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AIM - Section 5A

le bistro the cosy restaurant

llphant the elephant
la souris the mouse
lalligator the alligator
se bat fight
vieux old (masculine, pluriel)
vieil old (masculine, singulier)
lnergie the energy
le cble the cable
secoue shake
lair the air
apprcie appreciate
chez to go home
le bayou the swamp
la cuisine the kitchen
le bol the bowl
lair in the air
terrible terrible
le caf the restaurant
Allons-y ! Lets go!
tudie study
la boule the ball
btit build
probablement probably
le plan the plan
le toit the roof
AIM - Section 5A (Continue)

le miroir the mirror

la rvrence the reverence/ the respect
exagr exaggerated
le muscle the muscle
la faon the way
applaudit applaud
parfait perfect
rpare repair/restore
llectricit the electricity
le caf the coffee
dhabitude usually
ltoile the star
la lune the moon
le base-ball the baseball
le badminton the badminton
le tennis the tennis
le golf the golf
le basket-ball the basketball
le hockey the hockey
couvre cover
chic cool
nettoie clean
le sujet the subject
AIM - Section 5B

neplus no more
lobjet the object
la chambre the room
ladjectif the adjective
le lapin the rabbit
lours the bear
la reine the queen
le prince the prince
Louisiane Louisiana
nord North
sud South
un carnaval a carnival
Pques Easter
un dfil a parade
la graisse the grease/the fat
un bal a ball/a celebration
la viande the meat
un uf an egg
un beigne a donut
une crpe a crepe
dcore decorate
entre enter
le synonyme the synonym
la syllabe the syllable
le canard the duck
la poule the hen
le hibou the owl
la solution the solution
cote costs
vend sells
le dollar the dollar
la plante the planet

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