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THE first Dictionary of the Yoruba language was published

in the year 1843, compiled by Samuel (afterwards Bishop)
Crowther. This was greatly altered and considerably enlarged
for a new edition in 1852. For many years this book was
the standard work on the Yoruba language.
In 1911 an English-Yoruba Dictionary was published under
the general editorship of the Rev. E. J. f?owande, but this
was only intended to meet immediate needs, and, like the
older book, is out of print.
The present Dictionary is indebted to the above works
very largely, and to a number of contributors who have
devoted much valuable time to the work. In addition to
the names of the late Bishop Crowther and the Rev. E. J.
f?owande, those of Mrs. E. Fry and the Rev. T. A. J. Ogunbiyi
ought to be specially mentioned.
The publishers earnestly request that their attention may
be called to any errors or omissions noticed by users of
the Dictionary. Communications should be addressed to The
Manager, C.M.S. Bookshop, -Lagos.
JlI/lltltry, 1913.

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THE five vowels, a, e, i, 0, u, represent the sounds as heard in the following

English words-
a has the sound of a in bath.
e ai in bait.
ea in beat.
o oa in boat.
u 00 in boot.

There are also two modified vowels and three diphthongs--

1;1, a sound which is fairly represented by the short e in such words as
let, met, red.
Q, a sound between a and 0 as heard in taw, water, bought.
ai, equivalent to the English i in mile.
oi, nearly equivalent to the English oi in voice, but the 0 retains its
long sound.
• au, nearly equivalent to the English ou in round.'
Among the consonants it is only necessary to notice that--
g is always hard, as in go.
j is always soft, as in jam.
.h has always its distinct sound as an aspirate, and is never mute.
p and gb have sounds which do not exist in the English language, but
can only be learnt by the ear.
" has the sound of sh, as in shop.
Of the accents, none are employed as in English merely to mark the
streBB to be laid on a particular syllable.
The circumflex (-) usually indicates a contraction, which is also in all
cases a long syllable, e.g., dAbobo, which is a contraction of da·abo-bo.
The acute (') and grave (') accents are simply marks of intonation
i.e., of. the rise or fall of the voice.


adj. = adjective. n.pl. = noun, plural.
adv. = adverb. pre/. . = prefix.
aUI/:. v. = auxiliary verb. p.p. = past participle.
c/. = compare. prep. = preposition.
conj. = conjlIDction. pron. = pronoun.
e.g. = for example. Bing. = singular.
interj. = interjection. v.i. = verb intransitive.
n. = noun. v.t. = verb transitive.

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Aback, adv. lojiji, lairot4ille. Aboard, adv. ninu IjIkq.
AbaDdon, v.t. fi.sil4il, kljl.sil4il. Abode. n. ibugbe, ibujoko.
AbaDdoned, adj. fifisil4il' kikljlsil4il Abolish. v.t. pa·r4il, SIjI.dasan,
patapata, iwa ibaj4il. SIjI.dofo.
Abandonment, n. ikljlsil4il pata. Abolition, n. ipa.r4il isljldasan,
pata. isljldofo.
Abase, v.t. r~.sil4il, t4il·logb. Abominable, adj. irira, ~bin.
Abasement, n. ir~4il, it4illoriba. Abomination. n. irira, ~bin.
Abash, v.t. dojuti, damu. AborigiD_. n. ibil4il, onil4il.
Abate, v.t. blikli, dinkli, fa.s4ilhin. Abortion, n. ill4ilnu.
Abatement, n. ibUkli, ifas4ilhin. Abortive, adj. jasi asan.
Abbey, n. ire Qlljlrun. Abound, v.i. P9 si, di pipljl.
Abbreviate, v.t. ke.kuru, '14il.kli. About, prep. yika, leti, nitosi.
Abbreviation, n. ikekuru. adv. yikakiri, rIjIgba.yika.
Abdicate, v.t. bljl oye sil4il. Above, prep. loke, lori. adv. loke
Abdomen, n. iklin. ori.
Abdominal, adj. ti ikim. Abrasion, n. inukuro.
Abduct, v.t. fa. kuro, gbe 11jI. Abreast. adv. ~gb~.kan.~b~.
Abduction, n. igbe·lljI. Abridge, v.t. ke kuru.
Abet, v.t. ran.lljlwljI, gb8..niyanju. Abroad, adv. lode.
Abeyance, n. idaduro, iYljlkuro. Abrogate, v.t. 'Iifin, fi sapakan.
Abhor, v.t. korira. Abrupt, adj. lojiji, laimljlt4ilI4il.
Abhorrence, n. ikorira. Able.., n. ikojljlpljI ljlyun.
Abide, v.t. gha, joko, duro de. Ableond, v.i. sapamljl, salljl fun
Ability, n. agba.ra, oye. iyA.
Abject, adj. aimlari, olli. Ablenoe, n. lsi·si·nile.
Abjuration, n. ibura, igegun. Abient, adj. kosi.
Abjure, v.t. fi.bu, fi gegun. Ablolute1y, adv. patapa.ta.
Ablaze, adv. gbina, jo geregere. Abaolution, n. iw~m9, idariji,
Able, adj. Ie, lagba.ra. ifiji.
Able-bodied, adj. alagba.ra. Absolve, v.t. dariji, fiji, tu.sil4il.
Ablution, n. lw~ wiw~. Ablorb. v.t. mi, la, fa·mu.
Abnegation, n. is~, ikljlnkan. AbItaiD, v.i. fA,s4ilhin, taketa.
sil4il. AbltiDen08, n. sij4ilun, aw~.
Abnormal. adj. ohun ajeji. Ahatraot. v.t. mu kuro, fa jade.
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Absurd, adj. ~tA;l, aijana. Acc1lll8tion, n. \!Sun.

Abunclanoe, n. qpq. '. Aco1l88, ".t. fi-sun.
Abundantly, ad". lqpqlqpq. Aoouser, n. olufisun.
Ab1l88, ".t.l0 nilokulo, bu. n. ebu. AccIJltom, ".t. huwa, 89 dafJa,
Ab,., n. ibU omi, qgbun mQlara.
ainisal~. Ache, n. ifQ, iro.
Academy, n. ile ~kq giga.. Achieve, ".t. ~-tan, ~-pa.ri.
Accede, ".i. ka-kun, fohUnsi. Acid, add. kan, kikan.
Accelerate, ".t. mu yara., m~~ Acidity, n. ikan, kikan.
. kankan. . Acknowledge, ".t. j~wq.
Accend, ".t:. tinabq. Aoknowledgment, n. ij ~wq.
Accent, ".t. tenumq, ami ohun. Acquaint, ".t. fi-han, fi-tQ, sq-
Accept, ".t. gbB, t~wqgba. fun. .
Acceptable, add. gbigbB, tit~- AcQuaintauoe, n. ifihan, oju-
wqgba. lumq.
Aooeptauoe, n. it~wqgba. Acquiesce, ".i. gba, dak~, fi-
Aco8II8, n. qna., aye. . ara.bal~.
Acceaion, n. ikunlqwq, gigori- Acquiescence, n. igba., idak~,
6ye. ifarabal~.
Accident, n. ~i. Acquire, ".t. jere, de ib~.
Accidentally, ad". lairot~I~. AOQuirement, n. ini, ere.
Aoolamation, n. iho iyin. Acquisition, n. ohun ini, ere.
Accommodate, ".t. fun la.ye. AOQuit, ".t. jq-lqwq, da-sil~.
Accommodation, n. aye. AOQuittai. n. ida.sil~, idalare.
Accompaniment, n. ibanik~gb~. Acl'Oll8, prep. or ad". nibiibu, lati
Accompany, ".t. ba.-lq, ba-rin, egbe kan de ekeji.
ba-k~gb~. Act, ".t. liIe, ru. n.~, ofin.
Accomplice, n. ~l~gb~ ~ni ni iwa. Action, n. ~e, ir6.
buburu. Active, adj. yara., ~, fll\pqn.
Accomplish, ".t. liIe-pari, liIe-tan. Activity, n. iyara., ipqn.
Accomplishment, n . • tan, ~­ Aotual, adj. nitOtA;l, pipa..
pari, ~epe. Aotuate, ".t. mu-~.
Aooord, ".t. and i. ba-r~. ". or n. Aoute, adj. mimu.
qkan kan. Adage, n. owe.
Accordance, n. iba.r~. Adapt, ".t. mu-y~, mu ba.dqgba.
Accordingly, ad". nitorina. Adaptation, n. imun.
Aoooat, ".t. tete ki. Add, ".t. fi-si, fi-kun, ro-pq.
Account, n. iFo, ikasi. ".t. Adder, n. pa.mql~.
dahun fun. Addition, n. ifikun, irOpq.
Accountant, n. o~. Addr8l8, ".t. ba.-sqrC?, kqwe-si.
Accumulate, ".t. ko-jq. n. iba.-sqrC?
Aooumulation, n. ikojqpq. Adept, n. qlqgbqn.
Accuracy, n. ~g~g~, isedede. Adequate, adj. to-fun.
Accurate, adj. ded.e, pe lil&ka- Adhere, ".i. fara-mq, so-mq.
lil&ka. Adherent, n. elegbe, qmq-~hin.
Accune, ".t. fi-bu, fiore, fi-gegun. Adieu, adu. qna.'re, odigbo~.
Aoouned, add. ~ni egIin. Adjacent, n. itosi, agbegbe.
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Adjourn, v.t. and i. ~-ll,lwl,l, di'l,ljl,l Advantageous, adj. rYrim.

miran. Advent,' n. bib9, wiwa.
Adjo1U'lUDent, n. ¥1l,lwl,l, idi'l,ljl,l- Adventure, v.t. and i. gbidanwo,
miran. dawl,lle. n. idawI,Jle.
Adjudge, v.t. dajl,l-fun, dal~jl,l. Adventurer, n. olugbidanwo,
Adjunct, adj. fi-kun, kA-kUn. oludawl,lle.
Adjure, v.t. fi-bU. Adventurous, adj. laiya, nida-
Adjust, v.t. to-ll;lS~S~, tun-~e. wl,lle.
, AdjUlbnent, n. itun~. Adversary, n. I,lta.
Administer, v.t. ~ ipinfunni. Advene, adj. lo~i.
Administration, n. ipinfunni. Advenity, n. ipI,Jnju, wahala',
Administrator, n. olupinfunni; jamba.
olutqju. , Advertise, v.t. sl,l.fun, kede,
Admirable, adj. niyin. rohin.
Admiral. n. olori I,lk9. Advertisement, n. irohin, isI,Jfun,
Admire, v.t. f~, yin. ikede.
Admirer, n. oluf~ni, ayinni. Advioe, n. iml,lran, ifI,Jnahan.
Admission, n. igba, jij~wl,l. Advisable, adj. y~ ni ~~.
Admit, v.t. gba sile, j~wl,l. Advise, v.t. ky, fl,lnahan, ~ye.
Admittanoe, n. igbasile, iWl,lle. Advisedly, adv. tirotiro.
AcImiz, v.t. da-Iu. Adviser, n. olukI,J, olufl,lnahan.
Aclmizture, n. idalu. Advocacy, n. igbasI,J, igbawi.
Admonish, v.t. kill,l, ba-wi. Advocate, n. alagbawi.
Admonition, n. ikill,l, ibawi. Aerial, adj. loju I,Jrun.
Ado, n. iYl,lnu, a.isimi. Alar, adv. jijin, jina.
Adolescence, n. idagbasoke, Aftable, adj. p~l~niwa, ninurere,
¢I,lml,lkunrin. rl,lrim lati ba SI,JrI,J.
Adopt, v.t. sl,ldl,lml,l. Affair, n. ~, 9ran.
Adoption, n. isl,ldl,lml,l. Affect, v.t. ifa I,Jkan, iwuri, kan.
Adoration, n. ibl,lla, ijuba, iyin- Affectation, n. ifarawe, isinj~.
logo. Affection, n. if~.
Adore, v.t. juba, bU'l,lla, fun. Affectionate, adj. ~ni-if~, kWl
Adorn, v.t. ~e-IY~I,l. fun if~.
Adornment, n. 1,l~1,l. Aflianoe, n. igb~k~le, igbeyawo.
Adrift, adv. gba.ll,J. Amdavit, n. ifibura, sI,Jt~I~.
Adroit, adj. gbyn, mI,J-~e. AfIiliate, v.t. sopI,Jml,l.
Adulation, n. ipI,Jnni. AfBnity, n. ib8.da.na.
Adult, n. or adj. agba, agbalagba. Amrm, v.t. tenumI,J ~~.
Adulterate, v.t. lu, baj~, ~edaru- Amrmation, n. it~numI,J.
dapI,J. AtIlx, v.t. fi-ml,l, so-mI,J.I~hin.
Adulteration, n. idalu. A1Bict, v.t. pI,Jn·loju. j~-niya,
Adulterer, n. p~aga I,JkI,Jnrin. yI,J-I~nu. '
Adulteress, n. p~a obirin. A1Biction, n. ipI,Jnju, ijiya, da-
Adultery, n. pansaga, agbere. loro.
Advanoe, n. ill,lSiwaju. A1Buenoe, n. ~ansi, lyr9, I,JP9.
Advantage, n. anfani, ere, lry- A1Buent, adj. I,lII,Jr9, ~~nsi, I,lPI,l.
rim. I Afford, v.t. BO, fi·fun, nawo.
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Affray, n. ija, ariwo, nIa, 881j1. Agony, n. iwaiya ija, irora.

A1!right, v.t. d~ruba, da.ni·iji Agree. v.t. and i. finU'l'ljIkan,
(daniji). 'Iooehun, fohim'lljlkan.
Aftront, n. i'lafojudisi. v.t. 'Iafo. Agreeable. adj. yin, dara.
judisi, tljl. Agreement, n. ooehun, ifinu
Afire, adj. or adv. gbina. '1lj1kan, ifohlln'lljlkan.
Afloat, adj. or adv. luw~, f6 loju Agriculture. n. ir6ko, ~b~.
omi. Agriculturist. n. agb~, aroko.
Afoot, adj. or adv. l~~. Ague, n. otutu akljl iba tiilu.
Afore, adv. or prep. niwaju, 'i'Sju. Abo inter. 8..
Aforesaid, adj. or adv. wi.t~l~. Ahead, adv. niwaju.
Aloretime, adv. nigbatijljl, ni- Aid, v.t. ran-IljlwljI, ti-l~hin
gbani. Aid, n. iran1lj1wljI, itil~hin.
Afraid, add. b~ru, foiya. Ail, v.t. and i. rUn, 'Iaisan.
Afresh, adv. lljltun, nititun. Ailment, n. arun, ailera, aisan.
After, prep. l~hin. Aim, v.t. andi. wljln-wo, f~, fojusi.
Afternoon, n. 1jlS8Il, 8'lal~. Air, n. ofurufu, af~f~, oju-
After-pains, n. inurirun l~hin sanma.
ibimljl (inu agarljl). Air-gun, n. ibljln ti a nfi af~f~
Aftl!l'Ward, Afterwards, adv. yin.
igb~hin, l~hinna. Air-hole, n. iho af~f~.
Again, adv. ~w~, l~keji, tun. Airless, adj. ailaf~f~.
Against, prep. lodisi, 'Io-disi, de. Airy, adj. ni af~f~.
Age, n. akoko, igba, IjIjljl orl. v. Ajar, adv. laititan.
dagba. Akin, adj. ibatan nipa ibi.
Aged, adj. gbo, arugbo. Alacrity, n. idaraya, imura.
Agency, n. i'l~hindeni, i'loju~ni. Alarm, v.t. da-niji, da-idagiri.
Agent, n. 8'loju~ni. n. ida ni niji.
Aggrandize, v.t. sljI-di-nIa, gbe-ga. Alas, inter. o~.
Aggrandizement, n. igbega, Albeit, conj. biotil~.
isljldinIa. Album. n. iwe ifi aworan ai.
Aggravate, v.t. bi-ninu, sljldi Alcohol, n. ohun ti npa ni ninu
buburu si. IjIti.
Aggravation, n. imubinu. Alderman, n. onidajljl ilu.
Aggregate, v.t. kojljlpljI. n. Alert, adj. 'IljIra, yara, daraya.
ikojljlpljI. n. i'lljlrB.
Aggregation, n. ikojljlpljI. Alias. adv. tabi. n. orukljl
Aggression, n. ifinran, itetetljl. arlnj~.
Aggressor, n. ofinra, atljlni. Alien, n. alejo, ajeji.
Aggrieve, v.t. "'~, ba-ninuj~. Alienate, v.t. fi IljIwljI ~lomiran.
Aghast, adj. or adv. diji. yiyara kuro lodo ~nikan.
Agile, adj. yara, mura girl. Alight. v.i. sljl-kal~, ba.
Agility, n. iyara, imura girl. Alike, adj. jljl, bakanna, dabi.
Agitate, v.t. mi, 'Ii, ru soke, r6. Alive. adj. ye, aliiye.
Agitation, n. lmi, i~, irusoke, ir6. All, adj., adv., n. or pron.
Ago, adj. kljlja. gbogbo, olukuluku.
Agonize, v.t. and i. j~rora. Allay. v.t. wo-san, mu-fuy~.
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Allegation, n. itlilnumljl, awawi. Although, conj. bi 0 til IiljIilpe.

Allege, fI.t. tlilnumljl, roo Altitude, n. giga •.
All8li&Dce, n. isin.ljlba, itlilriba, Altogether, adfl. patapata.
itunba.f'ljIba. Always, adv. nigbagbogbo, titi
Allegory, n. owe, ifljlranweran. lai.
Alleluia, n. iyin Qlljlrun. Am. fl. ni, wa, blil.
Alleviate, fI.t. wo·s&n, mu saoki, Amalgamate, fI.t. and i. dapljl,
d~ lara. dalu.
Alleviation, n. imusan, id~lara Amalgamation, n. idapljI, idalu.
Alley, n. IjIna biha. Amanuensis, n. akljlwe.
All-hail, inter;. alafia. Amaas, fI.t. ko jljlpljI.
Alliance, n. ib&lfQr~, ibatan. Amateur, n. eniti 0 kljl ohun-
Alligator, n. ljlni. kohun, Ijlugbljln ti ko fi ~e
Allocate, fI.t. fi·sipo, pin fun. ~Iil rlil tara.
Allocation, n. ipin, ipo. Amaze, fI.t. yallilnu, ha.ljle.
Allot, fI.t. pin, fifun. Amazement, n. iyanu.
Allow, fI.t. jlil, jlilwljI, Yljlda. Amazon, n. jagun jagun obinrin.
Allowance, n. ipin, ijlilwljI owo· Ambuaador, n. ikQ IjIba, onljllil.
gbigba. Ambiguous, add. aidaju, onitu-
Alloy, n. adalu, ibajlil. mljlmeji, ~etara.
Allude, fI.i. das9, t9ka si. Ambition, n. iflil' agbara, iflil ipa.
Allure, fI.t. tan, fa.lljl. Ambitious, adj. IjIkanjuwa.
Allurement, n. Iiltan, idlil. AmbUJOade, n. ibuba.
Alllllion, n. it9ka si, imlilnukan. Ambush, n. bibs ni buba.
Ally, n. ibarlil, ibamljlpljI. Ameliorate, fI.t. and i. mu san
AlmaDac, n. iwe igba ati akoko, dilil·
iwe kika IjIjljl. Amelioration, n. isandilil'
Almighty, n. Olodumare. Amen, inter. amin, blilni ki 0 ri,
Almost, adfl. flilrlil, ku dilil. a Ijllil.
Alms, n. Qr~.anu. Amend, fI.t. and i. tun-~, Ijle rere.
AlmIgiviDg, n. ifunnil~bun, it9rlil' Amendment, n. itUfiljle.
anu. Amends, n. Iilsan it~.
Aloft, adfl. loke, lori. Amiable, adj. inu rere, ni iWu.
Alone, add. on nikan. Amicahle, adj. bi Qr~.
Along, adfl. Plillu, Iljldljl. Amid, Amidst, prep. larin, ninu.
Aloof, adfl. lokere, nitakete. Amiss, adj. ait9, ~ina.
Aloud, adv. kikan, rara. Amity, n. ~Qr~, inu didun.
Already, adfl. nisisiyi, ~waju Ammunition, n. ohun ija.
akoko. Amnesty, n. idariji Iilllilwljln.
Also, adfl. Plillu'Plillu, Plillu. Among, Amongst, prep. ninu,
Altar, n. PIilPIil. larin.
Alter, fI.t. and i. parq, yi.pada, Amorous, adj. ti iflil.
tun·ljle. Amount, n. iye. v.t. jlil.
Alteration, n. iparljl, itUfiljle. Amphibious, adj. agbelf,lgbomi,
Altercation, n. &8Q, ija. jomijoke.
Alternate, fI.t. and i. t~le Iljlkljlkan. Ample, adj. tobi, pljl, to.
Alternative, n. yiyan. Amputate, fI.t. ke kuro.
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Amputation, n. ikekuro. Annotate. v.t. and i. sq·asqye,

Amulet. n. ogun, tua, onde. sq.itumq.
Amuse, v.t. mu laraya, ba tpire. Annotation. n. itumq, asqye.
Am1l8ement. n. imularaya, ~. Announce. v.t. kede, filq, sq
An, adj. kan. nigbangba.
Aneemia, n. aini ~j ~ to lara. Announcement. n. ikede, ifilq.
Analogy, n. ijqra, ifiwe. Annoy. v.t. tq, yq.l~nu.
Analysis, n. itu si w~w~, ituka Annoyance, n. itq, iyqnu.
si kekeke. Annual, adj. lqdqdun.
~,n.iwarudurudu,ailqba Annuity. n. owo ¢qdun.
Anathema. n. ifibu, egun. Annul, v.t. pa-r~, mu-kuro.
Anathematize. v.t. and i. fi·bu, Annular. adj. bi oruka.
gegun fun. Annunciation, n. ikede, imu-
Anatomy, n. ipin ara. hinwa.
Ancestor, n. obi, ara igbani. Anoint, v.t. fi ororo pa, tororosi.
Ancestry. n. ibi, itil~nde, awqn Anointed, n. ~ ami ororo.
baba tabi iyanla. Anomaly, n. lodi si 000.
Anchor, n. idakqro. Anon, adv. nisisiyi, lojukanna.
Ancient. adj. gbO, p~, igbani. Anonymo118, adj. ailorukq.
And, conj. on, ati, si. Another. adj. omiran, omi.
Anecdote. n. itan kekere. Answer. v.t. and i. da-lohun, j~
Anew. adv. titun. esi. n. idahun, ij~.
Angel, n; angeli, on~ Qlqrun. Ant. n. era, erim.
Anger, n. ibinu. Antagonist. n. qta, onija.
Angle. n. iW9 ap~ja, igtm. Antecedent. adj. ~ju.
Angler. n. ap~ja. Antechamber. n. yara akqkan.
Anglican, adj. ti Oyinbo. Antedate, .v.t. tete kajqsi.
Angry. adj. binu, mu·binu. Antediluvian, adj. lil&ju kikun
Anguish, n. irora, Arokan, Aro- omi.
dun. Antelope. n. esuro.
Animal, n. ~ran, ¢a ~l~mi. Antemeridian, A.... adj. lil&ju
Animate, v.t. 8q.di aye. qjq kanrl.
Animation. n. idaraya. Antenatal, adj. lil&ju ibi.
Animosity. n. irira, ibinu. Antenuptial, adj. li'aju igbeyawo.
Ankle. n. kokos~. Anterior. adj. tiliaju, tiwaju.
Anklet. n. ohun qli'q kokos~. Anthem, n. orin mimq, orin iyin.
Annals. n. itan aiye, itan ilu. Anthill, n. okiti era, agiyan.
Annex, v.t. somq, dapq, fi.mq. Antic. n. ere ti 0 npa ni l~rin.
Annexation, n. ifikun, is0P9mq, Antichrist. n. lodi si Kristi.
idapqmq. Antichriatian. adj. BIiIodi si ~kq
AnDihilate. v.t. pa·r~, sq-dasan, Kristian.
sq·dofo. Anticipate. v.t. tete 1iI6, fojusqna.
AnDihilation. n. ipar~, is¢asan, tqwo t~l~.
.isqdofo. Anticipation. n. itqwqt\'l\', imq-
Anniversary. n. aj9dful. t~l~.
Anno Domini. li qdun Oluwa Antidote. n. aporo, apiwq.
wa. Antimacauar. n. BIiI9 aga.
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Antimony, n. tiro. Apparition, n. iran, ifarahan.

Antinomian, n. ~ky lodi Bi ofin Appeal, f).i. fi yr&n ly, b~b~.
Qlyrun. n. ifily, ibere.
Antipathy, n. mra. Appear, f).i. h8n, farahBn, yy-
Antipodes, n. awyn ti iha keji jade.
aiye ti ~~ tiwa ati tiwyn Appearance, n. ifarahan, iyyjade.
kyju Bi ara wyn. Appease, f).t. tu-ninu, ~p~-fun.
Antique, n. nkan igbani. AppeUation, n. oruky, anij~.
Antiquity, n. ohun atijy. oriki. .
Antiseptic, n. egbogi ti k() j ~ ki Append, v.t. fi-k9, so-mq.
nkan dibaj~, ap6r6. Appendage, n. ifikq, isomy.
Antitype, n. ~ni·ap~r~. AppencJiz, n. ifikun.
Anvil, n. olu alagb¢~.
Ansiety, n. il.jo, aniyan, aibal~ Appertain, f).i. j~ ti_
aiya. Appetite, n. if~ onj~, pipa lebi.
Ansious, adj. ~jo, ~yan. Applaud, f).t. and i. yin nipa
Any, adj. eyikeyi. pipat~wy.
Anybody, n. ~~ni. Applause, n. iyin.
Anyhow, adv. lynakYn&. Apple, n. 680 kan bi oro oyinbo.
Anythiug, n. ohunkohun. Applicant, n. ~niti 0 bere.
Anywhere, adv. ibikibi. Application, n. ifyk8nsi, ifisi,
A»aoe, adv. kiakia, yarayara. ibere fun nkan.
Apart, adv. lapakan, s9t9. Apply, f). t. and i. fiBi, 10, .bere fun.
Apartment, n. iyara. Appoint, f).t. yan, ya-syt9, pinnu.
Apathy, n. aibikita. Appointment, n. iyan, ipinnu.
Ape, n. yby, akiti. Apportion, f).t. pin ni dede. .
Aperient, n. egbogi iyagb~. Apposite, adj. ba-mu, yiy~.
AJerture, n. iho, aIafo. Apposition, n. ifisi I~b~k~gb~.
Apex, n. IJOIlfIO. Appraise, f).t. diyele.
Apieoe, adv. lykykan. Appreciate, v.t. and i. myyi, myye.
Apocalypse, n. ifihan. Apprehend, f).t. di-mu, gba-mu ;
Apocrypha, n. iwe mimy ti a ko b~ru, foiya.
my ~niti 0 ky wyn, ~. Apprehension, n. ib~; idimu.
Apologize, v.i. b~b~. Apprentioe, n. ym9~~ ~ti
Apologue, n. owe, it&n. nk9fl~. f).t. fi adehlin de
Apology, n. awawi, ij~wy, ~b~. lati ky,~.
Apopluy, n. warapa. Apprenticeship, n. igba ti ada
Apostasy, n. iyipada kuro ninu fun ~ti nky'l~.
ij~wy. Apprise, f).t. 8y-fun.
Apostle, n. oji¥~ Kristi, ap08tili. Approach, f).t, and i. sunmy. n.
Apothecary, n. oni¥egun, oluta isunmy.
ogun. Approbation, n. idunmy, inu-
Appal, v.t. d~ruba, fo.laiya. didun Bi.
Apparatus, n. ohun elo. . Ajproprlate, f).t. 10 fun ara r\"
Apparel, n. 8/f9, ~wu, 9flY. ya 8yt9.
f).t. wy·llUlY, s~-ly,y. Approval, n. ifohunsi.
Apparent, adj. h8n gbangba. Approve, f).t. and i. fl6 inudidun Bi.
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Approzimate, v.t. and i. mu· Armadillo, n. aka, tabi &kika.

sunmQ, sunmQ QdQ. Armament, n. aWQn ti 0 mura
ApprozimatiOD, n. isunmQ. ogun.
April, n. o'lu k~rin Qdun. Armistice, n. idawQ ogun duro.
Apron, n. b8.nt~. Armour, n. ihamQra.
Apt, adj. y~, mura. Arms, n. ohun elo ogun.
Aptitude, n. yin, imura. Army, n. ~gb~ QmQ ogun.
Aquatic, add. hihu ninu omi. Aroma, n. orun didun.
Aqueduct, n. oju-iIfan ti a 18 Arose, v.i. dide.
fun omi. Around, prep. yika, kiri.
Arab. n. ara Arabia. Arouse, v.t. ji loju orun.
Arabic, n. Me Arabia. Arraign, v.t. pe-l~jQ, fl.-Bun.
Arable, add. y~ fun iroko. Arraignment, n. ifisun.
Arbiter, n. onidajQ, onilaje.. ArraDge, v.t. to I~S~B~.
Arbitration, n. gbigh9, didajQfun. ArraDgement, n. ito l~~~.
Arbour, n. ibijoko lab~ iji igi. Arrant, adj. alainitiju, ogboju.
Arc, n. apakan ayika. Array, n. iWQ'IQ, ~Q'I9.
Arch, add· birikiti. Arrear, n. gbese ti a koi san,
Arclumge1, n. olori angeli. t~hin.
Archbishop, n. olori aWQn bt"hop. Arrest, v.t. daduro, di·mu.
Archdeacon, n. igbakeji bilfhop. Arrival, n. dide.
Archer, n. QIQfa, tafatafa. Arrive, v.i. de, hq.
Archipelago, n. agbajQ ereku"u. Arrogance, n. igberaga, irera.
Architect, n. olori QmQIe, Qga Arrow, n. QfB.
ile kikQ. Arson, n. ile kikun, fifi ile jona.
Arctic, adj. ti ariwa. Art, n. QgbQn, imQ Qna life.
Ardent, adj. imura si, itara ai, Artery, n. ~ ~j~.
igbona Qk8n. Artful, add. gbQn, larekereke.
Ardour, n. itara, igbona are.. Article, n. nkan, ohun kan.
Ardu01l8, add. 'Ioro, nira. Articulate, v.t. and i. BQrQ, lahun.
Are, v. ni, mb~, WB, ai. Artifice, n. QgbQnkQgbQn.
Area, n. il~ ti a pa18 si. Artificer, n. o~~ma.
Arena, n. ibi ere. Artificial, adj. ifiQgbQnlfe.
Argue, v.t. and i. 'Iaraye, jiyan, Artillery, n. ibQn niB, QmQ-ogun
ladi. ti nrQ agb8., agb8..
Argument, n. ~araye, ijiyan, Artisan, n. oni'Qn8.
iladi. Artist, n. ~niti • aworan.
Arid, adj. gbigb~. Artless, adj. alailarekereke.
Aright, adv. tit9. yiy~. As, conj. bi, g~g~ bi.
Arise, v.i. dide, ji loju orun. Ascend, v.t. and i. goke, gUn.
Aristocracy, n. gbajumQ ilu, Ascension, n. igoke.
Saraki. Ascent, n. igun oke, ibi·giga.
Arithmetic, n. ~kQ ~.
Ark, n. QkQ Noa, apoti kekere, Ascertain, v.t. m9 daju.
apoti ~r1. Ascetic, n. ~ni nIf~ ara ~~.
Arm, n. apa. v.i. di ihamQra Ascribe, v.t. fl.-fun.
ogun. Ashamed, adj. tijU.

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Ashes, n. eru. Asaoriment, n. iY&Bljltljltljl, oni·

Ashore, adv. gunl\l, nil\l. riiru.
Ash WedDeaday, n. IjIjljl ekini ni Aaume, v.t. dawljlle. gba.BIjldljl.
Lent, IjIjljl ib\lr\l aW\l. Assumption, n. if,lebi, idawljlle.
Alide, adv. lapakan. Assurance, n. idaniloju, igb\l'
Ask, v.t. andi. bere, tqrljl. bi·lere. k\lle.
AIleep, adj. Bislm. slm. Assure, v.t. t\lnumljl. BIjl.daniloju.
Asp, n. pamljll\l. Assuredly, adv. dajudaju, nitotljl.
Aspect, n. l.wo. Asterisk, n. ami akiyesi *.
Asperse,v.t. PI11'9 mljl. gbadu·
lumljl. Astern. adv. idi IjIkQ.
Aspersion, n. gbigbadulumljl. Asthma, n. ikljl fe.
Aspiration, n. if~ ljlkan, inQga si. Astir, adv. dide IIjl.
Aspire, v.i. dawljlle. nQga si. AstoDish, v.t. ya·l\lnu.
Ass, n. k\lt\lk\lt\l. AstoDiahment, n. iyanu.
AIaaiI, v.t. kljl.lu. Astound, v.t. yal\lnu.
AlaailaDt, n. alakljllu. Astray, adv. kuro IljIju IjIna.
AIIsasIIiD., n. apania. if,lina. ni iyapa.
Anenlnate, v.t. lunipa. Astride, adv. ni didakata \lB\l.
Assault, n. ikljllu. Astringent, adj. l.wakl.. didi.
Assemblage, n. apejljl pipejljlpljI. Astronomer, n. \lniti 0 mljl irawljI.
Assemble, v.t. and i. pe·jljl. Astronomy, n. \lkljl irawljI oju
Assembly, n. apejljl. ljlrun.
Assent, n. gha. f~. j\lwljl. Asunder, adv. lljlt!jl.
Assert, v.t. t\lnumljl. wi. sljI. Asylum, n. ibi abO aWljln otOf,li.
Assertion, n. Ijlrljl. it\lnumljl. At, prep. ni, nibi.
Asaea, v.t. diyele. Ate, v.t. and i. j\lun.
Assessment, n. idiyele. Atheism, n. aigba wlwa Qlljlrun
Assets. n. ohun ini. gbq.
Assiduous, adv. lapljln. t\lramljlf,!\l. Atheist, n. alaigbagbljl pe Qlljlrun
laisimi. mb\l.
AssiduOU8D8II, n. aPljln. aisimi. Athirst, adj. p6ngbfi'.
Assign, v.t. yan·sil\l. fi.lelljlwljl. Athlete, n. onijakadi, \lniti nsare
Aaaipment, n. iyansil\l, ifile· ije.
Iljlwljl. Athletics, n. ijakadi. ere Bisa.
Assimilate, V.l. and i. f,!e.dabi. Athwart, prep. nibu.
mu·jljlra. Atlas, n. aworan il\l aiye.
Assist, v.t. and i. ran·lljlwljl. Atmosphere, n. ofurufu ti 0 yi
AssiataDce, n. iranlljlwljl. aiye ka.
Assistant, n. oluranlljlwljl. Atom, n. \lrun kikini.
Assize, n. diyele. Ipade \ljljl Atone, v.t. and i. f,!6tutu. tu·ninu,
aWljln arufin. dahun fun.
Associate, v.t. and i. ba·k\lgb\l. Atonement, n. etutu, adehun.
dara.pljlmljl. n. \lgb\l. Atrocious, adj. buruju. buru
\lnikeji \lni. gidigidi.
Association, n. \lgb\l. Atrocity. n. if,le buburu.
Assort, v.t. and i. ya BIjItljltq. Atrophy, n. ririt.
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Attach,v.t. and i. so·mQ, dapQmQ, Auspicious, adj. loju rere, dara,

faramQ. l8.siki..
Attachment, n. idapQmQ, ifara· Austere, adj. rore).
mQ. Authentic, adj. otitQ, ododo.
Attack, v.t. kQ.lu, dojukQ. Authenticate, v.t. fi 'i'ri ladi.
Attain, v.t. and i. de, fQwQ t~. Author, n. olupil'i"'i', akQwe.
Attainment, n. in!, QgbQn, ohun Authority, n. agbara olin, &If~.
ti QWQ t~. Authorize, v.t. fi &If~ fun, j'i'.
Attempt, v.t. gbidanwo, danwo, Autobiography, n. itan igbe aiye
kQlu. ti atikal'&'i'ni kQ.
Attend, v.t. and i. fiyesi, duroti, Autocrat, n. ~niti 0 fi agbara r~
durode. jQba.
Attendanoe, n. ifiyesi, ifetisil~, Autograph, n. ikQ orukQ ~ni
iduroti. funra ~ni.
Attendant, n. QmQ.QdQ, onitQju. Automatic, adj: eyiti orpirp~ fun
Attention, n. ifetisil~, ifojusi. r~.
Attenuate, adj. ru. Autumn, n. akoko ikore.
Attest, v.t. and i. j ~ri si. A1Diliary, n. oluranlQwQ.
Attestation, n. 'i'ri. Avail, v.t. and i. gba anfani, ,e
Attire, v.t. IfEl lQIW, WQ ~Q. ni rere, wulo.
Attitude, n. iduro. Available, adj. lera, n, rpanfani.
Attorney, n. onitQju ohun ini, Avarioe, n. ojukokoro.
B.IfOj u 'i'ni lab'i' olin. Avaricious, adj. lojukokoro.
Attract, v.t. fa.mQra, tan. Avenge, v.t. gb~.
Attraction, n. ofa. Avenger, n. olugb~.
Attractive, adj. eyiti nfa ni. Avenue, n. Qna gbOro l'i'nu igbo.
Attribute, v.t. fi fun, ka si lQrun. Averse, adj. aU'i', aidunmQ.
Auction, n. Qja tita adijeri., Aversion, n. irire., aU~.
gbanjo. Avert, v.t. mu.kuro, da.duro,
Auctioneer, n. onigbanjo. yi.pada.
Audacious, adj. gboju, lafojudi. Aviary, n. ile !iliy'i'.
Audacity, n. igboju afojudi. Avidity, n. iwarapapa.
Audible, adj. gbigbQ gbangba. Avocation, n . • , ipo.
Audienoe, n. agbQt'i'ni. Avoid, v.t. yana sil~, y~ kuro.
Audit, n. ij'i'ri iwe iF<> owo. Avouoh, v.t. and i. t'i'numQ.
Auditor, n. aj'i'ri owo. Avow, v.t. kede nigbangba,
Aught, n. ohunkohun. j'i'wQ.
Augment, v.t. and i. 8Qdi pUPQ, Avowal, n. it~umQ nigbangba.
PQsi. Await, v.t. reti, duro de, mura
Augmentation, n. isQdipupQ, sil~ de.
ipQsi. Awake, v.t. and i. ji loju orun,
Augur, n. alafQ'~. laisun.
Augury, n. I18Qt~I~. Award, v.t. ,e·idajQ.
August, adj. n1anla, titobi. Aware, adj. m9.
August, n. OIfU k~jQ lQdun. Away, adv. kuro, kaiQ.
Aunt, n. arabinrin baba tabi iya. Awe, n. ~ru, ib'iJrn.
Auspioe, n. aM, itQju. Awful. adj. nib~ru.

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AwhUe, adv. nigba di~. Bailift, n. ijoye, onidaj9, 919pa.

Awkward, adj. gq, nira, air9run. Bait, n. ij~, id~. v.t. and i. d~,
Awl, n. olu. . iij~d~.
Awning, n. 8IJ9 tita ki orun ma Baize, n. 8IJ9 onirun ganhun.
pani. ganhun.
Awry, adj. gbun, we). Bake, v.t. and i. yan, din, se.
be, n. ake. Baker, n. al88e, alakara.
Aye, adv. b~ni, otQ. Bakery, n. He ibiti a din nkan.
Aye, adv. lailai. Balanoe, n. iW9D, i,p.ku owo,
9gb9gba. v.t. and i. w9n
B. Balanoe-aheet, n. iwe iFo apap9
Babble, v.t. and i. 89 werewere, Baloony, n. 9d¢~, 9d~.
ahes9· Bald, adj. pipari, nihoho.
Babbler, n. alahe8Q. Baldhead, n. apari.
Babe, Baby, n. 9m9·9w9. Baldness, n. ainirun.
Babel, n. irukerudo. Bale, n. ~, ~~, iponju, o,p..
Baboon, n. 9b9 nIa. v.t. gb9n omi danu.
Bachelor, n. ap9n, alailobirin. Baleful, adj. o,p., kun fun ika.
Back, n. or adv. ~hin. v.t. ti· Ball, n. ~, ohunkohun ti 0 'U ;
l~hiD, ran·19w9. ire ijo.
Backbite, v.t. 89r9 ~ni l~hin, bU, BaI1ad, n. orin aro.
gan. Ballast, n. imuduro, it~m91~.
Backbiter, n. abUni, ag8.nni, Balloon, n. 9kq ofurufu.
889rQ ~ni l~hin. Ballot, n. iwe iyan·enia, ibi>.
Backbone, n. egun ~hiD. Ballroom, n. iyara ijo.
Backside, n. ~hiD ohunkohun. Balm, n. ikunra, oje olorun
Backslide, v.t. ya kuro 19na rere, didun.
pada 8~hin. Balmy, adj. olorun didun, ituni.
Backslider, n. apad88~hin. Balsam, n. oje, ogun, ikunra.
Backward, adj. f88~hin, 19ra, Bamboo, n. pAko.
pad88~hin. Bamboozle, v.t. tan·j~.
Bacon, n. ej6 ~l~d~ ti a ii iY9 Hi. BaD, n. ifil9 ni gbangba, itanu.
Bad, adj. buburu, aidara. v.t. and i. fi·bu.
Bade, v.t. and i. 89·fuD, f8IJ~·fun. Banana, n. 9g~d~.
Badge, n. ami. Band, n. edidi, ~gb~.
Badger, n. oruk9 ~ranko. v.t. Bandage, n. 9ja, edidi.
lepa, Y9·I~nu, dalii.mu. Bandit, n. 919lfa, alailofin.
Badly, adv. aidara. Bandyleg, n. ~~ wiw9.
Ba1B~, v.t. da.ru,} 89·dasan, tan· Bane, n. iparun, iku.
J~. Bang, n. ilu, ariwo lojiji. v.t. lu,
Bag, n. apo, 9k~. v.t. ii·sapo. ti, pariwo.
Baggage, n. ~rU. Bangle, n. oruka ti apa tabi ti
Bagpipe, n. fere alapo aW9. ~s~.
Bail, n. onigb9w9, adurofuni. Banish, v.t. ran·jade, le·19.
v.t. gbQn omi danu. Banishment, n. ilekuro nilU.
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Bank, n. bebe, eti odo, ile owo. Barrier, n. abo, idina, ami ibi
Banker, n. olori ile owo. kan.
Banlmote, n. iwe ti a fi 'Ie Barrister, n. agb~j9ro.
pasip&r9 owo. Barrow, n. k~k~ ~ru.
Bankrupt, n. ajigbese, ibaj~ owo. Barter, f).t. and i. liIe PIlliliPar9.
Banner, n. 9pagun, asia. Base, n. isal~, ipil~. adj. ail91a,.
Banns, n. ill igbeyawo 19· ainitari.
Banquet, n. ase. Baseborn, adj. 9m9-ale.
Banter, n. idapara.. Bash, v.t. lu.
Baobab, n. igi af9n. Bashful, adj. nitiju.
Baptise, f).t. sami Hi Ii oruk9 Basin, n. awo koto; adagun omi_
M~ta19kan, fi oruk9 fun. Basis, n. ipil~.
Baptism, n. ami ij~w9, irisinu Bask, v.i. ya orun.
omi nipa eyiti a gba enia Basket, n. agbQn, ap~r~.
sinu ij9 Kristi. Bastard, n. 9m9 ale, 9m9 agbere.
Bar, n. irin tabi igi gb9l"9; Baste, v.t. ganlil9 fi 9rB si ~ran
iyanrin ti ndi ~nu odo. sise.
v.t. tl, dena. BastiDado, v.t. na lat~l~s~.
Barb, n. eti 9fa. Bat, n. adan.
Barbarian, n. alaigbede, alai- Batch, n. apap9 nkan.
moye, eniakenia. Bate, v.t. and i. Y9WO 9ja.
Barbarism, n. aim9 iwi hu, Bath, n. baluw~ (ibi-aluw~).
iwakiwa. Bathe, v.t. w~, luw~.
Barber, n. af&.run, afari, onidiri, Baton, n. 9pa &IiI~, 9pa ~~.
onigbajam9· Battalion, n. ~gb~ aW9n 9m9-
Bard, n. akewi, ak9rin. ogun to 500 de 800.
Bare, adj. nihoho, laibo. BaUen, n. igi p~l~b~.
Barefaced, adj. lainitiju; daju. BaUer, v.t. and i. ki.m91~, lu·
Barefoot, adj. lainibata. BaUery, n. ohun ija.
Bareheaded, adj. laibori. Battle, n. ija,ogun. v.i. jagun.
Bargain, v.t. and i. fie adehun. ba-ja.
n. ipinnu, adehun. Battlement, n. odi.
Barge, n. 9kQ igbaja. Bawl, v.t. and i. kigbe kikan.
Bargeman, n. 919kQ. Bay, n. iyaw9 omi okun Hinuil~.
Bark, n. epo igi, 9k9 kekere. Bay, Bight, n. gbigbo aja ti
v.t. and i. gbO bi aja. nd¢~.
Harm, n. 9'1~ 9ti, iwukara. Bayonet, n. 9b~ ih9n.
Bam, n. aka, aba. Be, v.i. ni. wa, Hi.
Barometer, n. ohun elo lati fi Beach, n. eti okun.
W9n af~f~. Beacon, n. ina Iori oke fun ikil~
Barque, n. 9k9 kekere. ewu.
Barrack, n. ile aW9n 9m9-ogun. Bead, n. il~k~.
Barrel, n. agba. Beadle, n. Onfle ile
~j9, oye ninu
Barren, adj. yagan, .l~, laileso. ij9, am9na loru.
BarreDness. n. iyagan, aileso. Beak, n. ~nu ~iy~; irou.
Barricade, n. idina. sagbaradi. Beam, n. iti igi; it&nflan orun.

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Bean, n. ere, popondo, li!Wli!, ~wa. BeeDe,n. ybynbyn.

Bear, n. Bmytli!kun. 'II.t. rO. gbe ; Befall, 'II.t. and i. ba, desi, I\Iubulu.
bi, so; jiya, rQju. Befit, v.t. n, tY-Bi.
Beard, n. irungbyn. Befool, v.t. tanjli!'
Bearer, n. alaru oj~. Before, prep. niwaju, siwaju,
Beast, n. eranko li!1li'Bli! mli!rin. loju.
Beastly, adj. bi li!ranko. Beforehand. ad'll. tete.
Beat, v.t. and i. lu, f9; bori. Befoul, 'II.t. By-dibajli!, By-deri.
Beating, n. ilu, ina. Befriend. v.t. ba-I\Iyre, ba-rli!
Beatitude, n. ibuklin yrun, inu· I\Iorefun.
didun. Beg, 'II.t. and i. I\Iagbe, tyry, bli!bli!.
Beau, n. oge, olufli!. Began, 'II. bli!r~.
Beautiful. add. dara, lli!wa. Beget, Begot, 'II.t. bi. hujade.
Beautify, 'II.t. ,e-IlXlY, IiIe-l~wa. Beggar, n. alagbe.
Beauty, n. li!wa, Yl\l9, didara. Beggarly, add. bi aJagbe.
Becalm, 'II.t. mudakli!. Begin. Begun, 'II.t. and i. bli!rli'Bi,
Became, v.i. di; yli!. dide si, kybli!rli!.
Because, conj. nitari. Beginner, n. li!niti 0 k9 bli!rli!
Bechance. 'II.t. ba ni aJabapade, nkan.
IiIefIi· Beginning. n. ipilli!I\Ili!. atetekYfle,
Beck. n. ijuwy si. ibli!rli! nkan.
Beckon, 'II.t. and i. juwy si, fie Begone. inter. Iy kuro !
apli!rli!. Begrime. 'II.t. da eri si, ba-jli!.
Become, 'II.t. and i. ba de si, di ; Begrudge, 'II.t. I\Ie ilara.
Yli!· Beguile, 'II.t. tan-jli!.
Bed, n. ibusun; isalli! odo; Behalf, n. irli!, iti1li!hin, ojurere.
irQ-gbykU. Behave, v.i. huwa, 10.
Bedaub, v.t. fi-rli!. Behaviour. n. iwa, iwa-aiye.
Bedchamber, n. iy~wu, yara Behead, 'II.t. bli!-Iori.
ibusun. Behest, n. Bl\lli!.
Bedclothes. n. BI\IY ibusun, BI\IY Behind. prep. Ili!hin.
akete. Behindhand. ad'll. lyra, fa.
Bedeck, 'II.t. I\Ie-IYl\lY.· Behold. Beheld, v.t. wo, kiyesi,
Bedew. 'II.t. Sli!ri si. rio
BedouiD, n. awyn larubawa ti Beholder, n. aworan.
ngbe inu agy. Behove, v.t. Yli!, ty-si.
Bedraggle. v.t. wy ninu li!r~. Being, n. iwa; ¢a.
Bedstead, n. ypa akete; ibusun Belabour, 'II.t. na, Iu.
(onirin tabi onigi). Belch, 'II.t. and i. gufli!.
Bee, n. oyin, ~i~n ti nfle oyin. Beleaguer, v.t. doti ilu.
Beef, n. li!ran malu. Belfry, n. ile agogo.
Beehive, n. ile-oyin. Belial, n. oruky ~u.
Beelzebub, n. olori awyn li!mi Belie, 'II.t. gbadulumy, pury si.
~u. Belief, n. igbagby.
Been, 'II. wa, tJ. \Va. Believe, v.t. and i. gba-gby.
Beer. n. yti agbado; yti sise Believer, n. onigbagby.
tabi pipyn. Belittle, 'II.t. fi oju tinrin, gan.
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Bell, n. agogo. Beset, v.t. doti. rl,)gbaka.

Belle, n. wundia ~I~wa. Beside, Besides, prep. or adv.
BeWgerent, a. jija.ogun, Y91e p~lup~lu, ju b~ 19; 19d9,
ogun. I~gb~.
Bellow, v.t. and i. ke bi malu. Besiege, v.t. fi ogun do ti.
Bellows, n. ~wiri ti a fi nf~na Besieger, n. ~niti 0 gbogun ti ni.
tabi ~fufu. Besmear, v.t. fi.r~.
Belly, n. ikim, inu. Besom, n. 9w9, al~.
Belong, v.i. ~e ohun ~ni; t~ni. Bespatter, v.t. ta si lara.
Beloved, adj. oluf~. Bespeak, Bespoke, v.t. 89·t~I~;
Below, adv. nisal~, 9m9·~hin. ba.t~l~.
Belt, n. lawani, 9ja amure; Besprinkle, v.t. bu·wqn.
igbanu. Best, adj. darajul9 dam rek9ja.
Bemoan, v.t. 89kun, pohunrere Bestial, adj. bi ~ranko.
~kun. Bestir, v.refl. muragiri, rU·80ke.
Bench, n. ijoko. Bestow, v.t. fi.fun, fi·bun.
Bend, v.t. and i. t~, wq. Bestrew, v.t. fun kakiri.
Beneath, adv. nisa.1~, lab~. Bestride, v.t. d8k8t8 ~s~ Ie.
Benediction, n. ibukun, isure. Bet, v.t. and i. jiyan. n. ohun
Benefaction, n. 9r~ inu, 9r~ iyan.
inurere. Betake, Betook, v.refl. fi 9W9 Ie,
Benefactor, n. 919r~ inu, onibu daw9le.
9r~; olore ~ni. Bethink. v.refl. ronu, mu wa si
Beneficence, n. iwa 9r~ ; ~orefun. iranti.
Beneficial, adj. lere, anfani. Betide, v.t. and i. de si, ba.
Benefit, n. ere, anfani. v. ~ ni Betimes, adv. lakoko, Ii kutu·
rere. kutu.
Benevolence, n. inurere. Betoken, v.t. ~p~r~, ~, fihan
Benevolent, adj. rere. t~l~.
Benight, v.t. il~ ~u, okunkun ba. Betray, v.t. ~ofofo, ~onikupani;
Benign, Benignant, adj. ~un, fihan, tu qiri.
~jurere. Betroth, v.t.' soyigi, ~ehun
Benignity, n. inurere. igbeyawo.
Bent, n. it~, idarisi. Betrothal, n. idana.
Benumb, v.t. ko eti; 89di alaim9' Better, adj. or adv. daraju, sanju.
rora. Better, v.t. mu san di~, tun ~.
Bequeath, v.t. fi ogUn sil~, pin n. it~, isandi~.
ohun ini fun. Between, Betwm, prep. larin,
Bequest, n. ipin ogUn fun. lagbedemeji, nisakani.
Bereave, v.t. gba 19w9 ~ni. Beverage, n. ohun mimu.
Bereavement, n. igbal9w9 nipa Bewail, v.t. S9kun, pohunrere
iku, 9f9' ~kun.
Berry, n. 680. Beware, v.t. and i. 1?9ra, y~ra,
Berth, n. yara ninu 9k9, ibi ~~. kiyesara.
Beseech, Besought, v.t. b~, tl,>r9. Bewilder, v.t. ~i·19na, tan, da·
fi ~b~ r9. lamu.
Beseem, v.t. y~, tl,>si. Bewilderment, n. idaru.
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Bewitch. f).t. ,aJ \lBl, ,e 0,0 si. Bitter, adj. korl>.

Bewitchment, n. id8.n, ill&h~ si. Bitumen, n. (Ida.
Bewray, f).t. fi·sUn, fi·han. Black, n. dudu; ,li, buru;
Beyond, prep. niwaju, niha qh11n. alaw(l dudu.
Bias, f).t. t~.si, dan. Blacken, f).t. and i. 8q di dudu.
Bicentenary, n. igb8 qdun. Blacklead, n. oje dudu.
Bid, f).t. and i. f8lf"fun, pe; fi Blacksmith, n. alagb¢".
owo Ie. Bladder, n. apo·it(>.
Bidder, n. ~ni fi owo Ie qja. Blade, n. ehu agbado tabi koriko;
Bidding, n. 8If". oju qb".
Bide, f).t. and i. duro de, joko. Blain, n. owo, ile roro.
Biennial, adj. qlqdunmeji. Blame. f).t. ba-wi. n., ibawi,
Bier, n. aga posi. ~", "gan.
Bie, adj. nla, tobi. Blameless, adj. lail",,,, lail"gan.
Bigamist, n. alaya meji. Blameworthy, adj. y~ fun ibawi,
Bigamy, n. kiko obinrin meji jq. gigAn.
Bigot, n. ~niti 0 di isin kan mu Blanch, f).t. and i. 8q di funfun.
!aimOye. Bland, adj. j~j", p"l~.
Bigotry, n. itara alaimOye. Blandishment, n. ipqnni.
BBe, n. ororo "dq. Blank, adj. ,ofo.
Bilingual, adj. elede meji. Blanket, n. 8Ifq ibora.
Bill, n. "nu 1fO~0; iwe owo, Blare, f).t. and i. kigbe kikan.
8.g6g6 ~nu ¢y~. n. igbe.
Billet, n. iwe kekere. Blaspheme, f).t. and i. sqrq odi
Billow, n. riru omi, igbi omi 5i Qlqrun, ibura, ire.
okun. Blasphemy, n. qrq odi si Qlqrun.
Bin, n. apoti. Blast, n. fif~ "fufu, iro ipe.
Bind, f).t. di, so·pq, dilu. f).t. fi ~tu r~ danu.
Binding, n. edidi. Blaze, n. qwq ina. v.t. tan-kal",
Biography, n. itan igbe aiye kede.
"nikan. Blazon, f).t. kede fun gbogbo
Biped, n. "l~s" meji. enia, fihan.
Birch, n. p8lfan. Bleach, f).t. and i. 5q di funfun.
Bird, n. ~iy". Bleak, adj. tutu.
Birth, n. ibi. Bleat, f).t. and i. ke bi agutan.
Birthday, n. qjq ibi. Bleed, Bled, f).i. f\I~j".
Birthplace, n. ibi ibi "ni; ibiti Blemish, n. Abukun, ~gan. f).t.
a bi enia si. ~bukun, k~gan.
Birthright, n. ogUn ibi. Blend, f).t. and i. dapq mqra.
Biscuit, n. akara ti a yan di epa.. Bless, v.t. sure fun, buklin, yin.
Bisect, f).t. 1A si meji. Blessed, Blest, adj. alabuklinfun.
Bishop, n. oye olori alufa. Blessedness, Blessing, n. ibuklin,
Bishopric, n. il~ sakani olori ire.
alufa. Blight, n. talugbe, ir~u.
Bit, n. di~, okele; ijanu~. Blind, adj. afqju, ,okunkun, ope.
Bitch, n. abo aja. n. iboju, iboji, if9ju.
Bite. f).t. and i. ge-j~, bu-j". Blindfold, adj. idiloju, ibo loju.

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BlindDea, n. ifqju, airiran. Board, n. apako; ~gb~ igbimq ;

BIiDk, v.t. IJt'Id i. ,~ju, ,oju finran. ohUn jej~. v.t. and i. gba
Bliss, n. alafia pipe. onj~ be>.
Blissful. adv. ni alafia Ii qrun. Boarder, n. ~niti 0 ngba onj~.
Blister, n. ilerorO, owo. Boarding-school, n. ile iwe ibiti
Blithe, adj. idaraya. a mbq awqn ak~kq.
Blizzard, n. iji. Boast, v.t. and i. ,ogo, yin ara
Bloat, v.t. and i. wu, f~. ~ni, hal~,
Block, n. iti igi tabi okuta. Boaster, n. ahal~,
v.t. idina. Boat, n. qkQ, igbaja.
Blockade, n. idotl, idena. Boatman, n. qlqk~, atukQ.
Blockhead, n. omugq. Bob, v.i. mi soke mi sodo.
Blood, n. ~j,. Bobbin, n. igi ti a ka owu we.
Bloodguiltiness,' n. ~bi ~j~. ,Bode, v.t. and i. sqt~l~.
Bloodhound, n. aja ti nlepa orun , Bodily, adj. nipa ti ara.
~j~. Body, n. ara; ~gb~.
Bloodshed, n. ita ~j~ sil~, Bodyguard, n. ~,e>.
ipania. Bog, n. ~r~, ira.
Bloodthirsty, n. fif~ ta ~j~ sil~. Boggy, adj. kiki ~r~, ti ira.
Bloodvessel, n. i'1'an ~j~. Bogu, adj. ern, ';ltan.
Bloody, adj. ~l~j~. Boil, v.t. and i. ho, se. n. OWO.
Bloom, v.i. ruwe, rudi. n. Boiler, n. ikoko nla sise omi.
iruwe, irudi. Boisterous, adj. npariwo lile.
Blooming, adj. didan. Bold, adj. laiya; lafojudi.
Bloasom, n. ina eweko, ina igi. Boldly, adv. nigboiya.
v.i. yq itanna. BoidDea, n. igboiya, ilaiya.
Blot, n. abawqn, abukim. v.t. ,e Bolster, n. timtim, irqri.
abawqn si; pa-r~. Bolt, n. idabu il~kun. v.i. sa-lq.
Blotting-paper, n. iwe ti a fi Bomb, n. ibqn nla.
ngb~ tadawa. Bombard, v.t. fi agba do ti.
Blouse, n. ~wu obirin. BoD&flde, adj. or adv. tOt«;!.
Blow, n. ilu, ina; ofo, jamba. Bond, n. ide, idaW.
Blow, Blew, v.i. mi kikan, f~ bi I Bondage, n. oko ~rn.
af~f~; tanna, fun ipe. Bondman, n. ~rukqnri.
Blubber, n. qra erinmi. Bondmum, n. onigbqwq.
Blue, n. awq bi oju qrun. Bondwoman, n. ~rubirin.
BId, adj. gQ. v.t. and i. r~j~. Bone, n. egungun. II.t. yq egun-
Blunder, n. i~na. i'lubu, qrq gun kuro lara.
laironu. v.t. and i. ~,e. Boneless, adj. lailegungun.
Blunt, adj. kunu, aimu, lqra. BoDflre, n. ina nla nita Ii akoko
Blur, n. abawqn. ariya.
Blurt, v.t. sqrq lojiji laironu. Bonnet, n. ideri obirin, ak,t,.
Blush, n. oju pupa nitori itiju.
Bluster, n. ariwo bi af~f,. Bonny, adj. daradara.
Boa, n. ejo nla; ere, agbadu. Bonus, n. ele lori oWO; ,bun.
Boar, n. akq ,I¢, tinu igbo, Bony, adj. kiki egungun.
imado. Book, n. iwe.
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Bookbinder, n. aran·iwe, on~· Bow, n. 9run.

na·iwe. Bowell, n. ifun.
Bookcase, n. apoti iwe. Bower, n. iji igi.
Book-keeping, n. i~iro owo sinu Bowl, n. qP9D, awo koto.
iwe. Box, n. apoti; ~~~, ikiiku.
Book-marker, n. ohun ti a fi v.t. and i. kan, ki I~~, lu
nsami iwe. nikUku.
Bookseller, n. oluta iwe; ~niti. Bozer, n. skini I~~~.
o-nta-iwe. Boy, n. qmqkqnrin.
Bookshop, n. ibiti a nta iwe, Boycott, v .t. ~a.- ti.
. ile-qja iwe. Boyhood, n. iwa ewe, igba qrnqde
Bookworm, n. kawe-kawe ; ~niti Brace, v.t. de, di. n. ide, qja,
o f~ran iwe kika. igba.
Boom, n. iro ibqn. Bracelet, n. jufu, ~gba qrun qwq.
BooD, n. ~bun, Qr~. Brackish, adj. omi iyq.
Boor, n. eniakenia, omugq. Brag, v.t. and i. ~fefe, funnu.
Boot, n. batao v.t. jere, ~ani. Braid, n. iwUn, koko. v.t. wUn
Booth, n. agq, bUka. Brain, n. mudanmudtIn ; 9gbqn,
Bootlace, n. okun batao oye; 9Pqlq.
Bootmaker, n. aran-bata. Brainlever, n. &modi ori.
Booty, n. ikogun. Brake, n. ohun ti a fi Dda k~k~
Border, n. eti, ~ba, ipinl~; i,~ti, duro; ijanu k~k~; igbq.
igbati. v.t. and i. 8unmq. Bramble, n. igi ~I~gun.
Bore, v.t. and i. da-lu, da lagara. Bran, n. eri; folo'folo agbado
n. iho lilu. lilq.
Bom, Bear, v. bi; gbe ru. Branch, n. ~ka igi; ~ya. v.i. ya
Bome, v.t. and i. ru ~ru. ~ka.
Borrow, v.t. win, ya, tqrq. Branchless, adj. alail~ka.
Borrower, n. filniti 0 ya nkan. Brand, n. igi ina.. v.t. sami ai.
Bosom, n. okan aiya. Brandy, n. iru Qti kan.
Botany, n. imq ohun qgbin. Brass, n. id~. .
Both, adj. mejeji. conj. ati, p~lu. Bravado, n. i~efefe, ihal~.
Bother, v.t. and i. yq.l~nu. Brave, adj. laiya, gboiu, igboiya.
Bottle, n. igo. v.t. fi sinu igo. v.t. fi aiya ran.
Bottom, n. isal~, ipil~; idi. Bravery, n. igboiya, igboju.
Bottoml8lll, adj. laini i8al~. Brawl, n. &89 ariwo. v.i. sQ,
Bough, n. filka igi. pariwo.
Bought, v.t. ra. Brawler, n. alasq.
Boulder, ft. okuta nla ribiti. Brawn, n. ~ran ak9 ~l¢~.
Bounce, v.t. and i. fo, hal~ ai. Bray, n. igbe k~t~k~t~.
n. ifomq, i~efefe, ihal~. Brazea, adj. ti id~; lile.
Bound, v.i. di; fo. Brazen-face, n. alafojudi.
Boundary, n. ala, opin.
Boundl8lll, adj. alailopin. Brazier, n. alagb~d~ id~.
Bountiful, adj. oninure. Breach, n. oju ilio, ~DU.
Bounty, n. ~bun i~un, ore. Bread, n. 8.kara, onj~.
Bow, v.i. tfilriba' fun, t~, b~r~. Breadth, n. ibu, gbigboro.
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Break, f).t. and i. f~, ,~, da; Brigade, n. ~gb~ 9mQ·Ogun

,ubu, simi. n. ~~, dida, ~I~ tabi ~I~~.
isimi. Brigadier, n. olori ~gb~ QmQ"'
Brealdast, n. onj~ oWUl'9' v.t. ogun.
and i. j~ onj~ ar9. Brigand, n. iga.ra, ole.
Breast, n. aiya. Bright, adj. tan im91~, dida.n.
Breastplate, n. awo aiya, igbaiya Brighten, v.t. dan, mu d~a.
Ii ogun. Brightnea, n. it~n imQl~,
Breath, n. ami. didara.
Breathe, f).t. and i. mi. Brilliant, adj. tit&nlfan, didan
Breathing, n. mimi, ami. mqna.
Brim, n. eti ohunkohun; bebe
Breathlea, adj. la.il~mi. odo.
Breech, n. idi, ~hin; idi ibQn. Brimful, adj. kun de eti, kun de
Breeches, n. ,okoto. ~nu, kun de oke.
Breed, v.t. and i. bi, loyun, t9, Brimstone, n. irni orun, sulfuri.
,e iU;lju.
Breeze, n. a.f~f~ j~j~.
BriDe, n. omi iYQ, okun.
Bring, Brought, v.t. and i. mu-
Breezy, adj. laf~f~. wa, gbe, fa-wa.
Brethren, n. ara, arakQnrin. Brink, n. bebe, eti.
Brevity, n. ikekuro, laifa Qr9 gun. Brisk, adj. yara, murasi.
Brew, f).t. and i. P9n 9ti ; dimQlu. Briskly, adv. kiakia, yara, mura·
Brewer, n. apQnti, 91Qti. kankan.
Brewery, n. ile Qti. Bristle, n. irun gaungaun bi ti
Briar, Brier, n. ~l~gun. ~I¢~.
Bribe, n. ab~t~l~. v.t. b~ ab~. Brittle, adj. rQ, rirun wom, ya
t~l~. fif~.
Bribery, n. igba ab~t~l~ nitori Broach, n. lIu. v.t. Iu, da-Iu.
iwa buburu. Broad, adj. nibu, gbOro.
Brick, n. a.mq ~,u ti a fi ina sun Broadcast, adj. fun kakiri.
ni aIapa. Broadcloth, n. alf9 onirun dara·
Brick-kiln, n. ~bu slapa, ileru dara.
fun amq. Broadside, n. ilia QkQ.
Bricklayer, n. 9mQle. Broil, n. ariwo, 8.89, ija. v.t.
Bridal, adj. ti iyawo. and i. se.
Bride, n. iyawo. Broken, adj. fif~.
Bridecake, n. akara iyawo. BrokendoWD, adj. idibaj~, alai-
Bridechamber, n. inwu iyawo. san.
Bridegroom, n. 9k9 iyawo. Broken-hearted, adj. onirobinuj~
Bridesmaid, n. ~gb~ iyawo. 9kan.
Bridge, n. afam. v.t. ~fara Bi. Broker, n. alsgMta.
Bridle, n. ijanu, akoso. v.t. and i. Brokerage, n. ere i,~ aIsgbata.
ko ni ijanu, ife akoso. BroJUle, n. adalu Mba ati
Bridlepath, n. 9na ~l¢n. tanganran.
Brief, adj. kukuru. Brooch, n. ohun Q'Q obinrin.
Briefly, adv. laifa 9~ gun. Brood, v.i. saba Iori; pa ~yin,
Brig, n. Qkq olopo meji. radQbo. n. 9mQ \,iy~.
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Brook, n. odo ~ kekere. Burle, n. ipe 9dlil, ipe ologun.

1I.e. farada. v.t. and i. fun fere.
Broom, n. 9w9, il~, igbal~. Build, 1I.t. k9, m9 Ie. v.i.
Broth, n. omi ~ran bib9. gblilklille.
Brother, n. ara, arakQDrin. Builder, n. 9m91e, ak9le.
Brotherhood, n. idap9, lilgblil Building, n. eyiti a ti k9, ile kik9.
aW9n 9k9nrin• Bulge, v. wu sode.
Brother-in-law, n. ana. Bulk, n. iW9n, pataki.
Brotherly, adj. bi ara, ni if~ Bulky, adj. tobi, gborin •
• un. Bull, n. ak9 malu.
Brourht, see Bring. Bullet, n. 9ta ib9n.
Brow, n. iwaju. Bulletin, n. ikede.
Browbeat, 1I.t. wo-m9Ilil. Bullion, n. wura tabi fadaka ti
Browse, 1I.t. and i. fi ewe be?, a ko iti da.
jawe jlil. Bullock, n. lilgb9r9 ak9 malu.
Bruise, n. it~r~, ifarapa. 1I.t. Bully, n. a1aroye, aY9nillilnu.
and i. t~, tlilr~, pa-Iara. v.t. Y9nillilnu, panilaiya.
Bmsh., n. 9w9 illil. 1I.t. and i. Bulrush, n. koriko odo.
fi 9w9 gb9n. Bulwark, n. odi, agbara, abo.
B1'1l8Q.ue, adj. g9. Bump, n. wiwu, ilu. 1I.t. and i.
Brutal, adj. roro, nika, bi lu.
lilranko. Bunch, n. odidi, ,iri, akojQ
Brutality, n. iroro, ika. nkan.
Brute, n. lilranko ti ko m lye Bundle, n. lilrU, edidi. 1I.t. and i.
ninu, omug9, onika. di llilru.
Bubble, 1I.t. and i. ho bi omi, BUDg, n. edidi agba.
,e pompom. BUDgalow, n. ile iiii"
Buck, n. ak9 agb9nrin tabi BUDgie, n. nkan ti a ~ laibikita.
ewurlil· Bunk, n. ibusun ninu 9k9'
Bucket, n. ohun elo ti a fi np9n Buoy, n. ami loju omi lati kiI9
omi. fun 919k9'
Buckle, n. ide, ifiha. 1I.t. and i. Buoyancy, n. fifo loju omi tabi
de, fiba. Ii ofurufu.
Buckler, n. apata, asa., abo. Burden, n. ~ru; ininilara. v.t.
Bud, n. iihu ohun ygbin, imdi. di lilrU Ie.
1I.t. and i. hu, 89. Burdensome, adj. ninira, iY9nu.
Budge, 1I.t. and i. mira. Burglar, n. 919sa.
Budget, n. apap9 nkan, iwe Burglary, n. if91e, ikole.
irohin owo. Burial, n. isinku.
Buft, v.t. lu. Burial-ground, n. ibi iboji.
Buftalo, n. lilf~m. Burial-service, n. isin isinku.
Buftet, 1I.t. and i. ki Ii ~lil, lu ni Burn, Burnt, v.t. sun, jona.
ikiiku. Burr, Bur, n. em9.
Buftoon, n. ~lilflil. Burrow, n. iho ehoro tabi ekute.
Buftoonery, n. ~lilflil, isQkus9. v.t. and i. wallil.
Bur, n. ida; nkan lilililru; idin. Bunt, v.t. and i. b~, run wom·
Burbear, no. nkan ti ibanillilru. wom, tu-jade.
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Bury, v.t. sinku, bo.m91Q. Cable, n. okiln tabi ~W(;>n idakQ

Bush, n. igbo, igb~. duro ; ~rQ
Inn ti a fi
Bushel, n. Ill/uwqn ohun gbigb~. la b~ Ilkun iI ~
Bushy, adj. kun fun igi.
Business, n. i'i\e. Cackle, v.t. and i. gb~ bi agbeb9
Bustle, anwo ikanju. adi~.
Bustier, n. alaisimi. Cactus, n. igi 9rQ.
Bnsy, adj. ap9n. v.t. 'i'i'1~ 19w9. Cadence, irli\hun silli\.
Busybody, n. olofofo. Cadet, n. aburo; <;Initi 0 nk9
But, conj. '1ugb9n; bikll'i\eb~, ni ile ~k9 aW9n 9m9·ogun.
sibQ, sibQ, ali. Cage, n. He <;lin.
Butcher, n. alapata. v.t. pa I Cajole, v.t. pQn, tan.
~ran. Caioler, n. ap';mni, ~IQtan.
Butchery, n. ibi pipa, He alapata; I Cake, n. aka.ra didun.
ipakupa. Calabuh, igba.
Butler, n. agbQti, QmQ·9dQ. Calamitous, adj. oni jamba.
Butt, v.t. and i. fi iwo kan, fi Calamity, n. jamba.
ori kan. n. agba nla. Calculate, lJ.t. and i. ,iro, ka.
Butt, ami lati ta 9fa si. Calculation, n. il/iro, kika.
Butter, n. Ilri am9, ori wara. Caldron, Cauldron, n. ikoko nla,
v.t. on arm;> sL Ildu.
Butterfly, n. labalaba. Calendar, n. iwe ikaye 19b! ati
Buttock, idi. qiQ ninu 9dun.
Button, n. onini ~wu. v.t. and i. Calf, n. 9m9 malu.
so, Calibre, n. fif~ 'ilnU ib9n, ninip9n.
Buttonhole, iho onini QWU. Calico, n. al/9 owu.
Buttress, n. ohun iti, iti ogiri. I Calk, Caulk, v. di jijll nkan.
Buxom, adj. didaraya. Call, n. lpe. and i. pe.
Buy, Bought, V.t. ra, sanwo fun. Calling, n. ifil~ ti a pe wa si.
Buyer, n. olura. Calions, adj. Qk/In Iile, laitanu.
Buzz, n. ikun bi Qb,;mbQn tabi Callow, adj. alaihun.
oyiri. Calm, idak~, ipar~)r9, ir91'il'
prep. nip'a8~, nipa QWQ, l~ba. v.i. r91~, dak<;l, pa r91'<;'.
By-and-by, adv. nigb0'1e, nigba. Calmly, adv. nir91~, nipar9r9'
di~. Calumniate, v.t. filRta, 89r9 ~ni
Bygone, adj. eyiti 0 k9ja. I~hin.
Bystander, n. ~niti nworan. Calumny, Ejli'lata.
Byword, owe. Calvary, n. ibiti a kan Jesu m9
Calve, v.t. and bi 9mQ malu.
c. Calx, n. ~fun.
Cambrie, al/9 f~I'i'f~IQ.
Came, Come, v.i. \\'8.
Cabbage, n. ~f9 oyinbo. Camel, n. ibakalli~.
Cabin, n. yarl\ ninu Qkc}. Camp, ibudo.
Cabinet, n. yara. kekere; apoti Campaign, n. papa nla, igba
ohun 9'1Q. og(m.

laiti I bv :I( )<; ~


Camwoocl, n. 08Un. Capability. n. agbara, i\ye.

Can, Could, v.t. Ie, lagbara. n. Capable, adj. t6, l~, lagbara.
tanganran. Capacious, adj_ tobi, gbi5ro,
Canal, n. odo lila. nibu.
Canary, n. ~in ibaka. Capacitate, v.t. fun ni agbara ~e.
Cancel, v.t. nu-kuro, pa-r~. Capacity. n. agbara, ipa, i\ye.
Cancer, n. aki\n, alaka~a_ Caparison, n. ~9 ~,in. v.t. ~
CaDcJid, adj. ~ dajudaju, ~ ~lm·
otitq, lais~tan. Cape, n. ~on~o il~ ti 0 Y9ri ainu
CaDcJidate, n. ~iti nf~ w9 inu omi; ~wu ejika.
~gb~ tabi ~~ kan. Caper. n. 1£0, ib~. v.i. jo, b~, fo.
CaDcJidly, adv. nigbangba, lotit9. Capital, n. olori, ilu 9ba, letter
Candle, n. ab~la, itanna ti a fi nla.
9ra ~e. Capitaliat, n. olowo.
Candlestick, n. 9pa fitila, 9pa Capitation, n. ikaye od, bibu
itanna. owo sori oIukuIuku.
Candour, n. inurere, otit9. Capitulate. v.i. j919w9 p~Iu
Cane, n. 9parun. v.t. na. im9si; tunba p~lu aj989.
~e. adj. ti aja_ Capitulation, n. ipinnu, adehun.
Canker, n. egbo ibaj~. v.t. ba- Caprice, n. yi 9r9 pada Iainidi.
j~. Capricious, adj. yiyipada, a~~f~.
Cankerworm, n. kokoro jewe· Capsize, v.t. and i. bi ~ubu,dojude.
jewe. Captain, n. 9gak9, 9gagun.
Cannibal, n. ajenia. Captious, adj. lair~, arit~nim9wi.
Cannibalism, n. jij~ enia. Captivate, v.L gbB-laiya, d oju
Cannon, n. ih9n nla, agbli. rere, fa if~.
Cannonade, v. t. yinb9n nla lu. Captive, n. igbekun, onde, ~l~-
Cannot, v.i. ko Ie, lailagbara. w9n .
Canoe, n. 9k9 w~t~_ Captivity. n. oko~ru.
Canon, n. ofin, ilana, a~~; ~niti Captor, n. amuni.
a ya s9t9 fun isin Ql9run. Capture, v.t. fi agbara mu. n.
Canonise, v.t. fifi oruk9 aW9n imuni.
enia mim9 ti 0 ti ku si iwe Car. n. k~k~.
iranti. Caravan, n. ~gb~ ~ro.
Canopy, n. ibori igunwa. Carbuncle, n. okuta iyebiye;
Cant, n. 9r9 agabagebe. owo apeta.
Cantankerous, adj. kanra. Carcus, Carcase. n. oku enia
Canter. n. agabagebe; isare tabi ~ran.
~n. Card, n. iw~ p~I~b~.
Canticle, n. orin. Cardinal, n. olori, ~ni i~aju.
Canticles, n. orin Solomon. Care, n. aniyan, iijo. v.i. ,aniyan,
CantonmeDt. n. adugbo aW9n ~jo.
9m9-ogun. Career. n. lwa, irin, i,e.
Canvas, n. ~9 alaikuna igbokun. Careful, adj. kun fun aniyan;
CanVUl, v.t. and i. t9r9, b~b~.
Cap. n. fila, ideri. v.t. and i.
'9 ra .
Carefully, adv. p~l~p~l~.
deri, bori. CarefulDeas, n. i~9ra, akiyeai.
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Carelells, aibikita, Casual, adj. ala.bapade, monu

alafara. t~ll,l.
Carelli, v.t. fa.IDQra, fQwQpa. Casualty, n. ifa.rapa, iku loju
Cargo, n. ~ru QkQ. ija..
Carnage, oku pUPQ. Cat, n. ologbo, ologinl.
Carnal, adj. ti ara, agbQtara. Catalogue, n. iwe orukQ; iwe ti
CarnivoroUll, adj. ajli'ran. npolowo Qja.
Carol, n. orin aYQ tabi iyin. v.t. Catapult, n. aka.tampo.
and i. kQrin iyin. Cataract, n. oju-iEjlan odo; ataf6
Carp, v.i. jiyan.-· oja.
Carpenter, n. gb~nagbl,lna, oni- Catastrophe, n. ipari ti ko dara,
~Qna igi.
ija.mba, opin Qran.
Carpet, n. a~Q titl,l Bil~. Catch, Caught, n. idimu, idaduro.
Carriage, kl,lk9; iwa; 19JU. v.t. mu, da-duro, ran-IDU.
Carrier, n. alamo Catechise, ·v.t. kQni nipa ibel'e
CarrieD, n. 9ran ti ko !We jli" ati idahun.
Carry, v.t. and i. gbe, ru. Catechism. iwe ibel'e ati
Cart, n. kli'kli' ~ru. idahun.
Carter, n. onik!;lk~ !;lI'u. Catechist, n. olukQni ni
Cartilage, n. okerekere. QIQrun.
Cartridge, apoti ~tu
Catechumen, I,lniti ukQ ni
isin QIQrun.
Cartwright, n. gbfilDagb~na kl,lkl,l Cater, v.i. pese onj~.
';'I'u. Caterer, onipese oni,;,.
Carve, v.t. and i. fin igba tabi Caterpillar, n. kokoro.
okuta ke !;llan. Cathedral, n. He QIQrun giga..
Casava, Cassava, n. paki, gta· Catholic, adj. ti enia. gbogbo.
guda. Cattle, ~ran Qsin.
Cascade, n. omi ~i~an. Cause, n. idi, itori. v.t. mu-~e.
Case, n. apoti, akQ; ~jQ. Caullelelll, adj. lainidi, lasan.
Cash, OWO.
Cauterize, v.t. irin gbibona
Cashew, n. kaju. fi egbogi jo.
Cashier, n. onitQju oWO. Caution, n. iwoye, QgbQn,
Cask, n. agba. yesi. v.t. kilQ, Ejlafiyesi.
Casket, n, apoti ke.kere; post Cautious, adj. ni~Qra, niwoye.
Cassock, n. ~wu dudu awgn Cavalcade, n. QW9 irin I,ll~iiin.
alufa. Cavalry, n. ogun <;,1';'Ejlin.
Cast, v.t. and i. junu, danu. n. Cave, n. iho ninu apata tabi nill,l.
i~ati, iWQjunu. Cavern, n. iho nisal~ ill;'.
Castaway, aq;ati, li'ni itanu, Cavil, awawi eke. il.i. ~e
~ni.ikgsill,l. awawi eke.
Castigate, ns, Cayenne, n. ata. pupa.
Castle, n. ile i~Q. Cease, v.t. and i. da.wQduro,
Cast-eff, ikQ!!il~, ifilla.pakan. EjliwQ, da.
Castrate, v.t. t~ ni QdA, ~e ni Ceaseless, adj. aiduro, aisimi.
Mfin. Cedar, opepe.
Castration, n. tit~ IQda. Cede, V.t. fi-fun, fi IQwQ.
Dlai Ibv l O( Ie

Ceiling, n. aja ile. Chalice, n. ago waini ti a nlo

Celebrate, v.t. and i. ~e iranti, nJ,bi onj4i' al~ Oluwa.
kokiki. Chalk, n. ~fun.
Celebrations, n. iyin, i~e iranti. Challenge, n. ipenija, ifijal9.
Celebrity, n. ~ni olokiki. v.t. pe-nija.
Celerity, n. iyara. Chamber, n. iyara, iy~wu_
Celestial, adj. ti 'i'run. Chamberlain, n. ijoye 'i'ba ~iti
Celibacy, n. wiwa ni ap9n, ntqju yara.
alaigbeyawo. Chambermaid, n. 'i'm'i'-'i'd'i' ti 0
Cell, n. yar& nile ~w'i'n, ihC). nt'i'ju y~ra.
Cellar, n. yar& nisal~ ile. Chameleon, n. ag~'i', 'i'ga.
Cement, n. BInQ lile, y~fun Chamois, n. ewur~ igbo.
okuta. v.t. r~p'i'. Champion, n. 'i'gagun, O~l,lgun.
Cemetery, n. ibi isinku. Chance, n. alabapade, ~i. ,·.t.
Censer, n. awo turari. and i. ~e alabapade.
Censure, n. ibawi. v.t. ba-wi. Chancel, n. apa oke ni ile Ql'i'run,
CeDSDS, n. 19kaye enia ilu. ipo aW9n AlOOa ni Ij'i'.
Cent, n. 'i'g'i'run. Chanoellor, n. ak'i'we nile ~j'i',
Centenary, n. 'i'g'i'run 'i'dun. BInofin, olori ile-~k'i' giga.
Centipede, n. tani\lank'i', 'i'kim. Change, n. lpar'i', iparada. v.t.
Centre, n. arin, agbedemeji. and i. par'i', ~ p~ipar'i'.
Centurion, n. balogun 'i'run.
Changeable, adj. yiyipada.
Century, n. 'i'g'i'run, Qdun. Changeless, adj. ti ki ipada,
Ceremonial, adj. ~~ apejQ tabi lains~.
isin. Channel, n. ibu odo, 'i'na odo.
CeremoDY, n. ami ode ti isin, i~e Chant, v.t. and i. kQrin.
isin. Chaos, n. rudurudu, juju.
Certain, adj. daju. Chap, n. 'i'm'i'dek'i'nrin.
Certainly, adv. daju-daju, laisi Chapel, n. ile Qlqrun.
aniani, nitot'i'. Chaplain, n. oniwasu ni ile
Certainty, n. idaniloju. Ql'i'run tabi Ii 'i'k9, oniwasu
Certiflcate, n. i we ~ri. l~gb~ aW'i'n 'i'm'i'-ogun.
Certify, v.t. j¢. rohin. Chapter, n. ori iwe, ipin iwe.
Ce.uation, n. idaw'i'duro, iduro. Character, n. iwa, oruk'i" ami.
Cession, n. ifilel'i'w'i'. Characterize, v.t. 8'i' bi 0 ti ri, fi
Cesspool, n. kC)to egbin. oruk'i' fun.
Chafe, v.t. and i. ra; t9, mu Charcoal, n. edu igi.
binu. Charge, v.t. and i. ka si l'i'run,
Cha1!, n. iyangbo 'i'ka, epo, eri. fisun, diyele.
Chagrin, n. imunibinu. v.t. mu- Chargeable, adv. ikasil9run, idi-
binu. yele.
Chain, n. ~w'i'n. v.t. de Ii 4i'wQn. Charger, n. awo p'i'k'i' nIa; ~~in-
Chair, n. aga, ijoko. ogun.
Chairman, n. olori apejQ, olori Chariot, n. k~k~.
aj'i'. Charitable, adj. inurere, ~eun.
Chaise, n. k~k~ ~. Charity, n. if~i ; 9r~-a.nu, iY9nu.

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Chann, n. ogun, onde, tira; Chide, v.t. and i. ba·wi.

ifaiya. v.t. li'ogun ; li'efaiya. Chief, n. olori; olu, oloye.
Channer, n. onifaiya, atuniloju. Chief lustice, olori ouidajQ.
Charming, nifaiya, ni iwu. Chiefly,
Chart, n. iwe 8woran ap~r~ Chieftain, olori.
Charter, n. iwe adehun. Child, n. QmQ, ewe.
Chase, v.t. dQd~, lepa. n. Qd~. Childbirth, n. ibimQ.
Chasm, n. Qgbun nla. Childhood, n. igba ewe.
Chaste, add. inufnnfun, m9, ye. Childish, adj. bi ewe.
Chasten, v.c. Childless, adj. lail((mQ.
Chastise, v.t. j'i'.niya. Chill, n. ti nmu ni
Chastisement, ina, ibawi, Chimes, aw((n agogo.
ijiya. Chimney, n. ihO efin.
Chastity, n. iye ara, mimQ ara, Chimpanzee, n. QIi'Ii.
iy~ge. Chin, n. igbQn, agb9n.
bOti. China, n. ohunelo ti a fi amQ
ohun ini. Chink, n. lara ogiri.
bi ~iy~, Chip, v.t. w~w~, r'il
werewere. wini.
Cheap, adj. PQ, w9P9. Chirp, v.t. and i. ke bi ~iy~.
Cheat, v.t. and i. r~.j~, Chisel, n. ohunelo irin mimu.
n. ir~y~, itanj~. Chivalry, n. iwa rere, igboiya.
Check, v.t. and da·duro, kl Chocolate, igi koko
n. idaduro, lkiwQ. pese fun
Cheek, n. Choice, n. ; 8IiIayan.
Cheekbone. pari ~r~k~. Choir, Quire, 'i'gb~ akQrin.
Cheeky, adj. lafojudi. Choke, v.t. and i. fun Ii Qrun.
Cheer, n. imuninudun, aYQ. v.t. Choler, n. ibinu, irunu.
and i. gba.niyanju, mu· Choose, Chose, v.t. and i. yan ~a.
tujuka, inudun. Chop, v.t. and ke popop6.
Cheerful, adj. didaraya. Chopper,
Cheerless, adj. alainidaraya, Chord, n. duru.
alaininudidun. Chorister, n. akQrin He QIQrun.
Cheese, n. warak8lili. Chorus, n. QWQ olorin, egbe-orin.
Chemise, n. ~wu aWQt~l~ obinrin. Chosen, adj. yiyan, Ii'~ayan,
Cheque, n. iwe ipali'iparQ owo. 8IiIayan.
Cherish, v.t. bQ, tQ·dagba. Christ, n. Ji:ni i tororosi.
Cherisher, n. oluk~. Christen,
Cherub, n. orukQ
Cherubim, n. aWQn ~mi tabi ~da Christendom, n. akopQ aWQn ti
Qrun. o nsin Kristi.
Chest, n. aiya. Christian, n. QmQ.~hin Kristi.
Chevalier, n. ~1~li'in. Christianity, n. isin Kristi.
Chew, v.t. and i. fi ehin run, Christianize, and i.
j~. QmQ 'i'hin Kristi.
Chicken, Chick, QmQ adi~. Christmas, 'i'i'i' ibi Kristi.
Chickenpox, n. ((fa Ii'Qpanna. Chronic, adj. pip~ titi.
eRR 25 eLI

ChroDicle. n. iwe itan. v.t. k9 Clammy, adj. yiY9, tutu.

iwe itan. Clamour, n. ariwo, igbe.
Cbryaalis, n. kokoro ki i to di Clan, n. idiIe, li'ya.
labalaba. Clandestine, adj. nik9k9, nipam9.
Chuckle, v.i. rli'rin. Clank, Clang, n. iro Ii'w9n.
Chum, n. li'nikeji, 9r~. Clap, n. iro atli'w9. v.t. and i.
Chump, n. iti igi. pat~w9·
Church, n. ile Q19run. v.t. Clapper, n. olu agogo.
didupli' lli'hin ibim9. Clarify, v.t. and i. 89di mim9.
Churchwarden.n.IrijuileQI9run ; Clarion. n. fere.
onit9ju ile Q19run. Clash, n. ariwo nla, ik9lura. v.t.
Churl, n. onroro, omug9. and i. k9-lura.
Churlish, adj. 'ilonrorO; fifli'ra. Clasp, n. idimu, ikq. v.t. and i.
Churn. n. ohun 010 ti afi gun mu, k9, fa-m9ra.
wara. v.t. and i. gun wara. Class, n. li'gbli', ipade. v.t. to
Cigar, n. taba ti a 19lu. l1i'8 1i'.
Cigarette, n. taba ti a fi ainu iwe. Classify, v.t. to lli'gbli'gbli'.
Cinder, n. edu. Clatter, n. ariwo.
Cipher, Cypher, n. nkan ti ka ni Clause, n. gbolohun 9r9 kan.
lari. v.t. and i. kaye, filiro. Claw, n. iikan Ii'SIi' li'iyli' tabi
Circle, n. ayika. oruka. v.t. li'ranko. v.t. ya Ii ekanna.
and i. yi-ka. Clay, n. 8ID9.
Circuit, n. iyika. Clean, adj. mq, aileri. v.t. wli'-
Circulate, v.t. and i. tan-yika, mu m9·
yi ka kiri. Cleanliness, n. im9 toto.
Circulation. n. ipin yika. Cleanse, v.t. w~-m9, 89di-mimq.
Circumcise, v.t. k9-nila abli'. n. Clear, adj. m9 toto, mqju, dBfiIa,
ik9la. ailabukUn. v.t. mu-dan.
Circumspect, adj. 'il9ra, kiyesara. mu-kuro.
Circumspection, n. i'il9ra, iwoye. Clearance. n. imukuro.
Circumstance, n. 9ran, ohun Cleave, v.t. and i. la, pin; 1~m9,
~Ii" daP9·
Circumstantial, adj.ni alabapade. Clemency, n. anu, iY9nu, inure.
Cistern. n. apoti omi. Clergy, Clergyman. n. li'gb\,
Citadel, n. ile odi. aW9n ojifilli' Q19run, Alula.
Citizen. n. ara ilu, 919t9, onilu. Clerical, adj. ti ojifilli' Ql9run, ti
City, n. ilunla. Alula.
Civic, adj. ti ilu. Clerk, n. ak9we.
Civil, adj. m9yi, moye. Clerkship, n. oye ak9we.
Civilization. n. ilaju. Clever, adj. gbfjln, moye.
Civilize. v.t. k9-19gb9n, foyehan. Cleverness, n. 9gb9n, oye.
Civil War, n. ija-ilu, ija igboro. Client, n. abli'wli' alagbawi, ~lli'j9-
Claim, n. ere, ibere ohun ti ifiIe Clift, n. bebe okuta.
tli'ni. v.t. bere nkan ti ifiIe Climate, Clime, n. afli'fli' illi', tabi
tli'ni. ti ilu.
Claimant, n. li'niti 0 pe nkan ni Climu, n. opin.
tir~. I Climb, v.t. and i. gim, goke.

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Climber, n. filniti ngoke; itakun. Cob, n. ori agbado kan.

Clinch, Clench, v.t. and i. di·mu Cobbler, n. oni-bata, aran-bata.
",in~n. Cobweb, n. okiln alantakun.
Cling, v.i. fa-mfjl, rfjlmfjl, somfjl. Cook, n. akukfjl; ikfil-ibfjln. v.t.
Clip, v.t. rfil-kuru; gba-mfjl. and i. k~, fa-duro.
Clique, n. filgbfil. Cockatrice, n. ejo gunte.
Cloak, n. agbada, &'IIfjl ileke. v.t. Cock-crow, adv. Ii akukfjl.
and i. fi-pamfjl. Cockroach, n. iyan.
Clock, n. agogo. Cookaoomb, Coxcomb, n. ogbe
Clod, n. idi erupfil il~. ori akukfjl.
Clog, n. ohun idina. Cocoa, Cacao, n. kc)k6.
Close, v.t. and i. se, ti, plide. n. Cocoanut, n. agbfjln.
ipari. adj. nitori. Cocoon, n. ewuruku.
Closeness, n. itosi, sisunmfjl. Coddle, v.t. bq.
Closet, n. yara ikfjlkfjl. Code, n. akojfjl ofin. .
Clot, n. ~u, filjfil didi. Coequal, adj. fjlgbfjlgbs, lba-
Cloth, n. a",fjl wiwun, 8.'IIfjl ibora, dfjlgba, filgbfil.
8.'IIfjl hihun. Coerce, v.t. and i. ~akoso, fagbara
Clothe, v.t. Wfjl-1&'llfjl. ~.
Clothes, n. a.rw wiwQ. Coercion, n. akoso, ifagbara ~e.
Clothing, n. ohun wiwfjl.
Coessential, adj. oniru &'llfil kanna_
Cloud, n. ikiikii, aWfjl sanma..
v.t. and i. ~okunkun, di-loju.
Coffer, n. apoti owo.
Clout, n. akisa; ilu, ina. CoftlD, n. posi. .
Cloven, adj. lila, pin. Cogent, adj. ti agbara, daJu-
Club, n. igi nla, fjlgfjl; filgbfil. v.t. Cogitate, v.t. and i. ronu, ,e
and i. dilupfjl.
Clue, Clew, n. amfjlna. &'IIsro•
Cogitation, n. ironu, ~o.
ClIlDlBY, adj. g9.
Cluster, n. ldi, fjlpfjllfjlpfjl. Cognate, adj. batan.
Clutch, v.t. and i. diwfjl, dimu. Cognizance, n. imq. .
Cohabit, v.i. jumfjl gbe pfjl bl fjlkQ
Coach, n. kfilk~.
ati aya; ba sun.
Coadjutor, n. filgbfil, alab~, Coheir, n. ajumfjl se arole pfjl.
Coagulate, v.t. and i. ki, di. Cohere, v.i. lfilmy, rfilpqmfjl.
Coal, n. filyin ina, adu. Coherence, n. idapy. .
Coil, v.t. and i. ka-okiln. n. ika
Coalesce, v.i. dApfjl, faramfjl.
Coalescence, Coalition, n. idapfjl, Coin, n. owo ~e. v.t. rfjl, humfjl.
Coarse, adj. ,aikuna, ",alaigbfjlD, Coinage, n. irywo.
Coincide, v.i. ~ dade, bs-mu.
g9, ,8.ki~ki.
Coincidence, n. ~ade.
Coast, n. agbegbe, eti okun.
Coaatguard, n. olu,fjl etikun. Coition, n. idap9.
Coat, n. 8'119 ileke. Colander, n. kynk98Y, 8Sfil.
Cou, v.t. and i. kfil, tan, rq, pfjln. Cold, adj. tutu. n. otutU.
Couer, n. fillfiltan, apfjlnni, pfjlnni- Coldhearted, adj. ainif~, aibikita..
pfjlnni. Colic, n. inurirun.

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Collapse, v.i. wo lulfil, ~ ailera. Comforil8ll, adj. alainitunu, ala-

n. iwolulfil, ailera. inirQra.
Collar, n. ~ka QrUn, ~Q QrUn. Comic, adj. pa ni lfilrin.
Collateral, adj. lfilgbfilkfilgbfil. Coming, v. mb9wa, mbQ.
Colleague, n. filgbfil, alab~e, Comma, n. ami idaduro (,).
fillfilgb~. Command, n. ~'I', akoso, ijanu.
Collect, n. akojQpQ, adura kuku- v.t. and i. P~'I', filakoso, ko ni
ru. v.t. and i. ko-jQ, 'ilaj9 PQ. ijanu.
Collection, n. ikojQpQ. Commander, n. olori, alakoso.
Collector, n. akojQPQ, olukojQ. Commandment, n. ofin, BfiI'I'.
College, n. ile iwe giga. Commemorate, v.t. file iranti.
Collide, v.i. kQlura. Commemoration, n . • iranti.
Collier, n. a-wa-adu. Commence, v.t. and i. b~r'l"
Colliery, n. ibi filyin, koto adu. pil'l'filfil'
Collision, n. ikQlura, idugbolu. Commencement, n. ib~r'l', ipil~fil.
Colloquy, n. QrQ sisQ. Commend, v.t. yin, ki; fi Ie IQwQ.
Colon, n. ifun nIa; ami ida- Commendation, n. iyin.
duro (:). Comment, n. iladi, itumq. v.i.
Colonel, n. Qgagun. ladi, tumq.
Colonise, v.t. and i. t~ ilu do. Commentary, n. iwe itumQ, iwe
Colouy, n. ilu ti a t~do. iladi.
CoI088&I, adj. tobi pUPQ, gborin. Commentator, n. atum9, aladi.
Colour, n. aw9. v.t. and i. fi Qda Commerce, n. u,owo-owo. v.i.
Hi. file owo, ba-~PQ, ba-IopQ.
Colporteur, n. 'l'niti ntA iwe Commercial, adj. ti u,e ti owo.
kakiri. Commination, n. lIq, ibawi, ikilQ.
Colt, n. agodongbo, QmQ ~n. Commingle, v.t. and i. dapQ, da-
Column, n. QW9n, lIa. Iu.
Comb, n. oya; ogbe akukQ. Commiserate, v.t. filBnu fun.
v.t. and i. yo.. Commiseration, n. u,anu fun.
Combat, n. lja, idelQna. v.t. Commissary, n. ijoye kan.
and i. ja, de-IQn8.. Commission, n. BfiI'I', ififunni;
Combatant, n. onija. ifil'l'. v.t. ran, fi BfiI'I' fun.
Combination, n. filgbfil, imQPQ, Commissioner, n. 'l'niti a fun Ii
ikojQpQ. ~'I'.
Combine, v.t. and i. da-PQ, r~-PQ. Commit, v.t. fi Ie IQwQ, fun'ilQ.
Combustible, adj. ti ko 'iloro jo. Committee, n. ajQ 19bimQ, filgbfil.
Combustion, n. jijo; irukerudo. Commodious, adj. rQrlm, dara,
Come, Came, v.i. Wll, sunm?'iQ, ' ni aye.
de. Commodity, n. filrU, Qja.
Comeliness, n. filwa, iwu, 'l'wu. Commodore, n. oye kan ni. Qk9'
Comely, adj. l'I'wa, lfilwU. Common, adj. WQPQ, bakanna,
Comet, n. irawQ oju Qrun; ti gbogbo enia.
irawQ oniru. Commonly, adv. nigbakugba,
Comfort, n. itunu, itura, irora. nigba gbogbo, IQpQIQpQ.
v.t. tu-ninu; r~, tu-Iojuka. Common prayer, n. isin ij9
Comfortable, adj. nirQra, nitunu. Kristi; Iwe adura ajQgba.

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Commonsense, n. QgbQn, oye. Complete, adj. kun, pe. f).t.~-

Commonwealth, n. ire aWQn ara tan, pari.
ilu. Completion, n. ipari, ~kUn, ipe.
Commotion, n. irukerudo. Complex. adj. ~oro, diju.
Commune, f).i. jumQ sQ1"9' Complezion, n. aW9 oju.
CommUDicaDt, n. ",niti nj", Qnj", Compliance, n. ij",wQ, gbigba.
al", Oluwa. fif~.
Communicate, v.t. and i. sQ-fun, Complicate, v.t. diju, IQlu.
fi-han, fi·fun, jumQ b~ePQ. Complication, n. idiju, ilQlu.
Communication, n. QrQ. ififun, Compliment, n. ikini ibuyin.
ikQwe. v.t. ki, yin.
Communion, n. idapQ. ilwkan; Comply, v.i. j"" f~, gba, fimQ~Q­
gbigba onje al", Oluwa. kan.
Community, n. ara ilu, ",gb",. Comport, v.t. and i. huwa.
Commute, v.t. parQ. Compose, v.t. tojQ, ~jQ; mu-
Compact, adj.l",mQra. faramQra. farabal"" fQkanlel",.
n. ipinnu, imul",. Composer, n. olupil",~", twe.
Companion, n. ",I",gb"" ",nikeji. Compound, f).t. and i. da.liI.
Company, n. ",gb"" ajQ. dap9 mQra. n. idalu.
Compare, v.t. andi. fi-we, fi-wer&. Comprehend, v.t. mQ. ye; moye.
Comparison, n. ifiwera. Comprehensible, adj. mimoye.
Compartment, n. ipin, iyanipa, Comprehension, n. imoye.
iyalQtQ. Compress, v.t. fun; gbamu.
Comp. ., v.t. yi-ka. n. ayika, Compreaion, n. ifunPQ, igbamu.
obirikiti. Comprise, f).t. ka-mQ, ka·kun.
Compassion, n. anu, iyqnu. Compromise, n. ilaja, adehiln.
Compassionate, adj. tanu, ni- v.t. and i. pari ija; mu-r",_
YQnu. Compulsion, n. ifagbara ~e.
Compatible, adj. n, tQSi. Compulsory, adj. p",lu agbara.
Compatriot, n. ara ilu kanna.
Compeer, v.t. ~e Qgba. n. ",gb"" Compunction, n. ironu, ikanu.
Qgba. Computation, n. ~iro, idiyele.
Compel, v.t. fi agbara mu. ika.
Compensate, v.t. and i. san.fun, Compute, v.t. ka, ~iro, diyele.
sanpada. Comrade, n. ",gb"" ",nikeji.
Compensation, n. isanpada, ~n. Con, v.t. ~ ~aro, kQ sori.
Compete, v.i. jadu, duo Concave, adj. jinkoto.
Competence, n. tito. Conceal, f).t. fi.pamQ, fi·sin.
Competent, adj. to. Concealment, n. ifipamQ, ifisin.
Competition, n. ijadu, idije, ije. Concede, v.t. gba, j'llwQ, fi fun.
Competitor, n. ajijadu, adije. Conceit, n. gb(jln loju ara r~.
Compile, v.t. kQ-iwe. Conceivable, adj. yiyeni.
Complacency, n. it",IQrun. Conceive, f).t. and i. loyun; rb.
Complacent, adj. nit",IQrun. ~ebi.
Complain, v.i. fi-sun, ~e·aroye. Concentration, n. arojinl"" ifQ-
ComplaiDant,n. olufisun, alaroye. kansibikan.
ComplaiDt, n. ",jQ, 'Il8un; arun. Conception, n. oyUn; irb, ~ebi.

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Concern, n. ~e; aniyan, ifiyesi. and i. f9nahan, sin, ~e

v.t. tQ, kan, ~e. akoso.
Concerning, prep. nipa ti, niti. Conductor, n. am9na, alakoso.
Concert, n. ire orin, ifim9~9kan. Confection, n. adidim, akara
Concertina, n. duru 919w9. didun.
Confectioner, n. aladidun, ala-
Concession, n. ij9w919w9, ififun. kara.
Conciliate, v.t. tu·loju, la·nija, Confederacy, n. 1dim9, imulf;'.
s9 di 9r~. irf;'P9·
Conoiliation, n. ilaja, ituloju. Confederate, v.t. and i. dim9,
Concise, adj. kuru. mulf;'.
Conclude, v.t. and i. ~ pari, Confer, v.t. and i. fi.fun; ba-89r9.
~etan, pinnu.
Conference, n. ijum989, is9rQ,
Conol118ion, n. ipari, ~tan, apej9·
Confess, v.t. and i. jf;'w9.
Concoct, v.t. se, mudf;'.
Concoction, n. ise, imudf;'. Confession, n. ijf;'w9.
Conoord, n. irf;'P9. Confidant, n. 9rf;'.iY9rf;', f;'ni ti a
CoDOOl'dance, n. iwe apf;'rf;' m- gbf;'kf;'le, olotQ.
pbhan ni QrQ Q19run. Confide, v.t. and i. gbf;'kf;'le.
Concourse, n. aj9 iW9j9P9' Confidence, n. igbf;'kf;'le, ilaiya.
Concrete, adj. pataki. Confident, adj. didaju, ko si
Concubine, n. ale. ani·ani.
CODCupiscence, n. iff;'kuff;'. Conflne, n. ipinlf;', ala. v.t. and i.
Conour, v.i. ~9kan, ~e dede, ha·m9, tl-m9; ~e akoso.
jum9 ~e. Conflnement, n. iham9. itim9le.
Concurrence, n. i~9kan, i~edede. Confirm, v.t. tf;'num9; fi 1ilBf;'
ConcUlSion, n. ik9lu, ilu ohun mulf;', mu 19kan Ie, jf;'w9.
meji P9. Confirmation, n. itf;'num9: iflilBf;'-
Condemn, v.t. da-If;'bi. mulf;', ijf;'w9, imul9kanle.
Condemnation, n. f;'bi, idalf;'bi. Conflscate, v.t. bole, gba.
Condensation, n. kiki, rirogun, Confiscation, n. ibole, gbigba.
didl. Conflagration, n. jijo ina nla.
Condense, v.t. and i. ki, rogun, CouJlict, n. ija, ik9lu, iwaya ija,
dilu_ odi si.
Condescend, v.i. rf;'l~, rf;' ara r~ Confluence, n. ipade omi odo.
sil~. Conform, v.t. and i. ~ dede, gba,
Condescension, n. irf;'l~, irf;'ara- j9, tf;'riba fun.
silf;'. Conformable, adj. fifarawe, jijf;'-
Condiment, n. nkan ti nmu W9·
onjf;' dim. Conformation, n. ifarawe, jij9,
Condition, n. iwa, ipo, in. iba~edede.
Condole, v.i. ba.daro, ba.kf;'dun. Confound, v.t. da.ru, damu,
Condolence, n. ibakf;'dun, iba- daP9·
~edaro. I Confraternity, n. f;'gbf;'.
Conduoe, v.i. ran.19w9, fa. Confront, v.t. kb-Ioju; fi·~kawe.
Conduct, n. iwa, i~, ilo. v.t. Confuse, v.t. da·ru.
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COnfwlion, n. rudurudu; ailoju, Consent, n. ifoh~9kan, igba,

idamu. ij~w9. v.i. j~w9 ghA, fo-
Confutation, n. iyipo, ijakoro, hunsi.
ibi·~ubu. Consequence, n. ~~, ijasi, idi,
Confute, v.t. yi·po, ja·nikoro, ipari.
bi.~ubu. Consider, v.t. and i. ro, wadi.
Congeal, v.t. and i. ki, di. Considerate, adj. nironu.
Congenial, adj. bibamu. Consideration, n. ifiyesi, iro, iyin.
Congest, v.t. and i. kO'P9, ko.jl,l. Consign, v.t. ran·si, fi·1eI9wl,l.
Col1lestion, n. ikoj9P9 ~j~, ikun Consignment, n. ifile19w9, ohun
deti. ti a ran s~ni.
Conglomeration, n. ikoj9P9 nkan. Consist, v.i. ni, j~, W8..
Congratulate, v.t. and i. ba'Y9 Consistent, adj. duro, ki, dilu.
Y9·fun, yin. Consolation, n. itimu, ir~lekun
Congratulation, n. yiY9fun, bi· ili'ip~fun.
baY9, iyin. Consolator, n. olutunu, ar~ni­
Congregate, v.t. and i. pej9P9' l~kun.
Congregation, n. ipej9, apej9, Console, v.,. tu.ninu, gba-niya.
ij9· nju.
Congress, n. aj¢, ipej9. Consolidate, v.t. and i. s9 di 9kan.
Conical, adj. bi adodo. S9 di lile.
Conjecture, n. irot~le, is9t~le. Consolidation, n. iS9d9kan, is9-
Conjoin, v.t. and i. sopq, 'l9kan. dilile.
Conjugal, adj. ti isoyigi, ti Consort, n. ~l~gb~, 9k9 tabi aya.
igbeyawo. v.t. ba-k~gb~, ba·mu.
Conjunction, n. idap9. ibapade. Conspicuous, adj. han gbangba.
Conjure, v.t. and i.. fi.bura; ~e farasin.
ifaiya, ",e af9'i~' Conspiracy, n. 9t~.
Conjurer, n. alaf9~~. Conspirator, n. 919t~.
Connect, v.t. and i. ba·tan, ba- Conspire, v.t. and i. dit~.
dap9, sO·P9. Constable, n. 919pa.
Connection, n. isoluP9. ifarak9ra, Constabulary, n. ~gb~ 919pa.
ibatan. Constancy, n. iduro~in.
Connivance, n. imojukuro. Constant, adj. ti ko yipada.
Connive, v.i. mojukuro. didur9~i~n.
Conquer, v.t. bori, ",~gun, ~~t~. Consternation, n. ipaiya, idamu.
Conqueror, n. ~egun, ~~t~. Constipate, v.t. diju 9na, di·ninu.
Oonquest, n. i",~gun, ~~t~. Constipation, n. didi inu.
CODBCience, n. ~ri 9kan. Constitution, n. ofin.
CODBCientious, adj. dede, tity, Constrain, v.t. fi agbara 'le, rq.
mimq. Constraint, n. agbara, ipa.
CoDBCious, adj. mim9 ninu. Construct, v.t. k¢. 'le, kan.
Consecrate, v.t. ya.simim9, ya- Construction, n. kik¢, sif?6 kikan.
s9 t 9· ~~rv·
Consecration, n. iyasimim9, iya. Construe, v.t. and i. tum9, ladi.
s9t 9· Consul, n. aj~l~ 9ba.
Consecutive, adj. l~~l~s~. Consulate, n. oye aj~l~.

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Consult, v.t. and i. bere, fi 9ran Continue, v.I. and i. duro p~, p~,
19, wadi <;>r<;>. roo mura si.
Consultation, ajwn<;>s9r<;>. ibe Contort, v.t. 1<;>P9.
re, if9ranl9. Contortion, n. il9P9.
Consume, v.t. and i. run. fi flofo ; Contraband, ad;". lodi si ofin.
jona. Contract, ipinhun. adehun.
Consumer, n. afohun flofo, runni- v.t. and i. ke-kuru. dinku.
runni. Contraction, n. ikekuru, iS9ki.
Consummate, v.t. !;Ie pari. ~e pe. Contractor, n. ~niti 0 fie adehun
Consummation, n. ipari. Rfletan. ifil~ alakekuru.
Consumption, amodi wya, ik~) Contradict, v.t. ji.l~s'il. ja-niyan.
fe. Contradiction, n. ijiyan. ijil~s,?
Contact, n. ifarakanra, ipade. Contrariwise, adv. ni ilodisi.
Contagion, n. ar\ID ti nran. Contrary, ad;". lodi.
Contain, v.t. fi.p~hl. gba.-sinu. Contralt, V.t. and i. we ra.
Coniaminaie, ba-j~. Contribute, v.t. and de., fi fun ;
Contamination, n. ibaj~. ranl<;>w9. no. OWO.
Contemn, v.t. k';)gan. Contribution, n. idawo. iranI9w<;>.
Contemplate, v.t. and fle-af/aro. Contrite, ad;". ir<;>bii.nuj~. ikiinu.
ronu, WO. Contrition, n. ikanu I,lEjlI,l. iro-
Contemplation, n. ir~. aIjIaro, nupiwada.
wiwo. Contrivance, n. I,lr9, ihum9·
Contemporary, adj. nigba Contrive, v.t. 1iI,;)!"9. hum'll'
ka.nna; ~I~gblil-~ni. Control, n. akoso, agbara iyanu.
Contempt. ~gan. Ik~gan.
Controller, Comptroller, n. ala·
Contemptible, ad;". I~ga.n, lai-
nilari. koso.
Controversy, n. aroye, aS9, iji-
Contend, v.I. and i. jijadu. ja. ba·
Content, adj. nit~19r\ID. n. it~- Conundrum, n. a19'
I<;>run. ito. Convalescence, n. bib919W9 arun.
Contention, ija. 0.8<;>.
Contentiollll, adj. nija. Convene, V.t. and i. pe apej9.
Contentment, n. it~l<;>run. Convenience, n. ir9ra, ir9run,
Contents, akop<;>. eyiti WR
ninu. Convenient, ad;". y~. r9run, ljIe·
Contest, n. ija. v.I. and ja, dade.
jiyan. Convent, n. ibi ti aW9n enia sa si
kuro niuu aiye. lad faro.
Context, n. <;>r9 pataki. iW9n p<;>.
Continence, imaraduro, akoso w<;>n fun isin Ql9run.
iwa. Convention, aj<;>. apej9.
Continent, ipin il~ wye, il,? Conventional, adj. ti j~ aIjIft.
nla laiE;i okun. Converge, v.t. and i. dari si ibi
Contingent, n. nkan ti ko daju. un.
nkan ti a ko t'ill';). Conversation, n. 9r9 sis9.
Continual, ad;". p~ titi. duro titi. Converse, v.i. s9r<;>. ba-s9l'9. n.
Continuation, n. ifaP9titi, aiduro. sis<;> 9r<;>.

laiti I bv :I( )<; ~


Conversion, n. iyipada, iyi- Corban, I;lbun.

19kanpada. Cord, n. okun. V.t. fi okun di.
Convert, Cordial, adj. nitot9, nifl;l.
pada. Cordiality, n. Qr~, otit9, if~.
pada. Core, n. inu ohunkohun.
Convey, v,/, mu,IQ, ril, fi,fun, Cork, edidi igo, idenu, v.t.
ran. di igo.
Conveyance, n. ohun ir~rU. Corkscrew, n. iE;ligo.
Convict, n, I;lniti dabl;lbi Cormorant, n. I;liy~
ti a do. 11;lj9. v.t. do. ll;lbi, Com, n. 9ka, agbado.
do. 11;ljQ, igun, ik9kQ,
Conviction, idallilbi, idalej9. ohlIn elo orin.
Convince, v.t. do. ni loju, yi 19kan Cornice, n. tente ogiri, tente
pada, oye yeo 9W~1Il,
Convivial, ad;". ajurn9 j~yo. Coronation, n. 9ba joye, igba
Convocation, n. ipej9P9. ade, igun ori it~.
Convcke, pe, apej9, Coronet, ade kekere ti aW9n
Convolution, n. ikap9. 919111..
Convoy, n. onitoju 19na. Corporal, n. ninu a W 9n
Convulse, E;lfl mu gb9nriri, ologun. ti ara.
mu girl. Corporation, n. aj9 ilu.
Convulsion, ipa, girl. Corps, Iilgb'tl ologun,
Cony, Coney, n. ehoro. Corpse, oku enia.
Cook, n. alase. v.t. and i. se Corpulence, n. isanra.
Qhun jij~. Correct, l1.t. pe, t9, ba·wi, jl;l-
Cookery, isase, lae onj~. niya. adj. tit9.
Cool, adj, tutu; fl;lri. ?J.t. and i. Correction, n. ibawi, it9.
lOU tutu ; f~ri. Correctly, adv. dede, pipe, lai-
CooP, n, ile adil;l. labukiln.
Cooper, n, akangbo. Correlate, v.t. and i, ba·tan,
Co-operate, v.i. bs Correspond, v,i, dahun, E;le dede,
j um9E;le. k9we si.
Co-cperation, n. bal\lepQ, Correspondence, n. i~edede, ik9-
m9E;le. we, ibarl;l.
Co-partner, n. alabaE;leP9' Correspondent, n. ak9we.
Cope, ibOl'a, ibori. v,/, and Corridor, n. Qdl;ld~.
bA·du, >;Iodi si. Corroborate, v.t. ba IiIe dede,
Copious, adj. P9, pup9, E;lQkan, mu daju.
Copper, n. haba, ikoko Corroboration, n. ibal\ledede,
baba r9, cwo, ifl;lsl;lmull;l.
Coppersmith, n. alagbl;ldl;l baba, Corrode, l1.t, and i. d6gun,
Copulate, l1.i. SO·hl, dapQ ~9kan. ba·jl;l,
Copulation, n. isolu, idap9, iE;J9' Corrosive, adj. ti 0 d6gun.
kan. nnl"l'tUrllblL v.t. i. paporo, ka.
Copy, n, iwe kikQ, aplilr~, awo <iUUUIU._ v.t. and i. bajl;l, ra, E;le

ran, ~.. t. and i. k9 awo·k9. adj. ibaj~, rira.

Coral, n. iyim. COrrllllltion. n. ihaj~, alm9, rira.
cos 33 ORA

Cosmetic, n. ikunra ti 0 tun Courteous, adj. ninurere, niyin.

~wa ,e. Courtesy, n. ibliym fun, ini-
Cosmopolitan, n. olugbe ~ye. nurere.
Cost, v.i. na, j~. n. iye, inawo. Cousin, n. 9m9 Ii'gb9n tabi
Costive,· adj. didi inu, aigbqnsli'. aburo baba tabi iya.
Costly, adj. ti 0 ni owo lori. Covenant, n. majli'mu. v.t. and i.
Costume, n. ~9 wiw9. da majli'mu, mulli'.
Cosy, adj. ti 0 nilvra. Covenanter, n. onimajemu.
Cot, n. abula, ibusun 9m¢e. Cover, n. abo, ibora. v.t. bt>,
Cottage, n. ile ti 0 kere. de, dabobo.
Cotton, n. OWU. Covering, n. ~ ibora.
Couch, n. ibustm, ir9gb9ku. Covert, n. abo, ~ri.
v.t. and i. dubulli', fara. Covet, v.t. ~ ojukokoro, ,elara.
p am9· Covetous, adj_ lojukokoro, 19ka-
Cough, n~ ik9. v.t. and i. wuk9. njuwa_
Could, v.t. Ie. Covetousness, n. ojukokoro,
Council, n. aj9 19bim9. 9kanjuwa.
Councillor, n. li'ni igbi.mQ. Cow. n. abo malu_ v.t. dli'ruba.
Co1lll881, n. Un9ran. v.t. gba Coward, n. 6j6.
niyanju, da. m9ran. Cowardice, n. 6j6, ni ilojo_
C01lll88Uor, n. oludamQran. Cower, v.i. ,ojo.
Count, v.t. and i. k8., rt>, ,iro. Cowherd, n. 01~9 malu.
Countenance, n. iwo, oju. v.t. Cowry, n. owo Ii'Y9.
ti-lli'hin, gba-niyanju. Coxcomb, n. ~iwere, .Ii'ni igbe-
Counter, adv. lodisi. n. tabeIi raga, t>,u ori, ogbe akuk9.
o~wo. Coy, adj. nit;i.ju,
Counteract, v.t. ,e odi si. Crab, n. akan.
Counterfeit, v.t. tan-jli'. n. Crack, n. Ua, sisan. v.t. and i.
itanjli'. f9, la, san.
Counterfoil, n. apa keji iwe owo. Crackle, v.i. ta papa.
Countermand, v.t. pe ~Ii' pada. Cradle, n. ibusun 9m9de, it~
Counterpane, n. ~9 i busun. 9m 9titun .
Countersign; v.t. k9 oruk9 sisalii' Craft, n. arekereke; i,li'.
iwe. Craftiness, n. 9gbqn arekereke.
Countess, n. aya. ijoye. Craftsman, n. oni~na.
Countless, adj. ainiye. Crafty, adj. 199b9n arekereke.
Country, n. illi', illi' ibi li'ni. Crag, n. palapa.Ia.
Countryman, n. ara ilu buna. Cram, v.t. and i. ki, jli' ajli'ki,
Couple, n. meji, isoPQ. v.t. and kiln rek9ja.
i. so ni yigi, di Ii aWli'meji. Cramp, n. pajapaja, isunraki;
Courage, n. ilaiya, il9kan, igboju, ifunP9, ifam9ra. v.t. fun-P9,
igboiya. famora P9; ni pajapaja.
Courageous, adj. laiya, nigboiya. Crane, n. ~9 ti nk6 Ii'rU sinu 9k9.
Courier, n. olii,li', ~niti nsare. Cranium, n. agbari, egun agbari.
Course, n. ipa 9na. v.t. and i. Crape, n. ~9 fli'lli'fli'lli" ~ 9f9·
tQna, lepa. Crash, v.t. and i. r9, ,~, ha,
Court, n. afin, ite Ii'j9. pariwo. n. ariwo, ~Ii'.
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Crau, add· gq. Crimination, n. ~Ban Ii"~, I.ka

Crate, n. apoti igi. fjlran ai.
Crave, v.t. and i. fi itara b~bli', fli' Crimson, n. aWQ pupa d~d~.
pUpfjl· Cringe, v.i. tli'riba, saj~j~. n.
Craven, n. ojo. it~riba.
Craving, n. ifIi' inu. Cripple, n. &rfjl. v.t. Sfjl di arfjl.
Crawl, v.i. rakO, w¢, fa. Crisis, n. opin, kongbari.
Crayon, n. li'fun. Crisp, adj. run were.
Craze, n. ibajli' ori. v.t. f¢mu- Criterion, n. ami ti a fi nmlj)
dunmudun, ba lori jli'. nkan, olin.
Crazy, adj. fif¢, ~were. Critic, n. ~niti 0 mlj) diyele,
Creak, n. iro. nkan ~niti nwadi nkan.
Cream, n. fjlra wara. Criticise, v.t. ,e iwadi, di-yele,
Creamy, add. kun fun wara. gAn, ~ akiyesi.
Crease, n. Ami i,li'po tabi kika. Criticism, n. i,e idajlj), wiwadi.
Create, v.t. da, ~, mu jade. Croak, n. igbe Ij)pql¢. v.t. and i.
Creation, n. ¢a, • . ke bi Ij)plj)l¢.
Creator, n. Ji:l¢a. Crockery, Crock, n. ohun elo
Creature, n. ¢Ii. amfjl.
Credence, n. igbagbfjl, igbli'kli'le, Crocodile, n. Ij)ni.
li'ri. Crook, n. Ij)pa wiwfjl, tit~.
Credential, n. ami li'ri, ohun li'ri. Crop, n. eso oko; apo onj ~ ~iy~.
Credible, adj. Yli' ni igbagbfjl. v.t. and i. ke kuru ; r~ mfjllli"
Cr08l, n. agbelebu, I.ya.
Credit, n. igbagbfjl, fjlla, iwa rere ; Croabow, n. fjlrun, akatampo.
awin. Cross-eyed, adj. oloju-dida.
Creditor, n. oluwinni, li'niti a jli' Croton, n. eso botuj~.
lowo. Crouch, v.i. tli'riba fun, rq kli'k~
Creed, n. ijli'wfjl igbagbfjl, igbagbfjl. fun, b~r~.
Creek, n. it¢ odO. Croup, n. Mil.
Creep, v.i. rakO. Crow, n. ka:imakanna. v.i. klj)
Creeper, n. itakiln ti nfa sara bi akuklj).
nkan. Crowd, n. Ij)plj) enia, ikojlj)pIj).
Cremation, n. sisun oku. v.t. and i. ki, pfjl, funplj).
Crescent, n. o,upa ti ko iti Yfjl Crown, n. ade, fila Ij)ba, owo
tan. fadaka kan 5 /-
Crest, n. in li'iyli', "a~o. CroWD, v.t. de Ii ade.
Crestfallen, adj. tli'logo, fajuro. Crucible, n. ikOkO.
Crevioe, Crevuae, n. i18, isan. Cruoiflx, n. ere Jesu IOlli agbelebu
Crew, n. li'gbli' aWfjln atukq. Cruoiflzion, n. iya ikanmfjl agbe-
Crib, n. ibujli' ~ran. v.t. se mfjl, lebu.
ji. Crucify, v.t. kan mlj) agbelebu.
Cricket, n. ir~, antete. Crude, adj. laiplj)n, laid~.
Crier, n. akede. Cruel, adj. nika, a~nia.
Crime, n. Ii"~, riru ofin. Cruelty, n. ika.
Criminal, n. arutin, li'l~,~. Cruise, v.i. wiwaklj) kiri loju omi.
Criminate, v.t. ka ~~ si lfjlrun. Crumb, n. erun.

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Crumble, v.t. and i. f9 si w~w~. Cure, v.t. and i. wosan, ~awotan,

Crusade, ogun ti aW9n oni- mularada. iwollan, iroula-
gbagb9 ja lati gba ilu mim9 rada, awotan.
W9n 19w9 aW9u Imale. Curiosity, awari, iridi ohuu
Cruse, n. kolobo. iyanu.
Crush, v.t. and i. rUn, t~ r~. Curious, lawari ; 9wQu,
n. it~r~, ifunpa. iyaI4i'nu.
Crust, n. epa akara, epa i~u. Curl, ikako, iron kikako.
Crusty, adj. Hipa. v.t. and i. ka-ko.
Crutch, n. 9pa ar9. Currency, owo nina.
Cry, n. igbe, ~kun. v.t. and i. Current, adj. ti a ntankak~.
kepe, kigbe, !l9kun, kede. Currier, n. alawQ. arunwQ.
Crystal, n. okuta mim9 gara. Curry, v.t. rUn-aw9, dan-aw9 nu
Cub, n. 9m9 filran abekanna. ara fil~iu.
Cubit, n. igbQuw9 kan. Curse, v.t. and i. fi-bu, fiore,
Cucumber, n. apa,!a. gegun. n. ifibu. eguu.
Cud, ap9jfil. Cursory, adj. ti a ko wo rere.
Cuddle, v.t. and i. gba-m9ra. Curtail, v.t. ke-kuru, diuku.
Cudgel, n. ogb6, 9pa ti wuwo. Curtain, n. tita, a~9 ikeIe.
Cuft, n. ~~~ lilu, ~~~, 9run 9w9 Curvature,
8119. v.t. 1~1\I~. Curve, v.t. t/il k9r9d9.
Culminate, v.i.de oke, de ogogoro. n. ohun ti t4i"
Culmination, ide ogogoro. Cushion, n. timtim, irVri.
Culpable, adj. nibawi, 14i'~4i'. Custody, n. iham9, i'19, ide.
Culprit, n. !i'l~!i', filui ibawi. Custom, n. li'1a, i~e, iwa, iIQ;
Cultivate, v.t. ro, t9. owo ode.
Cultivation, n. iro, it9. Customary, ad,j. gfilg!i' bi
Culture, n. riroko, oju lila. Customer, n. onibara.
Cumber, ha, gba laye, gba Custom·house, ile·bode.
lasan, Y9-1!i'nq. Cut, v.t. and i. ge, ke, ~a. n.
Cumbarsome, niY9nu, ni idi- 9gb~.
19W9, lailoju, wuwo. Cutlass, n. Ma.
Cumulate, v.t. and Cutler, alagb~fil 9b!i'.
C11IlDing, adj. gb9n, moye; Cycle, n. ayika, obirikiti.
arekeroke. Cymbal, n. ohun elo orin.
Cup, n. ago. v.t. fa filjfil lara. Cynic, n. onikanra, onroro.
Cupbearer, agh9ti 9ba.
Cupboard, n. PfilP4i', ibiti a Ie ko
obun D.
Cupidity, n. if4i' ilara, Qkanjuwa.
Cur, aja ainilari. Dab, v.t. Iu l fill fil. n. lilu j filj If.
Curable, adj. titan, wiwotan. Dabble, v.t. and i. fi omi ~ire.
Curate, n. oji,?e QIQrun, alufa. Dagger, n. Qbfil oIojumeji, ida
Curative, adj. imunilarada. kukuru.
Curb, v.t. m lJanu. ijauu. Daily, adv. IOjOjUffiQ.
Curd, n. warak~i. Dainty, adj. didun, dara, filIfilgfil.
Curdle, v.t. and i. dl, ki. Dairy, ibi ifunwara.

llait I bv ;0 QI

Dairy-maid. n. obinrin ti nfun Daughter. n. r,lmQbirin.

wara. Daunt. 1I.t. fo·laiya, da·lamu.
Dale. n. afo, giri oke, ·afonifoji. DauntI8I8, adj. laifoiya, laib~ru.
Dally, 1I.t. and i. fi akoko ,ofo. DaWll, n. af~mQjumQ. 1I.i. mQI~.
Dam. n. iya ~ran, sise Qna omi, Day. n. QjQ.
dari omi 'fi!f8,n. Daybreak. n. af~mQjumQ'
Damage. n. ofo, ibaj~, adanu, Daylight, n. imQI~ 98Bn.
ifarapa. 1I.t. pa·lara, ba.j~. Daystar. n. irawQ 0Wllr9.
Damask. n. aw, ,¢8 alarabara. Daytime. n. 98an.
Dame. n. iyalode, obinrin. I Daze. 1I.t. pa niye, daIamu.
Damn, 1I.t. and i. fi·gegun. fi·re. . Dazzle, 1I.t. dan manran.
DamnatioD, n. ~bi ainip~kun. ! Deacon. n. oye kan ninu ijll.
lya ainipekun 19run apadi. Deacon8l8. n. oye obirin ninu
Damp. n. ririn, otutu, ikuku. ijQ.
1I.t. and i. mo· tutu, r~.sil~. Dead, adj. kli. laiI~mi.
Damsel, n. QmQbinrin, Qm¢an, Deadly, adj. ti nmu Iku bani.
wundia. Deaf, adj. diti.
Dance. n. ij6. 1I.i. j6. Deafen, 1I.t. di leti.
Dancer. n. onijo, alajota. Deafn8l8. n. iditi.
Dandle, 1I.t. gbe QmQ !fire. Deal, 1I.t. and i. pin fun oluku·
Dandrilf. Dandruff, n. epa ori. luku, ba·,owo. n. pUPQ,
eri ori. ipin, igi.
DandJ. n. oge. Dealer. n. on~owo.
Danger. n. ewu. Dealing. n. ibalo, iba"owo.
Dangerous. adj. lewu. Dean, n. alufa ninu ile QIQrun
Dangle. 1I.t. and i. fl. giga.
Dank. adj. igbo biribiri ti 0 nmu Dear, adj. oluf~; "QwQn, QWQn.
ni lotutu. Dearth, n. Qda, lyan.
Dapper, adj. yara, 'fe afinju. Death, n. iku.
Dare. 1I.t. gbQdQ. d • . Death-bed, n. ibul~ iku, oju iku.
Daring. adj. Jaiya, nigboiya.
Dark. adj. ,li, ,okunkun; ,oro Death-blow, n. lilu ti 0 Ie pani.
mQ. aimoye. Deathless, adj. aikli, ti ko k.li
Darken. 1I.t. and i.
'fe aimoye.
'U okunkun, lai.
Death-like. adj. bi ti iku.
Darkness, n. okunkun, aimoye. Death-rate. n. iye> 8w9n ti 0 kli
Darling, n. oluf~. ni ilu kan.
Darn, 1I.t. riran "'Q, tun ohun Death-throe. n. irora ikli.
ti 0 faya ,e. Death-warrant, n. ~\l lati pa
Dart. n. QkQ, akasi. 1I.t. and i. ~niti 0 j~bi iku.
8Ql9kQ, sure lojiji. Debar. 1I.t. da duro, de IQnB.
Dash, 1I.t. and i. fQ, kQlu. n. ifQ, Debase, 1I.t. ~ aiyederu, ",bula.
ikQlu. Debasement. n. t"abula, ~
Dastard. n. ojo. aiyederu.
Date, n. QjQ ti ohun kan ,e. Debate. n. ijiyan. 889.
1I.t. and i. fi QjQ si. Debauch. 1I.t. ba·j~, fa sinu ~'f~'
Daub. 1I.t. and i. r~, "an. n. ibaj~.

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Debauchery, n. ibaj~, imQtipara, Declivity.. n. g~r~g~r~, g~r~g~r~

iwa if~kuk~. oke.
Debenture, n. iwe igbese. Decoct, v.t. bq, bq WQWQ, se
Debilitate, v.t. BQdi alailera, din lagbo.
agbara ku. Decoctioll, n. ibq, ibqwQwQ, agbo
Debility, n. ailera, ainokun. sise.
Debit, v.t. kQ gbese sinu iwe. Decompose, v.t. and i. baj~,
Debris, n. panti. pin si w~w~.
Debt, n. gbese. Decorate, v.t. ,e lQ'Q, w~.
Debtor, n. ajigbese. Decoratioll, n. Q'Q, iw~.
Decade, n. m~wa, Qdun m~wa. Decorous, adj. n niwa.
Decalogue, n. 000 m~wa. Decoy, v.t. tan, d~. n. ~tan, id~.
Decamp, v.i. lQ nikQkQ, ~budo. Decrease, v.t. and i. dinku,
Decampment, n. ~nibudo. fa-s~hin. n. idinku, ifas~hin.
Decapitate. v.t. b~.lori. Decree, v.t. pinnu, p~~, ~ 000.
Decay, n. ibaj~, rira. v.t. and i. n. ofin ipinnu.
ba-j~, ra. Decrepit, adj. gbo tan, nro.
Decease, n. iku. Decrepitude, ft. ailera, ogb6.
Deceit, n. ~tan; ir~j~. Dedicate, v.t. ya-si, fi-sQtQ.
Deceitful, adj. l~tan, nir~j~. Dedicatioll, n. iyasi, ifisQtQ.
Deceive, v.t. and i. tan-j~, ~ Deduoe, Educe, v.t. fa-jade, YQ-
lQna. jade.
Deceiver, n. ~l~tan. Deductioll, n. imukuro, iYQkurO.
December, n. QSU kejila. Qdun. Deed, n. ~e, ilo.
DecellOY, n. iwa yiy~. titt,l. Deem, v.t. ro, ka.
Decellt, adj. y~, tQ. Deep, adj. jijin, jinl~.
Deeply, adv. nijijinl~.
Deception, n. ~tan, ern. Deer, n. agbQnrin.
Deceptive, adj. leru. Deface, v.t. pa-r~, ba-j~.
Deoern, v.t. and i. mv iyatQ Defacemellt, n. ipar~, ibaj~.
yanju. Defalcatioll, n. jijiwo pamQ_
Decide, v.t. and i. pinnu, pari Defamatioll, n. dulumq, iba
r~, fi igba si. orukQ j~, ij ~rieke.
Decidu01ll, adj. ti nWQwe lQdQ- Defame, v.t. ba orukQ j~, gbadu-
dun. lumQ, j~ri
eke si.
Decipher, v.t. lile ka iwe ti ko Default, n. abukiln.
yanju. Defeat, n. ib~ubu, iparun. v.t_
Decision, n. ipinnu. bi-,ubu, pa-run.
Decisive, adj. nipinnu. Defect, n. abukun.
Deck, v.t. ,e-1Q,Q. n. it~-apako Defelloe, n. abo, asa.
Qkq. Defenceless, adj. alaini abo.
Declaration, n. iwi, isQ, it~numQ. Defend, v.t. and i. dabobo, ~
Declare, v.t. and i. wi, sQ, odi fun.
t~numQ. Defendant, n. ~niti a pe Ii ~jQ.
Declelllioll, n. ifas~hin, ir~hin, Defender, n. alAbo.
ibaj~. Defer, v.t. and i. da-duro, fa-
DecliD.e, v.t. and i. ya, t~, kQ. s~hin; fifal~.
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Deferenoe, n. iyln, qW9, iforibal\l. Delinquent, n. \llljll\lljl, alabukUn.

Defiance, n. ifOl\liY\I, ipenija. Delirious, adj. ori bi baj\l.
DefI.oienoy, n. abukUn, aipe. Delirium, n. aran, fj~e ir8nr8.n.
Deficient, adj. laipe, labukim. Deliver, v.t. gba, j9-19w9, gba-
Defile, v.t. and i. ba-j\l, S9 di sil\l.
aimQ, t\l-logo. n. &foni Deliveranoe, n. igba18, ib919w9,
foji biha. ij919w9·
Defllement, n. ibaj\l, isQdi eri. Deliverer, n. olugbala.
Deflne, v.t. s9 aB9ye, tum9' Delivery, n. ib919W9, ibim9.
Defillite, adj. daju, ti 0 yanju. Dell, n. afonifoji.
DeflDiticm, n. itum9' Delude, v.t. tan.
Deflect, v.t. and i. yi si apakan. Deluge. n. iklinomi. v.t. fi. omi
Deform, v.t. ~ labukUn. kun.
Deformity, n. abukun. Delusion, n. l.tanj\l.
Defraud, v.t. r\l-j\l. Delusive, adj. nitanj\l.
Delray, v.t. san gbese, ~ inawo. Delve, v.t. and i. wa il\l.
Deft, adj. 919gb9n. Demagocue, n. Bm9na, 919rQ
DeluDot, adj. oku. lljlnu.
Defy, v.t. fo-I\liY\l. Demand. v.t. bere ; fi. agbara
Degenerate, v.i. baj\l, fa-s\lhin. bere.
Degeneration, n. ibaj\l, ifaB~. Demarcation, Demarkation, n.
Degrade, v.t. and i. r~-sil\l. 418.
Degradaticm, n. ir\lsil\l. Demean, v.t. huwa, Ii>.
Degree, n. iW9n, ipo, oye. Demeanour, n. iwa, ili>.
Deify, v.t. S9 di or., hQ. Demented, adj. ~iwere.
Deign, v.t. r~ sil\l. Demijohn, n. '\Iago.
Deity, n. iwa Q19run. Democracy, n. ij9ba nibiti agbara
Deject, v.t. ba ninuj\l, mu ir\lW\lai wa 19W9 aW9n enia.
ba. Democrat, n. \lniti ki> f~ 9ba.
Dejection, n. ibanuj\l, ir\lw\l8i. Demolish, ".t. run, baj\l, f9.
Delay, v.t. and i. duro, da-duro. Demolition, n. ibaj\l, rirun, if9.
Delectable, adj. daradara, ni aY9. Demon, n. ~u, iwin.
Delectation, n. inudidun, aY9. Demolliac, n. \lI\lmi ~u.
Delegate, n. ikq. DemoDStrate. v.t. and i. fi.-han,
Deleterious, adj.li ewu, niparun. fi.-Iadi.
Deliberate, v.t. and i. rO, DemoDBtration, n. ifihan, iladi.
gbim9, '\Ie &l\l&r0. Demoralise, v.t. ba iwa j\l.
Deliberation, n. iro, ~aro, iwol~. Demur, v.i. '\Iiye meji, '\Ie aniani.
Delicacy, n. adidun, idara, \lI\lg~. Demure, adj. igb8I\lrq. ailip9n.
Delioate, adj. '\I\lI\lg~, dara. Den, n. iho.
Delicious, adj. dun. Dellial, n. sis\l, didu, kik9.
Delight, n. aY9, inudidun. v.t. Denominate, v.t. S9 loru.k9, pe.
and i. dunm9. Denomination, n. is9 loru.k9,
Delightful, adj. didun. \lgb\l.
Delineate, v.t. ~ aworan. Denotation, n. ikiye si, isami ai.
Delinquency, n. abukun ni i~e, Denote, v.t. sami si, tQka ai.
~I\I\I. Denounce. v.t. kil9, j\lri si.
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Denouncement, n. ik:i!1jI. Depth, n. jijin, ijinl~.

DeDle, ad}. ki. nipc;m. Deputation, n. ikq, oju,~.
DeD8ity, n. kiki. su,wnljlr&. Depute, !J.t. yan"a ikq. fl. ~~ fun.
Dent, n. iho. !J.e. te sinu. Deputy, n. ijoye IjIba. a"aledeni,
Dentist, n. ~niti nwo ehin. ~oju~ni.
oni~egun ehin. Derange, !J.t. "a darudapljI.
Denunciation, n. ikilljl nigbangba. Derangement, n. idarudapljI.
Deny, !J.e. du, B~, kq fun. Deride, !J.e. fl. r~rin, YIjI ~uti Bi.
Depart, !J.e. and i. Iljl kuro, ku. Derision, n. iY99Uti ai, ir~rin.
Department, n. aps, isQ, sakani. Derivation, n. itljls~, ipil~,~.
Departure, n. UIjI kuro; iku. Derive, !J.t. and i. tIjlB~.
Depeod. !J.i. gb~k~le, gbarale, Deroaate, !J.i. dinkU, "abukun.
gbiyele. . Derogation, n. idinku, 19abukun.
Dependence, n. igbarale, igb~ DeIoeDd, !J.t. and i. 89kal~.
kQle. Descendant, n. IjImljl, atf,lle.
Dependent, n. ibatan. Deioent, n. g~r~g~r~ oke. iSIjI-
Depict, !J.e. ~ apejuwe. kal~; ipil~ itan.
Deplete, !J.t. dinkU. Describe, !J.t. fl. IjIrIjl ,ap~r~.
Depletion, n. didinku. Description, n. ap~r~, u,ap~r~.
Deplorable, adj. didaro ~ni, DeIorJ, !J.t. ri lokere.
kikanu ~. Desecrate, !J.t. ba ohun mim9 j~.
Deplore, !J.e. kanu, 89kun, darb. Desecration, n. ilo ohun mimljl
Depopulate, !J.e. and i. tub, BIjI laiy~.
diahoro. Desert, n. aginju, .I~. !J.e.
Depopulation, n. itub, i8Ijldi. and i. k9-ail~. fl.-Bil~.
ahoro. Delertion, n. ikqsil~.
Deport, !J.t. Ie kuro ni ilu, Deserve, !J.t. and i. y~. tljl Bi.
huwa.lo. Deservedly, ad!J. niyin.
Deportment, n. iwa. ilo ai. Design, n. iro, imljl. ap~r~.
Depose, !J.e. mu kuro nipo, bljl- !J.t. and i. ro, "a ap~r~.
loye, rojljl. Deaignate, !J.t. pe lorukljl, sami
DellOlit, !J.t. fl.-dogo, fl.-,ura. Bi.
Deposit, n. ohun idogo. Deaipation, n. ifihan nipa ami,
Depot, n. ile u,ura. ibi ipamljl. ipe lorukljl.
Deprave, !J.e. ba-j~, BIjI di buburu. Desirable, adj. n ni fl.f~.
Depravity, n. ibaj~. iwa buburu. Desire, n. if~, iwu. !J.t. f~, btlJre.
Deprecate, !J.t. and i. gbadura ki Desist, !J.i. ~wljI. mu IjIWIjI duro.
a bljl IljlwljI ibi. Desk, n. apoti iwe ibiti a nkljlwe.
Deprecation, n. adura ai iwa ibi. Desolate, !J.t. 89 di ahoro.
Depreciate, !J.t. bu owo ktm, Deaolation, n. isqdahoro.
,abuktm. Despair, n. ainireti, ailabs.
Depredate, !J.t. jale. baj~, ko19. Despatch, Dispatch, !J.t. and i.
Depredation, n. ijale. ibaj~, ikolljl. ran 19 kiakia; paku. n.
Depr8l8, !J.t. r~-sil~, mu-kAnu. iyara, iranlljl.
Depreuion, n. ir~il~, ir~w~. Desperate, adj. lainireti, laidaba.
Deprivation, n. igbakuro, irIjIloye. Desperation, n. ainireti. ainani
Deprive, !J.t. gba-lljlwljI. ewu.
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Despioable, adj. I~gan, lainilari. Devutation, n. of0, iparun.

Despile, v.e. k~g8n. Develop, v.e. and i. tu.sil~, IDU
Despite, n. arankan, aikasi, dagba.
ibinu. Development, n. idagba, l.hu.
Despoil, v.e. ko Ii ~rU, ja Ii ole. Deviate, v.i. yana, yapa, ,ina.
Despond, tJ.i. SQ irati nu, wa Deviation, n. iya kuro IQna,
lainirati. ~a.
Despondenoy, n. iwa ainireti. Device, n. lmQ ~e, ~rQ, QgbQn.
Despot, n. alagbara, onroro. Devil, n. ~u.
Deapotilm, n. iwa agbara, iroro. Devil-worship, n. isin ~u.
Dessert, n. eso, aj~k~hin onje. Devise, v.t. '~rQ, gblmQ, hUIDq.
Destination, n. ibi ~i a nIQ. Devoid, adj. alaini.
Destine, v.e. pinnu, kadara. Devolve, v.t. and i. kan, tori.
Destiny, n. opin nkan tabi Devote, v.e. and i. ya·sQtQ. ya si
~nikan. mimQ, fi. peri.
Destitute, adj. laini, kikQsil~. Devotee, n. ~niti 0 ni itara ni
Destitution, n. Qsi, aini. isin, olufQkansin.
Destroy, v.t. parun, run. Devotion, n. ifokansin,
Destroyer, n. apani, arfulni. Devour, v.t. j~run, fi iWQra j~.
Destruotion, n. iparun. Devout. adj. nifQkansin.
Destructive, adj. ti imu ibaj~ Dew, n. iri.
wa, ti imu iparun wa. Duterity, n. QgbQn, oye, imQ.
Detach, tJ.t. ya, ya sQtQ. Dutero1l8, adj. lQgbQn. yara,
Detachment, n. ~gb~ ay8.sQtQ. yawQ.
Detail, n. riro IQkQkan. v.t. ro Diabetes, n. atQgb~.
kinikini. Diabolical, adj. ti ~u.
Detain, v.t. da·duro. Diadem, n. ade.
Detect. v.t. r~, wa rio Diagnosil, n. imQ aisan.
Detection, n. iwa ri, ihil sil~, Diagram, n. aworan.
fih8.n. Dial, n. ohun elo ti a fi. nfi ojiji
Detective, n. QJQpa.inu. oron IDQ akoko, oju agogo.
Detention, n. idani duro. Dialect, n. ade, ori~i iyatQ ninu
Deter, v.t. daiyafo. ede kanna.
Deteriorate, v.t. and i. ba.j!i', Dialogue, n. QrQ larin enia meji.
mu ki 0 buru si i. Diamond, n. okuta oniyebiye ju.
Deterioration, n. isQ ohun di Diaphragm, n. ala ipinya aiya
buburu ju. ati ikun.
Determination, n. ipinnu. DiarrbCBa, n. ~~unu.
Determine, tJ.t. and i. pinnu. Diary, n. iwe ohun ti a ~ lojo-
Detest, v.t. korira.
Detestation, n. irira.
Dethrone, v.t. bQ 16y(\ Ie kuro
Diotate, v.t. and i. SQ,
fun lati k¢.

nit!i'. Dictation, n. apakQ.

Detract. v.e. and i. dinku. Diotator, n. ~ti 0 ni agbara ~~.
Detriment, n. of0, ibaj~, ipalara. Diction, n. lilo ade.
Detrimental, adj. nipalara. ibaj~. Dictionary, n. iwe ~a,jQ qrQ,
Devastate, v.t. parun, mu ,ofo. iwe ti 0 8Q itumQ qrQ.

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DIE . 41 DIS

Die, f).i. ku, fi ~mi sil~, !f6 alaisi. Dimness, n. fIi,u oju, i!f6 baibai.
Diet, n. onj~. f).t. fun lonj~. Dimple, n. iho ni ~r~k~.
Differ, f).i. yatc;l, jiyan si. Din, n. ariwo nla.
Difference, n. iyat9, ijiyan. Dine, f).t. and i. j~un.
Different, adj. yatc;l.
Di1Bcult, adj. floro, Ie, nira. Ding" adj. dudu, Ii eri.
DiiBoulty, n. ifIoro, iY9nu. Dinner, n. onj~ al~.
Dimdenoe, n. ib~ru, aigb~k~le DiOO8ll&D, n. olori aj9 ni ilu;
ara r~. BifI9p.
Diffuse, f).t. and i. tan kal~, tu Diocese, n. eyiti 0 wa lab~ itoju
jade. olori aj9 tabi biflopu.
Diffusion, n. itusode, itankal~. Dip, f).t. and i. fi.b9 fibQmi.
Dig, f).t. and i. wal~. Diphtheria, n. k919b9, arun
Digest, f).t. and i. nrun onj~ gb~fun.gb~fun.
ninu, da onj~; to I~~~. Diploma, n. iwe ifihan bi a ti
Digestion, n. did8 onj ~; tito !f6 ni idanwo.
nkan I~~~. Diplomacy, n. 9gb9n olori ilu.
Digger, n. 9k9, ohun ti a fi Dire, adj. buruju.
nwal~. Direct, f).t. and i. fi 9na han, fie
Dignify, f).t. bu 91a fun, buyin a.m9na, t9kasi. adj. gin,
fun. tara.
Dignitary, n. oJoye, 9191a. Direction, n. titc;l, 9na, ap~r~.
Dignity, n. 91a, l.yin, ipo 91a. Directly, adf). nisisiyi.
Digr8l8, f).i. ya kuro loju 9na, Director, n. af9nahan.
yapa. Directory, n. iwe ilana.
Digression, n. iya kuro loju 9na, Dirge, n. orin aro, orin 9f9.
iyapa. Dirt, n. art, ~gbin, ~r~.
Dike, Dyke, n. iM, bebe. Dirt" adj. lart, I~gbin, al.m9.
DUapidate, f).t. and i. baj~, S9di Disable, f).t. lailagbara.
ahoro. Disabuse, f).t. mu itanj~ kuro.
DUapidation, n. iparun, idahoro. Disadvantage, n. aini anfam.
DUate, f).t. and i. wu; fa 9r9 Disaffect, f).t. !f6·aif~, ,e ainit~.
gUn, rob~r~. 19run.
DUation, n. rirob~r~ ifa 19 titi. Disaffection, n. aini inudidun si,
DUatory, add. aibikita., .. foni· aini if~.
doni f9Iad9Ia." Disagree, f).i. !f6 ala.ir~, !f6 aiba.
Dilemma, n. ifloro ni yiyan. mu, je..
Diligenoe, n. iPQn, aisimi. Disagreement, n. l.yatc;l, l.yapa,
Diligent, adj. laisimi, 6PQn. ija.
Dilute, f).t. fi omi po, bu omi la. DiIallow, f).t. 8~, du, k9 fun.
Dilution, n. l.bula, im~. Disannul, f).t. 89 di ofo, pa·r!i',
Dim, adj. ,uju, !f6 baibai. mu kuro.
Dimension, n. titobi, ina, ibu. Disappear, f).i. farasin, kuro loju.
Diminish, f).t. and i. dinku, Disappearance, n. ifarasin, il9
fa.s~hin. kuro loju.
Diminution, n. ifas~hin. Disappoint, f).t. da lara, mu Ii oju
Diminutive, adj. kekere. ofo.
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Disappointment, n. imofo, ida- Disconaolate, adj. lj'Qini itunu,

lara. ibinuj~.
DiJl&,pr(lba<Hol~, n. aigbA, Discontent, n. aisl
Disapprove, v.t. and i. kq, ~e Discontinue, v.t. fi-sil~, da-duro.
alaif~, ~aigbA. Discord, n. air~PQ, ija, 889.
Disarm, v.t. and i. gba Ii ohun Discordant, adj. ti ko ba ara mu.
n. iYQkuro. idin owe
Disarrange, v.t. ~e idarudap9, !Ie
Disaster, jamba, Discourage, v.t.
Dilutrous, adj. ni jamba. gbaniyanju.
Disavow, v.t. s~, kq. Discouragement, n. idaiyafo,
Disband. V.t. and i. tuka. aigbaniyanju.
Disbelieve, 1).t. and i. ,aigbagloQ. Diallourlo, n. qr?
Disbeliever, n. Discourteous, adj. fun.
Disbune, v.t. and DiJlcll'VI!:r. v.t. wa
Disbursement, n. inawo. Discovery, n. awari.
Disc, Disk, n. oju orun. Discredit, v.t. ainigb~k~le.
Discard, v.t. and i. mu kuro, YQ Discreet, adj. gbQn, niye, niWr8.
kuro. Discrepancy, n. iyatq.
Discern, and i. wo, akiyesi. Diloretion, n. Qgb9n, oye.
Discernment, n. iwoye, akiyesi. Dilcriminate. v.t. and semi ai,
Discharge, v.t. and i. kuro yanju.
i~~. Dilerimination, n. ami qtQ, iya-
Disciple, n. QmQ-~hin. nju.
Discipline, n. ~t9, iko ni ijanu, Discuss, v.t. wadi, jiyan.
ilana irin. v.t. t9, kQ, ko Discussion, n. iii qrQ we qrQ,
Disclaim, ,1).t. and sil~, v.t. ga.n. ';lgan.
!/aij';lw9' DiIIiamfnl, adj. giga.n.
Disclose, v.t. fi han, ~paya. Disease, n. &.run, okimrlm.
Disclosure, n. ifihan, i~ipaya. Disembark, v.t. and i. sQkal~ lati
Discolour, v.t. and i. pa ni awq inu QkQ.
da. Disengage, v.t. bQ lQwQ i'i!~.
Discomftt, v.t. 'i'~gun. Disentangle, v.t. and i.. ya.n Ii
Discomftture, n. i,~gun. tu.
v.t. ide, YQ
Discomfort, n. irora,
loko ~rU.
Discompose, v.t. da-ru, bB ninu Disenthrone, v.t. 1'9 Ii oye.
j~. Disestablish, v.t. yi ni ijoko pada.
Discomposure, n. idiimu. Disfavour, n. aife. ~ojureresi.
Disconcert, v.t. da-ru. Dis8guration, n. iba lIi'wa j~.
DiscoDlllllCt, v.t. pin DilBgure, v.t. ba iii"
DiqrIOO, n. ~gan, itiju. v.t. ~
Disconaection, n. ipinya, iYQ- abuktm si.
kuro. Diqraoeful, adj. nitiju.


Disguise, v.t. pa-Iarada.

n. I Disparity,
DisPaIagement, n. IilgAD.
n. aidQgba.
Disgust, n. irira. Dispatch, Despatch, v.t. and i.
Dish, n. awopQkQ. ran If,) kiakia; paku. n.
Dish-cloth, n. 84Q inu awo. iyara, iranIQ.
Dish-cover, n. QIDQri awo. DisPel, v.t. tuka, Ie kuro.
Dishearten, v.t. ba ninu jlil, DisP8IlI&l'J, n. ile egbogi.
daiyafo. DisP8IlI&tion, n. igba, sa.
DishOllest, adj. IaililotQ. DispeD8e, v.t. and i. pin fun.
Dishollesty, n. aililotQ. Disperse, v.t. and i. funka, tuka.
DishOIlOur, n. abukiln, itiju. Displace, v.t. yi nipo pada.
v.t. IiIabukiln. Displacement, n .. iyinipo pada.
Dishollourable, adj. nitiju, labu- Display, v.t. fi han, ,i·sillil.
kiln. DisPlease, v.t. ba ninu jlil.
Disinolillation, n. ainiflil. Displeuure, n. ibinu.
DiaiIlfect, v.t. sQ di mimQ. Disposal, n. ikawQ.
Dllinfectant, n. egbogi isQ di- Dispose, v.t. and i. fi-fun, tA;
mimQ. yi if~ inu Bi.
Diainherit, v.t. gba ni ogUn tabi DiapositiOll, n. iwa, inu.
ini. Diapouesa, v.t. gbA-JQwQ.
Disinterested, adj. Iaiwa ti ara DisPute, v.t. and oj. jiyan Bi. n.
Iilni. ijiyan.
Disjoin, v.t. ya sQtQ. DisqualifJ, v.t. SQ di &lain.
Dialike, n. irira, aif~. v.t. korira, Disquiet, v.t. YQ-Ililnu. n. aifai-
,e aif~. yaballil·
DiIIocate, v.t. IV, y~ Ii orike. Diareprd, v.t. '16 aikasi, lIe aibQ-
DiIIocation, n. iy~ Ii orike. WQ fun.
Dislodge, v.t. YQ kuro ni ipo r~. Disreputable, adj. ainilari, nitiju.
Disloyal, adj. ti kl> foribaIIil fun Disrepute, n. iwa buburu.
Qba. Disrespect, n. aihQwQfun, aibQ.
Dismal, adj. ,okunkun. Iafun.
Dismay, v.t. daiya fo, dA Iamu. Disrobe, v.t. and i. bQ Ii 849.
n. ifoiya, idiimu. Dissatisfaction, n. aitlilnilQrun,
Diamias, v.t. YQ-kuro, ran-IQ. aito.
Dismisaal, n. iranIQ, iYQ kuro DiaaatiafJ, v.t. ~tlilnilQrun.
w,,1il· Dissemble, v.t. and i. ,e agaba-
Dismo11llt, v.t. and i. SQkallil Iori gebe.
~. Disseminate, v.t. fQnka, tukakiri.
Disobedienoe, n. aigbQran. Dissensioll, n. iyapa, airlil.
Disobedient, adj. IaigbQran. Dissent, v.t. yapa, ,,&rlil.
Diaqbey, v.t. and i. '16 aighQran. Dialimilar, adj. yatQ, IaijQra.
Disoblige, v.t. kl> 'l6nia, kl> '16 Diasimilarity, n. iyatQ, aijyra.
inurere. Dialimulation, n. itanjlil, are-
Disorder, n. rudurudu; arun. kereke.
Disorganisation, n. rudurudu. Diaaipate, v.t. and i. fQnka.
Disown, v.t. kq, s~. Diaaipation, n. ifQnka, iIDuti.
Disparage, v.t. gAD. Diasooiate, v.t. ya SQtQ.
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Dissolute, adj. nif~kuf~, ni iwa- Divination, n. afqfl~, isqt~le.

kiwa. Divine, adj. ohun ti qrun.
DiaolutioD, n. idibaj~, iparun, Diviner, n. alafqfl~, awomi.
ikll. Divinity, n. iwa qrun. '
Dissolve, v.t. and i. yq, tuka. Division, n. ipin, iya si ipa.
Dissuade, v.t. yi lqka.n pada. Divorce, v.t. ya, k9 sil~, kik~
DiaauasioD, n. iyilqkanpada. ara tqkq taya.
Diatall, n. k~k~ owu. Divorcement, n. ikqsil~.
Diatance, n. jijina. Divulge, v.t. f1ipaya, rll kiri.
Diatant, add. jina, jijin. Dizzy, adj. loyi.
Diat&l!te, n. irira, aif~. Do, Does, Did, Done, v.t. fie.
Distasteful, adj. aidun l~nu. Docile, adj. rqrun lati kq.
Distemper, n. &.run aja; ohun Dock, n. ibi ikan qkq. v.t. and i.
ikunle. ge kuru.
Diatend, v.t. and i. f~, d. Dockyard, n. agbala ibiti a nkan
Diatil, v.t. and i. roo qkq.
Diatuict, adj. yiyatq; sapakan. Doctor,n. oniflegun, olofin.
Distinction, n. iyatq, imq .gba- oloye.
ngba. Doctrine, n. ~k9, &fI~, ofin.
. DiatiDguish, v.t. and i. m9. sami Document, n. iwe iridi nkan •
si lqtq, fie' iyatq. iwe &fI~.
Diatort, v.t. lqpo. Dodge, v.t. fie ~tan. v.i. yi si
Diatract, v.t. pin ni 1ya, dalamu. apakan lojiji.
Distraction, n. idamu. Doe, n. abo agbqnrin.
Distress, n. i~~, iponju. v.t. mu Doer, n. olufle.
ipqnju ba, fllro. Doff, v.t. fll, b9.
Diatribute, v.t. pin. Dog, n. aja.
Distribution, n. ipin. Dogged, add. iforiti.
Diatrict, n. agbegbe, sakani. Dogma, n. ~kq, imq.
Distrust, v.t. f;1e aigb~k~le. n. Doleful, adj. kiln fun ibanuj~.
aigb~k~le. nikanu.
Diatrustful, adj. laigb~k~le. Doll, n. qmq.langi.
Diaturb, v.t. ru soke, t9, yq-l~nu. Domain, n. ijqba, il9 qlqla.
Diaturbance, n. irukerudo, ariwo. Domestic, adj. ti ile, tituloju.
DiaUDite, v.t. and i. pinya. Domesticate, v.t. til loju, mu ki
Diauae, v.t. or n. ailo. o mq ile.
Ditch, n. ihll, yMa. Domicile, n. ile, ibugbe.
Ditto, Do., n. baka.nna. Dominate, v.t. and i. fie oluwa.
Dive, v.i. moklin, fo sinu omi. bori.
Diver, n. amiikim. • Domineer, v.i. t~mql~, fi llnroro
Diverge, v.t. and i. yapa, tuka. sin.
Diverse, adj. yatq, oniruru. . Dominion, n. ijqba, il~ qba.
Diversion, n. ere, iyisapa.ka.n. I Donation, n. ~bun. qr~.
Diversity, n. 1yatq, oniruru. II Donkey, n. k~t~k~t~.
Divest, v.t. bq kurll. Donor, n. olufunni, qlqr~.
Divide, v.t. and ·i. pin, ya nipa.. Doom, n. idajq, ~bi, iparu~_
Dividend, n. ohun pipin. v.t. fie idajq.
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Doomsday, n. 9j9 idaj9· Dra1llht, n. ikoj9, mimu omi;

Door, n. il~kun, oju 9na. af~f~ ..
Doorkeeper, n. olu'Wna. Draw, 'V.t. and i. fa, wt,l.
Dormant, adj. pipam9, sisun. Drawback, n. idiw9, ifas~hin.
Dormitory, n. yara ibusun t;ini. Drawbridge, n. afara asun sihin·
pup9· BQhun.
Dose, n. iW9n ogun. Drawer, n. iru apoti kan lara
Dot, n. ami. 'V.t. Ije ami si. . tabili.
Dotage, n. aran ~Ije, alara.n. Drawers, n. ,okoto awot~I~.
Dote, 'V.i. f~ ni af~ju. Drawing, n. aworan.
Double, adj. i,~po meji. Drawl, f).t. and i. fa 9rQ.
Double-clealiDg, n. ~hin'9hun. Drawn, adj. ti a fa.
Double-minded, n. oniyemeji. Dray, n. k~k~.
Doubt, n. iyemeji, aidaju. 'V.t. Dread, n. ~ru, ifoiya. f).t. b~ru,
and i. ~yemeji. foiya.
Doubtful, adj. aidaniloju, niye. Dreadlul, adj. nib~ru. nifoiya.
meji. Dream, n. aIa. 'V.t. and i. la ala.
Doubtl8ll, ad'V. lai,iyemeji, laiIje Dreamer, n. aIala.
aniani. Drear, adj. ,e gUd~. ~kese.
Do1llh, n. infun alaidin. Dredge, n. gb¢o.
Dove, n. &daba, ~iy~le, odere· Dregs, n. g¢~g¢~.
koko. Drench, f).e. fi omi rin.
Dove-cot, n. ile &daba. Dr_, n. ~9 wiW9. 91\19. f).e.
Dowager, n. opo, 9191a. and i. w9 ~9, l\Ie 191\19·
Dower, n. ipin ti opo ninu ini Dressmaker, n. oluran &'W obin-
9k9 r~. rin.
Down, n. iy~ ful~ful~, lhuhu Drift, n. ero. ete.
kikuna. prep. niBal~. Drill, n. ohun elo lati fi wa okuta.
DoWDC&Bt, adj. sorik9, r~w~i. Drink, f).e. and i. mu. n. ohun
Downfall, n. i,ubu, iparun. mimu.
DoWDhill, n. g~r~gQr~ ake, Drip, v.t. kB.n. n. ohun ti 0 nka.n.
isQkal~. Dripping, n. 9ra ti a din.
Downright, ad'V. ti 0 han gbangba. Drive, f).t. and i. Ie, dari. fi
Downward, adv. siha isal~. agbara ran 19.
Dozology, n. orin iyin Ql9run. Driver, n. aleni; ohio olutQju
Doze, f).i. togbe, sUn f~r~. ~in.
Dozen, n. mejila. Driule, f).i. rQ ojo. flin winni·
Drag, f).t. and i. w9, ta. winni.
Draggle, v.t. and i. fa ninu 'il~. Droll, n. ~f~, ipanil~rin.
Drag-net, n. aW9n nla. Dromedary, n. ibakasi~.
Dragoon, n. ~gb~ ologun kan. Drone, n. ak9 oyin; 91~.
Drain, f).t. and i. fa omi kuro. n. Droop, f).t. and i. sorik9, r~ sil~,
iho omi. rQd~dQ.
Drake, n. ak9 p~p~iy~. Drop, n. riro, kika.n. f).t. and i.
Draper, n. oluta ~9. ka.n b9. r~.
Drapery, n. ~9. Dropsy, n. asUnlJ:un.
Drastic, adj. ti 0 lagbara, ti 0 Ie. Dross, n. ldArt,l.

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Drought, n. 9<la. Dust, n. ekuru, erup\,. v.t. and i.

Drove, n. QWQ \,ran. nu ekuru kuro.
Drover, n. darandaran. Duster, n. 8fI9 ninu ekuru.
Drown, v.t. and i. rl sinu omi, ku Dutiful, adj. r,egbQran. ni itl,"ribs.
somi. Duty, n. ~ isin; owo-bode.
Drowsy, adj. nitogbe, IQra, fa. Dwarf, n. arara, rara.
Drug, n. ogUn, egbogi. Dwell, v.i. gbe, joko, wa. t¢osi.
Drum, n. Uu, eti. v.t. and i. lu Dwelling, n. ibugbe.
iIu. Dwindle, v.i. sQki.
Drummer, n. onilU. Dye, v.t. and i. r\, laro. n. arO.
Drumstick, n. Qpa Uu. Dying, adj. ti nku IQ.
Drunk, adj. mQtipara. Dyke, Dike, n. ibO, bebe.
Drunkard, n. omuti. Dynamite, n. ~tu alagbara ti
Dry, adj. gb\" pQngb\'. a Ii nIa okuta.
Dual, n. meji. Dynasty, n. Ua Qba kant
Dubious, adj. ni aidaju. Dysentery, n. Qrin, 'Iiflu ~j~.
Duck, n. p\,p\,in. v.t. and i. ri Dyspepsia, n. arun apoluku; aida
sinu omi. onj\, ninu apoluku.
Duckling, n. QmQ-p\,p\,in.
Ductile, adj. 0 rQrun lati fa.
Dudgeon, n. arankan. E.
Due, adj. j \" y\" dede. n. gbese.
Duel, n. ija lann enia meji. Each, pron. olukuluku, QkQkan.
Duke, n. oye kan ti 0 t~le Qba. Eager, adj. niW8ra. nitara.
Dull, adj. gQ. kunu, r,e su. Eagerly, adv. p~lu iwara, p~lu
Duly, adv. niyiy\,. itara.
Dumb, adj. yadi. Eagle, n. idl (~in).
Dumbfound, v.t. dalamu. Eaglet, n. QmQ idl.
Dumpish, adj. r\,w\,si. Ear, n. etl, fIirl QU.
Dumpy, adj. kukuru. Earache, n. irora etl.
Dunce, n. ongQ, QdQgQ. Earl, n. oye n1a kant
Daug, n. igb\" imi, iyagb~. Early, adj. tete, ni kutukutu, ni
Daugeon, n. tubu. iho nisal\, iI\" ib~r~.
Daughill, n. i!.tan. Earn, v.t. j~, pa owo ni i,\, tabi
Dupe, n. \,niti ko ,oro tanj\,. Ii Qja.
v.t. r,e \,tan. Earnest, adj. nitara, nigbona.
Duplicate, n. 'I\'po ni meji. nifQkansi. n. owo it~l~.
v.t. 'Ie iru meji bakanna. akQso.
Duplication, n. ifI\'po meji. Earnestly, adv. p\'lu itara.
Duplicity, n. \,tan, ir,ehinfl9hun. EamiDgs, n. owo i,\,.
Durability, n. agbara ip\,titi, ko Ear-riDr, n. oruka eti.
ni tete baj \'. Earth, n. aiye, il~, erup~.
Durable, adj. Ie. ti 0 p\'o Earthenware, n. ohun elo ti a Ii
Durance, n. itimQle. amQ ,e.
During, prep. nigba, latigba. Earthly, adj. ti aiye, ti il~. ti
Dusk, adj. wiriwiri al\,. n. erup~.
ifluwiri. Earthquake, n. ls~l\,.

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EAR 47 . ELE

Earwig, n. kokoro kekere. Education, n. filk9, it9 9m9de.

Eue, n. ir9ra, ainira, idfilra. Educe, Deduce, f!.t. fa·jade, Y9-
v.e. and i. gbal9w9 irora tabi jade.
itoro, fun ni alaf!.a. Eel, n. filja ejo, idagba
ij~ omi.
Easel, n. igi ti a ngbe aworan Ie. Efface, v.e. pa oju run, parfil.
Euily, adv. nirqra, lainira. Effect, n. ere, eso~. v.e. mu
But. n. Ua arim, gabasi. ~e.
Euter, n. 9j9 ajinde Kristi. Effectual, adj. lagbara, l~fil.
Euterly, adj. niha Ua arim. EfBcacy, n. agbara, ~fil' .
Eastward, adv. siba Ua arim. EfBciency, n. agbara lati "i~fi!.
Easy, adj. lai~oro, ni rqrun. agbara imu ~fil wa.
Eat, v.e. and i. jfil. EiBgy, n. aworan filnikan.
Eatable, n. ohun jijfil. Effort, n. iyanju, ir9ju, if!.
Eater, n. 9jeun, 9jfil. agbara "e.
Eaves, n. gbagbarq, filnu 9~9r9 Effrontery, n. afojudi.
ile. Effuse, v.t. tu jade.
Eaveadropper, n. afeti gbegiri. Eftusion, n. itujade.
Ebb, v.i. fa, gbfil, ~a. n. fifa, En, n. filyin.
gbigbfil, ~. Egress, n. ijadel9.
EboDJ, n. igi dudu. Egret, n. akQ.
Eccentric, adj. tase, yat9. Eight, adj. ~j9.
Eool8liutic, n. alufa. Eighteen, adj. ejidilogun.
Ecc181iaatical, adj. ohun ti ife ti Eighty, adj. 9g9rin.
aj9' Either, pron. eyt tabi eyini,
ECho,n. gbohungbohun. 9kan ninu mejeji.
Eclipse, n. itijibo, im~okunkun. Ejaculate, v.t. ke soke, wi Ii
Economical, adj. ~i~unna, ojiji.
~unIQ. Ejaculation, n. adura kukuru,
EConomy, n. itunna, itunlO; Qr9 lati inu wa.
it9ju owo. Eject, v.t. Ie jade, ti sode, ta·nu ;
Ecstacy, n. aY9 aY9ju. bi jade.
Eczema, n. arun aW9 ara, ekuru. Ejection, n. itanu, imukuro;
Eddy, n. .npada omi, ~an· ibl.
Eke, v.t. ,unna.
Bdge, n. oju ohun elo, eti ohun,
oju 9bfil. v.t. and i. lfilba,leti,
Elaborate, v.t.
,e. adj. dara

sunm9·. Elapse, v.i. k9ja.

Edible, adj. Yfil ni jijfil. Elastic, adj. 10, lilO.
Edict, n. ikede, itof!.n. Elate, adj. igberaga. v.t. "e
Ediflcation, n. iffil8filmulfil, filk9, igberaga.
idagbasoke. Elbow, n. igb9nw9.
Ediflce, n. ile kik9. Elder, n. filgb9n, agba.
Edify, v.t. k9; k9le ; mu Elder.. n. agbagba.
dagbasoke. Eldest, adj. ak9bi, filgb9n.
Edition, n. ~da iwe. Elect, v.t. yan, ,a. adj. ~ayan,
Editor, n. alakoso iwe titfil. ayanff.
Educate, v.t. t9, k9, k9 Ii filk9· Election, n. l.yan, i,ayan, iyanf~. '.
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Elector, n. al8.lf&yan, alayanf~. Emuculate, v.t. t~ Ii qda, t~ Ii

Elegance, n. i<iara, 'i'wa. ogufe; t~ ni bifin.
Elegant, adj. dara, dim. Embalm, v.t. fi qll''i' w~ oku.
Embank, v.t. fi bebe yi i ka.
Element, n. ~ya m'i'rin aiye,
Embankment, n. eti bebo.
'i'fufu. ina. ati omi, ipil~'i'
ohun kan. Embark, v.t. and i. fi sinu qkq,
Elementary, adj. ib'i'r'i', ipil'i'Il''i'' Embarkation, n. ibqB9kq, iwqkq.
Elephant, n. erin, ajanaku. Embarrul, v.t. gq, su, damu.
Elephantiasis, n. arun iwu ara, EmbarrUIID.ent, n. gigq, eisu,
jakut~. iliJoro.
Elevate, v.t. gbeleke, gbesoke, Embellish, v.t. IiJ6 Ii 9li'q.
gbe gao Embellishment, n. ohun 9I;J9.
Elevation, n. igbeleke. Embers, n. oguna Il'u.u.
Elevator, n. ohun elo igbe nkan Embezzle, v.t. jale Ii ~.
soke. Embezzlement, n. Uo ohun ti afi
Eleven, adj. okanla. .'Iqni sipa mi.
Eleventh, adj. ikqkanla. Embitter, v.t. mu koro.
Elicit, v.t. yq jade. Emblem, n. ap~r~.
Elicitation, n. iyq if~ jade. Embody, v.t. fikun, fisi.
Eligible, adj. Y'i' ni yiyan. Emboaa, v.t. re, re ni ila.
Eliminate, v.t. Ie jade, mu kuro. Embrace, v.t. fi apa gbamqra.
Elk, n. agbqrin nla. n. igbamqra.
Elocution, n. qrq sisq, imq isqrq Embrocation, n. egbogi pipa
nigbangba. ibiti ndun ni.
ElocutiODiat, n. olukq qrq sisq. Embroider, v.t. gun qn8., Il'ililli'
Elongate, v.t. and i. fa.giln. ab~r'i'.
Elongation, n. ifagiln. Embroiderer, n. onill'qna abfi'~.
Elope, v.i. salq nikqkq. Embroidery, n. iIiJ'i' ab'i'r~.
Eloquence, n. isqrq wUru, is9rq Embryo, n. (il~, oyun.
didim. Emerald, n. iru okuta iyebiye
Eloquent, adj. Ii asqdun, ni kan.
~bun qrq sisq. Emerge, v.i. ru-jade, ti inu nkan
Else, pron. omi, omiran, bib'i'kq. jade.
Elsewhere, adv. nibomi. Emergency, n. ti inu jade, Ii
Elucidate, v.t. ladi, tumq. ojiji.
Elucidation, n. iladi, itumq. Emetic, n. ogun imunibl.
Elude, v.t. fi ern tan sil'i'. Emigrate, v.t. and i. Il'i lati ibi
Emaciate, v.t. rU, joro. de ibi.
Emaciation, n. riril. Emigration, n. ill'i ipo kiri.
Emanate, v.i. IiJBn jade. Eminence, n. oke giga, giga,
Emanation, n. ill'anjade lati inu riru soke.
ibi kan. Eminent, adj. giga, hihAn.
Emancipate, v.t. da kuro loko Emiuary. n. ami, BliJohun, ikq.
'i'ru, tu.sil'i" EmiIIion, n. itujade, ifunjade.
Emancipation, n. iyq kuro loko Emit, v.t. tu, fun, fo.
'i'ru, idasil~. Emmanuel. n. orukq Messiah.

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Emmet, n. ~rUn. Endorse, v.t. k9 ak91e si iwe, fi

Emolument, n. ere, anfani. 9W9 si iwe.
Emotion, n. ini inu, idide 9kan. Endorsement, n. if9w9 si iwe.
Emperor, n. 9ba nla kan. Endow, v.t. fifun, fi itori fun o.ya
Emphuia, n. it~num9. ni isoyigi.
Empire, n. agbaro. 9ba, il~ 9ba. Endowment, n. ohun ini, li'bun
Employ, v.t. fi ilf~ fun. ti a. bi ni bi.
Employer, n. o.funninilf~e, 9go.. Endue, v.t. fi-w9, fi-fun.
Employment, n. i'l~' Endurance, n. ir9ju, if9kanro.n,
Emporium, n. 9jo. nlo., ibi owO. iforiti.
Empoverish, v.t. S9 di talako.. Endure, v.t. and i. foriti, ryju.
Empower, v.t. fi ~~ fun. Enemy, n. 9to., onikupo.ni.
Empress, n. aya 9ba nlo.. Energy, n. agbaro. lo.ti "i~~.
EmptiD8II, n. ofo, i"ofo. Enervate, v.t. mu.lailagbo.ro..
Empty, adj. ofo, asan. Enervation, n. o.la.ilo.gbo.ra, o.la-
Emulate, v.t. du, 'Ie lara si. inokun.
Emulation, n. ib&du, i~larasi. Enfeeble, v.t. r9-19w9, r9-lapo..
Enable, v.t. fi o.gbaro. fun, mlllJe. Enfetter, v.t. do. Ii ~w9n.
Enact, v.t. fi.lel~, po. Ii a.,~, "e. Enfold, v.t. fi-we, fi-di.
Encamp, v.t. and i. pag9, 'Ie Enforce, v.t. fi agbo.ro. ~e.
budo. Enfranchise, v.t. S9 di omniro..
Encampment, n. ibudo, ag9. Enfranchisement, n. isqdomnira.
Enchain, v.t. de Ii ~w9n. Engage, v.t. and i. gba-n~~;
Enchant, v.t. 'Ie ifaiya si, f~ gidi- ~ebun igbeyo.wo.
gidi. Engagement, n. i,,~, ileri, ade-
Enchanter, n. 0'10. bun igOOyawo
Enchantment, n. ifaiya, i"o"o. Engaging, adj. ifo.ni, iwimi.
Enclosure, n. il~ ti a. s9gbo. yika. Engender, v.t. bi, bu.
Encompass, v.t. yiko.. Engine, n. obun ~ry.
Encounter, n. ija, ogun. v.t. ja,
Engineer, n. ~l~ry.
Encourage, v.t. goo niyanju; mu Engirdle, v.t. yi-ka.
19kan Ie. Engraft, Ingraft, v.t. 19-m 9·
Encouragement, n. iyanju, imu- Engrave, v.t. fin, "9na fifin si,
19kanle• gb~.
Encroach, v.i. finran. Engraver, n. o.gb~nno..
Encroachment, n. ifinran. Engr088, v.t. gba-k&d9, gba
Encumber, v.t. ba Ii a.ye; di Ii gbogbo.
9w 9· Engulf, v.t. gbe mi po.to.po.ta.
Encumbrance, n. ihala.ye, idi- Enhance, v.t. lewo si, P9 si.
19w 9· Enigma, n. a19'
End, n. opin, idi, itori. Enjoin, v.t. fi &IJ~ fun.
Endanger, v.t. wu lewu. Enjoy, v.t. fi &dun m9, jli' aiye.
Endeavour, n. i'le iyanju. v.t. Enjoyment, n. &dun, ij~ aiye.
and i. gbiyanju. Enkindle, v.t. tinabQ.
Endl8ll, adj. lailopin, lo.ini· Enlarge, v.t. and i. f~, mu-tobi.
p~kun. Enlargement, n. if~, imutobi.
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Enlighten, v.t. foye han, la-loye, Entreat, v.t. b~, t91V.

fun ni im9ll(. Entreaty, n. ~b4i!, adura.
Enlightenment. n. ifoyehan, ifun- Entrust, v.t. fi Ie 19w9.
ni ni im9l~. Entry, n. 9na, iW9lu.
Enlist. v.t. and i. fi ~e 9m9-ogun. Enumerate, v.t. 1m, da oruk9.
EDliven, v.t. mu-laraya, s9-dAye. Enumeration, n. itunks ~~a.
Enmity, n. arankan, 9ta. Enunciate, v.t. s9, wi.
Ennoble, v.t. b91a fun, buyin fun. Enunciation, n. sis9, wiwi.
Enormity, n. ~l( nl8., nkan Envelop, v.t. bo, pa-m9.
buburu. Envelope, n. ibowe, apo iwe.
Enormous, adj. tobiju, buruju. Envelopment, n. ibo patapata.
Enough, adj. to. Enviable, adj. nilara.
Enquile, Inquire, v.t. and i. here, Envious, adj. kun fun ilara.
t9~, wadi. Environ, v.t. yi-ka, fi yika.
Enrage, v.t. mu-binu, 1;9. Environment, n. eyiti 0 yi i ka.
Enrapture, V.l. fi aY9 kun. adugbu.
Enrich, v.t. 89 di 9191"9. Environs, n.pl. ayika l(hin illl,
Enroll, v.t. fi sinu iwe. agbegbe ilu.
Enrolment, n. ifi sinu iwe. Envoy, n. on~~ 9ba, ik9.
Ensample, n. ap~rl(. Envy, n. ilara. v.t. ~ ilara.
Ensign, n. asia, 9pagun. Ephod, n. ohun 9~9 alufa aW9n
Enslave, v.t. sin Ii 4i!rU. Jii.
Ensue, v.i. t~le, lepa. Epicure, n. 9j'1didbn, ajadbn.
Ensure, v.t. liIe-daju. Epidemic, adj. riranni, tita.nka..
Entangle, v.t. fi 191u, fi wep9. Epilepiy, n. ipa, iw&ra.pa.
Entanglement. n. ifil91u, ifiwep9. Epileptic, n. ni warapa.
Enter, v_to and i. w9, w91e, Epiphany, n. Ifihan.
w9nu; k9 sinu iwe. Episcopacy, n. ~~ oye a.w9n
Enterprise, n. idaw9le ti 0 Ii ewu. b~opu.
Entertain, v.t. ~e Ii alejo, ba-s91V. Episode, n. itan.
Entertainment. n. ase apej~ Epistle, n. iwe kik9.
ibi fOre. Epitaph, n. ak9le.
Enthrone, v.t. mu gori it~. Epitome, n. ikekuro.
Enthronement. n. imu gori it~. Epitomise, v.t. ke-kuru, fa-kuru.
Enthusium, n. itara, igbona Epoch, n. igba. ib~r~ si ika akoko.
9kan. Equable, adj. bakanna, ~ede.
Enthusiast, n. onitara. Equal, n. '1gb~ 9gba, adj.
Entice, v.t. tan, re19, dan-woo j9ra.
Enticement, n. ~tan, ire19, idan· Equalise, v.t. 59 di 9gh9gba.
woo Equality, n. id9gba.
Entire, aaj. gbogbo. Equally, adv. bakanna.
Entirely, adv. patapata. Equanimity, n. ibal~ 9kan.
Entitle, v.t. fi oruk9 fun. Equator, n. ila ayika ti 0 da &lye
Entomb, v.t. t~ sinu iboji. si meji 199h9gba.
Entrails, n.pl. ifun, inu. Equeatrian, adj. ti ~in. n_
Entrance, n. 9na, oju 9na. ~l~.
EIltrap, v.t. d'1, d'1kun mu. Equine, adj. ti ~.

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Equip, V.t. pese, ~ 19f1Q. Estrangement, n. itakete si,

Equipment, n. ipese, iroura, ~ajeji si.
~elQflQ· Estuary, n. ~nu ija omi.
Equity, n. ifledede, ~otitljl. Eternal, adj. la.ilai, aiyeraiye.
Equivalent, n. iri kanna. Eternity, n. ailopin, aiyeraiye.
Era, n. ib~r~ si ika QjQ. Ethics, n. ti iwa.
Eradicate, v.t. fatu ni gbongbo, Eucharist, n. idupl(, Sakraroenti
par~. onjl( all( Oluwa.
Erase, v.t. pa-r~, pa-run. Enlogy, n. iyin.
Ere, adv. ki-to. Ennuch, n. iWl(fa, bAfln, akura.
Erect, v.t. gbe dide, kQle. adj. Evacuate, v.t. jade kuro, SQ di
naro, duro gan_ ofo.
Erection, n. iro, ikQle, igbero. Evacuation, n. iSQ di ofo, ijade
Err, v.i. flina, fli'le. kuro.
Errand, n. i'll(. Evade, v.t. yl(-sil~, yl(ra fun.
Erratic, adj. rederede. Evangel, n. ihin rere.
Erroneous, adj. klin fun i'li~e. Evangelist, n. onihinrere.
Error, n. e~i, ifl~e. Evangelize, n. wasu ihin rere fun.
Eruption, n. ib~, itujade. Evaporate, v.t. and i. gbl(, fa, di
Escape, v.t. and i. bQ lQwQ, afl(f~.
n-kuro. n. isalQ kuro ninu Evaporation, n. igbl(, idi afl(f4(.
ewu. Evasion, n. awawi.
Eschew, v.t. y~-kuro korira. Eve, n . • ll(, ikas4( QjQ.
Escort, n. onitljlju lQna, ~niti Even, adv. or adj. dQgba, t.l(ju,
nsin ni lQna. papa.
Especial. adj. pataki, olori. Evening, n . •14(.
Espousal, n. ti igbeyawo, ade- " Event, n. opin, 680.
hun igbeyawo. Ever, adv. nigbagbogbo, lai.
Espouse, v.t. fifunni ni iyawo. Everlasting, adj. titi aiye.
Espy, v.t. ri Ii okere. Evermore, adv. titi lai.
Esquire, n. oye iyin. Every, adj. olukuluku.
Essay, v.t. and i. danwo, gbi- Everybody, pron. olukuluku enia.
yanju. n. idanwo, igbiyanju. Everyday, adj.lojojumQ.
Everything, 1"'an. ohun gbogbo.
Essence, n. ~da, QrQ agbara.
Everywhere, adv. nibigbogbo.
Essential, adj. ko Ie I$El alaini. Evict, ".t. rou kuro, Ie-jade.
Establish, v.t. pinnu, fi-kall(. Eviction, n. ilejade, imukuro.
Establishment, n. ipinnu, ifikal~, Evidence, n. l(ri.
ile. Evident, adj. han, nigbangba,
Estate, n. ipo, ohun int mi.
Esteem, v.t. yin, ka-si, bu iyin Evil, n. buburu, jamba; bilisi.
fun. adj. buburu, nika.
Estimate, v.t. ka iye r~, 'Iiro, Evil-doer, n. 4(ll('ll(, ol~buburu.
diyele. Evil-minded, adj. oninu buburu.
Estimation, n. idiyele, iyin. EviI-speaking, n. isQrQ buburu
Estrange, v.t. takote si, ya, si, isQrQ ibi.

'Iajeji si. Evince, v.t. fi-han, ladi.

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Evoke, v.t. pe jado. Exclusion, n. isem9le, ~ti, iti

Evolve, v.t. and i. tu.silli', fi·han. sode.
Ewe, n. o.bo o.gutan. Excommunicate, v.t. Y9 kuro
Ewer, n. ago nIa, ladugbo. nij9, bo.-wi.
Euct, adj. akiyesi, gan. v.t. Excommunication, n. iY9 kuro
fi agbo.ro. gba. nij9, ibawi.
Exaction, n. ifagbaro. bere; Excrement, n. igb~ enia, imi.
il919w9gba. Excruciate, v.t. da-loro.
Exactness, n. i~edede. EJ:cruciating, adj. niroro., loro.
Exaggerate, v.t. buk6n Qr9, Exculpate, v.t. fi-ji, w~-m9.
saB9dim, ~enisi. Ezcursion, n. ijade19.
Exaggeration, n. ibukun Qr9, Excusable, adj. Y~ fun ido.lare.
~enisi. Excuse, v.t. 'Ie gafara fun, dariji.
Exalt, v.t. gbe.ga, gbe·leke, yin. n. awo.wi, go.fara.
Exaltation, n. igbega, igbesoke, Execrate, v.t. and i. fi-bu, fiore,
il919w9gba. fi-gegun.
Examination, n. iwadi nipa Execration, n. ifibu, ifire, egun.
ibiire, idanwo. Execute, v.t. 'i'6, po.-ku, po..
Examine, v.t. and i. fi ibere Execution, n. iF,le, ipaku, ipa.
wadi, do.nwo. Executioner, n. t~tu, alunipa.
Examiner, n. oludanwo, oluwadi. Executor, ExecutriJ:, n. ala~~-
Example, n. o.p\irli', o.wo~e. hinde oku, olut9ju ohun
Exasperate, v.t. t9, mu-binu, ru- ini oku. .
soke. Exemplar, n. aworan, o.p~r~.
Euaperation, n. it9ni, imunibinu. Exempt, v.t. do.-si, tu-sil~.
Ezcavate, v.t. W8 ilio. Exemption, n. idasi, itusil~.
Excavation, n. iwa ihil, koto. Exercise, n. 'Ie idaraya.. 'v. i~~
Exceed, v.t. and i. re-k9ja, ~e-ju, iwe.
ta-Y9· Exert, v.t. lo-agbara, gbiyanju.
Ezceedingly, adj. re-k9jo.. Exertion, n. ilo agbara, iyaro.,
Exoel, v.t. and i. to.-Y9. igbiyanju.
EJ:oellenoe, n. itaY9, irek9jo., Exhaust, v.t. r~, ~arfil, dalagii..
itobi. Emaustion, n. 8.r~, igb~.
Ezcellent, adj. daro.ju, tito.Y9. EJ:hibit, v.t. fi-han, muwo. si
Ezcept, prep. bik~pe, afi. v.t. igbo.ngba.
and i. mu-kuro. EJ:hibition, n. ifihan ni gbo.ngbo..
Ezception, n. imukuro, i'lati. Ezhilarate, v.t. mu-daraya, fun
Ezcess, n. .ju. ni inudidim.
Ezc8llllive, adj. rek9ja ala. Emori, v.t. gbo.niyanju,.fi hn9-
Exchange, v.t. and i. ~e P8.fliP&r9' ran fun.
n. ibi ~ep8.flip&r9. Exhortation, n. Qf9 iyanju, iwo.-
Excite, v.t. ru-soke, t9. su. .
Excitement, n. irusoke, ire. EJ:igence, n. o.ini.
Ezolaim, v.t. and i. kigbe soke. EJ:ile, v.t.le kuro nilu. n. isansa.
Exclamation, n. igbe. Exist, v.i. wa, ni iwa.
Exclude, v.t. sem9le, ",aU, ti- Existence, n. iwa.
sode. Exit, n. ijade19.

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Exodus, n. iwe keji ti Mose, Expose, v.t. fihan ni gbangba.

ijadel9· Exposition, n. ituml), ifihan.
Exonerate, v.t. mu kuro 19run, Expositor, n. al8.S9ye.
mu ~bi kuro.
Expostulate, v.i. jiyan, ~aroye,
Exorbitant, adj. tobi rek9ja,
rek9ja ala.
Expostulation" n. iyan, aroye.
Exorcise, v.t. Ie ~mi buburu jade.
Expound, v.t. ladi 89 8.S9ye.
Expand, v.t. and i. t~, tu·sil~, na. Expre88, v.t. 81)1"9, wi, fun-jade.
Expanse, n. tit~ju.
Expression, n. is9r9; lWO.
Expansion, n. it~19, inal9. Expulsion, n. ilejade.
Expatiate, v.t. fa.gun.
Expunge, v.t. pa-r~, mu-kuro.
Expect, v.t. duro de, reti, fi oju
Exquisite, adj. didara.
Expectation, n. ireti. Extempore, adv. lairo t~I~:
Expectorate, v.t. tu t9 jade. 19w919 w9·
Extend, v.t. and i. 19 titi, fa-gun.
Expectoration,. n. ito ~nu.
EQ8diency, n. ~y~, ~t9. Extension, n. itanka il98iwaju,
Expedient, adj. yiy~ tit«;'.
Expedite, v.t. ran-19w9, mu-yara, Extenuate, v.t. fa-kere, bu-kuro.
mu idina kuro. Exterior, n. ode, iwo ode. adj.
Expedition, n. inn ajo, iyara. lode, l~hin ode.
Expeditious, adj. niyarayara, Exterminate, v.t. pa-run pata..
kankan. pata.
Expel, v.t. Ie-jade. Extermination" n. iparun.
Expend, v.t. nawo, ~e inawo. Extemal, adj. l~hin ode lode.
Expense, n. inawo. Extinot, add. run, alaisi.
Expensive, adJ. Ii owo lori. Extinction, n. iparun, rirun.
Experience, n. idanwo, im9, Extinguish, v.t. pa.
9gb9n . Extirpate, v.t. fatu kuro.
Experiment, n. idanwo. Extol, v.t. pokiki, yln.
Expert, adj. gb9n, Rm9ye. Extort, .v.t. fi agbara gba.
Expiate, v.t. ~ etutu fun, san Extortion, n. il9nil9w9gba, ir~je.
pada. Extortioner, n. al9nil9w9gba.
Expiation, n. etutu. Extract, v.t. fa-jade. n. nkan ti
Expiration, n. mimi, opin, ikil. a fa jade.
Expire, v.t. and i. kil, dak~, Extraction" n. ifa-jade.
pari, tan. Extraordinary, adj. iyanil~nu,
Explain, v.t. tuml). kikunni loju.
Explanation, n. ituml), iladi. Extravaganoe, n. inawo rek9ja,
Explicit, adj. daju, gbangba. ~ofo, inakuna.
Explode, v.t. and i. b~. Extravagant, adj. lofo, nidanu,
Explore, v.t. wa·kiri. ni inakuna.
Ezplosion, n. ib~, ariwo nla. Extreme, add. de opin. n. opin.
Ezport, v.t. ranl9 si il~ miran Extremity, n. ~o~o on, opinl~.
fun tiM 19ja. Extricate, v.t. da-sil~, mu idiw9
Exportation, n. iran 9ja 19 si il~ kuro.
miran. Extrication" n. idasil~, itU8il~.

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Emberate, add. l/?p/?l/?p/?, akun· Faint-hearted, adj. lojo, folya,

w/?sil'll. jaiya.
Emde, v.t. and i. lagun. Painting, n. ndaku.
EmIt, v.i. y/? ay/? nla, 'l'ogo. Faintn_s, n. ijaiya, ikuna oju,
Exultation. n. ay/?, ogo. alailagbara.
Eye, n. oju. Pair, adj. dara, l'llwa. n. /?ja.
Eyeball, n. 'Ilyin oju. FairD8II8, n. idara, 'Ilwa; ~otitQ.
Eyebrow, n. igbengbereju. Fairy, n. &rQni.
Eyeglass, n. digi iriran oju. Faith, n. igbagb9, igb'llk~le.
Eyelash, n. irun ipenpeju. Faithful, adj. 0lot9, olododo.
Eyelid, n. ·ipenpeju. l'aithfully, adv. Ii otit9'
Eyeaight, n. iriran oju. Paithfulnesa, n. i'l'otit9.
Eye-aervice, n. aroju'l'e. Faithl8ll8, adj. alaigbagb9, ala·
Eye-witn8ll8, n. 'Ill'llri. i¥itQ.
Falcon, n. ~a..
Fall, v.i. 'l'ubu, b'llsil'll' n. ~ubu.
F. Fallacious, adj. l'lltan, lern.
Fallacy, n. 'Iltan, idarU.
Fable, n. itan asan, aiQ. Fallen. adj. dibaj'll' di 'Ill'll'l''Il.
Fabric, n. ~, ile, ~e. Fallibility, n. em ; ~~.
Pabricate, v.t. fi ~'Il ~, kQ ; ~ke. I Fallible, adj. l~tan, lem.
Fabrioation. n. ik/?le. Falling-siolmeas, n. warapa, ipa.
Faoe, n. oju, iwaju. v.t. and i. J'allow, adj. iI'Il ti a ko roo
dojuk/?, gboju ai. False, adj. l~otQ.
I'aoeaohe, n. &run oju. I'alse-hearted, adj. larekereke.
Facile, adj. r9run, tit'll. Falsehood, n. eke.
Facilitate, v.t. mu r/?run. I'alaely, adv. l'lltan.
Facility, n. irQrun. Falsify, v.t. 'Ie iwe eke. .
Paot, n. otit9 i~, nkan ti 0 Falter, v.t. and i. tase, k9S~,
daju. kololo.
Faction, n. 'Ilgb'll iyapa, /?ta. J'ame, n. okiki.
Factor, n. ~oju'llni, oloju 'Ilni. Familiar, adj. mim9, faramQ.
Factory, n. 'Ilgb'll aW9n o~owo Familiarity, n. im9'
iIe ~'Il. Pami1J, n. idile.
Faculty, n. iye, 9gb9n ori, im9. Famine, n. lyan.
Fade, v.t. and i. r~'Bil'll, ti, fo. Famish, v.t. and i. fi ebi paku.
Faec_, Fee_, n. igb'll. Famous, adj. lokiki.
Fag, v.t. and i. r~, BU, da lagara. Fan. n. ab'llb'll, at~. v.t. and i.
Faggot, Fagot, n. 'IlrU igi, idi igi. f'll'
Fail, v.t. and i. di abukiln si, Fanatio, n. onirokuro.
ba.j~, kilna, y~. Fanoy, n. ~bi. v.t. 'l'ebi, roo
Failure, Failing, n. abukiln, Pang, n. ehin ~i~anni, ekamla.
ibaj'll. Fantastic, adj. nirokuro.
Fain, adv. taY9·taY9, p~lu inu· Far, adv. jina, jijina.
didim. Fare, n. owo i'i''Il; onj~. v.i. rio
Faint, v.i. da.ku, 'l'ar~, 'l'ojo. Farewell, inter. gbere! alafia!
add. aihan rere. Farina, n. gari, elubQ.

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Farm. n. oko. Fear, n_ ~ru,ifoiya. v.t. and i.

Farmer, n. agb~, oloko. b~ru, foiya.
Farrier, n. onibata ~"in, oru.,egun Fearful, adj. nib~ru, nifoiya.
~"in. Fearfulness, n. ib~ru.
Farther, adj. siwaju. v.t. sun Fearless, adj. laifoiya, lainib~ru.
siwaju. Feasible, adj. "ille.
Farthest, adj. siwaju jul9. Feast, n. ase, aj9. v.t. and i.
ParibiDr, n. ida m~rin owo bAba se ase..
kan. Feasted, v.i. ba-j~un j~ onj~ aBe.
Fascinate, v.t. fanim9ra si, wu. Feat, n. i"e agbara.
FuciDatiDg, adj. nifanim9ra, ni Feather, n. iy~ I,liyl,l.
iwu, didiln. Feature, n. iwo oju.
Fashion, n. AW9, iIIe. v.t. "e, y~. February, n. o"u keji Ii 9dun.
Fast, n. il.w~, yar&.. v.i. gbAw~. Feces, Faeces, n. igbl,l.
Fasten, v.t. and i. so, dl. Federal, adj. ni adehun, ti ~gb~.
Fastidio1l8, adj. "oro lati wu. Federation, n. i"9kan, idap9.
Fat, n. 9ra. adj. sanra. Fee, n. 9ya, ~an, ibule.
Fatten, v.t. mu·sanra. Feeble, adj. lailera, lailagbara.
Fatal, adj. tiku, tiparun. Feebleness, n. ailera, ailagbara.
Fate, n. ipin, opin, idarisi; iku. Feed, v.t. and i. bQ, fun Ii onj~.
Father, n. baba. Feel, Felt, v.t. and i. m9,
Fatherhood, n. iwa ti baba. f9w9ba, f9w9kan.
Father-in-law, n. ana, baba aya Feeling, n. im9, if9w9M.
tabi baba 9k9. Feet, n. ~~.
Father-land, n. il~ aW9n baba Feign, v.t. and i. "e afarawe,
wa; ilu ~ni. "e-bi, fi-pe.
Fatherless, adj. alaini baba. Feignedly, adv. pl,llu agabagebe,
Fatherly, adj. bi ti baba. fi ~tan "e.
Fathom, n. I.w9n 0,uw9n ~s~ Feint, n. itanj~.
m~fa. v.t. w9n jinjin. Felicitate, v.t. ng-Y9, ba·Y9·
Fathomless, adj. lainisal~. Felicity, n. aY9, ir9ra, inu-didun.
Fatigue, n. iI.r~, agara. Fell, v.t. ke-lul~, wo.
FatliDg, n. ~gb9~ ~ran ab9pa. Fellow, n. ~gb~, 9gba, I,lnikeji.
Fatness, n. isanra, il9ra. Fellowship, n. idaP9, ik~gbl,l.
Fatten, v.t. and i. mu sanra, b9 Felon, n. adaran nla.
sanra. Felony, n. ~'1~ nla, ~~ iku.
Fault, n. ~~, Abukun. Female, adj. obirin, abo.
Faultless, adj. ailabukun, pe. Feminine, adj. iwa ti obinrin,
Faulty, adj. l~,,~, labukun. ti abo.
Favour, n. oju-rere, i¥Elun. v.t. Fen, n. ~~, ira, P9t9P9t9·
IJe ojurere si. Fence, n. 9gba, ogiri. v.t. and i.
Favourable, adj. loju rere, niti- ,e 9gba.
l~hin. Ferment, v.t. and i. ru, dide, da,
Favourite, n. ayanf~. M, ,,~.
Fawn, n. 9m9 agb9nrin. v.t. Fermentation, n. iM, ida, i,~.
and i. pQn. Ferocious, adj. niroro, un loju,
Fealty, n. ileri iwa 01ot9. nika.

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Ferocity, n. irOl'o, ika. Fight, v.t. and ·i. ja, jagun.

Ferry, v.t. wa QkQ sQda, tukQ. n. lja, ogun.
n. Qke} asQda. Fighter, n. onija, jagunjagun.
Ferry-man, n. QIQkQ awasQda. Figurative, adj. ni ap'ilr~.
Fertile, adj. leso; lfiltu loju. Figure, n. apfilrfil, aworan.
Filament, n. okiln tinrin.
Fervency, n. igbona. Qkan. Filoh, v.t. jale, ji, ,afQwQra.
Fervent, adj. gbona.. File, n. ayiln onipin. v.t. and i.
Fervour, n. igbona., itara. fi ayun yin.
Festal, adj. ti ase, ti aYQ, ninu- Filial, adj. ti QmQ.
didun. Filings, n. lYfil, filha.
Fester, v.t. and i or n. egbo Fill, v.t. and i. kfuI, tfil·IQrun.
kik'il' egbo rira. n. iktin.
Festival, n. igba a.se. Film, n. atafo oju.
Fetch, v.t. and i. mu-wa, Filter, n. &Bfil. v.t. and i. s/;', roo
gbe-wa. Filth, n. eri, filgbin, Qbun.
Fetid, adj. run, mfil~~ri. Filthy, adj. leri, lfilgbin, nirira.
Fetish, Fetich, n. orHiha. Filtrate, v.t. and i. roo
Fetter, v.t. de ni ~filk~'ilkfil' Fin, n. lfilbfil filja.
Fetters, n. ~filk~'filkfil' ~wQn. Final, adj. ti igbfilhin, ti ipari.
Feud, n. lja, ase}. Finally, adv. lakotan, nipari,
Fever, n. iba, otutu, igbona ara. lopin.
Feverish, adj. nigbona ara, nibs. Finanoe, n. owo, inawo.
Few, adj. di'il. Financier, n. olutQju oWO.
Fewness, n. iye difil. Find, v.t. ri, ba.
Fez, n. fila dara. Fine, adj. dara, dun. n. ibule,
Fibre, n. okun igi, okun eweko. filsan itanran. v.t. and i.
Fiokle, adj. niyemeji. buleni.
Fiokleness, 1l. aiduro si Qkan. Finely, adv. didaradara.
Fiction, 1l. ijarQ, f}rQ asan. Finger, n. ika QWQ. v.t. fi ika tQ.
Fiddle, n. diiru. Finish, v.t. and i. pari, ~-tall.
Fiddler, 1l. aluduru, onifere. Finite, adj. ni opin, nipinnu.
Fiddle-striDg, n. okun diiru. Fire, n. ina.. v.i. gbina. v.t.
Fidelity, n. olotQ, ifaramQ. tinabQ, yinbQn.
Fidget, n. ~aifara-bal'il, aisimi. Fire-arms, n. ibQn.
Field, n. igbfil' papa. i Firebrand, n. igi ina..
Fiend, n. e,u, Qta. Firefly, n. kokoro tanna tanna.
Fierce, adj. roro, muna, gbona. Fireside, n. filba ina..
Fiercen8llll, n. iroro, ibinu, imuna. Firing, n. igi idana. edu.
Fiery, adj. amubina. Firm, adj. lagbara, Ie, duro
Fife, n. fere. ~n~.
Fifteen, adj. ~dogun, m~dogun. Firmament, n. ofurufu.
Fifteenth, adj. ik~ogun. Firmly, adv. nidur~n.
Fifth, adj. ~karun. I First, adj. ekini, ni~aju.
Fiftieth, adj. ooQta, ikidQta. First-born, n. akQbi.
Fifty, adj. adQta. First-fruits, n. akQso.
Fig, n. QPQtQ. Firstling, n. akQbi filran.
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Firat-rate, adj. daraju. Flesh, n. filran ara.

Fish, n. filja. v.t. and i. pfilja. Fleshy, adj. kiki filran.
Fisher, Fisherman, n. apfilja. Flaibility, n. ilo.
Fishmonger, n. fillfilja. Flaible, adj. r9run lati tfil, 10.
Fiasure, n. Ha, isan. Flicker, v.i. jo baibai.
Fist, n. ikiikil, ~~~. Flight, n. isa kuro ninu ewu.
Fit, adj. y~, t9. n. imuglrl. Flimsy, adj. ffillfilffillfil.
Fitly, adv. niyiye, nitot9' Flinch, v.i. sunki ninu irora.
Fitness, tt. yiYfil, tit9. Fling, v.t. and i. S9.
Five, adj. arUn, marun. Flint, n. okuta ibt,m.
FiJ:, v.t. and i. fa.·so, muduro. Flippant, adj. laironu.
FiJ:ed, adj. mura, pipfil. Flirt, v.t. and i. ~ire iffil; ba
Flabby, adj. r9, aimura giri. obirin to..
Flag, n. asia, 9pagun; koriko Flit, v.i. fo-19.
odo. Float, v.t. and i. fo 10ju omi.
Flagrant, adj. rek9ja a.la. Flock, n. 9wy filran t.abi filiyr:.
Flail, n. ipaka. v.i. t(j)w9.
Flake, II. maja.la, iforifo ina. Flog, v.t. na, jan Ii 9r~.
Flame, n. 9w9 ina, igbona 9kan. Flood, n. iktm omi, ~an omi.
v.i. jo, tan bi ina. Flood-tide, n. akunbo omi.
Flamingo, n. filiYfil ak9· Floor, 11. ilfil ile.
Flank, n. lha. Flop, v.t. and i. ~ubu lulfil.
Flannel, n. a..'9 kubusu kikuna. Florin, n. cwo fadaka 2/.
Flap, n. Hugba. v.t. and i. Flounce, v.i. yi ara kiri.
lugba. Flounder, v.i. k9Sfil.
Flare, v.t. and i. jo. Flour, n. iy~fun.
Flash, n. ik9·san. v.t. and i. Flourish, v.t. and i. ruwe, lawe,
k9·san. . rU, gbilfil.
Flask, n. ~ago kekere. Flow, v.i. ~an. n. ~an omi.
Flat, adj. tfil. tfilju, ~epfiltfil. Flower, n. itanna eweko. v.t.
Flatness, tt. itfilju, i~epfiltfil' and i. tanna bi eweko.
Flatten, v.t. and i. tfilbfilr~. Flown, v.i. ti fo 19.
Flatter, v.t. P9n, tan. Fluctuate, v.i. yi sihin s9hun.
Flatterer, n. fillfiltan, ip9nni. Fluctuation, n. irU soke ru sodo.
Flattery, n. ip9nni, iyin eke. Fluency, n. ~~an, idawiiru.
Flatulence, n. igUffil. Fluent, adj. nis9r(j) j9j9.
Flavour, n. adiln, it9wo, oriln. Fluid, adj. mimu, ~~n.
Flaw, n. abukun, isan, lIa. Fluidity, n. ~.
Flu., n. 9gb9. Flush, v.t. and i. W8 ni ikanju.
Flay, V.t. bo Ii aW9. Fluster, n. igbona, iyara.
Flea, n. idun egb(j)n. I Flute, n. fere.
Fledge,v.t. gun in, hily~. Flutter, v.t. and i. fo nibambalfil.
Flee, Fled, '!I.t. and i. sa, so. 19. Flu, n. ~.
Fleece, n. irun agutan. v.t. rfilj~. Fly, n. e~in. v.t. and i. fo,
Fleet, tt. filgbfil'9k9, 9w9·9k9. fol9·
adj. yara. Foal, n. 9m9 fil,in.
Fleetness, tt. iyara. Foam, n. ifofo.
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Fodder, ohun jij~ ti ~ran. Force, n. ipa, agbara. v.t.

Foe, n. e;>ta. ipa !Ie, fi agbara !Ie.
Fog, ikiiku. Forcible, adj. lagbara.
Foggy, adj. kiki ikiiku. Forcibly, adv. Pfillu agbara.
FOil, v.t. and i. ~~, t~. n.
I Ford, n. odo af~s~laja. v.t. and i.
~~gun, it~ni.
Fold, n. agbo, agbo filran. v.t.
Fordable, adj. lilaja.
and ka, di.
Foliage, n. ewe. Fore, adj. niwaju.
Folio, n. iwe nla. Forebode, tJ.t. wi tl?lfil.
Folk, n. awe;>n euia. Forecast, v.t. gbime;> t\,I~, gbiro-
Folk-lore, n. ale;> irintan. t~lfil' n. igbime;>tfill\,.
Follow, v.t. and i. tfille, te;>.I~hlu. Forecastle, n. iwaju I?kc?
Follower, n. e;>me;>-~hin. Forefather, n. baba nla.
Folly, n. aimoye, iwere. Forefront, iwaju.
Foment, tl.t. fi omi gbigbona WI? Forego, fI.t. and i. je;>-Ie;>we;>, fi-sil~.
Fond, adj. nik~, nif~. Foreground, n. illi' iwaiu.
Fondle, v.t. and kif;. Forehead, iwaju.
Fondness, n. ik~, if~. Foreign, adj. ti ilu miran.
Font, awo omi lati baptisi. Foreigner, ajeji, aleje, ara ilu
Food, n. onj~. mi.
Foodless, adj. laini onj~. Forejudge, v.t. ~e idajl? !laju.
Fool, a~iwere. v.t. and i. ~i Foreknow, v.t. me;> tfill~.
were. Foreknowledge, n. ime;>tfillfil.
Foolillh, g9, ~iwere. Foreman, i!laju, Qga.
Foolishness, n. iwere. Foremost, n. iwaju patapata.
Foot, Feet, n. fil8~. Forenoon, igba ikanri e;>jQ.
Foot-bridge, n. afara kekere. Foreordain, v.t. pinnu tfill~.
Foot-hold, n. ipo ~B~. Forerunner, n. &!jIaju ~ni.
Footing, ibiti I?s+ tl?' Foresee, fI.t. ri tl?lfil.
Footless, adj. lainifil8~. Foresight, n. ime;>tfill\,.
Footman, i:ran~eke;>nri. Foreskin, atQte;>.
Footpath, n. ipa e;>na. Forest, n. igbo.
Footsore, adj. riro ~B~. Forestall, v. ~ju.
Footstep, ipa ~B~. Foretaste, n. itQwo t~I'il'
Footstool, n. apoti itisfil. Foretell, v.t. Be;> t fillfil.
Fop, oge. I Forethought, n. Iro t'fille, ipese
For, prep. fun, nitori. sil~.
Forage, v.i. ko·filriI, jale, piy~. Forever, adv. lai.
n. ipin ogun. Forewarn, v.t. kile;> fun t~lfil'
ForasmuCh, con}. niwe;>nbi. Forfeit, v.t. bule, padanu. n.
Forbear, v.i. dawe;> duro pa· ibule.
me;>ra. Forgave, v.t. dariji.
Forbearanoe, n. idawe;>duro, suru, Forge. agbfildl? irin. and i.
ipame;>ra. re;>, IiI, fi eke ke;>we.
Forbid, v.t. da-I~kun. Forgery. n. ake;>lll eke,
Forbidding, adj. didal~kun. Forget, Forgot. L'.t. gbagbe.

s laiti I bv :I( )<; ~


Forgetful, adj. ,pgbagbe, ni· Forwardness, n. imura tt;l\l;

gbagbe. iyaju.
Forgetfulness, n. igbagbe. Foster, v.t. hQ, tQ, ~e itQju.
Forgive, v.t. dariji. Foster-child, n. QmQ agbabQ.
Forgiveness. n. idariji, ifiji. Foster-mother, n. alagbabQ.
Forgiving, adj. mura lati dariji. Fought, v.t. and i. ja.
Foul, adj. a.imQ. eri, t;gbin.
Fork, n. &muga ij\lun, agunj\l. Foul-mouthed, adj. \llt;nu bu-
Forlorn, adj. kikQsil\l. buru.
Form. n. iIIe, l.wo, aworan; Foul-play, n. iwa \ltan, iigun
ijoko. v.t. and i. mQ, fun buburu.
ni iwa. Found, v.t. ri; ·fi ipil\l lelt;.
Formal, adj. bi u,e, bi iwa. Foundation, n. ipil\l i16, iSQlt;.
Formality, n. i~ idasil\l, ap\lr\l Foundation-stone, n. okuta ipilt;.
~. Founder, v.t. and i. ri sinu omi.
Formation, n. iIIe, ida., ibi. Fountain, n. isun, orisun.
Former, adj. ti"aju. Four, adj. ~rin, m\lrin..
Formerly, adv. igba i~aju. Fourfold, adj. mt;rin-m~rin.
Formidable, adj. nib\lru, lera. Fourfooted, adj. \ll~st; m~rin.
Formulary, n. iwe u,e idasil\l. Fourteen, adj. m~rinla..
Fornicate, v.i. ~ p~a.ga, ~ Fourteenth, adj. t;k~rinla.
agbere. Fourth, adj. \lk~rin.
Fornication, n. i"e pan"aga, i"e Fourthly, adv. lQna k~rin.
agbere. Fowl, n. adi~, t;iy~.
Fornicator, n. p~aga, agbere. Fowler, n. p~iy~-p~iy~, apt;iy~.
Forsake, v.t. kQ sil\l. Fox, n. kQIQkQIQ.
Forsaken, adj. kikQsil\l. Fraction, n. ibu ni ara Qt9tQ;
Forsooth, adv. nitotQ. l.pin, lda.
Forswear, V.t. fi ibura ~ ileri. Fractional, adj. ti ibu ni ara.
Fort, n. odi. QtQtQ.
Forth, adv. jade, jadewa. Fracture, v.t. and i. ~~ egungun.
Forthcoming, adj. ijadewa. Fragile, adj. fif9.
Forthwith, adv. nisisiyi, lQgan. Fragment, n. lbu, aj~ku.
Forti1I.cation, n. odi, abo.
Fortify, v.t. and i. dabobo, Fragrant, adj. lOrlln didiin.
mQdisi. Frail, adj. lailera, lailagbara.
Fortitude, n. igboiya, ilaiya. Frailty, n. ailera, ailagba.ra.
Fortnight, n. igba QS\l meji. Frame, v.t. and i. llIe, mQ, kQ ;
Fortress, n. odi alagbara. lana. n. ~elana.
Fortunate, adj. bQ sakoko, ~- Franchise, n. omnira, ibQkuro
gbako. IQwQ isin. v.t. sQ di omnira.
Fortune, n. alabapade, ohun ini. Frank, adj. tuwQ ka, "e QS9nu.
Fortune-teller, n. awomi. Frankincense, n. turare.
Forty, Fortieth, adj. ogoji, oji. Frankly, adv. ni tuwQka; ni
Forum, n. ibi Qja, ibi ipejQ. finuhan.
Forward, adj. ran siwaju, imu· Frankness, n. i~e otitQ gbangba.
ra; yaju. Frantic, adj. bibaj~ ori, aituloju.
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FIaternal, adj. ti ara; ti ara· Frock, n. ~wu ileke.

k'jmrin. Frog, n. ypyly.
Fraternally, adv. g~g~ bi ara. Frolic, n. iflire.
Fraternity, n. ~gb~. From, prep. lywy, kuro, ninu.
Fratricide, n. ~ni~i 0 PI' arakynri Front, n. iwaju. v.t. and i.
~ni. dojuky, kyju ai.
Fraud, n. ~tan, ern. Frontier, n. ateteba, iwaju.
Fraudulence, n. itanj~, ifleru. Frontlet, n. yja igba iwaju.
Fray, n. ija, ogun. Frost, n. otutu nini.
Freckle, n. ami t6tat6. Froth, n. ifofo; yry asan.
Freckled, adj. t6tOt6. Froward, adj. nikanra.
Free, adj. di omnira, tunuka si. Frown, v.t. and i. bojuj~ si.
Freeborn, n. bi Ii omnira, ymy Fructify, v.t. and i. mu so eso.
omnira. Frugal, adj. tuwyka, nityju.
Freedman, n. ~rn ti a fi ,e ymy, Fruit, n. eso, ymy.
omnira. Fruitful, adj. leso, pupy.
Freedom, n. omnira. Fruition, n. anfani, ere.
Freewill, n. if~ atinuwa. Fruitless, adj. laileso, yagan.
Freeze, v.t. and i. dl. Fruit-tree, n. igi eso.
Freight, n. ~rU yk9. Frustrate, v.t. ba-j~, yi-po.
Frenzy, n. isinwin, i~iwere. Frustration, n. ibaj~.
Frequency, n. igbakugba. Fry, v.t. and i. yan ninu yra,
Frequent, adj. nigbagbogbo, din.
nigbakugba. Fuel, n. ohun idana, igi, ~yin.
Fresh, adj. tutu, titun. Fugitive, n. isansa. adj. lai·
Freshen, v.t. and i. By di titun, duro nibikan.
sy di tutu. Fulfil, v.t. mu-,~.
Fresh-water, n. omi ti ka ni iyy FuIfllment, n. im~~.
ninu r~; omi·mimu. Full, adj. kun.
Fret, v.t. and i. bo Ii epo ara; Fu1Iy, adv. ni kikun.
fajuro kanra. Fulness, n. ~kUn, kikun.
Fretful, adj. nifajuro, nikanra. I Fumble, v.t. and i. ,e nkan
Fretfuln... n. ikanra. rudurudu.
Friction, n. ira, ira ohun meji Fume, n. efin, oru. v.t. and i.
py my ra wyn. binu.
Friday, n. ijy k~fa 19B~. Fumigate, v.t. fin Ii efin.
Friend, n. 9r~. ~gb~, ~nikeji. Fumigation, n. oru ti 0 ti inn
Friendless, adj. laini 9r~. ina jade.
Friendship, n. if~, lr~, ir<,)PY. Fun, n. ire, iflire, ~f~.
Frigate, n. yk9 ogun. Function, n. oye, agbara.
Fright, n. ~rU, ifoiya. Fund, n. owo ilel<,), ikojypy owo.
Frighten, v.t. d~ruba, daiya fo. Fundament, n. ldi, ~bin.
Frigid, adj. tutu. Fundamental, n. ti ipil~~, pa-
Frill, v. ka. taki.
FriDge, n. waja-waja, igbati ~. Funeral, n. isinku.
Frisk, v. i. fa, b~. n. i,ire. Fungus, n. olu, olu ehu igi.
Frivolous, adj. kikini, ainilari. Funnel, n. irymi, iryti.

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Fur, n. irun mulQmuly. Gamble, lI.t. and i. ta t~t'(.

Furious, adj. runu, ~e ikannu, Gambler, n. atatfilt~.
kun fun ibinu. Gambol, lI.i. fo, b~.
Furnace, n. ileru. Game, n. ire. iljlire; yd~ ~ran
Furnish, lI.t. pase fun. tabi filiYfil.
Furniture, n. ohun elo ile. Gamekeeper, n. olutyju ohun
Furrow, n. aporo. ydfil·
Further, adll. siwaju, lokere. Gander, n. aky PfilPfiliYfil odo.
lI.t. ran-lywy, sun siwaju. Gang, n. awyn ti 0 sowy py lati
Furthermore, adll. p~lu-p~lu. liIe nkan.
Furtive, adj. yy-wo. Gangrene, n. arun, idibajfil ni
Fury, n. ikannu, ibinu. filran ara, ira.
Fuse, lI.e. yy, dB; r~ nkan meji Gaol, lail, n. ile ~wyn, ile tubu.
py. Gaoler, lailer, n. onitubu.
Fusion, n. iyylu, idalu. Gap, n. iho, ~la, isan.
Fuss, n. iryk~k~, aisimi. Gape, lI.i. yan, yanu gboro.
Futile, adj. lasan, laiwulo. Garb, n. ~y, filwu.
Future, n. igba ti mby. Garden, n. ygba.
Gardener, n. olusygba, asygba.
Gargle, n. egbogi yfun. lI.t.
G. and i. w~ yna yfun.
Garland, n. mariwo, idi ewe tabi
Gabble, n. ib~r~ orule ile. itanna.
Gable, n. iku ile. Garment, n. filwu, ~y ibora.
Gad, lI.i. rin kiri laisimi. Garner, n. aka, aba.
Gadfly, n. efil~in nla. Garnish, lI.e. ~e Ii y~y. n. ohun
Gag, lI.t. and i. ha Ii ~nu. . y~y.
n. ihanu. Garrison, n. ~gbfil ologun ni ilu
Gaiety, n. inudidun, ay9. olodi. lI.t. mydi si.
Gain, n. ere, anfani. lI.t. and i. Garrulous, adj. alaroye.
jere, ri gba. Garter, n. okun iso ibys~.
Gainer, n. elere, alanfani. Gash, n. ygbfil nla.
Gainsay, lI.t. riwisi, syry odi si. Gasp, lI.t. and i. yanu silfil gba
Gait, n. mn. affilffil·
Gaiter, n. 3IW iwas~. Gastric, adj. ti apoluku, ti ikun.
Gala, n. idaraya. Gaie, n. filnu yna ode, ilfilkun.
Gale, n. af~f~ lile at~un. Gate-keeper, n. olutyju ~nu yna.
Gall, n. ororo. lI.t. and i. fi ara Gather, lI.t. and i. kojy, kopy si
bO. ibikan.
GallaDt, adj. nigboiya, lyla. n. Gatherer, n. alakojy.
oluf~, yga. Gathering, n. ikojypy.
6a11aDtry, n. igboiya, if~, ikiyesi. Gauge, lI.t. diw9n. n. ypa idiwyn.
Gallery, n. yd~d~ loke. Gaunt, adj. ril.
6aIIon, n. iru o~uwyn kan. Gauntlet, n. ibywy irin, ibywy
Gallop, lI.t. and i. dogiri. n. ~y.
ogiri issre 4XIin. Gauze, n. ~y ffillfilffill~.
GallOws, n. igi isonipa. Gay, adj. daraya, inudidun.

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Gaze, v.i. t~jumljlwo. Giddinea, n. oyi oju.

Gazette, n. iwe irohin ijljlba. Giddy, adj. laiduro nibikan, ni
Gazing-stock, n. ~ni ~~l~ya. oyi loju.
Gear, n. ohun elo, ohun 1jI'W. Gift, n. ~blin.
Gem, n. okuta iyebiye. Gigantic, adj. tobi.
Gender, n. skljl tabi abo. Gild, v.t. bo ni wura tabi fadaka.
Genealogy, n. ltan at~le idile. Gilding, n. wura tabi fadaka ti
General, adj. WIjIP9, ti gbogbo a "e ni sisu.
enia. n. olori ogun. Gilt, n. ~r~k~ ~ja.
Generally, adv. nigbskugba.. Gimlet. n. olu, irin ti a fi nde..
Generate, v.t. bi. oju igi lu fun i"o.
Generation, n. iran. Gin, n. okun did~, ~g~; IjIti.
Generosity, n. iwa inu rere. Ginger, n. ata.l~.
Generous, adj. ni inu rere. Gingerly, adj. 1~9·1~9, finifini.
Genesis, n. iwe ekinni ti Mose.· Giraffe, n. agunfljln.
Genial, adj. ni a.yaya. Gird, v.t. san, di amure.
Genius, n. oloye, amoye. Girder, n. iti igi ni it~ apsko ile.
Genteel. adj. p~l~, oloju-saju. Girdle, n. ohun sisan, amure.
Gentile, n. keferi. Girl, n. IjImljlbirin.
Gentle, adj. ni iwa p~l~, "e j~j~. Girth. n. IjIja gari ~.
Gentleman, n. oniwa rere, ~niti Gist, n. koko 9r1j1.
a bi rere. Give, v.t. and i. fi fun, fi·blin.
Gentleness, n. iwa tutu, iwa j~j~, Giver, n. olufunni.
iwa p~l~. Gizzard, n. iwe ~iy~.
Gentry, n. aWljln ti a bi rere, Glad, adj. Y9, .,a inudidun.
aWljln b(ikini. Gladden, v.t. mu yljI, mu ni inu
Genuine, adj. lotitljl, lai,,~tan. dlin.
Geography, n. imljl ap~~ il~ Gladly, adv. tayljltayljI.
aiye. Gladnea, n. aYIjI inudidun.
Geology, n. imljl nka.n ti inu il~ Glamour, n. isuju.
nisal~. Glance, n. iwo firi.
Germ, n. ehu. Glare, n. dan ~.
Germinate, v.t. and i. hu, la, 8IjI Glass, n. awojiji, digi.
jade. Glaze, v.t. and i. fi digi si.
Gesticulate, v.t. and i. ,,~f~. Glazier, n. ont.,~ fifi digi si
Gesticulation, n. ire ~f~. ferese.
Gesture, n. iyi ara. Gleam, n. it&llIJan imljll~.
Get, v.t. and i. ni, rigba. Glean, v.t. and i. peIJ~, .,a.
Gewgaw, n. ohun i"ire, nkan Gleaner, n. ape.,~.
asan. Glee. n. aYIjI, inudidun.
Ghastly, adj. l~rU, bi oku, bi Glib, adj. didun.
iwin. Glide, v.t. and i. Y9 p~l~.
Ghost, n. ~mi, iwin, oku. Glimmer, v.i. mljll~ baibai.
Giant, n. omlran, a.,igbljlnl~. Glimpse, n. imljll~ firi.
Gibbet, n. igi isonirljl. Glisten. v.i. tan imljll~.
Gibe, v.t. and i. Sljl isIjIkUBljl, .,a Glitter, n. lt8.lllJan.
~l~ya. Gloat, v.i. t~jumljl w~ fun ibi.

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Globe, n. ~u ap~r~ aiye. Gold, n. wuri

Gloom, u. ~okunkun, idagitdt;" ; Golden, adj.
it~ba ati iwuwo qkan. Goldsmith,
Gloomy, adj. ~okunkun; bibi· Gone, adj. ti ....
nuj~, kikii.nu. Gonorrhea, n. arun ....
Glorify, v.t. yin-logo. Good, adj. ire, rere.
Glorious, adj. lyla, logo. Good-bye, inter. ikini ipinya,
Glory, n. ogo, iyin, qla. v.i. Odaby! Qna re o! Odigbo
~ogo, l1efefe. file o!
Gloss, n. idan; itumq, 8I!qye. Good-evening, inter. Oku al~!
GIOSSUJ. n. iwe itumq 9rq. " kii.l~ 0."
Glossy, adj. didan. Good-humour, n. inu didun, inu
Glove, n. ibYW9. rere.
Glow, n. igbona ara, igbona Goodly, adj. didsra.
ykan. v.i. j anj an, gbona. Good-morning, inter. Oku sry!
Glow-worm, n. imunmuna. "kirq o!"
Glue, n. ate. Goodness, n. iwa rere, ore.
Glum, adj. fajuro, ~e oju ibinu. Good-night, inter. Odsry! Odi
Glut, v.t. j~ aj~ki. ojumq!
Glutton, n. - oj~un, a.laj~ki. Goods, n. ~rU, ohun ini.
Gluttony, n. aj~ki. Good-will, n. if~ inu rare.
Gnarl, n. k6ko igi. Goose, n. p~p~iy~ odo.
Gnash, v.t. and i. pahin keke. Gore, n. ~j~ didi., v.t. gun Ii
Gnat, n. kantikanti. 9ky, fi iwo kan.
Gnaw, v.t. and i. girin j~. Gorge, n. qfun. v.t. and i.
Go, v.i. rin, ly, ~o. fi iwara gbemi.
Goad, n. qpa mimu, ~gun. v.t. Gorgeous, adj. didara, hihan.
tl. Gorilla, n. inyki, inaki.
Goal, n. opin isure ije. Gosling, n. ymq p~p~iy~ odo.
Goat, n. ewur~. Gospel, n. ihin rere, itan igbe
Goatherd, n. olutqju awqn ewu- aiye Jesu.
r~. Gollllip, n. isyrq asan.
Gobble, v.t. and i. sqpaka.-gbemi. Gourd, n. igb8, itakim.
God, n. Qlqrun. Govern, v.t. and i. filakoso, ~olori,
Godchild, n. qmq nipa ti Qlqrun. IJetyju.
Goddess, n. abo o~a. ' Governess, n. olukqni obirin.
Godfather, n. baba nipa ti Government, n. ijyba, akoso ilu.
Qlqrun. Governor, n. alak080 ilu, aj~I~.
Godless, adj.la.ini Qlyrun,laigba Gown, n. ~ ileke gigun.
Qlqrun gbq. Grab, v. ja lqwq.
Godlike, adj. niwa-bi-Qlqrun. Grace, n. ore-qf~, oju rere,
Godliness, n. ifykansin Qlqrun. anfani. v.t. IJe lq'lq, mu
Godmother, n. iya nipa ti Qlqrun. niyin.
Godsend, n. ohunrere lati qdq Graceful, adj. didara, l~wa.
Qlqrun. Gracious, adj. qlore-qf~, alinu.
Going, n. ilq, irin. Gradation, n. ito 1~8~s~, it~
Goitre, n. g~g~. siwaju.

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niade, Gravel, w~w~ yanrin,
;braduaI, adj. I~s~s~. tara.
/ Graduate, v.t. and i. gba ere Ii Gravitate, v.t. and i. fa mI,).
/ ile ~kl,) giga. Gravitation, n. ifaml,) ara kan
/ Graft, n. ~ka all,)m9 si igi keji. si ekeji.
I Gravity, n. iwa agba, nironu.
Grain, n. woro irugbin kan, I,)ka,
Gravy, n. omi ~ran.
Gray. Grey, n. adalu awl,) dudu
Grammar, n. iml,) ilo I,)rl,) daju.
j~ koriko igb~,
Grammar~lIChool, ile ~kl,) giga.
Granary, epo. v.t. fi I,)ra
Grandchild, I,)ml,)' Greuy, ilepo.
9 m 9· Great, nla. PI,).
Grandee, n. ~ni 1,)11,)111.. Greatness, n. itobi.
Grandeur, n. didara ni iri. Greed. n. iWl,)ra ojukokoro.
Grandfather. n. baba nla. I .Greedy, adj. niwl,)ra, lojukokoro.
Grandmother, n. iya nla. Green, adj. dudu; aipl,)n, aid~,
Grandstand, n. ibi giga fun tutu aliga.
iworan. Greengrocer, n. oluta eweb~.
Granite, n: okuta. akl,) dudu. Greenhorn, n. ~niti ko 70ro tanj~.
Grant, fi·fun. n. ohun Greet,
ti Greeting,
Grape, ! Grief, ikanu, ~dun.
Graphic, ! Grievance, ibanujliJ·
i. fi agbara Grieve, mu ni kliJdun,

Grasp, 9wl,) gba mu, ibanujIiJ nipl,)nju.

dimu. roro.
Grasping, adj. ni oj ukokoro , Grimace, n. ibojujIiJ l?ul?u.
ll,)kanjuwa. I Grime. n. eri. v.t. sl,) di eri.
Grass. n. koriko igb~. Grin, v.t. and i. rliJrin akl,), rliJrin
Grasshopper, n. ~l~nga. liJgan.
Grate, n. irin ikele. v.t. and i. Grind, v.t. and i. 19, pc;Sn.
ha, kuna. Grinder, n. 019.
Grateful, dup~. Grindstone, okuta ip(;mrin.
igb9WQ. V.t. and i.

Gratify, inurirull; dimu I?inflin.

Gratie, okerekere.
Gratitnde, awl,l I,)ll,)y~,· adalu
Gratuity, n. ~bim I,)f~. ati funfun.
Grave. v.t. gb~, fin, iWna finfin si. Groan. v.t. and i. kerora. II.
adj. nronu. n. isa okn. ikerora.
Grave-olothes. n. ~I,) oku. Groin, n. itan.
Grave--digger. n. agb~l~ okn. Groom, n. apoko liJl1in.


Groove, n. iha it~bljl. Guinea-corn, n. IjIkB baba.

Grope, v.i.· fi IjIwljI wa. IjIna Ii Guinea-fowl, n. ~tu, ~iYfil a.w6.
Guinea-pig, n. ~ID9 (eku).
Gross, add· ~una, II~aki.
n. gbogbo, IjItIjItIjI ejila me- Guinea-worm, n. sobia.
jila; ohun m~rinleI9goje. Guise, n. iri ode, lwa.
Grossn8ll8, n. aikuna, itobi. Guitar, n. ohun ljlDa orin olokun
Grotesque, adj. pagun-pagun. tita.
Ground, n. il~. Gull, n. ~ya omi okun sinu il~.
Groundl8ll8, adj. lainidi. Gull, v.t. tan; r~j~.
Ground-nut, n. ~pa. Gullet, n. 9na IjIfun.
Groundwork, n. ipil~~. Gulp, v.t: and i. 89paka-gbemi.
Group, n. akojljlpljl, ldipljI. Gum, n,. oje igi.
Grove, n. igbo kekere. Gums, n. erlgi.
Grovel, v.i. rako, r~ ara sil~. Gun, n. ibljln.
Grow, v.t. and i. hu, sljI, dagba. Gunner, n. ayinbljln.
Growth, n. idagba, lhu. Gunpowder. n. ~tu ibljln.
Grub, n. kokoro, ldin. Gunshot. n. yiyin ibljln.
Grudge, v.t. kim si, lie arankan Gurgle, v.t. and i. tu piipii.
ai. n. odi, ija. Gush, v.t. and i. tu-jade. n.
Gruesome, adj. dfilruba. itujade.
Gruft, adj. kanra. Gusset. n. idasa-&fIIjI.
Grumble, v.t. and i. knn, knn Gust. n. af~f~ ojiji.
ainu. Gut, n. ifun ~ran. v.t. and i. fun
Grumbler, n. akUnsinu. ifun.
Grunt, n. kiln bi ~l~d~. Gutter, n. oju agbara.
Guarantee, n. onigbljlwljI. Gymnastic. adj. ti ijakadi; ti
Guard, n. abo, ill9ra. v.t. and i. idaraya.
119, dababo.
Guardian, n. olUflljl, olutoju.
Gu8S8, v.t. and i. laIDljI, ro SIjI. n. H.
Guest, n. alejo, ~niti a nile alejo Ba, inter. 9r1jl ikigbe iyanu.
fun. Haberdasher. n. oluta &119, ati
Guidance, n. it9na, ifljlnahan. woaiwosi.
Guide, v.t. fi IjIna han, tIjI si IjIna. Habit. n. lwa, iII~, iWljIllljI.
n. aIDljlna. Babitable, adj. gbigbe.
Guide-post, n. apako loju IjIna Babitant. n. olugbe.
lati fi IjIna han ero. Habitation. n. ibugbe, ile.
Guild, n. ~gb~, parakoyi. Babitual, adj. iwa, iIIe.
Guile, n. arekereke, ~tan. Back. v.t. and i. ke fl&k&llaka.
Guile18118, adj. laisiarekereke, Hades, n. isa oku, ibugbe aWljln
laifl~tan. oku.
Guilt, n. ~II~, ~bi ~fil. Bait, n. Elku IjIb~ tabi ida.
Guiltl8ll8, adj. laij~bi, lail~~. Bag, n. aj~.
Guilty, adj. j~bi, ~1~II~. Baggard, adj. rU, joro.
Guinea, n. 'lile mljlkanlelogun. Baggle, v.i. Yljlwo IjIja.
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Bail, v.t. pe, kl. Iokere. inter. Band-writing, n. ikljlwe.

ala.fi.a. n. yinyin. v.t. and i. Handy, adj. mura, rqrun, nitosi.
wQ yinyin. Bang, v.t. and i. fi-kljl, BO-rljl,
Ball-stODe, n. okuta yinyin. so Ii ljlrun pa.
Hair, n. irun. IlaDgings, n. ~1jI ferese tabi
Hairdresser, n. onidiri onigba- ibusun.
j8Inljl. Hanker, v.i. ,&feri gidigidi.
Hairpin, n. ikoti. Haphazard, n. e,l.
Hairy, adj. onirun. Haply, adv. boya, lalabapade.
Bale, adj. Iera, dids ara. v.t. fa.. Happen, v.i. ,~, jade, hu.
Half. n. abljl, idameji. HaJpiDess, n. alafia, irqra, rere.
Half-dozen, n. m~fa. Happy, adj. lalafia, nirqra.
Half-hearted, adj. ni illjlwljlwljI. Harass, v.t. da Ii agara, yljI-I~nu.
IjIkan. Harbinger, n. ~aju.
Half-PeDDJ, n. owo baba, idaji Harbour, n. ebute IjIk9. v.t.
kljlbljl. and i. dabobo.
Half-way, adv. agbede meji Qna. Hard, adj. Ie, ,oro, nika. adv.
Ball, n. gbangan idaj9, yara. nla. sunmljl tosi.
Ballelujah! inter. ~ yin Oluwa I Harden, v.t. and i. mu-Ie, mu-
Ballow, v.t. ya ai mim9' ,oro.
BalluciDatiOD, n. itanj~. Hard-hearted, adj. alailanu.
Balo, n. imljlI~ ti nyi orun ka. Hardness, n. i,oro.
BaIt, v.t. and i. d~~ duro; Hardship, n. inira, wahala.
mukun. Hardware, n. ohun elo 8In1jl.
Balter, n. okun ljlrun ~ran fun Hardy, adj. laiya, ,akljlni, Ie.
fifa. Hare, n. ehoro.
Balve, v.t. pin ni meji. Hark, inter. gbljl! fetisil~!
Bam, n. itan ~ran ~l~~ ti a fi Harlot, n. p~ga obirin.
iyljI ai. Harm, n. ibaj~, ipalara, ibi.
Hamlet, n. abule, ileto. Harmful, adj. nipalara.
Hammer, n. olu. v.t. and i. Harmless, adj. lainipalara,
fi kan, olu Iu. lailewu.
Hammook, n. ibusun asorQ. HarmaHan, n. IjIn.
Hamper, n. agbljln nla. v.t. Harmonium, n. dUrn.
and i. di lljlna. Harmony, n. ibar~, i~ede.
Hand, n. IjIwq. v.t. nawljI ai. Harness, n. 1di ~n k~k~.
Handbell, n. agogo kekere ifljlwljI Harp, n. duru.
lu. Harper, n. aluduru.
Bandbreath, n. ibu at~l~wljI. Harpoon, n. Qkljl irin fun pipa
Handful, n. ikunwljI. erinmi.
Handicraft, Handiwork, n. i,~ Barry, v.t. ja lole, k6 l~ru.
IjIw9' Harsh, adj. rorO, ~nu.
Handkerchief, n. ~1jI inuju, gele. Harshness, n. iJ.-oro i~nu.
Handle, n. eku, ~ni. v.t. dimu, Hart, n. akljl agbljlnrin.
10. Harvest, n. ikore.
Band-maid, n. IjImljldljl obirin. Harvester, n. olukore.
Handsome, adj. dara,l~wa. Bub, v.t. ke w~w~.

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Hasp, ft. iha ikljl. Heal, v.t. and i. mu·lara-de.,

Hassock, ft. timtim ikunll;l. wo-san, mu-jina.
Haste, ft. iyare., ikanju. Healer, ft. oniWOB&n, o~egUn.
Hasten, v.t. and i. mu yarl\, Healing, n. iwosan.
gbes~. Health, ft. ilere., dida ara.
Hastily, adv. nikanju, nibinu. Healthy, adj. nilera.
Hasty, adj. kanju, yara. Heap, n. akiti, ebe, ikojljlpljI.
Hat, ft. akl;lt~, ate. Hear, v.t. and i. fi eti gbq, tl;ltisi.
Hatch, v.t. and i. pa IjImljl ninu Hearer, ft. olugbq.
I;lyin. Hearing, ft. igbq, igburo.
Hatchet, ft. ada. Hearken, v.i. fetisill;l.
Hate, v.t. korira. ft. Inra. Hearsay, n. ihin, ir6.
Hateful, adj. kun fun irira. Hearse, ft. kl;lkl;l oku.
Hatred, ft. irira, aifl;l. Heart, ft. IjIkan.
HaughtiD8II8, Hauteur, ft. igbe. Heart-aohe, ft. ibanuje, irora
raga, irera. IjIkan.
Haughty, adj. gberaga, rera. Hearth, n. ibi idana., &roo
Haul, v.t. and i. fa, wq. Heartily, adv. tqkan-tljlkan, tinu-
Haunoh, ft. itan. tinu, nitOtq.
Haunt, v.t. and i. para, dl;l. ft. Heartless, adj. laini-a.nu.
ibi ara. Hearty, adj. nilera, nitotq.
Have, Bad, v.t. ni. Heat, ft. oru, igbona.. f).t. and i.
Haven, ft. ibi igunll;l IjIk9, ibi abO. fi gbona..
Havoo, ft. Mo, ibajl;l. v.t. parun, Heathen, ft. keferi, abo~a.
bajl;l. Heathenism, ft. iwa keferi.
Hawk, ft. awodi. f).t. and i. Heave, v.t. and i. gbe soke.
polowo IjIja. Heaven, ft. ljlrun alafia, oke ljlrun.
Hawker, ft. onikiri IjIja.
Heavenly, adj. bi ti ljlrun.
Bay, ft. ij~ apasa., koriko gbigbl;l.
Hazard, ft. ewu. v.t. fi wewu. Heaviness, n. iwuwo, ibinujl;l.
Hasard0118, adj. lewu. Heavy, adj. wuwo.
Haze, ft. ikuku. Hedge, n. IjIgba, IjIgba tutu.
He, pron. on. Hedgehog, ft. 9ya.
Head, ft. ori, oke, olori. v.t. Heed, v.t. "ljIra, kiyesi. ft. ~ra,
and i. ~ olori, "e alakoso. ikiyesi.
Headache, ft. i£ljIri, ori 6£1jI. Heedful, adj. ~ra.
Head-dreas, ft. idiri ifarun. HeeclI8II8, adj. laibikita., lainani.
Headland, ft. iyljlri ill;l. Heel, ft. gigisl;l.
Heifer, n. I;lgbljlrljl abo malu.
HeadlODg, adv. ogedengbe. Height, n. gige., ibi giga.
Headmaster, ft. olori ile I;lkljl. Heighten, v.t. aftd i. gbe-ga.
Headquarters, ft. ile olori I;lgbl;l. Heinous, adj. buru rekljlja.
HeadstODe, n. okuta pataki ti Heir, Heireas, ft. arole, ajogun
igun ile; okuta iboji. nipa 06n.
Headstrong, adj. laigbljlran, agi. Heirloom, ft. ajogunba.
di. Hell, ft. ljlrun apadi.
Headway, n. illjlBiwaju. Helm, n. itqk9.

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Helmet, n. ihamQra ~bori, Herself, pron. ontikara.r~.

ak4i\t4i\ orun. Hesitate, v.i. woye, Ijiyemeji.
Help, v.t. ran-IQwQ. n. iranlQwQ. Hesitation, n. iyemeji, iduro
Helper, n. olura.nlQwQ. . woye.
Helpless, adj. la.ini iranw9. Hew, v.t. and i. fi ike ke.
Helpmeet, Helpmate, n. oluran- Biccup, Hiccough, n. sukesuke.
IQwQ. Hide, v.t. pa-mQ. v.i. fi ara
Helter-Bkelter, adv. rudurudu, pamQ. n. aWQ 4i\ran.
nikanju. Bideo1l8, adj. ni b4i\ru, buru.
Hem, n. i~4i\ti ~Q, igbati ~Q. Hiding-place, n. ibi isapamQ si.
v.t. ~eti ~Q. Hierarch, n. olori ni nkan mim9'
Hemisphere, n. ibQ i~u aiye. Hierarchy, n. akoso ninu ohun
Hemorrhage, n. 4i\j4i\, isun 4i\j4i\. mim9'
Hemp, n. igi Qgb9. High, adj. ga, soke.
Hen, n. abo adi4i\. Highland, n. il4i\ oke.
Hence, adv. lati ihin IQ. Highminded, adj. gberaga.
Henceforth, adv. Ia.ti isisiyi lQ. Highpriest, n. olori alufa.
Hencoop, n. a.go adi4i\. Highspirited, adj. muna, laiya..
Her, pron. on. High water, n. akUntan omi.
Herald, n. akade. Highway, n. Qna opopo, Qna
Herb, n. eweb4i\. gbangba.
Herbalist, n. adah~. Highwayman, n. igara, danatlana,
Herd, n. QWQ 4i\ran. v.t. and i. to ole.
Ii QWQ. Hilarious, adj. nidaraya..
Herdsman, n. darandaran. Hilarity, n. ariya., aYQ.
Here, adv. nihinyi. Bill, n. oke kekere, il4i\ giga.
Hereafter, adv. 14i\hin eyi. Billock, n. ebe, okiti.
Hereby, adv. nipa eyi. Billy, adj. kiki oke.
Hereditary, adv. atQwQ-dQw9 Hilt, n. eku.
jogUn. Him, pron. on.
Heredity, n. ijogUn iwa lati QW9 Hind, n. abo agbQnrin. adJ .
obi. 14i\hin, ti 4i\hin.
Herein, adv. ninu eyi. Hinder, v.t. da-duro, di Ii Qn8.
Hereof, adv. ti inu eyi. Hinderance, n. idina, idaduro.
Heresy, n. adamQ. Hindermost. adJ.l4i\hin patapata.
Heretic, n. aladamQ. Binge, n. agbekQ, lwakun.
Heretofore, adv. nigba atijQ.
Herewith, adv. p4i\lu eyi. Hint, n. if4i\nule. v.t. and i.
Heritage, n. ogUn, ijogUn. f4i\nule, dssQ.
Hermit, n. aladagbe. olufQkansin. Hinterland, n. loke, il4i\ ti 0 jina
Hermitage, n. ibujoko a.nika.ngbe. si okun.
Hernia, n. iYQ ifun. HiP, n. igbaroko, itan, ibadi.
Hero, n. akQni, alagbara, Qga.. Hippopotamus, n. ese, erinmi.
Heroism, n. lwa akQni. Hire, v.t. gba Qya il!4i\. n. Qya
Heron, n. 8.kQ (4i\iY4i\). il!4i\.
Herring, n. 4i\ja kekere. Hireling, n. alagbBljEl.
Hers, pron. ti r~. BiB, pron. ti r~.

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Bias, v.t. and I. pa a"e, dUn Homicide, n. apania.

bi eja; .. po~." Homily, n. iwe iyanju fun ijq.
Historian, n. akqwe itan ijqba HODeat, adj. sotq, duro ~~n.
tabi ti enia. Honesty, n. i~edede, otitq.
Historical, adj. ti iwe itan. Honey, n. oyin.
History, n. iwe itan. HODeycomb, n. afara oyin.
Hit, v.t. and i. lil, fi nkan lil. HoneymooD, n. o~u kini I~hin
Hitch, v.t. and i. kQ. n. ikqs~, igbeyawo.
idaduro. HOIiorary, adJ. lqf~.
Hither, adv. de ihin. Honour, n. qla. 9wq. v.t. bu
Hitherto, adv. titi di isisiyi, de qla fun. b9wq.
ihin la~hin wa. HODourable, adJ. lqla, niyin.
Hive, n. ile oyin. Hood, n. ibori, idiri.
Hoar, adj. lewu., fUn bi ewu. Hoodwink, v.t. boloju. r~j~.
Hoar-frost, n. iri didi. Hool, n. bata ~~ ~~in tabi mAlu.
Hoard, n. i"ura ti a kojq pamq Hook, n. I.w9. v.t. and i. fi
nikqk9. v.t. kojq pamq I.w9 mu.
nikq k 9' Hooked, adj. ni g9gq, t~.
Hoarse, adj. k~hUn. Hoop, n. qja agb&.. v.t. gba Ii
Hoary, adj. arugbO. qja.
Hoax, n. itanj ~ i~re. HoopiDg-cough, WhoopiDg-
Hobble, v.t. and i. wQs~·nl~. oough, n. ikq ipa; ikq fere.
Hobby, n. ~~ ti 0 wu ni ju. Hoot, v.t. and i. M.
Hoe, n. qkQ iroko. v.t. and i. Hop, v.t. and i. ~e lakalaka. fi
roko, rol~. ~~ fa.
Hog, n. ~I~d~. Hope, n. ireti. v.f. and i. ~
Hoist, v.t. gbe soke, fa soke. reti, dab&..
Hold, v.t. and i. dimu, pamq. Hopeful, adJ. nireti.
n. idaduro, idimu. Hopeless, adj. lainireti, laini
Hole, n. ihO, koto. ab&..
Holiday, Holyday, n. qjq ajq. Horizon, n. ipade il~ on qrun.
qjq ere. Hom, n. iwo.
Holiness, n. I.wa mimq. Horned, adj. oniwo, abiwo.
Hollow, adJ. l~tan, "ofo t~kata. Hornet, n. agbQn nia titani.
Holy, adj. mimq, lail~~~. Horrible, Horrid, adj. buruju.
Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, n. Ji:mi banil~ru.
Mirnq. Horror. n. ib~ru. ipaiya.
Holy-week, n. qs~ ti 0 ~ju Horse, n. ~~in.
Ajinde. . Horseback, n. ~hin ~~in.
Homage, n. isin, it~riba, ifori· Horsedealer, n. oluta ~in.
bal~. Horsehair. n. irun ~'lIin.
Home, n. ile, ibugbe. Horseman, n. ~l~in.
Homeless, adj. ~e. Horsewhip, n. ~gba ~~n.
Home-made, adj. eyiti a ~e nile. HOBaDDa, n. 9rq iyin Qlqrun.
Homesick, adj. qkan fa si ile, Hose, n. "okoto, ibqs~.
ifa qkan·si·ile ~ni. Hospitable. adJ. inu rere ni ~~
Homeward, adj. siha ile. alejo.
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Hospital, n. ile it9ju aW9n Humble, adj. nir~l~. v.t. r~-

alaisan; ile alariln. sil~, t~.
Hospitality, n. lwa inu rare si Humbly, adv. tir~I~-tir~I~.
alejo. Humbug, n. eni, itanj~, apara.
Host, n. bale ile ero; ~gb~ ogun. Humdrum, adj. agara.
Hostage, n. idogo, ~ya.. Humid, adj. tutu, rin.
Hostel, n. ile ero. Humidity, n. itutu 9rinrin.
Hostess, n. lya. ile ero. Humiliate, v.t. r~-sil~, t~ lori-
Hostile, adj. 'ilodi si, ba ja. ba.
Hostility, n. ija gbangba. HumiliatiOD, n. ir~nisil~.
Hostler, n. olutoju ~. Humour, n. omi, ~~, inu didun.
Hot, add. gb6na, mUna. v.t. 'iI6 if~ 9kan, t~ 19run.
Hotheaded, adj. 0'il0nu. Humorous, adj. panil¢n.
Hotel; n. ile ero. Hump, n. ike.
Hound, n. aja id9d~. Humpback, Huncbback, n.
Hour, n. wakati. abuke.
Hourglua,' n. digi ti a fi yanrin Hundred, adj. 9g9run.
si fun idiw9n akoko. Hundredfold, n. 9g9g9run.
Hourly, adj. ni wakati·wakati. Hunger. n. ebi. v.t. aM i. ebi
H01188, n. ile. npa.
Housebreaker, n. 919'i1&, k6lekole. Hungry, adj. ti ebi npa.
Ho11B8hold, n. agbole, idile. Hunt, v.t. and i. d~, Ie, 'il9d~.
Householder, n. bale ile. n. id~.
House-keeper, n. olut9ju ile. Hunter, n. ¢~.
Housemaid, n. iraD'il~birin ni ile. Hurl, v.t. fi B9ko kikan.
Housewife, n. iyale, aya bale. Hurricane, n. iji lile.
Hovel, n. ag9, ile talaka. Hurry, v.t. and i. yara, Fa. n.
Hover, v.i. rababa yi ka nibi ikanju.
kanna. Hurt, v.t. and i. pa·lara. n.
How, adv. bawo, Ii 9D& woo ipalara.
Howbeit, conj. 'ilugb9n. HurHul, adj. nipalara, nika.
However, adv. bi 0 ti wu ki 0 rio Husband, n. 9kq, 9k910birin.
sib~. v.t. 'iI6 i~ju.
Howl, v.t. and i. U, wu bi aja. Husbandman, n. agb~, olut9ju
Hubbub, n. ariwo irukerudo. oko.
Huddle, v.t. and i. ifunP9 wuru- Husbandry, n. iroko.
wuru. Husb, inter. dak~! panwu9 I
Hue, n. aWQ, ir~; ariwo. Husb-mODey, n. owo ab~t~l~.
Hug, v.t. fi 9W9 gbam9ra. n. Husk, n. epo ara 680 igi.
ifam9ra. Hustle, v.t. and i. ti sihin ti
Huge, adj. titobi, nla. B9hun, funlu.
Hulk, n. inu 9kQ; ~gb~ 9k9. Hut, n. ile kekere.
Hum, v.t. and i. kiln, kim bi Hybrid, n. adam9di.
oyin. Hydropbobia, n. dugbolugi.
Human, adj. ti enia. Hyena, Hyena, n. iki'iko, p~l~p~.
Humane, adj. ,eun, ni inu rere. Hygiene, n. ~k9 nipa ara lile.
Humanity, n. iwa enia; inurere. Jbmn, n. orin mim9.
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Hymn-book, n. iwe orin mimq. DUterate, adj. laikqwe, alaim9

Hyperbole, n. a8qdUn. iwe.
Hypocrisy, n. Bil!ot9, ~ aga- m-nature, n. i~onu, iwa buburu.
bagebe. Dlness, n. &run, aisan.
Hypocrite, n. agabagebe. muminate, f).t. tan imqle, ~e Ii
muminatiOD, n. ifuni ni im9l~.
I. Wuminator, no ~niti nfun ni
ni im91~.
I, pron. emi, mo, ng. musion, n. ~. ~tan.
Ice, n. omi didi. mustrate, f).t. ladi, ~ awor&n.
Idea, n. iye inu, iro. mustration, n. iladi, ifihan,
Ideal, n. ap~r~ ti 0 darajulq. aworan.
Identical, adj. ohun kanna, ko mustrio1U, adj. n9l8., 10ruk9,
si iyat9. lokiki.
Identify, f).t. mimQ daju. m-wiII, n. irira, if~ buburu.
Idiom, n. isq 9rq, ilohun qrq. Image, n. aworan, ere.
Idiot, n. ~iwere. Imagery, n. ap~~, ifihan.
Idle, adj. l~, ~~. Imagination, n. lM, oye.
Idleness, n. ~~, 91~. Imagine, f).t. ro, woye.
Idler, n. ql~, aI~~. Imbeoile, adj. lailera, lailagbara.
Idol, n. ere, o~. Imbibe, f).t. mu sinu.
Idolater, n. abQ~. Imitate, f).t. t~le, fi. ~ ap~~, ~e
Idolatry, n. ibQri~a, isin ere. afarawe.
Idolize, f).t. and i. k~, f~ rekqja. Imitation, n. ap~~, ifarawe,
n, conj. bi. it~le.
Ignite, f).t. and i. tinab9, kun. Imitator, n.9m9-~hin, aIafarawe.
IpWon, n. itinabq, kikun. Immaculate, adj. ni iwa funfun.
Ignoble, adj. 1~g8.n, ailqia. Immaterial, adj. lainilari.
Ignominious, adj.l~gan,l8.bukun. Immature, adj. aiP9n, aigbo.
Ignominy, n. ~an, itiju. Immeaaurable, adj. Iainiw9n.
19noram1U, n. ope enia, ~iwere. Immediate, adj. 199an, loju-
Ignorance, n. aimQ, ailoye. kanna.
Immediately, adf). 199an, nisisiyi.
Ignorant, adj. laimQ, lope, lai- Immense, adj. tobi pup9, lai-
Ignore, f).t. aikasi, aifiyesi. Immerge, f).t. t~rl ninu omi.
m, adj. aisan, buru, ofo, jamba. Immersion, n. it~rl ninu omi.
Illegal, adj. lodi si 000. Immigrate, f).t. and i. ~il9 si ilu
megible, adj. ~ro lati Im.
megitimate, adj. laibi ni igbe- ImmigratiOD, n. ~9 si ilu mi.
yawo; qmq ale, qna ait9. Imminent, adj. sunm9 itosi,
m-favoured, adj. labukUn. lewu 10ri.
DUberal, adj. lainawo, laid~wq. Immoderate, adj. laimqniwqn.
DUeit, adj. ilodi si 000, ait9 si Immodest, adj. lainitiju.
000. Immoral, adj. Iainiwa rere, buru,
Dlimitable, adj. lailila, la.ini&la. iwa agbere.
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Immortal, add. laiku, laidibajlil· Impolite, add. laimoye laini.

Immortality, v.t. aidibajlil' aikU. warere.
Immodalize, v.t. B9 di alaikU. Impolitic, adj. lail9gb9n.
Immovable, adj. duro ~in. Import, v.t. mu lati okere w9 ilu,
ImmUDity, n. anfani, ere. iwa.
Immutable, adj. aiyipada. Importance, n. iwuwo, inidi;
Impair, v.t. ba·jlil, fBBlilhin. ohun pataki.
Impale, v.t. B9gba yi i 0. Important, adj. wuwo, pataki,
Impart, v.t. fi-fun, fi-rAn. nidi.
Impartial, adj. 10titQ, laini oju- I Importation, n. imu 9ja okere
saju enia. w9 ilu.
Imp....ble, adj. lailek9ja. Importer, n. ~ti 0 mu 9ja lati
Impatience, n. aimusuru, iwara, okere w9 ilu.
aisimi. Importunity, n. awiyannu.
Impatient, adj. niwara, laiduro. Impose, v.t. aM i. ka si 19run,
Impeach, v.t. fi-sun. bu-fun.
Impede, v.t. da-duro, di.19W9· Imposition, n. ifi 9w9 Ie, ~Iil lsin,
Impediment, n. idil9w9, idina. irliljlil·
Impel, v.t. t\ siwaju. Impossible, add. ,oro, lail~e.
Impend, v.i. kil9, sO-1"9. Impossibility, n. ~oro, ail• •
Impenetrable, add. lailelaja, lai- Impostor, n. IillliltBn, aladaw9le•
l~di. Imposture, n. IiltBn, idaw91e.
Impenitence, n. aironupiwada Impotence, n. ailagbara, ailera.
~Iil, aikanu ~Iil· Impoverish, v.t. S9 di taIaka.
Impenitent, add.. aironupiwada. Impracticable, adj. lail• .
Imperative, adj. pip~1il ta.!llilt~lil. Imprecate, v.t. fi-bu, fi-geglin.
Imperceptible, adj. Airi, aim9. Imprecation, n. ifibu, eglin.
Imperfect, adj. laipe, l8.bukun. Imprepable, add. lail~nidi.
Imperfection, n. aipe, abukun. Imprepate, v.t. dap9, SOP9.
Imperial, add. ti ij9ba, ti 9ba. Impress, v.t. tlil-m9, fi ami si.
Imperil, v.t. lati fi sinu ewu. Imprint, v.t. tlil-m9, fi si iranti.
Imperious, adj. lafojudi, agidi. Imprizon, v.t. ha-m9, se-m9 inu
Imperishable, add. aidibajlil· tubu.
Impertinence, n. iwere. Imprizonment, n. iham9 inu
Impetuosity, n. ir91u, ik9lu. tubu.
Impetuous, adj. lagbara, niglri. Improbable, adj. lailerib~.
Impetus, n. iyanju ik91u lagbaraf Improper, adj. lait9, laiYIil.
ifunlokun. Improve, v.t. aM i. mu-san,
Impiety, n. iwabuburu, aib9w9 tun-~e.
fun Q19run. Improvement, n. imusan, it~e.
Implacable, adj. laila, 19ta. Improvident, adj. lainirotlilllil·
Implant, v.t. gbin sinu. Imprudent, add. laimoye,laigb9n •
Impudence, n. ailojuti.
Implement, n. ohun 9n&. Impudent, adj.laiIojuti, alafojudi.
Implicate, v.t. fi-191u, w~19W9. Impugn, v.t. k9lu, ko tl.
Implication, n. il9W9 ninu nkan. Impulse, n. agbara ir9lu.
Implore, v.t. b~, blilblil. Impulsive, adj. lagbara i1"91u.

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ImpUDii7. n. aijiya. ibljl IljlwljI lya IDoarDation, n. imu ~ran ara wljI.
jij~. lDoautioUB, adj. laisljlra, laiwoye.
Impure, adO. laimq. len. 1DceDdiarJ, n. kunIe-kunle. ati-
Impurity. n. iwa aimljl. en. nabljlle.
Imputation, n. ~. iii IjIran 8Un. IDceDIe, tI.t. mu-binu. n. orun
Impute, tI.e. ka si Ii ljlrUn. ka si. turari.
ID, prep. nit ninu. IDoeD.tive, adO. niru ljlkan 8Oke.
IDabilii7. n. ainipa. ailagbara. IDceptiOD, n. ib~r~, ipil~~.
JDacceuible, adO. lailesunmljl. lDoaaDt, adO. laisimi. laiduro.
lDaccuraoy. n. aipe. ~e. IDoh, n. idamejila OIIuwljln ~~
lDaccurate. adj. la.ipe. ni9ifle. kan.
lDaction, n. IjII~. im~~. Incident, n. alabapade. ~i.
lDadequate, adj. la.ioo. Incise, tI.t. ke, 1\1&.
lnadmi-ible, adO. lailegba. IDcite, v.t. ru ljlkan 8oke, gbe-
IDadvertenoe. n. lamyesi. ni· dide.
gbagbe. IDciviliiy. n. alaimljlyi.
luane, adO. 10fo, lainiIari. lDolement, adj. lail8.nu, nika,
llumimate, adO. lail~mi. IIjlr8, tutu.
kura. IDoliDatiOD, n. ifa IjIkan sit it~i.
IDapplicable, adj. la.ibamu. laile· 1DoliDe, v.t. and i. t~-si. ni if~ si.
fiwe. Include, tI.t. fi-p~lu, ka-kun.
IDappreh8D8i.ble, adj. laiy~ni. lDooherent, adj. laifaramljlra.
lailedimu. IDoome, n. owo.lj!dun, ere, ele.
IDapproachable, adj. lailesunmljl. IDoommodious, adj. lairljlrun.
IDappropriate, adj. lain IDoomparable, adj. lail~gb~ra.
laibamu. Incompatible, adO. lailebarajljl.
IDapt, adj. la.itljl. laiy~. la.ibamu. IDoompetent,adO.laitljl.lailagbara.
1Darticulate, adj. lailesljlrljl clara- IDoomplete, adO. laipe.
da;ra. IDoompreh8D8i.ble, adj. lailemq.
lDaamuch, adv. niwljlnbi. IncoDceivable, adj. laiOOnkan.
IDatteDtive, adO. laifojusi, lam- IDooDSiderate, adj. laironu. la.i-
yesi. fiyesi.
lDaudible, adj. lailegbq. lDoouaiatent, adj. l~dede.
lDaugurate, tI.t. lati kljl b~r~, IDooDSOlable, adj. t-i a ki> Ie tu
pil~~. ninu.
lDauapioioua, adj. lailorire. lDoouapiououa, ti 0 kere pUP9jU.
Inborn, Inbred, adj. bibinini. lDcollltaDt, adO. laiduro.
lDcalculable, adO. lailelfiro. lai- IDooDtestable, adj. lailejiyan.
leka. IDooDtinenoe. n. aimaraduro.
IDcaDtation, n. orin af~~. ~- aimq.
faiya, ~edi. Incontinent, adj. laimaraduro.
IDoapable, adO. lail• • laimq.
IDoapaoitate, tI.t. gba Ii agbara. Inconvenient, adj. lairljlrun.laiy~.
Incapacity, n. ailagbara. ailljl- Incorporate, tI.t. dapljI 8Ijlkan,
gbljln. . k~gb~, isopljI.
1Doarcerate, v.t. hamljl inu tubu. Incorporeal, adO. laini ara.
IDoarDate, tI.t. fifi ~ran ara bi>. lDoorrect, adO. laipe.
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Incorrigible, adj. buru rekt;)ja. IDdiIcerDible, add. laihAn.

IDcorrupt, adj. laidibaj~. IDdUcreet, adj. laigb9n.
Increase, !J.t. and i. P9Bi, dagba, Indiacretion, n. aigbQn; aimoye.
ri. n. ibisi, asunklm. InctiacrimiDate, adj. nidarudapt;).
Incredible, adj. ti ko ~ gbagbt;). IDdispenaable, adj. l~ aini.
Incredulous, adj. ,oro lati gbagb9. Indispoaed, adJ'- ni ailera.
lDorement, n. ifikun owo-iif~. Indisposition, n. ai·ya-ara, aisan
IncrimiDate, !J.t. fi-8Un. kekere.
Incubate, !J.t. and i. pa ~yin, Indisputable, adJ'. laisi aniani,
saba lori ~yin. nitOtq.
Incubation, n. isaba lori ~yin. lDdiaoluble, add. laile ya kuro,
Inculcate, !J.t. t~num9. lailetu.
IDcum.bent, add. kAn. n. ~niti IndiBtiDct, add. laihBn, bal-hal.
o ni oye ni ij9. Indite, !J.t. hum9, k9we.
Incur, !J.t. jigbese. Individual, n. or adj. ~ k9kan,
lDcarable, add.laiwotan,laiwosan. olukuluku.
Indebted, adj. j~-nigbese. Individuality, n. iif9k~kan; olu-
Indecent, adj. aiy~, aitq. kuluku.
IndeciliOD, n. iyemeji, aipinnu. Indivisible, adj. lailepin.
Indecoro118, adj. lainiwa rere. Indolence, n. 91~; im~~.
Indeed, adv. nitot9. Indolent, add. 191~, lailiP9n .
Indefatigable, adj.laisimi, lail4re. Indomitable, adJ'. lailebori.
IndeflDite, adj. lailopin, kb daju. Indoor, adj. Indoors, ad!J. ninu
Indelible, add. lailepar~. ile.
lnd8DlDity, n. igb9w9 nitari Induce, !J.t. r9, yi Ii 9kan pad&.
ibaj~. Inducement, n. iyil9kan pada.
Indent, v.t. and i. ~ sinu w9gt;)- Induct, !J.t. fi.han. fi Hi oye.
w9gQ. n. iwe iifowo. Indulge, !J.t. and i. k~.
Independent, adj. laigbarale, lai- Indulgence, n. ik~. aba.
farak9, laini alak08O. lnduatrio118, adj. liP9n, laisimi.
Indescribable, adj. lailapapejuwe. Industry. n. ip9n, ~ oniifowo.
Indestructible, adj. laileparun. Indwell, !J.t. and i. gbe inu.
Inda, n. ifihan, itqkasi. Inebriate, !J.t. muti para.
Indicate, v.t. fi-han, tqka Hi. Inebriation, n. imuti para.
Indication, n. ifihan, ap~~. Ine1!ective, adj. laini ~~.
Indict, !J.t. fi-8Un, ka ~~ 8i 19rUn. Ine1!ectual, adj. laileso, l~~,
lDdictment, n. iwe ~un. lailagbara.
lDdifterent, adj. laiifusi, lainani. Inelegance, n. aidara.
Indigen0118, adj. ti il~, ti ilu. Ineligible, add. laitq ni yiyan.
Indigent, adj. laini, talaka. Inequality, n. aid9gba.
Indigestible, add. ailed&. ninu. Inequitable, add· laiifOtq·
Indigestion, n. aida onj~ ni inu. Inert, ad)'. 19m, lail9~bQn.
Indignant, add. binu, runu. Inestimable, add. ainiye, aile-
Indipation, n. ibinu, irunu. diyele.
Indipity, n. ~ga.n, abukun. Inevitable, adj. laile b919w9.
Indigo, n. ~lu. lailey~~.
Indirect, adj. lai~tara, laitq. Inuc1ll&ble, adj. lairiwisi.
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Inahaustible, 000. lailelotan. Infold. v.t. yi-ka, dl-sinu.

Inexorable, adj. 1aigb~b~. Inform, v.t. and i. wi-fun, k9 l~k9,
Inexpedient, adj. laiy~, lairQrun. mu.m9, fi-sun.
Inexpensive, 000. lainawo pup9· Informant, n. ~t.i nB9 fun ni.
Inexperience, no aimoye. Information, n. iwifun, ~k9,
Inexplicable, 000. lailetum9· ifisun.
Inexpressible, 000. laileB4jl. Infrequent, adj. laiw9P9.
IneztiDguishable, adj. lailepa. Infringe, v.t. ru, ~gb9ran.
Infallible, adj. lail~, daju· lnImiate, v.t. mu-binu, ru ibinu
daju. Boke.
Infamous, 000. buru rek9ja, Infuse, v.t. da-sinu.
l~gan. Infusion, n. ida omi sori nkan
IDfamy, n. ~gan, \wa buburu. lati fa adUn r~ jade.
1Dfanoy, n. igba iwa 9m¢e. Ingathering, n. ikore oko.
Infant, n. 9m9 9w9. IDgenious, adj. 199b9n, nihum9.
Infanticide, n. pipa 9m9 9w9. Ingennity, n. 9gb9n, ihum9.
Infantry, n. 9m9-ogun ~l~~. Ing Iorious, adJ. lailogo.
Infatuate, v.t. 1!9 di iwere, ra Ingraft, v.t. IQ.m9.
niye, f~ la f~ ju. Ingratiate, v.t. ~ oju rere Hi.
Infatuation, n. fif~ la f~ jll. Ingratitude, n. ail9P~' aimore.
Infect, v.t. ran m9. Ingredient, n. ohun elo.
Infection, n. iranm9. Inhabit, v.t. gbe inu.
Infer, v.t. mu era jade. Inhabitable, 000. eyiti a Ie g\le
Inferior, 000. r~hin ju, r~l~ ju, inll.
9m9-~hin. Inhabitant, n. olugbe.
Inferiority, n. ki kere ju. Inhale, v.t. mi jinl~, mi ainu.
Infemal, 000. ti 9run apadi, ti Inherit, v.t. jogUn ini.
~u. Inhelitance, n. ogUn, ini.
Infest, v.t. Y9-I~nu. Inheritor, n. ajogUn, &role.
ID1ldel, adJ. alaigbagb9· 1nh000table, adJ. alaif~ alejo
iD1ldelity, n. aigbagb9. ~.
ID1IDite, adj.lailopin,lainip~kUD. Inhuman, adJ. nikA, ~a.
IDflrm, adj. lailera, lailagbara. lDimical, adj. bi 9t&..
InfIrmary, n. ile aW9n alaisan. Inimitable, adj. ailefarawe.
IDftrmity, n. ailera. Iniquity, n. aj~edede, ~~, ai~o-
Inflame, v.t. and i. tinab9, mu- dodo.
gbona. Initial, n. ti ipil~~, ib~~ oruk9.
Inflammation, n. ijoni, igbina. Initiate, v.t. mu b~r~, k9 ni
ID1late, v.t. fi af~f~ kun, f~ soke. ipil~~ gba B~gb~.
lD1lect, v.t. t~ sinu, ya kuro 19na. Inject, v.t. fi sinu.
lD1lezible, adj. ailE;t~. Injudicious, adJ·. lail9gb9n.
In1Iict, v.to fi Ie lara, j~-niya. Injunction, n. ~~, iyanju.
In1Iiction, n. iya, ij ~niya. Injure, v.t. pa-Iara, ba-j~.
lD1luence, n. ipa lori ~ni, aghara. Injurious, adj. lewu, l~ot9,
lD1luential, adj. lagbara. nikA.
lD1luenza, n. &run otutu. Injury, n. ibaj~, ipalara, ikB.
1D1lus, n. ilf&1l sinu, ifikun. InjUBtice, n. ~otit9.
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IDk, n. tadawa. Inseparable, adj. laile ya kuro.

lDlE-boWe. n. igo·tadawa. IDaert, v.t. fi-sinu, fi-kun.
1DkliDg, n. finfin. 1Dside. adtI. ninu.
1DlaDd, adj. lokj) il~, jiru\. si okun. IDIidious, adj. l~tan.
IDmate. n. olugbele. Insight, n. imq, ibojuwo.
IuD, n. ile era. InBignia, n.pl. ami oye.
IDDate, adj. bibinibi. Jnsjpi8canoe, n. aito nkan.
lDDermoat, adj. ti inu lfjlhun. 1DaigDiflcant, adj. laini Jan, Jaito
lDDervate, v.t. mu laraya, fi nkan.
agbara. fun. IDsiDoere, adj. laiifOtq·
lDDkeeper, n. olutqju ilo·ero. IDainoerity, n. a.i.flotq, ~tan.
lDDooenoe, n. iwa mimfjl, all~~. lDainuate. v.t. fi ~tan we. oju
lDDocent, adj. a.la.i.fl~. rere.
lDDovation, n. ayida, mu ohun IDIipid, adj.. Jaini adun.
titun wa. Insiat, v.t. and i. t~numfjl, ti
lDDumerable, adj. lainiye. jaguda 1fO.
InoblervaDt, adj. laifiyesi. lnIobriety, n. imuti para.
Inoculate, v.t. lfjl-mfjl. lnIolenoe, n. afojudi.
InoffBDlive. adj. lainipanilara, 1Dao1eDt, adj. Jafojudi.
laiba ninu j~. InIolvent, adj. lalle san gbese.
InoppottUDe, adj. Ii akoko ti kO IDaoIllllia, n. laile sun.
y~. InIomuch, adtI. niwfjln bi, tob~.
Inordinate, adj. nif~kuf~, Jaini- InIpect, v.t. bojuwo, dan-wo, ti
wfjln. oju si.
Inorganic, adj. lall~, lainiyj). InIpection, n. ibojuwo, ifojusi.
In-patient, n. ~niti a gba. sinu lnlpector, n. alabojuwo, alab~wo.
il6 aWfjln a.laisan. InIpiratiOD, n. imisi.
Inquest, n. iwadi iku ~ni, itfjl8~. InIpire, v.t. mi-sinu, fa-sinu.
Inquietude, n. aiba.l~ fjlkan. lnltability, n. aiduro nibikan.
Inquire. Enquire. v.t. and i. bere, IDstal, lnltall, v.t. fi si ipo oye.
tfjl8~, wadi. lnItalment, n. adasan, ~.
Inquiry, n. ibj)re, itfjls~, iwadi. adawin.
Inquilition, n. itfjls~ nipa ilana InItanoe, n. ap~r~, ~b~, ami.
ofin. lnltant, adj. lojukanna, laiduro.
Inquisitive. adj. wiwadi, titqs~. InItantaneous, adj. l~~kanna.
IDroad, n. igbogun si, idoti. lojukanna.
1DIaDe. adj. ,iwere, sinwin. InItantly, adv. ni iif~ju kan,
IDIanitary, adj. fjlbun, aimfjl, iiri. lojukanna.
IDaatiable, adj. lanit~lfjlrun. lnltead, adv. nipo.
IDscribe, v.t. kfjl sori, fin. lnItigate. v.t. t~ si, d~-si, rfjl-si.
IDscriptioD, n. akfjlle. InItiI, v.t. ro, kan.
IDIorutable, adj. lailiiwan. IDatinot, n. imfjl inu.
InIeot, n. kokoro. 1nItitute. v.t. fi-Iel~, gbe-ka.l~.
1DIecure, adj. lewu, aidaniloju. pinnu.
IDsensibility, n. aimq, ikura. . lDItitution, n. igbeka.l~, ilasil~.
IDsensible. adj. laimq, nikura, IDstruct, v.t. kfjl Ii ~kfjl, fi 8If~
gq. fun.
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lnstructiou, n. ~kq, imq, 1IoIf~' Intermarry, v.i. igbe ~ni idile

IDstructor, n. olukqni. kan ni iyawo fun idile keji.
IDstrument, n. ohun elo qn8., Intermediate, adj. larin, lagbe.
~I"9. demeji.
lDaubordinate, adj. lait~riba, lai- Interment, n. isinku.
gbqran. Interminable, adj. lallopin.
Iuaumcient, adj. laito, lain. Intermingle, V.t. and i. dapqmq.
lDsult, 'V.t. ~ afojudisi. n. Intermission, n. idawQ duro.
afojudi. Intermjttent, adj. igb~-gb¢a.
IDsuperable, adj. lailebori, lalle- Internal, adj. ti inu.
kqja. International, adj. ti ibalo larin
lDIure, v.t. mu-daju. awqn orile ede.
lDsurgent, adj. dide ai, sqt~ si. Interpose, v.t. and i. bq sarin, ~
lIIIurmountable, adj. lailebori. ilaja.
lDIurrection, n. ~t~ si, idide ai. Interpret, v.t. and i. tumq, ~
Intact, adj. laifqwqkan, nipipe. gbedegb~yq.
Integrity, n. otitq inu, iwa titl? Interpretation, n. itumq. iladi.
Intellect, n. oye. Interpreter, n. ogbifq. gbede-
Intelligence, n. oye, irohin, isq- gbeyq. onitumq.
fun. Interregnum, n. igba lann akoko
Intelligent, adj. loye, ni imq. ti qba kan j~ t~le ekeji.
InteJ1jgible, adj. eyiti a Ie mq, ti Interrogate, v.t. bi-Iere. bere.
oye r~ ai Ie ye wa. Interrogation, n. ibilere. ibere.
Intemperance, n. lIoIfeju, .1eke. Interrupt, v.t. da-duro. di-lqwq.·
Intend, v.t. gbiro, pinnu. Interruption, n. idaduro. idiwq.
Intended, n. af~na. Intersect, 'V.t. and i. ke nibu. pin
Intense, adj. kikankikan, jqjq. niyA.
Intent, adj. idi, nitori ki. Intersperse, v.t. tu kakiri.
Intention, n. ero, ete. Intertribal, adj. larin ~ya enia.
Inter, v.t. sin. Intertw:iDe, 'V.t. and i. lqpq. WeIDq.
Intercede, v.i. b~b~, 'lip~. Interval, n. aye arin; akoko
Intercept, v.t. da duro, di lqwq. inB.hin.
Intercession, n. ~b~. Intervene, v.i. bq sarin, kqja
Interceaor, n. onip~, alagbawi, larin.
onilaja. Intervention, n. ilaja. ibq sarin.
Interchange, v.t. ~ PafliP&I"9' Interview, n. ifojukoju. ojukanra.
Intercourse, n. ibalo, ibapade. Intestate, adj. laifohunsil~.
Interdict, v.t. da Ii ~kun. n. Intestines, n. ifun inu.
idal~kun. Intimacy, n. ibar~.
Interest, n. anfani, kikAn; owo Intimate, adj. ifaram9' v.t. fi
ele. v.t. kan, nisi. ~u Ie di~.
Interfere, v.i. bq ai arin, "list. Intimatiou, n. ifi ~nu Ie di~.
Interior, adj. ti inu lqhun, loke, Intimidate, v.t. daiyafo, d~rubA.
jin8. si eti okun. Into, prep. ninu. ainu.
Interject, v.t. sq-sarin, fi-si. Intolerable, adj.I~ ifi qkanran,
InterjectioD, n. igbe ojiji. laile rqju.
Intermarriage, n. igbeyawo ninu Into:dcate, 'V.t. pa Ii Qti.
idile meji.
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IntoDoaticm, n. ipa Ii Qti. Involuntary, adj. lai~ tinutinu.

Intractable, adj. agidi. 1aifi if~
inu ~.
IntraDsitive. adj. lairekQja. Involve, v.t. wemQ, kawe.
Intrepid, adj. laifoya, ni igboiya. InvulDerable, adj. lalle ~Qgb~.
Intrepidity, n. igboiya. Inward, adv. ninu.
Intricate, adj. diju, lqlu. Ire, n. ibinu, irunu.
Intrigue, n. rikiIIi. Irksome, adj. da lagara, YQ-
Intrinsic, adj. ojulowo. l~nu.
Introduce, v.t. fi·han, mu.m9. IrOD, n. inn.
Introduction. n. ifihan. idimim9 Ironmonger, n. oni,,~ inn.
fun. IrOIlY, n. iranp9 apars.
Introspect, v.i. wo awosmu. Irradiate, v.t. tan imQI~ si, dan.
Introvert, v.t. yi si inu. IrrecODcilable, adj. laile Is nija.
Intrude; v.t. aM i. wa. laipe, Irrecoverable, adj.laile gba. pada.
YQju si. Irregular, adj. l~ede, laitO
Intrusion. n. iYQju ai laipe. 1~3~~.
IntUition. n. QgbQn inu. Irreligious, adj. laini iwa bi
In11lldate, v.t. fi omi boo QIQrun.
Inure, v.t. and i. mQ lara. I:rreparable, adj. laile tunfle,
Invade, v.t. gbogun ai. laila~.
Invalid, n. alailera, olokunrun. Irreproachable, adj. lail~gan.
adj. lailagbara. lail~~.
Invaluable, adj. lailediyele, iye. Irreaistible, adj. laile kQju ija ai.
biye. Irresolute, adj. laini ipinnu,
Invariable, adj. diduro ~. iyemeji.
InvasiOD, n. igbogun ti. Irrespective, adj. l~ akiyesi.
Invent, v.t. hum9. Irretrievable, adj. lalle gba pada.
Inventicm, n. iwari, QgbQn titun. Irreverent, adj. laibQwQ fun,
Inversicm, n. iyipads, idorikodo. alallqw9·
Invert, v.t. yi-pada, dorikodo. Irrevocable, adj. laile pe pads.
Invest, v.t. and i. WQ Ii BIW, ~ Ii Irrigate, v.t. bomi rin.
QIW. fi owo pamQ. Irritate, v.t. tQ, mu·binu.
Investigate, v.t. wadi, tQs~. Is, n. wa.
Investment, n. QflQ, ifiowopamQ. Islam, n. isin aWQn Imale;
Inveterate, adj. jingiri. ifisil~ lagbara.
Invigorate, v.t. fun Ii agbara, Island, Isle, n. erekUflu.
mu·le. Ialander, n. ara erekuflu.
Invincible, adj. ti a ko Ie bori, Isolate, v.t. Ie 8Qnu ,?e ki 0
lallelf~· nikangbe dad6.
Inviolable, adj. lailebaj~. llBue, n. QmQ, eso, opin. v.t.
Invisible, adj. lairi, laihan. and i. 'IBn jade.
Invitation. n. ipe, ir9. Isthmus, n. il~ taro ti nao il\,
Invite, v.t. pe, IV. meji PQ ; QrUn il~.
Invocate, v.t. ke pe ninu adura. n, pron. on.
Invooaticm, n. ikepe ninu adura. Itch, n. munra, eyi ara.
Invoice, n. iwe owo qja. nam, adv. b~ g~g~, p~lu ; Qkqkan.
Invoke, v.t. gbadura. si. Iterate, v.t. tun-~, tun-wi.

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ITI 79 Jun
1tiDera&e, v.i. irin lati ilu de ilu. lig, n. ijo.
Its, pron. tir~.
po88. ligger, n. jiga. kokoro ti 0 nW9
Itself, pron. on tikalar~. lab~ ekanna.
Ivory, n. ehin eriD.. liDgle, n. ir6 nkan bi "aworo.
Ivy, n. itakun eweko. limildaha, n. k~k~ ti enia nfa
lob, n. i~ kekere kan.
J. lockey, n. alagbata ~in. ~niti
ngun ~ sara ije.
labber, v.t. and i. sis9l'9laiyanju. locular, locose, adj. l~~. ipani.
lacket, n. ~wu aW91eke. l~rin.
lagged, adj. pagunpagun. log, v.t. and i. fi ejika gbun
laU, n. ile tubu, ile ~w9n. nit mi, gbqn.
lailer, n. olori tubu. 10m, v.t. and i. so-mQ, fi-kun.
lam. n. eso igi ti a ti Be. v.t. loiner, n. om"qna igi, gb~na.
and i. tl, fUn'!>9. gb~n&.
laugle, v.t. and i. pariwo. sQ. loint, n. orike.
lauitor, n. olutqju ~nu Qn&. lointly, adv. ajum9"apQ.
lanuary. n. ~u kini Qdun. loist, n. igi aja.
lar, v.t. and i. ba-IIQ. pariwo. loke, n. ~f~. 9l'9 ~rin. v.t. and i.
n. igo. id~. fi.,~f~. fi 9l'9 pa l~rin.
laUDdice, n. !\run ¢9. lon" adj. ni inudidun.
launt, v.i. lQ lati ibi kan Hi lolt, v.t. and i. gb9n jigljigl.
ekeji. lostie, v.t. and i. fUn PQ.
lavelin, n. Qk9. ~. lot, n. kikini 9l'9. nkan kikini.
law, n. egungun pari ~r~k~. 101U'D&l, n. iwe irohin.
lealO1ll, adj. owu. ijowU. loumaliat, n. ak9we irohin.
lealoUIJ, n. owU. lourney, n. irin ajo.
leer, v.t. and i. fi-,~~. lourneyman, n. aIagba"e.
lehovah, n. QIQrun Olodwnare. lovial, adj. laY9. inudidun.
lelly, n. omi eso ti a fi iyQ loy, n. ay9. v.t. and i. YQ, "ainu
Oyinbo Be. didun.
leopardy, n. ewn. loyful, adj. kun fun aYQ.
lerk, v.t. and i. 89 ni kiakia. n. loyfully, adv. taYQ-taY9.
ijapati. lubi1aDt, adj. nkQ orin aY9. nh6
lerked-beef, n. eran jabajaba. fun ay9.
leney, n. ~wu aW9t~I~. lubilee, n. Qdun idasil~. 4d9ta
leat, n. ~f~. apara. v.i. ,~~. Qdun, akoko ti a n"a iranti
dapara. nkan pataki.
18l1l8, n. Olugbala araiye; Jeau. ludge, n. onidaj9. v.t. and i. "a
let, n. i"an. idajQ.
lew, n. olugbe Judea. ara ludgment, n. idaj9, idal~bi.
Hebrew. Qm9 Israel. ludgment-day, n. Qj9 idaj9.
lewel, n. okuta iyebiye. alu- ludgment-baII, n. gbangan idaj9.
mmi. ludgment-leat, n. ijoko-idaj9.
leweller, n. oluta okuta iyebiye. it~-idaj9·
lewry, n. il~ Judea. ludicial, adj. ti onidaj9. ti He ~j9.
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Jun 80 KNI

,Judicious, adj. gb9n, mbye. Key, n. 9m9 ~,k9k9l'9, 9m9

,Jug, n. ago, igo. agadagodo.
,Juggler, n. onidan. Key-hole, n. ~nu k9k9l'9.
,Juice, n. oje, omi. Kick, v.t. and i. tapa.
,Juicy, adj. kun fun omi. Kid, n. 9m9 ewur~.
,July, n. o~ keje Qdun. Kidnap, f).t. ji enia gbe, sunm9mi.
,Jumble, f).t. and i. dalu wuru· Kidney, n. iwe inu, ere.
wuru. Kill, v.t. and i. pa, gb8 Ii ~mi.
,Jump, f).t. and i. fb, b~. KilD, n. ~bu sisun ohun elo Bmq_
,JUDOtion, n. idap9, isolu. KiD, n. 8.r8, ibatan.
,J1IIlOiure, n. idaP9, akoko pataki. KiDd, n. iru, ~gb~, qwQ. adj.
,June, n. ~ k~fa Qdun. ~,inu rere.
,JUDgle, n. igbo. KiDd-hearted, adj. 9kan rere, inu
,Junior, adj. aburo, kekere. rere.
,Jurisdiction, n. sakani il~ oye, KiDdle, v.t. and i. tina b9, ru-aoke.
ila i,,~. KiDdn8ll, n . • un, inu rere, ore.
,Jury, n. ~gb~igbim9, enia mejila KiDdred, n. ibatan, ara.
ti a yan si ile ~j9. Kine, n. abo malu.
,Juat, adj. olododo, diduro ~n- King, n. 900.
~, nitOtfiI· Kingdom, n. ij9OO, il~ 9ba.
,Juat, adf). g~g~ patapata. lWIgship, n. bye 9ba.
,Justice, n. otitfil, ododo ; onidaj9' Kinsfolk, n.pl. ara, aj9bi, ibatan.
,Juatiflcation, n. idalare. Kin8IDIUl, n. ibatan 9k9nri. .
,Justifler, n. oludare.
,Justify, f).t. da-lare. KiDswoman, n. iOOtan obirin.
Eisa, n. if~nukoni. v.t. fi ~u-
,Jut, f).i. Y9ri "o~. konu.
,Juvenile, adj. ti ewe, ti 9m9de. Kitchen, n. ile iBenj~; ibi idana.
Kitchen-garden, n. 9gba eweb~.
K. Kitchen-maid, n. 9m9-¢9 ti nse
Kitten, n. 9m9-ologini· 9m9-
Keel, n. isal~ 9kq. ologbo.
Keen, adj. mu bi 9b~; nitara. Knack, v.i. 9gbc;ln.
Keep, Kept, v.t. and i. pa·m9, Knapsack, n. apo ologun.
tfilju, da-duro. . Knave, n. ~l~tan, eniakenia.
. Keeper, n. olupam9. onitfilju. Knavery, n. ~tan.
Keep-aake, n. nkan ti a fi pam9 Knead, v.t. plI.
nitori olufunni. KneadiDg-trough, n. 9P9n lpo
Ker, n. agba igi. iy~fun.
K8DDel, n. ile aja. Knee, n. ekun.
Kerchief, n. gele. Knee-cap, n. egungun ekun.
Kernel, n. 9m9 inu eso, k6ro; Kneel, v.i. kunl~.
ekuJv· Knell, n. iro agogo.
K8I'OI8Ile, n. ororo fitila. Knife, n. 9b~.
Kettle, n. ohun elo omi, ikoko Knight, n. oloye kan.
siBe omi. Knit, v.t. and i. fi 9W9 wun, daP9_

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Knitting-needle, n. ab~r~ ti a nlo Lake, n. adagun.

lati fi wun. Lamb, n. Ijldq-agutan.
Knob, n. k6ko. Lambskin, n. awq Ijldq-agutan.
Knock, 'II.t. and i. lil, kAn, Lame, adj. amukun, arq. 'II.t. 8q
kAnkun. di amukun.
Knocker, n. olu, ~ti nlmnkim. Lameness, n. imukun, iyarq.
Knoll, n. oke kekere. Lament, 'II.t. and i. pohim-rere.
Knot, n. k6k6, idiju. 'II.t. diju, ~kUn.
so, de. Lamentation, n. orin qfq, ohim·
Know, Knew, 'II.t. and i. mQ. rere-~kUn.
Knowing, adj. gbqn, moye. Lamp, n. fitila, atupa.
Knowledge. n. Unq, qgbqn, ~k9. Lamplight, n. imql~ fitila.
Knuckle. n. orike ma. Lamplighter, n. ~niti ntan fitila.
Kola, n. obi, orogbo. Lanoe. n. ~in, QkQ. 'II.t. fi qb~
Koran, n. Alkurani, iwe mimq la.
Imale. Lancet, n. ab~ kekere ti oni,egun.
Land, n. il~, agbegbe. 'II.t. and i.
L. gunl~.
Land-agent, n. onil~, onitljlju il~.
Label, n. iwe ti a nfi sami ~ril. Landing, n. igunl~.
Laboratory, n. ile o~egun. LanIjDg-Btage, n. ebute qkQ.
LaboriolU, adj. ni Iali!., Iadagara. -Landlady, n. onitljlju ile-ero.
Labour, n. i,~, li!.li!., irIjlbi. 'II.t. Landlord, n. bale ile-ero.
and i. ~,~, ,e li!.li!. rqbi.
Labourer, n. ~~~, alagb• .
Landmark, n. i!.la.
Landscape, n. apa il~ ti a Ie fi
Labyrinth, n. iruju. oju rio
Lace. n. igbati~. 'II.t. and i. di. lAmdward, ad'll. siha il~.
LaCerate, 'II.t. ya, fa..ya, 9a.lqgb~. Lane, n. qna roro; qna hiha.
Lack, n. aini, aito. 'II.t. and i. 96 Language, n. Me.
alaini, kil-kil. Languid, adj. laiIokun.
LackadaisicaI. adj. 91~-darun. Languish, 'II.i. rU, r~, 96 ailera.
Lackey, n. ~~kqnrin. Languor, n. i!.r~, ihura.
Lad, n. qmqkqnrin, qdqmqkqnri. Lank, adj. joro.
Ladder, n. Akasq, a.t~gun. Lantern, n. fitila.
Lade, Laden,. 'II.t. di ~ril Ie. Lap, 'II.t. and i. fi ahqn 18; di,
Ladle, n. igbakq, ~bi gigun. we pq. n. itan, ~~.
Lady, n. iyalode, iya-i!.fin. Lapse, n. i,ubu, ifas~hin. 'II.i.
Lady-day, n. qjq k¢qgbqn o~u 9ubu, fa-s~hin.
March. Larceny, n. ole jija..
Ladylike, adj. oninu rere. Lard, n. qra ~I~d~.
Ladyship, n. oye iyalode. Larder, n. ibiti a nfi onj~ pamq.
Lag, 'II.i. 96 ilqra, fa-s~hin. Large, adj. tobi. nla, gborin.
Lagoon, n. ljlSa, adagun ibiti omi Large-hearted, n. oninu rere.
okun ~ si. Largely, ad'll. Iqpqlqpq.
Lair, n. ibuba ~an. Largess, n. ~bun; qr~.
Laity, Laymen, n. awqn ijq, enia Lark, n. ire ~ige; ~in olorin
ti a ko iti gba si oye alufa. didim.
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Larva, Larvae. 11. kbkbrb, idin. Law-breaker, n. arufin.

Lucivi01l8l1el8, n. w9bia, iW9ra, Lawful, adj. n, t9 si ofin.
if~kUf~. Law-giver, n. olofin, ~ofin.
Lash, fl. p~, il8gbs.. fI.t. and. i. Lawless, adj. lailofin.
fi p~an n8.; di. Lawn, n. p~t~l~ ti a nfi koriko btl.
Lass, Lassie, n. 9d9m9birin. Lawsuit, n. fi'Sun nipa ofin. 'i'j9.
Lassitude, n. ailera, ir~, iwuwo Lawyer, n. amofin.
ara. Laz, adj. t6., jafara, d'i'ra.
Lut, n. ohun 9na aranb8.ta.. Luative, n. egbogi iy8.gb~.
fI.t. and i. wa titi, foriti. Laity, n. 9W9 d'i'ngb'i'r'i'.
Last, Lastly, adfl. ti ik~, ni Lay, Laid, fI.t. and. i. fi.le, gbe.le,
igb~hin. dubul~; ye, yin.
Last, Latest, adj. igb~hin, ik~hin. Layer, n. il~.
Latch, n. ikekere igi tabi irin Laziness, n. 91'i'.
ti a fi nti il~kun. fI.t. tl., se. Lally, adj. ya 91'i" jafara.
Late, adj. p~, 19ra, 'i'niti 0 ti k6.. Lead, Led, fI.t. and. i. t9. sin. fie
Lately, adfl. nil919yi, nije1o. am9na.
Latent, adj. pam9, farasin, lairi. Lead, n. oje.
Later, adfl. p~.ju. Leader, n. aml)ns., ~aju.
Lateral, adj. ti ~gb~, ti l.h8.. Leaf, Leaves, n. ewe.
Lathe, n. 'i'~ oniJwna igi. Leafless, adj. lailewe.
Lather, n. iha 9'I'i'. fI.t. and. i. fi Leaflet, n. iwe kekere.
9'1'i' pa ara. Leafy, adj. kun fun ewe.
Latitude, n. 1M, ibb. League, n. maj'i'nu. adehOO.
LatIine, n. ile igb9ns'i'. Leak, fl. i. jb.
Latter, adj. ti ik'i'hin. Leakage, n. jijb. Ua.
Latter-raiDs, n. a.r9kuro. , LeaD, fI.t. and. i. t'i"si, fi ara ti.
Laud, n. iyin. fI.t. yin, gbega adj. rUt joro.
ninu orin. Leap, fI.t. and i. fb.soke, b~.
Laudable, adj. n fun iyin. Leap-year, n. 9dun k~rin·k~rin
Laugh, fI.t. and i. r'i'rin. ak9'qdun.
Laughable, adj. panil'i'rin. Learn, fI.t. and. i. k9 'i'k9. gba
LaughiDptock, n. 'i'niti a nfi im9·
r'i'rin. Learned, adj. amoye. 919gb9n.
Laughter, n. 'i'rin. Learner, 11. ak'i'k9.
Launch, fI.t. t1 si omi, tl. si iM. LearniDg, n. 'i'k9. bye, iml).
La1lDl1r8ll, n. alagbaf9. Lease, n. adehoo titS. ile tabi
La11DClry, n. ibiti a nf9'19. fifi ile yB. ni.
Lava, n. okuta. onina. Least, adj. kereju. kikini. 'i'ni
Lavatory, n. ibi aJuw'i'. ik'i'hin.
Lave, fI.t. w~, fl). Leather, n. aW9 eran ti a ti pese
Laver, n. agbada omi. fun ilo.
Laviah, fI.t. nB. inakuna, fi 'Iofo, Leave, n. aye, gafars., dagbere.
f9n kakiri. Leave, Left, fI.t. fi·sil'i', k9·sil'i',
Laviah, adj. oninakuna. onilb· 19. kuro.
kulo. Leaven, n. iwukara.
Law, n. ofin, ~'i', ilana. LeaviDp, n.pl. aj'i'ku, i'likOO.

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LEe 83 LIB

Leotem. n. ibi ikawe ni !Ie L8II88D, f).t. and i. din·kil, bu·

Q11?nm. s~hin.
Lecture, n. ~kl?, ibawi. f).t. and i. LeIsoD, n. iwe ti a nkl? si ori,
kl? Ii ~kl?, ba·wi. ibawi; ~k9.
Lecturer, n. olukl?ni. Lest, conj. ki a ma.e, ki a rna bat
Ledger, n. iwe ~ owo. asiwa·asibq.
Leek, n. eweb~, alubQ8a. Let, v.t. j~ki. da.duro. fun ni aye.
Lees, n.pl. g¢~g¢~. n. idill?na, idaduro.
Left, adj. osi. f). t. fisil~. Lethargy, n. itogbe. sisun.
Left-handed, n. 1?1l?w9 osi, alc)si. Letter, n. iwe.
Leg, n. f(II~. Letter-box, n. apoti iwe.
Legacy, n. ogUn, ohun ini. Letter-writer, n. akqwe.
Legal, adj. g~g~ bi ofin, bi ti ofin. Level, adj. t~ju. t~b~r~. dl?gba.
Legally, adv. g~g~ bi ofin. v.t. mu·t~ju. mu dl?gba.
Legatee, n. ologUn. , Lever, n. ~rf? ti 0 ngbe nkan
Legend, n. itan a~w¢l?wl?' wuwo Bake.
LegeDdary, adj. BrOSI? Leviathan, n. I?ni n1a. ~ja okun.
Legible, adj. han ni kikA. ejc) ti nfc).
Legion, n. ~gb~.ogun, I?Pl?lI?PI?· Levite, n. ara Levi, alufa ni ijl?
Legislate, v.i. ",.ofin, pa·~~. aWl?n Jii.
Legislation, n. i~fin. Levity, n. ifuy~. if~r~. alaironu.
Legislative, adj. ti nip6 ofin, ti Levy, v.t. fi 8ip6 ~ I?ml?·ogun
npa BIll;'. tabi owo jl? bit i'l~·irU.
Legislator, n. olofin, ~fin. n. alaslnrU. i'lajl?
Legitimate, adj. ~ si ofin, ba Lewd, adj. nif~kuf~. niwakiwa.
ofin mu, yin, bibi ni igbe. Lewdness, n. iwakiwa. itiju. iwa
yawo. if~kuf~.
Leisure, n. ibl?ll?wl? u,~, aye, et,1? Lezicon, n. iwe .jl? 9rf?·
bl?w¢il~. Liability, n. iduro fun. idahun fun.
Leisurely, adv. l~. Liable, adj. duro fun, dide.
Lemon, n. orombo. dahun fun.
Lemonade, n. ohun mimu ti a fi Liar, n. eleke, eke.
orombo "'. Libation, n. ifi I?ti wain ruhq;
Lend, v.t. win, ya. tita ohun mimu Bil~.
Lender, n. awinni. Libel, n. iwe ifisun iba orukl?
Length, n. glgun. ~ni j~.
Lengthen, v.t. and i. fa.gun, Liberal, add. u,ore, 9Sl?nu enia.
na..ll?, sun.siwaju. Liberality, n. ilawl?
Lengthwise, adv. nigigim. Liberally, adv. 1l?PI?1l?PI?, p~lu
Lenient, add. alanu. rf? ni inu. ilawl?
Lent, n. akoko a.w~ fun ogoji Liberate, v.t. da.sil~, sl? di omnira.
qjl? ni iranti aw~ ti Kristi. Liberation, n. id8.siI~.
Is~ra~ni. Liberator, n. adanisil~, oludaide.
Leopard, n. ~kim. Libertine, n. alailakoso.
Leper, n. ad~t~. Liberty, n omnira, id8.sil~, aye.
LeprOlY, n. ~t~. Librarian, n. olu~ju akojl? iwe.
Leu, adj. kereju. Library, n. ikojl?P9 iwe.

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LIe 84 LIQ

Lice, n. ina ori tabi ti BIW. Like-minded, adj. oninu kan,

License, Licence, n. aye, anfani, Liken. v.t. fi-w~, fi ~ akawe.
iwe ~~. v.t. j~-fun. fun Likeness, n. awOran, iri, afarawe,
ni aye. fun ni ~~. jijQ.
Licentious, adj. lailakoso, tiwa- Likewise, adv. b~g~g4il' p~lu.
kuwa. Lily, n. orukQ itanna kan
Lick, v.t. and i. fi ahQn la, la. itanna i,umeri.
Lid, n. ideri. Limb, n. 4ilya ara, 4ilka igi.
Lie, n. eke, ir9' v.t. and i. PllrQ, Lime, n. 4ilfun; orombo W4ilW4il.
~ke, dubul~, fi ara ti. Lime-juice, n. omi orombo
Liege, n. olori. W4ilW4il.
Lieu, n. ipO, aye. LimeldlD. n. 4ilbu 4ilfun.
Lieutenancy, n. Oye ogagun. Limestone, n. okuta 4ilfun.
Lieutenant, n. adele Qba, Qgagun, Lime-wash, n. fi Qda kitn, fi
~niti 0 duro dipo ~Iomiran. 4ilfun kitn.
Life, Lives, n. wiwa liIye, lye, Limit, n. ipinnu, ala, opin. v.t.
~ml. pala, ~ aropin. pinnu.
Life-boat, n. QkQ igbala. Limitation, n. ipala, ihamQ.
Life-giver, n. olufunni ni lye. Limitless, adj. lailopin, laillila.
Life-guard, n. oll1llQ ara Qba, Limp, adj. lailera, tiro. v.i.
onitoju Qba. mukun.
Lifeless, adj. lainlye. oku. Limpid, add. mQ gara, didan.
Lifetime, n. igba aiye, QjQ aiye. Line, n. okitn tinrin, okun owu,
Lift, v.t. and i. gbe-soke, gbe-ga. ala, ila. v.t. and i. fa ila
n. iranlQwQ. si; t4il; to.
Ligament, n. edldi, eyiti 0 de Lineage, n. iran, idile.
orike egungun PQ. Linen. n. BIW qgbQ. aw funfun.
Ligature, n. edldi, ide. Liner, n. QkQ nIa.
Light, n. imQI~, imQ. v.t. mu- Lingual, adj. ti ahQn.
mQI~, tan-imQl~. v.i. g~, Linguist, n. amoye ede.
bIi, sQ-kal~. adj. fun, Liniment, n. ororo ipara.
f4ilr~, laiwuwo, fut4il fut4il. Lining, n. it4ilnu aw.
Lighten, v.t. and i. mu-fun, Link, n. orike 4ilwQn, ide. v.t.
mu-f~r~. and i. sO-PQ.
Lighter, n. QkQ 4ilrit. Linseed, n. iru eso qgbQ.
Light-headed, adj. alaironu. Lint, n. aw qgbQ kikuna.
Light-hearted, adj. ni inudidun, Lintel, n. at4ilrigbli.
laini aniyan. Lion, n. kiniun.
Lighthouse, n. He imQl~ ti 0 ~ Lioness, n. abo-kiniun.
ikilQ aWQn atukQ. Lion-hearted, adj. nigboiya bi
Lightly, adv. j~j~, laiwuwo. kiniun.
Light-minded, adj. laiduro "in. Lip, n. ete, 4ilnu ohun elo.
'lin. Liquefy, v.t. and i. Y9.
Lightning, n. manamana. Liquid, adj. ,i'lBfi, bi omi, d4ilra.
Lights, n.pl. fukufuku. Liquidate, v.t. and i. mQ ;
Like, v.t. and i. f~, ni inudidun sangbese.
si, dunmQ. adj. jQ, dabi. Liquidation, n. it.un Qran owo ~.

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Liquor, n. nkan mimu. Qti. Locality, n. agbegbe.

Lisp, 11.t. and i. SQrQ bi QmQde. Locally, ad11. j~ ti ibi kan.
Lilt, n. iwe akojQ orukQ; t~; Locate. 11.t. :6. si ibi kan.
11.t. and i. kQ oruko si iwe. Location, n. ipb, ibi.
to l~~~; f~. Look, n. agadagodo; idiri;
LIsten. List. 11.t. and i. :6. eti si, 11.t. and i. ti, sO-PQ.
gb9· Locker, n. apoti kekere.
LIstener, n. olugbQ. Locket, n. ohun m ti a :6. kQ
LiBtleu, adj. lait~tisil~. jafara, Qrun.
laibikita. Lockjaw, n. didi ~nu, aisan ipS..
Lit, 11.t. and i. tan ina. Looksmith, n. alagb¢~ kQkQrQ.
LitaDy, n. adura ~b~. Lock-up, n. ile tubu.
Literal, adj. g~g~ bi 9rQ. Looomotive, n. ~rQ ti nfa k~k~.
Literary, adO. ti ~kQ. QIQgbQn Looust, n. ~u.
ni iwe kika. Lodge, 11.t. and i. WQ si, mu-wQ.
Literature, n. QgbQn QrQ. iwe. n. agQ. ile o~Qn8.
Lithe. adO. rQrun lati t~. Lodger, n. ~niti 0 ya ile wQ.
Lithograph, 11.t. gb~ sori okuta. Lodging, n. ile agbawQ. ibuwQ.
Litigate, 11.t. and i. ro ~jQ, :6.-sun Loft, n. iyara-bke ile.
nipa ofin. Lofty, adO. giga. gbe soke,
Litter, n. p8.fa; okiti koriko, gberaga.
QmQ ~ran. 11.t. and i. bibi Log, n. iti igi; omugQ. iwe
~ran; tuka. irohin ilQBiwaju Qk9.
Little, adj. kekere, kere, di~. Logic, n. QgbQn ironu.
Liturgy, n. ilana isin. Logwood, n. igi osun, igi ti a fi
Live, 11.t. and i. W8 laye, yeo adj. nr~ aro.
aye. Loin, n. ibadi. ~gb~. ~hin ~ran.
Livelihood, n. owo lati :6. j~un,
ohun ini. Loin-cloth, n. a.w iOOra, a.sw
Lively, adj. dara ya.
Liver, n. ~Q·ki.
Loiter, 11.t. and i. IQra, fa-s~hin,
Living, adO. alii.ye, iye. ini.
Loiterer, n. onilQra.
n. ~~. LoU. 11.t. and i. :6. ara ti, dubul~
Lizard, n. alamil. lamilrin,
Lonely, adj. nikan wa.
Lo ! inter. kiyesi ! wo !
Load, n. ~ril. 11.t. and i. di ~ril LoneUn8ll8, n. id8.gbe. ~e Qkan.
Ie. ki ibQn. ~o~o.

Loaf, n. 4'u akara. 11.t. and i. Loug, adj. jinna. gun, p~. 11.i.
igbanraiye. f~ tQkantQkan.
LoaD, n. ohun iwinni, ohun ti Logger, adj. gun ju. p~ si.
a :6. ya ni. Lougevity, n. QjQ pip~, ~mi
Loathe, 11.t. korira. gigun.
Loathsome, adj. ~gbin, irira. Longing, n. if~ gbigbona, ifo-
Lobe, n. isal~-eti. jusQna.
Lobster, n. ala~a, akQ ide. Loug-sufleriDI, adj. onipamQra.
Local, adj. ti ibi kan. Loofah, n. kanrinkan-ayaba.
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Loot, f).t. and i. wo. yi oju si. Lowly, n. onir~I~.

n. iwo, oju. Low-spirited, adj. binuj~, fajuro.
LookiDg..glasa, n. dingi, awojiji. Loyal, adj. olotfj) si 9ba tabi
Look-out, f).i. 'Wna., yan. olori kan.
Loom, n. ofi, ~~ iWWllW. f).i. Loyalty, n. iwa olotfj).
farahan lokere. Lubricate, f).t. fi ororo pa, mu di
Loop, n. oj6bo; iho koroboju. yiY9, dan.
Loophole, n. iho kekere ni ogiri, Lucid, adj. didan.
9na. lati fi Ia.. Lucifer, n. elfU; oruk9 iraw9
Loose, adj. titu, idt\sil~, nif~kuf~. kan; irpma. .
f).t. tu·sil~, da.sil~. Luck, n. a.labapade, orirere,
Loot, f).t. and i. ko ikogun. n. agbako.
ikogun. Luckily, adf). lagbako.
Lop, f).t. and i. r~. Lucky, adj. ni ori rere.
Loquaci01J8, adj. alas9ju. Lucre, n. ere, anfani.
Lord, n. Oluwa, baba, 9ba. f).t. Lucrative, adj. Ii ere.
and i. 10 agbara lori. Ludicrous, adj. ipa.nil¢n.
Lord'. Day, n. 9j9 Oluwa. Lug, f).t. and i. fa.
Lord'. Supper, n. onj~ a.l~ Luggage, n. ~ru.
Oluwa. Luggage-van, n. k~k~ ~rU.
Lose, Lost, f).t. and i. padanu, Lukewarm, adj. 19wQwQ.
~fo. Lull, f).t. and i. mu·da.k~.
Loser, n. olofo. Lullaby, n. orin ipas~ fun 9m9de.
Loss, n. oro, adanu.
Lumbago, n. lakuregbe.
Lost, a4i. nu, S9nu.
Lot, n. ipin, ipo; ibo, keke. Lumber, n. nkan lasan, nkan ti
Loud, adj. kikan, ariwo rara. ko nilari.
Loudly, adf). kikankikan. LumiDarJ, n. iraw9 im91~.
LoUDge, f).t. and i. rqgbqku. LumiDation, n. ita.nm91~.
n. ~gb9ku. Luminous, add. m91~.
Louse, n. ina ori tabi ti 6If9. Lump, n. ~.
Lovable, ad';. ti a Ie f~ran. L11D&CY, n. were.
Love, n. if~. f).t. and i. f~, L1lDaf, adj. ti o,upa., .ti o~.
f~ran. Lunatic, n. ~iwere.
Love-feast, n. ase if~. LllDCh, n. onj~ 9Ban.
Lovel8ll, adj. lainif~. LUDge, n. fifi ida ti lojiji.
Lovelin8ll, n. ~wa. LUDgI, n. ~9foro, fukufuku.
Lovely, adj. dUn, daradara. , Lurch, f).i. ta gb9ngb9n lojiji.
Lover, n. oluf~. Lure, f).t. ta.n.j~. d~. n. ~ta.n
Loving, adj. nif~, ~eun. id~.
Loving-kindn8ll, n. i~un·if~. Lurid, adj. pokudu.
Low, adj. ir~il~, k~l~k~I~, j~j~. Lurk, f).i. lumQ, bade, buba.
Lower, adj. r~l~ju. f).t. and i. L1IICious, adj. dUn P9, wUnni.
r~il~. Lust, n. if~kuf~. f).i. ~ if~kuf~
Lowing, n. igbe. f).i. nke bi si.
malu. LUItily, adf). p~lu igboiya..
Lowlin8ll, n. ir~l~ 9ka.n. Lustre, n. idan, im91~.
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LtUIty, adv. lagbara, lokun, ~, v.t. gbe-ga, yln.logo,

gb.;ml~. mu-tobi.
Lute, n. ohun .;ma orin. Bagnftude, n. titobi, gbigborin.
Luxuriant, adj. idagba pUPQ, Mahdi, n. amc;>na nlo. ti aWQn
IQP91QP9· Imale nreti.
Luxurious, adj. kun fun adun, Mahogany, n. igi g¢u, igi
Luxury, n. ij~ OOi111, ijaiye. n. wundia, C;>111c;>-c;>dQ obi.
LyiDg, ~ke ipUl'Q. adj. ni rin.
idubul~. Maidenhood, n. igba wundia.
Lymph, n. Qyun ti 0. fi nbupa. Mail, n. ~wu ti a fi irin OOarQ
Lynch, v.t. j~niya laidall;ljc;>. PI;lI';lbl;l'P~I'\lblil ~ o.po iwe,
Mail-boat, QkO? ti runu iwe kiri.
M. Mail-coach, n. k';lk';l iwe.
Maim, v.t. po. Ii ara, ~ Ii abukim.
Main, adj. pataki, olori. n.
Mace, n. c;>pa oye. agbara., okun, pataki.
lIIachination, arekereke. Mainly, adv. pataki.
Machine, n. ~rc;>. Main-sail, n. igbokun pataki
Machine-work, n. ti fi ninu 9k9'
~. Main-stay, n. itil'ilhin.
lIrIacldntOlh, 8.11? ojo. Maintain, ~ itqju, mu·duro,
lIrIad, adj. ~iwere, biba j ~ ori, di-mu. t'ilnurnQ.
asinwin. Maintenance, n. itc;>ju, onj'il.
Madam, orukQ fun agba itil'ilhin.
obirin. Maize, n. agbOOo, c;>ka.
lIrIadden, v.t. (md ba Ii lIrIajestic, adj. ti ni Qla, ti ni
j~, mubinu.
lIrIade, adj. ~, da. 9w 9·
Majesty, n. 91S. nIa.
lIrIad-house, n. iie awc;>n ~iwe:re. MaJor, n. aye Qgagun; agba.
Magazine, n. ne ~tu, iwe. adj. P9-ju. tobi·ju.
Maggot, Majority, akoko Qdun agba;
Magic, n. idan. awc;>n ti opc;>ju.
Magic-lantern, atupa onidan. llake, v.t. and i. !!e, mO?
Magician, n. alalupayida, 0~6, Maker, n. 'ill¢a.
alaf9"1~' lIrIalady, n. aisan, arun.
Magistrate, n. onidajc;>, olori. Malaria, n. amodi, iba.
Magnanimity, inu rere, Qlc;>la. lIrIalarial, adj. ti amodi, ti aisan.
Magnanimous, adj. c;>1c;>lo., oni Male, adj. ti akQ. n. akc;>.
nurere, olore. lIrIale-child. n. c;>mc;>kc;>nrin.
Magnate, n. olori. Malediction, is9:rQ ibi, ifibu.
Magnet, n. Ofa. lIrIalefactor, n. arufin, ol~e bu-
lIIagniftcent, 191anla. niyin buI'u.
pUP9, logo ni iwo. Malevolent, adj. ni if~ buburu,
lIIagnifter, n. '\lni imutobi, ~ni nijowu.
igMga. Malice, n. arankan.
Dlai Ibv l O( Ie

IIIaJici01U, adj. ni mra, a.rank&n. 1Ianner, n. lwa, ~, iru.

IIaJigD, v.t. B9 qrQ buburu si, '" IlanCBuvre, n. qgbqn ilo.
keta, '" arankAn. lIIIanse, n. ile alufa.
IIIaJiput, adj. ni ika, ni oro llansion, n. ile nIa, ibugbe.
ninu, ni iro buburu. lIIIansJaughter, n. ipania.
IIIanet, n. olu igi. lIIIanaIayer, n. apania.
IIIalpraotioe, n. iwa buburu. llantle, n. I,!WU ileke, agbada.
lIIalt, n. irugbin ti a fi ~ qti. v.t. and i. M.
lIIaltreat, v.t. '" ni ibi, '" iwqsi llanual, adj. ti a fi qwq ",. n.
si, Ib ni buburu. iwe kekere.
lIIaltreatment, n. iwqsi, ilo bu· llanufactory, n. ibiti a ~ ohun
bum. titA.
llammalia, n. ~ ti nfi qmu llanufacture, v.t. fifi qna '"
bq qmq wqn. nkan tita.
llammon, n. q1"9, ori"a q1"9. llanure, n. atan, ill,ldu. v.t. ko
1Ian, n. enia, qkqnrin. ill,ldu si.
llanacle, n. pawqp~. ~wqn qwq. IlanUlCript, adJ. iwe ti a fi qwq
v.t. fi pawqpe si lqwq, de kq. n. iwe a fi qwq kq.
lqwq. 1Iany, adJ· pupq, pq, qpqlqpq.
lIiIaDaIe, v.t. t9, '" itqju, lie IIIap, n. aworan ill,! aiye. v. la
abojuto, '" akoso. sill,!.
lIIaDaIeable, adj. rqrun lati t9. Mar, v.t. bajl,!, pa.lara.
lIiIaDaIer, n. alabojuto, olori. Marabout, n. I,!iyl,! akq.
llandate, n. aIj~, ofin. lIaran~dha, n. Oluwa wa mbq.
liane, n. gqgq ~n. 1 Cor. xvi. 22.
lIIIanfun" adv. '" bi okqnrin. 1larau4, v.t. and i. W8 ikogun
1llaDge, n. ekliru ara ~ran. kin.
lllaDger, n. ibujl,! I,!ran. Marauder, n. apiyl,! kiri.
IllaDgle, v.t. fa.ya, gl,!. n. I,!rQ Marble, n. okuta didan.
ti a fi nIq &119. IIarch, n. 0IlU I,!kl,!ta 9dun. v.t.
IllaDgler, n. olq. and i. nrin 1~~I,!.
1IIaDgo, n. orukq eso kan. Mare, n. abo ~.
IIIaDgrove, n. igi I,!gbA ninu ira. IIargin, n. eU, bebe.
llaDhood, n. iwa qkqnrin. Marine, adJ. ti okun.
lIIIaDia, n. iwere. I Mariner, n. atukq okun.
lIIaDiac, n. aljiwere, asinwin. Mark, n. ami, apa. v.t. sami sit
Manifest, v.t. and i. fi.han, kiyesi.
lIipaya. adJ. han. Market, n. qja. v.t. ta qja, n\
llADileatatiOD, n. ifihan. i~paya. qja.
llADileato, n. iwe qran ilu. Market-day, n. qjq qja.
lIADiIold, adj. piP9, oniruru IIIarket-place, n. ibi qja.
llanipulate, v.t. fi qwq !IiII1,!. llarriage, n. isoyigi, igbeyawo.
IlanipulatiOD, n. fifi 9 w q t9. Marrow, n. qr8 egungun.
Mankind, n. araiye. Marry, v.t. and i. gbe ni iyawo,
1Ianly, adj. laiya, nigboiya. so ni yigi.
lIIIanna, n. onjl,! ti Qlqrun fi bq IIarsh, n. ira, I,lrl,!, abat8..
awqn qmq Israel Ii aginju. llarshal, v.I. and i. to 1~1,lII1,!.

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Ifarahy, add. kiki ira. Matrimonial, adj. ti igbeyawo.

IIart, n. 9ja. Matrimony, n. isoyigi, igbeyawo.
Martial, adj. ti ogun. Matrill:, n. inu.
1Iartin, n. a.Japand¢fil. Matron, n. iya 8gba, onit«;>ju ile
1IariJr, n. ajfilriku. filk9'
llartyrdom, n. ikli ajfilrikli. Matted, add. kiwereje.
Marvel, n. ohun iyanu. v.i. Matter, n. ohunkohun ti aft oju
~nu ya ni. ri, ti a si fi 9w9 kan, 9r8.n,
Marvello1U, adj. iyanu. nkan; 9yun egbO.
lIaaouIiDe, add. ak9, 9k9nri. Matting, n. filni.
Mash, v.t. rUn, pOlu. Mattock, n. 9k9 ganmug8.nmu.
Mask, n. iboju. ipsrsda. v.t. Mattr8l8, n. timtim nla ti a fi
bo.oju. / koriko tab( owu kl lati sun
lluon, n. a.m91e okuta, agb~ Ie.
okuta. Maturate, v.t. d~. P9n, gb6.
lluonry, n. i~fil a.m91e okuta. Mature, v.t. and i. ndagba.. ,adj.
lluquerade, n. ipa oju m9, ips P9n.
. sra da. v. i. ljIe egungun, IjI6 Maturity, n. didfil. piP9n, gbigb6 •
gfillfildfil· Maul, n. olugboro. v.t. IiI ni
1Iasa, n. iIjIu, ak0P9. v.t. and i. llUklliI.
ljIuP9. Mausoleum, n. iboji ti 0 dara ni
lIIaIIIacre, n. pipa. v.t. pa ni wiwo.
ipakupa. Maw, n. apo onjfil ti filran tabi
lluaage, n. ipa ara fun iwosan. ti fi'iYfil.
llassive, adj. wuwo, tobi. IIaJ:im, n. owe, ilana.
IIaat, n. op6 9k9. lluimum, n. eyiti 0 P9ju.
1IIaster, n. olori. ala.koso, 9ga. lIIIay, n. OIjlU ksrun 9dun.
1IIaster-builder, n. olori 9m91e. lIIIay, aw:. v. Ie.
Masterful, adj. 919gh9n ni iIjIfil. lIay-be, adv. boya.
MasW'piece, n. olubori iljlfil. lIIIay-day, n. 9j9 ekini 0IjIU May.
1Iaster8hip, n. aye alakoBo. lIIIayor, n. onidaj9 ilu, olori ilu.
JIastery, n. iIjIfilgun, ibori. lIIIayor8l8, n. aya olori ilu.
llasticate, v.t. j fil, run. 1IIaze, n. 9na k9r9k9r9 ti 0 ljIoro
llaatioation, n. irun onjfil Ii filnu. m9, iruju, ig9ni.
Mat, n. filni. v.t. and i. fi filni boo lie, pron. mi, emi.
Match, n. iljlsna; id9gba; filgb~. lleadow, n. papa.
ra; isoyigi. lleagre, adj. rU, joro, lailagbara.
Match-boz, n. ile iljllma. Ileal, n. onjfil; iYfilfun.
Matchless, add. lailfilgbfilra. llean, adj. enia lassn, lainiyin.
Mate, n. filnikeji, filgbfil. 1I.t. and i. lainilari. v.t. pete, rO, mura.
soyigi. n. agbede meji, srin.
Material, n. nkan ti sra; &1j19, lleaning, n. idi, itum9, im9'
ohun elo ti aft IjI6 nksn. adj. lleaningless, add. laHori, laitum9'
pataki. Ileana, n. 9na ti a gb8. lati fi ljIe
Maternal, adj. ti iya. nkan.
Maternity, n. lwa iya. lleantime, Meanwhile, ad!!. ni.
lIatricide, .n. pipa iya filni. bayi, lakoko na.

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lleas1es. n.pl. eyi. tabi &run ~yi. lIemorable, adj. Y4i' ni iranti.
Measure. n. iWQn. o,uwQn. v.t. Memorandum, n. iwe iranni leli,
wQn. iwe i"eranti.
lleasureless, adj. lainiwQn. lIemorial. n. iranti. ohun iranti.
Measurement, n. wiwQn. iWQn. lIemory, n. iranti.
lleat, n. onj4i'. 4i'ran jij4i" lien, n. aWQn QkQnrin.
Ileat-offeriDg. n. 4i'bQ onj4i'. 4i'bQ llenace, n. ikilQ. iYQI4i'nu. v.t.
jij4i" kilQ fun. d4i'ruba. YQ 14i'nu.
Mechanic, n. oni,4i' Qn8. lIenagerie, n. akoj9PQ 4i'ranko
lIedal. n. ohun·ami iyin. igb4i'.
lleddle, v.i. dasi. lQwQ8i. f4i'nusi. Mend, v.t. and i. tun-fie. mu-san.
Meddler, n. 0finr8.n. a.la.dasi. lIender, n. alatunfle.
Meddlesome, add. alaYQjusi. Mendicant, n. alagbe.
lIediate, v.t. and i. 'Ie ilaja. lIenial. adj. lainilari. i'l4i'-~.
Mediation, n. ilaja. lIen-pleasers, n. al8fl8wu enia.
lIediator, n. onilaja. lIental. adj. ti iyll.
Medical, add. ti ogUn. ti egbOgi. Mention, n. iranti. ida.i-ukQ. v.t.
lIedicine, n .. ogun. egbogi. fie iranti. da orukQ. 89 ti.
Meditate, v.t. and i. fie 1i.fIa.ro. Mercantile, add. ti o~wo. ti
ronu. gbiro. owt..
lIeditation, n. i~ro. llercenary, n. alagbSfle. oju-
lIedium, n. arin. ohun elo. kokoro ere.
lied ley, n. idarudapQ. Mercer, n. oluta 8fI9.
lleek, adj. P4i'I4i'. tutu Ii Qk8n. lIerchandise, n. Qja titB.
n. QIQkAn tutu. lIercbant, n. on~wo.
lleekn8ll, n. inu tutu, 9k8n tutu. IIercifuI, adj. lanu. niY9nu.
Meet, v.t. afld i. pade, kt. loju, lIerciless, adj. laini anu.
n. adj. Y4i'. 0 tQ be. lIercy, n. anu. iyQnu.
lleeting, n. ipade, apejQ. Mere, adj. ~. kiki.
lleeting-house, n. ile ipade. lIerge, v.t. and i. gbemi. bQ sinu.
Melancholy, n. ibinuj4i', ifajuro, Meridian, n. Q8an gangan.
ikiinu. Merit, n. ere, itQSi. itoye.
lIetiorate, v.t. and i. mu san di4i'. lIeritorious, adj. niyin. nitoye.
Mellow, adj. pQn, d~, gb6. v.t. llerriment, n. aYQ, idaraya.
and i. di ri1'9, di ogb6. lIerry, adj. inu didun. lay9.
lIelodious, add. adUn Ii eti. lIerry-making, n. ~iya.
lIelody, n. orin didun. 1Iesh, n. alafo larin okun aw9n.
lIelon, n. eso ltakun, bara.
4i'gusi. 11811, n. rudurudu, onj4i' ajQj4i"
lIelt, v.t. and i. yQ. lIessage, n. i'l4i' riran. ibin. 91'9.
lIember, n. b'a ara. llessenger, n. ik9. ODfl8, iranfl4i"
Membership, n. ero ijQ tabi 4i'gb4i'. Messiah, n. Kristi. 4i'niti a fi
lIembrane, n. aWQ f4i'l4i'f4i'l4i' ti 0 ororo yAn.
bo 4i'ya ara. Met, v.t. pade.
lIemento, n. ohun iranti. 1Ietal, n. orukQ ti a fi npil iru
lIemoir, n. itan igbe aiye 4i'niti nkan bi wurs. fadaka. irin.
o fie alaisi. id4i'. oje. etc.

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lIIetaphor, n. ifi ohun kan juwe lIIill, n. QIQ, I,'rQ.

ekeji. lIIill8DDiam, n. I,'gbl,'run Qdun.
1IIete. v.t. wQn. lIIillepede, n. Qkim.
lIIeter, n. o,uwQn, I.wQn. lIIiller, n. I,'niti 0 lQ agbado.
1IIethinks, v.i. mo ~bi, mo ro pe. lIIillet, n. Qka. baba.
lIIethod, n. ilana, l.wa, ito l'i'S'i'SI,', lIIilliner, n. olut&. akl,'tl,'.
Qna lati fi ,e nkan. lIIiDiOD, n. adQts Qkl,'.
lIIetre, n. o,uwQn. lIIillstone, n. QIQ.
lIIetropolis, n. olu ilu. lIIimic, n. &sinij 1,'. v.t. SQrQ tsbi
Mettle, n. igboiya. ~ bi.
lIIew, n. kike ologbo. lIIIiDoe, v.t. and i. ke wl,'wl,'.
lIIioe, n.pl. aWQn ekute. lIIIiDoiDg, adj. nyan, rem, YI,'gl,'-
lIIiel, adj. larin, lagbedemeji. Qrun, 1'9.
lIIidday, n. 988.n gangan, idaji lIIIiDel, n. iye, inu. v.t. and i.
QjQ. fiyesi, ~ itqju. .
lIIiddle, n. arin, agbedemeji. lIIIiDded, adj. wa Ii Qkan.
lIIidd1e-aged, adj. abQ QjQ. lIIIiDdIul, adj. nranti, ntqju,
lIIiddle-man, n. a.larobQ. a.la.rena. fiyesi.
lIIiddHDg, adj. ni iWQntuwQnsi. lIIIiDe, pron. temi. n. iho ti a
lIIidge, n. kantikanti. nwa i,ura. ill,'. v.t. and i.
lIIidDight, n. QganjQ. wall,' fun irin.
lIIidshipman, n. oloye ninu QkQ. lIIIiDeral, n. nkan ti 0 wa. ninu
lIIidst, n. ii.ri.n. erup", ill,'.
~way, n. agbedemeji Qna. lIIIiDeral oil, n. ororo ti 0 nti inu
tiwife, n. olutqju aWQn ti ill,' jade.
nrqbi QmQ. lIIIiDgle, v.t. and i. d8.PQ, d8.lu.
tiwifery, n. i,I,' olutqju ni bibi lIIiDiature, n. aworan kekere.
QmQ. adj. kereju.
lIIieD, n. lwo, iri. lIIiDim.am, n. eyiti 0 kere julQ.
lIIight, n. agbara. ips. v.t. Ie. lIIIiDiater, n. irafil\l~, ojilfe, alufa.
lIIightily, adv. gidigidi, lQpQIQPQ. v.t. ,e irBfil\ll,'.
lIIighty, adj. alagbara. lIIIiDiatratiOD, n. i,I,' irSfil\ll,', iIf",
lIIigrate, v.i. ~ lati ibi kan lQ si isin.
ibomiran. lIIiDistry, n. oye, ill'" ira.n"I,'.
lIIigratiQD, n. i,ipo. lIIIiDor,adj. kereju, la.ilQjQ lori.
lIIilcb, adj. I,'ran abiyamQ. lIIIiDority, n. akoko ewe.
lIIild, adj. jl,'jl,'; pI,'Il,', tuju. Minster, n. ile QIQrun giga.
lIIildew, n. imuwOdu, bibu. lWDstreI. n. akQrin, afunfere.
lIIile, n. 0l\luwQn Qna, irin OgUh lIIIiDt, n. efirin; ibiti a nda owo.
i,I,'ju. v.t. da oWo.
lIIileatone, n. okuts isami Qna. lIIIiDute, adj. kere pUPQju, nfi.
lIIilitant, adj. nja., njagun. yesi nkan kekere.
lIIilitary, n. ti ogun, ti QmQ·ogun. lIIIiDute, n. il\ll,'ju, irohin ipinnu
lIIilitate, v.i. ~ odi si, kQjujasi. ajQ.
lIIilitia, n. I,'gbl,' QmQ-ogun. lIIIiDute book, n. iwe irohin
lIIilk, n. wara. v.t. fun wara.. ipinnu ajQ.
lIIiJ lnnan, n. oluts wara, oniwara. Miracle, n. i,I,' iyanu.

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lIiraouloaa. add. iyanu, ju ti lIIIishap, n. jambs.

agbara enia. lati ~. lIIiIiDform, v.t. ~ wi fun.
Mirage, n. iruju ti 0 mu ohun 1IIisiDstIuct, v.t. ~ k9, ~ 19na.
kan di meji, isuju. IlliliDterpret, v.t. 'Ii tum9·
llire, n. ~r~, p~t~p~t~, ira. Wiamanage, v.t. fili ~.
1Iirror, n. awojiji lIIiIJIame, v.t. ~ pe oruk9.
IIirth, n. aY9, inudidun, ire.aY9. Misplace, v.t. fi sipo ti kO t9.
1Iirthl8ll, adj. laini inudidun. Misprint, v.t. ~ t~.
1Iiry. adj. ti 0 ni ~r~. Mispronounce, ~ pe.
lliaadventure, n. jamba. llilrule, n. fI8 akoso Ii 9nB ti
llilladvise, v.t. gbanim9ran ti ko kO y~.
dara, tan.j~. lIIIiI8, n. apem9 91a fun ¢9m9'
IlilaDthrope, n. ~niti 0 korira birin. v.t. 'Ii, tase, fie
9m9 enia. alaini, f~.ku.
llilapply, v.t. 10 ni 9na ti ko lIiaaile, n. nkan ti a fi ja bi 9k9.
t9, fililo. 9ta ih9n tabi okuta.
llilappropriate, v.t. 10 fun ohun 1IiasiDg, adj. nu, f~ ku.
ti akO fifunni lati 10 fun. llilsioD, n. ill\' riran, ifil\, pataki
fililO. ti a ran ni si.
Misbehave, v.t. huwa ti kO t9. llilsioDlU'J, n. iranlil\" oni,~
Misbehaviour, n. iwa ti kO t9. Q19run.
iwa buburu. lliuive, n. iwe ti a fi ranfil\'.
Misbelief, n. igba ~k9 odi gb9' lliaapend, v.t. na ninakuna.
lIiIoaJculation, n. i~iro ti kO t9, Milt, n. iklikii, owusuwusu.
'Ii nkan ~iro.
lIiacall, v.t. ~ipe.
Mistake, n. i~a, 6'i1i. v.t. fili roo
lliscarriage, n. iwa buburu, Mister, Mr., n. 9gb\,ni, apem/)
i~~nu. 91a fun ok9nrin.
MilIceUaneous, adj. oniruru, nida· Mistletoe, n. afom9.
rudap9· Mistranslate, v.t. fili yir9pada.
lIIIischance, n. jamba, ijabi\. Mistress, 1IrB., n. iya ile, oluk9ni
lllilchief, n. ipanilara, ibi, ika. obirin, ale, apem9 91a fun
lllilchievous, adj. nika. obirin tabi iyawo.
lllilccmduct, n. iwa ti kO y~. Mistrust, n. ainigb\,k\,le. v.t.
lllilcreant, n. eniakenia, alai. filiyemeji, file ainigb\,k\,le.
gbagb9· i llisunderatandiDr, n. gbolohun.
Misdeed, n. iwa buburu. 6S9·
Misdemeanour, n. iwa buburu. Mis\U1derstood, v.t. fili m9, ~ yeo
1IIIisdirect, v.t. 'Ii f9nahan. IIn·ye.ni.
Misdoubt, v.t. file iyemeji si. Misuse, n. ilOkulo. v.t. 10 nilo·
Miser, n. awun enia. kulo, 10 sodi.
Miserable, adj. oto~, laini alafia. Illite, n. kokoro ti 0 kereju;
Misery, n. Ofili, irora ti ara tabi ' ohun kikini; owo id\, w~w~
ti 9ki\n. ti kO ju bi 9gb9n owo \,Y9
IIiIflt, n. laibamu. 19·
Misfortune, n. lifO, jamba. lllitigate, v.t. mu san, mu fuy\,.
lIIisgive, v.t. ,9
ivemeji. dinku.
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lIitigation, imufuy~, ~ Monarohy, 8Wfjln enia lab~

ielinku. fjlba kan.
lIitre, n. ade aWfjln olori alufa. Monday, n. fjljfjl keji Iqs~.
Mittens, n.pl. ibqw¢. Money, n. owo.
Mix, v.t. and i. dapfjl, sopq, po. Moneyless, adj. lainiowo.
Mixture, n. idapfjl, adalu. Money-making, n. iko fjlrq jfjl.
Mizzle, v.i. rfjl ojo. Money-order, n. iwe ifioworan~~
Moan, v.t. and i. sfjlkun, pohun· lati ibikan de ibikeji.
ikerora. Monition, i~inileti.
Moat, wa yara. Monitor, funni, olukfjl,
Mob, eniakenia. olukfjl.

!;Ie ~I~ya, fi Monogamy, obinrin

r~rin, !linj~. kan,?o,?o iyawo.
Mockery, n. ~I~ya, ~I~gan. Monopolise, v.t. gbakadfjl, fil?et~ni
Mode, n. i~e, iwa, ~a. nikan,?o~o.
Model, n. aworan, ap~r~, awo~e. Monopolist, n. alagbakadfjl l!i'0-
v.t. ~e gege hi ap~r~. wo, anikan~owo.
Moderate, adj. niwfjlntunwfjlnsin, Monotheism, n. igba Qlfjlrun
mq niwfjln. kan,?o,?o
Moderation, iW';lntunwfjlnsin, Monotheist, 0 gba Qlfjlrun

Modern, adj. ibanil~ru,
Modest, adj. nkan titobiju.
itiju, unV8IUlrno. Monstrons, iwa ~a.
Modifloation, Month,
Modify, Monthly, lo,#o,?u.
Modulate, v.t. i. yi ohun orin Monument, n. iboji, ohun iranti.
pada, parfjl, tun orin ~e. Mood, n. iwa, inu.
Mohammedan, n. Imale, fjlmfjl- Moody, adj. kanra, ni ibinu.
~hin Mfjlmfjldu. Moon, n. o~upa, o,?l1.
Mohammedanism, n. isin Imale. Moonless, adj. laini o,?upa.
Moist, adj. tutu. Moonlight, n. imfjll~ o,?upa.
Moisten, v.t. and i. mu-tutu, bomi Moor, n. a,?61~; aWfjln larubawa.
qkq il~.
Molasses, fajuro, gq.
Mole, ti il?~.
il10 i. tumfjl nips
Molestation, nipa ti lwa.
Mollify, v.t. kim, mu-rfjl, tu-ninu. Morality, n. iwa rere, iI?~ rere,
Molten, adj. elida, y¢. ~kfjl i~~ iwa laiye.
Moment, n. i,?~ju kan. Moral law, n. ofin iwa, ~ri fjlkan.
Momentous, adj. ni pataki. Morass, n. ira, abata.
Monarch, n. fjlba. Morbid, adj. lailera.


Bore, adj. si, julq, siwaju. Boult, v.t. and i. re.y~, tu-y~_
Boreover, adv. p~lu·p~lu, ju b~ Bound, n. okiti.
Iq. Bount, n. bke. v.t. and i. goke.
Bom, Borning, n. owur9, &rQ. gori ~.
Borose, adj. mUna, ~nu. Bountain, n. oke giga.
Borrow, n. qla. Bountaineer, n. ~nitj ngbe il~
Borsel, n. bkele. oke, tabi ti ngun ori oke.
BortaI, adj. ti iku, ara. idibaj~, Bountainous, adj. kun fun oke
oku. giga.
Bortality, n. iku. Bourn, v.t. and i. ~fq, kinu.
Bortar, n. od6. binuj~.
Mortgage, v.t. fi s9fa, fi dogb. Bourner, n. qlqfq.
Borti1lcation, n. iparun, ibaj~, Mourning, n. ~q 9fq.
iku, ir~sil~. BoWIe, Itice, n. ekute, ~liri.
Bortify, v.t. and i. pa·run, ba.j~, Mouae-trap, n. pakute.
Moustache, n. irun ete bke
Bortuary, n. ibi isinku. qkqnrin.
Bosaic, adj. ti Mose; okuta ti a Mouth. n. ~nu.
fi nt~l~ ile. Mouthful, n. ikunnu. ..
MoaIem, n. Imale. Movable, n. ohun ti a Ie gbe kiri_
Bosque, n. mq~l~i. Move, v.t. and i. ~popad8, rin.
Mosquito, n. yanmu·yanmu, yi sihin yi SQhun, kq-omnu.
Bovement, n. i~popada, irin.
MOIl, n. epo elewe w~r~w~r~,
Mow, v.t. and i. ge, r~.
Mower, n. doje, ar~ko, oloko
Most, adj. julq, rekqja.
Much, adv. pupq, pipq.
Bote, n. iikuru, ~rUn igi.
Both, n. kokoro ~, ola. Muck, n. er1, ~r~.
Bother, n. iya, abiYaIDq. v.t. Mud, n. p~t~p~t~,. ~r~.
fI6 agbatq.
Buddle, v.t. and ~. SQ di eri.
~-Io. n. rudurudu.
Mother-in-law, n. ana, iya qk9
tabi iya aya. Muddy, adj. I~r~, kiki ~r~.
Motherly, adj. iwa bi ti iya. Bde, v.t. fi qja di, fi nkan bo_
Mdar, n. iborun.
Motion, n. ~ipopada: igbqns~. Bug n. ago imumi.
v.t. and i. juwqsi. Bm.:tto, n. qmq ti enia dudu
Motive, adj. mu iyipopada wa. ati funfun jq bi.
n. idi, ero. Mule, n. ibaka.
Motive-power, n. agbara. i~po. Buleteer, n. ~niti nda ibaka..
pada. Bultifarious, adj. oniruru.
Botley, adj. oniruru. Bultiplication, n. ibisi, imuMsi.
Motor, n. k~k~ ti nrin nipa Bultiply, v.t. and i ~e ni ilqpo
agbara oru. i1qpo, SQ di pupq, r~. mu·
Mottled, adj. abila t6tbt6. bisi.
Botto, n. qrq ~. Multitude, n. qPQ enia, 9Pqlqpq.
Mould. n. erup~ il~; a.p~r~. Multit.udinous, adj. qpqlqM.
I'.t. ~u, po. Mumble, t'.t. and i. kim sinu.

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Illtu1l1DJ, n. oku ti awe;>n ara Myrrh, n. ojia.

Egipti kim 1e;>1I~. lIIIyself, pron. tlkarami.
lIIumpa, n.pz. ~~ (arun). lllyaterious, adj. ti 0 jinl~, ti 0
1II11DCh, 1I.t. ron I~nu. ju ime;> Ie;>.
Bundane, adj. ti aiye. IIIystery. n. ohun ijinl~. ju iDle;>
IIIUDicipal, adj. ti ilu. le;>.
lIIUDi1lcence, n. ailawe;>, ~wun. IIystic, adj. ti ohun ijinl~, ni
IIIUDifloent, adj. law9. ninu rere. aFi-
BUDition, n. odi agbara, ohun lIIIystify, 1I.t. 118 okunkun, lume;>.
ij~ ogun. lIIyth, n. ale;>. itan lasan.
lIIurder, n. ipania. 1I.t. pania. JIytholOU. n. ijarq, im9 itan
Burderer, n. apania. luan ti enia kan.
lIIurky, adj. lIu, IIOkunkun.
Burmur, n. kim ainu.
Burmurer, n. alakim sinu. N.
lIIuIIain, n. ajakal~ 8.run ti ~ran.
lIIuscle, n. iIIan. NBI. n. ~ kekere. 1I.t. and i. ye;>.
M1JIIC1Ilar, adj. lagbara. I~nu. mu·binu.
lIIuse, 1I.i. ronu, 118 8fI&rO. Nail, n. ekanna; illO. v.t. kan
1IIuseum. n. ile akoje;>pe;> ohun ni i~o.
atata ati ohun lailai. Naked. adj. nihoho.
Bushroom, n. olu. Nakedness, n. ihoho.
Busic, n. orin. Name, n. oruke;>. v.t. pe Ii
Busica1, adj. ti orin. oruke;>.
BuaiciaD, n. olorin, aludUru, Nameless, adj. laini oruke;>.
afunfere. Namely, adv. eyini ni pe.
Buak, n. isa.~t8.. Namesake, n. oloruke;> ~ni, nitori
Buaket, n. ibe;>n. oruke;>.
lIIusliD, n. 8119 f~l~f~I~. Nap. n. agbe, oron. v.i. tOgbe,
lIIust, 1I.a. ko Ie 118 alaill~, ko sim.
gbe;>de;> lie alaillB· Nape. n. ~ka e;>rim.
Bustard, n. eweko. Napkin, n. gele, e;>ja, BIle;> inuw9·
Buster, n. agbaje;>, akoje;>pe;>. 1I.t. Narcotic, n. agun imu enia sim.
and i. to, pe.je;>, k6.je;>. Narrate, v.t. SQ. roo
Busty, adj. didikasi, bibaj~. Narration, Narrative, n. lhin,
Butable, adj. ti a Ie yipada. lrohin., itan.
Bute, adj. yadi, dak~. n. odi. Narrator, n. arohin.
BuWate, 1I.t. ge apakan junu. Narrow, adj. taro, hiM, hR.
Butiny, n. 9t~. Narrowly, adv. f~r~, kun di~
Butter, 1I.t. and i. kim. kiun.
Button, n. ~ran agutan. Narrowness, n. ainibo.
Butual, adj. ti a 118 ipBlliparq, Nasal, adj. ti imU.
We;>pe;>, alabapin nipa gbigb8. Nasty, adj. leri, I~gbin.
ati fifunni. Natal, adj. ti ibi.
Buzzle, 1I.t. di Ii ~nu. Nation, n. oril~·ede.
Illy, pron. temi. National, adj. ti oril~.ede, ti il~.
1Iyriad, n. aimoye, e;>pe;>le;>pe;>. Nationality, n. ara ilu.

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Native, n. ibil~. adj. ti ibi, ti Nefario1J8, adj. buru ju.

¢,a. Negation, n. is~, iylm.
Nativity, n. ibi. Negative, n. (Irq sis~, (Irq iylm.
Natural, adj. adanida, ti iwa ¢,a. Neglect, n. aifiyesi, igbagbe.
Naturally, adv. nipa ¢,a, tinu· v.t. !f6 igbagbe !f6 aifiyesi,
tinu. ~e aibikita.
Nature, n. iwa, ~da ohun·kohun. Negligence, n. twa aifiyesi, ija.
Naught, Nought, n. asan. adj. fara.
lainilari. Negligent, adj. nigbagbe.
Naughtiness, n. iwabuburu, ~- Negotiate, v.t. and i. ~ adehiIn,
k~e. S9 ti ~wo.
Naughty, adj. buburu, nib. Negotiation, n. adehitn, ~owo.
Nausea, n. ebi, isu. Negotiator, n. agbiro (Irq ~wo.
Na1188ate, v.t. and i. bi, suo Negro, Negress, n. enia dudu.
Naval, adj.. u. 9k(l. Neigh, v.i. ylm bi ~. n.
Nave, ·n. ibi arin ile Q19run. yiylm.
Navel, n. iwQ. Neighbour, n. aladugbo.
Navigate, v.t. and i. tuk(l. Neighbourhood, n. adugbo, ilu.
Navigation, n. ituk(l loju omi. Neighbourly, adj. bi aladugbo,
Navigator, n. atukQ. ~e (lr~.
Nam, n. alagb~. Neither, conj. b~ kl.
Navy, n. (lw9·9k9. Nephew, n. 9m9 arak9nri tabi
Nay, adv. b~k9, ndao, agb¢,9. arabinrin.
Near, adj. nitosi, sunm9ra. Nerve, n. agbara 9gbqn, agbara
Nearly, adv. f~r~, kit di~. im(l.
Nearness, n. itosi isunm9ra. Nerveless, adj. laimokun, laila-
Neat, adj. fifinju. gbara.
Neatness, n. afinju. Nervo118Dess, n. aida.ara, gbi.
Necessary, n. nkan ti a kll Ie ~ gb9n .rlr l.
al~. adj. lai!f6 aini. Nest, n. it~ ~in·
Necessitate, v.t. kll gb9d9 !f6 alai, Nestle, v.t. and i. k~ bi
~in ama
ko Ie ~e aiei. ~ si aW9n 9m9 r~, ba ninu
Necessity, n. aini, aigb9d9 m • • it~.
Neck, n. 9ritn. Nestling, n. 9m9 ~iy~ ti a ~li"Il>
Necklace, n. il~k~ ikBriIn. pa ninu~.
Necktie, n. 8119 9rim. Net, n. aW9n.
Necromancer, n. alalupayida, Net, Nett, adj. ojuowo, laidin-
o¢. laile.
Necromancy, n. alupayida, o¢. Nether, adj. iha isal~, ti isal~.
Need, n. aini. Nettle, n. werepe.
Needful, adj. kole~aini. Nettle-rash, n. 8run aW9 ara;
Needle, n. ab~r~. ina 9run.
Needless, adj. lainilari, lal. Network, n. ~~ aW9n.
Needle-woman, n. obinrin ti Neuralgia, n. ira ti oju tabi ori ;
nranw· truu, ak9 'i'f9ri.
Needle-work, n. i~~ ab~r~. Neuter, adj. ki ~ ak9 ki i~ abo,
Needy, adj. alaini, o~. talaka. ailfe ninu 9kan.

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Neutrality, n. 1wa ~ ninu 9kan. Nod, n. imi on si.

Never, Ne'er, adll. b~9 lai. Noise, n. ariwo, iro.
Nevertheless, adll. ~bon, bio- Noiseless, add. laisi ariwo.
til~nb«i'. Noisome, add. buburu.
New, add. titun. Noisy, adj. la.riwo, niro.
New-born, n. Qm9'9wQ titun. Nominal, add. ti 0 ni orukQ.
Newly, adv. ni titun. Nominate, v.t. pe Ii orukQ, yan.
Newness, n. Qtun. Nomination, n. agbara ipeni,
News, n. ihin, irohin. agbara iyanni.
Newspaper, n. iwe irohin. Nominee, n. ~niti a pe, ~niti a
Nut, adj. ti itosi, ek.eji. yan.
Nib, n. «i'nu kalamu. Nonoonformiat, n. «i'niti ko t~nba
Nibble, 1I.t. and i. bu.j«i'. fun llana.
Nice, adj. dara, dim. Non-oontagio1J8, adj. ti ki iran ni.
1r1Cl8ly, adv. daradara. None, pnm. ko si nkan, ko si
Niceness, n. &dim. «i'nikan.
rlCkDaok, n. nkan kekere ; Nonentity, n. ainiwa., aisi.
wosiwosi. Nonsense, n. 9rQ ainimq, is9kusQ.
Nickname, no oruk9 ~f«i" Nook, n. ibi ikQkQ.
Niece, n. Qm9 a.rak9nri tabi Noon, n. QS&n.gangan, agbede-
arabirin «i'ni. meji QjQ.
Niggard, n. awim enia. Noonday, Noontide, n. arin QjQ,
Nigh, adj. sunmQ. QS&n·gangan.
Night, n. om. Noose, n. oj6bo, aWQn. v.t.
Night-cap, n. fila ti &desan. poj6bo, d~.
Night-dress, n. ~wu aWQsun. Nor, cong. tabi.
Nightingale, n. ~n olorin didun. Normal, adj. g~«i' bi llana.
Nightly, adv. lororu. North, n. ariwa, ilia oke.
Nightmare, n. ala. buburu, ihan· Northward, adv. si ilia ariwa.
run. Nose, n. imu.
Night-watch, n. iw om. Nosegay, n. 1di itana.
Nimble, adj. yara, kankan. Nostril, n. iho imu.
Nine, add· ~. Not, adv. ko, kl.
Nineteen, adj. okan·di·logun. Notable, adj. niyin, lokiki, all·
Nineteenth, add. ikQkan-di.logun. yesi.
Ninety, adj. idQrun. Notch, 1I.t. r~.
Ninth, add. «i'k«i'8&n. Note, n. ami, ap~«i', iwe kukuru.
Nip, 1I.t. and i. ja, r~, tQ. v.t. fiyesi, sami si.
Nipple, n. 9mu; ~~o on Qmu. No.book, n. iwe ifiyesi. iwe
Nit, n. «i'yin in8.. iranti.
No, adv. b«i'kQ, ndao, agb¢9. Noted. add. niyin, lokiki.
Nobility, n. lwa 91a. Nothing, n. aisinkan, aisi, aiwa,
Noble, n. ~ 91&, «i'niti a bi reo ainilari.
Nobleman, n. Ql9tQ, Q19la. Notice, n. afiyesi, ikil9, irohin.
Nobocly, n. ko si ~nikan, enia v.t. ~ akiyesi.
lasan. Notice-board, n. igi apako ikilQ.
NootumaI, adj. ti oro. Notification, n. ikilQ, ifihan.
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Notify. v.t. BQ di mim9. wi.fun. O.

Notion, n. im9. iro. Oakum, n. fikifiki, etutu Qkq.
Notoriety. n. im9 gbangba. Oar. n. aj~.
NotorioUl, adj. mim9 ni gbangba. Oasis. n. il"" ""l~tu Ioju larin
NotwitbstaadiDg. emj. bi 0 til"" a!f8J"".
ri b"". ~ugbQn. Oath, n. ibura, epe.
Nought. Naught. n. 88an. adj. Obdurate. adj. alaiya lile.
lainiIari. Obedience, n. igbQran, iforibaI"".
No11D, n. orukQ ti enia tabi ti Obedient. adj. nigbQran.
ohunkohun. Obeisance, n. it""riba, ibu Qla fun_
Nourish, v.t. bQ. fi onj"" fun. Obelisk, n. QWQn giga ti a Ii
tQ-dagba. k'i" okuta kQ.
Nourishment. n. bibQ. onj'i" Obesity. n. isanra.
Novel, adj. titun. Obe,. v.t. and i. gba-gbQ,
Novelty, n. Qt\m, i~"" titun. gbQran, t'i'riba.
November, n. o~u kQkanla Qdun. Object, n. ohun ti a rio ohun ti a
Novice, n. enia titun, ope. gbe ka iwaju. v.t. and i.
Now, adv. igba isisiyi. ja-nikoro, ~di Bi.
Nowadays. adv. QjQ isisiyi. Objection, n. ~di Bi, ikQ.
Nowhere, adv. laisinibikan. Objector. n. oIilk9, oIUIiIB odi si.
Objurgation, n. ibawi.
Nowise, adv. bi 0 ti W\l ki 0 rio Oblation, n. Qr""-",,bQ.
NODous. adj. nipara, nora, buru. Obligation, n. ore, igbese ore,
Nozzle, n. imu, ""nu. ide.
Nucleus, n. ikorijQBi, iWQjQ8i. Obligatory. adj. dide.
Nude, adj. nihoho. ObUge, v.t. de, rQ, IiI8 ore.
Nudge, v.t. ti j ""j "". Obliging. adj. ninurere, ni oju
Nudity. n. ihoho ara. rere.
Nugget. n. ili\u. Oblique, v.i. t"" si apakan.
Nuisance. n. iYQnu, mra, ipani- Obliterate, v.t. pa-r'i', pa·run.
lara. Obliteration, n. ipar'i" iparun.
NuB, adj. lainipa. lailagbara. Oblivion, n. igbagbe.
Nullify, v.t. BQ di ofo, SQ dasan. OblivioUl, adj. kun fun ighagbe.
Numb, add. laini im9. ObloDi. adj. ti gigun ju idabu )Q.
Number, n. iye. v.t. kaye. OblOQUJ. n. p""gan, duJum9.
Numberless, adj. Iainiye. ObnODOUl. adj. lewu, j ""bi.
Numerable, adj. ti ale ka. Obscene, adj. Iainitiju, nirira.
Numeration, n. ikaye. Obscure, adj. Ii\Okunkun, farasin.
NumeroUl, adj. P9. lQpQIQpQ. Obscurity. n. ~kukun, if~.
Nuptial, adj. ti igbeyawo. Oblequies, n.pl. ~ iIana iBinku ;
Nurse, n. olutQ. v.t. and i. k'i" isinku yide.
tQju, tQ. Oblervance, n. ikiyesi, igbQran.
Nurture. n. onj "", ""kQ. Oblervation, n. ikiyesi, gbo)ohun
Nut. n. koro eso igi. QrQ.
Nutriment, Nutrition, n. onj'i', Oblerve, v.t. and i. IiI8 akiyesi.
bibQ. Ii\Q; SQ 9rQ·

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Observer, olukiyesi, ol~9. Of,

Obsolete, adj. ti atijC? Off, kuro.
Obstacle, n. ohun idina, idiwC? Offal, n. igb~, ifun ~ran, iwC?danu.
Obstinacy, n. aigbC?ran, agidi, Offence, n. ~'I~, ik98~, ohun
olori lile. idugbolu, ohun ibaninuj~.
Obstinate, adj. ~ agidi, ~e Offend, v.t. and i. ba.ninu.j~. 'I~,
aigbC?ran. mu kC?B~.
Obstruct, v.t. and i. di Ii C?na. Offender, n.
Obstruction. idiwC? Oftensive, fun orim, mu
ni, gba. igbeja.
riri. ru.~bC?; fl..IC?,
Obtmlion, rubC?
Obviate, kuro or~.
lC?na. Offertory, n. itQr~, idawo.
Obvious, adj. lai~oro ri, hihan Ot!haod, adv. Of' adj. laimurat~I~.
gbangba. otIlce, n. ~~. ipo ilf~. oye.
Occasion, n. aye, 9na. idi. OIBcer, n. ijoye, 0lllf~. olori, t~tu.
Occasional, adj. l~kC?ka.n.
OIBcia1, adj. lab~ &If~. nipa
Occasionally, adv. l~kC?kan. agbara oye.
Occident, n. iha iwC? orun.
OIBciate, v.i. ilf~ oye.
Occidental, ti iwC?orun.
lIadasi, 'Iofofo b~.
ahu eweko.
OrnO, iran.
Occupaot, ni
Oftentimes. adv.
nigba pUPC?
Occupation. Aa!
Occupy, v.t. ~owo, ~i~~, gba ipo. on. C?r8..
Oily, adj. Ii epo.
Occur, v.i. ~~, han.
Oil-palm, n. C?p~.
Occurrence, n. ohun ti 0 If~,
ohun alabapade.
Ointment, n. ohun ikunra.
Ocean, n. okun nla, agbami Old, Olden. adj. darugbo, gb6.
okwl. Old-times, adv. igba atijC? ti
Ochre, n. filfun lailai.
Octa:goa, Olive,
Octave, Omega,
October, Omen, ti mbC?
Ocular, Ominous, ti buburu ti
Oculist, arun oju.
Odd, laibamu. lfekC?ja, igbagbe.
Odds, "'~"""""'" anfani, ija.
Ode, n. orin. Omit, v.t. gbagbe, fl.'Bil~.
Odious, adj. ni irira. Omnipotence, n. agbara aUopin.
Odium, n. irira. iwa ti Olodumare.
Odoriferous, adj. ti 0 ni orim. Omnipotent, adj. Olodumare. ni
Odour, n. oriln, okiki. agbara aUopin.


Omnipresent, adj. iwa ni ibi OppCllite, adj. kQjusi, tirisi.

gbogbo ni akoko kanna. OppCllition, n. ikQjusi, ijiyan,
OmDiscient, adj. QIQgbQn julQ, ~tasi.
olum(l ohun gbogbo, ti 0 si Opprea, v.e. wahala, ni.lara,
Ie ri ohun gbogbo. pqn.loju, r~.j~.
OmuivoroWl, adj. jij~ ohun gbo- Oppression, n. inilara.
gbo. Oppressive, adj. nilara.. PQnloju.
em. prep. lori Oppressor, n. aninilara.
Once, odv. l~kan, nigba kan. Opprobrium, n. ~gan, ebu.
One, adj. Qkan, eni Optic, adj. ti oju.
Onen., n. ~kan. Optimism, n. igbagbQ pe gbogbo
OnerOWl, adj. lile, inira. nkan ~~ fun rere.
Oneaelf, pnm. on tikarar~. Option, n. Iyan, iwu, if~.
One-sided, adj. Ii ~gb~ kan, Ii Opulence, n. Qr9, QI&.
apa kan. Opulent, adj. IQr9, IQI8., la.
ODion, n. a.lubQsa. Or, conj. tabi.
Onlooker, n. oluworan. Oraole, n. ibi idahun, 9rQ l.ye,
Only, adv. Q~, pere. (IrQ ijinl~.
0D8et, n. ikQlu; ipari. Oral, adj. fif~nUSQ.
ODIlaught, n. ikQlu, ipakupa. Orally, odv. nipa QrQ.~nu.
On11l, n. ~, inira. Orange, n. QSBn, orombo.
Onward, adv. siwaju. Oruge-bl08801D, n. itana igi
Onyz, n. okuta oniyebiye kan. orombo.
Oose, fI.e. MId i. sun·jade, tu- Orug-Gutug, n. inaki
jade. n. ~~, p~t~p~t~. Oration, n. isQrQ gbangba.
Opaque, adj. ,6, ti ka mQ gira.. Orator, n. a.IagbBSQ, a.lBSQdUn.
()pen, v.t. ,1-sil~, ya.; tum(l. Orb, n. ayika, k~~.
adj. , . ; nigbangba; yiy&. Orchard, n. Qgba igi eleso.
()pen-haDded, adj. laW!?, tuwQka. 0rc1aiD, fI.e. y8n, ~ llana, fi j ~
Open-hearted, adj. tunuka, lai- oye.
I~tan. Ordeal, n. idanwo lile, ifimuaje.
Opening, n. i9inu, i9isil~. Order, n. ~~, ~~, ito. fI.t.. to
Openly, odv. nigbangba. I~~~, pa·~~, fi ~~ fun.
Operate, v.t. and i. ~, fi agbara Orderly, odv. I~~~.
~. 0rctiDaI, n. ~~, iwe OM.
Operation, n. i~~, ~~ lara enia.. 0rdiDaD0e, n. ilana, ~~.
Operator, n. ~,~. OrdUIarJ, adj. nipa ilana, ki i~
Ophthalmia, n. &run ojll. pataki.
Opiate, n. Ogun imu ni sUn. OrdiDate, adj. i~ede.
Opine, fI.e. ~bi, gbiro. OrdiDatiOD, n. ilana ifi enia j ~
Opinion, n. !.rO, lm(l. oye alufa.
Opponent, n. Qta, ~, atini· 0rdDaDce, n. ibQn tabi agba nla.
laiya. adj. kikQjusi. Ore, n. irin aipo tutu.
Opportuue, adj. akoko ti 0 w(l. Organ, n. dUru, ohun elo, eta
OpporiuDity, n. Aye, (Ina, igba. ara enia.
OpllOl8, v.I. ~ odi si, ~ idena, tl ()rganjzation, n. ikojQ, ito I~~s~.
laiya. Organize, v.e. and i. to I~~~.

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Orient, n. iha lla orun. Outfit. v.t. pese fun.

Oriental, adj. ti ila-orun. n. ara OutgoiDg, n. ijade 19.
lIa-orun. Outgrow, v.t. dagbaju.
0ri1lce, n. f;lnu, oju, ~f;l. Outlaw, n. igara, alai1ibo olin.
Origin, n. ipiIf;l!ff;l, ibf;lrf;l, Slff;llff;l- ole.
iwa. Outlay, n. inawo.
0rigjDal, adj. ti atetek91f!!, Bcla4e. Outlet. n. oju iIf8.n jade.
Originally, adv. nipilf;llff;l. Outlive, v.t. wa lii.ye If;lhin iku
Originate, v.t. and i. pllf;l!ff;l, bf;lrf;l, f;llomiran.
da-silf;l. Outlook, n. ilf9na, iwo iwaju.
Ornament. n. ohun 9If9. v.t.!fe Outlying, adj. niwaju.
1m· Outpour, v.t. tu·jade, lfaIl-jade.
Orphan, n. alaiIobi Outrage, n. ika rek9ja, ilokulo.
Orphanage, n. ibiti a If!! itc?ju Outrageous, adj. bum rek9ja.
aW9n alailobi. Outright, adv. 1f;lBf;lkanna, pats-
Orthodox, adj. ye Ii f;lk9. pats.
Oscillate, v.t. and i. tt aiwa tl Outrun, v.t. sara ya k9ja.
s~hin. Outset, n. ijadel9, ibf;lrf;l.
Osprey. n. idl okun. OutahiDe, v.t. ran-jade, rAn-
Ostensible, adj. ti ohAn nigba- rek9ja.
ngba. Outside, n. iha ode.
Ostensibly, adv. nigbangba. Outsider, n. ara ode.
Ostentation. n. iIfIlfefe,· ihan Outspoken, adj. laiya, s9~ lai-
sode. b\ll'lL
Ostentatioua. adj. llJfIlfefe, nihalf;l. OutBpread, v.t. na-jade, tan kal..,.
Ostler, Hostler, n. olutc?ju ~. Outstretch, v.t. nB..
Ostrich, n. ogongo (f;lIYf;l). OutwaId, adj. siha ode.
Other, adj. omiran. Outwardly, adv. nigbangba.
Otherwise, adv. bikolf!! b~, bi Outwear, v.t. 10 gb6.
bf;lk 9· Outwork, n. i1ff;l ode. v.t. ~..,
Ought. n. ohunkohun. v.a. Yf;l. rek9ja.
iba. Oval, adj. P9gbun, P9k9, bi ti
Ounce, n. ida mejila iW9n kan. f;lyin.
Our, Ours, pron. ti wa. Ovation, n. iyin.
OanelveB, pron. awa tikarawa. Oven, n. ii.ro. idana.
Ont, adv. lode. Over, O'er, prep. lori, rek9ja.
Outbreak,Outbarst, no ija, 889, Overauious, adj. ni aniyan
ariwo. rek9ja.
Ontoaat, n. ifunkal.." SlfStl, isa- Overawe, v.t. tf;l-ba, df;lruba.
nsa. Overbear. v.t. bori.
Outcome, n. ipari ai, iY9ri ai. Overboard, acW. !fubu somi lati
Outcry, n. igbe. inu 9k9.
Outc1istaDoe, v.t. yasilf;l pup9. Overburden, v.t. df;lrU pa.
Outdo, v.t. If!!-rek9ja, tsY9' Overcut, v.t. IfU boo
Outdoor, adj. lode. Overcharge, v.t. bu owo Ie ju.
Outer, adj. ode. Overcloud, d. ikuku boo
OutermOJt, adj. ode 19hun 19hun. Overcome, v.t. bon, !ff;lgUn.
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Overcrowd, v.t. fun-plj). kun-plj). Pacifier, n. oniIaja.

Overdo, v.t. ~ 8¥ju. Pacify, v.t. tu, r9.
Overdue, adj_ klj)ja akoko. Pack, n. li'ru, okilte. v.t. di f;Jru.
Overexert, v.t. 10 agbara. ju. Package, n. Ii'rU, edi.di.
Overflow, v.t. and i. ~ jade bo Packer, n. li'niti 0 di li'ril.
mlj)lli'. Packet, n. edi.di kekere.
Overhang, v.t. and i. Ylj)ri jade. Packing, n. palli'mlj), di-Ii'ru.
Overhead, adv. lori. loke. Pad, n. irqri kekere, 0lluka.
Overhear, v.t. gblj) finrin. Paddle, n. iwalf;J, ajf;J. v.t. and ·i.
Overjoy, v.t. Y9 reklj)ja. wa j~, lIire ninu omi.
Overland, adj. Ij)na iiii'. Paddock, n. Ij)gba aWlj)n Ii'FPn'
Overlay, v.t. fi.-bo. Padlock, n. agadagodo.
Overlook, v.t. fojufoda. Paean, n. orin aYIj) ir,li'gun.
Overmuch, adv. pqju. Pagan, n. keferi, ablj)risa.
Overnight, n. alii' ana.. Paganism, n. iwa aWlj)n keferi.
Overplus, n. elil. Page, n. ewe iwil; iranllli'klj)nri.
Overpower, v.t. bori. fi. agbara t~. Pageant, n. ifi.han, aworan, if1ire.
Overrule, v.t. Pailii'. Pail, n. koroba, Ij)P9n.
Oversee, v.t. bojuto. Pain, n. irora., ~dun, riro. v.t.
Overseer, n. alabojuto. dim, roo
Overshadow, v.t. fliji boo Painful, adj. didun ni.
Oversight, n. ~i; ibojuto. Painless, adj. ailli'dun, airo.
Oversleep, v.t. and i. asunju. Painstaker, n. ~Ii', alaplj)n.
Overspread, v.t. tanka. PainstakiDg, adj. nilfli'ninu, laplj)n.
Overtake, v.t. ba, le-ba. Paint, n. tiro, aj~, 9da, ese.
Overthrow, v.t. bi-r,ubu. n. ibi- v.t. kim, fi. tiro kim.
IfUbu. Painter, n. a fi. qda tabi ese kWl
Overturn, v.t. and i. yipada. nkan.
Overweight, n. iwuwo ju. Pair, n. awli' meji, ohun meji ti
Overwhelm, v.t. bO-mlj)lli'. tli'- o ba ara wlj)n mu. v.t. and i.
mlj)lli'. pin ni meji, so nkan meji
Overwork, v.t. and i. ~Ii' reklj)ja. plj)·
Owe, v.t. jli' ni gbeee. Palace, n. Min, ile Ij)ba.
Owl, n. owiwi. Palatable, adj. ladim.
0wD, adj. temi. v.t. jli'wlj), ni. Palate, n. imlj) itqwo.
Owner, n. oluwa. olohun. Palatial, adj. bi ti afin.
Ownership, n. oninkan, olohwl. Palaver, n. apejlj), apero.
Oz, Ozen, n. malu. Pale, adj. jijoro, fuwlj)fuwlj),
Oyster, n. isa.n. rqndlj)nrqndlj)n.
Paleness, Pallor, n. ille fuwQ'
P. Palisade, n. igi 9gba.
Pall, n. a119 ileke igunwa, a119
Pace, n. irin, iflisli'. v.t. and i. rin bibo posi.
gMre. Pallet, n. ibusun ti a fi. koriko ~.
Pacific, adj. tutu, PIi'IIi', parqrlj). Palliate, v.t. fi. awawi bo, mu san
Pacification, n. ilaja. dili', din irora kil.
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Palm, n. 9P~; at~l~w9· Paralyze, v.t. B9.di oku, pasara.

Palm-oil, n. epo. Paramount, adj. ni pataki, leke,
Palm-wiDe, n. ~mu. titaY9. n. olori, pataki.
Palmy, adj. nilI~gun. Paramour, n. oluf~, ale.
Palpable, adj. l~ro iri, nigba. Parapet, n. odi, abo fun aW9n
ngba. ologun.
Palpitate, v.i. mi h~l~. ParapherD&lia, n.pl. ohun ~Q.
Palpitatiou, n. imih~l~. Paraphrase, n. iladi, itum9 9rfi>.
Palsy, n. &run ~gba. Parasite, n. ap9nni, onirara,
Paltry, adj. lainiye, lainilari. afom9·
Pamper, v.t. fi onj~ didun b9, Parasol, n. igborun.
j~ o.j~kl. Parcel, n. Midi, ~rU kekere;
Pamphlet, n. iwe kekere alaidihi. egblnrin. v.t. pin si kekere,
Pan, n. awop~t~, lkoko. dB.
PandemODium, n. rudurudu. Parch, 'II.t. and i. gb~, yan.
Pander, v.t. and i. ranl9w9. Parched, adj. iyangb~.
Paneoric, n. iyin ~ni logo. Parchment, n. aW9 ik9we si.
PaDr, n. irora, irora obirin ti Pardon, n. idariji, ifiji. v.t.
mvbi. dariji.
Panic, n. ipaiya. Pardonable, adj. didariji, fifiji.
Pannier, n. girl fun ~ru. Pare, v.t. r~.leti, r~.lori, keku.
Panoply, n. iham9ra ogun ni pipe. Paregoric, n. ogun ituniIara.
Pant, 'II.t. and i. mi h~l~. Parent, n. obi.
Panther, n. am9t~kun, akata. Parentage, n. ~~l~.
Pantry, n. ile awo onj~. Parentheais, n. ami kan ninu iwe,
Pap, n. onj~ aW9n 9m9·9w9. bayi ( ).
Papa, n. baba. Paring, n. epo eso.
Papaw, n. ib~p~, ~igu. Parish, n. sakani itfi>ju alufa kan.
Paper, n. iwe, takada. Parity, n. ~ede, ij9ra, id9gba.
Par, n. ~ede, ~gb9gba. Park, n. 9gba nla.
Parable, n. owe, ak8.we. Parley, n. 9rfi> sis9. 'II.t. and i.
Parabolical, adj. nipa owe, nipa ba'B9rfi>.
8.k8.we. Parliament, n. aj9 9ba, igbim9
Parade, n. itol~~ 9m9'ogun, 9 ba.
ifihan. Parliamentary, adj. ti ilana
ParadiIe, n. 9run rere; 9gba igbim99ba.
daradara ti 0 ni itura. Parlour, n. gbangan.
ParadOJ:, n. 9r9 meji ti 0 ~ Parole, n. 9r9 ~nu, 9rfi> 910.·
bi~nipe nW9n yatfi> si ara Paroll:J81D, n. bjojo, girl.
w9n . Parricide, n. pipa baba tabi iya
Pardln-oil, n. ororo fitila. ~ni.
Paragon, n. ap~r~. Parrot, n. odid~, .. aiyekotfi>."
Paragraph, n. gbolohun 9rfi>, ori Parry, v.t. yi si apakan, gb9n
9tfi>· kuro, y~.kuro.
Parallel, n. ij9ra, ifarawe, i~. ParsimoDioWl, adj. 19kanjua,
dede. lojukokoro.
Paralysis, n. ainiagbara, ~gba. ParsimoDJ, n. ihaw9, 9kanjua.
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Parson, n. alufa. Pastorate, n. ~b~ alufa, oye

Parsonage, n. ile alufa. alufa.
Part, n. apakan, ipa, ipin. Pastry, n. akara.
v.t. and i. pin, ya. Pasture, n. papa oko tutu,
Partake, v.t. and t. ba.pin. koriko, ij~ fun ~an.
Partaker, n. alabapin. Pat, v.t. and i. fi qwq lu j~j~.
Partial, 000. ti apakan, ni Patch, v.t. fi 8IW tun 'Ill. ~l~.
ojusaju. n. ~1~.
Partiality, n. itojusaju. Patchwork, n. 8IW irep8 ti a 1~ lu.
Participate, v.t. and i. ba·pin. Pate, n. awuj~.
Participation, n. ibapin. Patent, adj. 'Ii sil~ uigbangba.
Particle, n. kiun, glngin. n. ~~ it9si nikan.
ParticuJar, 000. pataki, y~ fun PatemaI, 000. ti bah&.
afiyeei, idl. Path, 11. qD8, ipa qna.
Partioularise, v.t. t9 pinpin. Pathetic, adj. inu yiY9, ni ikanu,
Particularly, adv. Bin, papa, ni ibanuj~. •
p~lup~lu, ni pataki. Path1818, adj. laini qD8.
Parting, n. ipinya. PathOl, n. if~ inu, iradq inu.
PartiaaD, n. ¢ti 0 dawqPQ bani Pathway, n. oju qD8.
'Ill nkan. Patience, n. sUru, ipamqra.
Partition, n. ikele, ipin. Patient, 11. onisuru, ¢ti 0
Partly, adv. ni apakan. Dr9ju, aJaisan.. 000. nisuru,
Partner, n. alabapin, ~gb~, ala- laikanju.
b~~, ~nikeji Patriarch, n. baba nla.
Partnership, n. aj~, ajum~. Patrimony, 11. ogUn.
Partridge, n. aparo. Patriot, n. oluf~ il~ r~ nitotq.
Party, n. ~b~ qwqlmn, apakan. Patriotiam, n. if~ ilu ~ni.
Pus. n. qna 1arin oka meji ; iwe Patrol. v.t. and t. rw ibudo, yi
igb8. sinu. fI.t. and i. kqja. ilu ka lati dabobo. n. ol~.
....ble, 000. gbigb8., jij~ fun, Patron, 11. aIabo, alaf~hinti.
ti a Ie kqja. PairoDage, 11. itil~hin, iranlqwq.
Pusap, n. qna, ajo loju omi. abo, oju rere.
PuIeapr, n. ero. PairoDise, fI.t. ti·l~hin, ~ oju
Puling, adj. nkqja lq. rere Ri.
Pulion, '1. iwa, itara, ibinu; Pattern. n. ap~r~, aw., aW'oran.
ijiya. Paucity, n. kare, di~ kiun.
Pulionate, adj. 'IOnu, runu. Pauper. n. talaka, alaini.
PuIive, adj. nir~I~, 1~~. Pause, v.i. duro, simi. n. iduro.
Puaover, n. Ajq irekqja. idak~, isimi.
Puspart, n. iwe ifunilii.ye lati Pave, fI.t. fi okuts t"
kqja tsbi lati wqM. Pavement, n. tit~ okut&.
Put, adj. eyiti 0 k9ja. Pavilion, n. agq.
Pute, II. iy~fun, ~, ate, ogi. Paw. n. iikanna ~o. v.t.
v.t. fi ate mu. and t. hal~, ya Ii ekanna.
Pastime, n. idaraya, u,ire. Pawn, fI.t. fi 89fa. fi dogo.
Pastor, n. ol~.agutan, alufa. n. iwqfa.
~ adj. ti ol~ agutan, Pawnbroker, n. qlqfa.
ti ~~ alufa.
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Pay, v.t. san owo. Pen, n. kalamu, agbo ~ran. v.t_

Payable. add. sisan. sll-mQ ; k9we.
Payment, n. isanwo. Penal, add. y~ ni ij~ya.
Pea, Pease, no popondo. Peaalty, n. ijiya, ~~~.
Peace, n. aJafia. P8D&D08, n. ~~ ironupiwada.
Peaceable, add. lalafia. atutu.
Peacemaker, n. onilsja. Penoe, n. owo baba.
Peaceof!eriDg, n. ~b9-alafia.. Pencil, n. ohun alo ik9we.
Peacoct, n. ~iy~ ologe. Pendant, n. dogbo-dogbo, ohun
Peak, n. ori oke. ,o~. m·
Peal, n. iro agogo, iro ira. Pendent, add. sisorQ, rQ.
Pearl, n. okuta oniyebiye. Pendulum, no fifi-agogo, isorQ.
Peasant, n. agb~, sroko. Penetrate, v.t. and i. lu-aluja.
Peat, n. koriko gbigb\, ti a 10 lati da-Iu.
tidana. Penetratiou, n. ilaluja; 9gb9n.
Pebble, n. okuta w~w~. oye.
Peck, v.t. j~, fi ag6go mu bi ¢n. PeniDaular, n. il~ ti omi f~r~ yika.
Peculiar, add· Qt<;!. PeniteDoe, n. ironupiwada, ikinu
Peouliarity, n. iwa Qtc,J. ~~.
PecUlliary, adj. ti owo. Penitent, n. onironupiwada, aka-
Pecnmious, adj. Ii 9rQ. nu ~~.
Pedagogue, n. 01uk9. Penlmife. n. 9b~ kekere.
Pedal, adj. ti ~~. Penman, n. ak9we.
Pedant, n. .fefe ninu ~k9. Penmanship, n. QnB ik9we, ilo-
Pedantry, n. ~fefe ni fifi \,k9 kalamu.
han. P8IlD&D.t, n. asia t~r~ gigun.
Peddle. v.t. and i. kiri 9ja, ~japa P8DDiless, adj. lain i owo.
9ja. P8DDY, n. owo bab8-
Pedestal, n. ipil~, ~~. Pension, n. owo isimi I~nu ~~.
Pedestrian, n. irinkiri Ii ~~. Pensioner, n. ~niti 0 gba owo·
Pedigree, n. iran, itan. isimi.
Pedlar, n. ala.rinkiri 9ja tita. Pensive, adj.
Peel, v.t. and i. bo Ii epo, bo Pensiven8llll, n. ikinu, ironu.
Ii aW9. no epo. Penury, n. Bini, talaka.
Peep, v.i. b~-wo. n. ib~wo, People, n. oril~ ade, enia. v.t_
iY9jusi. t¢osi, fi enia Bi.
Peer, n. ijoye, olori, 9191a. Pepper, n. ata.
Peevish, adj. ,onu, roro. Peppermint, n. efinrin ata.
Peevishn8llll, n. i~nu, iroro. Peradventure, adv. b<;Iya, alaba-
Peg, n. ekan. v.t. and i. kan Ii pade. n. iyemeji, aidaju.
ekan. Perambulate, v.t. rin la ja.
PeIioan, n. ~iy~ ofli. Perambulation, n. irin laja.
Pellet, n. i~ kekere. Perceive, v.t. kiyesi, ri.
Perception, n. ikiyesi, tro, 9gb9n,
Pell-mell, adv. nirudurudu. imQ.
Pellucid. adj. m9 gara. Perch, n. ibuw9 ¢y~. __v.t. and i.
Pelt, v.t. and i. s9-lu. n. aW9. wQbi ¢y~.
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Perchance. adv. bqya, ni ala· Perpendicular. adj. niduro ~.

bapade. ~n.
Perc11S8ion, n. llumqra. Perpetrate, v.t. Ijll, da ~'1~.
Perdition, n. iparun, iljllgbe. Perpetration, n. id~li'.
PeremptOfJ. adj. pli'lu agbara. Perpetual, adj. lailai, titi 19.
PereDDial, adj. niduro Pli' titi, Perpetually. adv. titi 19.
tito. Perpetuate. v.t. mu Pli' titi.
Perfect. adj. pe, pipe. v.t. Ijll Ii Perpetuity. n. iduro lailai, ati.
Sljepe, mu·pe, Ijll.tan. rand iran.
Perfection, n. pipe, i~epe. Perplex, v.t. dii.mu, ~e rqunrqun.
Perfectly. adv. dajudaju, ~, Perplezity. n. l.damu, ipaiya.
pipe. Perquiaite. n. itqsi ipin, ere owo
Perfidious, adj. laisotq, Ii li'tan. lti'llu iI~li'.
Perfidy. n. li'tan, aisotq. Persecute. v.t. ~e inunibini si.
Perfora~ v.t. and i. lu·ja, dli lu. Persecution. n. inunibini.
Perforation, n. iluja, did8lu. Persecutor. n. oninunibini.
Perforce. adv. nipa agbara. Perseverance. n. iduro ~,
Perform. v.t. and i. ~e, mu·~e. iforiti.
Performance. n. i~e, imUlje. Persevere, v.i. foriti, duro ~.
Performer. n. olUlje, ~Ii'. Persist, v.i. tli'ramq~e, foriti,
Performing. adj. n~e nkan. dimu ~.
Perfume, n. orun didun. v.t. Persistence, n. itli'ramq$e. iforiti,
fi orun didun kun. idimu ~.
Perfumer. n. qlqja orun didun. Persistently. adv. ni, tli'ramq.
Perfunctory. adj. laikasi, lai· Person. n. enia, li'ni kan, oluwar~,
bikita. alamqrin.
Perhaps, adv. boya. PeJ.'8OII&Ie, n. enia nla kan.
Peril, n. ewu. Persoual. adj. ti enia.
Perilous. adj. lewu. Personify, v.t. fi ohun ~e akawe
Period. n. akokb, igba; opin. enia.
Periodical. adj. lakoko, nigbagba. Perspiration. n. llagun, ogun.
Perish. v.i. gbe, Ijllgbe. Perspire. v.t. and i. lagun.
Perishable. adj. iI~egbe. Persuade. v.t. yi·lqkan pada, tan.
Perjure. v. ,-eft. burs eke. Persuasion. n. iyipada qkan,
Perjurer. n. aburs eke. palerbda.
Perjury. n. iburs eke. Persuasive, adj. ti a Ie yipada.
Permanence, n. iduro, ipli' titi. Pert, adj. lafojudi.
Permanent, n. duro Pli' titi, Pertain. v. i. Ijll ti.
laiyti'Sli'. Pertenaoity. n. agidi, idimu.
Permeate. v.t. and i. wq lara. ~in~in.
Permissible. adj. funlaye. Pertinacious, adj. ~di.
Permission. n. ibimlaye, ijli'wq Pertness. n. iyaju si, afojudi.
fun. Perturb. v.t. ru·soke.
Permit, v.t. and i. bun laye, jli" Perusal. n. ikAwe.
n. iwe ifayefun. Peruse, v.t. fi akiyesi kawe.
Pernicious, adj. niparun, nipa. Pervade. v.t. la jalli"
lara. Pervasion. n. ilakqja.
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Pervene, adj. ~igbqran, lodi si. Physic, n. iffie;> ogun.

Perverseness, n. agidi, ayidayida, Phyaician, n. o~.
iyapa. Piano, Pianoforte, n. durn apata.
Pervert, 1I.t. yi.po, yi.pada, ba.j~. Pianist, n. ~niti 0 t~ durn,
n. a.ke;>.igbagbq sil~. aludiIru.
Pervious. adj. lafo, niluja. Piazza, n. 9d~d~.
Pesaimiat, n. ~niti ohun kan kb Pick, 1I.t. and i. ~, ~aje;>, yc;>-jadc,
dara loju r~. yan; ji, ja.le.
Pest, n. Qrun, iye;>nu. Pickue, n. c;>kc;> itul~.
Pester, 1I.t. ye;>·l~nu. Picked, add. yiyan.
Pestilence, n. aja.ka.l~ arun. Picnic, n. irin ~gb~ kan lati gba
Pestle, n. e;>ffie;>ri.od6. af~f~.
Pet, n. 9~ ik~, ayanf~; ibinu. Picture, n. aworan, ap~r~.
1I.t. k~. Picturesque, adj. 0 y~ aworall.
PetitiOD, n. ~b~, ibere, adura. Piebald, add. lawc;> pupc;>, adika.la.
1I.t. and i. b~b~, t9~. Piece, n. ~la, idisa, apa, irepe,
PetitiODer, n. ~l~b~, ~niti nt9re;>. ebu. 1I.t. t~.
Petrify, 1I.t. and i. se;> di okut&. Pier, n. afara ti 0 ye;> sinu omi.
Petroleum, n. ororo ti a fa jade Pierce, 1I.t. and i. wc;>nu, gUn, la-Ie;>.
lati inu il~. Piety, n. ibe;>wc;> fun Qle;>run, ibu
Petted, adj. kik~. e;>la fun, ife;>ka.nsin.
Petticoat, n. ~wu obirin. Pig, n. fillfildfil.
Petty, adj. kere, la.inilari. PigeoD, n. filiy~le.
PetulaDce, n. afojudi, a.inisurn. Pigmy, Pygmy, n. enia kukuru
Petulant, adj. lafojudi, niwara. mrs..
.aw, n. ibujoko ni ile Qle;>run.
Pewter, n. awo oj6, tasa.
Pike, n. 9kQ.
Pile, n. ebe, okiti. 1I.t. ko-je;>,
Phantasm, Phantom, n. iwin. ko ohun Ie ohun.
Phase, n. hihan oju o~upa, iri, Piles, n.pl. j fildij fildi·
ifara.ha.n. Pilfer, 1I.t. ~e afe;>wc;>ra., jale.
Pheas&Dt, n. ~iy~ iru agbe ati Pilferer, n. a.lafe;>we;>ra, ole.
8.luko. Pilgrim, n. erb, alarinkiri, olubfil
Phenomenon, n. ifarahan. ibi mime? woo
Phial, n. igo kekere. Pilgrimage, n. ibfil ibi mime;> wo,
PbilaDtbropist, n. oninurere si irin ajo Ii aiye, atipo, mn
enia. ero.
PbilaDthropy, n. if~ ara.iye, inu- Pill, n. i~ ogun.
rere 8i enia. Pillage, n. ik6, ikogun. 1I.t. k6,
Philosopher, n. e;>le;>gbe;>n, 01um9, jale.
a.mbye, oluffie;>ra.n. Pillar, n. e;>w(m, bp6.
Philosophy, n. im9, e;>gbe;>n. Pillow, n. i~ri, timtim.
Phlegm, n. it9 e;>fun. Pillow-case, Pillow-alip, n. apo
PhOlPhorus, n. iru Ida kall ti 0 ~ri.
mol~ ninu okunkun. Pilot, n. atuk9, afe;>nahan. 1I.t.
Phrase, n. gbolohun e;>~ kan. ame;>na.
Phthisis, n. ike;> fe. Pimple, n. eBUSU ara, rorfil.
Phylactery, n. e;>ja, igbati ~. Pin, n. iikan.
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Pincers, n.pz. \lmn. PlainooQe&kiDg, n. 9l'9 aisi eni,

Pinch, v.t. and i. ja-liikanna. 9rQ igboiya.
Pine, n. orukljl igi kan. v.i. rU, Plaint, n. araye.
gb\l, joro. Plaintiff, n. olitfisin.
Pin.pple, n. IjIP\I oyinbo. Plaintive, adj. tanu, kun fun
Pinion, n. iy~ apa; ide. v.t. di iyQnu.
Ii apa. Plait, n. il91il, iwun. v.t. IIjI·lil,
PinDacle, n. ~~ ori, tente. wun, di.
Plat, n. otUwljln oninu kekere. Plan, n. era, apf;lrf;l.
Pioneer, n. .ju, a.l8na sil\l. Plane, n. ohun elo if&'. v.t. fa,
Pioua, adj. buyin fun, nifljlkansin. la.
Pip, Pippin, n. irugbin ElSO. Planet, n. iraw9 ti nyika orun.
PiPe, n. ifere, apa; ikoko tabA. Plank, n. apako.
PiPer, n. afunfere. Plant, n. eweko, eweb~, ohun
Pique, n. ilara. v.t.!p8 lara si, elewe tutu. v.t. gbin, IQ.
mu-binu. Plantain, n. IjIg¢'i' agbagbA.
Piracy, n. ole Ii oju omi okun. Plantation, n. oko gbingbln.
Pirate, n. ole Ii oju okun. Planter, n. 9gbin, afunrugbin.
PiItoI, n. ib9n ilew9. Plaster, n. f;lfun, erupf;l itanle. 8IJ9
Pit, n. iha, isA okn. v.t.~. Ogun fun egbO. V.t. ~Ie,
Pitch, n. iW9n; 9da. v.t. and i. r~le.
tf;l-si, do-si. Plasterer, n. \lniti nr~le.
Pitcher, n. ladugbo, lkoko iP9- Plastic, adj. ~il.
nmi. Plat, n. il\l biri, oko kekere.
Piteo11ll, adj. kun fun iyQnu. Plate, n. awo p\lrf;lS\I.
Pitfall, n. ewuru, ljlfin. Platform, n. P\lP\I.
Pith, n. agbara, ohun pataki; Platter, n. awo nIa.
ifun 1jIpa. Plaudit, n. iyln.
Pitily, adj. lagbara. Plausible, adj. ni iwu Ii oju Ii ode,
Pitiful, adj. l8.nu, kun fun iyQnu. o !p8 bi\lnipe 0 Y\l fun iyin.
PittaDoe, n. owo onj f;l kikini. Play, n. ire~. v.t. and i . .u-e.
Pity, n. inu, iyQnu. v.t.!p8 inu, Player, n. ~ti 0 .pre.
!p8 iyQnu. PIayfe1low, n. \lgb\l alabalJire.
Placable, adj. tituloju, mura lati Playful, adj. kun fun ire ~.
dariji, lilanija. PIaygroUDd, n. ibi iifire.
Placability, n. if~ ilaja. Playtime, n. igba iifire.
Placard, n. iwe afiyesi ni Plea, n. ~b\l, awawi.
gbangba. Plead, v.t. and i. b~-fun, ,lpf;l.
Place, n. ibi, ipa, aye, oye. Pleader, n. elegbe, alatil\lhin,
v.t. fi sibi kan; fi-silf;l. alabawi.
Placid, adji lalafia, Pf;llf;l, j~. PleuaDt, adj. dUn, wit, ayo.
Plague, n. iY9nu, ajakalf;l arun. Pleuanm-. n. didUn.
v.t. YIjI-I\lnu, tQ. Please, v.t. wit, !p8 inudidiln Ii,
PlaiD, adj. IjIbljlrQ, t\lju; m9ju. dunmljl.
n. Pf;ltf;llf;l, Qdan gbangba. Pleasure, n. inu didun.
Plainly, adv. nigbangba, nitOtIjI, Plec1re, n. ago, ohun ~ri, 9f&.
kerekere. Pleurr, adj. kun; pe.
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Plenitude, n. ~kun. Poet, n. akewi. onirara.

Plenteo1Jl; adj. pq puP9. PoetrJ, n. iwe olo,uwqn. iwe
Plentiful. adj. qpqlqpq. fillfil8fil8fil·
Plenty, n. pupq. qpqlqpq. Poignancy, n. mimu. tita. liloro.
Pliable, adj. tit~. ailloro t~. Poignant, adj. mimu. tita. di.
Pliers, n.pl. filmu kekere. dunni.
Plight, n. iwa, ipo. Point, n. ami. oju. nkan afi.yesi.
Plod, v.t. and i. rin Pfillfil. v.t. and i. sami. t«;Ika sit
Plot, n. fil~. lmq buburu; ilfil fqnahan.
biri. v.t. di rikifIi sit gbimq Pointer, n. ohun ti nfqnahan.
buburu. Poise, v.t. and i. i~ dede. iIIq-
Plotter, n. onigbimq buburu. gbqgba.
Plough, n. ohun elo itulfil. v.t. Poison, n. oro. iwq. v.t. fi. oro
and i. tulfil. pa. ba-jfil.
Ploughshare, n. irin qkq itulfil. PoiIon0118, adj. 1000. niwq. ni-
Pluck, n. igboiya. ilaiya; ifatu. pam.
v.,. and i. fa.-tu. ja. fa.-yq. Poke, v.t. and i. bi. ti.
Plucky, adj. laiya. nigboiya. Pole, n. qpa.
Plug, n. edidi. idfilnu. Police, n. awqn qlqpa.
Plum, n. eso igi kan. PoJice...court, n. ile filjq.
Pl11lll8P. n. iy~ filin. Policy, n. oye iIIfil it«;lju ilu. akoso.
Plumb, n. oje imunaro, oje PoUah, v.t. and i. dan. lq. n.
idiwqn. didan. lilq.
PlumbUDe, n. okim-iwqn. Polite, adj. niwa rere.
Plume, ~. in filin. v.t. tun iyfil Po1iteIy, adv. tqwqt9wq.
"e. Politen-. n. iwa rere.
PlumP, adj. Mnra. I Politic, adj. moye. gbqn.
Plunder, n. ikogun. v.t. ko. Politics, 'n. oye iIIiIIfil akoso ilu.
jaie. "e igara.. Poll, n. ori. iwe orukq awqn ara
Plunderer, n. ole. igara.. ilu. v.t. and i. rfil lori. kq
PlUDIe, v.t. and i. gbe-bq. rl sinu orukq Bi iwe.
nkan. Pollute, v.t. b8. j~. 59 di aim9'
Plural, n. ju qbn lq. Pollution, n. ib8.j~. aim9. eri.
Pl118, n. ifikun. ami un bayi +. Polygamist, n. filniti 0 ko obirin
Pfillu +. jq. olobirinpupq.
Ply, v.t. and i. 'lillfil laisimi. ~ Polygamy, n. ilobirin pupq.
iiP9n, wakq. ikobirinjq.
Poach, v.t. and i. wq si oko filnikan Pomade, n. ohun ipara ti a fi
lati ji ~. qra "e.
Poacher, n. filniti 0 ji filran. Pomegranate, n. orukq 680 igi
Pocket, n. apo filwu. v.t. fi. ainu bn.
apo. Pomp, n. ogo. m
Pocket handkerchief, n. gele Pompo118, adj. lq~ pup9; ogo
inuju. a"ehan.
Pocket money, n. OWO-nB. Pond, n. omi ikudu.
Pod, n. pOdi eI!t> igi. Ponder, v.t. and i. roo wadi.
Poem, n. iwe akewl orin. Pond8l'0118, adj. WUWO.

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Pony, n. ~~ kekere, kuru. Post, n. 0n!f~ ibode iwe; ope>

Pool, n. ikudu, adagun. ile; ibi ~~. v.t. and i. fi
Poop, n. iha idi IjIk9. iya.ra. rin.
Poor, adj. ta.laka, eJa.ini. Postage. n. owo ifiwe r&n!f~.
Pop, n. llVP9; isunnigiri. v.t. Posterior, adj. ti ~hin.
and i. Y9 foti. Posterity, n. iran at~le ~ni, iru
Populace. n. aWljln ara. ilu. IjIm 9·
Popular, adj. ninudidun aW9n Posthumous, adj. bibi l~hin iku
enia, lokiki, yiy~ fun aW9n baba.
enia.. Postman, n. apinwe kiM.
Popularity, n. if~ enia, okiki ode. Postmaster, n. olori ibode iwe.
Populate. v.t. mu "ni9 r~ si i. Postmeridian, P..., l~hin 9iljl
Population, n. iye enia. ilu kan. kanri.
Populous, adj. kun fun enia.. Post-omoe, n. ile ifiwe ran!fe;,
Poroh, n. iloro. ibode iwe.
Porcupine, n. or~. Postpone. v.t. and i. da-duro, fa-
Pores, n.pl. oju iligun ara, iho s~hin, y~.
kekeke Ii aW9 ara.. Postscript, n. IjIrIjl ifikun iwe.
Pork, n. ~ran ~I¢~. Posture, n. ipo, iwa, aye, iduro.
Porous, adj. kun fun iho. , Pot, n. ikoko.
Porpoise, n. 'i'ran ese. Potash, n. eru igi mun.
Porridge, n. ~, ~k9 afala. Potato, n. kUkUndUku.
Port, n. ebute, ibi igunl'i' ai. Potency, n. agbara, ipa.
Portable, adj. riru, gbigbe. Potent, adj. lagbara, n&If~.
Portal, n. ~u 9na kekere. Potentate, n. a.lagbara, IjIba.
Portend, v.t. fi ami S9 nkan ti Potential, adj. la.gbara, Ie.
mb9 t'i'I'i'. Potsherd, n. apa.di.
Porter, n. onibode, oluiWna; Pottage, n. ip~~.
alii.rU. ' Potter, n. &mljlkoko.
Porterage. n. owo alii.rU. Pottery, n. ibi &mljlkoko, awo.
Porthole. n. oju feresa 9kq. Pouch, n. apo, asunwljln.
Portion, n. apa.ka.n, ipin, itori. Poulterer, n. a.la.di~, oluts adi~.
Portly, adj. sigb9nl~. Poultry, n. aWljln adi~ ti a nsin.
Portmanteau, n. apo ifi &IW ai. Pounoe. v.t. and i. fo m9 lojiji.
Portrait, n. aworan. Pound, n. OIfuwljln kan; owo
Portray, v.t. fihan nipa aworan. wura. ; agbo ~ran ti 0 ti
Pose, V.t. and i. duro-niwaju nkan. ,ako. v.t. and i. gun ai w~w~.
Position, n. ipo. Pour, v.t. and i. tu, dA jade.
Positive. adj. ,ala.iyihun pa.da.. Pout, v.t. and i. YIjI ,uti ete si.
Positively, adv. dajudaju, nitOtIjI. Poverty. n. aini, o~, ta.la.ka..
Possess, v.t. nl ni ini, gba, iogun. Powder, n. ~tu; ~tu ibljln.
Possession, n. ini. Power, n. agbara, ipa, &If~.
Possessor, n. oluwa, ~niti 0 ni Powerful, adj. lagbara. nipa.
ini. n&lf~.
Pouibility, n. lil~e, lile ri b~. Powerless, adj. la.ila.gbara, lai-
Pouible, add. ni ~,~, 0 Ie ,e, nipa.
lagba.ra. ~e. Practicable. adj. ~~, wulo.

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Practical, adj. wulo. Precocious, adj. ni 9gb9n ju,

Practice, n. i~e, ilo, iwa. iyaju.
Practise,v.t. and i. ~, 10, huwa. Preconceive, v.t. rot~le.
Practitioner, n. alagb9w91e ~e, Precursor, n. ~aju.
olu~e. Predecessor, n. ~niti 0 li'aju ~ni
Praise, n. iyin. v.t. yin. ninu oye.
Praiseworthy, adv. niyin, y~ lati Predestinate, v.t. yan t~l~.
yin. Predestination, n. iyantfill~.
Prance, v.i. fo kokata. Predicament, n. ipb ti 0 ~ro.
Prancing, n. ire-sisa, fifo ~Ii'in. Predicate, v.t. t~num9.
Prank, n. erekere. Predict, v.t. S9t~lfil'
Prattle, v.t. and i. 89r9 bokiboki. Prediction, n. is9t~I~.
Prattler, n. ~niti 089r9 bokiboki. Predictor, n. al8S9t~lfil'
Prawn, n. ade, alsk• . Predispose, v.t. mura t~l~.
Pray, v.t. and i. gbadura, b~b~, Predominant, adj. w9P9, taY9,
t9~. bori.
Prayer, n. Mura, ~b~, it9~. Predominate, v.t. j9ba, bori, taY9.
Prayer-book, n. iwe adura. Pre-eminence, n. ipo giga ju,
Prayerful, adj. ni ~i adura. olori, ileke.
Prayerless, adj. la; gbadura. Pre-eminent, adj. ga jul9, titaY9.
Preach. v.t. and i. wasu. Preface, n. 9~ itum9 i~aju iwe.
Preacher, n. oniwasu. Prefect, n. olori, al~~.
Preamble, n. ifihan iwe, 9r9 Prefer, v.t. fi-~aju, bu iyin fun,
aS9~aju. yan.
Precarious, add. laidaniloju. Preferable, adj. yiyan, dara ju.
Precaution, n. ifabam9 ~ju, oye Preferment, n. l.gbeleke.
t~l~. Prefix, v.t. fi ~ju.
Precede, v.t. ~ju nipa oye tabi Pregnancy, n. iloyun, oyun.
igba. Pregnant. adj. loyun; ni 9gbQn ;
Precedence, II. i~ju. kun-fun.
Precedent, adj. ti l~JU. n. Prejudice, n. ojusaju, idajQ t~l~.
ap~r~, if16 b~ rio Prelate, n. olori ninu ijQ.
Precept, n. ~k9, ilana, ~~. Preliminary, adj. ti ~aju, ti
Preceptor, n. 0luk9, ~~. ipil~~.
Precession, n. i~ju 19. Prelude, n. ~ju.
Precinct, n. ala, ipinl~. Premature, adj. ~ju akoko.
Precious, adj. niyebiye, niyelori.
Precipice, n. bebe 9gbun. hebe Premeditate, v.t. ro t~l~, gbimQ
Premeditation, n. iro t~l~, i,aro
Precipitate, v.t. tari Ii ogedengbe,
bi ~ubu Ii ogedengbe.
Premier, n. olori, ~aju. adj. ti
Precipitation, n. iwara, ikanju.
i~aju, pataki.
Precipitous, adj. logedenghe.
Premise, n. atete ro t~l~.
Precise, adj. lakoko gan.
Precision, n. dade, g~g~, igba Premises, n.pl. ile.
gao. Premium, n. ere.
Preclude, v.t. sa m9 'de, di 1908. PremoDish, v.t. kil9 fun t.~l~.

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OOl'jl tabi ami iiarahan bi otit9.

nkan mb'jl. Pretext, n. idi aisot9, a~ehan.
Preoccupied, adj. tete de bo;l Pretty, adj. lo;lwa, dara.
n~i~o;l miran l'jlw'jI. Prevail, v.i. bori. fI~.
Preparation, n. imurasilo;l. ipese. Prevalent, adj. bibori-tankalo;l.
silo;l. ipalo;lm'jl. Prevaricate, v.i. yapa. pur'jl,
Preparatory, adj. palem'jl.silo;l. tanjo;l.
Prepare, v.t. and i. pese. mura Prevarication, n. iyapa, 9r9
PrepOSIIIlII, ,aju; di-19W9.
laisi idaduro. idil9W9.
ni agbara ida-
ti ~e ti o;lni.
ninu ij'jl.
Prescience, n. im9to;llfiJ·
Prescribe, v.t. and i. fi ~o;l fun. Price, n. iye, owo-9ya. v.t.
lana. Y9w6, diyele.
Prescription, n. iwe ilana. Priceless, adj. lailediyele, laini-
Presence, n. oju o;lni. l.wa nibikan. yelori.
Present, adj. nisisiyi. l'jlW91'jlw'jl. Prick, n. o;lgUn. v.t. and i. fi-gUn.
lojukoju. n. 9r~. ~bun. Prickly, adj. gigun, godogodo.
and fi.fun. gbe kalo;l Pride, igberaga.
Priesthood.. o~o;l-alufa, oye-

ole, ~ enia.
ipam9. it9ju. ml$<eaeae, fie go;l.
Preserve, v.t. pa·m9. ~e itQju. flo pataki, wa ni ipo
Preserver, n. 01upam9. olutQju.
Preside, v.i. ~e akoso, ~ olori. Primary, adj. nipo ekini, olori,
President, n. alakoso, olori. pataki.
Press, n. l.bilu, 9P9 enia, ohun Primate, n. olori ju ni ij9.
elo ito;lwe. v.t. and i. to;l, r9liI. Prime, adj. dara pUP9, pataki;
h8. Ii aye, ~ m9, fUn. Ii kutukutu.
Prllllllllle, ikimqle. tito;l, fifUn. kika ekini.
iwa. atetek'jl bo;lro;l.
kugbu,daw91e ti ibo;lro;l, ti igba
gbagb'jl laiwadi. atetek9f1e.
ikUgbu, igbo;l. 9m9-9ba. 9m9-alade.
aidaniloju. 9m9 birin 9ba,
PrI!IU:mptuclUIlly, fi ikugbu~. 9m9 -alade-obirin.
Presuppose, v.t. ro to;llo;l. Principal, n. olori. adj. ni
Pretenoe, n. .han, ifarahan bi pataki, Ii olori.
otitQ. Principalities, n.pl. aW9n ijoye,
Pretend, v.t. and i. ~e bi o;lnipe, ilo;l 9m9 9ba, agbara Qba.
~ .hSn. Principally, adv. nipataki.


Principle, 71. ipil\,,\, \,ke;>, ofin, ProcligaIity, n. inakuna, ifi ohun

ipil\,. ,0£0; ilawe;>.
Print, 71. ami, iwe tit\,. v.t. t\" Prodigious, adj. tohi, p(l niyanu.
sami si. Prodigy, n. ohun iyanu, \,ni-
Printer, 71. at\,we. iyanu.
PrintiDg, 71. iwe tit~. Produce, v.t. mu-jade, bi, so, hu.
Prior, adj. ~ju, ti ,aju. Product. n. nkan ti nhu jade,
Priority, 71. ~ju, it\,I\,. 680, imuwa, iYe;>risi.
Prison, 71. ile \,we;>n, tubu. Productive, adj. el68O, iblsi,
Prisoner, 71. \,I\,we;>n, ara.tubu, agbara. UD.uwa.
onde. Profanation, n. ib8.j~, isc;>di aim9'
Privacy, 71. ibi ike;>ke;>, ibi ipame;>. Profane, acij. lasan, aim9' v.t.
Private, adj. ike;>ke;>, if&.n\pame;>. ba.-j~, B9-di-aim9.
Privately, adv. nike;>ke;>. Profanity, n. ibaj\" aile;>w(l.
Privation, 71. Bini. Profess, v.t. and i. j\,we;>, B9
Privilege, 71. anfani. v.t. fun Ii nigbangba.
anfani. Profeasion, n. ij\,we;>, ipli, ~~.
Privy, acij. ti ike;>ke;>, ti \,nikan- Prof8l8Ol', n. oluke;>, onij~we;>.
~o, ba a ~ imUl\,. Proffer, v.t. fi-bun, fi-te;>r~.
Prize, 71. ere. v.t. diyele, ka si Profloiency, n. ile;>siwaju, imupe.
ohun iyebiye. Proficient, adj. yiy~, tit9, pipe.
Probability, 71. boya, j ije;> bi \,nipe. Profile, n. aworan ori tabi oju.
Probable, adj. t.i a Ie danwo, Profit, 71. ere, anfani. v.t. and i.
ti a Ie ridi. jlire.
Probably, adv. boya. Profitable, adj. Ii lire.
Probate, 71. iwe ifihan dajudaju. Profligate, adj. ninakuna, nif\,-
Probation, 71. idanwo. kuf~, niwa buburu. 71.
Probationer, 71. \,niti a ndanwo. oniwa buburu, onif~kuf~.
Probe, 71. ohun elo on.gun. Profound, adj. jinl\" jinI\, ni im(l.
Probity, 71. olate;>, otite;>. Profoundness, Profundity, n. iji-
Problem, 71. e;>ran ti ~ro. nl\" ime;> ijinI\" jijinl~.
Procedure, 71. itat\lBiwaju, irin. Profuse, adj. Pc;> reke;>ja.
Proceed, v.i. t\' siwaju. Progenitor, 71. baba nIa.
Proceeds, 7I.pl. ikoje;> owo. Progeny, 71. irandiran, e;>me;>.
Process. 71. ilQsiwaju. Prognosis, n. ime;>t~I\" isc;>t\,I~.
Prooeasion, 71. irin e;>pe;> enia Programme, n. iwe ohun ti a 0
1\lB\lBI;'. ,e ni ipade.
Proolaim, v.t. kede, B9 nigbangba. Progress, n. ile;>siwaju, imusan.
Proclamation, 71. ikede. v.i. Ie;> siwaju, mU-Ban.
Procrastinate, v.t. and i. da-duro, Progreaaion, n. ilc;>siwaju, iPc;>si.
fas\,hin. mu-p\,. Progreasive, adj. nle;> siwaju.
ProorastiDation, n. iduro, ifa- Prohibit, v.t. k(l-fun, da-duro,
s\,hin, imup\,. di-Ie;>na.
Procure, v.t. and i. ri-gb8.. Prohibition, 71. ike;>fun, idaduro,
Prod, 71. alu; ohun ti ori r\, mu idina.
,~ro. v.t. gun? Prohibitive, acij. idaduro, kike;>-
Prodigal, 71. oninakuna. fun.

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Project, 19OOro. v.t. and i.

yqri jade, gbiro. Propaganda, n. qna itankalfil.
ProWlo, adj. ni ibisi, ni ir~, hihu. Propagate, v.t. mu bi si i, P9 si.
Prologue, n. qrq ~ju. PropagatioD, n. idagba, iwu,
Prolong, v.t. fa·gUn, mU'PfIl, ipqsi, itankalfll.
duro titi. Propel, v.t. ~l siwaju, Ie siwaju.
Promenade, n. igbaffllffll' qna irin Propeller, n. ajfil-qkq.
v.t. and i. rin, Propensity, n. itfllSi, ifasi.
adj. tq.
Pr(ID8rlv. ni-yiYfll' ni titq.
ohun ini, i~.
and i. 8q-tfillfil.
alaaqtfillfll, woli.
Propheteu, woli obirin.
Promise, n. ileri. v.t. and i. ,?e Propitiate, v.t. la-nija, ~-etutu.
ileri. Propitiation, n. etutu.
Promising, adj. ni ireti pe yio PrOportiOD, n. ipo oniriiru nkan
dara. si ara wqn, o,?uwqn.
PromoDtory, n. iyqri ilfil sinu Propose, v.t. da-imqran, muwa
okun, ,?on,?o·i!fil. fun ifiyesi.
Promote, v.t. gOO·ga, gbe·leke, PrI[)p()BitiOll, n. imuwa fun ifiyesi,

agbenileke. gblmq, gbiro.

igbeleke, isun· oluwa, olohun.
~ede, ibamu.
kankan, ~- kikq.
lepa, ii-sun.
Prompter, n. al?inileti. Prosecutor, n. olufisiIn.
Promptitude, n. imura, ~tan. Proselyte, n. alawq~.
Promptness, n. kiskia. nikank8lll?i. Prospect, n. ifi oju si qna, hihan,
Promulgate, v.t. kede, tan-kalfll, iwo, ir\'
wi-kiri. Prosper, v.t. andi. ~rere, ~Ssiki.
PromulgatioD, n. itankalfll, ikede. Prosperity, n. alafia, isiki.
Promulgator, alatankalfll, Prostitute, pan~a obirin,
agbore. ta. fun iwa.
ogedengbe, fa-~, buburu, ni iffllkuffll.
il?agOOre. il?6
ohun elo bi ni idqbal~. v.t.
ii-gUn. d9 bal fil·
PrODOUD, n. ~Ir(;) ti a 10 dipo ProstratiOD, n. idabulfil' laini
orukc;l nkan. agbara.
PrODOUDCe, v.t. and i. Pll, s9rq. Protect, v.t. dabobo.
ProDUDciation, n. ipe, is9rq. PrOtectiOD, n. abo.
Proof, n. ami, fIlri. Protector, n. alabo.


Prot.e. n. ~niti . wa lab~ itQju

0 PublioaD, n. agbowode.
PublioatioD, n. ikeda, it~we.
Protest. v.t. and i. t~numq, kil9. Publioly, adv. ni gbangba.
n. ikede, ikil9. Publiah, v.t. 89 di mimq, kede,
Protract, v.t. fa-gun, mu-p~. t~ iwe fun tita.
Protraction, n. ifAgun, imup~. Publisher, n. ~niti nt~ iwe tita.
Protrude, v.t. and i. ti aiwaju. Pucker, v.t. .and i. ki-iweje. ka.
Protuberanoe, n. iwU. Puddle, n. 9g9d9 kekere, koto
Proud, adj. 19beraga.. kekere.
Prove. v.t. and i. dan-wi'>, ridi. Puff, n . .fif~, af~f~ kan. v.t.
Provender. n. sakaeaka, koriko and i. f~.80ke.
gbigb~. PagWat, n. ~niti nfi ikuku js.
Proverb, n. owe. Pugnaci0118, adj. onija.
Proverbial, 000. di owe, 10 bi owe. Pugnacity, n. iwa onija.
Provide, v.t. and i. pese-siI~. pese. Pull, :1.t. and i. fa.
Providence, n. ipese-sil~ Ql9run Pullet, n. 9m9 adi~.
fun aW9n ¢a R~. Pulley, n. ohun ~ lati fi gbe
Provident, adj. ni ipese t~I~, nkan ti 0 wuwo 8Oke.
niwoye. Pulpit, n. aga iduro wasu.
Provider. n. apese. Pulsate, v.t. and i. lu kiki.
Provinoe, n. igberiko. Pulae, n. ilu kiki ti 9kan; ~wa.
ProviDoial, adj. ti agbegbe ilu. Pulverize, v.t. and i. gun kunna,
Provision, n. onj~, ipese t~I~. 19·
Provocation, n. imubinu, irU- Pump, n. ~rq ifa omi lati inu
soke, itc? kanga. v.t. and i. fa-80ke.
Provoke, v.t. mu-binu, ru-soke, PumpJdD, n. elegede.
tc? Punoh, n. Iilu iho ai. v.t. lu iho ;
Prow, n. iwaju 9kq. lu, na.
Prow... n. igboiya, ila.iya. Punctilious, adj. kiyesi nkan
Prowl. v.t. and i. rin kiri wa kinikini.
ohun ¢~. Punotual, adO· !fe Ii akoko, !fe g~.
Pro:limate, adj. sunm9, nitosi, Punctuate, v.t. fi ami ai iwe kika.
leti. Puncture, n. iho kekere. v.t.
ProDmity, n. itosi, eti. and i. gUn.
Prozy, n. Uvpo, iduro fun. Pungent, adj. mu, tani.
Prudence. n. oye, 9gb9n. Punish, v.t. j~.niya.
Prudent, 000. amoye, 919gb9n. Punishment, n. lya, ijiya.
Prune, v.t. r~-19w9. r~w9, ke Punt, n. 9kq kekere.
kuro, wqn kuro. ! Puny, adj. kekere, alailera.
Pry, v.i. bojuwo, wadi. Pupil, n. 9m9 i1e iwe, ak~k9.
Psalm, n. orin mim9' Puppy, Pup, n. 9m9 aja.
PIaImist, n. ak9we orin mim9. Purohaae, v.t. ra. n. ohun ti a
Pshaw, inter. ,i9 ! ra.
Puberty, n. akoko ti 9k9nrin Purohaaer, n. olura.
tabi obirin ti dagba tan. Pure, adj. mq, da 'faka, funfun
Publio, 000. ti gbogbo enia. ni iwa.
mim9 fun gbogbo enia. Purge, v.t. w~-mq, w~.

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Purification, n. iW\lnum9. Quaft, f).t. awl i. mu 19bun.

Purifier, n. alaw\lm9. Quagmire, n. ira.
Purify, f).t. w~.m9, 89 eli mim9' Quail, n. apara. f).t. and i. ,ojo,
Purity, n. mim9, iwa mim9. b\lru, damu.
Purloin, f).t. ji, jaJe. Quaint, adj. ajeji.
Purloiner, n. ole. Quake, f).i. gb(ln, wariri. mi.
Purple, add. eleee aJuko, aW9 Qualification, n. imuye.
aluko. QuaJifJ, f).t. and i. mu·ye.
Purport, n. itum9. Quality, n. iwa, agbara.
Parpoae, n. ete, ero, ohun ti a Qualm., n. aibal\l \lri 9kan.
nlepa. Quandar:v, n. hiha sarin meji.
Purr, f).t. and i. kun bi ologini. Quantity, n. titobi, iW9n, iye.
Pone, n. apo owo. Q1l&r!Ultine. n. elida ok9 duro
Purser, n. oni~ju owo ninu 9k(l. nitori aisan.
Pursue, f).t. and i. lepa, t\lle. Quarrel, n. ija, as9. f).i. ja, 89.
Pursuit, n. ilepa, it\lle. Quarrelsome, adj. nija.
Purt8D&DC8, n. ikop9 inu \ll'an. Quarr:v, n. iho nibiti a nf9 okuta.
Purvey, f).t. and i. ra onj~ sil\l, Quart, n. idam\lrin a"uw9n.
peee 8il\l fun. Quarter, n. idam\lrin ohunkohun.
Purveyor, n. oluta ohun jij~. QuarterlJ, adj. ni idam\lrin-
Pus, n. 9yun. m~rin, Ii o'u m\ltam\lta.
Puah, f).t. and i. tl bl, r9. Quarter-muter, n. olubojuto
Puss, Puasy, n. ologba, ologini. ibugbe ati onj\l ti aW9n
Put, f).t. and i. fi·si. 9m 9-ogun.
Putref:v, f).t. and i. ba.j\l, rA. Quartette, Quartet, n. \lni m\lrin.
Putrid, adj. rirA, bibaj\l. Quash, f).t. t\l.m91\l, '\lgun.
Putty, n. \lm9, ate. Quaver, f).t. and i. wahim Ii orin.
Puzzle, n. i~oro, g9, isuju. Qua:v, n. ebute, ibi igunl\l si.
PJgm:v, n. arara.. Queen, n. ayaba, 9ba obirin.
Pyjamas, n.pl. ,okoto duruk~. Queenl:v, adf). or adj. bi ayah&.
Pyramid, n. ibi isinku aW9n Queer, adj. ya~, ~odi.
Pharoah. Quell, v.t. mu.dakt;l, pa·rt;l, t\l-
P:vre. n. ikoj9 igi lati fi sun oM. m91\l, ~t;lgun.
P:vthon, n. ojola. Quenoh, f).t. pa-kti. pana.. parun.
Querulous, adj. ainitt;l19run, ra-
Q. Quer:v, n. ibere. ere.
Quest, n. wakiri.
Qaack, f).t. and i. ke bi p\lp\lin ; Question, n. lbere. v.t. bi i liire.
adah\ln~. Questionable, adj. niruju, aida-
Quact-doctor, n. adahu~. niloju.
Qnacker:v, n. iftija oni~gun ti
ka Quibble, n. ja lori nkan kekere.
ni im(l. Quic~, adj. yara, laye. n. alaye.
Quadrangle, n. onigun m\lrin. Quicken, f).t. and i. 89 eli aye. 89-ji.
Quadruped, n. \lranko \l1\l8\l Quiotener, n. \lniti 0 89 di aye.
m\lrin. Quiotlime, n. eru ti a ka bu omi
Quadruple, adj. ni il9PO m~rin. pa.

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Quickly, adv. ya.ra.yara, kankan, Raotet, n. ariwo.

nisisiyi, kiakia., Ifir.a. Radiance, n. ltanmQlf,l, idan
Quickness, n. iyara. maran.
Quicksand, n. iyanrin did~. Radiant, adj. ti~n.
Quicksighted, adj. oloju mimu. Radiate, v.t. and i. tan, ran bi
Quiescence, n. isimi, idakf,l. orun.
Quiescent, adj. simi, dakf,l. B.adiOaI, adj. ti ipilf,l'f,l, ti gbon-
Quiet, adj. dakf,l, pf,llf,l, idakf,ljf,l. gbo.
v.t. and i. mu.simi, mu· B.adicaIlr, adv. tegbo-tigaga.
paI"9rQ, mu·dakf,l. Raft, n. adilu igi ti 0 fo loju omi.
Quietly, adv. ni idakf,ljf,l. Rafter, n. f,lkf,l il~, iti igi ile.
Quietness, n. iwa pf,llf,l, idakf,ljf,l. Rag, n. akisa.
Quill, n. iy~ apa f,liyf,l ti a 10 lati Rage, n. irunu, ibinu. v.i. binu
fi kQwe. fufu, ru.
Quilt, n. BIIQ ibori akete. Ragged, adj. alakiea, palapala.
Quinine, n. egbogi iba. Raid, n. igboguntl. v.t. and i.
Quire, n. ewe·iwe mf,lrin·le·logun. gbogun si, lVlu.
Quit, v.t. fi.silf,l. k9·si!f,l. Rail, n. Qgba irin tabi ti igi, irin
Quite, adv. patapata. lori eyiti Qk9 ilf,l nrln. v.t-
Quiver, n. ap6'Qfa. v.t. and i. and i. B9lV abu, SQI"9 f,lgan.
gb9n . RailWay, n. Qna Qk9 ilf,l.
Quorum, n. iye f,lgbf,l ti 0 to lati Raiment, n. BIIQ.
'Ill ipade. BaiD, n. ojo. v.t. and i. lV·jo, r9.
Quota, n. ipin. RainboW, n. o,umare.
Quotatiou, n. 9lV agb&SQ, iye ti RainoIoud, n. ikuku ojo.
a nta ohunkohun. Raindrops, n. ~QI"9 ojo.
Quote, v.t. tun 9lV f,llomi wi, sQ Rainy, adj. QjQ ojo.
iye owo ohun tita. Raise, v.t. gbe-soke. gbeleke,
Quoth, v.t. wipe. gbe-duro.
Quotient, n. iye ti 0 YQri jade Raisin, n. eBO aja.ra..
nipa ipin. Rake, n. ohun elo ti a fi nko nkan
jQ. v.t. and i. ko-jQ.
Rally, v.t. and i. ~ ogun jQ, gba
R. agbara titun.
Bam, n. agbo. v.t. fi agbara Ie.
Ramadan, n. o~u awf,l Imale.
Rabbi, n. OlukQni, QrukQ ti Ramble, n. irin kakiri. v.i. rin
aWQn Jii fi pe aWQn ti 0 nkQ kakiri.
ofin. Rampant, adj. fo soke gija.
Rabbit, n. ehoro onirun. Rampart, n. odi ilu.
Rabble, n. QPQ enia alainilari; Ramrod, n. Qpa ibQn.
aWQn .. QmQ ita." Rancid, adj. kan, m~filri.
Rabid, adj. ~were. Rancour, n. irira, kata, arankan.
Race, n. iran, idile, iru; ije. Random, adj. alabapade, lairo-
Race-course, n. ibi isure ije. tf,llf,l.
RaoiaI, adj. ti iran, ti idile. Range, v.t. and i. to If,lBf,lBf,l; rin
Back, n. ori.ikQ. kakiri.
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Ranger, n. alarinkiri; alabojuto Ravenous, adj. qyAnnu, oniw,?ra

igbo. onj'll'
Rank, n. '11gb'll, (lgba, ipo, Ravin,
~ma, it'i'~ogun. v.t. and Ravine, nIa.
l~~~. adj. run, ~un, baj~. Ravish, v.t. t~ Ii ogo, fi agbara
Rankle, v.i. gbinikun. mu.
Ransack, v.t. wa kiri, ja Ii ole. Raw, adj. tutu, aise.
Ransom, n. owo idasil'i" Ray, n. ita.~n im,?lfil.
v.t. da..sil~. Raze, v.t. w6·pal~.
Ransomer, olurApada. Razor,
Rap, n. i!U. i. lu, Reach, i. na, de.
Rapacious, adj. ni ojukokoro, fi Read, v.t. and i. kawe, ka.
agbara dimu. Reader, n. akawe.
Rapid, adj. yara, kBnkAn. Readily, adv. l,?w,?l,?w,?, l,?gan.
Rapidity, I Readine!l&, imura tan, imura
Rapine, n. silfil·
Rapt, adj. fetisil'll pelu ipar91'9~ Reading, nkawe.
Rapture. n. ayq nIa. Ready, adj. mura, ~ tan.
Rare, adj. ~,?w9n, alp,? Real, adj. tot<;l, daju, lododo.
Rarely, adv. laiw,?p,? Reality, n. otit<;l, ododo.
Rascal, n. eniakenia, enia lasan, Realization, n. im~e.
.. ,?m,? Realize. mu·~e, mu
Rase, Raze, w6.palfil, re.lol'i, Really, adl), dajudaju,
parfil, parun. ododo
Rash, adj. ikugbii, laifarabalfil' Realm, i1fi1·yba.
sure. n. ~yi, esu. Ream, n. ewe tBkAda, (480 ewe).
Rashly, adv. laironu. Reap, v.t. and i. kore, ka, ~a..
Rasp, n. ohun 9na kan, ayiIn. Reaper, n. olukore.
Rat, n. ekute. Reappear, fi ara ban
Rate, n. iye, 0liluw9n. v.t. keji.
~iro, 89 lye ba·wi. Reappoint, tun yan
Rather, ad'v. kuku, sanju. Rear, n. ~hin. v.t.
dagba, k,? Ii filk,?
Ratify, v.t. pinnu, fi ohim sit
Rearrange. v.t. tun to 1~~fiI.
Ration, n. onjfil oj,? ti aw,?n Reason, n. idi, itori, nipa. v.t.
,?m,?·ogun. and aroye,
Rational, adj. iye ninu. fun.
Rattle, v.t. pariwo, Reasonable, adj. ti 0 t<;l.
PfilkfilPfilkfil, kigbe. Reasoner, n. alaroye.
Ravage, v.t. and i. s,? di ahoro, Reassure, v.t. mu ki 0 daniloju.
parun. Reattempt, v.t. tun gbidanwo
Rave. v.t. and i. lfilkeji.
mironu Rebel, .gun.
Ravel, v.t. ~'?tQ
rudurudu. Rebellion,
Raven, n. filiYfil lwo. l~kun.
Ravening, n. apanij fiI. Rebellious, adj. ,?lqtfil.

Rebo1lDll. v.i. tun pada s~hin; Reoognition, n. imQ, ij~Q,

tundi. iranti.
Rebuff, n. ik9, da-duro. RecQlDize, v.t. mQ, j~wQ, ranti.
Rebuild, v.t. tun k9 l\lkeji. Recoil, v.i. pa.da-s~hin, fa-s\lhin.
Rebuke, v.t. ba·wi, ba-sq. n. Recollect, v.t. ranti, ~nu.
ibawi. Recollection, n. iranti, ~u.
BeoaIl, v.t. pe-pada; mu wa si Recommence. v.t. tun b~r\l
iranti. l~keji.
BeoaDt, v.t. and i. yi 91"9 pada, Recommend, v.t. yin, 891"9 \lni-
yi iye pada. kan ni rere, fi-le.
BeoaDtation, n. iyi 91"9 pada. Recommendation, n. iyin, iSQ1"9
Recapitulate, v.t. tun 91"9 SQ. \lni ni rere.
Recapitulation, n. itun 91"9 89. Recompense, v.t. san-pada, san
Recapture, v.t. tun mu-lfill'U. ~an. n. isanpada, ~an
Recede, v.i. fa-s\lhin, pada s~hin. ere.
Receipt, n. igb8. nkan lQwQ \lni, B.econcile, v.t. ,e ilaja, ba-laja.
iwe ij\lwQ gbigba nkan. Reconciliation, n. ilaja..
Receive, v.t. ghA, ri-gb8.. Reconsider, v.t. tun-ro, tun-
Recent, add. ni titun, ni l(Sl(Syi. wadi l~keji.
Recently, adv. ni l(Sl(Syi. Reconstruct. v.t. tun kQ l~keji.
Receptacle, n. ibi igba ohun- Record, v.t. kQ sinu iwe iranti.
kohun si. j\lri. n. iwe iranti.
Reception, n. Igba. Recorder, n. a.kQwe iranti.
Receptive, adj. gbigba.-sinu. Recount, v.t. tun-~o, tun-sQ
Recess, n. ipada S\lhin, ibi ikQk9' l~keji.
Recipe, n. apejuwe. Recourse, n. a.sa.la. si.
Recipient, n. olughA, ~niti 0 gba Recover, v.t. and i. ghA-padA. tun
nkan lQwQ \lni. ri gba; fie dido. ara kuro
Reciprocal, adj. fie pada, p~­ ninu &run.
PBr9· Recovery, n. igba-padA, iwosan
Reciprocate, v.t. and i fie plII/i- ninu &run, imularada.
parq, " bunmi mbun Q." Recreant, add. ni ilojo. laisOtQ.
Reciprocation, n. 8.fI6gba, ~e Recreate, v.t. and i. sQ-ji, da.ra.ya,
ip~pa1"9. tu-lara.
Recitation, n. kika ohun ti a Recreation, n. idaraya, isQji, ire.
kQ sori. B.eortiit, v.t. and i. tun ilera fie,
Recite, v.t. and i. ka iwe ni gban- gba QmQ-ogun sinu \lgb~.
gba, kika. eyiti a ti kQ sori. Rectify, v.t. tun-fie. mu bQ sipo.
Reckless, add. laibikita., aila- Rectitude, n. iwa otitQ. iwa
niyan, 8.iwoye. ododo.
Beckon, v.t. and i. kA, 1Jiro. Rector, n. ala.koso ijQ, alufa.
Beckoning, n. ~, ikaye. Rectory, n. ibugbe alufa.
Reclaim, v.t. and i. ghA-padA, Recumbent, add. rqgbQku, fi are.
mu-padA. tl.
Reclamation, n. itun-mu-bQ-sipo. Recuperate, v.t. and i. sQji.
Recline, v.t. and i. fi are. tl. Recur, v.i. padA, ~lu.
Recl1ll8, n. ~ti a semQ. Recurrenoy. n. ipadA.
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Bed, n. P9n, pupa. Refuge, n. abo, ibi isadi, ibi

ReddeD, f).t. and i. B9 di pupa. isasi.
Redeem, f).t. da-sil~, ra-padA. Refugee, n. ~niti 0 sa.l9 si il~
Redeemer, n. OlurapadA. miran fun abo.
Redemption, n. irapadA, idasil~. Refund, f).t. and i. san-padA.
BedDeas, n. piP9n, ~pupa. Refusal, n. ik9.
Redolent, adj. kun fun orun Refuse, f).t. and i. k9, duo n. iiri,
didun. ohun ~gbin.
Redouble, f).t. and i. ,~po I~keji. Refute, f).t. ti.la.iya, bi-,ubu, mu
Redound, f).i. ran-padA. Ii eke, pa Ii ~nu m9.
BedreI8, f).t. tun"a. n. it~. Refutation, n. ib~ubu, ipa.l~­
Reduce, f).t. din-ku, bu-kil. num9·
Reduction, n. ldinkil, ibukil. Regain, f).t. jere-pa.da, ri gba.
Reduplicate, f).t. ,~po l~keji. padA.
Reed, n. lye, ifefe, 9pa-lye. BepI, adj. ti 9ba..
Reef. n. okuta nisal~ okun. Regale, f).t. and i. se ase fun, mu
Reel, n. igi ti a ka owu we, k~k~ Ii a.ra. ya, fun ni inu didun.
owu. f).t. and i. ta gb9ngb9n RepIia, n.pl. a,w-oye.
bi 9muti; ka-we. Reprd, f).t. and i. kiyesi, bu iyin
Re-enter, f).t. and i. tun w918 fun, ka.·Bi. n. lwo, ikiyesi.
l~keji. ibuyinfun.
BeIer, f).t. and i. fi-19, gbe-padA. Regarding, prep. nipa ti.
Referee, n. ~niti a fi 9ran 19. RegarcUeas, adj. and adll. aifiyesi,
Reference, n. ifil9. a.ikasi, aibuyinfun.
ReflII, f).t. tun fi kun. Regatta, n. fifi 9k9 sure ije.
Beflne, f).t. and i. Y9 eri kuro, Regenerate. f).t. and i. B9 di
"ale, Y9, dan-wo, d8.. 9tun, tun-bi.
Beflnement, n. iwa mim9, il~wa, Regeneration, n. atunbi, atunda.
inu rere. Regent, n. aj~l~, adele 9ba.
Beflner, n. ~niti nd8., ~niti ny9. Regime, n. akoko ij9ba, igba.
Reflt, f).t. tun,e. Regiment, n. ~gb~ ogun kan.
Reflect, f).t. and i. tan im91~ si ; Region, n. ~ku.n ilu, a.gbegbe.
ronu jinl~. Register, n. iwe iranti.
Reflection, n. ifiyesi, ira. Registration, n. ik9 oruk9 sinu
Reflective, adj. leronu, nironu. iwe iranti.
Belorm. f).t. and i. tun-"a, S¢i Regret, n. ibinuj~, iranti p~lu
~ni rare. ¢u.n. f).t. ba ninu j~, fi
Reformation, n. atful-pa.d8.-fle, ¢u.n ranti.
is9di rere. Regular, adj. dade.
Reformer, n. alat~. Regularity, n. ~ede, il9dade.
Refractory, adj. riru ofin, agidi. Regulate, f).t. mu wa sa.b~ ofin.
Refrain, n. orin. f).t. and i. fa- "tc) l~~~~ "
s~hin, da.ara-duro, Pa.m9ra. Regulation, n. ofin, i1ana.
Refresh, f).t. and i. til-lara, tu- Rehearsal, n. idanrawo sil~.
ninu, B9-ji. Rehearse, f).t. rohin, tun ka, S9.
Refreshment, n. itura; onj~, Reign, n. ij9ba. f).i. j9ba.
isimi. ReiD, n. okun ijanu ~in.

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Reinforce, v.t. agbara kun. RemaiDs, n.pE. oku

ogun kun ogun. Remake, v.t. tun'ile.
Reinforcement, n. iranlgwg. Remark, n. ifiyesi. is9rgsi. v.t.
Reins, n.pl. inti, and i. fiyesi, wipe.
Reinstate, v.t. fi ipo r~ Remarkable, adj. iyanu.
Reiterate, v.t. tun wi. Remarkably, adv. p~lu iyanu.
Reject, v.t. k9-sil~. ~-ti. Remedy, n. ogun. at~e.
Rejection,. n. ikQSilljl, ~tl. Remember, I'anti.
Rejoice, v.t. and i. y9. Remembrance, iranti.
si. Remind, v.t. Ii eti. eti.
Rejoicing, n. ay9. Reminder, n. ~niti 0 ran ni leti,
Rejoin, v.t. and i. tun dara pgmg. ohun iran ni leti.
Rejoinder, n. esL Reminiscence, iranti ti
Relapse, f).i. tun padS. s~hin, ti kgja.
s~hin. n. ipada Arnn. ifa- Remiss, adj. fa. Igra. jafara.
Remission, n. idariji. ifiji; ifa-
Relate, and sg; ba-tan. sli'hin.
Relation, n. ara, ibatan ; Remit, v.t.
Relative, n. ibatan Ii.ji.
~Iomiran, nipa ti.
Remittance, n. owo ti a ran Ig si
Relu, v.t. and i. d~wg. mu fuy~ okere.
diljl. Remittent,
Rela:ation, n. idljlwg.
Remnant, n. ; irepe 8filg.
Release, n. id8Sil~. ijglgw9. v.t. Remonstrance, n. iyan. isgrg odi
da-sil~. jg-Iywy 19. tu·silljl. si.
Relent, v.i. kanu, Remonstrate, and i. odi
Relentless, adj. ba-jiyan.
Reliable, adj. yiy\J fun igb~k~le. Remorse, n. abamg. \ldim ~
Reliance, n. igb~k~le. isimile. Remorseless, lai-kabamg.
Reliant, adj. ~ghljlk\Jle. Remote, adj. 8i.
Relio, ohun wllti; oku Removal, n. iijlipo-pada. imukuro.
Reliot, n. op6. Remove, v.t. and i. fili-ipo pada,
Relief, n. iranlgwg. isgji. itil\Jhin. mukuro.
Relieve. v.t. ran-lgw9, ti-l\Jhin. Remunerate, v.t. san owo 9ya,
Religion, n. isln. ere
Religious, w,j. oluf9kAnsin, , Remuneration, ere owo-
'iI~e isin QIgrun. 9ya.
Relinquish, v.t. fi-sil\J. kg-8il\J. Remunerative, adj. eyiti 0 mu
Relish, it<;'wo didim. adun. owo wa.
f).t. and i. fi adun m9. gbadim. v.t. and fa·ya.
Reluctanoe, n. aif~ . Render, v.t. fi-fun. san-fun;
. Reluctant, adj_ ~ aif~. 8g-di.
Reluctantly, adv. p\Jlu ilgra. , Rendezvous, n. aj9. ibi-ipade.
Rely, v.i. simi Ie, gb\Jk\Jle. ibi-abo.
Remain, v.i. ku, duro. Renegade, n. a1aisotg. ak9-'i'gb~
Remainder, n. iyoku. i~iku. r~ !il~.

Renew, v.t. and i. B9 di qtun, Repreaentation, n. awora.n, ap~~,

tUn·fIIl· ere.
Renewal, n. isqdi-titun, it~. Representative, n. a fill oju ~ni,
Renounce, v.t. and i. k9-sil~, s~. aduro nipo ~ni.
Renovate, v.t. B9 di qtun. Repress, v.t. kl-w9, kl-mql~.
Renovation, n. itUDflll. ,~.

Renown, n. okiki, iyin. Represaion, n. ikiwq. ikimol~,

Renowned, adj. lokiki. i~~gun.
Rent, n. ifaya; owo-iIe. v.t. Reprieve, v.t. tu-sil~, jqlqwq, ds.-
and i. fa-ya. sil~.
RenUDCiation, n. ikqsil~, is~. Reprimand, n. ibawi. v.t. ba-
Reopen, v.t. and i. tun ,i I~keji. wi pupq.
Beorpuize, v.t. tun-tO. Reprint, v.t. tun t~ iwe.
Repair, v.t. and i. Iq si; tun-fill, Bepriaal, n. igb~, lmusan.
tun ii si ipo. n. itUDflll. B.eproa.ch, n. ~gan. v.t. g&n.
Repairer, n. s.ls.tunflll. Reproachful, adj. ti 0 I~ga.n, ti
Repast, n. onj~. a-Ie bawi.
Repay, v.t. and i. san-ps.d&. Reprobate, n. ~ni-~ti, ~ni-~bi,
Repeal, v.t. mu-pada, pe-pada, ~lka. adj. idal~bi, rir&,
pa-r~. als.inils.ri.
Repeat, v.t. and i. tun-fill, tun-sq, Reprobation, n. idal~bi, ikqsil~.
tun wi, ka. ififun iparun.
Repeatedly, adv. nigb8kugba. Reproduce, v.t. tun mu wa, tun
Repel, v.t. Ie pa.d& s~hin. bi jade.
Repent, v.t. and i. ronupiwada, Reproduction, n. ibi si i.
kanu nitOtq. Reproof, n. ibawi.
Repentance, n. ironupiwads.. Reprovable, adj. y~ fun ibawi.
Repetition, n. atunwi. Reprove, v.t. ba-wi, ba-sq, bani
Repine, v.i. kanra, kim. wi.
Replace, v.t. mu ps.d& sipo, 1IIIoIl- Reprover, n. olubaniwi.
pada, dipo. Reptile, n. ohun ti make).
Replant, v.t. tun gbin. Republic, n. ilu ti ke) nfi qba j~.
Replenish, v.t. ii-kun, r~ si i, Republish, v.t. tun t~ iwe tita.
gbil~. Bepudiate, v.t. and i. k9-sil~.
Replete, adj. kUn pats.ps.ts.. Repudiation, n. ik9sil~.
Reply, n. ide.him,~. v.t. and i. Repugnant, adj. aibara.de, ladt
dalohun. Repulse, v.t. Ie ps.d& s~hin.
Report, n. irohin, ihm. v.t. Repulsion, n. ileps.d&.
and i. rohin. Repulsive, adj. ileps.d&, ts.ls.iya.
Reporter, n. onirohin. Reputation, n. okiki, iyin.
Repose. v.t. and i. dubul~ sun, Repute, v.t. kA-si.
simi ; ii-Fa. n. isimi, orun, Request, n. ~b~, iber~, if~. v.t.
sisun. b~, bm.
Reprehend, v.t. ba-wi. Require, v.t. and i. here, f~.
Reprehension, n. ibawi. Requirement, n. ohun ti af~.
Reprt!I8Dt, v.t. ii-han. duro nipo Requisite, adj. ~, tq.
~Iomi. Requisition, n. ibere.
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Requital, n. l,lSan, ere. lteQiration, n. imisinu misode.

Requite, v.t. san l,lSan, san·fun. Respire, v.t. and i. mi.
BesoiDd, v.t. ke-kuro, par~. Respite, n. afo, Aye, isimi.
B.eaoue, n. igba.la, iYQ ninu ewn, Beaplendent. adj. didAn, dara
igb8sil~. v.t. YQ ninu ewn, pUPQ·
gbA-sil~. Respond. v.i. dahun. gbe.
Beaearch. n. iwa. Ii awari, iwadi. Respondent. n. ~ni ida.hun.
ResembJaDce, n. ijQra, aworan. Respolll8, n. idahun, egbe.
Resemble, v.t. jQ, dabi, fi-we. Beaponaibility, n. igb~k~le, ~k~.
Be8eDt. v.t. fi ibinu han si, gbA RespoDlible, adj. dida.lohun, nini
fI6 ibi. ~ru ~~.
Be8eDtIul, adj. kun fun ibinu. Rest, n. isimi, orun. ida.k~, ~il.
Be8eDtment. n. ibinu, irunu. v.t. and i. simi, siln, da.k~,
B.elervatiOl1, n. ifipamQ. m.ura. ku.
Reserve, v.t. fi-pamQ, fi·,ura. Restful, adj. fifi isimi fun.
Reserved, adj. tiju, ~il~. Restfully, adv. p~lu isimi.
Reservoir, n. ibi ipamQ omi tabi Rest-hoUle, n. illS ero.
nkan miran. Restitution, n. imupa.dA.
Reside, v.i. gbe ibi kan, joko. Restive, adj. aifaraba.l~, aijokoj~.
Beaidence, n. ibugbe, illS. Restl8lll, adj. laisimi, la.isiln.
Residency, n. ibugbe aj~l~. RestoratiOl1, n. imupa.dA sipo.
Beaident, n. olugbe. Restore, v.t. mu pa.dA sipo, mu
Beaidential, adj. ibi-gbibe. ~ sipo.
Residue, n. iyokU, ~il. Restrain, v.t. da-I~kun, di Ii Qna,
Beaign, v.t. and i. fi-siI~. da-duro.
BeaipatiOl1, n. ifisiI~, ijQ IQwQ; BestraiDt, n. idiWQ, ida.duro, iko
siiri1. ni ijanu.
B.esin, n. oje igi. Restrict, v.t. p8Ji fun, ha-mQ.
Resist, v.t. and i. kQjil ija si, RestrictiOl1, n. ipilA, ihamQ.
tapa. si, ta.la.iya. Result. n. ipari, YQri si.
Beaistance, n. ikQjujasi, ita.laiya. Resume, v.t. and i. tun b~r~.
Resolute, adj. ni ipinnu. ResumptiOl1, n. atun b~r~.
Resolution, n. ipinnu, idaniloju. Resurrection, n. ajinde.
Resolve, v." and i. pinnu, m~. Resuscitate, v.t. and i. mu BQji.
Resort, v.t. and i. tQ.IQ, IQ-sQdQ, Retail, f).t. and i. ta nkan w~w~,
pejQ. su-ta, le-ta.
Resound, v.t. and i. tun dun Retailer, n. a.la.leta, a.Ia.suta.
pads. Retain, v.t. da·duro.
Resource, n. Qn& ira.nlQwQ, ohun Retainer, n. QmQ-QdQ, ~~.
igb~k~le, itil~hin. Retake, v.t. tun-mu, tun·gbA.
Respect, n. ojurere, ~w9, iyin. 'Retaliate, v.t. and i. sa.n I,lS8n,
. v.t. ~w9 fun, buyin fun, gbf,lSlloll.
bu QI8. fun. RetaliatiOl1, n. igbf,lSlloll.
Belpectable, adj. n fun iyin, Retard, v.t. and i. di-lQwQ, da-
n fun Qla. duro.
BeIpeotful, adj. kun fun QWQ, Retention, n. ida.duro. idilQwQ.
tQwQtQwQ. ipamQ.
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Retentive, adj. ti a Ie fi parnQ. Reverent, adj. Ii 9w9, Ii Qla. ni

Reticence, n. ipa ~nu mQ, idak~j~. iyin.
Retinue, n. QmQ-~bin. Reverie, n. minu lQkan, ri ronu
Retire, fl. t. and i. fa-s~bin, jin&.
p~binda, lQ simi. Revelle, fI.t. yi-pad&.. p&1'Q. n.
Retirement, n. ifas~bin, isimi, jamba. Mo. lparQ.
ibi ikQkQ_ B.everaible, adj_ ti a Ie yi-po.
Retiring, adj. ni itiju, yiy~-kuro. Revert. fI.t. and i_ pads. sit le-
Retort, n. 91'Q kikoro, 91'Q pad&..
ikanju. Beview, fI.t. and i. tun-wo, b~wo_
Retrace, fI.t. ba Qna kanna pad&.. n. ib~wo, idanwo. fi ~ wOo
Retract, fI.t. and i. yi 91'Q pa.d8.. Revile, fI.t. and i. k~gan. fi IiI6
Retreat, n. ibi isimi, ibi ikQkQ, Revise, fI.t. wo fun at~.
ifas~hin, iyi ara sQtQ.
Retrench, fI.t. and i. ge owo ReYiaiOD, n. itunwo. it~.
Bevival, n. isQji. ijidide.
kuro, idinku owo.
Revive, ".t_ and i. mU-SQji. mu-ye.
Retribution, n. isii.npa.d8., ~. ji-dide_
Retrieve, fI.t_ and i. gba. pa.d8., Revoke, fI.t. and i. pe-pads..
mu pads. sipo.
Retrograde, adj. ifas~bin ~ odi Revolt, n_ 9t~. fI.t. and i. 1i19t~.
kQ isin Qba.
Retrospect, n. ibojuw~bin, ironu Revolution, n. iyika.
ohun ti 0 ti kQja_
Revolve, fI.t. and i. yi-ka.
Retr08PectiOD, n. ipadaw~hin. Revolv81, n. ibQn ilewQ.
Return, fI.t. and i. pa.d8., mu- Reward, n. ere. ~bun, ~.
pad&.. n. ipad&., itunde. fI_t. san ~an. ta Ii Qr~, fi
B.eu.niOD, n. i¥Qkan l~bin iyanipa. ~bun fun.
B.eu.nite, fI.t. tun so PQ l~bin Rewarder, n. olus~san.
iyanipa, la-ja. Rheumatism, n. lakuegbe. ari-
Reveal, fI_t. liIipaya, fi-han, 'iIi- nka.
sil~. Bhinoceros, n. ~ranko bi-imado
Revel, fI.t. and i. ~e ariya. liIe n1a agbanrere.
ajQ alariwo. Rib, n. egungun ilia.
Revelation, n. ifihan. i~paya. Ribbon, n. Qja t~r~.
Revelry, n. ariya-alariwo. Rice, n. ~afa ir~.
Revenge, fI_t. and i. gb~an. j~ Rich, adj. Ii Qr9. Ii owo 10ri.
niya pads.. n. igb~an. QIQr&, QIQr9'
Revengeful. adj. ti ima gb~. Riches, n. Qr9, ow6.
ni arankan. Richly, adfl. 19PQIQPQ. pUPQ.
Revengefully, adfl. kun-fun-~an. Rid, fI.t. gba-kuro. bQ-IQwQ, le-lQ.
Revenger, n. olugb~. Riddance, n. igbakuro. ibQIQwQ.
Revenue, n. akojQPQ owo ilu, Riddle, n. Al9. owe. fI.t. and i.
owo ti a ri gbi\. pa-lQ.
Revere, fI.t. b9w9 fun. bQla fun. Ride, fI.t. and i. gun ~~in.
Reverence, n. ib9wQ, ib~ru, Q18. Rider, n. ~niti ngun ~.
iQuyin. Ridge, n. oke ile.
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lI.idicule, n. ir~rin, iYQIJuti si. Rival, n. abanidije, a.Iafarawe,

v.t. fi.r~rin. fi·liI~in, fi liIe orogun.
~I~ya. Rivalry, n. idije, ib&du, ilil6lara
Bidioulous, adj. rir~rin, pips.. si.
nil~rin. River, n. odo.
Rife, pred. adj. PQ, w9PQ. Rivet, n. ekan irin.
Rifle, n. iru ibQn kan. v.t. and i. Rivulet, n. odo kekere.
ji, fi agbara mu. ja.le. Road, n. Qna.
Right, adj. tQ, y~, da.ra.. n. Roam, v.t. and i. rin kakiri.
otitQ, ododo, anfani; Qtun. Roar, v.t. and i. bu ramilr8mu,
Bighteous, n.olododo. adj. 10· ke, ho, kerora. n. igbe,
dodo, 10titQ. ohun bibu, ike; hiho okun.
Righteousness, n. ododo, iwa- Roast, v.t. and i. sun, yan, ho.
ododo. Rob, v.t. ja.le, js Ii ole.
Rightful, adj. tQ-si. Robber, n. QIQIlS, ole.
Bightly, adv. lotQ, rere. Robbery, n. ole ·jija.
Bigid, adj. Ie, I\IOro lati t~, Robe, n. ~wu, IIIW igunwa,
la.ilanu. agb8da.
Bigidly, adv. p~lu il\lOro, lile. Robust, adj. Ii agbara. ~.
Bigor, n. iwariri otutu, gbigbQn. Rock, n. apata, okuta nla. v.t.
Rigour, n. iIiIOro, lmUni, h-oro. and i. tl siwa tl s~hin, ml.
Rill, n. odo IiIHpm kekere. Rocky, adj. kun fun okuta.
Rim, n. eti, babe. RocksaIt, n. kanwun.
Rind, n. epo. Bod, n. Qpa, P&I\I&n, ~ba.
.BiDg, n. oruka.. v.t. and i. lu bi Roe, n. abo agburin; ~yin ~ja.
&gogo, ro bi agogo. Rogation, n. ibere, ~b~.
Ringleader, n. olori ~gb~. Rogue, n. a.Iarekereke, enia
BiDgworm, n. lapa.la.pa. buburu, eniakenia.
.BiDse, v.t. fi omi ~. Roguery, n. iwa ~tQ, arekereke.
Riot, n. irukerudo, ariwo; j~ B.oguish, adj. kun fun au,otQ.
&dUn aiye. Roll, n. ikA-iwe. v.t. and i. yi,
Riotous, adj. inakuna, j~gu- ka.
duragudu, oniwQbia.. RoU-caIl, n. ipe aWQn enia Ii
.KiP, v.t. and i. lA. orukQ.
Ripe, adj. pQn, d~, gb6. B.oUer, n. obQ, ayika.
.Bipen, v.t. and i. dagba tan, mu Romance, n. Bomantic, adj.
pQn, mu d~. ijarQ, itan lasan, ahusQ•
.Ripple, n. 1iI~-w~l~w~I~. Romp, n. ire ariwo.
Bile, Rose, v.t. and i. dide, Rood, n. 0lilUwQn il~.
goke; jinde; lAo B.ooI, n. orille; oke-\lnu.
BiaiDg, n. idide, ~t~; ajinde; Rook, n. kannakanna..
ila. Room, n. yara., ipo, iye.
:Bilk, n. ewu, idawQle. v.t. fi Roost, n. ibuwQ ~y~. v.t. and i.
we'wu. wQ bi 'i'iY\l.
Bite, n. Ua.na. isin. Booster, n. akQ-a.di~.
Bitual, n. ti lla.na isin, Qna isin Root, n. gbongbo, ipil\llil\l. v.t.
ti 0 han lode. and i. fa-tu.

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Rooted, add. ifi.~~.mul~. Rugged, adj. pala.pala., lait~ju,

Rope. n. okim. ~.
Rosary, n. t~uba, il~k~ &dura. Ruin, n. iparun, iwolul~, ahoro.
Bose, Bile, v.t. and i. dide, goke ; Ruinous, add. leba.nij~, buruju.
jinde; lA. Rule, n. ij9ba. &koso. v.t. and i.
Bot, n. ibaj~, rir8.. v.t. and i. j9ba, ~ &koso; fa ila.
baj~, ra.. Ruler, n. alakoso, 9ba.
Rotation, n. iyi bi k~k~. Rum, n. 9ti ireke.
Rotten, add. dibaj~, ra.. Rumble, n. ariwo.
Rottenness, n. idibaj~. R1UIlDl8Ie, v.t. and i. wa Ii awasA.
Bough, add. Iile, p8.lapala., ,8.ki, Rumour, n. ihin, ir6.
~. Rump, n. ibadi, idi.
Roughly, adv. &k9, fi agbara ~. Run, v.t. and i. sUre, sare.
Round, add. yika, roboto. Rupture, n. if9, iyapa, iba alafia.
Roundabout, r;uij. yi ka kiri. Rural, add.
ti oko, ti igbo.
Rouse, v.t. and i. ji Ii oju orun, Ruse, n. ere·~ta.n,
mu·dide. R118h, n. eweko odo, koriko odo.
Rout, n. Iile ogun, idaru. v.t. v.t. and i. sure aiwaju, r9 In.
Ie ogun, da·ru. Rust, n. idipara, idogun, ipara.
Route, n. ipa 9n&.. irin. v.t. and i. dipara,
Routine, n. ipa 9na ~~, ~~ ti dogun.
ojoj um9· Rustic, n. ara oko.
Rove, v.t. and i. rin ka kiri. Rustle, v.t. and i. iro mimi ewe,
Rover, n. alarinka kiri. ira af~f~ ninu koriko.
Row, n. ila., 9w9- ~~_ v.t. and i. Rusty, adj. kidanpapa didogun.
Rut, n. ami k~k~ ninu ~r~.
Rowdy, add. lariwo. Ruthless, add. lailinu, nika..
Rower, n. atuk9, awak9.
Royal, adj. ti 9ba, bi 9ba.
Royalty, n. ipo 9ba, iwa 9ba, s.
oy~ 9ba.
Rub, v.t. and i. kim, gbO, pa. Sabbath, n. 9j9 ekini 9B~ ti a.
Rubbish, n. alapa, ohun alainilari ya ai mim9 fun isin Q19run.
Rubric, n. 9rQ ninu iwe &dura ti 9j9 isimi.
o fiha.n bi a 0 ti ~ isin ai. Sack, n. apo nla. v.t. jale. f91e,
Ruby, add. pupa. parun.
Rudder, n. itQk9. Sackcloth. n. ~9 9f 9·
Ruddy, adj. P9n. Sacrament, . n. ami maj~mu,
Rude, add. ope, laimoye, ala. imlll~, ibura..
im9wahU. Sacred, adj. mim9, yiy889t9.
Rudely, adv. lainilari bi ara.·oko. Sacriflce, n. ~b9: ifisi1~. v.t.
Ruden8l8, n. iimoye, iwakuwa. and i. rub9, ,~bQ; fi·sil~.
Rudiment, n. ipil~~. Sacrilege, n. ija ibi mim9 lola,
Rue, v.t. kanu fun, ~ ¢im fun. is9 ohun mim9 di ail9w9,
Ru1ftan, n. igara, enia gaungaun. liIo ohun elo ile QI9run ni
Rug, n. ~ ibusun. ilokulo.

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Sad, adj. binuj\l, fajuro. Sanatorium, n. ibugLe aWQn

Sadden, v.t. and i. ba ninu j\l. a.laisan ibiti nWQn Ie gbA
Saddle, n. girl, asa. v.t. di ni af\lf\l ti 0 dara.
girl. Sanctiflcation, n. isQdimimQ,iya.
8add1er, n. alas9., oru.wna. girl. simimQ.
SacllJ, adv. p\'lu ibinuj\l. Sanctifier, n. \lniti 0 SQ ni di
SadD-. n. ibinuj\l, ifajuro. mimQ.
Safe, adJ. la.ilewu, la.lafia. 11. Sanctify, v.t. ya si mimQ, B9 di
apoti ill owo pa.mQ Hi. mimQ.
Safeguard, n. abo, alibo. Sanction, n. i1ohunsi, ij\lwQBi,
Safety, n. ibi a.ilewu, Rilewu. iyQda.. v.t. lohunsi, j\lwQ.
Sag, v.t. and i. Y\l g\lr\l. Sanctity, 11. iwamimQ.
Sagacious, adj. lQgbQn, moye, 8aDctuarJ, n. ile ti a ya si mim9
mimu. fun QIQrun.
Sagacity, n. QgbQn, oye, imU. Sand, n. iyanrin, yanrin.
Sage, n. 91QgbQn, amoye. Sandal, n. salubata.
Said, v.t. wi, Btl. Sandbank, n. bebe eti odo.
Sail, n. igbokun Qkq. v.t. and i. 8aDc1atone, n. yangi.
ta.gbokun, .mq. Sandy, adj. kiki iyanrin, ni
Sailor, n. atukq. iyanrin.
Saint. n. enia. mimQ. Sane, adj. ye, lera, da lara.
SainWD... n. iwa mime). Sanen... n. inu yiyp.
Saintly, adj. de. bi enia mime). Sanguinary, adJ. ti 0 loro; kUll
Sake, n. itori. fun ireti.
Salary, n. owo qyA, owo if\l. Sanguine, adj. loro; ni ireti,
Sale, n. ita.·Qja. ni igb\lk\lle.
Saleable, adj. tita. Sanhedrim, n. aj9 igbimQ aWQn
Salesman, n. QIQja ti1;a. Jii.
Salient, adJ. pataki. Sanitary, adj. ti if\' itQju i1era
Saline, adj. ni iyq. agbalu.
Saliv.. n. it-9 \lnu. Sanitation, n. imQ itQju ilera
Sallow, adQ. pipa.da. aWQ oju agba.lu.
nitori aisan, di funfun ril. Sanity, n. iye ninu korokoro.
Salt, n. iyq. v.t. fi iY9 po. Sank, v.t. rio
Salt-ceUar, n. awo iyq. Santonin, n. egbogi ejo inu;
Saltish, adj. niyQ di\l, niYQ ninu. ogun aran.
Salubrious, adj. nitura, nilera. Sap, n. oje igi. v.t. and i. fun
Salutation, n. iki, ikini. mu, fun gb\!.
Salute, v.t. and i. ki. Sapling, n. igi ti 0 '!\l~'i' hu.
Salvation, n. igbala kuro ninu Sapphire, n. okuta oniyebiye.
iku ainip\lkun, igbala. Saroaam, n. \lgan, abukun.
Salve, n. ohun ikunra, ipara. Sarcastic, adj. p'i'lu \lgan.
Sardine, n. \lga kekcre.
Same, adJ. Qkanna.
Sash. n. Qja, lawani; igi oju
Samen. ., n. iN kanna titi. ferese.
Sample, n. ap\lr\l, apejuwe. Satan, n. elfu, olori Qrun apadi.
Sampler, n. ap\lr\l ~ riran. Satanic, adJ. ti 6lfu, bi etpU.

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Satchel, n. apo. Scamper, v.i. sure kikan.

Sate, v.t t\l·IQrun, j~ aj~kl.
Satiate, v.t. kful, t\l-IQrun.
and i. wo, wadi.
Scandal, n. ohun ikQ8~, ~gan,
Satin, n. '\lda bi barallj \l. ahukun.
Satisfaction, n. it\lIQrun. Scandalize, v.t. mu-kQ8~, k\lgan,
Satisfactory, adj. nit\lrun, nikun ,e Abukun si.
loju. Scandalous, adj. imunikQB\l, la-
Satisfy, v.t. and i. t\l-IQrun, kun- bukun, l\lgan.
loju. Scant, adj. aiktm, aito.
Saturate, v.t. kun, rin, ringbindin. Scanty, adj_ M.
Saturday, n. ijQ ik~hin QS\l. Scapegoat, n. ewur\l idasil\lIQ.
Sauce, n. Qb~. Scar, n. ape. aju. apa egbo.
Saucepan, n. ikoko, l!fB8un. Scarce, adj. WWQn, ,aiPQ.
Saucer, n. liwo It\ll\l ago. Scarcely, adv. agbara k8.ka, f\lr\l.
Sauciness, n. afojudi. Scarcity, n. aiPQ, Qwqn.
Saucy, adj. lafojudi, niyajn si. Scare, v.t. d\lruba.
Saunter, v.i. rin ka kiri p\ll\lp\ll\l. Scarecrow, n. ohun id\lruba \liY\l.
Savage, n. Rlaigbede, onroro, Scarf, n. aw ibQrim.
enia-kenia. Bra oko. adj. Scarlet, n. MMe.
nika, roro. Scarred, adj. ni ami egbo, ni
Save, v.t. and i. gba-la kuro ninu ibaj\l.
ewu, da-si, gba IQwQ ~\l; Scatter, v.t. and i. tuks., ffulka.
fipamQ. prep. hiko~, Bfi. Scattering, n. ituka, ifUnka.
SaYing, adj. gbigba·la; ,~unna, Scavenge, v.t. and i. pal~mQ ni
fifi owo pamQ. adv. biko- ita, tun iJu ,e.
,epe; ay~bi. Scavenger, n. agbal~ ita, gbal~-
SaYings-bank, n. ibi ifiowo pamQ gbal,\,.
ai. Scene, n. iwo, iri, aworan ibi kan.
Saviour, n. Olugbala araiye. Scenery, n. iwo il,\" iri il\l yika.
Savour, n. arim, adim, itQwo. Scent, n. arimo
v.t. and i. gbOriln, tQ-wo. Scentless, adj. laini arim.
Savoury, adj. didull. Sceptic, n. alaigba otitQ gbljl,
Saw, n. 8yiln. v.t. and i. r\l-igi, oniyemeji.
yim; rio Sceptical, adj. oniyemeji.
Sawd11l1;, n. ly~ ir\lgi ayiln. Scepticism. n. iyemeji, s.igba.
Sawpit, n. ~biti igi alayun. QIQrun tabi otitQ ifihan
Sawyer, n. alayiln igi; r\lgir\lgi. R~ gbQ.
Say, Said, v.t. and i. wi, sQ. Sceptre, n. IjIpa Qba, Qpa alade.
Saying, n. wiwi, sisQ, Qrf/ sisQ. Scheme, n. ero, Hana, lmQ.
Scab, n. epa, epo. Schism, n. iyapa.
Scabbard, n. akQ ida. Scholar, n. ak\lkljl, IjIIQgbQn.
Scaffold, n. akasQ, at~gun, P\lP\l. Scholarship, n. QgbQn iwe; an-
Scald, v.t. bu omi gbigbona jo. fani lati kQwe lQf,\,.
Scale, n. ip~. v.,. and i. goke. School, n. ile-iwe, ajQ ikQwe,
Scales, n.pl. o,uwQn; ip~. ile-,\,kljl.
Scalp, n. agbari. School-board, n. aWQn igbim9
Scamp, n. enia lasan, eniakenia. fun ile-iwe.

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School-fellow, n. ~1~gb~ ni ile Scribble, n. ik'ilkuk'il.

iwe. Scribe, n. ak'ilwe.
School-muter, n. oluk'il 'ilk'ilnrin, Scrip, n. 4po, birigami.
alakoso ile iwe. Script, n. iwe af'ilw'ilk'il.
School-mistr8ll8, n. oluk'il obirin. Scriptural, adQ. ti Bibeli Mim9,
SchooDer, n. 'ilk9 igbokun. t-i Iwe Mim9.
Science, n. im'il, 'ilgb'iln, oye, ~'il. Scripture, n. Bibeli Mim'il, Iwe.
ijinl(l. Mim9, Qr'il Ql'ilrun.
Scienti1l.c. adj. ti 'ilgb'iln, ti im'il. Scroll, n. iwe kilta.
ScioD, n. 'ilw9-igi, at~le, 'ilm'il. Scrub, v.t. and i. f9, gbo.
Scilaon, n.pl. a1um'ilgaji. Scruple, n. iye meji; 0¥Uw'iln
Scoft, v.t. k~an, fi r~rin ~1~ya, (20 grains).
fi-,~in. Scrupul01ll, adQ. niyemeji, woye,
Scoftera, n.pl. aW'iln ~l~gan. rqra.
Scold, v.t. and i. ba-s'il, ba-wi, Scrutinise, v.t. wadi, ,etljls~,
sas9. wafin.
Scoop, v.t. w'il jade. n. ohun ti Scrutiny, n. iwadi, itljls~, ibere,
a W'il jade. awafin.
Scope, n. ete, amani, aye; 'ilna. Scuflle, n. ija mdumdu.
Scorch, v.t. and i. fi-j6na (omn Sculptor, n. afinA, ~ti 0 ngb~
Ii a nlo ade yi fun). ere okuta.
Score, n. i,iro, igbese; ogful. Sculpture, n. 'ilnA fifin.
Scom, n. ~gan, abUkun. v.t. fi- Scum, n. ifofo.
,\!sin, fi ,e ~1~ya, k~gan. Scurf, n. epa aw'il ara.
Scomera. n.pl. aW'iln ~1~gan. ScurV)', n. elekum, ekum.
SCOrpiOD, n. akeke, akerekere, Scythe, n. doje.
ojogan. Sea, n. okun, omi-iyq.
Scoundrel, n. ~eni, eniakenia. Seacoast, n. agbegbe okun.
Scour, v.t. f9. pa, gbo, wa kiri. Seaman, n. atuk'il okun.
Scourge, n. 'ilr~. pA¥an. v.t. na Seaport, n. ebute okun, ibi igunl~
ni 'ilr~. fi patan nA. 'ilk9, ilu ti 0 wa leti okun.
Scout, n. ami. Seashore, n. ~ba OklID, il~ eti
Scowl, v.t. and i. fajurom'il.
,u,u okun.
Seasick, adj. ni imya ebi ninu
Scrag, n. rU joro. 'ilk 9 0kun.
Scramble, v.t. and i. jijadu, duo Seal, n. adidi iwe.
n.ljadu. SeaIiDg-wu, n. ida ti a fi ndi iwe.
Scrap, n. ibu kekere. Seam, n. iran 8¥Ijl, ik6, ojuran.
Scrape, v.t. and i. ha. han. v.t. ranpQ, k6.
Scratch, v.t. and i. ya lekanna. Seamleaa, adj. laini iran, laini
Scrawl, n. sami si. fi ikanju k'ilwe. ojuran.
Scream, v.t. and i. kigbe, ke, han Seamatreaa, n. ohlran''ilta obi-
/loro. rin.
Scre8ch, v.t. and i. dun bi owiwi. Sear, adj. gbigb~. v.t. fi-jona,
Screen, n. Abo. iboju. v.t. dAM- fi.mQ.
bo, taboju. Search, n. awari, iwam. v.t.
Screw, n. ide. v.t. and i. de. and i. wadi, wakiri.
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Season, 11. akokb kan Ii 9dun. Sedition, 11. ~tf;l, irukerudo.

Seasonable, adj. lakokb, nigba Seduce, v.t. tan-jf;l, ba-jf;l, df;lwb.
ti 0 n. Seducer, 11. I;'lf;ltan, abanijf;l.
Seasoning, 11. &dim ti a fi si onj4il. Seduction, 11. l.wa f;ltan, iyi kuro
Seat, 11. ijoko, aga. v.t. gbe- 19na rere.
joko. Sedulous, adj. lap9n, laisimi.
Secede, v.i. fa-s4ilhin, ya kuro See, 11. sakani ilf;l abojuto bilil9pu.
ninu 4ilgh4il. See, Saw, Seen, 1.,.t. and i. ri,
Seceders, 1I.pl. aY4ilra kuro ninu riran.
4ilgb 4il. Seed, 11. irugbin; ir6-9m9.
Seceaion, 11. iY4ilra kuro ninu Seedling, 11. ebU.•
4ilgb 4il. Seedtime, 11. l.gba. ifunrungbin.
Seclude, v.t. ha.-m9, si ibi kllJl, Seeing, 11. iri, riri. ounj. nitori,
ya-B9t9, Y9-kuro. nitorina.
Seclusion, 11. iY8S9t9, iY9kuro. Seek, Sought, v.t. and i. wa.kiri,
Second, adj. ekeji. 11. 4ilnikeji, here.
9m9-4ilhin ~4ilju. v.t. t9- Seem, v.i. ,e bif;lnipe, ,e afihan,
ll;'hin, ti-ll;'hin. dabi.
Secondhand, 11. tita 14ilrin keji, Seemly, adj. yf;l, t9, dara.
. at9w9 kejiwa. I Seer, 11. ariran, woli.
Secondly, adv. Ii 9na keji. Seethe, v.t. and i. b9'
Secrecy, 11. ik9k9. Segment, 11. ikekuro, irepe.
Secret, n. ohun I.k9k9. adj. Segregate, v.t. and i. ya-nipa.
nl.k9k9· Segxegation, 11. iyapa, ifi8lasi.
Secretary, 11. nk9we. Seize, v.t. and i. fi agbll:ra gbl\.
Secretaryship, 11. oye ak9we. Seizure, 11. ifi aghara mu, imu
Secrete, V.t. fi-pam9, ruu-Pa.m9. lojiji.
Secretion, n. ifipa.m9, iyssapakan Seldom, adv. ni daindain.
omi ara. Select, v.t. ~y8.n. adj. 8.¥\yan.
Secretly,adv. nik9k9. Selection, 11. i~yan.
Sect, 11. f;lgbf;l, iyapa isin, ala- Self, pron. enitikararf;l.
dam9· Selflah, adj. £if 4il ara ~ni.
Section, 11. iyapa, ipin, apakan SeIflahn8l8, n. if 4il ara f;lni.
ninu iwe. Self-restraint, Self-control, 11.
Secular, adj. ti aiye. iko ara I;'ni ni ijanu.
Secularize, vt. yi llo ohun ti 4ilmi Self-righteousness, 11. i,ododo
pada si ilokulo. loju &ra f;lni.
Secure, adj. laifoya, lailewu, Self-same, adj. 9kanna, eyina.
laihf;lru. v.t. di-mu, dabobo, Self-will, 11. glrimakayi.
fi-pa.m9· Sell, v.t. and i. tB, fi-gbowo. 11.
Securely, adv. dajudaju. 4iltan•
Security, 11. aM, ib919w9 ewu, Seller, 11. olutB.
onigb9w9· Selvage, 11. eti ~9.
Sedate, adj. P4il1f;l, dak4il' bibal4il, Semblance, 11. ij9ra, akawe.
tutu. Seminary, 11. ibi ik9oi, ile iwe.
Sedentary, adj. nijokojf;l. Senate, 11. aj9 igbim9.
Sediment, 11. g~~g~~. Senator, 11. ara igbirn9.
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SIIDIl. f).t. and i. ran·IQ, ran·ni~~. Sermon, n. iwasu, ikilQ, 91"9

Senior, n. ~gb9n, &gba, .ju. iyanju.
Seniority, 71. akQbi, ipo tabi oye Serpent, n. ejo .
• ju. Servant, n. ira~~, QmQ.QdQ.
S8DI&tion, n. im9, a.iba.l~ Qkan. Serve, v.t. and i. ~ ira~, sin,
8eDse, n. im9, oye, QghQn. ~ ~~.
SeD8el-. adj. 1a.inim9, lainoye. Service. n. isin, ~~.
S8Dlible. adj. loye, gbQn, ni im9' Servile, adQ. bi ~rU, ni i~riba.
SeD8itive, adj. iya.ra. ni im9' Serrility, n. iwa ~rU, isin inira,
8eDsual, adj. ti ¢a, ti ara, ti isin ~rU.
if~kuf~. 8eaaion, 71. ijoko aWQn onidajQ.
8eDauaIist. on. agbt;)taJ"a, onif~· Set, v.t. mu-joko, ii-si, fi-Ie,
kuf~. gbekal~; gbin. adj. ki,le,
8eDsuaIity, n. iwa if~kuf~. f~~mul~.
Sentence. n. ida.l~bi, 91"9 idajy, Settle, n. ijoko, ago.; ipinnu.
gbolohun 91"9. v.t. da.l~bi, fl.t. and i. pinnu, san igbese,
8Q1"9 idajQ si. t~e, fi idi kal~.
Sentiment, n. iro, im9, idajQ. Settlement, n. ifi idi kal~,
Sentimental, adj. ti iro, ti im9, itlm~, isanwo; ilutit¢o.
ti idajQ. Settler, n. atipo.
Sentinel, Sentry, n. ologun ti ~Q Seven, adj. meje.
ode. Sevenfold, adj. nigba meje.
Separate. v.t. and i. ya-nipa, Seventeen, adj. m~tadilogun.
ya.sQtt;). Seventh, adj. ekeje.
Separation, n. yiyanipa, iyasa- Seventieth, adj. ~kadQrin.
pakan, iYa.PQtt;). Seventy, adj. adQrin.
September, n. o~u k~an Qdun. Sever, v.t. and i. ya-s9tt;), yo.-
Sepulchre. n. isa-oku, iboji. kuro.
Sequel, n. asinwa-asinbQ. igb~- Several, adj. QPQIQPQ, oniriiru.
hin, ipari. Severe, adj. muna, roro.
Seraph, 71. Qkan nir..u aWQn ~gb~ Severely, adv. kikankikan ; pata-
angeli. pata; tagbaratagbara.
Seraphim. n. aWQn ang~li ti 0 Severity, n. imuna, iroro.
nyi it~ QIQrun ka. Sew, v.t. and i. ran, kb, sQ.
Serene, adj. dak~ rQ1"9, rQI~, d~ju. Sewer, n. Qna omi riri ati eri.
Serenity, n. idak~1"91"9, id~ju. SR, n. ~ya. abo ati akQ, eya.
Serf, n. ~rU. obirin ati QkQnrin.
Sezton, n. a.labojuto He QIQrlln
Sergeant, n. oye ninu ogun, oye
ati Qgba r~.
ninu aw.;m QIQpa.
Serial, adj. Rt~lera. Shabby, adj. nia'lQ gbigbo, niwa-
kiwa, n~ek~.
Series, n. it~le l~s~s~. Shackle. n. ~~k~~~k~. v.t. de ni
Serious, adj. ni ironu, ni 9wy. !f~k~~~k~.
Seriously, adv. p~lu ironu, ~lu Shade. n. ibOji, ojiji. v.t. ~ijiho.
9w Q. Shadow, n. ojiji.
Seriousneas,n. idak~j~, ironu- Shady, adj. abo kUJ"o ninu imQI~
jinl~. orun.

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Shaft, qpa, ibo Sheet, n. 81\19 ibora, Illi'''' akete,

Shaggy, adj. l\Iakil\laki, kangun- 8I\Iq igbokun, ewe takAda,
kangun. gqg9WU •
Shake, mimi v.t. Shelf, n. apako a fi Bi lati
mi, gb~m, nkan ; PlilP'i'.
Shaky, adj. ailagbara, niyemeji. Shen. n. igbs, epo, karawun.
Shall, v.t. yio. Shelter, n. dbi'>. v.t. and i. da.·
Shallow, adj. l\laijinlljl, l\laijido. bobo.
Sham, ~tan, ifarawe.
Shelve, v.t. i. mn ni
\lnu il\llil. apakan. Ylil Bi
Shambles, n.pl. qja. alapata. apakan.
Shame, n. itiju, abukun, liIgan. Shepherd, n. olUl\lq-Agutan.
Shamefaced, ad;j. iUju. Sherift, n. ijoye ilu.
Shameful, adj. fun Shield, n. apata, asa, v.t.
llilgan. ddbobo, Ii asa.
Shameless, adj. lainitlju, gboju. Shift, v.t. and i. yipadA, l\Iipo-
Shank, n. igun liIBliI. pada.
Shape, aworan, apliIrlil. ShiIlinp:, n. owo flldska 1/- ;
Shapeless, adj. apliIrlil. !,Iile kan.
Share, n. ipin; doje. v.t. and i. Shin, n. egungun liIBliI.
pin. Shine, V.t. and i. mqllil' mq, dan,
Sharer, alahapin. ran, tan.
Shark, ekura. Shining, adj. didan, titan, rirAn,
Sharp, adj. mimu, yara, kan ni itaDl\lan.
iwlt. Ship, n. qk9. v.t. and i. l\Ii-qk9,
Sharpen, V.t. and i. pc,Sn, 19, pqn· wq.qk9, fi si yk9.
rin. mu. Ship..mutor, olori qkQ.
Sharply, adv. tagbaratagbara. Shipping, n. qkq titu.
Sharpness, n. ikannu, imu, iyara. Shipwreck, n. fifc,S qk9, rirl qk9.
Shatter, v.t. and i. fc,S, fc,S tutu. Shirk, v.t. y~.kuro, y~-Bilti'.
Shave, and fa·iron. I Shirt, ~wu aWQtlillti'.
Sharingl, n.pl. liIf4 . Shirting, n. fwU.
Shawl, II.I;Iq ; iborun, ShiveI, V.t. warm fq-t(ltU.
She, pera. pron. on (obirin). n. iwarlri, ifc,St,utu.
Sheaf, n. iti qka, iti qfa. Shoal, n. qwq.~ja, behe ninu
Shear, and i. r~ kuru. omi.
Shearer, olur~:run. n. ikqlu, idugbolu. igbqn-
Shears. n.pl. alumqgaji. v.t. and i. gbqntiti,
Sheath, n. akq ida. mu.kqBliI, kq·lu.
Sheathe, v.t. fi b", !\k",. I Shoe, n. batao v.t. bq-bata.
Shed, agc,S, Imka. ".t. Shoeblack, n. 'i'niti 0 dan batao
da.ailti', tan·ka, adanbata.
Sheen, n. did an, imqlti'. Shoelace, n. okun batao
Sheep, n. agutan. Shoeless, adj. laini batao
Sheepfold, n. agbo agutan. Shoemaker, n. onibata, aranbata.
Sheeplkin, n. aw", BlrUtan. Shoot, Shot, and i. 8q ;
Sheer, adj. lasan; gangan. hu-jade, yq-jade

Shooters, n.pl. aW~)n tafAtafa. Sh1Ul, v.t. y\,ra, y~.sil~.

Shop, n. ile-c;>ja. Shunt, 1I.t. and i. kuro lc;>na.
Shopkeeper, n. olWW c;>ja tita, Shut, v.t. and i. se, ti, di.
oluta. Shutter, n. il\,kun ferese.
Shopping, n. rira Ii c;>ja. Shuttle, n. 9k~ iwun'9.
Shore, n. eti-okun, eti odo, Shy, adj. ni tiju; ju.
ebute, ilf,l \,ba omi. Sick, n. a.Iarun, alaisan, oloku
Short, adj. kUru, kukuru. nrun. adj. Ii arun, laila-
Shortage, n. abukun, &ipe. gbara, laisan.
Shorten, 1I.t. and i. ke-kuru, mu- Sicken, v.t. and Z. mu·~an.
kuru, S9 di kukuru. Sickle, n. doje.
Shorter, adj. kuru ju. Siclmeas, n. arun, aisan.
Shori-Jived, adj. lalwa p\'o Side, n. tha, \,gb\,. v.i. t\,-Bl,
Shortly, adll. nisisiyi. ti-l\'hin, dap9-m9.
Shori-aighted, atlj. laile riran Sidesman, n. oloye ninu ij9;
jina. oj~\, ij9'
Shori-tempered. adj. tete binu. Sidewan. adll. lapakan.
Shot, n. c;>ta ibc;>n. Siege, n. id6ti, ido, isagati. v.t.
Should. aua:. v. iba. d6tl.
Shoulder, n. ejika. v.e. and i. fi- Sieve, n. kqnk~q, 88~.
lejika. Sift, 1I.t. andi. ku ni kqnkqsq,
Shout, n. ih6. v.t. and i. h6 yeo y~ wo kinikini.
Shove, v.t. bi, ti-siwaju. n. iti- Sigh, n. imi-~un. v.t. and i.
siwaju. k\'flUn.
Shovel. n. 9k9' Sight, n. iri-oju, iwo, aworan.
Show, v.t. and i. fi-han. n. SlghU_, adj. lairiran.
ifiMn. Sign, n_ ami. a.p\,r\" apejuwe.
Shower, n. c)jo, 9wara-c)jo. V.e. v.t. and i. ~-ap\,r\" samisi,
and i. fun-wara, rQ-ojo. f9wc;>-k9we si, fi oruk9 iii.
Showy, adj. 8/lt'han. Signal, n. ap\,r\, ifiyesi. adj.
Shred, 1I.t. r~ ~ W\,W\,. abaml, iyanu, nla.
Shrewd, adj. gbc;>n, larekereke. SiInaUJ, adv. nlanla., p\'lu iyanu.
Shriek, n. ihangoro. v.t. and i. SIgnature, n. ami oruk9 kikc;>
hangoro. llinu iwe lati fi ~ \,ri.
Shrill, adj. hiha.n. Signet, n. edidi, ami 9ba.
Shrimp, n. ede, ide. SigDifloant, rulj. ti 0 ni ap\,r\"
Shrine, n. ojub9 ori'l&, ile·orlifa. ami nkan pataki.
Shrink, v.e. and i. sunki, wakl. Signify, v.t. and i. ~e ap~r\" ti ami
Shrivel. v.t. and i. kakC), kiweje. S9, ti-han.
Shroud, n. ~9-oku, ~-isinku. Silenoe, n. idak\, rQrQ. idak\"
Shrub, n. igi kekare. ipanulD9. v.t. mu-dak\', plio
Shrug, v.t. and i. kakC), kasokc. \,nu In9. interj. ~ dak\,!
n. isc;>jikasoke. Silent, adj. lailohun, dak\" yadi,
Shudder, 1I.i. fi \,ru wariri. n. da.
iwariri. Silk, n. ~9 ,¢a.
Shuftle, fI.t. and i. ~ru •. ~ are- Silken, adj. fifi ,¢a ~.
kereke. Silk-worm, n. kokoro ,¢a.
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Silly, adj. ~pe, ~wpre. Sip, v.l. and i. rnu di¢i\l, tljlwo.
Silver, n. f&dalta. Sir, n. illagba.
Silversmith, n. alagb¢\l f&daka .. Ske,n.baba,\lgbljln.
Similar, adj. irukanna, jijljlra. Sirname, n. orukljl apele.
Similarity, n. iribakanna,. ijljlra. Sister, n. arabirin.
8imiIitude, n. akawe, ap\lr\l, Sisterhood, n. iwa arabirin,
sworan, afarawe. \lgb\l aWljln obirin.
Simmer, v.t. and i. ho kinikini, Sister-in-law, n. arabirin IjIkljl
hiho omi lori ina di¢i\l. tabi aya, ana.
Simple, adj. ope, lailarekereke, Sit, v.t. and i. joko, ba, 8imi,
lainia.bulA, nigbangba, laini kal\l.
eru, laimljlkan. Site, n. il\l, ipo, aye, il\l ile.
Simplicity, n. aimQkan, inu kan, Sitter, n. ajoko.
otitljl, aileru. Sitting, n. ijoko.
Simplify, v.t. ~ irljlra, mu ~oro Situate, adj. 81j111j1jljl, nipo, t~do.
kuro, fihan gbangba. Situation, n. ipo, aye, it~do.
Simply, adv. kiki, nika~o. Siz, adj. ~fa, m\lfa.
Simulate, v.t. t\lle, fi ~ ap\lr\l, Sixfold, adj. IIj1na., m\lfa.
fi ,0 afarawe.
Simultaneous, adj. ~~P9, aju·
Sixpence, n. owo f&daka, penny
m\lfa, sisi.
In9~ nigbakanna. Bmeen, adj. \lrindilogun, m\lrin-
Sin, n. \l'\l, iru ofin Qlljlrun. v.i. dilogun.
'\l si ofin Qlljlrun, d~~, ,~. Bmb, adj. \lk\lfa.
Since, adv. lati akoko. prep. Simeth, adj. IjIgljlta, ~ljIgljlta.
l\lhin, nigbati. BmJ, adj. IjIgljlta..
Sincere, adj. ,otljl, niwa funfun, Sise, n. itobi, iWljln.
pipe lailabUlA lododo. Skein, n. ikljl owu.
Sincerity, n. iwa funfun, inu Skeleton, n. egun~n ara.
funfun, otitljl·inu. Sketch. n. aworan, ap\lr\l. v.t.
Sinew, n. i,an.
Sinful, "dj. kun fun \'If\l, kiki ~'\l.
and i !lie ap\lr\l, ,0 aworan.
Skewer, n. ek8.n igi lati fi so eran.
Sing, v.t. and i. kljlrin. Skilful, adj. lljlgbljln, nimQ, oloye.
Singe, v.t. and i. jon" f~r~, sUnki. SkiI1, n. IjIgbljln, im(l, oye.
Singer, n. olonn. akljlrin. Skim, v.t. and i. re ifofo kuro.
Single, adj. Qkan; ap9n. Skimp, v.t. and i. fi ~uwQn aiktm
Singleness, n. i,otito, ~nuka.n, wQn.
IjIkan kan. Skin, n. aWIjI ara, epo. v.t. and i.
Singular, adj. ti IjIkan, pataki, ha-lawljI, bo.lawljI, hljl-Iepo.
iyanu, ,a.rB.. Skip. v.t. and i. fo, rek'ija, b~. ,l..
Singularity, n. ohun arB, ~a. n. ifo.
Sinister, ad;;. IljlwljI osi, buru, Ii Skipper, n. olon IjIkQ.
~tan. Skirmish. n. ija f~r\l.
Sink, v.t. and i. rl., mu, wQ. Skirt, n. ~1jI, \lwu obirin. opin.
Sinl8l8, adj. lail\l!l\l. v.t. and i. fi ~ eti, kQjal\lba.
Sinner, n. 91\l,\l. Skulk, v.i. sapamljl, farapamljl.
Sin-oftering, n. \lhljl'~\l, ~bljl Skull, n. agbari.
etutu. SkY. n. oju ljlrun, IjIrun.
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Skylight, n. oju ferese lori olulc. SliDg, n. k8.nnak8.nna. v.t.·and i.

Slab, n. okut8 p~l~b~. gh9n k8.nnak8.nna.
Slack. add. jafara, lyra, d~wo, SliDger8. n.pl. onikannakanna.
fas~hin. v.t. and i. tu. Slink, v.t. and i. y~ra kuro, YQ
Slackneu, n. ijafara, id~\\'q, farapamQ.
ifas~hin. Slip, v.t. and i. YQ, bQ, tu·kuro.
Slain, n. ~ni pipa. Slip-knot, n. oj6bo.
Slake, v.t. boIni wqn eru gbi. Slipper, n. bata ti ko ni aWQ
gbona. plio ongb~. l~hin.
Slam. V.t. and i. fi agbara ti. Slippery, adj. yiYQ.
SlaDder, n. ihin buburu, Qrq. Slit, v.t. and i. la t~r~, sa.n. n.
ibaj~, isyrq Bi. v.t. Byrq ~Rn, ~la.
ibaj~ si. gbadulum(l. Slope, n. g~r~g~r~ ake.
Slanderer, n. agbadulum(l. Sloppy, adj. l~r~, tutu.
SlaDdero1ll, adj. ni dulum(l. Slot, n. ilia.
SlantiDl, adj. yqg~r~. Sloth, n. im~l~, 91~.
Slap, n. abara. v.t. gba la.bars. Slothful, adj. im~I~, l~, lQra, fa.
Slash, v.t. and i. fi agbara lu, ke, S1othfu1n-. n. ilQra.
~a. Slough, n. ira, ~r", jijin, B.f(l;
Slate, n. waIa, ohun ikQwe, okuta aW9 ajo ti 0 bQI~.
iboIe. SIoveD, n. alaimura giri, iwa
Slaughter, n. ipakupa, ipa. v.t. aibikita.
pa·run, pa. Slow, adj. lQra, fa, p~.
Slaughter-hoase, n. ile ipa ~ran. Slowly, adv. p~l~.p~l~, j~j~.
Slave, n. ~rU. Sluggard, n. Ql~ enia.
Slavery, n. iwa ~. oko ~rU. Sluggish. adj. 191~, nilyra.
Slavish. adj. bi ~rU, ainiyin. Sluioe, n. oju yiya omi. v.t. and i.
Slay, Slew, Slain, v.t. pa, lu.pa. tu omi jade si, fi omi fIBn'
gba Ii ~Ini. Slumber, n. ogbe. v.t. and i.
Sleep, n. orun. si.'5uu. v.t. and i. rogM.
Bun, siIni. S1umberer, n. olorun.
Sleeper, n. olorun, sunrunsunrun. Slur, v.t. and i. gan, flli.bUkiln,
Sleepi-. adj. laisun. ibaj~. n. abtikun.
Sleepy, adj. togbe. wiwo funOrun. Slut, n. eleri obirin.
Sleeve, n. apa ~wu. Sly, adj. larekereke. gbQn, YQ'
Sleevel-. adj. lailapa ~wu. minrin.
Sleight, 71. QgbQn arekereke. Smack, v.t. and i. lit, f~nukonu.
Slender, adj. tinrin. t~r",. l~g~. n. adUn, if~nukonu.
l~g~. aito. Small, adj. kekere. di~, tinrin.
Slice. n. ~b~. v.t. and i. b~ p~l~b~. SmallDeu, n. ikere aitobi.
SWle, v.t. and i. YQ. YQt~r~. Smallpoz, n. 'l9panna, il~·gbona.
Slight, adj. f~r~, lainiyin. laini- Smart, adj. yara mu, ta, mu,
lari, di~. v.t. ~yesi, wiwQf19 daradara. v.i. ta
'1ainani. n. igbagbe. aikasi. bi ata. jiya.
Slightly, adv. di~ di~. Smash, v.t. and i. fq riirii.
SBm, adj. t~r~. bi YfIBn. Smatter, v.i. ~kQ aikQtan, Bmq-
SBme. n. (Ida il~. yiyQ. m(ltan.

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Smear, v.t. and i. r~, "an. Sneer, n. lwo ~gan, ~gan, abu-
Smell, n. oron. v.t. and i. gbOron. kUn. v.t. and i. fi iwb k~gan.
Smelt, v.t. Y9-irin, po-irin. Sn_e, n. siain. v.i. 8in.
Smelter, n. aY9rin, aporin. SDiff, v.t. and i.. fi imu fa.
Sde, v.t. and i. r~rin w~8i, ,e Snip, v.t. and i. repe bi alum9
ojurere. gaji.
Smite, Smitten, v.t. and i. lu, Snivel, v.i. wa ikun di imU.
k9lu, pa, fi ik,iku lu. Snob, n. enia luan.
Smiter, n. aluni. Snore, n. ihanrun. v.t. and i.
Smith, n. a1agb~d~. hanrun.
Smithy, SmitherJ, n. agb~~, ile Snort, v.t. and i. fon bi ~in.
&IV. Snout, n. igi-imu ~ranko.
Smock, n. ~wu awqt~l~. Snow, n. iri didi.
Smoke, n. enn. v.i. fin, efin, Snub, n. apara, ifipe-okan. v.t.
ru efin. v.t. mu koko taba. gan, If&ikasi, fojutinrin.
Smoke-c1ry, v.t.yangb~ lefin,yan Snuff, n . • ra. lil9. v.t. and i. r~
lori atAn. fitila; f9n imu, titimu.
Smoker, n. amukoko taba. Snuff-boZo n. apoti .ra.
SmokJ, adj. kiln fun efin. Snug, adj. nir9ra, nitunu.
Smooth, adj. t~ju, t~b~r~. v.t. So, adv. b~ni, nitorina, bayi.
t~ju, t~, dan. Soak, v.t. and i. t~ b9 omi, r,>
Smoothn_, n. it~ju, didan. Ii omi.
Smooth-tougued, adj. ah9n ipQn- Soap, n. 9'~, aw~nu.
ni ; ~l\lnu didun. Soar, v.i. fb fiofio, fll afbga.
Smother, v.t. and i. fi efin pa, I Sob, v.t. and i. 89paka ~kun.
fun-pa. Sober, adj. airek9ja, iW9ntun-
Smoulder, v.i. jO-8~hin, jo di~ w9nBi•
di\l. Sohern_, Sobriety, no iwa
Smudge, n. abukun, ahaw9n. airek9ja, iwa iW9ntunw9nBi.
Sm1lllle, v.t. m9ja w9lu laisan Sociable. adj. fifanim9ra, abanl-
owo bode. kqgb\l.
Smunler, n. am9ja w9lu 1aisan Social, adj. kik~gb~. didaP9.
owo bode. Society, n. ~b~, idaP9, ajum9t6-
Smut, n. iwodu. Sock, n. at9 ih9s~.
Saar, n. ehin tita jade, igi ti 0 Socket, n. ihb-it~h9, iM.
Y9 ninu omi. Sod. n. idi erup\" ogulutu.
Snail, n. igbin, okoto. Sodden, adj. ~.
Snake, n. ejo. Sofa, n. ibujoko, aga iyars.
Soap, v.t. and i. da gb8nhun. Soft, adj. d~, d~ra, rq, d~ju.
Soappillm_, n. itonu, ikanra. P\ll~.
Sll&l'e, n. okUn did~, ~g~, id~kun. Soften, v.t. and i. mu-d~. mu-rq.
SIl&l'I, v.t. and i. kUn bi aja; Soft-hearted, adj. ninurere, ninu·
dalamu. tit~.
Suatch, v.t. and i. js, ja-19w9, Softly, adv. p~I~,
j ~j~.
ja-pati, jaj~. Soil, n. il~,
i1¢u, erup~. v.t_
Sneak, n. ole, eniakenia. v.t. and i. fi eri baj~.
and i. Y9 mlnrin. Sojourn, v.i. te atipo, ,e alejb.

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SOJ 137 sou
SojolU'Der, n. alejll, atipo. Songster, n. akyrin. olorin, \liy~
SojoumiDr, n. igba atipo. olorin.
Solace, n. itunu, nvra. Songstr888, n. akyrin obirin.
Solar, adj. ti orun. Son-in-law, n. yk9 ymybirin
Solder, n. im9, imylil. v.t. m9, \lni, ana.
l\lm9, mylil. 8oDDet, n. orin kekere.
Soldier, n. ologun. jagunjagun. Sonorous, adj. ni hihan goro;
Soldierly, adj. bi ymy-ogun, ohun oke.
laiya, gboju. Sonship, n. iwa ymy.
Sole, n. at\lJ~\l. v.t. fi at~~ ai. Soon, adv. nisisiyi, laiP\l, laiduro.
adj. nika~lfO. Soot, n. majala dudu jankAwy.
Solely, ad". kiki, nikan,o,o. Sooth, n. otity. ododo.
Solemn, adj. nironu, 9w9. Soothe, v.t. til, tan, P9n.
Solemnity, n. ite wnu, ifiyesi. Soothsayer, n. alafY,\l.
Solemnization, n. ita ilana ti ° Sooty, adj. dudu, nijankiiwy.
ni ironu. Sop, n. okele onj~. v.t. and i.
Solicit, v.t. and i. b~, tyl'9, ~e ajll. bllkele.
Solicitation, n. ~b\l, ajll, itajll. Sorcerer, n. 01fO.
Solicitor, n. ~l\lb\l fun ~nikeji, Soroer888, n. aj\l.
alagbawi \ljy funni ni ile \ljy.
Solicitude, n. ajll, aniyan. Sorcery, n. ito,o, i,aj~.
Solid, adj. murale, Ie, ye, Ifoty, Sordid, adj. ainiyin, l\lgan, loju-
lagbara. kokoro.
Solidity, n. iye, imurale, iduro- Sore, n. oju egbll, oju.
tantan, agbara. Sorely, adv. kikan. p\llu ¢un.
Soliloquiae, v.i. ba ara \lni 89l'9. Sorrel, n. amUkan.
Soliloquy, n. ibara \lni sy. Sorrow, n. ibanuj~, ikitnu, irora.
Solitary, adj. nik&nipO,o, Ii ~ni Sorrowful, adj. kun fun ibanuj\l
ofo. tabi irora.
Solitude, n. idagbe anikangbe. Sorry, adQ. binuj~; lainilari.
Solo, n. orin anikanky. Sort. n. iru, ~gb\l' v.t. ya Ii
Soluble, adj. yiya sipa, yiyy ninu (lgb~, to llilB~S~.
omi. Soriment, n. iyalytyty.
Solution, n. lY&89~, ilAdi. Sot, n. ong9, ymuti.
SolYe, v.t. ladi, tumy, s&s9ye. Sottish, adj. g9, lyra, lllpe.
Sombre, adj. IfOkunkun, riroju. Sought, Seek, v.t. and i. wa-kiri,.
Some, adj. di~, kan, awyn kan. bere.
Somebody, n. \lnikan, enia kan. Soul, n. ykan, \lmi.
Somehow, adv. Ii yna kan. Sound, n. ir6. adj. ye, I~ra,.
Something, n. nkan, ohun kan. lagbara, pe. v.t. and i. diw9n
Sometim_, adv. nigba kan, jinjin omi, fun, dUn.
nigbamiran. SOundD888, n. yiye, ilera, ipe.
Somewhat, adv. di\l, ohun kan, Soup, n. 9b\l, omi \lran.
nkankan. Sour, adj. kan, kikan, kanra,.
Somewhere, adv. nibi kan. roro, aipyn.
Son, n. ymykynrin, ymy-ile. Source, n. orisun, isun, ibi pataki..
Song, n. orin. South, n. gusil, ilia isal\l.

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sou 138 SPI

Southward, Southerly, adj. niha Speckle, v.t. bt\ t6tot6.

gusu. Spectacle,
Souvenir, n. Spectacles,
Sovereign, alaye ; Spectator,
wura (20/- shillings). Spectre, n. iji, iwin, iran.
Sovereignty, n. agbara nla, Speculato, v.i. gbiro, gbimc;> ,
ijc;>ba. daba.
Sow, n. abo fillfild~. Speculation, n. igbiro, igbimc;>,
Sow, v.t. fun irugbin, fun idaba_
gbin. Speculator, agbiro, &dabs.
Sower, n. afunrugbin. Speech, 91'9, ede, ohuo.
Space, n. aye, igba, akoko. Speechless, adj. Illifc;>hun, lailo-
Spacious, adj. laye, ffilju, gboro. hun.
Spade, n. c;>kc;> ibulfil. Speed, n. iyara. v.t. and i. ynra.
Span, n. ibu at'\ll'\lwc;>. v.t. and i. Speedy, adj. kankan, niyarayara.
fi ika !I'llda. Spell, n. edi, 9fQ.
Spangle, n. titau¥-n. Spell, ka ami iwo
Spank, v.t. fi ikUkil kan.
Spare, v.t. and i. da-si, ~un-Io, Spend, v.t. and i. n8wo, 10 tan,
dari-ji. run.
Sparing, adj. ni didasi. Spendthrift, n. oninakuna, amu-
Spark, n. filta-ina, QW9-ina, IiIuwa, alauabajfil.
ina. Sperm, iru.
Sparkle, n. ina, itanJ?iin, Spow, Spuo, andi. bi,
didan. tan, dan. Sphere, ayika, UUJLn,"",.
Sparrow, n. ologolilfil. kini.
Spasm, n. igiri, giri. Spice, n. turari.
Spasmodic, adj. di glri, wuru- Spider, n. alantakun.
wUrU. Spider-web, okun alantakun.
Spatter, v.t. Spike, n. iP9 agbado, ~
Spawn, n. filyin Spikenard, turari tutu.
Speak, Spoke, wi, Spill, v.t. danu,
sc;>rc;> , fc;>hun. tasi.
Speaker, n. c;>1c;>rc;>. asc;>rc;>. Spin, v.t. and i. ran, rallWU, fagun.
Speaking, n. iS~)r(;>. Spindle, n. kfilk~ owu.
Spear, n. qkQ, ~'1in. Spine, n. filhin.
Special, adj. akaml'a, pataki. Spinner, aranwu, olowu.
Specie, n. owo. Spiuster, wuodia,
Species, n. iru. filgbfil. Spiral, adj. ikanrun,
SpeciB.c, adj. nipa ti, iru kan, Spire, n. ile agogo, ipa .;ma tit~.
c;>kan, ogun kan ti 0 ba arun Spirit, n. filmi, c;>kan; iwin, Qrc;> ;
kan mu. Qti.
Specify, v.t. Spirited, kun fun
Specimen, n. yiya:ra.
Specious, adj. yiyin, Spiritless, lail\,mi aiaidsrsya,
han rare. kura.
Speck, n. abaw(;m, ami. Spiritual, adj. ti ~mi.

Spirituality, n. iwa ti ~mi. Spread, v.t. and i. n6, tan, bo-

Spb:itnous, adj. ti oti. mQI~, t~-si. n. itankal~, ina,
Spit, Spat, v.i. tutlj!. n. irin ibori. .
iyanran. Spreading, adj. rir8.n, nina,
Spite, n. irira, aikasi, iWQsi, ngbil\l. nwn si i.
arankan. v.t. korira, bi- Spree, n. baf\lf~.
ninu, fi arankan 10. Sprig, n. ~ka igi.
Spiteful, adj. nirira, laikasi, ni Sprightly, adj. mura, nididaraya.
arankan. Spring, n. fifo; orisun omi;
Spittle, n. itQ ~nu. igba rirti ewe. v.t. and i. fo,
Splash, 11.t. and i. f~r~ktm ~ba- fo-sokl:; sun jade; hu jade,
,aba, Ii ~r~ yi. ni-jade.
Spleen, n. QIQ inu, osi. SpriDgiDg, n. hlbu, riru, mun.
Splendid, adj. dara, yanju. Sprinkle, v.t. and i. bu, w~n, fun.
Splendour, n. biban, idara, idan. Sprinkling, n. ibuwqn.
Splice, V.t. ran-okun. Sprite, n. ij i, idiji.
Splint, n. igi p~l~b~ lati fi di Sprout, n. ehu titun. v.t. and i_
egungun ti 0 fq. lahu, lanu hu.
Splinter, n. ~run igi p~l~b~. Spruce, adj. fifinju, didara, mu-
Split, v.t. and i. la, pin, la w~w~. ragiri, ~kBn.
Spoil, v.t. and i. baj~, ja-Iole, ko. Spur, n. igun esin, k~s~ ~~.
n. ijalole, ikogun, ibaj~. v.t. and i. gun ~,in, ti-
Spotaman, n. alagbaBQ fun ni, siwaju.
ogbifQ. Spurious, adj. aiRotQ, I~tan, QmQ-
Spongf'!, n. kanrinkan oyinbo. ale, ifarawe.
. Sponaor, n. onigbQwQ. Spurn, v.t. and i. tapa si, gan .
. Spontaneous, adj. lanv, fun ara Spurt, v.i. sun-jade.
~ni, ti if~ ara ~ni. Spy, n. ami, ~i. v.t. and i.
Spoon, n. ,ibi, igbakQ. ~ ami 'Q, WOo
Sport, n. ire, ire-¥i,e. v.t. ,ire, Squabble, n. aBq.
"Qd~. Squabbler, n. alMQ.
Sportsman, n. Qd\l. Squadron, n. ~gb~ ologun.
Spot, n. abawQn, Abukim, ~gan, Squall, n. ~ftifu ojiji. v.t. and i.
ami. v.t. ~bukun si. ke lojiji.
Spotl. . , adj. lailabukun, lails- Squalid, adj. \ll~gbin, leri.
bawQn, lail~gan. Squander, v.t. nB ni inakuna;
Spotted, adj. alaml, abawQn. na-baj\l.
Spouse, n. iyawo, QkQ-iyawo. Square, n. igun m~rin IQgbQgba.
af~sQna. v.t. and i. ,e dooe, mu bade,
Spout, n. ih6 ti nsun omi, ~nu ba-mu.
9'19r9. v.t. and i. da Q,qr9. Squash, n. i~ubu ojiji. ?I.t. and i.
Sprain, n. rirq, ifirq, ifararq. bi "ubu.
v.t. fi-rq. Squat, v.t. and i. 10,0 ~atipo.
Sprawl, v.t. and i. dura. dura ni Squeak, n. kika, didun. ?}.t.
,ubu. and i. ke, dun.
Spray, n. ~ka-igi. ifofo omi. Squeal, v.t. and i. han.
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Squeeze, n. ifunpQ. v.t. and i. standard, n. f,lpagun, asia.

fun PQ. 0liuwf,ln idasiI~.
Squint, v;t.andi. ifojuwo lapaklloJl, Standard-bearer, n. f,llf,lpagun.
da oju woo Standing, n. iduro, ipb. adj.
Squire, n. iraJlJf~, f,l1f,ltf,l, f,lgb~ni. diduro, nar6.
Squirm. v.i. tagiri. Standpoint, n. ibi ti a gbe ti nw()
Squirrel, n. f,lk~r~, oforo, nklloJl.
Stab, v.t. and i. fi ohun mimu Standstill. n. iduro j~.
gun. Staple, n. ipinnu own 9ja. adj.
Stability, n. iduroifin.m. Da.kak.i.
Stable, v.t. and i. didurolfilllfin, Star, n. ll'8.W9.
fif~~.mlll~. n. ibuso. ~rlloJl. Starch, n. ogi gbaguda.
Stack, n. 110M agbado tabi koriko Stare, v.t. and i. wb.~un, fiylloJlu
~. v.t. ko koriko Ii ~e woo
aba. Stark, adj. patapata, nihoho.
Staff, n. f,lpa, igi, ami oye, aWf,ln Starlight, n. imf,ll~ irawf,l.
alab~~P9· Start, v.t. and i. dide kan. dide
Stag, n. ak9 agbf,lnpn. Iqgan.
Stage, n. ibi iduro, ibusf,l. Starting-point, n. ibi idide.
Stagger, v.t. and 'i. ta gb9ngb9n, Startle, v.t. d~ruba, ba·l~ru.
tase irin; 1ft' iyemcji. Starvation, n. ipalebi.
Stagnant, adj. alairu, Qlai~, Starve, v.t. and i. fi ebi po..
diduroj~. State, n. iwa, sakani ilu. v.t. 8f,l,
Stagnation, n. iduroj~, lRiloju la 1~~s~.
i~an. Statement, n. Qrf,l, iIa Qrf,l silf·
ShUD,n.abawqn,abUkUn,~gan. Station, n. iduro, ipb, ibus9.
v.t. and i. '\Ie abawqn si. ibujoko. v.t. fi si ipo.
S~,S~ase,n.akasQ,at~un Stationary, adj. diduro nibikan.
iIe. lailQRiwaju.
Stake, n. ektl.n, op6, ijiyan. v.t. Stationer, n. atawe, oniwa.
fi ekBn tl.. Stationery, n. ohun ikf,lwe.
Stale, adj. gM, p~, di ikasi. Station-master, n. alabojuto.
Stalk, n. igi ehu, poroporo, f,lpa. ibode 9kf,l.il~. .
v.t. and i. yqd~. Statue, n. ere, awbran.
Stall, n. iM ~in tabi malu; ibi Stature, n. giglio, idagM, ina 8Ok~
f,lja. enia.
Stallion, n. akf,l ~~in ti a ko t~. Statute, n. ofin.
Stalwart, adj. alagbara. StallDCh, Stanch, adj. diduro·
Stamina, n. okun, f,l~n ara. .m~in, lotitQ, nitara. v.t.
Stammer, v.t. and i. k61Mb. daduro. (dida ~j~ duro).
Stammerer, n. ik6lblb. Staves, n.pl. 9p8, f,lg9·
Stamp, n. ohun ami ifiwerlloJl~e. Stay, n. alaf~hinti, idaduro. v.t.
v.t. and i. sami ai, fi .~s~ and i. duro nibikan, da·duro.
luI~, t~.mf,ll~. Stead, n. ipo, aye, ilo, irlloJll9w9.
Stampede, n. isare.girigiri. Steadfast, adj. duro~in~in.
Stand, n. ibi iduro, iduro. v.t. Steadfastly, adv. njduro~, ni
and i. d~~ duro, duro, t~jumf,l, ipmnu tan ganglion.
dide, naro.
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Steady, adj. .pn'lin, pipinnu, Stimulation, n. irUsoke, igbani.

diduro. yanju.
Steal, v.t. and i. jo.le. Sting, n. itani, oro. v.t. and i.
Stealth, n. iWR ole, iwa ik9klj'. ta, btl-"an.
Steam, n. oru. Stingl.., adj. ainita, ailoro.
Steamboat, n. 9kQ elefin. Stingy, adj. haw9. awun enia.
.steed, n. ~in. Stint, n. orun buburu. v.t.
Steel, n. irin, id~. and i. rUn, dibaj~.
Steep, adj. g~r~g~r~ oke. v.t. Stint, n. &18.. v.t. da.duro, fl
t~ b9 omi. ala si.
.steeple. n. ile i'l9 'I0~o. Stipend, n. owo ~~.
Steer, n. ~gb9rq ak9 maIu. v.f. Stipulate, v.t. and i. '18 Ipmnu,
and i. tu 9k9. '18 adehun, 'l8j9m 9·
Steerare. n. itqkq, isal~ 9kq. Stipulation, n. ipinnu, adehun,
Item, n. ~ka, 9pa, ~bi. v.t. da· aj9m 9·
duro. Stir-, n. irusoke. ariwo. v.t.
SteDch, n. orlan buburu. and i. ro, dide, mu, gbe
:step, n. ~~, irln \l8~; BkMq, dide.
at~gun. v.t. and i . .ps\!, rin. Stirrup, n. 9k9 asa lati fi. gun
8terliDg, adj. m9, dara, nitot~. ~in, idas~le gari ~"in.
Stem, adj. korO, rorO, ~nu. Stitch, n. ipa ab~r~. v.t. and i.
:11. ~hin idi 9kQ. ran, ko, sOPQ, dapQ .
.stew, n. 9b~ alata. v.t.. and i. Stook, n. eyiti a fi. pam9, iti,
yan layanse. bQ p~l~p~I';l. ~ura 9ja; kukute; omi-
Steward, n. iriju, ira~, olut.qju \!ran. v.t. and i. fi·pam9,
ile tabi oko. fi.-kun, ko·j9.
Stewardship, n. i'l~ olu~ju, ~e Stockade, n. ode.
iriju. Stocking, n. ibqs\!.
ltick, n. igi. v.t. and i. t~·b9, Stocks, n.pl. aba ti a fl nkan
l~m9, fim9, kAn.m9. ni m91~.
Sticb. adj. 1il~m9. fa m9tim9ti. Stook-taldng, n. ~ro ohun 9ja.
SWI, adj. lile, Ie, lafojudi. Stoke, v.t. and i. ko ina.
SWI-necked, adj. 919rlm lile. Stomach, n. inu, ikun.
SWie. v.t. and i. klwQ, funki; fin. Stone. n. okuta. v.t. 89 Ii okuta.
Stonework, n. i,,~ okuta.
'Stigma, n. ami ~g8.n. Stony, adj. ibi okuta, lile bi
Stigmatize. v.t. 'Ie ami ~g8.n si. okuta.
Still, v.t. and i. mu dak~, pa·l~nu Stool, n. apoti ijoko, apoti \l8(l.
m9. mu.pa r9rq. adj. dak~. Stoop, v.t. and i. b~r~, t~riba,
duro j\!, didak~ rq~. adv. t~ba.
sib~sib~. Stop, n. idaduro. ise. v.t. and i.
'SWl-born, adj. a.biku; bibi oku daduro, 8e.
9m 9· stoppage, n. idaduro.
Stilln.., n. idak~, idak~ r9rq. Stopper, n. adikq, id~nu.
'Stilts, n.pl. agere, mama{Mlra. Store, n. 9P919Pq. ~ura, aba.
Stimulate, v.t. ro, fi. nkan gun, v.t. 6.paml,l, 6·,ura, ko·j9.
gbaniyanju. Storehouse, n. ile ~ura,

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Storekeeper, n. olu~ju ile ipal\l- strenu011l, adj. lagbara, yara..

m9si. mura, nitara.
Storm, n. iji, \lfufu lile, ik.9Iu. Strels, n. it\lnum9, ikiyesi, &gha-
v.t. and i. k9-liI. ra.
Story, n. itan, irobin, ihin. Stretch, v.t. and i. na, fagun.
Storyteller, n. arobin, Bll9tan. n. ina, ifagun.
Stout, adj. Ie, lagbara. 19ra; Stretcher, n. ohun inara Ie.
sanra. ibusun \l1\lgb\l kan.
Stouthearted, adj. laiya. strew, v.t. tan ka kiri.
Stoutly, adv. !fagidi. Strict, adj. mu ogiri.
Stove, n. ohun idana, ile gbi- Stricture, n. ikako, 9r1,l f~~.
gbona. ifunp9·
Stow, v.t. to I\lS\l8\1. Stride, n. inaga \lSii" v.t. and i.
Straddle, .v.t. and i. yakata \lS\I naga \18\1 rin.
rin. Strife, n. lja, 889, gbolohUll 889-
Straggle, v.i. !fina, rin kakiri. Strike, n. 80 ipallpa, ik9 i!f~
Straggler, n. &!fina, arinranhun- silli" v.t. and i. IiI.
ranhun. Striker, n. ahini.
Strailfht, adj. tara, t9, laiw9, Striking, adj. iyanu.
Ilanran. StrIDg, n. OkWl tmrin. v.t. and i_
Strailhten, v.t. and i. mu-~. sin, fun 16kiIn.
Straightway, adv. lojukanna, StriDgent, ooj. Ie, !foro.
199an. Strip, n. nkan taro. v.t. and i. b9-
Strain, v.t. and i. B~, gM, y9. sil'i', b9-18!f9, b9-nihoho ; ko.
Strainer, n. as~. Strip., n.pl. ina, oniruru ila.
Strait, n. iye-meji, ihAgaga. p8lf8n.
adj. ha, bibs. StripliDg, n. 9rl9ml,ldek9nrin.
Strand, n. eti-okun. Strive, v.i. ba-ja, lakaka, k9ju
Strange, adj. ajeji, !f8ra.. ija si, fi agbara 'fu,\I, ha-
Strangely, adv. Ii 9na ajeji. gbiyanju.
Stranger, n. alejo, ajeji. Stroke, n. iliI, ina, ila tinrin_
Strangle, v.t. fUn-pa, 1919riIn. v.t. fi 9W9 pa j\lj'i"
Strap, n. aW9 t\lr~ id\lru. v.t. til, Stroll, n. irinkiri. v.t. and i. rin
som9· kakiri.
Stratagem, n. arekereke, \ltan, Strong, adj. Ie, lagbara, nipa.
9gb9n \lrI,l. lera.
Strategy, n. \ltan. Stronghold, n. ibi giga, ilu·odi_
Straw, n. igi agbado tabi baM.
stray, v.i. yapa, S9nu, !fin& kiri. Strongly, ad·v. ,in~in.
Streak, n. aW9 t\lt~t\l oniruru. Struoture, fl.. ik!jlie, 9118.
Stream, n. odo ~an. v.t. and i. Struggle, n. igbiyanju. v.i.
'fan jade. jagudu, ba.gbiyanju, 1fB-
Street, n. qna igboro ilu, ita. gbara, ~er9ju.
Strength, n. agbara, ipa. Strut, v.i. fi igberaga rill.
Strengthen, v.t. and i. fun Ii Stubble, n. idi poroporo agbad~
a.gbara, fi ips fun, mu tabi 9ka &!fakun Ii oko, idi
l!jlkan Ie. koriko, akekiI koriko.

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Stubborn, adj. agidi. aigbf,lran, Sublimely, adll. ni igbeleke.

lile. Submarine, adj. nisal~ oklm.
Stud, n. onini ~wu. Submerge, Submene, 1I.t. ri ninu
Student, n. akc?we. ~ni ile iwe. omi, ~n bo mf,lI~.
StudiOUl, adj. lapf,ln iwe, nironu. Submersion, n. iri ninu omi.
nifojusi. SubmiuioD, n. it~riba, iforibal~,
Study, n. ibi iwe. Ibi ikawe; ir\lsil~. .
ifiyesi. 1I.t. and i. kc?, kA. 1f8- Submit, 1I.t. and i. farabal~,
8If8l'o, fiyesi. t~iba, foribal~.
Stuff, n. ohun-elo. \lrU; 8!W. SubordiDate, adj. Ii f,lmf,l-~hin.
1I.t. and i. fj-kUD. ki. j~ aj~ki. ijoye ~hin. .
Stumble, 1I.t. and i. k9S~. kf,ls~ Subordination, n. iwa f,lmf,l-~hin.
pf,llu dura. iwalab~.
Stumbling-block, n. ohun ikf,ls~, Suborn, 1I.t. b~ abet~I~. b~w~ If8
Idugbolu. nkan buburu.
Stump, n. kukute. idi igi akeku. Subloribe, 11.:. and i. kf,l orukf,l
gbbngbo. si If8 ~1~ri. da owo si.
Stun, 1I.t. fi pari. ya l~nu, ti lati Subloriber, n. ~niti 0 kc? orukf,l si
payera. ~e ~ri, ~niti (l dawo si.
Stunt, 1I.t. mu ran lati dAgba. Sublcription, n. ikf,lwe si isal~,
Stupefy, 1I.t. mu-gq. sf,l di ongq, owo dida.
gba ni yeo Subsequent, adj. titf,ll~hin. tit~le.
StupendOUl, adj. niyanu, ni!,li~~­ Subside, 1I.i. r~l~. ri. ku, dO..
ninihA. Subsidy, n. iranlf,lwf,l. owo-ode.
Stupid, adj. gq, fa, wuwo. If,lra. Subsist, v.t. and i. wa. j~.
siwere. Subsistenoe, n. ohun jij~. iwa
Stupidity, n. igq, ongq. ifa, 1l1yc.
ilf,lra, iwere. Substanoe, n. lwa. I,lda ara. f,lrQ.
Stupor, n. igba ni iye, iraniye. ohun ini aiye.
Sturdy, adj. li1e, nila, jara. Substantial, adj. diduro. lile.
Stutter, 1I.t. and i. kololo. lagbara. If,lr~.
Stutterer, n. akololo. Substantiate, 1I.t. mu-duro. mu-
Sty, Stye, n. iw6 Ii oju; ile ~l¢~. le. ti -1~hin.
Style, n. f,lWf,l ikf,lwe, 84A. v.t. Substitute, n. Rgbipb \lni, arQpb
pe·lorukf,l. ~ni. v.t. fi sipb ~ni, dipb.
Suave, adj. niwa, If8nia, fanimf,lrl\. Substitution, n. irf,lpb, igbipo
Subdivide, fI.t. tun ipa pin nipa. ~ni.
Subdue, 1I.t_ ~~, ~~gun, bori. Subterfuge, n. ~tan. mokun
Subject, n. f,lmf,l-ehin ~niti min, If,lgb~l~.
enia lab~ ijf,lba; (lrf,l ti a Subterranean, adj. ti isal~ i1~.
wi ni. 1I.t. t~ba, t~-loriba, Subtle, adj. larekereke, gbf,ln.
fi ori, b&l~. Subtlety, n. arikereke.
Subjection, n. doribal~. it~riba. Subtly, adll. arikereke.
Subjugate, 1I.t. ~~gun, t~ loriba. Subtract, 1I.t. mu-kuro, yf,l-kuro
Subjugation, n. ~\lgun, it~- ninu qtf,ltQ ohun.
loriba. Subtraction, n. imukuro ninu
Sublime, adj. giga, ni f,l1&. qtQtf,l.

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Suburbs. n.pl. agbegbe ~hin ode S1II8l', n. iy~ ireke, iy~ oyinbo.
ilu, ~bli'ba.ilu. SugaMlue, n. ireke.
Subversion, n. iyipada, iyipo, Suggest, v.t. ~-niye, fi era nklm
ibaj~, ib~ubu. si li'ni ninu.
Subvert. v.t. yi-padB, yi-po, ba-j~, Suggestion, n. ~yt', ifisili'ni-
bi-~ubu. ninu.
Subway, n. 9na isalli' ile. Suggestive, adj. ferosi ninu.
Succeed, v.t. and i. l"9pa, gbipcl, Suicide, no ~niti 0 pa ara ri>o
t~le, ~ 9na rere, bori. Suit, n. ~bli', ipE10 lli'j9. ~j9, ip&r9
SUCC8ll, n. 9na rere, alatia, ~,if~. v.t. and i. n,
isiki; .Y9ri- bAmu.
SuOO8llful, culj. ~rere, ~ alatia, Suitable, adj. yin, bibamll,
~ Y9ri . nibadede.
SucceaioD, n. it~le lCilB«i'Sli'. Suite, n. aW9n 9m9-li'hin, at~leni.
SUCC8l101', n. al"9pa, agbipa eni. Suitor, n. asunni, af~ni, ~lli'j9
Succour, n. irAnl9w9, itil~hin. li'ni.
v.t. rlln-19w9, ti-l~hin, gbE1o. Sulk, v.i. fajuro, l'f'ju.
Succourer, n. olur8nl9w9. Sulky, adj. fajuro, roju.
Succulent, adj. kun fun oje. Sullen, adj. wu, binu, dak~.
811OC11Dlb, v.i. Yli'ra, ~ubu labli" Sulphur, 11. imi orUn.
j9w9 ara fun. Sultry, adj. mom, gbona.
Such, pron. ini, eyi ns. Sum, n. iye owo, iye ohunkohun,
Suck, ft. 9mu. v.t. and i. mu, ak0P9. v.t. and i. 'liro, kaye,
jomu, fi ~nu famu. rO~.
Suckle, v.t. fi 9mn fun. Summary, n. akoP9, akotan.
SucldiDg, n. 9m9 li'nu 9mu. add. kukuru, laifagun titi.
Suction, n. ifamu. Summer, n. igba. ~run.
Sudden, adj. lojijl. Summit, n. gongo ake, ori ake.
Suddenly, adv. 199an, lail'Otli'lli' Summon, v.t. fi ~Ii' pE1o, p~~, pc!>.
lojiji. Summons, n. ipE10 91a.
Suds, n.pl. eri-9~\l. SumptuOIlS, adj. niyelori, didun
Sue, v.t. and i. fi.sim, pe lli'j9, didun, dara.
b~b~. Sun, n. orUn.
Suet, n. 9ra. Sunbeam, n. riran orOno
Suffer:, v.t. and i. jiya, je, gM. Sunbumt, adj. fifi orUn jo.
Sufferable, adj. gbigba, jij~w9. Sunday, n. 9j9 kini 9B~ ti ~e
Sufferance, n. igha, ijli', iforiti, 9j9 isimi.
ij~w9· Sunder, v.t. and i. ya nipa.
Sufferer, n. ~niti 0 jiya, alaisan. S11Ildial, n. ohun 9na ti a fi im9
Suffering, n. irora, ijiya. wakati nipa hllian ojiji
SufBoe, v.t. and i. to. orUn lara r~.
SufBoiency, n. titO. i Sundown, n. iW9 orUn.
SufBoient, adj. to fun. Suudry, adj. oniruru, 9P919P9.
Suffocate, v.t. and i. fun, fin. Suul... adj. lailorOn.
Suffocation, n. ifun, ifin. Sunlight, n. im91li' on'm.
Sutrrage, n. ilohttnsi, ifohunsi. SunriIe, n. ita orlln, owul"9,
Suff1Ue, v.t. da si, fi boo kutukutu.

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Suuet, n. .l~, .wal~, iWQ Supervene, v.i. wa Ii ~kUD ,~l~

onln. Supervention, n_ ~~1~.
SlIDShade, n. agbOrun. Supervise, v_to bojuto, bojuwo.
Sunshine, n. riran orim. Supervision, n. ibojuto.
Sup, V.t. and i. gbe j~, gbeml, Supper, n. onj~ al~.
j~, j~un. Supplant, v.t. fi arekereke ,~t.an,
Superable, adj. ~,~gun, ,~~ni. ji-l~~.
Superabundance, n. pipQ rekQja. Supplanter, n. ajinil~~, ~l~ta.n,
SuperabUDdant,adj. PQ rekQja. eleru.
SUperaDDuate, v.t. YQ kuro l~nu Supple, adj_ aifIoro t~, 1"9, d~ra.
i,~ nitori ogbo, sisan owo Supplement, n. ifikUD, ~kim.
nitori ~~ ti 0 ti fie rio v.,.
fi-kim, fi·p~lu.
SUperaDDuatiOD, n. iYQkuro l~nu Supplementary, adj. fifikun, fifi-
~~ nipa ogbo, owo ti a san p~lu.
bi ere i,~. Suppliant, n. ~l~b~, ab~ni.
Superb, adj. dare rekQja, dare Supplicate, v.t. and i. b~, tQrQ.
leke. Supplication, n. ~b~, itQrQ.
Supererogation, n. ~~ irekQja, Supply, n. ~kUn, ifikUn. v.t.
~~ ti 0 leke. ~~ a.,ele. mu-kUD, ii-kUD.
Superflcial, adj. lode,loke, laiji- Support, n. iti1~hin, lra.nlQwQ.
nl~. v.t. tl-l~hin, ran-1QwQ, gbe.
Superflne, adj. didara leke, dara Supporter, n. aiatil~hin, oluran-
rekQja. 19W Q.
Superfluity, n. a.,eleke_ Suppose, v.t. flebi, gbimq, !"iI.
Superfluous, adj. ohun ileke. SuppOlition, n. ~bi, igbimq, ira.
Superhuman, adj. ju ti ~da lQ. SUPPl'8ll, V.t. t~ri, kiwq, fi-parnQ.
Superintend, v.t. and i. fie olori, Suppreasion, fl. it~ri. ikiwl) ,
fie abojuto, ,e alakoso. ifipamQ.
Superintendence, n. ibojuto, SupprMlOr, n. alat~ri, alakiwl).
i,etQju. Suppurate, v.,. flQy(m.
Superintendent, n. alabojuto. Suppuration, n. ~y6.n.
Superior, adj. daraju, gaju. Supremacy, n. ibori gbogbo.
Superiority, n. Qiaju, ipo giga Supreme, adj. bori gbogbo, ga
julQ. . ju lQ, lQla ju lQ.
Superlative, adi. gigaj ulQ. Surcharge, n. owo asanle, abule.
Supernatural, adj. ju ti ~ lQ. v.t. bu owo lelori ju bi
Superscribe, v .•. kQwe leke, kQwo otin·
lake. Sure, adj. daju, lagbara, nigb~­
Superscription, n. akQle. k~le.
Supersede, v.t. ya-sapakan, F,Ia- Surefooted, n. it~l~ ¥BD¥8oIl.
tl, fi agbMa gba ipo ~lo­ Surely, adv. lailewll, nitotQ,
miran. niduro~.
Superstition, n. igba ohun asan Surety, n. onighQwQ, idaju.
gb¢, Qran isln eke, isln- Surf, n. igbi okun.
kuBin. Surface, n. oju-ode, oju oke.
SuperstitiOlU, adj. t~ram¢ iBin- Surfeit, v.t. and i. mu j~ aj~kl.
kUBin, .ju. n. &run aj~ki, wobia.
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Sarge, n. riru omi okun. sustentation, n. igha19w9 ~ubu,

Sarreon, n. oniw9r8, o~egun. ib9ni, onjli"
Sargery, n. iIe 0n¥gun. Swaddle, v.t. gba Ii 9ja.
Surly, adj. IfOnu, tete binn. Swagger, v.t. and i. iyiara kiri,
Surmise, n. iro, ifura. v.t. and i. fUnnu, ~ li'nu.
ro, ~ fura. Swallow, n. ~in alapand¢~,
Surmount, v.t. '\lgun, bon, ,e 9na-9fun. fI.t. and i. gbemi,
ak6ja. dami.
S1Il'D&Dle, n. oruk9 apele, oruk9 Swamp, n. li'r~, ira p~t~p~t~.
idilo. Swampy, adj. I\"r~, nira.
Surpau, v.t. re-k9ja, ta-Y9. Sward, n. okotutu.
Surpassing, adj. P9ju rek9ja. Swarm. n. 9P919P9, ~u-c)P9,
Surplice, n. li'wu funfun ti alufa. 9wQ. v.t. and i. gba yin.
Surplus, n. iyokun, ele. Swarthy, adj. rusurU8U.
S1U')Il'iIe, n. iyanu, ojiji. v.t. ba- Swathe, v.t. fi 9ja gba 9m9 agbo
lojiji, ba lairotli'lli'. ninu.
SnrpriJiDg, adj. niyanu, ,enihA. Sway, n. idari, itQ, ~ &koso.
Surrender, n. ituba, it'i!riba, v.t. and i. dari tQ, ~-&k080.
ij9sin. v.t. and i. tuba, Swear, SworD, v.t. and i. bura,
t~riba, j9sin. fi epe burs, ~pe.
Surround, v.t. yi kakin. Swearer, n. ahura, ~pe.
Surroundings. n.pl. agbegbe, Swearing, n. ihura, i~pe.
adugbo. Sweat, n. ogim. v.t. and i.
Survey, n. two, two kakiri. Iagu.n, gun.
v t. bojuwb kakiri, W9n, Sweep, v.t. and i. fi QWc) gba1~.
diw9n. Sweepings, n.pl. il\l gbigba, eri
Surveying, n. wiw9n iIii', iIli' ti a gbB j9.
Surveyor, n. aW9nl~, alafojuto. Sweet, n. onjli' didun. adj.
Survival, n. wiwa laye. didun ni it9wo, ni rirun Ii
Survive, fI.t. and i. p~, wiwa laye. eti, tabi ni iwo, dun.
Survivor, n. 919j9gigun Ion ju Sweeten, v.t. and i. mu-dun.
\lnikli'ji 19. Sweetener, n. al889dun.
SlIIICeptible, adj. gbigba sinu. Sweetheart, n. olufli', ayanf'i!.
Suspect, v.t. ~ ifura si, ro 8i Sweetly, adv. didundidun, pli'lu
laini ~ri. adun.
Suspend, v.t. flO, 8OrQ. fik9, y~ Swell, n. wiwli. v.t. and i. Mi.
kllro nipo. Swelling, n. wiwu ara, li'kun odo.
Suspense, n. ~iyemeji, iwa ~­ Swelter, v.i. fi ogtm boo
daju. Swerve, v.t. and i. ya kuro loju
S11IP8DIion, n. tsor!), idaw¢uro, 9na.
iY9kuro ninu ~Ii'. Swift, adj. yara, yas'i! kilnklin.
Suspicion, n. ifura. Swiftly, adv. kiakia, yarayara.
Suspicious, adj. nifura. Swiftn8ll8, n. iyara. i~k{mkan.
Sustain, v.t. ro, gM. bQ, mu-duro, Swim, v.t. and i. fo loju omi jijin.
faiy8rSn. luw~, w~.
Sustenance, n. onjli', ohun jijli', Swimmer, n. omuw~. ~niti nlu
itilli'hin. w~.

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8WI 147 TAL

Swindle, n. ir~jf,~. v.t. and i. !Ie T.

rl;ljl;l, rl;ljfil·
Swindler, a.r~nij~. aW911
Swine, I;ll¢~. sin
Swineherd, n. olut9ju ~l~d~.
Swing, n. ohun ~ire 9m9de.
v.t. and i. n, r9 Ii ofurufu.
Switch, n. igi kekere. v.t. and i.
Swivel, ekan ti nkan lori
Swollen, adj. wu. t'.t. and i.
Swoon, n. idaku, oyi. v.i. daku.
SwooP, v.t. and i. s9kalfil Ie lori,
Swordlllh. ~ja onida.
Sworaman, ologun. tabi
Sworn, adj. tim9tim9.
Syllable, n. 9r9 kan, gbolohun
9 r 9·
SyllabulI, iwe ilana
Symbol, ami, apfi'r~. ohun-
Symbolioal. adj. ap~rl,'.
Symbolize, fi :'Ie ap 1,ll'1,l , l\Ie
Symmetry, n. iW9ntun:w9nsin.
Sympathetic, adj. bibak~dlln,
Sympathize, v.i. ba l\Ie Took, Taken, and i.
Sympathy, il)~dal'o, iba· mu, gbe.
kfildun. Tale, n. iI.an, ala; iye.
Symphony, n. irfilP9 iro ohun Talebearer, Taleteller, n. olofMo.
pUPQ· Talent, n. iye 0l\luw,;m kan,
Symptom, n. ami Mun, apfilrfil. ~bun Ql9run.
Talented, adj. l~bUn.
Synod, igbim9 illlil QIQrnn.
TalUBli&D, n. idan, il;lQra.
Synonym, Qr9 meji m'i'ta Talk, 9r9 sis? and i.
ti ni itum9 kanns. 99. s?r9, wi.
Synonymous, adj. j~ bakanna
Talkative, adJ. kun fun iS9-
Pfillu. botiboti alaroye.
Synopsis, n. akop9, akori. ~ Talker, n. oS9r9, 1\S9botiboti.
Syrup, iY9 oyinbo. I Tall, adj. gim, giga, ':"I'."VU"7·
SYltem, filr9, imQ, I Tallow, 9ra filran
ilana. ~ Tally, and i.
Systematic, adj. gfilgfil bi ti ilana, I bamu.
lfilSfi'Ifi'Sfil· Talmud, n. iwe ofin ti aW9n Jii.

148 TEL

TaIou. n.pl. ekannA ~iy~ qd~. Talty, adj. adidlin.

Tame. adj. tuju, moju. v.t. TaUer, n. ~ fifAya, aki.'I8.
tu-loju. TaWe. n. 9f9 lasan, isqku8q-
Tamper, v.i. tc;IW9bq lain, dasi, v.t. and i. 89 isqku8q, I/Ofofo_
19w 98i. Tattler, n. onisqku8q, olofofo_
TaD, v.t. and i. run awc>, ¥«' aWl;); Tattoo. n. ipe ilu. v.t. ~ ami
fi orUn jo. si ara, bu-ila sara.
'laDIible. adj. mim9 nips ifc>- Taunt, n. qf9 ~n, ifibu,
wl;)ba. igunloju. v.t. k~a\n, ~
'!aDcIe. n. koko, idiju, idamu, afojudi Ri, bU, fi gun loju.
idaru. Taut, adj. pinpin, kanun_
TaDk, n. ikoko, odu nla igbomi , TautolOlJ. n. atunwi I\88n, isq
ai, ibiti a fi omi paml? ai. qf9 kanna nigbagbogbo.
Tumer, n. wawl?, on~~ aWl? I Tavern, n. ile 9ja 9ti, ile ero.
Tantalize, v.t. Yc>-l~u, danilara,
fi nun dani loju. TawdrJ, adj. aworan 8880, . -
han, qW-888D.
Tantrum. n. ibinu lainidi, irunia.
Tawny. adj. pupa law9.
Tap, n. UU, igunl9b~, ifa-omi.
v.t. ta, gun 19b~, dalu, lu Taz, II. owo-ode, owo-ilu. v.t_
dawo-ode, dawo-ilu_
Tape, n. 9jabul~ tinrin, okun TuatioD, n. idawo-ode-le.
isOW· Tea, n. ewe olonm didiln ti a fi
Taper, n. itanna kekere. adj. ~ nkan mimu, ti.
tinrin Ii ipari. Teach, v.t. k9 Ii ~k9, ti-niye.
TateItrJ, n. ~ tit~. Teacher, n. oluk9, olukqni.
Tape-worm, n. ejo inu. akwill~k9·
Tapioca, n. gbaguda gbigb~. T-.k, n. igi lile kan.
Tappiag. n. ifa omi ti inu jade. Team, n. ~ran ajw1l9 1fU,~.
Tar, n. 9<la, atuk9. v.t. fi 9da Tear. n. omije.
~, fi 9da kiln. Tear, Tore, Tom, v.t. faya, ya.
Tardy, adj. fa, J9ra, p~. Tearful, adj. klID fun omije, kun
Tara. n. epo buburu. fun filkun.
Target, n. apata, a8a; ami fun Tease, 1I.t. tc;I, Y9-l l;'nu.
ibqn tita. Teat, ft. qmu.
Taritr, n. owo-9ja rira. Technical, adj. ti U,~ 9na.
Tamish, n. ibaj~, abawqn. v.t. Tedious, adj. ift\gun19 titi, p~.
and i. ba-j~, ~ abaw9D ai. nir9ju, danilagara.
Tarpaulin, n. ~9 ti a fi Qda kiln. Tec1ioamell. n. !fa, idanilagara.
Tarry, v.t. and i. p~, durop~, Teem, v.t, and i. bim9. bisi, r~.
duro·l~hin. Teeth, n.pl. aW9n ehin.
Tart, adO. mia, ta, kan, kikan. Teetotaler, n. filniti 0 ti ~ ileri
Talk, 'Il. u,~. lati fa 8~hin kuro ninu 9ti
Taue1, n. onirU waja, lruk~, mimu.
fina. Telegram, n. U,~ t.i a ran lati
Taste, n. itc;lwo. V.t. and i. okere wa nips ~f9 irin.
tc;I-wo. Teletrnph, n. okun ~f9 iju,~ Ii
Tastel.., adj. JaiJadun. okert".

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Telephone, n. ohun ~rtl isyrl,l Ii I Tend, f).t. 'Q, ~tyju. f).i. dari
'oktlore. si apakan, t~ si, tQka si.
Telescope, n. digi ifi wo ohun Tendency, n. idarisi, it~si, ipa,
I,ln& jinjin. Qna, ityka si.
Tell, Told, 'V.t. and i. wi.fun, Tender, f).t. and i. nawQ ai, fj·fun.
sQ.fun. n. idiyele, wiwa·aye. adj.
Tell-tale, n. olofofo enia, ofofo. r9, tunu, rtlmi, kik~, lailera.
Temerity, n. a.imewu, ilaiya, Tender-hearted, adj. iyqnu, ni
wer,\' ~ inu, ,eun.
Temper, ,~. ipil, imuy~, igba; Tenderly, adv. p~l'ilp~l~. jl;'j~.
ibinu. f).t. and i. pil, mu·y~, Tenderness, n. ik~l·a.
gM. Tendon, n. ilfan ara.
Temperament, n. iwa inu. Tendril, n. itakun, ywy okim
Temperance, n. airekQja, ~ju, ifalDY·
iWQn. Tenement, n. ibugbe, apakan
Temperate, adj. niwQntun. ile.
wQnsin, alairekQja. Tenet, n. iro, idur08i, it~le, I;'kQ
Temperature, n. iWQn otutu ti a gbagby pe otit.y ni.
tabi oru, igbona ara, iwa Tenon, n. it~bQ, f1Onlfo igi kan
af~f~ ,"yeo ti 0 wQ inn ekeji.
Tempest, n. ~fiifitlile, iji, \,fiifl1 Tenor, n. imQ, ilQtiti.
nla. Teuae, n. igba, akoko ti a ,e
Tempestuous, adj. ni ~fiifu lile, nkan. adj. lile lati t~ba.
ni irukerud?l. Tension, n. nina, lile, ifale,
Temple, n. ile ti a ky fun illin ifagun.
QIQrun tabi ti o~; apa Tent, n. agQ.
Qtun ati osi ni iwaju ori Tenta tive, adj. gbiyanju,
lori pari ~r~k~. didanwo.
Temporal, adj. ti igba isisiyi, ti Tenth, add. \,k\,wa, k~wa.
aiye yi, ti ~da. Tenure, n. nini il~ tabi nkan
Temporary, adj. wiwa fun igba lab,;, ityju I;'ni.
di~. , Tepid, adj. lywYrtlwyrtl, lywQwQ.
Temporize, f).i. tf·si, j~wQ si Term, n.81a, ipinl~, ipinnu; igba,
igba iwa na. akoko, Ql'9. f).t. pe ni orukQ.
Tempt, f).t. dan.wil, tan ,e sQ 10rukQ.
buburu. Terminable, adj. lopin, ni ala..
Temptation, n. idanwil, 'iltan. Terminate, f).t. and i. pinnu,
fempter, n. oludanwil, olutan, pala, pin. pari, ,etan.
atanni. Termination, n. ipinnu, lpala,
Tempting, adj. titan ni, wiwu ni. opin.
Ten, ad,i. ~wa, m~wo.. Terminus, 11. opin ti yna QkQ.
Tenable, adj. gbigM, didimu.
Tenaoioua,atij.rirq, fifa, tit~nwllY.
Termite, n. ikan.
Tenacity, n. ir9, ifa, it~luny. Terrace, n. ibi it~ju il~, ai~gun.
Tenancy, n. gbigba ile fun akoko Terrestrial, adj. ti ill;' aiye.
kan, iyafa ile. Terrible, adj. ni ibl;'ru, l~rU.
Tenant, n. ayafa ile lywQ ~Iomi. Terrifl.c, adj. ni ib~ru, 16ke.
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Terrify, v.t. d~rUb8., pa-Iaiya, Themselves, pron. aW9n tikI'-

daiya fl>. law9n, aW9n na.
Territory, n~ illil, agbegbe ilu. Then, adv. nigbana, Ii akoko na.
Terror, n. ~m, ipaiya. Thenoe, adv. lati ib~ 19, lati ib~
Tene. adj. kuru, im9P9' wa.
Tertian, adj. pipadawa nij9 Thenoeforth, Thenoeforward, adv.
kliltaklilta. lati igba na 19-
Test, n. idanwo. v.t. dan-woo Theologian, n. akawe mim9,
Testament, n. iwe majlilmu, iwe 919gb9n ninu kika Qr9
if~. Qlqrun.
Testator, n. ak9we if~ sillil Theology, n. im9 Q19run, im9
funni I6gun, oni-majlilmu. i'llil enia si Q19run.
Tested, adj. didanwo. Theory, n. idam9ran ohun, ero.
Testiole, n. IilP~m, koro Iilpqn. There, adv. nib~ nit, 19hun.
Testify, v.t. and i. ~ ijlilri, jlilri. Thereby, adv. nipa eyi na.
Testimonial, n. iwe ijlilri. Therefore. adv. nitorina, nitori
Testimony, n. Iilri, ijlilri. eyi na.
Tetanlll, n. arun ipa. Therein, adv. ninu eyina.
Tether, n. okun tabi Iilw9n is di Thereof, adtl. ti inu eyina.
Iilran. v.t. ha-m9, ti-m9. Thereon, adv. lori eyina.
Text, n. 9r1,l iwe, ipil~9 9r1,l. Thereupon, adtl. lori eyina.
Tnt-book, n. iwe lilo fun Iilk9. Thermometer, n. ohun 9na idi-
Texture. n. iW9n. W9n om.
Than, conj. ju. These, pron. iW9nyi.
Thank, v.t. dUPlil, f19P~. They, pron. aW9n, nW9n.
Thanldul, adj. kun fun 9P~, P9 Thick, adj. niP9n, ki, dilu.
Ii 9P~. Thioken, tI.t. and i. mu-ki.
Thankless, adj. la.il9P~, laimore. Thicket, n. igbl>rl> illil, igbo.
Thank-oftering, n. Iilb9-9PIil, ~b9 Thickness, n. kiki, ninip9n.
iduPIil· Thief, n. ole, ajinilohun.
Thanks, n. iduPIil, 9P~. Thieve, v.t. and i. jale, ji nkan.
Thanksgiving, n. is 9P~ fun,· Thigh, n. itan.
i'l9P~ ore tabi anu. Thimble. n. k~blilku, ibo ika
That, pron. eyi, eyiti, ohun ti, 9w 9·
ti. Thin, adj. rU, tinrin.
Thatch, n. b~rlil, ~kan, ibole, Thine, pron. tirlil·
koriko ibole. Thing, n. ohun, nkan.
Thaw, n. yiY9 omi didi. v.t. and i. Think, v.t. and i. ro, ronu, woye.
Y9 bi ollli didi. Third, adj. li'klilta, klilta.
The, adj. na. Thirdly, adtl. lqns kli'ta.
Theaire, n. ibi i'lire. Thirst, n. ongbli', 9h8.h8..
Thee. pron. 9, iW9· Thirsty, adj. pongblil.
Theft, n. ole. Thirteen, adj. Iiltals, m~tala.
Their, pron. ti w9n. Thirteenth, adj. Iilkliltala.
Them, pron. w9n. Thirty, Thirtieth, adj. 9gb9n.
Theme, n. 9r1,l ipilli', gbongbo This, pron. eyini, eyi.
9r1,l m9· Thistle, n. oflUflU, Iilglin.

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Thither, adv. sib~ na. Throttle, v.t. funl9fun, funl9run.

Thong, n. 9~an t~r~. Through, prep. ja, lati iha kan
Thom, n. ~gun. de ekeji. nipa.
Thorny, adj. kiki ~gun. Throughout, prep. jal~jal~, yi
Thorough, adj. jal~, jal~ gaman, ka.
patapata, toto. Throw, v.t. and i. 99, jil, fi s9ko.
Thoroughfare, n. 9na, opopo. Thrush, n. arUn ti ~nu ati 9fun,
Thoroughly, adj. ni pipepipe, efil.
patapata. Thrlut, n. igun, ik9lu. v.t. and i.
Thou, pron. iW9, o. bi, ti, gUn.
Though, conj. bi, biotil~j~pe. Thud, n. ariwo nla, gbi.
Thought, n. lro, ~bi, aniyan, Thumb, n. atampako.
iLji';. Thump, n. ilil wnwo, iro i,ubu
Thoughtful, adj. laniyan, lajO, nkan ti 0 wnwo. v.t. and i.
ni ero. lil, mu-,ubu.
Thoughtleaa, adj. lainironu lai· Thunder, n. ara. v.t. and i. san
lajo. Sra.
Thoughtlessness. n. ainironu. Thunderbolt, n. m8n8m8n8.
Thousand, adj. ~gb~run. Thunderstruok, v.t. k9 mana-
Thousands, adj.pl. ~b~b~run. mana, lil, ya-l~nu.
Thrall, n. ~ni, iwa ~ni. Thursday, n. ij9 karun 9B~.
Thrash, v.t. na; paIm. Thus. adv. bayi, bi iru eyi.
Thread, n. okim tinrin, own. Thwart, v.t. ke ni igberi, bu Ii
v.t. fi okim b9. abiya, ti-laiya.
Threadbare, adj. a1ogbo, ~akim. Thy, pron. ~.
Threadworm, n. ejo inu. Thyaelf, pron. iW9 tikalar~.
Threat, n. il9, ikil9, id~ruba. Tick, n. egb9n.
Threaten, v.t. and i. kil9, d~ruba. Ticket, n. iwe ij~w9, iwe ami.
Three, adj. ~ta, m~ta. Tickle, v.t. and i. rin ni eginrin,
Three!old, adj. onik9 m~ta, rin.
il9po m~ta. Tide, n. ltan Bil~, ilfan okun.
Thresh, v.t. paka.. Tidiness, n. im9toto, ~giri,
Threshold, n. iloro ile, iloro ~nu itunlfe·
9na. Tidings, n.pl. ihin.
Thrice, adv. l~m~ta, nigba m~ta. Tidy~ adj. ni im9toto, mura girl,
Thrift. n. ere, ijere. I~B~8~.
Thriftleaa, adj. lailere. Tie, n. k6ko, ide, idi. v.t. and i.
Thrifty, adj. lere. dl, so, ~ k6ko.
Thrill, v.t. gUn, han si goro. Tier, n. ~~, itol~~B~.
Thrive, v.i. ~ rere, gbil~, ru, Tiger, n. ~ran abiikanna kan.
gberu. Tight, adj. hA, fUn, Ie, m~.
Throat, n. 9fun, 9na 9fun. Tighten, v.t. and i. fMe, mule.
Throb, v.i. lil. mi h~l~. Tightly, adv. ni lilelile.
Throe, n. irora, irC?bi. Tightness, n. lile, ilia, HUn.
Throne, n. it~ 9ba. Tile, n. awo ibole.
TbroDc, n. awnj9, apej9, 9P9 Till, n. apoti owo. v.t. roko,
enia, ibilil enia, iW9j9P9. ro il~. conj. titidi, di,
v.t. and i. bi-lil, hA-laye, ti. digba.
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Tillage, n. aroko, iroko, h'OI~, 'l'itle-page, n. ewe kini ninu iwe.

~gb~. 'l'itter, v.i. r~rin j~j~.
Tiller, n. alaroko, agb~. Tittle, n. fIOD40, kikini.
Timber, n. igi rir~ fun ikQle. Titular, adj. ti orukQ nikan.
Time, n. igba, akoko. v.t. and i. To, prep. si, s¢p.
w9n, diwQn, da igba, da Toad, n. QpQIQ.
akoko. Toast, n. akara ti a yan loju ina.
Time-keeper, n. sgogo, ~niti iyin.
nbojuto akoko aWQn oni,,~. Tobacco, n. Ii"ara, . , ewe tabA.
Timely, adj. Ii akoko wiwQ, Y': Tobacconist, n. alBfIarB. elewe·
lakoko. taba.
Time-aerver, n. aribanij~. To-day, n. loni, QjQ oni.
Timid, adj. nl.b~1'U, lojo. Toe, n. QmQ'~~' ~ya ~~.
Timidly, adv. t~rut~ru, tojotojo. Together, adv. jUmQ, lakoPQ, Ii
Timidity, n. l.h~ru, ojo. ~gb~.
TiD, n. tanganran. Toil, n. i'I~, llilli. v.i. ,i'l~, "a
Tinoture, n. aWQ, adun. v.t. r~ liilli.
law~. Toiler, n. oni'l~.
Tinder, n. I~wu. Toilet, n. i'I9'9'
Tingle, v.i. ho, ro goro. Toilsome, adj. ni'l~, nilBhi.
Tinker, n. om"Qna id~, alatu~ Token, 11. Ami, ~ri.
ikoko id~, a1abul~ di. v.t. Told, v.t. and i. wi, SQ, rb.
and i. tun·"a. Tolerable, adj. gbigbs, fifarada.
Tinkle, v.t. and i. han goro, ro jij~ fun.
woro. Tolerate, v.t. gba. j~ fun, farads.
'l'iDman, n. oni'lQna tanganr&n. Toleration, n. igbA fUn, ij~ fUn.
TiDael. fl. ohun didan. Toll, n. owo ibode; ibode; iro
Tint, n. aWQ, ir~ Ii AWQ. agogo. v.t. and i. lu agogo
TiDy, adj. kere. ni ida kQkan.
Tip, n. 'Iollflo, agogoro, opin, Tomb, n. iboji, ibi isinkli.
orika. v.t. and i. fi ~bun Tombstone, n. okuta ti 0 sami
fun; yi si apakaD. iboji.
TiPIJ, adj. InQtiyo, mQt.ipara. To-morrow, n. IQla, (lia.
Tiptoe, '11.. orika ~~. Tom-tom, n. l.Iu.
Tiptop, n. ori aka; tiro. adj. Ton, n. o'luw9n, 20 cwt.
titaYQ, daraju. Tone, n. oh!m, l.r6.
Tire, n. 8'lQ' wiwQ, ideri, iweri, Tongs, n.pl. ~mli a1agb¢~.
ohun Q'IQ. v.t. and i. da Tongue, n. ahfiln, Me.
lags, 'Iiir'i!, r~; we-ori, 'a Tongue-tied, adj. alah9n wuwo.
ori. akolblo, odi.
Tiredness, n. ar~, agara. Tonio, n. ogUn stun agbara "a.
Tiresome, adj. didalaga, muni· To-night, n. Ii oru yi, loru oni.
lar~. Tonnage, n. owo ~ril 9k9.
'l'ithe, n. idam~wa. v.t. da O'luw9n ~ril 9k9'
idam~wa. ToDSil, n. k6k6 okim ah9n.
Title, n. oye, orukQ. Too, adv. PQju, p~u.
Title-deed, n. iwe adehim. Took, v.t. and i. gba, mu, gM.

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fool, n. ohun I?na, ohun elo, Touch, n. ifl?wl?kan, im9, ifl?-

li'niti 0 ba jl?wl? ara r~ 1l?wI? wl?ba. v.t. and i. kan, tq,
bi ohun elo lati !fe nkan. fl?wl?kan, f<?wl?ba.
Tooth, n. ehin. Touchable, adj. fifikan, fifiba, ti
Toothache, n. riro ehin, ehm B Ie fl?wl?ba.
didUn ni. Touch-hole, n. ojuku ibl?n.
Toothlea, adj. lailehin. TouchiDg, prep. niti, nitori.
Toothpick. n. itahin. nipa ti. adj. fifa Ii I?kAn.
Toothsome, adj. ladUn, dim. Touchy, add. kikanra, kanra.
Top, n. oke, gongo-oke; ogo ti Tough, add. yi, Ie, lagbara;
I?mqde fi n~. v.t. bo ,agidi.
ml?lli'loke. Tour, n. irin ajo, irinkiri.
Topheavy, adj. fi loke. wuwoju Tourist, n. ero, alarinkiri.
loke. Touruament. n. iru ere nIa kan.
Topic, n. ori Qrq. Toumiquet, n. ohun elo lati fi
Topography, n. i,apli'rli' ibi kan, di.n li'jli"
apli'rli' ilu. Tow, n. etu okUn Qp;bq. v.t. fi
Topple, v.t. and i. ,ubu lull(!. Okl'tn fa I?kQ.
Topayturvy, adj. yiyi isal~ soU, Toward, Towards, prep. niba.
ni rudurudu. siha, s¢l?
Torch, n. etufu ina, ina igi Towel, n. ~ inura.
at~bl?po. Tower, n. ile ~ giga, ile ~9.
Torment, n. id&loro, oro, iYI?- v.i. foga soke.
If(!Du. v.t. da-loro, YI?-lli'nu. Town. n. ilil, aWl?n ara ilU.
Tormentor, fl. adanilorO, aYI?- Town-orier, n. akede ilu.
nilli'nu. ToWlllfolk, n. aWl?n ara ilil.
Tornado, n. li'fufu nla, iji. ToWDlhip, n. agbegbe, sakani,
Torpedo, n. li'ja ojiji, li'rq ibl?n ti ilu.
nfl? I?kQ ninu omi. Toy, n. ohun .re I?ml?de.
Torpid, adj. kura, keti. Trace, n. 8mi, ap~rli', itqsli" v.t.
Torpor, n. ikura, iketi. tqs~, lepa.
Torrent, n. agbara ojo. Track, n. ipa 9na, ami. v.t_
Torrid, adj. gbli" gbona. tq-lli'hin, lepa, sami si.
Tortoise, n. awun, ijapa. Trackless, adj. lainipa ~na.
TortuoUl, add. ni ill?Pl?, lare· Tract, n. sakani illi'; iwe kekere.
kereke. ~o kukuru.
Torture, n. oro, irora, idalor6. Tractable, add. kikoso, kikl?ni,
v.t. da-Ioro. rqrun lati kl?
TOIl, v.t. and i. fi-sQko, bisiwa- rracJ.e, n. OWO, I?ja tita. ~owo,
bisli'hin. itaja. v.t. and i. ~wo, taja,
Tot, n. nkan kekere, ~ni kekere. raja.
Total, n. apapl?, &rolli. adj. Trader, Tradesman, n. oni,owo,
gbogbo. I?ll?ja.
Totally. adv. l~tqtq, patapata, Tradition, n. it&n atl?wl?dl?wl?,
lakotan. oftn atqwl?dl?wl?
Totter, v.i. fidugb~, tagbl?ngbl?n, TraditioDal, adj. ti oftn atl?wl?-
mi. dl?wl?

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Traduce, gba.dulumY, Transfix, v.t. fi ~m Illgun ja.

loruk9 j~, a9r9 odi ai. Transformation, n. iparada, ipa.
Traflic, n. OWO 9ja. v.t. and i. W9da.
,owo. Transgrlllll, v.t. re.k<;lja, d9!il~,
Tragedy, n. jambs, 9ran ibinuj/il. m·ofin.
Tragic, adj. loro. Transgression, irek<;lja, irufin,
Trail, ipa Qna 9dl,l. v.t. and ~1iI~'
fa, W? IQ ni il~. Transgressor, n. arufin, ~I~~~,
Train, n. yW?, ~gb~; QkQ ill?, olurek'i'ja.
a~nil~hin. v.t. and i. k?, t9. Tranship, v.t. gbe kuro ninu 'i'kQ
Trainer, n. olut? oluk? kan fi ai ekeji.
Trait, n. pataki. Transient, adj. rirek<;lja, ti igba
Traitor, n. onikupani, afinihan, di~, laip~.
olofofo. I,ll/iltan. Transit, irek<;lja ai iha miran,
Traitorons, adj. ~onikupllni. iW'i'le I'i'.
Tram, n. 9k9·il~. Transition, n. i~knro, iyipada
Trammel, de ~~k~ljIl?k~, lati ibi kan liii ekeji.
lQ W 9· Transitory, adj. rirek9ja, laip~,
Tramp, n. irin, alarinkiri. v.t. ti igba di9.
and i. ~s~ rin. Translate, v.t. nipo pads ~e
Trample, v.t. and i. fi ~~ tl? gbedegb~Y9, yi 'i'r'i' pads ai
m91~, fi irera t~ m91~. ode mi.
Trance, n. ojuran, iran. Translation, n. ~ipo pads,
Tranquil, adj. lalafia, didak~j~, r9pads ai eda mi.
ni iaimi. Transmigrate, liIi ibi kan
Tranquility, n. alafia, ir9ra, 19 ekeji.
idak~j~, isimi. Transmigration, n. ik9ja I'i' lati
Transact, and liIe, ipo kan ai ekeji.
Tranuction, n. i'\l'3, ~t9. Transmit, v.t. ran latl ibi kan
Transcend, v.t. and i. taY9, bori, IQ ai ekeji.
~e.ju, re.kQja. Transmute, v.t. pa lwa kan ds
Transcendence, n. itaYQ, irek9ja, ai lwa keji.
ijul 9· Transparency, n. im<;lgii.ra.
TraDICendent. adj. titaYQ. rire· Transparen~ adj. mim'i'sara,
k9ja, jijulQ. didan.
Transcribe, v.t. kQ iwe inu Transpire, v.t. i. ij'e~l. ni
Qkall si ekej i. kuku, Y9
TraDlCription, n. awok9. Transplant, v.t. ~i I'i'gbin, fatu
Transfer, v.t. gbe ibi kan 19, ~i nipo kan lati gbin ai
fbi keji, gba 19w9 ~nikan ipo keji.
fi Ie ~nikeji IQw<,l. Transport, n. ~ikuro nilu, ile·
Transferable, adj. gbigba l'i'wQ kuro ni ilu 'i'ky ikonilQ ai
~ni file ekeji l'i'w9. iln miran ; ay'i' nla. V.t. !iii.
Transfiguration, n. ipaw9da. kuro ni iln; YQ .rek'i'ja, ij'6
ipararla. aliya.
Transflgnre, Transform, v.t. pa· Transportation, n. i~inipo pad8.,
wgda, parada. ikonilQ ai ill? lniran.

TraDSPosal. n. ip8rq. Treatment. n. ilosi, i1o, iwa.

TraDSpoae, ').t. po.. Dipo d8., Treaty, n. adehlm, ipinnu.
,ipii.rQ ipo, ~i
nipo. Treble, adj. 19na m".ta. v.t.
TraDSpositiOn, n. i,e p84iparq and i. ,,~po ni m~ta.
ipo, i'l'inipo padA. Tree, n. ij(i.
TraDSUbstantiate, v.t. yipo.da di Tremble, v.i mi, warlri, wa,
cohun miran. gbqn.
'rraD8ubstantiation, n. iyipada I
Trembling, n. iwarlri mimi,
di ohun miro.in, parada ohun gbigbqn.
iwa. Tremendous, adj. ni yanil".nu, ni
Transverse, adj. ni idabu. foiya, tobi pup9.
Trap, n. okim did~, id~kUn. v.t. Tremor, n. iwariri.
and i. d~kUn, d~.
Tremulous, adj. niwo.rlri, nib".ru.
Trapdoor, n. il~kun ~biti.
Trappings, n.pl. ohun Q~Q, 9'9 Trench, n. yl\ra, iho. v.t. and i.
wa iho.
Trash, n. ohun-lasan. Trend, v.i. t~ si.
Travail, n. irI,Ibi 9m9, it~bi; Trepidation, n. iwo.riri, ib~ru.
lala, irora. Trespass, n. ireke;>ja, ~~. v.i.
Travel, n. irin ajo, ebi. v.t. and i. re.k9ja, d~~.
rin, rin irin ajo. Trespasser, n. olurek9ja, ~l~"..
Traveller, n. ero, alarinkh·i. Tr888es, n.pl. ikako iron ori.
Traverse, v.t. and i. 1'6 k9ja, Ia. Trial. n. idanwo, ipel~je;>, iwadi.
kQja. Triangle, n. ohun onigun m~ta.
Travesty, n. aiyederu. Triangular, adj. ti onigun m~ta.
Tray, n. 9P9n, atli'. Tribal, adj. ti arailu kanna.
Treacherous, add. alarekereke, Tribe, fi. ~ya, irll enia.
Tribulation, ri. wBhala, iP9nju,
Treachery, n. 9t~, iwa arekereke ~~.
Tribunal, n. ibi idaje;>.
Treacle, n. omi iY9 didun. Tributary, adj. jij9'l'in, sisan
Tread, n. inn ~~. owo isin.
Tread, Trod, Trodden, v.t. and i. Tribute. n. owo-ode.
t~-I'i'8~, t~-m91~, rin.
Trick, Trickery, n. ~tan, enl,
Treason, n. 9t~, ida.l~. iWBkiwa.
Treasonable, adj. 19t".. Trick, v.t. and i. tan, ~j~, fuwa
Treasure, n. ~l1ro., Qrq. v.t. fi- ~tBn iii.
Trickle, v.t. and i. IjII\n j~j~.
Treasurer, n. olut9ju owo tabi Trifle, n. ohun ti ko nilari, ohun
~ul'o. ~ni. ~ire. v.t. and i. fi·"ire, S9r9
Treasury, n. ile tabi ibi apoti laironu.
~ura. Trifler, n. o.fohun"iTe.
Treat, n. o.pej~ I\se. v.t. and i. Trifling, adj. lainilari, lainiyin,
pe si apej~; fi egbogi fun; kikini.
ba gbiro. Trigger, n. ireb9n, irin ti B ti
Treatise, n. 9l'9 iwe akQye nitori re bQn.
ohun kan, ihin. Trill, n. iwRhim, iWBrlri ohun.

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Trim. adj. l~~\l, daradara. Trowel. n. ohun elo Qna imQle.

fI.t. and i. tUlllle, ge t9. ibern.
Trimming, n. igbati a~Q. Truant, n. im~l\l, ~~, apa·
Trinity, n. Ji:ni mlilta ninu gIlnrq. adj. l~, ~im~l\l.
QlQrun k"llllo~o. MQtalQk8n. Truce, no idawQ lja duro fun
Trinket, n. ohun Q~Q, bi wura tabi igba kan.
fadaka. Truck, n. k\lk~ 4i'rU.
Trio, n. idapQ \lni m\lta. Trudge, fI.t. and i. fi 4i'S4i' wQl~
ninu iir~.
Trip, n. irin ajo kukuru, i'l'i",e.
fI.t. and i. kQ"~' ~n8.
True, udj. otitQ, lotQ, nitotQ,
Tripe, n. ifun \lran, apo inu \lran. nidaju.
True-hearted, adj. oninu otity,
Triple, n. i~~po lI1~ta, nigba oniwa funfun.
Truly. adtl. nitotQ, nidajudaju.
Triplet. n. nkan m\lta ti 0 j\l iru
Trumpery. n. ohun ainiye, ohun
kanna, ib\lta.
'l'l'ipocl, n. apot.i \ll~B~ m\lta.
Trumpet. n. ipe.ogun, ipe fere·
Tripping, n. kikQ8~. ogun. fI.t. and i. kede.
Triumph, n. 8Y9 u,~gun, aYQ pokiki.
u,ereI"e. ibori. fI.i. YQ aYQ Trumpeter, I~. afunf'!'re, afunpe.
u,~gun, bori. Truncheon, n. igi, Qpa·oye.
Triumphant, adj. yiYQ·aYQ, i~~· Trunk, n. iti igi; aJloti; QWQ
gun. ija erin, ara ohunkohun.
Triune, adj. didaJlQ m\lt&lQkan. Truss, n. edidi, ik6pQ. fI.t. di,
Trivial, adj. lainilari, aitonkan, 80'PQ, koW.
lainiyin. Trust, n. ~k~, igb~k~le, igbagbQ,
Trolley, n. k~k~ ~ru, k\lk4i' ~i~~. ifarati, awin. fI.e. and i.
Troop, n. QWQ·ogun. fI.t. and i. I gb\lk~le, gbagbq, farati.
tQwq, kQwq. . I Trustee, n. olutQju ohun int QrQ
Trooper, n. ologun 4i'1~m, Qk9 i
tabi il~.
ologun. Tnutfuln-. n. otitQ, igb~k~le.
Trop~, n. ikogun, ohun iranti Trustworthy, adj. Y~ ni igb~k4i'le,

~~gun. nitOtQ.
Tropics. n. ips 9nB orun. Truth. n. otitQ, ododo.
Trot, fI.t. and i. rin kankan, gbe , Truthful. adj. kun fun otitQ,
4i'B4i' Boke. ~Diti 0 BQ otitQ.
Troth, n. igb~k~le, otitQ. Try, Tried. fI.t. danwo, ~e danwo,
Trouble, n. u,~, ipQnju. waha1a, gbidanwo.
iYQnu. fI.t. and i. YQ·l\lnu. Trying, adj. lile.
mu iYQnu ba, pQn loju. Tryst. n. ipinnu lati pade, ibi
Troublesome, adj. niYQnu, ni~~. ipade. fI.t. pinnu lati
nipQnju. pade, ,e adehun.
Trough, n. Qkq imwui, QpQn. Tub, n. QpQn nIa, ohun igi
Trounce, fI.t. ~~ ni~\l. igbomi.
Tro1l881'8, n. ~okoto. Tube, n. iho inu, ibo apo.
Trout. n. orukQ \lja kan. Tuck, fI.t. and i. ka 8IIQ.
Trow, fI.t. gb\lk\lle, rQ. Tuesday, n. ijQ k~ta QB\l.

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'Tuft, t'I. idipQ oktm, koriko tabi Turpentine, n. oje 19i.

irun. Turret, n. ile ~Q kekere.
Tug, t'I. ifa agbara; Qk9 ~fin. Turtle, n. iru adaba kan.
Tuition, t'I. i~etQju, ity, ~kQ.
Tusk, n. ehin QSBn, ehin erin.
'Tumble. t'I. i~bu, ikQ8~. v.t.
and i. bi-~Ilbu, s~bu, ~ubu. Tussle, n. ija-lile.
Tumbler,t'I. atakiti, digi ifimomi Tutelage, n. ~tQju, igba iwA
ago omi. lab~ itQju.
Tumour, t'I. koko QIQylin, koko I Tutor, n. olukQ, olutQ. akQni ni
arun. iwe.
'Tumult. t'I. ariwo, irQk~k~, inl· Twain, adj. meji.
kerudO. Twe8llers, n.pz. ~mu.
'Tumultuous, adj. laitorO, niriru, Twelfth, adj. ekejila.
ni rlldurudu, kun fun ariwo. Twelve, adj. ejila, mejlla.
'TuD, t'I. agb' nIa, o~uwQn nls
Twenty, adj. oglin.
"rune, n. ~ede ohun orin, orin. Twice, adv. l~meji, nigba meji.
v.t. and i. tun duru t.abi fere Twir, n. QWQ igi, ~ka igi.
~e, fAle si ohun orin. Twilight, II. wiriwiri QjQ, af~rnQ-
'Tuneful, adj. ,i,e si ohun orin. jumQ.
Tuner, t'I. atun ohun duru tabi Twin, n. ibeji, ejir~.
fere ~e, alafale si ohun orin. Twine, n. okim llQP9, okUn
'TuDic, t'I. ~Q aWQt~~. iwenkan. v.t. and 'i. IQP9.
'Tunnel, t'I. ~fin, iho ti a la
ojl1 Twinge, n. ifun. v.t. ja lekanna,
nisal~ il~ lati 11 ,e Qna fun mu, {(m.
Qk9 lati kQja. Twinkle, v.t. and i. tan ~n.
Turban, t'I. lawAni, iweri Imale. 'l'winlding, n. ~~ju, wiriwiri oju.
Turbid, adj. ki, I~r~, I~k~t~. Twirl. v.t. and i. yi kankan.
'Turbulence, t'I. i~., rudurudu.
-rurbulent, adj. ni rudurudu; Twist, n. llQP9. v.t. and i.1Q-P9,
oniYQnu. w~P9·
'Turf, n. papa oko tutu, i1~ ti 0 Twitch, v.t. and i. ja-vati, ja.
huko. Twitter, n. ike bi ~iy~.
'Turkey, n. tolotolo. Two, adj. eji, mt'ji.
'Turmoil, t'I. agara, irusoke, ariwo, Two-edged, adj. oloju maji.
v.t. da-la~arB, ~ ni liilit. Type, n. ap~r~, aworan; ~dA
Turn, n. iyipada., iyi, akoko, iwe kan.
igba. v.t. and i. yi, yipad8., Typewriter, t'I. ~rQ ikQwe dipo
~~ri-pada. fift YWQ kQ.
Turner, n. on~Qna igi. 'l'yrannical, adj. onror6, ike.,
'Turning, n. ~~ri Qna. inirR.
Turning-point, n. ibi ti iyipadA, 'l'yrannize, v.t. and i. ,e onror6
akoko pataki. si, 1!0 ike. si, ni-lara.
'Turnkey, n. onikQkQrQ i1e ~wQn, Tyranny, n. ise onror6, iwa
onit.ubu. agbara, iwa ipa.
'lurnpike, n. Qgba idabl1 Qna Tyrant, tl. alagbara, onroro, ike.
igba owo ibode. enis.

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u. Unalloyed, adj. ll\ini adalu.
Unalterable, adj. lainl.parq, lai-
Ubiquity, n. wiwa nibi gbogbo nipara, lainiatUllllEl.
riigba kanna. Unanimity, n. ~kan, aiyapa.
Udder, n. qmu ~ranko, qmu Unanimooaly, adtI. fifoh~kan.
malu. p~lu Qk8.n kan, laiyapa.
Uglin_, n. ail~wa, abukun. UD&II8werable, adj. lailedalohtm.
Ugly, adj. lail~wa, labukun. . ti a kb Ie dalohtm.
Ulcer, n. oju, egbo, oju ti nri.. Unapproachable, adj. lailesunm9
Ulcerate, fI.t. and i. degbo, da· QdQ, lailerigb8..
legba, IIEl oyUn. Unarm, fI.t. 1>9 ni ihamQra, S¢i
Mterior, adj. lapa keji, lqhun, alailewu.
ligba ti mb9. Unasked, adj. laibere.
Mtimate, adj. nigb~hin, jina Unassisted, adj. lainiranlQwQ.
julQ, lainipin, lainiyasipa. Unattainable, adj. ti Qwq kb Ie
Mtimately, ad~'. nigb~hin, nik~­ t~, ti a kb Ie jere.
bin, lopin. Unattended, adj. laini ~ni balQ.
Mtimatum. n. ipari ipinnu. laini QmQ-~hin.
Umbrage, n. ojiji igi; ~~, Unauthorized, adj. laini ~~.
ifura. fI.t. ~e ojiji, ,iji. Unavenged, adj. laigb~an, laij~
Umbrella, n. agbOrim, agbajo. niya.
Umpire, n. onidajQ, ~llik~ta ti Unavoidable, adj. lailey~kuro.
a yAn lati pari qran larin lailey~~~.
~ni meji. Unawar8l, adfl. lairot~l~, lojiji.
Unabasbed, adj. lainitiju, lailo· laim9·
tiju. Unbaptised, adj. ti a kb baptisi
Unabated, ad,i. laif8.s~hin, la~~- r~, laisami fun.
, kun, laidinku. Unbearable, adj. ti a kb Ie gbe.
Unable, adj. lailellEl, ti kb It'. tabi ki a farada.
Unaccompanied, adj. laini QmQ- Unbecoming, adj. laiy~. laitqsi_
~hin, lairi ~ni OOlq, lam ~i Unbelief, n. aigbagbq.
smni. Unbeliever, n. alaigbagbQ.
Unaccompliahed, ad';. lail!Eltan, Unbend. fI.t. mu-t.q, na, tu.sil~.
laillElpari. l~pe. Unbind, fI.t. t6-sil~, jQ.IQwQ.
Unaoconntable, adj. lairidi, lai- Unblameable, adj. lainibawi.
le,lro. lainil~gan.
Unaccustomed, adj. laimq lara, Unbolt, fI.t. ,i l~kun.
laimQnilara. Unbonnd. adj. ni tit6.
Unaclmowledged, adj. laij~wQ. Unbroken, adj. laif9, lai,~, ti a.
Unacquainted, adj. laifihan, lai- kb £9.
sQfun, laim9. Unburden, fI.t. SQ ~rU kal~, mn
Unadulterated, adj. lailabUla, ~rU kuro .
la~daPQ· . Unceasing, adj. laisimi, laiduro.
Unadviledly, adfl. laiy~.lairQrun. Uncertain, adj. laidaniloju. laile·
Unaffected, adj.IBikan ni, laifa gb~k~le. niyemeji.·
okan. Uncertainty, n. aidaniloju, ani·
Unaided, ad7. lainiranIQw? ani.

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adj. lairQ mpil, adj. l~.

~ yipada, ti kil ~e Undaunted, adj.laib~ru, laifol.ya.
p ar9· Undecided, adj. lainipinnu.
Uncharitable, adj. lainif~. Undeflled, adj. lailabaw~>n, lai-
Unchaste, adj. nif~kuf~, laimQ. leri, lailf;l~f;l.
Unchecked, adj. laini idiw9, Undeniable, ad.i. ti a kil Ie s~.
laisi idina. Under, prep. lab~, nisal~.
Unchristian, adj. laitQ si oill- 8.1\19 aW9t~I~.
gbagb<;>, j~ ti oni-
Uncircumcised, alaik9la. nisal~.
laimoyo, ilpe. fa:rada, f9kanran.
laik9 loye, ak~k9 ti kb
ni ile f;lk9 giga.
arf~konrln baba tabi isal~ il~.
iya. Undergrowth, n. ehu.ab~lf;l.
Unclean, adJ. alaimQ, aimQ. Underhand, add. ni arekereke, ni
Uncleannell8, n. iwa eri, iwa ik9k9·
aimQ. Underline, 1).t. fa ils. 8i labf;l.
Unclothed, adj. laiwq~9, ni thoho. Underman, v.t. aini enia to I~nu
Uncomely, adj. lailf;lwa, lail9la, i~~ kan.
laiYt;l· wa nisalf;l, pa
Uncomfortable, laiJvrun.
Uncommon, adj.1aiw9P9, lail\l9Pc;., ti isale 19hun, ti
Uncomp1ainmg, adj. laikim sinu, nisal~, lab~.
laisan owo to.
Unconcern, ail/usi, ainiini, diyele rf;ll~ ju hi
aibikita. o ti y~.
Uncondemned, adj. laij ~bi. Undersign, v.t. k9 oruk9 ~ni si
Unconnected, adj. laibatan, yiya isal~
nipa, yiya S9t9. Understand, v.t. and i. mq, yeo
Unconquerable, adj. ti a kil Ie Understanding, n. imQ, oye.
~~gun, ti a kil Ie bori. Undertake, v.t. and i. daw9le, gbi.
Unconscious, adj. laimq mnu danwo, l\Ie onigh9w9 fun.
oludaw91e, oni-
Uncousecrated, ti a kil ya si o sinku.
ohun ti a daw91e.
tiakoleko d9P9 1e.
t~r!;" igbo.
ti a kil yi laitQ 8i ni,
Undesirable, adj. ti a kb f~ ni.
Undetermined, adj. laini ipinnu.
itororosi, ororo, Undignifled, ad:i. laini 91a, lai-
ipara. niyin.
Uncultivated, adj. lairo, laitQ. Undiluted, adj. Illilubula.


Undisciplined, adj. laitQ, laikY. Unfathomable, adj. laileUlQ ijinl~

ti a kb mu si ab~ it~riba. r~, laileri iIIa.l~ r~.
Undismayed, adj. laifoiya. lai- Unfavourable, adj. lairi oju rere.
b~ru. la~ oju rere.
Undissolved, adj. laiyy. laituka. Unfed, adj. laibQ. laifun ni onj~.
Undiatarbed, adj. laitq, lairusoke. Unfeigned, adj. 1a~\ltan. 10.~.
Undivided, adj.laipin. laiyanipa. lododo. nitOtq.
Undo, "·.t. ttl .sil~, "i. B9 di asan. Unfetter, v.t. ttl Ii ~wQn. til ni
Undoubtedly, adj. lai~yemeji. ,,~k~~k\l.
laisi aniani. dajudll.ju. Unfllial, adj. lain ni iwa QmQ.
Undress, v.t. and i. bQ~. bQ-Ia"Q. UDflDiIhed, adj. l~tan. laipari.
Undulate, v.i. bi siW8 bi s~hin, UDflt, adj. laiy~. laitQ.
ju B9tun sosin.
Unflinching, adj. laifas~hin. ni.
Unduly, adj. l8iy~. laity.
duro '1i~in. laifoiya.
Undutiful, adj. laigbQran. lai-
Unfold, v·t. ~-sil~, '1ipaya.
Undying, adj. lainikU. Unforeseen, adj. lairi tl,ll~.
Unearth, t,.t. wa jade. Unforetold, adj. laiB9t~\l.
Uneasy, adj. la.nvrlm. laifQkAn UnforgiV8Il, adj. lam idariji,
bal~. 1aini ifiji.
Uneducated, OOj. laik~kY. Unforgiving, adj. laidariji, lai-
Unemployed, adj. 18in~~ IQwQ. lAnu.
Unending, adj. lailopin. Unforgotten, adj. laigbagbe. ti
Unenlightened, adj. laifoye han, a kb "ainani.
laini imQl~, laini imq. UnfortuBate, adj. l~bakb,
Unenviable, adj. lainilara. ti a lailorire. laib9Birere.
kb "ojukokoro. Unfri8lldlJ, adj. la~qr~, l~un,
Unequal, adj. laidQgba. la~oju rere.
Unerring, OOj. l~ina. l~e. Unfruitful, adj. laileso.
Uneven, adj. lait~ju. laidQgba. Unfulfllled, adj. laimUfl~.
Unev8lln8ll8, n. ait~ju. aidQgba. Unfumished, adj. laipese. la~
Unupected, adj. lairbt\ll~. lojiji. I'M'.
laireti. UngodliD8II8, n. aiwa-bi-Qlyrun.
Unoplored, adj. laiwakiri. Ungovernable, adj. la.ifle. •koso,
Unexposed, adj. laifihan ni laifl8-it~lorib8.
gbangba. Ungracious, adj. lll.itanu, laiflo
UnfadiDg, adj. ~. lair~. ore Qf~.
Unfailing, adj. laifisil~. laik9Bi1~. Ungrateful, adj. laimore, lailQP~'
Unfair, adj. laity. lai"oty. lail}e Ungratified, adj. lainit~IQrun.
tara. Ungrounded, adj. lainidi, laini-
Unfaithful, adj. laisotq. la~o· pi1~.
dodo. Ungrudgingly, adj. laiktmsinu.
Unfaithfuln_, n. iwa ai"otq. Unguarded, adj. lailabo. lai1*.
Unfaltering, adj. laitasehun. lai· Unguided, adj. laisi amQna.
Y\lB~· lait.<;ln&.
Unfamiliar,adj.laifaramy.laimq. UDhallowed, adj. ti a kb yo. si
Unfasten, v.t. ttl. ~i. mimQ.

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'Unhappy, adj. laini alafia, laini 'UDlamented, add. ti a kb k\,dun.

inudidun. ti a kb 8Qkun r~.
'UDharmed, adj. la.ilewu. 'Unlawful, adj. lodi si OM.
'Unhealthy, adj. lailera., laila· UDleamed, adj. la.ik9, bpe.
gbara. 'Unleavened, adj. laiw6.
'Unheard, adj. laigb9. 'Unless, eonj. biko'l8pe, aya~bi,
'Unheeded, adj. laibikitft., lainani. afibi.
'UnheaitaUDg, adj. laisi.ilQra, 'Unlike, adj. laijQ, ti kb dabi.
la.i¥yemeji. Unlimited,adj.lainiwQn,lailopin.
'Unholy, adj. lR.im9. laini ala.
'Unhook, v.t. tu sil~, tu. 'Unload, v.e. 8Q \,rU, t6 ~ril.
'Unhurt. adj. laini ipalara. Unlock, v.t. fi kQkQrQ ,i.
'UDiform, n. 8.IIQ ~gb~ kan. adj. 'Unloose, 'UnlOOSeD, v.t. HI.
riri bakannii, ti 0 ba ara 'Unloving, adj. laini if~.
wQn mu. 'Unlucky, adj. lailorire.
'Uniformity, n. ~ bakanna, 'Unmanageable, adj. laileko ni
idQgba. ijanu.
'Unify, v.t. 8Q di Qka.n, ,e·'Qkan. 'Unmarked, adj. lailomi.
'Unimportant, adj. laiwiwo, ki 'Unmarried, adj. lailQkQ.
~ pat8.ki. 'UnmeaniDg, adj. laini itUlnQ.
'Uninjured, adj. laini.ipala.ra.. 'Unmerciful, adj. la.ilanu, laini·
Unintentional, adj. laimqmQlil8, YQnu.
la.ifim~e. 'Unmerited, adj. laini i toyc,
Uninteresting, adj. laikSn, laikun la.ilere, laitQ si ni.
loju, lailadim. 'UmnindfaI, adj. laini irnnti.
Uninvited, adj. laipe. 'UDJDised, add. laidaPQ, laiRopl,l.
Union, n. idapQ. u,Qkan. la.iladalu.
'Unique, adj. Ia.il~gb~, la.ilekeji. 'Unmolested, adj. laitQ, laiYQlfilnu.
Unison, n. ir~PQ, iro ti 0 dQgba, 'Unmoveable. adj. 1Binsfil. lailel1i
idapQ·'9kan. nipb.
'Unit, n. 9kan, ~nikan. 'Unnatural, adj. lodi 8i iwa ¢a,
Unite. v.t. and i. 8O'P9, daP9 laiba iwa ¢a mu.
'Wkan. Unnecessary, adj. laiYfil, ti a Ie
'Unity, n. idapQ, U,9ka.n. ,e alaini.
'Universal, adj. ti 0 wQP9, ti gbo
gbo enia., ti il~ gbogbo.
Unnoticed, adj. ti a kb afiyesi.
Unnumbered, adj. ainiye, ti a kb
'Univarse, n. aiye, gbogbo ~da Ie kaye.
agbaiye. UDObaemmt, adj. laifle akiyesi.
Univenity, n. il6 ~kQ giga ibiti UDOCOUpied, adj. lailQ, lainu,~
aWQn ak\,kQ Ie gbA oyo. IQwQ.
'Unjust, adj. laisotQ. Unopposed. adj. laidojuja kl,l.
Unjustifiable, adj. ti a kb Ie Unordained, adj. laij~ oye alufa,
dalare. laiyan 8i.
'U1lkiDd, adj. laininfue, lai'l8un, UDorganind, adj.laitlll~~Sfil.
ni ika, l&iflojurere. 'Unowned, adj. laini-oluwa.
'UUnown, isdj. laimQ. 'Unpack, v.t. tu filrU.
'UDlace, v.t. tu·okun. UDpaid, adj. laisan.
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Unpalatable, adj. lailadun I/i'nu. Unrepentant, laini ironupi.

Unpardonable, adj. ti a ko Ie wadA.
dariji, ti a ko Ie fiji. Unreprovable, adj.lainibawi.
Unpardoned, laini ida1'iji, Unresisting, adj. laidoju k..,.
ifiji. Unrllllt, n.
Unpick, v.t. tn. Unrestrained, adj. laidaduro,
Unpleasant, adj. lailadun, laiwu laiko ni ijanu.
Unrevealed, adj. laifihan. lai.
Unpolluted, adj. laini ibaj~,
lailabukun. Unrevenged, adj. laigb/i'ilan.
Unpopular, adi- lailokiki, laini Unrewarded, adj. laini ere, laifi
if~ enia. ere fun.
Unpremeditated, adj. laironu Unrighteous, adj. lail;lolA;!, lai-
Unprepared, adj. laimura, lai~e·
Unrighteousness, n. l.wa ail!ote;>.
tan. ail!ododo, l.wa buburu.
Unpretending, laidawQle, Unripe, adj. laip9n, laigbo, laid~.
Unroll, v.t. and i. ~i.
UnprevaiJiDg, adj. lailagbara, Unruly, adj. it~riba, alagidi.

laini ipa. laigbe;>ran.

Unprofitable, adj. lailere. Unsafe, adj. lewu, ni jAlIlha.
UDJanctifl.ed, adj. laim<,S. laiya
Unproteeted, lailabo,
€Ii mim<,S.
Unproved, adj. lairidi, lai·dan· Unsatisfied, adj. laini it~le;>run.
woo Unsavoury, adj. lailadim lfilnu.
Unpunctual, adj. laiw:1 Ii akoko, Unscathed, adj. laifarapa, laile;>-
Ii akoko, gb~.
adj, lailoye, laini Unscriptural. adj. lodi Qr~
imQ. Qle;>rnn.
Unquenchable, adj. ajoku, aile Unsearchable, adj. laile~e awari.
fomi pa. awama1'idi.
Unqulllltionably, adv. dajudaju, Unseasonable, adj. laiba okoko
lail?iyemeji. nUl.
Unreal, adj. ti ki i~e otite;>. Unseemly, adj. laiy~, lait9'
Unreasonable, lodi !'Ii ironu, Unseen, lairi.
ko w9 UDSelftIh, laif~ ti ~ni
Unreeouciled, lailA ija, laigb9 ara ~ni.
laille ilaja. Unsettled, adj. laiduro nibi kan.
Unredeemed, adj. ti a ko 1'a· Unshaken, adj. laiml., lamt.
pads, laimUl;le, Unsheath, faye;> kuro ninu
Unregenerate, adj. laitunbi, lai. hke;>.
tunda. Unship, v.t. !!il~ ninu Qke;>.
Unrelenting, adj. lailanu, ika. Unshod, adj. laini batao
Unreliable, adj. lailegb~k~le, ko Unshrinking, adj. ti ko sunkl., ti
gb~k~le. ko wAkL
Unrenewed, add. laise;> di Unsldlful. adj .Iaile;>gbe;>n .Iainimq·
laidi atunbi. Unsociable, adj. laik~gb~, 8110.

Unsought, adj. laiwakiri. Untranslated, adj. la.iyipadA si

UDIOUDd, adj. laipe, la~ot4;l, ti 0 ede mi.
ni abukun. Untried, adj. lai-dan-wo.
Unspeakable, adj. laile!!9, ti a ko Untrodden, adj_ laifi f,lS~ tf,l.
Ie S9. Untrue, adj. la~Oty.
Unspiritual, adj. lai~e ti ~mi, ti Untrustworthy, adj. laito gbf,l-
ara. kf,lle 1ailile gbf,lkf,lle.
Unspoken, adj. lais9, laiwi. Untruth, ir9. eke.
Unspotted, lailabaw<;>n, lai- Unused, lailo, kC) iti
labukun. Unusual, adj. lai~e nigbakugba.
Unstable, adj. laifi ~s~ mul~, Unvaccinated, adJ. laibupa.
nirirU, laimu-ara duro.
Unsteady, laiduro ;Winlllin.
Unveil, and i. iboju kuro,
~i niboju.
UnstoP, v.t. mu kuro. Unwarned, adj. laikil9 fun,
Unsubdued, adj.la~~gun, laibori. laigba iki19.
Unsubmissive, adj. laiforibal~, Unwary, adj. laikiyesara, Ini-
laij9sln, laisln. bikita.
Unsuitable, laiy'i', laibamu. Unwashed, adj. laiw~.
Unsupported, adj. laini itil~hin, Unwatchful, adj. lail~IilY, lai~9rlt.
laini iranl9w9. Unwearied, adj. lai~r~.
Unllurrendered, adj. lai- Unweighed, adj.
Unsuspiciotll, adj. laini fura. Unwelcome, adj. gba.
Unswept, adj. laigbalf,l. Unwell, adj. liIaisan.
Unsystematic, adj. lail9 dede. Unwholesome, adj. laiyf,l fun
Untainted, laililabaw~m, lai-
Unwieldly, adj. polemy. pambo.
Unwi11ing, adj. laini if~.
Untamed, adj. laituloju. Unwind, v.t. and i. tu.
Untuted, adj. lait9wo. Unwise, adj. laigb<Jn, laimoye.
Untaught, laik9 Unwittingly, adj. laimQ, laid imy
Untenanted, laini olugbe. fIEl·
Unthankful, adj. laimore, lai- Unworldly, adj. alaiff,l-nkan tara_
19P~· Unworthy, adj. laiyf,l.
Untidy, adj. wuru-wuru. Unwrap, tu.
Untie, v.t. Unwritten, adj. laikywe.
Until, prep. titi digba; conj. Unyielding, adj. ti kc) j9w9 ara
titi. r~ 19WY, laidf,lra.
Untimely, laililakoko, lai- Up, adv. soke. loke. prep. lori.
bysakoko. Upbraid, ba-wi, gan. ka
Unto, prep. si, 8i 9d9. si 19:rb.n.
Untold, adj. lais9· Uphill, adj. ti 0 liIoro. riru oke.
Untouched, adj. laif9wy ba. ti a Uphold, v.t. gbe-soke, ti-lf,lhin,
ko f9w9 kan. di-mu.
Untoward, adj. l~run, laiy~, Upholder, n. alatillilhin,

lagidi, larekereke. gbesoke.


Upholatery, n. hVri, timtim. v.

Upkeep, n. itQju, inawo. Vacancy, n. aye, afo, ofurl1fu •
Uplift, v.t. gbe·soke. Vacant, adj. lofo, l'asan.
Upcm, prep. lori, sori. Vacate, v.t. parfil, fi aye sil",
Upper, adj. loke, leke, gaju ni 8Q di 888n, ,e ofo.
ipo tabi ni ",la. VacatiOD, n. aye, idfilwI,J i'fil.
Uppermost, Upmost. adj. loke
l",hunl",hun, gaju 19. VacciDate, v.t. bupa..
Upright, adj. olotQ, olododo, ti 0 VacciDatioD, n. ibupa..
duro ,in9in. V~,n.abupa., bupabupa.
Uproar, n. irukerudo, ariwo. Vacillate, v.i. mi sihin sQhun, ~
Uproot, v.t. fatu lati gbOngbo wa. iyemeji.
Upaet. v.t. and i. daru., bi.,ubu. Vacuum, n. ofo, alafo.
UPlhot, .n. opin, ipari. Vagabond, n. isanea, alarillkiri,
Upaic1e down, adv. dorikodo, alainipo.
yi.po. Vagrant, add. ririnkiri laini ibu-
Upstairs, n. ile oke, Pfilt¢.
Vague, adj. lailfil8filnil~, laidUl"Q
Upward, add. loke, ti 0 dojuk", nibikan, ~iri.
oke. Vain, add. las8n, lofo, lainilari,
Urchin, n. ",mQ.ita. lainidi, ni igberaga.
Urge, v.t. r9, b~, t~numQ. Vainglory, n. ogo-asan.
Urgent, add. Ie, ririjl.
Us,pron. wa. Vale, n. afonifoji oke nla..
Usage, n. l.lo, twa, ~a. Valediction, n. igbere, ida.gbere.
Use, n. 110, ihusi. ".t. and i. I"" Valet, n. QmQ-¢I,J ti nduro ti
htl-si, mU-~'\l. oIuwa r~.
Useful, adj. wulo, lJ8nfani, lere. Valiant, add. akI,Jni, nigboiya,
Useless, add. laiwulo, lainilari. Iagbara.
Unal, add. bi atfilhinwa. Valid, add. nipa, ti a fi idi r~
Usurp, v.t. and i. fi ipa gba, gba kal~ ninu otitQ nipa Ofi11.
lai• . Validity, n. agbara, ips, agbara
Usurpation, n. ifipagba laitQsi. 000.
Usurper, n. filniti nfi ipa gba Valley, n. afonifoji, ilfil larm oko
ohun lai• . meji.
UI1IrY, n. ~da., tHe. Valorous, adj. nigboiya, laib~ru,
UteDsil, n. ohun elo. alagbara.
Utility, n. 110; ire. Valour, n. igboiya, iwa ak",ni.
Utilize, v.t. mu wulo. Valuable, add. oniyelori, ni ere
utmost, add. titi fi di opin, lori, oniyebiye.
ipfilkun, ipari. ValuatiOD, 11. idiyele, ifowole.
utter, v.t. sQ, wi jade. Value, n. iye, iye owo, riri. ·v.t.
Utterance, 16. eyiti a 8Q jade, diyeIe.
ohlin, QrQ-sisQ. Valueless, add. lainiyelori, laini-
utterly, adv. patapsta, rawu- Iari.
rawu. Valve, n. Ifilb~ ~nu ohun elo, aw~
UttermOSt, add. lopin, nipari. kan ninu il~kun kika.
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Van, n. iwaju ogun, kli'kli' li'rU, atli' Vegetate, v.i. hil, dagba; lati
lati fi f~ alikama. . wa Ii aiye bi qlli' tabi
Vane, n. ohun ,;ma imoye af~fli', alaironu.
asia, qpagun. Vegetation, n. hlhu, idagba
Vanguard, n. li'gbli' ti 0 'Iaju ogun. eweko.
Vanish. v.i. yq salq, fo.lq, f~·lq, Vehemence, n. agbara, igbona
di ofo, di asan. if~, itli'numq.
Vanity, 71. ofo, asan, aileso, Vehement, adj.lagbara, gbigbona
ojiji, igberaga.. Vehicle, n. k~k~.
Vanquish, v.t. 'Ili'gun, bori. Veil, n. iboju, ikele. v.t. fi BfIq
Vanquisher, n. BfIli'gun. bo, fi-pamq.
Vantage, n. anfani, aye, ere, Vein, n. illan li'j~.
irqrun. Velocity, n. iyara.
Vapid, adj. laini li'mi, sisQ ~mi Velvet, n. &fI9 aran.
nu. Vend, v.t. tao
Vapour, n. oru, ikiiku. Vendor, n. oluta, qlqja.
Variable, adj. yiyipa.d8. Veneer, n. q'19 ode, iparada.
Variableness, fl. oniriiru iwa, Veo.able, adj. n. ni iyin, t9 si
iyipada, ayidA. ql8., agba1agba.
Variance, n. aire, iyapa, air~pq. Venerate. v.t. buyin fun. bQla
Variation, n. iyipada. fun, bQwQ fun.
Variegate, v.t. se Ii oniriiru awq. Veneration, n. iyin. qla p~lu ~ru,
Variety, n. oniriiru, iyatc;l. ibQwq fun.
VariOUl., adj. oniriiru, qpqlqpq, Vengeance, n. 4i'San, igb4i'San,
laidaju. ij~niya.
Varnish, n. ohun ti a fi nda.n Venison, n. ohun ¢~, ~ran
nkan, dida.n nkan. v.t. fi agbQnrin.
ororo da.n. Venom, n. oro, iW9 ti ipani.
Vary, v.t. and i. yi.pada, mu- Venomous, adj. 016ro.
yatq, parq. Vent, n. ihO, oju Qna af~f~, Qna
Vusal, n. li'rU, agb~k~leni, ~ni isalq. v.t. sq-jade, ro ka-
imusin. kiri, bq lqwq.
Vast, adj. ti 0 tobi, ti 0 gbil~, pq, Ventilate, v.t. f~ Ii afli'f~, jt;l ki
nila, gboro. af~f~ f~ si; 'Ii sil~ fun
Vat, n. qpqn nla ifi nkan mimu idanwo, kede r~ mi gbangba.
si. Ventilation, n. ifelBfli'f~, igb8.
Vault, n. iboji, isa-oku, iyara afli'f~ rere; ikede qrq ni
abli' il~. v.t. fo. gbangba.
Vaunt, v.t. and i. hal~, 'Iefefe, Ventilator, n. li'nu qD& af~fli'.
'logo asan, fun-nu. Ventriloquist, n. qIqaanyin.
Veal, n. li'ran qmq malu. Venture, n. idBwqle, idBflB si
Veer, v.t. and i. yipada, yi Qkq ewu. v.t. and i. daba,
pada. dawqle, da-lBfIa, 'Ie laipete.
Vegetable, n. eweko, eweb~, Venturesome, adj. laiya, ogboju,
ohun 9gbin. laib~ru.
Vegetarian, n. ~niti 0 fi li'ran silli' Veracious, adj. nikiyesi otitQ,
ti 0 si j~ ewebli'. olotc;l.
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Veracity, n. otitq, lwa akiyesi Vestibule, n. filnu qna iIe.

oti~. Vestige, n. ipas~. &mi.
Verandah, Veranda, n. ~¢.fil· Vestment, n. 8li!q, ~wu, o.gbo.da.
Verb, n. 91"9 ti 0 sq ti wiwt\. tabi Vestry, n. iyar& iIe <)lqrun ibiti
a n,e ipade ti a si fi 8ll1il
Verbal, adj. fiffilnusq, ti (l1"9 sisq.
&lufa pamlil.
Verbatim, adj. n~ 91"9, ira- Vesture, n. 8IIq. v.t. wq Ii 81/9.
bfilrfil, (lrq ti a wi gan.
Verbose, adj. P9 Ii (l1"9, q I9r9· Veteran, n. bgb6 jagunjagun,
Verdant, adj. tutu, riruwe, lawe; bgb6 ni ili!Iil.
yiyope si (lna mye. Veterinary, adj. ti wiwo 8.run
Verdict, n. ipinnll awqn adajq ni ~ran..

iIe-filjq, idajq. Veto, n. agbara kik(l.

Verdigris, 11. eri ara idfil. Vo, v.t. t9, yq.llilnu, ba-ninujfil·
Verdure, n. 8,Wq tutu. Vexation, n. it9, iYlillfilnu, ibinujlil,
Verge, n. eti, bebe, opin; filka imul'iJIDofo.
tutu, qpa bye. Vesatio1ll, adj. bibs.ninuj~, yiYIil
Verger, n. olut9ju iIe <;>lqrun. llilnu•
Verification, n. ifohun si, ijfilrisi Viaduct, n. qna lati fi kqja odo
tabi afonifoji.
Verify, v.t. fohun si, jfilri si oti~. Vial, n. 19o kekere.
VerUy, adv. lo~, nito~. Viand, n. ohun jijlil.
Veritable, adj. loti~, lododo, Vibrate, v.t. a1\d i. gbliln, wa-
dajudaju. riri, ju sqtun sosi.
Verity, n. oti~. Vibration, 11. igbqn, iwariri, iju
Vermilion, n. awq pupa, MM6. ,otun sosi.
Vermin, n. kbkoro, ohun irako Vicar, n. fi!Diti a yan lati IiI8
irira. agbipb ~ni. bye alufa kan.
Vemacular, n. ade iIu filni. adj. Vicarage, n. iIe alufa, ibugbe
IMe ti a bi filni, IMe onilfil. alufa.
Vemal, adj. ti igba iruwe, ti igba Vicari01ll, adj. gbigba iyt\. elo-
ewe. miran si ara filni, bib9 sipo
Versatile, adj. ,p,ppbpadB, yiyi- fillomiran.
padB, laiduro-nibikan. Vice, n. ohun elo qua ti a 10 lati
Verse, n. fi!Sfil, iwqn ti a pin ori fi di nkan mu, Iilmu kekere ;
iwe si. fi!lilfil, iwa buburu, lwa &lElbu.
Veraed, adj. mim(l daju, gb9n, Vice-priDoipal, n. oluranllilwq
moye. olori, igbakeji alBlilfil iIe-~kq.
Venib, v.t. and i. 8q di filsfil, Viceroy, n. a1"9pb tabi adele qba
yi si fi!Sfil. ti 0 ni Iilla ati agbara Iilba.
Version, n. iyipadB Ii Me kan si Vicinity, n. agbegbe iIu, itosi.
ekeji. Vicio1ll, adj. niwa &labu, nibu-
VertB, n. ,0JlllO ori bke. buru, ti kb IiI8 ikonijanu.
Very,adj. ga.n, papa. adv. puP9. Vicia8itude, n. iyipada, ayida.
Vesper, n. lrawq alfil' aJfil, isin al~. Victim, n. ohun filblil, ohun sliye
Vessel, n. ohun alo; qk(l omi. ti a fi rublil' Iilniti 0 fampa;
Vest, n. ~wu iIeke, IilWU penpe. filniti njiya ipalsra.
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VIC 167 voc
Victimize, v.t. fi ~ ohun li'b9, tan- Violent, adj. alagbara, ilm_
jli" Violin, n. ohun elo orin olokun
Victor, n. RlPli'gun. mli'rin.
Victorioua, adj. niflli'gun, ibori Viper, n. ejb oloro kan, pam911i'.
qta. Virgin, n. wundia.
Victoriously, ad". pli'lu i,li'gun. Virginity, n. lwa wundla.
Victory, n. iflli'gun, ibori. Virtual, adj. ti 0 ni &If\' tahi
VictaaIler, n. apMe onj\,. agbara.
V1CbIaII, n.pl. ohun jijli" Virtue, n. lwa-9run, &If\" agbara.
Vi.,. Vied, v.i. ba dije, jija lati Virtuoua, adj. oniwa-rere, oniwa-
bori. 9run, lagbara.
View, v.t.lfijuwb, bojuwb, gba·ro. Virulence, n. orO, arankan, qta
n. aworan, iwb, iri. kikoro, irunu.
Viril. n. aislro, &If&lli' ti 0
If&ju ",jq Virulent, adj. lor6, nipalara,
afiyesi. rirunu gbigbona.
VigUance, n. iflqra. iflqna, iwoye. V1sage, n. oju, iwo-oju.
ViIilant, adj. olUlf9ra, kun fun Visible, adj. hih8.n, riri, ,isilli"
iflqra. niwoye. ViBlon, n. iran, ala, ojuran, iIfi-
Viroroua, adj. lagbarA., nipa. paya.
Vigour, n. agbara, ipa. VisiODarJ, adj. laiduro 19k8.n, ti
VUe, adj. buru, lainilari, laimq, ero lasan, ti ki iIfe ododo.
oIfi· Visit, n. ib~wo, ikini. v.t. b~­
Vilify, v.t. gan, ba lorukq jli" wo, ki.
Villa, n. ila ti a kq lli'hin odi. Visitatioo, n. ib~wo, lwo, iki.
Village, n. iletb, abule. Visitor, n. ab~niwo, alejo, awoni,
Villager, n. ara ileto. akini.
Villain, n. eniakenia,enia buburu. Vital, adj. ti "mi, ti iwa lii.ye,
Villainy, n. lwa buburu, \ltli'. yiye, ti i,e ohun rlaindain.
Vim, n. agbara. Vitality, n. agbara iwa laye.
Vindicate, ".t. da.1are, wli'·mq, VitaIise, v.t. 89 di aye, fi iye fun.
dabobo. Vitiate, v.t. ba-j\" 89 di aimq_
Vindicatioo, n. idalare, abo, Vituperate. v.t. bu, ba-wi.
itil\,hin. Vivacioua, adj. ni daraya, ti 0
Vindicator, n. adanilare, alabo. yara, ni gigun \,mi.
Vindictive, adj. gbigb\l8lID. Vivacity, n. iye, idaraya, iyara.
Vindictiveneas. n. lwa \'Ban. Virid, adj. daraya, ti 0 j9 ohun
Vine, n. ajara, ltakim. alaye, ti 0 daM \,nipe 0 ni
Vinegar, n. qti kikan. li'mi.
V'm8J&rd, n. 9gba ajara. Vivify, v.t. fun ni lye, 99 di aye.
Vintage, n. igba ikore ajara, Vb:en, n. abo kQ19k919; obirin
akeeo ajara. oninu fMu.
Violable, adj. ti a Ie baj \'. Vocable, n. i f 9hun, (Irq, oruk9·
Violate. t'.t. ba.jli'. pa·lara, ru, VocahularJ, n. iwe ikoj9 (Irq ti
'Ii' ai. a to ]4i'B4i'BIi', ti a ai 89 itum9
VIOlation, n. lbajli', ipalara, ~~. w9n, iwe gbedegb\'Y9.
Violence, n. lwa·agbara, iwa- Vocal, adj. ti 0 Ii ohim, ti a fi
ipa, ija-agbara. ohun 8q.

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voc 168 WAK

Vocalist, n. ak9rin. Vulgar, adj. ti ~ ti gbogbo enia,

VocatioD, ipe, ~~. ouia lasan.
v.t. wi Ii rara, W~;lKiIOJf, n. iwa
59 gburu. 9r 9
Vociferation, n. asq-gburu, igbe
nlanla, ~kUn nla. Ie ~-
Vociferous, adj. alasq, onigbe.
Vogue, . , Ara.
Voice, ohlin.
Voicell!lll, laini ohun.
Void, adj. ofo, asao.
dasan, 89-di-ofo.
59- w.
Volatile, adj. sisa, fifo, gbigb~.
Volcano, n. oke onina ti ima ru
Volley. aj9yin ayinp9 ja, ti
Voluble, adj. ti a Ie irqrun yi,
qlqrq Ii ~nu.
Volume, n. apo-iwe, iwe. omi tabi
Voluntary, add. atinuwa, tinu-
tif~tif~. ~niti
mi sqtun
mi siwa a~hin.
fifi ara ~g be
v.t. lie adehun, jiyan, fi
ologun lati inu wa, tabi si
lel~, gbogun, fi-dogo.
i~~ isin kan. v.t. and i. fi
Wager, n. ogo, qfa, ijiyan.
ara t9r~ fun i~~ isin kan.
Voluptuous, adj. gbigbadlin ara Wages, n.pl. owo i~~, owo qya.
Waggle, v.t. and ju sihin
gbigb9tara, ifli'lmf~.
and i. P9-jade.
WaggOD, Wagon, kli'k~ ~ru.
Waif, ohun ti aquu, isansa_
Voracious, adj. niw9ra, 9j~un. Wail, v.t. and i. pohunrere ~k\m
Votary, n. ~niti 0 ya ara r~ sqt9 Wainscot, n. patako isai~ ogiri,
nipa ~H. it'iJ inu He.
Vote, oblin, ilohimsi, ibadi ; igbaroko.
i. iohunsi,
ayanni, alohim WaistbaJ:.d, n. f,lja
and i. pe Waistcoat, n. ~wu kukuru ti 0 bo
si. ibadi.
Voucher, n. 'iJ1'iJri, iwe 'iJri. Wait, V.t. and i. duro, duro de,
Voucbsafe, v.t. fiyesini, fifun ni. duro tl, reti; ba de.
Vow, li'j~, ileri j~ n. aduro agbawo
Heri if~.
Voyage, irin-ajo Ollli, v.t. kq-si11i'. y~.kuro.
illikq. Wake, v.t. and i. ji, ~e aisun_
Voyager, n. ero loju omi. n. jiji i~e aisun.


Wale. n. ami ina, rire·~gba. Warily, miv. ru,,9ra, niwoye.

Walk, v.t. and i. rin, fi f,'s~ rid. Warin8ll8, n. ~9ra, iwoye.
n. irin. Warlike. adj. bi ologun.
Walker, n. arinna, ~niti 0 Ie rin.
, Warm, adj. gbona, gbigbona,
Walking stick, n. 9pa it~I,:. 1i19 W9w9. v.t. and i. yea,
Wall, n. ogiri, igana.
mu-gbona, fi.-gbona fi. 19na
Wallet, n. apo onj~.
Wallow, v.i. p8f9 ninu ~r~. w9r 9 w9 r 9·
Warm-hearted, adj. 919kan gbi.
Wan, adj. joro, ~okunrun.
gbona, onitara enia.
Wand, n. 9pa tinrin ti aW9n o~o
Warmth, n. igbona, itara, if~.
rna nlo.
Wander, v.t. and i. rln kiri, Warn, v.t. kil9 fun, ,i-Ieti.
!lina kin. Warning, n. ikil9, ~eti.
Wanderer, n. alarlnkiri, ~ako, Warp, n. tita okun i~9, lrq.
~ina. ~9. v.t. and i. yi si apa-
Wane, v.i. dinku, y~ di~ di~, kan, t~.
buj~kim, girij~. Warrant, n. ~~ ifi. rnuni, lti·
Want, n. aini, Abukim, ofo, aito. I~hin. idaniloju. v.t. fi. ~~
v.t. awi i. ~ aini, f~, f~.ku. si, ti·l~hin, ~ ki 0 daju.
Wanton, adj. laiIakoso, ni if~· Warrior, n. ologun, 9gagun.
kuf~, ni w9ra. v.i. ~ if~. Wart, n. wqnwqn.
kuf~, ,e w9ra. Wary, adj. ni~Qra, n~9na. ni-
Wantonn8ll8, n. .ju, if~ ara, woye.
if~kuf~, iW9ra. Was, v.i. wA, j~, ni.
War, n. ogun, lja. v.t. and i. Wash, n. iw~, flf9. v.t. and i.
jagun, ba·ja, ba·jagun. w~, f9.
Warble, v.t. and i. k9rin bi ~iy~. Wuherwoman, n. af9~9, ala·
Warbler, n. olorin, ak9rin. gb8f9 obirin.
War-cry, n. ipe ogun. WashhoDBe, n. ile if9fl19.
Ward, n. ~~9, Abo, odi, agbAra. Wuhtub, n. 9P9n if9'9.
v.t. ~9, t9ju, dabobo; gba Wup, n. yd~, agb9n, ak9 oyin.
kuro. Wute, n. ahoro, idahoro,
Warden, n. olWW, olut9ju, alabo, iparun, in8dt\nu. fl.'.
and i.
olori ile·~k9 giga, olori parun, fi.·,Mo, na·d8.nu,
tubu, olut9ju.ile Q19run. na-ni inHkuna, ~.danu.
Warder, n. 0lupam9, 0lut9ju. adj. ni ahoro, ~~. lofo.
Wardrobe, n. ibi ipa ~ rn9 ~ ; Wutefnl, ad.i. nidAnu, ni ina-
a~9 wiw9. kuna.
Ware, n. ohun tita, 9ja. adv. Wuter, n. onintlkuna.
ni reti, ni ipese, ni ~9ra. Wasting, adj. nibaj" ni iparun.
WarehoDBe, n. ile ipalf;' 9ja m9 Watch. n. ~,~9, agogo. fI.t.
si. v.t. fi. 9ja pam9, ko si and i. '9,
_ il~ i,ura. Watchful, adj. ru,,9ra, ~,
WarehoDBemaD, n. olori ile wiwoye.
~ura. Watchmaker, n. 0ru,,9na agogo,
Warfare, n ijagun, lja, ogun alagogo.
jijA. Watchman, n. olWW. ~9.
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WatchDight, n. aisun ¢un Wealth, n. (lr9, owo, 918.

titun. Wealthy. rMlj. IQr9, lowo, QIQr9.
Watchtower. n. ile·iw. Wean, v.t. we, ja·l~nu-9mu,
Watchword, n. qrfl ami. gb&-I~nu·9mu.
Water. n. omi. v.t. and i. fun Weapon. n. ohun.lja, ohun-
Ii omi, bli omi Wo;lD, bli ogun, ohun-ilo.
omi riD. Wear. Worn, !I.t. and i. w(l, 10,
Water-barrel, n. agba omi. 10g1>6, bsj~, ~, da-Iagara.
Water-bottle. n. igo omi. Wearable, adj. wiw(l.
Waterfall, n. (lrwr9 ojo. ltakiti Wearer. n. oluw(l.
omi. Wearineu, n. irQ, agara.
Watermark, n. oju ami ikun ami. Wearisome. adv. idanilaga., la.r~.
Water-pot, n. ikoko omi, ladugbo. Weary. !I.t. and i. rQ, $6.8rQ, mu-
Water-make. n. jomijoke. lar~, da-J8ga.ra..
Water-apriDg. n. orisun omi. Weather. n. oju QjQ, oju Qrun,
Wattle. n. ~ igi, qpa ti 0 l~. af~f~. v.t. and i. faT&da.,
v.t. ha ile, fi ~ka. igi hat foriti.
w9n • Weather-beaten. rMlj. fi ijl gba-
Wave. n. iru omi, 19bi omi, ibilu kiri.
omi. v.t. and i. fl, ru, bilu, Weather-cJaa, n. ~rfI dingi ti 0
juwq si; kq.sil~. s9 bi qj9 ti rio
Waver. !I.i. ,iyemeji, ~iduro Weave. !I.t. and i. wun, W1lDljIQ,
nibi kan, ti siwa ti s~hin, wun·okUn.
mi. Weaver. n. awu~.
Waverer. n. oniyemeji. Web, n. i~, okim a1a.ntakim.
Wavy. adj. nibibile, ~~Ie. Web-looted, rMlj. ~~ ti 0 I~P9
Wu. n. ida, ida eti, ida oyin. bi ti pl,lp~iy~.·
v.t. di, dagba, wU, pqsi. Wed, v.t. and i. gbe·niyawo,
Way. n. (Ina, oju (IDa, iwa enia, gbeyawo, sO-PQ.
Wayfarer. n. ero, alejo, arina
i WeddiDr. n. igbeyawo, isoyigi.
WeddiDr-day. n. QjQ-igbeyawo.
ajq. WeddiDr-feut. n. ase·igbeyawo.
Waylay. !I.t. de 9na de, bade. Weddinc-riIII.n.orukaigbeyawo.
Wayside. n. I,lba·9na. Wedge. n. ekaD, ela, ipanran,
Wayward, rMlj. niwakuwa, dindi.
~gh9ra.n, ~gidi. Wedlock. n. igbeyawo.
We. prim. awa, a. Wednesday. n. Qj9 k~rin 98~.
Weak, adj. lailagbara, d~ra, Wee. adj. kekere.
lailera, laile. Weed, n. epo, wepe, ehu koriko.
WeakeD, !I.t•. mu·r9, SQ di ailera., v.t. and i. tu epo, tu kOMO.
B9 di alailagbara., rQ agbara Weedy. adj. kun fun epo.
sil~, mu.d~ra.. Week. n. 9B~ kan, Qj9 meje.
Weak-hearted, adj. alaile aiya. Weekday. n. QjQ lasan, 9j9k9j9
Weakly. adv. lalailera.. ti ki ~~ Qj9 isimi
WeaJm-. n. ailera., a.ila.gbara.. Weekly. adv. IQB9s~, I~kan 19-
Weal, n. alafia, iwa irflrun; B9B~.
ami ina. Weep. !I.t. and i. sQkun, damije.
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Weeper, n. 919kun, olomij6. What, pron. kini, kinla, ohun ti,

Weeping, adJ. t;JkUn. eyitl.
Weigh, v.t.and i. wQn, gbe-wo, fi Whatever, Whatsoever, pron.
0'luW9U W9U, dlw9u, s9-wo. ohunkohun, eyikeyi.
Weight, iwuwo, 0'i"lw~m. Wheal,
Weighty, adj. WllWO, lagbara, Wheat, n. alikama, 9ka.
tobi Wheedle, v.t. 9rQ didull tan,
Welcome, n. ikini, iki aYQ PQu.
alejo, ariY9' v.t. ki, fi aY9 Wheel, -no k9k9. v.t. and i. yi
gba. adj. fifaY9 k9k t;J.
Weld, v.t. and i. lurinp(.> , lu Wheelbarrow, n. k9k9 ik9rtl.
irin m9 irin, sO-P9. Wheelwright, n. akankt;lkt;l.
WIiUare, alafia, ire. Wheeze, v.i. mi kakan.
Well, n. kanga, orisun omi. adv. Whelp, n. 9m9 aja, 9m9 9ran
lalafia, ni dida dara- abekanna.
dara, rare. When, adv. Iligbati, nigbawo.
Well-behaved, adj. ni iwa rere, Whence, adv. lati ib9 wa, lati
lilo daradara. ibo.
Well-being, n. alafia, ire, tWa Whenever, Whensoever, adv.
ir9run. nigbakfigba, nigba ti 0 wu
Well-beloved, adj. oluf9 9w9u, ki liIe.
ayanf9 gidigidi. Where, adv. ibo, nibo, nibit,i,
Well~bred, adj. kik9 rere, ni Whereabouts. n. apa ibiti enia
iwa wa.
Well-done, inter. oku, gbere, 0 Whereas, conj. nigbati 0 jt;l pe,
~un. niw9n bi ti liIe pe.
Welt, n. igbati. Whereat, Whereby, adv. uipa
Welter, v.i. ra pala ninu 9j9 tahi eyiti.
t;Jr~, Wherefore, nitOrlna, nita-
Wen, n. iri, g~g9, koko, rikini.
maluke. Wherein, adv. ninu eyiti.
Wench, n. Qm9debirin. Whereof, adv. ti inu eyitL
Wend, v.t. and i. 19, k9ja. Whereon, adv. lori eyiti.
Went, v.i. 19. Wheresoever, adv. nibikibi ti
West, n. iWQ oron, ilia ysnma. own ki ,e.
Westerly, Western, Wet!twud, Whereunto, adv. sipa ewo.
adv. sma iW9 oron. Whereupon, sori ewo, nito-
Wet, adj. tutu, rin, lomi, ni ojo. rins ni.
n. itutU, ilomi. Wherever, adv. nibikibi.
Wether, ogufe, 9rau ti a Wherewithal, adv. ewo.
19da. Whet, v.t. P9n, pljm P9n 9 b t;l.
Whack, n. lIu, ina. t,.t. and i. fi Whether, pron. ewo, ewo ninu
agbara lu. mejeji.
Whale, n. erinmi, 9ja nlanla. Whetstone, n. okuta ip9nrin.
Whalebone, n. egungun pari Whey, omi rirogun inu wara.
t;Jr9kt;J erinmi. Which, pron. ewo, eyiti.
Wharf, n. ebute. Whiff, n. efin ti a tu jade lojiji.
Die I bv( )O(

While, adv. niwQn hi, nigbati, Ii Whoaoever, pron. ~nik~ni, ~niti

akoko. o wu ki 0 j~.
Whim, n. iroklro, iFftlbi. Why, adv. ~e, e~, nitori kini,
Whine, v.t. and i. hu, ke. kilo,e, kini idir~, etiri, eha·
Whip, n. Qr~, p.n, ~gba. v.t. tiFft!.
and i. na. Wick, n. own itanna, owu fitilA.
Whipcord, n. okun p8o$lln. Wioked, adj. buburu, buru.
Whirl, n. ipoyi kikan, ifiyika Wiokedo_, n. Iwa buburu.
kBnkan. Wicket, n. ~nu Qna kekere.
Whirlwind, n. iji, ija, af~f~ Wide, adj. gboro, nibo, jina.
af~yika. Wide-awake, adj. lajuBil~, roura
WhlIker, n. kanang6, irun ~r~k~, Bil~.
irun ete. Widen, v.t. and i. f~, f~ nibu, ,i
Wbiaky, n. Qti. Bil~.
Whisper, n. QI"9 j~j~, QrQ .k~I~. Widespread, adj. itankal~.
k~I~. v.t. and i. BQrQ j~j~, Widow, n. op6.
BQrQ k~l~k~l~ Ii eti. Widower, n. ~ti obirin r~ ku.
Whisperer, n. aBQrQ j~j~ ; olofofo. Widowhood, n. iwa opo.
Whistle, n. isufe, M~. v.t. and i. Width, n. ibu, ibo.
sufe. Wield, v.t. fi ~~ 10, fi agbara 10.
Whit, n. ohun ti 0 kere julQ. Wite, Wives, n. aya, obirin.
White, adj. funfun. abilekq.
White aot, n. ikan. Wig, n. irun ti a ,e fun apari.
Whiten, v.t. and i. B9 di funfun. ami oye onidajQ.
Whither, adv. nibo, si ibo. Wild, adj. aituloju, ~ igbo.
Whitlow, n. akandun, atafo. huko loju, 8BQsigbo, ti igb~.
Whiz, v.i. kitn. Wild-animal, n. ~ranko igb~.
Who, pron. tani, ~niti. Wildero_, n. aginju, igb~, ijil.
Whoever, pron. ~nik~ni. Wiles, n. ~tan, arekereke.
Whole, n. gbogbo, QtQtQ. adj. Wilful, add. agidi, .tinulilni.
ni dida ara, Ii odidi. mQm~.
Wholehearted, add. tQkan.tQkan, Wilily, adv. ni ~tan, Ii arekereko.
tinu·tinu. Will, n. if~, ~~. v.t. f~, pa ~~.
Wholesale, adj. itaja Ii odidi, WiIIi:og, adj. ni if~ Bi, fif~.
ttakilfi. WiIIi:ogly, adv. tif~tif~, tinu·
Wholesome, adj. dara, dara ni tinu.
jijlil· WiIIiDID_, n. if~, if~ inu.
Wholly, adv. patapata, IQtQtQ, Win, Woo, v.t. and i. ,~gun.
lodidi. bori, j~, gba.
Whom, pnm. ~niti. Wince, v.i. karaba.
Whomsoever, pnm. ~nik~ni. W'md, n. af~f~, ~fufil.
Whoop, n. iho, iky, igbe ojiji. WiDc1, Wouod, v.t. and i. yika,
ka, kawe.
Whooping-cough, n. ikQ fe. Windfall. n. ohun ti af~f~ f~ bt;)
Whore, n. agbere. sil~. eso igbQnsil~.
Whoredom, n. iwa agbere. WiodiDg, n. iyikakiri.
Whose, pron. ti tani. Wi.DcUDg-sheet, n. ~ iweku.
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Windlass, n. <;Ina 'ill'll Withhold, v.t. da·duro, fii.-sfilhin,

wuwo 80ke. haw<;I.
Window, n. ferese, oju affilf~. Within, prep. ninu, ti inu.
Window~blind, Window-curtain, Without, prep, lode, lQhinode,
81\1<;1 fereae. laisi.
Window-shutter, n. il~kun ferese. Withstand, v.t. and i. durotl,
Windpipe, n. qna <;Ifun. durosi, k9jujasi, di·lqnlt,
Windward, ada. aiha afliJflil. • k9ju odi si.
Windy, adj. ri af'ilf~, kiki af,?f". Witness, n. IiI!:i, ~l~ri. and i.
jfilri ~~llilri.
Wine, n. wain, <;Iti eso ajara. Wittingly, adv. nimimq. lam?-
Wine-press, n. ifUnti. m9~e.
Wing, iy~ apR; apakan Y<;I Wizard, n. 989, alarQ~fiI'
v.t. and i. fun Wizen, adj. ru.
Winged, adj. ahin, oniy~. Wobble, Wabble, 1'.1. ta.gi><,m.
Wingless, adj. ala.iniy~.
gb9n .
Wink, v.t. and i. ~~ju, diju ibauuj~, Mo,
; egM.
Winner, n. aj'ilni, alil~gun. Woeful, Woful, adj. kUn iua·
Winning, adj. nifaiya, nlwu.
kiki o~i.
Winnow, v.t. ffil, f~ iyangbo WoH, n. ikoriko.
Winsome, adj. didaraya, Woman, n. obirin.
Winter, igba olu"'!. 1J.t ,i. Womanhood, iwa
potutil. Womankind, n. filda obirin, ~ya
Wipe, v.t. and i. nu, nukuro, obirin.
Womanly, yiYfil fun obirill.
Wire, okun v.t. i. Womb, n. iuu, He <;Il~.
fi okiln irin di. Wonder, n. iyanu, il\l~·iyallu.
Wisdom, n. <;Igb<;ln, im<;l, oye. v.t. and i. filnu ya, hl1 'ie.
Wise, adj. gb9n, moye, m9. Wonderful, add. niyanu, niho,
Wisely, adv. p,?lu 9gb9n. kun fun
Wish. if~. and i. Wonderfully, tiyanutiyanu.
Wisp, n. 9wq, al~, igbal~. Wont, adj. atima~e, bi i'i" <:ni.
Wistful, adj. ni ifiyesi, ni t~jum<;l. n. iwa, ~a, i'ie.
Wit, oye, <;Igb9Il, iye. v.t. if~.
Witch, aH. Wood, n. igi.
Witcbcraft, n. iJiIe.aH, 0~6. Wood-ash, n. eru igi.
With, prep. p~lu. Woodcock, n. agbe (filiYfil).
Withal, adv. blil glilg~, Plillu eyi Wooded, adj. ni igi, 19P9 igi.
kil. Woodland,
Withdraw,v.t. and Us.pads, gba· Woodman,
pads, y<;l.kuro, daw<;I.duro, igb6.
ys.kuro, fs.s~hin. Woodwork, n. igi.
Withdrawal, n. ifAs'ilhin, iyakuro, Wooer, n.
igbapadS. Woof, n. ita
Witber, v.t. and i. r~, "a, ti, gb~. Wool, n. irun agutan, owu.
woo 174 WRO

Woollen. adj. ti a.fi irun agutan Wrap, v.t. and i. di, bo, fi-we.
liIe, kubusu. ti owu. fi.di, gba, rO.
Word, n. yr9, gbolohun kan. v.t. Wrapper, n. B1i19 ibora, apo iwe ;
B9 Ii 9r9. ohun ti a fi di nkan.
Work, n. i~'iJ, inl. v.t. ,ifiI~. Wrath, n. ibinu, irunu, ikannu.
Worker, n. onifil'iJ. Wrathful, adj. abinu, kun ftm
Work-fellow, n. ~gb'iJ alagba,e, irunu.
alaba,i,~. Wrathfully, adv. tibinutibinu.
Workman, n. oni,'iJ' Wreak, v.t. gb~n, fi ibinu Ie.
Workmanship, n. i,'iJ, 9gb9n ifiI'iJ. Wreath, n. mariwo, itana eweko
Workshop, n. ile i'9na. ti a fi ~ 9'9 fun oku.
Workshop, n. ile i,qna. Wreathe, v.t. and i. kako m9ra.
World, n. aiye, araiye. 19P9, yi i ka.
WorldHness, n. iwa ti aiye yi. Wreck, n. ibaj~ 9kY. if9k9;
if'iJ aiye. riri 9k9. v.t. and i. 00· j 'iJ, f9.
Worldly, adj. ti aiye,. nif~ aiye, pa·run, rl.
igb9kanle ohun aiye, if9- Wrench, n. riry, ire. v.t. fi
kansi ohun aiye. agbara 19 P9, r9, fa, fi
World-wide, adj. gbogbo aiyc, agOOra gba..
agbaiye. Wrest, v.t. fi agOOra yi po, 19..
Worm, n. kbkoro. Wrestle, v.t. and i. jijakadi.
Worm-eaten, adj. jij~ kbkoro. jagidigbo.
Wormwood, n. igi kikoro, iW9. Wrestler, n. onijakadi, a19ni.
Worry, n. wahala, li.jo, aniyan. 19w9gb8.·
v.t. and i. t9, do. Ii aga. Wretch, n. b!ili enia, abolili.
Worse, adj. buruju, buru siwaju. eniakenia.
Worship, n. isin, iyin, oye, 918.. Wretchedness, n. iwa b,i.
V.t. and i. sin, bu 9la Iun, Wriggle, v.t. and i. kiI Biwa kil
foribal'iJ. B'iJhin, yi ara kiri.
Worshipper, n. oluBin. Wright, n. onifil9Da, 9l9na.
Worst, adj. burujuly. WriDg, v.t. 19, fun. 19nil9w9gba.
Worth, n. iye, iyi idiYf'le, it,9 Bi, WriDger, n. alQDi19w9gba, ~r9
itoye. lati fi fun B1i19.
Worthily, adv. nititoye, niyiy~. Wrinkle, n. ikiweje, ikati iwaju.
v.t. and i. fun PQ, runlu.
Worthiness, n. itoye, ~Y'iJ. Wrist, n. 9run 9w9.
Worthless, adj. laiy~, laitoye, Wristband, n. B119 9run 9 w9·
lainiye lori, lainilari. Writ, n. iwe ofin.
Worthy, adj. Y'iJ, nitoye, tq. n. Write, v.t. and i. k9, k9we.
olokiki. Writer, n. ak9we.
Would, t'. yio, f~. Writhe, v.t. and i. fi agbara yi.
Wound, n. 9gb~, ipalara, ifarapa. yi sihin yi B9hun.
v.t. lila 199b~, pa-lara. WritiDg, n. ik9we, iwe.
Wrangle. n. aroye, ijiyan, as9. WritiDg-paper, n. iwe kik9.
v.i. jiyan. Wrcmg, n. i.,ma. i,ifile, ifiI'iJni.
Wrangler, n. alaroye, onijiyan, ipauilara, 'iJbi. v.t. fi ibi
BIiIlldi. ~, ,~.

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Wrong-cloer, n. olwpe buburu, Yoke, n. ajaga fjlrUn, ami lain

Bl/eninibi. ~rU,l.di, ami ~wfjln. v.t. and i.
Wrongfully, adv. laaa.nJ.asan, lai. dipfjI lajAga, so /ilran meji
nidi, laij~bi, l~i. P9, fi ajaga kfjlrun, dapfjl.
Wroth, pred. adj. ibinu. Yolk, Ye1k, n. pupa ~yin.
Wrought, v.i. ti ~e, pari, ~ tan. Yonder, Yon. adj. 19hun, nibayi,
Wry, adj. ilfjlpfjl; ilfjlpo sapakan. lokere 9hnn.
Yore, adv. nigbant. nilailai,
Y. nigbatijfjl.
You, pron. /ilnyin, /il, iW9, 9, nyin.
Yacht, n. fjlk9 kekere .f~. YOUDg, adj. 'Ifjlm9de, 'Ifjlttm,
Yachting, n. tukfjl af~ kiri. 'I9m9dan. n. 9m9, ewe.
Yam, n. i'lu, Your, pran. tir/il, tiyin, tiw9,
Yam-flour, n. elub9. t/ilnyin.
Yard, n. agbolti, fjlpa iWfjln ~l~sf;l Younelf, Yourselves. pran. iWfjI
m/ilta, fjlpa idabu itagbokun. tikarar/il. /ilnyin tikara·nyin,
Yarn, n. owu riran; itan. ti karar"" tikaranyin.
Yawn, n. yiyan. v.t. and i. yan. Youth, n. 9dfjlm9dc.
Yaws, n.pl. arun ni aWfjI ara;
Youthful, adj. ti 9d9ffifjlde.
Ye, pron. /il, /ilnyin. Youthfulness, n. l.wa fjld9mfjlde.
Yea, adv. b/ilni.
Year, n. fjldun, o~u mejila. z.
Yearly, OOv. Ifjldfjldun, ti fjldydWl
kan. Zeal, n. itara, ina ara, ajo,
Yearn, v.t. and i. ~e l.y9nu si. owere.
Yearning, n. if~ gbigbona, iY9nu, Zealot, n. onitara, alajo.
ikanu. ZealOus, adj. nini·tara ninu ohun
yeast. n. iwukara. gbogbo.
Yell. v.t. and i. ke ramuramu, i Zealously, adv. p",lu itara.
bu, kfjl. n. biM, kikfjl.
Zealousness, n. initara, iwa nini·
Yellow, n. pupa rusurusu, iyeye, tara.
Yelp, v.i. ke han.un.han·un, ·gbo Zebra, n. k/iltak",ta abila.
bi aja. Zenith, n. 'I0DflO aW9n fjlrun,
YeomaD, n. agb~, 9mfjl'ogun ti ogido, id~",k~~.
nbojuto ile iIilura. Zero, n. of6.
Yes, adv. ~D, b~ni, otq. Zest, n. adUn, abukun adUn,
Yesterday, n. anti, lana. gbigbadun.
Yesternight, n. oru ana,loru ana. Zigzag, adj. t-i 0 'Ie segesege, ti 0
Yet, conj. sib~, sib~ib~, bi 0 til/il 19 w9rfjl·wfjlr9.
ri b~. adj. p~lu.p~lu, ju Zinc, n. irin bi tanganrin.
b~ lQ. Zodiac, n. ipa 9na orun nipa
Yield, v.t. fi.pada, san, mu·wa. ap~r/il l.lana mejila.
v.i. bi, so, ta, jfjlw9 19wfjl, Zone, n. ipa kan ninu 9na nla
d~ra. n. ere, ~an·iIil~, iye marun ti a pin il/il aiye si,
eso ti a so. amure,9ja.
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A, pro. him, her, it.--e.g., Aba. n. incubation.--e.g., Adi~
Mo fa a, .. I draw him or mi nsaba, "My fowl is
her." sitting."
A, pro. contraction of 'awa' AbAdA, ad". IHausa) for ever.-
we.--e.g., A nl9 191a, .. We e.g., Emi ko ~ b~ m9 lai
are leaving to-morrow." ab8da, .. I shall do so no
A, pro. contraction of ' aW9n,' more for ever."
they: used in the forma.- AbadeDi, n. a waylayer, one in
tion of the Passive Voice. ambush.
--e.g., A B9 fun mi, .. I AbaIu. n. luck. fortune, fate.-
am told "; Emi Ii a ri, " I fI.g., Abafu mi ni, " It is my
am seen." fate."
A, a prep, used with a verb to Abaiy6j" n. a busy-body, a
form a noun.--e.g., 19, to go, meddling person. - e.g.,
&19, a going out; p~ja, to Abaiyej ~ ko fIE! fi idi 9ra.n
fish, ap~ja. a fisherman. han, .. Secrets should never
AA 1 inter. word of exclamation. be told to a busy-body."
Ab6. n. attempt, endeavour, AbAj" n. certain facial marks
motion, proposal, sug- among th'" Yoruba people.
gestion. AbAh', n. a kind of yam.
Abi or AbU" n. a slap with the Abije, n. the act of eating
palm of the hand.--e.g., 0 together; mess \c!. aj9j~).
gM mi Ii aba, " He slaps AbAl6, n. a Y oruba pudding
me with the palm of his made with rice.
hand." Ab6l6, n. frequent occurrences.
Ab6. n. a kind of mat.--e.g., Abim~, n. mortification, painful
~ni aM ko t9 bi orl\, reflection, remorse.
.. An aba mat is n"ot as Abam~, n. a potter. adj. clay,
durable as an ore Inat.' clayish.
Ab6, ". barn, granary, store, AbandaD. n. one portion of any-
garner. thing which is divided into
AbA, n. a staple; stocks; a parts (as cloth, paper, iron).
kind of banyan tree planted Abbidije, n. a rival; a com-
in the street to afford shade. pet.itor.
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AbiDidu. n. an emulator; a Abt, n. razor; lancet; penknife_

competitor. Abtb" n. a fan; an advooate; a
A1N\nigb616, n. an inmate; a pleader.
lodger. Abtd6, n. a stroke whioh
AbaDijt, n. a slanderer, a sundflrs; clean out with one
ca.lumniator, a despiser. blow.
AbADij(l1lD, n. one who partakes AbtiY&DDu, n. importunity.
of the same dish. AbtJauma, n. one having olaws_
AbaDik6-qrt, n. a faithful friend.
AbiDite. a~t, n. ooadjutor,
AbA n. a candle.
oo-worker, helper. AbtI" adj. private; secret_
AbiDiwi. n. reprover; rebuker; adv. privately; secretly.-
admonisher. e.g., 0 ~ e Ii ab~l~ ... He
AbA-owu, n. ginned oot.ton. is doing it privately."
Abipld6, n. a casual occurrence ; AbtDilori, n. executioner.
an accidental coming into AbtDucbagba, n. a kind of loose,
conta.<.>t ; by chance. baggy trousers.
Abapin, n. the act of sharing Abfl't, n. needle.
together. Abtrt, n. the sword of state
Abipo, n. a hammock. used only by kings of
Abarapiri, n. a strong healthy certain tribes.
person. Abfl't-AiUCbe, n. a pin.
AbAsOt, n. one who forestalls, AbtrfD. r•• a ridiouler; one who
one who bespeaks. laughs when others are
AbAta, n. pond, pool, marsh. censured.
AbAtl, n. a failure in an attempt, Abfl'O, n. a trowel (a tool used
insecure holding, anything in plastering).
one fails to avoid. Ab..t, n. a title of honour; a
AbatilOo n. a ooming and going. messenger.
AbawiD-gbimO, n. a spiritualist Ab,ttI+. n. a bribe.-e.g.,Ab~t~l~
medium; diviner. ni ifQju onidajQ... A bribe
AbAw~. n. a stlUn; Ii blot; a blinds the judge's eyes."
blemish; a speck; a spot; Ab,tu, n. a rivulet, brook,
a taint. running water.
AbebDDa, n. one having olaws. Ab,w+-bilra-eke, n. a subomer_
Abire. n. an enquil"fll"; ques- Abf, conj. or (oontrnotion of
tioner; querist. tabi).-..g. Emi abi iWQ,
Abare. n. a bitter drug used in " You or I."
weaning ohildren. Abi, preftz, that which possesses ;
Ab6s0,adj.fruitful; fruit-bearing. one possessing.-e.g., Abiy~,
Ab6fe, n. a good-for-nothing .. Winged"; Abila,
person. A word of abuse " Striped."
for inferiors.~.g., IWQ Abia, n. armpit.
aber,e yi, "You good-for- AbiamOo AbiyamOo n. a mother
nothing fellow." with a baby; a parent.
Abt. n. the lower part: bottom. AbiktbiD. n. adj. last born,
prep. under; beneath. younger.
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Abiku, n. children who die in Ab9. n. a coming back, arrival,
infancy. cessation, returning.--e.g.,
AbilA, n. or adj. having marks, Oku abq, a salutation on
striped, checkered. one's returning_
AbU6kO, n. a married woman; Ab9. n. half, moiety.
one living with a husband. A~, n. one who is 'free.-e.g.,
AbiDiIilre, rt. questioner; inter- Abe) lqwo iku, .. One who
rogator. is free from death."
AbiniIkU-\!ni, AbiniIkU-ema, n. AbOraD. n. a mosquito.
a spiteful man, malicious Abqgibqp\!, n. a worshipper of
person, perseoutor, calwn- wood and palm; an idol-
niator.-e.g., Jjlniti kb f~ ater.
e)r&Il ~ni ni • abinuku ~ni, A~, n. a worshipper of the
.. He who does not love us god of iron and war.
is sure to hate us." Abqla-fmmi, n. a respectful
AbirUD, n. 8- flick or infirm person. person. venerator.
Abiwo, adj. having horus. A~1i, n. the act of feeding
Abiy\!, adj. winged. together (as cattle).
Ab6, n. sole (fish). A~mAfO, n. hardware.
Abo, adj. female of beasts, also Abqni, n. an adorer, worshipper.
al'plied to infants but never
to grown-up persons.-e.g., Abqpa, adj. fatted, fed for
Akq mbi abo, "Male or slaughter.
female ?" Abo-gala, "A A~" n. a ohief priest of the
doe." grove, idol pritoSt.
AbO, n. refuge, shelter, covert, A~, n. a worshipper of false
safeguard,protection,screen, gods, an idolator.
secunty, shield, defence. Abqs,j" n. a Sabbath breaker.
Ab6do, n. a pudding made with
ground corn.
A*" n. work done by a person
aftf;r his master's work is
Abojuto, n. superintendence, done; job work.-e.g.,
supervision, care. Abm ki i~ i,~ oje), ,~
Aboleta, n. a thatcher. baba ni igba qjq ~ni; .. Job
Ab6-qka, n. a bundle of Guinea- work is not the servant's
corn. ohief business, the master's
Abori, n. a kind of fish used in work has the first claim on
idol worship. his t.ime."
Ab6se, n. a mat screen over a Abubutin, n. a descriptive name
canoe for shade. for whale.
Ab68i, n. deception, fraud, AbujA, n. a short cut. to a place ;
forgery, dishonesty. anticipation of another's
AbOti, n. a wretched being. words.-e.g., Jjlniti 0 ba mq
adj. poor; ragged; miser- idi qran ~l~ ni ibu abuja
able. v. to uncover. eke, .. He who knows the
AbOya, n. exposition, revelation, matter beforehand con-
disclosure. founds the liar."
AboJ1lD, n. a pregnant woman. Ab1ij\!, n. a shark.
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AbUki, n. the act of eneam- I Ad&bqni, Allabqwq, n. self-

pRBSing.-e.g., Bi a ba bil 8&'1umption, the taking of
abilka igh\l, a 0 ri P,raIlko responsibility upon oneself.
inu re pa, .. If a bllllh is AdA46, n. result, OO1\l!tlquence.
surroWlded for hWlting, the AdAd6, n. a crown-wearer, a
animdts in it are easily king.
killed." AdAd6, n. isolation.
Abute. n, a hWlohback. Ad4Ia. n. nothin~.--e.g .• Ko si
AbUkU,n.aremainder,deficienoy, adaga 19w9 r~, .. He has
disgrace, fault, contempt, nothing left."
spot, blemish. deformity, AdagogO, n. a bell fOWlder.
slur, fragment, discredit. .Adagun, n. lake, pond, pool.
Ab6ktm, n. an addition to, Adajq, n. judge, umpire, arbi-
inorement. supplement, trator.
blessing, zest. Allajn, n. a pitiless person; a
AbUlA, n. adulteration, dilution. forward person.
Ab6I6, n. a village, a hamlet. Adakadeke, n. a lie; treachery.
Adil6, n. an accumulation.
AbUJ.6, n. act of imposing a fine.
Adaln, n. an amalgamation, a
AbUJ.., n. a patch, a piece sewn mixture, an alloy.
on to oover a defect. AdimAlAfe, n. a braggart, one
Abam.~ n. addition, exaggera- Wl8ble to perform his boast.
tion. Adami, n. a gasp.
Abimi, n. reprover, BOolder, one AdAm~, n. a mistaken view,
who reprimands or chides. heresy.
AbUmli, n. givor, donor, home- Adim~ adj. tending to be.-
factor. e.g., Adamy di puW.
Abapa, n. a vaccinator.
AbiIra, n. a swearer, an oath
taker.--e.g., Abura eke, .. A
.. Tending to be plentiful."
n. oounsellor, lIug-
gester. adviser.
perjurer." Ac1aD, n. a bat.
AbaraD-owu, n. cotton oarded AdaDiduro. n. a detainer; one
and prepared for spinning. who oheeks or hinders.
A1nIr6. n. a younger relative; AdaDilagara, n. an importWlate
cadet. person.
Alnuq, n. falsehood of one's own AdaDilara, n. vexatious one.
invention, rumour. one who d188ppoints or
Abut&, n. a species of butter1iy. mortifies.
Abliwt. n. soap. ~.. n. one who en-
AdA, n. a outl8BB, a bill-hook livens or chtlers up another.
with wooden handle mostly AdUilfkuD. n. a prohibiter, one
used by farmers. who forbids.
AdA~ n. a dove. AdaDilohUD, n. one who answers.
AdAba, n. proposer, mover, Adaniloro, n. a tormentor, one
suggester,onewho attempts. who aftlicts.
Ahlb6boDi, n. defender, suo- AdaDiDiji, n. one who alarms,
oourer, protector, guardian. frightens or terrifies.
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AdanirU, n. one who puzzles or Ad~l6-qba, n. regent, acting.

confounds. governor; lieutenant.
AdiDrin, n. a n. a calabash with cover
polisher of metal. for U'"""'~U"!S'
Adin6, n. a loss.
AdApe, n. a nickname; an alias ;
a contraction.
AdApQ, n. a mixture; union,
Adaran~j6ko, n. a
AdArAn-nla, n. felon; criminal.
Adaraya, n. a lively person.
Adarijini, n. one who forgives, a
a fisherman.
AdariPQD, a male
n. adj. indiserimi· n. a who
nate; topsy. turvy. lobsters with OgUll,
Adarudurudusil~, n. an anarchist, a kind of basket.
one who causes discord. n. a fisherman.
AdAsau.. n. instalment; an old n. a diving fisherman.
incurred appropriate
going out
thing spared from
the rest, a gleaning.
AdAsi, n. an aecumulation.
Adaw6ta, n. a dealer in leaves
used to wrap food in.
AdAw6, transcriber, listener, an
AdawiD, payment
AdAwq16, n. undertaker;
ture, adventurer. notwith·
Adaybf~, n. one who chooses a
busband or wife the
Ad', crown. n. sweet· meats, con·
Adebipani, n. starvation; l~wUlw~y,preparedpwroh~
starveling. corn for warriors.
Adide, n. unsettled. Adi~, n. a fowl.
Adehun, n. agreement, bargain, Adifa, n. a consulter of !fa..
stipulation. Ad.igbar6, n. a waiter, one who
Adel', one who for a remains
person, a deputy. n. one creates
Ad616bQ, n. a married woman;
an old woman. Adilml&, n. a piebald.


Adik9. n.a boat caulker. AdOSan, adj. one hundred and

n. ahut in, closed up. seventy.
Adimo, n. one who holds fast. AdOta, adJ. fifty.
AdQt\lSil\l, n. agitator.
Adimi, n. kind masquerade
AdqtQta, by fifties.
in Lagos during the
AdO, n. one who is very black
obsequies of a great man;
jet black. '
Chief of Adamori!jla,
Adubu Qlan. n. an arbitrator.
ugly appearance, who must
Adugbo. n. neighbourhood,
never be laughed at.
surronnding cOWltry.
AdliDl'tw~. n. attribute God
Adugbolu, n. a stumbling block.
a name sometiInes given to
Adnn. n. parched ground corn
mixed with sugar or oil.
Adina, n. who impedes,
AdUD,. n. sweetness, flavour,
hinderer; a barricade.
fragrance, savoury relish;
AdinpamQ. AdiJulin, n. con.
grace, beanty, sonorous.
serve, something preserved.
AduP\I. n. thank you. .
Adir\l, n. calico dyed in patterns
..laUra. prayer, supplication,
by West Afrioan dyers.
entreaty, petition.
Adirita, n. one who plaits or
AdUrA al\l. n. evening prayer.
braids human hair; a hair·
AdUrA \lb\l. n. rogation, petition.
Adiro. n. a hearth.
AdUrA kukuru, n. a short prayer.
Adiro, n. a vessel with the bottom
..laUrA owUrQ. n. morning prayer,
pierced, used for straining,
a strainer.
Adur6. n. one who stands, one
Adisilil\l. n. author inventor
who maintains ground.
Adur6 fCumi., n. bail, surety.
Adit" n. a peculiar method of
plaiting the AdUro-gbero. n. observer, 01113
who pauses.
Aditi, n. a deaf person.
Adurotini, n. a waiter, a support,
Aditi, n. a surprise packet.
a prop.
Adiyele. an . appraiser,
valuer. AlA, n. bridge, wooden culvert,.
Ad6, n. a calabash for AfagbaragbA. n. usurper; wrest·
ler; extortioner.
preserving powder and
medicine. AfagbAramu, n. one who con·
strains or enforces.
Adilgin. n. Y oruba stove.
Afagbarqe, n. ene who compels
Ad6gunailV. n. one who creates
war, disturbance or revo· or forces.
lution. Afigi, n. carpenter.
Ad6je. add. one hundred and AfahOnJA. one who laps with
. the tongue.
Ad6tini. n. besioger. AfaimQ. adj. not unlikely,
AdOf1, adj. one hundred and ten. Afaiya, n.. a charmer; charm.
AdOrin, adj. seventy. Afani, n. one puUs, plucks,
AdOrun, adj. ninety. draws or attracts.

Die I bv( )O(


AfaDi..m-irun-tu. n. one who Af,!,-pol" n. a soft blowing

plucks hair. wind, a breeze.
Afara, n. slowness, sluggishness. ,Af,!, sanma, Aftf' lI&IUDa mimq,
.AfAr&, n. two sticks rubbed n. eth"r, air of the pure
together, from which fire upper region.
is produced by friction. Af,hinti, n. a support, a prop.
Afaramqni, n. an adherent. M,j6, no one who distorts his
Afara oyjn. n. honeycomb. face, especially when work·
Afarapamq, AfaraaiD, n. one ing.
who absconds or hides. AI~~j6m~ n. twilight; dawn ;
Afairuqfa, n. one who pawns morning•
. himself. AftDi, n. lover, suitor.
Afaraw6, n • •resemblanca, imi· Altnli, n. chaff.
tation. Af~ n. a well·wisher.
Afaraweui, n. one who copies or lftr.. n. a very light wood,
imitates. similar to cork.
Afu,hiD, n. one who flinches or Affri, n. a charm used by run-
retreats. aways to enable them to
Af6, n. a white·belliel:l rat. elude their pursuers.
Me, n. a'small buoy attached to AI.., n. a betrothed person,
the middle· of a fishing line; fiancee.
a fishing float. Af,taD, n. perfect love; sincer-
M6imojo, n. an animal of the ity.
rat tribe, the tail of which Aftw~, n. a pickpocket.
is used by the King of A.fl or Aflbi, conj. unless, except.
Yoruba 88 a sign of royalty; e.g.-Emi ki yio 19 aft bi 0
he generally holds the tail bukun mi, .. I will not go
against his mouth when he unless he bless me."
walks abroad.-e.g., Oba ,i Aflbi-san-ore, n. an ungrateful
iruk~, .. The king removes person; one who returns
the tail (from his mouth)." evil for good.
~niti 0 pa afeimojo ki 0 mu AflfuDDi, n. a giver, one who
u re Qyy, ¢& Ii ara oko ij~, assigns. ,
.. Whoever kills Meimbjb AfthiD, n. the act of shewing;
must take it to Qy9; ¢a an exhibition; pretext.
is only due to the people of Min, n. an albino.
the province to eat." AfIn, n. the king's palace; court.
Afetigb~ n. an eavesdropper. From this is derived
Aft, 'no pleasure, pride; state Alaw9fin. contracted into
of loving. Alifin, the owner of the
AftbiriD, n. wooer, courtier, palace.
suitor. AffDgbA, n. a calabash carver.
Af,f" n. breeze; wind; gale; A1bWum, n. one who betrays or
, ," climate; atmosphere. exposes.
Aftf~tyika, n. whirlwind. AfiDju, n. a decent. clean person;
Af,!, 'ojiji, n. a sudden gust of cleanliness. neatness. Some-
, 'wind. times used for cleverness.-

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e.g., Ole afinju, .. A clever .Alqnahan, n. pilot, leader,

rogue." guide, director, conductor.
A1bma, n. engraver, sculptor, AIC}raDIq, n one who consults
carver. another or seeks advice.
.AlfDDA, n. a blower of smith's .AlQl'IUUDQDi. n. one who suspects,
bt;llows. suspicion.
A1lD.6....iere; n. an unfaithful, .AlWO, n. soothsaying.
treacherous person. .AI*- n. a washerman or
AIr., n. an act of wantonness washerwoman.
or irreverence. .Alqwqbc}, n. a sec~t·, something
AlJauj1lf8, n. a shy act; reluo- concealed from the public.
tance. .Alq~, n. the act of stealing
AlJeai, n. attention, observation, cunningly; purloining.
charge; a thing to be .AlqwOtA. n. a oarel_ handling.
noticed or superintended. groping.
AIo. n. space, room, vacancy, .Alqwqwi, n. the act of talking
opportunity, dale, valley. with the hand to a deaf
Aloforo, n. the cork wood. person.
Alojudi, n. insolence, obstinacy, .AlqwqP8. n. one who beckons.
petulance, audacity, effront- AfqWQW1ID, n. hand sewn ;
ery, hardihood. loftiness. weaving by hand.
add. saucy. AImmi, n. a giver, donor.
AIoiupamO, n. one who masks .AluDDiDin, n. an employer.
or covers his face. .AluDpll, n. a trumpeter.
AIoiusOuA, n. an earnest expec- .AluDti, n. one who uses the
tation. wine press.
AIokuta-bole, n. a slater. Alura, n. a suspicious person.
AIomftebugbe, n. or add. an in- Ala, n. a chair, a stool.
habitant of the water, Arabagebe, n. dissembler, hypo-
aquatic. crite.
Afc)mO, n. a parasite; mistletoe. Agada, n. a short sword,
adj. contagious. sr.imitar.
AfoniIoji, n. valley, dale. vale. Aa6.c1A. n. a hovel.
AfoDIIfiyo, n. one who challenges Apdagodo, n. 110 padlock.
or defies. Ara-iDaraJa, n. a sofa.
Afc)pinA, n. a flying insect; a Ara-itilo. n. footstool.
moth. i Ara-iwilu, n. a pulpit.
AlMa, n. defective vision, half Apl.m .... n. a double-dealer;
blind. deception, trick, device.
Af~ no mire in which a pig Alan, ·n. a barren woman.
wallows. Arandan. n. a brown yam, also
Moblif, no utter destruction, called 8.19.
annihilation; an overthrow. Agangan, n. a smaII stone on
Al(lgbq, n. disobedience, petu- which beads are ground;
lance. rack; suspenders.
Alqju, n. a blind person. Apuju, fl. wilderness, foreat.
~ n. the baobab tree. Aganjil.·irb6, n. a thick forest_

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AgaDDi, n. backbiter. contem· I Agbaj9, n. congregation,

ner, despiser. assembly, mass, crowd.
Agan-DigAD, n. (\ warlike person, AgbAk6, n. accident; mise
plunderer, marauder. fortune.
Aranwo, n. mahogany tree. Arbik6, Agbl\lA, n. a frame for
Ala-pi, n. a bier. carrying a load, usually of
Agars, n. weariness, fatigue, bamboo.
turmoil. AgbAJA, n. a courtyard, II. walled
~, 7&. after·pains. garden.
Ar..a. n. a kind of fish. Arbalagba, n. an aged peNOn.
~u, adj. copious, bulky, huge. ArbAlaja, n. a smaIl shirt,
Arb&, n. manhood, adult. formerly much used.
Arb!\, n. a great gun or cannon; Arbal" n. a kind of insect; a
barrel, cask. sweeper.
lrbi, u. a smooth, hard, fiat : ArbAIn, n. the whole city.
fruit used for medicine. I ArbAIu, n. see Agbako.
AgblbO, n. a foster child; a Albami, n. the midst of the
boarder. ocean.
Albicli, n. gown, garment, robe. Arbani, n. helper, deliverer,
Arbada, n. a coverles.'!I earth'lR- roliever.
ware VASSel used for cook- Arbanla. n. a large cask or
ing and washing; trough; barrel.
font. Arbanr6r6, n. rhinoceros; uni-
ArbAde, n. scavenger, street corn.
sweeper. ArbA-9j90 n. ancient of days.
ArbAdo, n. Indian com, maize. AgbApil, n. reverberation, II. reo
Arbldu, n. a species of snake, echoing sound; one who
black with a red stripe on repeats a oall.
the neck; boa·constrictor. Albars, n. power, authority,
Arbadulum9, n. slanderer, de- strength,abilit.y.force; gift;
famer. essenoo; vehemence; pres·
ArbAftlll, n. the rattlesnake; a sure; prevalence; vigour;
snake that springs on ita violence; means; ascend·
prey; the boa·constrictor. ency; efficiency•
. Arbirb&, n. elders, ancients; Arb&rA. n. a torrent.
assembly of elders. ArbArl. n. barricade, bulwark.
Arbagb&, n. plantain. wooden fortifications, stock·
Arbagba tiYole, n. a spotted ade, wooden fenoe.
pigeon. Arbarf, n. skull, crown of the
Arb6gbO, n. desertion, rejection; head, scalp.
being discarded. Arb&rilb&, n. an animal with
ArbarmQ9, n. one who incites long hOrnl!, and two white
to war. streaks on each side.
Arbafy6, n. the whole world, ArblriD, n. a hard fruit, not
the universe. edible, used by children
ArbljA, n. one who girds him· playing (as the marble is
self. used). It is oaIled Ege by

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the Egbas. and I,~ by the Agbllji, n. a hat.

Lag08ians. Agbe-j~lq. n. a long·necked
AgbaBAt n. a solid mass of rook. calabash.
-e.g., Agbasa baba okuta, Arb6k~ n. a suitable word or
" A rook is the father of action.
stone." Arb6kAD, n. sailing with the
ArbAIaD. n. the act of paying wind in one's favour.
for another; atonement. I Agb6kfltA, n. one who acts
Arb6sf. n. accumulation, addi· regardless of consequences ;
tion. an undaunted person.
Arb6siD, n. female cattle en· Agbelebu, n. a cross.
trusted to the care of one Arb61ttr1nmdi. n. a half ·educated
who receives a portion of person; that whioh is not
the offspring as his reward. straight.
ArbAfe. n. the work of alsbourer. Agb61ttrb6mi, n. an amphibious
Ar_mq. n. the act of adoption. animaJ.
ArbAtA. n. the work of an agent Agb....igi, n. a torch-bearer.
or of a broker. AgbeDi, n. one who helps or
Agbatau, n. entire help, com- advocates.
plete assistance or deliver- Ag1JeDjga, AgbeDil6ke, n. pro-
ance.--'-i!.g., Agbatan Ii a. moter, exalter.
gba 91~, "You must help Arblld, n. a harlot, whore,
an idle, man thoroughly." prostitute.
ArbA~j6, n. guardianship; work I Arb6r" n. too muoh of a thing;
of a nurse. l:Iuperabundance.
Agbiwt. n. one who fasl;$. AgbirO. n. a thinker.
ArbAwf. n. advocacy. Agbero. n. a charm used by a
Agbawo. n. attending a siok wrestler to keep him in an
person (as a dootor). upright position and to
ArbiJuD. n. a berry. prevent him being thrown.
Agbll. n. a gourd, a calabash Agb6r1i, Agb6s6k6. n. bome;
pierced at the top and used taken up; one who bears
811 a. pitcher. up.
Arb6. n. forgetfulness, lapse of Arb." n. that whioh is to be
memory.. lifted up. .
Agbe, n. a kind of woodcock; Arb6wo, n. that whioh is to be
wms.-e.g., IW9 n~ agbe, tried .
.. You ask alms." Arb" n. farmer, agriculturist,
Arb6bO. n. an old hen. yeoman.
Agb6bQD. n. a soldier; a sentry. Arbf, n. a short sword.
Agb6dll, n. a' wise and olever Agbtbi, n. an accoucheur.
person: .
Arbtdt. n. a smith's workshop;
Agbedem.eji~ n. middle; centre.
Arbllgbll" n. neighbourhood,
vioinity, region, ooast. 'Arbtd~; adtJ. no, never.. "
Agb~ n. a wood· carver. ;
Arb6rbiD. n. a dead weight;
that which is removed with
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AGB 11 AG~

Agbtj\l, n. an early pwnpkin, fortune.-e.g., Agbojulogun

much eaten before other nfi. ara fun o~i ta pa, .. A
vegetables are in season; fortune hunter is- risking
when overripe it beoomes an impoverished life."
bitter. AgbOkigboclo, n. one who goes
Agbtj6rO, n. solicitor, advooate. up and down; one who is
Agbl)kt1eni, n. vassal, dependent. constantly and actively
Agb~, n. one who receives employed.
instruotions; one who acts AgbOl6gun, n. a military man ;
on good or bad advice. an old warrior.
Agbtk~ n. shipwright, oanoe Agbomigb61~, n. an amphibious
builder. animal.
Agbtkuta. n. stone-cutter; AgOOwode, n. collector of ous-
sculptor. toms; toll gatherer; tax
AgbtmAye, n. a cackling hen gatherer.
which does not lay. AgbO, n. one who hears.
AgbtnA. n. an engraver, a AgbQD, n. ba~ket, hamper.
carpenter. ArbOn, n. a wasp.
Agb" n. an avenger. Agb9n, n. the chin.
AgbigbO, n. a forest bird of the
duok tribP. ArbqDb6d, n. a ohildren'.; game
Agbipo, Agbira, n. a SUOO68llOr, a of snatching eatables from
substitute. one another.--e.g., Agbyn·
Agbiro, n. a speculator; a bare pete igara, .. Agbynoore
negotiator. is next to stealing."
AgbiJeleni, n. see Ag~k~leni. Ag*-kekere, n. a hand basket.
AgbO, n a ram. Ag*-D1a, n. a hamper.
Agoo, n. a vegetahle decoction AgbOtarar~ n. a svIfish person;
used for washing; ruso a sensuolist.
given to babies to drink. Agb6ti, n. butler, cup.bearer.
AgOO, n. a ring of dancers; a Agbqya, n. pretended deafness.
flock, fold, throng. --e.g., ~niti npe y ko dakf;)
AgOO-AgbAdo, n. sheaves of com iwy Ii 0 ngby agbyya, .. He
piled up in a conical shape. who is calling you is
AgOO-agutan, 71. a sheep-fold. importunate, and you pre-
ArbOdegbA, n. the one of a gang tend to be deaf:'
of thieves who is stationed Agig~, n. a Y oruba hatchet.
outside the house to watch Ag6gun, n. ono who curses.
and to receive the plunder Agere, n. a bowl in which Ifa.
as it is p8ssed out to him (god of palm nuts) is placed.
by the othel'l'. AI6r6, n. 8. stilt-dancer; a very
AgbOd6, n. a kind of yam. tall man.
Agboil6, n. quadrangle, court- Ag~ n. a Yoruba drwn made
yard. with small calabashes played
Agbojulogim, n. a lazy man; a by farmers or villagers.
fortune· hunter ; one who Agtdtmlbt, n. a broad·bladed
waits to step into another's sword, sabre.-

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AGJ:: 12 AGO

Alom9, n. the ohame1eon; an Ago, n. a coop, hamper; first

idol, during the worship of salutation on approaching
which the men only are a hoW!6, indicating that t,he
allowed to remain standmg, inmates should keep them-
while t.hc women kneel with !!tllves tidy, so that they
their heads bowed. may not be taken by sur-
Acta'.. n. prise; also used when
Agida, n. a silly person; a riding or driving furiously,
simpleton. or in carrying a load needing
Acidi, n. Y OTUba oanV8fl clot.h. care in a public street-
-e.q., Agldl Ii 80IW 91~, contraction of yago-" give
.. Canvas is the cloth for space."
the lazy." AlMo, n. the mat screen
Alidi, n. Of' add. an implacable generally constructcd at a
person; obstinacy, perverse· short distance from the
ness; self·will ; headstrong; palace during the adamoril;1&
intractable. play in Lagos, where every
Agir1i, ro. preI>al'ed meal of adamoril;1& enters and
Indian com, a staple food. danCBl!. A non-efficient
AIiIiti. n. an animal of the adamo~a dare not enter
iguana tribe. the Ag6do, for if he fail to
Agiu.jli, n. desert: uninhabited give the password or to
land; wilderness. answtlr all the tests his hat
AciDipa, n. an ancient velvet and 9pabata will be seized,
cap; a kind of yam. and will not he restored to
AIiDit9, n. a 8IlIIoi.l. The o.un him until he has paid
worshippers are forbidden certain fines.
to use the word tgbln for AgMlmgb6, n. a colt; a young
ana.il, so they uso" a.gi~." horse as yet unfit for riding.
Acid, 11. a wooden hook Agogo. n. bell; clock; o'clock.
attached to the end of a -e.g., Agogo apo, •. A
hamboo, used for pulling a watch."
oanoe along in a deep AroIo, n. name of a tree loftier
oreek or one with a soft thon the rest; tallness ;
muddy bottom. height.
Agirqe, n. see Afiyanju,.e. Ac6r6 tin, n. the beak of a bird.
Ago, n. cup; mug; jug; can;
clock; bell; watch.
Ac6r6 ig6n, n. a modicinaI
Ac6, n. a striped rat. remark· Ac6r6 ori, n. a point; nib,
able for craftiness and
pinnacle (also !f6~ ori).
swiftness, and the care it
Agoke, n. a climber.
takas of its young.--e.g.,
Ag6 ti 0 gb9n ~ ~biti pa Ago-Dla. n. a hamper.
a ambQt6ri maliju, .. Tho Ago-Dla-olonu, n. a ewer.
(clever) ag6 is caught in a Acmo, n. a title of honour, a
trap, how much more the grade below Alfipa.
(stupid) maliju." Agoro. n. the hare.

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13 ABU

Alq, n. a shroud, a winding Ahimo. n. confinement; strait;

sheet; a fish.---e.g., Agq difficulty.
Olll ~ja, .. Ag9 is the prince AhAm6ra, n. an armed man; oue
of fishes." who entangles himBE'lf in
Aco. n. a tent; shed; taber- many things.
nacle ; pavilion; hovel; AhaD ,tun, n. a hairy plant, to
encampment. touch which causes severe
~, n. stupidity, foolishness. it.ohing, so ealled from its
AI~ b6kA, n. a booth, a shed. likeness to a leopard'!!
ArQDi. n. a weak disciplinarian. tongue; a plant, very
full of sap, much used by
~p;, n. one who climbs a
hunters when thirsty.
palm tree.
AbinbAn, n. a kind of iguana.
~, n. the planet Venllil; a
dogstar ; Sirius. - e.g.,
.AhiDDA, n. a ruffian; a wild
and obstinate person.
Aguala mba. o'u rin, nW(j)n
flebi aja r~ ni iIfe, .. Venus
Abiy" no gun shots.
Ah6r" n. a farmhouse.---e.g.,
travels with the moon, it is
AMra ni ylO k~hin, oko ata
supposed to be her dog."
ni yio kfilhin ile, .. The
Aclifqo, n. a long.necked, farmhouse remains to tho
crested bird. There is a
last, and the ridge of the
superstit.ion that its bones
roof completes the building."
must not and cannot be
Ahesq, I~. a babbler; babbling;
a prater.
AclinbADirq, n. a full·grown lad. Aho, inter. a contemptuou>l
---e.g., AgUnb8.nil"9 Ie fojudi t)xpression - " I do not
ni, .. A full-grown lad care."
always acts insolently." Ahoro, n. ruins; desolation;
AruDa. n. tailor. deserted houses.
Acuma, n. bad feeling toward Ahoto, n. amaH tight trousers,
another. or drawers.
Alumna, n. a pounded medicme. Ahqn, n. a tongue.---e.g., Ah(j)n
Arimm~ n. a running plant. ni ipinl~ ~nu, .. The tongue
Agotan, n. a sheep.---<.Idj. e.g., is the end of the mouth."
Agutan enia, .. A simple Ahquina, ,.. flame, fire.
person." AhqD-iDa, n. a flame of fire.
AhA. n. a small calabash used Ahlimq, to. inventor, contriver,·
for giving children water or framer.
pap. AhUD, n. a miser; avarice.
AhA. n. one who shares; one adj. avaricious, greedy.
who uncovers a house. AhUD, n. a tortoise; see Awun.
AhAg6n,. n. one who share$ a Ah1isi, n. a fruit resembling a
legacy; an administrator. walnut .
.AhAl6, n. one who unroofs a Ah1ll9, n. tale, fable, romance,
house; a desolater; a fiction.
house plunderer. Ah1ll9 qrq, n. falsehood, invented
Ahal;, n. a. braggart, a boaster. story.
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AHt. 14 AID

Ah6tu-ikq, n. expectoration; Aidafe, n. that which is not

spitting. done alone. adj. also.
Ai. a negative particle used as the Aidawa, n. dependence. sub-
prefix un or in in English. jection.
Aibal" n. uneasiness, unstabil- Aidawo, no a non-subscriber.
ity, state of being un· Aidawqcluro, adj. unceasing.
settled. add. uneasy, un- Aide, adj. untied, unshackled.
stable, unsettled. unbound.
Aibm, adj. unquestioned. Aideba, adj. not found (or met)
Aibtru, adj. undaunted. fearless. on arrival.
Aibf, adj. unbegotten. Aideb" adi. not touching the
AibikitA, adj. uncared for. place or part.
Aid6gbO, adj. not getting sore.
AibilA fun, adj. unavoidoo.
Aid6le, adj. not arriving home.
Aibimq, add. childleBB. n. non· arrival.
AibO, adj. unconcealed. un· Aide1(1, adj. not touching the
screened. ground.
Aibcidf, n. adj; indecency. Aid6lu\, fMij. unhind6red, un-
Aibojuwo, adj. unnoticed. impeded.
Aibora, n. naked. uncovering Aidepo, add. improper.
the body. Aid" n. or adj. hard; crude;
Aiborf, n. uncovering the head. green; unripe.
Aib6i6, adj. unwashed, dirty Aid" add. unwatched.
Aibqla, adj. dishonoured. Aid(lbifun, adj. .lIDcondemned.
AibQw~ fun, adj. unhallowed. Aid(lhUn, adi. not subduing the
AibQw~ fun Qlqrun, n. impiety. voiCtl.
Aibu, adj. unbroken, entire. Aid(liq, adJ. not becoming a
Aibuwo, adj. unnoticed; spite- case, or crime.
ful; contemptuous. Aid(l1'a, adi. not growing slack.
Aic1i, adj. uncreated. unmadtl. not negligent.
unceasing.---e.g.. AidS. ojo Aid"~, n. innocency. add-
nit " It rains incessantly." sinless; innocent.
Aida ara, n. indisposition. ail- Aid(lwq, n. not slackening the
ment, sickness. infirmity. hand; illiberality.
unsound state of health. Aidi, adi. untied; unfrozen.
AidAba, adj. unattempted. Aidib1i6, n. incorruption. adi-
AidAbi, adj. unlike. uncorrupt.
Aidabq, adj. unceasing. Aidide, adj. the act of remaining
Aidajo, adj. uncertain. in a sitting position or in
Aidak" adj. unceasing; not bed; un~tirred; unleavened.
intermittent. Aidil(l, adi. employed; not at
AiWu, adj. unmixed. unjoined. leisure.
Aidhu, adj. not thrown away. Aidilqna, adj. unobstructed •
Aidapq, adj. unmingled. unimpeded.
Aidara, adj. unpleasant; de· AidiD, adi. not roasted.
formed. unfit. AidiDo, adj. good-tempered.
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Aidira, adj. unarmed; not Aiflpll Han, n. making light of
equipped. a thing; levity.
AiIliti, adj. attentive. AiflsliD, n. without making a
AicUyel6, adj. without price. complaint; without accu·
Aid0g1lll, adj. not rusty. sation.
Aidoju, ruJ,j. seamless; un· Aifl~6, n. seriousness; impor.
impaired; wholesome. tance.
Aidqgba, n. inequality. uneven· Aiflyesi, n. inattention. careless·
ness. ness.
Aidubu, adj. unopposed, not Mo, adj. sinking.
thwarted. Mo, n. something not omitted :
Aidtm, n. inelegance; coarsE!- a sickness too far advanced
ness. adj. unsavoury, in- for treatment; unable to
sipid. fly.
Aidfm, adj. noiseless, silent. AifojUffm, n. discouragement;
Aidun iDu, n. sullenness, de- disapprobation.
jection of mind, anguish. Aiforo, adj. unmolested.
AiduP', n. thanklessness; thank- AifOY!, n. boldness: fearlessness.
less. adj. unthankful, un- adj. bold; fierce.
grateful. Aifq, adj. unbroken: sound;
Aidm-o, Aiduro DibikaD, n. in- whole.
stability; fickleness. adj. Aif9, adj. unwashed.
unstable; fickle. AifqhliD, adj. not speaking;
Aifaramq, n. disunity. adj. dumb.
unconnected. AifOiu, 04j. not blind; seeing.
Aifaramqra, n. incoherence; AifqD, adj.unabated; unreduced.
separation; disjunction. Aigbi, adj. unswept.
AifAri, adj. unshaven. AigbA, t&. or adj. disapprobation;
Aifesi, n. muteness; speechless; unowned; intolerable.
silence. adj. mute; silent. Aigbagbe, n. or ad';. unforgetful-
AifetisiI(I, n. inattention. adj. ness; unforgotten.
inattentive. AigbigbO, n. unbelief; dis-
Aif" n. unwillingness; reluc- obedience; infidelity.
tanco ; disagreeableness ; AigbAlA, adj. unsaved.
disapprobation; disgust; AigbAwA-QlqruD-gbq, n. atheism.
aversion; shyness. AigbAw6, adj. unlicensed; tioket-
Aif(lDi, Aif,ran, n. uncharitable- less.
ness; ill-will. Aigbedll, n. want of understand-
Ai1ldu, n. that which is not ing or knowledge of a
denied. language.
Aiflfal" adj. unremitting. Aigbega, adj. unraised; not
zealous promoted.
Aiflf"e, n. unwillingness. Aigbej" n. unquietness. adj.
Aiflgbe, adj. impartial; just. troublesomo; restless.
Aiflji, adj. unpardonable. Aigb6pq, n. separation; a recluse.
AiflD, adj. uucarved; un- Aigberap, n. humiliation;
engraved; not speckled. humility.
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AIG 16 AtK

Aigb" adj. moist; damp; AijUA, n. error; absurdity.

humid. Aij, or Aij,UD, n. fasting.-<!.g.,
Aigb"" adj. narrow; inoapa. Aij~ aimu, " Neither eating
clous. nor drinking."
Aigb"" adj. innocent; blame· Aijf, adj. not answering; in-
less. efteotuaI.
Aigb6-AJyt. n. a motionless Aij,bi, n. or adj. uncondemned;
state; unwillingness to guiltless.
move. Aijf~, n. non-confession;
Aigb6, adj. unripe. reluctance to yield.
Aigb6fo, adj. not without 000\1· Aij,w9 9kaD, n. neutrality.
pation.--e.g.• lkoko algb6fo, AijIDA, adj. underdone; not
.. A pot which is in use." healed.
Aigb6gi, adj. unlearned,ignorant. AijiDDl, adj. not far behind;
Aigboju, n. coward, cowardice. short.
adj. cowardly. AijbUl6., adj. flat; not hollow.
AigboD&, adj. cold, void of heat. Aijfroro, n. thoughtless, not
Aigb6D& aitutu, n. lukewarmness. taking counsel.
Aigb6DU, n. obedience. Aijiya, n. impunity. adj. un-
Aigb6rO, adj. incapacious, punished; not suffering
narrow. punishment.
Aigb6Ja. n. cowardice. AijiyAn, adj. without denying;
Aigboy8. adj. unordained. undeniable.
Aigbq, adj. unheard. AikA. adj. without counting;
Aigbqdq, n. cannot but • unnumbered.
must, shall. Aiki, adj. unbent; not wound;
Aig* n. or adj. unwise; not plucked.
foolish; stupidity. AUrADj6., n. slothfulness. adj.
AigbOn, adj. not trembling; slothful.
unshaken ; firm ; steady. AUriDu, n. impenitence; un-
Aigb6rAn, n. disobedience ; feelingness.
obstinacy; obduracy.--e.g. Aikapa or Aiki~, n. incapa.
Aigbqran baba afojudi, bility.
" Disobedience is the father AikUi, n. despite; insult;
of insolence." contempt.
Aigb6ro, no ignorance of current A~ n. out of fashion.
events. Aik6. adj. uncut.
AigUD, n. or adj. shortness, Aik6de, adj. unannounced, un·
brevity. prooIaimed.
Aig(m, n. or adj. faulty; in· Aik6k6.r6., adj. unabbreviated_
accuracy; not anchored. Aik6r6, adj. plenty.
Aiha, adj. unscratohed; un· Aikiri, adj. unenviable.
scoured; not erased. Aikf, adj. unindulged.
Aihal" adj. without bragging. Aik., adj. not worse or spreading
AlhAD, n. or adj. invisibility; (as a sore).
obscurity. Aiko tuu, n. disagreement,
AIhiD, n. or adj. cheap. difference of opinion.

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AIk~ adJ. not refusing: yieldiDg. less: void of anxiety. n.

Alkt, adj. unlearned: unt.ltught : indifference.
unbuilt. AiliIa, n. bOWldlessness: limit-
AlkqlA, adj. not tattooed, un- less. adj. boundless.
circlUncised. AilaDfani, n. disadvantage.
AIk~6. adj.l).ot building a house. AilaDiJan. see Allajo.
AIkOmn6., n. not cOWlting the Ailinu, n. inclemenoy.
cost. AUAri, n. having no relatives.
Alk9llto adj. not tripping or AHAra, n. slenderness. adj.
stumbling: without offence. slender.
AIkWt. n. an Wltrained work- AllAre. n. guiltiness. adj. guilty.
man. Ailarekereke. n. artlessness.
Aiktwe, adj. illiterate: not AilAya, n. cowardice: fearful-
taught book learning. ness. adj. cowardly: fear-
AIk6., adj. not liable to die: ful.
alive for evermore; eternaL AiIaya, adJ. bachelor; wifeless.
Alka, adj. not remaining; Aile. adj. soft: not hard: not
finished. difficult: easy.
Aik6.gb6. adj. imperishable. An6. adj. not superfiuous; not
A.ik6.k6., a prefix signifying " to excessive.
be without." AU6baj6, adj. inoorruptible.
AIk1iD, adJ. without grumbling; AilMfyel6. adj. inestimable, in-
without munnuring. valuable.
AIk_ n. persistence. Ail6ja, n. not able to struggle
AilmDDA, n. roughness; cor.rse- or combat. adj. weak.
ness; grossness: laok of Allelara, n. imbecility.
polish. Ail5mq, n. adj. incomprehensi-
AilA, adj. Wladulterated; un- bility.
split: WlS8ved. Ailen, n. infirmity: bodily weak-
AiJ&ba, adj. despairing, hopeless. ness: feebleness: frailty.
Ailabaw9Jl, adJ. undefiled, having Ailed, n. adj. unprofitable.
no stain, spot, or blemish.
AiJibO-oflD, n. outlawry. Ailiri, adj. pure: clean. n.
freedom from filth: sanctity.
AilAba, adj. Wldeveloped: not
attaining the age of puberty. Ankfbt n. or adj. improba-
AilAblikUn, adj. faultless.
An6ru, n. Rimplioity: artl",ssness.
AilAb1ik6.D, adJ. fruitless: futile.
AilAclliD, adj. tastoless: insipid. Aileao, n. unfruitfulnoss. adj.
n. insipidity. WlfruitfuI: barren (of trees).
AiWtft. adj. airless: close. Anete, n. insufficiency; im-
AiJagbara, n. feebleness: in- possibility.
ability : inefficaoy : in- AnetiDA, n. infallibility.
validity. adj. feeble: un· An6ti, n. deafness, disobedience.
able. adj. deaf: disobedient.
AiligIiD, adj. not perspiring. An6w6, adj. leafless.
AilahIiD, n. or adj. dumb: mute. AU6wD, adj. having no danger:
Ailij6, adj. careless: thought- safe; secure.
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Ail,bi, n. guiltlessness; freedom AU9l'a. r:uJj. not fat,' thin.

from sin or crime. adj. AllOrO, see Ailqwq.
guiltless. AUOwo. r:uJj. without a hand;
AlltbliD, adj. ungifted. unconcemed.
AUMAn. n. or adj. blameless. ~wq, adj. not respectful, dis·
AUMbt. n. or adj. incom· honoured, unhallowed.
parable. AUu, n. or r:uJj. a shrub; un·
AUti" n. or .r:uJj. bloodless; pierced, unperforated.
anmmia. AUqb6, n. retaliation.
Ail,ka, r:uJj. branchless. Aim&, two negatives making an
AUtmi, n. or adj. lifeless, dead. affirmative.-e.g., Emi ko
Alleri. r:uJj. without a witness. Ie ~ sima gbagb9, "I
Allts.. n. disinterestedness. cannot disbelieve, i.e., I
AU"" n. or adj. freedom from must believe."
sin, innocency. Aimaraduro, n. incont.inency;
AlltwA. n. or adj. ugliness, un· restlessness.
oomeliness. Aim6r6. n. or r:uJj. unwise;
AllO. r:uJj. unused; inflexible. foolishness, stupidity.
AU6fln. n. Of' adj. lawlessness. Aimo8D, n. ignorance of the law.
AU6iil. n. or adj. confusion; AlmC)Ye, n. or adj. ignorance;
entanglement. folly; unwise; imprudent.
Ailojuti. n. or r:uJj. shamelessness, Aimq, n. lack of knowledge,
impudence, immodesty. ignorance, unknown.
Ailokild, adj. famelees. AimO. n. or r:uJj. unclean, impure,
AU6kuo, n. or adj. imvotent, filthy, dirty.
helpless, bodily weakness. Aimq-meii, n. silliness, witless·
AU6mi, adj. dry; not watery. ness.
AUopm, n. or r:uJj. endless, Aim9Diw~D, n. or r:uJj. im-
infinite, eternity. moderation, intemperance.
Ailori, n. or r:uJj. inability to Aimqra, n. or add. impudence,
learn; unsuccessful in ob· immodesty.
taining situation; ground· Aim~w6, adj. unlettered.
less; futile. Aim.Q1e, adj. innumerable.
AU6r6k9, r:uJj. anonymous; with· Aimil. n. or adj. bluntness; dull ;
out name; unrenowned. not catching.
AU6w6. adj. not wealthy, poor. Aimu, adj. not drinking.
All6Je, adj. without under· Aim6ra, Aimu.rariri, n. or adj.
standing. flabby, lax, tardy.
All6y6. adj. without title or AiDA, adj. unwhipped, un-
degree. punished, not stretched.
AU6y(m, r:uJj. not pregnant. AiDA, adj. unspent.
Ailq, adj. unground. AiDiDi. adj. not eared for.
A~ba, n. anarchy. Aini. n. or r:uJj. need, necessity.
Ailqmq, n. or adj. childless, destitution, want, poverty.
barren. AiDibaba, adj. fatherlees.
AiI6ra. n. or adj. not slothful, AiDibata, adj. barefooted.
smartness. AiDibfl'll. r:uJj. fearless, intrepid.
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AtN 19 AiR
AiDibc}, n. or adj. narrowness; AiDiwA, n. nonentity.
inoapacity. AiDiwAmfmO, AiDiwirere, n.
AiDibugbe, n. non·residence ; immorality, indecenoy.
want of settled abode. AiDfya, add. motherless.
AiDidaju, n. diffidence, modesty. AiDiye, adj. innumerable, count·
AiDide, n. liberty, freedom. less, myriads.
AiDidi. n. or adj. uselessness, AiDfyel6rt, n. worthlessness ;
fruitlessness. free of oost.
AiDidim6., n. vanity. having no AiDfyllDm6., n. lack of under·
hold. standing; dullness of
AiDid1lDl'all, n. impassibility, apprehension.
insensibility of feelings. AiDfyiD, add. dishonourable: dis·
AiDO" n. destitute of affection, reputable, sordid, slavish.
disinclination. Aipac1A, add. not returning.
AiDO, it9riba, n. disaffection. Aipart, add. unfinished, not
AiDfgb,ktI6, n. distrust; dis· concluded.
countenance. Aip6, n. imperfection, incom·
AiDfgbou, n. deadness; cold· pleteness, deficiency.
ness. Aipe, adj. unoalled, uninvited.
AiDfyidc), n. shallowness. Aipenfyll, n. delirium, insanity.
AiDOiri, n. uselessness; having Aipert, n. tetanus.
no proper head. Aipllae, adj. unprovided, un·
AiDfmi, n. see AU6kun. supplied.
AiDillA. n. weakness; inability. Aip" n. or add. not on purpose,
AiDipara, adj. innocent; rust· unintentional.
less; pure; olean. Aip~, ad". not long.
AiDiparam~ n. indecency; ex· Aiptrb6rb6, n. credulity.
posure. Aipin, add. unshared ; also
AiDip" adj. without fins, finless. contraction of AlniPf1kun.
AiDfptJmo, adj. without end; AipiDDu, n. or adj. indecision;
everlasting. unresolved.
AiDipiD, adj. dowerless; lack of AipiwAd1, n. steadin_, con·
dowry or share. sistent conduct.
AiDira, n. or adj. ease, comfort. Aipo, add. unoompounded, un·
AiDireti, n. or adj. despair, mixed.
desperation, hopeless. Ai", add. rare, eca.roeness.
AiDUot,I" n. improvidence. AilJ9D, n. or add. green; crude·
AiDUqra, n. uneasiness. ness; unripe.
AiDiruD, n. baldness. Ai~ n. neutra.lity; in·
AiDfrliDg*, n. bea.rdless. difference.
AiDiatlrU, n. impatience; hasti· AirAD, n. or adj. not sJ!ining, not
ness. l'l'Bplendent ; failure in
AiDitf, n. idleness, laziness. l'lltting; invulnerability,
AiDitiJ6., n. immodesty, shame· not infectious.
lessness. AirlD, add. unstmt; not sewn.
AiDitUD6., AiDitura, n. comfort· Air6kQji, n. soberness, temper·
less, void of ease. ance, self·controL
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Airelt. n. inquietude, uneasiness. AiIAD, n. sickness;diseose ;

AJreti, n. Of' adj. unexpected. illness; ailment.
Airt, n. disagreeableneBII, AiIaD, n. want of payment.
vuianoe, dissension; un· Alsaora, n. leanness, slende.rness,
plastered. thinness.
Air6, adj. not cutting. not , AisaDwo, n. non.payment of
shtl&ring, not shaving. money.
Air~6. n. lack of humility. Aiaire, n. see Alk8.nju.
Air6P9. n. disagreeableness, Aid. n. Of' tUij. raw, uncooked.
variance, dissension. AUlIao. n. fruitlessnOBB, barren·
Air6nm. adj. not trimming the ness (of a tree) .•
hair. Ail" n. a 1arge door; gate.
Air,wtsl. n. Of' adj. not dejected. AUt. 11" unohallenged.
Airf, n. Of' adj. invisibility. Aisf, n. Of' adj. not being;
AirfraD, n. dimness of sight; not present; nonentity;
blindness. absence; death.
Airfrf, adj. unexperienced; not AiaiAD, 7&. or adj. bad; ill·
dirty. conditioned.
Airfao. adj. inexcusable; speech. AUf-AlAfiA, n. misery; lack of
less. peace or comfort.
Airfte, n. idleness, lack of Aisi-aniaDi, n. without doubt;
employment. oredulity.
AiM. adj. without coruoideration; AUf-ltU6hiD, n. want of support.
thoughtless. Aiaijl, n. without war; peace.
AirO. tUij. mute; soundless. AisBA, n. lack of stripes or
Air6hiD, adj. marks; plainness.
AirOjia, n. Of' adj. pressure of AilOe, n. homelessness.
business; too busy. AiIImi, n. indefatigableness;
Aironia, n. thoughtlessness. perseverance; diligence ;
Aironipiwidl, n. impenitence. industry; TeStlessness.
Airorf, n. thoughtlessness. AiliD, n. independence; in·
Airorb. adj. good·tempered. sllbordination.
A~ n. or adj. not softened;
AisfDkaD, n. nothing; nought;
nothing of inlI,ortance.
lack of mildness; un·
AilfDfkaw~ n. independence;
beyond one's oontrol.
Air9jia, n. or adj. not enduring;
lack of endUl'lloIlce. AUfr1Dl6w6. n' without aid;
A~pO, n. a vacant position.-
Aiaft6. n. want of employment.
e.g., ~ wa alr9po, '. The
place is vacant." Aisfwl, n. lack of manners.
Air9ra, AirqruD, n. carelessness ; AilfJa, n. motherless.
discomfort; negligence ; Aisq1i. n. lack of indueno6 or
uneasiness; lack of peace. 8Ilthority.
Air9It. n. or adj. unsettled. Aisq11, n. poverty; lack of
AilAmi, n. or adj. unbaptised; riches.
unmarked. Aisona. n. not lost.
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AisQraki, n. unshrunk; care- Altt, adj. unbroken.

I_ness; inconsideration; Alt" adj. not sinning, in-
incautiousness. offensive; having no
Aisqrq, n. mute. beginning.
Aiafa, n. unweariness ; in- Alt;f" n. seriousness, not in a
defatigability; unperplexed. playful manner.
AisuD, adj. not asleep; awake. Alt,tAD, n. or adj. simplicity,
A~ adj. not pioked up ; openness; unfeignedly;
soattered. sincerity.
AqAn, n. stagnation; stillness. Aqi. n. correctness.
A~, adj. unpoulticed; un- Aitit" n. indolence, idleness.
bitten; without mud.--f!.g., Alfiyem6ji, n. or adj. certainty;
A ti aja na sil~ Ii alilan, doubtless .
.. The ceiling (of bamboos) AltO, n. or adj. not si.ackening.
is left without being Altododo, n. or adj. injustIce;
plastered with mud." unrighteousness.
Aitinfl, n. mercilessness, lack of Aitogo, n. without boasting.
compassion. Aitojfulajil., n. or adj. without
Alfir" n. ceaselessness, not respect; impartiality.
weary. Ait6re, n. unkindness.
Aifiti, n. void of calumny. Alt~, n. or adj. injustice;
Alta. n. inaction. hypocrisy; impropriety;
Aitebikan, adj. universal; not untrue.
limited to one locality. A~kan, n. incongruity; disoord.
Aqedid6, n. odd; inequality; AitqlraDkan, n. indecision. adj.
iniquity. sinister.
Aitefeie, 11. void of boasting. Alfqpt, n. ingratitude.
AifegblrbQ, n. incredulity. Aitqra, n. watchful.
Aiterbe, n. equity; impartiality; A~fI, n. meanness; illiber-
equality; j ustioe. ality.
A~ja, Aifeleke, n. temperance ; Alta, adj. not round; not
moderation. thick; not gloomy.
Aifemtl', n. diligence; activity. Alfu, n. or adj. costiveness;
Althia, n. or adj. cruelty; constipation.
inhumanity. Aifu,bu, n. uprightness.
AltVCa. n. inactivity; honesty. AitfljA, Altflsi, 7l. indifference;
Alfeta,ra, n. sluggishness; in- disinterestedness.
difference; tardiness; with· Alta, adj. undergrown tubers as
out anxiety. yam or potato.
Aitetara. 7l. spirituality; void AitA, n. or adj. dullness of
of material body. market; not selling.
A~ 7l. not straightforward, Aitako, adj. unopposed.
crookedness. AitAD, n. ceaselessness.
Alfet~ 11. discontent- Aitanj" adj. undeceive.!.
ment. Aitan-qta, n. implacability.
AI,,, adj. not coming to pass, Aitara, n. inactivity; indiffer-
unfulfilled. ence.
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AIT 22 AiY

AitaraJ'q. n. or adj. equality; Aiwl-bi-Q19f11D, n. ungodliness.

equaL-e.g., AWli'n ~ Aiwadi, n. without investigation.
meji sare Ii aitara. wli'n Yli', Aiw6.ra, n. or add. unconcem;
" Two h01'lle8 ran equally, not greedy; not anxious.
i.e., neck to neck." Aiw6, no that which is untwisted,
AitU6, adj. without missing the an unweaned child.
mark; a straight aim. Alwt. n. or add. unwashed,
AitaJq. adj. not surpa88ing or unclean.
going beyond. Aiwel. n. lack of inspection,
Aitete, n. Blownt!8ll, inactivity. notice, or speculation;
Altt. n.oradd. without pliability; want of care.
unbent. Alwolt. AiWQJe, n. or adj.
Alt~6, n. lack of smoothness or carelessness; non-observant.
levelness. AiwO. no or adj. straight.forward·
Ait~ n. dissatisfaction; ne8ll; not crooked.
discontent. Ai~~ no scarcity.
Aitorfba, n. insubordination; Aiw6, n. that whioh is un·
lack of humility. leavened; unpra.ised.
Alttrma, n. see Aitel9rUn. AlW1\, n. unpleasantness; un·
Ait,tiIil" n. inattention. desirability.
Ait6, n. insuffioiency; incom· AlwilkArA, n. unleavened bread.
petency. AiyA, n. breast; bosom; heart;
Aitobi, n. lIlDallnG88, littleness. chest; courage; in1luence.
AitoDbD, AltMaD, n. or adj. Aiya-Io. v.t. to fear ; to be dis·
pettiness, triviality. couraged; faint·hearted or
Ai~ n. or adj. absurdity; Afraid.
croukedness, wrong, amiss. Aiya-ja, v.i. to be panic·stricken.
Ai~ n. one who cannot p8S8 Aiya-lA, v.t. to be fearful or
urine. dismayed.
AiiOl68D. add. illicit, illegal. AiyA-lfle, n. hard.heartedness;
Alta, add. untamed; not obduracy.
soothing. Aiyapa, n. unanimity; oneness;
Aituj6, Aiialoja, n. wildness, not deviating from the
inclemtmcy. right way.
Aitumq. n. inexplicable. Aiya-pi, v.i. to be terrified,
AitaDiDa, Aituaa, n. discomfort; frightened or fainthearted.
passionatene88. Ai-JAra, n. slowness.
Altura, no that which is uncom· AiyA~ n. or add. integrity;
fortable, uneasy. unseparated; undivided.
Ait6raki, n. sadness. Aiye. add. lifeless.
Aituta, n. warmth. Aiy6, n. world; earth; globe;
Ait6w~ n. illibt'.rality, not condition; state; time of
generous. life; time; reign.
AiwA, n. IItl6 Aisi. A1y6. atlj. not understood;
AiwA, adj. not digging; not unintelligible; unceasing;
pulling or propelling a not stopping; not laying
canoe. (eggs).

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Airederu, n. fraud; forgery; Ajad1iD, n. an epicure, volup-

dishonesty; adulteration. tuary, sensualist.
Air6-jijt. n. pleasure; worldly Ajaf~, n. voluptuary.
enjoyment. Ajara, n. a neck·shackle, yoke.
AiJ6t~ n. a parrot. Ajagajfgi, adj. firm as a rock or
Aire1uJara. n. perforated metal tree trunk.
ooins. Aj,,*, n. one who disoovers
Aireraye, Aiye-iW-lai. ad!). for or detects another's cunning.
ever; world without end; Ajaguu, n. soldier; warrior.
eternally. Ajaguu-obirin, n. an amazon;
Ai.v" see AlgM.i\iy~. a female soldier.
AiJ't. n. inoonvenience ; in. Aji igb6th'6, n. lap dog. pet dog.
decency ; inexperience ; AJ'-igbtaJA, n. persistent strug.
impropriety; wretchedness. gling.-e.g., Aja..lgbU18
Ai.vtra. n.oonsistency ; stability; ni p~~y~ fi n~gun ~,
firmnees. .. Persistent struggling
Air.... no or adj. immovable; makes the duck oonquer
steadfastness. the fowl."
Ai.vipadA, n. immutability; AjaiJe, n. voluptuary, sensualist.
unchangeability. Ajaj" n. a lewd fellow.
Aja, n. a dog. Ajakalt. adj. spreading; world-
AjA, n. attic, uppermost floor, wide.
ceiling. Ajakalt-Ar1iD, n. an epidemic;
AjA, n. a fairy, said to carry infectious disease.
persons into the wilderness Ajako, n. a jackal. also called
for from three to nine years ij8.kUmq.---{!.g., Ogbogbo
to instruct them in magic Awun ni bi ajako, .. Surely
and all kinds of medicines ; he who kills Ajako will
said also to travel in a suffer for it."
whirlwind. AjAkU, n. a dead-set, per-
.1ja, n. a creeping plant, SIStence, stubbornness. .
resembling the wild vine. Ajaka.~, n. that which is cut
It is rubbed on the walls of and spoiled (as string).
houses newly l'lastered with Aj~ n. escape after much
mud, to give the walls a fighting.
polish; also called Ajara, AjalM6kun, n. sea. robber, pirate.
¢gbqlq. AjMa., n. a mishap.
Ai'bO. n. a narrow escape. . Aj'mMka., n. insufficiency ;
Ajadt. n. title of honour among deficiency.
the hunters; fourth in rank Ajan, n. meat cut into small
to the Olori.qd.~ (Chief of pieces for sale.-e.g., Bi
th~ hunters). alapata. ba pa ~ran. aWQLl
Aj6di, adj. having the bottom alagbata a bil Ii Ii ajan,
broken off; sometimes used .. When the butcher kills
in conversation for betrayal. the animal the retailers cut
---{!.~., Aj8.di agb9n Ii 0 it in pieces."
nsQrqsi, "You are bet~aying Aj~fI:, n. elephant.
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Ajaupi, n. a bird-ana.re made deposited in the bush by the

of cloth.-e.g., Aparo jare road outside the town as the
ajanap' kili 0 mu iw wa • closing ceremony of the
Ii oko. Ajare aparo Ii oko funeral.-e.g .• ~ni ru ajeje
Ii a. gbe imu aw 19... The ¢~ ko nIa, .. Whoever
partridge says, • What carries the ajeje will not
busintl8ll has the fanner to prosper." It is a super-
bring his cloth hlll'e ?' The stition that if the child of
fanner says•• How could I the deceased does not give
come to my fann without presents to the moumers
cloth ? ." (i.e.. there are and others before carrying
two sides to a question). the ajeje he will die in
Ajb~. n. the chief of the Oro misfortune.
worshippers. Ajeji, n. IW adj. a stranger, a
Ajao. n. a noctumal mammal foreigner. .
like the mouse, with large Ajere, n. a pot with many hc.les
wings.-e.g.• Ko "e eku, ko in it like a sieve, used to dry
"e ~Y\l. aj80, .. The ajao is meat in over the fire; a
n~ither rat nor bird." calabash bored with many
(Applied to one who is holes like a colander, used
I neither friend nor foe). in washing away the sedi.
Aja-qd" n. a hound, a hunting ment of the locust fnut;.
dog. and ~gusi seed.
Ajapa, n. a petty wholesale Ajh6, n. one who makes profit;
trade; a nickname given a winner.
to the tortoise. AJt. n. a sorcerer, a witch.
Ajar&, n. a medicinal plant used Ai" n. oar, paddle, propeller.
for curing sore breasts; it Aj" n. red earth used as paint
is also edible, and is used in or pigment for the wall;
rubbing houses to give the tinder (for loading a gun).
walls a gl088; wild vine. ,Aj,bf, n. that which is inherited
Ajuq, n. hearsay; false report ; (ae manners, disease) from
romance. parents or ancestors.
AJitt. n. victory after much Aj,bc\. n. effacement (as a wound
difficulty; the native name or cut which disappears
for Porto·Novo. when healed).
Aj6, n. money; the goddtl8ll of Aj'I~. n. a vegetarian.
money. Ajtlc)wo, n. a garden herb so
Aje, n. a trial by ordeal. oalled for its sweetneE.
Ajij6, n. in the obsequies of a AJtrbi,n.the rude and disorderly
hunter, all the deceased's rejoinders of a multitude
hunting materials are of people.-e.g.• Ajfgba ni
packed up and carried on ti k~9, .. Frogs are always
the head by his child, or by rude and disorderly."
a fellow.hunter, who parades Ajtlb6, n. the act of eating
and danoes about. This another's meal without
packet, called Ajeje, is sot'fering the uonsequencos.

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AJ]l:: 25

-e.g., Ajli'gbe Dl 19un njli' AjijAd6, n. a scrambler, a. com-

Ii'bQ," Thevulturoconsumes petitor.
the idol's sacrifices placed Ajil" n. one who eats the dust
in the public streets without lhumble pie).
suffering." Ajin, n. profound silence; dark-
Aj~ohin, n. the last course of a ness; depth of night.-
meal. e.g., Ajin jin, .. There is
Aj~i. n. gluttony. profound silonce," or .. It
,Aj~1iD, n. food Mt on the plate is mIdnight."
for the person serving. AUna, n. the act of spending;
AjtJ". n. agent, consul, dE'lputy. daily expenditure; shop·
AjoDia, n. cannibal, man-eater. ping; marketing.
Aj+nn+re, n. testiiier, witness.
AUnde. n. resurrection; act of
rising from slecp.-e.g., Ki
AjoniDiYa. n. oppressor, tyrant. ajinde Qla ki 0 jli', .. May
Ajopa. n. swindling. knavery. the rising to·morrow be
AjOP9. n. the ejection of what poBBible."-A prayer used
has been taken (as poison); in bidding good.night.-e;g.
an emetic. fl. to chew the Li QjQ Ajinde igi a IU.
cud. .. There will be many
Ajori, n. an antidote. wonders on the ResurrectIon
Ajoran. n. a flesh eater; carni· Day."
vorous animals. Ajmia. Ajinita, n. kidnapper.
Ajorma. n. the act of squandering. Ajini lohun, n. thief, robber.
AjOSi, n. see tj~ri. Ajiri, n. morning.-e.g., 0 eli
ajiri 0, .. Until the mom·
AjOSO. n. ungrattlfulness, ingrati. ing"; an evening salu·
tude. tation. ]l:: ku ajiri, .. Good
AjOfin. n. a horse eater. morning."
Ajotl. n. remnants after eating AJiroro, Ajiferoro, n. a man of
to the full. leisure.
AjOWc)' n. a confessor. AUsA, n. that which is put on
Ajowq imq Iwe Mimq. n. a (as charlnB) every moming
theologian. for protection.-e.g., QIQrun
AjOWoro-rbado. adj. granivorous. Ii olori Aj 1s8, .. God is the
one that eats grain or seed. source of protection."
Aj0J'6. adj. having eaten to the AjiliDlin, n. a concealed matter ;.
full; satisfied. concealment.
AjibotO. n. a kite·like fish with Ajqe, n. routine of daily
poisonous prickles. business.
Ajibqwaba, adj. existing. Aiel, n. journey; foreign land.
Ajidewe, n. renewed youth. Ajel. n. anxiety; solicitude ;.
Ajjfa, n. one who trusts in carefulness; zeal.
Providence. Ajopn, n. heir; inheritor.
Ajigba, n. the act of being Ajoko, n. one who sits; a gr&8B.
employed daily in sweeping. eater.
Ajigbese. n. debtor, bankrupt. Aj6k6, n. unquenchable.
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Aj6ku, n. that which escapes Aj9f8, n. partnership, joint

burning; remnant left after labour.
a confiagration. Aj~w6-paui, n. a hired &8B&8sin.
AjODfrun, n. that which con- !jOJiD-ibqu, n. a voHey of
sumes by burning. musketry.
AjODipanm, n. consumer. Aj01Q. n. participation in joy.
AjGpa, n. kola of superior !jubl, n. a newly.cultivated
quality that cannot be grass field.
peeled while fresh, much !jflf6, n. pocket.
used in paying dowries. Ajulq, n. that which makes
Aj6panm, see Ajoniparun. mine better than yours.
Ajlrin, n. the aot of catching Ajumq, n. combination, co-
fire.---e.g., Bi ile ko ba kan . operation.
ile ki ij6 aj6ran, " HoU8e8 Ajumqclapq, n. a mixture (of
not contiguous do not persons and things).
easily catch fire." AjumqjOl1lD, n. fellow-heir.
Ajq, n. a.ssembly: meeting. AjumC)lurapq, n. retaliation (in
Ajq-aflyeai. n. feast; festival. fighting).
Ajq-alade-ade, n. an assembly AjumC)llarOle, n. co-heir; co-
of princes and delegatee; eternal.
diet. Ajum9f8, Ajum9f8pq, n. co-
Ajobi, n. correlation; akin ; operation; conjoint aotion ;
blood-re1atioruiliip ; con- simultaneous action; part-
sanguinity. nership.
Ajo \lib" n. company; meeting. Ajasi, n. thrower; spendthrift;
Ajqh6n, n. unanimity. that which is thrown.
Ajq-igbimO, n. senate; council; Aka, n. the hedgehog; said to
committee. be very timid, for if sand
Ajq-ilu, n. corporation; con- or dust is thrown on it,
gress. when it is found in the bush,
Aiq-ipejO, n. congress; con- it will simply couch until it
vocation. is killed or picked up.-
Aiq-ir6kOj6, n. feast of the e.g., 0 tiju bi aka, " He is
passover. as shy as a hedgehog."
Ajoj" n. aot of eating together ; Aka, n. the name of a tree.
mess; banquet. Ak6, n. a storehouse built in the
Ajojo, n. aot of dancing together. shape of a V, supported by
four sticks, containing three
AjomQ. n. stipulation. or four apartments for
Aiomu, n. drinking together. stores; a garner; granary .
AjOpjn, n. a convention. Wba, n. ladder; steps; stairs ;
Ai9l'm. n. companionship on a sta.iroase; scaffold.
journey. Akab, qq, n. the pole on which
Ajqr6, n. a mutual combination; cloth is wound while
bargain; agreement. weaving.
!jqsq, n. a mutual conversation AkakA, n. the posture of
or consultation. squatting, or sitting CroBB-

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legged.-e.g., Iwq dakaka

y~k~~ bi agbalagba, .. You
AkipO, n.
n. a penitent.
a treasurer.
squat like an elder." A ki AlrAn. n. bread, cake.
igba 8k8k8 lqwq akiti, a ki AlrAn. n. wood used for rafters.
igba ile baba ~ IQwq ~ni, !kArl AdidliD. n. a sweet cake.
.. No one can cure a monkey !kArl 'w~ n. a fanoy cake
of squatting; and no one made to imitate a net.
can deprive a man of his Akiribi. n. a charm, a round
father's house." flat fish •
.AJmk6D, n. addition. Allara ftJ"ItJ". n. a wafer.
.AkAJA, n. a carnivorous bird; Ak~ f6l~, n. a soft cake made
vulture.-e.g., Bi oku ba ku of white beans and okra,
laiye akala a mq Ii qrun also called QjQjQ.
(akaIa a goo qrun mq), !ki.rqba. n. a broken calabash,
.. The vulture smells the or bowl; potsherd.
carcase however high in the Akk6k6. n. a hard bean cake
air he may be." used by warriors for pro·
AkaJambi, n. a bag; sack.- visions on war expeditions.
e.g., Akalambt Ii a fi ipiy~ -e.g., Bi on ba gburo
Ii ogun, .. A sack is used for ogun mi ki iduro din
booty in war." &kAr8kU, "VVhenever he
Ak6m~ n. the act of encom- hears of my war he never
passing; enclosing or sur- waits to make provision,"
rounding. (said of a busybody who
Ath. n. a crab; a word muoh rejoices at another's
used in conversation for troubles).
.. good," as .. fish" is used AHd lAPtA. n. cake made of
for" bad."-e.g., :J::ja mbi maize.
AkAai, n a harpoon.
ak8n , .. Is it bad or goOd? "
AkB.n ni, "It is good"; Akuo ,wu. n. a short garment
from the neck to the waist
also an epaulet.
AkaD. n. nimbleness; smartness; worn either loose 01' tight.
activity; quioksightedness. Akaaq, n. a ladder.
-e.g., Ojo Ii aka.n lojupupq, AtalIe. adtJ. rather than that;
.. Ojo is very quioksighted." not otherwise; only; also
AkhdliD. n. a whitlow. writtenLakille(:J::gba).-e.g.,
AkUcbi. n. a oooper. Ko gbqdq na mi, ak~ ko
ni jt;l ki nlJiw fwt on mq,
AkaDktk~, n. a wheelwright.
" He dare not flog me, only
AkaDk~tA, n. a shipwright. hEl will not let me work for
AkaDraD. n. a fletcher, a maker him any longer."
of bows and arrows. .\kqu, n. a large loaf; a lump
.AkADte. add. special; made to of agidi for family use.-
order; uncommon.
AkADt~, n: a boxer.
AkAuti, n. IYl unavoidable or
I e.g., Aka,u. baba t;lkq, .. The
a.k~il ig the father of all
other loaves."
unexpected ocourrenoe. AkitA. n. see Ajako.

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AKA 28 AKt

AkatA, a broad· brimmed straw The scorpion fights with

hat used as an umbrella; its tail; one cannot hide a
in ancient times a commoner scorpion the hand."
might not use it without AkAri.n. a plant used for
special permission. washing also for sauce;
WtAmllo, n. a catapult. a harer; a spiteful man.
Akata, a creeping animal.- Akeri), n. the leader of trading
e.g., <)mQde nra bi ti caravan.
Akato k.o, " However well Akeei. n. the act of calling upon
a child may crawl the Akato or visiting.-c.g., :r:: ku
will out-crawl it." akesi rni ana, Thank you
AkAwe, n. a reader. fo,-" calling on me yesterday.' ,
Akiwe, n. reel of cotton or Akeso ajara, vintage.
thread. Akete, n. bed, bedliteBli.-e.g .•
Akiwe, n. similitude; com- Aket,e kekere ko gba enia
parison of matter or words ; meji, .. A small bed will
signification; analogy; par- not hold two persons.
able; metaphor. Akete inarasi, n. a sofa.
AkAyin, n. one who loses his Aketf, n. that which is cut on the
teeth.-c.g., Akayin ml? ear or edge.
efilrU ipe, A toothless AkeU, n. uncut.
man cannot pronounce Akewi, a bard.
• efilrit' well." Akt, n. a sea-gull; bush rope
Ake, n. axe, hatchet. adzc. UBed for tying rafters
together; a large she-goat.
Ak6de, n. a public crier;
proclaimer ; herald.--e.g.,
--e.g., 0 fun mi Ii ak~
ew~ kan, .. He gave me
AkMe ko jiyan gbigbona,
large she-goat."
.. The public clier does not
eat warm food" (because
Ak,hfnda, n. or adj. turning thc
back back falling
of his liability to be callcd
off; backsliding; a back·
away from his food).
Ake itul" pick.axe. Ak~jli, n. too much indulgence.
Ake-ja-qua, n. a crOBB street, a Ak~ju ba 'IlmQ rare
lane, a bypath. j/il, Too much indulgence
Akae, n. see Ake. spoils a good child!'
Ake-kun-QkQ, n. an old hoe. Ak~kQ, n. a learner, a pupil, a
Ak6kflrU, an abbreviator student.
contraction; abbreviation. Ak,rIi, n. a transporter, a
Akepa, thc act of cutting too carrior ot loads,
short. Ak,,~ n. a kind of raw cotton.
Ak.e, striped frog with Ak,tt, n, hat,
smooth skin. Ak~ n. a new hoe; bough;
Ak.ekere, the scorpion branch of tree.
also called OjOg8.n.-e.g., Ald, n. bravery; a brave person.
Akerekere ojogan fi idi ja AkUq, n. parting salutation;
Akerekere ko flO idi ni 1M, farewell.

29 AKO

AkU~ Ak~ fCm mi, n. one Ak6fA.. n. one who meets with
who denounces, threatens, unexpected fortune.
menaces, admonishes or Ak6g6n. n. an inheritor.
warns; a monitor. At6i. n. fog; thick mist.
AkimO!e. n. the act of pressing Akoja. n. completing; bringing
down, of seizing with the to a point; termination.
claws. Ak6iO. n. accumulation; piling
AkfDi, n. one who salutes or up.
welcomes, a visitor. Ak6jOP9. n. collector; collection.
Akiri, n. a wanderer, a rover. Ak6ko. n. time; season; exact
Akiri ojA, Akiri po16w6, n. a time.-e.g., Ak6ko ti mo
hawker, a pedlar, an ~ta.n g' ni iwq de," You
advertiser of goods. came just as I was ready."
AkiritA, n. a pedlar. Akoko. n. a tree, the flower of
AkfsA. n. rags.~.g., Aids&. ba which is sucked for the
enia. rere j~, .. Rags disgrace juice. Its leaf is placed on
a handsome man." the head of a new king or
chief as anointment. The
Akqa!O. n. a creeping plant WIth
tree is so sacred that it is
a pod like a pea..-e.g., A
never used for fire, or
ki iti ~hin a.kil;Ial~ wure,
touched with an axe.-e.g.,
.. One cannot bless the gods
without using the word
o ~ po, a ki ifi ¢un kan igi
akoko, .. Henceforward, the
akoko tree must never be
Akitl. no monkey, ape.
tried with an axe."
Akfy6si. n. the act of obser. Ak6k6. n. a woodpecker.
vation or discernment. Ak6ku. n. the remnant after a
Akfy6sigbA, n. an observer of large quantity has been
the time. ~ken.
Akfyesi iraw~ n. an astronomer, Ak616. n. that which has been
a star gazer. taken over and above;
Ako, n. a branch of the palm surplus.
tree. Ak616. n. a house robber.
Ak6, n. reality, genuineness, Akololo. n. a stammerer, a
authenticity. stutterer.
Ako. n. a strumpet. AkODifito. n. an overseer, a
Ak6..... n. undeserved punish. task·master.
ment. Ak6~. n. a draught; gathering
Akobi. n. a fishing basket used together.
to catch shrimps. Ak6p~ n. summary; mass ;
Akobia, n. a barren mare. generality.
AkOdl. n. room; chamber; also AkOrA, n. a wholesale purchase.
ca.1led tkMl. Ak6rAD. n. infection.
Ak6dl. n. the act of gathering Akorira eaia. n. a man hater.
and tying up; rough sew· AkOIO. n. restraint; control;
ing. government; rule; con·

Ak6dilQ. n. a transporter. tinence.

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Ak6ta. n. see Ak6ra. Atom (-I6kf), n. a teacher,

Ak6tAD, n. completion; entire instructor; tutor.
removal; totality; in con- Attnf, n. first posseased.
clusion. Atqni, n. a brave, bold, strong
At6tiDi, n. an 8888.ilant. person.--e.g.,Iw4jl iba. iW9
Atoto, n. a broken calabash or ko gb¢4jl wi, ni ¥ iku pa
gourd; without virginity. ak4jlnl, .. You may see, you
Atoto acU" n. a fowl coop. dare not speak, it is that
Atowaba, fl. see Ak6b8.. which is the death of the
Ak~. n. a swan; a sheath, strong man." (The strong
_bbard.-e.g., Ak9 ql9r1m man often perishes for want
ejo, "The swan with a of warning.)
snake·like neck."-e.g., 0 At_ n. a singer; warbler;
ns8 fun iku, 0 bq si &k9 ida. minstrel; songster.-e.g••
.. He runs away from the I Ak4jlrin laini elegbe 0 dabi
sword and hides himself in I ~ni lu 8Ij8.nkan agogo, .. A
the _bbard." (ef. Out singer without an accom-
of the frying pan into the panist is like the tinkling
fire.) of half a }lair of cymbals."
Atf). n. male (applied to creatures Akf) f)j~, n. every fifth day (a
and infants). (See Abo).- day previous to Qs~ Ifa)
e.g., Akq ~l¢~, " A boar." superstitiously supposed to
Ak4jl roahi, .. A bull." be a bad day.
Ak~. adj. a particle denoting Ak~ n. first bought; first
first, beginning. owned.
Ak~bf, n. the first·bom.-e.g .• Ak~.. n. first cut; first mown.
Ak9b1 ni ti ~l~n, "The Ak6r9. n. the first rain of the
first·bom is due to the year, commencement of
o","ner." • rains.
Atqde, n. first arrival. Ak98tM. n. that which is met
Ak9lb6, n. first ripe fruits. by chance.-e.g., Ak~ba.
At9li 0Diti, n. a timber tree. eyiti ij~ odun, "He who
Akf)I1UI, n. combatant; con- waits for chance will have
tender. to wait for years."
Atf)j,wc;lldl" n. an apostate. Ak~. n. first fruits; first
~a, n. the act of imparting bearing.
too much knowledge. Ak9f8, n. first; first made;
AkOk'. n. the first reaped fruita. beginning; commencement.
Ak~kl, n. the first counted or Atf)ta. 7..first sold.
numerated. Ak~tAD, n. perfectly built, per-
Ak~kin. n. the first; the fore· fectly instrllcted.
most. Ak~tAD, n. first sold out; out of
Atql6, n. superscription; direc- stock.
tion; address on letter. Ak~ n. first comer; first
At~6. n. builder; constructor. fruits.
~1IIIi, n. invader; attacker. At~w6. n.aseribe; writer; clerk;
Ak~m6, n. that which is taken seoretary ; amanl1llD8is..
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AKc) . 31 ALA

Ak~w6-ihinrere, n. an evangelist. AD. n. white cloth.-e.g., AIaw

Ak~w6-ijar~ n. a fable writer. AlA ki ilQ joko ni is", epo,
Ak~w6-"'rQ-j9, n. the author .. The wearer of a whitlt
or compiler of a dictionary. cloth never sits in the oil
Ak~w6-irohin, n. a journalist. market." (cf. You cannot
Ak~w6-itan, n. an historian. touch pitch without being
Akudin, n. the heart of a tree.- defiled.)
e.g., Akudln . p a ko kQmnu Ala, n. dream; vision.
ake, .. The heart of the AlAbagb6. AlAbagb616, n. an
&IIaps. feanJ no axe." inmare.
AkUfi, n. threats.-e.g., AkUfi
Ii 0 nda, nka.n ko ni ,e.
" He is only giving threats,
AlAbaj" n. a messmate; one
who partakes of the same
nothing will come of it." AlAbalAIjI" 11. an oracle; name
Aklik9, n. a cock. given to the goddess Qba-
Akfunalapa, n. the young leaf of tala, who is believed to
the shea butter tree. foretell events.
Akfm. n. a kind of bead madc of AlAbaP., n. partner in fishing or
shell. in killing.
AkimbO, n. a deluge; flood. AlAbipacU, n. chance; luck;
AkunnilGruD, adj. narcotic, hit; occurrence; fortuno ;
soporific, sleep-causing. casualty. adv. random.
Akunrun, n. a closed, private Alabipin, n. a partaker; par.
room; a cell. ticipator.
AkliDsfD6, n. murmuring ; AlAbara. n. a customer; pur-
muttering; a grumbler. chaser.
Akfmtin omi, n. high water. Alabarin, n. a. fellow-traveller.
AkfmwQsil6. n. overflowing. Alabasta, n. alabaster.
brimful (applied to dry
measure). AlalJalle (-po), n. fellow-worker;
AklinJ1iDgbA, n. a bard; drum· partner; yoke-fellow;
mer; flatterer. colleague.
Akura, n. an impotent man, a Alabtr', n. a dealer in needles;
eunuch. possessing needlework.
Akur,t" 11. a sluggish, stupid AlabiDuku pi, n. enemy; per-
person. secutor; accuser.
Attar~. n. a garden by ihe water· Alibo, n. defender; suocourer;
side. warder; patron; protector;
Ak6nm, n. extinction; total shielder; supervi!lOr.
destruction; annihilation. Alabojutll, Alaboj6.wo, n. in·
Aklmae, n. a painter. spector, corrector.
AI, a prefix equivalent to Oni, AlAbOsi, n. a hypocrite; deceiver;
.. One who has." diBBembler.
!la, n. boundary; limit; land- Alab6, n. one who has come to
mark; confine; term ; the age of puberty.
precinct; line of demark- AlAblik6.n (f(m), n. one who adds
ation. to, or blesses; blessed.
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Al&1IIiklDl, n. a despiser; con· ~ n. adherent, con-

temner. formist.
Al&blisf, n. one who bestows. Alafaraw6, n. rival, imitator.
AlAd6gb6, n. hermit, recluse. Aliff, n. a voluptuary.
Alac1amq. n. one who is lead AliftbiDti, n. supporter; sus-
away with a mistaken idea ; tainer; one on whom
a heretic. dependence is placed; a
Alidanu, n. a loser. patron.
AlAdAr6, no a confounder. Alafla, n. peace; health; weal;
.Alaclasi, n. meddler; busybody; welfare; happiness; bliss.
instigator. -e.g., Alafia baba 9~,
AJacJasq, n. one who speaks on .. Peace is the father of
his own responsibility. friendship."
AlAdawq16, n. pretender; under· Alaflhan, n. one who shews; a
taker. revealer ; a betrayer; a
Aladawq1e-tl+tU. n. an impostor. traitor.
AlAd6, n. king ; prince; tl.e royal Alifln, n.contraction ofAlawQfin,
family consisting of several one who owns the palace,
persons who rule over hence a king. Title of King
different Y oruba districts, of QyQ.
viz., Qba Yoruba, Onikbyi, AJAfly6sf, n. observer.
OluglJ9n, ~, As~hln, Alifo, n. an open space between
Alake. Al8d6,010wu, AgUrB, groups; vacant space; a
Alaketu, OlD, AwUjal~. valley, ravine, crevice.
AladehlDl, n one who bargains AWo jgau, n. an angle.
or promises. Alifojwli, n. brazen-face.
A1Mf,n.commentator, expositor. ..Alifojflt6, n. overseer, super-
Alac1i, n. the small black ant intendent.
that builds its nest on the Afqramnq. n. accuser; per-
stem of a tree.--e.g., Ti bjb secutor.
ti ~run ile aladi ki ida, " The Aiaf9tt. n. a diviner; one who
aladi's nest will never be deals with familiar spirite.
void of inhabittmts at any Alaf9w~" n. a pilferer; filcher;
time of year." petty thief.
AlAdim6, n. one who upholds or AIAg., n. the chairman.
BUBtainS. AlAgada, n. one who owns or
Aladirt. n. dyer of fancy cloth. bears the sword or scimitar.
Al&cliyl), n. poulterer. AlAgbl\, n. an eld~r; a Person of
AladugbO, n. a neighbour.--e.g., respect or honour; ruler;
Aladugbo ki ida 9180, " A sir.
neighbour needs not take AlAgbl\bO, n. nurse; trainer.
leave until to-morrow." AlAgb6dA, n. the tailor who makes
AladlDl, n. or adj. one who the" agbada," or its owner.
prepares maize; delicately AlAgW~, n. a washerwoman, a
flavoured; aromatic. fuller.
AlifAle, n. one who preBBeB a AlAgbl\mq, n. an architect; a
point unduly. mason.

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AlAgblm~ n. a selfish persoa; AlaIbtdt-idt. n. a brazier; a

one who appropriates. br88S -worker.
AlAgbira, n. a strong able· AlaIbtdt-Oje, n. a. leadsmith.
bodied person; a mighty AlaIb,dHb" n. a cutler.
man; tyrant; potentate; AlaIbtdt-w6d. n. a goldsmith.
hero.-e.g., Bi at8ghara j\, AlAgbo, n. owner of a flock.
Q ni iya ki 0 fi \,rin si, " If a AlaIi, n. a wood-cutter.
powerful man ilItreat you AlAgfdi qkaa, n. a haughty-
smile at him." minded fellow.
AlaIbara gbogbo, n. An attribute AlAgfdigba, n. beads made from
of God; _Omnipotent. palm nut shells.
AlAgb6rc}, n. an advocate. AlaIo, n. one who owns or makes
AlAgbUo, n. ploughman, hus- crates for fowls.
bandman. . AlaIo, AlaIoro, n. a watch·
AlaIbAsq. AlAbawi, n. advocate; maker; bellfounder; one
spokesman; orator; client; who sells bells.
speaker; tale·bearer. .Alibeso, n. babbler; busybody;
AlAgbqe, n. hireling; labourer; Alahoro, n. a desolate person.
mercenary; journeyman.
Alahtn wClwo, adj. tongue-tied,
AlAgbatA, n. pedlar; hawker; heavy tongued.
petty trader; vendor. AlAi, a prefix signifying " one
AlAgbat1 . . n. a horse dealer. or that which does not."
AlAgba~, n. nurse; foster parent ; AlaibaDoj" adj. not sorrowful.
instructor. Alaibtr', adj. not begun.
AlaIbe, n. a beggar.-e.g.,Alagbe Alaibtra. adj. fearless, dauntless,
kC) kU Ii QYQ, " A beggar undismayed.
never perishes from want ul Alaibfl'U QlqraD, adj. fearless of
Qyy:' God, ungodly.
AlAgbedA, n. one who buys AlaidA, adj. unsound; unwell;
on credit and eludes his unceasing; unreleased; not
creditor; a olever rogue. thrown down; unpaid; not
AlAgb6gbA, n. the neighbourhood ; flashing; unbroken.
a neighbour, living on the A1iidi Diji, adj. not frightened.
next land or farm. Alaidarayi, n. dullness; lack of
AlaIbere, n. 1m immoderate cheerfulness.
fellow; one who does acta Alaide, adj. unfettered; un-
of supererogation. bound; loose.
AlAgbtd\!, n. a smith who works Alaidi, adj. untied.
in either gold, silver, lead AlaidorikodO, adj. cheerful.
or iron. Alaid6r6 (-lokan), n. one who
AlaIbtd\l-&btr', n. a needle- is unsteady; lacking in
maker. stability; visionary.
AlaIbtdt-babi, n. a copper- AWIA, adj. not sluggish; un-
smith. slothful.
AlaIbtdt-ladaka. n. a silver· AWlt adj. unwillinS ; unloving;
smith. not winnowed.
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AJaif" adj. not expansive; con- Alailijo, n. without anxiety•

.fined. solicitude, carefulness, inter-
Alaiflyesf, n. neglect in attention. est, Bttem}Jt or zeal.
Alaifly8siojo, adj. datel_; AlailakOlO, n. want of govern-
unru..ted. ment.
AJaif6, adj'. not doating ; AIai1iIA, n. lack of limit or end;
drowning. boundless.
Alaifo, adj. one unable to dy. Alailinfl, adj. hard-hearted; un-
See Aifa. feeling; merciless.
AJaifoiya, adj. fearl_; daunt- Alaile, n. lack of solidity.
less. strength or firmness.
AJaif~, adj. unbroken. Alail6, n. lack of surplus.
Alaigbig~, n. unbeliever; Alailera, n. an infirm, impotent
incredulous person. person; an invalid.
AlaigbagbQ rara, n. a sceptic. AlAilere, adj. unprofitable; lID
Alaigba-iwa-Qlqrun gbO, n. an worthy.
atheist. Alaileri, adj. sainted; spotless.
Alaigbede, n. one who does Alail6s0, adj. fruitless; barren.
not understand another's Alail"" n. a just, sinless, or
language; a barbarian. righteous person.
Alaigbo, n. unripe. . AlaiItwa, n. uncomeliness ; with-
Alafgbojfdtm, n. discountenance. out beauty; ugliness.
AlaigbQdo, n. necessity; com- AlailohiriD, n. a bachelor.
pulsion. AlaiIoc1i, adj. fortless, defence-
AlaigbQrao, n. an inattentive, less.
heedless, obstinate, dis- AlaiIMi, adj. without contra-
obedient or unbelieving diction.
person. AlaiI6fln, adj. lawless.
Alaihuy6, adj. callow; unfledged. AlaiI~k9. n. spinster.
Alaijtun, n. lack of food. AlaiI6piD, tUlj. endless; want of
Alaijoko, n. non-residence; I'08t-
lessness. AlailM* n. an unwise or
ignorant person.
Alaikiyesi, n. non· observance ;
AlaiIomo, adj. childless.
~p6, adj. unthankful; un-
Alaik~, n. an unlearned or un-
instruct.ed person; an un-
Alailqw~ n. profaneness; devoid
built house.
of sanctity.
AlaikQla, adj. untattooed; un- Alaim~ n. one who does not
circumcised; unmarked.
understand; an ignorant
Alaiku, adj.immortal; unquench- one.
Alaim~, n. that which is not
Alaikim, adj. unmurmuring. clean; a filthy. polluted
AlailabaWQD, AlaibUkUD, adj. thing.
spotless; blameless. Alaim~QloraD. n. an infidel.
AlaiIAbUktm, adj. unblest. Alaim~e. adj. unlearned ;
AlailAdUD, adj. unsweetened. illiterate.

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AWmQyln, n. incivility; want Alaifododo, n. an unrighteous or
of respect. unjust person.
Alaimore, an unthankful .Alaiflitq, adj. unjust untrue;
person, one not valuing not acting uprightly.
kindness. Alait~~w~, n. that which is not
Alaimoye, n. one who has found or received.
no power of perception; Alaitcmbi, n. an unregenerate
a thoughtless, dull or
person bar·

Alaimu, or adj. uncaught.

Alaimu, n. or adj. not drinking.
Alaim1l1'&giri, n. a slovenly or
slothful person.
Alaini, a needy, indigent unworthy

or adj. orphan ;

Alainidi, n. cavil; having no end.

AlAjApa, It. a petty trader who
AlainifO eDia, n. or adj. philan·
generally purchases at one
and sells another
Alainigbagbq, n. faithless
small profit badger.
Al ajApa ~an li
Alainipo, a vagabond wan·
" A petty trader has
derer; out of a situation.
no flesh on her chest"
Alainireti, n. one who despairs ; (wears herself to a skeleton).
a hopeless person.
Alaje, n. one who performs trial
Alainir~, n. dissenter; non·
hy ordeal.
Alainirt, not Alai" one who
AlAj" a nickname given to
one's self.
Alaini roju, n. an apathetic
person; lack of sympathy.
Alajoki, n. a glutton.
Alainifo, n. an idler. Alajorun, n. a spendthrift.
Alajos~, n. one who publicly
AlairiII" employ. denies the private kindness
benefacter; un·
Alairiwi, an grateful person.
person. AlajOy6, n. one who eats to the
Alairoro, n. void of austerity. full; a gourmand.
Alairu, n. or adj. stagnation; Alijo, n. an anxious or zealous
want of motion.
~e, uncooked fellow·
Alaisi, who ceases bc ; or
absentee; n. sharer partici.
AlaiaQ, n. one who would not. pator.
speak. Al&k8kA worb~, n. an intruder.

ALA. 36

AWr6la, n. bad dreams. AJalaPQic1a, n. necromancer ;

Alakara, 11.baker, confectioner. magician; user of sloight-of-
~ n. lobster, crawfish, hand.
prawn. Alimi, n. a spy; the anxious or
AlAkitimp6. n. a cross·bow man. secret observation.
-e.g., AJAkAtA\mp6 oju ko Alimi, n. one having a mark.
Ie pa ~, .. He who has Alamq. n. guesser, conjecturer_
only his eye (brow) for a ~ rare, fl. owner of the best
cross·bow can never kill clay; a title of Qbatala.
an animal." ~i, n. concern; secret.-
Alake, n. the king of AkE'!, the e.g., AIamqr1ni tiri 1 .. How
capital of ~gba land, hence does that matter stand 1 "
the chief of the ~gba kings. AlimQriD, n. he whose name is
Alakekuru, n. contractor; one not mentioned but under-
who shortens; abbreviator. stood; so-and-so.--e.g.,
Alak61e, n. the head weaver.- Al6.mQrfn ~ kuro m ibi
e.g., Papa li 8e8 aWUI1W bi . yi, .. So-and-so has just
alakele, .. A noisy weaver left here."
who imitates Alakele." AlamgbA, Alima, n. a lizard.-
Alakesi, n. a visitor. e.g., Oko nla fie alamgba.
Alak6tu, n. the king of Ketu. p~llfI~n; 0 ni b~ Ii ~ti 0 ju
AlakoIt. 11. a small bird which ni ly ~ ni, .. A large stone
lives on figs. (being thrown) crushed.
AlAkttt. n. a hatter. the lizard. It said, 'So
AliIdIl, n. a ragged person. one who is stronger than
AlAkiy6li jgbA, n. an observer another is accustomed to
of time. act towards him.' "
Alakoji, 11. an achiever. Alimtl tekere, n. an eft; a kind
Alakoiq, Alakojopq, n. collector; of lizard.
gatherer; accumulator. AlaDabli6. n. a spendthrift.
.AlAk6r6, 11. reaper, harvester. AlbiyAD, n. a solicitol1s, anxious
AlakOlO. 11. master; ruler ; person; one whose mind is
controller; restrainer; presi- distw·bed about the issue
dent; guide. of things.
Alakotl, 11. a disobedient person. Alan"". AlantakuD, n. a spider
AlAkoto, n. a bride who has lost --e.g., Alantakun, bi yio ba
her virginity. Q ja, a ta ka Q, .. When the
Alakqbtrt. n. a beginner. spider intends to attack
AlAkqri, 11. an unfortunate you, he surrounds you with
person. his web."
AlakQliD, n. singer; musician. AlantakUn DIa, n. a tarantul,,;
Alak9tt. n. a kind of small snail. also called Alaworo ~.
Alakua, n. half; part of a thing AlIaa, n. a merciful or gracious
added. person.
AWa, n. a dreamer. Alip1, n. broken pieces of old
AlAle&A, 11. a retailer of small mud walls; ruins; bricks;
articles or fruit. rubbish.

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AlA... n. frioassee.-e.g., Ta AIAro~ n. a petty trader; a

aIapi\ fun mi, " Prepare a middleman; commission
fricassee for me." agent.
A1APAkb. n. a timber merchant. AJArokj, n. a promulgator.
Alapandtd" n. the swallow. Aliroko, n. farmer; tiller;
A1ApatA, n. Ii butcher.--e.g., agriculturist; peasant.
Alapata ko mljl iN ~ran, Al6rc)y6, n. great talker; com-
"The butcher pays no phUnant;reasoner;~;
regard to the breed of bully.
animals." AlIru, n. carrier, bearer of
A1Ap6j" n. one who invites to a burdens, porter.
feast; the host. AIIn\kiri ()jA tftA, n. a pedlar.
A1APir,. n. a describer. Alanm, n. a sick person; an
A1ApOlu, n. a compounder, an invalid.
apothecary. AlaD, n. a saddler.
Alipqn, n. one who takes pains ; AlAIl, n. the owner of a shield.
a careful laboriollB person. AJil6,n.cook,publioan,painter.
AlipqD iwe, n. a student. AJil6tl 0Djf, n. a dealer in
Alara oJllDira, n. a free person. ccoked provisions, one who
AlArAbam, adj. containing divers cooks and sells food.
colours; variegated; multi- AJuq. n. a talker.
coloured. ~ n. a quarrelsome person;
Alaraj" n. a purchaser for family a brawler.
use; one having no farm.- AIuqclm.. flo an exaggerator.
e.g., Alaraj~ ko mljl ¢un, a AJuqttlf, flo a prediotor, "
Ii ~ii ta bi igi, .. A man of prophet.
the town knows nothing of Aluqye, n. expositor; annotator;
seasons for planting, yet annotation; preacher.
the yam he buys must AlUutA, n. a retailer of liquids.
always be large." Alqa, n. a title; cal'tain of
AJArbte, n. a helper. inferior rank in the army.-
Alaretereke, n. rogue; double e.g., ~ alap, c)tlm w..
dealer; prevaricator. OBi al.. '.Second, third
AIaret()ja, n. a transgrElllBOr. and fourth ohief res-
AIareDl, an agent employed in peotively.)
arranging an engagement AJqi, ~ n. a doaler in
to marriage. snuil or tobacco.-e.g., Ko
A1iri, n. a dyed red cotton cloth si a.18IJar& ti ita igboku;
of African manufacture.- gbogbo nWljln ni ita oyin,
e.g., Alirl baba ~, " Alirl "No dealer in snuil likes
is the prince of decorations." to confEIBB she sells bad
AlArinjb, n. a dancer. tobacco, but all of them
AlAriDkA, AlAriDkiri, n. rover, profess to sell (tobacco as
wanderer, vagahond, sweet as) honey."
vagrant. ~, n. thinker; one who
AIariIa, n. one who flinohes. contemplated.
AIAr6, flo a dyer in blue; that ~An, n. elector; solioitor.
which has blue.
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AJateju. n. an obstinate, self· OW" n. mourner, one who

willed person.-e.g., AlaI!eju fasts.
~ ni i~, .. An obstinate A1Awtm6U, n. thatwhioh divides,
man BOOn falls into dis· or is divided into halves.
gra.ce." A1Aw~ n. one who purifil!@.
AJAteI6k6. n. one who goes to Alawflhq. n. a faithless or
ex_. . obstinate pt;r8On.
~f. n. a finisher. Alawib, n. wizard, sorcere··,
AWteP6, n. one who perfects a witch, tale-bearer, busy-
thing. body.
AJatenm. n. one who iniluenoee AlawfD, fl. a borrower.
another for evil; a pestilent AlawiD, n. one who buys on
fellow. credit.
Alaf*D. n. a finisher. A1AwiriD, n. see Alawika.
_t, n. officer, ruler, headman, A1Awb'6, n. onc who explains &
preceptor, commander. matter perfectly; one who
AlAtthiDd6 oku, n. an executor. imparts.
Alafib, adj. nomadio. A1Awlye, n. one who cannot
AlAtiao. n. one who speaks spoak intelligibly.
amiss. Alawo, n. a conjurer of spirits, a
Aluq, n. the owner or seller of heathen priest; also called
clothes; a weaver. QIQ8aDyin.-..g., Alawo Ii.
AlAfq irADtA, n. a salesman. ku, onH,cgun yio re Qrun,
A1Atakc\, n. an opponent. adahUJll!8 ko ni g~ ilo,
AlMUDDoko, n. a kind of grass- .. The conjurer of spirits
·hopper.-e.g., EIfU yio j~, will die, the medicine mall
elfu yio mu elfu yio lQ; niho will leave the world, how
li a1l.tAmpoko yio wQ? much more will an ordinary
.. The locust will eat, drink, person not; be left behind "
and go away, but where (c/., Death is common to RIll.
will the grasshopper conceal A1Aw6, n. one who possesses or
itself ! .. deals in china.
AlAte, n. a hatter. A1Aw~ n. that whicll has fonn,
AlAi" n. a kite·like fish whose
prickles are very poisonous.
shape, or colour.
A1Awq. n. a dealer in leather or
AlAif. n. a kind of pot; also hides; tanner; skinner;
called Agbada. currier.
AlAtBthiD, n. helper, supporter, AlawqflD, n. see Alifin.
upholder• A1A~ meji, n. having two
.AlAtuDfe, n. one who puts a colours.
matter right, as an agent, A1Aw~ J1IlIC), n. having many
mediator, umpire, refonner, coloU1"\l.
repairer. Ala~ n. a convert to any
~ De, n. a steward. religion; a proselyte.
Alawt n. that which breaks, or AIaya, n. a married man.
can be broken, into sections Alaya meji, n. a man with two
(as kola, or orange). wives.

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Aliyan, n. one who takes pains, Al6gb6, n. that which is worn out.
a persevering persistent Alogbo"akun, worn thread.
one. bare.
Alayan, n. a Al6hlinsi, Al~lhUDII(irO, n. a
.AlAyam~, n. elector, selector. one having a voice in a
Alayanj\l, n. a cheat, an inferior mat.ter.
person. Aloku, adj. second.hand; not
Aliye, n. alive, living. . new; used.
A1Ayi, demo this, this one. Alongo, n. legged troUSI'I'S.
n. a plant, which makes Alop~, n. which lasts
strong, hard stiff. endures.
Al6, n. a concubine. Alore, n. a look·out; gibbet;
.116, n. leprosy; a talisman put spy; watch; spire; beacon.
on goods exposed for sale,
fruitful trees, etc., to pre·
Aloal, n. a left·handed person.
vent from being , Aloya, n. that which is worn
tampered It is wear tsar.
believed the talisman AlO, n. furbisher, polisher,
will cause misfortune to grinder.
befall anyone who steals Al~, n. a riddle; an enigma; a
goods thus marked. puzzle.
Alebu, n. evil treatment, unjust Alq, n. goings; departure.
usage, scar blemish. Alo, n. a
Al'f~ n. an a chilblain. called .ag'",U<Jl..n.
Al6lbA. n. an t\UlI{t\W1r. n. a wanring.-e.g., ,e
Alejo, n. guest, stranger, visitor, 0.19 no. fun u t.o, ~ugbQn
foreigner, alien. ori kunkun ko j~ ki a gbQ
Al6mu, n. the act of chasing and t.emi, .. I warned him, but
capt~g. obstinacy would not let
(-jade), him
gives chase. Alqgi, n. a a com·grinder.
Alepa, n. a ono who AlOl~k" boad·maker,
gives chase, a prosecutor. bead.grinder.
All!f1ljade, n. an exorcist. Al~m~, n. that which is grafted
.AI\I, n. broom, besom. into a tree.
Al~, n. evening, eventide. ~nil~wqgbili, an extortioner,
Aligarima, n. spirited horse. extorter. wrestler.
Alikama, n. also written AlQtUDiOsi, one ablEl to
Alukama. both hands equally
.AlkilAmu, n. see Kalamu. ambidexter.
Al-Kurani, n. The Koran. AlubAra, n. a beater; a bat·like
AImagaji (or Alu-), n. scissors, cudgel used for beating and
nippers. Blnoothing the floor
n. a district flame of fire house
combustion. Alublta, n. who
Al6gb6, n. a kind of phy81ca.l the drum called batao
exercise; somersault. AlubQsa, n. onion; leek.

A1a4mut6D. R. a drummer who of t·he forearms, feet, face

U8e8 the drum oalled dun· and mouth of the Moham·
dun. medans before prayer ;
A1a4uru, flo fiddler. harpist. a.blution.
lyrist. organist. AmI, a particle denoting habit
!lUll, n. a moulvie; a priest; or custom, used with verbs.
eoolosiastio ; olergyman ; ---e.g., IWQ ami lQ, "You
presbyter. used to go."
A1uflD, n. a oriminal, a prisoner. Am1IA, R. an interpreter of
A1ugq. n. a thief who orouches dreams.
in hiding. Am1IA, n. food made of yam
A1ugba, n. the frame on which dour.
the door closes. AmI,6, parl. being oalled,
A1ugbi, n. a beater of the aooustomed to be oalled.
calabash drum. AmlJosi, Am~t6rf, conj. what.
A1ugbiD, n. a beater of the drum else.
dedioated to Qbatala. Am..... n. a judge of beauty.
Alai.. n. perforation. Ami, n. sign; omen; token;
A1aJrama. Alikama, n. wheat. indication; badgE. ; im·
!lakiwADf, n. promise, agree. pression; visage; note;
ment, bargain. mole.
A1akemb6, n. a 8tirrup.~e.g., Ami, R. scout; spy ; emissary.
Alukembu baba aaa, .. The Ami-abakUD, n. a brand. a dis·
stirrup is the father of the grace.
saddle." Ami-alOl'8, n. a beacon, a spire.
Alaki, n. a slender prickly plant. Ami-...... R. a stigma, a brand.
-e.g., Bi ina jo oko a h9wQ Ami-iblr6, R. a note of inter.
fun aluki, .. When fire burna rogation (1).
tho bush it avoids the Ami-ibi, n. a porten~; an omen.
• aluld.'" (A superstition.) Ami idaro or iIimi, R. comma (,)•
A16ki, n. an unintercepted blow semi-oolon (;), oolon (:),
or knock. full stop (.); paU8e8 or rests
A16k6, n. a species of woodcock. in musio.
A1ak6l6, n. a beater of the drum AmfkAD, n. a sigh.
oalled koso. AmiD, n. Amen, 80 be it.
!lam~wf, n. cunning, orafti· Ami 0,8, R. sceptre; staff ; sign
ness, shrewdness. of royalty.
AlaDi, n. a smiter, a beater. Ami ~ n. discrimination.
A1UDipa, R. an executioner, an Ambit. R. a shaking together.
assas!!in. Amilf, R. a bl'6&thiDg into.
A16..ia1, R. sleight.of·hand, Am6di. R. fever; slight sickness ;
deception, necromancy; a indisposition.
plant. AmoflD, n. a lawyer; one who
A11\I6, n. a spring look or padlock. knows and professes the
Alum, flo damage, distress, law; a jurist.
misfortune. Amoban ,1101110. R. adj. aU·
A11\wAIi, A1wA1i, n. the washiDg knowing.

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AMO 41

Amohuntobi, n. magnifier. cool; tank; filter; water

Am6j6ktarO, that which is cooler.
be overlooked. Am'll, n.
Amokun, n. da mi rara,
Am61e, n. a thief·catcher. put me to confusion."
AmOre, n. a grateful person; Amu'bi, n. means; opportunity;
one who feels and acknow- that which is brought to
ledges kindness. one.
n, clay, AmubiDa, fiery.
n. a builder. AmUdi, n. of seizing
Hausa, but; for debt iucurred by
written Sma. family or neighbour; a
AmOdi, n. one who knows the hostage for debt. (See
C8U&3 of the affair. ~mu.)
Am~fm, fl., next year; a return Amtaga, n. fork.
of the season. Amuje, n. under trial
Amqii, n. a conjecture. ordeal.
AmqkOkO,n. of earthen Amuj~, n. medicinal plant.
pots; potter.
Amuj~ W\lw\I, n. a medicinal
Am~m~tan, n. imperfect know·
plant with very small leaves ;
used for healing swellings
AmOna. n. guide; leader; con·
or tumours.
Am'\lin8, n. booty; plunder. Hence Amukan, lIorrel.
Amukoko, IImoker.
jama Ijli' am9ua), to plundor,
Amul~, n. a conspirator.
or soldiers who plunder.
Amul\lpa, n. an assassin.
AmOp6, ccmj. although, notwith·
standing, though, then. Am61UmAlA, n. intermixture;
AmOrAn, n. knowing person
Amtmi, n. ceptor; one
a counsellor._.g., Am9r&n
influences another.
9 ran, "
AmUDibinU,n.one who provokes,
sets matters
vexes or teases.
AmUDil\!fu, n. kidnapper: slave
Am~wO, n. an astronomer, an
AmUDim6.ye, n. mesmerism.
Am~ro, n. tidy person.
Am~e, n. wilfulness obstinacy, Amu-omi,
AmOtAn, n. pretended knowledge. Amu-ofln-"
Am~tan, n. an hil!ltorian. Amipad~
Am~ttkfm, n. species of leopard ; tution.
panther. Amupara,n.drunkenness: drink·
Am~~~, n. foreknowledge; ing to stupefaction.
previous Amira, n. who prepares
Amqw6, n. man; an event occurrenes.
soholar ; IItudent. AmflrAn, hock used by
Amo, n. a large water pot set tailors to hold cloth when
in the house to keep water sewing.

Amme, n. girdle; Anperi, n. so-arid·so.

kind of lizard. Ji:niti anperi na wa, " So-
Am~, n. see Ql9kq. and-so came here." (Used
Amu.a.a, n. II. lavisher, a squan- to avoid mentioning the
derer. name.)
bun, n. issue; ultimate Ann, n. pity; compassion;
product. clemency; leniency; mercy.
Amflya, n. seizure of goods in Antet6, n. flo cricket.-e.!J.,Antete
lieu of debt. do. yAnpan
n. yesterday. "The antete
n. parents or """,,,','11121>1 and confusion.
wife or husband, Api, n. arm;
by marriage. pinion; department;
llniDlQ, n. sweet potato side.
called " odimkUn. ApA, n. a prodigal; wasteful
.AndQlA, n. a plaything; trifling. person; pack rope; the
-e.g., M8lIe fi 9ran yi ~ string of a drum; a roll;
andqla, " Do not trifle with load.
this matter." Api, (-iDli), n. mark; sign;
Amini, n. advantage; ease; impression ; scar; trace.
convenience; benefit; gain ; Apa &119, n. a sleeve.
fruition; license; liberty; Apa tlY", n. a bird's
profit; interest emolu-
ment.-e.g., Ko
Apa odD, n. an estuary.
.. It'id not easy. Apa ogun, n. wing
n.angE>1. Apa oju, n. a scsr
conj. or adv. eVlm after a wound.
manner. Apa (a)tara, n.
llnfAni, n. doubt; uncertainty. (uncut).
Anid6piD, n. complete possession. Apadafehin, n. a backslider; an
Anf-~ pro. you yourselves; apostate.
eV03n you; you (emphatic). Apidi, n. a fragment, a potsherd.
AnUe, n. a flattering title; also -e.g., A ri ti ~ni m9 wi a fi
called " Orikl." apaw bo ~ m91~, "He
AnUa. or ADileke, n. superfluity; who see another's fault
superabundance. knows well
Anikanj", n. a recluse about it; but
or beast that avoids own with a
AnikAnjoPOn, n. a selfish e.!1., Apadi
AninilAra, n. an oppressor. Joju, " Nothing
Anip6, n. being rich in everything. sherd can face
Annan, n. perfection Apigun, n. an antidote
pJetion; full possession. infectant.
Aniyan, n. carefulness; anxiety; Apaka (-baba), n. a thresher (-of
care. red Guinea com).
Anfyin, n. a famous or honour- Apakan, n. or adu. nook;
able person. portion; aside.
APA 43 AP~

Apakan iwe, n. a "ide or page of Apari or Apari ,j~, n. It settler of

a book. matters or disputes; a
ApAk6, n. board; plank; door. decider.
ApAko, n. the bamboo. Also AJuO. n. the partridge.-e.g.,
called Qpa. ~nu li apare ti npe Qra, a
Apala, n. gourd; vegetable ni klld QrB., kilt!. QrB, .. With
marrow; cucumber. its mouth the partridge
ApaI6.ra. n. detriment; hurt ; proclaims its fatness, it
injury. says (i.e., its cry is) nothing
Apalq, n. a riddle maker; an but fat, nothing but fat.. "
enigmatist.---e.g., AptUQ pa Aparun, n. a cane; hair de-
tita, .. He who makes a stroyer.
trade of telling ridtUes." Aparun, n. a destroyer; ono who
Apal6, n. &. massacl't'. utterly destroys or anni-
Apam~ n. or adj. keeping; hilates.
observing: "small hand- ApatA, add. meat offered for sale.
bag made of grass used Apata, n. shield; buekler.-e.g.,
chiedy by women. Apata ri iku k\lhin si, apata
Apui or Apaaia, n. murderer; ni igba 'ni logun, .. When a
executioner; destroyer ; shield sees death it (does
killer ; hunter; 8Il8888in ; not dy from it, but) turns
homicide. its outside Ilil. back) to meet
Apaoij" n. cannibal; man-eater. it; a shield is a protection
ApiDilafyi, n. a bully. in the front of the battle."
Apaailara, fl. a mischief-maker, Apita, n. rock.
one who does injury. Apatl, n. that which is thrown
Ap&Dil;riD. n. one who excites to away or put aside.
laughter, a clown. Apej, an, n. a feast; banquet.
ApaairaD, n. one who destroys ApejfUD, ro. a guest; the act of
utterly. osting with one anothor.
Apjp6Dc1idi, Aplphdodo, n. Ap6jt, n. toothache; medicine.
main force; persevering Ap6jq, n. an assembly, a meeting,
effort. a throng, a crowd.
Apa-ohun-mq, n. keeper; se- Apeiq iroDu, n. a solcnm
crater. assembly.
A~, n. the total in reckoning ; Ap6jnwe, n. sign; mark; direc-
sum total. tion ; pattern; sample.-
Apiri, n. barrenness. e.g., Apejuwe Ii alagb¢\l
Apiri, n. raillery; lampoon; irq, or Apejuwe li Qn& ~,
carieature; jest; mockery. .. The smith or artisan
Apiri, n. one who frequents. always follows the pattern."
Apart. n. def&Ctlment; abro- Ap616, n. that which is added ;
gation; obliteration; aboli- surname.
tion. ApiDa, n. the act of stretching;
ApArt, n. a bald one.--e.g., Apart pins on which spun cotton
fi oju di abt:, .. A bald- is wound for sale; title of
headed person does not care o~~ who calls an assembly.
for a razor."
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ApeniI,jq, n. accuser; plaintiff; closes the mouth of his

complainant. ~."
Ap.1I (oGlj,), n. one who pro· Ap6, n. a quiver.
vides or supplies \victualler, Apc)8D, Apokiri, n. the chief of
caterer). the archers.
Ap6sf, n. an assembly. Apohfmmo. n. keeper; one who
Ap6sl, 1&. a title of honour among secretes.
the 0l6gbilni. Apo ir9ri. n. a pillow·_.
Ap"" n. a gleaner. Apo . . . n. a tinder and flint
ApMa, n. carbuncle. bag; bag containing fire
APt. n. a Yoruba pot used aa a apparatus.
saucepan. Ap6-i~ n. the bladder.
Apt, n. a clapping of the hands. Ap6 iw6, n. a letter bag;
Aptin, n. a fowler. envelope; paper bag.
Ap,ia, n. a fisherman. Apoko, n. a mower.
APir" n. a sign; direction; Ap61i, n. a log; a piece of wood.
shape; pattern; token; Apolowilgun, u. one who adver·
sample; description; speci. tises medicines for sale.
men.-e.g., Di~ di~ Ii i!. Apolowo qia, n. a crier of goods
mQ ap~, .. By degrees one for sale; an advertiser.
understands a sign." Ap6-1uku, n. tripe.
APtrt, n. a basket; also called ApODIa, n. a~. \
agb 9n • Ap6p6, n. a piece; pod.-e.g.,
APor, agbara, n. an instance; Ap6p6 &ran, .. A piece of
influence. velvat."-e.g., Apapa obi,
APor, aiye, n. the globe. .. A pod of kola nut."
Apfl" iflyesi, n. a signal. AporjD. n. a smelter of iron.
Ap,m, n. relics; remaills. AJoro, n. a furrow; a walk
ApjI"e, n. add. first production; between cultivated beds in .
original ; not previously a farm or garden.
done. AJor6, n. antidote against a
Apll"" n. a beginner. poisonous arrow.

Apfntf, n. a kind of drum. Apoti, n. bench; form; stool;
Apfnyl, n. a separator; that box; chair; chest; seat;
which divides paths.
Apiwq, n. an antidote. AtM. IfUIl, n. a snuff box.
Apirqrq, n. one who pretends to Ap6tf awq, n. portmanteau;
be faat aaleep; one who leather box.
shams.-e.g., Jidllti 0 sUn Ii Apbtf frf, n. the Ark of the
i!. ji. a ki iji apirQrQ, .. It is Covenant.
eaay to wake a sleeper, but Ap6tf Jtura, n. treaaury ; trcaaure
one who pretends cannot box.
easily be waked." Ap6tf itil" n. a footstool
APb't. n. a plunderer of farms. AtM' iwe, n. letter box or pillRr
Ap6, n. bag; pocket; knap. box.
sack.-e.g., Ijaj~ enia ko di Apoti oniwe, n. a ClVdboard box.
~nu apll, .. A rascal never Apow6m6, n. cashier; treasurer.
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APe) 45 ARA
~ n. an idiot. fashion is this 1 "-e.g., Ara
A*" n. ono who mixes paiut. mi nibfi' ko kere, .. I have
been going th6l"6frequentIy:'
APOjt. n. the cud.-e.g., J'i'
apQj~, .. To chew the cud." ArAbi, n. the cotton tree.-e.g.•
Araba nIa qmq a gb~
Apww\, 1&. the gl-ea.ter part; gbAke. .. A large araba
abundance; super"bun.
receives the handle and the
axe together."
A* n. or adj. a bachelor; an
Arabib6, n. an oath.
unmarried person.
AribiriD, n. a female relative;
Ap~ n. the fruit of the wild
mango tree called Oro, very
ArabiriD baba, n. an aunt on the
slimy when ground and
father's side.
mixed with water; used
for .. palaver sauce." ArabiriD iya, fl. an aunt on the
mother's side.
Apqa. n. l'68tlflssncss; busy here AnbiriD iJekaD, n. a female
and there; assiduity; indus-
relative on the mother's
try ; diligence; persistence.
A* n. a bird with a red beak.
AnbiriD qbakaD. n. a female
APQDJDitA, n. a drawer ot water relative on the father's side.
to sell; a water-seller. Ar6.dA, v.t. to be well; to
A~, n. a cajoler; a wheedler; recover; to be clear.---e.g.,
a flatterer. Ara mi da., .. I am well or I
ApC)llliD, n. one who whets or am clear (of blame, etc.)"
sharpen..,. Also used to express dis·
Ara, n. a body; a member; a appointment.-e.g., Ara da.
limb; kind; kin; trunk; 9, .. You are disappointed,"
matter; substance; hulk. or .. Your expectation or
--e.g., ArB. r~ ni, .. This is hope failit."
its kind, or the same kind." Arada, an oxpression used to
Ara, n. relative; relation; kin- express approbation at
dred; inhabitant; brethren. another's disappointment or
-e.g., Emi ko ri ani mi, failure, as Ara da 9, .. It
.. I do not see my relative." servt.'8 YOll right," or" YOll
-e.g., Jilnyin ara mi, .. My deserve it."
dear brethren." Aridado ilO, Ata erekutu, n. an
ArB, n. thunder.--f'.g., Ara islander.
san lana, .. It thundered ~ adj. by fifties, same 8S
yesterd&.y. " idqtQt&.
ArB, n. a bird.-e.g., J:: IIl8oIj6 pa An \IftUl, n. flesh.
fi'iY'i' ti ijt> ani, .. Do not kill An lbekan, v.t. to feel soreness
the bird called ara." or pain.-e.g.. Ara mi
Ala, adv. at all; contraction of gbekan, .. I feel sore."
rara.. An ibilauml, n. a co-inhabit&Jlt.
An, n. fashion; custom; form; An iwaju, n. one going before ;
repetition of journeys.-e.g., a pred6Cl!8ll0r.
Ara kill eyi? .. What Aftj6, n. a traveller.

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Arik~ n. a male relative; secretly committed a crime-

brothAr. supposes others are talking
ArakQDriD ljQbf, n. a nephew. of him; a person who
For othor relatives see does wrong secretly m.1St
" .Ara.birin." eveI' be uneasy."
Arakqya, n. weariness caused by AraImilQWQ. n. helper; assistant.
pain or sufiering. contributor.
Arale, n. ono bP.longing to house AraDkan, n. malice; malignity.
or family; an inmate. enmity.
Arileto, n. a villager. 'AranmQju ~ n. full moon.
Aril(l, n. an inhabitant of a Admn6, n. catching; infectious ;
place or country. contagious.
Arilu, n. a countryman, inhabi. Arlnm6, n. one who cannot;
tant of a town or countlY. speolk: clearly; having a.
--e.!]., Arilu mi ni, " He is diseased nose.
my fellow.countryman." ArlDfo, n. communication; help.
ArAbi, n. wholesale purchase. AraIIfQ. n. a tailor.
ArilukaDDa, n. a townsman. ArlDw6, n. a spinner.
Arilumiran. n. a foreigner. Ara-oko. n. one who lives in a.
ArimAdur6, n. one who is slow countlY place ; farmer;
and sure. (Taken from bushman; used oontempt.
JEsop's Fabio of Hare and uously; c/. clodhopper.
Tortoise,) Mara, adv. same a!l ara.
Aramim~t. adj. weatherbeaten. AdrA, n. a diminutive person;
AramQri. n. a kind of close dwarf; pigmy.
countlY cap. Arart. pron. himself.--e.g., On Ii
Aran, n. velvet.--e.g., Aran ni o ,e arar~, .. It is he who
ipari 9~9, .. Velvet gives a injured himself."
finish to dress." Arar(l, pron. thyself.--e.g., lw9-
Aran, n. decay of mental Ii 0 ~e Rl"a~, .. Thou haIIt
faculties through old age: undone thyself."
deliriwn; dotage; a dotard. Arlrfm, adj. by fives; five in a.
-e.g., Baba ~e Bran, company.
" The father is a dotard.." Arawo, n. a carnivorous bird.
Arlo, n. worms in man or beast. Araya. ,.,. liveliness.
Aran, n. a kind of fruit from a Are, n. right in disputc.
palm tree; dates. Ar6. n. a foreigner without
Aranbltl, n. a shoemaker. relatives.
ArandliD, n. a lie; fiotion; tales. Ar6, n. play; ocoupation or
Aranfu, v.i., to be uneasy under exercise of any kind to
the sense of wrong doing; afford pleasure or diversion
to be lIuspicious.--e.g., ~ as distinct from work.
9ran ik9k9 IfIlbi on Ii a Properly EnS, but Are is
mbawi; • buruku 0 ku much used in oonversation
sri ifu (or ara nfa ~niti 0 IfIl though nevor in writing.
buburu), .. Ho who has Arede, n. vagrancy.

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ARE 47 ARt
Ara6rat6, Araend&, n. dis· Arifl, n. anything very hot.-
honesty; double.dealing; e.g., D~nge tutu l~hin 0
unfairness; perversity; ngbona ni inu bi arlfi,
roguery; CunningnClSS; art· .. Though the pap is cold on
fulness; wilines'il; subtlety. the surface, yet the inside
ArekuDda, n. deceit. is very hot."
Ar6re, n. perfect silence; still· Arihungbogbo, adj. all·seeing.
ness. Arijagbi, n. one who is fond of
Arere, n. a tree, the wood of fighting.
which is used for vlanks. Arim(l, n. that which is seen or
Ar\l, n. contraction of ~ka. viewed for the last time.
kanfo, which see. AriD, n. middle; centre;
Ar", n. eldership; the state medium; mean.
of being older; chief; Ariniy~, n. one who gives a
principal; first in rank.- wl'lcome.
e.g., Mo l1e 8.1V iWQ, " I am Arinj6, n. a dance, similar to
older than you." a cakewalk.
Ar" n. fatigue; weakness ; Arinjo, n. a t.raveller.
languor; weariness.-e.g., Arink&, n. rheumatism.
Ar~ mu mi," I am weary." Arinkiri, n. wandering about;
Ar\ldu. n. a heavy blue·dyed roaming.
cloth. Arinkiri, n. a wanderer; one
Artlilqwq, n. one who prunes who roams.
trees; gardener. Arinko, n. chance; exact time.
Ar\lkakanfo, n. a general; the Arinnf, n. raillery; sarcasm;
commander of an army; satire; scoff; gibe; flout.
field marshal. ArinnA, n. a traveller; a.
Ar,mq. n. t,he eldest child, male pilgrim.
or female. AriD-qjq, n. noon-day; noon·
Ar\lni, n. one who comforts or tide.
consoles. Arin riDhun rAnhun, II. a.
Arenii\l, n. cheater; defrauder; straggler.
swindler. Arinyfka, n. circulation; one
ArtD,u, n. anything that is cut who circulates.
off and rejected. ArirA, n. literally thunder, often
Ar"",bosun, n. a small bird used with bi, as " bi Mira,"
with red feathers; also meaning" as thunder." c/.
called Itu, and, in Ij~bu, Ara.
LUkutu. Aris&. n. fright;terror; dread;
Ari, n. one who sees or finds. apparition.
Aribanij\l, n. a time-server; a Ar1wi, n. north.
hireling. Ariwo, n. noise; uproar; brawl;
.Aridan, n. a tree whose fruit is broil; bustle; outbreak;
much used in medicine for clamour; tumult; riot;
babies. hue; faction; disturbance.
Aridiji, n. fright; terror; Ar1ri, n. joy; gladness; merri.
apparition. ment.

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ARt ARc)

Arfy~ n. welcome; gladness. Arona-. n. one who worries

Aro. n. a hearth; a fire place; himself into sickness.
three lumps of clay set to Aropq. Arolu, n. arithmetic.
support a vessel ovar a fire. AropodClliri, no a pillar of mud,
-e.g., Ara ki ~ ki 0 m& stone or brick.
89, "The hearth does not Ar6sq. n. a rumour; a whim;
alwaY£ bear its load, it will an invented· tale.
put it down." (i.e., Sooner Arotq. n. a wrapper.
or later matters will mend.) ArMA, n. slaves belonging to the
Ar6. n. blue dye. same master; brothers or
Ar6 (alll), n. storehouse; barn; sisters by slavery.
garner; a granary built in Ar6n. n. stem.board, a canoe·
t.be shape of an inverted man's term.
funnel. AroJe, n. axplanation; com·
Arb, ". the act of working for plaint; excuse; debate ;
each other by term. A reasoning; plea. ; expostula-
custom prevails among tion; advocacy ; allegation,
farmers that a.ll combine controversy; loquad.ousness.
for certain work. and AroJe-6c1i, n. a wrangler.
together visit one another's Arq. n. one having 8 withered
farms in turn to do it. limb; 8 cripple.
Aro, n. cymbals. ~ n. a kind of calabash used
Ar6. no a title of bonour among as 8 quiver by hunters.
statesmen. ~ n. a fish much used in idol
Ar6~ no a petty tale; a go· worship.
between. Ali. 'n. change, exchange.
~ no whim; humour ; Ali. n. contraction of oWlll'9;
satire; wit. morning; daybreak.
Ar6hiD, n. advertiser, story. Arq. n. a sma.ll bird with glossy
teller; newsmonger; narra· blue feathers; 8 funnel.
tor. ~ no smithy, smithory; tho
Aroi", no a place for refresh· god of smithery.-c.g., 0
ment; a market place on nk9ja 19 laiki ar9. 0 ko
tbe road where travellers bere bi oju 8d& ~ ba ku.
halt; a station. " You are passing without
Ar6j6ku, n. a shrub, the leaf of saluting the smithy, forget
which is much U86Ci for not that your • ada' will
leprosy. one day need sharpening."
Ar6Jm: n. the business of a news· ~b6d.. n. smithery.
monger. Artj6., n. strictneas.--e.g.• Ar9ju
Ariaku. n. redection on painful diI ni Ii awln 9ja, san ju
occurrences. arqju sin ni lowo 19.
Aroko, n. the overseer or head " Strictness in refUlling to
servant of a farm; a farmer ; give out goods on credit, is
one who tills the ground. far better than strictness
Ar6I6, n. heir; inheritor. in forcing the payment."

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ARQ 49 AsA

ArQkiD, n. one who tells ancient order; malady; illness ;

stories profession. complaint failing;
4rQlr6rO. n. rains of pest.
season. Arb-adi" disease of
Arqui. n. a fairy; an elf I Arunc1ilogun, ad}. fifteen. Sec
supposed to have only one Ji:dogun.
leg, but very clever in the Arb igbinflkUn, n. inflamma-
knowledge of medicine. tion.
n. Arb igir! n. hysterics
presses hysteria.
A1I\)PC}. n. ArUnm6k~, one who
another, who tako'l over or stirs up.
from another or is placed Arunj~ n. a shrub used as
in another's position. medicine for the eyes; its
Aro, n. the business of a carrier; fruit is not edible.
luggage ean·ied. ArunDi, destroyer
ArildA, adj. preceded waster.
by ArUktm: accept· Arun oju, disease
able, propitiatory, perfect, cyes, ophthalmia.
sufficient (in sacrifices).- Arm Qdun, n. the fifth month of
e.g., Ji:by BrUkim BrUdA, tho year.
" A perfect and ,mfficient Arunfu, diarrhrea with
sacrifice. stomach ache.
ArUfln. n. prisoner; a law· Artmtu. n. charm; a
breaker. chewed, which a
ArilgbO, n. an old person; a. is pronounced; this is
grey beard. believed to be the origin of
Arugborugbo, adj. very old; insanity.
full of days aged. Arunwq, currier.
n. a. carrier. Aruwa, just now.-e.g.,
ArUW8 nil,) niyi,
ArukQ, n. the of a hoe.
are j WIt going."
.Arikun, n. or adj. rising to full· As&, n. a saddle; a side saddle.
ness as water in a well; !sa, n. a weaver's instrwnent,
fullness; full ; perfect. the batten or lay with
See " Ar(lda." which the
ArUioju, n. of clearne!!il Aa1, n.
foulness mustiness ; performance festivity.
not cleaNlighted; a matter As&, n. a a defenoe ;
that will not bear investi· buckler; a word uttered
gation. by Tetu, the officer of the
Ar6lu, n. a disturber of the town. peace, when he arrests a
Ariliu, n. which is man noo·payment
turbed mixed together. king's
Arfm, n. adj. !sAbA, n. of placing
Arun, n. disease; sickness l self under another's pro-
ailment; distemper; dis- tection.

Adl8D, n. charmer; dootor ; Ased& 9b~ li 0 nj~, .. He

talisman; operator. indulges in the habit of
Alaju, n. timidity; cowardice; emptying his soup pot at
shrinking; pUBillanimity. once."
AaiIA, n. an esoape; a fruit AsMan itttt. n. jelly; solidified
resembling the walnut. soup; also called Ascki.
AIal1\, n. having recourse to Aa6h8D, n. one who disappoint!!,
another for protection. or is unreliable; perfidious.
AIalu, n. a title of honour among Ase ijq, n. &feast for an assembly.
the Ogboni people. Aae itMbt. n. a banquet.
AIaD, n. vain; empty; void; Ale iyawo, n. a marri8.6e feast.
AlaDb" n. one who is armed
As6j" n. cooked medioine.
with knives. Asej6, n. burnt or overdone soup.
AlADd8, n. one girded with a Aseki, n. BOO AsedUn lk~t~.
sword. Aseko, n. time; hour.-e.g.,
Aanj1\, n. being much better; . ASekb ewo Ii 0 wi, " What
only used comparatively. time or hour would you
Aaaule, n. overpayment. suggest."
AlaDw6, n. one who pays; a As~ n. confinement.
pay·clerk or a paymaster. As6m6, n. that which is nearly
AlaDw6 qba, n. a purser. caught and whioh escapes
Alapam~, n. an absconder, one with difficulty.
in hiding. Aa6DA. n. one who blocks the
A_d, n. a l'llJlJl8r; also called road.
" Asur~." Aam6, Aa6PQD, n. a barren
Alir6 lie, n. one who runs in a woman (a term of oontilmpt).
race. Ase ~ n. dinner; a daytime
Aa.r6, n. stew; pottage. feast.
AlAse, n. a cook ; one who gives Asepa, n. the last application of
a dmner. medioine to a. disease.
Aauf, n. refuge; shelter; place Aa6ao, n. that which is fruitful.
of defence. .Aset1, n. food cooked for sale;
AaulD, n. an unsteady person the keeper of Ii restaurant.
who forsakes his father to ABeti, n. a listener.
live with, and serve another.
Ase, fl. a feast, dinner, enter· Aat. n. a strainer for fluid; a
Ast, n. paint; colour; also called !a" n. see Ai,u,e.
Esp. !at, n. a large door; entrance;
Ale, n. an animal like the gate.
squirrel. Aa6n, n. see Asln.
Ale al" n. supper; an evening AatDi, n. one who disclaims
feast. knowledge of another.
Aa6b6, n. one who stumbles. AsiA, n. flag; ensign; l1anner.
Asw.. n. the act of emptying !aitf, n. good fortune, luck, or
the soup pot at once.~.g., success; prosperity.

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ASt 51 ASQ
Aim. n. a rat with a very !sopq, n. same as Asolu.
offensive odour; musk rat. ~ n. that which is hanged.
Its bite is said to be ~ n. wrangling; loquacious.
poisonous; also ~ or ness ; qllllorl'l.'>lling ; soolding ;
Aslm-in. squabble; controversy;
AaiDbO, 0011. genaraJIy preceded • affray; brawl; a1tt1roation.
by Asinwa; after all; in Aaqb6tibOti, n. a talker, a prarer.
the end; in conolusion; Asqda, n. the other side of the
finally; consequently. river.
AsiDgba. n. l'resents made to a AsqdliD, AIol6k6, n. exaggera·
king's messenger to be tion; hyperbole.
carried back to the king; Aaqgbl\, n. one engaged in making
oustom of l'assing on a wooden fenet>.
presents from town 1;1) town. Aaqj" n. lio; tale; fable:
AsiDgbl\,n.a pawn; an insolvent As9kA, n. same as Aroka.
dabtor who becomes the !a9ki. n. final settlement.
property of his oreditor; As9Iu, Asqpq, n. discuBBion;
also called Iwqfa. deliberation; communica·
AlfImij" n. a milnic. tion.
AaiJmiloua, n. safe conduct; ~Ora, n. adhesion of parts ;
convoy. agglutination.
AaiD.... n. the act of over· AIqDi, a prefix signifying one
working a subordinate. who causes, or one who
AliDrm. n. see Asin. pushes or makes another.
Alinri, n. same as Asingba. ~DidArAD, n. one who causes
AaiDwA, OOv. see Asinb9. another to offend against
AliDwiD, n. fool; idiot; mad· . or to break the law.
man; maniac. A8qDidiye, n. one who or that
Asodi, n. a wrangler. whioh quickens or makes
Aaoffiyoi', n. a kind of banyan alive.
tree, the fruit of which is Aaquija, n. one who ca1188S
ea.tarr by birds. another to fight.
AsOflD, n. law·giver. A8qDilorukq. n. nomenclator;
Asogbo, n. ripening (applied muoh used in a bad sense
only to fruits). for one who gives evil
~, n. a joiner. nioknames to others.
Asogtmr6, n. one who keeps the ~ n. a speaker, b talker.
enemy at bay. ~ODi-lthiD, n. a backbiter.
Aaolu or !somo. n. a binding _~tjt. AIOliktIt. n. a
together; hyphen (.). whisperer; a whisper.---E'.g.,
AsODA, n. a checker; in hunting, As9r9k,l, bojuwo )gb"ig~
one who keeps on thtl trail ki iro; ~niti a ba. 119 ni •
of the beast and thus iku pani, .. A whisperer
hinders its csoape. looks at the bush, the bush
!sopa, n. a knot of rope, thread tells no tales; he, to whom
or cord, that cannot be the tale is told, is the
unloosed. betrayer."
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ASQ 52

~"baDgba, n. an orator; a ko duro, nitori ti 0 m~ ohun

public speaker. ti on ~ ... The hawk having
AIqtA, no the business of a caught my chicken will not
professional speaker.-c.g., stay because it knows it has
lawyer. done wrong."
~ n. perfect speech. A.- (mia), n. vagabond; mean
As9tflt, n. agreement; bargain; fellow; villain.
divination; prophecy. Ati. n. oontraction of .AF8.,
~ti, n. unfini.!hed. speech. leaf or roll tobacco.
!s9t6D1q, n. the repetition of "'" n. a haa\'y 8pe8t" or javelin
words. used for killing elephants.
A8qw6rew6re, n. a babbler. AfadehllD, n. a bargainer; one
!s9y6, n. a reasoning; explana. who promises.
tion; annotation; gloss. Afl!ojadi, n. an impertinent-,
Al6bO, n. the gilding or silver- imperious person; impe-
plating with which another riousness.
metal is covered.. Atalbe, n. a beggar.
AI6Ie, n. a whistler. AfAguD, n. a rebel, a revolter.
A8UD, n. a sleeper. Atilo, n·. an anxious. over-
AamQi, n. wutation to one careful person.
asleep... May you wake." ~j9, n. that which is collected..
AluDki, fl. flinching. A.-j9 0Dirilru, n. 0. miscellany;
.Aam.t6D, n. dropsy; an increase. a collection of things.
Aa6mn~ n. nearness; proximity. Afij6, n. a forerunner, a. har-
Almmi, n. prosecutor. plaintiff. binger.
Aaimw9D, n. a small bag closed. Afij6 igbim~ n. B foreman, a.
with string. used. as a purse ; chief man in council, a
a pouch; a shrub; also spokesman.
called. Apamq. Afij6 C)D&, ~l. a ('learer of the
AlaDW9f&, no BOund sleep. path; a pioneer.
Ashw6, n. a salutation to a ~ lailai, n. an old fashion.
sleeping baby. .. May you ~pA, n. a brickrna.ker.
grow quickly and be fat." Atilt. n. barren and worn out
Al6ram6, n. a hard-working land; desert.
indefatigable pcrson.-e.g., Atilt. n. evening; dusk; eVf?n·
Astirarnu kb ~ bQrQ. .. A tide; twilight.
hard-working man seldom ~a, n. a miscellaneous collec-
comes to disgrace (or need) ... tion.
Al6r6, n. a runner or racer. ~ n. a. spy; a scout.
~ n. one who blesses. !tAn. n. a plain vegf'table dioi,
A-. n. fashion; custom; vogue. without sauce or meat.-
Afl, n. a small hawk; a falcon.- e.g., A¥.n ni mo j\lsUn lana,
A~ ni Tapa ~iY\l, .. The .. I ate only plain vogetables
hawk is the swiftest bird last night."
(Tapa or Nupe people are Atanpada omi, AfaDyika, n •. &11
noted. for their lIWiftness)." eddy; whirlpool; vortex.
-e.g., A.,a gbe mi Ii adi\l AtiPa. no JIl&IIII&Cre; slaughter.
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Atlpa, n. a hard wood tree, the Atek..m. n. unfinished business;

leaves of which are UBed in that which remains to be
curing smallpox; a canopy done.
over a rich man's corpse. Atettua. n. an addition; a
" " " n. see A~. supplement.
~ 100, n. snuff. ~ n. one who envies; an
AJ,Aro. n. meditation; contem· envious person.
plation; cogitation; rumi· Atel6d8lli, n. deputy; agent.
nation. A4eI6Ir:6, n. exeess; superfluity;
!tirO. n. see Asaro. supererogation; redun-
AfatAn. n. clear; riddance. danoy.
Atiti, n. that which is put aside ~c}. n. that made for personal
or set at nought; a cast· use.
away; rejection. Atel9, n. a final action or engage-
~ti agbado, n. a shock of com. ment.
AfAwf, n. a selcction of words.- ~616. n. a statesman.
e.g.,A~wl \ljy \lnikan ~ &re, Afalu, n. see ~po.
.. A one-sided statement of Atemeji, n. ambidexter; a
the case always appears double dealer.
right." Afeui, n. one who ruins another;
~A, n. a jest; a joke.---e.g., an undoer.---e.g., Jj:hinkunle
A~ya. ki ij\l ki vmy 9ya ki 0 Ii yta wa, ile Ii ~
gbyn. .. Playing with the ngbe, ... One's enemy is in
young hedgehog throws it I the back yard, but his
off its guard." destroyer lives in the hOI1lle.
~ n_ that selected, picked (A man's foes are they of
out, ch086Il; a choice onc ; his own household.)"
elect; select one. ~fbi, n. a wrong-door.
.&febi, a prefix signifying .. one !fenu. n. any unprofitable work .
or that which acts." .AfenUDibinu, n. a persecutor.
.&febfbaba, n. one who acts as a Ateohunjij" n. a cook.
father; a guardian. Ate pam~ n. that whioh is saved
Atebi9ba, n. one who acts as a or reserved for future use.
king; a regent. At6p6. n. perfection.
Atef6f6, AfePga, n. a braggart ; AtePe. n. a swearer; one who
a boaster. takes an oath.
~ n. a thing done for Af8Pc}. n. one who acts for
shew; pretence; pretext. another.
_u. n. an extravagant action; AtePQ. n. that whioh is done
intemperance; exeess. together; partnership.
~ n. a final action; a Atere. n. a buffoon, one who
winding up. makes sport for others.
At6ke, n. a liar; also OlobO. Aferu, n. a juggler; a shifty
AfekthiD. n. that which is done person; a scoundrel; one
for the last time. who falsifies.
Afektkt. n. wheelwright. .&-. n. a disgraee.
At. . . n. a atumbler. ~ n. same as Ateju.

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AfefAj6, n. prelude; prior; AtohiDde, tJ.to administf>r the
action. esta~ of a deceased person,
Atati. n. an unwilling action; or to take a share in tho
accid&I1tally done. funeral, thus showing sym·
!t~iplDia, n. manslaughter. pathy with the bereaved.
Atetan. n. completion, perfecHon. AttiYt.-te, n. a dissembler, a
AtettDi. n. an adherent. hypocrite. a double·dee.Ier.
Atett. n. disgracoful or unsuccess· !ttkUDlbese, n. 8rreB1'!1 of debt.
fill action. AtoI6tA. n. a. thatcher.
!taH, n. a thing not completed, Atonu Om, n. spokesman,
not brought to perfection; a,d,,·ocate.
a failure. At, 6ftD, n. mandate; doctrine.
AfetiDutDi, ·n. a solf·willed or Attr9. n. one who contrives or
obstinate person. plans.
Atetoju aiye, n. worldling. AttrQ, n. a small calabash set
Afetoju ttiD, n. groom, horse· aside to recoh/e the ·remain·
man. ing palm wine after the
At6tutu, n. a propitiator. large measure is full.
~6w6, n. an author (of books). At..t, n. a lame person; one
~t, n. menses. with a broken leg.
Ato. n. a coming to pass; At,,~At""', n. beginning;
law; command: authority; commencement.
commandment; enJoIn' Atttt. n. conqueror; onc who
ment; imposition; pow!.'r; prevails against his enemy.
precept; discipline; in· Attw~ n. one with a broken
struction; canno.; bid. hand.
ding; document; virtue; Atfgbll, n. one who removes to
effoot. ; consequence; impre. another place (as 8 hunter,
cation. Much used in the fisher, OJ' flock of birdll).
construction of other words. AfigbQnlt, n. a person of great
!to. 11. Amen. stature; a giant.
Att, prefix signifying .. one who .\tiki, n. mischief·maker ;
offends or &ins against." wicked person; tyrant.
At,baba, n. one who offends a !tiki, !tildri, n. act of roaming
father. about:
At,bq, n. see Ad4bv· !tOt. n. act of transplanting.
Ato-orbt, n. one who offends !tilq, n. act of removing to
society. another place.
Attft. n. jester; buffoon; joker; !tilli, n. act of beating or
droll. striking by mistake.
AttllD. n. mockt>r ; jeerer; Avina. 11. a straggler; a wanderer.
giber; sneerer; soomer. Atfnil6ti, n. monitor; prompter.
AttritA. n. woodseller; wood. AtiDi!upa, n. manslayer; man·
cutter. slaughter; accidental mur-
Atp, n. conqueror; van· der.
quisher; "ictor. !tip&, n. accidental ki~.
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55 A~Q

AtilI8. n. a title of honour among Afoju pi, n. one left in charge

the Ogboni people. of allother's affairs in his
~. n. a changing of place. absence; 8 factor; agent;
AtillA. n. slip ~f the tongue. depuLY; repl'eSeIltative.
_to n. petitioner; pleader; AtCh'e, n. a benefactor.
supplicant; beseecher. AtoriD, n.
"iff, n. a secret, privllote matter. AtOro. n. that which is l.p.rd or
AfJr6, n. wrong reckoning. diffieult.-e.g., AIIc)ro is9 bi
~ n. accountant. 1,>1'9, QTQ balf;" di t;lyin, bi 0
Atisq, n. _ ~ip,,; wrong ba bal'i' i fQ, .. Words are
talking. hard to utter, spoken words
At.. n. wilful, bad action; are like eggs, if they fall to
mistake. the ground they are broken
A4ift. n. a Iabouror; l'ainstali:er; (cannot be picked up)."
performer.. ¥r6. n. a pointed knife.
~to n. a poor man, beggar; Ap6. n. troubler; tormentor;
one in trouble or adverse one who acts violently upon
circumstances. provocation.
Atifori, n 8 pistol.-e.g.• ~ri At6siD, n a left-handed person.
ko ni ikun bi 8gb&, c)toI!l kC) ~ n. see Abosi.
lowo bi QIQ1'9... A pistol has AtOwo, n. trader; merchant;
not a bore like a cannon, a trade.
poor man has not money Afow6, n. money coiner.
as a rich." Af9. n. cloth; clothes; covering.
AtiwAr6, n. fool; machnan ; raiment; garment; apparel.
ignoramus; idiot; crack- Af9 adirt, n. see Adir<;l.
brained. Af9 AikfmDA, n. rough, coarse
Ati"f, n. see ~lsq.
n. a spoilt child.
Ato n. a morose, peevish person;
,pO. n. sackcloth.
Af9 dudu, n .. black or blue cloth.
a sour loek. Af9 iljiki. n. a scarf.
~.n._~. Af9 Oin, n. check cloth, so called
AtocJi Ii Eristi, n. anti-Christ. from its resemblanoe to a
Ato enia, n. a headstrong, Guinea fowl's feathers.
obstinate person. Af9 ftltftlt, n. muslin; any thin
Ato ariD,. n. an elephant ftleding cloth.
alone . AfogbiD, n. a planter.
.Afc}flD, n. law-giver; legislator. A,Whan, n. spy; caviller;
.Afc}fo, n. a loser. emissary.
AtOf6f6, n. a busybody. ~iboju, n. a veil .
.&.,oga, n. blusterer, boaster; Af9 ibora. n. a sloeping cloth; a
swaggerer. cloth worn by mon over the
AtOIo. n. a braggart. shoulder.
~ n. a worshIpper of the Af9 ibonm, n. a clot·h worn by
god of iron (c)g6n); a women over the shoulders.
wimnl. Af9 idorU, n,'cloth used to wrap
Atojo. n. a coward. goods in.

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56 ATA

~ idi-akete, n. damask. ~ mbo, n. jailor; gaoler.

AtQ idik6:, Isinkn, n. Ata, the ridge at the. top 01
shoot; shroud. house; a palm oil drum.
igbokuD, n. sail sheet; Ata, a resinous tree, corumonly
canvas. split and used for torches.
~ igunwa, robe. Ata, n. pepper; anything
~ ikele, n. curtain. pungent.
A(lo ikobusu, flannel blanket. Ataf&, n. an archer.
Atafo, n. tumour on the finger
AtQ ileke, n. upper garment;
nail; a whitlow.
cloak; coat; mantle; vest.
Atafo oju, fihn; cataract.
A(lq ile:li:epolli, n. pall.
~ inuwq, n. towel.
AtaglN\, n. that which goes from
A(lq irepe, n. patchwork quilt. hand to hand; the act of
AIIo irun, n. hair·cloth. passing anything round.
AtQ it,llj)di, cloth worn by Atagi, n. woodseller.
women fastened below the Ata ijobi, n. see Atii~re.
arIDlJ. Ataiyawa, sce Atl;Jkanwa.
AtQ iwql~, n. cloths or clothes in Ataiyeraye, ad'll. everlasting.
common use. Ataja, n. seller of goods.
A(l91e, watchman.
AtajatOraD, n. cattle; beasts of
A(l91u, n. magistrate; manager
every kind.
of the town.
A(l9nA, n. sentry; sentinel; Atakiti, n. ona who turns
~nibawijQ, n. spy; emissary.
Atako, n. the businel!!! of publio
prosecutor; cross examina·
ojo, n. rain·eloak. tion.
~ Ollila, n. cloth with corded Atal~, n. ginger.
stripe; dimity. AtAmp8ko, n. thumb or great
AtQ Qda, n. tarpauline; tarred toe.--e.g., Atampako ko
cloth. ijuwe i)klmkAn, "Th",
AtQ 911), n. mourning·cloth. cannot point straight
~ qgbQ, n. linen. forward."
AtQ QibQ klktma. lint. Atamq, always followed by
~ Qja, n. cloth with which a tam9 ; jargon, confused
baby fastened on a talk.--e.g., Gbogbo 9:ry r+
woman's back. j~ stam9 tam9, .. All his
~ Q¥9, n. dressing-cloth, robe. words are meaningIElll!!." .
AIIQ,o, a small bird that feeds Atamqra, n. one who entangles
on figs. himself with many things
A(li)ta, an enemy. fully armed man.
~ tal&, n. muslin, calico, white AtAn, n. contraction of Akitan,
cloth. a dunghill, manure.--e.g.,
Af9t~, n. a revolter; a revo- Agb8si mu il.t8n gele."
lutionist a mutmeer. Continuaillweepings make
~ Uta, n. hanging; curtain; a dust heap." (ef. Many a.
web. makes a muclda.)
ATA 57

A&AD, n. a sma.ll wooden frame At6t6b&, n. that which is fint

on which fish or meat is met; frontier; outer-cow·t.
dried. At6t6bi, 11. see Akl,>bi.
Atanamana, adv. from yesterday At6tMa, n. that which is first
until now. created.
AtAocU, n. an enquirer; a close At6tMe, n. early arrival; early
searcher. return.
AtADjo. n. a deceiver. Atet6gbiD, n. first sown.
AtUki, n. that which is spread At6t6ji, n. early rising.
or propagated. At6t8kqfe, At6t., n. beginning;
AtaDlegbelegbe, 11. a tadpole. commencement; rudiment.;
AtannA, n. a kindler of fire. origin.
Ataoni, n. tempter; seducer; At6t6kOso, n. fint fruits.
deceiver. At6t6~1i, n. first kneaded.
AtAnpa, n. torchlight.
Atann, ·n. or adj. cast off, useless. At6t6k~"i, n. forementioned.
AtAnrolW, n. a disease in fowls At6t61A, n. fint saved.
which swells their back At6t6mq, n. fint known.
part. At6t6Di, n. fint possessed, or
Atapa, n. a fatal kick or sting. owned.
AtapOyo. n. being shot through. At6tepa, n. first killed.
Atire or Atarere, n. Guinea or At6t6rA, n. fint bought.
Maleguette. pepper; also At6t6rf, n. first found.
called Ate. ijobi.---e.g., At6t6rottlt. n. forethought.
Atire awl,> 9~, "Guinea AtMetA, n. first sold.
pepper is never used in At6t6wi, n. fint &aid; opening
sauce." remarks.
Atui, n. the crown oj the head. At" n. fan; exposure of goods
AtafQ, n. a cloth seller; dealer for sale; money· tray.
in cotton and silk goods. Att. n. flatness; insipidity;
AtAti, adj. important; weighty; disgrace; reproach.-e.g.,
good; genteeJ.-e.g., Enia NWl,>n bu st4 lu mi, .. They
AtAta ni iwl,> nl/6, .. You are disgrace me:'-e.g., At~
a good man."-e.g., QIv I,>b~ ni mo se, .. My soup is
stat&. Ii iwl,> 89, " Your tasteless. "
words are weighty." Attlo. n. a seller of herbs:
AtAw6. n. " bookseller; a herbalist.
stat.ioner. At.lo. n. a bursting by heavy
Atawo. 11. a dealer in hides or pressure.
leat;her. AttrUn, n. see Akasl,> and
Ate, n. a beaver or black hat; AkAbs.
any broad brimmed hat. Attgan, n. breeze; pleasure
At6, n. birdlimo; glue.-e.g., trip ; enjoyment by re-
Ate mu ~iy~ ku, .. Bird- clining on a chair for breeze
lime is the death of a bird." or amusement.
AtM6, a prefix denoting that AtthiDwi, adj. following after.
which is fint or prior. conj. since.
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A~ 58 ATI

Atole. n. or adj. next in order, Atf~bA. n. booth: awning ;

rank. or hirth; that which scaffold; shelf. (Applied
follows; a SUCCle88Or; a chiefly to thOl:l8 on which
desotmdent ; subsequent. fish and meat are dried on
AttI6Di. n. a follower. over the fire.)
Attl,bc)si. n. threshold; outer Atibabad6baba, n. generation of
court. fathers; from father to
Attl"•• n. the sole of the foot.- father.
e.g., .A.~~ ni ij~ ~bin QnIl., Atfta, no blue dye usually called
.. Thd sole of the foot is ArO•
exposed to the filth of the AtilJ9, n. coming; returning.
road." Atid6, n. an arrival.
Att1"'~ n. the palm of the Atigta, n. reception.
hand.--e.g~ A~I~W9 ki itan AtijA, n. engagement in fighting.
ni j~, .. The palm of the Atij ••• wa,days ago.--e.g., Atij-
hand never daceives one arunwa. .. Five days ago."
(i.e., one's own diligence is --e.g., Atij~rinlawa," Four-
his true helper)." teen days ago."--e.g., Atij-
Atomqra, n. patience; long. "rinwa, .. Four days ago."
suffeling. Atij6, no dancing.
AtODiba, AtODim~t. n. one Atij6, no about leaking; burning.
who causes depression;
oppressor; tyrant.
AtODDD19. n. one who alleges or
Atij~ Ildv. of old time; long
n. the process of teaching,
building or constructing.
Att.,., n. that which is crushed Atiko. n. refusal; rejection; act
to death; medicine which of forsaking.
renders a poison which has Atik6, n. act of dying; death.
been trodden on ineffective. AtilA, n. salvation j the act of
Attp6. n. nickname; assumed being saved or getting rich.
name; nom-de-plume. AtilohiD. n. support; help;
Attp"t. n. Guinea-worm, sustenance.
usually called Sobia. AtiltDde, no birth; origin; root;
At6ral6ro, n. an immoral woman. ancestor.
Attram~t. n. a hard-worker.
AtilODde C)rO, n. etymology.
AtiltwA, adv. at the onset, froln
AtorflbA, n. lint6I. the commencement.
Attnmm~.. n. state of being Atuq. n. departure; act of
crushed down. going. .
Attt0616. AtttfsOt. n. B listener. Atimq, 11. imposition.
AttwwbA, adj. acceptable; Atia. n. one or that which is
propitiatory. very thin, lean, or lank.
Ati, n. purpose; intent.ion; con- Atm. n. a soft mat which can be
ception. . folded (Ij~a).
Ati, adj. conj. or prep. both; AtiDAlJ9, n. one who sets on fire.
and; likewise; from; on. AtiDAbq16, n. one who is guilty
Atiala, n. a bird with a long beak. of arson; incendiary.

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AT! 59 ATQ
AtiDi, n. attainment; possession. Atom, n. one flxpected to die.-
AtiDilAiJA, n. opponent; opposer; e.g., Atoku ma kll, is said of a
antagonist. person who is expected to
AtiDil.,." n. a boxer. die, but yet lives.
AtiDnwa, n. freewill; voluntary. AtonUnoni, adv. all day long;
sinoo morning.
Atforo, n. tassel ; name of a bird Atopa lO~, n. one who defies or
and pla.nt.
challenges; champion.-
AUp.. n. act. of barring 01' e.g., AtOpa 19t9 li ami nko
bolting a door, securing with
n~ pa.mp~lu, .. I am a
lock and key.
champion, I am not to bo
AtfpA, n. a frame used for joined with others."
carrying corpStlS; litter.
AtfpilA, n. thin person; lcan
Atora. n. bonesetter.
Atori, n. a tree remarkablt' for
itR elasticity, used for bows,
Atipil"" n. beginning. etc. See t~8.n.
AtiJ6, n. resident; sojourner. AtororoaiDi, n. ono who anoints.
Ati8isfJilo, ad'/}. henceforth. AtOte. n. one who is capable of,
Atis6u, n. sleeping. able to be.-e.!1. Ato~ ika.
Atife, n. action. ~ siirU, .. He is able to be
AtitiD, n. forcible ejection. cruel, but will not.. "
AUwA, n. act of coming. AtGfumotu. ad'/}. month<;! ago.
Au.. qjq, 71. sunrising; the cast. AtOto, n. noise.
AtiWO ih'6u, n. the west. !tOto, inter. silence! word used
At6, n. a medicinal shrub, used by public crier to enforce
for dislocated joints, fatigue "ilonce before a pl'oclama.
or weariness, physica.l tion is read.
derangement or nervous Atq, n. that which makes
debility. straight; a long necked
Ato, n. one or that. which is calabash; lasting in old
competent, capable, suffi· age.
cient or fit; used only 88 a At9. /.. semen.
prefix. AtqdunmQClUD, ad'/}. years ago.
Atobilere, n. one who is fit to be AtqjOmqjo. ad'/}. a long time ago.
questioned. -e.g., 0l'9 atqj9m9j9 ko Ie
AtohA, n. that which is sufficient dabi 9l'9 titun, .. An old
to be distributed. story cannot be compared
AtOjA, n. one capable of fighting ; with a new."
. fit for war. AlOj6, 11. a caretaker.
Atoj" n. that which is ripe AlOjn _ n. ostler, horstlman,
enough for food. groom.
Atot6p6, n. one worthy of AlOin olokUDrUD, n. a nurse.
honour, who will help in Atqin owo, n. a treasurer.
time of need. AlOj6. qDa, 71. overseer of roads.
AtOtoloj6, n. one who is strong Atoka, n. tho lapwing.
enough or valiant enough AtqkAnwA, n. proceeding from
to be confronted. the heart; choice; will.
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ATe.> 60 AWA

Atqkq. n. pilot, helmsman. AWn, n. one who disturbs or

~. n. leader; guide; page. upsets a town.
Atqmqdqmq. adv. from children's At6.mo, n. commentator; ex·
children (i.Il., from genera· positor.
tion to generation). Atunbi, n. regeneration.
AtonA, n. one who walks about Atundi, n. recreation; sot of
the road; a spy. making again.
A~ n. provoker; aggressor;
AtfmdA iw6. n. republication.
instructor; guide. Atlmku, n. repetition of be·
Atqpa, n. one who follows the haviour; a fresh shooting
line or mark. out.
AtQpQ. n. one who sells cheaply. Atunhurere iwa, n. amendment
of life.
A~ n. see Atora.
Atunrqe, n. tonic.
AtQra, n. a lard or grease seller. Atunsq. n. repetit.ion of words.
Atqrq, n. beggar; borrower. A~ n. restoration; repairE;
AtqrunwA, adj. heavenly; pro. amendment.
ceeding from above; celes· Attmwa, n. a returning.
tial; original; untainted. AtupA, n. lamp; lantern.
AtQrunwa iwA, n. virtue; mod· Atura, n. soother; refresher.
esty. . Atusc), n. idle talk.
AtQsi, n. gonorrhea. AtulA, n. a second-hand article.
AtQtO, n. soap seller. Awa, P7\)· we.
Atqtq, n. the uncircumcised Awicla, n. jest; joke.
foreskin. Awidi, n. l'UIlIliug disease in
AtqwOwa, n. that which orig. women.
inates from oneself. Awidi, n. exanriner; enquirer;
Alii, AtuDi, n. one who soothes, searcher.
consoles or tames; a rower. AwiflD, n. scrutiny; scrutiniz-
Ailbi, n. one who surrenders. ing; search.
At6.bQ ,eo n. that which brings Aw8g6u, n. sot of travelling and
anything to completion. arriving safely.
At6.bQ&iD, n. termination.---e.g., Awakq. n. one who rows a boat
Ki QIQrun ki 0 fun ni Ii or paddles a canoe.
atub9tan rare, "May God Awalt. n. a digger of the ground.
grant us a happy end." Adu ehiD, n. tetanus; lock-
At6.di imo, n. one who makes an jaw.
exposure; a revea1er of Awamaric1i, n. uns.robableness ;
secrets. incomprehe~bility.
AtukaJdri, n. one who spreads, or Awamn, n. adherence; attaoh.
divulges. ment.
AtukO, n. sailor; boatman ; Awanli, n. waster; waste.
mariner; navigator; ferry. AwAri, n. effective search;
man. curiosity.
Atilt. n. tiller of the ground. Awiro. n. wringing wet thing.
Ataltjo. n. an impoverished Awatikarawa, pro. we of our
fellow; a beggar. own selves.

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AWA 61 Awo
Anwf. ; apology; I publi.
~retence; palliation; ver· I cation.
>Ilon. Awfkiri, n. promulgator; pub.
Aw.wi ilkll. n. cavil. lisher.
AwAy&, n. see Ahaya. Awile. n. reiteration; repetition.
Awayin. n. coal digger; collier. Awimayi ohun, n. a man of
Awll. n. a term used in address· trust.
unknown person;
Excuse me, sir ! "
o mbere rll,
one who borrowing.
AwO. n. section in fruit or nut; , Awfy6, n. interpretation; ex·
width or breadth of cloth. planation -e.g~ Awiye ni
Aw~, n. fasting; religious If~ ifQ, gbangban Ii oro
abstinence from food; ipllran, .. (As) theIfIi pcople
mourning for the dead, at spt'ak without disguise Iso)
which times the relatives a poisonous arrow kills an
do not wash their clothes. animal in the sight of all."
much used in importunity.
of idols of Guinea fowl.
secret bargain;
1U'!r>lI,mlOlj,,, mystery; ini.
copper orna· superstitious
after the limes,
he who has brass, the Awo. n. that which is looked
awfldll·" into or through; a tele·
Aw~fin. n. soav. Bcope; a fishmg net.
Awom ro, n. reflection; retro· Aw6. n. a fish resembling a
spection. mackerel.
Awo irona, n. solemn fast. Awo AiyA (or igbaiya). n. the
Awoil\. n. perROn of light com· breast· plate ; cuirass.
plcxion. hawk,
Awt ; a fixed look;
AwtnQ. looking.glass.
off Awo roofing tile.
Awl, talker. Awo i11;1, cellar.
Awldakt. perpetual talking. Awoi'. plate.
Awig1l6. n. that which is uttered Awoiiniin. n. glass; looking.
audibly; plain speech; glass ; mirror; specula.
obedience. tion.
Awlg1l6. adj. disobedient; ob· Awoi9. n. imitation.
stinate. Awok&, n. inspection.

AWO 62 AWe)

Awokh, n. one who looks up. Aw~, n. oolour; outward

AwGko, Aworoko, n. oolio; appearance; fashion; like-
spleen. ness; similitude; imago;
Awoko, n. mocking bird; thrush. hue; tinoture.
Aw6kOtO. n. a basin. AwC), n. hide; skin; leather;
undressed hide.
AwokQ, n. a oopybook; trans·
lwo, n. quat'rel; misunder-
Awomi, n. one who oonjures
spirits by water.
AwC) &luke}, n. purple.
Awonf. n. a visitor. AWe) ejo, a cast off snake skin.
AWGnu, n. a hopeless look.-e.g., AwC) Olan, n. flesh coloured.
Awonu Ii ~kun nwo \liY\l, AwC)b. n. see Afin.
.. With a hopeless look the AWC)lbC)n, n. gazer; starer;
leopard gues at the bird usually connected with idle-
(because it is beyond his neas and loitering when on
reach)." duty.
Awo-oju, fl. spectaoles. AwC)j" 11. act of visiting from
Awo qkC), n. dish; platteI'. house to house for food
Awo C)lc)mC)ri. n. basin with cover. (lIB an uninvited guest).
Awopa, n. a fatal look; an act Aw~jo, n. dancing from plaoe
or treatment oausing death. to place.
AwopOk~. n. dish; platter. Aw~jC), AwC)jC)P9. acoumulation ;
AworaD, n. pioture; image; packing together; gathering;
form; statue; likeness ; group; assemblage.
resemblance; exemplar. AWe) ik~wesi, n. parchment.
AWOlaD, n. spectator; beholder; Aw~. n. perambulation; walk-
on·looker; gazer; by- ing round.
stander. Awqkf, n. several visiting
AwOl'Of8f&, n. a ohief idol'priMt. together (e.g., to show sym-
Aworfwo, ·n. lizard; eft; also pathy in bereavement). :r::
oalled LaY9mh\l~. ku aWQki, is the salutation
AwOn\jobi, n. a bird about the to one thus visited.
size of a kingfisher, light Aw~t. n. see IW91\l.
under wings. golden upper, AwC)lo, n. assuagement; abate-
blue fan.tail, sharp beak; ment; mit~tion.
insect catcher; apparently AwC)mi, n. a divor.
migatory, appearing about AwC)mo, n. one who combines
middle of November. with others, coalitionist.
Aw6te, n. a pattern. Aw~ n. net; drag.
Awotaa, n. perfect cure; entire AWC)D, pro. they.
healing. Aw~-oja, n. 1\ fishing net.
Awo turari, n. oenser. Aw~ ojn C}fUD, sky colour.
Aw6wb. n. crumbs. AWe) oko. n. foreskin. See
Awoye, n. a locker out, spy. At9t9.
Awayb, n. an epithet for the god AwC) C)btdo, n. green colour.
of the river, Yemaja. AwC) C)lC);nI, n. grey, misty colour.
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Awq pala, n. very coarse or Awun okun, n. sea turtle.
unwrought leathor. A~. n. a weaver.
Awq pupa, n. yellow colour. Awilre. n. good lack; luckiness;
Awo pupayli. n. scarlet, ver· good fortune; charm for
milion, crimson. luck.
Awq rirun, n. soft, well worked AwUsA, n, see AhUsA.
leather. !,a, n. species of monkey. ---e.g.,
Aw(I8iDmA. n. the clouds. Aya. b~ silOil 0 b~ sile, "When
AwQiliD. n. lodgings. Aya. jumps down from the
Awo.e. n. proselytism. tree, he jumps into the
Awq t6t6t6 oJUruru, n. speckled house (and is caught)."
colour. Proverb. used to inculcate
AwqttJ,O. n. any undergarment. the danger of leaving one's
AwqtVrt. n. strap. proper station.
Awqtitansan. n. spangle. Aya, n. wife.
Awqt6.tU. n. fresh, raw hide. Ayaba, n. queen; king's wife.
AwQt6.tu, n. freshness; vigour. AyAbA, n. incident; anything
Awqwlliki, n. leather worn non-essential; & CBBual
about the waist. event; piece-work.
Awqwq-ojo. n. shower; drizzling Anku, n. that which remains
rain. of & rent or torn pieee.
Awogbq. n. one who crouches. AyAmO, conj. generally followed
by bi or pe ; otherwise; un-
AwUj.,. n. kind of ediblo bean.
less. AY8mqbi is contracted
AwUj •• n. soft part of the skull. in Ambi in conversation.
Awiljq. n. assembly; group; !yan. n. tree from which ~ango
convocation; company; olubs are made; on which
synod; congress; council; I:;ango is said to have
meeting; congregat,ion ; hanged himself. See Magba.
collection. !'an. n. cockroach.
Ariju, n. !yan, n. perseveranee; per-
.AwfIluwilA. 0011. confusedly; sistence.
rudely. Ayan. n. inquisitiveness; stench;
AwtimO,adj.senseJess;unreBBon- offeDllive smell.
able. Ayanilq, n. a self-willed person.
AWUD, n. or adj. tortoise; AyADft. n. or adj. friend; one
greediness; miser; illiber- selected from the rest;
ality; parsimony; stingi- chosen; beloved; select.
ness ; avidity; niggard ; Ay6.Dga, n. a word of rebuke or
niggardliness. - e.g., Ji1j~ threatening to an inferior.
awun kil kun ni Ii ywy, AyangbO. n. that which is well
"The blood of Awun (the parched or roasted.
anthropomorphous tortoise) Ayanilikau, n. one who scratches
is not & handful.--i.e., with claws.
apparently insignificant AyADjo. n. cheat; imposition.
things may be of great Ayumi~ n. destiny; fate. See
importanee. " Ab8.fu.

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AyIUlDij" n . .11. cheater, a deceit· Ayibll. n. a night salutation used

ful person. by Lagos fishermen .
.AyUqe. n. a thing made to order. Ayi~ n. retrogression.
~ n. one who ~p~u. AyitlA, n. change; round of
himself, who is perverse. time; next season or year.
Ayara, no one who is smart, AyitlA, n. vanquished after many
swift or active. struggles.
AJar9, n. a cripple. AyidA qd6D (or AyIta), n. round
Ayarfm, n. used in conversation or cycle of years.
only; table talk; trifie;
jest; mockery.-e.g.,
fi mi fI6 ayarlm, .. PI_
M,. AyidAyitlA, n. much talk; chat·
tering ;
changeableness ;
don't make fun of me." Ayik&, n. circle; cycle; period;
.ua.ebi, conj. unless; except; halo; compass; sphere ;
otherwise; saving. hoop.
Ayaw~ n. one qui~k handed or Ayik& tyiDju, n. the iris.
nimble fingered. Ayik& ktkt, n. wheel.
Ay6, n. room; space; vacancy;
AyiD. n. a very hard tree with
lieu; stead ; situation;
oily sap.
position; posture; dis·
position; leave; liberty;
A,m. n. mats made from bam-
boo stalk.-e.g., lIe ayin,
freedom; access; appre· .. Bamboo house."
AyiDlog6, adj. praiseworthy;
Aye, n. breadth of cloth.
Ay6. n. living; quick; alive.
AyiDDi, n. one who commends,
Ay6 ittnUt or 1tbaf, ft. store.
admi1'tl8 or pm.ises.
Ay6taD, n. perfect under- AyilmitaD, n. flatterer, one who
standing; full conception.
bt, n. a smaIl hole in a wooden AyiD.p~ 11J9n, n. a volley.
Ayogi, n. hangman; sheriff. AJiDrart. n. one given to ~If­
Aytrun, n. suite. praise and ~If·admiration;
Ayohau. n. one who disappoints a boaster.
or fails to keep a promise. AyiDriD, n. light blue colour.
AytJu, ad". too much exaltation. AyiDriD., n. a smaIl animaI like
Aytkfm, n. one with a maimed the fox which catches fowls.
foot. Ayipada, n. a turning; a change.
Aypi, n. that which is befitting. Ayo, n. a choice person or
AytuA, n. a road cleaner. thing; most beloved or
Aytsf, n. valued.
AytJA. n. an abashed, con· 140. n. a game, also called
temptible, or reproachful Warry.-e.g., Ayo ki ij\l ki
fellow. a y~ \I, " When the ~ame
Ay"t. t&. pomp; ostentation; is won, it cannot be dis-
display. puted."
Ayf, preji:£, that which turns Ayo. n. fulness ; plent.itude
or rolls. (also used after eating).

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AYe) 65 BAB

Ayq, n. joy; joyfulness; glad. B8, prep. with, against.-e.g.,

mirth; On yio btl. <l 19, He will
welcome delight; with you."-e,g" Emi
ex,wt-atlon ; plell.'1ure. wli'n ja, fighting
Ayq AYoju, n. ecstasy. against them.
Ayqluwc), n. spy; I'cout. Ba, v. to lie in ambush; hide;
Ayqmirin. n. a sly, contemptible lurk; couch.--e.g., Ole ba
person, ninu igb~, " The thief hides
son's wife the bush, Adi~

wife of Ie aWli'n " The

AyqDi1li!nu, n. one hen broods over her young."
trouble or distress. BA, v. to be bent.-e.g., ~hin r~
Ayqniwo. n a private detective; ba, " His back is bont."-
spy; eavps·dropper. e.g., 19i nii bB di~. "The
rc·animation en· stick is bent a littla."
; exhilarator. v. should would;
Ayqrin, smelter. ; ought,-e,g" Emi ni
Iii'... I have
Ayqrin. slow stealthy
walking; sluggishness.
BA, v. to bring into contact with ;
AyQll&Jl, n. money paid for
perch; roost; sit ; fit ;
sacrifice, or in private.
to be exact; to hit the
Ayqsiwaju, n. advancer,
mark; to to the
AyQife, doing by plait
AyqtA. private sale auetion. coarsely; through
AYQti, n. selling in small a sieve.-e.g., 1j:iy~ meji ba
quantities; rctaillng.
Ii ori igi, " Two birds perch
Ayqta. n. It thing l'rivatRly done on the tree."-e.g., 0 bA a
or said.
patapata.,.. hits the
AJqwi, private rllmarks;
mark BA
; hints.
Ayan. saw; file
Ay(m, n, goings; departure. mba aro, .. My mother
Ayun, n. longing.
is straining potash."
Ayfm-Abq, n. going and coming. BA, adv. never; at all.-e.g"
ko sq b\i never
B. so."--e.g" ko j~
bli." You
B8, v.t. to meet; overtake; Baba, n. father; master.
find at a place.-e.g., NWli'n DAbA, n. copper; Guinea corn.
ba mi lli'na, "They meet Bib&, DAbA, n. Baba, a great
the way. Iwli' ; BaM, thing;
qna, " You overlook used following
the "-e.g., proverb-Baba baba
N wli'n yio ba mi nib~, mli'l~," A great matrer puts
" They will find me there." a small matter out of sight."


MbA, v. to hover like a bird.- Bai, adv. yonder; somewhere;

e.g., Awodi nrababa, .. The thereabouts.--e.g., Ile r~
hawk is hovering." mb~ nibi bai, " His house
Babalawo, n. a priest of Ifa. is somewhere about here."
Baba nla, n. grandfather.-e.g., Bal-bai, oov. dilllly.--e.g., Orun
I W9 kc) m9 baba nla mi, nran bat·bal, "The sun
.. You do not know my shines dimly."
grandfather. " BA-ifaiyaj" v. to frustrate the
Baba nsiDk6, n. executor; under. influence of charms.
taker. BA-jA, v. to fight with; contend
Bibo, n. a tree, the leaf of which with; be hostile to.
is used as a wrapper for SA-j" v. to corrupt.; spoil;
agidi and kola· nuts. defile; destroy; deform;
Mb1i,ia, v. to cross; to thwart. contariunate.---I'.g., 0 ba
BAdi majtmu, v. to enter into 9m9 mi j~, .. He spoils my
covenant with. child."
SA-daDa, v. to make a marriage BA-j" v. to eat with; associaw;
contract; to pay a dowry ; to hold intercow'Se.
to betroth. BA-U, v. to wake with.
Bi-daPQ, v. to connect with; Bli-jo, v. to dance with.
mingle; know; commerce; Ba-jQ, v. or adj. agreeahle;
cohabit. pertinent.
~, v. to sympathise with.
Bika, n. a kind of leek, thc soed
of which is used as a medi·
BAd6, v. to be exact; suitable; cine for gonorrhea.
to arrive or return with.
BakaDi, adj. same; irlentical;
Bad6, v. to lurk for; waylay;
equal; similar.
lie in ambush.
SA·ktgb" v. to associate with;
BAd" v. to hunt or fish with keep company.
Ba-k6, v. to die with.
BA-dije, v. to vie with, rival or BaJa, n. a kind of trousers.
compete with.
Bila, n. a title of honour among
SA-dli, v. to cope with; to
the Ogboni people.
BA-fa, v. to contend with; to BAJarA, n. one who comes to the
age of puberty.
argue with.
Bli-Iaw~j" v.to disfigurt.; dis·
BiflD, n. eunuchs; of whom six
were put in the palace of
Bl1D1e, v. to know; to ravish.
the Alafin; they are called
Bile, n. householder; master
.. tw~fa:'
of a house.
Bli-fQhun, v. to talk with. Bli-le, tJ. to light upon; to rest
BA-gbe, v. to stay or abido with. on.
BA-gblro, v. to oonsult with. Bile-6rO, n. host; landlord.-
Bai, OOv. thus; so; only; no e.g., Bile·ero Ii 0 mu mi W9.
more; very.-e.g., Emi ni .. The host lodged me."
iwy ~ bai Ii? "Do you Bil6, n. governor; president;
act thus to me ? .. chief of a town or village.

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Bal., -I'. to touch the ground. BA-ohUJUDimqj\l, v. to desecrate.

Bil.-idlle, n. head of a house or Ba ojia ami, v. to hit the mark.
family; a patriarch. Ba oju j\l, v. to distort the face;
Bi.-1~1i, v. to startle; strike to disfigure the countenance.
with awe; dishearten; to BA-piD, v. to partake, share or
discomfort; to fear. participate.
BA-16rijt, v. to distract; to BAr1\, n. a creeper which bears
make mad. the li'gusi oil seed.
Bi.-IorakQ j\l, v. to slander; to Bar&, n. god of mischief; the
defame.-e.g., Ewi 0 ba. devil; another name for
orukQ .~ jli', " I will slander Ifa.
you." B6.1'6bar6, adv. very little; the
Bi-Io, v. t.o associate with; to remainder.-e.g., QhIil nil.
hold fellowship with. ku barebar6 ninu ~un,
Balogun. n.8 war chief; captain; .. There is very little soup
officer. left in the pot." -e.g., 0 SQrQ
Balogun ~ n. a centurion. nil. barebar6, " He said very
BA-IQ, v. to accompany, to go little about the matter."
with.-e.g., Ma Fj8 ba wi lQ, But, v. to agree with; to
" Do not II.Ccompany me." befriend; to ally.
BilQ, n. an abscess. BA-rm, v. to walk with; to
Bal~\I, n. chief hunter. accompany; to travel with.
Balubalu, adv. stupidly; idioti· Bi-ra, v. to advise, consider or
cally. give counsel.-e.g., Tani 0
Balli",., n. bath.room, or latrine. ba iWQ' 1'6 iru qran b~?
Bambam, ,~. a piece of wood .. Who advised you in such
flattened on one sida, URed a matter?"
for beating mud Hoors. BAsi, n. parlour.
Bambam, adv. wholly; entirely; :sa~, v. to quarrel with; to
altogether.-e.g., 0 lQ bam· rebuke.-e.g., M8 ba wi sQ
bam, -" HI' disappeared mQ, .. Do not quarrel with
a)together:'-e.y., 0 fi mi me any more."-e.g., Baba
sil';l bambam, " He left me yio ba Q sQ, .. Father will
entirely." rebuke you."
BAmirAn, adj. contradictory; Ba-sqrq, v. to hold conversation;
to the contrary; another. to confer with.
BA-m~, v. to concur with; BA-sliD, v. to sleep with; to lie
to agree. with.
Ba-mu, v. to befit; to suit; BAsUrta, n. a title of honour
to drink with. amongst the Ogbonis.
BW. v. to spend together. • ,igliD, n. chief doctor.
BAniDiajt, v. to displease; to .&6, n. a drum used by ~ango
grieve.-Il.!1., Qran nil. ba and Egungun worshippers.
a ninuj~, .. The matter -e.g., QP9IQpQ alubAta Ii
grieved him." o jli' ~bejli'," A great
BAnlu, n. a flat piece of wood many drummers are
Il8ed to beat Hoors; a plant. beggars."

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BAT 68 BJli
Mta, n. a small covered can or ri! "How is it? "-'-6.g.,
tin vessel. Bawo li 0 ti f~ ..,. " How do
Mta, n. shoe; sandal; hoof.- you wish it done 1 "
e.g., Bat&. li aft ifI6 agba.ra BawqDDi, pro. such, such as.-
li a.rin ~, " With shoes e.g., Iru enia. baw9nni"li a
ontl can get on in the midst nf~, "Such persons we
of thoms." like."--e.g., Enia. bawQnni
BAtao, n. to be related to.- '19wQn, "Such people are
e.g., Gbogbo a.ra.iye li 0 ba sca.rce."
ara w9n tan," All mankind BawqDYi. pro. like th!"86.
are related to one another." Bayi, ad". thus. See Ba.i.
BA-tao, adj. near shave; narrow B6b6, n. brink of a precipice or
" escape. pit; verge; edge; shoal;
Mttl1\, ". to disgrace; to put bar; bank; mound.--e.g.,
to shame; to disqualify. M8.f16 duro leti bebe; " Do
B6ti, v. to fail; to miss one's not stand on tho brink."-
aim.--e.g., Qfa ti 0 t&. ba e.g., Bebe ya, "The bank
a ti, "The arrow which has given way."
he shot missed it."--e.g., B6be-idi, n. rump.
Okut&. ti mo s9 si eiye nil. Bebe-oju, n. eyebrow.
ba a ti, •• The stone I threw
at the bird missed it." Bebe Jar&, n. earthen mound
against a fortification.
BaU, ". to lurk; to crouch by
one. Bk6, B6bi, ". to ask; inquire
BAt6bAto, ad". imperfectly; after; question; require;
indistinctly. consult; demand.--6.g., 0
bere mi. "He inquired
BAtc}P9, ". to fall in line with.
after me."
BA-tototo, a. speckled. Bk6bk6, n. an enquirer; a
Bama, ad". thus; so.--e.g., Emi querist.
li 0 If6 e baun, " I did it so." B6r6b6r6. ad". sharply; keenly;
. BA-wf, ". to rebuke, blame, dexterously; astutely;
correct, chide, punish, diplomatically.
chasten or excommunicate. B6a6. n. saddle-cloth.
--e.g., Baba bOo mi wi. Bt, v. to skip; to leap from a
"My father rebukes me."- height; to leap from place
e.g., ~ be. 9m9 ~ wi to to place, or tree to tree;
b" " Do not punish your to cut in two at a stroke;
child so severely." bring forth young; litter
BA-wijq, v. to judge, to dispute. (applied to oarnivorous
-e.g., Ql9run yio be. gbogbo animals and to pigeons);
aiye wij9, " God shall judge to burst.--e.g., Mo b~ igi
the whole world." nil. meji. " I cut the stick
BA-J~ tI. to rejoice with; to in two."-e.g., nu nil. b~,
congratulate. "The drum burst."--e.g.,
Bawo, Bao, ad". how! in what Aja mi b? m~ta., " My dog
way 7-e.g., Bawo li a ti has three pups."
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B~ 69

B6, Btbt, fl. to beg, pray, beseeoh. B,mb" 11. a Rausa drum.
iluppIioate or entreat; to Bpd" n. a blow with the fist ;
apologise.-e.g., 0 b~ mi. ouff.-e.g., Yio kl 9 ni
"He begged me."-e.g., "'nd~, .. He will euff you."
. J~ ki a ~ QI9r1lD... Let Bpi, adv. 80 it is; yes.
us beseech God. "-e.g.• BfDi ki, conj. neither; nor.-
B~~ ki 0 ri 9k9tW. Nbe ki e.g., Ki ifIe emi, b~ kl. ifIe
o ri awun, .. Beg and you iW9, "It is ntdther I nor
will meet with refusal, ask you."_.!7., B~ kl. ifIe eyi
alms and you will meet tabi eyini, "It is neither
misers." this or that."
B" v. to peel; to slice off.
Bt, fl. to act without permission;
B6r6, v. to begin; commence;
to presume; to be IllTOgant. Bfr" adj. even; low; flat;
Bf, adv. thus; 80 ; u&ually level.-e.g., Orule yi b~r~.
(Contraction of B~h~). .. This roof is' flat."-e.g.,
Bt, v. to display a. brilliant red NW9n wo ite gbogbo pal~
oolour ; to be officious, b~~. "They levelled the
impudent or forward.-e.g., whole house to the ground."
~ ar&n yi ~, " The velvet
is a brilliant red." Btr" adj. gentle slope; slight.
elevation; in rows.
Bfbf, adv. thus and thus; 80
'and so. Bfrt n. grass usedfor thatching,
B"tr;, adv. 80; suoh; like; of whioh there are various
likewise: kinds, viz., Bfr~ m~~,
Bth.. adv. BI* B~ fine yellow grass; B~~
Bfh6k~, ad,}. see B~k9. alolo, B~~ pasi, coarse
Btju, n. cassava. cake. plaited grass.
Btk9, adv. no; not so. Bfr.. n. the first·bom daughter.
B~laiyanu, v. to beg with Btri. v. to behead.-e.g., Qba
importunity. b~ri r~ li oju opopo, " The
BtI,btI" adj. fiat; elastio ; king beheaded him on the
pliant; thin. highway."
BtIti" add. beautifully yellow. Btru. v. to fear; to be afraid of ;
-e.g., Ina pupa b~leje. ojo to be daunted; to be
dudu b919j9, " The fire is a modest; to startle.-e.g.•
beautiful yellow, the rain Ma.,e b~rU ~nikan, "Fear
olouds are intensely black." no man."-e.g., B~rU
Ben. adv. 80 it is. Q19r1lD, .. Fear God."
Bt-lori, v. to behead.-e.g., IW9 BtrU qla, v. to awe; to
'" e~ III lori, "You reverence.
beheaded the goat." B6I'1ik;ru, v. to be timid or
B~1~w6, v. to beg assistance; fearful.
to suborn; to bribe; to B6w6, v. to beg assistance from
use influence against. a club or a person for
Bt, Mbt, v. to be; to exist; to gratuitous work, for reo
live. muneration, or mutus I help.

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70 BiB

Btw6. v. to visit; to peep at.- BfI.jt. add. spoiled; perish8.ble;

e.g. AW9n (IIi nyin wa b~ corruptible; deterioration.
nyin wo, " Your friends Bibalt. adj. sedate; settled ;
come to visit you." calm.
Hi, v. to bear, beget, breed BibaDiDujt.n. dit!comfort; vexa-
(applied to ma.mroaljan tion; vexa,tious.
anima.Is).-e.g., Malii mi bi Bibapin, n. that which is to be
lana, "My cow calved participated in; partici-
yes'terday. " pation.
Bf, conj. according; as; if; Bibawi, n. that which is to
although; whether; just. be plamed; blameworthy;
-e.g., Bi b~ ba ni, " If it reprovable.
be so."-e.g.• Bi baba ti wi Bi-bah&, adj. or adv. fatherly.
Ii awa 0 "a. " As father has BI-bawo. adv. how; whereby;
said, we will do. "---e.g., Bi in what way.
o ti de ni yi, " He has just Bibid. adj. that which is worth
come."---e.g., Bi kll til~ f~. asking for.
awa a "a." Though he is not Bib" adj. salient; leaping;
willing. yet we will do it." bounding.
Bi, v. to push violently; vomit; Bibt-aiYannu, v. importunity.
spue; shove; jostle. Bi-bfk9, adv. if otherwise; for
Bi, v. followed by Si; to other cause.
multiply; replenish; in. Bibi, n. that which is born;
crease.-e.I1.• Qla r~ mbi si begotten.
i, " His riches increase." BibimQliye. a. producing young
Bi, v. ask. alive.
Bi-abiyam9, adv. motherly. BibiDibf, adj. inborn; innate;
Bi-AlA, adv. dreamy; as a dream. implanted by nature.
Bi-aladugbo. adj. neighbourly. BibiDigbeyAw6. adj. legitimate;
Bi-alagbara, adj. as a strong born in wedlock; freeborn.
man; wild. BibiDtQ., adj. melancholy; dis-
Bi-alagbe, adv. beggarly. cOIll!olate.
Bi-am9kun. adv. crippled. Bibi-omDira, adj. freeborn.
Bi-ari, adv. brotherly. Bibb. adj. concealable; covert.
Biadodo, adj. conical. Bibb, adj. peeled; pared.
Bi-a-ti, adv. how.-e.g .• KI,I mi BibQ. adj. boiled; patehing a
bi a ti i"a. "Teach me how gr888 roof; threading;
to do it." coming.-e.g., ~ran bib(l.
Bi-a-ti-Dwi, adv.immediately; " Boiled meat."---e.g.• Bib(l
instantly (Ut.-as we were J esu, "The coming of
speaking).-e.g., Bi a ti nwi Jesus."-e.g., Bib(l a.b~r~,
b~ Ii ode, " He came just " Threading a. needle."
as we were talking.·' BibQ. n. that which is to be
Bib&, n. a meeting; that which worshipped; adored.
is to be met. Bf~. a. supported; fed; main-
BibAj, adj. contestable; to be tained; that which is toO be
fought for; to be contended fed; that which is to be
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BiB 71 Bt.Q

besten, as a mud Hoor; Bit., BitOlJ8lle, BitOllebi, conj.

that which drops or fa.11s. but; except; unless; if.
Bib~qwQ, n. that which is to be . -e.g., Bik~pe mo 19, ki
shaken by the hand; a yio fi i fun Q, .. Unless I go,
shaking of the hand. ho will not give it to you."
Bi~qwQ-ArUD. n. convalescent. Bi-ikil, adj. death.like; deathly.
BibQritA, n. the act of wor· BilA, fl. to give place to; to make
shipping idols. way (Ut.':'-to push an
Bib6, n. that which is to be opening)----e.g., Bll8 fun mi,
accursed. .. Give place to me."
Bib1\, n. that which is. taken BiIAlA, n. a whip made of hide
out of a collective mass; with two or three thongs.
reducible. Bi-lire, fl. ask; question.
Bibu, adj. baked by heating B1-I,jq, fl. to question one on a
under hot ashes or embers. charge brought against him.
-e.g., ~u bibu, "Baked Bilisi, n. evil; evil one.
yams." Bi-lohan, fl. to reproach one for
BibUl6Dl, adj. finable; that ingratitude.
which is to be fined. Bi-9mq, fl. to give birth to a
BibUlt, adj. patched; that child.
whioh is to be patched. Bi-lti, fl. to push hea.vily against
Bibmn6, adj. exaggerated; another.
falst>ly accused. BiDAbiIu\, n. abusive language.
Biban, adj. given; allowable; Binu, fl. to vex; to anger.-
permissIble. e.g., Obinu Hi mi pup9,
Bib~, adj. bitten; that which
.. He is very angry with
is to be bitten. . me."
Bid6.Dd, adj. instantaneously; BiDujt, fl. to be grieved, sorry
at once; without delay. or displeased.
Bi-OI11D, adj. as a thorn; thorny. B1 0 ba, conj. if it should be; in
case he should (generally
Bi-ewe. adj. childlike; as a
followed by j~ pe or ljIe pel.
Bi-8f11, adj. satanic; devilish.
Bi-obiDriD, adj. womanly;
Bi-tltdt, adj. hoggish; like a Bi-ogun, adj. martial; warlike.
swine. Bf-OnrorO, adj. churlish; fierce.
Bi-tDi iwA mimq, adj. saintly. B1-oruka, adj. circular; ring.
Bi-tDiP6, conj. as if; as if to like.
l:ill.y. Bf-GttimAr6, adj. like a rainbow;
Bi-.,.uo, adj. brutish; like in a semi·circle; arohlike.
a beast. Bi-o-til" adfl. though it should;
Bi-trfa, adj. servilo; slavish. even if it should.
Bi-ikA, adj. tyrannicaJ; oruel; , Bi-owe, adj. as a proverb;
in a cruel manner. proverbially.
BikitA, fl. to notice; regard; B1-9ba, adv. roya.IIy; kingly.
to ca.re.-e.g., Emi ko Bi-9jq-isimi. adj. sabbatical.
bikltA, " 1 don't care." B1-916rma, adj. god.like; godly.
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Bt.C) 72 BOK

Bf-qmode. adj. childish; babyish. Biw6, adv. like in fonn.

Bf-qmodebirin, adj. girlish. Biw6, v. to tumble; to break
Bf-ort, adj. friendly; friend. down; to push down.
like. Blyi, adj. motherly.
Birt, adj. occupying a small BIy., adv. like a feather.
space; within a small Bb, tI. to peel, deprive of covering
compass.--e.g., Illi' biri, .. A or bark; to make a noise
small piece of land." like a he.goat.--e.g., Joseph
Birl, adj. occupying an extensive bO ile baba r~, "Joseph
circular spa.ce.--e.g., Mo ri. stripped his father's hous"."
illi' blrl," I bought a large --e.g., Epo igi ni bO," The
pieCE' of ground." bark of the tree peels."-
Biri, adj. entirely; completely. e.g., Ara mi bo, .. My body
--e.g., Oyipada. biri, .. He peels."
turned completely back." HiI, v. to cover; to hide; to
--e.g., C)kQ ni dojude biri, overwhelm.
.. The boat entirely cap· HiI, v. to bo full of leaves; rich
sized." in foliage.--e.g., .Aba ode
Biribiri, a. very (usually followed mi bl) dudu, .. The banyan
by ~Ii, to be dark).--e.g., Illi' tree in my street is full of
,Ii biribiri, .. It is quite leaves."
dark."--e.g., 19bo biribiri, HilM, n. wild a.ca.cia. or locust
okunkun biribiri, okunkun tree, the fruit of which is
ni yio '1f;l~ igbO, "The used as a cure for whitlow.
forest is very dark, the BOd6, n. custom.house.--e.g.,
night is very dark, the dark· C)ba ni. igba owo bOde,
ness of night is deeper than "The king receives oustom."
the darkness of the forest." BlIdi, v. to conoea.l one's error;
Bfrfliml, n. a square bag or to shelter from disgrace.-
wallet used by travellers. e.g., JQwQ bOdi mi," Pleaso
Bfrfkot6, n. a small narrow shield me from disgrace."
place. Bojl, n. grave; place of inter·
Birueyi, adv. thus; in this ment.
manner. B6ji, B6jiji, n. shade.--e.g.,Joko
Bi8ia1lD, adv. drowsily. ni bCiji, .. Sit in the shade."
Bife, adv. according to custom, Boju, tI. to veil or cover the face.
manner, or fashion. Bojuj., v. to make a wry face ~
lUfubu, v. to push headlong; to writhe; to look sad.
overthrow; defeat; refute. Bojuwo, Bojuto, v. to take the
Bltqrun, adj. Of" adv. heavenly, oversight of; to take care
heavenlike. of; to take notice of.-
Blwa, adv. according to fashion, e.g., Bojuto ile fun mi,
like manner. .. Take care of the house
BlwamimQ, adj. saintly. for nle."
BIw6r6. adv. foolishly; like a B6taDraD, conj. otherwise:
mad person.
BIwiD. adj. ghostly; ghastly.
rather than.--e.g., BOon·
ran ki nlQ, ng 0 fi *silli'.

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BOK 73 'B()

go, I will o;>r~" is to

resign the work. ' forment a.k.a.ra cakes.
Bokele, v. to take a morsel; Bora, v. to cover the body.
to sop. Bori, v. to cover the head;. to
BOk~(l, adj. private, secret. overcome; to be superior;
BokUku, v. to be hazy or foggy. to surpass.-e.g., Ijo;> kan
BOlas&, v. to shield; to defend. ojo 0 bori <;><la, " One day's
BolawQ, v. to skin, flay or peel. rain will make up for many
Bole, ; to rob ; " adj. valid.
oonfiscate.- OhUD gbogbo,
I;lniti 0 ~, all, over all.
confiscates the velR:etaO.le resembling

~nEI~CJ'ler; robber; nODSense; babble;

Ole bole· nonsonsically.
bole ejikan-a. term of BorukQ j(l, v. to slander.---e.g.,
reproach applied to robbers. Qta enia ni iba oruke;> r~ j~.
Boltlfebi, Bo1tlfepe, adv. If "It is an enemy who
possible.---e.g., Bole~epe yio slanders one's name."
10;>, iba dara ju, " If he can Botepe,conj.if it had been.---e.g.,
possibly go it will be Bo~pe bfilli 0 ri, iba buruju,
bettor." " It worse if It had
to partly open.
Qme;> yi
nsy Thi~ child
Bolobol0, fly which prates very much."---e.g .•
sucks perspiration from the Qro;> botiboti ko Yfil fUll
body; it also makes honey. agbalagba, "Prating is
Bomi, v. to take water in a unbocoming in an elder."
vessel. Botil(lllepe, Botil(lj(l, conj. though;.
Bomijo, v. to scald. nevertheless;. albeit; al-
Bomirin, IJ. to water; t.o moisten. though.
BomiwQD, v. to sprinkle with Botu](l, n_ the croton bush.
water. Boya, BOY&' perhaps, per-
Bomq, white-grained Guinea· advent,ure,likely,perchance.
Borne? yo;> larin mo Ie ri i gbt\.,
whito-grained may get it."
conspicuous abdicate; to
ordinary red title.
grains. BoyO, unlass.---e.g.,
BO-mQI(l, v. to overwhelm, over- BOYfilli 0 temi, " U nIass
flow or overspread. you hear me.
BomubOmu, n. a tree, the leaf sq, v. to drop, as a leaf or fruit
of which is pounded and of a tree; to fall from a
used to curdle milk, as the loft; slip ; to fail in

BQ' 74 BQ.S

carrying out one's point.- ~19wq. tI. to shake hands.

e.g., Awo b9 19wy mi, ~loy6. tI. if) deprive of title;
.. The plate slipped from my to depose; to dethrone.
hand."-e.g., Ewe h9 lori Bqiu, tI. to wash the face.--e.g.,
igi. " A loaf drops from the Qm¢e yi, 0 ti b9ju l'ory
tree."-e.g., Qm9 b9 si yi bay!? "Child, have
kanga, " A child fell into you washed your face this
the wcll."--e.g., Qran nil. by morning? "
19W9 mi, " I failed in the BOkiDi. n. 8 neat and tidy
matter." (The word is not person; a gentleman.
used for the droppmg of I B9wtm. tI. to respect, honour
liquid.) , or l-egard.--e.g., B9Liflin
~ tI. to feed, maintain, support, agOO, aW9n ni baba wa,
oherish, nourish. or foster; " Hespect elders; they are
to beat the mud floor of a our fathers."
house; to wash slightly. 801t. tI. to plaster or beat mud
BO. I.'. to unloose; to remove; floors.
to take off.--e.g., Bt? aw B919wQ, tI. to escape.--e.g., IW9
sil'i' ]ori igangan, "Take b9]YW9 enia buburu," You
the oIotheeo from the peg." escaped from the hands of
--e.g., 0 bt? aw lara. mi, the wioked."
.. He took off my c]othes." B~i. n. a species of acacia
BO. tI. to worship; to adore used in tanning.
false deities; to sacrifice; Bqp~,p,l" tI. to stew.
doify.--e.g., AW9n keferi BQra,. tI. to undress.
8ma b9 igi b9 okuta, .. The
BQri, tI.t. to worship the god of
heathen worship wood and
the head.
B~. adtl. soon; immediately.'
B~. tI. to insert, pierce, boil,
--e.g., Ko de bqrQ, "He
seethe, coddle, or parboil;
did not come immediate]y."
to sodden; to put on
trousers; to shake hands;
BQrO. adj. plain; unornamented.
to thread.--e.g., Bq gbogbo B~, tI. to indulge; to spoil by

'i'rRIl nil., "Boil all the petting.--e.g., Mo lJ9rq ~

si~, " I left him there after
meat. "--e.g., Bq ~koto ~,
.. Put on your trousers."- indulging him."
8.g., Bq mi lyw9, " Shake ~O. adv. very.--e.g., 0 nyq
hands."--e.g., BQ ab'i'~ yi bQrq, " It is very slippery."
fun mi, " Thread my ~ bQJi. adj. slippery.
needle." ~ twa, adj. profligate;
~. tI. to return; to an-ive; to wasteful; stupid.
travel towards; to come. 80 fAkoko, adj. fortunate;
--fl.g., AW9n ero bQ lana, timely.
"The travellers returned 80 II&Dl'Il, tI. to fatten.
yesterday. BO-sarin. II. to. interpose; to
.Bq-bata, tI. to put on shoes. intervene•
.Bq-lqq. tI. to strip naked. ~~. tI. to be handy.

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~t, adv. quietly; secret.ly; -e.g., Qb4il ns bit mi 19WQ,

easily; gradually. - e.g., " The knife cut my hand."
Ob9 si mi 19w9 b~, " It BIi, prep. almost; nearly.-
came to my hand quietly." e.g.. Mo bu de ib4il tan.
--e.g., Me nu u b9s~, " I " I nearly reached there."
caught him easily." --e.g., Mo bu ,e tan, " I
Boai. v. to enter.--e.g., B9si ile, have nearly done."
" Enter the house." Buba, n. ambuscade; hiding
BqsUt, tI. to drop; to fail. place.--e.g., A ri wqn ni
buba, " We discovered
"BOti. n. walt of Guinea,coTll. them in their hiding place."
Botilttepe, oonj. though; even BullA. n. a. short loose garment
if it be so. terminating at the waist.
B~wA, v. to come; to move
Buburu, adj. wicked; evil; vile;
towards. infamous; ill.
Bqwale, tI. to ret.urn from abroad; Budo, n. ca.ru.p.
to enter the house. Buj6, n. a plant bearing a round
Bqw~, tI. to shake hands.
fruit. the juice of which is
~wO. tI. to regard; to pay used in tattooing.
respect to; to honour.- Bujf, n. a stable; a manger;
e.g., Ghogbo ilu Ii 0 bQwQ a restaurant.
fun wa, " All the townfolk Bui\l, v. to bite. nip or gnaw.-
respect us." e.g., On bu mi j~... He bit
Bqya, adtl. see B6ya.. me."
Bu, tI. to broil; to bake under BIij \lklin, v. to wane; to
ashes; to dive; to hide in diminish.
t·he sand as a crab.--e.g., Bujoko, n. abode; dwelling;
Mo bu ~ di4il ninu eru seat.-e.g., Qm9de ki iwo
gbigbona, " I baked a few S9S9 ni bujoko agba, .. The
yams under hot ashes." younger should not intrude
Bu, tI. to mildew; to decay; to into the seat of the elder."
moulder. BflkA. n. a hovel; a stall; a
B6, tI. to abuse; censure; to market shed.
break into a loud cry; BlikitA, n. liabilities; domestic
to yell; to explode; to responsibilities.
send out an unpleasant Bukqja, adv. almost gone.
savour. B1ik6n, v. to add to; to increase.
BIi, tI. to take out a portion BlikliD, tI. to come short of;
(e.g., of rice or water); to to be deficient; to depre.
tweak; to break bread; ciate; to scorn; to des·
to rupture; to lacerate.- pise; to lessen; to abate ;
e.g., Bu omi fun mi, " Give to reduce.
me water to drink."--e.g.• Blikilro, v. to take from; to
Bu agbado fun ~ ... Bring diminish.
com for the horse."-e.g.• Bu BIilA, tI. to dilute; to adulterate.
i~ di4il fun 9m9 yi, "Cut B1i16, v. to put upon; to charge
some yam for this child." upon; to impose a fine.

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BUL 76 nA
Bill., v. to patch; to piece. Buf, v. to put to; to add to ~
Billu, v. to pour upon; to supply to bestow upon; to bless.-
largely; to blow upon; e.g., Ql9run yio bUsi i fun 9.
to press upon (as oppressive "May God bless you!"
atmosphere).-e.g., Oru bU- " God will bless y.ou ! "
Iii mi, "The heat over- Buo, n. a stall in which cattle
powers me." are tied at night. time.
Ban, v. to give; to present. BUlq, n. a resting place for
Ban 1.,.6, v. to give place; to travellers; an inn; a place
permit. for refreshment; a market
Ban Itban, v. to give a present stall.
to. Butl, n. loose sand; loose soil.
Ban lomi, v. to give water to. ButlgbA, n. the soft pulp of the
locust fruit.
Bup.. v. to vaccinate; to be
Bu1iD, n. a sleeping place; a.
Bupa-bup.. n. a vaccinator.
Bma, v. to swear; to take an
B" bed; a nest.
v. to grasp with the
teeth; to bite.
Bufe, .v. to be almost finished.
Bura-eke, v. to perjure; to But" But, but" adv. easily
swear falsely; to forswear_ (applied to a string or cord).
BIU'U, adj. wicked; bad; ill; -e.g., Okun ni nja bu~
infamous; hideous; nox- butt,l, " That cord is easily
ious. broken."
B6r6b6r6, adv. humbly; closely Bu-wGde, v. to fine; to impose
(used with " sapam<,l," to a tax.
hide).-e.g., NW9n sapam9 Buw6k1iD, v. to lessen the price
blirubUril, .. They hide very or value; to depreciate.
closely." Buw616, v. to prize; to value •
Burudopiu, adj. worst; as bad to estimate.
as ca.n be; wickedly atro- Bu~D, v. to besprinkle.
cious. BuyiD, v. to respect, regard.
Bura-gidigidi. Burujulq, adj. venerate or revere.-e.g .•
outrageous; very bad; Buyin fun Qba, " Honour
horribly erroneous. the King."
BurOkfl, n. one of the gods
supposed to accompany
smallpox, and to kill per- D.
sons so afIIicted by twisting
their necks. DA, v. the primary idea of this
Bura-rekqja, adj. hopelessly verb is" to make or create,"
wicked. but its signification is
Bura liwajn, add. to wax worse modified by the noun with
and worse. which it is used in com-
BuruW&, add. naughty; bad bination.-e.g., 0 da mi
conduct. ni igi, "He strikes me with
BUsA, v. to honour; to respect. a stick."-e.g., 0 da ow~,

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.. He contributes (creates) DabA (M-aba), fl. think; hope;

money." imagine; speculate; con·
It is also a particle with jecture.
a causative force, and when Dabf, fl. resemble; to be like;
used with other words has seem.
the' meaning of .. to cause DaMbo, fl. protect; defend;
to have. "-e.g., 0 da mi shelter; cover; shield;
lare, .. He acquits me," or screen; harbour.
lit. .. He causes me to have DabO, fl. cease.-e.g., Ko dab9
the right." The object of iY9 mi l«i'nu, .. He does not
the verb thus formed is cease troubling me."
always ipunediately after Dabu, fl. lie across; cross.
the particle Du. Da ••• bul" fl. to cause to lie
Da. fl. to be scarce or rare, or down; to confine to bed.
to be a time of dearth.- Daradara, didi, adj. good; adv.
e.g., Qda da, .. There is well.
famine; " to be intelligent. Didi, fl. to cause; bring about.-
-e.g., Oju r~ da, .. He is e.g., Kini d8di ija ? .. What
intelligent;" to be well.- is the cause of the quarrel 7 "
e.g., Ara mi d8, .. I am Dad6, fl. to dwell alone; to be
well;" to cease (of rain) ; isolated; to dwell apart.
to be still or quiet.-e.g., Daduro, fl. to stop; detain;
Ile da .. The house is quiet;" prevent; stay; arrest;
to throw down in wrestling. interrupt; hinder; inter-
-e.g., Mo Ie da 9, .. I can cept.
throw you down;" to D6gbl\, fl. to grow; become of
break.-e.g., 19i da, .. The age; to be old.
stick breaks" (an express· D6gbal6gbl\, fl. to become fully
ion equivalent to the developed (used of persons
English" Alas! "). only); to be full grown.
Dl, fl. to cast; fuse; pour; DAgbagba ,riD, fl. to laugh
betray a trust; to slip a loudly.
child under the arm from Dagb6, fl. to live alone; to be
the back.-e.g., Q~ mi ciA isolated.
mi, .. My friend betrays Dagbere, fl. (da, make; gbere,
me" (lit.-pours me out) ; by-and-by; a term used in
to be acceptable as a bidding goodbye to the
sacrifice (because the blood dead.-e.g., 0 di gb$lre 0,
of the sacrifice is poured .. Till by.and-by"); bid
on the ground) ; to become; goodbye, partake leave of,
when used in this sense it is bid farewell.
changed into Di for the DuUD, fl. reply; answer; speak.
sake of euphony before DUUD fun, fl. to be responsible
e, i, 0 and all consonants.- for; represent; answer
e.g., Kokoro di labalaba, for .
.. The grub becomes a Daidagiri, fl. create alarm; raise
butterfly." a panic.

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Daiyafo. Daiyaja, v. discourage; Daktr91'Q, v. to be perfectly

dishearten; dismay; alarm; calm or still.-e.g., Omi
frighten; intimidate. dak4ilrQrQ, "The water is
Daja (da-ija), v. to create, cause, quite calm.'
or provoke a quarrel or Dakb, KQIA, v. to be circumcised.
fight. or to circumcise. (Dak6 is
Da ••• jade. v. pour out; turn to be avoided in trans.
out; drive out. lations and kQla to be used
Dajt. v. feed alone; shun instead).
company. Dakoko (Da-akbko), v. to specify
Daji, v. wake up suddenly; to a time; appoint a day.
rise very early in the Dato, v. to make farm.
morning. Dakq (Da-tkq), v:
to huy agidi
Da ••• jb, v. pour hot liquid on (com starch, cooked).
to sca.ld.--e.g., 0 da omi Dakqja, v. step acroBB; pass
gbigbona jo mi lara, " He over; neglect.
is scalding me with hot Daku, v. faint; to be uncon·
water." scious.
Dajq (da tjQ), v. to judge; settle Dakun, v. " Please pardon me,"
a quarrel; adjudicate. "I ask your pardon."
Dajq (da QjQ), v. to appoint a (Always used in the Im-
day; fix a definite time. perative mood.)
Da ••• jq, v. to contribute, Datu, v. to prepare spun cotton
collect together.--e.g., IjQ for sale by folding it into
QYQ da ogoji poundi jQ, skeins.
"The QYQ Church con· Da ••• kuro, v. release; redeem •
tributed £40." acquit; let go.
Dajii (da oju), adj. shameleBB; Da ••• lagara (da-Di-agara), v.
certain; plain; v. to be to weary; exhaust the
certain. patience of.
Dajudaju, adv. certainly; evi· Da ••• lara, v. to serve one
dently; assuredly. right; disappoint.
Dakaka, v. to sit croBBlegged; to Da •• 1araJa, v. to enliven.
stand with open legs. Da • • • Iare (da-Di-are), v.
Dakele, v. to gamble with food justify.
(an Ekiti custom). Da ••• I.... v.venture; at.tempt.
Dakelekele, v. to be in small Dal6, v. to get a concubine.
bits; to cut into bits.- Dalt (da-llt), v. to prove faith-
e.g., Kini 4ilran na ti dakele· 1_ to an agreement; to
kele yi ? " What causes the break oath.
meat to be in such tiny Da ••• Itbi (da-Di-tbi). v. con-
bits? " demn.
Dakt, v. to be silent; to be Da ••• Itjq, v. judga.
still; to be dead; to be Da ••• ItkuD (da-Di-tkuD), v.
quiet.--e.g., 0 ti dak4il' forbid; restrain.
" He is dead." Da ••• lohun (da-Di-ohu), v.
Daktj" v. to be perfectly still answer; reply to.
or quiet.
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DA 79 DA

Da • • • (da-ni-oju), v. Da ••• lamu, bring confUilion

sure; to be certain.-e.g., upon; to upset.-e.g., Ihin
Ohun nil. dami loju, " I am nil. da mi lamu, " The news
of the matter;" upset me."
Dan, adj. polished;
loju, smooth; shine. glitter;
disappoints me (by its early to be smooth; make bright;
death). ' polish; lubricate.
Da •• lojude, v. upset; Dana (da-ina), make
size overset. Dana, commit robbery the
Da ••• loko (lru, v. emancipate; highway.
ransom; a slave. Danadana, n. a highwayman;
Da •• lokliD ilwo, to pirate;
a capital D8D8IIUD, v.
capil,al.-e.!l., J9
Dandan, n. a substance
lokim owo, "Please advance
resembling fish scales found
me some money to trade
in the soil of some parts of
Y oruba Country, such
Da • • • (da-ni-oro), v.
lie If<;l.
torture; torment. -e.g.,
Dandan, adv. surely; certainly;
M8.l1e da ~nik~ni loro,
by all means; at all costs ;
" Torment no one."
all risk.·--e.g., Ng 1<;>
Da ••• lqlUD, v. have
dan dan, will go all
longing for; long ~or.-
e.g., 1j:mu nda mi lqrun,
Dandanyidan, Dandanndan, adv.
" I feel a longing for palm-
after all; by all means;
all costs.-e.g., ri
Dilu, bore make a
b<;l dandanyidan, " it
happened after all."
Dalu, v. to mingle;
mix. Da ••• nigi (da-ni-igi), v. beat
a stick.
DaDtai'Dl~ v.
mako covenant. Da •• nija (da-ni-ija),
Da ••• Dleji (da-meji), v. a quarrel or fight.-e.g.,
divide into two; halve; Kini da yin nija, " What
bisoct.-e.g., illu caused the quarrel among
meji, " He divided t,he ?"
into two parts. Da• niji (da-ni-iji), to
Damqran (da-im9-qran), v. give alarm; terrify; frighten
a.dvice; propose. greatly.-e.g., 1j:ranko nil.
Da • • • v. to strike or da mi niji, .. The
with.-e·Il·, igi m9 frightened greatly.
lori, .. He hit me on the Daniniyemeji, adj. doubtful;
head with a stick." uncertain. v. to create
Damu, (trans. intrans.) doubt in the mind.
confuse; perplex; Da •• niyemeji, to to
found; to be confused. doubt.

D&DJD.aJIf&D, adj. smooth; neat; Darandaran, n. shepherd; herds·

olean; glossy. man; drover.
DamwmraDJDaDraD, adj. very Darajn. adj. better; superior.
smooth; very neat. Daraya, v. to be cheerful; play;
Dan ••• woo 11. tempt; try ; to be lively; to amuse
prove. oneself; to be gay.
DAnn. adj. fluent. 11. to be able Dare, 11. to decide in favour of ;
to speak fluently. acquit.
DAna, 11. to be spilt.; to be upset. Dar£. 11. tum; steer; direct the
-e.g., Omi na danu, " The course of.
water is overtumed." Dati ••• k9, 11. to turn the
Da ••• DU, 11. oause to tum over. direction of; go towards.
-e.g., Qm¢e na da ~k9 ~ adv. never; no.
nu, " The ohild throws away Darikq, adj. crooked; clumsy.
his ~k9 (food);" throw Dan • • • ii, Darisi, 11. turn
out; throwaway. towards; tend to; prone
DapAc1ap', adj. freokled. to.
Dapar" 11. to jest, joke. Duo, ". to dye; to be a dyer of
Dapata (da-apata),11. to be hard j aro (a blue dye).
to be oallous. DAro, 11. to lament; wail; think
Dape} (da-apo). ". make a pooket; longingly of another.
to puoker. Da ••• r6, 11. to keep one waiting
DapQ. 11. mix; mingle; join. a long time; delay.
Dapqmq, Darapqmq, 11. coalesce ; Da ••• rCa, ". confound; confuse.
combine with; join. DaradapQ. ad". promiscuously;
Da"mqr&, 11. commingle; mix indisorimina.tely; in con-
together. fusion.
DapqtQkan. ". oonjoin; unite; Darudaru, adv. completely ;
inoorporate. entirely (applied to verbs
Dara, adj. good; handsome; of conoealing).-e.g., Ikilkii
beautiful ; fair ; neat ; bol~ darudaru, "The fog
nice; fine ; splendid ; covers the town com-
elegant; dainty. pletely."
DAd (da-ua), 11. cut oapers; Darukq (da-orukq). 11. name;
display feats of skill; make mention by name.
a show; follow fashion. Duan (c1i-asan), 11. to come to
Daradara, adj. ti 0 dara; good; nought; become useless;
nice. vanish out of sight.
DarAn (da-QrAn), 11. offend; Dast (da-tlt), 11. to cease from
commit a grievous sin; going to a place; to refrain
trespass; get into a scrape ; from visiting a place; make
incur a heavy penalty; oneself scarce.
commit sacrilege. Da ••• Ii, ". spare; reserve;
DarAnc1arU, n. one who reo exempt; meddle in ; intrude
peatedly commits offences; into.
a regular evil-doer; a Da ••• ailt (da-si-nt) release;
criminal. &cquit; let go.

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DA ••• sil~ (dA-Bi-il,), fl. pour DawqPQ (da-qwq-pq), fl. join

on the ground; shed; spill. hands.
Da ••• 19, fl. allude; mention; Dan (cia on), fl. prepare cotton
speak about.-e.g., 0 cia yarn for sale by folding it
q~ na sq, " He alluded to into skeins.
the matter." Dayele, Diyele (da-iye-Ie), tI.
DqA (da-qA), fl. to adopt a new appraise; fix a price upon;
style; follow fashion. rate; estimate the price of.
D_.. adj. clean; expert ; (This is done by the buyer
clever. and not by the seller.)
Dqakaf.. fl. to adopt a new D6, fl. come; arrive; reach;
fashion thoughtlessly or cover.-e.g., Qran na de
recklessly. oju 1"\1, .. The matter has
~ adj. clean; expert ; reached a crisis."-e.g., Ojq
clever. de, .. Rain is coming."
Di wt, tI. bathe alone, wash Di, prep. in the absence of;
alone. DB. used in such a for.-e.g., Duro de mi,
sense means alone, by one· .. Wait for me."-e.g., Ma
self. ~ ~ na de mi, .. Continue
Dawo (da-owo), tI. contribute the work in my absence."
money; subscribe money; Di, tI. bind; put in shackles ;
put money together. screw together; rivet; tie;
Dawo iBu, Da-Aau, fl. to save put in fetters.-Nwqn de
one's money by joining a mi mql~, .. I was fettered."
kind of club called &!u. Deb, (de-ib,), fl. to arrive there ;
Dawo-ilu, fl. pay taxes; pay reach the place.
rates. Debipa (da-ebi-pa) Febip.. v. to
Dawo-odi, Dawo-bodi, fl. to pay starve.
customs; pay duty. DUe, adj. exact; agreeable;
Dawole (da-owo-Ie), Diyele, tI. suitable; accurate. adfl.
fix the price of; estimate. well; exactly.-e.g., 0 wa
Dawq, fl. to be sulky; to refuse ni dade akoko ti mo f~ ~,
to be appeased when angry. .. He came at the exact
Dawq, tI. to hold the hand; to moment I needed him."-
stop, cease, stay. e.g., IIW nlq dade, "The
Dawqbc} (da-qwq-bc}), fl. to cover work is going on well."-
with hands.-e.g.,Ji1c1awqM e.g., Ko dade ti nwqn f~ ri q,
~ na, .. Let your hands be .. It is no wonder they wish
fully occupied in doing the to see you."
work." De ••• lade, tI. to croWD.
Dawqdel~ (da-qwq-de-il,), fl. Di ••• lap, tI. to pinion.
(lit.-to go on all fours) ; to De ••• I,wqn, v. to chain;
be ruined. fetter; handcuff.
Dawqduro (da-qwq-duro), tI. to De ••• Iqna, fl. obstruct; im·
forbear; stay; cease; stop. pede; stop the progress of.
Dawqle (da-qwq-Ie), tI. venture DenA, v. lie in ambush; lay
upon; undertake. wait for; waylay.

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DE·S 82 Dt

D&4i, fl. come to; befall ; DfDlU (da-tmu), fl. to extract

happen to. the sap of the palm·tree.
Din, fl. see Dawo esu. DfrB (d, am), fl. to be lax; to
Dt. adj. loose; slack; ripe; flag; yielding.
soft. D9riJapa, adj. ridiculous.
De. fl. to set a trap; ensnare; D,m (di-om), fl. to pack; tie
a load.
tempt; bait; allure; decoy;
hunt. Dtra (da-tril), fl. to cause fear;
D,bi (da-,bi), tJ. condemn.-e.g. raise alarm.
Tani nd~bi, "Who con· D,m ••• b6, fl. to frighten;
demns." affright; scare.
D,bifuD, tJ. condemn. DtraIe (di-om-Ie), fl. to load;
Dtd" adv. near; at hand (used lade.
exclusively in the phrase). Dompa (da-om-pa), fl. to cause
-e.g., Ku si d~~," Is at to feel the weight of.
hand."-e.g., Qj9 Oluwa Dts\lduro, Tts\lduro, fl. to halt ;
ku si d~d~, " The day of the wait; stay.
D, ••• Ii, tJ. to incite against.
Lord is at hand."
D\Id" adj. very soft. adv. deep, D", (da-",), fl. to sin; trans·
gress; disobey a law.
as applied to colours.-e.g., D,t, (da-,t,), fl. to be leprous.
Eso nii. P9n d~d~, "The Dfli (d.-eti), tJ. listen; incline
fruit is of a deep red colour." the ear.
D\ldo (d, odo), tJ. fish. D,U, tJ. impersonal, it fails; it
D"b, (d, igb,), tJ. hunt (in the is impossible.
bush). D,w6 (d, qwq), fl. to ease;
D"bo, adj. galled. slacken; relax one's hold.
DtIDD (di-tlDD), tJ. to make a -e.g., J~ ki nd4i'w9 fun 9.
rough seat on a tree on "Letme give you a chance. "
which to lay wait for D,w~ (d, iw~), v. to fish with a
animals at night. hook; angle.
D,hiD, v. go back. D,wa (da twa), tI. to make or
Dpm (di-,hin), prep. till after. sew a garment.
-e.g., 0 ~hin 9la, .. Till Di, conj. (always found with the
some distant date (lit.-Till partiole 0); till or untiL-
after to.morrow)." e.g., 0 di 9la, .. Till to·
D,h11D, tJ. to sink the voice. morrow."
D,ja (d,-,ja), tJ. to fish. D1, adj. olosed; thiok.-e.g.,
Qna na di. .. The way is
D,j6, v. to be mild; soft; overgrown." tJ. shut up;
lenient; placid. shut; close.-e.g., Mo di
Dtkb (d,-okb), tJ. set a trap; iho na, " I closed up the
snare. hole."
Dtk11D, tJ. cease; stop.
D, ... lara, tJ. soothe; to oom·
fort.-e.g., 0 d~ mi lara,
Df, adj. entangled; complicated.
-e.g .• ljlj9 na di patapata,
.. The matter becomes very
" It soothes me." much complicated."

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Dt 83 DIL

Di, v. tie; bind; unite; freeze; Digbati (di-igbati), adv. till the
congeal; coagulate. adj. time when_
congealed; frozen; dense. Digbese, v. to incur debt; fall
Di, v. become.-e.g., Mo di filni into debt.
nIa, .. I am become great." Digoo.e (di-igbati-o-te), adv. bye.
Dibai", v. to become putrid; and.bye; till another time.
corrupt; rotten; to perish. -e.g., 0 digb~, .. Good-
DiM, v. to cast lots. bye."
Digi, n. glass; looking-gla.~s;
DidA, adj. molten; poured out. mirror.
Did" n. the act of giving effect Dig6, n. an article of draBS,
to any action. consisting of a piece of cloth
DidA-ara, n. lIoundness of body; tied round the waist. v. to
health. wear a piece of cloth around
Didi-UA, v. making antics; the waist as above.
capering. DihamC)1'a, v. to be harneBBed;
Didabi, n. the act of imagining; to arm oneself; to be clad
conjecturing or speculating. in armour.
Didan, adj. shining; bright; DijA (da-ijA), v. to be the cause
gloBSy; varnished. of a quarrel.
Didara, adj. good; beautiful; Dij'mC)1'a (di-qja-mC)1'a), v. to
nice. n. the condition of tie a cloth round the body.
being good. Dije (da-ije), v. to arrange a race.
Di46, v. arise; stand up; stir; Diji, v. to be frightened out of
ferment.-e.g.. Dlde naro, breath; to take fright; to
.. Stand upright." faint from the effect of
Dide, n. arrival. fright.-e.g., Qm9de na dijl
Dide, n. the condition of being nigbati 0 ri egungun,
bound or chained. .. The child fainted with
Did., a. soft; ripe. fright when he saw the
Didi, n. the condition of being Egungun" (a masquerader).
tied. Dfju (di-oju), v. to shut the eyes;
Di", adj. few; some; little; to close a p8BBage.
adv. awhile. Diju, v. to be entangled; to be
Di"di", adv. little by little; a knotted.-e.g., Qran yi diju,
little at a time. .. This matter is hard to
Difa (da-ifa), to consult the god unravel."
Ifa by means of its symbols Dikaai, 11. to become stale;
palm-nuts. become mouldy; to be
00", v. to blOBBom; flower. musty.
DfgbA (da-igbA), v. to appoint Di ••• leti, v. to prevent from
a certain time; fix a time. hearing; deafen; cause
Digba (di-igbA), adv. (used in to be deaf.
parting); bye-and-bye.- Dil., v. to be disengaged; to be
6.g.,O digba 0, .. Good-bye." unemployed.-e.g., QW9 mi
DigbaDa (di-igbaDa), adv. till dil~ d~ wayi, co I am now
then. less pressed with work."
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Di ••• ItDu, tI. muzzle; to shut Doje, n. sickle; scythe.

the mouth of. Dojubolt (da-oju-ho-ilt), tI. to
Di ••• loket6, tI. to make into prostrate with the face on
a bale. the ground.
Di ••• lOll&, tI. to obstruct; Dojude (da-oju-de), tI. to invert.
hinder; prevent; inter· -e.g., Da oju ikoko na de
cept. il~, .. Invert the pot."
Dibi, tI. condense; bind together. Dojukodo (da-oju-kq-odo), tI. to
Dim.6, tI. cling to; grasp. turn the face downward.
Dim~lu, tI. to take counsel DojukO, tI. to face; confront.
together. Dojuti, tI. to make ashamed.
Di ••• mu, tI. to hold; grasp; Domi (da-omi), tI. to become
grip; wrestle; struggle.- watery; to become liqwd.
e.g., Dimu girl, .. Hold Domnira (da-omnira), tI. to free ;
fast."-e.g., Dimu ,~in, to emancipate.
.. Grip tightly." Dopill (de-opill), tI. to come to an
DiD, tI. to fry; bake; toast. end; to end.
DinA, tI. to barricade; bar. Dorikodo (da-oriD-kq-odo), tI. to
Di ••• DihamOta, tI. to arm hang down the head.
harness; clothe in armour. DoritO, tI. to turn towards;
DiDi, adj. revengeful; morose; incline one's steps.
cantankerous. Doti, tI. to encamp against;
Dipara, tI. to rust; corrode. beset; beleaguer.
Dipo, tI. succeed; to be a sub· Dqbalt, tI. to prostrate on the
stitute. prep. instead of; ground; to lie flat on the
in the place of. stomach (a form of salu·
Dip~, a. congealed; coagulated. tation).-e.g., DQb81~ ki a
tI. to adhere; congeal; tie pa igbQnwQ mQra ni ohun
together; bind. ti ~ fun ni, .. To prostrate
Did, tI. to plait the hair. oneself and keep the elbows
Diaisiyi, adtl. till now. close . to the body (in the
Diii (di-eti), adj. deaf. tI. to be attitude of supplication)
deaf. has its advantage."
DiwO (df-qwO), tI. to take one's »qat, tI. to chase; hunt.
whole attention; to engage Dqgha. tI. to be equal; to be on
one's time. the same level.
Diw6 (di-qwO), tI. to clasp hands ; DouO, n. an idiot; a stupid
to bend the fingers into the person.
palm of the hand. Dqpo, tI. to offer low price for
Dfwp, tI. to measure; gauge. goods.-e.g., 0 dQpQ Ie ~Q
DiJele, tI. see Dayele. ti mo nta, .. He offers a low
D6, tI. encamp; cohabit. price for the cloth I have
Dolo (di-olo), tI. to become for sale."
empty. D9f9, a. nice; grand; fine.
DoIiri (da-oglri), tI. to gallop. Dqwqdelt (da-qwq-de-Ut), tI. (lit.
D6go, tI. to dun for debt. -to go on all fours). tI. to
Dor6.D, tI. to rust; corrode. call1!e to fail; to subdue.

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DQW 85

Dqw6nle (da-o.-le), tJ. to rate DuP' (da-ope), tJ. to give thanks

at a high price; appraise -e.g., Ji:niti a fl'6 lore ti ko
highly. dUPfil, a ba file e ni ibi ko
Du, tJ. to scramble for; emu· dun u, .. He who does not
late; compete with; rival. give thanks for kindness
D6, d6.du, ad}. black; dark· re~ived, would not feel
coloured. injury done to him."
DU, tJ. to deny a request; refuse; Dura (du-ara), tJ. to make
disallow. an effort to keep oneself
D6.bu, tJ. to lie across or athwart. from falling.-e.g., Mo dura
Dubult, tJ. to lie down. nigbati ilfil Y9 mi, I tried

to keep on my legs when I

Dudt, ad}. black; sable; dark· slipped."
coloured. Duro, tJ. to stand; wait; halt;
Dada, adtJ. thickly.-e.g., Ojo tarry.
filu dudu, .. The rainclouds Durode, tJ. to wait for.-e.g.,
gather quickly." Durode mi, "Wai~ for me."
Dugbola, Kola, tJ. to stumble DuroP', tJ. to linger; stay long.
upon; stagger against; DurOfi, tJ. to halt suddenly.
knock against an object.. - Duroti, tJ. to stand by or against.
e.g., M8flIe dugbolu mi, .. Do DUrn, n. harmonium, organ,
not stagger against me." harp.
DulumO, n. calumny; slander; Dtirtl, ad}. important.
bribe.-e.g., M8flIe gba
dulum9 filnikan, .. Do not
slander anyone." E.
Dumbu, tJ. to kill by cutting the
throat; decapitate. E, a prefix, used with a verb to
DUn, tJ. to pain; to be painful; form a pronoun.-e.g., 10,
to grieve; to cause regret. to use; elo, the thing used,
-e.g., Qran na dUn mi a utensil.
pup9, "The matter grieves' IbA, n. jar for holding grease,
me much." oil or ointment.
DUn, ad}. sweet; pleasant; Eb6, n. a heap of earth made for
delicious; pleasing; pal. planting; bed; hillock.
atable; agreeable. (Used Ibi, n. vomit; matter thrown
to express any agreeable up from the stomach.
sensation. ) Em, n. hunger.
Dim, tJ. sound. Ebi, n. journey; travel; a long
DnDmO, tJ. to be pleasant; to journey.
please; to be agreeable.- Ebi-npa, tJ. (a phrase) to be
e.g., Ohun ti nW9n fl'8 hungry (lit.-hunger is
dunm9 mi j9j9, .. That killing).
which they did pleased me :Albo, Abo. :Aldi, n. the act of
very much." binding or tying.
DliDd6. (du-ndu), n. fried yam. Ibt, n. abuse; bad names;
DUnd6D, n. a kind of drum. attributing defect to any

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part of the body.-e.g., Bebe. n. support; aid ;
Qlori nla, .. A big.headed response; chorus.
fellow." jgbl. n. a cane used in the
mU, n. a pieoe of anything about framework of a thatched
the size of a man's fist roof.
intended for planting; yam Egbeje, a. one thousand four
seed. hundred (1,400).
Ebute, n. landing plaoe; wharf; Egbere, n. a small animal; an
harbour. evil spirit supposed to be
Eb6.t6, n. dust; a heap of fine of very small stature. It
dust. is said to wander abroad a.t
Ede. n. language; dialect; night and to frequent the
tongue. woods.
Ed6, n. crawfish; lobster; EgbiD, n. a kind of deer.
shrimp; prawn.
EgbO, n. a sore; ulcer; root
Ed6, n. buffalo. of a tree.
Ed!. n. a spell; a charm; an BebO, n. dry com cooked very
soft; com pudding.
Edidf, n. a seal; a stamp. BebOdo, n. new yam.
Ed6.. n. a kind of wild goat. Egbogi (egbO-igi), n. medicine
:IeIu, n. coal; cinders; lamp.
black. (Zit-root of a tree).
1If, ,fiD, n. smoke. fc1Jon, n. flea; tick.
EflDriD, n. an aromatic shrub Be6, n. piece.
resembling mint, having Bee. n. dirge; anthem;
medicinal properties. response.
EflDriD-w,w" EflDriD-ata, n. Eg6d6, 0011. only; simply.-e.g.,
another species of Efinrin, Mo bo ile tan egede ki nye
havingsmalIer leaves; mint. e ni 0 kil," I have thatched
EflDriD-odo, n. water mint. the house, the ridge only
Ef6, n. chaff; com chaff used remains to be done."
for feeding cattle. EgMlI, n. mystery; a mys-
116, n. bubbles; froth. terious saying.
116, n. broken pieces; frag. Iguo, Eg11DlUD, n. bone;
ments of earthenware. skeleton.
110, 019, n. cuticle; outer skin ; Egan-AiJa, n. breastbone; the
cast off snake skin.--4!.g., ribs.
Ara mi npa 8f9, .. My sur· Egan-,hin, n. back-bone; spinal
faoe skin is peeling off." oolumn.
BIn, n. a coated tongue caused Egim, n. ourse; imprecation;
by a disordered stomach. anathema..
IgAlEe, Fcbmi. n. a tickling.- lpn, Igtmgtm, n. a mas-
e.g., IW9 nrin mi li eginni, querader who is supposed
.. You tickle me." to be a dead person returned
Beb6, n. woe; damnation; to earth; the worship of
perdition; 1088 : eternal the spirits of the dead.
punishment. ErunriD, n. refuse; dust.

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ERA 87 :rnKU

Ehqe (eyi-ha-te), ad'l). why; :IkAn, n. new shoots from the

wherefore; how so. stem or roots of trees.
EhiD, EJiD, n. tooth; tusk. I:kAn, n. upright posts used in
EhiD-eriD, n. ivory; elephant's weaving; post to which
tusk. to tether animals; any
1b6, n. froth; foam. wooden peg, plug or wedge.
Ehoro, n. hare; rabbit. Ek6, n. liar, falsehood; lie;
Ibo-ejo, Ifo-ejo, n. the osst off falsity.-e.g., PiP\' ni yio p~
skin of a snake. eke ko mu ra, "Though it
:tho, n. birds like palm-birds may be a long time a lie
generally found in dooks; will be detected at last."
offset; offshoot; bud; Ekeje (fkan-eje), a. seventh.
weed; seedling; sprout. Ekeji (f]Ean-eji),a. seoond; next;
:thta-iyan, ban-ikasi, n. pounded the other; the second of a
yam whioh hss become pair.
stale. EkeleDje, n. eft, a small lizard.
Ejanu, n. passion; passionate Ek6re,be, hur., n. goat.
feeling. EkiDDi, a. first, chief.
Eje, a. seven; seventh. Ekiri, n. a kind of wild goat.
Eje-qdun, n. the seventh month Ekiti, Okiti, n. somersault; a
in the year-July. mound of earth; hillock;
Ejf, n. rain. the name given to the
Jlji, a. two. district north-ea.st of the
Ejf, n. a wedge-shaped cut in Yoruba Country.
the upper frontal teeth, Ek6, n. joint.
thought to enhance beauty. Ek016, n. a long worm generally
Eji-QC1un, n. the second month found by the side of water.
in the year-February. Btu, Ekute, n. rat; mouse.
Ejidfiogun (l:ji-c1iD-Di-ogun), a. !tu, !tUn, n. handle of a knife,
eighteen. sword or eutlass.
JDjila, a. twelve. Ekta, Ekukaka, n. sheer force;
EJika, n. shoulder. effort.-e.g., 0 ,e ek(l dide
EjiDrin, n. a oreeping plant. die, .. He makes an effort
Ejir., Eji" Ibeji, n. twins; giving to raise himself a little."
birth to two at one time. Ekulu, n. a snare for fish.
EJ6, n. serpent; snake. Ek1ilu, n. a kind of deer.
Ej6, n. fried pork, bacon. I:kim, n. knee.
.lJr:iu., :lkinna, n. finger-nail; Ekurq, n. the kernel of a palm-
claw; talon; paw. nut.
JDkAn-awodi, n. (Ut.--eagle's burn, n. meal made of ground
claw) a priokly shrub used white beans or corn (when
ss medicine for destroying made of com it is called
tape-worms . ekuru agbado); sometimes
.lkiu.-.kuD, n. (lit.-lion's paws); oalled kuduru.
a prickly plant, so called Ektari., n. mange; itch ; scabies ;
from its priokles resembling eozema.
lion's paws. I:kura, n. dust; fine dust.
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EKU 88 Em
EkUsA, Elms., n. ringworm OD _ Ol~, n. grinder; digestive
the head. organs.
Ekutele (ekute-ile), n. house·rat. EluJlq, Oka, n. yam-llour; dried
IIA, n. wedge. yam.-e.g., Elubq ~egb6do
mA, n. force; violence; pressure. ri, ~ru ,e qmq ni ile baba
m6, n. interest; usury; sur· r~ ri, .. (As) dried yam was
plus; a course of mud in onoe fresh and soft, (so) the
building mud walls. slave was once a ohild in
me, n. iron; instruments made his father's house."
of iron; weapons; sword. Bmi, .0, .g, '/Wo. I.
The cry of " Ele" denotes Imi, n. breath•
.. All to arms." EmifuDrami, refl. '/Wo. I myself.
Eledemeji, n. equivocator; Emim~, :li:m~, n. the seeds of a
double·dealer. wild shrub whioh adhere
Elagb~, n. seconder; supporter; to clothes.
chorister; one who. makes Emi-Di, refl. pro. I also; I
responses. myself.
ElagbO, n. one with sores on his EminA, n. a trailing plant
body. b~aring fruit on a stalk.
Elagede, n. pumpkin. Emitikarami, Emitika1amj , nfl·
El6g8de, n. a mY'ltic. '/Wo. I myself; myself.
Eleke, n. a liar; a talebearer. Im~, n. wonder; strange ocour-
Elamini, n. a slanderer; a rence.--e.g., 1)lmq de, .. A
traitor. strange thing happens."
Elere, see Abiku. Im~ or Emim~, n. seeds of a.
El6re, 7'1. one who gains or makes plant; anything adhesive.
profit. lm~agbO, n. a shrub whose
Elifi, n. an unclean pel'8OD; seeds stick to the skin of
a dirty or filthy pel'8On. cattle (agbo, ram) when
adj. dirty; filthy. grazing.
El6rU, n. a cheat; a shufBer. Emurtn, EmuriD, n. mosquito.
EleruPt, ad;. earthy; made of .... n. used only in the following
dust. proverb :-Bi iwq ko ni owo
El6po, n. palm-oil seIler. o ko ni W, bi 0 ko ni em.
El6se-a1uko, add. purple. o ko ni ohtm rere l~u,
El6s6, adj. fruit-bearing. .. If you have no money
El"u, n. a demoniac; one (to give a person in distress)
possessed with a devil. can you not pay visits, and
Elitu, add. wicked; devilish. if you cannot pay visits
Eleti-aja, n. that which has 8aps. can you not send some
El6tuiu, n. propitiator. kind messages?" Hence
Eleyi, pro. this one; this. the title" Apena," whioh
mel, n. use. means "One who oalls
m6, 116, adtJ. How much ? together." .
Blc}.qb" n. ingredients used in am. n. overweight; over-
cooking, suoh as salt and measure.
pepper. EDi, adj. one; unit.

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:i!lni, Cni, n. to.day. inu mbi ajanaku
Eni, Eyini, pro. that; that one; "If the elephant can be
that yonder. angry, so can the ant."
hi, n. dew. £ran, n. grass used as food for
Enia, n. a human being; person; horses and cattle in general;
somebody; man (in the the leaves of a plant used
general sense). as thatch.
Enia-dudu, n. black man; negro; Eran, n. infection; pestilence.-
coloured man. e.g., Mal\le ko crAn
£nia..funfun, n. white " Do not infect
European. ft. gain; profit
Eniakenia, n. villain interest on money;
blackguard. advantage;
Enialasan, n. outcast n. game;
without character; COInrn,on n. image; ; statue.
fellow. Eri!, n. a white bean with a black
Enftere-ejitere, adv. (a phrase, spot on it.
lit.-one here, two there); Eredi, adv. Why? What is the
one by one; one after reason of ?
another; by degrees ; Erekere, n. indecent game;
gradually.--e.g., Enitere· frivolity.
ejitere ni 9ja iii ikun, " Er6kere, n. image
here, two there, Ereko, ft. dependency
is full." surrounding districts
n. crust; town; a village.
scab over a sore ErekUlJu, n. island
yam baked. £ri, n. filth; dirt
! Ipmpa! inter, Eri, ft. chaff sifted
clamation of fear or terror. maize or Indian corn, used
Epa, n. curse; swearing; the as food for cattle.
invoking of evil on another. Erigi, n. molar tooth.
Ip~, Erup~, n. mud; earth. Erin, n. elephant.
Epa, n. weed; wild grass. £rin-Igbado, n. maize in cob.
Epo, n. palm.oil; oil; grease. Erinmi, n. hippopotamus; whale.
lPG, n. chaff; husk; bark; Era, n. caravan; traveller; way-
rind; skin; farer; passenger
shell. pilgrim.
:lpon, n. n. thought
which contains sideration;
jnice; medicinal plan; project
Epo-9w~~, ft. a greenish Era-ina, n. nits; the
stance which Jlr6, ft. ashes; the
surface of the lagoon, remains after a body is
generally in the dry season burnt; cinders.
(Dec. to Feb.) Er6, ft. deceit; double.dealing;
£ra, n, sma.ll black ants with craft; deception; fraud;
poisonous stings.-e.g., Bi adulteration.
ERU 90

ErMa, n. land cleared for lata. :lsusu, n. a wild high grass

habitation; meadow.~.g., not unlike the sugar·cane.·
Qba 9IW ~an di erUfu., said Blue. n. disordered stomach;
in praise of a king in whose nausea.
prosperous reign forest a.uu. n. a dying ant which
countries are converted into appears after rain and BOOn
pla.ins, inhabited by the drops its wings. It is a
increasing population. favourite food.
ErukUku, n. pigeon (more fre· Bluo. n. antelope.
quently called ~Y4i'le). Eauru, n. a kind of potato or
!rUn. n. generic name for the tuber of yellow colour with
ant tribe; emmet.--6.g., a bitter taste.
Qw919wq ni ike. (akandu) EaIis6, lata. n. a wild high grass
9Pqlqpq ni erun, .. The large resembling the sugar·cane.
black ants march in a lata. :t.ris6., n. pimple; skin
regular order, but all other eruption.
ants move in irregular Ian, n. a kind of club or savings
swarms." bank, chiedy used by the
Irim. n. crumbs. Egbas.
ArUn-dudu, Akandu, n. the black "'e (eyi ti ,e). ad". What is the
ant (which always moves in matter 1 Why 1 What is
double file).
Erupt. n. dust; earth; soil;
"e the reason?
ti, adt). Why? Wherefore?
atl, n. mistake; accident;
Erfltu. Er1Iifu, n. a piece of yam. error; oversight.
:lIsA. Itl, n. the red ant. ttl, n. last year; the past year ;
Ed. n. cat. a yea.r ago.
El6. n. the river horse or hippo. "'l, n. colouring matter which
potamus. comes from a dyed cloth
Ese, n. shea·nut. when washed; dirt.
:l:se. n. provision; food prepared
for use in the course of a
EtiDtiD. a.m.
EtiDtiD-,f~D. n.
n. fly.
the gadfly.
journey. Also called 1ru.
:l:se. n. dye; paint; coloured Etintin-qd,. n. hornet.
liquid used by tanners. ato. n. devil; Satan; demon;
:l:skluko. n. purple colour or
:l:se-i)'6ye. n. yellow colour or
"'6. fiend.
n. the locust.
E,UfU. Eauau. n. leech.
dye. atoP. n. brier; a running
:l:sl, n. answer; reply; response prickly plant.
(The same as Idahu.n). Eta. :Ita. n. coarse dour
lain or EaiDsin, n. a creeper separated by sifting; sore·
whose seed is covered with ness in the gums.
scales which are poisonous ill" n. intention; conside~tion;
and cause violent itching. purpose; scope; drift;
EsiD, n. a kind of tree. aim; tenor.
Eso. n. fruit. Ete. n. lip.
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ETi 91 1j:BA

Etf, n, ear; edge; brink ; Ewu, n. danger; peril; risk;

brim ; skirt ; border; narrow escape; hazard;
coast. insecurity; jeopardy.
Etid6,n. water.side; strand; Ew6. n. grey hair; white locks.
wharf. Eri, EW1I8&, n. a large rodent
EWe, n. outskirts of a town; which goes about only in
neighbourhood. the night.-e.g., A ko nri
Eti-qfa. n. barb of an arrow. ewu IljlBan, "The rodent
:Stu. n. an old farm nearly ewu is never seen in day-
exhausted. light."
Etntli, n. propitiation; atone- Ew1irA, n. water yam; a kind
ment; expiration; pen- of soft yam.
ance ; pacification; that Ewur\l, n. a goat.
which gives satisfaction. Ewuro, n. a tree with a bitter
EtUtta-oknn. n. oakum; tow. leaf; a bitter herb used
Etutu, n. the small species of for food. The root is also
white ants. used as a chewing-stick.
Ew6, n. leaf; folia.ge.-e.g., Eyf, Eyiyi, adj.·pro. this.
.. Ewe·eti," n. convolvulus, Iyi, n. measles•
so called because its sap, EyfB, see Ehin.
mixed with nut oil, is a Eyini, adj.-pro. this same; the
remedy for earache. same; self-same.
Eweb" n. herb; vegetable. Eyini, adj.-pro. that; that one;
Ewedo (ewtMlC!o), n. moss; the that yonder.
leaf of a water.plant. Eyini-Dipe, adv. namely; that
Ewe-iDa, n. a shrub with a hairy is.
leaf, which, if touched, Esiti. pro. that which; which;
produces painful blisters what.-e.g., Eyiti 0 ri ni
on the skin. It is one of ki 0 mu, .. Take that which
the ingredients used for you find."
poisoning arrows, and in Esiti-a-Dwi-yi, an adv. phrase;
the preparation of poisons. just now; immediately.-
Ewekewe. n. any leaf; a com- e.g., Eyiti-a-nwi-yi ~ ju 0
mon leaf. ti 19, " Faster than I speak
Eweko, n. plants in general; he was gone."
herb. EsitowukC)fe, Esitowukoj\l, pro.
Ew6re, n. a species of monkey whatsoever; whichever.
with whiskers, called, from
its nice appearance, the
father of monkeys.-e.g., ~.
Ewere baba 9b9, " Ewere,
the father of monkeys." " ~Jin, pro. you; yeo
ho, n. boil, abscess. " pro. obj. case; him; her; it.
Ew6, inter. pro. Which? _bA.
n. brink; edge; border;
Whether. side.
Iw~, n. that which is forbidden; ,ba-ini, n. fireside .
. a forbidden act. ,ba-OlmD, n. seaside.

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Ji:BA 92

Jj:bado, n. riverside.
Jj:b." n. entreaty; supplication;
petition ;
prayer; request.
ii' n. Ogboni staff.
e, n. ripe fruit.
, dt,a prefl:!:. used in numeration_
When used for numbers
ib." n. a slice; a shaving; stew. between 400 and 4,000 it
Jj:bi, n. wrong; condemnation; means minus 100, but above
doom; guilt. 4,000 it means minus 1,000_
Jj:biti. n. a stone or mud snare ; e.g., 500 is ~~b~ta; i.e.,
a trap; an insecure building 600 minus 100; 5,000 is
or 'cliff. ~~bata, i.e., 6,000 minus
Jj:biti alayUD, Jj:biti Dagi, n. saw· 1,000.
pit. :tM."beje, adj. one thousand
Jj:bq, n. sacrifice; offering. seven hundred.
Jj:bQ-akoso, n. offering of first- ~."b.,jo. adj. one thousand five
fruits. hundred.
Jj:bq-alafla, n. peace offering. ~.,gb¢n, adj. seven hundred_
Jj:bq-"." n. sin offering; tres-
~."b.,run, adj. nine hundred.
pass offering.
Jj:bq-etutu-.,.." Jj:bq-etutu, n. ~."b.,.an, adj. one thousand
propitiatory sacrifice; atone- seven hundred.
ment. ,dogun, adj. fifteen.
Jj:bq-flfl, n. wave-offering. llldO, n. liver; a feeling of
Jj:bq-idam.,wa, n. offering of the affection.
tenth part. ido 1010, adj. irascible; easily
Jj:bq-igbesO, n. heave offering. provoked.
Jj:bq-itasil." n. libation. Jj:dUD, n. twins; a name some-
Jj:bq-or." Jj:bO-or.,-atinuWa, n. times given to one or both
freewill offering. of twins; ape; fourfingered
Jj:bq sUUD, Jj:bq or., sUUD, n. monkey.
burnt offering. ~UD-dudu, ~UD OriokUD, n. a
,bq-6r6, lime kiln. black and very agile
~Ur6, on. ibUr6., n. short cut; monkey, generally found
backpath ; backdoor. by the seaside, or among
iban, n. gift; present; mangroves.
donation; endowment; ~an, n. axe; hatchet.
prize; boon. idan, n. grief; distress of mind ;
ida, n. natural propensities; mortification.
nature; inclination. Jj:dan-arokAn, Jj:dan-iktbin. n.
Jj:dA, n. a rat remarkable for fast remorse; mortification.
breeding. Jj:fA, adj. six.
ida. n. nature; creature; the ~igi, n. a shaving; a chip.
act of creating. lllf., n. jest; joke; mockery;
ida-tl.,mi, n. animal kingdom. game; drollery.
idA-eweko, n. vegetable king- ift, n. fault-finding; captious-
dom. ness; humour.
idA-iwe, n. edition (of a book). _ Efl, n. smoke; fume.
~o, n. a pun upon a word. if6, n. a herb used as food.

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~FQ 93 Jj:IY

JllIq-ikoko. n. potsherd. "b~a, n. match; equal; equiv·

JllI9k9. n. a wreck. alent.
~~. n. arrow. "btrin, adj. eight hundred.
~qD-iha, n. rib. "btsi. n. name of a tree; heat.
~Qn. n. buffalo. rash; the mark of a whip.
lllf6fU. n. breeze; gale; tempest; ""bt. n. the side, from the arm·
olimate. pit to the waist; loins;
~-ojiji. EfMu-nla. n. storm; place; adv. alongside.
tornado; tempest; wind; "btdwb9D, adj. five thousand.
squall. ,gbtrl, n. one uninitiated into
~ n. oha.lk; whiting. the secrets of the gods;
" .. n. palm bird. one ignorant ooncerning a
~p6fc). n. a speoies of palm matter.
bird. "bomo, adj. one thousand .
.,.. JlllfngA. n. oommon grass· "btgbtrtm. adtl. by thousands.
hopper. "biD, n. filth; dirt; foulness.
~ n. a species of palm "bqD, adj. elder; eldest; senior.
bird whioh has white spots
on its feathers.
_An. n. a dense primitive
"bqn n. an older relative.
OW1l, n. oarded ootton;
cotton prepared for spinning.
forest, never oultivated. "1101'0, n. the young of animals.
~-GfUf1l. n. priokly forest. "borq-abqpa, n. fatIing.
19An, n. back.biting; oon· "borq-abomalu. n. heifer.
tempt; libel; censure ; "borQ-&kqmalu, n. bullock.
blame; disgrace; reproach; "t. n. a snare: a gin; a trap
scandal; redeotion.
adj. two thousand.
of pointed iron suspended
on a tree and set by a
n. the palsy; a disease
whioh withers the limbs. _9. string.
n. stupidity.
~gba. n. bracelet.

_hi marun, adj. 10,000.

mtdqgbqD qkt, one million.
~f, n. the seeds of the melon.
n. thorns; priokles ;
brambles; goad.
_bAril, n. a rat remarkabl{' for ~.. n. coat; jaoket; waist·
swiftness. coat.
~gbf, n. oompany; rank; party; ljllla, n. sorapings; filings.
oompanion; equal; oom· ~'D, interj. aha!
rade. ,bin, n. the back; backside.
_bt, n. prepared beans. adj. hindermost; last; rear.
_bf, n. mate; fraternity; ~-qde,adi. exterior; external.
guild; estate; class; club; ~q, n. the burnt portion of
society; association; oate· boiled food which adherelJ
gory. to the oooking pot.
_bt-iyawo, n. bridesmaid. ,huru, n. a large bird of the
_bt-QIba, n. coeval; of the goose tribe.
same age. ~t, n. bird.
_btjq. adj. one thousand six ~tko. n. a wild bird.
hundred. ~tle, n. a domestic pigeon.

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Jj]IY 94

~lin-qd,. n. a bird of prey. :e:tunle, n. back yard.

~l)-oloriD, n. singing bird; lj:kim. n. ory; weeping.
songster. ~lin. n. leopard; region; neigh-
~ja, n. fish. bourhood; waste.
~ja-ejo. n. eel. ~-oke. n. highlands; high
~j ,. n. blood. parts of a oountry.
~jq. n. matter; dispute; harm ; ~ n. a small piece severed
complaint. from a larger; a splinter_
~jq. adj. eight. ~" n. a patch.
lj:ka, n. branch of a tree. ~,bto n. advocate; interoeesor;
:e:ta-9nm. n. the nape of the pleader; petitioner.
neck. ~,bu. n. owner of a kiln.
lj:ka-alqmq. n. graft; scion. ~tda. n. Creator; Supreme
lj:ki-dqta, adj. fiftieth. Being.
lj:kidqrm. adj. seventieth. ~Vd'. n. the domestio pig;
~adC)1'11D, adj. ninetieth. swine.
~ adv. once. ~~fl. n. ohimney; steamship_
lj:kan. n. the name of a grass ~Vfq, n. one who deals in edible
used for thatching. herbs.
~kV. n. rafter. ~'Pn. n. despiser; slanderer_

E ,-ajil. n. beam i joist.

to n. trust; co~dence.
V. n. cheek; Jaw.
lj:kidogun, adj. fifteenth.
~Vrbi&. n. a paralytio (Zit.-
one whose limbs have been
~MbAra, n. god of mischief;
~k,fa, adj. sixth. Satan.
~,jq. adj. eighth. ~,gb" n. oompanion; oom-
~1)riD. adj. fourth. rade; fellow.
~,riDla. adj. fourteenth. ~M" adj. delicate; tender;
lj:k,san, adj. ninth. brittle. n. delioacy ; tender-
~,ta. adj. third. ness; brittleness.
~k,tala, adj. thirteenth. ~,ja, n. fishmonger.

~,tadiloguo. adj. seventeenth. ~,kanna, adj. disagreeable.
,wa, adj. tenth.
~l,k,rtd,. adj. infirm; weak;
q, Agidi, n. Indian com meal. delicate.
6. n. teaching; leeson; instruc- ~,1mD. n. mourner; weeper_
tion; education; doctrine.
~,mi, n. a living person.
~9-aikqtan, n. a smattering of
knowledge. ~vmu, n. seller of palm wine.
~kQkandi-loguo. aIlj. nineteenth. ~'IIlQf9. n. one who has good
lj:kqkanla, adj. eleventh. taste for neatness; a good
~, n. fill ; supplement; judge of dress and decora-
fulness; completion. tion.
~li. n. a snare made of bush ~1)Dga, n. grasshopper.
rope. ~'DU buburu, n. foul-mouthed
~ku. n. a running plant resem· person.
bling Ajara. ~tp" ~,p,r" n. a kind of 80ft
lj:kuu. n. a visoous vegetable. Indian oom.

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95 ~NI

~I)ran, n. butcher; cattle· ~o-U:e. n. guintlll·pig.

dealer; having flesh.
~4)ri. n. witness; eye witness.
t u, n. palm wine.
mil. n. tongs; pincers; cap-
~I)ro, n. engineer; engine· ture; seizure.
maker. ~, adv. yes; so.
~I)ru, n. one having fear. J:lnA. n. an inversion of the order
~I).t, n. footman; foot soldier. of letters, syllables, words
~4)S. ml)rin, adj. four·footed. or sentences under which
n. quadruped. the sense is conoealed or
~4)SI)-Di1" n. one having a firm changed.
footing; a powerful person. ~ni. n. mat.
~I)n, n. sinner; offender ; ~, ~Diti. pro. one; he who;
evildoer; culprit; trans· a person; the person which.
gressor; trespasser. ~Di ipe, n. a person called or
~_ n. rider; horseman.
summoned or invited.
~l)tlD., n. deceiver; dissembler;
~Di abO, n. warder; overseer.
~Di ailofln, n. bandit; outlaw;
~tt., n. leper.
~ttl), n. a noxious snail with- outcast.
out shell, found in green ~Di ~ti, n. one put aside.
pastures, said to be poison- ~i apl)rl), n. antitype.
ous to animals if eaten. ~Dibawi. n. culprit; de.linquent_
~tyA, n. ridicule; contempt. ~DidlD.wo, ~titun, n pro-
~I)yinju, n. a person having bationer.
large eyeballs; one with ~Di-egbe, n. reprobate.
prominent eyes. ~Di I)II)Ya, n. a gazing stock;
~I)wa, n. a handsome person; one to be mocked or ridi-
one who sells a preparation culed.
of Indian oom called ~wa. ~I). n. one beloved; a lover.
~ll)wOD, n. one who wears a
~igbA~, n. a boarder.
chain; a prisoner; a jailor.
~twu, n. one who has a desire ~DikID., pro. onl'; anyone ;
or a wish. a certain person.
Jjlli.ri, n. a mouse. ~eji, n. partner; oompan-
~omiran, Elomi. pro. another.
ion; neighbour; assistant;
~iI. n. indigo; mixture. friend.
~iIlu, n. a brown·feathered ~ikl)ni. ~Ditowu, pro. who-
bird. soever; whoever; any ;
~meji, adv. twice. either.
~ml)wa, adv. ten times. ~DikokID.J adv. individually.
~m.wA, n. prime minister (lit.- ~Dikoanl), n. profligate; aban-
he who knows the mind). doned oharacter.
~mi. n. life; breath; spirit; ~u. n. a mortal creature.
influence. ~Di-owO, n. a venerable person ;
~mi. n. shea. butter tree and a revered person.
fruit. ~ere, n. a good person; a
~m~, n. a brown rat. worthy person.

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Ji:NI 96 Ji:RU

~ti" pro. he who; the one lllr', n. mud; marsh; bog; fen.
who; the one that; the ~ n. witness; testimony;
one which. earnest; evidence.
~Wmlar" pro. self; oneself. lllri eke, n. fals~ witness.
Ji:nfyawo, n. bride's mat. ljlrin, ad11. (used only in compo-
Ji:na, n. mouth; opening ; sition), .. times." - e.g.,
orifice. Ji:rinmeji, contracted to
Ji:nu ,jy" n. bill; beak. Ji:meji, twice.
Ji:nu iltkuD DIa, n. gateway;
large gate.
Ji:nu qu, n. gate; doorway.
ljlrin mtrin,
ljlrin m,ta, ~tta, three times.
ad11. four

lllnu ~~, n. the eaves of a lllrin, n. laughter.

house. ljlrin tf1\n, n. grin; a scornful
Ji:nu .ol'C), n. a long beak. laugh.
ljlnyin, " pro. you; yeo lllrindilogun, adj. sixteen.
ljlnyintikalayin, rel'. pro. you lllri-Qkan, n. conscience.
yourselves. lllr9, no skill; art; contrivance;
lllpa, n. ground. nut. machinery.
lllpa roro, n. the red ground.nut. lllr9, n. softness; easiness ;
lllp~n, n. testicle. gentleness.
ljlpqn, n. ripeness; flattery. lllr9 0IJ'QIl, lllr9 ijagun, n. tactics
lllrin, n. the temples (of the of war.
head). ljlru, n. fear; dread.
lllran, n. meat; flesh; beasts; ljlru Qla, n. reverence.
animal. ljlr6, n. the handle of an axe
lllran agutan, n. mutton. or hoe.
ljlran tItdt, n. pork. ljlr1i, n. load; cargo; burden;
ljlran gala, lllran agbe)rin, n. luggage.
venison. lllr6, n. slave; oaptive.
ljlran mala, n. beef. ljlrubirin, n. a female slave.
ljlran abekanna, n. carnivorous ljlruJr:qmin, n. male slave.
animal with claws. ljlru-igi, n. a bundle of wood;
ljlran ,be), n. victim for sacrifice. faggot.
lllran jij" n. meat for food; ljlru qja, n. package of trade
animal food. goods; a bale of goods.
ljlranktran, n. beasts in general ; ljlru qkq, n. ship's load; cargo.
any beast. lllrn, n. a kind of spice.
lllranko, n. wild beasts ; carrion. ljlr6: ibile, n. a slave born in the
ljlranko alajy"" n. an animal
whose foot is not cloven.
master's house.
ljlrnn, n. the dry season.
ljlranko tI..,mtrin, n. quad· ljlrun, n. chip; broken pieces ;
ruped. crumbs.
ljlran nla, mala, n. ox; bull; ljlrun, n. the name of a tree much
oOW. used in making charcoal,
lllrwe, n. a domestic animal. and also as a medicine
ljlran omi, ekura, n. shark. both internally and exter-
ljlran pipa, n. cattle, fatling. na.lly.

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~SA 97 ~YI

~ n. payment; vengeance; ~90 n. the right thing.

revenge; retaliation; com· Illtun. n. branch; bough; spray.
pensation. ,ta, n. Guinea fowl; black and
~ fIIl,j. nine. n. slit; crack.
n. accusation; law·suit;
impeachment; offence.
white cloth.
J:tu. n. a kind of deer.
J):ta, n. gunpowder; medicinal
_" n. foot; leg; gait; path; powder; that which relieves

adj. barefoot.
,wa, adj. ten.
_, wiwO, adj. bandy leg; 'wA.
'wa n. beauty; comeliness.

crooked leg.
_., n. row; order.
adv. orderly; regularly;
meje, adQ. seventy.
n. a sort of bean.
'Wto Ltkeji, ad". again; the
in rows. second time.
- . 'si, n. shame; reproach; ,wiri, n. the blacksmith's
ridicule. bellows.
_~ n. carefulness; gentle- J:WI), n. sneers:
ness; leisure. ' J):w~1l, n. cham; a running
~, n. glue joint; link; shoot. prickly bush.
~kolo, n. worm·casts of the 'W9D id6k~6r6, n. cable;
worm ekbl6. chain.
"to n. a blow with the fist; a 'wOIl, n. detachments.
cuff; a broken part of 'WI)D ow~, n. manacles; hand-
anything. cuffs.
tIf" n. sin; crime; offence; twa. n. clothes; shirt; vest;

iniquity. garment.
iIll, n. felony. ~ n. amiableness; pleaSure;
nla, n. capital offence. delight; taste.
~, n. spear; lance; javelin.
~ n. horse.
'wuru. n. pitfall; a pit lightly
covered with earth.
~ n. guard; sentinel; watch; ~', n. family; gender; memo
watchman. ber ; tribe; division;
~a, adj. three. n. bulb or tuber. distinct part of a people
,tala, adQ. thirteen.. or thing'; seed; offspring.
_ n. a kind of leopard. ~A, n. a small leopard.
~. ina, n. a spark. ~., n. fitness; worthiness ;
~QriD, adQ. sixty ..seven. suitableness; right.
,taD, n. enticement; decoy;
deceit; fraud.
~ n. egg.
~iD, n. the ripe palm nut, from
at+, n. disgrace; shame; re- which the yellow palm oil
proach. is made.
at" n. leprosy. ~j6, n. the eyeball.
,tl, n. difficulty; failure in ~olo, ~o1o, n. the
performing one's wishes; evacuations of the worm
a miscarriage; a standing ekbl6.
still; that which impedes ~ 011, n. starch of Indian
the dow of water. com.
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~YQ 98 FAR

Jb'Q, n. cowries. fijAde, v. to extract.

Jb1m. KaJUD, n. disease under FAj6, v. to burn.
the toes, produced by l'ajuro, v. to look sad; be dis·
walking barefoot on wet pleased; sulky.
ground. Fajuro-mQ, v. to scowl.
ft-kere, v. to extenuate.
F. h-kliD, v. to prolong a matter ;
stir up strife; make matters
1'6, v. to wipe; shave; clean; worse.
scrape. FAk6r6, v. to take a thing out
I'l, t).8. to draw; lead; pull; of the way; abridge; de-
crawl; abato; diminish; tract.
drag; drain; lag; lure; FAk6r6, v. to shorten; abridge_
attract. FilA, v. to lick up; lap.-e.g .•
I'l, adj. to be remiss; drowsy; Imogunju9 Ii a fi ifa q~ la,
stupid; slothful; slow ; .. With the forefinger on&
tardy; tedious; tenacious; licks up palaver sauce."
meagre. adv. to be behind· FAlaiya, v. to enchant; allure;
hand. bewitch.
ft-atQya, v. to tear a garment. FAie, v. to draw tight; to mak&
I'ada, n. a public play or show ; strong.
exhibition; display. FA1616rf, v. to lap over; to be
ftdAkA. n. silver. made responsible.
h-imf, v. to inspire, inhale. FaIt. v. to be slow; inactive;
l'ifi, n. a kind of mat; a coarse prolonged; to drag.-e.g.,
mat. M . fi qr&D yi fal~, .. Do
I'if~" v. to foretell, divine. not let this matter be pro-
ft!~, ,e, v. to perform by longed."
magic. ~, v. to affect; pant;
FafQD, v. to absorb. long for.
Pigi, adv. cautiously; with FAmQ, v. to cling to; climb
soft steps.-e.g .,Onyan faga, upon •
.. He steps cautiously." FAmOra, v. to attract; caress;
FagbArafe, v. to use main force ; adhere; embrace; hug.
to act reluctantly. FUnD, v. to absorb.
I'6Ii. v. to plane wood. FaDimOra, v. to be sociable;
1'aIuD, n. to spin out; lengthen; inviting; enticing; allur-
stretoh. ing.
Fagum6, v. to rally an army. fi-IlIJ6, v. to tug; crawl along_
l'ahan Ql'C), v. to drawl. FApadA, v. to withdraw.
FA n" v. to gather earth in small FirA, v. to be about to do; to
heaps for the purpose of be nearer.-e.g., 0 nfira ile,
cultivation. .. He nears home."
l'alyA. v. to enchant, allure. Farabalt, v. to be sober; con-
fiji, v. to break a thing into siderate.
two pieoes by a violent pull. Faralun, adj. indulged.
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FAR 99 ~J

I'arahh, fl. to shew oneself; to Fif.6, l'if,,6, n. hole for

appear. ventilation; window.
I'aram~ fl. to adhere; coalesce. 1'.1, fl. to answer; reply; give
Far~, FaraU, fl. to lean ; response to.
recline. Ftie, adj. insufficient; deficient;
FarasiD, fl. to bide oneself; defective.
abscond. adj. obscure ; l'etiIi, Fetiai10, fl. to listen;
bidden. listen attentively.
Faraw6, fl. to resemble; com- Ft. fl. to be willing; like; love;
pete with; cope with; consent; want; wish;
copy; imitate. desire; woo; approve.
Firf, fl. to shave the head. F., fl. to blow (as wind); to
Firf, n. display, parade, boast, winnow; to fan; to blow
bravado. the fire.
FAri, fl. to revive an ancient 1'" fl. to distort the face
quarrel or dispute; to be while working; to breathe
provoked, enraged, angered, heavily; to widen; dis·
irritated.-e.g., 1 nu mi tend; enlarge. adj. wide;
faro, "I am greatly irri- broad; extensive.
tated." 1'0, adfl. with surprise or
FAa6, fl. to close; shut. astonishment.-e.g., Yo wo
FAafh,in, fl. to withdraw; draw f~, .. 1 was taken with 8ur-
or keep back; abstain prise " (I was taken aback).
from; be slow; withhold; Ft-A!.,6k9ji, FOja, fl. to blow
retreat; retire; diminish; vehemently; with great
decrease; slacken; reduce. intensity; to dote; to love
n-so, fl. to fix; tie up. excessively.
I'k6ke, fl. to hoist; lift up; Fo-bubura-si, fl. to wish evil to.
shrink. FOIf, adfl. nearly; nearer (used
I'l-ta, fl. see F81e. of time).
I'AU, fl. to draw aside; keep F~O. fl. to seek occasion for
aside. faultfinding; to be cen·
nu, adfl. freely; without sorious.
restraint; leisurely. FtlfI." adfl. broad; large;
Fa-19, fl. to draw out; abstract. wide; comprehensive.
1'6, adfl. for ever; for a long Ftbintl, v. to recline; lean the
time.-e.g., Kanrin-kanrin back on.
fe, .. A very long time." FPOD. fl. to raise the voice;
Febipa, Febipaku, fl. to famish;
starve to death.
FHuyi, fl. to besmut; blacken
F. speak out.
idf, fl. to investigate a secret
with soot. . F.jO, 11. to seek for something to
1'616, n. boasting; bravado. eat; take meals.
F6re, Fi, n. asthma. I'.jol.jo. n. food; provision;
Fere, fl. to sip. sustenance.
Fife, n. a wind instrument.- FOj6., fl. to look sternly; to dis-
e.g., flute, trumpet. tort the face.
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100 }I'I-A

I',ju, tI. see F4i'-8f~ek9ja. Ftltmult, v. to oonfirm; estab-

FfkUD. tI. to miss or lose a thing. lish.
-e.g., Mo f~ ewur~
mi ldm FtltttIe, v. to follQw in the
ni ijli'ta, " I lost my goat footsteps of another; to
three days ago." copy another's way or
FeIA. tI. to act honourably. method.
1', Ialflt, tI. to ventilate.
Fflt. Btl.. add. thin; soft; of
F~nA. v. to betroth.
FtWl), v. to pilfer; filch; steal.
Fi v. to swing; wave to and
fine or delicate texture. , fro; be unsteady; incline
I'tlt, v. to be unemployed; to to one side; toss.-e.g.,Igi
be vacant; unused.
ti mo rU fi siwaju sun u
Ftltltlt, Btltbt1t, adj. thin; ~hin dili', " The wood I am
flat; elastic. carrying is too far forward,
Ftntnt. adv. leisurely; gingerly; push it back a little."
Fi, prep. by; to; with. .
Ffnl, tI. to love; cherish. Fi, a particle much used In
Ft-Dfbu, v. to widen. oomposition ; it always
Ff-DiJAw6, tI. to betroth. follows certain words or
FpukoDU, v. to kisS; agree. phrases. :ll':~ ti, kini ~ ti,
FtDUSi, v. to answer; have a titi, tob~, idi r~.-e.g., Ef18
voice in the matter; meddle
ti 0 fi 19, " Why did you
with; interfere.
go? "-e.g., Emi 0 du~o
F,ra, v. to fan oneself. titi iwo 0 fi pada, .. I wIll
I'traD, tI. to love; prefer; like; remain until you return."-
be pleased with.
s.g., 0 korira. r~ tob~ ti 0 fi
Ftr6kqja. v. see FIi'·8f~ek9ja. pa a, .. He hated him so,
Ftrt, add. light; not heavy. that he killed him." It has
adtl. almost; nearly; nar- no English equivalent.
rowly. I'i, v. to dry a thing by exposing
I'fre, n. early in the morning. it directly to the heat, as on
add. broad; wide; exten- a spit or in an oven.-e.g.,
sive. Mo fli' f1 li'ja yi nitori ki 0
Ftrt, adtl. delightfully; cheer- ma ba bajli" .. I want to
fully; merrily; joyously. dry the fish so that it will
I'frio v. t() be less hot; to cool not putrefy."
a little; to be almost Fi-a4IiDm~ v. to enjoy; to
finished. know or perceive by taste.
Ft1'9f8, tI. to act with cunning; Fi....b6.ra-bire, v. to exact;
act slyly. demand; enforce.
Ft.td6r6, tI. to stand on the legs. Fi....b6.ra-1a, v. to haul.
Ftlt}6, I'tltttle, tI. to start on Fi....bira-gba, v. to wrench;
a journey or any under- exhort; seize ; enforce.
taking. Fi....bara-gbfl&D, v. to wreak
Ftlt}6 ~ v.to discipline; train. vengeance on; avenge.
I'tlt}ult. v. to stamp on the Fi....bara-kile, Fi-arbara-m61e,
ground with the foot. v. t!> press; ram.
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FI·A 101 FfF

Fi-agbara-lQP~ v. to twist. Fidan, v. to be indicted; charged

Fi-agbara-pe, tI. to summon. with crime.
Fi-ahQu-la, II. to lick with the Fid6p~m~, v. to include.
tongue. Fi-dapara, v. to ma.ke jest of.
Fi-tiyA-ran, tI. to persevere in. Fiden', v. to bar; stop the roa.d.
Fi-ami-ban, v. to be ominous. Fidi, v. to wra.p; to bind with.
Fi-ami-si, tI. to put a. ma.rk on ; Fidi, v. to shut; retalia.te.
to bra.nd. Fidibalt, Fidikalt, tI. to sit down ;
Fi-'pata-bo, tI. to shield or settle; establish.
protect. Fidfm61t, v. to found or rest
Fi-apa-gbamQ, tI. to embra.ce. upon.
Fi-ara-bO, tI. to form new flesh ; Fidiyika, v. to put on a. girdle;
to hea.!. surround; encompass.
Fi-ara-b6, v., to ga.ll. Fid6go, v. to mortgage.
Fi-ara-k6ra, tI. to connect; rela.te FidO~, v. to make cheaper.
to. Fidli, tI. to deprive of; deny.
Fi-ke-flm, v. to give precedence Fidligbt, v. to rock; totter.
to; to a.pologize. Fi-tbt-~, v. to beseech; entreat;
Fi-at...fun, v. to enjoin; em· urge.
power; depute; bid; com· Fi-"b...w~, v. to sidle; enter
ma.nd; order. sideways.
Fi-BIIt-161t, v. to put forth or Fi-tuu-dliD, v. to varnish; to
ena.ct a. la.w. use sweet words; to use
Fi-6ye-sflt, v. to va.ca.te. flowery la.nguage.
Fib6k~ v. to shea.th. Fi-tuu-fA (mu), tI. to suck;
Fibalt, v. to do a.wa.y with; put suckle.
a.wa.y. Fi-tuule, tI. to allude to.
Fibaralt, adtl. ca.lmly; serenely ; Fi-tran-rubQ, tI. to sa.crifice a
tra.nquilly ; pa.tiently. beast.
FibO, v. to concea.l; hide; Fi-tr9tB, v. to act with skill or
clothe; secrete; veil from ingenuity.
view; shelter; wra.p; over· FilA, adj. viscous; that which
sprea.d ; shield. may be drawn out.
Fi~, v. to soa.k; steep; dip FifagbarBlle, adO. compulsory;
into. forcible.
Fi~n, v. to enta.ngle. FffAgliD, adj. capable of being
FibQmi, v. to dip into wa.ter. stretched.
Fib6, v. to curse; imprecate; Fffalt, adj. sluggish; slow.
execrate. FffMQ, n. adj. that which is to
Fibli, v. to be wounded by be dragged a.!ong.
stumbling. Fffap~(Im~, adj. imaginable by
FibliD, v. to give; gra.nt ; sign or representation.
bestow; exempt; offer. FffarabO, n. or adO. incarnate;
Fibiara, v. to swea.r by; a.djure. that which may be healed.
Fic1ab6, v. to cross; ba.r; to FffaralWl, adj. visible; per·
lay a.crOBB. ceptible.
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F1F 102 FIH

FifarapamO, Fifaraain, adj. Ub, FflC}S6ke, adj. flying; leap-

hidden; invisible. ing.
I'flaraw6, adj. comparable. Fflbyem~, adj. imaginable.
I'fBro, adj. sad. FifO. adj. blind; broken.
I'ffAftf6:n, n. bidder. FfI~, adj. washable; that which
I'fila, adj. tightly drawn. may be washed; mode of
l'ffAya, adj. easily tom or rent speaking.
in pieces; tom. Fflqh1\n, n. mode of speaking ;
I'ffAyq, 11. that which may be utterance; pronunciation.
drawn out or deduced from. FflqkAnsin,' n. or adj. devout-
I'ffay~bA, adj. welcome. ness; devout; pious; piety.
FifAyqkuro, n. that which may Fifqwqf8, adJ: manual; hand-
be subtracted from, or made.
taken off. FfIftn, tJ. to give to; to offer;
I'fletfsf, adj. worth listening to. to hand.
Fift, n. an engagement; a thing FflUn, Fflftnk6, n. or -adj. that
which gives pleasure. which is to be sown or
Fiftn1l8C}, adj. verbal; a spoken Scattered; drizzly.
thing. Fffun, adj. contributable; con-
Fif.,a, FfI.,ar" n. self·love; ferred ; disposable.
selfishness. Fifun, FuDfun, n. or adj. white-
Fif~ n. bethrothed. ness; white.
Fifl, n. that which can be waved. Fifmmi, Fifuni, Fifun, tJ. to grant ;
l'iIi or Fi, a particle used as a vouchsafe; give; present;
prefix, giving a verbal force render; ascribe; attribute ;
to the word to which it is tender; bestow; impart.
prefixed; it usually con- FifunJ... t, tJ. to order; to give
veys the idea of making or a command.
compelling. FigbAkftrc}, tJ. to ward off with.
FiDlfn, Firfliri, Ffnrfnffnrfn, Figb6n6, 'II. to warm at the fire.
adtJ. dimly; darkly. n. the
dawn; twilight. adj. Figbow6, 'II. to sell; exchange
graven; carved. for money.
FiflagbarBlle, n. that which is FigAgun, tJ. to execrate; im-
done, or capable of being precate; to curse.
done, by force. . Fjg(ml" tJ. to ground; to land
(a canoe or boat).
FfflbA, FfflkAn, adj. touchable.
I'fflbft, Fflfg6gun, adj. accursed ; Figtml6jft. v. to tatint.
that which is accursed. FigimInj6, 'II. to transfix.
I'iflftm, adj. assignable. Fibi, 'II. to hook on; to hang
FifllA, adj. taxable. on a pin or between a
Fflfl610wo. adj. transferable. forked stick; to buckle.
FfflpamO, Ffflisin6, adj. conceal· FihAn. 'II. to show; exhibit;
able; hidden. reveal; discover; direct;
Ffflafl" adj. that which may be represent; disclose; dis-
abandoned. play; indicate; illuminate;
Ffl6, adj. buoyant; floating. expose; betray.

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FihADfim, v. to communicate outlaw; to place in post of

to; designate. authority; reign: govern;.
FihAn tfl'. v. to foreshow. to condemn to death; to
Fi idikalt. v.to sit down; settle; deprive of the privileges
establish; nestle. of life.
Fi ifarabAm~ v. to feel (by Fij6. v. to scorch.
touch). Fij6nA, 11. to burn; scorch;
Fi ijalQ. v. to cha.llenge. consume to ashes; sear.
Fi ijtd,. v. to bait; allure. FikA. v. to place one thing upon

Fi ika~, v. to finger,
adj. trophied ;
bedecked with things cap·
FikaI" tI. to establish; settle.
FikuIDWDDA. 11. to sling a
tured in war. sling.
Fi-ikfult,. tI. to sprain the thigh FikO, tI. to hang up; hook on ;
or hip. teach; train.
Fi-narqe. v. to covet. FikuD, 11. to add to; augment;
Fi-im9f9kan, v. to agree; con· append; subjoin: supple·
cur. ment.
Fi-imilfA, v. to sniff. FilA, n. a cap.
Fi-im6sQ. v. to speak through FilA-abeU-ajA, n. a cap with two
the nose. flaps for the ears.
Fi-iDAj6. tI. to burn with fire. Fili ade, n. tiara.
:Fi-iDArAD, v. to kindle; to set Fil6-dUa, n. a fez.
on fire. FilA, tI. to put; lay upon;
Fi-iDAJan. v. to burn; scorch. deliver up; set on.-e.g.,
adj. burnt up; scorched; Fi nkan na. Ie mi 19W9,
browned. .. Place that thing in my
"Fi-inM" v. to love. hand."
Fi-in6hAn, tI. to be frank; Filel,. 11. to institute; found;
unbosom oneself; be open. iay down; enact.
'Fi-illAte, v. to force. Fil6101q,. 11. to lay down a law;
"Fi-irAd~'. v. to love. enact; legislate.
"Fij6. Fi-iriDj6, v. to cauterize. Fil61O~. tI. to assign, consign,
Fi-iror08in. tI. to domineer. cede, commit to, deliver
,Fi-irat&, tI. to sting. up.
,Fi-iwqraj,. 11, to devour; gor. Fil6ke, 11. to be topheavy.
mandise. FiI~ 11. to ask advic", refer,
'Fi-iybl6l,. 11. to wager. announce, promulgate.
'Fi-buu yin. tI. to admire. FilPA, 11. to warm.
'Fi-iyikA, Fi-iyepe. tI. to rehearse; Filii, 11. to strike with.
recite. FimO. 11. to suspect, attach to.-
'Fi-iyu" v. to attend to: mind. e.g., Ok9nrin na fi qra.n na.
"Fi-iyeail,. tI. to be attentive; m9 mi, " The man suspects
mindful. mo of that matter."
"FijAgaclAfe. v. to insist; persist. FimO, v. to append, annex,
.Fij,. v. to eat; devour; to fasten upon, impute. a.ftlx.
make a king, headman or attach.

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Pialq, 11. to stop, stay thus far. Fi~ptr', 11. to d~be;

Fin, 11. to engrave, carve (e.g., i give an example.
caJabashes or bowls); to Fi-or6kqfflll, tI. to entitle; name.
fill a hole with smoke; Fi-q~bim~ tI. to hug;
smother; search out. embrace.
FiDa. n. a thin piece of leather , Fi-qwObalt, tI. to scribble.
cut lengthwise; leathern Fi-qwOru, t'. to sew by hand.
tassels. Fi-qWOta. v. to touch carelessly ;
FiDju. 11. to be decent; tidy; to feel (for anything).
neat; becoming in speoch, Fi-qwOW1lD, tI. to knit.
dres..'I, behaviour, etc. Fipa, 11. to be wounded or
FfDDA, ad1l. leisurely; cautiously. bruised.-fl.g., Mo fi 9w9 pa,
Finpa, v. to smother. .. My hand is wounded."
FiPamq, 11. to keep; hide;
FiDrb. 11. to &ggress; intrude;
secrete; conceal ; cloke ;
seek occasion for dispute.
FiDrin, adv. slightly; the tiniest
Fipara, 11. to rub; to smear the
body.-fl.g., M. gbagbe
FiDriDfiDrin, see Finfin.
lati fi (In ni para, " Do not
J'iDilftd9, 0011. with freewill; forget to rub your body
willingly. with the ointment."
Fi ofinji, 11. to abrogate a law ; Fipata, 11. to make into soup ;
to rescind. to cook with other in-
Fioflo, ad1l. used in conjunction gredients.
with the adjective " Ga," Fipe, 11. to name for special
high; exceedingly.-fl.g., purposes or objects; to be
lIe giga fiofio, " An exceed· devoted to; to regard;
ingly high house." respect; esteem.
Fi-oguDsiD, v. to guide, escort, Piperi, 11. to impute.
accompanied by an army. Fip,,6:, v. to adjoin; annex;
Fi-okUn~ fl. to thread. add to; include.
Fi-okUnfi, v. to tow. Fim, tI. to seize; swindle.
Fi-ilp6ti, v. to stake; to prop Fir6, tI. to curse; execrate.
up. Fir~, 11. to besmear; bedaub.
Fi-orinyin, tI. to sing one's FIri, adv. far; greatly; much;
praises. qualifies a verbal adj.-fl.g.,
Fi-6r6r6yan, Fi-6r6r6YUC)tQ, v. lIe yi ga ju tiwa 19 Uri,
to anoint. " This house is much higher
Fi-6rUDj6, tI. to tan. than ours."
Fi-qlApe, v. to summon. Piri, adj. greater, older,
Fi~nAhh, v. to guide; lead; stronger; greatest, oldest,
direct; elucidate. strongest.-fl.g., Agbara
Fi-qnqe, v. to make by Aina fm ti Ladip9, "ugbQn
machinery. Adekunle firi gbogbo W9n,
Fi~rAnl9. 11. to appeal, seek .. Aina is stronger than
for advice or instruction. Ladip9 but Adekunle is
Fi-qranmo, 11. to tax. the strongest."

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FiR 105 FlY

Firi, adv. at a glance; quickly;

. v.
. ~wor&n. Fitlw~6.
to imitate, take as
Ffrfffri. a4v. see Finfin. example.
.Firiflri, adv. much oftener, Fife. v. constitute; a.ppoint ;
repeatediy, unceasingly, establish.
quickly. Fif6p~. v. to cUl"l'le ; to imprecate.
FirO. v. to sprain. Fiftdan. v. to treat seriously.
FirO. v. to hang; sll8pend. FiftItri. v. to take as a witness.
FiribQ. tI. to offer in sacrifice. FiftI,y,. v. to ridicule; mock;
Fir6D, tI. to devour; masticate; deride.-e.g., M~ fi. mi
~l~ya., " Do not mock me."
Firu.n. tI. to dip into sauoo.
Filan. tI. to estimate; value. FiftsiD. v. to despise; bring
into public disgrace.
FisaD-6kan, v. to contemn; treat
with contemptuoll8 silcnce
Fifir6. 'I... to trifle; play with.
(lit.--este.:lm at a cowry). J'ifOfO. v. to ww:.te, consume,
FisApo. tI. to bag. destroy.
Fiairin. v. to put in the middle. FifO. v. to place in cbarge of.
Pili, tI. to put; add to; set; Fit9r9S9, v. to make anything
supply. a matter of public talk.
Filflt. v. to Pllt down; release; FifDra, v. to stOl"e, treasure up.
leave; forsake; desert; lay by.
resign; discontinue; de· Pita, v. to sing out; cry out ;.
livtlr. sting.
FisiD, v. to hide so as not to btl Fitaflta, n. efforts; energy ;
traced; to conceal. endeavour; attempts.
Filina. v. to put into; keep in Fit!, v. to lean against; suspend
mind ; insflrt ; bear in a matter; fix finally.
rnind.-e.!J-, Fi eyi sinu r~, Fitm, n. a lamp.
"Bear this in mind." FitQr" v. to givc or make a
Filin6il6-id~. v. to confine; present; give or deliver
imprison. up t.o.
Pi...oflD. v. to warn with. Fiw6, v. to compare; resemblo;.
FisMo. v. to leave open, expose; illustrate; wrap up.
to disregard; alight. Fiw6mq. v. to encase.
FisQI', v. to pawn, mortgage. Fiw6ra, v. to wreathe; compare.
~o, v. to throw, hurl, toss. Fiwewu. v. to expose; hazard;.
~k~, v. to put on board a jeopardise.
vessel. Fiw~ v. to endue; to robe (lit.-
FisQI" v. to strike down; to invest, as with a garment).
hurl down; lay the foun· FiwOn. v. to sprinkle.
dation of a house. FiyM6n6, v. to be patient undtlr
Filan, v. to acCll8e; complain vexations or grievances.
of; inform against; indict; Fiyesi, v. to attend to; not.ice.-
sue; point at. e.g., Fiyes1 ohun ti 0 n~e,
~w6, Fitlp~jawe, v. to "Be careful wha.t you are
compare; liken. doing."

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FlY 106 Fe)

FiJ6afDj, v. to vouchsafe. Fc}1~e, 11. to defy; challenge.

FiJika,I). to environ. Jl'1I11lf611l agbado lilq, n. bran.
Jl'lyfka kin. v. to whirl. Also called Ef6.
1'6, adv. dee~used only with FlIlQ, v. to flit; fly .
.. pupa," red.-e.g., Pupa FMIi, n. brick-kiln.
fa, "Deep red." FlImo, 11. to rush at one (as a
1'6, v. to feel emptiness or lone· hen with chickens).
liness.-e.g., Ofo QmQ mi F6nff6Df, n. decency; neatness.
fo mi. .. I feel lonely on Fori, v. to blast; mako abortive.
account of my child's Foribal(l, v. to worship; adore;
absence;" to be afioat. submit; bow tho head.
I'll, fl. t.o fly; jump; skip; ForifCm, 11. to surrender.
leap; beat; throb; ps.ss Forfaf, 11. to pay at·tention to.
over or break (81! clouds); Forfaq, v. to direct the course ;
pass by; neglect; evapor- point to.
ate.-e.g., Ojo ni fa, " The Foriti, 11. to endure; persevere
rain is passing over." ill.
FlI-UlIbaI" v. to flutter. F6r6, I). to vex; annoy; trouble;
FlI-Afc}gb&, v. to soar. molest.
F6di, adv. same as " Finns." FlIrc}, adll. see F6ti.
Fofc}, n. fOl~m.-e.g., Fofo f6 li I F6rof1lro, n. garrulity; talka-
oju omi, .. Foam floats on tiveness.
the surface of the water." FlIm, v. to skip over, to esoape
FlIfll, adj. glittering; dazzling. one's memory.--e.g., 0 fo
FMlI in6., n. rapacious appetite. llli N, .. It escaped my
Fc}gas6ke, 11. to tower; soar on memory."
high. FlII6k8, v. to jump; skip.
Fohmulf, 11. to ratify; consent. F1II6ke, v. to float.--e.g., Igi
FlIiyA, v. to fear; apprehend; ni f6s6ke, "The log is
dread. afioat."
Fojuan. v. to sue; to accuse FMi, adll. forcibly; unex-
of adultery. pectedly; qualifying the
F6j6.di, 11. to be saucy; insolent. act of popping out, as a.
Foj6.kanwll, I). to squint. cork drawn out of a bottle,
Fojukoju, v. to be face to face ; or the rush of a hunted
confront. creature from a oonoealed
Foj6.16, 11. to browbeat. place.
Foj6.pe, 11. to wink with the eye; FlIyehiD, v. to shew appoarance
beckon. or sign.
FOj6.t,bO, v. to snub. FO, v. to wash clothes; scrub;
Foj6.t6, 11. to sUfJerintend. scour; speak; tllik.
Foj6.af, v. tt;> attend to. Fo, 11. to break a vessel; wreck;
Foj6.wlllapakan,v. to squint. destroy by war; demolish;
FlIkqjA, t,'. to omit. rcduce to a state of con-
Fok1JDfe, 11. see FagbArIl¥. fusion; dash; ache; be
Folafya, v. to appal; frighten; blind; violate.-e.g., Mo
daunt. sQrQ titi ori nfQ nli, .. I

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talked until my head F9f9. tJ. to wash olothes.

aohud." FQtibBj,. tJ. to besot; to make
F~bBj'. tJ. to ravage. drunken.
F~bQl~ tJ. to try to gain advan· FQtfpa, tJ. to make drunk.
tage by deoeit.-e.g., AIaba FOt6Jri, tJ. to shatter; shiver.
f91>919 mi, .. AIaba has been FQw~bB. FQwOk1\n. tJ. to touch;
trying to cheat me." feel with the hand.
FQh1iD, tJ. to speak. FQ~k6. tJ. to embrace; hook;
F~j6, tJ. to be blind; to be in go hand in hand.
the dark; to be ignorant. FQW6k~w.f, v. to sign, sub-
FQIAftm. tJ. to authorize; em· scribe to by hand-writing.
power. FQw~I~. v. to undertake, take
F~6, tJ. to break a house open; in hand.
rob; saok. FQw~6-~ tJ. to place the
FQlefQle. n. a houSdhreaker; hand against the temple
burgls.r; busybody. while the elbow rests on
F~6rfpa, tJ. to brain; to kill by the thigh or on the tahle.-
a severe blow on the head. e.g., Fi ija fun Ql9run ju
F~u, tJ. to mash; mix together. f9we>16-t;lran, • Leave the
F~mlid1iDm6d1iD, tJ. to craze; battlo to God, and rest
to break a bone and so your head upon your hand."
reveal the marrow. FQwQr8Du. inter.hush ! patienoe !
FQD, tJ. to be meagre·; slack; FQwQsf, v. see F9we>k9w6si.
less. F~JiDJin. tJ. to break m pieces.
F~ 'II. to guide; . shew the -e.g., Gbogbo ikoko ile
way; conduct; lead. nW91l Ii a fe>yanyin, .. All
FQDfQD. adtJ. soundly (qualifies the pots in their house werE'
.. Sun," to sleep).-e.!1., broken to pieces."
Mo sun f9nf9n, .. I slept n. n. a narrow whito cloth.
soundly." adj. white.
FQDDA. tJ. to take fire from the I F6, n. the sound of the wind
hearth. or breeze.
F~p'tePttt. 'II. to destroy, make Fili. n. meal prepared from
into pulp. grated c_va.
F~b8j'. v. to use too much Fiji, Flitt. n. brag; empty;
grease. proud boasting.-e.g., Ma'1e
F~6. v. to accuse; oensure; fuja m9, .. Do not boast
impeach. any more."
F~Anw'rb. tJ. to allegorize. Fuji, Fura, f'. to be suspicious.
FOriurill, v. to destroy entiroly. Fukefukt. adtJ. pitapat (used
FQriyf, v. to oil or grease. with verb .. njo," to pal-
FOrffOrf, n. exasperation; irri- pitate).-e.g., Aiya mi nj6
tation; provocation. fukt;lfukt;l. .. My heart is
F~r~bAwf, tJ. to threaten with . palpitating." n. a crumb
empty talk. I of bread.
FOrtirtl. FOt6tti. FOUUd, v. to I Fukq, adv., adj. very wet !\.lld
destroy utterly. See Fe>- I soft; bloatud; miry.
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FDkuf6ku, n. lights, lungs. FtmIaw6ran. v. see Funlap~r~_

F6.1Ani, a race of people from Funl~QlOl'1JD, adv. of one's own
tho N.E. accord or ohoice.--e.g., Mo:
F61~, adj. soft; dry. ~ e funl~f919run, .. I did
F61,f61" udfl. softly.
~, adj. feverish;
it of my own accord."
slightly F6n16ku.n, v. to wind cord; to
indisposed. wind (as of clook).
FMUf6lu, 11.. the leaves which Ffml6Djt, v. to feed; provide
enclose a head of Indian for.
corn (sometimes called Epo, Ffml~u.n, tI. to choke.
bark; or AlI9, clothes); Ffmm~, tI. to tweak; twitch;
a term usually applied to pull.
it when ripe or dry. Ffmmu, tI. to absorb; suck up_
F6n, prep, for; to; on behalf FfmnfmOlt, adj. luciferous ;
of.--e.g., li$e kini yi fun mi, light-giving.
.. Do this for me." FUDDiDin. tI. to engage; em-
F6n, t'. to strew; scatter; sew; ploy; supply with work.
squeeze; choke; bind Ffmniniwa, v. to form.
tightly; crush; give; Ffmniy" tI. to wing; to give
grant: compres.'! ; suffo· feather (to an arrow).
cate ; exhaust; wring ; Ffmnu, fl. to b08llt; brag;
strangle. flourish.--e.g., 1j:niti 0 fUnnu
Fun, fl. to blow; snort. P9 ko Ie ,e nkan, " He who
Funfun, adj. white; blank ; boasts much oan do little."
hoary. Ffmomta, Ffmwara, tI. to milk.
Funiun-tyin, n. the white of an Ffmpa, tI. to strangle to death.
egg. Funpe, tI. see Fun-ipe.
Ffm-ifun, fl. to cleanse and FfmPO, tI. to crowd; squeeze.
prepare entrails for food. Ftmrart, adj. spontaneous; of
Fun-ip~, Fun-pe, fl. t,o blow a itself. (Sometimes used for
trumpet; sound an alll·rm. Tik8.r8.r~. )
Ffmjade. fl. to express; to Ffmrugbin, tI. to sow or scatter
volley; to blowout. seed.
Fimki, fl. to scatter; disperse; Ftmsi, tI. to scatter; sprinkle.
to strew about or around. Ffmwad, fl. to milk; to shower
Fimkikiri, fl. to bestow; diffuse; (as rain).
scatter. FfmwiDiwiDi, tI. to drizzle.
FtmkAlt, v. to sow. Ffmwumwutu, fl. to drizzle fast
Fimkl, v. to stifle. or heavily.
FankuD, to discharge mucous. Fur&, fl. to be lIuspicious.--e.g.,
FimlAdUD, fl. to give relish to; o nfum. bi ~1~f9 ~~," Ho
sweeten. is as suspicious as a ~~
Ffml6gbAra, fl. to invigorate; (herb) seller."
strengthen. rtara, n. a 0001 beverage made
Ftmlapfrt, fl. to shape; give from Indian com or rice
form to. mixed with honey.
Fimlattl"'t. fl. to solo. Ftarta, adv. silently; quickly.
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Ffl.tff6tf, But,but" adv. easily thing; take a little Rt a time.

(used with tho vorb Ja, to -e.g., Gan 8.IW yi fun mi,
break, to describe the ease " Stitch this cloth for me."
with which fragile texturo -e.g., Awa ngan igbo ... We
is torn).-e.g., A,q nja are cutting trees in a
fut~fu~. "Tho cloth tears forest."
very easily. GAD, tI. despise; disparage;
l'Uy~, add. light; not heavy.- censure; vilify; scorn ;
e.g., ~ru mi fuy~, "My criticise ; disdRi n ; re·
burden is light." proach ; mook ; backbite.-
Fuyi, add. pleasing, comely.- e.g., Ji:niti a ko f~ Ii a igan,
e.g., Qbirin ne. tuy}, "The " We despise him whOln we
woman is comely." do not love."
GaD, GaDpn, adv. uprightly;
G. straightly; exactly. (Used
with .. qsan" to d.mote
Gi, n. a place where cows are noon).-e.g., Wa sydq mi
tied. gan,"Come to me straight."
Ga, v.i. to bc high; rising much GAngan, n. or adj. sma.ll portion;
above the ground; lofty; (Rpplied to soup, eto.)--
tall ; elevated; exalted; e.g., Bu omitoro gangan si i
excellent. fun mi, ., Give me a littlo
Gabui, n. east (Hausa). more soup."
Gadamn, adv. alone; solitarily. GaDIaD, n. drum; war drum.-
-e.g., 0 wa nikan gadamu e.g., Gangan ko ni ,a.woro,
ninu igbo, "He is quite "Tho gangan (w'um) is
alone in the wood." destitute of ornaments."
Gafara, v.i. beware; be careful; GaugamangaD, adj. very large;
avoid. bulky a.nd high. - e.g.,
Gafara, n. excuse; plea; apol- Akukq ganganrangan, .. A
ogy.-e.g., ~o gafara fun very large cock."
mi, .. Have me excused." GlUlipo, v. or adj. to be sublime,
Gaga, adv. tightly; closely; above ordinary height, of
with much pl'08l5ure (modi- high rank.
fying the verb Ha, to pl"eSS). Ganmu-ganmu, n. a kind of axe
-e.g., Aye h8 gaga, " The with long pointed shafts
room is quite full." for digging.
GaratD, n. stilts. GIUlIIig&DDi, n. a despiser;
Gau-caliD, adj. shaggy; rough; BOOmer.
bristly. Gamu, adv. straight; diroot.-
Gajn, adj. higher; loftier; e.g., Ma lq Ii qkankall
superior to. g8U1'an, .. Go straight on."
Gajulq, add. highC!lt; loftiest. Ga.Dfq, t'. to whip, bastc or tack
GaIA, n. deer, stag. cloth.
GAD, v. to sew coarsely; to fell Gara, ad". very (mod. 1uim9;
the trees in a forest; to mq).-e.g., Omi 1uimq gara,
strike with tho point of a .. Very clear water."
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Giri, n. saddle. Girin, Girinj" v. to gnaw; to

Gaai, n. wine.glass. eat by bits.
Gaskia (Hausa), troth; truth. Girl, n. spasm; convulsion;
G6, Ell, v. to cut with a sharp fits; fright.
instrument. .Girl, adv. at once; suddenly.
Geg6n, v. to abjure; to declal'e Girl, Gfrigirl, adv. closely; com·
by a solemn oath not t{) do pactly ; tightly; stead·
a thing; to CU1'lle; im· fastly.
precate. Gfrimakayi, n. force.
G8Iele, n. a protuberance; an GOngo, Eoko Qfun, n. Adam's
cminence. apple.
G81e, n. a handkerchief; a head Gok8, v. to scale; climb; ascend.
G6nlo, n. the point; top; tip;
G81e-inuj6, n. pocket.handker. summit.
G6ngo-Ut, n. point of land;
Gere, adj. straightforward; clear; promontory; cape; apex.
transparent; straightway. Q6ng0-6k8, n. the peak of a hill ;
Gt, v. to sit on a tree as a bird. the summit.
Gtdtl.,at, n. lees; sediment; GO, v. to puzzle; perplex; be·
dregs. . wilder.-e.g., Qran na g9 mi
G,,,, Gfg,bi, adv. perfectly; jQjQ, " That matter puzzles
exactly; accordingly. prep. me very much."
according to; equal. ~, add. stupid, dull, foolish.
GM", n. goitre; a protuberance ~q, tl. horse's mane; casting
on the neck. of lots (a children's game
Gtrf, Gtrfgtrt-Oke, n. a slope vlayed with pieces of grass,
of a hill; descent; gradual of which one is bent; the
slope. one who draws the bent one
(legll, n. lot; casting of lots by is cRlled guilty); a hooked
small pieces of grass or stick used for plucking
stick representing each fruit.
person. Gqgqwu, n. a large country
&endll, n. a desperate warrior. cloth; a sheet fOl' covering.
Giga, n. height; eminence; Gqilqi. oov. untidily; sluggishly.
altitud" ; loftiness. adj. ~mb6. fl. facial tribal marks.
high; tall; lofty. Gudt, v. to feel heavy.
Gigh, n. blame; contempt.
adj. blameworthy; dis· Gudtpd" n. cloudiness. damp
dainful; contemptible. atmosphere. - e.g., Gudl>'
Gidigicli, adv. very; very much.
gudl> ko jl> ki orun ki 0 ran,
"Clouds prevent the sun
Girls" n. the heel. from shining."
Giglin, n. length; height. adj. Gudug(u1u, n. a poisonous wild
long; tall. yam.-e.g.,GitdugUdu kan Ii
Gigfm, adj. beaten; pounded. egbo kanrinkanrin .. The
Gingin, n. a small particle; the root of the gliduglidu is
tiniest bit. very acid."
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GlidugUdu, adv. hurriedly; ill GbArbQ, v. to believe; obey.

a scrambling way. GbA-iye, GbA-itiro, v. to take
GMO, v. to belch. the nwnber ; to take
Gim, v .• to beat; pound; pierce; account; take a reckoning.
thrust; thrill; to harbour ; GbA-kiri, v. to be driven or
anchor; land.-e.g., Qk~ tossed about.
mefi gun loni, .. Two vessels , GbAlA, v. to save; rescue;
have arrived to· day ." deliver; preserve.-e.g., Ni·
GUn. adj. long; tall. v. to gbati mo bq sinu omi, apoti
mount; ride; ascend; ti mo dimu li 0 gba mi la,
climb. .. When I fell into the
GuDl" V. t<l land; run ashore; ! water, the box which I held
run aground. saved me."
GUDiwo, v. to gore; to pierce Gba-oj" v. to bleed; to take
with the hom. blood from by opening a
GuDlQbO, v. to stab with a knife. vein.
Gunnik6so, v. to spur; stir up; , GbA-~wQ, v. to deliver; rescue.
stimulate. -e.g., On ti gba wa lqw~
Gunte, n. a very poisonous small iku, .. He has rescued us
snakc; adder; BlIp. from daath."
Gunrun, v: to recline on a GbA-l~wQ, v. to shake hands.
cushion. GbA-mQr&, v. to embrace.
Gunug(m, n. vulture. Gba, v. to ta.ke; admit; com·
Gunyf, v. to be fiedged.-e.g., ply; concede; accept;
Aw~n ~m9 ~iy~ ko to ifo, allow; acquicsce; con·
,ugb~n gbogbo w~n guny~, sent; suffer; conform;
.. All the young birds are deliver; save; receive;
fledged, but they cannot obtain; contain; temper
fly yet." mud.
GUlli, n. (Hausa), south. GbA-mil, v. to hDld; grasp;
seize.-e.g., M. gbA ~iti
Dy~ ~b~ mu, .. Do not lay
GB. hold of a man who has
drawn a knife."
GIlA, v. to sweep; cleanse; slap; Gb&Diyanju, v. to encDurage;
strike with a. stick 0\' some· exhDrt ; inspirit; em·
thing flat; drift. bolden; stimulate; cheer;
Gbi, adv. entirely; altogether. consDle.
Gu, adv. (a word fonned Gbapada, v. to receive back.-
from the sound), loudly e.g., Gba ~w~ ~ pada.," Take
(describing the sound pro· your mDney back."
dUeled by slamming a door). GbA-omi, v. to dabble in water.
Gba\duri, v. to offer prayer. GbA-oDigbQwQ, v. to receive bail,
GbA-dulumQ, v. to slander; to bail.
accuse falsely; asperse ; Gb&-QJ&-ifo. v. to hire Dneself
belie; calumniate; da· out to any employment.
fame; traduce. GbA-IQJ&. v. to take on hire.
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GbArc}. v. to consider. Gbl-JQja, fl. to brace; engirdle;

GbaflfuD, v. to procure for; to hoop.
grant; give. Gbamgbam, adv. tightly; com-
Gbarbanc1idi, n. a dry uncut pactly.--6.g., Di okete ~
ca.labash. gbamgbam, .. Tie yoUr load
GbuaD, v. to atone. together tightly.
Gbarbqe, fl. to take work on GblmQ. GbimQ, v. to learn;
hire for wages. receive knowledge.
Gbarb6, v. to forget; neglect; GblmQ. v. to cleave to; grasp;
omit. clip.
Gbarbogbo. v. to monopolise; Gbimu, v. to grasp; hold;
seize the whole. apprehend.
Gbli, adv. very much. GbaDfaDi, v. to receive ad-
Gbaja. v. to bind oneself with vantage; to avail oneself.
a girdle. GblDgAD, n. a spacious, airy
GbajamO. n. trade of a barber. room; a hall.
I GbaDgba, n. a plain, open place ;
Gbtit. v. to take blood, to demonstration. adj. plain ;
open; evident; audible.
GbaitwQ. v. confess; admit ; GbaDgba-ode, n. an open place;
GbajumQ. a. (applicable to per-
sons only), neat; decent; Gbanf. Gba-bU. v. to possess;
to receive a. possession.
clean_-e.g., On j~ gbajum9
Gbasift. v. to employ; engage.
enia, " He is a tidy person."
Gbiri, v. to boil slightly;
Gbako.. adv. exactly; fitly; parboil.
sUitably; precisely.-e.g.,Mo
Gbaragada, adv. wide open.
gbe i~ li ¢un ka.n gbako,
.. I remained there exactly
Gbati, v. to crowd after; to
swecp aside in a heap.
one year."
Gblwt. v. to mourn for the
GbatQ. v. to jar; to crash; to dead; to fast.
be inharmonioUll.
Gbaturo. v. to ward off.
Gbafe. v. to take in hand; to
Gbalabari, v. to slap with the Gbasilt. v. to deliver; to rescue;
palm of the hand. recover; releRll8; ransom.
Gbllagbara, t'. invalidate; in- Gbasip6. GbapO. fl. to occupy a
capacitate. place or part.
GbalaitQsi, v. to usurp. GbasQ, v. to cite, to speak,
Gbalaiya, v. to subdue; to on behalf of.
influence. GbasimO. fl. to admit into
Gbalaye, v. to occupy one's council or meeting.
room or place. Gbasinu, fl. to admit tacitly.
Gbal" Gbilt. v. to overspread; GbaftfuD, v. to procure employ·
increase; extend. ment for.
Gbaltn. v. to despoil; plunder. GbafQmQ. fl. to adopt a child.
GbilQ, v. to waft; subdue; Gbattlt. fl. to preoccupy, to
drift. receive bribe.

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Gbe, f). (primary idea, to lift), Gb6-doro, t'. to erect; raise;

to carry; bring; bear; make to stand upon the
move; accomplish; be ; legs.
abide; dwell; to be lost; Gb6-fo, f). to make fly; waft.
perish.-e.g., M8IjG dawQle Gb6-fun, v. be partial to;
ohun ti 0 kO Ie gM," Never plead for.
attempt what you CIloIlllOt Gbe-iblkan, f). to remain station-
accomplish."-e.g., Igbo Ii ary; reside in a place.
~ranko igM," Beasts inhabit Gb6-iDu, f). to inhabit.
the forest."-e.g., QmQ mi Gb6-joko, v. to make sit; to
gbe, .. My child is lost." raise to a sitting position.
Gbega. f). to raise or lift; mag- Gb6-1e, v. to put upon; to set
nify; exalt; make much one thing upon linother.
of; advancc in rank; Gbe-lebu, v. to cross; place
uphold. athwart.
Gb6-hi, f). to hang or place Gb6-1ek6, f). to exalt; promote;
bet.ween. prefer.
Gbe-k1, v. to set or place upon.- Gb6ml, f). to swallow.
e.g., Gbe apoti k8 ara wQn, GbA naro, v. to set up; to erect.
" Place the boxes one upon Gb6-DiJawo, f). t.o wed; to
another." marry.
Gb6-kal" f). to put down; to set Gb6-rO, f). to set upright.
on the ground.-e.g., Emi ko
Gb6 (thiR particle gives the force
f~ igM agbQn mi kaI~,
of the past tense to the verb
" I do not. wish to put down
whioh it precedes).-e.g.,
my basket."
Nib~ Ii awa gM lQ, " It was
Gbe-Jmro, f). to take from;
there t.hat we want."
remove.-e.g., Gbe okuta
Gbed6, f). to understand a
kuro loju yna, "Remove the
language; know; to be
stone out of the way."
Gbemi, f). to swallow; absorb.-
e.g., Adi~ gbe owokan, "The GbedegbOYQ, n. an interpreter.
fowl has swallowed a Gbegb6, f). to perish; be lost;
cowry." doomed.
Gb6-sok6, f). to lift up; hoist; Gbera, f). to lift oneself; to move;
set up; exalt; magnify; stir; be alive.
support. Gberakin, v. to be nimble;
Gl»e-9aD1o, f). to dash to the agile; active.
ground with violence. Gbete, n. leave taking; fare·
Gb6, f). to be contiguous; advan- well; salutation.
tageous; helpful to; suc· Gberegbere, adj. unmeaning;
cour; serve; cOlmtcnance; vain.
respond to ; vindieato ; Gb6ro, v. to consider; intend;
justify; be partial to. purpose; calculate; reckon.
Gbe-dide, f). to raise; stir; Gbero, v. to l'aise; erect.
excite; raise from a lying Gbeae, n. debt; score; due.
posture. Glleyawo, f). to marry a wife.
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GBJi: 114 GBE

Gb" add. dry. tJ. to dry; to Gbfgbe. adj. that which is to

dry up.-e.g., Omi 1Ji~ na be carried.
gb~," The running brook is Gbfgb6, adj. warrantable; sup-
becoming dry." portable.
Gbt, tJ. to sharpen; to make a Gbigbelek6, adj. preferable;
noise or cackle like a hen; cxal table.
engrave; cut; excava.te. Gbigbeaok6, n. that which is to
Gbtda, n. a drum beaten in be borne, lifted or carried.
. honour of thc King or great Gbigbew6, n. that which is to be
men. tried or weighed.
Gbtktle. v. to trust; depend Gbigb,. adj. dry; scar; void
upon; confide in. of moisture.
GbfD&lbpa, n. a carpenter; Gbfgb,. adj. hewn; graven.
sawyer; a worker in wood. Gbigbtktl6, adj. accredited ;
Gbflllb" adj. large; big. trustworthy.
GbfIIIbHbflllb" adj. very Gbfgbona, adj. warm; hot;
large (applied to fowls or fervent; zealous.
other birds). Gbfgbq. adj. that which may be
Gb(II&D, tJ. to take vengeance; heard. n. a hearing.
revenge; retaliate; a.venge. GbfgbqD, add. wise; clever;
Gb"" v. to incur guilt; to Ain. prudent.
Gb" adj. burned; scorched; Gbfgbun. adj. crooked; twisted.
pining; languishing. GbqhlD, tJ. to hear news.
Gb.-fona, adj. burnt,; burnt Gbeja, tJ. to defend; take one's
until brittle. part.
Gbt-Di96nto, tJ. to sharpen to a Gbimq. v. propose; stipulate;
point. ofter; devise.
Gb"" n. a small cut made into Gbimq-bubura, tJ. to plot.
the skin with a lancet; Gbimqran, tJ. to counsel; think;
a bleeding cut or incision consider.
into which the native Gbimqttl.. tJ. premeditate; to
doctors insert medicine to plan beforehand.
circulate with the blood. GbiD, tJ. to breathe with diffi-
Gb91''' adtJ. slowly, drawlingly. culty; to groan.
GbtrHb;r" adtJ. in slow paces. GbiD, v. to plant; sow.
Gbic1aDwo, tJ. to make a trial; Gbina, v. to catch fire; kindle.
to try. adv. on fire.
GbigbA, adj. that which is to be GbiDgbiniki, adj. stout; bulky;
received, taken, accepted, huge. n. bulk.
allowable, tolerahle, ad· GbiDDikfm, tJ. to fester; rankle.
mitted. Gbi". tJ. to listen to an entreaty ;
GbigbA, adj. that which is to be receive comfort.
swept. Gbipo, tJ. to succeed; supply
Gbi.basil" n. rescue; deliver· tho place of another.
ance. Gb6ro, tJ. to reckon; calculate;
GbigbatQ, add. tutelar; tutelary. intend; deliberate; specu-
Gbfgb6, adj. dwelling (house). late.

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Gberottlo. fl. to premeditatc; GboDa, v. to be warm; hot;

forecast. aglow; torrid; sultry ;
GberoJQja4e, fl. to devise a plan. ardent; vigorous; fer.
GblwQD, GblWQD, v. to take vent; fervid; fierce.
measurement; weigh. Gb6Dgbo, n. root; bottom of a
G~j" fl. to suffer passively. matter; principle.
GbiJaDj6, 11. to endeavour, take Gb6ngbo-9rQ, n. root of a matter;
cour&.ge, endure, perse- theme.
vere, exert oneself. GboDu, v. to deny; to insist on
GbiyeJ6, Gboktle, 11. to depend in opposition to advioe.
upon, rely on.-e.g., Ma gbi- GbOro, adj. wide; broad;
yele ogUn, ti QWQ 'i'ni ni ito august; expansive.
ni, .. Depend not on an G1I6ro, n. a snare for beasts.
inheritance (by bequest); Gb6rIiD, v. to smell; to scent.
what one gains (by in- Gb6taD, a. be aged; old;
dustry) is sufficient." decrepit.
Gb6, II. to ripan; come to G~, v. to hear; attend; listen;
maturity. adj. old; worn hearken; observe.
out; ancient; aged; stale. GbO, II. to flourish; grow
Gb6, 11. to bark (used of a dog). luxurian tly.
Gbo, fl. to scrub; rub. GbQdo, aU;!;. v. dare; shall ;
must; often used with ko,
Gb6-lonu, 11. to contradict. .. not."--e.g., IWQ ko gbQdQ
Gbodogi, n. the yaws. ~'i' eyi, .. You must not do
Gb6dotd, n. the llame of a leaf this."
for thatching. GbQgbt, v. to receive a wound.
Gbogun, v. to start warfare. G~D, v. to be wise; olever;
Gbogunti, fl. to invade. sensible; expert; cunning;
Gbogbo, adj. all; every; the orafty; disoreet; shrewd;
whole; general; total; subtle; judicious.
entire. GbQn, GbQlUDi, fl. to bale out
Gbohim, v. to hear a voice. water.
G~6, v. t.o arrive at an age
GbohUDgbohim, n. an echo.
when the memory begins to
Gb6ju, fl. to be impudent; develop itself (a term mark.
daring; fierce; bold.faced; ing a particular period of
impertinent; audacious. ohildhood).
Gb6jule, v. to fix the eye upon; GbOn, v. to shake violently;
to put oonfidence or trust to tremble.
in. GbQD-kADDakADDA, v. to sling.
Gb6jusi, 'U. to face; brow·beat. GbQD-IQ, II. surpass; exceed.-
Gbojuwo, v. to behold; to look. e.g., On gbQn mi IQ, .. He
Gbolohun, n. a word; a sen· is greater than I."
tence. GbQD-riri. 11. to quake with cold.
Gbolohan~, n. squabble; GbOn, fl. to move to tears.-
quarrel. e.g., Jj:kun gbQn mi," I was
Gb6-mQ, fl. to bay; bark at. moved to tears."

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GbqDgbqD, 0011. very (applied to BA, (emphatic); no indeed

depth).-e.g., Koto na jin (always followed by Bi).-
gbljlngbqn, " The pi~ is very e.g., Emi h8. ni bi! "Not I,
deep." no indeed."
GbqDgaD.-gbqDgan, adO. clumsy Bi-laye, 11. to throng; squeeze;
in arrangement. press for want of room.--
G~, Ifi, n. sprouts of the e.g., AWo,ln enia h8. mi laye,
pumpkin. nkb Ie wQ ile, " I am pressed
Gbqrq, adO. long and slender.- by the people, I cannot go
e.g., Igi gbCjll"9, "A long into the house."
slender stick;" prostrate; Ba-m~ 11. to lock; block up;
stretched at full length. keep in; enclose.
Gbur6, 11. to hear of.-e.g., Awa Ba-ktJ.,b" 11. to expectorate.
gbur6 wCjln lana, " We heard Ba-le, 11. to wattle a house.
of thorn yesterday." Ba-ltsi, Ba-ltmq, 11. to bully;
Gbb-l"" 11. to smite with the to threaten.
fist; box. Bi-mq, 11. to confine; restrict.
Gbun, v. to bend; twist; be
Bi-mqtubu, 11. to incarcerate;
out of shape.
Gbura, 0011. in torrents; vio-
Ba-mqr& orun, 11. to equip for
lently; without cessation.
war; arm for the battle.
-e.g., Ojo nr9 gburu, " The Ba-nu, 11. to pare; scrape off.
rain pours in torrents."
Halt. 11. to boast; brag.
Bamqra, 11. to put on armour;
H. to be encumbered.
BA, n. amazement; astonish- BiD. 11. to be unfruitful; sandy;
ment.-e.g., . HA 'Ie mi si worn out; to scrap3 gently
CjIran na, "I wondered at or slightly.
the matter." BAn, 11. to appear; be in sight;
Hi! We,;. expression of sur· be visible; be manifest;
prise or wonder. evident; conspicuous.
BA, 11. to lock; get entangled Ban, 11. to screa.m.-il.g., Qrnqde
between woods, or in a yi han goro, .. This child
narrow passage; to be gave a shrill scream."
crowded or straitened.- BAn-lqJrankan, adO. seen afar
e.g., Aye h8. fun mi gaga, off.
"I am much straitened." BAn-I5mq (li-5mq), v. to treat
BA, 11. to cumber; be strait; ono badly.
to lock. BAn-gbaDgba, 11. to be con·
Sa, 11. to bruise; scratch; spicuous ; ostensible; to
scrape; crash; gratc. be apparent.
Sa, 0011. indeed; then (used Ban-coro, v. to scream ; screech;
emphatioa.lly in interroga- shriek; tinkle.
tive sentence).-e.g., Nkan BAn-ket6ket6, 11. to be promi-
WCjIllyi ha ri b~ hi 7 " Are nent; to be conspicuous.
these things indeed so 7 " BAn-lode, adO. exposed.
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BAn-lQkQkaD, v. to show one e.g., Qna hq, ~ kC} gba eji,

after the other. .. The path is too narrow
BAn-Dikika, adj. legible; read· to admit two feet (to walk
able. side by side)."
lIaDyin-hanyin, adj. coarse; Bq, v. to scratch; peel off the
rough; uneven. bark; run ; turn tail;
Bant6ru, v. (Hausa) to write. flay.
Bawq, adj. a tight hand; mean; B~, adv. not (used often instead
greedy; miserly; niggardly. of kq).
Be, v. to gather together BO: B~: 0 I interj. a con·
thingl;! which are scattered; temptuous exolamation ;
to pick up onc by one; to pugh!
reap; to gather fruit.-e.g., BOhO, n. a bird similar to the
Awa nhe ere Ii oko, .. We crow with white streaks
are gathering beans in the on the head.
fann. " BQwu I interj. 8 word expressing
Beyq, Beyi, inter. Sir; Madam; surprise.
a respectful answer made BC)D!1JD, 'II. to snore.
by males to elders or BIi, v. to shoot; genninate;
superiors. bud; spring; vegetate ;
Bt! J:l! interj. Sir; Madam; to become mouldy (as
(respectful answer made by clothes); to come to notice.
females to elders or suo Bn-wa, v. to behave; conduct
periord). oneself.
Bp, adv. yea; aye; yes. B6, v. to pull out of the ground;
Biha, adj. tha.t whieh is to be dig; disinter that whioh
scraped; scra.ped. was b~ed; detect.
Hiha, adj. narrow; strait. B6kq, v. to cough.
BihAn, adj. visible; ostensible i BIi-jade, v. to spring forth;
gorgeous; splendid; au· beget; eject; shoot.
gust. Btakasi, adj. mouldy.
Bilie, adj. that which is to be Buo, v. to grow grass; produce
picked up. weeds.
Biliq, ad(j. that which is to be Buo-Iojn, v. to be wild; to
stripped off or peeled, as look wild; savage; raw.
the bark of trees. Bnmo, v. to think; meditate;
Bilili, n. conduct, behaviour. originate a thought; de·
B6, v. to peel off (the rind of vise; invent; plan; give
yams or fruits). counsel.
B6, v. to boil; fennent; bubble; B~, v. to weave cloth.
froth; foam; roar; hoot; BUra, v. to be languid; to flag.
make a noise; shout.-e.g., BU8QDIi, v. to root out; root
Q~ nh6 putu, .. The soap away.
lathers well." Bliwa-ika, tI. brutalize; prac·
Bo-kiDikini, v. to simmer. tise wickedness.
Bo-,6, v. to shout. Bliwa-ara-oko, v. to be rude.
B~, B&, ad(j. narrow, strait.- Bn-", v. to fledge.
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act of eating,
associating or dealing wit,h_
I, a prefix, giving to the verb Ibaj~, n. the act of destroying,
to which it is prefixed the spoiling or corrupting; evil ;
signification of an action decay; degeneration; pro-
still in progress.--e.g., v. fanation.-e.g., Ibaj~ ykan
Ea, to hide. n. 1ba, the buru ju ti ara Ie;>, " The cor-
act of hiding. ruption of the soul is worse
I, verb ending than the body_"
her; it.-e.g., Illlue.,-fj.O.. 0 ni ika
I pushed it "Hoisas
"-e.g., Ki i
of meeting ; (Hausa.), n.
a coming in contact with ; camel.
a lucky chance. 1ba16, n. virginity.
IbA, deJlXtive v. had; would 1ba1~9kan. 1ba1~a, n. equa-
. have; ought to.-e.g., On nimity of mind; quietude.
iM de, emi we;>, " Had he lba1o, n. the act of dealing with;
come, I would have gone." intercourse.
IbA, Igbon&-ara (gbo-ina), n. lbal6, n. the act of going with;
Ii 0 da mi ~'(lompaniment.
bal'llWe, n. a wash-
Ibaluw4i' ghe ile
A wash· house
tba, the house, but
(as wet 118) a
garden by the waterside."
a mat. IbaDaPO, Ibqowopo, n. partner.
IbadaPQ, n. cohabitation. ship; fellowship; fellow-
Ibade, n. accordance; suit- trader.
ability; hit. Ibanibuba. n. the act of lying in
Ibadi, n. hip; joint of the thigh; ambush; ambushment.
loin. IbaDiD'Iljo, n. aggrievance ;
Ibadu, n. emulation. oHenco; vexation.
Ib&gbe, of abiding (ba...uia~jo), n. the act
fellow- or corrupting;
dVi'eiliinlZ together. belittling.
n. the act dejection; sorrow.-
da ori agba ka
bends down
Ibajope, conj. if.-e.g.,1baj4i'pe 0 Jbant~, n. apron worn by males.
wa nihin, ara.kc,lnrin mi ki ba Jbant~ Alayekan, n. a kind of
ti ku, " If you had been here narrow apron.
my brother would not have Ibanto Etiaja, n. an apron made
died." in imitation of a dog'l:! ear.


IbaDt, Gambari, n. a kind of IbOb" Ob" n. solioitation ;

apron introduced from the prayer; supplication.
Hall!l& country. IbOP', n. pawpaw tree and fruit.
lbaDto SaIalA, n. a superior kind -e.g., 6 b&m9rB bi i~~,
of apron.-e.g., SalidA baba I .. He encumbers himself like
iban~, .. Salala is the chief ' the pawpaw tree " (when
(lit.-father) of all aprons." laden with fruit).
lba-ohun mimq jo, Il. profan. Iboro (bt-tr')' n. beginning;
ation; sBCrilege. commeneement; stooping.
lbaralO, n. carefulness. Iborn (ba-tro), n. fear; fearfuJ·
nar, (ba-r,), n. the state of ness; apprehension.
being friendly with; friend· I Iborubojo (ba-oru-ba-ojo), n.
ship; agreement. fear; dread; trembling.-
lbiro, n. 88hes of burnt grass. e.g., Th\,rubojo ni mo fi po e,
Jbite, conj. whether.-e.g., Ko .. ·With fear and trembling,
gbogbo W9n j9, i~ rere I called him."
tabi buburu. .. Gather all Ibowo, n. visitation; visit;
together whether good or a peeping at; insigh1(.
bad." , 1bewC}8i, n. behaviour; manners.
Jbatedede, n. corroboration; fbi, n. evil; ill·use ; after·
birth.-e.g., Enia ki ilf6 ni ni
Ibafepe, imper8. II. had it been. rere, ki a fi fbi ,U
u, .. He
who has done you a kind·
.Ibqepc}, n. co.operation.
ne~ should never bo ill·
Jbaf9ro, n. alliance; ally. used."
lbatan (-tan), n. a relativol; lbi, n. question; inquiry; place.
belonging to the line of a Ibf, n. birth; child.bearing;
family, relation, kinsfolk. generation; genesis; pro·
Ibawi, lbawijq (wi-ojq), n. the duct.-e.g., Ibl ki iju ibl,
act of calling to judgment; hi a ti bi f;jru Ii a bi 9m9,
judgment; reproof; ccn· "Birth is not different
sure; punishment. from birth; 88 the freeman
lbay~, n. rejoicing with; con· was born so was the slave."
gratulation. lbi-ab6, n. a place of refuge;
lbeji (bi-eji), n. twins. 88ylum ; ward.
lb~pejO (ba-epe-jo), n. oath. Ibi-ado, n. decoy; trapping
breaking; perjury. place.
lbl!re (bi-ere), n. inquiry; l"equi. Ibi-id, n. haunt.
sition; petition; quest.ion. Ibi-asala, n. refuge; asylum.
-e.g., There ki ijf;j ki lbi-idajq, n. place of judgment.
enia ki 6 ,ina: f;jniti ko Ie lbi-idakq-duro, n. haven; an·
bere Ii 0 np9n ara ~ loju, chorage; port.
.. Inquiry saves a man from Ibi-iduro, n. a standing place;
mistakes: he who makes stage.
no inquiry gets himself Ibikin, n. a place; some place.
into trouble." Ibildbf, OOv. anywbere; where·
nt, OOv. there. ever.
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Ibilire, t~. the act of questioning ; Ibojuw6 (bt-oju-wc)), n. visit;

interrogation. visitation; superinten.
Ibile (bi-fIe), n. one home· born ; dence ; insight.
a domestic. Ibojuwofln, n. close inspection.
Ibil, (bi-fIt), n. aborigines; IbolA, n. roofing; confiscation.
native. Ibomi, Ibomirau, n. another
Ibilu-omi, n. wa.ve; surf. place.
Ibilu, n. scourge; thong. Ibomirin, n. irrigation.
Ibimbi, adj. naked. IbomQI, (bo-mq-fIt), n. conceal·
IbfmQ, n. child.bearing; child· ment; that which is to be
birth. concealed.
1biDu, n. wrath; anger; passion. !bora, n. cover; covering for
-e.fJ.,Ibinu ko IjIG nkan fun the body.
ni ; siiru laba iwa, ibinu ni Ibora-Kubuau, n. blanket;
iY9 9fa li apa, ohUn rere ni woollen covering.
iY9 obi ni apo, .. Anger does Iborl, n. victory; conquest;
no one good; patience is triumph.
the best (lit.-father) of Ib6rf (bo-ori), n. cap; covering
dispositions. Anger draws for the head; hood.
arrows from the quiver;
good words draw kola nuts
Ibos" n. the hoof of an animal.
~, AbQ, n. the act of coming;
from the bag." decoction.
lbiDujt, n. sorrow; sadness; IbQgibQPt, 11. the act of serving
anguish. an idol.
IbirQgbqku. n. couch; sofa. IbQka-abtrt. IbQwq-abtrf, n.
Ibfai, n. inerease; addition. thimble.
I'bif\lbu, n. overthrow; sub· IbQl6., n. the act of paying
version; confutation. respect; urbanity.
Ibitt. Obitt, fl. to travail. IbQl~wQ. n. the act of shaking
the hands.
Ibiw6, n.the act of overthrowing.
~QWQ, n. escape from seizure ;
lbO, n. breadth; width; dimen· deliverance from; freedom;
sion ; a kind of banyan leisure.
tree. IbQn. n. gun. musket, fire.arms,
lbO, n. the name of a trailing pistol.
plant; and its fruits. IbQn-D1a, n. ordnance; cannon.
lbo, n. a casting of lots or dice Ibqn-alaftft. n. air.gun.
used by the priests in IbQDi, n. support; sustentation.
consulting the gods. IbQpi. Ike. n. bracelet.
1116, adl1. Where? IbQPG, n. hammock.
Iboji, Boji (Ibi-Oji). n. grave; IbQ_ n. worship of idols.
sepulchre; cemetery. idolatry.
Ibojl, n. shadowy; shade. 1bQdrin, n. a coming between;
Iboju (bo-oju), n. veil; covering mediation.
for the face; cloak; dis· 1bQs, (bQ tat). n. socks, stock·
simulation; blindfold; ings, hose.
hangings. IbQaQkO. IwQko, t'I.• emba.rkation.
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IbQwA, n. a coming; approach. Ibuw~, n. a lodging-place; a

lbfl, n. breadth; side; diam- lodge; roosting-place.
cter; width. lbuWQD (bU-WQD), n. aspersion;
Ibfl, n. fall; abuse; curse. sprinkling.
lbu, n. a bleating; a loud lbuyfn, n. compliment; honour;
sudden cry. respect.
lbu-at,l,w9, n. hand-breadth; IdA, n. creation; formation;
span. cessation; division; dc-
Ibiibu, adv. crookedly. cision; payment of taxes;
fbudo, Ibudo-ogun, n. camp; good health.
encampment. Idi, n. beeswax; tar.
1b1llbe, n. abode; home; habi· IdA, n. sword.
tation. lda-asa, n. remrumt from the
tbu, n. abstraction of a part; loom; piece of cloth to
fragment. patch with.
1b1llbe-tltde, n. pigsty. IdA, tda. n. the art of fusing;
Ibuj" lbujt-traD, n. a place of fusion.
feeding; crib; manger. tda-eti, n. wax of the ear.
lbujoko (Ibi-ijoko), n. a dwelling
place; abodo; settlement;
Ida-"" Id"" n. the act of
sinning ; perpetration.
seat.. ldA-idiwe, n. sealing.wax.
Ibuke, ft. carvor of posts and tda-onfb6, n. broad sword.
doors. ldiba, n. proposal; motion.
1buk6.D (bu-kun), n. adding to ; 1dib6, ldibobo, n. refuge; pro-
a blessing; benediction; tection.
increase. tdabu, n. breadth; latitude;
tbukun (bu-kun), n. deficiency; that whioh is placed athwart..
abatement; reducement. ldabu-fkun, n. cross-bar of a
Ibukim, Ibuai, n. .adding to; door or gate.
exa!(geration. ldabu-jgbaroko, n. pelvis.
tbula, Abula, n. dilution; ldabul" n. prostration of the
adultel'ation. body from siokness or weak-
1buI" n. the act of lying down. ness.
1buIt-arin, n. sickness. 1dad6, Adado, n. isolation; an
lbult-ilm. n. death·bed. island.
Ibn-omt, Ibu-od6, n. channel; tdaduro, n. being stoppcd
abyss. or hindered; dotention ;
tbura, n. the act of swearing; hindrance; hold.
oath. tdagba, n. growth; inorease;
1bur6, Iburu-dopjn, Iburu- maturity.
rekQja, n. incorrigibleness. tdagbale, n. the act of pre-
1bus9, n. a resting-place on a suming.
journey. tdagbe, n. the state of being
lbualiD, n. a sleeping-place; alone; solitude; isolation_
bed; bedstead. ldagbere, n. a bidding farewell ;
lbuaan-Gku, n. graveyard; valediotion.
churchyard. Idagiri, n. an alarm.

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IdagUd.. n. cold; gloom; damp ldaloro, n. torment; torture;

weather. oppression.
Idahoro, n. desolation. ldalil, n. the act of boring.
Idahlin, n. answer; reply. ldalu, n. affusion; the act of
Idahun-ac1ataD, n. final reply; mixing together.
ultimatum. ldamarun, n. a fifth part.
ldaiyafo, n. intimidation; dis- ldamejila, n. a twelfth part.
may; discouragement. ldamtriD, n. a fourth part.
lelAjt, n. double dealing; a ldamoaan, n. a ninth part.
cheat. ldamtta, n. a third part.
tdaji. Idameji (da-meji), n. half; ldamtwa, n. a tenth part.
moiet.y. Idamtwamtwa, n. the tenth
Idajf, n. an early rising. parts severally.
ldaj~ (de-tj9), n. judgment; IdamQrlUl (da-mQ-ran), n. a
sentence pronounced; doom; device; a plan; theory.
award. IdImu, n. the act of perplexing;
tdaj9 (da-j9), n. a collection, a perplexity; confusion; dis-
putting together. traction; infatuation.
IdajQ-81be. n. partial judgment. Idin, n. sleight of hand; an
Idaja, n. hard-heartedness. artful trick.
ldakasi, Idikasi. n. staleness; lrlaD, n. the bottom of native
mustiness. trousers.
tdak" ldAktjt, Idakt~, n. ldana, n. dowry.
rest; quietness; serenity; ldaDA, n. a feast; the act of
silence; a calm. cooking.
tdakC}Cl6ro, Idak~, n. the act IdaDde (da-ni-ide), n. redemp-
of stopping the ship; anchor. tion; the state of being
ldak9ja (da-k9ja), n. the act of redeemed from bondage.
passing over a thing by ldaniduro. n. the act of detaining;
lifting the foot over it (as detention.
over a tree lying across the ldanilara (da-enia-li-ara), n. the
road). act of disappointing;
Idaka, n. swoon; faint. mortifying; annoying.
ldalara, n. disappointment. ". IdaDiloju, n. convincement;
to mortify; to hurt one's certainty; assurance.
feelings. Ida-npapa, n. rust.

IdaIare, n. justification.
n. the act of being away
from home.
Idanrawo, n. exercise; exertion;
test; proof.
lrlaDw6, n. attempt; t.rial ;
tW.. n. faithlessness; breach temptation.
of confidence; treason. ldaPQ, n. a mingling; closeness;
tdaltbi, n. conviction; repro- annexation; attachment.
bation; condemnation. IdaPQ-lIIIim.9, n. Holy Com-
tdaltklm. n. the act of for- munion.
bidding; prohibition; inter- ldaP9f9kan, n. union.
diction. lllaran (da-Qran), n. trans·
ldaloju, n. certainty. gression; offence; trespass.

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JdaraD-qba, n. treason (lit.- Jd6, n. arrival.
offence against the king). 1de-Ajaga, R. bond; yoke.
ltIariii (c1a-ori-ji), n. forgiveness ; ld~wq. R. handcuffs: manacle!!.
pardon; remission; abso· lde-lqu, n.. the act of hindering;
lution. opposition.
ldariIi, n. tendency; dispo. ldena, R. hindrance; opposition;
sition. obstacle.
lc1arO (-arO), n. anxious; con· Idan, Qmqri (d6-ori). n. cover;
cern; anxiety. lid.
ldarOl9, R. a speaking to one· 1deti, R. the face bone near the
self; soliloquy. ear; tympanum; drum of
Ic1ar6, R. refutal; confusedness. the ear.
ldaru-claPO, R. the act of ldt. n. loosening; softening;
mingling in a confused maturity; a glass bottle
mass; medley; confusion. holding about five gallons,
ldaraDlilt, R. t.hat which causes called by sailors a demijohn.
disease. 1d., n. brass.
IdIaa, R. remnant from the loom; ld"b, (dt-irb,). R. hunting;
piece of cloth to patch with. chase.
lclui, R. remnants; exemption; ldthun, n. the act of refraining
officiousness. from speech.
Iduil" n. beginning ; invention. ld,j6, R. easy·going.
,II".AIiltlq, R. acquittal; liberation. 1dtkIiD. n. the act of setting a
I~ U*w~, R. assumption; snare; ensnaring.
undertaking; venture; 1dtft, R. ease; laxation.
enterprise. ldtria. R. exciting to laughter.
Idafe, AcIate, R. venture; risk. 1dtI'Uba. R. alarm; discourage·
Id6.wo, n. consultation of the ment; terror.
gods or oracles. ldtli, n. instigation.
Idawo, R. contribution. ldtti (dt-eti), n. inclination
ldawo-ode, R. taxation. of the ear ; listening;
Idaw~, ~, n. dross. hearkening.
ldaw~uro, U*wqro. n. Idtti (di-,U). n. failure; ina·
desistance; interruption; bility to accomplish.
cessation; intermission. 1dtwo (dt-wo). n. temptation;
ldawqpq, R. a joining of hands trial; !!nare; seducement.
together; union. 1dtwq, R. mitigation; relaxation.
ldaW1l1'1lo n. fluency; free; out· Id1, n. eagle.
let. ldi, R. bundle.
1dAyi, n. time; interval ; season; 1df, R. bud; blossom.
a given space; fermenta. 1di, R. waist; groin; reason;
tion.--e.g., Ni id8.yi ana 0 ti sake.
de, .. About this time yester. ldi-erup" n. sod.
day he had arrived." 1di-ibqn, R. breech of a gun.
Ide. R. the act of binding; 1di-irun, n. lock of hair.
bondage; sorew; buckle; 1di-okuD, R. osprey; fishing
brace. eagle.

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Idibaj,. n. corruption; rotten· 1diwQ. n. obstacle; obstruction;

ness. encumbrance.
ldide. n. the act of rising. 1diwUDdia, n. the state of a girl
Idigi, Jjlru-igi, n. bundle of wood. reaching puberty.
1digbar6 (M-igba-r6), n. con· IdiWQD, n. measurement.
tinual standing; an erect Idiyele. n. the act of estimating ;
position. valuation.
1dije, n. competition; race. Itloti, n. invasion; encampment;
Idiji (eli-iji), n. fear; fright; siege; blockade; coloni·
alarm. . zation.
1dija, n. entanglement; con· 1do. 1doro, n. the seeds of the
fusion; knot; intricacy. canna plant.
1dija, n. the act of shutting the 1dodo, n. navel.
eye. ldofua, n. a kind of plum tree.
1diju-qD&, n. blocking the road. Idogo, n. the act of placing a man
ldikAsi, n. a stale state; musti· in a debtor's house so as to
ness. make him pay the money
IdOe, n. famil~'; household; at oncll; surety.
clan. 1dogun, Idipara, n. rust.
ldi1oja, n. blindfold. 1dQbalO, n. prostration; falling
ldilOna, n. obstacle. on the face; a mark of
1dOQwQ, n. interruption; impedi· respect to a superior by the
ment. male.
1dOu, n. the act of congealing. Idqdt IdO, n. hunt; chase.
l1timQ, idito, n. confederation; IdQlba, n. regularity; evenness;
league; intrigue. equality.
1dimQra. n. the act of winding 1dllD, n. bug; flea.
things around the body. 1duu, n. a sound; cry as of a
ldima, n. grasp; apprehension. bird.
1din. 1m, n. name of a tree, the 1duu, n. sweetness; flavour.
root of which is used as 1dUDJDQ. n. pleasure; enjoy.
chewing sticks. ment.
1din, n. maggot; grub; weevil. lda, n. a denial or refusal of a
request or petition.
1diD&, n. hindrance; barricade. 1dugbOlu. n. stumbling.block;
ldina, n. passion; anger. onset; shock.
1dina, n. the act of shutting the 1dupt, n. thanks; thanksgiving;
mouth. Eucharist.
1dipara, n. rustiness. ldura, n. the act of making an
1di", n. union; density; coher· effort from falling down.
ence ; compact. 1d6.ro, n. pause; cessation;
1diri, n. the act of tying or integrity; stanchness; stay.
binding the hair; head· 1d~ n. a standing fast.
dress; act of plaiting the lfA, n. good luck; gain; advan·
hair. . tage.-e.g., ifa nIa ni iya
1dirun. n. the act of plaiting the oluwa l"\l ni apa... Inordi·
hair. nate gain makes a hole in
1diti, n. deafnes.9. the pocket." ~. i. fl.
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fIA. n. the god of palm nuts; a

tool with two handles (used
b,. n. belch; distortion.
bo-atoju, n. idolise.
to scoop out the pulp of bo-ema. n. philanthropy.
green ca.labashes). lfo-buburu, n. malevolence.
tfajuro. n. sadness; sorrow. lfOhinti, n. support; patronage;
tfamqra. n. intimacy. refuge.
lfani (Ofa-ODi). n. six days. lfOkufO. n. lust; concupiscence.
tfanimQri, n. sociableness ; lfo-m9-ni-keji (fHmQ-enia-
friendliness. keU). n. brotherly love.
lfarabalO. n. carefulness; atten· lI,ni (fo-enia). n. charity; love.
tion. lfpukoDU (fl-onu-ko-onu), n.
lIaraban (fl-ara-han). n. appear- (lit.-the act of putting
ance; a vision. mouths together) mutual
tfarakQr&, n. connexion; prox- agreement; ki'l8.
imity. IItra-;ni, n. self-love; selfish-
lfaramQIIi, lfaramora, n. attach- ness.
ment to; adhering to. lfori, Tutu, n. coolness; modera-
lfarapa, n. the act of hurting or tion of heat.
bruising the body; hurt; lftsomul" n. edification; estab-
injury. lishment ; confirmation.
lfarapamQ. n. hiding. If,,oji, n. forgiveness of sins.
lfar~ n. leaning on; resting Iflbil. 1flr6. n. a curse; impre-
upon. cation; execration.
lfarar~ n. sprain; dislocation lflbun, lflfun, n. gift; present;
of joints. exemption.
lfarati, n. support; stay; trust. tflfaIO. n. want of diligence;
lfarawe. n. imitation; emulation; negligence.
sham. lflji. n. the act of forgiving;
lfarun (1a-Q1'1lD), n. an iron forgiveness; absolution.
guard for the fingers, used lflfun, n. the act of giving 01'
to assist in drawing the bow delivering to.
with full force. lflhan, n. a show; exhibition;
tfasohiD, n. abatement; reduc- parade; index; specimen;
tion; diminution. revelation.
llatu, n. the act of plucking up lfljoD&, n. burnt.
by the root; extirpation. lflkalO. n. the act of establishing;
lIara. n. the act of tearing; a settlement.
laceration. bIkun, n. the act of adding
be. n. a smaIl-sized bird. to; addition; annexation;
lie, n. whistling. appendix.
fie, n. cup; a tumbler shaped Wei" n. establishment; ordina-
gourd. tion.
befe, n. a kind of hollow reed. W~. n. the act of publishing;
betili, n. obedience; attention. consultation.

b" n. liking; willingness.
n. love; will ; desire ;
lflnra, n. tattooing; fumigation.
lflnran, n.

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lflpaJDq. lflsin, n. a hiding; tfqkan-l9, n. confidence; reli-
concealment. ance.
t~ n. the act of suspending on )fqle (fq-ile), n. house-breaking.
a hook or pin. tfqD&haD. n. the act of .showing
lflai, n. a putting upon. the way. .
tflsile-ide, lflsitubu, n. imprison- ~raolq. n. consultation.
ment; bondage. t!9raD11lq, n. unjus1i accusation.
lflsilt. n. abandonment; resigna- tfQri, n. head-ache. .
tion. tfqwqba, lf9Wqkau, n. a touch;
tflsun, n. accusation; suit at the act of touching.
law; the act of aiming at. tfqwqkq, n. to \ink arms; to
lfltofo, n. a waste; extra~..agance. walk arm in arm.
tflt9f91O, n. a byword; an object Ifqwqpalori, n. caress; act of
of common talk. laying tho hand On the head.
I1lfiro, n. multiplication. tfqwql'9rilm, n. natural death;
tlfara, n. preservation; 0. stan.t peaceful death (opposite of
by. violent death).
lfltqr" (fl-ta-qr,,), n. gift. ; tfqW9l9W9, n. mutual agreement.
present; offertory. tfqwqta. n. careless search.
lflwe, n. the act of comparing one tfqwqtQ. n. guiding with t.h&
thing with another; com- hand.
parison. tfun, n. bowels; entrails; int.-s-
lflye8i, n. consideration; atten- tines. .
tion; remark. tfmmu, n. brag; boast.
tfof6, Ito, n. foam; froth; lfunpe, n. a blowing of a
float; scum. trumpet.
lfqhunwehun, n. simile; simil· IffmrugbiD, n. the act of sowing
itude. seed; sowing.
tfohun-Ii, n. verification; bunti, n. wine-press.
sanction; assent; approval. tfura, n. suspicion; doubt..
tfoiya, n. fear; dismay; dread. tea. n. altitude; height.
lfojuplJ, n. winking. IIAIl, n. piece.
tfojukoju, n. a htling face to face. 19uma, n. walls around premises.
tfojUli, n. attention; olJst.rva· 19ara, n. thief; robber; ruffian;
tion. highway robber; spoiler;
Ifojuail", n. the act of watching. brigand.
tforibal", n. obedience; homag<'. tgede, n. mystery (applied only
tforifo, II. flake. to superstitions, charm",.
etc.j---e.g., Babalawo nf~
tforiti. n. perseverance. 1gede, .. An !fa-priest is
lfo-aoJd, n. a jump; leap. telling a mystery."
lflyeli, lfojUli, n. attention. 19e9un, n. the act of abjuring;
lfqhun, n. the act of speaking; abjuration.
reply; sanction. tgere, n. fish.pot.
tfqju (fq-oju), n. blindness. tg", n. breast; chest.
lfqbDran, n. endurance; hard· tgi, n. tree; wood; fuel.
ship; reliance. Igi-ajagbqu, n. tamarind tree.

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fgi-alore, n. a high tree used as tgba-ifunrugbiD, tgba-irugbiD, flo

a watch·tower or lookout. sowing time; seed time.
fgi-atulq, ft. sapling; seedling; 19ba-ifunti, n. a vintage.
young plant. tgba-ik~ n. after time; after-
fgi-elesO, 11. fruit·bearing tree. wards.
fgi-ibqD, Igibqn, n. gun.stock. tgba-~ojukaD, It. time of II. wink
fgi-idaDa, n, firewood. . of the eye; moment of
Igi-dudu, n. the ebony tree. time.
fgi-imu, Igimu, n. nozzle; snout. 19ba-~ n. time of one
19i-iDa, n. firewood. wa.tch.
fgi-itaDDa, rt. match; torch. I tgba-morinmorin. adj. fourfold.
fgi-itQkQ, n. tiller (of a boat). 19ba-qgqrun, adj. hundredfold.
fgi-qg'b9, n. hemp; flax. 19ba-otutu, n. cold sea.son ;
Igi-qgba, fgi-Agbara, n. fencf'. winter.
fgi-qgtci\t, n. banana tree. Igba, n. calabash cut into halves.
Igi-qP\t, n. palm. Igba-aiya, n. the brea.stbone.
fgi-08UD, It. cam-wood. I Igba-aj\t, Igbaj~, n. a. large
Igi-susu, n. a cluster of tr<>es; , calabash.
a grove. Igba, n. the aeacia or locust tree
tgo, n. bottle. and fruit; tide; current.
Igoke, n. the act of climbing up ; Igba-ori, n. IIkull.
ascension. Igbadulum~ n. calumniation;
Igcmgo, n. worm found in dung- calumny; slander.
hills. which is used ft.<; food. Igbagbe, Igbagbera, n. forget-
IgQ, n. perplexity; puzzle; fulness; negligence.
embarrassment. 19baghq, n. faith; btliief ; credit;
Igq-igi, n. buttressell of a large obedience.
tree. tgbaiya, n. a guard for the
IgqgQ, n. mane. brea.st.
Igun, Ojugun, n. the shin; the tgbaja, n. a boat.
corner; nook; angll'. 19baja, n. girdle; narrow slip
19{m, n. vulture. of cloth tied round the 10m.'1.
!gun-ile, n. the corner of a house. : 19bakq, n. a SpOOI1; a large
lrunbtr\t, n. a thimble. , wooden spoon.
19unIe, n. the aet of landing. Igbakugba, adv. many times;
lrunwa, n. a sitting in state. often; frequently.
Iguf\t, n. belching. 19balmro, ft. deliverance.
19ba, n. time, a definite period; tgbala, n. salvation.
space; interval; duration. tgbal\t, n. broom.
19ba, &kob, n. fixed time; 19balt, n. grove.
time. 19balq, n. a kind of food made
19ba-aae, n. festival. from beans.
tgba-iw\t, n. fa.sting time; Lent. ~ tgbamota, n. triple.
19ba-di\t, adv. awhile, a little 19bamqra, n. embrace.
time. tgbaDa, adll. then; at that time.
19ba-frun, n. a dry season. tgbaDi, n. time pa.st; the time
Igba-880, n. harvest time. of old; antiquity.

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IgbaDipnju, n. the act of ! 19bimq, n. a counsellor;

encouraging. I an adviser; committee;
19bati, ad". when. ! council.
19bati, n. edge; border; a slap 19bimqttl", 19birotele, n. fore-
with the palm of hand. cast.
19bati-8f9, n. trimming; hem. 19bin, n. a large edible snail.
19batijq, n. olden time. 19bin, n. sowing; plant.ing.
Igbe, n. cry; shout. 19bina, n. the act of taking fire.
19bede, n. understanding. 19biDilmD, n. inflammation.
19bep, n. the act of lifting up. Igbi-omi, n. waves; surf ;
Igbekalt, n. establishment; billows.
institution. 19biro (gba-iro), n. a reckoning;
19beJl:uu, n. A. male captive. See calculation; council; con·
Igb~sin. sultation.
19beleke,n. promotion; elevation. 19biyanju, Igbauiniyanju (gba-
19beraga, n. arrogance; haughti. iyan-oju), n. pers~voranoe;
ness; insolence; pride. encouragement; exhorta-
Igbere, ·n. farewell; valedicLion. tion.
19beri (gbe-ori), n. nearness; 19biyele (gbe-iye-le), n. trust;
proximity. confidence: reliance; de·
19beriko, n. neighbourhood; pendence.
province; coast. Igbo, n. forest; wood; wood-
19bero, n. project; consul. land.
tation. 19l1O, ~n igllO, n. name of a
19bero, n. reviving; repairing. bird which feeds on the
19bero, n. the act of hearing the eggs of other birds.
news. Igbodu, n. a grove dedicated to
19besoke, n. the act of lifting the gods OdiJ. and !fa..
up; a lift; structure. Igbogian, n. the name of a bird.
19besq, n. a heaving. 19boiya (rbo-ira), n. oourage,
19beyawo, n. marriage; wedding. boldness, fortitude, intre-
19bt, n. bush; field; shrub; pidity.
grass field. 19boju (gbo-oju), n. boldness;
19b", IgbqDst, n. f!Bces; offal; audacity.
dung. 19bokun (gbi-okun), '/!.. sail;
Igb~t, n. hunting. canvas.
19bthiD (gbe-thiD), adv. after- 19bona (gbo-iDa), n. heat ;
wards. warmth; fervour ; vehe-
19btktle (gbe-tkt-le), n. trust; mence.
confidence; reliance; am· 19bona-ara, n. heat of the body;
ance. fever.
19btsaDt n. the act of retaliating, 19bona-qkan, 1~. fervency of
recompensing. spirit.
19b~, n. a female captive. 19boro, n. an old overgrown
See Igbekun. farm.
19bidaDwo, n. a trial. 19boro, n. street.

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fgboro, n. a grove dedicated to lhawQ, n. stinginess; parsi.

the idols. mony.
Igbonm, Agborun, n. umbrella; ibm. n. news; tidings; narra·
sunshade; parasol. tion.
I g . , adll. by.and·by; till ihin okere, n. news: rumour.
another season. ibjn-~ n. good news; glad
IgbqkaDle (gbe-qkan-Ie), n. con- tidings; gospel.
fidence; trust; affiance. lhinyi, ad". hit.her; here.
IgbqDra (gbqn-ara), n. a lbo, n. hole; pit; dell; ditch.
shaking of the body (to free 1h6, n. noise; hooting; boiling.
from dust). lh6ho, Ihoriho, n. nakedness;
IgbqnwQ, n. dbow; cubit. nudity.
Igbqnwu, n. a bow used for the Iho-abiya, n. the arm.pits
purpose of carding cotton. Ibo-ima, n. the nostrils.
Igbqns" see 19bQ. lhunra, n. irritation of the body;
IgbqwQ, n. witness; pledge; the itch.-
token. lhtiha, fl. down (of II. bird).
Igboro (gbq-iro), n. news; lhumQ, n. meditation; invention.
intelligence. lhuwa (hu-iwa), lhuwaBi, n.
!ba, n. side, loin, region. conduct; behaviour.
tj., n. strife; war ; fight;
lba, n. the outside of the palm quarrel.
!haho, n. the burnt part of food iJa, n. suet.
which adheres to the pot or tja-di" P6ro, n. skirmish.
tja-igboro, Ijagboro, fl. civil war.
tjaba (ja-ba), n. trouble.
IhaJmn, n. the bar to fasten the tjadaa, fl. remnants of fruits
which have been eaten by
~e, n. encumbranoe.
lhaIe (ha-ile), n. need; neoessity; tjade, IjadelQ, n. exit.; exodus;
poverty; strait.-e.g., lhale a going out.
ba Q'1Q enia jQ, .. Poverty tjada, n. eager contest for a
destroys a man's repu- thing; competition.
tation." tjadUD, n. luxurious living.
thaI, (IlA-n,), n. empty boast; tj~a (ja-ila-ara),fI.negligenoe;
brag. sluggishntlSll.
lhamQ, n. restriction;· a being Ijaiye, n. enjoyment of luxury
shut up. or pleasure.
lhamqra, IhamQl'a ogun, n. tjaj" n. rascal; scoundrel.
armour; armoury; war tjakadi, n. a wrestling: a
equipment; mail. struggling.
!han, n. show; appearanoe ; tjalQ, n. the black ant.
view; prospect. tjaniyan, n. contradiction.
!ban gbangba, n. prominent, tjanja, n. broken into pieces.
conspicuous appearance. Ijanja-tran, n. small bits of
!hh-goro, n. shriek; shrill. meat.
!bana, n. gag. tiana, fl. bit; bridle.
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tjara, n. rope. tjolmn, n. name of a trailing

tjarq, n. detection of falsehood. plant.
Ije. n. seventh day. tjODi, n. scald; a burning
lUi, n. race; competition. inflammation.
ljejila, n. the twelfth day. tjODiruD, n. burning to nothing.
!j8Di, n. sevcn days hence. tjoro, n. leanness.
tjere, n. gain; profit. tjowu (j~·owu), n. jealousy.
tjt, Ij~, n. fodder. tjoye (j\l-Oye), n. the act of
tjt, n. bait. being entitled to a position
Ij~t, n. the flower of Indian of rank.
com. tjq, 1jq, n. I18sembly; meeting;
tjt-apaaa. Ij~b" n. hay. congregation; council.
tj~bi, n. guilty. !jq, n. day; a single day.
tjpiya, Ijtniniya, n. punish. tjq-agba, n. meeting or RSsembly
ment. of the elders.
tjtrl, tjtrisi, n. witnessing; tjqba, n. kingdom.
testimony; attestation. !jqkaDlqgb9D (Ijq-kaD-le-Di-
tjtriDla (Ijq·~jn·le·twa), n. qgb9D),adv.seldom, now and
fourteen days ago; fort· then (lit.-the space or
night. interval of thirty·one days).
tj~wq, n. confession; profession. tjq19wq, n. release; deliverance.
tjtwq-igbagbq. n. creed. ijqmiraD (iiq-omiraD), n.
tji, n. shadow; shade. another day; future time.
tjqDi. n. eight days hence.
, tjl, n. fear; dread; anything
tjqra, n. semblance; likeness.
startling; surprise.
fjn, n. wilderness; desert.
tji, n. storm, tornado.
tjulq, n. excellence.
tjika, n. profoundity ; soundness. tjam"", n. co.operation.
tjila, tjinla, n. a famous or tjuwqsi, n. a beckoning; a beck.
notorious person (used in lka, n. cruelty; wickedness;
both good and bad sense). mischief; inhumanity.
Ijimere, n. a small monkey. lka, n. finger, toe. 1ka QWQ
!jin1~, n. depth. finger, lka'm toe.
tjin1",~, n. tripping at the heel; lka, n. reckoning; computation;
contradiction. calculation.
Iji"pa1~ (iji..t-pa-ilt), n. after· lka-igba, n.computation of time;
noon (lit.-when the shadow calendar.
covers the ground). lka-iwe, Ikiwe, n. roll or book.
tjiya (jt·iya), n. suffering; lkatun,Ika-olmD, n. coil of rope;
pll8sion; penalty; punish. ball or reel of thread.
ment. Ikiwu, lka-owu, n. wound cotton.
tjiyan, n. argument; debate; lkato, n. twist; coiling.
bet; controversy. lkatun, n. addition.
!jo, n. dance. lkamq, n. the state of being
tjogun (jt-ogun), n. succession encompassed.
to an inheritance; heritage. lkan, n. a dropping or dripping
tjoko, n. settlement; sitting. like water.

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lIraa, n. white ant. . tk"b", n. association; fellow·

lIraa, n. the egg plant. ship.
lkandu. n. the large black ant. . tkthin (ko-thin), n. end; i!lSue.
tklLDl1Ul, n. utmost extremity; tk,kun, n. snare.
corner. tk,kQ, n. learning.
lkamlara, n. the act of feeling tk\thiDkthiD, adv. aftermost.
with. . tk,ra, n. delicateness; indul·
tkanja (kan-oju), n. hastiness; gence.
hurry ; eagerness; post- tktta, n. a kind of nicely woven
haste; bustle. native cloth.
tkaDllU. n. severity; fury ; Iktt", n. one short in stature.
wrath. tk,t", n. the lees of palm oil-a
1kaDra, n. peevishness; irritabil- favourite food.
ity; fretfulness; gruffness. b:i, n. salutation; visitation.
Ikina (ko-ina), n. sorrow; b:i, n. compression; laudatory
grief; melancholy. recital of a family lineage.
naPQ, n. a folding together; Iki, n. an animal with large eyes
folding. and small erect ears, which
Ikara, Iki, n. backyard. lives on the kola nut.
lkaai. adj. stale; sour. IkibQD, n. wad; ram.
tkasiJ.Q1'11D, n. chargeableness; lkigbe (ke-igbe), n. cry; howling;
accusation. exclamation.
lkawe (ka-iwe), n. reading. b:ilQ, bQ (ki-ilQ), n. warning;
tkawQ (ka-qWQ), n. power; con- exhortation; threat; denun-
trol: governance; domina- ciation. •
tion. b:imQlt (ki-mQ-ilt), n. pressing
tkaye, n. numeration; reckoning. tightly down; compression;
Ike, n. ivory; bone; an imita- pressure.
tion of ivory. b:ini, n. salutation; compli.
Ike, n. hunch-back. ment; greeting.
tkede (ke-ode), n. proclamation, b:iri, n. roving about; wan·
announcement, edict. dering.
Ikede-ofln, n.B. proclamation of b:inm (ki-Q1'1JD), n. prayer (lit.-
prohibition. saluting heaven).
Ike-kikau. n. a loud cry. tkiWQ, n. check; suppression.
tkekU, tkeJmru, n. abstract, tkiyesi, n. observation; regard;
epitome. heed.
Ikekuro, n. amputation; abs- tko, n. bamboo-fibres woven by
traction. women into cloth.
tkele (ke-Be), n. partition; tko, n. the red tail of the parrot;
curtains used as a partition; a rap on the head with the
veil. knuckles.
nape, n. a calling upon; invo. tkogun (ikG-OlUD), n. spoils;
cation. trophy; anything taken in
tkerora, n. groan. battle; plunder; booty.
tkt, n. fondness; indulgence. tkojQ, n. the act of gathering
tkM&D, n. contempt. together; . accumulation.

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Ikojq-oko. n. harvest; ingather· Ikqst-ba, n., v.t. and i. chance.

ing of farm produce. lkQSil\l. n. divorce; separation;
lkojQP9. n. group; crowd; a renouncement.
gathering. lk6, n. death, that which may
lkoko. n. pot. cause death; a worm which
lkoko-ob\l. n. soup pot. eats the kola nut; mortal·
lkoko-lp. n. small pot. ity ; destruction.
lk6ko. Ikoriko. n. wolf, hyena. lku-afqwQrqriku. n. natural
lkole. n. housebreaking. death.
lkoloju, n. a meeting face to
Iku fun otitQ. n. martyrdom.
lkolQ. n. a carrying away. Iku-lle, n. gable·end.
lkoDijaDu, n. restraint. b:u, n. sifting.
lkODkoao. n. rat trap (baited with b:6clu, n. a pit; & pond; a
corn or yam). trough; a large pot.
lkore, n. harvest. lkugbu, n. presumption.
lkorira, n. hatred; abhorrence. lkIku, n. fist; clenched hand.
lkorijQBi. n. nucleus. Ikuku, n. fog; mist; cloud.
Ikori P8faD. n. whip.lash. limn. n. belly; stomach;
lkoro. n. contradiction; bitter· abdomen.
ness. , limn. n. a kind of squirrel noted
lkoao. n. restraint. for its deafness.
lkoti. n. pin of iron, bone, or limn. n. mucus.
lktm. n. thigh; hip.
• wood used by women for
combing and adjusting the
b:un. n. murmur; grumbling.
b:un. n. fullness; swelling ;
ItQ. n. cough. rising; addition.
Ita-Ie, n. whooping cough. 1kmIIiDu, n. grumbling; mut·
lkQ. n. hook; hanging. tering.
lkQ. lkQle, n. the act of building !kana, n. failure.
a house; erection. b:uDloju. n. satisfaction.
lkQ. n. the act of crying aloud; b:mma. n. fineness; smoothness
ccok·crowing. (used in describing fine flour
It~ n. messenger; ambassador; or nap of cloth).
delegate; deputation. !kan-omi, n. flood; inundation.
lkQjUli, n. attention. opposition. lkunsinu, see lkun.
IkQkQ. n. privacy; secrecy. !kanWQlril, (kuD-wQ-Si-n,). n.
IkQkukQ. n. bad teaching. overflow.
lk~Q. n. bad writing. IkunwQ. IkunwQkan, n. handful.
lkQ1a, n. circumcision; the act ~ Ipara, n. ointment to
of tattooing. rub the body with; balm.
lkQlpQ, n. instructing. !kanu, n. dulness; slowness of
tkOlu (ko-nu). n. assault: attack. , speech.
lkQlura, n. collision. b:ura: n. weakness of body;
lkQDi, n. instructing. . debility; torpor; insen.
lkQdu, n. flash; a quick blaze. sibility.
lkqso. n. stumbling block; ba. n. tattoo; tribal mark;
hindrance. circumcision; stripes.
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ba, n. line, mark. fie-ase, De-idana, ne-onj\!, n.

fia. name of vegetable kitchen; cook-house.
(also called Qkrl,)}. fie-ide, De-tubu, n. custody;
tIa-it" n. jurisdiction; province. prison; jail.
bacli, n. proof; explanation; fie-ifQtQ, n. laundry.
comment. lle-\!j9. n. court; judgment
b.dim, first fruits hall.
bagbara, n. having strength; lle-ikewu, llekewu, lle-iwe:
valour. llewe, n. school-house.
baiya, n. medicine supposed to fie-ina, n. a box of matches. .
give courage; boldness; lle-it9, n. watch-house; watch-
fortit,ude. tower; tower.
baia (la~ijal, peaee·making ; fie-itQU8, n. workshop.
reconciliation; meditation. fie-itura, n. depository; maga-
bakQja, baja, n. penetration. zine; store-house; treasury;
bal~hu, n. that which grows of safe.
its own accord, spontaneou~ fie-iwO, fie-ero, n. inn.
growth. lle-iyawo, n. bride-chamber.
bamQraD, proposing; a fie-~iy\!, n. bird's nest, cage.
bringing of one's own view. fie-\!iyole, n. pigeon-cot.
tlana ofin, n. law; ordinance; fie-fjQ, oourt; oourt-room.
order; ordination; canon. fie-,t\!d\!, n. pig-sty.
bana-isiDku, n. obsequies; lle-~, stablo.
burial service. fie-1,IWQD, De-ide, n. jail; prison.
tlanija, n. conciliation. fie-komo, n. thatched house.
tIanu, n. an opening. fie-Ma.,alasi, n. mosque.
tIara, n. envy. fie-odi, De-olodi, castle,
lIari, n. messenger, hprald. citadel.
tlasa. tla leaf. fie-Qja, n. shop.
tlasado, n. the name of a plant fie-oyin, n. beehive.
used for sauce. fie-QlqrUD, ohurch house.
!lasagun, n. a wild plant. of the fie-olita, an idol house.
lllllla tribe. tle-tubu, prison.
baail\!, n. instruction. tIe-jade, n. expulsion.
tlawun, n. stinginess. beke, n. being uppermost; a'il9
fie, n. house; room; home; ileke-coat.
abode; mansion; dwelling; tIekuro, n. the aot driving out.
habitation. tlep&, pursuit.
tIe, nest. tIepada, n. driving backward.
tIe-,in, n. bird'!! nest. bera, n. health.
fie-ab,r~. n. needle-case. Den, n. promise.
Deroro, n. blister.
fie-adi" fowl-house.
fleru. furnace.
De-agogo, n. clock tower; spire; Ueto, n. village.
balfry. .
D\!, n. earth; land; ground;
fie-alapata, n. slaughter house. soil.
fie-aro, n. smithy. De-aiJe, n. world.

c AI
ILJi: 134 hIQ

nt-amq, n. olay soil. tin, n. drum.

tlo. tttl", n. footing; base. tlubol", n. the act of being
lI\t-bibt, n. beaten floor. smitten down.
~-blri, lI\t-birikiti, n. a small tluja, n. perforation.
piece of land; plot. tlokll!e, n. a hamlet.
tI\tdn, n. manure; blaok earth. tmado, n. wild boar.
1I\t-iDi. n\t-DiDi. n. inheritanoe; !male,n.Mohammedan; Moslem.
possession. !malo. n. idol.
1I\t-ipaka, n. oom-flour; the lmaraduro (imu-ara-cluro), n.
place where oom is win- continence.
nowed. lmatiko, n. an instrument to
IIl)-OkiI, n. burial ground. assist in drawing a bow
1I\tkUD. n. door. with greater foroe.
ne-Oba, n. kingdom; territory ; tmawq, n. incarnation.
dominion; realm. tm"I" n. idleness; truant;
tI".,., n. red earth. indolence.
tift", n. beads. tmi, n. dung; exorement.
tift" iyuD, no ooral beads. lmi-qrun. n. brimstone; sulphur.
tI"kHP9lq, n. frogs' spawn. tmi, n. breathing, respiration.
IIHn, " It is dark." lmihtl", n. palpitation.
II~ n. soft down on a palm Imijade, n. expiration.
tree, used as fire-lighters. Imi-\tdUD, f).i. groan, sigh.
tlo, n. the act of using; usage; ~ n. inspiration.
practice; deed. adj. use- !miriai, n. a nod; a beck with
ful. the head.
no-agbara. n. exertion. tmofo, n. emptiness; dis-
tloro, n. porch. appointment..
norikikma, adj. stubborn. tmojukuro, n. oonnivance.
tlOIi, n. behaviour; usage. tmilkun, n. the act of diving;
tIOfO (l0f0), n. 8 peouliar sitting a dive; a plunge.
posture; squatting. tmilm, n. heat..
tIOJUD. n. pregnanoy. tmotutu, n. coldness.
tlq, Alq, n. departure; a going. tmoye, n. sageness; foresight.
t1Q, n. warning; precept; a tmq, n. knowledge; notion;
publio inquiry. sensation; wisdom.
tlqkau, n. oo\1l"fLg6; boldness. tmq buburu, n. plot, oonspiracy.
tlqlmro, n. departure; going tmq, n. olearness; oleanliness;
away. neatness; purity.
tlqln, n. the act of twisting tmqtoto, n. oleanliness.
togother; plait. tmq gAra, n. transparenoy.
tlqra, n. sloth; tardiness ; tmq gbaDgba, n. publio know-
sluggishness. ledge.
~QllilqwC)lba, n. extortion. tmqkanle, n. encouragement.
Jlqrq, n. wealth. tmqle, n. building a house.
tlqwOwq, n. lukewarmness. lmql" n. light; brightness;
tliI, n. nation; oountry; town; glow.
assembly of the ohiefs of a tmql, baibai, n. dim light,
town; oourt. moonlight.
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tMQ 135 tPA

lmQ1" 0fUII&. n. moonlight. 1Dak11D&, profligacy.

lmql" 6l'1JD, n. sunlight, daylight. luabi, n. a kind of plant which
lmOmqfe, lmOmqda, n. wilful produces blisters.
action. luaja, 71. trade; trader;
lmqDkaDgbogbo,lmqh1Ulgbogbo, merchant.
n. omniscience. baki, fro, n. t·he baboon.
lmqran, lmq, n. knowledge; tnaro, n. standing posture.
opinion. Inarun, 71. nettle-rash.
lmqt~", n. foreknowledge; fore- luawo, 71. expense.
sight. luawq, n. the act of stretching
lmqwe, n. book-learning. out the hand.
lmqwqcluro, n. refraining from. lDi, n. possessions; goods.
lmu, n. the nose; nostrils. lnilara, IDiDilara, oppression;
lmu, n. seizure; a taking hold burden.
of. lnira, n. burden; trouble.
lmu1agbara, n. taking by force. lniran,n.remembrance ; reminis-
lmubiDu, n. exasperation. cence.
lmubisi, n. propagating. lnitara, n. zealousness; having
lmuduro, n. a stay; a making zeal.
to stand. Inu, n.' matrix; womb; belly;
lmugiri, n. holding; tidiness. stomach; disposition; the
lmuhinwa, n. bringing news. inside mind; thought.
lmujade, n. an out show; lDubibi, adj. irascible.
dehvery out of custody. lDu buburu, n. wicked heart.
lmukuro, n. deduction, a taking lDu didUD, 71. gladness.
away. lDu dudu, n. bad heart.
lmularada, n. healing. lDu Iufu, n. bad or quick temper.
lmul", n. covenant; treaty. lDu IunIUD, n. a pure heart.
lmul~ofo, n. emptiness. lDu rare, n. benevolence.
lmUDibiDu, n. that which makes InUDibiDi, n. persecution.
one angry; provocation. Inliruu, Inuriruu, n. pain in the
lmUDinudUD, n. a making cheer- stomach; colic.
ful. Inutblo, n. passion. adj. cross-
lm1lDlD11D&, lm6muna, n. fire- tempered.
fly; glow-worm. Inutit", adj. tender-hearted. n.
lmupada, n. restoration j restitu- compassion.
tion. Inu yo, fl. feel compassionate;
lmura, n. readiness. yearn.
lmurasn", n. preparedness. III&. n. track; way; course;
Imuragiri, 71. agility; tightness. tendency.
Ina, n. fire. Ipa-ab~" (lit.-the track of the
Ina-ori, 71. louse. needle), stitch.
lDa, n. flogging; punishment Ip&-Qna, n. path; track; road.
by whipping; dimension; til&. n. kick.
stretch. Ipa, n. strength; violence.
lna, n. expenditure of money. Ipa, n. epilepsy (called also
lDadaDu, adj. wastefulness. Warapa).
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Ipada, n. return, alteration. lpara, n. rust.

lpadaaohiD. n. relapse. tplra, n. going and coming.
lpade, n. meeting.. tparada, n. di.'IgUise; change.
lpado. n. the garments and other tparO, n. defacement.
clothes left by a hunter tpari, n. completion; end; con
after his death, which are clusion.
generally exposed near the lpari, n. baldness.
gate of a town. !parqrq, n. a calm.
l,.,q, n. the act of making a lparubq. n. a killing for sacrifice;
tent or booth. immolation.
lpahin keke, n. a gnashing of the tpanm, n. destruotion ; annihila-
teeth. tion; doom; downfall.
lpabUDda, n. a change of the lpaso, n. footpath; track ;
voice. vestige.
tpai,a. n. panic; great fear; Ipqiparq, n. barter, exchange.
consternation. !Pe, n. right number.
It&t., n. corn.floor; time of Ipe 'aDfIUlo n. sou.ndneBB.
threshing. lpe. n. call; act of oalling.
lpakq, n. occiput; the hollow lpeji, n. an opening between the
between the back of the upper front teeth; a flaw
head and the neck. in a oloth, produced by
lpall;u, n. a killing; putting to dropping the thread in
death. weaving.
lpakupa, n. butchery; slaughter. !Pejo, n. invitation to a feast.
lpll., n. the act of setting a tpejq, Apejq. n. congregation.
boundary or limitation. assembly; meeting.
lpalara, n. bruise; hurt; hard- lpejqpq, n. convocation, con-
ship. oourse.
lpalomq, n. preparation. lpele, n. the smaller, outer oloth
tpal\lDumq, n. refutal; a worn by a woman.
hushing up. IpMe, n. short marks made on
tpamq, n. preservation; keeping. the cheeks to distinguish
tpamqra, n. forebearance ; one tribe from another.
patience. lpele, n. that which is put on the
!P&Dia, n. murder; man- top of other things.
slaughter. !Penpeju, n. eyelash; eyelid.
tpaupa, n. arrangement by which !Pere, n. small snails.
the price of any artiole lperegun, n. alces; lign-aloes.
is fixed by all traders; tpese, n. provision.
mutual agreement. tpeaeailo. n. provision from fore-
tpauu, n. lunoh.
lp~o. n. gleaning.
lpauumq, n. a shutting up of the !Pe, n. an ear of maize; a fisb
mouth; hush.money ; bribe. scale.
lpara, n. a rubbing oneseH with lpe-agbado, n. spike or ear of
ointment. adj. anything oorn.
used for anointing the body. lpo, n. comfort.-il.g., Mo "i~
Ipm, n. a moth. flin. .. I comfort him."
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137 iRA

lp(lPO, fish scale seab. iyin-(ltan. n. adulation:

tp\lp(lkun, n. small sea shell. flattery.
tp(lka, n. branching out. lpQnrin, n. whet; sharpening
tp\lkun, end termination iron.
, IpQri, the big (wor-
tP(lP(I1'\I, n. a scraping together; shipped by the Yorubas);
small things. ancestors.
tP(I1'\I, young members of a tpqld, n. contempt; scorn ;
community young people, worthlessness; meanness.
sueh as are tpOll. increase.
married. tpU1'Q, n. lying; faL'lehood.
tP\lta, n. name of a tree, the root ha, n. the name of a tree;
of which is for buying; decay.
bleaching cloth. ha, morass marsh bog:
lp(lt\l, n. yam cooked with palm slough; quagmire.
oil; porridge. ha, n. the name of a species of
lpil\l, tpil\l'\I, n. foundation; horse; shaving the head ;
base; beginning; rolling on the ground like
horse._.g., :'::Ijin mi
lpin, n. portion. nyira (yi-ira) ninu yanrin,
!pin, n. matte~ oozing from the "My horse rolled on the
eyes. sand."
tpm, fpiDfmmi, the act n. complaint.
dividing, division, share, lot. laths; the of
tpinhun, n. agreement,
tract, bargain. han, n. sight; exhibition;
tpinl/il, tho bouudary trance; apparition genera-
territory; land tion ; offspring.
tpinnu, n. resolution; con· IraD-at~le, Iran \lhin, n. after·
clusion; agreement; deter- generation.
mination; han, sewing; seam.
tpitan, oral ~ra'cunon. han qQ, n. needlework.
tpiy~, n. booty; pillage; han, sending.
plunder of provisions; IranlQ, lranlQkuro, n. the act of
forage. sending away; dismissal.
tpo, place; room; situation.
___ '_, n. delirium.
IrIIcnll)Wll. n. help; aid assist-
Ipo-oku, n. place of departed
ance; relief; auxiliary.
spirits; hades; hell.
hanmQ, n. infection; con·
Ipo Q1a, n. place of honour.
tpohun-rere-\lkun, lamenta-
to trans-
tPQD, n. wooden spoon.
lpQD nla, n. ladle. haD¥\I, n. messenger; servant;
tPQDju (pqD-ojn), difficulty; officer.
distress; affiiction; tran,o-kQnrin, male·servant.
sity. haD¥(I-birin, n. female·servant.
iRA 138 iRO

lrantt-OlqruD. n. God's messen- h" n. a kind of cricket which

gel'; minister; servant of burrows underground.
God. h" n. rubber tree.
lrant9. n. sewing; one who sews; hej" n. cheat.; deception;
tailor. extortion; deceit.
!raDii. n. remembrance; memo- h,I" n. the state of being low;
rial; retention. humility.
!raDwu. n. spinner. h"Q, n_ concord; agreement;
hapada, n. buying back; re- friendship.
demption. hew~ n. dejection; depression
lrari, n. shaving the head; of spirit.
razor. hi, n. dew; mist.
lrasnt. n. a ransom; release Iri ora, n. night dew; AkQ iri,
from slavery. n. shower.
hawQ, n. star. Iri owurQ, n. morning dew.
haWQ abirllfOrQ, lrawo oniru, Irl, n. Nght; appearance; con-
n. comet. dition.
IrawQ Agaala, n. Venus, the lridi, n. proof; discovery.
morning star_ lriju, n. steward.
IraWQ-&l" n. Sirius, the evening lrilmri, n. an offensive thing.
star. IriD, n. walk; step; life; con·
IrawQ titan, n. bright star. vel'flation.
!raDWQ-U" lwaje, n. plants used IriD-ajo, n. journey.
in making medicine for IriD kiri, n. a tour.
infants. IriD p~" n_ gentle walk, meek·
:fre, Ore, n. goodness; favour; nes.'!.
benefit; a blessing; well- IriD liwaju, n. progress.
wishing. frm. n. iron; iron nail; metal.
he, n. curse ; execration; hin, n. moisture; a soaking;
imprecation. damp.
fre, n. plRY ; amusement; hindQ, n. nausea; sickness (Zit.
sport; the act of running. - 6 tickling of the liver).
lre-~" n. joke. lrinI" n. dampness; moisture.
frep&, Ire-ako, n. rough play. frinwo, n. four hundred.
Ire dijudiju, n. blindman's buff. lrira, n. dislike; hatred ;
IrilbQn, n. trigger; firelock. odium; aversion.
lrecle-oru, n. revelling. hiri, n. previous knowledge;
Ireju-war&, n. cream. experience.
lrek6, n. sugar-cane. ho, Ironu, n. thought; delibera·
lre-kQja, n. passing over: pass- tion; notion; opinion.
over; transgression. ho, n. sound; noise made by a
treDi, n. four days hence. collision; news; report.
hepe, n. a small piece of cloth. lro-agoro. n. peal, knell.
hera, n. pride; haughtiness; ho, Irora, n. aching pain ;
arrogance; pomp. ailment.
lreti. n. hope; expectation; a hobiDuj" n. remorse; anguish;
cleansing of the ear. pRin; grief.
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1RO 139 IRU

lrogun, n. "'''''''~'"U)'U by dropping; IrQl", tranquility;

instillation. quietness.
!robin, n. news; intelligence; frQ1u, n. indiscreet act; rash
story telling; report. act; inconsiderateness.
!roja, n. sorrow; vexation; trQna, n. abstinence from food ;
indecision; melancholy; power of long abstinence
laziness. from food.
hoJr:&, pr()mlllg!~ticm; publi- of succeeding;

labour ;
troJr:o, of the QkrQ.
troJr:o, of a tree
which good trQrun, convenience; facilit.y ;
timber. advantage.
hokuro, n. concupiscence; evil trQti, n. funnel, as used in filling
desire; irregular thought. liquor vessels.
hole, n. the act of inheriting a IrQwo, n. exchanging money.
house or pORSession ; !ru, n. tail.
succession by inheritance. Ira, n. gadfly.
trona, n. sideway. hu, n. seed; race; kind;
honu, CClrlSi,de17ation; cogita- gender; clan;
tion of the locust
tronupiwaila, are used as a
lrora, body) ;
; sorrow; !rubq,
iroro, austerity harshness; hugbin, sowor plant).
brutality; despotism. !ruju, Isuja, n. puzzling; a
lrot~", n. fore-thought; pre- puzzle.
caution. lrukerudo (ru-oke-ru-odo), n.
irQ, n. untrut,h; falsehood; a. uproar; t,umult ; com-
lie (not as strong an ex- motion; insurrection.
pression as Eke). lruk~, lruk~", n. tassel on the
trQ, n. funnel. ear of Indian corn; the
Jr~, companion; carried about by

travail; pang.
state of being

hQgbqku, reclining on a. couch;

repose. ek", n. whiskers.
irQ]U (rQ-Oju), n. patience; hun-ete, n. moustache.
perseverance. hun ipenpeja, n. the eyelash.
trQk"k", n. the act of being hun abiya, n. the hair of the
tumultuous; making an arm-pit.
uproar; disturbance. I Irungbqn, n. beard.

iRU 140

hun. n.
lranl,. Mohammedan prayer.
n. undermining the
ground in order to rob.
Iaqdaaan, annihilation.
laQdofo, being brought to
hunu. n. indignation; anger tac;,dqmq (aq-di-qmq), n. adop.
(lit.-stirring of the mind) ; tion.
emotion; wrath; rage. laQdoJDDira, being made free.
lruJa (ru-aiya). n. emetic. taqdi mimq, being sanctified.
!sa, n. hole; rat's hole; burrow. !sqji, n. revival; awakening.
tsaba, n. incubation.
lsacti, n. refuge. Jaqk1. n. bird·snare set with
tsal,. adv. down; below. n. bASe. Guinea com.
Iaan. n. oyster. tac;,kal\l,n. descent; a going
Iaan. n. nine days' SpacE>. down.
tsandun. n. partaking of the !sqko, n. the act of throwing a
first fruits of the year. stone.
lsanDi, n. nine days henoo. taqkun. ·n. crying.
lsanra, n. being fat; well· laqkuaq. n. evil words; idle
looking; bonny. talk; nonsense.
tBaD8&, n. fugitive; deserter; taQrQ, n. talk; conversation.
runagate. !sqt\ll,. n. prophecy; fore-
lsa-oku, n. grave, tomb, sepul- telling.

t.,. chre.
n. denial; abnegation.
18tra-~ n. seH-abnegation.
tac;,Y8, A8QY8, n. a medicine
UBed for strengthening the
memory; an explanation.
tatI" n. earthquake. taun, n. fountain; spring ;
iii, n. a new thing invented or source.
created; a memorable time. taun, n. the act of drawing near.
laimi, n. rest; pause; cessation taunraki, shrink. I
from work; sabbath. Qjq- laure, n. blossing; running.
iaimi, Sunday. t.., Ora. n. a pitcher for con-
lain, n. service; the act of veying water.
serving another; bondage; t.., adj. stale.
religion; worship. Ifa-\lmu. palm wine which has
lainj,. n. mockery.
lainwin, n. the state of being
been kept for some time.
t.., n. ebb tide.
mad, madness. Wju. adj. former.
taiBiJi. adv. lately; new. tsan. n. the mUBCles; sinews.
tao. n. tying; bound. ffan. n. ourrent.
1801110 v.t. a binding together. :r.an-omi, the current of a river;
laorq,. n. sU8pension of a thing; stream; tide.
hanging. . ~ n. matches.
taoJili, n. marriage ; matrimony. . " <....P,). n. olapping hands.
!sq. n. quarter; station; de- tfaaun. n. a soup·pot.
partment; stall. katt. n. cast aside; rejection.
tac;" n. a-qsertion; saying. t.." n. action; oustom ;
Jaq aaqdun, n. exaggeration. character; fashion; mode;
la9dahoro, n. being made deso· dealing; deed.
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!teIbe. n. perdition; the state t.Pit" n. wicked work; any

of being lost. kind of work.
tf8lmfe, n. irregular action; , . . " n. the act of ill-treating.
untoward conduct; wicked lipu, n. abortion; miscarriage.
t.eIOfC1t n. .being decked out;
t"", n. withered twigs or
dressed. ",po, ",pomeii, n. double.
Ifelu, n. government. It,po mota, threefold.
!tenisi. n. giving or adding to ..,polohan, n. name of a tree;
what one has bought; a kind of grass.
hyperbole; exaggeration. ..,ii, n. border; hem.
Jten1lllibUli, n. persecuting. tfiguD, n. aromatic root of l\
lfenurere, n. kindness; generous trailing plant found ill
action. forests.
t.epan..,., n. adultery; forni- ltiIan. n. waging war.
cation; prostitution. ~9, n. setting sail.
*Pari. .pe, n. finishing; com- . . . n. small fishes.
plotion. !fin. n. the fruit of a tree.
~parq, n. exohange; lfina, n. error; mistake; illu·
barter. sion.
!tean, n. kindness; favour. t.inu, n. refreshment after fast-
It" work; labour; duty ; ing.
business; profession; occu- t.ipaya. n. revelation; the act
pation; office. of 0P'='ning into view.
lto-ab\!1", needlework. !tiro, n. :n.'Ckoning ; taking
It\l-ami, miracle; sign. account; calculation.
~, n. wrong action; mis-
Itt-at" miracle. doing; mis-dead; over-
Ito-aigbiyel.. ,unexpected work. sight; offence.
It\l-buburu, evil deed. !tis" n. footst.ep; pace.
It\l-iIiD, duty assigned to· one lfUq, n. the act of speaking
who serves. amiss either from ignorance
It\l-llu, publio work. or anger or passion.
~\l-ipa. toil. ltiJemeji, n. doubt.
!f\l-iyagba, midwifery. lfo, n. nail.
!f\l-iJanu, miracle. lfoc1isi. n. acting contrary to;
ItHDa, craft, art, handicraft. adverse.
If, OIQl'1lD, God's work. ,.010, n. emptiness; unoccupied.
li" n. distress; tribulation. !fog.. n. gaiety; making a vain
If\l-OfO, distrells; tonnent.
"tI" n. joke;
show; foppishness.
t.oKo, n •. glorying in; boasting.
1t6re, adj. benevolent.
t.\IIUDo n. victory; conquest; !foro, n. difficulty; severity;
overthrow. tyranny.
t.,ju, n. twinkling of an eye; t.owo, n. trader, trading;
moment. merchant.
t.\l-lEeke; n. casting of lots. lt9. n. watch; guard.
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1f9na, adj. watchful. I 1tAD, n. story; narration; tale.

~kaD, n. a being one, concord, ltan. n. thigh; lap.
union. ltaa. n. a being related.
~, n. doing any mechanicA.l spreading.
work. ltaaka, ltankalt. n. oxtension.
t.9D&-&wl,l, n. tanner. . ltanjt. n. deceit, guile, cheat.
~, n. tailor. fraudulence.
!to"" n. thanksgiving; gratitude.
!t9ra, '/1.. watchfulness; CA.re·
ltankalt, n. oirculation; exten-
sion ; promulgation.
fulness; heed. ltuma, n. lamp; flowers (soo
t.9tt, n. sedition; rebellion. called from their brilliancy).
ltu. n. ball; a lump of anything ltanna-eweko. n. flower.
round; loaf. ltanu, n. the act of oasting away;.
Itu-akara, n. a loaf. a casting off.
I§u.",.t, n. ball or cake of soap. ltaDtan. n. glittering light.
Itu, n. yam; soIt part of fruit; It~ Grun, n. sunbeams.
pull" ItaDtan OfUPa, n. moonbeam!!.
Itu-qdt, n. wild yam eaten by Ita-ororo, n. anointing, unction.
hunters. lta-qja, n. selling; sale.
~bu, n. fall of a heavy thing; ltara. n. ardency; warmth;
fall; lapse; downfall. fervour; anxiety for-
!tuna, n. diarrheaa. another's safety; zeal.
l¥ura, n. trea.~ure; anything ltayl,l. n. state of surpassing;.
valuable which is put into excellenoe.
safe keeping. ltt. n. throne; nest.
lta, n. a kind of yellow ant, called ltt-9ba. n. king's throne.
also ita, a formidable foe Itt-tin, n. bird's nest.
to the white ants.. ltt, n. treading.
lta, n. a street; open air. Ittmqlt, adj. pressing down.
lta, n. name of a tree much used lttdo. n. encampment.
for firewood. lttbiD. n. pad; saddle cloth.
lta-dogun (tta-c1i-orun). n. a lttju, n. evenness of surface;
space of seventeen days. smoothness.
lta-gjri, n. startling; nervous· lttle, Attie, n. that which
ness. follows; a. successor; lieries;
ltajt, ltajtsilt, n. bloodshed. following in course of order.
ltakete, n. keeping at a distance; tttlt, n. being beforehand.
a keeping aloof. Itt1t, n. the leg (of an animal).
ltakiti, n. somersault; an over- lttltdi. n. cloth for oommon U8tl ;:
turning leal" undcroloth.
ltakun, n. A. climber; a. running lttl"" n. private intimation
plant; a creeper. (as a nod, wink, or tread on
ltalaiya, n. attack; rebuff ; the foot); sign; token;.
opposition. beckoning.
ltalt, n. a. kind of worm or grub lttloriba, n. subjugation.
which breeds on a mud lttll,lrun, lttDilqniD. n. content-
floor, and attacks anyone ment; satisfaot.ion; grati.
who lieR there. fication.
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tt\!Di. n. disgrace; a failure. ItQta, n. index; list of contents.

ttpu. n. meekness. ttqk9. n. rudder; helm; steer·
ttpUJD9. n. urging the samt~ age.
subject by constant repeti- ttql\!bin, n. sequence; following
tion of it. in a train; series; order
tt~\!. n. smashed by trampling . of things.
upon; a crush. ! ttqna, n. !I. going in a way or path.
tt\!riba. n. bending of the head ; . ttqDi, n. educating; guiding.
bow; submission. , ttor\!. n. present. gift.
It\!fUD, adj. contented. ttqrq. n. petition; prayer;
tt(l8\!. n. a treadle; the treadle supplication.
of a loom. ttqs\!. n. search; inquiry; scm-
tt\!wqgbA, n. acceptance; recep· tiny.
tion. ttqsi, n. due; necessary.
tti. n. timber; any large piece ttqwo. n. taste.
of wood; the act of sup- tt1lD1'iraD. n. recovery of sight.
porting or propping. ttuDte. AtUDte. n. reparat,ion;
ttilmn. a stick to fasten 8 door; improvement; alteration.
a bar. ttu. n. case; comfort.
ttil\!hin. n. Bupport. Itujn, n mildness of coun-
tti. n. bundle of grass; 11 sheaf. tenance.
ttiiu (ti-oiu). n. shame; bash- ttu. n. loosening (as a knot tied).
fulness; shyness. budding or bursting of a
ttmabQ. n. setting fire to. flower; emption (on the
ttis\! (t\!-\!8\!). n. footstool; rest body); adjournment of 8n
for the foot. assembly.
It6. n. a running plant like the Itudi, n. exposure.
~gusi. Itujade. n. discharge; emission;
tto. n. arrangement; order. a pouring out.
Itol(l8\!S\!. the act of placing in a Ituka, n. dispersion; divorce-
row. ment.
ttobi. n. bigness; massiveness; ttnk9. n. nllvigating.
size. ttul\!. n. breaking up the ground.
ttori, n. reason; account; cause; ttuloin, ttuin, n. tameness ;
sake. conciliation.
ttoripe. on account of. ttumq. n. meaning; explanation;
ttororosi. n. the act of anointing elucidation; illustration;
with oil; anointment. interpretation; oomment.
ltosi. n. oloseness; nearness; ttunu. n. comfort; ·oomolation
adjacent; vicinity. (lit.-the aet of making
Itoye. n_ value; merit; worth. ease in the mind).
Itq. n. spittle; small ('reek. ttma, n. comfort; ease; the
t~. n. urine. refreshment of a 0001 breeze;
ttO. n. breeding; rearing; edu- oil. .
cating. tturaka. n. cheerfulness; alacrity.
ttqju. n. superintendence; over- Itunte. n. improvements.
looking; charge; care. ttutq•.n. spitting.

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tTU 144 twu
ttutu. 1l. dampness; moisture; Iwolult, n. the act of felling
greenness. trees or destroying a h
ltutu niDi, 1l. frigidness. ousc.
. twa, 1l. conduct; behaviour ; tworo, 1l. gold.
disposition; character; IWoraD, 1l. sight-seeing.
custom; manner; habit; tWOJe, 1l. a look-out; forethought.
. a state of being in existence. twoyi, n. the present time or
lwa-agba, no eldership. season.
Iwa agbere, n. prostitution. Iwq, n. poison which may be
lwa-aimq, adj. a state of un- administered in food; a
cleanness. tree, the sap of which pro-
lwa-~ n. nature. duces blisters.
lwa-ika, n. barbarism. twq, tdodo, n. navel.
lwa-qrun, 1l. virtue. godliness. twq. n. hook, fish-hook.
lwa-qtq, n. peculiarity. twq, 1l. pron. thou; you.
lwa bubaru, n. or adj. evil. twqdo, 1l, fording a river; the
twadi (wa-idi), n. investigation; entrance to a river.
examination; inquiry. twqfa, n. one in pawn; an
lwaju, n. fore-head; face ; insolvent debtor who
brow; presence. becomes for a time the
twakiwa, n. barbarous conduct; property of his mast-er.
barbarity; sensuality. twqjq, IwqjqP9, n. assemblage;
twakun, n. hinge. gathering.
twalt, n. a digger; ono who digs. twqlu, n. entrance into a town ;
twara, n. hastiness; rashness; gateway.
impatience. twqD, 1l. measure; measure-
twariri. 1l. tremor; trepidation. ment; a certain quantity.
lwatitq, 1l. moral; lesson. adj. so many.
twUu, n. preaching. twqnwqD, 1l. dry twig; a small
twayaija, n. struggle; agony; , branch of a tree; broom-
death-struggle. stick.
twe,1l. book; paper. twqDtuWqnsi, n. medium ;
Iwere, n. foolishness. moderation; temperate.
tweri. n. head-tie. twqra, n. greediness; ravening.
tw,," n. a speoies pf frog. twqai, n. contempt; wrong ;
twtfa, n. eunuch. injury; insult.
twenumq, 1l. purification. tW9f9. 1l. wearing of apparel;
1wiJdri, n. making public, dress.
publishing. twqtikalart, twqtikarart, reftez.
lwin, 1l. ghost, spirit. pron. thou thyself, thou.
IwiD buburu, no elf; goblin. twu, n. love; desire; pleasure.
lwin, 1l. madness. twu, n. act of swelling.
two, 1l. appearance; look. lwukara, 1l. leaven.
Iwo-oju, 1l. countenance.· twun, 1l. act of woaving.
Iwo tran. contemptuous look. tW1lDf9, n. weaving.
two, 1l. a carnivorous bird; the twuri. n. llfiection; sympathy.
raven. tWusi, n. increase.
two, 1l. fa.ll. twuwo, n. heaviness; importance.
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b6. n. mother; madam; mis· lyaai mim9, n. sanctification,

tress. consecration.
lya, n. suffering; afBiotion ; lyawo, n. a newly.married
oppression. woman: bride; spouse.
lyadi, n. dumbness; speeohless. !yaw9, n. dexterity.
lyagan, n. barrenness; sterility. be, n. number; worth; value.
lylgba, n. matron; elderly be. n. life; the art of living.
lye-aiDipfkun, n. everlasting life.
!yagbt.lfunu, n. looseness of the be. n. reed on which cotton is
bowels, diarrh<lla; dung. wound; reed.
!yaju, n. forwardness; offioious· be, n. soundness.
Iye-ara, n. soundness of body.
t,iIa, lyanJa, n. grandmother. lye k6ro, n. perfection.
Iyebiye, adj. valuable; precious.
lylle. n. mistress; wife; dame; bekau, n. of the same mother.
the first or elder wife. The lyelmru (eyi-ekuru), n. the very
other wives are called dust. add. of the dust.
Iyawo. bemeji, n. doubt; uncertainty;
lyaltnu, n. astonishment; hesitation.
wonder. billu, n. idea; memory.
lyalode, n. tit.Ie given to wise lJere. n. a kind of spice.
women; a lady of high beye. n. a kind of sour plum.
!,an, n. pounded yams. b" n. booty.
b" n. dust of worm·eaten trees ;
ban, n. neighing, like a horse. sawdust.
ban hanhan, n. eagerness to b" n. feathers; plumage.
satisfy appetite. btfan, n. flour prepared from
!,an, n. debate; controversy. yams; flour in gtmeral.
lyan, n. famine; dearth; scar· IyOu, n. anything.-e.g., Ma ~e
oity of food. ~ru iy~n. .. Do not fear
lyanf" n. love; election; ohoice. anything."
lyangbt, add· dry, void of lyfl'&, fJ. avoided.
moisture. b,wo, n. investigation.
lyangbo, n. ohaff; husk. bowu, n. inner chamber; bed·
lJanjt. n. a oheat. room; the dark part of •
lyanju, n. exhortation. room.
&anriD, n. sand. bin. n. praise; honour; respect;
lyanrinc1id" n. quicksand. esteem; applause.
lyanu, n. wonder, amazement. bin-eke, n. flattery.
Iyap&, n. schism, heresy. Iyin-,tan, 1PQDDi, n. adulation.
lyapa, n. division; variance; lyipada, n. turning, conversion,
secession. t.ranslation.
lyara, n. quickness; celerity. lyipo, n. perversion.
lJara. n. room; place. lJif9, n. the pin inserted through
bat9, n. difference; distinction. a hole in the weaver's beam
in order that he may turn
t,u&pakaD, ~, n. separa·
tion. it round with ease.
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bokun, boku, n. the rest; 16di,11. to dctect; to be bottom·

remainder. less; to plunder.
!YO. n. sait. ladUn, v. to eat the sweet; feed
!yq-oJiDbo. n. sugar (lit.-white on sweetness.
man's salt). ladan-jadan, n. an epicurean;
tyQ. n. subtraction. a luxurious person.
Iyqkaro. n. taking. away from. lap, adj. important; weighty.
bqltDu, n. molestation; annoy· lAgan, adl1. roughly, cuttingly,
ance. vexatiously, harshly.
bqnu, n. trouble; uneasiness. ligiDyl, n. a bitter orange,
boou, n. compassion; yearning used as a medicine for
of the bowels. rheumatism.
b9tUtisi. n. derision; ridicule. ligldijigan, n. an evil doer.
btaD. n. coral. ligUclA, IAgUd&-pali, adl1. on
any account; anyhow;
J. ligUdu, 11. to struggle, to recover
Ii, to break (as a rope) ; cut;
11. lagun, 11. to fight; to war.
pluck; separate violently; Iagun, n. title of a warrior.
to drop; to strike the road ; lagun-jagun, n. a soldier;
snatch, nip. fighter; warrior.
li. 11. to fight; war; quarrel; 1!\g1lA, 11. to snatch.
dispute; strive; combat; lagba-jagba, adl1. in great con·
contest; encounter; con· fusion; confusedly.
trovert. lahiD-jahiD, adl1. throughout;
Ii, adl1. almost; nearly.-e.g., from one point to another.
Bi 0 ja. ki 0 tan, omiran yio lily, 11. to fear; apprehend;
de, .. When it is almost dread.
done a fresh supply will laiye, v. to take pleasure; to
arrive." enjoy; to be in luxury.
Ii, prep. through.-e.g., Mo III. Ii-toro, 11. to contradict; argue
ilu n8 ja, .. I passed through with.
the town." Iala, n. a gallon.
libAjibA, n. jerked beef. lal6, 11. to steal: rob; pillage;
lib6, n. splash. sack; plunder: rifle.
lide, n. to oome out; come lal6-atiri, 11. to purloin: to
forward; walk; go out; embezzle.
go forth; issue. lal6-eDia, 11. to kidnap.
laderan, 11. to set out for battle. I al6-girij" 11. to pick.
lade-karo, 11. to evacuate; to lilikaDDi, 11. to pinch with the
desert. nails.-e.g., Oja mi lek&nna,
lad.,hin-pun, lad.,hin-oc1i, .. He pinched me."
to go out of the town, to
11. lil6ke, 11. to detect a liar.
go abroad. lal" 11. to go through.
16dewi, 11. to come forth; issue lalt-jal" lilH&Dran, adl1.
from. throughout, thoroughly.

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liltllU, to wean a child.

11. Iere-jere, adv. sparklingly,
1&1616, 11. to rob; plunder; dazzlingly, brightly, brill-
ransack; spoil. iant.-e.g., Idt nil. ndan
lila. 11. to attack unawares; to jere-jere, .. The brass shines
come upon suddenly. brightly."
I&lumi, 11. to plunge into water. "'we. v. to eat fodder, as cattle.
lima, n. soldiers; marauders. "" v. to be; to 8Il8wer; comply
with; be willing; consist
lamb&, n. damage; mischief;
of.-e.g., NW9n j~ 9m9 rere,
ill; disast,er; misfortune.
.. They are good boys."
limO, add. equal in value; If mao v. must, ought.-e.g.,
worth.-e.g., Ko j8mQ nka-
Emi kl> j~ ma "a i"a niI., .. I
nkan, .. It is worthless."
ought not to refuse to do
lin, v. to strike with a twig or the work."
1iDA, v. to strike the road; to
If. v. to permit, to let•.:-e.g.,
J~ ki nlq, .. Let me go."
come to a point.
limd1ikfa, n. a wicked person.
It. v. to eat; dine; owe;
deserve; gain; due; earn ;
lanikoro, v. to deny; contra- win.-e.g., Ati rna jt adUn
dict; confute. su mi, .. I am tired of eating
langb6ro, n. knee-cap. sweet things."
lanjan, a. intensely (applied to It-&jtdUfun. v. to gorge.
the heat of the sun).-e.g., It-&jtkl. v. to sate; cram ;
Orlm mu janjan, .. The sun stuff.
is intensely hot." It-alade. 11. to reign; to take
limkiw~, n. soot. the crown of royalty.
llUlIIijani, n. whitlow. It-apqjt. v. to chew the cud;
laniyan, 11. to contradict. ruminate.
lanu, v. to boast; to brag. It u6. 11. to feast.
laok6, n. the name of a shrub. 1t-bilt. v. to receive the title
"'pati, v. to snatch. of govemor.
lara, adj. sturdy; hard; stout. Itbi, v. to be guilty.-e.g.,
IAre, v. to be in the right; be o jtbi Qran niI., .. He was
just; please. guilty in the matter."
IArO, 11. to discover a lie. I tditdit. n. a little bird, so called
lui, v. to lead to; drop into ; from its cry.
adj. worth, value. Itdijtdi, n. piles.
lui, v. to dispute. It-fun. v. to comply with;
lui-l"" v. to correspond; to consent to; bear with;
happen accordingly. tolerate.
layejaye, n. a sensualist. legbejegbe. tMlv. childishly;
legede, adj. bloated. unmeaningly; topsy-turvy.
16glmmOyin, v. abusing a bene- Itpduragut1u, n. a spendthrift;
factor. a good for nothing person.
16niAtl, v. to kidnap a fellow- Itcim. 11. to swindle; to mis·
man for sale. appropriate others goods.
nr6, v. to gain; deserve. It-iaiu. add. dutiful.
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l,t" adtI. gently; softly; 1,1lD, v. to eat; feed; to take

quietly; easily.-e.g. ~e food.
j~j~ ... Deal gently." . l,w" v. to be dumbfounded;
l,j,. v. to vow; to make a confuted. adj. dumb;
promise. speechless; mute.-e.!J.•
lft,jf, adv. very gently. very o j~w~... He was speech.

1_ softly.
l,ju, v. to eat too much.
v. to bite the finger; to
regret; to 'come to a sad
end.:....-e.g.. IW9 yio j~ka
l,wQ, v. to confess; concede;
assent; confirm; acknow·
ledge; apologize.
Ii, v. to give to.-e.g.• Qba jl mi
r;. " You will regret it." lana. .. The king gave me
I fkilQ, v. let us go. a present yesterday."
1,1d, v. let; permit.-e.g.• If, v. to awake; rouse; enliven.
J~ki 0 19... Let him go." If, v. to llteal; pilfer; pick;
It-ltD, v. to witness; to testify; rifle.
verify. Ii, v. to forgive.-e.g.. Mo fi
l,n,jfn', n. fear; timidity; 9ran ni jl. 9. .. I forgive
fright; trembling; shock. you."
lfnia. v. to eat human flesh. li-c1ide. v. to wake up; to raise
leDia-jenia, n. cannibal; man· up..
eater; a slanderer. Ii fA, 1.'. to gain.
lfnju, n. gentlefolk. liP, n. jigger.
It-n1gbuil, v. to owe a debt to.
11gb" v. to take by stealth.
It-Diy&, v. to punish; afIlict;
avenge; chastise; oppress. lfgbl!, N. to suffer from flogging.
-e.g.• Bi iW9 ba 'lEI b~. ami lfgbuil, v. to owe a debt.
o j~ 9 niya... H you do so I ligbini, adv. abundantly (applied
shall punish you." to fruit).-e.g •• Igi yi so eso
It-pa, v. to cheat; to take an jigbinl., .. This tree bea~
unfair share. fruit abundant.ly."
I, pe, v. (preoeded by .. Iba." lili, n. looking glass; mirror.
if. had); been. that.-e.g. ligiri, adj. to be hollow. depreesed
Iba j~ pe ami nit .. Had it on the surface. 1.'. to rouse.
been I." Iba j~ pe 0 19... H lihiD, v. to deliver a message;
he had gone." to give account of.
l,p" n. a kind of cloth. lfj, n. fight; that which is to
lfri, v. to witness; bear testi· be fought.
mony; attest; CE'rtify. liia. adj. broken. n. the act of
lfrigbA, v. to witness in favour breaking.
of. lij, v. that which may be
ltrilf, ltrtti, v. to bear witness fought; militant; disput.
against. able.
ltrDJl, v. to spend; to waste; liia. v. the act of detecting.

I.... squander; destroy.

v. to be ungrateful.
lfU. v. appertaining to; belong.
lijAdu, v. scramble; struggle
for. n. that to be con·
ing to.
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lij~i, 'II. to wrestle; to per- lin,11. (followed. by 1m) to

form gymnastics. strike with the fist.
lija-DiyaD, adj. deniable, con- liDA, v. to heal up. add. well
testable. . cooked or roasted.
lija-orun. 11. war tactics ; liDA, 1lIW. far distant.-e.g.,
stratagem; belligerent. Bi ibi yi ti jinA si Ibadan
lij", adj. tolerable, answerable. t6? .. How far distant is
lih" add. eatable. 11. that which it from here ro Ibadan ? "
is to be eaten. liDgiri, adj. habitual.
lijpi, 11. fretting. liDA rare, adv. far off; at a great
lij,wq, adj. aJIowable, con- distance.
formable, sufferable. linde, v. to rise from the dead.
lij"y6, 11. eating a sufficiency, liDI", adj. deep; profound;
taking an ample supply. mysterious; important.
liji, 11. that which is srolen; l"f, 11. to deliver a message.-
the act .of waking. e.g., Mo j~ ~ l8.nA, .. I
lijin, adj. deep; distant; depth. delivered your message
lijiDA, adj. distant, far, wide,
llya, 11. to suffer.-e.g., 0 jlya
nitori mi, .. He suffered in
lijfsin, adj. tributary. my stead."
lij6, 11. dancing, burning. liyb, 11. to deny; contradict;
lijo, adj. leaky. n. leakage. expostulate; dispute; de·
lijODa, 11. a burnt article. bate; bet; to lay wager;
lij6-61'11D, v. sunburnt. argue; discuss.
lijq, lijqra, n. resemblance; liybjiyb, 11. an abettor; one
likeness; conformation; who lays a wager.
similarity. 16, 11. to dance; whirl; burn;
liju, v. slightly cut down; blaze; flame.
suppressed; kept down, as 10, 11. to leak; drop from an
mown grass. opening or crack.
liju, adj. mouldy. 16-baibai, 11. ro burn dimly;
liju, n. that which is thrown.
16-ftrf. 11. to singe; to burn
likoto, 11. a hollow; depression; slightly.
concavity. 16gAn, adj. small; little; not
li-kutukutu, v. to wake early. much.
Ii-I.." v. to tread on another's logbojatq, 11. wishing one a long
hcels; ro sap; contradict. life and good old age.
li-Ioju-orun, v. ro rise; rouse; log6.n, fl. to inherit the property
awake out of sleep. of deceased; to take
limijimi, adv. richly, wealthily, pOSlle8llion of.
gorgeously, splendidly. .lojo, adfl. brilliantly. n. a
liD, v. to fall inro a hole or pit. cloth so named for its
adj. far, deep.--e.g., Ona brilliancy.
i1u ni jin, .. The town is lojoIo, n. new·bom child.
far away." lo-t\'l" 11. to throb; palpitate.
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16k6, t1. to Bit; wait for; abide; It-l9w9, fl. to acquit; yield;
stay ; dwell; reside; to deliver up; to 100Be; let
take a seat. go; release.
loko, t1. to graze (as cattle). lflDlj9JDi, t1. to resemble one.
16k1l-j6k6. n. one who eats that lo-mu, fl. to suck out.
which dies of itself. 19", a. together.
1616,n. brick. lvn, t ... to be alike; to resemble;
16-I~w~, fl. to burn the hand; to be similar.
to prove a failure. 16liD, fl. to Berve under; to
lomu, fl. to suck (as an egg). submit to.
lema, fl. to burn; consume by l~ t1. to let; permit.-e.g.,
fire. Jqw9 mi IQwQ. .. Let me
lorijori, n. a parasite or worm go."
which is supposed to eat l~w~ fl. excUBe me; please;
the brain. forgive.-e.g .• Jqw9. ~
10r6, fl. to waste away; be lean; tAil ddru fun 'mi, .. Please
lose flesh; pine; emaciate. play the organ for me."
add. meagre; languid; n, fl. to throw; cast; fling.
16were, fl. to try hard; endeav-
n, adfl. more. too (sign of tho
comparative). The super-
our; struggle. lative is formed by the
low6, fl. to be jealous; to envy. addition of .. LQ "-Julq,
lor6- fl. to crown; to ordain. mOBt.-e.g., IWQ ju mi IQ •
10, fl. excuse; please; forgive. .. You are taller than I."
10. fl. to be alike; to look like ; lu, fl. to be worm-eaten. adj.
resemble; be similar to; mouldy.
conform to. ,n, fl. to lIurpBBB; outstrip;
19ba, fl. to reign; to be king over; be superior to.
to govern. Ii.., fl. to ha.ve a grateful
19be, a. likely, to seem so, to remembranoe of ; to regard ;
look like. respect; think well of.
l~~j~~, n. the flesh hanging ludi-judi, adj. confusod. not
from the throats of cows; having a clear brain.
dewlap. lufD, n. armlet; bracelet of
16lbolba, fl. to be equal; to white metal (wom by
put on the same footing. royalty).
1919, adtI. very much; exceed- lIfl, aftj. confused; chaotic;
ingly ; numerous (used without form.
after a verb of multitude ).- lul9, fl. to beat; outstrip;
e.g., Enia P9 jQjQ, .. The transoend.
people are very numerollB." lul9. adj. sign of 8uperlative;
l~~ n. a comb or crest (as of most.
fowls). lamb6., t1. to come into a great
19jU, adj. fair, agreeable. fortune.
pleasant. lam~, adfl. together. in company,
lqli. fl. to enjoy honour. t.ogether with.

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J~ v. to co.operate; to "K641m, v. to be about the space

act in conjunction with. of a year.
.lDlD~'" v. co-exist; Jiving at Kif6, n. a kind of tight trousers
the same time. with long legs.
.lawe, v. to point out; direct; KaboIo, n. the name of a shrub•
show. lUjf, v. to coil. to fold together.
.luW9. v. to beckon with the
hand; wave the hand to.
Kainh;n-qkA, ,annu-Qka.
f&IIka. n. husk of the
Guinea. com.
Kika, adv. forwardly; officiously;
K. presumptuously (generally
qualifying v. la).-6.g•• IW9
K1, v. to" count; rookon ; 1A k&ka 19 s¢9 agba'
number; read; sit upon; "Did you push presump-
set upon. tuously into the rank of
XA, v. to reap; pluck fruit from elders f"
the tree; roll; fold; coil; Kika, adll. strong; violent;
wind up; fa.i1. forcible; stiff; unyielding;
XA, adt1. round; around; in a stubbom.
circle. 1[aIrapfA. n. general. war captain.
lQktm, v. enumerate; esteem. title of a war ohief.
Xa-qruud, v. to acouso; to J[a1ruenl6. n. a creeping plant.
blame. Kakara, n. a piece of shell. shell.
lU-mt, D. to enoompaas; to KAk6. 11. to ourl; twist; shrivel;
lIIU'l'Ound. shrug.
lU-mt, v. to reckon with; Kak6-mqra, v. wreatho.
number with. KakuD, v. enumerate.
~ mO. ~ If, v. to Kal6mu, AlkalUnu, n. pen;
accuse. to blame. quill; writing; reed.
XA-pq mOo v. to roll up with. to Kalt (ka-o,). v. to sit down;
number with. sit on the ground; deposit.
XA-li, v. to respect; to esteem ; Kalt. KMt-gbogbo, adt1. around;
regard ; add to; reckon abroad; spreading abroad ;
upon. notoriously; universally.
KUDqrI\D, v. to charge with; Kalq (ki-a-mi-Iq). IUlscl. v.
charge upon; accuse ; Let us go; May we go T
indict; lay upon; hold Come along.
responsible. KiD, v. to drop (as a Jiquid).
XaJiD, Ka-iyiD, v. to celebrate ; to break.
to sing or speak the praise KaD, adv. (contraction of (Ibn).
of. one; a certain one; one
DbakAba, adv. irregularly; out of many.
roughly; unevenly; waddle. KaD, adj. sour; acid; morose;
Kabblli, v. (the greeting used on rough; violent. cross.
the approach of a king or austere; peevish; sore ;
other great personage). painful. n. ache. adv•
.. Let us be all attention." tartly.

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KaD, adj. last; ultimate (a.pplied Kanmukanmu, ad11. sweetly;

to words of action).--e.g., with a. sweet 1Iavour.
~ kan l"l;l Ii eyi, .. This is KAnlipako, 11. to board up.
your last action."
KiD, 11. to reach; to touch at ;
Kanl" ad11. aground; touching
the ground or bottom.
to nail (with a hammer);
to knock (at the door).
Kanl", (kin-Ii "f), 11. to box.
n. the fist.
KiD, 11. to devolve upon; to KAnm~agbe1ebu, 11. to crucify ;
interest; to concern; to to nail to a cross.
butt (as a beast). K6nhun, Kanun, n. rock salt;
KaDp, n. a well. borax.
Kanga jfjin, n. a draw well. Einki, n. a kind of tight
Kangara, n. a kind of billhook trouserll used by those
",;th a perforated. iron working on farms.
handle. KAnkun, 11. to knock at the door.
KAngbo, 11. to butt (as two Kannfl, adj. morose; severe;
animals.) peevish.
Kangi, 11. to come to a hard Kaura, adj. ill·tempcred ;
point; to be difficult. peevish; fretful; touchy;
Kangun, 11. to be at· an end, to sour; froward; cross.
be last. KaDri, 11. to strike or touch the
Kangun (kan-ogun), 11. to come head with the victim to be
upon an army in an un· offered for sacrifice; nail
expected place; or to come the skull to a tree.
upon troublE>. K6.nrin, KAnrinkinrin, ad11. very
Eankl,l, 11. to construct a wooden far off, beyond the reach of
vessel or canoe. sight; clean gone.--e.g., 0
Kanni (I,lkan-na), adj. the same. IQ k.Anrink8.nrin, .. He is
KAnnaklJma, n. n sling. gone quite out of sight."
KannakAnna, n. a crow with a Kanrfnkanrin, adv. very (applied
white streak on the neck; to hardness).--e.g., 0 Ie
a crow. kanrlnkanrin, .. It is very
Kan-Ioju, adj. sour; ferocious. hard."
KAn-loro, v. to poison. Kanrun (kan-Q1'11ll), 11. to bend
Kanju, 11. to be hasty, or in a (as a bow); to curve; warp.
hurry. Kanrunkanrun, n. a bow maker.
Kanjujaiye (kanju-jo-aiye), a. Kantofo, adj. alone; only;
hasty or eager to enjoy life, singly.
voluptuous. Kantikanti, n. gnat; midge ;
KanDiwA (kan-ni-iwa), 11. to small flies which swarm
sour the temper. adj. about liquor (supposed to
sharp; waspish. make it sour).
KAn-nkan, Klninkanin, Kan'kan, Kino, 11. to be sorry; feel grief
n. fibres used as a sponge. for wrong done; pensive;
Kinkan, ad11. hastily; quickly; deplore; relent; mourn.
fast; apacc ; speedily; IUra, n. a thorny plant of the
rapidly. acacia tribe; gland.

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Dri, adv. on a sudden. 'prcoip- KAw~ (ka-ewq). v. to abstain

itately, loudly (usually from eating or doing certain
qualifies la, .. to split."). things prohibited on account
Karawun, n. snail shell. of illness or religion.
KarO. n. a bird (so named from Kawun, Karawun, n. a snail shell.
its cry). Kaye, v. to reckon; count;
KArc}. deject. v. may we speak ? numbet; cypher.
1Uro. n. a water-bird noted for Kayin, v. to lose a tooth.
swimming. K6, v. to cxclaim, howl; cry
KaraD. v. to be the fifth. out; to cut; chop; hew.
Kut (ta-\!8t). v. to walk up Ke, v. to ro&1"; squcak; bleat.
and down in the piazza; Kede, v. to make a public
lag; walk slowly and lei· proclamation; to trumpet;
surely; measure by pacing. announce.
K6a6. v. to terminate; to come Ke-kilmD, Ke-ImDkun, v. to cry
to an end. aloud.
KAlfDkan. (la\-si-Dkan). interrog. Ke-taro, v. to cut short; curtail.
adv. Is there anything the crop; contract.
matter? .. I hope there KetO. Ke-karo, v. to abbreviate ;
is nothing the matter" (a shorten; epitomize; muti-
question always put when late; lessen; abridge.
something is suspected). Ke-lul6. v. to cut down; to fell.
Kasoke,lI. to fold up; shrug. Ke-Dibu, fl. to interaect.
EAta. adll. proudly. See v. Yan. Ke-Digberi, v. to intercept.
EAta. (ka-ol'ifa) v. to recite the thwart.
names of the gods. Ke-aoke. v. to cry aloud;
KAfA. ko-a.a. v. to adopt a new ejaculate.
fashion. K...4kNIAka. v. to hack, cut
Kqan,. n. a running plant, the into irregul&1" shapes.
fibre of which is used to K6de, 1.'. to cut right through.
mend calabashes. Kadere. adv. very cle&1"ly; con-
KAtakAta. ad'il. here and there; spicuously.
widely dispersed; scattered Keferi, n. an unbeliever;
about. heathen; pagan, gentile;
Kati, ganti, adv. at all; what- low type of people; enemy.
ever (used chiefly after" kO Keji9. KejirO (ki-eji-~). n. a bird,
si ").-e.g., Ko si ganti so called from its cry.
nib~, .. There is nothing Keje, adj. the seventh.
whatever there." KeU. Ekeji, adj. second.
KAwe, v. to wrap round; wind; Kate. n. small pieces of grass

Ki_' reel; involve; implicate.

(ta-iwe), v. to read;
on which carded or pre·
ptlol'ed cotton is suspended
preparatory to spinning.
Kaw6kawe. n. a reader. Kate, ad11. representing the
KAwq, v. to master; to be sound of a bell or other hard
competent; to control; substances struck together
restrain; govern. (eJ. Eng. ding·dong).

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KEK 154

Keki!-idi, Adilu, n. mode of K~Un. v. to feel mortified;

casting child's game). to
Kekeke, adj. ; little (one!! J. KVd6gun. adj. fifteenth.
n. name an escull'!nt K~g8n, (ko--t,an), v. to despise
plant. to contemn; revile; attaint;
Keke, Gbge, n. small pieces of blemish.
stioks used in casting lots ; K"b~ (ko-~gb~), v. associate;
a lot. inoorporate ; walk as
E61ekele, adv. bit friends keep
bit; K~in, turn the
Kerekere, K~bin, be hindmost
Kekelenje, Okelenj~, final; last.
lenje, n. K~hink~bin, adv. finally.
lizard. K~hUn, adj. hoarse.
Kekere, little; K~k~, n. grub which
petty; , holes calabashes.
Kepe, v. to loudly; K~k~, n. cry of the ;
upon; cry aloud to. kind of black sqcirrel which
Kere, v. to btl little ; to be small. preys upon birds; a species
Kerej1i, adj. less. of small foxes which live in
Kerewu (kere-owu), n. cotton companies. adv. (quali-
seed. " to cackle
Ki!iri, v. hate; abhor Agbeb 9
abominate. k~k~. hen cacklell.
Kerora (ke-irora), v. to groan, K~k~, K~~k~r~, a(1). gradually.
to cry out in pain. K~k\!, n. rumour.
Kesi, v. to visit; call on. K~k~, n. profound eilence.
Eeta, n. male· K~k~, ; a
volence vehicle bicycle
Ketiri, Keti (ko--etiri), iage inetrument
benumbed. void of sensa· spinning, made of
tion. pointed stick on which the
Kewu (ke-ewu), t'. to read thread is wound; spindle.
(term used by the Moham- K\!k\!-pa. v. to be quiet; still;
medans). dumb.
v. to K\!kq (k~tkO), to be learncd
gratify ; cherish profound in knowledg!~.
to live luxuriously. K~I\!b\!, n. phlegm.
·K~, v. to set a trap; cock a gun. K~l\!k\!l~, adv. gently, softly,
K~, v. to grow worse (as a sore) ; privily as the movement of
extend; ; be hoarse. a spy, scout, traitor or
-e.g., k~, ina vanguard of an army.
ohun " The sore K~l~k~~, carefully,
spreading, fire is glow. degrees.
ing; the throat is hoarse. K~r\!, n. fool; ono easily
:K~mb~, n. thimble. enticed or deceived.
155 K1K

Etk..~tu (ttrt-t'rt-~tu). n. to load as a gun or tobacco

a hom, calabash, or pipe.
flask in which to keop gun. Kiakia, adfl. quickly.
E .." n. spur; goad.
EM", (ld-Ii-,,6), Y'. to box;
to cuff.
Xtta, adj. third. Kiamabi, Eiamate. c(mj. lest;
E,tala, adj. thirteenth. that.
X,t\lk,t" n. 888; donkey. Eibiti, Eiribiti, adj. large and
E,wa, adj. tenth. circular; large and round.
Xi, pron. what.. Kibiti, Kiribiti. adj. small and
KiDi, KiDirll. inter. pron. " What circular; small and round.
is it ? " Efdhpapa, adj. rusty.
Xini Dla, Kinla! inter. pron. Kigbe (te-igbe). fl. to howl; cry
"What?" out; call with a loud
XilowUt~ pron. whatsoever, voice; bawl.
whatever. Eijitiji, adt·. t.remulously (quali.
Xi, v. to salute, greet, visit. fying a loud blast, orsound).
Xi, adj. tluck j dense j wax -e.g., c)ka~o~o AjanakU
graBS; consistent. mi igbo kljikiji (lit.-" A
Xl, v. to preBB tight; load j singlo elephant. shakes the
recite one's praises; fulfil forest tremulously). One
a term.--e.!1., Mo kits, " I elephant can shake the
fulfilled three days." forest."
Xi, CO'I'Id. that; in order that; Kijipi, n. a coarse country cloth
lest.-e.!1., Xi baba ki 0 woven by women.
Ie fun mi, .. In order that KikA, adj. reading, counting.
my father may give me" KikA. adj. rolled.
(The latter ki is frequently KitaD, adj. sour; painful;
omitted). Xi awa 0 Ie il<;l, acid; tsrt.-e'!1., Qti kikan,
.. That we may be able vinegar.
to go." In interrogative Eftin, adj. that which is to be
senter.ces it ofien tak(JII the dropped.
sense of .. may."-e.g., ·Ki KitaD, J{jbnlritaa, adfl.
a wa ki 0 ma ly! "May eamestly ; strenuously ;
we go ?" (lit.-be going). exceedingly; aloud; loudly j
Xi,ld ••• to. adt·. before a certain intensely; vigorously.
time; previously.----6.g., Ki KitaDju, adj. eager. 1&. that
nto 1<;1, .. Before I go."-e.g., which is hasty, hastiness;
Onti ~e e ki emi ki 0 to eagemeBS.
1<;1, .. Ho did it before I Kitaara, n. that which is touchy;
went." peevishness; sourness;
Xi, v. aWl. shall; should; may. moroseness.
-e.g., Ki nl<;l? "May I Kitinu, n. that whioh may bo
go ?" .. Shall I go? "-e.g., pitied or deplored; melan·
Wi fun u ki 0 ~e e, .. Tell oholy; deplorablenCBB.
him that he may do it." Kitaye, n. oounting; numbering.
Xl, adl1. not.. See Kil. Eike. adj. that which is to be
Xi. fl. to stuff, crBm, press, cut off.
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KiltO, adj. indulged. KikunDa (kuD-iDa), adIj. smooth;
Kikt, adj. festering. fine.
Kild, n. salutation. adj. worthy Kikunn, 11. bluntness.
of being saluted. KilAkilo, KiIahi1o, n. anxiety,
Kiki, adj. pressed or condensed. restlessness of mind.
Kild, adv. only; solely; alone; KU",6 (ki-n-n6), tI. to box; to
merely; barely. punch.
Kild, adj. thick. KlmOlO (ki-m6-Uo), tI. to press
KikiDi, adj. least; BIXlallest ; down; repress.
minute; trifling; frivolous. KiDi, bfmli, adj. first; begin·
Kiyeaara. adIj. cautious. ning.
Kikiyesi, adj. observable, per· KfDi, intpT. pro. What is it ?
ceivable. KiDiiOb" adv. Nay I Not at all!
Kiko, on. something put ready By no means! In no wiso I
for removal.--e.g., heap of (lit. - what hIlS such a.
sweepings. adj. tough, name !)
stringy from over·ripeness KiDikiDi, adv. regularly; neatly;
(as a bean). orderly; accurately.
KikojO, KikojOP9, Kiko", adj. KinkiD, Gingin, adj. very little;
collective, accumulated. a very small portion.
Kikorira, n. hatred; hated. KiDla, inter. pron. (eml'hatic),
Kikoril, adj. bitter. What?
Kik080, adj. tractable; con· Kiniun, Kinin, n. lion.
trollable. KfDrin, v. to rub slightly lIS with
Kikoti, n. plotting against; a sponge.--e.g.. Klnrin mi
assailable; assaultable. tI. l~hin, " Rub my back."
to pucker. Kiorib', Koto, adtl. " May it be
Kik9, n. refusal. adj. loathsome, 80."
disallowable. Kioto, Koto, adv. ere; before.
Kik~ n. teaching. adj. teach· Kireje, Kiweje (ko-iweje), v.
ing; built. to twist; entangle; curl;
KikO, adj. written; writing shrivel.
(book). Kiri, Kirikiri, v. to wander; to
Kikojuai, n. opposition; some· rove about at large.
thing facing one. Kiribiti, add. see Kibiti.
Kikolu. adj. assailable, attack· KirimO, tI. to press; insist
able. upon; be urgent; be
KikosUO, adj. forsaken; aban· importunate.
doncd; forlorn; destitute. Kirun (ki-orun), tI. to prRy
Kikost, n. tripping; stumbling. (lit.-to sa1ute the heaven;
Kiku, 'no corpse; anything dead. a Mohammedan expression).
adj. dead, mortal. KiBI\n (ki-isin), v. to fulfil nine
Kikun, n. fulness. adj. full. days.
Kill'I1D, adj. replenishable, added. Kita (ki-ita), tI. to fulfil three
Kill'I1D, KUDkun, adj. hard; days.
loud. Kiun, adj. very little; minute,
Kikun, adj. ignitable; burnt. lellSt. n. particle; morsel.
Kikunkikun, adv. hardly; loudly.
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Kiw6ie. Ki:rejH. Eo, (expressing the sOWld

EiwQ, 17. to check; repress; of a hard hollow flUbstance).
stifle. Eo, v. to hold together; draw
Eiyan, 0017. at once.-e.g., Mo together; darn.
dide kiyan, " I started at Ell-nimaikia (ko-ni-DU\kia), 17.
once." to darn, embroider.
Eiyesi, v. to notice; behold; Eo, 17. to sew; tack; baste;
observe; 1.1<7'.'"'''''' ; mark. seam; stitch.
Eiyesara v. to

shoes or
confront; spurs are
a fire
by scraping t.ogether half· K6d1pQ-jljl (k6-dipQ-iiijii), 17.
burnt wood. to jumble, to put together
Eo, 17. to gather, to take a large anyhow.
quantity; to plunder; rob; KOdllde, 0017. No wonder!
forage. Ell-ern, K~rn, 17. to foragt:; steal;
Eo, '0. to t,oughen or become plunder.
stringy from over-ripeness. KoUri, 17. to see at a glance;
Ill\, oko, .. The sight of.
has grown (ko-iltdu-si), t·. to

; not deep;
(My) does not
come." KQ, denies a state EojQ, 17. to collect; aggrt:gate;
or action attributed to one gather; accumulate.
by another.-e.g., IW9 ni KOiQPQ, 17. amass; gather
morilode," I saw you out." toget.her.
-6.g., Emi kQ, elomil'an ni, Kokiki, 17. to magnify; speak
"Not me, it was somebody the fame ot-e.g., Gbogbo
else." Kl, same signification k6kiki r~ yika, " All
as used general- oyer do they
att.raction, praiseR."
beginning with grass.
ki ij~ bi 0 ti straw; dry
not such as
be." H9, root.
lIi1;l;niilcalticln as Ki, Ki tree; wen;
used instead a tie; knob; broad ;
KQ, in interrogative excrescence; snub.
sentences.--6.9.,Iw9 ki rno ri Koko-Qfun, gOgongo, n. Adam's
lode? "Was it not you I apple.
saw out?" Koko-QwQ, n. the knuckles.

KOK 158

Koko-.... KokOl~, n. ankle. KOro. Akqeq, n. smelting pot;

Koko, adll. Vtlry much; ex- cruciblc.
ceedingly. Koro, adll. thoroughly. very
KOkoro, n. worm; grub; moth; (qualifying 11. jal'i!. t.o go
insect; caterpillar; weevil: through).-1I.g •• Okuta DB
vermin. l8. jal'i! koro. .. The rock
Kole, (k6-ile) 11. to steal from a split to the very bottOm."
dwelling house (Ut.-to Korop~ n. the testicle.
carry away a house). Korokoro, n. brass bells put on
Kolekole, n. a house·breaker. horse's neck.
Kolera (k6-Ie-ara), adj. feeble; Korokoro, adll. soundly.
weak; infirm. KOsi, adll. away; absent.
K61trta (ko-li-tril), 11. to rob of Kotigbagbq, adj. incredible.
goods; to despoil. KOfekukottin adaD, n. bat;
Koloju, 11. to meet face to face; flittennouse.
to confront; to encounter. KOIiAn, KOIuAn, Koauft, ad.i.
Kolq, 11. to spoil; plunder; lay improper; indecent; bad.
waste. KoaiDkan (ko-ai-Dkan), adll.
Koloftn, n. a lawless person. There L'!I nothing, It is
Koloju, 11. to confront; to meet empty.
face to face. KOsO. n. a kind of drum.
Komqra (k6-m~), 11. to KOso, 11. to restrain; to govern ;
hold together. to embrace; stint; coeroe.
be astringent. KOtoro (ko-te-oro), adj. easy;
Komorekom6rl (ko-mq-ore-ko- possible.
mq-6rA), n. an unthankful Kotl, 11. to collect against;
person. assault; attack; assail ;
Konamq, add. basted; tacked. pucker.
Kongbari, n. point; crisis; Katlto, adll. see Kbito.
head. KotO, adv. not enough.
KoDibaba, n. fatherless. KOto, n. pit; hole; ditch;
KoDijanu (ko-Di-ijanu), t'. to cavity.
bridle; restrain; govern; Koto, n. a deep calabash.
curb. Koto, add. hollow.
KOunekolqDa, Afa, n. vagabond. KOto-AiJa, n. the hollow between
KoDkoto, n. the name of a plant; the breastbone and the
the name of a bird; any· stomach.
thing used by children at Koto-jiDgbuD. n. deep valley;
play to represent the ravine.
worship of idols. Kowil. n. a bird so called from
Korl, 11. to harvest. its cry.
Koribf, Kent, adll. btl it so; Ko,6. adj. (lil.-not understood).
Amen. misapprehended; unin·
Koriko. n. grass; herb. telligible.
Korira. 11. to abhor; abominate; K~. 11. to refuse; be unwilling ;
hate; loathe. rebel; revolt.
KorO. add. bitter; stern; severe. KO. BOo adll. not. See Ki.

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KQ 159 KQN

~ fl. to learn; acquire; teach ; K9jusi, 11. to tum the face to;
instruct; advise; fabri· pay attention to; face.
cate; construct; build. K9juijasi, K9jujasi, 11. t{) resist ;
K9,lI. to emit flashes of light (as withstand; face; oppose;
lightning); be vivid; yell; attend to; mind.
crow; to call to one at a KqkaD, QkQkan, adll. one at a
distance; write ; make time.
marks upon; tattoo.-e.g., KQkAri, 11. to howl aloud.
M8.namlina k9, .. It lightens." lkQkAri, n. howling; II.
-e.(I., Yo k9 si 9 Ii i loud cry.
oko nko gb9 ohUn ~." I K9k9l'Q. on. a key.
called out to you in the KQkQl'9lim, n. an iron wire or
farm, but did not hear your piece of wood on which
voice." thread is wound.
K9 DiIa, 11. to tattoo; circumcise. K~u, Qbtdo, adj. green colour.
K~, 11. clasp; hook. KQlA (k9-i1A), 11. to tattoo,
K9, v. to take a quantity out of circumcise.
a soft mass, as with a ladle Kqla (k9lawo, lit.-having no
or shovel. split), n. a bitter fruit;
KermAnamha, phrase. It bitter kola.
lightens. ~e (kerile), 11. to build a house ;
Kqbi, n. buildings in the king's superstruct; erect a build·
palace; a gable end pro· ing.
jecting from the side of the K~tk9 (k~li-~O), 11. to teach ;
main building of the palace. educate; instruct.
K~bi-kqbi, adll. with many Kqmoru, Komoru (ko-mertru),
projections. adj. fearlea'!; having no
KQdo (kG-d~), adj. unripe. fear.
Kqft, K6-fO, 11. t{) dislike; K9I6,6 (k9-li-o,6), 11. to rebel
refuse. against; revolt; dethrone.
~fO, K6-qfo (lit.-gather K~5ro, v. to enrage, to tea.'Ie,
strength), adj. to improve in annoy.
health, become lively, rally. K~ftn, n. a confined. or secret
KQgan-kqborO, adj. of a moderate place; comer.
height or slope. KQlqgbQn, 11. to teach wisdom,
Kqhan (k6-hAn), 11. not to civilize, enlighten.
appear; not to show. K9IQkqlq, n. fox.
K~-kQi, adv. indirectly; K9I9k~9, n. children's play.
suspiciously.-e.g., Ag81a adj. mean; low; childish.
~ nrin k9ik9i, "A KQlu, K91ura, v. to attack with
rogue walks suspiciously." impetuosity; cl&'Jh; dash
K9ja, v. to pass by; omit; upon; storm; encounter.
neglect. K~, 11. to teach; instruct.
K9ja, prep. above; beyond. K9DikQDi, n. a teacher; in·
adll. ago; gone by. structor.
KqjinA (k6-ja-QDa), adj. (lit.- KQDk9lQ, KQk989, n. a straw
out of the way); absurd; sieve.
not right.
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KQR 160 LA.-K

KqriD, tJ. to sing; warble. Eutu, adtJ. rather.

E9r9, n. bay; a curve or sweep; E6Dloju, tJ. to satisfy; please;
a nook; comer; recess. gratify; value.
Kqrqd90 adj. bent; hooked. Ean-l6rUD, tJ. to lull to sleep.
Eqr" tJ. to disagree ; be E6n-lqwq, v. to help, assist; to
unfriendly. be accessory, be helpful.
KqriD, k90 tJ. to sing. EUDkUD, adj. urgent, pressing.
EqriIi (kq-ori-li), v. to move E6maa, adj. finely ground (as
towards (lit.-to turn the Bour).
head towards). E.ma, tJ. fail; come short;
Eqa, (kq-0I0), tJ. to strike the miss.
foot; trip; stumble. Eunu (Im-ODU), adj. dull edge;
Kqa,b&, v. to meet by chance; blunt; reticent; silent.
come upon accidentally. E1ir6k1ir6, n. elf; elves.
JqsU, (k9-si-ilO), tJ. to refuse; Eflrelb6k6rerbe, adj. completed;
forsake; quit; reject. finished; forgotten.
E(lBin-qba (kq-isin-qba), tJ. to Enro, adtJ. away; absent;
revolt. prep. from.
EWO, see Korib~. Euru, adj. short; not long;
Eqti. Tikq, adtJ. heavily; brief.
gloomily; sullenly; with EilIa, v. to pounce upon (as
reluctance; crooked. 8 bird upon its prey);
EOn (k6-Qn), v. to make giddy. descend with full force.
E6, tJ. to die; lose life; expire. Eua, tJ. to threaten; menace.
adj. dead. Eutllp6, 'n. coarse native cloth
EI\, tJ. to remain; left; to woven by women.
separate by a sieve. Eutukutu, adj. early; dawn;
Eu,adtJ. unexpectedly; suddenly. the beginning of the day.
EUju (Im-oju), adj. dull; blunt.
E6Imm9o n. jumper.
EfIku, adv. rather. L.
Eikl\, n. cornstick.
Etikfl (kUrukUru), n. fog. LA, v. to appear (as the rising
E6kund1ik6, n. sweet potato. of the sun or moon in
E1im9o n. cudgel. the East); split; cleave;
Eim, v. to fill; he full; crack; wade; escape; save;
replenish. adj. plenary, be rich; 0lJulent.-6.g.,
plump, complete, full. Mo 1& a, .. I esca.ped it."-
ED, tJ. to grwnble; murmur; I e.g., IW9 lA, "You are rioh."
hum. lA, tJ. to lick with tho tongue;
Eun, tJ. to cut an animal into lap; dream.
parts after Baying. La-AlA, tJ. to dream a dream.
Eun, tJ. to set on fire. La-bata-\III" tJ. to divide the
Eun Eq, or EqriD, v. to sing. hoof.
Ean-bihi, Ean-rin, v. to LA-ji, tJ. to pass through.
rumble, to sound (as low LA-kqja, LA-lq, v. to pass
distant thunder), boom. tbrough; traverse.

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ti·L 161 LA!

U-lohau, fl. to give speech to ; Lat, adfl. negative particle; not;

to voice. ofton used in composition
Uba, n. bag, leather BOrip with other w01.'ds.
in which provisions are Laiba, adj. not in hiding.
carried ; knapsack. Laibljo, adJ. uncorrupted; un·
Labalaba, n. butterfly. defiled; inviolate.
Labal6, adj. coming one after Laibalo-be, adJ. having no
another; repeatedly. time, no room, or no
LabAw~D, Liblilm, adj. tainted; leisure.
stained; defective; pol. LaiWOrD, adj. undaunted;
luted; imperfect; scan- unawed ; fearless.
dalous; dishonourable. LaibalO, adj. unaccompanied.
LabO, prep. under; beneath. Laib~ adv. without fear;
Ladi, fl. to explain; prove; undaunted; fearless.
solve; ovince; elucidate; Laibi, adJ. unbegotten.
expound; argue. LaiblJrlta, adj. regardless;
Lidiro, AlAdiro, n. a sieve. desperate; unconcerned.
Ladau, adj. sweet; palatable; Laib6, adJ. open; uncovered;
melodious; elegant. bare' naked.
Ladagbo, n. a water·pot; a Laib91'ak~o, '~timely ; un-
pitcher. lleasonable.
Wo, adJ. spacieus; penetrable. Laibn, adj. unbroken; uncut;
Lafojudi, fl. to bo insolent; rude; entire.
sauoy; impertinent; pre· Laiblilm, adj. undiminished;
sumptuoUII; pertinacious. sound; whole.
Lagabagebe, adv. hypocritioally. LaibUktm, adJ. without addition.
LiPm~, n. the part of the bridle LaibQ1iDfuD, adJ. uncivil; dis-
which croBSe8 the forehead. respectful; di'IConrteous.
LagbA, n. horsewhip. Laic1ab6, adJ. unexpected;
Lagbadagbu, adJ. croilSwise. thoughtlessly.
LagbakO, adfl. accidentally; by Laidaju, LaidaDlioju, adj. doubt-
chane.e. ful; uncertain; dubious.
Lagbara, t'. to he strong ; Laidara, adJ. inelegant; ugly;
powerful; firm; forcible; defective. ad". badly.
impetuous; able; eapable; LaidaBi, Laidakanli, adJ. un·
valiant. sparing; without omission;
Lagbedemeji, prep. between; in universally; wholly.
the midst. Laid" adj. raw; crude; not
Ugbirbe, n. vicinity; neigh- soft; unripe; unslackened.
bourhood. adj. neighbour- LaidowO, adJ. ungenerous; moan.
ing; frontier. Laidibajo, adJ. incorruptible.
Lagogo, v. to- ring a bell. Laidu, adJ. unpleasant; un·
LIIun (Ia-agUn). v. to perspire ; palatable; tasteless.
IIweat. Laid1iDm~ adJ. not pleasing;
Lai, Lai1ai, adfJ. ever; for ever ; unacceptable.
tlternal ; very ; indeed ; Laidara, adJ. want of effort;
never. want of self-denial.
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LA! 162 LAI

Laiduro, adj. unsteady; un· LaikU, adj. without a remainder.

stable; vague; fickle; LailA, adt'. not to be parted;
changeable; fluctuating; not to be separated or gone.
ceaseless; continual. through; not to be pacified.
Laifagllarate, adv. wit.hout force Lailabliku, OOv. correctly;
or compulsion; naturally. wholly; entirely; without
Laifaguntiti, adv. summarily; blemish.
briefly. Lailai, Lailai-atiiO. ad11. age; of
Laifarabalt, adj. rash; incon· old; time past; for ever.
siderate. LailAdi, adj. unexplained; in·
Laifaramqra, adj. incoherent; distinct; indiscriminatP..
disunited. LailAIbara. ad11. powerless; ,un·
1Wf•• adj. unwilling; reluctant; able; disabled; imbecile;
intolerable; loathsome; faint; inefficacious; im·
disagreeable. potent; feeble; invalid.
Lai1lfal~, adv. diligently; un· Lailak080, adj. ungovomablt.;
remittingly. wayward; licentious; wan·
Lai1lf~ adv. unwillingly; ton.
reluctantly. LaililA (lai-ni-AlA), adj. infinite;
Laifojuai, adj. listless; Ct\l"e· limitless.
less; remiss; inattentive. Lailipa, adj. armless; sleeve·
Laifoya, adv. without fear; less.
boldly; unawed; intrepid. Lailinu, adj. Unmerciful; reo
Laigbl, adj. unaccepted; un· lentlf!ss; inclement.
acceptable. Lailar6kerek6, adj. simple;
Laigbob~, adj. not to bt> en· silly; unsophisticated.
treated; inexorable. LailqO, adj. powerlesA; with·
Laigbtktle, adj. distl"UBtful; out authority; unable to
unreliable; untrustworthy. give law or command.
LaigbOn, add. unwise; unskil· LailawAri, adj. inscrutable; un·
ful ; imprudent; indis· searchable.
creet. LailedlUohlin, adj. unl\llBwer·
Laigbqrln, adj. disobedient; able; conclusive.
headstrong; obstinate. LailedibAj., adj. incorruptible.
Laig{mg"o, add· unevcn; odd. Lailediyele, adj. invaluRble;
LaitA, 'OOv. without reckoning; beyond estimation.
uncounted. adj. un· Lailegb6, adj. unjustifiable; un·
counted; unnumbered. ·supportable.
Lait6nju, adt:. without hurry; LailegunguD, adj. boneless.
patiently. Laileyin, adj. toothless.
LaitOlA, adj. untattooed; un· Lailekaye, adj. innumerable.
circumcised; unmarked. LailekiJesi, adj. unobservable;-
Lait~oy6, adj. uncivilised; unnoticeable.
uneducated. LailekOja, LaileJakoja, adj.im.
Lait~we, adj. illiterate; ignorant. pasasble; impervious.
Laik6, adj. immortal; death· LailelAnijA, adj. irreconciliable.
less. Laileluji, adj. imperforable.

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• 163 LA!

Lailemq, adj. incomprehensible. LailO, adj. unused.

LailepAla, adj. illimitable, un· LailohUn, adj. speechless; to
definable. havo no voice in a matter;
LailepepadA, adj. unrecallable, powerless in command.
irrevokable. LailofiD, a4j. lawless.
Lailepar\l, adj. cannot be blotted Lailogo, daj. inglorious; dis·
out, indelible. . graceful.
Lailera, adj. weak; infinn; Lailoju, adj. knotty; cumber·
imbecile; fOtlble ; impo. some; difficult.
tent; ineffectual; frail. Lailojutl, adj. unabashed;
Lailere, adj. unprofitable; thrift· shameless; impudent.
lCf!ls. Lailomi, adj. moistureless; sap·
Laileri, adj. without defilement; less; juiceless; dry.
pure. LailopiD, adj. endless; infinite.
Laileribe, adj. improbable. Lailorukq, adj. nameless; anony·
Lailero, adj. inoonceivable; in· mous.
conceptible. Lail~, adj. faithless; deceitful.
Laileso, adj. fruitless; un· Lailoye, ad}. titleless; untitled.
profitable. Lailqjq, adj. dateless.
Laileve, adj. unable; impossible; LailqjQlori, adj. recent; of later
impracticable; incapable; date; minOT in years.
incompetent; imlUfficicnt. Lailqmq, adj. childless.
~ LailetiDidi, adj. im· LailqPO, adj. thankless; un·
movable. grateful.
Lailesunmq, adj. inaccessible; Laimore, adj. ungrateful; un·
unapproaohll.ble. thankful.
Lail~9Ib\l, adj. invulnerable. Laimoye, adj. unwise; indis·
Lail8f~, adj. invincible. creet; imprudent; uncivil.
Lail8fina. adj. infallible. Laim~ adj. unholy; unolean;
Laileti, adj. earless; careloss; incontinent; impure.
listless; disobedient. Laimq, ad". ignorantly; unwit·
Laile~"11, adj. harmless; safe. tingly; unaware; imper-
Lailey', adj. inseparable. oeptibly; impalpable.
Laileyf. adj. immovable. LaimC)Diwqu, adj. immoderate;
Laileyipada, adj. unchangeable; beyond measure.
unalterable. LaimQri, adj. ignorant; un-
LailtPn, adj. spotletl8; blame· experienced.
less; unblameable. LaimqwQCluro, adj. incessant;
LaU"btra, adj. having no equal; without ceasing.
matchless. Laim6, adj. dull; blunt; spirit-
Lail\lmi, adj. inanimate; breath· 1_.
less; dead. Laimurat\llo, ad". unprepared;
LailOtv, adj. sinless; guiltless; unawares.
innocent. Laimuyetaa, adj. undecided.
LailotU, adj. open.hearted, LaiDi. adv. not having; being
openly, without guile. without; destitute; indio
LaUOW1\, adj. shirtlesR; coat· gent; poor.
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L&im-al!lAa. adj. devoid of peace; LaiDirO, Lailero, adj. having 110

miREu-able; unhappy. plan or definite idea.
LaiDi-aptr\l, add. signless; shape- LaiDi-lrotoIo, adj. want of fore-
less. thought; improvid{'nt.
LaiDi-A", adj. ineffective; LaiDirun,. adj. hairless; bald.
powerless; without author· LamisilO, adJ. bottomless;
ity. fathomless.
LaiDibaba, adj. fatherless. LaiDisi, adj. unconcerned; in·
LaiDi-lIAta. adj. shoc1ess; bare- different.
footed. LaiDito, adj. unemployed.
LaiDibawi, adj. unblameabJe; LaiDitoIcmm, adj. discontented;
just. dissatisfied.
LaiDibOru, adj. fearless. LaiDitiju, adJ. shameless; im·
LaiDibinu, adj. without anger; modest; obscene; un·
peaceable. abashed.
LaiDibO, adj. narrow; not LaiDiwarere, adj. immoral.
having width. LaiDiWQD, adj. immeasurable.
LaiDibugbe, adj. homeless; LaiDiwukAra, adj. unleavened.
houseless. LaiDiye, adj. innumerable;
Laidaju, adj. uncertain; insecure. countless; numberless.
LaiDidi, adj. groundles.'1; un· Lainiy8ninu, adj. simple; foolish;
founded; useless; in· haughty.
effectual; causeless; vainly. LainiyiD, adj. unpraiAeworthy;
LaiDiAb6, LaiDireti, adJ. hope. tritting; disrespectful.
less. LainiyOnu, adj. unmerciful.
LaiDi8r6, adJ. without guile; Laipa, adj. not killed; un·
simple; straight.forward. bruised; undaubed.
LaiDigbtkoIe, add. faithless. Lalparo, adj. unabolished; not
LaiDiktUttl, adj. unclouded. erased.
Lainile, adj. homeless; house· Laip6. add. uncalled: unnnmed;
less. uninvited.
LaiDilari, add. having no im· Laipe, adj. in an imperfect
portance ; vain ; useless. state; deficient; unsound ;
Laimqmeji, adj. unequivocal. incompetent.
LaiDipa, adj. trackless; blank.
Laipo, add. soon; earlier; before
LaiDipi, add. strengthless; LaillfD, adj. unripe; raw; crude;
powerless. premature.
LaiDipaIara. add. harmless. LaipQI'qkan, add. undecided;
LaiDiptlmD, adj. endless; un· indiffllrent.
limittd; infinite. Lafreti, adj. unexpected; un·
LaiDipilo, adj. without founda- looked for.
tion; ungrounded. Lairt, adj. disagreeable; un·
La.iDipO, add. having no abode; friendly.
unsettled; vagrant. Lairi, add. unseen; invisible.
LaiDira, ad". easily. adj. {'My. Lairina, adj. sightless; dark;
LaiDireti, adj. hopeless. dim. ad". dimly.

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LAI 165 LA!

Lalriwisi, adj. inexcusable; con· LaqerbaDrba, adv. not openly;

clusive. secretly; clandestinely.
LairoDU, adj. thoughtless; Lalf~be. adj. impartial; just.
flighty. Laitijgb6, adj. unbearable; un·
Lairo. Lalrotolo. adj. unawares; inhabitable.
unprumeditated ; extem· Lait6r6:. adj. frank; without
pore; spontaneolll!. fraud.
LairorUD. adj. uncomfortablf.'; Laigeun. adj. unkind; unoblig.
intlxpemcnt; inconvenient. ing.
Laisi, adj. not existing. Lait~tan. adj. unfeigned; with·
Laisi-loju~ adj. out of the out guile.
wRy; prtlpost.erolls. Laifet1ra, adj. unfair; indirect.
LaisiAn.•. adv. badly. adj. ugly; Laigetara (1ai9e-ti-ara). adj. not
inelegant. belonging to the body;
Laisi-biADi, adj. doubtless; spiritual; ghostly.
certain. Laitftilo, adj. not open; un·
LaiIimi, adj. rest.loss; bu.'!lY; exposed; reservod.
diligent; industrious; assid· Lait~, adj. having no beginning;
uous; indefatigable. no origin; without sin or
LaisiD, adj. unaccomparued on guilt.
the way; iree from servi· LaitiDm.~. adj. uncl~; un·
tude. rinsed.
Laisqlqr~ adj. not expressed in Laisiwa~a (laisi-iwa-oda). adj.
words; tacit. unnatural; degenerate.
LaisUu, adj. sleepless; wakeful; Lalfiyemeji, adv. doubtless ;
restless. without doubt.
~oko. adv. untimely; pre- Laqojurere, adj. unfavourablt>.
maturely. Lai99to, adj. not rebellious;
Laqaporo. adj. indescribablo. loyal.
Laifariya. adj. not lively; dull. ~an, adj. not decided;
Laifafetan. adj. unfinishod. neutral.
Latta. adv. without doing; in· Laifododo, adj. untruthful ;
actively. unrighteous.
~iani. Laife-auiaDi, adj. Laitoro, adv. without difficulty;
without domur or hesi· easily.
tation. Laif5to, adj. feigned; feignedly;
Laite-Aisau, adv. well; in good untrue; false; unfair;
health. unjust; perfidious.
Laitebikau, adv. nowhere; no Laitora. adj. unwatchful; negli.
place. , gent; oareless; incautious.
Laqede, adj .. inaocessible. LaitQtun, adj. old; stale.
Lai.9edede. adj. unoqual; ir· Lai96si, adj. indifferent; sill'nt.
regular; unjust; incon· ! LaitoiOrUu, adj. unsatiable.
sistent. Lalt6, LaltoDkan, adj. in·
Lai9egbaktigba, adj. unosual; sufficient; unequal ; in
infrequent; uncommon. significant.
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LA! 166 LAp

Laito, adj. unarrangcd; dis· LakO (Di-akO) cbeje (Ibe-ije), v.

orderly; irregular. to gain a prize; win a race.
LaitOro, adj. unsettled; dis- Lakoko, adt;. punctually;
turbed. exactly; precisely (88 to
Laitasil" adfl. without shedding. time and place); betimes;
adj. unspilled. periodicaJly; seasonably.
Lai~, adj. unfit; improper; Lakuegbe, n. plcurisy; rheuma-
unjust. tism.
Laitqju, adj. uncared for; Lakotan (Di-Ak6-tan), ado.
neglected. finally; totally; altogother.
Laiw&, adj. unsought for; dis- Wi, n. trouble; care; solici-
interested; not coming; turl.e; agitation; labour.
absent. La'la (It-Ali), fl. to dream.
LaiwA-bi-OlqrllD, adj. ungodly; Lalabapade, adj. casual.
wicked. L&lMo (m-alafo), prep. between.
Lainp" adj. shortlived. • adj. spll.Cious.
LaiwotiD, add. incurable; past LilAj', fl. to go through; tra-
healing. vorse; split through.
Laiyl, adj. bold; courageous; Lil, (Di-al,), adv. iIi the evening.
brave; adventurous; daring. Lalt (la-iIt), v. (lit.-to burst
Laiya. adj. undivided. open the ground); begin-
Laiyanju, adj. indistinct; in- ning; incipient.
discriminate. Lili, n. (\ pll\Ilt, the leaves of
Laiyapa, adj. unanimous; united. which is u'led in colouring
adfl. without divisioll. t.he nail~ red.
LaiJira, adj. slow; dull; Limi (Di-&mi), v.or adj. to have
sluggish; spiritless. a mark or sign.
Laiye, adt·. in the world. Limq (Di-amq), adj. clayey.
Lain, adj. unfit; unworthy; LamomQfe, adj. wittingly; wil-
uncomely; unsuitable. fully; knowingly.
L~a (la-ija), fl. to reconcile; LAmqran, LAmO, v. to propose;
make peace. advise; plan; guo3Sl:!.
Laj~ (la-,jO), fl. to seWe a LAna, tt. to make a road or path ;
di'lpute. propose; susgost; ordain;
Ukaka, fl. to strive wit.h all order; frame.
one's might; to press; Lan. (Ii-W), ad'/). yeilterday.
wrestle; struggle; pre- LaDiyim, t,.t.o have anxiety.
sume ; intrudu. adj. I\nxiou'I; careful:
Lakalaka (laka-Dlaka), v. hop thoul!htful.
on one leg. n. a game in Linu, '/J. - to havo pity; com-
which children sing. passion or commiseration.
"Lakanlaka tombO, Ukanlaka a,dj. merciful.; pitiful;
tombO," v. as they hop compassionate; kind.
aJong. Lanu (la-,nu), v. to open the
LikAri, LikAi, n. l'atieuce. mouth.
~e, ey6w!\kote, ado. how- Lapa, adv. by tho Ride of; by
ever. the hand of.
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LAp 167 LE
LApa. L;ka, Lomqw~, adj. Latetek~wa. ad11. at the first
abounding in boughs ; coming.
branching.. IAltrt (l1-t6rt), 11. to split
Lapa (la-ipa), v. to make a path. thinly; to crack slightly.
Lapakan, adj). aside; sid",ways; Lattr6 (ni-ator6), adj. unpre-
obliquely; laterally; apa.rt; pared; unready.
partly. Lan, Ati, prep. from (a place or
LApA]Api, n. ringwonn; a plant. time); to; in order that.
LApid., ItiaA, n. a kind of cake Latibowi, 0011. whence.
made of maize. Latif6wa. adtl. willingly; volun-
Li"D (ni-i"D), adj. assiduous ; tarily.
industrious; indefatigable. LatigbA, prep. during; since.
LAra, prep. in; by; through; Latihinlq, Latihinyilq, Latisi-
on; among; upon; on siyilq, ad11. hence; from
the body; from. this place; from hence-
LirA, n. the castor·oil plant. forth.
LAra. adj. having a body; cor- Latigbanilq, ad11. thenceforth;
poreal; material. thenceforward.
LAra, adj. stout; bulky; cor- Latinu-ift, adv. voluntarily.
pulent; fat. adj. optional; voluntary.
Lare (ni-ue),v. to have right;
havo justice.
Latisisiyilq, ad11. henceforth;
henceforward .
.Lar6kerekll, adj. artful; shrewd;
Latori, nitori, conj. on account
subtle; crafty; cunning.
of; because; for.
Lilt, adj. wearisome; tire- Laww, Bawani, n. belt; girdle;
some; fatiguing.
sash; turban.
LArin, prep. amidst; amid ;
LAwu, Uu, ad11. all is well (an
answer to the salutation,
Lirinki, Alarinlri, n. a wanderer; Alafia kQ ? .. Are you well ?
a rover; a nickname for
or Is it peace! ")
t.he rat.
Liy6, adj. lively; quick; active.
Lariwo, adj. noisy.
.LarUn, adj. sickly; diseased. U,Il, adj. capacious; roomy .
Lasan, ad11. in vain; for Le, adj. able; powerful;
nothing; to no purpose; possible; capable.
gratuitous; vain; vainly; LIl, aua:. 11. can; may; might.-
only. e.g., lWQ Ie lQ, .. You are
LuUd, v. to be fortunate; have able to go. "--e.g., On Ie
good luck. adj. famous; apada, .. He may return."
fortlmate; lucky. L6, 11. to appear (as a new moon);
Latiri. ad11. secretly; privately. appear on the surface;
LasQ,6, adj. intelligibly; illus· blister; to drive; pursue;
trating clearly. hunt.-e.g., O~U Ie, .. The
Latt, adj. effectual; efficacious; new moon appears; "-e.g.,
having authority. QmQde Ie f;liYf;l Ii oko,
LatetekQ¥e, ad11. in the begin- .. The boy drove the birds
ning. off from the fann." .

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LE 168 L1):K

L6, adli. to be more than the strong. adj. hale; sane;

number specified. 'II. exceed. sound; healthy; strong.
La, adj. hard; strong; valiant; Led, adj. profitable; thrifty.
valorous; bony; firm ; Leri, 11. to promise; boast;
solid; vigorous; difficult. brag.
Lade-om, Lede-oDllt, adj. v~r­ Leri, Lori, ad11. above, on the
nacular ; natural tongue; top.
the language of the country. Lerugba, adJ· over 200; as
Le-gba, adj. capable of contain- ~wa-lerugbl\, ten over 200,
ing ; containable; capa· or 210.
cious. L.,.u, adj. to havc or bo possessed
Legunoko, n. name of a tree, with a dtlvil.
the leaf of which is used Leti, prep. near by; closo to;
for food. on the border of; by.
Legun, v. to conquer; rout; Lewu, adJ. dangerous; perilous.
vanquish. Lt, v. to replenish; patch;
Lek~, 11. to be above; be piece. adj. elastio; pliable.
prominent; to bo upper- LO, 11. to be lazy; indolent or
most; paramount; buoy- idle. adj. lazy; idle;
L6kill6kil, ad'll. uppel·most ; top-
L" indolent.
~, 11. to transplant; ingraft.
LOba, ad11. aside; oblique; by
L~kel6ke, n. a crane. the side; near to.
LekilDiye (leke-Di-jye), 11. to be LObO, n. the fin of a fil!h; any
above the value or amount flat thing used AS 1\ penWint.
estimated. L,bulObu, n. vary tine dust.
LeJmro, 'II. to expel; disptll. Lodnn, ad11. sorely; painfully.
Le-lagbara, adj. strong; able- Lfftn, adj. smoky.
bodied. Loftlfu-lile, adj. tempestuous;
LeI., ad". down; on the ground. stormy.
LogAn, adj. oontemptibltl; ig-
Lelq, 11. drive away; pursue;
noble; ignominious; shame·
chase away; rid of.
ful; scandalous; sordid.
LftIire, 11. to hllllten; to drive
Logba, adj. paralytio.
or urge forward; to I\cool-
erate. LWb" ad11. by; on the side of.
Logbin, adj. filthy; dirty ;
LeP., v. to pursue; trace ; nasty.
track; course; chase ;
prosecute. Lobin, prep. after; behind; on
the back.
LilpA, wlJ. crusty; sCl\bby.
LOhinlobin, ad'll. backward ;
L6pal6pa, n. pursuer. further back; hindermost;
Lepil, adj. having oath; par- aft.
taking of the nature of LOhinoyi, adj. hereafter.
oath; sacramcnt. Lohln-ode, adj. without; out-
Lepolepo, n. name of a plant ward; behind. n. back-
b~aring a y~llow flower. ground.
Len, 11. to be healthy; be LOb, adj. branching.
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169 LOJ

Lfkan. adv. once; at once; words beginning with a, e,

onco more; st.ill. ~, 0, 9, u.-e.g., Mo Ii owo,
Lfkanm. adv. fifthly; the fifth instead of Mo Ili owo,
time. .. I have money."--e.g.,On Ii
Lf)teji, adv. tlle second time; ~9, for On ni 8119, .. He has
sooondly. clothes."
Lfkorin. adv. fourthly. Li, L', prep. (euphonic change
Lfktta. adll. thirdly; tho third from ni, prep.) from; at;
time. in.
Lotttt. add. turbid; moderately Lile, add. solid; hard; strong;
thick. stiff. n. hardness; duro
LfkiDi, adv. first; in Lhe firat ability.
place. Lile, add. that which is to he
Ltkq. add. instructed; studiud; driven.
civil. Lilf. LilO. adj. that which is to
Lttun. ntJmn, n. door; gate. be transplanted.
Ltlt. adv. bending; pliant; Lil" add. increased; elastic.
yielding (applied generally Lilo, ad}. useful; for use.
to the wind). Lilq, bq, n. a going; departure.
Ltmeji. adj. twice. Lil~, adj. twisuu.
Ltmarun. adj. five times. Lil~, adj. ground; pulverised.
Ltmtrm. adj. four times. LDt, n. an animal of the por-
Ltmtta. adj. three times; thrice. cupine tribe which lodges
Ltmi, adj. in1I.uential; effect.· under rocks; cony.
ual ; efficacious; capa· Lili, add. that which is to be
bility. boaten with a hammer or
L~~. v. to cleave to; adhere mallet.
to; stick to. LO. 11. to usc; to make use of.
L,mora, adj. compact. v. to add. elaRtic; pliable.
adhere together. LobOtujt, OlobOtujt, n. tho fig-
LtDn, 0011. at the mouth or nut troe.
opening. Lode, culv. outside; without.
Lor" add. miry; muddy; dirty; Lodi, add. contrary. prep.
. turbid; sloppy. against; on the contrary.
Ltstltst, adll. orderly; in rows. Lodiko-cU, adj. contrary; upside
LtB~ltB~, ad,.. diligently; care· down; inside Ollt.
fully; gently; attent.ively. Lojiji, Di-ojiji, adv. IlIlddenly;
LttAn. adll. falsely; deceit· abruptly; easuaJIy.
fully; fallible. Lojojumq, adll. day by day;
Lotu, LttUloju, adj. rich or daily.
fertile (as soil); productive. Lojn, prep, (lit.-in the eye of).
L~wu, n. down of tho palm tree, before; in the face of;
used for tinder, when in t.he presenc,; of; in
striking l\ light with flint front. adv. upon the sur-
and steel. face.
Li, L'. rI. euphonic form of the LojukanDa, adll. immediately;
verb Ni, .. to have," before straightway.
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Lojarere, adtJ. favourably; I41a (ni-qla). tJ.

to be honoured ;
graciously. be in authority. adj. hon-
Lok6, prllp. upon; on the t..,p ; ourable.
abo\-e. Lqla (ni~la). adt•• to·morrow.
Lokere, .adtJ. afar off. I41q (IQwqIQwq). udv. lately;
Lokiki, add. famous; notoriolL'I. recently.
Lokiti, Oiokiti, 1&. a strainer. Lqpq. v. w twist together;
Lolli, adtJ. t.o·day. entangle.
LOri, v. to whirl round; be Lqp~, Lq"iqpq,adt'. abundantly;
giddy. adj. whirl; giddy. plentifully; cheaply.
Lori, Leri, prep. above; on the Lqra (l~). tJ. to he slow;
top; UpOll. linger; delay.
LOr6gangan, ado. straight. ; Lqri, tJ. to turn; to make
upright; there and then. round.
Lorn, adtJ. by night; during the ~ (ni-qr~). tJ. to be rich.
night; in the night. adj. rich.
Lorukq, prep. by name. udj. Lqah (ni-(IaiD). adv. by day;
having a name. during the day.
Loto, tJ. to sit like a dog,to squat. LQatI98t. LQSQ8, (ni-9st-~'),
L5tq, udtJ. surely; truly; verily; adtJ. weekly.
justly. LofotU (ni-Cltu-Cltu). ado.
Lowo, tJ. possess monoy; to be monthly.
rich; be wealt,hy. adj. L9wq. prep. from; in ; at;
rich; wealthy. undor tho ~uence of;
Loyun (ni-OJUll), tJ. to be preg- at hand.
nant ; conceive. ndj. LqwQwO (l~wqrq-wQr9). adj.
pregnant. lukewarm.
Lq, v. to go; depart; leM"e. LqwQlQwq. adv. lately; recently;

14, L"
Lq, adtJ. more than; most.
tJ. t.o transplant; en-
graft; turn; twist; per-
Lu, t:. to bore; perforate; tv
be perforated; be dis-
vert. covered; to come to notico.
14 adj. contrary; deviating; Lu. v. to beat; strike; knock.
twist~d; indirect; to be Lil. v. to mingle; put several
modorately warm; luke- things together; adulter-
warm. ate; dilute; mix.
L~. v. to grind; institute an LwlUru, t'. to play the fiddle by
inquiry; ery out for lost beating the string with a
goods. stick; to play the violin
Lqd~. prep. at; from; with; ·or harp.
by; at; by tho side of; Lilha. adj. not easily solved;
near (avplied to persons). difficult; knotty; tangled.
Lqdqdfm (ni-qdun-qdun). udv. Luju, Lurekqja. v. to beat
yearly; year by year. excessively or sevf!rely.
LqhUDJi, adv. yonder; there. Lukoro. Lukuju. v. to hint or
Lqk~ (ni-qk~). adv. on board; speak evil against another
aboard. in order to provoke him.

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Lult (lu-O,), tI. t.() strike to the JIl, ad11. indeed; truly; very.
gnnmd.. ---e.g., 1W9 ma ~euI1 j9j9,
LIlI, adtl. entirely (qualifying .. YOll are very kind in-
sun, "00 burn ")----e.g., Awa deed."---e.g., Mil ma. ~
sun igi na lUlu, " We burnt yaju si mi, .. Indeed you
the wood 00 ABhes." must not bo insolent to
LUm~, tI. 00 hide oneself; hide; me."
lurk; be hidden; be con· lilli, contraction of Emi a or
otialed. Emi yio, 1 will, 1 shall.-
LUDipa, v. to commit murder. e.g:, 1\:IA 19 191a, .. 1 am
tI. to _inate. going, or will go, to·
Lup&, tI. 00 kill by II. blow; to morrow."
smite to death. MilIto see 1\:IN)e.
L6ru, n. the dri&l and pulverised 1Iadimil&-an, n. a dropsical
leavell of the trees Okitipo, person (so called from his
:$gungun and O,~, used desire to enjoy the heat of
for 88uce. the sun). See Asunkun.
Luwf, tI. to swim. lIigAji, n. heir; first·horn.
lIIIagbA, n. a !;Iango priffit. See
I16gnn, n. a poison used for .a
special purpose.
lI, sign of the continuous tense,
formed by the verb "to
lIIIAh111'11Dl8huru, n. ('ry of a
beast of prey.
be."~.g., Mo mb9wa, .. 1
am coming." JIljAlA, n. soot; burnt grass;
lI, pro. contraction of " Emi," smuts.-e.g., Bi ina ba jo
1; used "" a prefix.---e.g., oko majaIa. ii. fo wa ill',
Mba ma 19 sib~ iba huru "When fire burns in the
pup9, " If 1 had not been fields, the smuts fly to the
there it would have been town."
worse." lIIIij 6rJf, n. a child, infant or
lIIIi, tI. aua:. indicating customary young person; one weak in
action ("ometimes " ama " knowledge or experience
or" ima") or continuity.- of the world.
e.g., MA fojusi ilW ~, llaj,mu, n. covenant; agree·
.. (Continue to) Be VAry ment.
attentive to your work."- 1I&kArUrU, n. dishonesty; want
c.g., B\i ni imA ~ lojojum<,>, of inregrity: deception;
.. So he does daily." perfidy; unfair words or
1Ia. ad". not; a negative actions.
particle used only in the IlakQ, adj. convalescent; hale;
imperativo mood, frequently sound; strong.
in connection with !;Ie, to JIAJilm!\lil, adj. striped; Ii.
do.~.g., Mase rufin mq, medlAY of colours.
.. Do not break the law llaliju, n. a water rat remark·
again." able for stupidity. See Ago.
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MAL °172

.ale, n. common name for all -'mqnfw9D, v. to overstep

idols; a dreadful person. the mark; to be prolific.
~, n. ox; bull; cow. 1Iqo, adv. only; even; singly.
lUlu, n. a talisman against II&tamata, adO. spotted.
being beaten by anyone. Matt, n. a snare for birds and
Kaluke, n. a protuberance on beasts.
the body; a hard swelling; IHtq, adj. not to be touohed;
wen. respected; sacred.
llAmA, adv. not indeed; do 1laJafl, n. sash ; belt. See
not; indeed do not.- Lawani.
e.g., MAma. m8. s9 isykus9, lI&yAmi, n. a small bag used by
.. Indeed you must not hunters for ammunition .
continue to talk nonsense." De, v. to be; exist; live.
IlAmwA, v. to guess; conjecture. adj. extant.
1Hmu, n. moustache. De nibigbogbo, n. omnipresence.
llamufou. v. to press; squeeze. .\IIbere, v. to be about to start,
• bA, adv. dazzlingly; flashily begin, or commence.
as lightning. 1Ibq, v. to come; come after.
MuAmint, n. lightning. .hi, v. to vomit; eject.
.in....inA, n. a species of sna.ke. .616, v. to gue.'!S; surmise;
Ktnamlna, n. see Werewere. suspect.
lIaradilr6. n. to contain ; • 'je, adj. seven; consisting of
endure; be steady. seven.
JBramnaran, adv. dazzlingly; • 'j#lie, adj. the whole of the
glitteringly; brilliantly.- seven; the seven•
e.g., Awojiji ndan mAran· • 6jijili, adO. the whole of the
maran, .. The glass shines twelve; the twelve.
brilliantly... .eji, adO. two; couple; twain.
JHrUfm, adj. all five; the n. equivocation; double.
whole of the five. .ojDa, adj. twelve.
lBrimlje, n. one who makes no • 'ii-m6ii, adj. two and two;
choice of food. couple; pair.
lBriw6, n. slips of palm leaves; .610, adv. how many !
garla.nd. .elokan, adj. a few.--6.g., Ij9
IUrtm, adj. five. melokan, .. A few days."
JlAnmdOW~, adj. seventy. .#lr6, adj. circumspect; cautious;
five (lit.-four score minus discreet; prudent; saga·
five). cious; always preceded by
118M, n. a kind of pancake. .. M~te."--6.g., Idowu j~
• • adv. a double negative ~niti 0 m~te mero, .. Idowu
which is equivalent to an
emphatic aflirmative.--6.g.,
1\1. wa, .. You must
.ew', is a prudent person."
n. lea.v811 without their
certainly come." • tbtmtyt, adO· cunning
.qe, adv. do no~.---e.g., MII48 diplomatic; wily; artful.
89 fun u," Do not ten him." .fd6gfm, adj. fifteen.
.,Albln, n. a species of deer. .~dW* adj. twenty.five.

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173 M1M

IIttA. adj. six. IIi, oontraction of Miran.

lItf1mtfA. adj. six apiece; by IIi Ami cWt6, II' Ami piD, v.
sixes. to take the last gasping
Jl61nn. adj. having success; breath; to die; expire.
successful. 1Iif6.k6f6k6. v. to throb; pal.
Jltgb,. add. mealy; void of pitate.
moisture; well seasoned.~ lIIIikaDlt. t1. to sigh; breathe
e.g., IfJU m~gb~ fum, .. Thll heavily or mournfully;
yam is very mealy." breathe freely; take a full
lI.j .. add. quiok.sighted; clear breath.
minded. Milt. v. to shake the ground (as
lI,janm,jan, adv. expresses the by earthquake).
idea of elasticity. lIiml, n. appalling news; shook;
lI,jO. adj. eight. agitation.
116stdilr6. t1. to stand firm; to lIim6kUD, n. the act of diving.
be hrave. lIim6ye. n. adj. oomprehension;
II~. add. polite; courteous; oomprehensible.
courtly. Jlimo. add. holy; clear; clean;
116r~riD, adj. the four togother. pure ; sacred; sainted;
I I . adj. four. shining.
IIfm~ n. that whioh is to be
116rindfi6gCm. adj. sixteen.
known; imaginable.
lI6rinli. add. fourteen. lIimO. n. that whioh is to be
IItriDm. at.lj. fourfold. built.
JI"+rl, v. to taste rancid; lIim6 gira, add. transparent;
deteriorate; fetid. clear.
lI6ta. adj. three. Jlim6-kun, n. adj. lameness;
116WA, adj. thirteen. lame.
116ta1~ add. three in one; Jlim61t. n. add. lightsome;
Trinity. cheerful.
116tam.6ta. add. three at a time; lIim~fnil. n. silent assurance;
by threes. inward knowledge; con·
116t+ta. adO. all three. scientiousness.
116wa. wld. ten ;. a decade. lIimil, adj. acute; sharp;
116wam6wa. adj. in groups of tenable.
tens; by tens. llimu. n. that which is to be
116..... adj. the whole ten. caught or taken; sharp.
lIIi, pron. (contraction of Emi) ness; keenncss; burning
I or me.---e.g., Mi 0 Ie 19 heat.---e.g., Mimu orun ko
(i.e., Emi ko Ie 11,1), .. I can· j9 mimu ab~, .. The burn.
not go. "---e.g. , Fifun mi, ing heat of the sun is not
.. Give me." like the keenness of a
Ill, v. to swallow; shake; razor."
jolt; jog; agitate; rook; IIfmu, n. that which i':l to he
tremble. drunk. adj. drinking.
IIf. v. to brea.; take breath; lIimilDibi. add. emetic.
respire. lIimimiBanra, adj. nutritious.
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MtM 174 MOM

MimfmisliD. Mimtmitlirb6, adj. M~, fl. to know; perceive;

lethargic; drowsy; slum- recognize; understand; be
berous. sensible.
Ml~, fl. to mix together; shake M~ adfl. again, any more
(as a bottle of medicine). (frequently preceded by
llirb, adj. another; something M8. or ~).-e.g., M&f&
else. (Contraction of Omi- lQ mq, .. Do not go again."
ran). M~, prep. against.--e.g., OkQn-
lliri, fl. to wag the head; nod. rin nii. sa il~kun m9 mi.
MirD, fl. t() wag the tail. .. The man shut the door
IIiai, fl. to breathe into. against me."
MUiti, fl. to shake with a heavy MO lm~j" fl. to conjecture.
tremor. MocU, fl. to know the origin; to·
Mo, pron. I.-e.g., Mo ti sQ, .. I be conversant with.
have said." MQCIi, fl. to fortify with walls.
M6ftn, fl. to understand the law. M9Iira. v. adj. to be trans-
Moj6., fl. to be tame. parently clear.
Moko, fl. to come to pass; IIQgba, n. see MagbA.
prevail; overpower.-e.g., JIWiri, fl. to build walls.
QrQ woli Mikaiah moko, MQhnngbogbo, adj. knowing aU
.. The word of the prophet things; omniscient.
Micaiah prevailed:' ~im~i, n. a kind of cake. See·
IIoj6.kilrO, fl. to take off one's Ol~.
attention: t() connive at. M~j6., MW6.m~, fl. to dawn; to
Maku, fl. to dive into. be light; to be until day-
MoJnm, v. to convalesce; light; to survive the night.
become strong. BQkaDla, adj. eleven.
M6ktiDlojiji, fl. to plunge and MOkoko, fl. to make pots; to·
dive. smoke a pipe.
M610, n. a Hausa guitar. Mokokanla, adj. the whole of the-
Bore, fl. to be grateful; to eleven.
know and acknowledge M~kun, fl. to halt; walk lame ~
kindness received. to be orippled.
M6ru, adj. sultry; close; warm. M~ fl. to be accustomed to.
M",em, fl. methinks; I suppose. M016, fl. to build a ho.use.
Mo,e, fl. to have power of Mol6mol6, n. an architect.
perception; to be pru- M~" fl. to shine; give light:
dent; dist'reet; sagacious; ~t, ad". close, or adhering tOo
judicious; skilled. the ground.
M~, adj. clean; clear; light as ~u. fl. to paste. cement or
day; shining; innocent. glue.
fl. to stick on; adhere ; M(im~ adfl. conscientiously;:
cleave to; paste t.o; add; knowingly; wilfully.
wrap up. B~O, ado. used with j~un, to·
BO, fl. to build: to stop; stay; eat; greedily: voraciously.
halt; generally followed by --e.g., 0 nj~un m9ffi9, "He'
H FL" is eating greedily."

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MOM 175 MU

MOm~e, adv. intentionally done. Mta-c1&k~, v. to still; make

M~ adv. even so; yes ; quiet; pacify.
so it is. Mta-dinil6jta, v. t{) ascertain;
M(lnfw6n, v. to be moderate; make sure; prove; con·
middling; few. vince.
MOnum~ adj. confidential. Mu-dara, v. to beautify; deck;
_a, adv. closely; near to. omament; decorate.
M~rAn, v. to know; be con· Mta-dAst. v. to cause to cease;
versant with. to stop progress.
M(lroro, adj. clean; decent. Mtad6, v. to bring near or to a
lIOfe, v. to be a ready doer; to point.; to produce.
be adroit. Mtad6, v. to put in fetters; to
M~t~lt, v. to know beforehand;
foreknow. Mtadt, v. to ripen; soften ;
MOtimOti, adv. closely; hard mitigate; ameliorate.
by; near to. Mtadtra. v. to weaken; soften.
~wt, v. to be able to swim. Mud,w(l, v. to slacken.
MQwQCluro, v. to cease; stop; Mudttnmudttn, (lP(ll9, n. brains.
stay the hand. MtadiJiJ6,1'. to quicken; enliven;
MOwOmOrm, adj. with hands animate.
tied to the neck. MtadiJiJO, v. to lubricate; mako
MQJ8, v. to know the value or slippery.
number of. Mtadm, v. to gladden; enliven.
M(lJm. v. to appreciate; be Mudmmtadm, n. brain; marrow.
polite to. -e.g., MiIdiInmudim baba
Mta, v. to take; bring; hold; li'j~, .. Marrow is the father
fetch; seize; catch; of blood."
an-est ; twinge. inplicate. Mtadttr6, v. to make to stand;
Mu, v. to drink; imbibe; suck. fix; substantiate.
Mta, adj. sharp; acute; keen; Mfafarabalt, v. to compose;
sagacious; animated; tart; ease; pacify.
pungent. Mta-f~ v. to cause to diminish;
Mu, v. to sink; disappear; be cool.
immersed in water; dive; Mtagb" v. to drain; dry up.
to be lost in a crowd. M\\guf, v. to make tidy; com·
MIi, n. rice. pact; make wi thin a small
Mta ara hu or tta, tJ. t{) weaken; space.
debilitate. Mta g6rit" v. to enthrone.
Mta-bAd6, v. to make equal; fit;. Mu g~, v. to stupefy.
square. Mu hAn, v. to shew; introduce.
Mta-b&j~, v. t{) spoil; debase. Mta hu, v. to cause to germinate ;
Mu-binu, v. to provoke; anger; create; originate.
exasperate; enrage. Mta ihinwa, v. to bring tidings ;
Mta-biai, v. to propagate, multi. announce.
ply, increase. Mta inta dUn, v. to gladden;
Mu-1IQsfpi), v. to rectify; remedy. rejoice the heart.

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IIfQide, fl. to bring forth; 116Itau, tI. see Mimu.

produce. lIa1t ~ ibi, tI. to conspire for
lIuje, fl. to undergo the ordeal evil purposes.
by water. 116 Itwi. tI. to beautify.
116jf, fl. to devour; eclipse; 116 1610, tI. to disappoint.
vanquish; overpower;
crush; outwit; suppress;
11616rfyj, tI. to enliven; amuse.
subdue.---e.g., 0 mu 9ran 116 I~e, tJ. to embolden;
na j~, " He won the case encourage.
(by outwitting his oppo- lIu m~ tJ. to introduce; usher;
nents)." inure.
lIujiDi, fl. to heal a sore; to II~ a4j~ sharp; severe; hot;
cook well. rigid; rigorous; high-
116 kiD6, fl. to make sorry; to spirited.
depress. 116mil~, tI. to aw8.ken pity.
:M6ki, fl. to thicken. sorrow, or grief. adj.
116 korO, fl. to embitter; evict. touching; pathetic.
116k6D, fl. to make full; com· 116DisaDra, a4j. conducive to
plete. corpulenco ; tending to
116k1iD, fl. to make to grumble; make fat.
. dissatisfy. lIufyin, tJ. to adorn. grace,
II6k6rO, v. to remove; take favour or dignify.
away; deduct; subt.ract; lIuu, tt. to be sharp; talkative;
avert; abstract; annul; loquacious.
except. 116pac1A, tI. to bring back;
116-k6r6, fl. to shorten; con· return; reclaim; restore.
tract. 116pam.~ tJ. to secrete; hide;
116 lAgbara, fl. to strengthen; keop.
enable. 116pari, 116p6, tI. to terminate ;
lIIfIlaradA, 116lara1e, fl. to heal; ! end; finish; consummate;
cure of sickness or defect; complete.
make well. 116pt, fl. to I>rolong; protract;
116lArayi, fl. to amuse ; inspirit; procrastinate.
animate; enliven. IIUH, tJ. to drink together_
116 JAr1iD, fl. to infect; make 116*, tJ. to cnripen.
sick. 1Iira, tJ. to make ready; pre-
116 Ie, fl. to stiffen; hamen; pare; be active; be alive.
enable; invigorate. lIungfri, tJ. adi. to be on the
116 16ke, tJ. to belie; prove alert; be tidy; Agile;
false; refute; accuse with alert.
a lie. 116rale, fl. to compact; to
116 len, tI. to strengthen ; st.rengthen oneself.
support. 116raant. 116rattIt, tI. adj. to
116 It. tJ. to strike firmly on the provide; be ready before-
ground. hand.
1111lt, tJ. to covenant; bargain; IIf1rt. fl. to compromise; CRUSt!
make agreement. to agrt'fI.

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MUR 177 NA
.urt, .ur.... 11. to propagate; Mtat.. v. to mislead; mis-
increase; produce; popu- direct; misuse.
late. M6foro, t'. to mske difficult .
• 6r6, 11. see MUd6r6. .u-fOtitQ, 11. to confirm; affirm.
.irQ, 11. to be soft and stic1.-y Mu-,~n, v. to mske (lne;
as paste; to be closed; unite; make equal.
decided; determined or Mutf, 11. to drink any intoxi-
settled (as a matter or cating liquor.
agreement). .utimuU, n. drunkard. Sell
.ur~, t.,. to soften. Qmuti.
MirQran, 11. to fa.cilitate ; .utfpara, .utfyb, v. to inebriate;
expedite. to be drunken.
.usb, .1lB1ndit, v. to improve; Mta ibm, v. to enlarge; magnify;
mitigate; reform; amelior- . aggrandize; amplify.
ate ; alleviate. Mta-i9, 11. to straighten.
M6sAold,lI. (Hausa) to alleviate ; Mta-tujtt, v. to moderate ;
better. modify; tame; calm.
Mu680, 11. to fructify; make .ta-wi, v. to cause to exist.
productive. .ta-wi, fl. to fetch; bring;
• u., ad'/). cheerfully and produce; afford.
quietly. (Used only aftur M6-wa~, 11. to make the mouth
R~rin, to laugh). water; to salivate.
Muln, v. t() cause to work for .6-w~ 11. to lodge; house;
nothing. make disappear; take to.
Muinta, 11. to harbour in the .6 WQl6, v. to bring in.
mind; infold. .ta wttsi, 11. to increase; multi-
M68o, t'. to tie down (as cattle). ply; magnify.
.6s0, inter. Hurrah! a shout Mta yanju, ". to simplify; Inak e
clear or plain.
of triumph or appla.use.
.ta yAr&, fl. to hasten; expedite;
.6s0w~. v. to hold; withhold.
Mtata, v. to cause t() withcr; to .ta rit~, v. make to differ; make
make a colour fade. unlike.
Mu.aisAn, 11. to mako sick; .ta y6, v. to vivify; quicken.
sicken. Mta yt, 11. t,O temper; prepare;
.~, v. to mako thin by qualify; make fit; adapt.
. dilution; diluto; make to .ta y~, 11. t() gladden; rejoice;
flClW easily. congratulate.
Mtate, v. to make do; initiate
into; perform.
• u.6dedll, v. to make equal. N.
.utekllDkllD, 11. .to hasten;
accelerate. N, sign of present parl.~.g., Mo
M11ft, 11. to come to pass; nlq... I am going. "
fulfil ; effect ; bring t() Na, adv. already; 110 BOon; in
pass; make effectual; per. the first place; first.-
fOl'1ll; execute. e.g., Iwl,l ti de nA 1 .. Are
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NA 178 NI

you come already? "---e.g., Jlaw~ (~w9), tI. to stretch the

Tt\te ~ eyi nB, .. Do this hand; pass from one's
first." hand to another.---e.g.,
Jli, pron. the same that; the Nawq iwe na Hi mi, " Hand
---e.g., Qk9nrin na ni, " This (or pass) me the book."
is the 118.Ille man." lI'wo-nAwo, n. a profligate;
JI., tI. to spend; cost; W88te; spendthrift.
trade with. Jldo, na, oatl. interrogation
Jla. tI. to flog; whip; chastise; (u.'Ied at the end of a
chasten; IMh. question to give it empha·
Jla. tI. to spread; stretch; sis).---e.9.,Iw9 Ie ~ iru ohun
extend; expand; dilate; b~ ndan (or na) ?" Are you
amplify; distend. able to do suoh things
Jla-c1aDu, v. to waste, squander. then! "
Jla-19, tI. to spread; extend; lIdao, oatl. no, never.
lengthen; expatiate. lIg, per8. pron. I, fraq uently
Jla-DiDakuna, tI. to waste, used instead of Emi and
squander. MO.-4!.g., Ng 0 19." I !lhall
Jla-Dip&f&D, v. to flog with a whip. go."
Jla-ro, tI. to erect; stand erect. lIi, demo pron. that.---e.g .• Kini
Jla-n, tI. to spread to dry, or ni nkq' "Where is that
air; see Na, to spread. thing r" Compoundvd with
Jla-tt, tI. to' spread flat or level, Bi. it assum\l8 the sense
as spreading mat on the of "though."---e.g.. Bi
ground. ami ko ti Ie 19 nt. 'Iugb9n
lIA-ga (na-iga), tI. to stretch mo m9 ohun ~bogbo ti Ii'
oneself so as to reach or 'Ie. "Though I oould not
see an object. go. yet I know all you did."
lIagudu, n. very full troUBers lIi, pron. cont.racted form of ~ni,
oonfined round the foot. one; someone (used in·
lIajA (D&-9iA), tI. to do husiness ; definitely).-t'.g.• 0 wi fun
to trade. ni pe on yio 19... He told
lIatui (na-ika-si), tI. toO point us that he would go."
the finger at; show; indio lIf, fl. toO have; occupy; obtain;
oate. poRBeBS ; get ; put in
lIandi. n. a blookhead; dunce; possession; load (as a ship
ass. or canoe).---e.g.. Mo ni fila
JliDi. tI. to care for; be meji daradara. "I have
concerned about; make two good oaps."---e.g.• Awa
much of; be anxious about. nikq." We have loaded the
Jla-tantu, tI. to stretch with canoe."
violence; throw into oon· Jlf, tI. to say.
vulsion or spasm.-e.g., Jli, tI. to btl; is; it is; ni is
J:dni na na a tantan, " The used in opposition to kq.
spirit oonvulsed him." " not. "--f'.g.. ~mi ni. " It
lI.wo (na-ow6), tI. to spend is I."-e.g., Emi kq ... It is
money; disburse; expend. not I."

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NI-L 179 NIB

Bi-lara, v. to be hard upon; Ifi-ailera, LaDera, add. weakly;

unellBY ; to be unoom- infirm; unhealthy; sickly.
fortable; be inconvenient. Ifi-alabApade. Lalab&pade, adv.
--e.g.,~ na ni mi lara, "The by chance; unexpectedly;
work is not easy for me." o.ccidentaJly.
Ifi-DiraD, v. to remind; to put Ifi-awe} &Jika. adj. round; cir·
in remembrance.--e.u., Mo cular.
ni Q nira.n f/n, ijQ ni, " I Ifi-bA, Ifi ilIA, v. to have fever.
remind you of that day's add. feverish.
word." Ifibayi, adv. now; just now.
Iff, prep. at; by; from; in; Ifibadebade, adv. suitably ;
on; to. (Nt is changed, fOl· opportunely.
euphony, into Li or L' IfibAba, add. coppery; pertaining
before all vowels except i). IfibAba, add. coppery; per-
--e.g., Baba na mb~ Ii oko, taining to copper.
"(My) father is in the Bi-bawi, adj. blameable; cul·
farm;" instead of"nt oko." pable.
Ni, Li, and more commonly Ifibaj" adj. hurtful; injurious;
L', expressing a oondition wrongful.
or state, are very much Ifi-beji, add. having twins.
Ulled in composition: the Ifib" adv. there; thence.
word to which it is joined Ifib~ adv. there; at that
modifies or determines the place.
signification.-c.g., Loke (Ii Ifibtru, arlj. having fear or
oke), .. on top;" .. above." droad ; dire : horrid;
NisaJ~ (n~ isal~), "at the horrible; timid; timor·
bottom."-e.g., Gba. 8oI1f/ wa OUS; formidable; awful;
If/wf/ (Ii f/wf/) r~. "Fetch terrible.
oloth from his hand."-e.g., Ifibi, prep. in or at a place. adv.
o mb~ lydy r~, " It is by here; in this place.
hUn." Ifibibaj" n. corruption; viola·
Ifi-adun, add. savoury; sweet; tion. add. violablo; COlTUpt.
plellBing. Ifibibayi, adv. at this very place ;
Ifi-agbara, Lagbara, adj. robust; this very spot.
strong. Ifibibiti, adj. wavy; waving in
Ifi-ani-ani, v. to have doubt; succession; following one
to be uncertain; to be upon another.
dubious. IfibibiD1I, adv. wrathfully;
Ifi-AIA, LA11. ailj. terminl\ble; angrily.
limitable. Ifibirere, adj. well.born; of
Iff-ara, Lara, adj. corporeal; noble birth or connexion.
carnal. Ifibidaiq, adv. at the place of
Ifi-abA, LabA, t'. to hav~ hope; judgment; tribunal.
bc hopeful. Ifibi-gbogbo, adv. everywhere.
Ifi-aiclaj1l, Laidaj1l, add. not Ifibikan, adv. some place; some·
clear; dubious; doubtful; where; in one place or
uncertain: locality.

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Nibikibi. adv. wherever; whore- Nidim-.m, adv. steadfastly.

soever; anywhere; whither- NiduiumQ, adj. slanderous ;
soever. defamatory.
Nibi-Dit&n, adj. well-born; well Riduro, adj. upright; in a
connected; of noble birth. standing posture.
NibiDu, adv. in a state of anger Nidl11'O-flU1flU1, adv. perpen-
or hostility; boisterously. dicularly.
NibiDuj" adj. sorrowful; griev- Rid~ adv. justly; up-
ous; heavy. rightly; firmly.
Nibi-oke, adj. uppermost; top- Nifaiya, adj. charming; be-
most. witching.
Ribiti, adv. at the place which ; Nilajuro, adv. crossly; fret-
where. fully.
Nibo, inter. adv. where ? NilaathiD, adv. backwardly.
Nib6 (Di-ibo), adj. wide; broad; Nilefe. adj. boastful; brRgging;
ample; having margin. ostentatious.
v. to be broad. adv. broad- Nil" Niflf" adj. lovely; loving;
wise. brotherly; having a will;
Nibomiran, Niboml, adv_ else- willing; amicable.
where;· in another place. Niftlmf', adj. lustful; lewd.
Nibu, Niburubu, adv. across; NiflnuhAD, adv. openly; frankly.
athwart. Niflyesi, adj. observable; notiCf'-
Nibub&, v. lying in wait for. able; wist.ful.
Nibukunfun, adj. having a Niloiya, adj. dreadful; fearful.
blessing for; blessed. NilqgbqDfe, adv. craft.i1y.
Ni-abiJA, adv. thwartingly ; NifQWQS9wQ, adj. elasped hands ;
across. unitedly.
Nidaba, adj. having hopEI; hope- Nigb&, ad'IJ. while; when; at a
ful. particular time.
NidAbu, adv. crosswise; side- NigbatiiQ, Nigba-atiiQ, adv. olden
ways; athwart. time; formerly; long ago.
Nidal, adv. now; at this hour. Nigbagbe, adj. negligent; for-
Nidaju, adj. trusty; certain; getful.
dependable. Nigbagbogbo, ad,,·. Rlways; at
Nidajudaju, adIJ. trustfully; all times; ever; aye.
certainly; candidly. Nigba-isisiJi, Nisisiyi, adv. now ;
Nidak" adj. tacit; silt'nt; quiet. this present time.
Nididara, adj. salutary; whole- Nigbakanri, adv. once; once
som~. upon a. time.
Nidaraya, adj. vivacious; lively. Nigbam,ta, adv. thrice; three
NidarudaP9, adj. confusedly; times; threefold.
indistinct; miscellaneous. Rigbameje, adv. seven times.
Nidaai, adj. sparing. Nigbameji, adIJ. twice.
RldawQle, adj. adventurous. NigbalDiran, Nigbami, adv. some-
Ridi, prep. concerning; about. times; a.t other times; at
adv. abaft; aft; 88tern. times.

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Rigbakugba, adv. s('lmetimes; Riha-qh1lll, prep. beyond; over;

oft; often; always; often- yonder; on that side of.
times; commonly; fre- Rihal" adj. boastful; osten-
quently. tatious.
NigbaDgba, adv.publicIy; openlf; Rihangliro, adj. a grating Bound;
plainly; candidly. shrilling; screaming.
Nigbana, adv. then. R'JhawQ, adj. greedy; stingy;
Higbati, adv. when; while; at miserly.
the time. NibiD, NihiDyi, adv. hence; here ;
Nigbapupq, adv. often; often- in this place.
time!!; oft; many a time_ RihiDJi-bayi, adv. here in this
Nigbatim~, adv. hereafter. place.
Nigbawo , adv. inter. adt'. when? Nihoho, adj. naked; in a state
at what time ? of nudity; bald; bare.
Higbayi, adv. now; at this time. Nihum~, adj. ingenious; wise;
Nigbayin, adj. seasonable; sagacious; inventful.
opportune. Niji, adj. contentious; quarrel-
Higberaga, adj. arrogant; proud. some; disastrous.
Nigbewo, adv. weightily; heavily. Nijamba, adv. suddenly; un-
Nigb", adv. afield. preparedly; disastrously;
Higb\lhiD, adv. afterwards; ulti- calamitous; mischievously.
mately; along; heroafter. Nijar~, adj. romantio; oxag-
Nigb,k~, add. trusty; worthy; gerating.
staunch. Nijed, adv. deservedly; praise-
Higb\'I&D, adj. vindictive. worthily; gainful.
Nigboiya, adj. intrepid; bold. Nije!o, adv. the other day.
Nigbona, adj. vehement; hot; Hij,ta, adv. the day before
feverish. yesterday.
NigbQran, adj. obedit'nt; atten- Nijokoj" adv. quietly; seden-
tive. tarily.
Rig9lq, adj. having a mane. RijqkaDlogbqn, adv. seldom.
Hiron. adj. angular. Hijqk,ta, adv. on the third day.
Niha, prep. about a place; on
Rijqgbogbo, adv. daily; every
thE! side of ; towards ;
Niji, adj. shady.
Niha-iha, adv. sideways.
lr1ba-ihiD, prep. on this side of. HijijiDa, adj. distant; far.
Hiha-ariwa, adj. northwl\rd ; NijiDd9lba, adj. equidistant..
northcrly. RijiDl" NijijiDl" adv. deeply;
Hiha-gusan, adj. southerly; profoundly.
southward. RikA, adj. cruel; wicked;
Riha-i1a-6rnD, adj. eastward; severe; rigid; brutl\l;
El88t.erly. vicious; mischievou'l;
R'1ba-iwC}-6run, adj. westward; naughty; inclement; in-
western; westerly. human: sanguinary.
Riha-ode, adj. outward; outer- Rikiki, adv. astraddle; lying
most. on the back.
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NIK 182 NtM

Hikaninu, adj. barbarous; Rika, adj. fatal; deadly.

savage; vicious; brutal. Hikiku, adj. in dying; dying.
Rikanju, ad". hastily; halter- Hikutul!:utu, ad". early; daWIl;
skelter. betimes.
Rikankan, Hilrankan¥i, ad". HilA, adj. striped.
vividly; hMtily. Rilaja, adj. amicable; peace.
HikaDDu, ad". wrathfully; able; hence O.nilaja, peace-
aggravatingly. maker.
RikaDra, adj. fretful; fro- HilIIi, adj. laborious; toilsome.
wardly; untoward. Hi-lara, ". to overpower; vex;
RiklDu, adj. penitent; merciful ; distress ; annoy; make
doleful; thoughtful. uneasy; overbunlen; over-
Hikan, adj. alone; single.-e.g., charge.
On nikan 10 wa, .. He came Hi-lara, adj. envious.
alone." Hi-lailai, ad". of old; in times
Rikarqofo, ad". solely; singly; past; of yore.
only. RO" ad". down; on shore; on
RikaWO, adj. wieldy; manage- the ground.
able; ready to hand. ROen, adj. healthy; hearty;
Rikf, adj. indulgent. hale_ ad". heartily; wall.
RikthiD, adv. afterwards; finally; RWe-aiya. adj. hard-hearted;
lastly. impertinent. .
Rikikan, ad". sourly. adj. sore; HWelD80 ad". tightly; hardly;
smarting. strongly.
Rikiki-qrq, ad". verbally. ROodisi, ad". contrariwise.
Rikiki-orukq, ad". nominally. ROorere, ""d. well-used; well-
HikikUD, ad". fully. adj. full. spent.
HikikC)ler8o adQ. well-bred. HOo1m1o, ad". extravagantly;
Rikiyesi, adj. considerate; oon· wastefully.
siderable ; observable. HOC)la, ad". slowly; tardily;
n~, ad". (used at the end of drowsily.
a question)-Then; How HOqwq1qwq, R0010, ad". lately;
then; How is.-e.g., lya recently; presently.
~ nky? "How is your ROu-ok8o n. inland country;
mother (then) 7 "-e.g., Eyi up country; interior;
ha nky? "How is this hinterland.
then? " lfim1jall, adQ. BOoty; full of
Rikqja, Hkqja, ad". in passing.- BOot.
e.g., Mo ri 9 nik9ja, Zie.-" I Himeji, Himejimeji, ad". two·
saw you when you were fold; two by two.
passing." Himol" adj. indolent; lazy;
Rikqja-rere, ad". well past; inactive.
well spent. Hfmim~, ad". willingly; wil-
Hik~kq, ad". in secret; secretly; fully; intelligently; know·
aside; apart; clandes- ingly.
tinely. Rimlm~, ad". holily; purely.
RikuDloju, ad". satisfactorily. add. clean; pure; holy;
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NUl 183 NIP

Kimqhuu-lbarbo. Kimq-ohuu- Kinu-eyiDa, adtJ. therein.

gbarbo, adj. omniscient; Ninu-rere, adj. generous; free-
knowing all things. hearted; humane; good-
Kimi>, adj. wise; skilful; having nlrtured.
knowledge; intelligent; Kipa, Nip&l\l, prep. by ; through;
significant; learned. in; according tc; with.
Kimqkan. adj. unequivocal; of Nip', adO. powerful; valiant;
one mind. able; potent.
Ifimqmeji, adj. doubtful; equi- Kipa-en, adv. hereat; by this.
vocal; dubious. Kipa-eyiD&, adv. thereby, by
NimnltfbqiD, adO. immovable; this very.
firm; well-grounded; sted- Kipa-eyiti, adtJ. whereat, where-
fast. by, whereBtl.
Kim.nl+, adtJ. secretly. adO. Nipa-\lda, adtJ. naturally.
bound to secrecy; initiated. Kipa-teji, adj. secondly.
KinA, adO. deserving to be Kipa-k,ta, adj. thirdly.
whipped or flogged; elastic. Nipa-meji, adj. two-fold; in
lIiDi, adj. 101lSY; having fire; two divisions.
fiery. Kipa-m,ta, adj. three-fold; in
IfiDakuDa, adj. prodigal; waste- three divisions; treble.
ful. NipaIapAla, adj. rugged; craggy.
Nini, adO. attainable. Kipamq, adtJ. secretly; clan-
KfDi, adO. po88e88ing; hardy. destinely.
NiDi, adtJ. very; exceedingly Nipa-oke, adj. upwards.
(qualifying v. Tutu, " to be Nipar&, adj. harmful; destruc-
cold.")-e.g., Omi yi tutU tive; hurtful; noxious.
nini, .. This water is very Kipari, prep. phrase. in con-
cold." elusion; in ending.
KiIWIiDA, adtJ. long; stretched Niparuu, adj. ruinous.
out. Nipataki, adtJ. principally;
KiDikawq, tJ. to possess; tc have chiefly; specially; par-
control over; be master of. ticulllrly.
adO. expert; masterly. Kipa-ti, prep. concerning; where-
rmiDu, tldj. capacious. by.
NiDiDu, NiaiDu, adO. harboured Ifipati, adv. by the tendon of
in mind; spiteful; pre- the heel.
possessed; prejudiced Nipe, the abbreviation viz.,
against. " namely;" that is.
NiDira, adj. incommodious. Ki-pe-bi, adtJ. that a,'I; inasmuch
Nino, prep. in; inside; among; as.
from within; inward. KiptkUD, n. end; conclusion;
Kinu-Dinu, adj. inmost. termination. adO. final;
Kinu-buburu, adj. malignant; utmost.
malevolent; mischievous. KiPttlU, adv. continuOllB.
Ifinu-eyi, adv. herein. NipiDDu, adj. finite; final;
Ifinu-8Jiti, adtJ. wherein; where- decisive; determinable.
unto. rJpip6, adtJ. fully; thoroughly.
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NIP 184 NI~

NipipA, ad11. baldly; bl\l'ely. Niroju, add. grievous; painful;

NipO, prep. instead; in the room baleful; tedious; slow;
of; situation; place. wearisome.
NiptlD, add. to be thick at the Nirolmro, ad.1. fantastical;
edge (as a plank) ; thick. imaginable; irregular.
Nipqnju, comparatitle degree, NirorO, ad11. untowardly; fro·
thicker than. wardly.
Nipqll,ju, Ni-ip9D.iu, adj. trouble· Nironu, see Niro.
some; uphill; difficult. Nirora, adj. painful; mournful.
NiraD, 11. to remember; call to NirQra, adj. easy; pleasant.
mind; have" recollection ad11. comfortably; easily;
of; to remind.-e.g., 0 ni happily; advantageously.
mi niran 9~ na, "He I1irqrUn, ad11. with facility;
reminded me of the con- easily; lightly.
versation. " Niruju, ad11. confusedly; equi-
Nira, adj. difficult; uncomfort· vocally. adj. dubious;
able; uneasy; awkward. doubtful.
Nira, Ni-lara, 11. to worry oneself. Niruduradu, ad11. confusedly.
-e.g., 0 nni ara ~ lara r;a" tumultuously.
" You are simply troubling NiIal\l, prep. underneath; be-
yourself." neath; below; down.
Ni-ra, Ni-an, 11. to be froo; be Nisi-gbogbo, adv. at all timeR;
one's own master. every time; hourly.
NiraDltlwtl, adj. helpful; con· Nilan, adj. of some importance;
ducible. much; plentiful; con-
Nirer&. ad11. proudly; loftily. siderable.
Ni-iwa-rere. adj. virtuous. NiIiAn, adj. convalescent.
Ni-r6r6. Di-okere-r6r6. ad11. far Nfsi, 11. to care; be concerned
off; far away. about a. thing; take
Nireti, add. hopeful; expectant. interest in.-e.g., Emi kO
NirojO. adj. deceitful. nisi, " I have no care about
Nir~lO. adj. humble; low. ad11. it."
lowly; humbly. Nisisiyi, ad11. soon; now; just.
Nir_ adj. laughable; ludi. now; directly; immediately;
croUt!. forthwith; shortly; anon;
Nirin, n. a kind of rat. Also already.
called 010, ~liri. NiBiI9,8, add. declarable; speak.-
Nirira, adj. hateful; odious; able; utterable; demon-
loathsome; filthy; abomin- strable.
able. Nia6rU, adj. po_ing patience •
NirirO. adj. worth consideration patient; long-suffering.
or thought. Nftan. adj. muscular; nervous;
N~. adj. tender-hearted; to sinewy.
be soft; to be yielding. NifU, add. tidal; fluid; flow-
NirO, Nironil, adj. thought.ful; ing; liquid.
serious; rueful; solemn; Nifaju, ad11. before; formerly ~
considerate. first; prior.

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185 NIW

N~ adtJ. word for word ; Ifititiju, adj. former; foremost_

verbatim. lfititAn, adv. falsely; deceit-
Nit\l. adj. laborious; toilsome; fully.
diffioult. lfititAn, adtJ. coming to an end;
Nitfl11D. adj. viotorious; con- finishing; exllaust,ingly ;
quering; superior. in ooncluding.
NitolQwq. adtJ. busily; he knows Nititobi, ad'IJ. largely; bulkily.
how to do the work; he is Nitito,.e, adtJ. worthily; merito-
working. riously.
Nitekute. adtJ. badly; shabbily; Nititan, adv. newly; reccntly;
lewdly. afn.>ah.
NittpuP9. adj. very laborious; Nititujade. adj. oozing out.
toilsome. Nitori, Ifitorina, conj. because;
Nitijibo, adj. umbra.geou.<;; shady. thereforo; on account of ;
Nitina, adj. erroneous; erratio; wherefore; for the sake of_
illusive. -e.g., Nitori mi Ii 0 'Ie ",a,
Nititaro. adj. meditative; " He came on my account."
thoughtful. -e.g., Nitol-ma mo bl;' 9 tit
Nitite-oflD, adj. legislative. "Therefore I beg you."
Nifodisi, prep. oountilr ; in Nitori-kini P adv. why? where-
opposit.ion to; a.gainst. fore ?-e.g., Nitori-kini 0 ~
Ifitqkan. adj. united; concur- wa? "Wherefore are you
rent; acting in uniformit,y. come! "
Nlf9na, Nit9ra, adj. vigilant; Nitosi, prep. close; near; hard
wary; heedful; discreet; by; adjacent; a.bout..
watchful. lfit6~. adv. in trut,h; truly;
Niti, conj. in that. prep. of; j U!ltIy; v~rily; cordially;
oonoerning. rertainly ; realty; sin-
Nitalaka, u.c1j. indigent; poor; rerely ; heartily; fitly;
in a state of poverty. veritably; unfeignedly;
Ifitara, adj. sanguine; zealous; indeed.
warm; full of activity_ NitQwo, adj. tasty.
Ifitol\l. odtJ. boforehand; early. lfitUJnQ. adj. explanatory; illus-
Nit\liumQ. ad.tJ. wistfully; stead- trative.
fastly (looking towards); Nitara, adj. breezy; C(IOling;
knowingly. refreshing; salubrious;
lfit,numQ, adj. instant.; affirm- comfortable.
ing. NituwQka, adj. liberal; frank;
lfiW,W" adtJ. 10Yingly; will- free-handed; open-handed.
ingly. Ifiwa. t'. to have a good dis-
Ifitiju, adj. bashful; disgrace- position; be affable; be
ful; dishonourable; shame· kind ; to have a good
faced. quality.
lfiHnu, Nino, prill'. in; within; NiwA, v. to exist; to have a.
inside. being.
Ifitipil"", adj. original; deriv- Ifiwa. Niwajn. prep. (used before
able. a place or person); for-

D'QitizedbyGoogle ....

ward ; ahead; before ; Niyarayara, ad". speedily;

heyond. hastily; quickly; expe-
Niwa-agbara, adj. violont ; ditiously.
tyrannous. Nlyakata, adtJ. astride.
Niwa-buburu, adj. wicked; NiJ6, ". to remember; to have
malicious. thought. adj. wise; dis·
Niwa-funiun, adj. imma.cula.te. creet.
Niwa-ilEa, Niwakiwa, adj. bar· NiJe. adj. valuable; worthy.
barous; waywa.r4; cruel. NiJeblye, adj. precious; valu·
Niwa-tutu, adv. gent.ly; meekly. able; of untold value.
Niwarapa, Niwipa, adj. epileptic. NiJelori, adj. valuable; costly.
Niwara, adj. anxious; desirous; NiJeniDu, ". to have a good
eager; impatient. ad". memory; have under-
RIlxiously. standing.
NiwAra, adj. milky; having li'l)'m, adj. grand; famous;
milk; milch. dignified ; glorious; hon-
NiwAmimq, adj. innocent; pure; ourable; laudable; com-
clean; modest; holy. mendatory ; notable.
Niwa-qflm, adj. virtuous; NiJiJaDu, Niyiya-tDu, adj.
righteous. wonderful; marvellous.
NiwiD, adj. demoniacal; ghostly. NiJiJ" ad". deservedly; fitly;
Niwiwi, adj. ta.lkable; declarable; duly; worthily.
in dedaring.---6.g., Niwiwi li'1)'" Ni-iJ" adj. feathery;
emi 0 wi, .. Talking, I will having feathers.
talk." NiJ~Du, adj. tender·hearted ;
Niwoy8, ad". cautiously; cir· merciful; compassionate.
cwnspectly; warily. NiJqDu, adj. troublesome;
Niwoyi, ad'll. now; about this burdensome; cumbersome.
time. Nj" Njt-hi, ad". then; if then;
Niwq, adj. poisonous; baneful. if so; therefore.
Niwqbia. Niwqra, adj. greedy; Njt-Dkq, adtJ. and now; there-
lascivious; voracious. fore.
NiwQn, adj. measurable; limit· Nkim (contracted from Ohun
able. prep. about; about Qka.n), n. a thing; a cer-
thc number or mea..'!ure of. tain thing; something (used
NiwqDhi, ad". inasmuch as ; indefinitely); goods.
since. Nkan-ki-Dkan, pron. anything
NiwQDJi, pron. these. whatsoever; whatever.
NiwqDtnn-wQBSiD, adt·. temper. Nk~ (OD-kq), ad". not (lit.-it ill
ately; modera.tely; midd- not that).
ling. NkulQ. prell. pare. dying.---6.g.,
Niwu, Niwiwu, adj. charming; Mo nkulc;>, .. I am dying."
pleasing ; amicable. Nla, adj. great; large; illus-
Niwuwo, ad". heavily; weightily. trious ; eapita.l ; huge ;
Niyanu, adj. wonderful; stu- largely; august.
pendous ; marvellous. lIla-DlA, adj. very great; very
NiJat~. adj. different; various. large.

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NN 187 ODJi:

Nn (un-lin), adD. not (frequently "-e.g., Wi

in exclamations) ; " Tell
no! ., to
Nu, brighten clean;
shine. 0, adv. asscnt), yes; hear;
Nu, liu-nu, v. to wipe off; very well.
el'8Re. Obi, n. tho female of cattle.
Nu (IIQ-nu), v. to be lost; go Obi, n. the kola nut.
omit. Obi-~dun, the
Nu, ; away.-e.g., Gbe kola
" Ca..'!t it away."-
e.g., Ko 0 da nil, Gather
Obirin, n. woman; wife; female.
them and throw them
away." Obirin-ologun, n. amazon.
Nu-kuro, v. to wiPfl off; cancel; Obirikiti, n. compass; circlo;
expunge. cycle; sphere.
N,o, v. (imp. mood); Obi~t~, to travail child.
; go on.-e.(l., Nilo, hirth.
on."-e.g., Ni/okaI9. Obll, n. vagina. (" Ab9 I!hould
" Let us go." wways be used in transla.
NWQn, premo they. tion.)
Nyi, v. rotating; turning round. Obll, n. 0. hint; ,private infor·
Aiye nyi, The earth mation.
revolving; " " times 0b6, kind of
changing." Ob5, an instrument used for
Nyin, v. to praise. separating cotton from the
Nyin, pron. (contr. of Jl:nyin), seed.
ye; you. Olobotujt (bo-tu-j\l), n. the
having principle of
o. unf!avou:ry insipid;
n. a stale egg; a
of sa.!tiah rock.-e.g.,
0, prun. an abbrov. of IW9, you; Obu ko to iY9, " Obu is not
thou. In the objective case
to be compared to reGI salt."
it may be Q.
0, On, he; she
out-of-deers street;
0, him; her (For
of <luphouy may bat.-
be changed to a, e, \', i, 9, u. e.g., Bi a. ko ri Man, a fi
-c.y., Mo £9 9 ... I want it." od~ l(I~b9, " If you cannot
-e.g., Mo ri i, " I see it.") obtain a large bat for
0, verb daunt,ing the sacrifice, a small one will
shall, will. instead" one must
0, aux. may (whcn preceded the will deed).
by kij.-e.g., Ki emi 0 Ie OM, Odid\l, n. the parrot. See
19, " That I may be able to Ofe.

ODt 188 OGB

001. n. malice; implacablcncss ; Olen, Oil, n. twilight; dawn.

grudge; spite.-(l.g., Bi Of ill, adj. light blue colour.
inn ko row, odi a ni inu, Off,r.. a loom.
" n a man (lit.-the mind) Ofljl, n. one who forgives.
is not malicious. some one 0flD, n. law ; prohibition;
will be malicious against commandment; discipline;
him." statute.
Od6, n:stubbornness; obstinacy; OflD-Aclasq, OflD-Ayaba, n. by-
strong ill·will. law.
Odi, n. a walled fortification OflD-m.,wa, n. the ten command-
round the town; fort; ments; decalogu~.
rampart; fastness; cit·adel ; 0flDdD, n. aggressor; assault"r ;
wlU'd; a dumb person. one who seeks a quarrel.
Od1. n. contratiness ; perversity. 016, n. loss; calamity; woe;
Odidi, 11.. hunch; oluster; the damage; misfortune; dcvas-
whole of anything; lump. tat,ion; wastefulness.
Odidi-iwe, n. volume of a book. Ofo, n. emptiness; privat.ion;
OOiD6., n. a passionate person. vanity.
006, fl. brook; river; str.>am· Of6f6, n. busy·body, tale·
let.---e.g., Ode') gb\', rna gb\, bearer.
orukQ, "The stream may Of61'6, n. squirrel.
dry up, but tho! water· Ofurufu, n. emptiness; vacancy;
COUJ'll') retains its name:" void; the firmament; sir.
Od6 Af\lltlaia, n. ford; shrulow -e.g., Ofurufu ko ~ if~hin
brook or river. ti, " One cannot lean upon
Od6, t'. pig. See JjlI~\I. emptiness."
Od6, n. a mortar. Ogb6, t~. a nap; a short sleev.
Od646, adj. scarlet. Ogbe, n. th.. comb of feathered
OOodo, n. truth; fact; just,ico; fowls.
equality; right; righteou'l' Ogbe-Akukq, n. cock's comb.
nes.'1. Ogb." ODgb." n. thirst..
OOlldl, OOorodlo adv. nevtlr; not Ogbif~, n. an int~rpreter.
in the least. O,bigli, n. a species of owl.
Odu, n. boiler; cauldron. add. OgM, n. old age; a sword
Vtlry big. with two edges.
OdD, n. companion of Ifa, the OgM, n. a small animal of the
god of palm nuts. cat trihe remarkahle for its
Od6., n. name of an herb.---e.g., sharp teeth.
Odu ki ~ aim9 oloko, O,M, n. a wooden club.
.. Odu is not unknown to a Ogbagb6, n, name of a tret>.
farmor." OlugboDgbo, Olugbondoro, Gbon-
OOudua, OOua, n. a godde&; ,bo, n. club; mallet.
from Iff;l, said to bc the O,boju, n. (Goo-oju, old face),
supreme goddlll!8. Heaven a bold or daring person; a.
and earth are al'1o called mighty man.
Odudua. Ogbologbo, adj. very old; of
Of6, n. parrot; clever person. long standing.

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Ogbonit'll, n. an experienced Ogtm, n. that which is ebtainoo.

worker; a veteran. by inheritance; heritage;
Ogboni, Qgb.,Di, n. sir; old man; bequest. twenty.
master. n. the of iron and the
Ogbonit'll, n. an pel'Ron god of
distressed circumstances. Ognn, n. medicine; poison;
Ogboiya, adj. brave. spell; charm.
Ogboy&, n. a about thc agnn, n. sweat; perspiration.
of a cnt. Ogun, n. army war; battle;
Ogbugbu, n. wild duck; of fight;
grass; dyed cott.on. Ogun-Jjll\l.m, n. cavalry.
Oge, n. coxcomb; fop. Ogunna, Oguna, n. live eoals;
Ogede, atlt,. only. live ernbem.
Ogungun, n. of a
Ogedemlbe, Ogedelbe, adv. Ogunmeje. adj. sevenscore.
long; precipitately.
Ogunm\lta, adj. threescore.
agi, n. starch of Indian corn.
Ogurodo. n. the name of a bird.
OgidigbO, n. a of drum. agarodo, n. standing posture.
agidi, strong undiluted a,arO, Or9ro, wino made
wine. from the sap of the bamboo.
agida, adj. perpendicular; sus· ag6.s9, n. a long tobacco pipe.
pended. Oho-a, inter. word of tlxolama·
Ogiri, wall. tian.
agin, gallop; l'limultaneous Ohun, n. voie,,; sound; note;
rUBh.-e.g., E~in dogIri, cry ; language; wne ;
.. The horse galloped." vote.
agir!., flo.voul'ing made Ohun-adidnn, sweetmeats;
melon !leedB. confectionery.
Ogo, n. glory; praise; applause. Ohun-aim~, n. an unclean thing.
Ogo-asan, n. vainglory. Ohun-aUn9. n. strange thing;
ago, one placed unknown circumstanoe.
debtor's house to Ohou-ara, n. new fashioned
payment of a deht ; article; newly invented
pledge. thing.
Ogodo, n. calf; colt; the young Ohun-asan. n. a gewgaw; a
beasts in general. bauble; vain thing.
agOda, name a di!!oaRc; Ohun~atu-gbm, Ohun-atulQ, n.
yaws. transplanted plants.
Ologodo, n. one having yaws. Ohun-elo, n. apparatu.'!; neces-
agodogba, n. a animal. 8aries; vcssels; hOIDIehold
furniture utensils.
OgOj! (ogun-ejil, adj. forty.
Ohun~'bQ, n. sacrifice vicHm.
agongo, n. ostrich. Ohun-\I1'i, n. credential.
Ogudugb~ (see Asunklin), n. Ohun-\lrQ. n. machinery ;
dropsy. machine engine.
Oguf'll, a wether. Ohun~flfin. n. carved work an
agnnm9, n. an edible herb. engraving.

Obun-ilo. n. utensils; articles Ojin, '£. messenger; servant.

for use. OjiyA (it-bA), n. an innocent
Obun-irant!, n. memorial. sufferer; an oppres.'1ed
Obun-jatujAtu, Obun-jatijAt!, n. person.
trumpery; trifling. OjijAn (jA-iyAn). n. A. re8.llOner ;
Obun-jUt. n. eatables; food. ono who contradicts or
Obun-kan. n. a thing; anything. denies.
Obun-kikiDi, n. a small thing. Ojo. n. rain.
Obun-ogUD (also Nkan-ogun, Oj6-winniwinDi, n. drizzling
Ihamqra-orun). n. armour; rain.
weapon of war. Ojo. n. cowardice; fear; a.
Obun-qmqbirin. n. the menlltlS. cowal.'d.
Obun-qmq-lI:QDriD, n. the seed Oj6bO. n. slip.knot; noose.
of copulation; semen. OjOgin. n. a nickname for the-
Obun-Qll&, n. tools (",.-working scorpion. properly co.llod
implements). AkE!kE! from the smart sting
Obun-qrt, n. alms; offertory; of its tail.
charity. OjOg6n. Ajog{m (j~). n.
Obun-Q1'UD, n. heavenly thing; hoir.
spiritual or divine thing. Ojojo. n. ague; fit.
Obun~ fl. dress ; decoration. Ojojo-gbigOOna, '1'1. a burning
Ohun-QIin. n. domestic creature ; fever.
herd; cattle. Oj6jule (oju-oju-ile), adfJ. from
Obun~. n. peculiar article; hoWle to hOUSE!.
a thing set apart; respected Oj6jumq (-mq), ad". daily;
thing. every day.
Oioo. OJioo. OJinbo, n. one who Oj6r6. n. one who cheats at
comes from the country play; cheating at games.
beyond the seas; a white OjowU (io-QwU). n. a je3lolls
man. porson.
Oje. n. sap of trees; gum. OjoJe, Ij07e, (-oJ6) n. ruler; a
OJ 6, n. lead. man of title.
OU, adj. forty. Ojq. n. ad". daily; lasting for
Oji, n. fine imposed for the the .lay; ephemeral.
guilt of adultery. Oju, n. eye; aperture; appear-
Ojfa, n. gum of trees. ance; face; look; front;
Ojigbele, Ajigbele (j"b6le). n. edgtl of a knifc or sword.
a debtor. Oii. Ojuju, fl. so"'; soar ;
OjigbQn, n. comer of a house; ulcer.
eable. Oju....bAr6. n. gutter; wide
Ojiji, ad". suddenly; without road laadin~ from the
pl":l\'ious notice. tl. CI\8· pala.ce.
ualty. OjubO. n. loophole; mortice.
Ojljl, OJ!, n. IIhadow; shade; Oju-aiye, n. fa.ce of the earth;
umbrage. thE> ground.
Ojiji, n. an electric fish ; Oju-6fln, n. the chimney, pipo.
electric eel. Oju-Iereae, n. a window.

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OJU 191 OKi

Oju-flfaro. n. sad countenanl)e. OjuriD. n. the seam of clothes.

OjU-rM. n. an equal; com· Ojvere. n. favour; grace.
panion. Oj11l&ju (oju-isa-oju), n. re3p6ct ;
Ojugun (oju-igun). n. forepa.rt honour; regard.
of the leg, Rhin. Oju'1ik&. n. keyhole.
OjukaDna.Lojukanna (oju-qkan- Oju-sun. Orison (-isun). n.
Ba). adv. inRtantIy; im· Ilpcrture from which water
modiately. springs; spring; fountain.
Ojukoju, Ojukanra. n. an inter· Oit-wi (-Iwa), n. ono who ~ha.res
view; lojukoju, face t.o or divides.
face. Ojuy6ju, n. the very facc; the
Oju-ko-bire (-ba-ire). n. a bird fl\C6 itself.
called the oricket catcher. Oks. Or1\ka. n. ring.
Ojuk6k6ro. n. covetousnel's ; Oka-eti, n. earring.
worldliness; avarice.-e.g., Oll:an. Owo-kan, n. one cowry;
Ojuk/)k/)rlJ, baba 9kanjua, one piece of money.
.. CoveOOusness, father of Okan.... n. chest; bl'f'ast.
unsatisfiod deli1ire."
Ojuku, ". the touch·hole of a
OkA. n. a counter; accountant.
gun. Oke, n. 001'; hill ; mount;
Ojulaf,m (-fV-,m), n. time· mountain. adt·. up·hill.
Iltlrver. Oke-rbOf9, n. high tableland.
Ojule. 7•• a. compound; a house; Ok81e. n. morsel; 1101'.--1'.9.,
a room; a dwellill6 1'la06. OkeIe gMngM f~ 9my li
OjulumQ (-m.-imQ). n. l\Clquaint. oju, .. A large morsel (is
"nce. sure 00) choke a child."
OJ.. n. dawn; daylight.- Okel6, n. a smrul package of
e.g., OjUmQ mQ, 0 nY9, salt; also calltld Ji:Iik~.
.. When the day dawns you Ok61~DjIl, Kekelenje, n. a slnrul
rejoice." kind of lizard.
Oj6-nJa. n. covetoU'mess (Ut.- Okllrll, n. a. distan06.
big.eye.-i.e., an Pyc which Oker6ker6. n. part of a loom;
is ne"er satisfied). cartilage; gristlc.
Ojt-6ri. n. grave. n:
Okete. bale of goods; ",nllet ;
Oju-owo, n. principal 011 which baggage.-e.g., Oket~, baba
intf'rtoSt ill paid. ogun, bi a ~i ogun 61Uku-
Oju-qj9. Oju-sanma, n. the IUku ni idl. okete 19w9, .. A
weather; air. stoM of food is the best
Oju-Qrun. n. IIky; firmament; equipment for war; when
hoaven. ' war is proclaimed uvery
Ojupo (-Ipo), n. a place in the man tnkes up' his wallet."
palaoo, where the king sits Ok6t6. n. a kind of large rat.
00 get fresh air. Okl, Okiki. n. flattery; com·
Oju-pqn. 11. 00 suffer trouble; plimentru·y; title.
to get inOO difficulties. Okl, 11. the act of mi&ling fire
Oiuran (-iran). n. dream; vi'lion ; (as a. 81m). adj. invulnor·
trance. ableness.

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OK! 192 OKU

Okikf. n. fame; celebrity; Ok6t6, n. snail; a llmall land

rumour; report.--e.!1., Okild shell.
Oyinbo k8.n ka gbogbo Ok6t6-0kllD, n. lIea shell.
aiye, " The fame of Oyinbo Okfl., n. corpse; carcase; adj.
spreads throughout the useless: insipid; savour-
world." less.
Okikiri, n. hardness; difficulty; Oku-ClrUD, n. deadly savour; a
knot.-e.g., 0 kAn okikirl, troublesome fellow.
" It comes to the knot (or Ok6du.u. Okimdu, n. appetite ;
difficult point)." the love of sweet things.
Okipa-Aja, n. mastiff; an old Okuku, n. the woof.
dog. Okuku, n. the name of a. tree
OJdribiti, n. circle; encom- with valuable healing
passed space. J:lroperties.
Oklti, n. hcap; hill; mound; OkuD, n. strength; ability;
hillock; a kind of gymnastic power; stamina.
exerciso ; someIsault ; head- Oku.u. n. cord; rope; string.
long fall. Oku-Alautaku, Owu-AlaDta-
Okltl.qgu, n. ar. ant hill. kI1D, /1-. the cobweb;
Okltl-ar6, n. the refuse from spider's web.
dye. oku-Apa, n. rope of fibre;
Okitl-Ebe, n. yam or com beds; cord.
hillock for plantation. Oku-duru, ,to fiddlest.ring.
Okitl-!ru, n. a heap_ of potash
ash!;.,. OkUD-ijauu, n. the bridle-string ;
the bridle.
Okltip6, n. the name of a tree.
Okiyan, n. an animal which
Oku-erewe, n. running plant
whose fibres are used for
lives under rocks.
making cord.
Oko-riro, n. ftgriculture; tillage.
Oko, n. farm ; plantation;
Oku-kitb6ait, n. wOr.lted.
prt)vince; dopend(;nt; dis- Oku-QibQ, n. flax; hemp;
tricts; towns. thread.
Ok6, n. the penis; the foreskin; Oku-ole. ft. name of a running
lock of a gun. plant.
'Oku~, n. th", driit of words ;
Ok6, Ok6w6, n. twenty cowries.
Ok6, n. a stono used to throw or t.enor.
cast ; name of a disoase; OkUn-tiDriD, Oku-~, n. twine.
giving birth to t.hree young Oku, OkUnku.u. n. darkness;
ones at a time. horror.
Oko-Al" n. afternoon'l! work. OkuD, n. sea; salt water.
Ok6-ibQD, n. lock of a gun, or OktlDA (oku-qna), n. old path;
musket. forsaken road.
Oko-,ru. n. bondage; slavery; Okunf' (okuD-ila), n. an
captivity. attraction; that which
Ok6-b6, n. cunuch. encourages.
Ok6b6, n. lie; falstshood; liar. OnD-jauu (-ija-fIlU), n. the
Ok9, 0ruk9, n. name. reins.

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OkUDrUb, QkuDrllD. n. illness; formant.~.g., 016b6 19

disea.sc. mi, .. A hint hM been given
Okura (oku-ira), n. anything (lit.,-thrown) to me."
rotten; booby; a dull Olodi, n. a fortified plaoe; a
person; a dunce. wa.lled town.
()k6.-r6rb, n. an austere, hard, 01&1" n. t·ht' owner of a parrot.
ill-teml"'red person. OI6do-omi, u.. a man owning
Okuf' (qti-qki), n. liquor brooks of water.
brewed from Guinea corn. OI6dodo, n. a true. just, or
Oku-l" Afal, (oku.u" 1m-sa righteoWi person.
il\l), n. exhausted and un- Olodumaro, n. the Almighty;
productive land. the self-existent Being ;
OktuJu, n. refuse from dyeing God.
vats; name of an animal. Ololere, n. nl\DlEcl of a bird.
Okut&, n. stone (in general), 01616, n. a sufferer of losses;
Okuta-Abtr" Okuta-imabts" n. 0. loser.
loadstone. 0lM6f6 (-OI6f6), n. traitor;
()k6ti-akq, n. quartz; granite; busy-body; talc-bearer.
any hard Atone. OI6gM, n. a title of one of the
Okuta-E1&6, Okuta-~tW1ir6, n. king'l private councillors.
limestone. who also acts the part of
Olmta-lbqn, n. flint (lit.-gun- chronicler or narrator of
stone). ancient traditions.
Okuta-iponrin, n. grindstone; OlbgM, OlogiJmi, n. a. cat.
whetstone. Olorirf, n. a speci\lS of palm
Okuta-p\!l,b" n. slab; flat bird (called the 'Ehu).
stono. 016g6 (tDi-c}g6),n. dun; bailiff.
Okuta-w,w." Okuta-wijr" n. 016g6U, add. forty cowries' worth.
gravel; loose stones. 01010, n. an honourable man;
()k6.-ye (ku-iy6), n. person of one had in honour.
dull memory; dunce. Ologott, n. sparrow.
OlA, n. the moth which eats Olilgim, 0nif6gOn (Di-arun), n.
cloth. doctor; phy8ician.
0lA, n. . that which saves; Olllgb, Oloriorun. n. a war-
salvation; the cause of chief.
salvation. OIOl11Df"', n. nl\Dle of a tree
01i, n. thief; rohber; spoiler; dedicated to the god of
robbery; th"ft. hunting.
OIi-Afqwqr6, n. petty theft. 016gOr~ Qi~9 (Di-ogOrQ), ft.
pilfer. dea.ler in bl\Dlboo wine.
016, 0r0l6, n. roof of a house. Ologtlru, n. a kind of small bird
010, n. a. mouse. generally found in flocks.
Olobi, n. kola nut seller. 01llrb6, add. late (of a dead man).
01obiriD, n. a married person. ~.g., Ugbl\ja. ologbe,
OlobiriD-meji, n. a bigamist. .. The late so-and-so."
()16b6 (,Di-ob6), n. one who 016hOn (-ohOn), n. a man of
cautions another; an in. influence.
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010h1lll, n. owner: possessor; Olori-Ine, n. a strong.headed

master. person; a blockhead..
Oloje, n. the name givfln to gin. Olori-OI1IIl, n. war·officer.
0loj6, 1Ilijo (,Di-ajo), n. Olori-qkq, n. captain of a ship.
stranger. Olori, n. wife of 1\ great penson.
016j6 (,Di-oju), n. oneself; the OloriD, n. singer; warbler;
oWner of a t,hing. minstrel; musician.
016jUkan (Di-oju-kan), n. one· Olwun (Di-wun), n. owner
eyed person. of a fountain or spring.
010ju-k6korO, n. miser ; a Olbrqa (Di-orlfa), n. idolater;
covetous person. worshipper of idols.
Olojuaju, n. a pt'l'BOn of respect; 01or6 (-oro), n. a venomous
a men.pleasor. animal.
016kiki, n. a famoUtl one; R OIOroro, n. that which produces
notable person. oil; 110 dealer in oil.
016kiti-iro, see Okitl·arO. Olorukq (-orukq), n. 110 famous
016ko, n. the owner of the farlll ; person (lit.-he who has
a farmer. name).
016ko..,.m, Opiy" n. the man Oliirun, n. 1\ sleeper.
who cuts grB.'9S for horses;
OIOfOnw~D, n. that which has
the groom.
OlokOn (Di-okOn),n. rope·maker; measurement; ha"ing
one having rope. weight.
OlokOn, adj. fibrous; ropy. 016tq (Di-otitq), n. true; just;
016kuDrOn (-okUurOn), n. a faithful person.
patient; one sufferin~ from 016wo (Di-owo), n. a rich person.
illness. Olowu, n. a spiunor of cot.ton;
01011 (-i1&), n. one who makes a dealer in coiton.
tattooing his trade. 016yi, n. comb maker; dealer
Olomi, n. that which has wiloter ; in combs.
watery. 016y6 (tDi-ore), n. a person of
Olomije, n. one who sheds tears ; honour or titlE-.
one who weeps. Olore, Amoye (mq-oye), n. a
Olougo, ·It. name of a bird. wise, prudent person; a
OI6Dgbt-,j" n. blood.thirsty man of forethought.
person. 010r8, Igbim~llu, n. senat<>r;
OlODj" n. cook. 110 public counsellor.

Olopiri, t~. a l.IDlall bird. Oloyo, n. the yellow monkey

Oliire, n. benefactor. (also called Tolo, Awere.
OIOri (,Di-ori), n. officer; head· Gb~g~ and Alegba).
man ; chief; foreman ; O~, n. powder; that on which
principal. anything is pounded or
OIOri-MO, n. captain of a guard. ground; one who grinds;
8 moth; digestive organs.
Olori-flb" Olorikq, n. head of a
company. -e.g., stomach.
Olori-lle-iwe, Olori-lle-kewu, n. Olu, n. a borer; gimlet; awl.
schoolmaster. Oln, n. 8 carpenter's or l.IDlith's

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hammer; mallet; any· Olugbala (\!Di-ti-o-gba-la), n.

thing used for hammoring. Saviour; one who saves;
Olli-agOlO, n. clapper of a bell. deliverer.
Olu-igi, n. a maul; mallet. Olil.gblg~ n. a believer; one

Olta, n. the chief of anything; who believes; a Christian.

the queen of the white ants ; Olugbani, n. he who delivers;
mushroom. liberator.
Olli-bAit, n. spoiler; defacer; Olil.gbe, n. one who dwells or
corrupter. abides; an inhabitant.
OlubApin, . Alabapin, n. one who Olil.gb6ugb6, Obigb6udlri, Gb6n-
shares with another; a gb6, Olu, n. a round piece
receiver. of wood used to smooth
Olubojuto, Alabojuto, n. inspec. clothes after washing. by
tor; superintendent. beating them with it upon
Olu~, n. one who maintains, a large wooden block.
support.~ or feeds; one 01ug~ (tDi-ig~). n. a hearer;
employed to beat a mud a listener; a believer.
floor solid. Also BQlebQle. OIW, Onkl, Olukaye, on. one
who reokons or numbers.
Olubqrita,Abqn.a, n. an idolater;
homthen. OI1ikek6r6, Olqtkli, n. see
Olubulmn, Olubusi, n. one who
blesses; one blessed. 011ik6p9, OI1ik6jQpQ, n. a
eollector; one who accumu·
Oludande (tDi-ida-Di-idel, n. lates.
redeemer; one who ran· 011ik6, OI1ik61Q. n. one engaged
soms. in carrying away; a con·
Oludanwo, n. wmpter, seducer. ductor of a party.
Oluden., Adena, n. a porter; a Ol~, OI1ik6ni (tDi-k9-tDi), n.
gatekeeper. - a teacher; an irultructor;
Olud" n. an allurer, a tempter. a trainer.
Olufakuru, OlufuthiD, n. one Olukuluku, Md. every; each.
who abbreviates, abridges adv. indhidually.
or contracts. OlutumQ, n. a tran.~lator.
Oluft (-il\!), n. one beloved; one OlumqrAn, f'I. a man of under-
who loves; lover. sttmding; a prudent man ;
Ola.fIaiD, Ol1l81iD {-fl-aliDl, n. a man of good counsel.
accuser; one who raises a Olupani, AluDipa, PanillUli (1pa-
complaint; plaintiff. tDil, n. murderer; one who
Ollif~, n. one who destroys or commits manslaughter.
breaks up. Olup&IDQ (-pa-mQl, n. preserver.
OlufQkaDsin. n. a devout wor· OluparuD., n. a destroyer.
shipper; a hermit. Olu", Ap\l1\!hiD, n. one who lags
OlufQnahan, AmQDa, n. a guide ; bohind or tarries.
conductor. Olupi!tt" n. beginner; author;
Olllliumi (-mn-tDil, n. giver; originator.
bestower; benefactor. Olupin, Ojuwi (ipin-iwil~ f'I.
Olugba, n. a receiver; recipient. a sharer; a divider.

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OlupiDnu, n. one who appoints Omi-buburu, n. dirty wate.r.

or decides. Omi-dfdl, n. (",.-congealed
Olupqnju (tni-ipqn-oju), n. a water), hoar frost; snow;
poor person; pauper. ice; ha.ilstone; being known
Olup~i, P~Hnni, n. in Africa, is called ylnyin.
flatterer; one who pays Omi-tj., n. serum.
compliments. Omi-tnm. Omi-toro, n. broth;
Oluranlqwq, n. & helper; an soup; gravy.
assistant. Omi-ikudu, n. stagnant. waWI';
Olurapada, n. redoomer; one tho water in a pond.
who ransoms. Omi-i1Q, n. salt water; -
Olurekqja. n. trespASSer; kans- water.
gressor. Omi-kikan. Omikan, n. foul
Olurtrun (-rt-irun), n. a shearer; wate.r.
0. barhE'r. Omi-war&, n. whey.
Olurqra (-rq-ara), n. one who Omidan, n. a young woman; a
eases; one who gives bodily young fowl.
comfort. Omije, Omioju, n. tear.
Olu.in, n. worshipper; servant; Omiri.n. n. a. giant; a person
votary; one who is served ; very stout and tall.
a master. OmfrAn, omi, adj. another;
011llin-qba, n. royaJist. other; ellle.
OlWlQdqmq, n. one who adoptl'!. Omiriu, n. the act of swallowing
Olute (tni-ite), n. doer; actor; with ease.
accomplisher; agitator. Omnira (om-m-ara), n. a froc-
OlutAn, ~.tU., n. a deceiver; man; one delivered from
a tempter. bondage; a citi7.en; fran·
Olutq. Olutqju, n. instructor; chi.'!6.
muter; mistreBl'l; governor; Omu, Imumu, n. a kind of I'!weet
& guardian; one who hu nut.
the charge or care of things. Omore, n. kinsman ; neighbour;
OlittUnil (-tn-inu), n. he who relat.ive.
calms the mind; a com· On. pron. he, she, it. See n.
forter. On. conj. and.--e.g., tje on yJ'Iil
Ol~, n. a watchman; an . ni imu ymy ~e ~, " Com·
observer; an adversary. petition and reward induce
OlUf9-&l1ltan. n. shepherd. a child to work."
OlutUj6, Atoniloju,. n. pacifier. OmlBj •• n. 1\ spoilt child.
Oluwa, n. lord; muter; mis· OnibQti, n. a dealer in malt; :.
tress; headman; hnsband. ma.ltster.
Oluwa-rt, pron. he; n. the man. Ond6 (.m-ide), 7~. pri.'3oner ; 0116
Olilwo. n. a title of one of the in bond.
rulers in the country. Ond6, n. charm IIfIWll in lsather
Omi, n. water; humour; juice; and worn about thf'l persOIl ;
sap; liquid. amulet.
Oml-ara, n. moi9ture of the OnidUnd6, n. a. seller of fried
body; perspiration. . yam.

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Onigb&g~. n. a believer; a bad memory; a forgetful

Christian. person.
Onigbio (oDi-jgba-owo). n. two OnjgbansQ, n. 1\ repairer of
hundred cowries' worth. broken calabashel!.
Onrb" n. thirst; drought. Onigbele, n. 1\ crediter; a
Ongbo-tjt, adj. bloodthirsty. debtor.
Onrq. n. stupid person; dunce ; OnigbOdogi, n. one affiicted with
blockhead; wiseacre. scurvy.
Oni, adv. to.day. Onigb9w~, n. surety; sponsor;
ODibAta, n. shoemaker. bail; guara.ntee.
ODib&tA-l\!f1', n. one who wears Onigbop, Ogboya, n. a cour·
shoes. ageou,"I man.
Onibtl'u, . n. that which has ODic"t, n. a person suffering
fear. terror. or dread. adj. from goitre; one having
terrible; fearful. a wen.
ODibocll!, n. collector of customs; Oni-ba-gba, t~. one who carves
a porter; toll.gatherer. calabashes.
ODibu-qr" n. Giver of all; Onibal" Baltbatt, n. a hoastful
Divino liberality. person; a vaunter.
OnidajQ, n. judgo; one who ODij, n. B fighter; combatant;
settles disputes; arbiter. antagonist; opponent.
Onidalare (-Di-are), n. one who 0Dijakadi,. n. a wrestler; a
jUHtifics. gymnast.
OnidamQran, n. counsellor; ODij,wQ, n. professor; con·
adviser. fessor; conformist.
Onidande, Oludande (-Di ide), n. Omjo, Arinjo, Alarinjo, n. a
redetlmer; deliverer from dancer. .
bondage. Onikanra, 11. a peevish penlon ;
Onidanwo, 11. tempter. one who is fretful.
Onid" n. a. dealer in brass; 0. Onikiri, n. a wanderer; a rover;
brazier. s. hawker.
Onidi-kan, n. the child of one Onikaun, n. 1\ dealer in potash.
free and one enslaved Onikoko, Amqll:oko, n. one who
paront. , make!' pots; a potter.
Onidodo, n. a person having a I Oniknn-nla, n ... stout person.
large n>lvel. n.
Onigi, a dealer in firewood.
OnidU16mq, n. a. traducer; OnikupaDi, n. a betrayer; a
slander13r; caluminator. traitor; an adversary.
Onifa, n. a worshipper of Ifa. OnilA, n. a circumeised person;
Onifarar9, n. supporter; onto on one tattooOO.; striped.
whom another leans or OnilAj, OnlAjA, n. peacemaker;
depends. mediateI'; pacifier; inter·
Onifarawe, Alafarawe, 11. one cessor.
who imitates another; Onllara, n. an envious person;
emulator. emulater.
Onigbajam.q, n. a barber. Onilera (-1e-ara), n. a strong
Onigbagbe, n. a IJerBon of healthy person.

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Onile, n. owner of a house. Onir.,j\l, tt. a cheater; deceiver;

Oniletuhu, Ouituhu, n. a jailer. impud~nt person. See
Onil~, Onilu, n. the owner of the Ar~nij\l.
land; chief governor or Oniriu, a dealer in irOIl
inhabitant of a country. irorunonger.
Oninu-didnn, n. person of ami- OnirokurO, n. an evil thinkcr.
able disposition; a good. Onirun, a hairy person. adj.
natured man, hairy.
OnilQra. n. a slow, sluggish Onirugbin, n.
person. sower.
Onilu, a drummer. Onim, ft. dealer in locust bean.,.
Onilfl, n. aborigines; sons of Onirmu, adv. various; not
the soiL alike several of various
Onilu-ori-oke, n. a highlander. kinds.
Onisaju, n. a modest, bashful
Oninunibini, persecutor.
person; one regards
Oninmere, n. a kind, btlIlevo· or pays respoct ..
lent, graoioua Onilllru, a patient one one
Oui-oloni, adv. very day. who forbears.
Ouipa, u. one having a share in On.iIegun-t"m, n. farrier.
anything. 0n.iI~, Onn, n. messenger; post.
Onipaiyil, n. faint·hl'l¥"ted one; man herald; ambail!!ador
one panic sh'icken_ forerunner.
OnipamQra, n. a pationt man; On.iItktt6, n. manufacturer of
a humble person. beer from Indian corn.
OniPatiplU'9, n. one who ex· On.iIegl'ln, n. doctor. physician.
changes or barters. Oni(dtf, powerful speaker
Onimaj~u, n. one who makes an eloquent person.
a covenant. Oniso, n. one who deals living
Onimoni, all the day; the creatures.
whole of the day. OnqQnil, n. one who doel! fancy
Onimq..meji, n. a double-dealer. work. .
Oninu, adj. having capacity. OnillQna-awQ, n. a tanner.
Oninuhuburu, n. ovil-minded Oniljowo (-I,e~owo), n. trader
person. dealer.
Oninu-kan, ad'o. of one mind; Onitiju, b88hful per~on.
of one accord. Onitubu, n. jailer.
Onipin, n. the Supreme Being; Oniwil-bi~QIQmn, n. godly
a sharer; a partaker. person.
Onfp~nji1, OlupQnju, n. a perHon Oniwil-iwil, n. persons in various
in distressod ciromDstances. circum.stanctls.
Oniran, OwOran, n. an on-looker. OniwQra, n. B greedy person; a
Onirara, n. bard poet. covetou.'! nlan.
Onirera (-re-ara), n. a proud, Oniyan, ft. one who sells pounded
showy person. yam.
Onir.,l., (r"il~), n. humble Oniyan, n. denier; one who
person. disputes contradicts.

ODiyanj" n. one who cheats. Op61'O, adj. common.

0Diye, n. pen!On of good memory. On, n. buyer; purchaser.
0Diy~, n. a dealer in salt. Ore, n. kindness; favour ;
ODiyQllu, n. t.roublesome person.
Ore-qf" n. free favour; un-
0Diy~6. n. compassionate man. deserved gift; grace.
0Dj, (ohu-iij,), n. provision; Ore-tite, n. beneficence; un-
food ; meal; victuals; merited kindnflSS.
meat. Or6, Or6re, v. act of watching
0nJ ....." n. supper. from a tower or loft.
0nit-QS8D, n. dinner; chief meal Ort, n. porcupine.
of the day. Orf, n. shea butter.
ODjt-QWUlQ, n. breakf8St. Ori-Am~, n. buttor-milk; butter.
0DkA, n. one who counts; an Ori, n. wild pigeon.
acoountant.. Ori, n. kind of black plum.
ODDu, n. fearful expectation; Or1, 0,1, 1.. giddiness.-e.g.,
fear 811 regards the result Oyl nky mi loju, .. I am
of a thing.-e.g., Onnu nk9 giddy (lit.-my eyes are
mi, " I am afraid." filled with giddinetlS}."
~ n. an austere, hard, Ori, t..
head; faculty; talent;
morose person; a churl. undertaking. highest point
Ope, n. puzzle; a simple of anything; termination;
ignorant person. a cluster; a bunch.
o,6p6, n. the cedar tree. Orf, followed by !fi, YII, v. to feel
Oper6, n. bird noted for sleepi- lively; to he pleased.
ness. Orf, followed by wu, tI. to feel a
Opin, n. termination; end ; dosire for fellowship and
point; acme; boundary; friendship such 811 one
issue; fate. observes others to be
·o,iDlt, n. termination of the enjoying.
earth, land, or torrit{)ry; Ori-Akim, n. the cap of the knee.
boundary; border; ex- Ori-,y.. n. division; tribe.
tremity. Orika, n. the t.ip of the finger.
Opin-qran, n. termination of a Orike, n. the joint.
matt~r; issue; catBlltrophe. Ori-ika, n. knuckle.
OpitaD, n. historian; story- Ori-QrQ, n. topic; head.
teller. Ori-QYA. n. largo hedgehog.
Opo, n. the place whore the king Ori-rere, n. luck; good luck.
maked his appearance in Orilt, 01., n. family name.
the palace; bank of ell.rt.h Orilt-ede, n. people of a different
for sleeping on. language; nation.
Op6, 'n. post; pillar; stake. Or1, OrOft, n. sepulchre.
0,6, n. widow. Orin, n. chewing Eltick.
Op6-qkQ, n. mast of a ship. Orin, n. singing; song; psalm;
0pc}p6, n. kind of banyan. hymn.
Op6p6, n. wide road leading Orin-mimQ, n. holy song;
immediately into a town. psalm; hymn.

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Oriao, n. place whero creatures OmkQ-AIij f, self .styled name.

are tied up for the night ; 0rukQ-Ap61e, n. surname.
sta.blo; stall.
OmkQ-:i!:f~, n. nickname.
OriIIun, spring; fountain; OrukQ-IyorukQ, n. proper name
source; origin. (not surname).
Orlfa, n. deity ohject Ortmkim, n. knee.
worship; gods; idols. Orlile, n. the roof of a homo.
Orlfila, n. the goddfls!I Qbatiilft. Orim, sun, day.star.-e.g.,
Orlf,··Alufa, n. work of priest, Orlm la, The sun rises."-
priesthood. e.g., Orlm ran, "The sun
Oro, n. stalk Guinea corn, shines."-e.g., Llrlm mll,
used for stirring beer; sub- "The sun iEl hot."--e.g.,
stanee; essence; honey. Omn wg, " The SUll ssts."
Oro, name of tree. Orun, sleep; rest.-e.g.,
OrO, n. custom, fashion, habit. Omn nkOO mi, "I am
OrO, poison; venom viru- drowsy."
lonce, torture, tornwnt, Orun-ijikil, n. sound sleep.
curse. Orlin, n. scent; smell; odour.
Orb, n. position Orlin-didlin, swest smell ;
rectitude.. sweet scent; perfume;
Orilla, n. kind of wild pigeon. fragrance.
OrOgbb, n. the bitter kola nut. Orupa, name of a t.ree.
Orombo, n. lime .fruit; lemon;
OruwQ, n. brimstone tree.
OrilDto, J,!ll,wuwu, n. large n. paint.
striped lizard. Osi, adj. the left. n. a post of
Ororf, n. small bird pimples honour; spleen.
on face. Olli-iwtfi, n. eunuch.
OrOra, n. bitterness; ga.ll; bile. 0,6, n. name of a tree.
Orbrb n. ; unction. O,e, n. club god thunder.
OrQ, OwClrQ, n. morning; foro· 0,6, n. hissing; a sound made
noon. by smacking the lip!!,
Om, heat; steam; vaponr expressive of grief. See
fermentation; fumes; chafe. Ab6.mg.
Orli, pitcher, mug. O,e,e, meat of the best
Om, n. ; darkness. quality.
Om-Ana, n. yesternight; over- 0,1, n. misery; need; poverty;
night. a needy one; oppression;
Om, Ortm, n. name of a tree wretchedness; woe.
possessing healing proper- O'fIiI~, Ota,l ('\l-"~), n. a poor,
ties. miserable person.
Oruganj~, n. midnight. O,iPi. n. a tree, the leaf of which
Oruka, n. ring. is frequently used to wrap
Oruka-eti, earring. snuff in.
OrukQ, n. namo ; discrimination; 0,6, n. sorcerer; wizard ;
appellation character. enchanter necromancer.
201 /
Olfbnu, n. a sour, passionate, Owke, n. struggle; effor.
and morose man; a churl; recover oneself.
an ill·natured ptlrson. Owere-njeje, n. name of a
Ostlta. adv. monthly: month by trailing shrub, the berries
month. of which are red and black.
Ota. n. month. Owiwi. n. owl; screech owl.
Otu-Ji, n. present month; Owo, n. boil.-e.g., OWQ 59 mi.
instant. " I am attu.cked by boils."
O,u, n. tufts of hair left on an Owo, n. cash; money; cowry;
otherwise shaven head. finance ; wealth; riches.
OtUmAre, n. the rainbow; lrlR. Owo-bode, OwOde, n. money
OtUtu, n. cluster; grove. Setl paid at the customs; duty;
A~orln. toll.
Otu.u, 'It. a prickly bush. Owo, n. traffic; trado; com-
OtuwQn, n. measure; weight; merce; calling; vocation.
metre; rate. Owo-Ab't.... 11. hush-money;.
OtUnwQn-iwuwo, n. measure of bribe.
weight.. Owo-iru, Owo-Alllu, n. carr-
OtuwQn-oDiDu, n. measure of iage monoy; porterage.
capu.city. Owo-dida, n. money subscribed
Otuw~D-9ll)p', O,uwQn-oninA, or contributed.
n. a mea..'1ure of length; Owo-el6, n. interest on principal ;.
rule, rod, or tape. usury.
OtA, n. seller. Owo-idaailt, n. ransom.
Ot6, n. the summit; the ridge Owo-i1e, Owole, n. house rent.
of a house. Owo-i1e-It, Owo-ipilt, n. fund;.
Oteretere, n. a quietly running capital; stock.
brook; a rill. Owo-ini, n. current money;
OtitQ. n. truth; faithfuln~BS; money to 00 expended.
a true deed; principal ; Owo-irWl)wl), n. subsidy.
assurance. Owo-it1lla, n. reserved fund;
ototi, n. a poor, miserable st')ck.
person. OwokaD-aiya, n. the breast;
0tQ. OtitQ, n. truth; reality; heart.
fact. adj. true; faithful; Owo-ll)wl), n. cash in hand;
just. cuh down.
Otfll1im~ At6dim~ (tu-im~), n. Owo-nIa, n. hu-ge piece of money.
covenant-breaker. Owo-ode, Owo-ilu, n. public
Otfltu. Otu, n. cold; bleak ; money; tax; imP(\8t.
illneSR; disease.-e.g., OtUtU Owo-qdun, n. yearly payment;
mu, " It is cold." annllSl income.
Owe, n. parable; riddle; a Owo-QyA, n. rent; wagos; hire;
proverb. salary.
Owe. n. young leaf of the plant Owott. n. money for work;
Erewe. wages.
Ow6-ahun, n. a kind of running OworaD, n. on·looker ; spectat.or.
trefoil. Owoyowo, n. real money; hard
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Owu, jealousy.
Ow6, n. cotton; thread; wick.
Ow6-abnr&D, n. combed ('otton ;
wool. 0, pron. contraction of" IW9,"
Ow6-at"t, n. a vt.'ry fine white thou; thee.
cotton bearing small pods. 0, pron. ho; she; it; him;
Ow6-Ogodo, n. a cotton bearing her.
large pods. Q, v. (used instead of 0 before
Ow6-itanDa, Ow6-fltila, n. lamp the vowels ~, 9); shall;
wick. will; must.
Ow6-riran, n. spun cotton Q, a prefix signifying owner of.
thread. e.g., yrun, heavon; 19run,
Ow6-yuwure, ft. a very white to own the heaven; Ql9run,
cotton used chiefly by the the owner of the heaven,
Fulahs, with red flowers i.e., God.
and small seeds. Qba, n. king; monarch; lord;
Ow6rq, Aw6rQ, 0rQ, irQ, n. prince; liege; mB8ter ;
morning. See Kutukutu. sovereign.
Ow6sUW1lIU, n. mist; fog; OllAr., n. a walk when tired or
cloud; gloomineBll.--e.g., fatigued.
Ow6s(lWUSU mu oju 9run Qbaiy6j" n. a busybody; tale·
baj~, "The fog spoils the bearer; tatter. See Aba·
face of the sky." iyej~.
(iyA, 1&. that which divides or Qbakan, n. relative on the
separates; a comb. father's side.
on-.,.m, n. curry·comb.
Oy6, n. understanding; wisdom;
Qbakanbikeji, n. the first cousin
on the father's side.
comprehension; appre· QbakOlo, n. god of thunder and
hension; inspection; look· lightning.
out; providenee.-e.g., Oy~ Qbanijt, n. despiser; scorner;
ko yc mi, "I did not contetnner.
understand. " Qbanli, n. potentate; emperor;
OyA, n. titltl of honour. monarch; sovereign.
Oyib6, Oylnb6, contracted to Qbaoro, n. King of Glory; God.
Oib6, n. people beyond the Qbara, n. cord or rope.
wat.ers, applied mostly to Qbatala, n. the great Y oruba.
whitt! miln, but Rlso to goddess, supposed to be the
natives who havc adopted framer of the human body
European customs. They in the womb.
are thus distinguished:- Qb•• n. sauce; soup.
Oylb6 funfun, "A white Qbt, n. knife; penknife; clasp
man"; Oyib6.dudu, "A knife.
black man." Qbt agboyi, n. penknife.
Oyi, n. giddiness. I QbtdO. adj. green.
()yin, n. boo; honey; treacle. Qbt o16j6m6ji, n. a dagger with
Oyo, 'II. species of small owl. two edges.
Oy(m, n. J.lregnancy. Ob,tf, n. dagger.
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QBQ 203

ape.-e.g., Jjjni ravin ; rapine;

9b9 91>9 nya Ii ~9, rapaciousness; a wasp.
"The monkey is sure to ()dv, OcItdt, n. piazza; veran-
tear the cloth of one who dah. See Awun.
resembles himself." QdV1Vsinrin, n. a disgraceful,
QbqgiliwQ, n. a dunce; stupid base fellow.
person. Qdi apasa, n. remnant cloth in
Q~k6. n. species of river fish; the sley or batten.
barbel. (with prep. si, ni or Ii),
()bQlq, ; blunt- with.
fonnerly used for
parasol, now
called AgbOrun or Igborlm.
Q~ro, adj. plain; unadorned;
without mark or engraving.
Qdl, n. tar; pa~t; wax.
(»da, n. dearth; drought; need;
necessity; gelding; old
wine strongly fermented.
()dab.. who attempts;

round of
Qdaj(J, annual
Qd&kQda, ; want. ()dUn, adJ. three hundred; con-
Qd81t, n. a perfidious person; traction of Od(mrun.
covenant breaker. OcIfmdfm, n. 0. certain medicinal
()dan, n. plain; grass field. herb.
()dan, n. vain, empty talker; Odfmrfm, adj. sec Odiin: con-
empty word; inconsistent traction of Qrundinirin.
OfA, n. arrow; shaft; pawn;
hundred and

; criminal; gratu-
culprit. free
()darayi, See grace.
Adaraya. Qf(l, n. act of lifting up lightly,
Qdari, adt'. nay; never; in no as a paper by the wind.
wise. See Ndao. A kind of charm sfl,id to
()d.q&, n. fashioner. be possessed by burglars,
()dV, n. hunter; chase; game; enabling them to fly.


QfIn, n. pit prepared to entrap encounter." Applied in

beast or thief; pitfaJI.- contempt to. a boastful
e.g., Ajin sinu yfin ki itara person.-e.g.,Qgan nfilO nun
oju ilo, ypyly jin yfin rna dil;), "The great one i..~
kanju ati jade, .. A man trying to shew off 8 little."
who has faJIen into a pit i)gan~6, n . .darkn~; midnight.
need not be in a hurry to i)g&nj6 male, n. thick darkne!lS ;.
get home, a frog whioh has middle or depth of night.
fallen into a. pit need not i)ganm~ n. young palm leave".
be in a hurry to get out." . QgaDran, adv. straightforward;.
Oi~ n. mourning for the dead ; in a right line.
funeral; burial (lit.-un. QlbA, n. fence; garden; wrapper.
washed, becauSe the mourn- QgbA, n. companion; equal;
ing clothes are unwashed one of the same rank;
.until the time of mourning equality; balance.-e.g.•
is over). Awa ha nfi!e I;)g~ tabi ygba.
Qf~ n. spells; incantations. bi 1 "Are we companions
OfOn, n. mouse.-e.g., A ko or equals ~"
gbydy file orifila loju yfqn bi QgbAgM, n. pin driven into the
o ba di al\, a mil tu P\lP\', ground with a hammer or
.. One dare not offer a ma.llet.
sacrifice in the presence of OrbAgbigbin, n. hedge. See
a mouse, for it would be Qgba tutu.
sure to infest the altar in 91ba iclabu (IDa, n. turnpike.
the night." Said of a QgbAri, n. rain flood.
rogue or busybody. Qlb;' n. wound; cut; hurt.
QfDD, n. throat; gorge; speech; Qgb(l, Orb(ll~, n. dryness ;.
power of uttera.nce; per- drought.
sU8!lion.-e.g., A file yfun Qgbtclan, n. bearer of the staff
bi alakars., "He is 8S ~dan.
.persuasive as a seller of Qrb"" n. state of being cool
cakes." and green. as of herb.
016, n. brave person; dis· Qrbfgi, n. wood planer; ear-
tinguished performer; chief; penter.
headman; superior officer; Qlb~in6, n. dysentery.
master; teacher. Qrb,k~, n. shipwright;. ship-
OIl, n. chameleon. builder.
op, QgAfa, Oran, adv. im· 91b,I" n. drought.
mediately; a.t once; simul· QgbfDi, n. sir; mister (Mr.).
taneously ; instantly. See Ogboni.
i)gan, n. a large white· ant hill ; 91btri, n. an ignorant person.
a running prickly plant. Qgbin, n. plant; planter ;.
i)gAn, n. the largest species of fanner. See Agb~.
wild boar; tusk; a large Orb6. n. a trailing plant whose
tooth.-e.g., Qgan lnu\do fibres are used for making
ko filE' kC) 16ju, " The great cord.
wild boar is not easy to OrhQ, n. linen.

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()gbqgba, 76. ballmce; equality. QgOrun. OOj. one hundred; cen-
Or*~. 1l. young in age but tenary. See Qrun.
fully developed. adj. ovor- QgOrun qllim, n. a century.
grown (of young people). Qg~ add. one hundred and
(»g~, 1l. a kind of running eighty.
root, much used as medioine Qg~ta, OOj. sixty.
at the time of child·birth. OhMlA, n. exoessive thirst ex-
()gbOn, n. sense; art; cunning; perienced in travelling.
wisdom; wit; ingenuity; OhMt. 1l. a braggart; boRStful
skilfulness. person.
()gbqn, OOj. thirty. Qhan, Oh(ln, n. yes.
QgbQn arekereke, n. craftiness; Oht, n. stupid, dull, ignorant
diplomacy. person; dunce; dupe.
()gbOnkOr* n. subtilty; I
Ohim, adtI. yonder; beyond.
oraft; double-dealing; wile; Oil, n. market; fair; trade;
artifice. goods; merchandise; oom-
()g*-6. n. thirty cowries. modity.
(»gbun, n. dit.eh; extreme end; OJ.. n. band; girdle; sRSh;
steep valley. belt; zone; brace; head-
~tdt. n. banana. tie. .
~tdt-agbagba, n. plantain.
Oji kba, n. hoop.
Oil a1apata, n. shambles.
~'n.t., Qg(lyi, 1l. cold; damp; Oil AlJetA, n. work made for sale;

gloomy weather. work.
~~;. n. a compliruentary term ·ibule, 1l. tape; ribbon; fillet.
for the earth; mother earth. ji giri, n. girth.
-e.g., Il~ 9g~~ a fi 9k9 i igbati ..q, n. phylactery.
y~ ori, "Mother earth is ji igbawajn, n. forehead bRnd ;
shaved with the plough." front·let.
()gf1'~, add· easy; gentle; soft. Qji ik6ko, n. species of pine-
~q, n. a short knotty stiok or apple used for healing sores.
olub used for self defence, OjAn, n. a kind of fish.
believed to be used by the OJ(l. Oitun, n. eater; glutton.
Devil, who is therefore OJ.,,, n. ooncurrenoe; agreeing
called A.k~nk9 Ii Qg9, " The in mind: toleration.
man of the knotted olub." OjtIe, n. any tender leaf.
Or~, n. a package of salt. Oif1'(I, 1l. plant whose leaf is
OrOd~ n. pit full of water; used in preparing a bever-
pond. age for children.
()gA adj. one hundred and
Ojewo. n. one who confesses,
acknowledges or makes a
twenty. vow.
()gqiq, adj. one hundred and !
Oi~, 1l. place; settlement;
__sixty. lodging; accommodation.-
()g~, add. eighty. c.g., 0 s9 mi Ii 9jQ, " He
()gOr~ OOv. or inter. innumer- I appointed me a place, i.e.,
ably; multitudinously. lodged me."

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QJQ 206 QKA.

0i6, n. sun; day; date ; of plant used to cure t.h&

weather. same.
Qjq ajiDde (or agbeDde), n. the Qk6, n. a species of bOil con·
resurreotion day; Easter strictor. See J:11~bu.
Day. Qkl agbado, n. Indian corn ~
Oiq ljq (or iiq), n. day of maize.
assembly; memorable or
festival day.
kl blbl, n. Guinea com.
kA iku, n. last struggle between
0i6 al" n. eventide.
OiO ,i6, n. court·day.
life and death.--6.g., 0 npe-
(lka iku, .. He is struggling
OiO lbi, n. birthday. between life and death."
OiO idajq, n. judgment day. QkaD, adj. one; single; unit ~
OiO ik,hiD, n. the last day.- alone; equal.
e.g., Qj9 ik~hln QdUn, .. New QkAn, n. soul; spirit; con·
Year's Eve."--6.g., Qi9 science; heart.
ik~hln 9s~, .. Saturday; " QkAn, n. name of a running
also called QjQ ipal~ruQ. plant used medicinally.
Qj6 isi, n. day on which any Qkandilogun, adj. nineteen; the
great ovent took place; ninet.eenth ; thirty·eight
notable or red letter day. thousand (i.e., 19 heads of
Oiq isimi, n. day of rest; Sun· cowries; 1 head = 2,000).
day. c)kandilogun should be used
OiO iwl, n. the day or beginning for nineteen. cJ.. c)kAnla.
of creation.--6.g., Li Qj9 Qkln ill, n. affection; longing.
ti ala.iye ti do aiyo ni i wa for.
ti ,~, .. From the day that Qkanjua, n. an avaricious per·
the owner of the world son; avarice; ambition;.
appeared in it, the world covetoull1lO8S ; insatiable·
began." ness.--6.g., Qkanjua bah&.
Qj~~, n. state of being olastic arun, .. Covetousness is the
or flexible. father of disease."
Oiq jlk6ta, n. overy fifth day, OkiDkin (dnraD), adv. straight·
which is set apart for t.he forwardly; openly; frankly ..
worship of ~o. OkiDkin, prep. against; oppo·
0i6iqjq, n. many days; ancient site; in front.
time; a long period. OkiDlA, adj. eleven; the'
Oiq kaDri, n. midday. eleventh; twenty.two
Qj~tQtQ. n. state of being old thousand.
in age and strength (human). OkU16nfgba, a4J. two hundred
OiO Jailaf, n. ancient time; old and one.
time. 0kU16nirinw6, adj. four hun·
Qj6r~, n. afternoon; towards dred nnd one.
sunset. OkanDi, pron. the same.
QkA, n. com; food made from Qkanfoto, adj. or adv. single ~
prepared yam flour, cassava alone; undivided; singly.
or other flour; meal. QkAn t6tu, n. calm soul; medk-
Okl, n. a child's disease; name ness.

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Ok" n. large bag. QkQnrin aIaisimi, n. a bnrden;

Oktr~, n. squirrel.---fl.g., c)k~~ restless character.
gun ori igi irOko oju da Qk(lnrin 91ql.. n. grandee;
If~a, .. When the squirrel nobleman.
gets to the top of an iroko Oko.~, n. one who refuses to go
tree there is an end (of the on an orrand or to work.
chase)." Ok9i9, n. an inferior kind of
OkiD, n. a bird, the white soap whioh does not lather.
feathers of which are much Oku, n. a complimentary salu·
valued.-c.g., c)kin baba tation to an inferior," May
fi'iy~, qkin ~~wa alA, .. The you live for ever."
qkin is the king of birds, OkUn, n. centipede; millipede;
the . owner of the beautiful supposed to be blind.---fl.g.,
white feathers." c)kUn mq ql18 ~l~ ki oju r~
QIdnriD, n. a bird that lives on ki 0 to f9, .. The centipede
crickets. must have known its way
Qk(l,trbAji, n. a canOt'! ; shuttle; before it was blind."
boat; ship. QIi, n. sake; regard for person
k q elefln, n. steBmBhip. or tiring; honour; respect;
k9. 11. spear; dart; harpoon; dignity; authority.
javelin; kind of tish. n. wealth; riches.
Qk~ (811\), n. hoe; plough; fa, n. to·morrow; the morrow.
stirrup. lAja, OnflAja, n. peacemaker.
Qkq, n. husband.---fl.g., Qkq kiku QIAnIi, n. majesty; great
mq Ii o~i obirin, .. The honour; dignity.
husband's death is the
widow's anguish. "
glt. n. embryo.
If, n. idlen6l!8; laziness; indo·
Qk(l UqdA or attidi, n. ferry lence; idler; drone; loiterer.
boat. 01~ adj. slack; lacks·
Ot6ti, n. page (lit.-sword dasicaI.
bearer). 01•. 01"t. n. a kind of cake. See
QkO ejlk&, n. shoulder· blade. M9im9i .
Qkq Ar6, n. p88Senger train or Qlfdi. n. backbiter; defamer;
steamer. calumniator.
QkO 1m or ptIfbf, n. shovel. QlQ, n. large nether millstone;
Qkq trU, n. goods train; cargo millston:>; grindstone.
eteamer. Ql~bt. n. one having soup; a
Qk(l nt. n. train. cook. adj. soup·like.
Qlqb9, n. one owning a monkey.
Qk~ iW., n. plough.
QI~{m tan, n. a yearling. adj.
QkOkaD, adv. one by one; each; of one year old.
alternately. Q~{m meji, adj. biennial; of
OkqlA, n. a tattooed person. two years' standing.
Qkq1Qa, Qk91obiriD, n. a married Ql~{m m~ta, arlj. triennial.
man; husband. Qlql&, n. archer; one possessing
01£916, n. house· builder. bow and arrows.
QkQDriD, n. !Dan; mBle. QlOI9. n. a mourner.
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016faD, n. one who hu the 016mD, n. God (Ut.--"':thc owner
power of utterance. See of the heavens); the
Qfun. Supreme Being; the Deity.
Olqrba, n. gardener; owner of a 01Qr1in Ine, n. II. stiff·necked one.
garden. 01QaA, n. god of the lagoon.
01q iDa. n. spleen; kidney. 01Qat. n. Sabbatarian. adj.
016jA, n. a person of rank;
ruler; trader; merchant; SabbatiCBI.
title of chief supervisor of I
OlQaiD, n. a tributary people.
markets. I 0_ n. a robber; one who
0lqjq, n. possessor or muter of I serves his chief by robbery.
time, life or day.--i.e., God. 01"" n. dealer in or owner of
016kAa. n. one POll8ellsing a soap; adj. soapy.
8Oul; a. human being; a 01~t, n. a seditious ml\Il;
manly person. revolutionist; rebel.
01~~ n. owner or muter of a 016ti, n. makeI' or seller of beer
ship; boatman; spear· or any liquor; dl'Unkard.
man; canoeman. adj. drunken.
01q1l:q U9dA or Atucl6, n. a ferry· 01lJ~ n. a respectll.ble and rich
man. person; nobleman; citizen.
016IA, n. nobleman: person in Olqwa-qkq, n. the crew of a boat.
authority; nobility. OllJwlJ, n. a vcncrable personage ;
01qmq, n. owner or possessor onc commanding respect.
of a child; pBl'tlnt. add. 01qwq Osin, n. a left·handed
having issue. person.
01QDA, n. artisan; mechanic; 01qyqmbfrt, n. a small streaked
artist. adj. striped; col· lizard. See Aworiwo.
oured. OmlJ, n. tree with broad leaves
019pA, n. a bearer of the of the banyan family.
king's staff; constable. add. Omq, n. a. builder. of walls;
having a staff or stick. o.rchitect; mason.
01911&, n. a po_or of or Omq, n. child; issue; off8pring;
dealer in bamboo; bam- progeny; servant; fruit;
boo. kernel.
016P81UD-qba, n. a bearer of the Omq adi" n. chicken.
staff of royalty. Omq agadagodo. n. padlock key.
016P81UD. n. standard bearer. Omq agbabq, n. a foster child ;
01611', n. possessor of palm boarder.
trees. adj. palmy. Omq Alba-e (or ale),n. a bRS'
01611" n. a thanksgiver. adj. tard; concubine's child;
thankful. ilIegitiml\to child.
01qra. adj. luxuriant. Omq Arbo or qwq, n. infa.nt;
016rAD, n. one who is (loncemed babe.
in a matter; a. committee. Omq Arbl}DrfD, n. fawn.
01qr" n. giver; donor. Omq agutaD, n. lamh.
Ol~ n. pOdSes.'!ing treasure; Omq aja, n. puppy.
a wealthy man; 1\ speaker; Om9 alade, n. princc; prinCf!8lJ;
the name of a plll.nt. crown child.
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QMQ 209 QPA.

OmQ aiallobi, n. orphan. complete v_I._.g., Ti

OmQbibi, n. a begotten ohild. 9m9ri ti iye, " A vessel with
OmQbiriD, n. girl; daught6r ; its cover."
handmaid; spinster. OmQrika, n. top or tip of finger.
OmC)daD. n. young woman; OmQri od6, n. pestle.
damsol. Omqrf Q1Q, n. smaller or upper
Omt)Cle, n. ohild; state of ohild- millstone.
hood; youth; puerileness. Om98t, n. toe.
ae., Maj et;L. . OmQ wAhAri, n. ohild of a female
OmQdimiD, n. little finger or toe. slave taken as wife.
OmOd(l, n. servant. OmQwe, n.. a learned man;
0m9 enia, n. Son of Man; scholar.
gentleman; good person. OmQwt, n. swimmer.
OmQ ewflre, n. a kid. Omu, n. breast; pap; udder;
OmQ thin. n. younger; inferior; teat. ; milk; instrument
follower; disoiple. used in weaving to divide
OmQ tiYt, n. brood; tho young the woof.
of birds. Omu, Omutf, OmutiJ6, n.
OmQ tnmko, n. tho young of drunkard; toper; sot.
wild beasts. 9DA. n. art; workmanship.
OmQ Min, n. colt; foal. Qat, n. road; street; way;
OmQIJ1lD, 1l. soldier: warrior. path; access; channel;'
OmQ iderf, n. see Qm9ri. clue.
OmQ idi, n. eaglet. Onl gbangba, n. open road;
OmQ llewe or kew6, n. soholar; highway.
learner. 0nA gbOro, n. wide road; wide
Omt)kiniun, n. lion's whelp. street; horseroad.
OmQkQmin, n. son; boy; youth; Qna gb6r6, n. narrow road:
lad; young man. street; path; lane.
OmQ1A1A, n. great grandchild. Ona iwtfA, n. the chief eunuch.
OmQ Iangi, n. a doll; plaything. 0nA ode, n. gate leading im-
QlnOle, n. salamander. mediately to the street.
OmQ1e, n mason; architect; OnA op6p6, n. a wide road
house-buildor ; bricklayer. leading to the gate of a
OmQ 16j6, n. grandchild. town.
OmQ mAltl, n. calf. 0nA QIun, n. the windpipe;
OmQ oj6, n. the pupil of the eye. throat..

OmQ ok6, n. orphan. ~' n. spout.
OmQ ol6gbO (ol6gini), n. k,itten. rere, n. farewell; adieu.
OmQ ow6, n. blacksmith's ham· rere, n. distant road;
mer. distance.
OmQ Qba, n. prince; princess; Qna tif' or tor6, n. narrow
child of king. street or lane.
Om9-9JD.t), n. grandchild. Oni, n. cr.ocodile; alligator.
OmQ ptptiYt. n. duckling. 0Pi. n. stick; staff; pole.
OmQri, 1d6ri, n. cover; lid ; 9pa, n. bamboo pole.
any small part needed to OJ' ik6te, n. a bedstead.
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210 QRI

E alade, n. sceptre.
_ n. a flagstaff.
8fCh n. yard measure; three
~q", adv. piontiflllly; com·
monly; abundantly. adj.
common; plentiful; abun-
dant; oopious.
Op' fttila, n. candlestick. OP~ OP~-nla, n. bowl; tub;
Qpagun. n. flagstaff; ansign ; trough; pail.
banner. ~ AIrid, n' kneading trough.

Ie idaba. n. Cll'OII8.stick; bar.

• idt, n. a b1'8ll8 rod.
• iii. n. a wooden rod.
im,6rbl or irilb n. walking
C)pqn-ikoweai, n. a tablet.
Oll~ (kiti), n. fig tree •
O»~w~m1\, n. swaIm; abun·
0»' ipaka, n. flail. Ori, n. fat; tallow; lard ;
0Pi ipc}, n. rod; travelling grease ; suet. - Qra.~1\l19.
lard; Qra-wara. cream.
staff; walking stick.
See Apart>.
0»' iriD, n. iron rod. OdD. n. matter; case; affair;
Oil' itaua, n. candlestick; lamp. circumstance.
0»' itt~, n. a rod. 0ran-"
.. D1i. ". felony.
b'an, n. matter of con·
OJilaba. n. squaro bottle with
narrow bottom. troversy; dispute; denial.
C)palii, n. dispute; reasoning; Or" n' friend. .
quarrel; oontroversy. Or" n. gift; present; gratuity;
0Pi mimi or t6Df6, n. pointed boon; oblation.
stick; goad.. Or" PAfin, n. small whip; whip;
0»' OfUWOD, n. a measure of scourge.
length; yardstick. Ort iDa. n. alms; charitable
OPt. n. t.hanks; gratitude.- gift.
e.g., ~ Ii 9P~ ejlkR ti ko OrtdaD, n. the name of a tree,
j~ ki ~wU ki 0 bq. " Thanks the bark of wbich when
aro due to the shoulders pounded and washed in
which keep the shirt from water is used as loaven.
slipping off. " Ort tbt, n. bribe; reward ;
OPt. n. palm tree. gift: hush money.
O»tIt. n. messenger of !fa. Ort ibere aiq", n. reward of
OPtlfDgt, n. a slender person; divination.
one taIl but not stout. Or, inn tere, Or, a&nwa, n.
~bo' pineapple.
flt, n. smaIl boat or canoe. Or. t"t. n. a very small straw
flt. n. young child; youth; bag in which cowries are
lad ; lass ; pepper.bird. kept.
O»~, n. plenty; abundance ; Orflt n. slight fits.
cheapness; multitude; Or;nm. n. shavor; shearer;
flock. barber.
C>II6da. n. a stupid person. Orbl. n. dysentery; heaviness;
0P6l6, n. frog; t.oad. importance; worth.
Qpqlq, C)pq1qmq, n. brain. Orin. adj. eighty.
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c)Rt 211 c)sc)

Oriadfnfrfnw6, adj. three hun· Onm. n. heaven; sky; cloud;

dred and twenty. firmament; regions above.
OriDl61tlbtt&, adj. six hundred Orun Apidi, n. place of punish.
and eighty. ment; holl (",.-the invis·
QriDl6nfrfnw6, adj. four hundred ible world of pot.merds).
and eighty. Qran twO, n. shirl collar.
OriDl6gba, adj. two hundred and QrimIi, a oertain vegetable.
eighty. dried or preserved.
Ormrm. n. dampness; moisture ; Orimmill. n. a complimentary
humidity. title of Ifa (",.-heaven
~ n. word; oonversation ; knows who shall be saved).
expression; theme; clay C)ruD rare, n. heaven (lil.-the
fol' building; evil spirit; invisible world of goodness).
ghost; fairy. Qd, n. flight; disoomforlure.
~ n. riches; wealth; for· QsA, n. space of time; season;
tune; treasure; opulence; interval; the lagoon.--e.g.•
mammon. c)sa nja loni, .. The lagoon
OrO. n. cactus, whose various is very rough to.day."
species are named Qr9 --e.g. Qba ni If8 9s& tir~
&gogo, Qr9 ~u ko piye, daradara. .. The king has
Qr9 sapo 01' satipo. Qr9 spent his time well."
ad~t~, Qr9 ontgun m~ta. i)IiD, n. daytime.
OrQ aiDfm~, n. a meaningless QaaD, n. name of 8 tree and its
word; nonsense. buit; lime tree and fruit;
~ Ami, n. sign; watchword; kind of fish.
oode word. QaaD 6,ib6, n. orango.
Or9 aain, n. futility; useless· QaAuyiD, n. the god of physio;
neB!!. medioine.
Or9 "iff, n. secret; sign ;
private oonve1'8&tion; sug·
01" n. holy day; pel'iod inter·
vening from one holy day
gestion. to anothor; a week.
~ 6rt&, n. confused expression;
fallacy; equivocation.
01"" n. cloth of great width.
QaiD, n. a water·bird.--e.g.,
~ ijiDl" n. profound speech; Qsin m9 w~ inu mbi ~iy~
profundity; mystery. oko, .. Beoause the water·
~ iff. n. notion. bird knows how to swim,
0r9 ktl. or j.j., n. a whisptlr. the other birds are envious."
~ jiji, n. tale·telling. dutifulnoss; servitude;
dependence; bondage;
0r9 kan. n. sentenoe; word. that whioh is reared, as
~k6r9, n. nonBeuse; foolish domestio animals.
talk; babble; jargon. 0ac1. n. mueh speaking; exag·
Or~ adv. by the hundred; geration; ganulity; talka·
a hundredfold. tiveness ; a thrower of
Qnm, n. bow. missiles.
()r1in, n. neck. ~6, n. liberal; generous·
Orin. n. one hundred. hearted person.

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QSQ 212 Qwe)

QIqIq. n. a kind of worm found Of;t. n. time; interval; season.

in brooks and rivers. Sec Si.
0aUD. n. a kind of herb (edible). Ot.t. n. private informer.
Otl. n. th., act of robbing; Of;f, n. any intoxicating liquor.
robbery. Of;f !\bUrq, n. rum from a demi-
o.a. n. a kind of snake which john.
bites quickly and is poison- Of;f kfkaD, n. sour liquor;
ous. vinegar.
o.e. n. bowstring made of raw Of;f np&, t •• to be intoxicated.
hide; thong. - e.g., Ale Of;f bjb or titun, n. unfermented
koko bi 9~1, 9gbii' jinna liquor.
ohun rna jinna, .. A cutting Qti~, n. old fermented liquor.
word is as tough 1\8 a bow- Qti oloje. or j~f, n. trade gin.
string; a cutting word ~, adj. different; alone;
cannot be healed though separate.
a wound may." Also a ~t~ n. the whole of any-
fishing line, twina or cord. thing; entireness.
~. adj. slender; thin.-e.g., Otu, n. or adj. llewness; fresh-
Ql\lan enia, .. A slender ness; novelty; new; fresh;
person." recent.
0.,. n. ROap. Ottm, n. or adj. right hand;
0. .. n. crane. dext.er.
0.., n. hurt; mJury. Otan, n. a small pitcher or mug,
Oft. 0., qti, tI. yeast; barm. used for keeping holy water
o.m.m, n. that which is quite at. a heathen shrine.
fresh; much used for 0tunIa. n. the day after to-
freshly plucked ears of morrow.
com. Qwi, n. branch of palm treo;
0.9. n. elegance; finery; neat- east wind.
ness; furniture; habit of Owl, n. one who digs.
dress; decorations; jewels. Qwa, n. a kind of cattle sickness.
o.c,. n. thorns used in pitfalls ; Qwira, n. shower of rain; any·
pickaxe. thing thrown or scattered.
Ot9rq, n. cascade; cataract; Owuirl, n. trembling.
droppings from the eaves. Owawl, n. a beast resembling
o.or~ edit, n. chicken. a dog, which climbs a tree
n. a river goddess.
~, n. rat trap; a
with its face downward.q
and its hind legs topmost.
hard wood often used for Owt, n. club OT company sum-
staffs. moned to 8811ist in labour.
()ta, n. gunshot; bullet; ball; Ow;' n. morsel; sop. See
cartridge. ()kel~.
Ott. n. enemy; opponent; Owtrt, n. fish resembling
antagonist; adversary. mackerel.
Ota. n. a marksman; shooter. OwO. n. flock of birds, beasts or
Ott. n. revolt; revolution; cattle; multitude; CI8S8;
rebellion. company of travellers ;

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QWQ' 213 PAB

caravan; herd; series ; OJ~ n. string or cord made of

ossortment.--e.g., Qw~ enia gr&88.
gba ti i, .. A multitude of 9Jh, n. another name for Qmll.
people followed him." O1t.
n. twilight; beginning of
Qw~. n. hand; branoh; spray. dawn.
9w~. tI. broom; besom. OJt. n. the harmattan wind.
Ow~. n. honour; respect. 0JinJin, n. one spoiled by
QwqcJiDdiD, n. a bird, 80 called indulgence; a spoilt child.
from its cry. OJ9-dr6. OJ9I9hQlQhQ. n. a
Qwod9W9. OOfl. from hand to bird, 80 oalled from its
hand. motion.
Qw9 tnD. n. herd of cattle. OriJnisi, n. a title of respect
Qw9 iDa, n. flame of fire; blaze. conferred on the leading
Qw91t. n. time; opportunity.- elders of Qy~.
e.g., BiJn mill 9w91~, " Givo 0J(m. n. matter from inflam
me time." mation or boile; pus.
OwOn. n. scarcity; dearth; a
wioked person. add. dear;
scaroe. P.
Qw~ n. a pillar.
Qw~ awOI&DDla, n. pillar of Pa, (primary idea" to make
cloud. to feel" or suffer; ex-
Qw~ De, n. house pillar. tensively usod in compo-
Qw~ 6Iiri. n. pillar of wall. sition); to kill; murder;
Qw~D op6. n. mud or brick put out of existence; ruin;
pillar of a house; monu- stay; betray; quenoh
ment. firtl, ext.inguish; bruiso;
9w6 Osm. n. the left hand. rub, scrub; cut (yam 8f!ed
Ow6 9k~ n. fleet; collection of or calabashes into halves) ;
ships; navy. break any hard nut; peel
Qw~ ~ n. the right hand. the bark of a tree; win!\
Qwfrq. fl. to be weak handed. game; hatch; tell fables;
Qw9wQ. n. a bird which lodges cultivato 8. new gr&88 field;
in holes. be drunkon.
Owun. n. vengeance; retali- Pi, adfl. at once, in IUl instant.-
ation ; recompense; blame; e.g., 0 gbe 0 pi, .. He took
weaver. it up at onoo." inte·r.
Qwun. n. a black make whioh expressing disgust.
spits at opponents. Pi, fl. to be bald; to be hairles:J ;
OrA. n. wages; salary; hire; to be barren; to avoid
pay; stipend; a kind of giving an occasion for strife
animal which is also called or quarrel.
Ewiijil. Pa alff" v. tQ exercise in the air,
Ora. n. wife of ~, to whom to enjoy the breeze.
the river Niger is dedioated, Pa AI6. Pig~. 11. to orect a tont;
which is therefore called enC&Jlp.
Odil Qya. PAba, IJ. to sit on eggs; incubat41_
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pAB 214 pAL

ftbl, n. lace edge or trimming Pabfn, tJ. to sharpen the teeth.

of a cloth. Pabinkeke, u. to chattor with
Pa bub1ll11 da, tJ. to reform ono's the teeth involuntariIy, to
conduct. gnash tho teeth.
Pad1, tJ. to alter; change; PabUndi, tJ. to alter or disguise
convert; r:lturn ; oome the ,"oice.
back; relapse. PajiD&i6, n. that which numbs;
PadlsaD, tJ. to repay; retaliate; torpidity; torpor; numb·
refund. DCS.'I; cramt>.
PadU,blD. ..,. to turn back; Pajt,tJ. to slay forfood.
relapse. PatA. tJ. to thresh corn.
PadUi. tJ. to resor~ to; cume PakijA, fl. to pass a country
back to; turn upon; act cloth from under the arm
agaiDilt. to thc Bhoulder.
PaD t6nwo, fl. to look back; PaJrAnnlJn\nni, tJ. (followed by
reflect; recoIlllider. Oju, the eye), to. ~
Padfl, tJ. to shut; close up.- dazzled by ligbtning; to
e.!!., Pa iwc ~ de, .. CIO'le be angry, bewildered.-e.g.,
your book." Manamana pak8mu\kAnn8.
PAdfl, tJ. to meet wit.h; come Bi mi loju, .. Tho lightning
together. dazzlc!i me."-e.g., Oju r~
PAd6run. tJ. to meet in battle; paka.nnakannA, .. He i'l
to encounter. angry."
Pic16minfgbqnwq, tJ. (Ue.-meet PakApakA, n. a com thresher.
me at the elbow) atoo liquid, Pa k;t" tJ. to be very silent; to
sauce; Ii word of reproach be appeased, to be quiet.
to the cook. Pa kete, tJ. to be bUBy here and
Pad" tJ. to cheat; defraud; there; to be rushing about.
Bwindle. PaId, fl. _ v a ; called also
Padi, fl. to be crackod at the Gbaguda.
bottom. miti. n. a CO&rBQ mat.
Pa aU qf1, tJ. to barb an arrow. Pako, n. II. board, plank.
pm, n. butcher's table; board; mo, n. bamboo.
" long table. Pika, n. a chowing Btick; al30
PAla, adIJ. same as Pa~pata. called Orin.
PAI~ IJ. to wallow in the mire. Pako, tJ. to cultivate a new grass
Pigbt. IJ. to culuvate a new field.
forest. Pakq, fJ. to eclipse.
Pagbo, tJ. to make or form a Pak616. Pak61~. tJ. to sneak,
circle. skulk.
P&Ii, fl. to peel oft the bark; PakUnrfltfl, n. a kind of dove;
lop oft all tho branches of also called Orof6.
a tree. Pik6:t6, r.. a small ste\vpan.
Pagq, ". see Pa i\g9. Palmte, n. a mou!18 or rat trap.
PalidArl, itlttlr. an exclamation PiIA, fl. to mark the boundary
of BUrprise. of land or territory; bind,
Papnpaf1Ul, aDj. clWDBY· restrict.
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pAL 215 PAP

PAll, udv. with much effort; change the mind; provail

with difficulty; busily. upon.
Pi JailA. fl. to appal; strike Pauktrt. n. the willow.
with terror. PAnpA. n. bargain; mutual
PlIata, n. the division of the agreement between tradel'll ;
fingers or groin; bough of arrangement by which the
tree. price of an artiole is fixed
ftlApAlA, n. rough, rugged by all traders.
crevices of rocks, crags. PaDPtwq. n. handcuffs.
PAlapMa, n. nonsense; absurd· PADIA, t,. dry calabash uncut,
ness; irra.tiona1ity. with the seeds in it.
PaIAr6, v. to hurt; bruise ; Panf6gA. n. adultery, fomi·
damage. cation; harlot, pro9titut.e.
PalAraclA, fl. to disguiso, I!hange, PlmfUkU. n. large calabash or
or al~r the form. basket ~ith cover (used
Palatt. v. to give a comma.nd ; for carrying food, wearing
make a lBw; will; com· apparel, etc., when trav-
mtmd. elling).
Pale. fl. to scrub or rub a floor. Putf, POUrf, n. a t.railing plant,
Palt. Balt. adfl. down to t.he grove of trailing plants;
ground; on a lavel. heaps of rubbish.
Pal_ fl. to excite to laughter. PipA. n. grass field; newly-
PIlf, n. cardboard. adfl. in a bumt pasturu land.
shrivelled manner. Pip!, adv. especially; par·
Pl1~ t'. to puzzle with enigmas ticularly; principaIIy.
or riddles. PApA, oav. violently (qualifying
Pal~~ fl. to cease burning in a Waf to tremble).
flame; smoulder; to be PipA, ft. diffioulty; trouble;
quiet, st.ill or motionless; plague; pest.ilence; un·
to be subdued, overawed. easiness; pest.
Pa l~tf, fl. to intoxicate. Papag6ri, n. a smalI bird,
PamO. fl· to hide, be out superstitiously regarded by
of sight; concealed; be tho worshippers of !;lango,
latent; keep; roserve; who pretend to understand
proserve. the meaning of its cry.
Pim4lt. n. viper, adder. Papala, ad". flatly; drily (qual.
Pam~ra, v. to bear patiently; ifying Gbe, to paroh). I

refrain; forbear. PipUaD, n. a herb much used

PaDdaD. adj. odd, quaint, in oases of a b _ or
uneven, awkwa'cd, uncouth, whitlow.
queer. PAp6ie,. fl. to call a meeting or
PiDhan, adfl. at once, in a stroke. &98ODlbly.
PaDi, fl. to kill; murder. Pap" fl. to clap hands.
PaDia, v. to commit murder. Papuan. n. fJ8lJle as PisAno
PaDipaDi, n. " murderer. PapO. fl. to oollapse.
PaDiJi. v. to confuso; confound. Paporo. fl. to corrugate; make
PanfyidA, v. toO persuade; a furrow.

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PAP 216 PE
~, v. to join; mingle Pitt. v. to issue a prohibitive
togcthtlr; write. law ; cormnand; procla.im;
Para, adv. with a sudden noise. issue a procla.mation.
Pir6, n. the upper part of the lIqiJir9, v. exchanJtl; barter.
plate which rests on the Pita, v. to carefully avoid strife.
posts supporting a piazza.. Pita, n. sml\ll working trousers.
Para, v. to rub the body with PiWd, OOj. chief; principal;
ointment. head ; bulk. adv. specia.Jly;
Piri. v. to frequent. or haunt a chiefly.
place. PitilW, n. wooden shoo; clog;
Parada, v. to disgui'le; change; hoof.
alter ; transform; trans- Pit6t6, 71.. plank; board.
figure; turn oneself. PitipAtA, adv. on thp whole;
ParamO, v. to keep oD_1f close ; altogether; tota.lly ; ab·
take h~. solutely.
Par" v. to erase; rub out; PitlpAtA, adj. speckled ; spotted.
blot, confuse; extirpate; adv. with specks or spots.
cancel; expunge; exter- PAt" v. to spreKd or expose (as
minate. goods for we).
Par, lUll, v. to entirely efface. PittwO, v. to clap hands.
Pari, v. toO come to BIt end; Piti, adj. adv. f"rcible, violtlnt.
finish; he over; be Patipau, adv. wit.h force or
superior; btl done for; to Vlolence; forcibly; violently.
concludc. Patin, n. whip; switch.
PAri fl.',
PAri, v. to be bald.
n. jawbono.
Pariwo, v. to make 1\ nois);
PAt6, adv, exactly; really. adj.
Pit6, PAt6t6, v. to make a noise.
prattlo ; roar; janglt! ; See Pariwo.
brawl. P!lwOdA. v. to ch&ngt! the ha.nd ;
PArO, 71.. native leatht!r nookla.ce. a term used by oanOt!IDtlll,
~,v. to exchange; bnrter.- meaning that the steerer
e.g., Awa fi ohlin pArq must immediately change
ohun, "VVe exchange hill position for the opposite
words." side.
Par9rO, v. to be very calm. PawOp6, n. trap; handouff.
Pir6~, tl. to immolate; burn. Panda, PiJtda. v. toO ohange
Par1m, v. to destroy; annihilate ; feathers, moult.
erase; efface; obliterate; Pe, adj. correct (as regards
repeal; extirpate. number); perfect.
PiAn, n. oyster shells; also Pe, v. to be fWI, complete, olear,
ca.Jled PapRllBdl. pure, holy; to expire, as a.
Put, v. to rock a child (on the term or day fixtld upon;
back) to .!leep. to moot., assemble.
PAIl, n. R kind of coarse grass Pe, v. to call, invite, cry out,
for thatching. pronounce.
Pif'a. PMiI" 71.. whip, rod, P6, conj. that; in order that;
scourge. to; saying that.

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PE 217 P1j:K

Pe 1,619, v. to call a public P&aD, 11. to crack the shell of a

mooting. palm nut.
Pe Aft lIaclA, v. to countc1'll1ft.l1d P.6, v. to prepare, ml\ke
or revoke an order. provision for, equip, oater
P6b6,adv. thoroughly and briefly. for.
PII9, 11. to cast off or chango PilIo, 11. to bear fruit.
skin. PWk6, v. to pronounoft; call
PIhAD, v. to change feathers, aloud.
moult. Pit6, 11. to glean a reaped
P6i90 u. to meet, R8IIemble. plantation.
P6j9", v. to convoke I\n Pitit 11. to hurt, kill, or wound
IUlllembly. acoidentally.
Pele, 11. to 00 inoreRSed, abound. PetiD, v. to be perfect; oorrect;
PM6, 11. to add or put on a accomplished; fulfilled.
!!lOOOnd cloth over the first P~te, v. to intend; be about to
native cloth. This is done do; mean, purvose.
by married wOlDen only; a P6ttl" v. to call beforehand;
yOWlg or unmarned woman forenamed.
never wears two. P6w6, v. to p_ the country
PM,j9, v. t.o call to judgrnant, oloth mund the waist and
arraign, swnmon.'!. leave the upper part of the
P6 16Di', v. to invite to a. fe&Rt, body bare, and naked.
ontertain. This is done 88 a. mark of
P6 16r6k9, v. to call by name, respect on entering the
style. house of a great man, or
P619, v. call away. a heathen shrine.
P6. 11. to be long; to stay,
PIDA, v. to call an assembly
or congregation, assemble
I tarry, endure, last; wisely
avoid. adj. tardy, tediQus,
P~ DfjA, 11. to ohallenge to a
PMAn, v. to despise; oa.lum-
niate; slander; defame;
P~ ,adA, v. to recall.
P6,61e, n. bank of earth raised p., adv. (full) to the brim;
for a sleeping placo ; matter abundantly.
of eoarth or stone; also Peiytp'iy" n. fowler.
Qgbrup6. P,i&' 11. to fish.
P6r6, adu. only. p,iapti&' n. fisherman.
P6r6g(m, Pc\Mr6D, n. a. kind of P6i6,6i6, adv. softly, nioely.
cotton tree usOO as the P6ka, 11. to shoot out branches ;
emblem of a' goddess of to be dh'ided into branches.
water. Ptk616,., inter. expression of
Perepere, adv. perfectly, oor- surprise.
rectly. P,ktp,k" adj. the sound of
Peri, v. to mean, allude to, say. tapping.
Puo, v. to counsel together; to p,kqrq, v. to act slyly, artfully,
take oounsel against. or with cunning.

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PtkaD. ". to come to an end. wood or bamboo; plat.

PtJA, ". to eat the new yam fo>rm; shelf on which yaJlU'
(this is done with great IU'EI stored.
ceremony). PflItif.. n. duck; goose.
Pt16. a word used to imply PflItkaD. ft. 18& shell.
sympathy for one just hurt Ptr6. adtJ. to part asunder
or in pain, signifying .. I suddenly (as split wood);
am sorry"; also much all at once.
used 1&8 a first aalutation by
the AWOTi and Lagos people.
Ptr6. ad". quietly; without
bustle; suddenly; also
Ptl6. Ptlflltl.. ad". easily ; n. a particular kind of nose
softly; quietly. soberly; band put upon an unruly
meekly; sedately. horse to aasist in breaking
Ptl,b.. adj. flat, thin, and it in; a IIIII&ll earthtlll jar
rounded (as pebbles). n. used for measuring palm
pill, tabloid. oil, containing about Ii
P..fhiD, adu. behindhand. quarts.
Ptlf Dfwl, adj. aRable, gentle Ptrflltr.. ad". (qualifying Ya,
deportment. to toar), into> pieces, bits, or
PGI'P6. n. wolf or hyena, rag&.--e.g.,O faaw ya l+'f.
superstitiously supposed to p~I'\I, .. He tears the cloth
have once been a human into rags."
being. Porfllor., ad". (qualifying lJu..
. Ptltia. ad". amicably; peace. to be black), very.-e.g.,
ably. Aw yi du ~~MI'\I, .. This
Pfli, adj. shrivelled; flat; dry. cloth is very black."
Ptl6, ad". along; together with ; Ptr.ptr.. ad". (qualifying S~,
allW; with. to filter), rapidly.
PtIfl agbara, ad". justily, forc· Pta" ad". gently, eaai1y.
PtIt, BOmO as P~l~. Used only
Ptlfl 81f, ad". herewith. by Ijl;lbu, Awori, and Lagos
Ptl6 61ftf, ad". withal. people generally as aalu·
PtI6 irmla. ad". gravely ; tation ; contrscted into
PtI6 ldDi, ad". wherewith; coni. :El sf 0 or ~ s'o.
yet. . p,tf, adj. flat: aha11ow; even.
P,16p,lu, ad". moreo,'er; p.t.... n. level gro!lnd: plain.
. besides; also ; further· P,t.I.. n. sympathetio swolliDg
more. on the groin.
Ptm9. ". to unite with a superior P,tflltr.. ad". comfortably.
in order to gain a successful P,t,Pti6. n. mud; mize; ooze.
end; to adhere to (as a --e.g., P~~ll~t+ Ijn-- ta Ii
tick to an animal). ni lara ma fl, .. If tho mud
Pfpf, n. birdsnare. ad". gently. in the Ij~ country adheres
--e.g., 0 lu mi p~p~, .. He to one it will not (easily)
stroked me gently." be washed off." Proverbi.
PflI.. ft. altar; shelf; alip of ally used of tattooing.

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PJl:T 219 pip

p,t,ri, adj. remarkable; notice· PipamO. adj. secret; latent;

able. dormant.
Pti1\, v. to oonsole; refresh. Pipani, adj. deadly; hurtful.
Pti1\pttti. n. fowler, Guinea. fowl Pipant 1 _ adj. exciting to
catcher. laughter.
Pi, adv. entirely, wholly; without PI,. qU. n. intoxication.
exoeption. Pipari, n. resolution; conclu-
Pic1AD, v. to perform sleight of sion; completeness. adj.
hand. resolute.
Pijt. v. to out grass for horses; Piparun, n. that whioh may be
to supply provisions for destroyed or erased. adj.
horses. destrnotive.
Pil,. Pil"t. v. to oommonoe; Plp6. adj. perfect; complete;
begin; originate (used of sound.
mechanioal work). Plp6. n. that which is to bo
Plm9. v. to take counsel to- called or bidden.
get,her ; suggest; hint. Plp6p6r6p6d. adv. perfectly,
Pm. v. to share ; divide; completely.
distribute; allot. Pipt. adj. long; tedious; old;
Pin, PfDlt. v. to end; tenninate ; anoient ; durable. n. the
Pm fumd, t'. to divide; dis- act of being late or long in
tribute; dispense. coming.
Pm nidiD.c1i, Pm Didodo. v. to Pipt uti, adv. long duration.
apportion; to p&rctll out. adj. perpotual.
Pm ni m6ji, v. to pair; to halve. Pipin. n. a division.
Pm nmi. v. to participate, or PipiDDu. 'I'l. adj. rosolve, deter-

Pm n.,.,
partake of.
v. to part asunder;
P8l·t. oompany; distract.
minablo, resoluteness, reso-
lution, detormination.
Pipipoda, n. that whioh may
Pimlu. v. to end; terminate; change place; changing
bind; agree ; couolude ; place; looomotive.
detennine ; resolve. PipOdi. v. to remove; change
Pinpin. adv. fast; tight. locality.
PinpiD, n. the secret or hidden P1P9. adj. same as PUP9.
part of a matter.-e.g.• M8. PfpQ. PipqjAde, n. that which
~ wahala lati t.q pinpin may be vomited or ejected;
qran na Iilq, "Do not vomit, ejection.
trouble to find out the real PipOn, n. ripeness; maturity.
cause of the matter." adj. ripe, mature.
Pinyi tilt, v. to cleave the hoof PfpOnj6:, adj. affiioted, troubled.
into olefts. PfpODIoju. n. harassment;
Pipa, adj. slain; killed; out mortification; trouble;
into halves; bruised ; vexation.
peelod. P1POmau. n. adulation, flattery.
PillA. adj. bald; baro. adj. adulatory, flattering.
PlpaM. adj. mutable; alternate ; Plpqplp9. Pflpqpipq, adv. much;
change. abundantly.

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PiR 220 Pc)J

Pfrf, adtJ. with strength and POIlff, POIlftrf, n. the name of a.

smartness. tree, the sholl of whos<,
Pitf, adll, (qualifying ~i, to open fruit is used for making
or remove a lid or rover) at, snuff boxes.
onoo.--e.g., 0 'Ii plri, "It P6p6, n. bamboo sticks or club.
optlned at once or eaaily." PGpola, n. the na.me of a tree
PltAo, II. to argue or dispute bearing rich scarlet flowers,
about one's 8gtI by adducing the fruit of which is edible.
old facts; to relate ancient P6p6nd6, n. a kind of bean; a.
mat-ters. climbing plant.
Pitiplti, adv. same 88 PUP9puP9. P6poro, n. stem of Indian or
P1Uplti, adv. (qualifying J a.. Guinea com.
to struggle), vigorously, Porocma. n. same 88 Perp.gUn.
strenuously.--e.g., 0 njo. P6rop6ro, adv. talkat.ivoly.
pltlpltl, " He 8tru~les P6r6p6r6, ad". same III P~r~p~r~.
strenuously. " Pot6, v. to maim a noise with
Pit6, 'I.•• to perfonn great things ; the mouth expressive of
to be conspicuous in a play. fear.
PlwWA, v. to clumge one's P6si, n. ooffin.
behaviour and cunduct; to Potu.Jf, v. to miss the month.
repent. Potu.a, fl. to stand in a grove;
PiJMi, v. to change the mind. form a grove.
Plyt, v. to plunder; forage. Potopoto, adv. same as P~r~p~r~.
P6, v. to knead; mix; temper Potata, fl. to winter; endure
clay; tan leather. cold; to be sick; ill.
Po, adv. altogether; entirely. P6we, fl. to tell proverbs.
Po, adj. short; insufficient; Pow6, tJ. to earn money by sale
or work.
P6Ji, v. to tum round; whirl.
P6flDrt, v. to rescind the law; Po. v. to be plentiful; many;
to repeal or abrogate the cheap; common; great;
mighty. adj. wealthy;
P610, v. to fail in endeavour. able; powerful; inoroasing.
PohUr6r6, v. to cry aloud; P9. fl. to emit; throw out.
la.ment; bewail. vomit. .
Poj6b6, v. to make a slip.knot P9. n. the sound of leather or
or noose.
hido when beaten; any
P6Jr:lkf, v. to extol; puhlish; unmusical sound.
P~ v. to be insane; to be
Poll, n. report of a gun.
Pol., v. to be used indecently. PoI~, tJ. to pronounce spells or
P6lo, n. a placo of ordeal. incantations.
Polowo, Polowo oj., v. to cry ~1I6, v. to collapse; become
out goods; to udvertisc ovo.I.
one's goods. POIte.. tJ. to walk falteringly;
P6l1i, v. to smash, mingle. to walk 88 a feeble person.
PoDell" tJ. to quench the thirst. ~jAde, tJ. to disgorge.

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Pqj~je. v. to miss 8 day or days. PQDf9. tI. t() ripen (as Indian
Pqjli. adv. much; too muoh; oom).
more than. adj. vast; Pqntf, v. to make or brew beer
more; august. (from Indian or Guinea
P~jli1q. adv. most; above all. com).
P~kl, PqkAri, v. to be breathing P9rtrt. v. to indulge; live
ha&viIy at the point of delicately; to idolize.
death; to be struggling P~. adv. easily; quietly (as
between life and death. the dropping of 0. leaf).
See Qka ikli. P~ i. v. to increase; rise higher.
POt~. t~. a kind of calabash used P~06 ~e, adj. busy in and
as a lodle. out.
~ v. to abound, increase. P~t~"t~. n. mud; bog; mire;
POlAp6w6. adO. voluminous. ooze; fen; also P~t~p~t~.
~6w6. v. to abound in money, PI. adv. precipitately; headlong;
be wealthy. adj. moneyed. without due' thought.
P~OP" v. to be grateful. adj. Pi, adv. the sound of a gun.
grateful. Pupa, n. or adj. red, scarlet,
POD, v. to sharpen iron; whet; yellow.
flatter; make much of; Pupa ,yin, n. yolk of a.n egg.
coaX'; ripen, become yellow.
PflpQ. adj. many; much;
he red ; ma.ture.-e.g.,
numerous; manifold.
P9n aP9n de, .. Ripe to
Pip~pfl~, adv. abundant.ly;
numerously; manifold;
pqn. v. to carry on thtl back much.
(as R baby).
PqDri. n. pieces of stiok placed Pur6. v. t() tell a lie.
crosswise over the body in Pitf. Pflttpfltt. adv. easily
a grave to prevent the earth (qun.lifies J'a, to break).
touching it. -e.g., Okun n& nja put~·
PQqa, adv. entirely; clI'Bn. ·plit~, "The rope breaks
P~Diyanu, adj. wonderful ; easily."
magnificent; marvellous. Putu, Putuputu, adv. well
P~ nfylu, adj. worshipful; full (qu,difies Ho, to la.ther).
of prai!IC. -e.g., QIf'iI ni nho putu,
Pon-Ioju, v. to t,rouble; nffiict; , "The soap lRthers well."
Pqnmi. PQD-omi, v. to dra.w
water with a large veRsel. R.
p_6. adv. se,·erely.
Pqnmq. v. to put a child on t.he RA. v. to buy; purcha..'IO; ran-
back. som; redeem; tie; fur.
P~6. ". to sharpen; actuate. nish with laths.
P~ riD, t.'. to whet or give edge BAbAbA. v. to fly or flutter about;
to tool or iron instruments. to hover.
P~ r6a6riu6. adj. brown ; RAdi. v. to repay; recompense;
brownish. retnliat>o.

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RAp 222 RE
HApIdl, fl. to purchase back; BAD, fl. to communicate (as ft108) ;
redeem; ransom. be infectious (as disease);
RAp1IA, fl. to struggle; welter. cut or wound (as an in·
BUOt. fl. to set at liberty by strument); help; aid in
ransom. busincaa.--e.g., Q~ mi ran
Iti. ". to perish; be lost; go mi 19w9, " lIy friend helps
to nothing; to rub agaimt me."
another. BAnm~ fl. to catch at; stick
BinfJ6 (Di-iye, in memory), fl. to; attach; to hold fast.
to make forgetful; stupefy; BADpac1a, fl. to send back;
infatuate. l"t·bound.
BA. fl. to rot; putrefy; hover BiDIi, v. to send to.
I&B 0. bird. Bin, v. to spin; twist cord or
RA, fl. to struggle; creep; crawl; line.
rub lIpon. BiD-iJ9, v. to speak ironioaJIy.
BAd~M (ra-td~M). fl. to shel· Binj6 (ram-oju). fl. to look
ter; dofand; gathor as a sternly or fiercely.
hen doea her brood. au.f (ram-it,). v. to send II.
BibOn (ra-ohun). 11. to mur· messagc.
mur; complain. BiDti (ram-eti). fl. to remember;
HAjtl (re-ajo). fl. to go on a call to mind; recollect.
journoy; to be absent frum BiDw6rinwia, n. spinner.
home on business. BIri, ad.". loudly; vociferously
(qualifying fl. Ke, to cry
RAtti. tl. to cmop; crawl.
out).--e.g., Nigbati rno ayro:,
Bakunmi, Ibakui" n. camol. niJ. fun u, 0 ke riri, " When
Bamuramu,adv. very (qualifying I told him thE> word, he
,"orbs, like Ke, to cry, cried out."
ronr).--e.g., Kiniun kc ram· BAri, ad". at all.
ram, " The lion ro81'8 very BAri. fl. to linger; suffer a long
loudly." and tedious sickness with·
BiD. v. to send; despatch; to out Ctl.rE> and attention;
command; charge; issue; struggle between life and
to sew cloth. fl. to be slow death.
in growing; to be hide· BArf. J'ari, u. to shave the head.
bound. B&DrAD, adfl. entirely; totally;
BiDjade, fl. to send out; order altogether.
out; banish. Re. fl. to change feathors as
BiDleti, fl. to remind; to cause bird'!; moult; fall off as
to recollect; put in mind. hair or leaves.
BAD lq, ". to despatch; send out 86. v. to go; depart; (same
on a meaaago. signification as L9)'
BiDlc,kuro. v. to discard; dis· 86, v. to go oft; spring as a trap
miss. or snare; to skin; agitate;
BADlqwc,. fl. to help; aid ; omboss.
relieve; aMist ; conduce 86, fl. to imprecate evil; to call
to; contribute to ; succour. or wish vengeance upon.

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REL 223 RiB
B61q. fl. to ontice; to elope.
Beld, fl. to go on a journey;
B., v. to feel fatigued; be tired ;
weary; fBint; cast leaves
to t.ravel abroad. or unripe fruits; to hush ;
R6deddii. adv. foolishly. comfort; fade; tinge;
BMf, v. to move the tail upwlU'd. wither ; in~ ; multi-
as a bird when it sit,e upon ply; to he deeply red;
the troo; wag the tail.- to steep.
8.g.. Jj:iy<, bA 0 rMl.. .. The
bird sits (upon the tree) and
B", (r.-",). v. to set II. mare
for; watch for; find fault.
moves its tail upwards." BMfrMf, ad". evenly; oqually.
B6flD, fl. to break or transgress Btl6, v. to plaster a house.
the law.
B~t. v. to go down; to humble
B6kqji, adfl. beyond mea.'5ur6; oneself; make oneself low;
exooodingly. v. to V-
condesoEtJld ; lowor ; de·
over; Qmit.
press; subside.
Bekoja ala, adv. boyond bounds.
Bera, v. to be proud. Bt". BflIOmq. v. to cleave to ;
combine with.
B6r6, adv. at a great distance.
Bare. adv. well. adj. good; Bire. adv. vory (qualifying
verbs of pursuing or motion
dovout. n. good. welfare.
B6rf, adj. to be past harvest
time.-<e.g.. a fruit tree
B6rio (riD-(lriD). fl. to laugh.
after the fruit has been B6rio-(I8iD, fl. to scoff; deride;
gathered.) ridicule.
Betf, t1. to hope; expect; wait B6rio-w(lli. v. to smile; t.ittcr;
for; cloan the ear with an twitter.
oar.pick. B6rio-ikO. v. to grin.
Bbf, v. to moult; mew. Btwtsi. t'. to be cast down;
Bt. v. to shear; cut short; cut; be disheartc>ned.
nip; smear; notch; daub; BtJiD (r(l-OJiD). v. to take
nlb. honey from a hive.
Bt. BtdiDU, v. to cast fruits; B1, v. to sink; drown; im·
bla.'It. me1'!le ; deluge; prepare
Btj,. v. to oheat; deceive; tho woof for the 100m by
gull; ("I.-to cut and ~t). insertion in the sley; Hub-
Btlori. v. to poll; to prune off side.
the branches; to t.op. Bf, v. to see; find; diaoover;
BtlowO. Bfwo. v. to out oft perceive; behold. v. to
branches; prune. be; aeem; appear.
RtmoIt. v. to out level with the Bi-lokere. v. to decry; to
ground; to crop. censure.
Bt. fl. to agree; be friendly; Billa. v. to shun; avoid; run
stick to; detect. from.
B" pron. thy; thine. Bf, adv. never; at DO time;
Bt. v. to dye; steep in water; formerly; aforetime.
tinge; soak. BfbakaDDa, adj. similar; uni-
Bt. pron. his; her; its. form.

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Blhiti, Babuia, adj. round; Bfrin (ri-iran), v. to see: to

circular. see " wonderful sight. n.
Kibiribi. adj. important; of a sight.
much cOIlflequcnce ; ob· Bidn, n. that which communi.
servant. cates or infects.
Bidaju, t.. to prove; to ascer· Biraniye, n. stupor.
tain; to be RUl"e of. BirlnlOwO, adj. assistant; sub·
Bic1i (ri-ic1i), v. to ascertain; sidiary; helper.
see tho reaIIon; prove; Birln mil, adj. epidemic; en·
find out the seoret; see demio.
the end or finish. Bir" adj. consolatory.
Bfgba, t'. to receive; obtain. Bir" Birtde, adj. irksome; tire·
Rikiti, n. cODllpiracy; plot. some; wearisome.
Biu, t). to laugh. Birtpl}, adj. concordant; united.
BiD, adj. dRmp: moist; humid; BirtriD. adj. derisive; mock.
wet. Birtsilt. adj. submissive;
BiDgbindiD, v. to sonk; drench; humblo.
Biri;adt). exceedingly (qualifying
verb Wa, to tremble).-
Bin, v. to tickle; s"il; walk; fl.g., Nigbati mo ghq yrq
go; tnwel; move: pro·
na, mo wa riri, .. WbtID. J
heard the word, I trembled
Bindl} (riD-tdq), adj. a state of gJ.'t\l\Uy."
being subjtsct to nausea.
BiDgbtr" v. to walk slowly. Bld, ad". somewhat tremu·
lously (qualifying verb, Wa,
Bink.. Kinkaldri, fl. stroll; to $hake).-e.g., Otutu mu
rRmble about; range;
9m¢e na, 0 nwa rlrl,
.. The child is cold, and
BiDkiri, t). to rove "bout;
wander. shivers."
Bin-iriD ptp6iYi, t). to waddle. Biri, n. the act of seeing. adj.
,.i.qjble; discernible; dis·
Binjtjt. Rinptlt, v. to Rmblc. coverable.
Rinlq, Binn, t). to oxplore. Biric1i, Ridi, adj. discoverable.
Rin-Di-egiDsiD, BiD-legimin, t). Birin, n. 1\ going; manner of
to tickle. walking.
Binn, t). to walk over; to Birinklrl, adj. itinerant; wan·
inspect; spy round; cx· dering; roving.
ploTO. BirfDltriD. adj. amusing;
Binyiki, BiDJikakIri, t'. to walk ludicrous; laughable.
round; to circuit. Birin~ n. wayfaring; travel·
Binrin, adt). very (quRlifitIB ling.
Wuw9, heavy).-e.g., Okutu BfriDaiwaju, n. progress; on·
n8 wuw9 rinrin, .. The waro move.
stono is very heavy." Bfro, adj. relatable; thoughtful.
Bid, n. that whioh is to b£< Biroj6, adj. 118d; melancholy.
purchased. Rirq Irq, n. the manufacture of
Bid, adj. putrid; rotten. iron.

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RIR 225 RQ
Bir9P6, n. occupying another's R6ttIt, v. to think beforehand;
place. premcditate.
Bfr6, hU, n. the issuing forth BagCm, v. to drain into a pond
(from a dry spring); issue or pit; collect by di<;Jtilla·
of smoke from the fire tion.
kindled; sprout of a B6hin (ro-ibiD), v. to tell news ;
vegetable; a gushing out; report; advertise.
st.irring up, 8.<;J sediments Baii (ro ojn), v. to look sad or
of liquid; transgressing (as displeased; sulky; discon·
law, ete.) solate.
Bira, adj. portable. 86ki-roki, adv. brilliantly
Rfrtl oke, n. Bl!Ctlnt of a hill. (qualifying verbal adj. PQn,
Bfr6-omi, n. swoll of the waves. redJ.-e.g., A~9 na pyn
-e.g., RirU·oml ndide fuk~. rokiroki, .. The cloth is
fuk~, .. Tho waves are rising beautifully red."
very high." 8616 (ro-ile), v. to inherit a
BirflbO. adj. sacrifioial. headship; to inherit prop.
Biruin. adj. puzzling. erty (especially houses);
BiruD, n. that which is to be to erect the roof of a house.
oxtirpatE.d. adj. conswn· Boloin. adj. puzzling.
able; baneful; destructive. B6kikiri, v. to divulge; to
Birtm, Birunwom, adj. fragile; spread abroad bad news of
fragible. a person.
BisO~, v. to bury; hide in the BOnA (ro-qna), v. to stop or
ground; root deep. block up the way.
Bit,I" RittItrl. v. to foresee. Boui, v. think; meditate; to
Biwisi, v. to say against; gain. be sorry; to be pensive.
say. Bonfaroni, n. a thinker.
Rijlnjiyin, adj. controvertible. BonipiwW, v. to repent;
R6, v. to tell; relate; conceive; to change one's conduct,
ima.gine; meditate; think ; opinion or behaviour after
think deeply; stir up; consideration.
plague; trouble. Bor6, adj. austere; severe ;
Ro, v. to sound; placo in an harsh; fierce; oppressing;
erect position; excite. adj. rigid; rigorous.
pendulous. Boro, adv. beautifully (quali.
Bo, v. to cultivate; till ; fying verbal adj. PQn, red).
drain ; to drip; distil ; B6r6, adv. very beautifully
drop; filter. (qualifying P9n, rod).
Bo, v. to pain Sdvcrely; ache; &or6, n. pustule; pimple
hurt. (appearing on the face).
RogGro, v. to give a shn.rp shrill ~ v. to gush : give way; crash;
sound; to tingle. push ; push forcibly; break
Bol~, v. to till the ground; or bend at the edge;
cultivate. pervert; tum aside; to
B6si, v. to inst,igate; to incite. colleot a confused mass of
Boloj6, v. to appear tedious. things; translate; explain.
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_irki, v. to rustle. BimhiD., tJ. to grind the teetll ;

89, v. to wither (88 a hlUld to bite the teeth together.
or limb); be scoTChed or BUDlu, adj. crushed; wrinkled.
blighted (88 green leaves) ; Bfn6. tJ. to be abstomious.
weaken; slacken; cool the BOu6, adj. tender; soft-hearted;
ardour; droop; tenacious; propitious.
to mlmufacture instruments Btpo (ro-ipO), tJ. to take the
of iron (as the blacksmith). place of another; to act for
BqlApa, Rq1qwq, tI. to enfeeble; an absent persoll; to suc-
weaken; chill; discourage. ceed.
~O., BesOt, v. to bring low; Bora, tJ. to take eare of; deal
humble; calm. gently; bo scnlpulous.
89, v. to urge; constrain; press B9li, n. ram's mane.
upon; to ease ; give Bol'liD, adj. facilo; oallY; dooile ;
time; bIUlg upon; sus- advantageous; comfortable;
pend; feel easy; be com· convenient.
fortable; be soft; tender; Ru, tJ. to bear; carry; sustain;
to rain; to drop. support; be poor; meagre;
89 "6. v. to Bet a sn~. lose flesh ; grow 1e8Il ;
BObi (ro-ibi), v. to travail; to emaciate; llUlguish.
be in pains of childbirth. R6, tJ. to spring (as a fountain) ;
Bodtd\l, v. gravitate; suspend. sprout (as a vegetable);
BWbAki, Bqgbayika, v. to sur- flourish; stir up; mingle.
rolmd ; encompass; en- B6 soke, tJ. disturb; stir up;
circle. excite; to cause to shoot
Bqgun, ". to lay wait for; set up; to spring up (as grass) ;
a watch for; produce l:IOed to rise (as smoke).
(as yams). Bu, tJ. to rise; swell; boil
Bojo, v. to rR.in. over; break out; be
Boia, v. to pe1"Sevoro; be patient; exposed; be moved with
endure; endeavour; placid. grief.
Boju, adj. tame; mild; 80ft; Bu jade, tJ. to emerge; spring
cheap (88 IUl article for sale). up; shoot out.
891oju, v. to tame; pacify. Bubo (ru \lbo), tJ. to make sacri-
Bol\l, v. to be quiet; cease; fice.
be still; be trIUlquil; Babata (Hausa), n. writ.ing.
calm. Budi, tJ. to bud; blossom.
Bqla, v. to rush upon; to moho B6durlidfl, adj. disordored; in
great confusion; ohaotic.
89mt 11. to bIUlg or lean upon. 11.. chaos.
BliD, v. to be ill; to bc sick. B6fID (ru olD), tJ. to transgress;
BliD, v. to dip the sop in sauce ; break the law.
touch. Bugudu, adj. sma.l1.
Bun, v. to masticate; chew. B6g6du, n. trouble; fighting;
BaDc1inrindiD, add. pale; sal· quarrel.
low; unhealthy. B6t6r6.do, n. tumult; uproar;
BiDe*' n. beard; whiskers. confusion.

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227 SAM

R616, '11. to stir up the town; SA, cem;. for.-e.g., Yio sa ",
to raise a tumult; make .. For it shall come to pass."
insurrection. 8i, '11. to aim at; apply medi-
R61ur6lu, 11. a seditious person; cine; haul in (a line).
one who disturbs the town. Sa, ad'l1. awhile; for a time.
Rim, '11. to break in pieces or SA BsAlA, '11. to escape danger by
chips; mast·icate. flight.
Rb, v. to consume; extirpate; SAba, v. to incubatc; sit (on
destroy ; a.nnihiI.ate; ex· eggs); hide away.
terminate; extinct. SIbA, '11. to relish.
RUD, '11. to be straight or direct. SAdi, '11. to take refuge under the
RIin, '11. to chew" stick; to chew; protection of another.
to masticate; to emit a SAdIi, '11. to comvete in running
a race.
scent or stink. adj. fetid.
R6.uawQ, '11. to curry or prepare
leather for use.
SaIi, Safar" '11. to make a bridge.
SA fCm, '11. to flee from; avoid;
Runni-rllDDi, ro. 1\ wa!'Iter; a eschew.
destroyer. SArati, v. to encamp against.
R6nlt (r1lD-llO), '11. to break into SAgbArA, SagbArAka, '11. to fortify
a house by undermining with a wooden fence; stock-
the ground. ade.
R6.n6., '11. to be indignant or SarbArMi, '11. to barricade with
disgusted. wood; stockade.
R6.nwom, '11. to break (a.'J a SAgbO, '11. to dry by exposure
brittle article). to the sun.
R6.n-w6.r6.-w6r6., '11. to orumble SigOn, '11. to make charms.
to pieces. SAitit, SAioDoioDv, '11. to cringe;
Rtirti, adv. confusedly; dis· . crouch.
arranged; blank. SAH, v. to wake from sleep
RfasUr6.s6, ad'l1. somewhat, suddenly.
qualifying ;P~m, red; as, BakiDf, n. neighbourhood; pale;
A~Q piPQn rusurUSll, " A jurisdiction ; district.
reddish cloth." 8akasaka, 11. hay; ground nut
leaves dried; provender.
SAkusa, n. a black, longtailed
s. bird.
Sila, '11. te escape; to flee.
Sa-lami, '11. to make a mark or
SA, n. time; season; interval. sign upon.
S.. '11. to expose in the sun to Sil" '11. to come, run or come
dry; to air; flee; run; suddenly upon.

S" shy; to fade; evaporate.

adv. a particle prefixed to
verbs to call inunediate
Silq, '11. to run away; flee;
SlUIi, fl. to beg help of another.
attention.·-Now, S66 now. Sil6.bI\ti, 11. sandals.
-e.g., sa gbQ bi mo ti wi, SAmi, SAmillf, '11. to put a mark
.. Now hear what I say." up; distinguish; baptize.
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SaD, v. to gird; tie round; bind; Sapara, Sapadi, v. to be barren

split; crack; thunder. (applied only to land).
SAD, add. better; improved in SAra, prep. upon; on.
health. SAri, BArihA, n. aIms ; charitable
SiD, tMlt1. aloud; stTBightfor· gift (as used by the Moham·
ward; directly; vividly.-, medan, these gifts are very
fl.g., M&nama.nB. k9 san, .. It much akin to sacrifice. Q~­
lightens vividly." anu, aIms, has therefore
SaD, SaDfuD, v. to pay; reward ; been employed in sacrifice).
benefit; defray. -e.g., Sara balm ~h9," Sara
SAD Ar6, v. to thunder loudly is the father of sacrifice."
or in claps. SArikf, n. respected members of
San UaDl6, v. to overpay. a club or 88800iation.
SADb" v. to be armed with SAd, S6r6, v. to run; gallop.
knives. Sare, n. square enclosed by
8ADd1, v. to be armed with a buildings.
sword. SAd, n. sepulchre.
SaD Ili" Sanju, add. better; a Sareptlb" n. the messenger of a
little better. company.
SaD-tsan. v. to requite; reward; Siri, n. the early meal of the
retaIiate. Mohammedans, before day-
SaD gbiJs6, v. to pay a debt; break, during their fast.
discharge money due. SiriD, prep. amidst; between;
SiJunA, n. the sky; heavens; in centro.
aerial regions. SAr6tu, n. cigar; cigarette.
8ADmini, n. era; a particular SA86, v. to make a feast.
period of time; age.-e.g., ~, v. to quarrel with; dispute
S8.nm&nl yi yat9 si ti Iai· violent.ly.
lai, .. The present age is BAl9dnn, v. to exaggerate in
quite different to the past." statement.
SAD Dda, n. a kind of walking SUqy6, v. to solve; interpret.
stick. Sata, n. hOUllehold; group of
Sanra, v. adj. fat; healthy; buildings under (\ headman.
wolliooking; to be in good SAtq, v. to flee to; escape to.
condition; plump. Sawo-o, inter. behold; 10.
8ADIiD, adv. odouriferously ; SA, v. to be shut; cloSed;
strongly; fragrantly. barren; miss (\ mark or
8aDIan, adv. in small slips one's aim.
(quaIifying B~, to split). Se, t'. to cook; concoct; dress
SiDIID, adv. straightforwardly; and prepare victuals; to
directly; vividly; fre· dye cloth or leather.
quently. Sebt, v. to cook soup.
BiDJAD, n. raw silk; coarse, SA~, t.. to be callous; to be-
woven silk; silk cloth. come stout and strong.
SApAkan, adv. aside; apart. SAba, v. to stumble.
Sipamo. v. to hide; abscond; S6g6d6hnn, v. to afIect a fine
skulk. pronunciation of words.
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SEH 229 st
S6hnu, v. to disappoint; Cail rate; surely; indeed;
in promise. truly.
Seju, v. to tempt or allure with Bf, adv. sue S~r~.
the eye. B"tel., v. to form a sediment.
S616, t:. to refine palm oil by S.tdkbp-nu, n. sediment;
extra boiling; hence Epo dregs.
isele, refined palm oil. B. . . .t, adv. (qualifying a
Se 11188, v. to dye in oolour. group of elders), respect-
S6 10, v. to cover A. drum with ably; methodioally ; in
vellwn or parchment; to order; regularly.-6.g.,
make a drum. Gbogbo wyn joko s~g~~g~,
Semq, v. to shut in; bind in. .. All were sitting in order."
Sem6de, v. to shut out; exclude; S~· n. a. kind of bead (very
preclude. valuable).
Sem016, v. to confine; shut in. SMi, v. to speak like an Egun-
S6m6, v. to nearly oapture. gun; to speak in an un-
S6ma, v. to sip. natura.1 manner.
S6al, v. to bar or block tho road. SMi, v. to strain Indi!m !lorn
stareh, 80 as t.o separate
S6p&, v. to close fa.'lt or tightly. the ohaff from it.
Sapo, v. to prepare palm oil. Stctm, v. to strike two iron
S6(1911, v. to be barren or implements together to
unfruitful. make a sound.
S6rar6, v. to keep st.eady; be B"b" v. to store up for future
motionless; be pregnant. use.
Sesll, n. forwlU'dness. adv. for- Sthin, adf'. backward.
wa.rdly. Sena. v. to speak so that only
Sis6, n. a kind of bean. those in the secret under-
Sest, v. to cease coming. stand the true meaning of
S6so, fl. to bear fruit. what is said.
Seta, v. to miss one's aim. B,nsiD, adv. slightly (quali-
Seti, v. to be attentive to a fying Dun, sweet).--t'.g., 0
distant noise; eavesdrop. ndim s~ns~n, .. It is slightly
S., t:. to strain; ffiter; deny; sweet."
disown; disallow; roo Stra tDi. v. to practise self-
nounce; nogative. denial.
S" v. to be dead.-6.g., Qkynrin Strt, Bf, adv. sluggishly; sloth-
nO. !Mil, .. The lIl8.Il died." fully.
st, v. to question; query ; stri, v. to drop dew.
cha.lJenge ; quake ;-6.g., 1\·ro Si, v. to be; exiRt.-6.g., Iya ko
~ ~ wo nigbana, .. I s1 my, .. Mother is dead."
challenged him at the time;" Bf, prep. against; to ; at. ;
to Call (as dew).--t'.g., I ri into (always used with a
s~ puP9 Ii oru AnA, .. The verb of motion towards).
dew fell heavily IMt night." -e.g., Emi nlq sile wa,
B., adv. (denoting emphasis), .. I am going to our house."
positively; now; at any (Sile, si ile).

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SI 230 sis
8i, conj. and; also; likewise. sin mi, .. He came before
SI, adv. slowly (qualifying W9, me."
to crawl, drag). Sin, v. to accompany; lead on
Si, adv. (same as Si i), towards. the way; demand debt
8iaD, Saw9D. adj. good; fair; dUfl; lord OVE'!r; domineer;
pleasant; well. to serve a superior; adore;
SibAti, v. to crush; destroy; ce!llll!J; prevent from doing;
overt.hrow; put an end to. keep domestic animals ;
Sibt. Sibtslbt. adtJ. still: yet; raise ca.ttle.
still yet. SiD, v. to bury ; . be concealed ;
Sibi, prep. to the piMa; to 8. force green fruit to ripen.
certain place. Sind6. v. to play the game ca.11ed
SibikaD, adv. to one place; Ide.
t.ogother; a group. SiD ~. v. to crack a palm
Slbo. adv. to what place; nut.
whithtlr. SiD gbtr6. v. to make an incision
SibomiraD. adv. to anothflr with a lancet.
place; elsewhere. SiBilla, n. a. whito metal sold
SlrblgA, adv. on the coast.
Slg9. adv. insanely; with frenzy; SiDiBiDi, n. tyrant; lord.
slothfully. SiDj.. v. to imitato; mock;
SlbA, prep. t.owards; on the mimic.
side of. SiDkfI, v. to bury the dead; to
Si i, Sf, adv. awhile; for some inter.
time.--e.g., 0 pe si, .. He SfDl~pa. v. to impale; suing on
stopped awhile." Si is the j sticks.
modern fonn. SinriD, v. to force green fruit
8Ddsild, n. hiccough. to ripen by exclusion of
Sil6, v. to be cooler; better air.
(aftar burning tever).--e.g., SiDra, v. to treasure.
Ara. l'9 sile, .. He is better" SiDu, prep. into; among.
(i.e., His body is cooler). SiDwiD. v. to he silly; deranged;
Sat. adv. down to the ground; insane; crazy.
aground. Sip&, prep. in the track of;
Silt. v. to settle at t.he bottom towards; concerning.
of a liquid; to form Sipa ilwo, adv. to which part;
grounds. whereunto.
Simtd9. v. to be considerate; Sipo. aclv. to the former place
civil; discreet.--e.g., B9 or condition.
fun u pe ki a 8im~9, .. Tell Sirt. v. to take thought; con·
him not to be rash." sider.
Simi, v. to rest; pa.use; be SfsaD, n. adj. owing; payable.
quiet. inter. hl1sh I SisAn, n. adj. that which is to be
SiD. v. to string (8." beads or cra.ckE'!d; cracked; spli t ;
cowries); to lIIl6eze. fi.'lSure.
SiD, adv. before; first in point SfsAn, n. adj. convalescence;
of time.-e.g., 0 teM de convalescent; better.

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sis 231 SQ

8fain lr6, n. thunder cla.ps. SbflD, fJ. to prohibit; pM'! or

8iIara. n. adO. evasion; evasive; enact a law.
e,-asible. SogUDr6, v. to rally an anny.
8iaa.re, n. adj. running. SOk6, adfJ. on the top; on top;
SfsAs6, n. adO. cookery. on high.
Sid, n. adj. cooked; that which Soko, adj. slung.
is cooked. Sola. SolliP9, fJ. to tie togcther;
Sfa6, n. adj. midsed; that which bind in one; join; link;
is to be shut or cillsed. unite; annex.
Sis" adj. deniable; drainable; SomO, fJ. to tie; unite with;
siftod; filtered. suspend to; fasten upon.
Sfam. n. add. that which i'l to SemA, fJ. to hold at bay.
be servod, worshipped, SoDiyigi, fJ. to marry; unite in
taken carol of. wedlock.
Sisorq, adj. suspended; hung up ; Sopanpa, fJ. to agree mutually in
pendulous. valuing goods for market.
8isc), n. adj. that which is to SOPQ, fl. to tie together; join;
be thrown or cast away; unite.
speakable; utterable. . Son, prep. on top of; above.
8itOif, n. cuJj. revival; awaken- SorfkO, fl. to drop the head
ing. aside; droop.
81sqk6sq. v. to prate; babble; Sor9, fl. to hang so as to swing;
talk nonsense. suspend.
SisQrQ, n. the act of speaking; Soy1g1, t'. to marry.
speech; utterance. S"', v. to speak; talk ; tell ;
Sfs6, a4i. wearisomu; nauseous. pronounce; utter; de-
n. wearisomeness; the act nounce; assert; shoot out
of sowing (seeds), plating of stem; join; mend;
or gilding. plitch.
8faun, n. cuJj. (If' adv. asleep; S"', fJ. to heave; throw; C!l.flt
sleeping; sleep. at; turn; produce.
Sfaun, n. adO. roasting; flowing; S9, fJ. to quarrel; soold; com·
oozing. plain; to descend; put
Sfatlr6, n. add. same as Sisa.re. a load off the head; t() put
Bfatlr6, n. adj. mode of pro- down.
nouncing a blessing; SO, fl. to push into.
8iwl\j6, adfJ. more; forward ; 8Q BSQC1liD, fl. to exaggerate.
onwaro..-e.g., Siwa.ju ~hin, SIll UQye, v. to define; explain.
"Forwards and backwards." 8Q awiye, fJ. to prove;. make
80, v. to tie; knot; hang; certain.
suspend; bear fruit; yield; S",b6tiMti, fJ. to prattle; chat.
produce. SIll dAbf, fJ. to maku; become;
SO, fJ. to belch; eject wind. tum.
SObi&, n. Guinea wonn. SIll dahoro, fl. to destroy; to
Bod" adj. excellent; splendid; ruin.
pleasing. 8Q dalaiku, fJ. to immortalize.

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SQ 232 SQ

So dar&, fl. to embody; convert So fa, fl. to pawn; pledge.

into flesh. &orq. fl. to I·brust. n. 8 peculiar
So dasAn. fl. to annihilate. style of hair plaiting.
So diye. fl. to make alive; SqgbA, v. to make a wooden
vivify; enliven; quioken. fence; impale.
8q di!rf. v. to defile; make SoJade. v. to speak out; volley;
unclean; bo fOld. !!hoot out.
SQ df. v. to oxplain; prove; Soji, v. t.> revive.
declare. Sojq. v. to oollect; gather
So eli, v. to become; to convert I togethur.
to. 8~kal~. v. to dOilcend; como
Sqdi aimq. v. to make uncle!l.11 ; down; help to 10wE>r a
pollute; defile-. load down from t.be hcad ;
So eli bajO. So eli buburu. v. to dismount; disembark.
corrupt; aggravate; dc- Sok0S9kO. n. intimacy; famili-
b8StJ. arity.
So eli mimO. v. to purify; cleanse; Soki, fl. to shrink. See Sunld.
sanctify. Sqkiri, v. to publish; promul-
So eli mimQ. v. to declare or oause gate; tell out; divulge.
to be known. SQk6. fl. to throw a stone.
So eli lIlA. v. to enlarge; makt: Sqk{m, v. to cry; weep; bowail ;
great ; m~ify; aggran- la.n.t.ent.
dize. So I.n. fl. to give an order; to
So eli pilp~. tl. to increase; command (8 18w).
multiply; augment. Sol~ v. to place; to 18Y the
So eli ranhunrauh11D, II. to per- foundation; to bruak into.
plex. or burglariow;ly entlll·. a
Sqdi titan, t'. to renew ; freshen. bouse.
Sqdi tutu, fl. to make fresh or So 16fln. v. to charge; bind by
cold. law; oommand; prohibit.
Sq dOlo. v. to make empty; Sq-logUD, fl.. to poiRon.
evacuatE-; nullify; annul. So 16rilkq. v. to nominate.
So dol6kliDrUn. v. to invaJ.i.d. So lOj~. v. to lodge; assign to a
So domnira. fl. to fre.:,; release; place; locato.
affrancruse. 8qlura, v. to coHide; encounter.
8q d6D1~. v. to stupefy. So m6H. v. to equivocate; to be
So d6rlfA, v. to deify; to makt: double tongued.
a thing an objeot of wor- Somidq1(1tQ. n. a ycllow monkey;
ship. also called Oloyo.
8Qd9. prep. to; near; near to ; Somq. v. to patch.
towards; beside. HOmOla. v. to be together; to
Sod~. fl. to unite; con· fasten togother; to make
solidate in one. as one.
So dqmq. v. to adopt Q child. SoDidi, v. to make; to con-
So d~tun, v. to renew.
So "iD. v. to throw a lance
or spear.
So DigbaDgba, v. to enunciate;
to make quitE- clear.

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89nu. v. to be lost; lose; go Su. v. to fail in making im.

astray; throwaway. pr_ion from the use of a
Squo, v. to take the evening blunt edge of the instru-
meal (Moluunmlldsn during ment; to fail in cutting
their fRSt). or wounding.
BOno, n. the common Hausa Stl, adv. thoughtfully; deliber-
salutl\tion. ately ; considerately.
Sq Odial. tI. to speak against, Sua, adtl. universally; alto·
contradiut, blaspheme. gether; a very wide range ;
SqpAkA ,kUD, tI. to sob. extensively; entirely.
SOraki, v. same as Sunkl. S611b, tI. to gild; overlay with
Sqrq, v. to speI\k; talk; COD- a thin coat.
vorso; articulate. Subq, tI. t() have enough and to
~~ j.j., tI. to whisper; t.o spl\re.-e.g., Qla su mi b9.
speak very softly. .. I am rich in honour."
~ Itbin. tI. to backbite. Sutlut, adv. slothfully; Ilug-
~~u, ~pQ, tI. to conV<lrse gishly; stupidly.
togothor; commune. Slife, V. to whistle.
SQ~ werewke, tI. to chatter; SUg~, adj. dull; st.upid; insane.
talk without meaning; SUg~Ug~, n. dullness; stu·
babble. pidity; inRanity.
Sq segesere. tI. to faltar. SUIt, adtl. drowsily.
Sq sqkusq, tI. to tattle; prattle; Sun, V. to roast, toast or grill ;
talk noIlBtlnso. to ooze or spring out as
Sq ttlo, tI. to tell beforehand; water.
foretell; foreshow; pro- SliD, t'. to Rhove; move.
phesy; prognosticattl. SUn, tI. to acouse; sue; com·
Sq tinli om. tI. to spoak frankly ; plain of; summons; aim
protest. at.
~ adv. aside; apal·t; sop- sUn, V. to sleep; oongeal (as oil.)
tld"ately. Silo, adv. strangely; with sur·
Sqwo, v. to weigh by balancing prise (qualifies Wo, to look).
on tho hand. -e.g., Aditi wo ni Ii 4i'Ilu
~, prep. in hand; to hand. sUn, .. The deaf look with
S6, v. to sow; rotail oil, liquor surprise at the mouth"
or snuff; to take a thing (of the speaker).
out of a socket, stand or Sund6r6, tI. to bum to ashes;
handle; tiro ; weary; caloine.
loathe; E'.mbarrASS; nnu- Sunjade, V. to ooze; spring
scate ; walk la.me from forth.
pain in foot; gild.-e.g., S6nki, SOkt, V. to shrink; COD-
NW9n fi omi wura su u, tract; shrivel; shun;
" It is gilded."-e.g., 0 RU dwindle.
mi, .. I am tired of it." SUnl6. tI. to wean a ohild.
S6., v. to break forth; erupt; Sunmq, V. to move close to;
appear in numbers on the keep nigh to; approach;
surface. draw near.-e.g., Sunm9

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SUN 234 f;lAG

~1I9run, "Draw ncar to eaba, n. 11 bracelet.

God." $abawQD, adj. exceptional;
S(mm~Q, '!I. to approach; draw strange. v. to stain.
to. $ab'i't~I), v. to bribe.
SUnmQmf, n. foray; raid. Sabqr'lll, v. work as fetish
S(mmOdL '!I. to approach; draw priest.
near to (a.pplied on1y to $abuku, adj. disgraceful.
places or things). $abukusi, v. to despise; to
S(mmotoli, '!I. draw ; di'!grace disparago; to
be in the neighbourhood; disrespeet.
to be adjacent. eabola, $&dAlu, v. to adulterate ;
Sunasi, n. irritation; excite· to debase.
ment. $adehnn, v. to make an agree-
SUlliwiin, '!I. forward; ment; bargain to
promote a make a covenant.
Sunye, '!I. to doze; take a short $adah11Dfe, v. to practise
nap. quackery.
sUra, kind $adugbo, v. neighbour.
SUrl!, Sare, v. v. to foppish.
to be rash. eaflyesi, ealdyesi, v. to observe ;
Sure, SUreftm, '!I. to bless; pro·
to take care of; to be
nounce or desire a. blessing cautious.
$afarawe, v. imitate.
SUre mbQja, v. struggle for
$afojudi, v. to he insolent; to
be cheeky; to be impudent.
SUre.aj6, 'I). to forerun.
$afQWQra. v. to steal; to pilfer.
S6rU, pa.tience perseverance
under vexation. eaf,nusi, v. have a in
Stisiisii, v. to move stealthily in matter to vote.
search of a. thing or with $agabagobe, v. to play the
intent to pilfer. hypocrite.
Suta, to reta.il liquid or $aga1amqa, to play under-
Suti, ,uti, n. contemptuous hand trieks.
J!outing of the lips; a hiss. $ago, n. a demijohn.
SuwQn, adj. good, well, nice. $agbako, v. to chance; to meet
v. endeavour to
try; to struggle.
$agbe, v. to beg from door to
$i, v. to fade; to be sterile. door; to borrow.
adj. stale. $agbegbe, v. neighbours.
e', ealogbl), v. ; to $agbawi, $agbasq, v. an
with a. knife. advocate; to be a mouth-
el, v. to pick up one by one; piece.
choose. ad'll. at eagbafQ, v. to Bend clothes to
Dide .. Rille at the ll\wldry; te a
~AG 235 ~AI

3albagim, v. to send grain to be em! inter;. an expression of

pounded. defiance.
3aI~, v. to give to a helper $&1, adv. not; having .the samc
to count. force as the English prefix
3agbakO, v. to let a farm for un; mostly used with mA ;
hoeing; to make a contract not. When rna pre<'edes
for house building. sai the two negatives make
3albalQ. v. to !lend grain to the a strong Bffirruative.-o.g.,
mill; to be a miller. Ma ~y (lit.--do not go, or
3agbalu, v. to give cloth or you ruUllt go).
clothes to be beaten. $aidi, v. to untio; to undo.
$aibqlafun, $aibqwqfun, v. to
'arbamO, v. to employ a builder disrespect; to dishonour.
to build walls.
$aidqgba, udj. unequal.
'arbap6, v. to call BOmeone on
IIaifA, v. not to draw or pull.
behalf of another.
~barA, v. to buy a second·
$&ifo, v. to hate; to bo unwilling;
to dislike.
hand thing.
$aigbA, t'. to refuse; to decline;
3arbar6. v. to employ l~bourers
to disapprove.
to work a farm.
$aigbarbQ, t'. to disbelieve.
3arbarU. t'. to give a load to a
flaigb6fun, v. to be without help;
to be unsupported.
3arbqO, v. to make a watchman
$aigbokOIe, v. to distrust.
responsible for valuable
$aigbqrao, v. to be disobedient.
8aQOWfl. v. to deny; to refusf'J
tarbaiA, v. to give goo~. to to admit a fault.
auctioneers or commISSion
$aikiJeIIi, v. to be unobservant.
$aikmma. adj. coarse; rough.
fagbato. v. to give a child to the
$ail8IO, adj. unfruitful; barren.
care of a nurse.
3arbawo, v. to take a sick person $aiI"bO. adO. singular.
$ailera, adj. sick; ill; woa~.
to a doctor.
$ailqIa, OOj. dishonourablo; diS.
3arbawq. v. to lodge in a house
or inn; to let a hou.~.
$ailqra, cuIj. quick; smart;
.$agbaWUD, v. to order a cloth or unhesitating.
basket to be woven; to $ai1OWa, cuIj. ugly; uncouth.
weave. $aimO, adj. unolean.
~bayq, v. to secure the aid. of $aimQ, v. to be ignorant.
a helper to get out a thing IJaimu, v. not to tako.
from a hole. IJaini, v. to be destitute.
.$agbere, v. to commit adultery ; IJaiDigbarbq, v. to disbelievol;
to be a prostitute. to discredit.
$agb~O. v. to be a blacksmith. $aip" v. to be lJuiok.
~ t'. to be obstinate; to ~ adj. unmingled. v. to
be selfwilled. leave unmixed.
3artm1a. v. to be indifferent; $aiPO. adj. few.
to contemn. 1Jair~, v. Imwe!"'iad.

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f?AI 236 ~AN

,aUt, unfriendly. . abortive.

~n, v. to be ill; to be sick. ~aki, adv. roughly; ruggedly.
eaDan, tI. to kf'ep awake; to eatoko, v. to happen; to be
pass a sleepless night. opportune.
~edede. adj. unequal. v. to ,&koso, v. to control; to com·
be crooked. mand.
~tQ, adj. untrue. v. to be eaIabapade, v. to chance; to
untruthful. meet unawartlil.
,aitA, v. not offioious; meddle·

,aito, adj. lIU'lutllculnt.
,aitQ, {14£j.
~tuD~, put right.- ~, v. not· to praise.-e.g.,
e.g., 0 ~tun ile re 118, .. He o f?Blaiyin i, .. He does not
does not put his house praise him."
straight." f$alailQkan, adj. fearful; timid.
e&iwa, adj. absent. ,alailagbara, adj. weak.
,aiW(l, add. dirty. v. to leave ,alailera, adj. ill; wl'ak through
unwashed. illness.
,aiwi, poor.
~wa, ohildless.
'aiwQ, v. not
to to scout.
,aiyo, agidi without
e&japa, goods for plaster; to cut
sale. busb or forest.
e&jeji, adj. !!trange; new. v. eAn, tI. to flow into; to be watery;
to be strange; to be new. to be too thin.
,aj(l. v. to bewitch. ,ana,
v. to strike a match.
e&jt, v. to cut to pieces for the 'Ana,
v. to give dowry; to pay
purpose of eating.
respect to any member of
,ijo, tI. to take care of one; to the family of one's wife.
be solicitous.
'~an, adj. upright.
,ajq, ,anba, overflow.
,ijQmQ, a mutual
understanding to agree
,anfam, Rdvanta"eous ;
be profitable.
down a forest,
,ijn, make a clearing.
'ita, disparage.
of thunder.
,aiye, ; to take
pleasure. ,aniani, v. to doubt; to demur.
eAkq&ka, adv. cloarly ; plainly. ~an, v. to be anxious; to
~a, adv. mossy. care for; to be solicitous.
eataIa, adv. merely. e&njA, v. to make a mud ceiling.
IJakawe, v. to compare. 1Jan]l:u, v. to die prematurely.

~AN 237

$ankuta, v. to dllBh again.st " laIegbA, v. in turn.

st.one. ~ v. to be tluperfluous;
~6, R~e, v. to pla.ster 0. house. to overdo a thing.
~,. to euL overgrown Sita, v. to I'ClJII'oa.ch.
~anl(l, adj. dll8hed on the SatiD, v. to
groWld. ~ti, v. to
$anpa, v. to swing the arm. $atipo, v. to sojourn.
~" v, to wash the feet. ~tmlfe, v. to mediate; to
$anat, to the foot. amend.
~anu:ro, v. to SawadA, v. jest.
~nu, v. to be merciful. $awawi, v. to find fault; to
~anwQ, v. t{) be empty handed; cavil.
to BWing hand. v. to initiatod in to 0.
~pa, to hack death a seoret.
knif.. or cutlass. ~w6,v. to pick up money; to
~pakan, v. to do a portion of a sort money.
thing. ~woro, n. small brass bolls;
lJapaku. v. to meRns for jinglo.
anether's d1l2truetion. $awotan, v, heal entirely;
~Apqapa, adv. roughly; filthily. to effect 0. complete cure.
$apejuwe, v. to desoribo. $awun, $ahun, V. to he
I)ap(l, to hands to niggardly to be stingy.
applaud. $ayan, v. to ohoose; select.
$ap\ll'\!, I'. to illustrate; to $Ayan, v. to diligent.
signify; to make a sign. $ayika, V. to encircl~.
"PQU, v. to be diligent; to be $e, 88 a prefix id often con-
industrious. tracted Ii\.-e.g.,~-
$Ara, to be singular; be afiyesi ,afiyesi, ,e·ailera
stranf5e. to 'iailera, ~e-itIiIar(} to
~ v. to speak {moon· >;I~o.ro.
neoredly old to do ; act;; to make;
$arekeretc, v. cause to be.
dealing; to Shllfflo. $1I..gbll, v. to perish.
3irt, v. to be tired. $~be, v. to bo partil\l.
3ir~, adj. older than. $e-ibinuj~, v. t{) regret; to be
,aro, think to deliberat,e.
$Aroyll, to talkative to
qUIl.lT.!lI. pass sentence; to judge.
.,..., n. smallpox marks. $edaraya, v. to take exercise;
eqA, adv. few. to o.rnu~e; to take reore·
,., quickly. ation.
~ adv. and $edamdaP9, to to
little; very fow. blend; to confuse.
$q~wQ, n. worn out broom; ,edanwo, V. to tlxl\mine; to
the tip of broom. to test.
$qeleke, II. t{) go to extromes. v. to proud; boast ;
$&taro, v. to m~ditattl. to lightly estoem anoth~ ...
~EC: 238 F,ltN

IIegt, v. to be exaCt; to be lJepinDu, tJ. to determine; to-

equal; to tally; to match. resolve.
fIegiri, tI. to be brave; to take IJeP9llJu, tJ. to be R1Bicted; to
courage: to strengthen one· worry.
solf. ~" v. to serve; to be a.
8egAra. tJ. to rob; to plunder..
IIegbAgbe, tJ. to forget; to
~ti, tJ. to remember;
to \
lJegberara, tI. to he proud; to flereti, tJ. to hope; to expect.
elate oneself.
flegbqdD, t'. to be obedient.
jJer,j" tJ. to cheat; to defraud.
fIer9n, tJ. to ease; to relieve.
IlelfbOwO, IIonigbqwq, v. to be fleaegeaege, add. ugly; topsy.
surety; to be reRponsible. turvy.
IIekinu, tI. to be merciful. ~, tJ. to choose; to make
IJekaDnu, tJ. to be passionate; a lIelectiOn.
to fret; to be SWer6. fletanmq, tJ. to surmise ~ to
lJekore, tI. to hRJ"Vest; to reap. conjecture; to think.
$ellji, tJ. to mediate. flet9ju, tJ. to take care of; to
IIe1ala, tJ. to work hard,. to toil. guard.
lJe]akaJaka, tI. to hop. fIet9a" tJ. to examine; to trace.
1Jelana, 11. to ordain, to direct. ,eyqri. tI. to be successful.
lJelalejo, tJ. to entertain strangcrs, ~ tJ. to aggravate matters;
to be hospitable. to exaggera.te; to provoke.
IIelara, tI. to be em-ions; to flewAri, tJ. to be quick.
envy. IJewuu, tI. to preach.
IIelqtun. tI. to renew; to repair. f$eyqri. v. to u.chieve; to b&
1Ieleri, tJ. to promise; to give a successful.
pledge. fl8WQra. tJ. to be greedy.
flfIlUl, v. to conquer.
IIel~e, v. to hurt; to injure.
lIel,wa, tI. to Mom; to beautify. fltl,,,.
'f. tJ. to be delicate.
v. to open.
IJem\tlt. tJ. to bc lazy. fli, tJ. t.o miss; add. fade ; dull.
1Jel9tQ, v. to adom; to furnish. flilli. n. spoon.
IJenia, tJ~ to be kind; to be fIiftsi, II. to misplace.
amiable. flihun, tJ. to make an error in
,enunibini, tI. to persecute; to speech.
harass. lJjkuro, tJ. to remove; to ehange
f$enudidun, tJ. to be pleased; to the place of a thing.
be glad. IJigun, tJ. to lead an army to
fkMlal" tI. to be perfidious; to battlc. .
be treacherous. fIilaiya, v. to alienate; to dis·
IJepaiya, v. to be afraid; to be courage.
pallic.stricken. flll,St, v. to foree one away.
1JepinI" tJ. to determine a flinidi, finiPo. tJ. to rell1ove; to.
boundary. shift.
IJepiahun, tJ. to make a COIl tract fliDiye, tJ. to remind.
or agreement.. flfni, tI. to reopen a. road.

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239 ~ts

,baA. 11. to miss one's way. lJiDfin, ad". firmly.-e.g., Duro

1Jite. 11. to misbehave. ~ln~in, " Stand firmly."
,igidi. n. an image made of mud $inmO, v. to cleanse.
which it is believed will ,inupayafun, v. to be frimk; to
protect, avenge, or attack make one's mind known.
when propitiated. ~Q, inter;. pshaw! hissing.
'11110. v. to misunderstand. tipa, v. to work hurriedly or
lJijibO. 11. to shade; t.() over- $ipa, v. to kill any creature bv
shadow. mistake. •
lJiju. fl. to be daring; to open
IJipada, IJipopada, 11. to remove;
the eye.
. to change to another place.
lJijuw6. 11. td behold; to look ,lparo, v. to rub off by mistake.
upon; to view.
IJiPaya, v. to reveal; to expose.
lJika. v. to do mischief; to act $ipe, v. to miscall or call by
$ik6. 11. to cherish; to take care ,iP', v. to beg.
of; to nurse.
$isnO, adj. open; manifest.
IJikiri, 11. to havo no abiding $ir6, v. to play; to sport.
place; to be vagrant.
$iri. adj. a stock of com.
,ikq, 11. to set sail; to leavc the $ir6, v. to reckon; to calculate.
,irq, n. the thrush.
IJlk9. 11. to make a mist,ake ill
$isaikunna, adj. coarsP.; rough.
$ikun. v. to remain; a part. of
,ilIaju, n. antecedent.
$~awe, n. allegory.
a whole left behind.
,neli, 11. to warn; to caution'
$itAn. adj. running; flowing;
to exhort. ' watery.
$il!&nufun, adj. pitiable.
,ntlmn. v. to open a door or $quan, n. ~pea.king uncon-
nectcdly through old age.
,Uo. 11. to misuse; t.o mis- ,*OY8, n. prating; talking
beyond limit.
1JUq, 11. to migrate; to drive lJitiyau, n. assiduity.
IJUO. 11. to tr8n.'1plant. ,iJlayau, adj: chosen; select.
$is" v. to move; to walk fast.
,llqna. 11. to mislead. $ife, v. ro make a mistake.
IJUQwQ. v. to prevent all action. 'ite, adO. possible.
IJimtl,. 11. to b., idle; to be 'it6, v. to work.
lazy. $ite, v. to labour; to worry.
IJimO. 11. to fail to recognise. $it!' adj. missed; mistaken.
IJimQran. v. to counseL 1Jiti, adj. open.
,in, adv. deeply.--e.g., Ogun mi
l~ ~in, .. It pierctlS my
IJipefun, v. to beg; ro apologise.
'itiro, adj. calculated: reckoned.
'ifir6, adj. misca.lcul~ted.
,m. foot deeply."
11. to wash; to rinse.
IJjDipa, 11. to commit man-
~ro, adO. difficult; hard.
,isQ, 11. to speak wrongly; to
slaughter. make a slip of the tongu;:.

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240 ~QP

~ adj. watched. ,0Dikupaui, fl. to be a traitor

$itQkaD, n. unity. or betrayer.
$itqra, n. watchfulness. ,cmroro, v. to be cruel; to be
Situ. add. Rpherica.1; rounded; an oppressor.
circular. IJoDt6. add. pointed. n. pinnacle.
SitU. add· dark ; overcast; i 'OIIfOil(l, n. a cape; a prom-
b1a.ck; dull. ontory.
$iwaju, $aju, adv. before. ,op6. add. ignorant.
Siw6re, v. to be crazy. ,Ore, v. to be kind.
Siwo. v. to borrow money.
$iw9. v. to rest temporarily
,aro. add. difficult; hard.
fS6r6. add· fierce.
from work; to stop doing
a thing.
,orO. v. to observe the fefltival
of a god.
$iJemeji, v. to be doubtful. lJoto. adj. only.
~. v. to watch. ~. add. studded.
,0. adj. slackened; loose. IJOfi, v. to be W1'6tched.
'0. v. to be stubborn.
,odi, v. to oppose; to be against.
IJotitQ. v. to be true.
'owo, v. to trade.
IJ6di. v. to be a bulwark; to ~. v. to watch.
'010. v. to bo empty.
'9. add· s1ack.-e.g., Apo yi ~9,
.. This bag is slack"; over-
1$010. v. to waste; to lose. flowing.-e.g., Qdu yi ~,
801010, v. to tell a lie; to be a .. This hole is full to over· •
tale·bearer. flowing."
!Joge. v. to be foppish. 1JQdal(l. v. to be treacheroUf! ; to
,oro. n. to exalt. to glory.
lJiIruD. v. to makc medicine.
be a traitor.
Sqclt. v. to hunt.
,0gUnai, v. to use foul means 891Q, v. to mourn.
against anyone. IJ9gbi. v. to watch a garden.
'ojOto, v. to dupe; to cheat. IJ9gbqgba, adj. equal; exact.
IJojuftrin. v. to wink. 89kaD, adv. togt"ther.
IJojuja, v. to look stem; to look
defiant. $Qla. v. to presume on account
IJojukokoro, v. to covet. of one's position.
$ojurore, v. to be favourable. 1J9kaDto,0. v. to unite.
IJojusaju, v. to be partial; to 891e, v. to watch a house.
be prejudiced in favour of. IJ9lt. v.to be lazy.
'oj1lB1l, v. to be puzzled. 1J9lu, fl. to watoh a town.
,oki, add. little. 89m'll. v. to take undue advan-
IJoldfoki, adv. very little. tage of one's birth.
1J6~ki, adv. roughly; lmevenly. 89mQde. adj. young.
I$OkotO, n. trousers. 89mQd9. v. to be a servant.
IJ6koto. n. very small. 1J9m9ta. v. to be rude.
1J0kuDkUD, adj. dark. IJ9na, v. to watch.
IJolori, v. to be above others; 89't. v. to be thankful.
to rule; to preside. 89P9. adO. common; many.
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~QR 241 TAG

IJqra, v. to beware; to be T.
watchful; to be circum·
spect. T&, pron. who ?-e.g., Ta ni lllI6
~"v. to be friendly. b~, " Who is doing so."
~, v. to bedeck oneself with T&, v. to kick; burn; shoot
jewels. at ; sting; tap ; spill;
~~, adv. quietly. shed; shine upon; to
lJ9s9u6, adj. kindhearted. open a boil.
flqta, v. to be an enemy. Ti, v. to Rell; expose for sale ;
1Jqt" v. to relJEll. impose a fine.
SOtQ, 'II. to be faithful; to be T&, v. to produce; to sound
honest. aloud (as a cry); to
flqtun, v. to be new . wander from one place to
•• eotun-tosi," v. to be double· another.-e.g., Ta atare
dealing. ataY9, " He roves hero and
flqw6, v. to pet>p. there."-e.g., Igbe ta, .. A
flqwq, v. to send off; to forward cry WRS raised."
a thing or person. Tab&, n. tobscco.
eoWqD, adj. dear; scarce. !Abf. conj. or; either; neither;
eo. adj. round. nor; whether.-e.g., Tabi
$6, v. to be dark. iW9 ko gb9, .. Or do you
ea, t'. to empty the bowels. not hear."-e.g., IW9 tabl
eubaibai, ti. to be hazy. emi, " Y 011 or I."
SuOO, v. to uvershadow; to fib'l inter. what else? what
mob. more! indeed I
euba, v. to fall. fibi-tAbi, v. doubt; uncer·
8ubula, tJ. to fall upon. tainty.-e.g., Tabl·tabl kb
$ulohun, v. to be impudent; to si nlb~, .. There is no
be insolent. doubt about it."
eugbqu, conj. but. !Ab6, n. a splash.
e1iJq, adj. round; assembled. 'lieli, v. to be at variance with.
!J6ku, n. ba.'Ikct. 'l'adi, v. to be stirred.
eumq, 'II. to throng. Tala, v. to shoot arrows.
Sun. v. to pinoh; to take little 'l'afa-tafa, n. an archer; bow·
by little. man.
Sibl, adv. intently; oalmly. !a8ri, adj. aromatic.
!JUDD&, 'II. to be thrifty. 'l'agirl, n. a creeper, the fruit of
eUll&fi, v. to exaggerate. which is used in tanning
eUBi, 'II. to interfere.
!agirl, tJ. to startle.
elDa, 'II. to bt. attacked with 'HgetAge, adv. feebly; stagger.
diarrhma. ingly.
e6DO, 0. to marry a widow. !igun, adj. strong; vigorous;
e6m, adj. small circle. healthy; sound; hale.-
e6ru. adj. plenty.-e.g., Mo bu e.g., Qk9nrinnil. tagun pUM,
,Urn, .. I take plenty of it." "That man has a very
e. adv. greatly; violently. healthy aPIJElarance."
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Tagbo lmD, fl. to spread or make Ta-laiya, v. to smite the breast;

sail. oppose; ; to be
Tagbi;lugbOn. v. to ; to contrary to.-e,g" Aflilflil ta
laiya, wind is
pick the contrary to ship."
TahUn, fl. to tell out one's grief. TaUakA, n. B poor person,
Tai, adfl. indifferently; inso· Talll, v. to become infected.
lently. Tali, Tani, pro. who? whom?-
'Ta-ibOju, to veil screen. Tali " Who
Ta-ire, to imprecate, the person
Taimtai. se~ TaL TUb, a splash.
Taiyll, adj. temporal; belonging Ta-lOr~, v. to gh'e a present;
to the world. t{) reward.
Taja. v. to sell goods or Talu, v. to fall upon.
merchandise. Ta-ll'lgbll, n, unripe fruit;
'rAj t, TI\iilMdlle. blood. blight.
Tail, to Timmi, to think F1uppose ;
Tajn, v. to be in haSte; to be Tim, v. to light a lamp or torch;
anxious. to shine; radiate; entice;
Tikl, v. to eompete with; to seduce; lure ; deceive;
rival. decoy; spread seatter.-
Takad&, TAn fitila, Light the
Ta smart; 18IIlp."
move with activity; to finish ; to
nimble. at an end; extinct;
Tiklltikll, adt'. immediately; annihilate; to heal; cure.
instantly; at once. Tan. v. to be related to.~.g.,
TakMe, to stand from; Emi ko ba 9 emi ko IIi
9 re, " neither
Tak"", 8t'lEl Tit kankan,
related to, acquainted
Takfnikfni-oju, t,o. to be giddy,
faint or intoxieated.
Tan, tI. to run aground.
Tak6k6, v. to knot. Tangala, n. a bird.
Tikitiki, adj. fertile; pro- Tanganrau, n. tin; zinc;
ductive.-e.g., nR ri galvanized
tluo.tn,KJ," That, very Tam. pro. who;
productive." fl. to kick
Tako, v. to gainsay; oppose;
contradict. cheat;
TakQ tabo, n. male and female.
Taku, dauntlllllS, at.
TakUn, to hang string or v. to about;
comm to
Tali, no bleached calico; white publish.
muslin. Tanma, v. Bee TBruna.


fimn~lt, fl. to emit light; TasOAra, tI. to sprinkle the body_

illuminate. TasOt, tI. to spill on the ground;
'lamli, fl. to light the lamp; to t.o shed.
flower; blossom. Tasiwaju, v. to shoot in front of
TamlA-tamai, n. a small centi· one.
pede. T.." tI. to imprecate evil upon;
TADfiD, fl. to twinkle; omit to curse.
light. 'la-fitil, tI. to ramble; to rove;
tintU, adj. violently (a quali- to rOBID.
fication of the verb N a, to Tawo, Tayo, v. to play th~ game
stretch).-e.g., Emi na ~ cRlled warry.
mi tftntAn, " I stretched my Ta-Y9, v. to go beyond ; surpass;
legs out to the full extent." . excel; outdo.-e.g., Obin-
'lantasi. n. ylloDl8 left in the riD yi ta gbogbo w9n 19,
ground to shoot out. .. This woman excels them
'lana. fl. to cast out; eject. all."
'liti, tI. to kick. i'a:vq-taJ9, adt'. gladly; joyfully.
'litAli. tI. to kick against; to T6. adv. on the very top
spurn. (qualifying verbs signifying
Tapo. v. to bud; to appear (as to put, or rest upon).-e.g.,
an car of com). ~iy~ ba M ori igi h~, .. The
'lara, fl. to be hasty; zealous; bird roosts on the top of the
earnest; concerned; q uiok. tree."
--fl.g., Tara gbe omi 19 fun T6, t... to worship; a(lom ;
mi, " Be quick and take propitiate; rear; respect;
water for Ine." fondle; indulge. - e.g.,
'NrA, adj. straightforward.- O~ ti a k~ k~, ti 1m ghq
e.g., Mo f~ ki 0 sqrq tAra, ikq o~ ti a te te, ti ko
" I wish you to speak in a gbite, oju popo ni igbe
straightforwanl manner." g~hin, "Tho deity who
'liri, a. to push violently or would not be pleased when
headlong. they tried to please it, and
Tiro, fl. to estimate, regard, who would not be pro-
countenance; to act suit- pitiated when they tried to
ably; to notice. propitiatt> it, m\l8t finally
'lara, v. to lift a heavy load on take up his abodo in the
thtl head for oneself. highway."
'fII6, n. pan; cup; plate. THe. n. a parrot very des-
'lasai, adj. pungent; acid; tructive to Indian com.
sharp. Tele-tele, adv. wholly; entirely;
'ftI6. v. to fail; mis8 the mark ; altogether.-e.g., 0 19 tefe-
to miHs another. tefe, "He escaped alto-
'lU6h6n, v. to equivocate ; gether."
prevaricate. TegbGtri, adj. medicinal.
'lUiriD, tI. to stagger. T6j6, Tqju, v. to take care of;
Tu" tI. to kick. watch; have the oversight
'lui, v. to shoot at; spill upon; of.
to anoint.
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TEL 244 T]l:-M

Tele, v. to gather chips. Tt-bomi, Tt-~, v. to soak

Temi, pro. mine. in wat.er.
Tenia, adj. human; worldly. T,bQ-t,bQ, adj. unhealthy;
Tente, n. a point; pinnacle; unnatural; bloated.
apex; spire. Ttdo, v. to encamp; form an
Tip" v. to be wrinkled ; establishment; build a new
shrivelled. town.
'1'61"6, adv. in a BIDall quantity. T~gun, v. to set the battle in
Tirftiiri, adv. filthily; unclean. array; to lay wait.
Tete, adv. early; soon: quickly; Ttgbin-ttgbin, adv. filthily;
first; beforehand.-e.g., IIX' unclean.
Mmi ni ki a tete k9 !fe, Tth,m. adj. the la.Bt; final.
.. My work is the first to . T,hiD-bQrun. n. the name of a
be done." tree.
Tete, n. leg; kick from an TfjumQ, T,jumOw6, v. to gaze
anima.l.-e.g., Ewure yan at; to f8Bt~n the eye upon;
mi ni tete, .. The goat to regard earnestly; to
kicked me." attend to.
Tete, adv. fast; quickly.-e.g., T,k~ttl', n. routine.
Qm9de nsore tete loju Ttl6- v. to follow after; to
op6po, .. The child runs imitate; to pursue.-e.g.,
quickly on the highway." MBIfEl IfI'ju, 'Iugb9n ~le
T6t6-kail), v. to antedate. wqn, .. Do not go before
Tetekl), adv. in the first place. hut follow them."
TM6tO, 0. to provoke. '1',1" v. to tread on the grounrl..
TM6tl)w6, tl. to taste beforehand. ado. beforehand; previously;
anticipo.te.-e.g., Awa ti mq
T6we, adj. belonging to child· ~l~ pe b~ni yio ri, .. We
hood; juvenile.
knew beforehand that it
T~, v. to come to disgrace; to
would be so."
be flat or level; to be
tasteless, or insipid; to Tt-I.." v. to tread on the foot;
Tt-logo, v. to humble; disgrace ;
'1'" v. to beat; outdo; to lay; bring low or cast down.
to place.
'1'" v. to trample; t·read down; Tt-loriba, fl. to subdue or
bend; to be curved;
crooked.-e.!1., 0 t~ mi Ii oju Tt-l. fl. to omBBCulo.te an
f;lS~ t,i ndtm mi, .. You trod
animal; CBBtrate.
on my sore foot which Tt-1Q1'UD, v. to satisfy.
pains me." Ttm" adv. scornfully. v. to
T,ba, v. toO bend; make to slight.-e.g., 0 wo mi t,m"
stoop; subject. .. He regarded me scorn·
T,bal" v. to bcnd down. fully."
T,btr" t.. to make level; to Ttmi. adj. spiritual.
make low. 'l't-ml), v. to press upon; to
Tt-~, v. to dip. imprint.
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T~-M 245 Tl
Tt-mQl" v. to trample under T~fsilt. tJ. to inclino the ear.
foot; overwhelm; dom- Tft6, n. exeoutioner.
ineer.--e.g., Ma. ~ mi Ttw6. tJ. to print.
m9]\l Ii at\lII;lS'i' rfiI, " Don't TtwOlba, tJ. to accept; approve;
trample me under foot." receive; take in hand.
TtDibafln, tJ. see 'r~·lqda. Ttw~ v. to be weighty; to
T,ni, pro. one's own. balance. adj. heavy.
T~ n. one who disg1'&CCS Ti, tJ. to strike with a hard
another. substance; to fade.
T6DilOnm, v. to be satisfied with. Ti, conj. yet.-e.g., Emi ki i ti 19.
T,niDinu, tJ. to appease, pro. " I have not gonE.' yet."
pitiate. pacify. Ti, pro. who; that; which;
Tpt",. n. Il carnivorous bird. whom; the one which.-
Tpu, adj. good. tempered; meek; e.g., Qk9nrin ti rno wi ti
gentle; mild. pada de, " Thu man whom
T,nu, adtJ. from t~ mouth. I mentioned has returned."
TpUJD9. tJ. to affirm; urge; Ti, prep. to; of; bdonging to.
assert. ; assure. -e.g., Ti tani ifIC. "To
T9DUJDq-16mOIemO. tJ. to con· whom does it belong" (a.lso
stantly affirm. a sign of the possessive
TtDYiD. pro. yours. case).-c.g., Iwe ti emi kf,l
T91'1UD9. v. to persevere; to niyi, .. This is not my book."
persist. Ti, tJ. to thrust; support;
Tfr~. adj. slim; tall; slender. push; fasten; lock; shut.
Ttr~, tJ. to tread down; trample I -e.g., 'fi i1'i'kun ki 0 to
upon. jade," Lock the door before
T6ri, tJ. to suppress; put you go out."-e.g., M",e ti
under; hide; secrete ; 9m9 ~bu, "Do not pUllh
immerse. the child over."
T9l'fba, tJ. to stoop, bow t.he Ti, prep. against; at; with;
head; submit; cringe. by; near.-e.g., MBljle duro
T"fsi, tJ. to ineline towards. ti mi. "Do not stand by
T~. adv. abundantly; satis· me."
factorily ; contentc,dly ; Ti, ad". not.--e.g., 0 ti, .. It is
enough. not so" (also denoting
TtrUttrU. adv. fearfully; dread. failure or inBbilit;v).-e.g.,
fully. Baba k9 He ti... My father
T(!IUbi. n. prayer beads ; rosary. could not finish his house."
Ttl.. tJ. to incline to, to tern. Ti, ". have.-e.g., Awa ti 19 •
porize; to bias. .. We have gone."--e.g., On
T\IIllt, v. to bend down. ti de, .. He has come."
Ttlt, n. a herb. Ti, prBp. from.-e.g., Bi iW9 ti
Tttt-tpn. n. a species of cane ti ib\l na de ni, .. Have you
used for cough mixture. just come from that place."
Ttl",. adv. earelessly.-e.g., A Ti, ad". heavily; vehemently;
ki imu ibqn ~~rfiI, " A gun with groat forcc.-e.g.,
is not to be handled care· Orim nil. bi lu mi tt, .. The
lessly." '!'Dell overpowers me."
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TiAD. TiiD-ti6D, adv. long; Tilt, 001/.j. even; though;

distant; bigh.-e.g.• Oniye although.-e.g., Bi awa ko
ni iranti 9j9 tian-tian, " A til~ 19, kini yio ~? "Even
man of good memory can if W6 should not go what
recall past days long ago." would happen ? "
-e.g., ~iy", fo tian-tian, Ti-l,hiD, fl. to succour; support ;
" The. bird flew to a great defend; relieve.
height." Ti iIu, adj. publio; belonging to
TiiD-tiaD. adfJ. abundantly; pro· the town, people or nation.
fusoly; plentifully. TllltHqn. adfJ. pompously; with
TiaD-tiaD. n. l\ bird called thus drum and pipe.
from its cry. Timq, Timq-timq, adfJ. closely;
Ti-b6b6, adtJ. fatherly. adhesively.
TibQi, pro. one yonder. Timtbn. n. cushion; pillow;
Tibo. adfJ. adhesively; copiously. bolster.
Tidf, fl. to shy; to go backwards. TiD, TiDrfD/ adj. thin; slender.
Tirb64if, Ti,b6Jdkqji, adj. for TiDibQ. TiDaran, fl. to kindle;
a little time; transient; set on fire.
passing. TiDt, prep. within; among.
Tijade, fJ. to thrust out. TiDu-tiDu, adfl. . heartily;
Tijitiji, adfl. fretfully; tur- voluntarily; willingly.-
bulently. e.g., Emi 0 fi tinu-tinu ,1:1 6,
Tij6tij6. nafJ. prancingly; with .. I will do it heartily."
dancing step. Tipl, TipldhyiD, adfl. stren-
Tiju, fJ. to blush; to be ashamtld ; uously; with effort.
to reserve. TipA-tipi, adfl. with force ;
Tiki-tlkA, adfJ. cruelly; tyrani- violently.
cally. Tipil..t, adfl. from the beginning.
TikaDra-tikaDra, adfJ. fretfully. Tfri, Tia, n. a Mohammedan
Tikirimi, pro. myself.-e.g.• charm.
Emi tikarami ni, " It is I Tir~kqja, adj. passing; tran-
myself." sitory.
Tikirir,. pro. thyself; yourself. Tir" pro. thine; YOl1rs.-e.g.,
Tikirirt. pro. himself; herself. TirI,l Ii awa, "We are
Tiki-ttgbiD. adfJ. iDllultingly;
contemptuously.--t'.g.,O wo Tirt. pro. his; hers; ita.
mi tlk&-*gbin. " He looks Tir" adfJ. abundant.ly; in multi-
at me contemptuously." tudes.-e.g., AW9n enia w9
Tlk,hlD, adfJ. lastly. tirl,' lqd9 r~. "The people
Tlk~ m~tik~ adfJ. heavily;
flook to him in multitudes."
unwillingly;. reluotantly. Tiri, fJ. to stand at bay.
TIk6, adj. deadly; fatal. Tiri, fl. to stoop; to look down·
Ti-Jmr6, fJ. to thrust away. wards.
TilitiJA, adj.' laborious; toil· TlriDm~t. fJ. to stand firm.
some. TirlIi, prep. against; opposite
TIli, fl. to pledge one's word. to.

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Tiro, fJ. to stand on tip-toe; to TiiaJq, adj. surpa!!Singly

stretch oneself to roach excellent.
somtlthing. Tft6, n. that which may be
TirG, n. antimony; blacklead fondlod or worshippNi.
ore. Titt, n. that which is trampled
TiM-tim, cuW. thoughtfully, upon.
advisedly. Tit" n. that which spreads; an
Ti iRlt. adj. belOilging to the even surface.
lower parts. Tfttba. adj. bent.
Til!, fJ. to push into; to thrURt Tittl6, n. that which is followed.
agRillflt. Titpumq, adj. affirmable;
Ti-liwaju, v. to push forward; declarative.
impel. Tito-obi, n. pangs of childbirth.
Ti-a6ra, n. scissors. Titt\V9Iba. adj. acceptable.
Ti-tijil, adj. foremost; pre- Tit!, adfJ. continually; ever.
cedent; preliminary. II. to conj. until.
put forward, or foremost. Tit!, adll. tremulously; violently.
Tiff-tif', ad". penuriously. -e.g., Il~ mi titl, .. The
Tin-tifo, adfJ. labouriously. earth quakod violontly."
Ti.tife, ". that which may be Tit!, n. public road, street.--e.g.,
done; practically. Oju ttt.i ni mo duro si, .. 1
Ti-,ubu, fJ. to push down; to am standing on the public
cauee to fall. road."
Titi, n. that which is to btl sold. Titi-lai, ado. for ever: per·
Tit&, fl. that which is to be shot petually.
at. acij.stinging; burning. TfU IQ, adfJ. continually.
-e.g., J.<.:mi 0 fi egbogi tita Titb, n. sufficienoy.
si ~ ~, .. I will put Titobi, n. greatness.
burning medicintl on your Tit6gb6, v. dozing; napping.
foot." Tft6, add. straight; direct.
TitagbAra, adj. violent; mighty. n. that which is to be
TitAn, adj. curable; wrminable; straightened.
oxtinguishable. Titqwo, n. that which is to be
Tftb, adj. shining; sparkling; tasted.
twinkling. n. bright light. TUn, adj. navigable.
Titan, n. deception; df'Ceit. Titu, adj. tamable.
TitAn, adj. trailing; spreading. Tft6.jilki, n. the state of being
Titani, pro. whose.-e.g., 'l'itani cheerful.
ni iwe yi? .. Whose is Tft6.ki, -no thai which it! BCR.ttered
this book ? " or separated.
Titani, adj. burning; stinging. Titukq, see Titu.
TitAnjo, n. a deceit, a fraud. TfWt, n. that which is to he
TitAnki, n. Bt\e Titan. ploughed.
Tftlnfin, n. raY" of light. Tituloju, n. that which· can be
Titara, adt'. ea.meetly ; zealously. tamed.
Titara-titara,adv. very l'MIlestly. TituD, adj. new I fresh; young;
TftAril, n. for the sake of. recent.

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TituDte, adJ. reparable; amend- Qhun lQ, "This is bigger

able. than that."
TiWI&, pro. OUl'l!. Tobijulq, adj. biggest; largest.
Tiwaju, adJ. foremost., prior. Tode, OOj. open; belonging to
Tiwoye, adv. considerately. the public.
Tiwqn, pro. theirs. T6gb6, v. to sleep; Rlumber;
TiW9DW9D, n. a wart; the name doze.
uf a bird. TlIgbera, v. to place in rows.
Tiwqra-tiwqra, ad·lI. greedily. 'l6gbo, n. a bird.
Tiya, adj. maternal; belonging Tohlin, rMlj. pertaining to the
to the mot,hor. voice.
Tiyira-tiyira, ad". swiftly; T6jq, v. to muster; heap
hastily; briskly; speedily. together; acoumulate.
Tiye, adj. mental; pertaining Toj6.~ v. to look into; to view_
to the memory. TOke, adj. heavenly; pertain-
Tiye, adj. pertaining to life. ing to things above.
TiyOn, adv. afar. Tokl, adv. in sma.ll quantities_
To, T6to, Toto htln, adv. never.- Tol" v. to touch tho ground.
e.g., Toto hOO emi ko ~ b~ T6-I.s" T6-16stBO, v. to arrange
mQ, "Ne,'er will 1 do it in orderly rows.
again." TilI6t616, n. a turkey.
To, adj. sufficient; enough. v. TOlu, n. to pack togeth..r.
to be equal to; able.--e.g., Ton1t6n1, adv. clea.nIy; decently_
~Q nA to fun '\Iokoto, ToDit6ni, ronj. until to-day.
.. The cloth is sufficient for Tonioro, adj. very little (USf!d of
.,akoto." liquids).--e.g., Bu omi ton-
To, adj. the sound of dropping.- toro si 9b~, " POUl' a very
e.g., Ojo nrQ to to to, .. The little water into the soup."
rain fa.lls drop, drop, drop." Tori, v. to fall to one's share_
T6, inter. an expression of satis- T6rl, adv. ferociously; horribly;
faction. frightfully.--e.g., QbQ rut
Til, v. to stand in a line; must.er ; nboju tOri, .. That monkey
pla.ce in rows; to be re- is making frightful grim-
stoNd.--e.g., To wQn l~, aces."
.. Place them orderly in T6rO, v. to settle; be still; be
rows." at rest; tranquil.--e.g.,l1u
Til, adv. aioud.--e.g., Mo kigbe tOrO, " The town is at rest."
to, "I cried aloud." Tilro, n. a fat rat; a country
T6b" adv. t.o such a degree; in coat.
sllch wiIIc; RO much. TlIr6, adv. easily.
Tobi, adJ. large; great; big; T6ror6si, v. to anoint with ou.
Rupreme.--e.g., Qran nB T6al, n. nearness, proximity.
tobi," It is a gJ'eat matter." Tilt1, v. to be wretched; to
TlIb1, n. 1m. apron; napkin; suffel' poverty.
wrapper. T6tlJ, adj. (qualifying F~, to
T6bij6, adJ. bigger; greater; opon wide the eyes), very.-
larger.--e.g., Eyi tObiju ti e.g., Gbogbo wf,ln f~ oju

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TOT 249 TU

tOtO... They all open their ~j6, v. to take care of; look
eyes very wide." after; watch.
TOt6, TotohtlD, inter. an ex· T9ka. 11. to point at; rtlfer to.
pression of humiliation TqkaDtqkaa. adfl. heartily ; with
before the gods or superiors. the soul.
denoting submillsion. and T~" adj. belonging to a bag.
repentan~. and a promise> ~~" adfl. bag and baggage.
not to repeat the offence. T~~ v. to guide a. ship; steer:
TGtq, adv. truly; of a truth. ~ fl. to lead.
TOtO. adj. rightful. TqkUnrin, adj. belonging t.o
Towo, adj. regarding trade; man; masculine.
mercantile. TQ1a, adj. pertaining to honour.
TowO, adj. concerning money. TqlA-tqJi, adv. honourably.
Tow6-tGw6, adv. with money. Tql6-tq16, n. an insect used
T6ye.. n. meritEr, value. medicinally.
T0)'6, adj. belonging to a title. T~lfhiD. v. to follow after.
Toy6-t6y~, adv. with observa· T"mqde, adj. belonging to a
tion; discreetly. child.
T~, v. to correct; bring up; T~D1, fl. to follow the roRd;
direct; straighten; vex; trace the vath.
annoy; provoke; tease; T~ v. to take the lead:
touch; trouble.~.g., Emi guide.
li 0 t9 9 dagba, .. It was 1 Tqpa, Tqpaat, v. to trace ; follow
who brought her up." adj. a track or footstep.
correct ; proper.~.g.. 0 T~piDpiD, v. to be inquisitive;
t~ lati ~ b~ ... It is correct to pry.
to do so." v. ought, Tqrq, v. to borrow; beg ;
should, worthy. petition; ask a loan.
TO. fl. to be straight; right; ~. adj. nlUTOw.~.g., Qnn
1;rue; to b6 long; durable; t9rq, "The narrow way."
to split into slips; to trim. Tqrq, n. a threepenny piece.
T~, v. to urinate. Tqrun, adj. heavenly.; celestial.
~ fl. to follow; go to; NIlort TQst. v. to trace; investigate.
to; apply to; seek to. T6Il, adv. belonging by right.
TO. adv. an expression of praise fl. to assign as a perquisite.
used to a younger.~.g.• TQIi, fl. to makE! a mark or stroke.
o ~ t9. "Well done TWi~ adj. unclean; nasty;
cluId." base.
Tqdfm, adv. yearly; annually. T~ adj. whole; complete.
T" tjo. fl. to settle or trace a T~wo, fl. to tasto.
matter. T~wq, fl. to go in a band. troop.
T~..t~" adv. gratuitowdy ; or company.
freely. T~w~~w~ adv. respootfully;
TOrti.. fl. to stagger. reverently.
Tqh(m, n. that yonder. 'fa, fl. to expectorate; throw
Tqja, fl. to trace throughout. out; pluck up; fail.

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250 TUT

Tli. v. to cease from giving Tlm, adfl. again; once more.-

pain; to maka easy; navi· e.g., TUn wi ki ng gh9," Say
gate; soothe; propitiate; it again that I may hear."
reconcile; collect; gather TlIDIb6, 11. to take again;
together. resume .
ti, v. toO loosen i untie; unbend; . 'l'u-Dihoho, 11. to strip; divest of
break; scatter; unfold; oovering.
dig up. Tlm-kA, 11. to repeat; rehearse;
ft....fd. v. to reveal a secret; recount.
disclose Ilo plot. 'l'un-kA, 11. to pluck again;
'l'ulla, 'l'unba, v. to repent; refold; wind again.
surrender. Tim-mil, 11. to take again; hold
ft~. v. to tl"y 'I\gain; make again. •
.mother attempt. - e.g•• Tlm-mura, 11. to renew effort.
. TUb9 ~ di~ si i... Try again Tlm-pe. 11. to recall.
and do a little more." Tlm-rf, 11. to recut.
ftb6. n. prison; jail; custody.
Tlm-rf. 11. te see again.
ftdi, v. see 'l'6.~rl.
ftjide, v. to pour out; to L'!Sue Tim-ril, fl. to reconsider; reflect.
from; to gush out. Tlm-:se. 11. to cook again.
'l'ujil, v. to be tame; mild; 'l'un-aq, 11. to repeat.
harmless. Tlm-,e, fl. to repair; rectify or
ftjflkA, v. to be cheerful. reform..
TiIkA, v. to separate; disperse; 'l'unil, 11. to be tendeJthearted or
scatter; disunite. meek.
TukiJdri, 11. to scatter in TlmflkA, 11. to be oomforted or
different directions. consoled.
'.rukq, fl. to navigate a vessel. 'l'un-wA, 11. to search again.
T8k6, 'l'urlikil, n. a wild hog. 'l'un-w6, v. to recoil.
TuIa, fl. to grow; to continue in Tun-wi, v. to repeat.
a state oi existence.--e.g., Tun-wo, v. to review.
Qm9 nil tuia, .. The child Tun-yil, 11. to revive; to live
grew." again.
'.r61isin. n. misfortune; evil. Tun-Ji. 11. to turn oVl:)r again.
'l'u..lara, fl. to refresh; enliven. Tun-Y9, v. to shoot forth afresh,
'.r616, fl. to search the house. to reappear.
Tul~, 11. to break up tbe ground; 'l'upo., 11. to run precipitately.
to plougb. 'l'u-pupu, 11. to bubble out; to
Tul~, v. to propitiate the ground gargle.
by Racrificing, or pouring 'l'uriri, n. frankincense; any
oil on it. sweet scent.
TtIlu, n. neuralgia; tic. ft-allt, 11. toO untie; unbind;
'.r61u, 11. to break up a country let loose.
or town. ft-a6de, v. to pour out.
'l'um9, 11. to disclose a secret 'l'utA, v. to sell oddments.
bargain; to bame; ex· 'l'utq, v. to expectorate; to
plain; interpret; solve. spit.
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Tut1\, cuJQ. cold; green; raw; investigate; to make close

wet; verdant; cool; damp ; examination.
meek; calm ; sedate; quiet; Wlho (wa iho), v. to dig a
fresh. hole or pit; to burrow;
Ttittl, adv. entiroly.--e.g., Ogun excavate.
19 w'i'n tUtii, " War entirely Wlld, v. to shrink; to become
dispeTSed them." rigid.
Tutu, ad'/}. veTY light; gloomily, Wakiri, v. to seek about; search
sadly.-e.g., Igi yi f~~ tutu, for; ransack.
" This wood is very light." WAlaiDi, v. to be in want;
Tu-WQka, adj. freehanded, suffer neod.
liberal. WAlaiDiaba, W6laiDireti, v. to
Tu-1Q, v. to expel; to force out. be hopeless; to be in
despair; utter hopeless·
u. WAlaipe, v. to come uninvited.
WAlalpe, '11. to be imperfect, t~
U, personal pro., 3rd pers. sing. be a eunuch, to Jive but to
obj. case, him, her, it (used be imperfoct, maimed.
euphonically after verbs Wl1airi4e, v. to be unemployed ;
containiug the vowel u). be in idleness; to lounge.
sOe O.--e.g., Mo fi fun u, Walatiri, v. to seek with a desire
" I give it him, or I give it to find; seek attentively.
her."--e.g., 0 lu u, "He WAliJe, Wi, v. to live; to be
strikes him." alive.
WimaiJa, v. to hug to the
broe.~t; to embrace.
w. Wiwi 01' Wa-awawi, v. seek to
say; make eXCURe; dis·
Wi, v. to seek for; search; pense with; find an excuse.
rummago; quaver. WawiD (wa-awiD), v. seek for
Wi, Sa, v. divide, serve, share. credit.
--e.g., W a onj~ nR, " Serve WawlD, fl. to borrow.
the food." Widuwadu, adv. hurriedly;
Wi, v. to be; abide; dwell; taking no time.
exist; dig; pull a boat. WiIi. '11. to take soaked com out
Wa, pron. (contraction of Awa), of water.
us. WAgi, v. to seek for firewood.
Wi, v. to come; move towards; Wigfm, v. to pull a canoe to the
shake; tremble. shore; to land; to arrive
Wit Wina tinter. oome now, at a conclusion.
look here. WihAli, n. trouble; affiiction;
Wa-Ajt, v. to paddle. tribulation.
Wa-awari, v. to make a diligent WAhiri, n. a female slave taken
BORreh; to seek and find. for a wife.
WAdi (wa-idi). v. search out Wii, Wai)'i, adv. now; at this
the cause; examine; to time.
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WAI 252

WIi, adv. at onoo.-e.g., Ojo na Wariri, tI. tremble greatly,

dB. wAi, " The rain stops at vibrate.
once." Wariwaron, ft. a name gh'en to
Will inteT. expression of won- the goddess of smallpox.
dennent at the app~h Warunki, Wa-orun-ki, tI. to
of danger, or when danger stiffen the neck.
is best. Watq, tI. to emit sali,'a..
Waiwai, adv. bitterly.-!!.g., 0 Wawofln, tI. to scrutinize;
sunkun wahvai, " He cried investigate.
bitterly." WaWC) (wa-qWC)), v. to cease
Wijawaja, ft. fringe; t8l!8els. raining; cease; abate.
WijawAja, adj. in a rough state ; Wayaija, tI. to come to a close
roughly; conf1l8edly. contest; struggle.
Waii, ft. blue; dyo; blue stain Wayi, Waf, adtl. now; at this
. from dyed cloth. time.
Wajq, tI. 1.1. to settle a matter. We, tI. to twist; curl; bind
Wail), tI. to collect together. round; enwrap; wean &
Waja, lwaja, R. face; front; child.
forehead. WepQ. tI. to twist or curl round.
Wiklti, ft, time; hour; period Welqq, tI. to wrap in cloth;
of time. invest..
Wlli, ft. a board used for writing Welewele, adv. repeatedly;
on by Mohammedans; slate. quickly; quick motions of
Wal, (wa-il,), tI. to be sober; a child's feet when nInning.
recover oneself (as from WEe, add. silly; foolish.
drunkenness).-e.g., Oju I'\'
wal~ wayi, " You are BOber
WEe, adv. with a quick lively
now." Also 1l8Cd in a case
of recovery from sickness. WerewEe, adv. nimbly; quickly.
-e.g., Oju r~ wal~ dic;l, " He Warepe, Wipe, n. running plant
is a little better." like a bean bearing a hairy
Wal" tI. to dig the ground. p<'d which stings the hand
WiDrinwlDriD, . adv. foolishly, .when touched; nettle.
irregularly. Wf, adj. fine.-e.g., Owu ti me
Wipa, Warapa, ft. epilepsy. ra, 0 w~, "The cotton
WapakaD, Wo-apakaD, v. to which I bought is fine";
blink, look sidelong. also applied to slender
Wlra, n. milk. persons.
War&, v. to be in a hurry; Wt, v. to caress or fondle.
precipitate. Wt, tI. to crush grain (either by
Warakafi., n. sour milk; cream; mills or mastication); to
cheese. grind; mastiea.te; IIDl&Sh.
Wara-ojo, n. shower. Wt, tI. to swim; wash the body;
Warapa, ft. see Wipa. lave; dress ; decorate ;
Wari, Bari, tI. to do homage to a. adorn; cleanse; purge.
king or a superior; to Wfltwl. AwtI,.a, ft. a slender
worship. person.

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253 WO·B

W,mq, fl. to JJl3ke clean ; WiwA, n. that which is to be

purify; exonerate; ",indi- dug.
cate; absolve. Wiwadi, n. Ilcrutiny; examina-
WfDa. fl. to wash off; purify; tion.
cleanse. Wiwara, adj. hasty; greedy.
Wtokul9/l,. Wtl9t" fl. to em- Wiwi, adj. utterable; speakable.
balm the dead. Wiwt, adj. washed; to be
Wt-9fun. fl. to gargle the throat. washed. See W~.
WtfuDw,fuD, n. chalk digger. Wiwo, fl. a sight; a scene;
Wthin, v. to look back; reflect. an appearance.
Wtnu. fl. to wash; eltl~nse. Wiwo-okere, n. distant view;
Wtnumq, fl. to Vurify ; cleanse ; perspective.
thorougblysanctify. Wiwoye, n. observation; watch·
Wert, allj. small. fulness. adj. watchful.
Wtr,wtr" Wtw" adj. small; Wi~ adj. crooked. See W~.
dwarf; diminutive. Wi~ fl. to be drawn or dragged.
Wts" fl. to wash the foot. WiwOra, fl. to rub in.
W,wq, Wiyq, t'. to w80.'Ih the Wfw~ fl. to be weaned. n.
hand. dearness; scarcity; that
Wi, fl. to say; speak; tell; which may bo taken to
relate; express.. pieces.
Wi awigba, fl. to repeat what Wfwqn. fl. to be weighed;
has been heard; iterate. measured; to measure by
Wi fun. v. to tell to. . line or rule.
Wi ttlt, fl. t.o foretell; foresay. Wiwu. n. abscess; swelling;
Wi, fl. to burn the hair slightly; fermenting.
singe. Wfwln, Bfhftn. n. the manner
Wijq, fl. to complain. of weaving. adj. woven.
WiJdri, fl. to publish abroad; Wiwulori, adj. affecting;
promulgate. pathetic.
Wiliki, adj. hairy; robust. Wiwunilori, adj. affecting;
WfD, fl. to lend; to borrow. cheering.
Wfnfwfnf, ad". finely;· into WiWWlOke, adj. enlarged ;
small bits.--e.g., R~ wini- swollen; distended. n. a.
wini, .. To chop into hits." sweIling.
Winrin, adj. near; approximate. Wiw\\' n. pleasure, delight. adj.
--e.g., lie wa ko winrin. pleasing.
.. Our house i'3 not near." W6, fl. to fell a tree; break
Wfnwfn, adj. ltmt; borrowed. down walls, or any upright
Wiriwiri, adfl. hastily, hurriedly, structure; to fall down
swnmarily.--e.g., ~ e wlrl- (as a tree); to fall down
wlr1, .. Do it quickly." dead (118 a big animal).-
Wiriwirialt, n. dusk; twilight._ e.g., E~n baba wu .. My
Wiwi, n. the act of coming. father's horse fell " (is dead).
See twa. Wo-bal" Wo-Iul" Wo-paie, fl.
WiwA, n. that which is; that to break down to the
which has being; having ground.
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WO 254 WQR

Wo, inter. lo! behold! W~,v. to put on.--e.g., W9 ~Q,

Wo,l.'. to behold; visit; sce; .. Put on clothes."
look; take care of; attend Wqjanu, 1J. to drag away; cast
a sick person.--e.g., Wohin, away.
WQhun(=wo.ihin,wo ohun), Wt-kaldri, 1J. to drag about;
.. Look here, look there." gad; perambulate.
W6-flri, 1J. to glance. W~_ 1J. to PU!; on olothes;
W6-jiDa, 1J. to heal a wound or to dress; to equip.
sore. W~1qran, 1J. to preas down (as
Wojinl, v. to look afar. a htl8vy burden),
Wo-kaldri, 1J. to view around. W~ 1J; to cast away; drag
Wo-l1I, WOS1Ul, 1J. to look con· into.
fusedly; to appear absent Wqbia, n. greedineaa ; lascivious-
in thought. ness; prodigality.
WlI-tUD, 1J. to look strangely; W~~ 1J. to embark; enter into
to look agape. a ship.
W6, 1J. to doze.-e.g., Li oru ana Wqle, 1J. to enter a hOllse.
ami ko sun emi ko w6, Wqle, 1J. to drive or make to
.. Last night I neither slept enter into another's sub-
nor dozed." stance as a nail into wood.
Woclu, 1J. to grow dark; to Wqlt. 1J. to go into thfl ground
88IIume a dark appearance. (like a peg); penetrate.
Wogi, 1J. to fell treeS. WOn. 1J. to be dear; be scarce ;
Woli, n. (Hausa) a prophet. to separate. adj. aoarce;
W61~, 1J. to fall with the face dear.
to the ground (through fear WOn. 1J. to take to pieces;
or reverence); worship. to catch a thing thrown
Wonpari, ·n. a rough man; wild from a distance; weaned
fellow (strong man). from the breMt; sprink1e.
Woran. t'. to see; sight; view. Wqn, pron. them (A. oontraction
Woro, Horo, n. a grain or seed. of AWQn, they).
W6gaUDgaun, ad1J. to look wild. W~ 11. to measure; weigh;
Wore, fl. to look out; observe; prune; lop off; pick off ;
tRke notice; perceive things. aim at.
WOo 1J. to drag; pull along; W~9Ibqgba, 1J. to mcMUre
cra.wl; haul. equally, to balance.
WOo 1J. to be crooked or bent. WqnDi, demo 1"'00. those.
WO, 1J. to rub (as in applying Wqnu, 1J. to enter in; go in;
ointment on the body). pierce.
W~, 1J. to drizzlo; to hail.--e.g., Wqnwo,1J. to try; a.scsrtain by
o wI) yinyin," It is hailing. " measuring.
Wq-jq, Wqjq, 1J. to collect WODJi. demo pron. these.
together; to gather (as Wqpq, adO. oommon; chtl8p;
clouds). rife; general; collecting
W~, 1J. to set (as the sun); to together.
enter; put on clothes; Wqrqwqrq, Wqwq. ad1J. mildly
hollow; suitable. (qualifying 1J.lQ).--e.g., Omi

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WQS 255 YA·P

19 w9~w9~, .. The water o ya 9de pup9, " You are

is only lukewarm." so soon in coming." fl. to
W~ v. to lodge at..; lodge in. lend; borrow; to purchase ;
W~, t'. to enter service under to warm oneself (at the fire,
a ml.\Ster; to be old enough or in thc rays of the sun).
to enter service. Ya, fl. to give way; to
W9fQ, fl. to put on clothes; separate; to part; to
dress. divide; to comb; adjust;
W9fQw9f9, n. name of a bird.. divorce; open.
Wc,ti, fl. to draw a.'1ide; sct by. Y6, fl. to tear; lacerate; rend;
Wqwc" n. copious. pluck; break off; secede.
Wu, WUDi, t'. to pldase; give Ya-ahana, Yahana, tI. to beoome
pleasure; delight.--e.g., Iwa wild and obstinate.--e.g.,
1'fil wu mi, " Your conduct Qmqkunrin yi nyahana si i
pleases me." lojojum9 ni, "This boy is
WIl, fl. to make a long, con· daily growing wild."
tinued cry as a dog; to Ya-bAtA-OSO. tI. to divide or part
endanger. tho hoof.
Wulewu, fl. to endanger; Ya-~re, 1.'. to carve an image.
jeopardize. Yqbnn, Yqbi, fl. to become
W6, v. to swell; look gloomy; habitually filthy, dirty or
increase; multiply; stir untidy.
up the sedimcnt; be sullen. Yi-kAtA, fl. to bestride; part
Wu fC)ndanrqdan, fl. to blister. asunder; separatfl. adfl.
Wulo, adj. useful. astride.
Wan, fl. to weave; knit ; Yi-kiIrO, fl. to separate from;
flame; retaliate. give way to another; part.
Wundia, Wuudia Omqdan, n. Ya-lekanna, t'. to scratch; tear
virgin; maid. with claws.
Wura, n. gold. Ya-lonu, fl. to astonish; sur·
Wure, fl. to wish a bleBBing upon prise.--e.g., 0 ya mi l~nu,
one from t·he gods; implore " It astonishes me."
blessing. Ya-lQt9, fl. to put aside; to
W6ruwUr6, Wt'iwil, adfl. separl\te.
higgledy.piggledy; in a Ya-Dipa, fl. to part company;
confused mass; topsy. sopo.rate ; divide; lead
turvy. astray.
Wuwo, adj. heavy; weighty; Ya-odi, Yadi, tI. to be dumb;
dull; turbid. mute.
Ya-qtQ, Ylt9, fl. to differ; to be
Y. different.
Yl-pa, fl. to deviate; disunite;
Ya, adj. ready; short; not turn in a contrary diroction ;
distant; soon; early; dissent; secede.
quick.--e.g., 0 ya mi, .. I Ya-palaka, fl. to make branches,
am ready."--e.g., Qna yi ya, forks or shoots; to make a
"This road is short."--e.g., fork. ,
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YA-S 256 YAN

Ya-simimq. v. t.o set apart 88 YanblDbAn, 'I). to be restless;

sacred j sanctify j con· lustful; to have carnal
secrate. desire.
YA~~ v. to set apart j to YAnhun. n. or V. mew.
separate. Yanju, adj. fair; beautiful j
YigAn. v. to be childloss j splendid; settled (as a
ban-en. case).
Yagb~. 11. to evacuate. YlDjO. V. to cheat; to take-
Y6gi). v. to give way; to give advantage of another's
place. weakn0!!8.
Yij6, adj. officious; forward. Yan-nu, adj. Of'V. to have 0. good
Yili. conj. whether. appetite; greedy.
YinrAn. V. to be tenacious; not.
YAmyim. YAnmI\-rAnmfl. n. amenable to correction or
mosquito, sandfty.
Yan. v. Of' adj. t.o gape, yawn, Yanranranra, ad/}. see yan.
neigh. kick, bite like a
Ylnrin, n. a disease in fowls
affecting t.he mouth.
Yanbc;l. v. to pick and choose Yanrin, n. sand.
without l'E'Straint., as a
spoilt child does. Yanrin-c1idt, Yanrin, YiJinrin.
n. quicksand.
YlD. adv. hrilliantly.-c.g., Orun
Yanrin, n. llame of a plant.
boju yan, .. The sun shines
similar to cabbage.
brilliantly. "
YAn. v. to choose, approve. pick, Yann, v. to wonder, to be
astonished, to gape at.
prefer, select; to give a
good omfln; to give an
Yanran. adt,. entirely; com-
auspicious sign-said of a
YiDyiD, adv. roughly; unevenly.
piece of kola nut when
brokcn and cast on the
Ya-Odl, Yodi, V. to be different;
to turn to another path;
ground 01' before an idol.
t.() err; to stray.
Yan. V. to walk proudly; to YAPA. v. Of' adj. to be wasteful;
walk leisurely; to make
oneself of great importance.
Yara, n. trench behind a forti-
YiDdl. adj. sensual; lewd. V.
to indulge in sensuality.
Yara, tI. to be l.J.uick, nimble,
Yan-liJo.v. to choose a favourite. active; make haste; hasten.
YAn-Dip~f, v. to contemn; to Yara, n. the light part of a room;
despise. hall; parlour.
Yan-owe. Yanwe. tI. to be stout. Yarayara, adv. eXl'editiously;
YUko. V. oil obtained from palm hastily.
nuts; nut oil. Yarq. adj. lame.
Yanran. n. Indian corn; maize. Yann, Ya-~u, V. to talk
YangAn. V. to boast j brag ; rapidly; to talk recklessly
vaunt. or inopportunely; a tattler.
Yangi, n. red soft stone; sand Yana, Ya ina, V. to warm one-
st.one; iron stone or laterite. self at tbe fire.

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YAS 257 YiN

YUt, Ya-(!IIt, adj. quick, light. Y.mu, v. to be intoxicated with

footed; expeditious. pnlm wine; to rave.
Yl IUn, v. to rest for the night. Y~pa, v. to extinguish a fire;
Y'w~, adj. or v. quick of hand; to fl'ustrate a plan.
clevl'r; dexterous. Yf)r&, v. to stal't aside; give
Yaworan, v. to obtain alikeneRs ; way; eschew; avoid.
to photograph. Y~-I.hiD, v. t<> put back; delay;
·YArA, ""', adj. lively; vigorous; postpone; procrastinate.
active; sprightly. Yt-Ii1f), v. to slip off; evade;
·YbA, n. a necklace of beads. shlm; avoid.
Yay~, Y9-Ay~ v. to rejoice. I Y,gimOl6s~, v. to hang a
Ye, ". to understand; to com- person; to ruin.
prehend. Ytrj, 1.'. to avoid being entangled
Y 6, v. to lay eggs; cease; st.op. in evil; to avoid incurring
Y6, interj. denoting ploasure. responsibility.
Ye, Yiye, adj. or v. to be alive; Yf)tful, v. to shoot out branches,
to be sound; having no or boughs.
flaws. Yf)tnJf)tu, n. flower; blossom.
Ye-~, v. to escape scathless. adj. hairy: downy.
YII, inlRrj. an exclamation of Y~wD, n. the dark part of a
pain, surprise, or sympathy. room or chamber.
Yeje, t'. to stand the test; to Yf, Eyi, pron. this.
pass Rafcly through trial Yi, v. or adj.. to be tough,
by ordeal. fibroUII or tenacious.
Yekan, see Iyekan. Yi, 1.'. to tum; revolve; move;
Yekeyeke, adv. thoroughly; roll.
clearly (always used with Yidbli, 1.'. to ovel'tum, to pour
Ye, to understand). out by overturning the
Yemafa, n. the goddess of v_I.
brooks. Yigbi, v. or adj., to be dull or
Yeye, Iya, n. motht'r. slow in hoaring or believing ;
Yf), adj. or v. to be fit, lawful, heavy; obstinate.
right, becoming decent; Yigi, Iyigi (Hausa), n. mllJTiage.
meet; suitable; worthy; Yihunpada, v. to change the
proper; a\'ai!able. voice; to recall one'R word.
Y., v. to make much of; praise; YIkA, v. the act of showing
indulge; humour; favour. respect, by a female. .
Y., adv. slightly. Yika, YikaJdri, v. surround;
Y~, v. to change; move out of encircle; encompass;
place; miss the mark; revolve.
put off; postpone; evade; Yika-yika, YikaJdri, adv. sur·
go Mide. round on Rll sides; round
Yt-kuro, v. to obviato: remove; about.
d('cline; escape. Yfmiyfmf, n. a beetle whioh
Yf)ju, v. to withdraw; to kiU. removCII dung by rolling it.
Y~Dl, v. to clean a road. Yin, t'. to move; shake slightly;
Y\l-Di, adj. proper, fit, suit.able. lay eggs.

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YiN 258

Yin, v. to attract attention; to YfyiD, adj. honourable, praise·

make envious.~.g., Aw worthy.
na yin mi loju, .. The cloth Y~~ adj. dissolved; melted;
attracts my attention." slip~ry; slimy.
Yin, v. to praise; admire ; Yfyqfuti, n. the set of shooting
eetecm; fire a gun. out the lips in derision.
Yin~, adj. well fed ; fat; Y6, v. or adO. to be full; . to be .
stout. satisfied with food Qr riches.
YiDlogo, v. to praise; glorify. Y6, adfl. dilGply.
See Ayinlog6. Y6 (Hausa), adfl. well; very
Yin-llfbqD, Yinbon, v. to fire at ; good.
to shoot with a gun. Y6bi, n. a lie; falsehood; an
YiDflD, v. to break the law; to untruth; hypocrisy; a
t~. hypocrite: a liar; a polite
Yinyin, n. hs.ilstone. person; politeness; a.
Yio, v. shall; will; must. heathen; an idolater;
Yipada, fl. to turn over; to heathenism.
turn round; to turn; to Y6,6, adfl. sec YC}.
be converted; to incline Y~, fl. or n. to melt; dissolve;
towards. fuse ; slip off; strain ;.
Yfpo, fl. to capsize; to turn wruk gently; go by stealth.
upside down; to pervcrt; Y~, fl. to be pleased with a.
to turn to the oPIJOsite. person or thing; to regard
YfyA, adj. short.~.g.,. Qna with pleasure or favour;
yiya Ie eyi, .. This is a to have compassion toward.
short road." a person shown by forgive.
YfyAn, adO. or n. that which is ness after an offence. It
chollf'ln; picked out; pre· is always used with Jnli,
ferable. disposition, mind, thought.
YiyaDgan, adj. worth being See tY9nu.
proud of. Yq, fl. or n. to deliver from
Yiyara, adO. quick; active; danger; to save; to be
short. delivered; to I'Scape; to
Y~, adO. that which may free, or be freed; to
be set aside, sot apart or extricate; to draw out;.
devoted to any particular to pull. See Fa·YQ.
use. ~q, fl. or n. to Elxcommunicato ;
Yfyl~ adj. ditlerent; diAtinct; t.o suspend; to dissociate ;
separate. to resign fellowship.
Yfy~, adj. _ Yeo Yq, fl. to appear (811 the new
Yfyt. n. that which cauSOll a moon or the sun at dawn).
hindrance; a failure (in YO, fl. to rejoice; be glad; be
point of time). merry; to slip; slide;
Yfytaot, adj. avoidable. glide; to be slippery.
Yfyf, adO. tough; tenacious. YO, v. or n. to rejoice at another's
YiJika. adj. surrounding; en· misfortune; to triumph
compassing. over an enemy.

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YQ.F 259 YON

Y~IuD. fl. to rejoice with; to Y~f, Y~rfrirf, fl. the name

congratulate. of a bird with dark blue
Y9-flltf, or Pot!, fl. to pop out, as plumagEl.
l\ cork out of a bottle. Yqr" Yq-qr" fI; to spread out
Yqd" fl. to become yellow with the tassel, on the ear of
wear-said of a white metal Indian corn.
articlEl t.hat becomes like Yqr6, Yq-0r6, tI. to inflict
brass with wear. punishment or vengeance
Yqh.m. ti. to interrupt by word ; in return for an injury or
to answer one's sUpElrior offence; to cause to serve
impertinently. in return for Ii privilege
t:9-jide. v. to exclude; excom· enjoyed.
municate; to bring out. Y~ PorID, fl. to smelt iron.
Y9-kuro. fl. or n. to come out; Y~~ Iy~~ n. lice found in
to take out of; deduct; fowls.
repudiate; excommunicate. Yqrq. Ya-qrq, tI. to become
Y9-1,nu, fl. to hama!l; annoy; spoilt in manners-said of
vex; tonnent ; molest; a child; to be enonnous in
plague; tease. size, or great in age.
Y9-16h.m. fl. to seek to ensnare Yqw6, Yq-owo, tI. to beat down
in conversation; to tease ; the price asked for by the
to provoke. salesman.
Yt-miDriD, fl. to sneak; to Y~wf, tI. to whisper.
creep slyly. Yqwu, Yq-c)w6, fl. to become
Yt-ptl" fl. to move gently. ragged; to be in tatters.
Yqra. Yq ara, fl. to make a feast; YHUU, tI. to express contempt
to celebrate deliverance by shooting out the lips;
from danger. to deride.
Yqj6, fl. to show the face; Yt-ttr" tI. to slip quickly.
to be prominent or dis·
tinguished; to be forward ; Y6D, B6D, fl. to itch; to be
to be officious; to· be irritable; to scratch the
itching part with nails.
Y6D, t.". to be pregnant; to
Yq-gtr" fl. slope; shelve. conceive. See Loyun.
Y~~tf, n. an oily plant.
Yqnu, fl. to WBllh t.he mouth. Yma, tI. or adj. to c.ut; to saw
right off; to be nearly cnt.
Yqnu, fl. to be difficult; to
be troublesome; to cause through.
anxiety. Yma-ji, t.". to "lowly cut through.
Y9-r6kqji, fl. to rejoil'.6 exceed- YGnyin, Yan-ri-J1Ul. Aklri, n.
ingly; to be transported plant used for washing
with joy; to overjoy. horses. The male kind of
Yqrf, fl. to finish; to complete; it - Ak9-yiinYlm is an
to be successful; to be agreeable food for guinea.
prominent; to rise higher; pigs (Ji:m9-i1e).
to show the head.

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