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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx0\tx959\tx1918\tx2877 \tx3836\tx4795\tx5754\tx6713\tx7672\tx8631\f0\fs20 Phil Dykstra's nuttcp quick s tart guide.\par http://www.wcisd.hpc.mil/nuttcp/Nuttcp-HOWTO.

txt\par \par nuttcp is a TCP/UDP network testing tool, much like\par iperf. I think it's the best such tool available,\par for its simplicity, ease of use, and feature set.\par \par ======== Getting nuttcp =========\par \par Official Site: ftp://ftp.lcp.nrl.navy.mil/pub/nuttcp/\par Local copies: http://www.wcisd.hpc.mil/nuttcp/\par \par ======== Compiling/Installing nuttcp ===========\par \par Compiling nuttcp for unix/linux should be easy:\par \par cc -O3 -o nuttcp nuttcp-5.5.5.c\par \par I copy it to /usr/local/bin/nuttcp but you could put\par it anywhere. It does NOT need any special permissions\par to run.\par \par ======== To run nuttcp manually ===========\par \par One one system (or both), run "nuttcp -S". This starts a\par server that will wait for connections. On the other system,\par try commands like:\par \par nuttcp hostname (transmits to hostname)\par nuttcp -r hostname (receives from hostname)\par \par type "nuttcp" to see lots of options. Most useful:\par \par -i1 to watch tests run (1 second intervals)\par -u for UDP tests\par -R10m for a 10 Mbps UDP test (or TCP rate limit)\par -l512 to set UDP packet length (or TCP write size)\par -w8m to set socket buffers ("window") to 8 MBytes\par \par ======== To start nuttcp from xinetd ===========\par \par 1) Copy nuttcp4 and nuttcp6 to /etc/xinetd.d/\par (these are in the xinetd.d subdirectory on this server)\par \par 2) Make sure "nuttcp" is in your /etc/services file:\par \par nuttcp 5000/tcp\par nuttcp-data 5001/tcp\par \par This tells xinetd what port to listen on for the "nuttcp"\par service.\par \par 3) Enable the services:\par \par chkconfig nuttcp4 on\par chkconfig nuttcp6 on\par

\par If you don't have or don't want IPv6, only enable nuttcp4.\par \par 4) Reload xinetd\par \par killall -HUP xinetd\par \par Note on IPv6 and old xinetd's:\par \par Modern xinetd's can listen for IPv4 and IPv6 services on\par the same port. Old ones (e.g. Redhat 8.0) can't. I'm\par not sure when this changed. For old systems just use\par the "nuttcp" file for xinetd.d. If you also want IPv6\par you will have to start another service on a different\par port.\par \par ======== Optional nuttcp server access control ==========\par \par You can use /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny if you\par are starting nuttcp from xinetd. And/or you can use\par iptables to restrict access to the control port (default\par 5000).\par \par ======== nuttcp on Windows ========\par \par Try one of the zip files. Unzip it and run nuttcp from\par that directory. These were compiled with cygwin. A cygwin\par dll is included in the zip file. If you get IPv6 errors,\par try the version that says "noipv6". \par \par Phil Dykstra\par 1 March 2007\par \pard\f1\par }

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