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Commande de couleurs avant-plan et arrière-plan

tput setab [1-7] # Set the background colour using ANSI escape
tput setaf [1-7] # Set the foreground colour using ANSI escape

Les couleurs sont les suivantes :

Num Colour #define R G B
0 black COLOR_BLACK 0,0,0
1 red COLOR_RED 1,0,0
2 green COLOR_GREEN 0,1,0
3 yellow COLOR_YELLOW 1,1,0
4 blue COLOR_BLUE 0,0,1
5 magenta COLOR_MAGENTA 1,0,1
6 cyan COLOR_CYAN 0,1,1
7 white COLOR_WHITE 1,1,1

il existe aussi des versions non-ANSI des fonctions de réglage des couleurs ( setb au lieu
de setab , et setf au lieu de setaf ) qui utilisent des numéros différents, Non indiqués ici.

Mode Texte : les commandes

tput bold # Select bold mode
tput dim # Select dim (half-bright) mode
tput smul # Enable underline mode
tput rmul # Disable underline mode
tput rev # Turn on reverse video mode
tput smso # Enter standout (bold) mode
tput rmso # Exit standout mode

Commandes de déplacement du curseur

tput cup Y X # Move cursor to screen postion X,Y (top left is 0,0)
tput cuf N # Move N characters forward (right)
tput cub N # Move N characters back (left)
tput cuu N # Move N lines up
tput ll # Move to last line, first column (if no cup)
tput sc # Save the cursor position
tput rc # Restore the cursor position
tput lines # Output the number of lines of the terminal
tput cols # Output the number of columns of the terminal
Effacer et insérer : les commandes
tput ech N # Erase N characters
tput clear # Clear screen and move the cursor to 0,0
tput el 1 # Clear to beginning of line
tput el # Clear to end of line
tput ed # Clear to end of screen
tput ich N # Insert N characters (moves rest of line forward!)
tput il N # Insert N lines

Autres commandes
tput sgr0 # Reset text format to the terminal's default
tput bel # Play a bell

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