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tre cens faire

to be supposed to do

tre certain de faire

to be sure of doing

cesser de faire qch

to stop doing sth

charger qn de qch / de faire qch

to entrust sth with sb

chercher qch / qn

to look for sth / sb

chercher faire qch

to try to do sth

choisir de faire

to choose to do sth

commander qn de faire qch

to order sb to do sth

commencer or de faire

to begin to do sth

compter faire qch

to plan on doing sth

concurrencer qch / qn

to compete with sth / sb

se confier qn

to confide in sb

conseiller qn de faire qch

to advise sb to do sth

consentir qch / faire qch

to agree to sth / to do sth

tre content de qch / faire qch

to be pleased with sth / to do sth

se contenter de qch / faire qch

to make to with sth / with doing


continuer or de faire qch

tre contraint de faire qch
convaincre qn de faire qch
convenir de faire qch
craindre qch / qn / de faire qch
dcider de faire qch
se dcider faire qch
dcourager qn de qch / faire qch

to continue to do sth
to be forced to do sth
to convince sb to do sth
to agree to do sth
to fear sth / sb / doing sth
to decide to do sth
to make up one's mind to do sth

tre dfavorable qch

to discourage sb from sth / doing


dfendre qch qn / qn de faire


to be against sth

demander qch qn / qn de faire


to forbid sb sth / sb to do sth

to ask sb for sth / sb to do sth

dpendre de qch / qn

to depend on sb

dsesprer de qch / de faire qch

to despair of sth / of doing sth

tre dsireux de faire qch

to be keen, anxious to do sth

tre destin qch / faire qch

to be intended for sth / to do sth

tre dtermin faire qch

to be determined to do sth

devoir faire qch

to have to do sth

tre diffrent de qch / qn

to be different from sth / so

diffrer de qch / qn

to differ from sth / sb

dire qn de faire qch

to tell somebody to do sth

discuter de qch

to discuss sth

disposer de qch

to have sth (at one's disposal)

tre dispos faire qch

to be inclined to do sth

dissuader qn de faire qch

to dissuade sb from doing sth

donner qch qn

to give sb sth

douter de qch / se douter de qch

to doubt sth / to suspect sth

chapper qch / qn

to escape from sth

chouer qch

to fail sth

couter qch / qn

to listen to sth / sb

s'efforcer de faire qch

to do one's best to do sth

s'emparer de qch

to get hold of sth

empcher qn de faire qch

to prevent sb from doing sth

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