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Déroulement du procès: Anglais.

Idée: donner des autocollants avec le terme "Jury" imprimé dessus aux jurés avant de commencer le

1) On commence avec l'introduction du journaliste, Arnaud, déguisé.

La vidéo se déroule un jour avant le procès. Le journaliste explique l'affaire avec l'histoire de
l'accusée Margaret Douglas, les protagonistes au procès. L'intervention d'Arnaud/Journaliste dure 4

2)Après la vidéo, tout le monde rentre dans la salle. Le public et les jurés sont levés. Les témoins en
premier, ensuite le procureur, l'avocat de la défense avec l'accusée et à la fin. La forme du tribunal
est en U. Le procureur et l'accusé avec son avocat son face à face. Le juge au milieu. Les témoins se
placent à l'écart.

3)Le juge déclare la séance ouverte. Il fait assoir tout le monde. Déclare que le procès se déroulera
sous le regard de Dieu et "underoath".
Le juge décrit ensuite les protagonistes et annonce la charge qui pése contre l'accusée. Il se tourne
ensuite vers le jury et leur dit que c'est a eux de décider du sort de Margaret Douglas.
Puis donne la parole au procureur.

4)Le procureur prend la parole, fait intervenir les témoins par odre et fait sa plaidoirie: il va
interroger les témoins à charge ainsi que l'accusée. Il va aussi faire passer les preuves et un
document à la partie adverse.
Chefs d'accusation:
-Vol avec violence: Miss Erwing.
-5 meurtres avec prémédiation.
-Tentative de meurtre.
-Violences aggravées.

5)Avocat de la défense prend ensuite la parole après chaque témoins, fait un contre interrogatoire.
Elle raconte la vie de Margaret Douglas ainsi que ses arguments. Elle invoque les circonstance
atténuantes et pourquoi pas la folie.

6)L'odre d'apparition des témoins est la suivante:

-The nurse: Jenny Bradford.
-Mrs Ewing.
-Matthew Wayne.
-Margaret Douglas.

7)Le procès se termine avec une briève conclusion des plaidoiries du procureur et de l'avocat de la
défense. Le juge donne le choix aux jurés, et laisse le jury déliberer. Tout le monde sort de la salle.
Le jury délibère. On rentre, on écoute leur décision. Le juge tranche, la déclare coupable. Le
journaliste intervient et fait son flash de fin.

1) On commence avec l'introduction du journaliste, Arnaud, déguisé.
La vidéo se déroule un jour avant le procès. Le journaliste explique l'affaire avec l'histoire de
l'accusée Margaret Douglas, les protagonistes au procès. L'intervention d'Arnaud/Journaliste dure 4

Hello I'm Harry Nilson for CNN television, we are now live from Dallas's court where everybody is
impatient to hear the verdict of one of the most frightning serial killer in Texas history.
Today is the opening of Margaret Douglas trial. This is the final settlement for the famous texan
serial killer known as "the highway killer".

The twenty eight years old female Margaret Douglas is accused of the murder of five men in Dallas
region, she is also suspected of the death of two more men but the bodies have not been found yet.
She is also accused of assault against Matthew Wayne, her last victim who survived Margaret
Douglas failed homicide and helped the police to arrest the serial killer.

Why was she known as the "highway killer"? It's very simple, she was named that way by one of
the local newspaper. This nickname given by the media is referring to Margaret Douglas killing
method. She had the same method when she was planning to kill someone.
She had no car so she used to walk next to the Highway 34 after she finished her service at the
snack house where she was serving as a waitress. She used to pretend she was a hitchhiker and get
into men's trucks.
She always picked random people in their cars, but she choose only male victims.
After spending some time with the driver, she stopped the car, saying she had to take a pee. Then
she came back into the vehicule and stabbed his occupant to death. She then took the victim's body
at the back of the vehicule and she drove into the desert and burned all the evidence.

Lets remember the highlithing points of Margaret Douglas's life:

Margaret Douglas was born in Chicago and raised there by her parents, she had a little brother
named Ricky. A tragic accident took the life of her brother while he was playing on an frozen lake
near chicago during winter 1991. After this, the Douglas family fell appart. Her mother commited
suicide and her father started drinking and was beating her.
The social services took her from her parents. She was thirteen when she was placed in the "second
chance" special youth center for abandoned minor in texas.
She was raped in this center by a new tutor when she was fifteen. These raped where confirmed by
the nurse employed by the center at this time. She will be a witness in this case.

By the age of seventeen Margaret might have taken drugs, she rans away and lived in the street with
other homeless people. She committed a few burglaries and was caught by the police after breaking
in a house. She did her four years sentence in prison. To some extent prison saved her. She was
under going a rehabilitation program and stopped taking drugs.
After prison, Margaret was starting a new life as a waitress at a roadside snack house.
We all know what happened after: she started her serial killer career.

But the police finally stopped her when she try to kill her last victim: Matthew Wayne.

We all know what is this trial is

A lot of witness are going to appear in court today to help understanding Margaret Douglas' life and

2)Après la vidéo, tout le monde rentre dans la salle. Le public et les jurés sont levés. Les témoins en
premier, ensuite le procureur, l'avocat de la défense avec l'accusée et à la fin. La forme du tribunal
est en U. Le procureur et l'accusé avec son avocat son face à face. Le juge au milieu. Les témoins se
placent à l'écart.

Arnaud change de rôle et devient le juge.

3)Le juge déclare la séance ouverte. Il fait assoir tout le monde. Déclare que le procès se
déroulera sous le regard de Dieu et "underoath".
Le juge décrit ensuite les protagonistes et annonce la charge qui pése contre l'accusée. Il se
tourne ensuite vers le jury et leur dit que c'est a eux de décider du sort de Margaret Douglas.
Puis donne la parole au procureur.

Arnaud: I declare this trial opened. We are today considering the Margaret Douglas case. Accused
stand up please (Marie se lève). You are accused of the murder of five men and assault on Mr
Matthey Wayne here present. This present court with the jury in front of you will decide what
sanctions you are going to face at the end of this trial.
This trial is under God's eye. All the witness who are going to testify under oath.

Prosecutor: We are beginning this trial with the interview of Jenny Bradford. She used to be the
nurse at the "Second Chance Youth Center", the foster house in Austin, Texas.

Judge: Mrs Bradford, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth? So help you God.
Jenny Bradford: Yes, I swear!

Prosecutor: Who are you?

Jenny Bradford: My name is Jenny Bradford, I use to be a nurse a the "Second Chance Youth
Center" in Austin, Texas. I was there when arrived Margaret Douglas in 1996.

Prosecutor: How old was she when she came to the center?
Jenny Bradford: She was fourteen I guess.

Prosecutor: What kind of teenager was she? Was she violent at the time? Some kind of lunatic?
Jenny Bradford: Not at all, she was very joyful, we never had any kind of problems with her. We
became friends, she was telling me everything wrong in her life, her brother's death, her parents

Prosecutor: What was your relations with Mike Donato? Can you explain his impact in Margaret
Douglas life.
Jenny Bradford: Mike Donato arrived in 1997 in the center, he just had been nominated to take the
head of the center. He was the director at this time. I never liked him, but he was my superior, so I
was under his order, I couldn't do anything without asking him. He was violent, and everybody was
scared of him. He liked very young women, that's why he was interrested in Margaret Douglas.

Prosecutor: I am done with this witness. Thank you your honor.

Judge: It is time for the Counsel for the defence to question the witness. Go-on.

Counsel for the defence: Thank you your honor. Mrs Bradford, Did you know that Margaret
Douglas says she has been raped by Mike Donato?
Jenny Bradford: Yes, she came to talk me about it. I tried to convince the police he was a threat for
the children but nobody listen to me. I was the only hope for this little girl, and I couldn't do
anything. I'm so sorry about this.

Counsel for the defence: Do you think that this rape was a lie?
Jenny Bradford: No, it was no lie, some other young girls have been raped in the "second chance"
youth center. This is all Mike Donato's fault!

Counsel for the defence: Has Mike Donato been punished for this?
Jenny Bradford:No, when troubles began to reach out the surface, he was transfered, the autorities
did not want any scandal. It's a shame! He should be sent in jail.

Counsel for the defence: What kind of behaviour did Margaret Douglas have after the rape?
Jenny Bradford: She started to take drugs, she finally ran away. She was in a deep depression.
First she had to face her brother's tragic incident, then she had to cope with her mother's suicide and
her father was beating her! I'm deeply sorry but I tried to help her but I couln't.

Counsel for the defence: Do you think these rapes could have change Mr Margaret Douglas into
some kind of serial killer?
Jenny Bradford: Yes, Mike Donato is the true responsible for what happened next! I was very
close to Margaret, she was a very nice girl when I met her. But after the rapes she wasn't the same
person anymore. I blame Mike Donato!

Counsel for the defence: I am also done with this witness, thank you Mrs Bradford, you can go

Judge: Next witness please.

Prosecutor: I am now calling Mrs Ewing, she was the victim of a physical assault in her own house
in 2000 this assault is related to the accused, Margaret Douglas.

Judge: Mrs. Ewing, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth? So help you God.
Ellie Ewing: Yes, I swear!

Prosecutor: Mrs Ellie Ewing can you tell the jury who you are?
Ellie Ewing: My name is Ellie Ewing. I'm 76 and I am an American citizen, I live in Dallas, Texas.

Prosecutor: Can you explain the circumstances of your meeting with Miss Douglas?
Ellie Ewing: It was eleven years ago, a night, I was robbed by this woman!

Prosecutor: Can you describe what happened during this night?

Ellie Ewing: About 8 o'clock I went to bed. I just had a tough day, I was helping some people at a
charity yard-sell.

What I know is that a hooded figure broke into my house by a window. As I just said I was in my
bed, sleeping deeply, so I didn't hear anything. I think it was around midnight.

Prosecutor: What did she do next?

Ellie Ewing: At first I didn’t knew it was a female thief.
What did she do? I can't tell you precisely but I think she started looking everything interesting to
rob downstairs.
After this, she climbed the stairs and went to the first room upstairs: to my bedroom and she opened
the door. I don't think she knew I was in there. But she woke me up. She was sneaking like a filthy
animal for sure!

Prosecutor: And you, what did you do?

Ellie Ewing: She approached to my bed in complete silence. But at this moment I was completely
awake, so I made a pray, she had a knife in her hand. She tried to grab my mattress. Why my
mattress you might say? Because of this old cliché saying that old people are hiding some cash
under their mattresses. But in my case, hum, it was quite true, I had my entire husband's money
from his pension, he had no trust in banks you know.
So when she tried to grab my mattress I started to scream! I called the police and I said I was armed
and ready to fight back!

Prosecutor: What happened next in your bedroom?

Ellie Ewing: I think this wasn't supposed to be a part of her plan. She was as scared as me I guess.
Then she left the room in hurry and the rushed down the stairs. I had no idea what to do. I guess I
had to call 911 but I grabbed the first thing I had and I followed her with a candlestick in my hand. I
was very angry. I'm maybe a senior, but I still can defend myself you know!

Prosecutor: What happened then, you said you followed her downstairs.
Ellie Ewing: When she realised she was followed, she jumped on me and started hitting me with
her hands. I knocked her with my candlestick but it wasn't a fair fight, she was too strong. I fell to
the ground and she ran away.

Prosecutor: Thank you Mrs Ewing. Now I think, we are agree to say that Miss Douglas is really a
dangerous person, and we can see with Mrs Ewing that she’s very violent and extremely
I have a question: what kind of person without reason attacked an elderly and helpless person?

Counsel for the defence: Objection your honor! You have no right to claim this about my client.

Judge: Sustained. Mrs the counsel for the defence it's now your turn to question the witness.

Counsel for the defence: Thank you your honor. Mrs Ewing, can you describe your thief who
attacked you physically?
Ellie Ewing: It was very dark, and I could not see very well! But I remember turning the light and I
saw my thief was actually a girl, a teenager! She was quite tall, taller than me, and entirely dressed
in black.

Counsel for the defence: Can you swear this was Margaret Douglas?
Ellie Ewing: I'm not quite sure. As I said it before, it was very dark and I couldn't see anything.
And I'm old you know, I had no glasses on my nose during the attack.

Counsel for the defence: Can you testify at one hundred percent that your thief is present today in
this room?

Ellie Ewing: I'm sorry but I can't testify this. I'm not one hundred percent my thief is in this room

Counsel for the defence: As a conclusion, we cannot be sure that Margaret Douglas was this thief.
This is not the proof that she was as violent as the she was described by the media. Margaret
Douglas had nothing to do with this case, and we cannot take this as a stepping stone for a legal

Prosecutor:Formal protest!

Judge: Denied. Lets go-on with a key witness, I am now calling Matthew Wayne, Margaret
Douglas last victim. This man is alive and ready to testify.

Prosecutor: Mr Wayne can you come right here please.

Judge: Mr. Wayne, do you solennly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth? So help you God.
Matthew Wayne: I swear!

Prosecutor: Matthew Wayne, can you state your identity and the reasons why you are here?
Matthew Wayne: I’m Matthew Wayne, I’m 42 year old, I am an American citizen and lived in
Dallas, Texas. The 29th July 2010 assaulted me, she tried to kill me.

Prosecutor: What happened on the 29th of July 2010?

Matthew Wayne: I was on my way to Dallas when I saw this girl on the side of the road. I usually
pick up some hitchhikers when I can help them, so I stopped next to her. She said to me she was
going home to Dallas after her working day. She looked nice so I took her with me. I had no idea
she was such a monster.

Prosecutor: Calm down please. Can you tell us what happened during the ride?
Matthew Wayne: I remember she was very chatty, we talked quite a while, she said she was from
Chicago, her parents died or something like that, she said she was sent to a special minor center
when she was 13, she didn't like it. I think she had some crazy eyes, she was staring at me all the
time while I was driving.

Prosecutor: When did she become violent? Please describe everything in detail.
Matthew Wayne: She said she had to pee, so I stopped the car. She came out into the desert and
started to look for a quiet place. I stayed in my car and I started to smoke. I remember thinking she
was kinda hot and I maybe got lucky on this one...
She came back like 5 minutes later, she was smiling like a kid when she jumped in the car. Right
there she said to me: "Close your eyes, I've got a surprise for you"...
And I did what she said. I stupidly closed my eyes. And that's the moment she stabbed me in the
The pain made me realise I was attacked by her so I started to defend myself. I punched her in the
face. She stabbed me twice, again in the arm.
Then I went out of the car. I saw her calmly coming out of the car and walking towards me. I
thought I was just dead. They were nobody around.

She came back, she shook my head and told me I was going to die.
And at that moment, thank god, a car came out of nowhere. She freaked out and went back into the
car. She had my keys and she was gone with my Cadillac.

Prosecutor: So, we can say that this car saved your life?!
Matthew Wayne: Yes, I guess! Without this car, I wouldn’t be here today.

Prosecutor: Thank you Mr. Wayne.

I think Mr. Wayne drew up a true portrait of Miss Douglas, and I have no doubt about her guilt!
Counsel of defence: Objection!
Judge: Sustained. I let the next part of this interview to the counsel of defence, go-on miss.

Counsel of defence: Thank you your honor. Mr Wayne I have a really important question here. Do
you have a criminal record?
Matthew Wayne: (No answer)

Counsel of defence: Mr Wayne, can you answer the question please?

Matthew Wayne: Yes.

Counsel of defence: So?

Matthew Wayne: Yes I have a criminal record. For sexual harassment against female colleges in
2001 and 2003. But all this belongs to the past now. I've paid my debt, I'm clear now. I a am a
honest citizen. My past criminal charges have nothing to do with this case. She attacked me! This
women is totally crazy! Come on, you have to believe me!

Counsel of defence: When you were back in your vehicle, you said you were in a self defence
position, is it true?
Matthew Wayne: Yes, I swear she attacked me with a knife, I swear to god, I was defending my
life. I was in a self defence position!

Counsel of defence: Can we imagine the hypothesis of you attacking her. According to your
criminal record, you are a sexual offender and in the Margaret Douglas case, the accused might be
in a position of self defense because you may have attacked her!
Matthew Wayne: That is not the truth! I protest, I'm not a criminal she is! I'm not going to let you
make me some kind of monster like she is!

Counsel of defence: I'm done with this witness, I think you can call the security to help him found
his way out...
Matthew Wayne: I dare you to call me a monster, I'm no sex offender! I'm going to kill you if you
do this!

Judge: Silence or I'm calling the security! Let's move on with the last witness please. I am now
calling the accused, Margaret Douglas.

Judge: Mrs Douglas do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth? So help you God.
Ellie Ewing: Nope sir.

Prosecutor: Margaret Douglas, you are facing 5 accusations of murder and you are accused to have
tried to kill a sixth. Are you the author of this fact?

Margaret Douglas: That’s why I’m here, I guess…

Prosecutor: And that’s all?

Counsel of defence: Objection your honour!
Judge: Admissible!

Prosecutor: How did you kill your victims? Did you always use the same way to kill them?
Margaret Douglas: I suppose I killed them each time by the same way, but I’m not sure. Did I
really kill them before burning the cars? I’m not sure anymore … I don’t remember what happened,
do you know, I didn’t want that, but someone said me that I had to kill them. “He” forced me to do
that …

Prosecutor: Who is “he”? You hear voices in your head?

Margaret Douglas: There are not voices, but something like a mission or an obligation. I had to kill
these men.

Prosecutor: How did you choose your victims? Did you know them before?
Margaret Douglas: When I saw men who looked like my attacker in the foster home, I feel
suddenly like killing. I had to kill these men, or else (otherwise?) I’m sure they’ll kill or attack/rape
themselves a young girl / a teenager. They all had the same profile, a killer profile.

Prosecutor: Nobody can check these events and you might had a willing sex story with your tutor.
One of the psychological of the inquiry had determined that you were capable of manipulation. Is
the rape truly verified or is this just a hoax to touch the jury and soften her sentence? Why did you
never say it to someone else in the special youth center?
Counsel of defence: Objection!
Judge: Rejected
Margaret Douglas: It's because I was too scared! My story is true, I was raped and I want to take
my revenge of this man.

Prosecutor: Three of your four victims were good fathers of family, and the fourth had a girlfriend,
and they all had family who love them. Are you aware of what you did? You didn’t take a revenge
of this man, you just destroyed four families, and maybe more…
Margaret Douglas: I think it was necessary to do that. These men were dangerous to the society!
You should even thank me for doing that!

Prosecutor: I think your not mad Margaret, it’s just a mask, and maybe you acted under the
influence of drugs, but it’s not a pretext! And when you talk about your “attacker” I’m puzzled,
because I’ve read that you had a very troubled childhood… the death of your brother is really
suspicious: The police file says she was playing with her brother when he suddenly felt in an ice

Counsel of defence: Objection!

Judge: Rejected

Prosecutor: The inquiry noticed that she had no bad feelings about her brother's death…
Margaret Douglas: I’m innocent!
Prosecutor: Any more, there is not only that, she committed a burglary too. I think that she’s
violent for a long time. That’s why after all I know, I request the death penalty!

7)Le procès se termine avec une briève conclusion des plaidoiries du procureur et de l'avocat
de la défense. Le juge donne le choix aux jurés, et laisse le jury déliberer. Tout le monde sort
de la salle. Le jury délibère. On rentre, on écoute leur décision. Le juge tranche, la déclare
coupable. Le journaliste intervient et fait son flash de fin.

Récapitulatif des idées pour les conclusions des plaidoiries:

Arguments against Margaret Douglas.

Margaret Douglas is accused of the murder of four male drivers. The official number of victims is
still unknown, but an estimation puts to six victims in this case. Matthew Wayne, a victim survived
and is today the key witness to all these homicides. He's deposition is a stepping stone for the
accusations against Margaret Douglas.

Margaret Douglas is accused of multiplied voluntary homicides and homicide with premeditation
She will also face accusations of robbery and violence against a senior, witness in the case, Ellie
The police also had established that she was reponsible for a lot of other bulgaries. These bulgaries
were to finance her drug habit. She will also face drug-dealing and drug-taking accusations.

One of the psychological of the inquiry had determined that Margaret Douglas had always been
violent and always used it to satisfy her pulsions. She is very instable, this is caused by her drug
addiction to cocaïne and heroïne.

We can notify that she had a very troubled childhood. But she was loved by her parents Jim and
Arlene Douglas and had no reason to behave violent after her parents divorce.
We must underline the important fact that her brother died in mysterious circumstances. Since then,
nobody knows if it was only an accident, but many interrogations still remains and we cannot
eliminate the track of cold blooded homicide against her brother.
The police file says she was playing with her brother when he suddently felt in an ice hole, but a
supposition can
The inquiry noticed that she had no bad feelings about her brother's death.

When she was placed in a special youth center after her parent's divorce. At this point she says she
was rapped multiple time by her tutor. Is this truly verified or is this just a hoax to touch the jury
and soften her sentence?
Nobody can check these events and she might had a willing sex story with her tutor. In this case
this man could be accused of corruption of a minor.

Proof that Margaret Douglas is a serial killer, and that she will kill again.
-There is a reasonable way to think she killed her brother to get her parents more attention.
-She killed officially four people, more are on the way to be discovered.
-She planned all the murders.
-She carried out the same method in each homicide.
-She killed them cold blooded and with composure.
-She is extremely violent and had no regret or hard feelings.

Arguments in favor of Margaret Douglas's defense .

- Margaret Douglas lost her brother when she was nine in a tragic accident, she couldn't event
helped him. She's going to carry her brother's death all her life.

-Then she was the witness of fights between her parents, she was often hit and hurt by her father
and her parents always blamed her she was the only responsible to her brother's death. She said her
parents didn't loved her anymore and she went through a deep depression time.

-After her parents divorce, her father became started drinking and her mother committed suicide.
These events created a trauma that explains her fear
You can easily understand that those events can create a trauma which can last long time after her

- After her parent's divorce, she was sent in a special youth center for orphans and abandoned
children. She had no family, and she had the feeling that everybody abandoned her. This ruined her

Then Margaret Douglas's tutor, who was supposed to help her and care about her rapped her
This young girl was raped as the age of 15. This kind of trauma has changed her whole view on
men. Her violent behavior is a direct consequence of these rapes.
The rapes could have crated in her mind a kind of paranoïa against men. She could have thought
that they wanted to rape, kill, or hurt her. Her attitude towards men can almost be considered as self

-Maybe Margaret was really in self defense position: there are lots of men in Texas who are able to
try something against female hitchhikers. Then take a look at this man, Matthew Wayne, he
admitted in his police interview that he wanted to have sexual relations with Margaret Douglas.
Then he's going to say he was only hoping this, but who can say he wasn't at first the attacker. After
a quick inquiry he was found guilty of sexual harassment in 2001 and 2003 on his female

- Miss Douglas is not a bad person. Yes she is a criminal, but this is a result of her miserable
Yes, she was sent in jail after she was caught dealing drugs and using it, but she no longer take
it and she has been clean since she came out of prison. You can see that the first punitive measure
had consequences on her : At the end, she wanted to start a new life, the found a job, waitress in a
snack house. She had a good feeling with her colleagues and everybody liked her. She was discribed
like a sane and delicate caring people.

It would be wrong to believe that nothing can improve her, and then she must become death penalty.
The defense is asking for a prison penalty, not more.


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