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WWSF - Section Enfants & Jeunes

Prix pour la prvention

Les 19thmes
Prix pour la Prvention

Afin de rpondre aux demandes de financement adresses par les membres de la coalition participant aux 19 Jours dActivisme pour la prevention de la violence contre les enfants et jeunes 1-19 novembre et clbrant la Journe Mondiale 19 novembre, la WWSF a dcid de dcerner chaque anne 4 Prix rcompensant les activits innovatrices en matire de prvention.

Rcompenser, en tenant compte du contexte de chaque pays et de chaque communaut, des activits et vnements significatifs et pertinents en faveur de la prvention des abus et de la violence envers les enfants. Encourager les efforts continus d'organisations dont l'objectif est de dvelopper et d'accrotre ces mesures de prvention. catalyser de nouvelles nergies.

Catgories de prix
Premier prix: Prix pour des activits novatrices de prvention (3000 US$)Honorant une activit unique et visionnaire pouvant servir d'exemple d'autres organisations Second prix: Prix pour des activits significatives de prvention (1000 US$) Honorant la persvrance, les accomplissements passs et les nouveaux dfis d'une organisation travaillant pour la prvention des abus 2 prix additionnels: Prix pour des activits spcifiques (500 US$ chacun) Honorant une activit particulire pertinente la base

Membres du Jury: Wu Qing, China Elly Pradervand, Switzerland and Germany Bunny McBride, USA Filomina Steady, Sierra Leone/USA Jyoti Macwan, India

Press Release 19 November 2013

By Elly Pradervand, WWSF Executive Director

www.woman.ch - wwsf@wwsf.ch - Tel: +41 22 738 66 19

3rd edition: 19 Days of activism for prevention of violence against children and youth 1-19 November & 13th edition of the WWSF World Day 19 November 2013 http://19days.woman.ch 10th edition: Annual Prize for innovative prevention activities to six organizations selected among active coalition member organizations for creative events during the 19 Days of activism campaign and on the World Day in 2012WWSF is happy to report on the third edition of its annual campaign
19 Days of activism for prevention of violence against children and youth 1-19 November. 240 organizations from 89 countries responded to our 2013 Call to Action, used the Prevention Kit and registered online to share their planned activities and events during the 19 days of activism. In all, about 1000 local and national activities have been published online for all to see and join.Empowered by this broad mobilization, WWSF acknowledges the strong commitment to help build families, communities, institutions, and countries free of abuse and violence against children and youth.While coalition member organizations are active in their respective countries, WWSF continues to mobilize its constituency each day via Facebook and Twitter by sharing messages concerning the 19 campaign themes and to raise awareness about our role in preventing violence against children and youth.WWSF is pleased to present below the six laureate organizations that received this years Prize for innovative prevention activities, organized during the 19 Days campaign in 2012 with a brief description of the organizations work.WWSF acknowledges its sponsors who make the WWSF Children-Youth section programs possible,and expresses thanks to the Principality of Liechtenstein-Foreign Affairs Office, the Commune de Planles-Ouates of the Canton of Geneva, and WWSF members for their financial support.

The six 2013 laureate organizations are presented below.

1. WWSF Prize (US$1000) - Union of Crisis Centers, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2. WWSF Prize (US$1000) ONG Samba Mwanas, Libreville, Gabon 3. WWSF Prize (US$ 500) Humanitarian Organization of Mercy (HOM), Cotonou, Bnin 4. WWSF Prize (US$ 500) FICE Romania, Bucarest, Romania 5. WWSF Prize (US$ 500) Centro Integrado de Apoio Familiar CIAF, Sao Paulo, Brazil 6. WWSF Prize (US$ 500) Solidarit pour la Paix et le Dveloppement

Communautaire Des Hauts Plateaux de Fizi-Minembwe, Masina-Kinshasa, RDC 2) WWSF Prize (US$1000) ONG Samba Mwanas, Gabon ONG Samba Mwanas is an NGO that is concerned with growing number of cases of sexual violence and the silence surrounding this issue. With this intention, they have utilized the 19 Days of Activism as a way to spread awareness of violence and sexual abuse of children and youth. By repetitive visits to a dozen schools, the organization successfully reached about 12,300 youths and 50 educators. During these visits, the staff worked to raise awareness of these issues and as a result, learned that many of the students, primarily girls, were victims of sexual and physical abuse. Throughout the campaign, the daily newspaper LUnion, the Radio Television Nazareth, and Tle Africa, all followed the events organized by the ONG Samba Mwanas. The Department of Social Affairs also supported the campaign. A powerful video is available on Youtube and on the WWSF YouthEngage.com homepage, reminding governments and civil society of the rights of the child and the responsibility to create a culture of prevention of violence.

C'est dans l'effort que l'on trouve la satisfaction et non dans la russite. Un plein effort est une pleine victoire (GANDHI).

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