainan a made Faire, fabriquer : ‘Toinieet mea se Signifier i i [ met rencontigr To put put mull payer 7 Taal a 2 . Mettre, poser. To say said said ue el, To see [saw lisse = To sell leene: sel sold sold : vendre [To send sent sent envoyer, To set set ~_ [set a Posér, istaller To show showed shown montrer To sing sang sung chanter To shut shut shut fermer To sit sat sat Stasseoir, étre assis To sleep slept slept doemir 4% To smell smelt smelt Sentir (odeun) —]* To speak spoke spoken parler To spell spelt spelt épeler To take ~ [took __[taken prendre To teach taught taught enseigner ‘0 tell told told aire Myr Traork AMAIA G4 03.30 40/67 407273

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