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200 9 / 2 0 10
Dans 10 gamma snowboard. :
First 01 a ll , novelty In the snowboard range: - Le retour d'un pta model : Calu/ d'Arlhu,
- This season, we bring a pro mode l back Longo naIra Jeuna al to/enlueux rldsr des
Into the fold , with Arthur l o ngo's b oord . This 2 Alpes qui a encOIe marque /0 solson pOt sas
young, lalented rider from les 2 Alpes has had brlllantss prestafions, Nous avons eu draft dune
yet another greal season with for example a Incroyab/e session dons 10 v/doo .. Yeahh Love .,
memorable pa rl in the . Yeahh love" video , 16 pages d'lnlsrv/ew dons Onboord, at una
a 16-page Interview In Onboa rd , and II rsl vlelo/re au M C Invitational.
place a tt ha Me Invllallonal. - Le modale MTD est dorenovon l sIgna par
- Gerome Malhleu has a signature model with Gerc5me Malhieu. Ls canard sur 10 semelle est
the new MTD, the d uck on lis bOSe obviously dlrectemenl Inspire de son surnom : Co/n--coln.
direclly linked with ffis nickname: Colncoln .. , - Changemenl d'unlvers chez les filles pour Ie
- The re also is some exciting change modale ISIS, avec une deco rliol/see par un
concernin g our artists, wllh newcomers nouveau graph/SIS plein de lalenl, orlglno/re
suc h as Athens (Greece) lolent Alexond ros d'Athenes: A/exandros Vosmoulokls,
Vasmou lakls, who takes ca re o f the completely - Du renouveou aussl pour 10 SEiEKTA. qui ceffe
new-sty le Isis. annee ss/prlse en main porun graph/sle por/s/en: .!
Parisian a rtist Il k gives the Selekta a new life, Ilk, Style hlp hop, bien c%ro pour sodulre les
with a hlphop-style, coloured artwork that will fans de nol,e planche /0 plus celebre.
no doubt go down well with the la ns of our most - Apres 20 ans de col/aborotlon et '7 pro
popular boa rd. modeles Q son oellf. DavId Vlncenl et Regis
- After 20 yea rs of collaboratio n and 17 Rolland ant decide de meltrs fin 0 10 (ameuse
pro·models, David Vincent and Regis Rolland "DV" (aka Amonlte), Monsieur chomplgnon
have decided 10 slop Ih e • DV • model a
retourne ses moutons, avis aux collecfionneurs.
(aka Amanite & Amanite LTD): it's the end of
an era, so g et ready to say goodbye to the Dons 10 gamma skis:
famous mushroom boards. - Inlroductlon pour csffe seconde onnee de
deux nouveaux modelas _01/ mountain " avec
In the ski rang e: la/on plat et 82 mm sous las pleds : La modale
- Our second rang e introduces 2 new GIG/ pour las femmes, dessIn9 par I'ortisfe Suisse :
all-mountain skis wllh flal lails & a 82mm waist Mizzo el Ie JEAN·CLAUDE pour las hommes,
width. The women's Gigi (artwork by Mizzo from realise par notrs ce/ebrs Nlcolos Thomas.
Switzerland) and men's Jean Claude (artwork - Le modele phare de noIre gomme, /e STARSKY
by Nicolas ThOmaS) are Ihe happy additions change de fete. E-Boy au /e rol du pixel 1'0
10 the family I dessine avec un lo/enl hors du commun.
Tile Storsky, our most popular ski, has a new
designer: E·Boy, Ille master o f pixel arl, has Nous esperons que vous prendfez aulonl da
mode a supe rb effo rt and p roduced on plaisir en decouvranl notre gamme que nous
explosive artwork. en ovans eu en 10 c(90nl. J..l
• I
We hope that you wilt Ilave as much p leasu re Keep riding,
discovering o ur ra nge as we had c realing it. Reg is Rolland,

Expresso Lever H Nos embases sont goranfies Ergonomic Toe strap D
This very strong a lumi nium a vie. Elles sont Injecfees en This toe stra p wiU fit any boot
leve r is easily hand led even nylon renforce fibre de verre, shape perfeclly thanks to
with big gloves thanks to its ce quf leur apporte nervosife, the EVA. holdtng the boo!
shape and an ext ra gripp ing et precision. Les pods bi- from above and In front too.
part a round its lip . The moliere apporfenf conforl et lis structure ensures great
stainless steel cable (7'19) douceur dons /e ride. reac tivity 1o your movements.
will resist any lorce. even the Ce strap avant spouse 10
dark fOlce ... Comfort Ankle strap K forme de vos boofs groce 6
La forme ergonomique de The new construction of Ihls son EVA soup/e. So structure
noIre levIer bi matiS'e (alu+ TPR) strop was designed to hove troosmet dlrGc/ement vos
foci/ite 10 prehension. Le coble the perfecl blend of comfort efforts a /0 planche.
en ocier inoxydable (7x/9) est (ergonomic shope & bi-denslty
indestructible. EVA) and power transmission. 4x4 disc
The thermoformed foam This 4x4 disc will tit nearly
Rodeo Heelcup inside the strop will stop any all the snowboard b ronds
We have reworked the hard paints from appea ring, out there on the marke!
heelcup. rlvetted il. made it for maximum comfort. Ce disque 4x4 convienf a
lighter and changed it sllghlly La nouvelle construction de /0 mojorife des plonches
10 enable more forward lean. ce strop a efs efudiee pour du marche pujsque c'esl /e
tes deux pieces mol/lesses de plus de confort. So mousse standord de !'industrie.
notre fixation sont en ol/iege thermoformeeepouselesboftes
ulfra leger ef renforce . Elles idealemenl pour supprimer foul Optional disk
procUlenl une excellenle point da compress/on Compatible disc.
reactfvfle et assurent une Disc e n option
solldile a loute epreuve. Power ratchet L This disc ts 4-screw and 3-screw
This aluminium ralchet is uJ/ra compatible. Our patented
Responsive base J fast (4 !o 5 clicks each lime washers guarantee superior
This base plale is robust and you pull the rarchel), and easy fitling of the disc .Sold separately
light, because It is mode from to pull when you want to opan as on oplion for riders who
fibreglass-reinlorced nylon. It is the strap thanks to added grip. need a 3-screw filling disc.
very precise yel comfortable Ceffe boucle (6 click Ce disque est compatfble 4
thanks to its two-material pad. rapide) en aluminium a ete fraus al 3 Irous. Nos rondelfes
We are so confident about renforcee pour assurer un specio/ement dessinees
Its strength we now have a foncfionnemanf parfait dans assurenl une tenue sons (oille du
c:;.. l!fetime wananty on II. toules les condllions. disque. Vendu separemen/.
'5 ...

< .

- s;:;.-


Narrow w a ist, not narrow minded

The Gigl Is an o llmounloin, stable ski made to carve
on the plsle or gel oulln the powder whenever there is
some. tis progressive lip and dynamic Hex will answer
any questions asked by an Intermediate 10 expert,
all round skier who doesn't yelleellike changing 10 a
wider, newschool twin tip like the Mar/eUe.

82 mm sous le s p ieds,
notre nouveau ski au h~ m inln
La Gigi vous a~urero un fide pose at stobie dons
taus les types de courbes. Mun; d'une spatule
relotivemenl longue at d 'un lolon plo/. ce ski vcus
e mmenero sur taus las types de nalgas avec un
plaisir d e skiS! encore insoupc;onne.


(mm) (01m) (mOl) (0101) (mm)
153 82 116,15 107.15 15,1 1304.2
159 82 116, 15 107, 15 16,2 1352.8
165 82 116,15 107, 15 17,5 1401 ,4
Ski d esig n by Mlzzo
Ifreerlde • Bi _ _ _

Ifreestyle _
a _ ____ +1
153 1591 6 5 l slopo
_. 5:TAf!- <; K , .....-
~ \
\ 1\

Romain Gr:OjOCiit'S,klS

Ma ke the mountain s your playground

The Slarsky Is a confidence Insp iring ski , from
the fir st ru n o n , wha te .... er the co nd ilions o r the
terrain. Precise and d ynamic in tu rns. wide
enough In the powd er. II will a lso sand you high
in the p ork tha n ks to Us d evilish p op!

Tran sformer 10 montagne en terra in de j eu

Peu imports les conditions at /e feffoln , /e Slarsky
inspire confiance des Ie premier run. Precis at
dynamique lars du vlrage. {aoefif at poppy pourdu
freestyle engog6. que du pla{sir ou pfogrammel


{m ml (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
161 92 122.76 116,08 17,27 130..:1,2
167 9 2 122.76 116,08 18,58 1352,8
173 92 122.76 11 6,08 19,94 1401,4
179 92 122.76 116,08 21 ,35 1450
185 92 122 116 22.06 1498.6
Ski d esign b y E·Boy
[tree rl d e •
- - - - - - +1
Ifreestyle •
- - -- +1
161167173179185 Islope
- - -- +1

Mo",'acliO's skis

Pure pleasure on any terrain

The 82mm wolst on the Jean Claude will make it a
very quick ski In sharp turns, but sill I wide enough
to go out In the powder ond hova great stability.
Great value lor money for a ski thol will gel people
10 skI wider skis than what they are used la, without
Jumping slrolghl lo a 92mml

Que du plaisir sur taus les terrains

Las 82 mm sous les pieds couples a /0 techn%gie
APO renden' /e Jean-C/oude sOr al sloble sur tous
las types de ferroins. C'ast un ski Ideol pour las
nelgas duras, poudreuse at 'rofoll69S. Un ski de
choix pour un rapport quolife prix fmbottoble.


(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm )
159 82 116,15 107,15 16,2 1352.8
165 82 11 6,15 107.15 17,5 1401 ,4
171 82 11 6, 15 107.15 16,8 1450

~ e.¥ LAtfl'ft-.-
177 82 116, 15 107,15 19,7 1498,6
183 82 116,15 107,15 2 1,6 1550
Ski d esign bv N, Thomas
Itreeride - _ _ _ _
-seMI CL"" ~
Ifreestyle -
Islope 159 165 171 177 183
48 - - - - - - +1

Romain G.:OjE;a."'-'kls

Efficient freeriding ski but within your reach

On the plsls, In p o wder or in transformed snow, the
Wyatt will dazzle you with its stabJlJty, response and
ease of use. Vou c an either c ruise gently with II or
go for il flat Qulin sleep, Icy slopes ... In both c ases ,
the WyoH won't leI you down

Arme ultime pour un freeride engage

Le Wyatt est synonyms de liberte. Sur pis/e. ho/s-
piste au SUI nalga IfO(O/lee. if est fmpressfonnant
de sfobmfe at d 'occesslbilite. Cruiser ou affoquer
dans les pen/as foldes, ce ski est alonnanl at fo ul
simp/ement mag/que.


(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Imm)
177 98 132 121 ,98 21,8 151<1.3
183 98 132 121,98 22,9 1567.2
189 98 132 121,98 23,8 1660
Ski d esign by N. Thomas

Ifre erld e -
Ifreestyle _
-------1 + I

177 183 189 Islope - -- - + I

if? 7 ~
<.. L

A ski's shape is the blend of the oulline of the of the wood core and the
cambe r 01 the press, 10 gel the optimum efficiency and balance for each ski. That's where the
real know-how and differenc e betwe en skis is. Eri c Bobrowicz, our shapero has been making
skis for the industry for 15 yea rs now, and with APQ, he's been given carte blanche 10 make
the skis he's always dreamt 01.
C'est una comblnaison dEl coufbe5 of de m9sur9S. L9 veri/able secret du bon comportemenf
d'un ski reside principalement de ce fam eux • shope ~ . Calo fait 15 ens qu'Eric Bobrowicz
dessine des skis pour "industrle en conc an/ranI so reflex/on sur ce mix des shapes. lie 6 ce
qui sa fait de mieux en ferme de construction sandwich.

_WOODCORE /e programme desire, Le noyau ce qui rend /e ski ulilisoble en

(Mode in Slovenia) bois est en/oure d'une couche morche orriere.
All our skis have a sandwich de libre de verre qui forme sa MACOLM-MAJlIWf-STlRSKY
construction, with a 100% tip to " boife de lorsion If. Ensuite deux
tail vertically laminated wood couclles supplementoires de FIBREGLASS
core plus added ABS beneath fibre de verre sont ptacees au (Made in France)
the b indings. dessus et en dessous du noyou. 3 Fiberglass layers
The "sandwich " is mode of L'ensemble est enveloppe par In addition to the torsion
severa l layers one on lop of
each other, the main one being
the woodcore, which enables
une semelle. des corfes, des
chants ASS el un dessus en
matiere composile-plaslique
!t box, our skis have 3
layers of biax fibreglass
(0/90°). Two of these layers are
us to set the Hex of the skit olin d 'oppllquer 10 decoration. on top of the torsion box, and
depending on its p rogramme. the third one is beneath it. This
The woodcore is boxed inside _TAIL construction makes the skis
a libreglass sock, c reating a flat tail more durable without making
torsion b o x. Then I or 2 toyers What we call a flat tail them too heavy or sliH.
(depending on the model) of
fibreg lass are placed on top
of the torsion box, and 2 layers
D . actually has a slight
upward curve, ending
5mm above the level of the
En plus de 10 bolle de torsion,
nos skis sont moules avec trois
couches de fibre de verre don/
beneath 11 . snow. It is very efficient in turns. /0 fibre est orientee a
The base and the edges are We however don't recommend Deux de ces couches sont
underneath , and the printed you use this to ride switchl posees sur Ie dessus du novau
topsheet is on top, and ABS Le folon du ski no re/eve que at /0 frois/eme an dessous.
sidewalls finish the waterproof de Smm ce qui rend /e ski Ceffe technique augments 10
protection of the woodcore on Ires efflcoce dons les courbes. longevife des skis louf en les
the sides. Le ride en switch n'est pas gordont legar.
Nos skis sont conr;us avec conseille. MACOLM - MARIEllE- GIG!
la Iroditionnelle structure ClGI-JlAJI CLAUDE-W'!'Im
sandwich, noyau bois. 4 fiberglass lavers
Ce ~ sandwich .. est constitue Twin tail " In addition to the torsion
de plusieurs couches super- This tail curves up ~

box, our skis have 4
posees, dont Ie noyau constitue 4Smm. enabling e asy layers of biox fibregtass
10 colonne vertebrale et and c omfortable (0/90°). Two of these layers
sert no/amment a regler 10 swflc h skIIng. are o n top of the torsion box,
repartilion de soup/esse selon Le lolon du ski releve de 45mm and the third one Is beneath

it. This construction makes the Semelle 6 haute densile structure which enables Ihe
skis more durable, springy and mo/ecula/re, elle est /0 water d rops 10 escape quicker
gives more edge grip in turns. reference en moliere de und er the base. On cold and
En plus de 10 boile de torsion, durabilife et de performance d ry snow, these bases need to
nos skis sonl moules avec de glisse, specialement sur les be waxed often.
quafte couches de fibre de neiges froides. Necessile un Les semel/es finies 6 /0 pierre
verre donI 10 fibre esf orienlt§e entre lien regulief. gllssent beaucoup mieux sur
6 0/90°, Deux de ces couches STMSKY -nAN ClAUDE -WYIOT les ne/gas humides, g race 6
sonl posees sur Ie dessus du des fines structures permeffant
noyau et deux en dessous. Ce STONE GROUND aux gouNe/eNes d'eau de
pfocede offre une plus glOnde Sto ne ground bases s'echapper plus
resistance au ski et accroit son
accroche en courbe.
II glide m uch better o n
wei snow thanks to the
sous /0 semelle.

_BASES (Made in Austria)

and allro und
this extruded
Is easy to maintain.
Rapide et po/yvalenfe, ceNe
semelle extrudee asl facile

1207 92

This Is the standard In
" ~ I sintered bases, and 1255,6 92
...... offers better gliding 1304,2 92
performance and strength. 1352,8 92
These ba ses are more resistant
to shocks, rocks and metatl Be 153 ~ -~ .If!:
- ~ "--a~
sure to wax your base otten.
Ces/ Ie standard hout de NevJ
gamme de I'indusfrie en
semel/es tranchees dans /0 1304,2 92
masse. Elle presen/e un excel/enl 1352,8 92
compromis entre solidite el 1401,4 92 19,94 173
resistance 6 I'obrosion at 1450 92 21,35 17.

. . .... .,
92 22,06
un en/relien regulier.
SllIISKY - JEAH elAlOE .,.,.......--
. -.s:, \ ."....-....
The hig her molecular
171 e.v\.l
1498,6 177
density makes these
1550 183
bases the reference in
terms of durability and gliding
p erformance, especially o n 1514,3
very cold snow. Be sure to wax 1567,2
your base offen. 1660


OurT shirts a nd hoodies ore a va ilable In S, M, l and Xl sizes. Starting this yea r, we will use "American
Apparel" malerial, a Californ ian company who Is a pioneer In fair trade and pro duces a ll lIs
clothing in the USA. We then p rinllhem In France.
D/spanible en S, M. L at XL, las lee shirts at sweat shirts APO sont imprimes sur des supports de /0
marque Co/ifornienne ..American Apparel.., Cette est un des plannlars du commerce
equitable al produit loul son textile cux USA. Nous las ensuite en France.


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