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Cross stitch pattern P2P-17739766 PSFix_20201114_115928.jpeg

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Make your own cross stitch patterns on-line
www.pic2pat.com - info@pic2pat.com

Cross stitch pattern P2P-17739766 page 1 of 1

1 11 21 31 41 51

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Picture to pattern
Make your own cross stitch patterns on-line
www.pic2pat.com - info@pic2pat.com

Cross stitch pattern P2P-17739766 - Anchor color list

Buy your Anchor threads through www.pic2pat.com/buy/anchor

Color NumberColor code Color NumberColor code
2156 2 White ! 277 368 Spice Medium Light
" 208 369 Spice Medium # 350 376 Fawn Light
$ 420 926 Ecru Very Light % 324 933 Fawn Very Light
& 41 1046 Toast

Picture to pattern
Make your own cross stitch patterns on-line
www.pic2pat.com - info@pic2pat.com

Cross stitch pattern P2P-17739766


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