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Impala Black

Technical specifications

Grabbo with
Petrographic denomination UNE-EN 12407
Apparent density 2930 Kg/m3 UNE-EN 1936

Open porosity 0.3 % UNE-EN 1936

Water absorption 0.1 % UNE-EN 13755

Abrasion resistance 15.7 mm. UNE-EN 14157

Breaking load at dowel hole 4250 N. UNE-EN 13364

Compresive strenght 229 MPa UNE-EN 1926

Flexural strenght 16.1 MPa UNE-EN 12372

Frost resistance (Decrease of Rf after 48 cycles) 14.7 % UNE-EN 12371

Polished: 78/12 SRV
Slip resistance UNE-EN 14231
Honed: 67/18 SRV

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36710 Tui (Pontevedra) España
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E-mail: eurobandas@eurobandas.com
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