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Compil par lAbb Hctor Lzaro Romero Cette liste nest pas exhaustive


du lever du soleil son coucher, en tout lieu on offre mon nom une oblation pure (Malachie, I, 11)

FRANAIS Abrviations : CJM = Compagnie de Jsus et de Marie (Mgr Morello) CMRI = Congrgation de Marie Reine Immacule (Mgr Pivarunas) D/S = Affili avec Mgr Dolan et Mgr Sanborn IMBC = Institut Mater Boni Consilii SST = Socit Sacerdotale Trento ENGLISH Abbreviations: CJM = Society of Jesus and Mary (Bishop Morello) CMRI = Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (Bishop Pivarunas) D/S = Affiliated with Bishop Dolan and Bishop Sanborn IMBC = Mater Boni Consilii Institute SST = Priestly Society of Trento ESPAOL Abreviaturas: CJM = Compaa de Jess y Mara (Mons. Morello) CMRI = Congregacin de Mara Reina Inmaculada (Mons. Pivarunas) D/S = Afiliado con Mons. Dolan y Mons. Sanborn IMBC = Instituto Mater Boni Consilii SST = Sociedad Sacerdotal Trento

2 sa discipline ou sa thologie : comme cest le cas pour ceux qui sont en rapport avec les orthodoxes ou les vieux catholiques ; ou aussi avec les conclavistes ou avec ceux qui nient le baptme de dsir ou nient la validit des ordinations de Mgr Ngo-dinh-Thuc ou de Mgr Lefebvre ; ou ceux qui ont reu les Ordres de manire douteuse ou contraire lesprit et la pratique de lglise (comme cest le cas pour les lignes piscopales qui descendent des vques maris) ; ou ceux qui collaborent avec la Fraternit Saint Pie X ou avec les communauts Ecclesia Dei ou Motu proprio. Les centres de Messe de cette liste nappartiennent personne qui, daprs nos connaissances, soit inclus dans les catgories que nous venons de mentionner. Toute aide pour amliorer, complter ou corriger cette liste compte tenu des critres exposs est bienvenue.

Note : Voici une liste des chapelles et des centres de Messe appartenant diffrents groupes et communauts professant intgralement la foi catholique, apostolique, romaine, et qui en consquence soutiennent publiquement la vacance actuelle du Sige Apostolique. Pour ce motif, ne figurent pas ici ceux qui professent des hrsies ou des erreurs contraires lenseignement de la Sainte glise Catholique Romaine, sa doctrine,

Note: Here is a list of chapels and Mass centres belonging to different groups and communities professing integrally the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman faith, and who therefore publically maintain the present vacancy of the Apostolic See. Therefore, the groups professing heresies or errors contrary to the teaching of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, its doctrine, discipline or theology dont appear in the list. That is the case for those related to the Orthodox, Old Catholics, conclavists, to those who deny the Baptism of Desire or the validity of Archbishops Ngo-dinh-Thuc and Lefebvres ordinations; for those having been ordained doubtfully or in a way contrary to the spirit or to the practice of the Catholic Church (as it is the case of the Episcopal lines that descend from married Bishops); or who collaborate

3 with the Society of Saint Pius X, or with Ecclesia Dei or Motu proprio communities. As far as we know, none of the Mass centres from this list belong to people included in the categories mentioned above. We welcome any kind of help which considers the set out criteria, in order to improve, complete or correct this list.

(06) ALPES-MARITIMES CANNES Institut Mater Boni Consilii Chapelle N.-D. des Victoires 4 rue Fellegara - Cannes Tl. : 04 76 38 93 64 www.sodalitium.eu Messe le 2me et 4me dimanche du mois 18 h. MOUANS-SARTOUX Prieur La Croix Saint-Joseph 1110, chemin du Puits du Plan, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux M. lAbb Jacques-Marie Seuillot www.cassicia.com Tl. : 04 93 75 19 18 Messe le dimanche 9h30. Messe certains jours de la semaine : Prieur N.-D. de La Salette - 04170 MORIEZ Tl. : 04 92 89 11 01 (22) CTES DARMOR BOURBRIAC Chapelle Saint Antoine 22390 BOURBRIAC M. lAbb Xavier Grossin Tl. : 02 96 43 47 91 Messe en semaine et le dimanche 10h30. (25) DOUBS MOUTHIER-HAUTE-PIERRE Le Prieur 6 rue du Chapit - 25920 MOUTHIERHAUTE-PIERRE M. lAbb Michel Marchiset Tl. : 03 81 60 99 49 Messe le dimanche 9h30.

Nota: Esta es una lista de las capillas y centros de Misa pertenecientes a diferentes grupos y comunidades que profesan ntegramente la fe catlica, apostlica, romana, y que en consecuencia sostienen pblicamente la vacancia actual de la Sede Apostlica. Por ese motivo, no figuran aqu aquellos que profesan herejas o errores contrarios a la enseanza de la Santa Iglesia Catlica Romana, a su doctrina, a su disciplina o a su teologa: como es el caso de aquellos relacionados con los ortodoxos o catlicos viejos; o tambin con los conclavistas o con quienes niegan el bautismo de deseo o niegan la validez de las ordenaciones de Mons. Ngo-dinh-Thuc o de Mons. Lefebvre; o quienes han recibido las rdenes de manera dudosa o contraria al espritu y praxis de la Iglesia (como es el caso de los linajes episcopales que descienden de Obispos casados); o quienes colaboran con la Fraternidad San Po X o con las comunidades Ecclesia Dei o Motu proprio. Los centros de Misa de esta lista no pertenecen a nadie que, segn nuestros conocimientos, est incluido en las categoras que acabamos de mencionar. Toda ayuda en orden a mejorar, completar o corregir esta lista que tenga en cuenta los criterios expuestos es bienvenida.

4 (33) GIRONDE SAINT-MAIXANT Maison Saint-Jean-Baptiste 3 Alle de la Srnit, 33490 SAINTMAIXANT M. lAbb Herv Belmont www.quicumque.com Tl. : 05 56 76 26 23 Dimanches et ftes : messe basse 8h15, messe chante 10 h. En semaine : messe basse 7h30. (35) ILLE-ET-VILAINE MONTAUBAN DE BRETAGNE Chapelle Saint-Maurice Saint-Maurice - 35360 MONTAUBAN DE BRETAGNE Tl. : 02 40 29 32 39 Messe le 1er samedi du mois 11 h et le mercredi 18 h, tous les quinze jours. RENNES Chapelle Saint Pie V 19 rue des Franais-libres - 35000 RENNES M. lAbb Gilles Roger Tl. : 02 99 30 49 44 Messes le dimanche 8h30, 10h15, 18h15. Vpres 17h25. Les prtres de Rennes desservent aussi Lorient, Donzy et Chambry. (37) INDRE-ET-LOIRE TOURS Chapelle Saint Michel-Archange 29 rue dAmboise - 37000 TOURS Tl. : 02 40 29 32 39 ou 02 47 39 52 73 Messe le 2me et 4me dimanche du mois 18 h. VARENNES Chapelle du Sacr-Cur La Houssire, 37600 VARENNES Messe le 3me dimanche du mois 18 h (en hiver) ou 18h30 (en t). Pour toute information : tl. 02 99 30 49 44 (38) ISERE SERRE-NERPOL Communaut des Surs du Christ-Roi Maison Saint-Joseph 38470 SERRE-NERPOL Tl. : 04 76 64 24 11 Messe le dimanche 10h30. (44) LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE ABBARETZ Chapelle Saint Etienne Rue de la Poste - 44170 ABBARETZ Pre Rigoberto Snchez (CJM) Tl. : 02 40 87 04 10 Messe chante le dimanche 10h30. Messes en semaine. NANTES Chapelle du Christ-Roi 88 rue dAllonville - 44000 NANTES M. lAbb Philippe Gupin Tl. : 02 40 29 32 39 Messe le dimanche 10 h. En semaine : messe 7 h et 8 h, le jeudi 8 h et 11 h. LA BAULE-ESCOUBLAC Chapelle Sainte Anne La Sauldraye - 44500 LA BAULEESCOUBLAC Tl. : 02 40 29 32 39 Messe le 1er et 3me dimanche du mois 18 h. TREILLIERES Chapelle Notre-Dame des Dons

5 16 rue des Dons - 44119 TREILLIERES Tl. : 02 40 29 32 39 Messe le dimanche 8 h. Vpres 16h15. (56) MORBIHAN LORIENT Chapelle Saint Joseph 4 rue de Pressens - 56100 LORIENT Tl. : 02 99 30 49 44 Messe tous les dimanches 10 h. (58) NIEVRE DONZY Communaut des Surs du Clos Nazareth Crzan - 58220 DONZY Tl. : 03 86 39 41 62 Messe le dimanche 18 h. RAVEAU Institut Mater Boni Consilii 350 Route de Mouchy 58400 Raveau Pour toute information : tl. 03 86 70 11 14 info@sodalitium.eu www.sodalitium.eu Messes assures tout lt. (59) NORD LILLE Institut Mater Boni Consilii Messe le 1er et 3me dimanche du mois 17 h. Confessions 16h30. Pour toute information : Mgr Geert Stuyver en Belgique. mgr.stuyver@skynet.be Tl. : (+32) (0) 52 38 07 78 (67) BAS-RHIN (69) RHNE LYON Institut Mater Boni Consilii 11 rue Pareille - Lyon ( proximit du quai Saint-Vincent, quai de Sane). Tl. : 06 70 45 77 28 info@sodalitium.eu Messe le 2me et 4me dimanche du mois 17 h, certains 3mes dimanches 10 h. Confessions partir de 16h30. (70) HAUTE-SANE FAVERNEY Prieur Notre-Dame de Faverney 70160 FAVERNEY www.prieure2bethleem.org P. Joseph-Marie Mercier (OSB) Tl. : 03 84 91 32 15 Messe le dimanche 10 h. Messe en semaine 11h et certaines ftes 10h30. (73) SAVOIE CHAMBERY Chapelle Saint Cur dArs 35 rue du Transvaal - 73000 CHAMBERY Tl. : 02 99 30 49 44 Messe le dimanche 10 h. (74) HAUTE-SAVOIE ANNECY Institut Mater Boni Consilii THAL-DRULINGEN Rue Principale - 67320 THALDRULINGEN M. lAbb Siegel www.thaldrulingennuc.centerblog.net

6 Pour toute information : tl. 09 53 16 39 01 info@sodalitium.eu www.sodalitium.eu Messe le 2me et 4me dimanche du mois 10 h. Confessions 9 h. (75) PARIS PARIS Institut Mater Boni Consilii 17 rue Bleue, 75009 Paris, au fond de la cour gauche (mtro Cadet et N.D. de Lorette). Pour toute information : tl. 0039 0161 839 335 info@sodalitium.eu www.sodalitium.eu Messe le 1er et 3me dimanche du mois 10h30. Confessions 9h45. ULM Notre-Dame du Perptuel Secours Biberacherstr 23 D89079 Ulm P. Eugen Rissling (CMRI) Tl. : (0049) 731 9404183 P. Johannes Heyne Messe le dimanche 10 h.

BUENOS AIRES CAPITAL FEDERAL Scalabrini Ortiz 2355, 6 B, Capital P. Hugo Esquives (CJM) hugoesquives@yahoo.com.ar propagandacatolica@gmail.com Tel.: (005411) 4831 8613 Domingos 10 h. PUNTA INDIO P. Hugo Esquives (CJM) propagandacatolica@gmail.com (IMBC) Santa Misa en Buenos Aires: ocasionalmente. Para mayor informacin: tel. 54 341 430 3030 CasaSanJose@Sodalitium.it www.sodalitiumpianum.it CRDOBA CRDOBA Capilla Dulce Nombre de Mara Lima 1273, Barrio Gral. Paz Crdoba 5000, Pcia. de Crdoba Padres Julin y Po Espina (CMRI) Tel.: 0351 4518147 Domingos 10 h y mircoles 20 h. Ituzaing 1336 (Barrio Nueva Crdoba)

Pour toute information : Fr. Carlos Ercoli, aux tats-Unis (cf. chapelle de Seattle).

KARLSRUHE Rankestrasse 14 D - 76137 Karlsruhe P. James Baird MUNICH Chapelle Notre-Dame de lImmacule Conception P. Eugen Rissling (CMRI) Tl. : (0049) 731 9404183 P. Johannes Heyne Messe le dimanche 9h45 ou 17h45.

7 Para mayor informacin: tel. 54 341 430 3030 CasaSanJose@Sodalitium.it www.sodalitiumpianum.it COSQUN Capilla San Jos El Retiro - Molinari Ruta 38, Km. 43.5 (entre Cosqun y La Falda) Cosqun 5166, Pcia. de Crdoba Padres Julin y Po Espina (CMRI) Tel.: 54 3541 450844 Domingos 10 h, en semana 8 h. RO CEBALLOS Gral. Lpez 87 Padres Julin y Po Espina (CMRI) Tel.: 0351 4518147 MENDOZA SAN LUIS RIVADAVIA Padre Ariel Damn Tel.: 0263 4433380 SAN MARTN Capilla Ntra. Sra. de Lourdes Calles Martnez y Espejo Este s/n, Alto Verde, San Martn, Mendoza Padre Ariel Damn capillavirgendelourdes@hotmail.com daminarieljesus@yahoo.com.ar Tel.: 0263 4433380 Domingos 10 h y 19 h. Confesiones de 8 h. a 9h55 y de 17 h a 18h55. SAN RAFAEL Padre Ariel Damn RO NEGRO EL BOLSN Seminario Ntra. Seora de Guadalupe CAPITAL Padre Ariel Damn Tel.: 0263 4433380 JUAN JORBA Padre Ariel Damn VILLA MERCEDES Padre Ariel Damn CC. 165 (8430) El Bolsn Mons. Andrs Morello (CJM) Domingos 11 h, en semana 7h15. SANTA FE ROSARIO Casa San Jos Iguaz 649 bis, C.P. 2000 Rosario (Santa Fe) (IMBC) Para mayor informacin: tel. 54 341 430 3030 CasaSanJose@Sodalitium.it www.sodalitiumpianum.it Domingos y fiestas de precepto a las 10 h. P. Claudio Formica claudioluisformica@yahoo.com.ar

ADELAIDE Chateau de Carmel F. Grid 040494 Kersbrook, Adelaide South Australia 5231 Fr. Julian Gilchrist (CMRI) Ph.: 00614 1011 1812

8 Holy Mass once a month. BRISBANE Fr. Julian Gilchrist (CMRI) Ph.: 00614 1011 1812 Holy Mass once a month. MELBOURNE Fr. Julian Gilchrist (CMRI) Ph.: 00614 1011 1812 Holy Mass once a month. PERTH Fr. Julian Gilchrist (CMRI) Ph.: 00614 1011 1812 Holy Mass once a month. Bairro Santo Agostinho Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro 27211 - 080 BRASIL diogo_tradicao@yahoo.com.br (CMRI) Tel.: (24) 3345 9303 Bruno Marcondes Guimares Marcel Marcondes Guimares Rua 1023 n 93, Volta Grande III Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro (CMRI) m.parusia@ig.com.br marcelcatolico@yahoo.com.br SO PAULO (CMRI) Tel.: 011 55 2122 743820



DENDERMONDE Kappel Moeder van Goede Raad (Chapelle Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil) Koning Albertstraat 146 B-9200 Dendermonde Mgr Geert Stuyver (IMBC) mgr.stuyver@skynet.be Tl. : (+32) (0) 52 38 07 78 Messe le dimanche et ftes 9h30. Lundi, mardi et jeudi 7h30, mercredi et vendredi 18h30, samedi 8h.

ST. JOHNS St. Athanasius Mission Ramada Hotel 102 Kenmount Rd. St. Johns, NL (Newfoundland) Fr. Daniel Ahern Ph.: (989) 692 0029 frdahern@aol.com Sundays bimonthly. NOVA SCOTIA HALIFAX St. Monica Mission Halifax, NS (Nova Scotia) Fr. Daniel Ahern Ph.: (902) 455 6459 Sundays bimonthly. ONTARIO

RIO DE JANEIRO VOLTA REDONDA Diogo Vidal de Oliveira Rua Jos Bento Ribeiro Dantas, 144

9 LONDON Our Lady of Victory Church www.ourladyofvictory.ca 1715 Dundas Street E. London, Ontario, Canada N5W 3E1 Fr. Gerard McKee (CMRI) fr.gerard.mckee@juno.com Ph.: (519) 659 9477 or (734) 729 8228 Sundays 4h30 pm; M/Tu 8h30 am. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SUMMERSIDE St. Pascal Baylon Mission Summerside, PE (Prince Edward Island) Fr. Daniel Ahern Ph.: (902) 436 3790 frdahern@aol.com Sundays bimonthly. ALABAMA LACEYS SPRING St. Benedict Church 1139 U.S. 231, Laceys Spring, AL 35754 Fr. Gregory Drahman (CMRI) Ph.: (402) 571 4404 Call (256) 881 4727 for information. Sundays 9h30 am. Holydays 6 pm. ARIZONA EL MIRAGE Our Lady of the Sun Catholic Church 12546 West Peoria Ave, El Mirage, Arizona 85335 www.ourladyofthesun.com Fr. Federico Palma Ph.: (623) 583 1027 (D/S) Sundays 9 am, M-F 8 am, Sa 9 am. PHOENIX Queen of the Holy Rosary Traditional Catholic Church 2533 W. Myrtle Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85051 www.olmcc.org Fr. Ephrem Cordova (CMRI) m.cordova@juno.com Ph.: (602) 244 8765 Sundays 9 am. Weekday Masses (Tue.Sat.): 11h30 am. School: St. Thomas Aquinas Academy (2-8). SNOWFLAKE/CONCHO St. Philomena Mission (CMRI) Call (928) 536 2915 for information. Mass every other month. TUCSON Infant of Prague Mission Fr. Ephrem Cordova (CMRI) Call (520) 571 9173 for location. Sundays 5 pm.

Pour toute information : Padre Basilio Mramo mail@meramo.net basilio_meramo@yahoo.es

Pour toute information : - M. lAbb Herv Belmont, en France (cf. chapelle de Saint-Maixant). - Pre Rigoberto Snchez (CJM), en France (cf. chapelle dAbbaretz).


ARKANSAS EVENING SHADE St. Francis of Assisi Chapel Evening Shade Fr. Gregory Drahman (CMRI) Call (870) 368 5620 for information. Mass 2x a month. CALIFORNIA FONTANA Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel 16010 Boyle St., Fontana, CA 92337 www.ourladyoflourdescmri.blogspot.com Fr. James McGilloway (CMRI) Call (909) 829 0997 or (909) 841 8052 Sundays 2 pm. LOS ANGELES Queen of Angels Church 24244 Newhall Ave., Santa Clarita, CA 91321 www.queenofangelscatholicchurch.org Ph.: (661) 255 9849 Fr. Dominic Radecki (CMRI) RevDominicR@gmail.com Rectory: (661) 269 4943 Sundays 8 am, 11 am, 5 pm. MARTINEZ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church 1150 Mellus St., Martinez, CA 94553 Fr. Thomas Zapp Ph.: (925) 228 9852 Sundays 11 am, Holydays 7 pm, M-Th varies. MODESTO St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church 1606 Imperial Ave., Modesto, CA 95358 Fr. Thomas Zapp Ph.: (209) 538 3318 Sundays 9 am, F-Sa time varies. SAN DIEGO

10 Our Lady of Fatima Church NTC Chapel at Liberty Station (Pt. Loma) 2881 Roosevelt Rd. San Diego, CA 92106 www.fatimaparish.org Fr. James McGilloway (CMRI) Ph.: (619) 460 6801 or (619) 244 8766 Sundays 9 am. COLORADO AURORA Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Chapel 2566 Sable Blvd., Aurora, CO 80011 www.olvrc.com Fr. Eugene Berry Ph.: (303) 364 8040 frerberry@comcast.net Sundays 8 & 10 am, Holydays 8 am & 7 pm. BURLINGTON Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 228 11th St., Burlington, CO 80807 Fr. Christopher Gronenthal (CMRI) Ph.: (719) 346 0379 Sundays 8 am. School: Sacred Heart Academy (K-8). CLIFTON (Grand Junction area) St. John Vianney Chapel 3424 Kerns Dr., Clifton, CO 81520 Fr. Luis Jurado (CMRI) Call for times (970) 434 2213 Sundays 2x a month. COLORADO SPRINGS St. Cyril of Alexandria Chapel Le Clarion Hotel 314 West Bijou St. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 www.olvrc.com Fr. Eugene Berry frerberry@comcast.net Call (719) 471 8680 to verify dates

& times. 2x a month. DENVER Our Lady of the Snow Chapel 4101 Lamar St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 www.ourladyofthesnow.net Fr. Gabriel Lavery (CMRI) Ph.: (303) 425 7051 or (303) 280 0194 Sundays 9 am, 1st Fr 6h30 pm, Sa noon. DURANGO Our Lady of Sorrows Mission 656 Hwy. 172 (Florida Grange) Durango, CO 81303 Fr. Luis Jurado Ph.: (970) 533 7710 (CMRI) Sundays once or twice a month at 5 pm. FOUNTAIN (Colorado Springs area) Mary Help of Christians Church 500 Columbine Street, Fountain, CO 80817 www.maryhelpofchristians.net Ph.: (719) 205 1434 (CMRI) Sundays 1 pm. OLATHE St. Josephs Church 59350 Carnation Rd., Olathe, CO 81425 Fr. Luis Jurado Ph.: (720) 234 3108 or (720) 323 0243 (CMRI) Sundays 8 & 10 am. School: Holy Guardian Angels School (K-8). TRINIDAD St. Philomena Mission Trinidad, CO 81074 Fr. Luis Jurado Ph.: (719) 846 4361 (CMRI) Mass 2x a month. CONNECTICUT MONROE

11 Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel 15 Pepper St., Monroe, CT 06468 www.rosarychapel.net Bp. Robert McKenna (OP) Fr. Adn Rodriguez (CJM) Ph.: (203) 261 8290 Sundays 7 & 10 am, M-Sa 7 am, Holydays 10 am, 7 pm. St. Vincent Ferrer Chapel 1442 Hopeville Road Griswold, CT 06351 Fr. Stephen McKenna Ph.: (978) 686 7921 www.thirdorderofsaintdominic.org Sundays 5 pm. FLORIDA BROOKSVILLE Queen of All Saints Chapel 20120 Barnett Rd., Brooksville, FL 34601 Bp. Donald Sanborn Ph.: (352) 797 7829 Sundays 9 & 10h30 am. PENSACOLA Holy Cross Mission Roman Catholic Mission 3298 Summit Blvd., Suite 16 Pensacola, FL Fr. Francis Miller (OFM) Ph.: (337) 278 4655 2nd Sunday 5 pm. GEORGIA ATLANTA St. Teresa of Avila Mission Atlanta, GA Bp. Sanborn Ph.: (706) 215 3939

12 DOUGLAS Bp. Sanborn Ph.: (912) 384 1000 IDAHO LOUISIANA RATHDRUM (Coeur dAlene area) Mary Immaculate Queen Church 15384 N. Church Road, Rathdrum, ID 83858 Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) frbenedict@cmri.org Fr. Bernard Welp (CMRI) Ph.: (208) 687 0290 Sundays 7 & 9 am. School: Mary Immaculate Queen School (K-12). ILLINOIS CHADWICK St. Joseph Mission 386 Adolph Rd. Chadwick, IL 61014 Fr. Charles McGuire (D/S) Ph.: (815) 772 7394 SAYBROOK St. Isidore Mission the Farmer Mission 207 Est Center St. Saybrook, IL 61770 Fr. Charles McGuire (D/S) Ph.: (309) 475 9097 3rd & 4th Sunday 11 am. KANSAS GORHAM St. Philomena Chapel Gorham, KS Call (402) 571 4404 for information. (CMRI) Sundays 4 pm once a month. TOPEKA MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON AREA Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mission 38 Montvale Ave., Suite G-50 Stoneham, MA 02180 Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) LAFAYETTE Christ the King Church 510 N.W. Evangeline Thwy. Lafayette, LA 70501 Fr. Francis Miller (OFM) Ph.: (337) 261 1225 Sundays 9 am, Tu/Th/F 7h30, W 12 noon, Sa 8 am. OPELOUSAS Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel 1184 Hwy. 178, Opelousas, LA 70570 Bp. Daniel Dolan Ph.: (337) 543 2215 Sundays 9 am bimonthly. MAINE AUGUSTA AREA Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Mission Cohen Community Center 22 Town Farm Road, Hallowell, ME 04347 Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) frbenedict@cmri.org Ph.: (207) 786 4018 1st & 3rd Sunday 4 pm. Sacred Heart Chapel Topeka, KS Call (785) 246 0796 for information. (CMRI) Sundays 6 pm once a month.

13 Call (617) 913 1483 for information. 1st & 3rd Sunday 9h30 am. LAWRENCE Most Holy Trinity Mission Hampton Inn 224 Winthrop Ave. (Rte. 114) Lawrence, MA 01843 Fr. Peter Lemay Ph.: (508) 778 5532 Sacred Heart Church 321 South Broadway, Lawrence, MA 01843 Fr. Stephen McKenna Ph.: (978) 686 7921 www.thirdorderofsaintdominic.org Sundays 10 am, Holidays 6h30 pm, M-Sa 8h30 am. MICHIGAN DETROIT St. Joseph Church 3521 Fourth St., Wayne, MI 48184 www.stjosephschurch.net Fr. Francisco Radecki (CMRI) father_radecki@yahoo.com Ph.: (734) 729 8228 Sundays 7h30, 9h30 & 11h45 am. St. Joseph School (K-12) FRASER Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church 16414 E. 14 Mile Rd., Fraser, MI 48026 Fr. Oscar Saavedra Ph.: (586) 979 1272 (D/S) Sundays 9 h. FREELAND St. Dominic Savio Chapel 7095 Kochville Rd., Freeland, MI 48603 Fr. Daniel Ahern Ph.: (989) 692 0029 frdahern@aol.com Sundays 9h30 am. GAYLORD Our Lady of the Snows Chapel Murner & Parmater Rds., Gaylord, MI 49735 Fr. Daniel Ahern Ph.: (989) 786 4595 Alternate Sundays, M-Sa occasionally. MIDDLEVILLE (Grand Rapids area) Most Holy Rosary Church 314 E. Main Street, Middleville, MI 49333 Fr. Gerard McKee (CMRI) fr.gerard.mckee@juno.com Ph.: (269) 795 9030 Sundays 8 am. WEST HIGHLAND St. Dominic Chapel 765 N. Hickory Ridge Rd., West Highland, MI 48357 www.stdominicchapel.com Bp. Robert Neville Ph.: (248) 889 2394 Sundays 9 am, Sa 8 am, Holydays 10h30 am & 7h30 pm. MINNESOTA ST. CLOUD Immaculate Conception Church 313 28th Avenue N., St. Cloud, MN 56303 Fr. Brendan Hughes (CMRI) Ph.: (320) 251 3461 Sundays 7h30 & 9h45 am. School: Immaculate Conception Academy (K-12) Ph.: (320) 251 3461 MISSOURI SPRINGFIELD St. Gregory the Great Mission (CMRI) Call (417) 869 7494 for information. Holy Mass once a month.

14 MONTANA GREAT FALLS St. James the Greater Mission Great Falls, MT 59401 Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) Ph.: (406) 453 7058 Mass once a month. HELENA St. Joseph Mission Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) Ph.: (406) 457 0096 frbenedicthughes@juno.com Mass once a month. KALISPELL Our Mother of Sorrows Mission Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) Call (406) 420 2209 for information. 4th Sunday 8 am. MISSOULA Our Lady of Fatima Mission Best Inn & Conf. Center, 3803 Brooks St. Missoula, MT 59801 Fr. Benedict Hughes (CMRI) Ph.: (208) 687 0290 4th Sunday 1 pm. NEBRASKA ELBA (CMRI) Call (308) 863 2149 for information. Sunday Mass once a month. OMAHA Mary Immaculate Church 7745 Military Ave., Omaha, NE 68134 Bp. Mark Pivarunas (CMRI) Ph.: (402) 571 4404 Sundays 8 & 10 am. School: Mater Dei Academy (K-12). ONEILL St. Theresa Church (CMRI) Call (402) 336 4703 for location/time. Sundays 6 pm. NEW MEXICO SANTA FE 911 Agua Fria, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (CMRI) Call (505) 467 9100 for information. Mass once a month. NEW YORK GLENMONT St. Michael Chapel & Shrine 507 Rd. 9W, Glenmont, NY 12077 Fr. Joseph Collins Ph.: (518) 462 2016 Sundays 10 am. HUDSON Sacred Heart/Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine 442 Fairview Ave., Hudson, NY 12534 Fr. Joseph Collins Ph.: (518) 828 8775 Sundays & Holydays 9 am. NORTH CAROLINA JACKSONVILLE St. Philomena Mission Jacksonville, NC 28540 Bp. Sanborn Ph.: (910) 938 3311 One Sunday per month. NORTH DAKOTA GRAND FORKS St. Teresa of Avila Mission 2233 Springbrook Ct. Grand Forks, ND 58201

15 Fr. Charles McGuire (D/S) Ph.: (262) 308 7987 OHIO AKRON Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel 450 Dennison Ave., Akron, OH 44312 Fr. John P. Trough (CMRI) Ph.: (330) 784 8025 Sundays 8h30 am. CHILLICOTHE St. Clares Mission Chillicothe, OH 45601 Fr. Charles McGuire (D/S) Ph.: (740) 775 5995 SULPHUR SPRINGS Our Mother of Perpetual Help Catholic Church 4953 South Street / Annapolis DeKalb Rd. P.O. Box 155 Sulphur Springs, OH 44881 Fr. John P. Trough (CMRI) Ph.: (419) 562 1985 Sundays 1 pm. WEST CHESTER St. Gertrude the Great Roman Catholic Church 4900 Rialto Rd., West Chester, OH 45069 www.sgg.org Bp. Daniel Dolan Fr. Anthony Cekada frcekada@sgg.org Ph.: (513) 645 4212 Sundays 7h30, 9 h, 11h30 am & 5h45 pm, M-F. WHEELERSBURG Most Holy Trinity Church 477 Dewey St., Wheelersburg, OH 45694 Fr. John P. Trough (CMRI) Ph.: (330) 784 8025 2-3x a month at 6h45 pm, Holydays 8 am. OKLAHOMA EDMOND Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel Edmond, OK 73003 (CMRI) Ph.: (405) 340 3173 SVincentL@sbcglobal.net 2nd Sunday of month at 6 pm. OREGON REDMOND Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Chapel Redmond, OR 97756 (CMRI) Call (541) 548 6416 for information. 2nd Sunday 9 am. PENNSYLVANIA WEST HAZELTON (CMRI) Call (330) 784 8025 for information. Once a month. RHODE ISLAND WARWICK St. Annes Mission (CMRI) Call (617) 913 1483 for information. Sa twice a month. TEXAS AMARILLO (CMRI) Call (806) 655 7140 for information. Occasional Mass. ARLINGTON

Roman Catholic Franciscan Mission 2410 Superior St., Suite E, Arlington, TX 76013 Fr. Francis Miller (OFM) Ph.: (337) 278 4655 HORIZON Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel 4161 Square Dance Rd., Horizon, TX 79938 Fr. Roberto Mardones Ph.: (915) 857 7148 Restauracion2008@live.com Sundays 8 am. VIRGINIA CARROLLTON St. Augustine Church 12083 Smith Neck Rd., Carrollton, VA 23314 Fr. Joseph Collins Ph.: (757) 357 5213 3 Sundays per month, time varies. WASHINGTON TRI-CITIES AREA (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland) St. Louis Marie de Montfort Mission (CMRI) Call (509) 734 3040 for information. 2nd Sunday 5 pm. SEATTLE Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Chapel 11824 10th Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98146 Fr. Carlos Ercoli Ph.: (206) 901 9991 fr.ercoli@gmail.com Sundays 10 am, M-Th 8 am, F & Holydays 6h30 pm, Sa 9 am. SEQUIM St. Philomenas Mission Fr. Michael J. Anaya (CMRI) Call (253) 535 9477 for information.

16 SPOKANE Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 3914 N. Lidgerwood St., Spokane, WA 99207 Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt Ph.: (509) 489 6602 Sundays 8h30 & 10h30 am, M-Sa varies. St. Michaels Church 8500 N. Saint Michaels Road, Spokane, WA 99217 9333 www.stmichaels.org Fr. Casimir Puskorius frcasimir@stmichaels.org Fr. Michael Oswalt (CMRI) Ph.: (509) 467 0986 Sundays 8 am, 10h30 am, 12h15 pm & 5 pm. School: St. Michaels Academy (K-12). TACOMA St. Marys Church 757 138th Street South, Tacoma, WA 98444 www.stmarys-parish.org Fr. Michael J. Anaya (CMRI) Ph.: (253) 535 9477 or (509) 868 5894 Sundays 8 & 10h30 am. School: St. Marys Academy (K-8). WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE St. Hugh of Lincoln Church 2401 S. 12th St., Milwaukee, WI 53215 www.sainthugh.org Fr. Charles McGuire (D/S) Ph.: (414) 645 1525 NECEDAH Our Lady of Sorrows Mission N9950 Padre Pio Dr., Necedah, WI 54646 Fr. Charles McGuire (D/S) Ph.: (608) 565 4567


CAMBRIDGESHIRE ELY The 1570 Society Fr. Eugen Rissling, Fr. Johannes Heyne (CMRI) Sunday Mass about once a month (formerly held in Downham Market). Confessions from 13h15; Mass starting at about 14h30. Local contacts: 01353 649472 or 01366 383954

info@casasanpiox.it www.casasanpiox.it BASILICATA POTENZA presso lAssociazione Il Sentiero Via G. Bruno (gi Via San Lorenzo), tra i nn. civici 6 e 8 (IMBC) S. Messe la 3 domenica del mese alle ore 19.30. Per informazioni: tel. 0541 75 89 61 info@casasanpiox.it www.casasanpiox.it EMILIA ROMAGNA FERRARA (ALBAREA) Chiesa San Luigi Via Pacchenia, 47 (IMBC) Ogni domenica alle ore 17.30, tranne la 3 del mese alle ore 11.30. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it MODENA Oratorio San Pio V Via Savona, 75 (IMBC) Ogni domenica alle ore 11, tranne la 3 domenica del mese alle ore 9. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it RIMINI Oratorio San Gregorio Magno Via Molini, 8 (IMBC) La 1 e la 2 domenica del mese alle ore 11; la 3 e la 4 domenica del mese alle ore 18.30. Per informazioni: tel. 0541 75 89 61 info@casasanpiox.it www.casasanpiox.it SAN MARTINO DEI MULINI

TEGUCIGALPA Misin de N.S. de Suyapa (CMRI) Misa ocasionalmente.

Messe dans le Nord de lIrlande; pour tout contact: M. lAbb Thomas Le Gal tlegal7@gmail.com Tl. : 00 33 6 87 90 37 06

ABRUZZI PESCARA Oratorio del Preziosissimo Sangue Via Ofanto, 24 (zona nuovo tribunale) (IMBC) 2 domenica del mese alle ore 18.30, 4 domenica del mese alle ore 11. Per informazioni: tel. 0541 75 89 61

18 fraz. di Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) Casa San Pio X - Oratorio Maria Ausiliatrice Via Sarzana, 86 (IMBC) Nei giorni feriali saltuariamente alle ore 7. Per informazioni: tel. 0541 75 89 61 info@casasanpiox.it www.casasanpiox.it LAZIO ROMA Oratorio San Gregorio VII Via Pietro della Valle, 13/b (IMBC) La 1a, la 3a e la 5a domenica del mese alle ore 11. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it LOMBARDIA MILANO Oratorio SantAmbrogio Via Vivarini, 3 (IMBC) Ogni domenica alle ore 11. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it VALMADRERA (LC) Via Concordia, 21 (IMBC) 2 e 4 domenica del mese. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it VARESE presso lHotel Ungheria, Via L. Borri, 98 (IMBC) Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 PIEMONTE TORINO Oratorio del Sacro Cuore Via Conte Emanuele Thesauro 3/D (IMBC) Tutte le domeniche S. Messa cantata alle ore 9; S. Messa letta alle ore 11.15; il 1 venerd del mese alle ore 18.15. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it VERRUA SAVOIA (TO) Istituto Mater Boni Consilii Chiesa SS. Pietro e Paolo, Loc. Carbignano 36 Ogni domenica e festivi alle ore 18; nei giorni feriali alle ore 7.30. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 info@sodalitium.it PUGLIA MODUGNO (BA) (IMBC) S. Messe nella settimana compresa tra la 3 e la 4 domenica del mese. Per informazioni: tel. 0541 75 89 61 info@casasanpiox.it www.casasanpiox.it TOSCANA LORO CIUFFENNA (AR) Fattoria del Colombaio Strada dei 7 Ponti (IMBC) 1 domenica del mese alle ore 17.30. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 TRENTINO ROVERETO (TN) (IMBC) La 1a, la 3a e la 5a domenica del mese alle ore 18. Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35

19 TREVISO PAESE Ogni domenica e festivi alle ore 10.30. VENETO COLIMA PADOVA PROVINCIA (IMBC) S. Messa presso: Hotel Eden Via Flacco 70, Abano Terme PD Per informazioni: tel. 0161 83 93 35 TECOMAN Capilla Sagrado Corazn de Jess Antonio Montes Sur 65, 28130 Tecoman P. Salvador Velsquez Fuentes (CJM) DURANGO LERDO Iglesia Nuestra Seora del Carmen Ciudad Lerdo, Dgo. (SST) Tel.: (618) 732 0248 GUERRERO ACAPULCO Templo de la Divina Providencia C. Jos Valdes Arvalo #29 C.P. 39300 Acapulco P. Carlos Alberto Muoz Caseln P. Luis Rey Vzquez Torres (SST) Tel.: (744) 482 1362, 483 4632 DOS CAMINOS Iglesia de Santiago Apstol Julin Bravo, Dos Caminos, Chilpanciango de los Bravo P. Martin Gmez Bravo P. Merardo Loya Loya (SST) Tel.: (744) 482 1362, 483 4632 HUITZILTEPEC Iglesia Inmaculado Corazn de Mara C.P. 40194, Huitziltepec, Eduardo Neri, Gro. Fray Romn Martn Parra Santuario Guadalupano C. Peral #553-Bis, Co. Insurgentes C.P. 32150 Cd. Jurez P. Luis A. Mrquez Sacido (SST) Tel.: 656 615 2539

BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE TIJUANA Iglesia Nuestra Seora del Rosario Tijuana P. ngel Iguez Gonzlez (SST) Tel.: (664) 969 6472 BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR LA PAZ Iglesia de Cristo Rey Calle Cerro s/n entre Viento y La Fuente, Fracc. La Fuente C.P. 23088 La Paz (SST) Tel.: (612) 125 5066 CHIHUAHUA CHIHUAHUA Iglesia San Miguel Arcngel C. Zootecnia 12001, Col. Zootecnica C.P. 31453 Chihuahua (SST) Tel.: (614) 434 1657 JUREZ

20 (SST) Tel.: (744) 482 1362 JALISCO GUADALAJARA Iglesia Inmaculado Corazn de Mara Calle 8 de Julio #428, Zona Centro C.P. 44100 Guadalajara P. Daniel Armando Prez Gmez P. Jaime Preciado Monzn (SST) Tel.: (33) 3614 5913 Capilla Inmaculada Concepcin Av. Guadalupe 187, Col. Chapalita C.P. 44500 Guadalajara P. Jos Becerra Rodrguez Tel.: (33) 3647 2709 Capilla del Convento de San Jos Francia 1262 1266, Colonia Moderna C.P. 44190, Guadalajara (CMRI) Tel.: (33) 3619 6826 Misin de la Compaa Jess y Mara Gmez de Mendiola, 269 Col. Oblatos C.P. 44700 Guadalajara P. Salvador Velsquez Fuentes (CJM) Tel.: (33) 3619 0917 TONALA Iglesia San Jos Chiapas s/n esq. Agua Blanca, Col. San Jos, Deleg. San Gaspar de las Flores C.P. 45408 Tonala P. Jos Becerra Rodrguez Tel.: (33) 3647 2709 MXICO SAN PABLO ATLAZALPAN Capilla San Pedro y San Pablo Ampl. vila Camacho #3 C.P. 56620 San Pablo Atlazalpan, Chalco P. Cosme de Jess Lozano Tonche (SST) Tel.: (55) 5988 7144 MORELOS ATLATLAHUACAN Iglesia San Mateo Apstol Plaza Principal C.P. 62840 Atlatlahuacan P. Jos Luis Cruz Mndez (LNCT) Liga Nacional de Catlicos Tradicionalistas (SST) Tel.: (735) 351 4080, 351 4022 COCOYOC YAUTEPEC Iglesia del Seor de la Expiracin Aldama y Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz C.P. 62731 Cocoyoc, Yautepec P. Jaime Siordia Portugal (LNCT) Tel.: (735) 356 6565, 356 1645 Domingos 8 & 11 am, lun.-sb. 6 pm. TLALTRAPAN Capilla Divino Nio Jess Santa Rosa 30, Tlaltrapan P. Jaime Siordia Portugal Tel.: (734) 343 3042 Domingos 6 pm. AYALA Capilla de Nuestra Seora del Carmen Calle 10 de Abril #306, Col. Coahixtla C.P. 62714 San Pedro Apatlaco, Ayala P. Pedro Toledo Rosario (LNCT) Tel.: (735) 141 2583 CUERNAVACA Iglesia 16 de Septiembre #308, Col. Acapatzingo C.P. 62440, Cuernavaca P. Manuel Joya Altamirano (LNCT) Tel.: (777) 310 1327 TETELA DEL VOLCN Iglesia de San Pedro C.P. 62802 San Pedro Tlalmimilupan,

21 Tetela del Volcn P. Jaime Siordia Portugal (LNCT) PUEBLA ALPANOCAN Iglesia San Antonio de Padua Calle Hidalgo s/n Plaza Comunitaria C.P. 74339 San Antonio Alpanocan, Tochimilco P. Cosme de Jess Lozano Tonche (SST) P. Pedro Toledo Rosario (LNCT) Tel.: (244) 103 5006 SONORA COL. LOPEZ POTILLO Iglesia Inmaculado Corazn de Mara C. Gral. Pia y Huepac, Col. Lpez Potillo (SST) Tel.: (662) 211 6096 HERMOSILLO Seminario de los Sagrados Corazones de Jess y Mara Fracc. Campestre Real de Alamito 83300 Hermosillo P. Jos Gutirrez Hernndez (SST) Tel.: (622) 258 6380 VERACRUZ DOS ROS Iglesia Nuestra Seora del Carmen 94442 Dos Ros (SST) Tel.: (744) 482 1362


WHANGAREI Immaculate Conception Chapel 104 Anzac Rd. Whangarei (Northland) Ph.: 09 438 4440 Fr. Julian Gilchrist (CMRI) 021 074 2163 Three_inone@hotmail.com Holy Mass on 1st and 3rd Sunday of month at 10 am. NEW PLYMOUTH Queen of Angels Chapel 79 Victoria Rd. New Plymouth (Taranaki area) Ph.: 06 764 6604 Fr. Julian Gilchrist (CMRI) 021 074 2163 Holy Mass on 2nd and 4th Sunday of month at 12 noon.

VITI LEVU SUVA St. Michael Mission Three_inone@hotmail.com (CMRI) Mass occasionally. LAUTOKA St. Pius V Mission Three_inone@hotmail.com (CMRI) Mass occasionally.


Pour toute information : Fr. Carlos Ercoli, aux tats-Unis (cf. chapelle de Seattle).

22 BERGEN OP ZOOM Sainte Messe le deuxime dimanche du mois, 17 h. Pour toute information : Mgr Geert Stuyver en Belgique. mgr.stuyver@skynet.be Tl. : (+32) (0) 52 38 07 78 RUSSIE P. Alexander Kryssov (CMRI) Tl. : +7 915 408 03 43

BASEL P. Eugen Rissling Tl. : 0049 731 9404183 P. Johannes Heyne (CMRI) Messes deux fois par mois. GLARUS P. Eugen Rissling Tl. : 0049 731 9404183 P. Johannes Heyne (CMRI) Messes deux fois par mois.

Pour toute information : Fr. Joven Soliman frjsoliman@yahoo.com

KRAKW Ul. Sarego 18/2, Krakw, 31-047 Polska Ks. Rafa Trytek (D/S) Tl. : (+48) 12 431 01 99 xtrytek@sedevacante.pl www.sedevacante.pl

MARINSK LZN P. Eugen Rissling Tl. : 0049 731 9404183 P. Johannes Heyne (CMRI) Messes deux fois par mois. POPRAD-MATEJOVCE Capella di San Giuda Taddeo Lidiicka, 705951 POPRAD-MATEJOVCE http://home.nextra.sk/olinko/ Biskup Oliver Oravec

MOSCOU Chapelle St. Pius V 129323, Moscou Proezd Rusanova, 27-1-86




AFRIQUE .. p. 6 ALLEMAGNE ..... p. 6 ARGENTINE ..... p. 6 AUSTRALIE .... p. 7 BELGIQUE ...... p. 8 BRSIL ..... p. 8 CANADA ........ p. 8 COLOMBIE .. p. 9 ESPAGNE . p. 9 TATS UNIS DAMERIQUE ......... p. 9 FIJI ... p. 21 FRANCE ......... p. 3 GRAND BRETAGNE ..... p. 17 HONDURAS .... p. 17 IRLANDE ...... p. 17 ITALIE .... p. 17 MEXIQUE ..... p. 19 NIGERIA ....... p. 21 NOUVELLE ZLANDE . p. 21 PAYS BAS .... p. 21 PHILLIPPINES ... p. 22 POLOGNE ... p. 22 RUSSIE ...... p. 22 SUISSE .. p. 22 TCHQUIE .... p. 22

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