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SKEMA Programmes Postgraduate

Mastres Spcialiss
Masters of Science
et Mastres
Masters of
Edito dAlice Guilhon ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Devenez un "Global Knowledge Economy Talent" ................................................................................... 4
Les campus ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
SKEMA, une reconnaissance Internationale ............................................................................................... 6
Message de Brigitt Albrecht-Rohn
Directrice des Programmes Mastres Spcialiss (MS) ........................................................................... 7
Panorama des Mastres Spcialiss (MS) ................................................................................................... 8
Nos Mastres Spcialiss (MS) ................................................................................................................ 9 - 10
Message de Pascal Vidal
Directeur des Programmes Under & Postgraduates ................................................................................ 11
Panorama des Masters of Science (MSc) .................................................................................................... 12
Nos Masters of Science (MSc) ................................................................................................................ 13 - 16
Informations pratiques MS et MSc ............................................................................................................... 17
Admissions MS et MSc ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Lentreprise / Le rseau ............................................................................................................................... 19
Chiffres cls
> 6 500 tudiants
(35% d'internationaux)
> 166 professeurs dont 75%
ont un doctorat ou un PhD
> 30 000 diplms
dans le monde entier
> 84% : taux demploi net*
(3 mois aprs diplme)
> 63 millions deuros de budget
> 5 campus dans le monde :
France, Chine, USA
> 1
contingent dtudiants
franais aux Etats-Unis et en Chine
SKEMA a pour ambition
dtre une business school
globale qui, par sa recherche
et ses programmes densei-
gnement, forme et duque
les talents dont ont besoin
les entreprises du XXI
En crant SKEMA, nous nous sommes
donn les moyens matriels et
humains de lancer un projet pda-
gogique en parfaite cohrence avec
lenvironnement conomique mondial
actuel : former sur nos diffrents
campus nationaux ou internationaux
des managers et dirigeants mobiles
et adaptables, aptes voluer dans
lEconomie de la connaissance,
capables de gnrer de la performance
durable en respectant les enjeux
sociaux, environnementaux et nan-
ciers, dsireux de crer de la valeur
en innovant constamment, et respec-
tueux de la diversit multiculturelle et
Jespre vivement que nous aurons le
plaisir de partager ce projet avec vous
et contribuer ainsi pleinement votre
russite acadmique, personnelle et
Alice Guilhon
Directrice Gnrale
SKEMA Business School
Lenjeu des entreprises du XXI
est double : acqurir puis transformer
des informations en connaissances
cratrices dinnovation et de valeur ;
agir de manire responsable et gnrer
de la performance durable.
Le premier enjeu est la consquence
dune transformation radicale des
paradigmes conomiques. Depuis
la n des annes 1990, nous sommes
en effet rentrs dans une nouvelle phase
de lhistoire conomique, trs loigne
des principes classiques de lconomie
Dans cette nouvelle conomie, dnomme
conomie de la connaissance,
la cration et lutilisation des savoirs
et des comptences sont devenues
les principaux leviers de comptitivit
des entreprises. Les entreprises
se diffrencient ainsi sur leur capacit
entreprendre et innover (produits,
services, modles conomiques),
manager leurs actifs immatriels
(brevets, marques, rseaux), ou
encore grer des problmatiques
territoriales et globales (nouvelles
formes de concurrence cres par
la globalisation).
Le deuxime enjeu auquel font face
les entreprises est le devoir croissant
de responsabilit vis--vis de diffrentes
parties prenantes. Il ne sagit plus
seulement de maximiser uniquement
la performance conomique de lentre-
prise mais de gnrer de la performance
durable en rconciliant simultanment
des objectifs nanciers, socitaux
et environnementaux. Les entreprises
doivent mettre en place un leadership
plus thique et responsable, penser
davantage en termes de capital humain
et de diversit, ou encore avoir une par-
faite lecture stratgique et oprationnelle
des risques lis leurs activits.
A nouvelle conomie, nouveaux managers.
Face de tels enjeux, les attentes des
entreprises en termes de recrutement ont
considrablement volu. En complment
des connaissances gnralistes et
spcialises recherches, les entreprises
souhaitent recruter des jeunes diplms
capables de comprendre cette nouvelle
conomie, dagir dans un monde globalis
et dentreprendre de manire pleinement
responsable. Le projet pdagogique
de SKEMA vise former ces "Global
Knowledge Economy Talents" tant
attendus par les entreprises.
Notre objectif est de favoriser
lmergence de leaders et managers
capables de comprendre leur
environnement et de gnrer
de la performance durable.
Des dcideurs thiques
conscients de leurs responsabilits,
humanistes, qui "font la
diffrence", forms aux enjeux
de responsabilit sociale
des entreprises, tourns vers
la performance durable. Des dcideurs
en phase avec les nouvelles pratiques
managriales et matrisant
des domaines dexpertises
davenir : management des projets
innovants, capacit gnrer
linnovation, management
de linformation, de la connaissance,
management du capital immatriel,
capacit diriger dans des
environnements multiculturels,
manager des quipes virtuelles,
esprit danalyse et critique ...
Occupational Skills
Literacy and Basic Skills
Europes Skills
Pyramid : Denitions
Capacit gnrer de linnovation, dirigeer danns dess
environnements multi-culturels, manageer des qquip pes
virtuelles, capacits individuelles et collecctives, fair re
face de nouveaux enjeux (changement cclimatiq quue etc.)
Comptences lies des besooiins s spci quuuess
sur le march du travail, ddont ddess spcicitttss
sectorielles (architecte inf form maatic cienn, , in ngnnnie eurr
chimiste) ; comptences hhorizzoonttaless
(trans-sectorielles) (compptablle es, juriid diqquesss,
ressources humaines)
Socle de connaissancces // ccommpt tennceess
ncessaire lintgrat tion s sociia o le e :
criture/lecture, connaaissaanncees
scientiques, mathmatiq a ues,,
informatiques + connaaissaanncee minnim mummm
de domaines transver rssauxx t tells quuue lla
communication (les llaangu guees))
Source : Providing the skills for an innovative and sustainable Europe, Background paper prepared for the European Business Summit 2009,
INSEAD & Microsoft
Etudez et travallez danss des teerrrtores
dexcepton, en France, auxx Etats-UUnns ouu en Chhne !
Le monde daujourdhui nest pas quune
opposition "local versus global".
Il est galement multipolaire et divers.
Quil sagisse, au niveau national, de ter-
ritoires ou rgions ou, au niveau mondial,
des principales sphres dinuence amri-
caines, europennes, asiatiques et africaines.
Former les managers et dirigeants
de demain implique videmment de
les prparer travailler en environnement
multiculturel, en France ou ltranger.
Mais, pour la gnration actuelle,
cette aptitude nest plus sufsante.
Les tudiants doivent tre rellement
conscients de la diversit des approches
culturelles et donc managriales
et entrepreneuriales, entre lEurope,
lAmrique et lAsie. Ils doivent
galement se prparer proter
des opportunits professionnelles
des pays en forte croissance. Il sagit
enn de leur donner un "temps davance"
sur le monde de demain et ses innovations
technologiques, organisationnelles
ou stratgiques.
Le projet stratgique de SKEMA dtre
une cole multicampus rpond ces objectifs :
les tudiants peuvent en effet tudier puis
travailler dans des territoires dexception,
que ce soit en France, aux USA ou en Chine.
Et cela, en toute facilit et dans les meil-
leures conditions, puisquils sont accueillis
sur nos propres campus et bncient de
tous nos services : SKEMA est ainsi la Grande
Ecole de commerce envoyant le plus gros
contingent dtudiants franais aux Etats-
Unis et en Chine ! Prs de 1 000 tudiants
auront ainsi le privilge dtudier et effectuer
une immersion totale en Chine ou
aux Etats-Unis en 2012/2013 !
An de poursuivre sa stratgie
de dploiement international, louverture
de campus au Brsil et en Inde est
galement prvue dans un futur proche.
Quil sagisse en France, par exemple
du campus de Paris La Dfense, au coeur
du monde des affaires, ou Raleigh,
au sein dun campus amricain (Centenial
Campus North Carolina State University)
en plein coeur dune des premires
technopoles amricaines, ou Suzhou,
une des principales terres industrielles
et dinnovation asiatiques, les tudiants
bncient dun environnement unique
pour se prparer au monde de demain,
comprendre les spcicits de chaque
univers, et proter dopportunits
de stage ou demploi uniques.
Lille Paris La Dfense Sophia-Antipolis Suzhou Raleigh
Intgrer SKEMA,
cest faire le choix
dacqurir un vrai
prol de manager
global et mobile, et de
prtendre ainsi des
postes dimension
internationale, en
France ou ltranger.
Le campus de Paris se situe dans
les locaux ultramodernes du Ple
Universitaire Lonard de Vinci au cur
du quartier de la Dfense. A proximit
du centre-ville de Paris, le quartier
compte 1 500 entreprises, source unique
dopportunits de rencontres et de
confrences, de stages ou demplois.
Le campus est au coeur dune des
technopoles les plus rputes en Europe
pour son potentiel dinnovation et sa qualit
de vie. La technopole concentre en effet
1 300 entreprises dans des secteurs comme
les Technologies de lInformation et de
la Communication ou les Sciences du Vivant.
Plusieurs Grandes Ecoles dingnieurs,
tablissements universitaires et instituts
de recherche y sont galement implants,
formant un campus de plus 5 000 tudiants.
Situ au coeur de la ville, dans le quartier
daffaires de la mtropole, le campus est
idalement situ entre les deux gares TGV,
une heure de Paris et 1 h 20 de Londres.
La rgion constitue un centre de vie
conomique attractif avec de nombreux
siges sociaux de groupes et de grandes
entreprises nationales ou multinationales.
Les tudiants voluent dans un campus
trs fonctionnel au design contemporain,
en plein cur de la premire ville
tudiante de France en dehors de Paris.
Raleigh (Caroline du Nord - USA)
Le campus de SKEMA dispose de prs
de 2 500 m
au coeur du Centennial campus
de la North Carolina State University,
proximit dun des principaux technoples
amricains (Research Triangle Park).
Les tudiants de SKEMA ont ainsi la
possibilit dtre la fois en contact
avec les tudiants amricains et trangers
venant du monde entier et de simpliquer
aux cts des entreprises. Pendant
un semestre ou un an, les tudiants
bncient de lensemble des services
proposs par NC State University :
mdiathque, infrastructures sportives,
restauration, logement, systme de sant
Suzhou (Chine)
A une heure de Shanghai, Suzhou
est la fois une des principales villes
historiques chinoises et lun des centres
technologiques les plus en pointe dans
le monde. Les tudiants pourront effectuer
un semestre ou un an dtudes.
Les enseignements de management
sont dlivrs en anglais par des professeurs
chinois ou internationaux et
les enseignements en langue chinoise
par des professeurs chinois.
une reconnaissance
SKEMA sengage dans les processus de certication
exigeant une amlioration continue des normes de systmes
de management.
Par r les oorga ganismes daccrditations
> SKEMA est accrdite EQUIS (European Quality Improvement
System) par lEFMD (European Foundation for Management
Development). Cette accrditation reconnat la qualit du corps
professoral et de la recherche de SKEMA, ainsi que sa dimension
internationale et la qualit de ses relations avec les entreprises.
> SKEMA a obtenu laccrditation AACSB en fvrier 2014.
Cette accrditation value lexcellence dun tablissement,
et en particulier le niveau acadmique de son corps professoral,
la qualit de ses programmes, la pertinence de sa stratgie et les
moyens pour la mettre en uvre.
> La Confrence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) accrdite SKEMA
ainsi que ses Mastres Spcialiss (MS) et certains de ses
Masters of Science (MSc).
> SKEMA est accrdite par le Global Accreditation Center (GAC

du Project Management Institute

. Cette accrditation lui a t

accorde en 2005 et a t renouvele en 2013 jusquen 2019 en
reconnaissance de lensemble de ses formations en Management
de Projets. SKEMA a t la premire Business School recevoir
laccrditation internationale GAC PM en France. Seules 40
institutions acadmiques dans le monde ont cette accrditation.
> Lcole est certie ISO 9001 AFAQ, norme qui dnit
des standards de management autour de grands principes
comme lamlioration continue, lorientation client,
le management par les processus
> Notre cole est certie ISO 14001. Cette norme est la plus
utilise des normes de la srie des normes ISO 14000 qui
concernent le management environnemental. Elle repose
sur le principe damlioration continue de la performance
environnementale par la matrise des impacts lis lactivit de
Par r les as assoociations professionnelles
Nos tudiants ont la possibilit dobtenir, dans leur domaine
dexpertise, de nombreuses certications professionnelles
reconnues au plan international.
Parmi elles :
MSc Auditing, Control, Information Systems & Consulting /
- Chartered Financial Analyst

(CFA Institute)
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
- SAS Academic
- The "Interim Cost Consultant" (ICC), "Certied Cost Engineer"
(CCE) and "Certied Cost Consultant" (CCC) of The Association
for Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACE)
- DPAI (certicate in internal audit delivered by IFACI)
MSc Project & Programme Management and Business
Development Supply Chain Management & Purchaising MS
Management des Projets et Programmes
- Project Management Professional (PMP

) and Certied Associate

in Project Management (CAPM

) of the Project Management

Institute (PMI

- Foundation and Practitioner level certication of PRINCE2


- SCOR-S of the Supply Chain Council (SCC)

- Green Belt and Yellow Belt certication of the Six Sigma Institute
- BASICS (BASICS of Supply Chain Management) of the APICS

The Association for Operations Management
- SKEMA Business School est centre PMI

Global Registered
Education Provider (R.E.P. No 1435) et PRINCE2


Accredited Training Organisation (ATO)
- Data Mining offered by SAS
- PMV, the European certication in value management offered by
the European Practitioner in Value Management (AFAV)
- ASQ (American Society for Quality) certications, Certied
Quality Improvement Associate, Certied Quality Manager or ASQ
Certied Manager of Quality/Organisational Excellence

In the Financial Times

is a
registered trade mark
of AXELOS Limited

is a
registered trade
mark of AXELOS

Loffre SKEMA Business School
8 Mastres Spcialiss : pour que chaque participant trouve
celui qui sadapte le mieux son projet et sa personnalit.
> Un haut niveau dexpertise et de professionnalisation
pour rpondre aux besoins des entreprises et des participants.
> Une formation acadmique dexcellence associe une
vritable exprience en entreprise. Le rythme est conu
pour concilier des priodes de cours, de stage ou dactivit
en entreprise (temps complet ou alternance).
> Un accompagnement personnalis tout au long de la formation
par le dpartement "Entreprises et Carrires".
> Les participants acquirent un esprit de professionnalisme
et de responsabilit grce un corps professoral (enseignants/
chercheurs) travaillant sur des pratiques managriales.
Organisation de la formation
Une pdagogie souple et volutive est propose grce
une organisation en petits groupes de travail et la qualit
de leurs enseignements.
> Cours et sminaires : 45 crdits ECTS
> Mission en entreprise/thse professionnelle : 30 crdits ECTS
> Thse professionnelle : elle reprsente dune part un moyen
privilgi dacquisition de connaissances et dautre part
loccasion de prparer une entre efcace dans la vie active
en dveloppant un projet professionnel.
La thse aborde des problmatiques relles rencontres
par les experts ou les entreprises.
Celle-ci est soutenue lissue des travaux devant un jury.
Source : Confrence des Grandes Ecoles.
Reconnaissance du Diplme de Mastre Spcialis
Le Mastre Spcialis est une marque collective, proprit
de la Confrence des Grandes Ecoles (cre en 1986). Cest donc
un label qui est accord une formation spcique organise
par une cole membre de la Confrence des Grandes Ecoles,
qui aprs une procdure daccrditation trs rigoureuse en assure
lexcellence dans la dure.
Qui peut postuler ?
> Etudiants et auditeurs professionnels cherchant se spcialiser avec :
- un Bac+5
- un Bac+4 et trois ans dexprience professionnelle
- certains candidats peuvent tre admis titre drogatoire
(30% de leffectif du programme concern).
Les salaris ne runissant pas ces conditions peuvent tre
intgrs aprs une Validation des Acquis Professionnels (VAP).
> Les participants sont prpars entrer dans le monde
professionnel aprs le dveloppement dune expertise de haut
niveau et dune spcialisation recherches par les entreprises.
La spcialisation : une valeur cl pour votre carrire
Intgrer un programme Mastre Spcialis de SKEMA Business School, cest donner une impulsion votre carrire.
Quil sagisse de dvelopper une spcialisation, de revisiter des connaissances ou dacqurir de nouvelles comptences
transversales, les Mastres Spcialiss vous aideront relever vos ds professionnels.
Dans un contexte dconomie globalise, hyper concurrentielle, sans cesse en innovation et marque par des ruptures,
vous aurez la fois de nouvelles opportunits professionnelles mais galement de nouveaux challenges relever. Dans
le cadre de nos programmes Mastres Spcialiss, notre mission est de vous accompagner dans le dveloppement
de ces comptences nouvelles : forte capacit danticipation et dinnovation. Expertise pointue et matrise des
comptences managriales transversales sont des lments cls dun parcours professionnel russi.
Dans ce monde en profonde mutation, les entreprises valoriseront les hommes et les femmes responsables, conscients
des enjeux du dveloppement durable, forms aux approches multiculturelles du management.
Que vous soyez tudiant en formation initiale ou professionnel en formation continue, je vous souhaite
de devenir un de ces acteurs de lconomie de demain en rejoignant lun de nos programmes.
Brigitt Albrecht-Rohn
Directrice des Programmes Mastres Spcialiss
Les Mastres Spcialiss (ms)
Accrdits par la Confrence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE)
Panorama des
Mastres Spcialiss (MS)
En France : Lille, Paris, Sophia-Antipolis
Intitul du Programme Campus Session (rentre) Langue(s) Rythme
Audit - Contrle de Gestion
et Systmes dInformation
Octobre & Fvrier
Octobre & Fvrier
- Franais
- 50 % en anglais
Lille : 3 jours de cours tous les 15 jours
et 2 semaines temps complet
Paris : 1 semaine de cours par mois
( le reste en entreprise)
Ingnierie et Gestion Internationale
de Patrimoine
Octobre 20 % en anglais
Temps complet
6 mois de cours
+ 4 6 mois de stage
Marketing Direct
& Commerce Electronique
Lille Octobre & Fvrier Franais
1 semaine de cours par mois
(le reste en entreprise) sur 12 mois
Management de la Chane
Logistique - Achats
Lille Octobre & Fvrier 25 % en anglais
1 semaine de cours par mois
(le reste en entreprise) sur 12 mois
Management des Projets
et Programmes
Lille Octobre & Fvrier Franais
1 semaine de cours par mois
(le reste en entreprise) sur 12 mois
Management International
de lHtellerie
Paris (Cnam)/
Octobre 40 % en anglais
Temps complet
6 mois de cours (le premier trimestre
Paris et le second Sophia)
+ 4 6 mois de stage
Business Modles Durables
Octobre Franais
Temps complet
6 mois de cours
+ 4 6 mois de stage
Gestion Fiscale de lEntreprise Lille Octobre Franais
Lille : cours le vendredi et samedi
Alternance ou 4 mois de stage
Q Marketing Direct & Commerce Electronique
Cr en 2000
Enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit
> Objectifs du programme : Vous accompagner dans votre volution
des comptences et vous permettre dacqurir les connaissances utiles
au business du digital. Le programme conu en collaboration avec
des experts du e-commerce et de la relation client se veut au plus prs
des volutions des comptences attendues dans ces activits.
Construire les comptences pour le commerce de demain !
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Direction Internet, Consultant e-commerce,
Directeur de clientle , Web marketer, Ingnieur commercial NTIC, Chef de
projet, Responsable Marketing Direct, Responsable chier, Responsable
plan marketing numrique, Responsable CRM, Community manager,
Responsable de sites marchands, Responsable afliation, Responsable
partenariat web , Trafc manager, ...
> Missions en entreprises : Audit de sites marchands - Cration site
marchand - Animation dune communaut de clients - Animateurs de
rseaux sociaux pour une marque - Mise en place de convergence de
canaux de distribution - Dveloppement du social media - Dveloppement
du SEO pour un site marchand - Search marketing Management-
Responsable Promotion digitale, ...
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Groupe 3 Suisses, Groupe La Redoute,
ETO - Groupe PUBLICIS, Microsoft, Auchan, IBM France, Decathlon,
Conoga, Codis, Ebay France, Xerox, Phildar, Le Ple Euratechnologie,
Rouge Interactive, Agence Meura, Conexance MD, ...
Brigitt Albrecht-Rohn
Q Audit Contrle de Gestion
et Systmes dInformation
Cre en 1995, cette formation prpare
aux diffrents mtiers, de laudit/expertise
comptable, du contrle de gestion et du
consulting. Sur le campus de LILLE , un
partenariat avec lUniversit de Lille 2 permet,
aprs slection par lUniversit, dtre admis en Master CCA 2
anne et
de prparer un double diplme sur 18 mois incluant la formation SKEMA
en 12 mois en alternance et le Master CCA validant les quivalences de 5 uv
du DSCG. Egalement, lissue de la formation, les auditeurs peuvent passer
deux semestres luniversit de Laval (Canada) an dobtenir un MBA en
> Objectifs du programme :
- Prparer et dvelopper des comptences techniques et humaines pour
des professionnels de laudit, du contrle de gestion et des systmes
- Dvelopper des comportements et des savoir-faire en harmonie
avec leur fonction.
- Spcialiser leurs comptences en fonction des parcours professionnels
souhaits dans une logique de formation-action et de sminaires
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Auditeur interne, auditeur externe, consul-
tant, responsable daudit spcialis, contrleur de gestion, charg de
consolidation, expert-comptable, responsable administratif et nancier,
contrleur de gestion industrielle,
> Missions en entreprises : Prparation et laboration des comptes,
tablissement et suivi des budgets, reporting et tablissement de
tableaux de bord, certication-rvision des comptes, missions de
consulting, mise en en place dun systme de contrle et daudit
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Finaref, KPMG,
Yves Saint-Laurent Beaut, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Warner Music,
La Redoute, Dexia, Valo Management Services, Crdit Lyonnais, AREVA,
LOral, 3 Suisses France, Altdia,
LILLE - Yves Levant
PARIS - Anne-Laure
Q Ingnierie et Gestion Internationale
de Patrimoine
Cr en 1992
Enseign Sophia-Antipolis en franais.
> Objectifs du programme :
Dans un environnement conomique et nancier en volution
permanente, les mtiers de la banque et de lassurance sadaptent
un march toujours plus exigeant.
Le MS IGIP, forme des conseillers en Gestion de Patrimoine rpondant
aux besoins des tablissements nanciers, des cabinets de conseil,
des compagnies dassurance, des notaires, des experts comptables,
la recherche de cadres de haut niveau.
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Les mtiers de conseiller nancier,
conseiller en gestion de patrimoine, dagent gnral spcialiste
dassurance, dingnieurs patrimoniaux, ...
> Missions en entreprises : Suivant les missions effectues par
nos tudiants, en France ou ltranger, les activits exerces
sont trs varies, bien souvent en banque prive, ...
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : ALLIANZ France, Banque Rothschild
Monaco, Barclays, BNP Paribas, CFM Monaco, AMUNDI Asset
Management, HSBC Monaco, LCL Paris, Swisslife, SG, CDN,
Henri Aleman
Q Gestion Fiscale de lEntreprise
Cr en 1997. Enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit professionnelle.
> Objectifs du programme : Le principal
objectif de cette formation est de donner aux
participants les outils ncessaires pour la
mise en uvre dune scalit efcace mais responsable, dans le respect
permanent des bonnes pratiques.
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Juriste-scaliste au sein du dpartement
juridique et scal ou du service comptabilit dune entreprise,
collaborateur de cabinets dexpertise comptable, daudit ou davocats,
ou dtudes notariales, chargs de mission au sein dorganismes
professionnels. En cas daccs la profession davocat, de notaire
ou dexpert-comptable, possibilit de spcialisation en Droit Fiscal.
> Missions en entreprises : Assistance aux liales dun grand groupe
en matire de TVA, douane et scalit indirecte, assistance scale
dans un cabinet davocats daffaires, familiarisation avec la scalit
luxembourgeoise, tablissement dun guide scal dans un cabinet
daudit, ...
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Arc International, BNP Paribas,
Caisses dEpargne, Castorama, Trois Suisses, Royal Canin, Francis
Lefebvre, Fidal, Chaintrier & Associes, Deloitte Luxembourg, Eads, Elis,
Ernst & Young France et Luxembourg, ...
Brigitte de Foucher
Q Management de la Chane
Logistique - Achats
Cr en 2003
Enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit
> Objectifs du programme :
- Fournir un socle de connaissances, de mthodes et doutils,
qui permettent aux tudiants dapprhender les diffrents aspects
dune problmatique de Supply Chain et dachat.
- Former des managers internationaux, capables de gnrer
de linnovation et de la performance durable dans un environnement
de plus en plus complexe.
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Supply chain manager, international
logistic manager, direction des achats, directeur logistique, directeur
de production, materials manager, acheteur, ...
> Missions en entreprises : Dnir les stratgies achats : sourcing,
construction des gammes, rdaction des appels doffre, ngociation
des prix et conditions dachat avec les fournisseurs internationaux.
Piloter, analyser et optimiser les ux de la chane logistique,
laborer des prvisions, grer les processus de planication, grer
les processus de distribution physique, amliorer la performance, ...
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Alcan, Alstom, Assystem brime,
Auchan, Cadbury, Cap Gemini, Carrefour, Castorama, Crdit Agricole,
EDF-GDF, IBM Global, Legrand, La Poste, ...
Rgis Delafenestre
Q Management International de lHtellerie
Cr en 2011
(Co-accrditation Conservatoire
National des Arts et Mtiers - SKEMA
Business School).
Enseign pour moiti Paris* et
Sophia-Antipolis en franais / anglais.
> Objectifs du programme : Former des professionnels franais
et trangers aux spcicits de lhtellerie internationale, secteur
en volution permanente. Entre mondialisation et concurrence
internationale, la diversication des clientles et la dmatrialisation
des ux permet aux futurs managers ou cadres de structures
htelires dapprhender ces ralits conomiques et techniques.
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Directeur dhtel, cadre de grandes
chanes htelires, directeur ou cadre en charge de lencadrement
dquipe dans le secteur "rceptif" de clientle internationale,
directeur de salon, gestionnaire de sites dexposition, cadre auprs
dorganismes internationaux et nationaux vocation touristique,
consultant, expert, formateur, ...
> Missions en entreprises : Se droulant en France ou ltranger,
le ou les thmes abords dans ce projet sont en lien avec
le management de projet dhtellerie internationale. Le stage peut
conduire la rdaction dun rapport technique qui est intgr
la Thse Professionnelle. Celle-ci est un mmoire de recherche
sur une problmatique lie lhtellerie dans un contexte international.
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Accor, Club Mditerrane, Hilton,
Pierre et Vacances, Disneyland Paris, Carlson Wagonlit travel, Deloitte,
et autres entreprises du secteur.
* Campus Cnam Paris et Fontainebleau
Frdric Dimanche (SKEMA)
et Brice Duthion (Cnam)
Retrouvez ici lensemble de nos programmes MS ogrammes MMMS
Q Business Modles Durables
Ex MS Management Stratgique du Dveloppement Durable
Cr en 2003
Enseign Sophia-Antipolis, majoritairement
en franais.
> Objectifs du programme : De plus en plus dtudes montrent
que linnovation durable est indispensable pour la prennit et la
cration de valeur dans les entreprises. Ce thme, qui dstabilise
souvent les dirigeants, est pourtant au cur des enjeux de demain.
Ce sont les clefs de cette innovation durable, intrinsquement lie
la transformation de lentreprise, que le programme transmet
aux tudiants. Innovation, nouveaux business modles sont au
cur de lenseignement, pour permettre aux tudiants de crer ou
daccompagner des organisations ou des territoires alliant efcience
et durabilit.
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Consultant pour un cabinet spcialis DD :
stratgie DD, innovation business modles, accompagnement RSE.
Charg innovation DD en entreprise : structuration et accompagnement
dune dmarche transversale DD, structuration et accompagnement de
projets DD et business modle, charg de mission RSE, ingnieur R&D.
Cration dentreprise et accompagnement dentrepreneurs, ...
> Missions en entreprises : Appui au dveloppement dun fonds
damorage thique et solidaire pour les entrepreneurs, pour
les associations de dveloppement conomique ; Co-cration et
innovation frugale dans une start up de co-cration ; Ingnieur
innovation durable, dpartement R&D dune entreprise de matriel
lectrique ;
Charge de mission dans un programme daccompagnement RSE
destin aux PME ; Charge de mission innovation et construction
durable dans un cabinet spcialis DD,
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Vinci, GDF Suez, Lyonnaise des Eaux,
Amadeus, PME souhaitant structurer leurs dmarches DD et RSE, CCI
PACA et CCI Nice Cte dAzur, WWF, PricewatehouseCoopers, Ernst and
Young, Graines de Changement, Utopies, ...
Laurence Berlie
Q Management des Projets et Programmes
Cr en 2003
Enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit
> Objectifs du programme : Conduire une matrise ne des techniques de
management de projets et programmes reconnues, tout en favorisant le
dveloppement de votre leadership et de vos comptences dhommes et
de femmes du changement. Il vous permettra denvisager avec conance et
recul le pilotage de projets en environnements complexes, multiculturels et
internationaux. Les participants sont forms pour passer les certications
internationales PMI(CAPM, PMP), PRINCE2 et MSP.
> Mtiers & Carrires viss : Chef de projets, assistant chef de programme
ou de portefeuille, assistant PMO, consultant en gestion de projet, de
programme ou de portefeuille, ingnieur planning, ingnieur daffaire, ...
> Missions en entreprises : Le dploiement de la technique de la valeur
acquise dans lindustrie aronautique, le rle des comptences
interpersonnelles en gestion de projet, la mise en place dun rfrentiel
de gestion de projet, la mise en uvre de la mthode ABC costing dans
une socit industrielle, ...
> Parmi les recruteurs de ce MS : Airbus, Alstom Transport, General
Electric Healthcare, Thomson Reuters, Compagnie des wagons lits, Valeo,
Lacoste, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Gemalto, NQI, Maltem, Innovateam, .

SKEMA Business School est centre PMI

Global Registered Education

Provider (R.E.P. No 1435) et PRINCE2


Accredited Training
Organisation (ATO).
The main objective for SKEMA Business School
is to promote academic excellence in management
and make sure that graduates possess the right
qualications and experience.
This aim is achieved:
> by promoting an attitude of excellence, professionalism
and responsibility on behalf of researchers and faculty working
on international management practices
> by preparing our future graduates for professional life through
practical experience in companies
> by offering a wide variety of programmes so that each student
may nd the one suited to his or her personality and career
The masters of science programmes (MSc) provide international
training for students aiming to specialise or to develop dual skills.
They are designed for graduates seeking a qualication which
will enable them to work anywhere in the world and giving them
thorough knowledge of a specic function or sector.
SKEMAs MSc programmes benet from the schools research
and close links with the world of business. These connections
guarantee quality, not only from a technical viewpoint but also
for management skills which are truly in line with what companies
need from their leaders and managers.
SKEMAs approach to teaching and learning is varied, with a range
of possibilities depending on programmes and teachers. These
include face-to-face and distance learning, case studies, team work,
internships, company-based projects and a thesis. Teachers seek
to balance theory and insights from research with a concern for
application and practical business skills.
Internships or research projects:
Eight months in class followed by a four- to six-month internship in
a company or a research project under the supervision of a SKEMA
research centre for at least four months. The internship or research
project will be the basis for the thesis.
Who should apply:
Pre-experience students and professionals with good knowledge
of English, seeking to specialise in a particular area and work
Specialisation in a specic area for an international career.
Results: Graduates are prepared for the professional world after
developing a high level of expertise and international certications.
Times are tough for businesses everywhere.
Against the background of a turbulent, ultra-competitive, global knowledge economy, companies in all sectors - both large
and small - cannot grow without men and women who are able to adapt to new challenges in their environment, and apply
the very latest management ideas in their specialist elds.
These skills become even more valuable when they are continually updated, combining the best in current professional
thinking and cutting-edge academic insight.
SKEMA Business School has many years experience in delivering post-graduate training programmes and is committed
to helping managers tackle these new challenges.
Delivered in English, across the various SKEMA Business School campuses in France, USA and China, the schools Masters
of Science programmes bring together students from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Each programme is managed by
a programme director who is a recognised expert in his/her particular area of specialisation. Content and delivery are state-
of-the art, challenging participants to question received wisdom, while seeking a balance between theory and practical
application. Programmes combine input from faculty active in research, guest speakers, and professionals from partner
companies, thus demonstrating how new knowledge can change the way we do business.
Across the different programmes runs a shared DNA that reects the schools positioning: a concern to address the key
issues of globalisation and diversity in a sustainable knowledge economy.
Whether you are still in education or working as a business professional, whether you are looking to develop
a new skill, or wish to deepen or refresh your existing expertise, I am condent that our MSc programmes
will give you the boost you need to pursue your personal career goals.
Pascal Vidal
Associate Dean
Undergraduate & Postgraduate programmes
The Masters of Science (msc)
Panorama des
Masters of Science (MSc)
France : Lille, Paris, Sophia-Antipolis - Chine : Suzhou - USA : Raleigh
Auditing, Management Accounting &
Information Systems
French & English
Corporate Financial Management
Lille, Paris, Sophia
Financial Markets & Investments
Paris, Sophia
International Marketing & Business
Paris, Sophia, Lille September & January English
Strategic Event Management & Tourism
Sophia September & January English
Luxury & Fashion Management Sophia, Suzhou September & January English
Global Luxury Management * Raleigh (Semester 1)
Sophia (Semester 2)
August English
Web-Marketing & International Project
Sophia September English
Human Resources Management Sophia September English
Sophia September English
MSc in
Specialisations Campus Intake(s) Teaching language
* Joint programme with North Carolina State University, NC, USA - Dual degree
Business Consulting & Information
Systems Management
Q Auditing, Management Accounting
and Information Systems
Taught in English at the Paris campus and in
French/English at the Sophia Antipolis campus
This MSc is accredited by the Confrence
des Grandes Ecoles.
> Programme outline: This programme is designed to help participants
develop an in-depth understanding of audit, management control and
information systems, and of the diff erent ways they contribute to
competitive advantage, wealth and the advancement of society.
> Career opportunities: Internal and external auditing; consulting,
specialised auditing (IT, marketing), management controlling,
industrial management controlling, consolidation management,
chartered accountancy, administrative and nancial management,
> In-company projects and assignments: Preparation of management
accounts , Planning, budgeting, and forecasting management reporting
for decision-making, Product and service costing, Information
management, Project Appraisal, Project Management, Working Capital
Control, The impact of the setting up of a new information system on
management control, The impact of the setting up of a new decisional
data processing on a management control system, The optimal
organisation of software bricks within an organisation,
> Partner companies: Accenture, BNP Paribas, Caisse dEpargne, Cap
Gemini, Deloitte France and Luxembourg, Ernst & Young, Galeries
La Fayette, Grant Thornton, Kpmg France and Luxembourg, Mazars,
Pricewaterhousecoopers France and Luxembourg.
Q Corporate Financial Management
Taught in English at the Paris, Lille
and Sophia Antipolis campuses.
> Programme outline: The programme aims at providing participants
with solid technical knowledge and skills, as well as the transversal
competencies which are required to manage complex nancial
situations in an international environment.
> Career opportunities:
- Financial managers
- Treasury managers
- Credit analysts
- Business development managers
- Internal auditors
- Financial controllers
> In-company projects and assignments:
- Implementation of a balanced scorecard for strategic
performance management in a multinational software company.
- Business development of new structured products on the French
> Partner companies: EADS, Crdit du Nord, Thomson, Faurecia, Dell,
Deloitte, Ernst & Young.
PARIS - Raluca Sandu
Maxime Peltier
Q Financial Markets and Investments
Programme taught in English at the Paris,
Raleigh & Sophia Antipolis campuses.
This programme is 10th in the 2013 Financial
Times international ranking of pre-experience
Masters in Finance.
> Programme outline: The programme
educates students in a personalised
academic environment for success in a wide variety of nance jobs.
It gives students practical expertise in the key areas of nance within
the new post crisis (2008 and today again) nancial environment in
the elds of trading, risk management, sales, investment advisory,
banking management, sustainable nance,
> Career opportunities: Trader, broker, sales analyst, risk manager,
controller, investment advisory, equity research, corporate banking,
> In-company projects and assignments:
- Correlation between commodities and equities
- Dividend swaps as a new asset class
- Forward curve as a forecasting tool in the soft commodity market
and its Granger casualty test
- Oil and natural gas correlation
- To what extent does Islamic nance banking present a growing stable
and safe banking system?
- Leveraged ETF: the real correlation with their index
> Partner companies: HSBC, Calyon, BNP Paribas, SocGen,
Commerzbank, EFG,
Charles-Henri Reuter
and Tarek Amyuni
LILLE - Sabine Masurel
PARIS - Hiba Hajj Chehade
Devraj Basu
Q International Marketing and Business
Taught in English at the Paris, Sophia Antipolis
and Lille campuses.
> Programme outline: A range of options will
allow students to focus on more specic career
orientations (product management, web, retail,
B2B, communication etc). The programme
will integrate elements of market intelligence,
sustainable development and knowledge management as well as cutting-
edge insights into consumer behaviour and social networks. It will also
reach out to other disciplines, such as sociology and anthropology to enrich
students understanding of how meaning and value are created.
> Career opportunities: Marketing research, trend agencies,
communication and event agencies, marketing or product managers,
trade marketing or category managers, sales and business
development, key account managers, purchasing Students following
the programme follow careers in a whole range of diff erent sectors.
> In-company projects and assignments: Recent projects include: the
launch of the new Kinect console and trends in gaming (Microsoft);
new product launches for Ford; new service off ers at Monaco Telecom;
brand perception in the pharmaceutical industry (Arkopharma);
competitive strategy in retail (Auchan); strategic business
development at Chteau Roubine wine producer,
> Partner companies: Procter & Gamble, Danone, Auchan, Ferrero,
ECS, Pepsico, Kraft, Leroy Merlin, Hilti, Frost & Sullivan, Ford, Monaco
Telecom, Microsoft,
> Double degrees: Double-degrees are possible with the LUT school of
business in Finland as well as with the Master recherche Marketing
advanced programme at Lille 2 university.
Peter Spier
Anke Middelmann

Q Luxury and Fashion Management
Taught in English at the Sophia-Antipolis
and Suzhou campuses.
> Programme outline: The programmes objective is to enable students
to achieve their career ambitions by giving students regular access
to experienced fashion and luxury specialists and improving and
expanding participating students career prospects by providing
them with training in fashion and luxury management as well as
understanding the issues in international trends and working across
> Career opportunities: Careers in a wide range of fashion and luxury
elds, and in international luxury brand management: top level
management, designing, sourcing, merchandising, budgeting,
advertising, global luxury or fashion brand management as well as
strategy. Graduates work in a variety of organisations including:
commercial and marketing rms, consultancy and research, corporate
luxury or fashion institutions.
> In-company projects and assignments:
- The use of celebrity endorsement in the luxury industry.
- Asymmetry in multicultural luxury communication.
- A comparative analysis of luxury brand communication in India and
- Protability of fashion shows.
- The role and the place of children in advertising.
- Richard Mille: From fantasy to legitimacy.
> Partner companies: BETC Design, Dassault, Baume & Mercier, RSW,
Jitrois, Gucci, Neemrana Hotels, Global Luxuria, Jaypee Group,
Ivan Coste-Manire
Q Web Marketing and International Project
Taught in English
at the Sophia-Antipolis campus.
> Programme outline: Today web-centric companies are struggling to
nd young and experienced professionals. This MSc answers that
demand by producing graduates who are competent and experienced
in three key areas: web-marketing, project management and the
development of new business ideas. Throughout the year, students
work on real life projects with companies from many diff erent areas.
This MSc provides skills in web-marketing - digital marketing and
project management in partnership with the PMI (Project Management
Institute). Students do the Google Adwords and Google Analytics
certications as well as project management certications: CAPM or
PMP of the PMI.
> Career opportunities: Web marketer, SEM manager, account manager,
project manager, product marketing manager, communication
manager, media planner, web analyst, traf c manager, community
manager, quality and sales manager, business developer, on-line
marketing director, director e-commerce.
> In-company projects and assignments: Digital marketing plan, media
planning, business plans, project plan, quality and risk plans, legal
issues analysis, web-site creation / design / management, CRM and
e-CRM, e-commerce, change management, community management
and social network management.
> Partner companies: IBM, PMI (Project Management Institute),
Amadeus, Schneider Electric, Microsoft, Dow AgroSciences, Altran,
Nike, Areco, Convers, Luxotica, Chambers of Commerce, Opera of Nice,
Arion Laboratories, Genevrier Laboratories, Synertal, Euro-Aptitudes,
Nice Airport, Beepeers, Microgine, Azuriel, RTE Technologies,
Sophianet, club leaders Sophia Antipolis. Goodyear, ...
Muriel Walas
Q Strategic Event Management and Tourism
Taught in English
at the Sophia-Antipolis campus.
> Programme outline: The programme gives students the tools,
knowledge and attitudes to succeed in business events and leisure
tourism - global economic sectors of increasing importance.
> Career opportunities: Graduates of this MSc nd work in a broad
range of supervisory, managerial and consulting positions in both
public and private sector tourism or event organisations, often with
a marketing and sales orientation.
> In-company projects and assignments: Throughout the year, students
will be working on a number of practical event or tourism projects.
Following the end of their academic studies, students are encouraged
to carry out an internship. Tourism Management students have carried
out internships in diverse institutions such as Shangri La Hotels
(yield management), Deloitte Touche (tourism market research) and
Aviatur (travel agency). Event Management students found placements
within live communication agencies (such as MCI Switzerland), event
departments within large companies (Mercedes Australia) or in hotel
conference departments (Hilton Brussels).
> Partner companies: Accor Hotels, China National Convention Centre,
European Society of Cardiology, Hateld House, HelmsBriscoe, Leading
Hotels of the World, MCI, Tourism Australia, Tourism Vancouver, TTC
International, ...
Mady Keup
Q Global Luxury Management
Taught in English at the NC State
University, Raleigh (1
semester) and
at the SKEMA Sophia Antipolis campus
(2nd semester). MSc Global Luxury
Management students graduate with a double degree from NC State
University and SKEMA issued jointly by the two schools. This MSc
validates the rst year of NCSU MBA Programme.
> Programme outline: The programmes objective is to enable students
to achieve their career ambitions by giving students regular access to
experienced fashion and luxury specialists and improving and expanding
participating students career prospects by providing them with training
in fashion and luxury management as well as understanding the issues in
international trends and working across cultures.
> Career opportunities: Careers in a wide range of fashion and luxury
elds, and in international luxury brand management: top level
management, designing, sourcing, merchandising, budgeting,
advertising, global luxury or fashion brand management as well as
strategy. Graduates work in a variety of organisations including:
commercial and marketing rms, consultancy and research, corporate
luxury or fashion institutions.
> In-company projects and assignments:
- The use of celebrity endorsement in the luxury industry.
- Asymmetry in multicultural luxury communication.
- A comparative analysis of luxury brand communication in India and
China: from global to back to glocal goodwills .
- Evolution of luxury in the MiddleEast (GCC---UAE): Overview Of the
market and forecasts
- Luxury, Fashion, social media : a customer based view on marketing
- Richard Mille: From fantasy to legitimacy.
> Partner companies: M. Kors, Tommy Hil ger, Calvin Klein, DKNY,
Christian Dior, BETC Design, Dassault, Baume & Mercier, RSW, Jitrois,
Gucci, Neemrana Hotels, Global Luxuria, Jaypee Group.
Global Luxury Management was created in partnership with the Poole
College of Management of North Carolina State University (NCSU) and the
College of Textiles, NCSU.
Ivan Coste-Manire
Q Business Consulting & Information
Systems Management
Taught in English
at the Sophia-Antipolis campus.
> Programme outline: Jointly designed with SAP, Ernst & Young and
PMI France, the purpose of this programme is to train highly qualied
professionals in Business Consulting for information systems
Courses are delivered by professional experts: courses on SAP are
held on the premises of SAP Labs France at Sophia-Antipolis. Business
consulting courses are taught by the senior consultants from Ernst &
Young (leader on the French market for information systems auditing),
KPMG or Cap Gemini and professional partners.
Courses in project management will enable you to achieve the PMI

worldwide professional certi cation.
> Career opportunities: Consultant in information systems management,
consultant in operations management, consultant in organisation,
auditor of information systems, project manager for information
systems projects, ...
> In-company projects and assignments: Project management (IBM),
IS audit (Ernst & Young), IS consulting (Ernst & Young), project support
engineer (SAP), Software methodology (Amadeus).
> Partner companies: Ernst & Young, SAP, PMI, Amadeus, IBM,
Cap Gemini,
Q Supply Chain Management
and Purchasing
Taught in English at the Sophia-
Antipolis campus. This MSc is
accredited by the Confrence des
Grandes Ecoles.
> Programme outline: This programme is designed for practising
professionals, mid-career managers and graduates seeking specialised
training in the complementary elds of purchasing, supply chain
management and project management at managerial level. It
facilitates the undertaking of professional certi cations in project
management (CAPM/PMP of PMI) and in SCM (SCOR-S of the Supply
Chain Council).
> Career opportunities: The eld of purchasing and supply chain off ers
a variety of possible assignments and jobs ranging from generalist
supply chain management, materials management and project
management to specialist purchasing, procurement, demand planning,
logistics & transportation,
> In-company projects and assignments: During their internship and
in company projects, students are immersed in companies in order
to deal with real life supply chains and purchasing issues. Examples
include: reorganisation of material ows of a warehouse at Schneider
Electric, improving purchasing performance and cost analysis at
Degometal, elaboration and evaluation of the purchasing strategy at
Dow Corning Europe, review customer service integration at Hilti.
> Partner companies: Association Franaise pour la Logistique (ASLOG),
Compagnie des Dirigeants et Acheteurs de France (CDAF), Project
Management Institute (PMI

), Groupement pour lAmlioration des

Liaisons dans lIndustrie Automobile (GALIA), Supply Chain Council
(SCC), and the Six Sigma Institute. Companies recruiting our students
include CMA/CGM, Dow Corning Europe, Kone, Schneider Electric,
Thales Underwater Systems and Virbac.
Catherine Taupiac
Q Human Resources Management
Taught in English
at the Sophia-Antipolis campus.
> Programme outline: The programme trains HR professionals who will,
in the long term, occupy managerial positions. In order to achieve
this objective, the programme aims: to provide participants with solid
theoretical frameworks in the elds which underlie HRM in order to
allow them to anticipate and to develop a transversal and strategic
vision / to enhance students personal development and to develop
their managerial potential / to improve organisational performance
and satisfy company strategy while remaining mindful of employees
needs / to develop HR operational skills.
> Career opportunities: Consultant in information systems management,
consultant in operations management, consultant in organisation,
auditor of information systems, project manager for information
systems projects, ...
> In-company projects and assignments: Project management (IBM),
IS audit (Ernst & Young), IS consulting (Ernst & Young), project support
engineer (SAP), Software methodology (Amadeus), ...
> Partner companies: Ernst & Young, SAP, PMI, Amadeus, IBM,
Cap Gemini,
Q Project and Programme Management
& Business Development
Taught in English at the Paris and Lille
campuses. This MSc is accredited by
the Confrence des Grandes Ecoles.
> Programme outline: This programme is the only MSc in France in
project management and the only one with two major accreditations:
one accreditation with the CGE (Confrence des Grandes Ecoles) and
the other, called the GAC

, with the Project Management Institute

the United States. Worldwide there are only 80 programmes that are

accredited by PMI

. The learning objectives are internationally

recognised. For students, the programme leads to full employability
whatever the organisation, the business, or the country. For recruiters,
this master is a guarantee that graduates are competent.
> Career opportunities: Project manager, assistant programme /
portfolio manager, PMO assistant, consultant in project, programme
and portfolio management, planning engineer, cost manager, quality
> In-company projects and assignments: During their internship,
students develop their knowledge and practical skills by working on
real projects. They assist project, programme or portfolio managers,
develop speci c new tools and techniques, market new products or do
research on project management best practices.
> Partner companies: Airbus, Alstom Transport, General Electric
Healthcare, Thomson Reuters, Compagnie des Wagons Lits, Valeo,
Lacoste, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Gemalto, NQI, Maltem, Innovateam,
Wynnesystems, PCubed.
Thierry Verlynde
Batrice Toustou
Corinne Hirzmann
Q Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Taught in English at the Sophia-
Antipolis and Suzhou campuses.
> Programme outline:
This programme is designed to help participants develop an in-
depth understanding of eco-system of innovation, identifying and
managing entrepreneurial opportunities, new venture and business
plan, entrepreneurial nance, advanced strategy, strategic marketing
of innovation, product design, new business models for sustainable
growth, intellectual property (IP), entrepreneurial skills and leadership,
executive consulting, solutions-based selling, and negotiation skills.
The positioning of the programme also prepares future entrepreneurs
and intrapreneurs to take advantage of the new business opportunities
off ered by sustainable growth.
> Career opportunities: Entrepreneur, executive consultant in strategy
and business development, business unit manager, business
development manager, marketing and sales manager in innovative
start-ups and existing companies, incubator advisor,
> In-company projects and assignments:
- Co-working with start-ups and innovative SMEs.
- Possibility for students to use their entrepreneurial project as a
framework throughout courses.
- Project pitching in front of entrepreneurs, business angels, and
incubator managers.
- Students can draw up the business plans for their own projects
instead of the thesis.
> Partner companies: Sophia-Antipolis local incubators, Sophia Business
Angels, Reseau Entreprendre PACA, Suzhou local incubators, partnership
with the Master Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship (MNN) of
the Tech de Monterrey (Mexico). Bouygues, Orange,
Philippe Chereau
Q International Business
Taught in English at the Raleigh,
Sophia-Antipolis and Suzhou campuses.
> Programme outline: The programme
is designed for future global business
leaders, providing students with the
necessary general management and
multicultural skills and knowledge.The same disciplines are taught
in each campus, with strong localisation relevant to the location:
America, Asia or Europe.
> Career opportunities: International product manager, business
operations manager, international business development manager,
export-area sales manager, international sourcing manager,
international purchaser, strategic consultant, international project
manager etc. in diverse sectors consulting, manufacturing,
banking and insurance, logistics and in a broad range of rms and
organisations from exporting SMEs and multinational companies,
b2b and b2c, to international government agencies and NGOs.
> In-company projects and assignments: The internship gives
students the advantage of learning by doing, and may even kick start
their career in marketing, supply chain management, purchasing,
management accounting, auditing, consulting,
> Partner companies : IBM, Orange, Amadeus, Groupe Accord,
Decathlon, Auchan, Arjowiggins. Non-pro t: European Union,
Ubifrance, Chambers of Commerce, Eurada Brussels, United Nations
Industrial Development Organisation - Vienna,
Retrouvez ici lensemble de nos programmes MSc MS
Q Business and Economics
Taught in English
at the Paris campus
Enterprises, consulting companies,
nancial institutions, as well as policy
decision makers at national and international level need experts who can
analyse and interpret peoples choices, and the way policies and rules are
formulated in an evolving global economy.
By following the Business and Economics programme you will acquire
this expertise. Speci cally, you will develop the ability to understand and
anticipate changes in diff erent markets and how these changes depend
on macroeconomic trends. Not only will you develop skills in quantitative
methods statistics and econometrics, you will also understand how these are
applied in a variety of practical situations.
> Why choose MSc Business and Economics
This is a high quality and highly selective programme giving students
a signi cant edge in getting jobs that require analytical thinking.
This MSc course helps students gradually develop the capacity to
apply economic concepts and methods to their work and enhances
their understanding of the economic forces shaping the business
environment. A solid basis in economics and its applications are an
invaluable asset for solving problems in all areas of management.
An important feature of the MSc is that it trains participants in
quantitative techniques that are highly valued on the job market.
> Careers opportunities
Graduates can expect to nd employment in a wide range of
businesses as:
- Business analysts and consultants.
- Project analysts or industry economists in public agencies, nancial
institutions and private sector organisations.
Jean-Luc Gaffard
Renata Kaminska
Denis Boissin
Q International Strategy and Inuence
Taught in English at the Paris campus
> Programme outline: This master of science provides students with
strategic management and competitive intelligence knowledge and
methods, opening vast job opportunities. The MSc International Strategy
& Inuence is designed to train students in:
- handling the challenges of strategic management of rms operating in a
globalised environment
- the skills and knowledge to develop strategies drawing on competitive
intelligence methods
- legal methods of inuence
- the execution of strategies for the organisation of knowledge and skills in
using information as a strategic asset
- designing the right organisation and the appropriate managerial
structure to operate corporate strategy in the global economy.
> Career opportunities:
In a wide variety of elds in international business, executive
consulting, or national security: strategic analyst, strategy consultant
for large and small businesses, knowledge and information manager,
organisation and quality manager, manager of information security and
> Designed by experts for experts:
The academic content of MSc International Strategy & Inuence has
been designed by SKEMAs experts and leading organisations of
strategic consulting and competitive intelligence, including:
Boston Consulting Group, Capgemini Consulting, Institut National des
Hautes tudes de la Scurit et de la Justice (INHESJ).
Informations Pratiques MS et MSc
> Frais de scolarit
Les frais de scolarit pour les MS slvent :
- 13 965 euros pour lensemble des programmes.
- 15 965 euros pour les MS Management de la Chane Logistique-
Achats et Management des Projets et Programmes offrant
aux participants deux certications professionnelles.
Les frais de scolarit pour les MSc slvent :
- 15 965 euros pour les MSc en 1 an
Programmes spciques en 1 an ou MSc en double diplme :
- 18 930 euros MSc Financial Markets and Investments
- 20 930 euros MSc Financial Markets and Investments Raleigh
- 17 730 euros MSc Luxury and Fashion Management
- 18 965 euros MSc Global Luxury Management - Double diplme NCSU
- 22 965 euros pour le MSc en 2 ans
- 24 500 euros MSc en 2 ans avec la spcialisation Luxury & Fashion
Management ou Financial Markets and Investments
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms SKEMA Alumni et la
Scurit Sociale tudiante sont comprises dans ces frais.
Frais de dossier MS/MSc : 130 euros.
Les frais de scolarit mentionns sur cette brochure sont donns
titre indicatif et susceptibles dvolution. Le montant contractuel
sera celui indiqu sur le site web (www.skema-bs.fr) au moment
de linscription.
> Financement des tudiants
- Au cours de leur scolarit, les participants sont en entreprise :
stage conventionn, contrat de professionnalisation
A titre dexemple : indemnit moyenne de stage : 1 000 euros
mensuels. Rmunration en contrat de professionnalisation :
80% du SMIC au minimum et plus selon prol et exprience.
- SKEMA propose une bourse au mrite sur des critres dexcellence
(dossier tlcharger sur notre site Internet).
> Financement des auditeurs professionnels
Des programmes adapts aux professionnels en formation continue
Le recrutement des professionnels dans les MS/MSc concerne
les salaris, cadres ou dirigeants dentreprises ainsi que les candidats
en recherche demploi ou en reconversion.
Pour les professionnels, les plus jeunes (moins de 26 ans), le Contrat
de Professionnalisation est galement une solution avantageuse pour
entrer dans le monde du travail tout en se formant.
Titulaires dun CDI
Tout salari au cours de sa vie professionnelle ou lors
de son embauche en CDI peut tre concern par :
- La priode de professionnalisation. Le nancement est alors assur
par un Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agr (OPCA ) dont dpend
la branche professionnelle de lentreprise.
- Le Droit Individuel la Formation (DIF), est galement
une disposition susceptible de venir en complment lors
du montage du nancement.
- Le Cong Individuel de Formation (CIF) : tout salari qui dsire
bncier dun cong individuel de formation doit sadresser
lantenne du FONGECIF dont dpend son entreprise.
Pour bncier de ce dispositif, la lgislation prvoit 24 mois
dactivit professionnelle minimum au moment de lentre
en formation.
Titulaire ou ancien titulaire dun CDD
Le Cong Individuel de Formation (CIF) : tout salari ayant bnci
dun CDD, et qui dsire disposer dun cong individuel de formation
doit sadresser lantenne FONGECIF CDD dont dpend la dernire
entreprise pour laquelle il a travaill. Pour cela, 24 mois dactivits
professionnelles minimum sont requis au moment de lentre en
formation et le dernier CDD doit tre dune dure minimum de 4 mois.
La prise en charge des frais de formation et du salaire peut tre
totale ou partielle.
La formation hors temps de travail
Les FONGECIF grent dsormais les formations hors temps de travail.
Le salari ne sollicite le FONGECIF que pour le cot de formation,
le temps pass en cours simpute sur les congs, RTT ou congs
sans solde. Cette formule permet de diminuer le cot global dun
dossier et ainsi augmenter les chances daccord de nancement.
Dans ce cas, il nest pas ncessaire dobtenir une autorisation
dabsence de lemployeur.
Formation en FONGECIF pour les anciens titulaires dun contrat
dapprentissage ou de professionnalisation
En 2013, un nouveau mode de nancement pour les moins de 26 ans
a t mis en place par le FONGECIF.
Dsormais, les salaris de moins de 26 ans ayant au minimum un an
dexprience professionnelle sous contrat de professionnalisation
ou dapprentissage peuvent bncier dun nancement de tout ou
partie de leur formation et une rmunration au prorata du temps
pass en cours. Ce droit est ouvert pendant les 12 mois de la n du
Le dossier est retirer lantenne FONGECIF dpendant du lieu de
> Le contrat de professionnalisation - en alternance
Il sagit dun contrat de travail dure dtermine de type particulier,
de 12 mois. Ce dispositif sadresse des jeunes de moins de 26 ans,
ayant dj travaill ou non, ou des demandeurs demploi de plus
de 26 ans. Ce contrat est une aide linsertion dans la vie active
au travers dune formation adapte lemploi vis. Les organismes
nanceurs (OPCA : Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agr) nont pas
les mmes rgles de fonctionnement et certains nacceptent pas
les Mastres ou les niveaux de formation BAC +5 et plus comme
formation ligible.
La prise en charge nest souvent que partielle (9,15 euros de lheure),
le complment devant tre assur par lemployeur dans le cadre du
plan de formation de lentreprise.
Eligibilit au contrat de professionnalisation :
- Sont ligibles de fait tous les ressortissants de la communaut
europenne (sauf les ressortissants de la Bulgarie et de la Roumanie)
- Sont ligibles sous conditions dautorisation de travail les trangers
non ressortissants de la communaut europenne. Il suft davoir un
titre de sjour en rgle au moment de linscription, de transmettre
la Direction du Travail une copie du contrat de professionnalisation
pour obtenir un titre de travail pour la dure du contrat (en effet, la
poursuite dtudes en contrat de professionnalisation est assimile
un contrat de travail temps plein).
- Linscription POLE EMPLOI avant le contrat de professionnalisation
pour les plus de 26 ans nest plus obligatoire depuis Juillet 2012,
sous certaines conditions.
Ds le contrat de professionnalisation trouv, il est ncessaire de
passer par la Direction Du Travail pour obtenir une autorisation de
travail pour le temps du contrat.
NB : Pour les MS et MSc, lapprentissage nest pas possible.
Ces programmes nouvrent pas droit aux bourses du CROUS.
> Logement
Les rsidences tudiantes
Il existe de nombreuses rsidences tudiantes prs des trois campus
nationaux ainsi que des rsidences universitaires. Vous pouvez
trouver toutes les informations sur le site www.skema-bs.fr
Dautres solutions
Le service logement possde une base de donnes avec plus de
1 500 logements rservs exclusivement aux tudiants qui souhaitent
intgrer lcole.
Pour plus dinformation :
Contact: housing@skema.edu
Admission MS
> Critres et niveau requis
Etudiants : Bac +4/5 (Ecole de Commerce, Ecole dIngnieur,
diplmes universitaires franais ou diplmes trangers quivalents).
Auditeurs professionnels : Bac +5 ou Bac +4 avec 3 ans
dexpriences professionnelles.
Tests de Management et de Langues : selon les programmes,
il peut tre demand des pices ou des informations
complmentaires permettant une meilleure instruction
de la candidature. Le TAGE-MAGE ou le GMAT nest pas obligatoire
mais lavantage du candidat. Un entretien en anglais sera pratiqu
lors de ladmission si le MS est bilingue.
> Slection
La slection se fait en deux tapes :
1. Admissibilit : dossier de candidature.
Une tude approfondie du dossier de candidature, dment rempli
et comportant les pices jointes demandes, est ralise par
un jury de slection prenant en compte les tudes et lexprience
professionnelle antrieures. Le dossier permet davoir une premire
perception de la pertinence de la candidature.
2. Admission : entretien de motivation avec un jury sur le campus
de la formation.
Un entretien, pour les candidats admissibles uniquement, a lieu
devant un jury compos de professeurs et de professionnels.
Lentretien vise comprendre les motivations du candidat et
analyser, au regard de son projet professionnel, la pertinence
de la poursuite dtudes.
Les entretiens se droulent de manire semblable ceux raliss
dans le cadre dune procdure de recrutement dentreprise.
Ladmission dnitive du candidat est prononce par le jury
de slection en fonction des rsultats des deux tapes de slection.
> Calendrier
Le recrutement se droule en continu tout au long de lanne
(dpt des dossiers tous les 30 de chaque mois).
Le nombre de places tant limit pour chaque programme,
il est conseill dadresser votre dossier de candidature le plus
tt possible an daugmenter vos chances de slection.
Nous conseillons aux candidat(e)s travaillant en entreprise
ou recherchant un nancement type CIF de dposer leur dossier
de candidature le plus tt possible, de faon tablir les documents
administratifs de nancement dans les dlais impartis. Ce conseil
sadresse galement aux "jeunes diplms" (coles dingnieurs,
de commerce ) souhaitant effectuer leur formation dans le cadre
dun contrat de professionnalisation ou effectuant leur stage de n
dtudes ltranger.
Admission MSc
> Critres et niveau requis
MSc en deux ans :
- Un Bac +3 ou diplme en trois ans
- Un score dans lun des tests de langue anglaise suivants :
TOEFL 560, TOEIC 800, IELTS 6, ELS 110.
- Le test de langue anglaise nest pas obligatoire pour les tudiants
diplms duniversits anglophones.
- Le GMAT ou GRE nest pas obligatoire mais lavantage
du candidat.
MSc en 1 an :
- Un Bac +4 ou quivalent (ou dans certains cas un Bac+3
avec une exprience professionnelle).
- Un score dans lun des tests de langue anglaise suivants :
TOEFL : 580 pour le test "classique", 237 pour le test
sur ordinateur et 92 pour le test sur internet. TOEIC : 830,
IELTS : 6,5, ELS : 112.
Le test de langue anglaise nest pas obligatoire pour les tudiants
diplms duniversits anglophones.
Un score en GMAT ou GRE nest pas obligatoire mais lavantage
du candidat.
> Slection
La slection se fait en deux tapes :
1. Admissibilit : dossier de candidature.
Un comit de slection examine le dossier de candidature en tenant
en considration les qualications et lexprience professionnelle
du candidat.
2. Admission : si le dossier de candidature est jug satisfaisant,
les candidats sont convoqus un entretien tlphonique,
visio-confrence ou en face face. Lobjectif de lentretien
est de permettre au comit de slection (compos de professeurs
et de professionnels) de comprendre les motivations du candidat
postuler pour le programme et le bnce que ce dernier
reprsente dans le cadre de son plan de carrire.
Les entretiens se droulent de manire semblable ceux raliss
dans le cadre dune procdure de recrutement dentreprise.
Les candidats slectionns seront admis sur la base du dossier
de candidature et de lentretien.
> Calendrier
Le recrutement se fait tout au long de lanne et les candidatures
sont traites en continu (dpt des dossiers tous les 15 de chaque
mois). Cependant, le nombre de places tant limit, il est conseill
de postuler le plus tt possible.

tats Unis : +1.919.535.5700 - Chine : +86. 6260 8988
France : ou
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700 - Chine : +86. 6260 8988
France :
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
Candidater en ligne ssur
Lentreprise intgre
la formation
Lemployabilit dpend de la
bonne combinaison entre la
personnalit de lauditeur, son
parcours et son plan de carrire.
Le Career Center de SKEMA
accompagne les tudiants et les
salaris an quils ralisent leurs
objectifs de carrire.
Il dveloppe galement des rela-
tions entre lcole, les entreprises
locales, nationales et internatio-
Les activits du Career Center :
> Organisation dvnements
Prsentations dentreprises, business
games, confrences, forum entreprises
permettant aux auditeurs dtre en
contact direct avec les recruteurs, offres
dopportunits uniques de stages et
> Orientation de carrire
Le Career Center a mis en place un cours
de DPP - Dveloppement Personnel et
Professionnel - qui fait partie intgrante du
programme acadmique et inclut : ateliers,
sminaires, simulations dentretien,
tests dvaluation et de personnalit,
conseils individuels pour linsertion
professionnelle, ...
> Ressources
Les auditeurs ont galement accs via le
Career Center on-line de nombreux outils
et ressources : ches mtiers,
guide des comptences, offres de stages,
prsentation des entreprises partenaires,
contacts recruteurs et diplms, espace
conseil (CV, lettres, entretiens), base de
donnes internationale, tests en ligne,
> Plus de 4500 stages sont mis
disposition chaque anne
Exemples dentreprises qui ont recrut nos
diplms : Airbus, Areva, BNP Paribas, China
State Construction, Codis, Crdit Agricole,
Danone, Dcathlon, Groupama, Groupe
Les programmes
> MSc : 28 % de nos diplms de MSc ont
sign leur contrat avant de quitter SKEMA et
75 % ont un poste dimension internatio-
nale. Les secteurs qui recrutent le plus nos
diplms sont : Hi-tech (15 %), nance (11 %),
les transports (11 %) et la distribution (10 %).
20 % de nos diplms obtiennent un poste
dans les mtiers du marketing et 12 % dans le
secteur du conseil.
> MS : 57 % de nos diplms de MS ont un
poste dimension internationale et 48% ont
sign leur contrat avant de quitter SKEMA.
Lille et Paris sont deux villes o les diplms
trouvent le plus facilement un emploi.
26 % dentre eux travaillent dans les mtiers
de la nance, 11 % dans le secteur du conseil
et 8 % dans la distribution.
Les principaux postes sont en nance (27 %),
le management (12 %) et le marketing (12 %).
La force dun rseau international
de 30 000 talents
En intgrant SKEMA Business
School, vous rejoignez une com-
munaut compose de
cadres et de dirigeants prsents
dans 125 pays.
30 000 diplms, 77 ambassa-
deurs, 120 vnements / an
chaque anne la communaut
Skema Alumni ne cesse
de senrichir des personnalits de
ses nouveaux diplms.
Lassociation des diplms de
SKEMA contribue la russite
professionnelle et personnelle
de ses membres en favorisant
les opportunits de business, de
carrires et de retrouvailles.
SKEMA Alumni en chiffres
> 30 000 diplms dans le monde entier
> 26 669 diplms actifs
> 20 % de diplms vivent ltranger
> 8 115 membres sur LinkedIn
> 8 722 membres sur Viadeo
> 19 130 fans sur Facebook
> Plus de 120 vnements par an
(confrences, afterworks, ateliers, )
SKEMA Alumni compte parmi ses membres
de nombreux cadres suprieurs au sein de
grandes entreprises dont :
> Jean-Philippe Courtois (SKEMA 1983),
Prsident, Microsoft International
> Vronique Gautier (SKEMA 1983),
Directrice Gnrale internationale,
Giorgio Armani
> Jean-Christian Seguret (SKEMA 1976),
Directeur Financier, Fondation Louis Vuitton
> Didier Lamblin (SKEMA 1980), Directeur
Gnral, Bldina, groupe Danone
> Didier Bonnet (SKEMA 1983), Senior Vice
President & Global Practice Leader,
Capgemini Consulting
> Jean-Paul Picard (SKEMA 1974), Prsident
du Conseil dAdministration, Deloitte
> Fanny Houlliot (SKEMA 2005), Senior
Manager, KPMG
> Chiheb Ben Mahmoud (SKEMA 2005),
Vice-Prsident, Jones Lang Lasalle Hotels,
Group EME&A
> Thomas Lagrande (SKEMA 1986), Directeur
Administratif et Financier, Coca Cola

> Animer et dvelopper le rseau des
diplms en France et dans
le monde.
> Soutenir et contribuer lpa-
nouissement professionnel de ses
membres chaque tape de leur
> Gnrer des opportunits de
rencontres et de business.
> Faire rayonner SKEMA et ses
diplms dans le monde.
> Accrotre la notorit de lcole et
promouvoir la valeur du diplme.
> Privilgier les contacts entre
les diplms du monde entier
et signaler les opportunits de
coopration entrepreneuriale.
> Proposer aux diplms un ensemble
de services relatifs leur vie profes-
> Mettre en lien tudiants et diplms
pour toutes dmarches profes-
sionnelles : demandes de conseils,
recherches de stage ou demploi.
et Mastres
eeet tt M
Masters of
> Management & Business Administration
> Marketing & Business Development
> Technological Innovation & Management
> Management of the Marine Environment & Sustainable
> Aeronautical Science & Management
Licence (L2 - L3) + Prparation aux Concours dentre des Grandes Ecoles
> Economie - Gestion
> Droit
Programme Grande Ecole
Programme Grande Ecole en Formation Continue
Mastres Spcialiss (MS)
Label de la Confrence des Grandes Ecoles
> Audit, Contrle de Gestion et Systmes dInformation
> Ingnierie et Gestion Internationale de Patrimoine
> Marketing Direct et Commerce Electronique
> Management de la Chane Logistique Achats
> Management des Projets et Programmes
> Management International de lHtellerie
> Business Modles Durables
> Gestion Fiscale de lEntreprise
Masters of Science (MSc)
Programmes en anglais
> Auditing, Management Accounting & Information Systems
> Corporate Financial Management
> Financial Markets & Investments
> International Marketing & Business Development
> Strategic Event Management & Tourism Management
> Luxury & Fashion Management
> Global Luxury Management
> Web-Marketing & International Project Management
> Human Resources Management
> Business Consulting & Information Systems Management
> Supply Chain Management & Purchasing
> Project and Programme Management & Business
Business & Strategy
> International Business
> Entrepreneurship & Innovation
> Business & Economics
Programmes Doctoraux
> En partenariat avec lIAE Aix-en-Provence et lUniversit de
Nice-Sophia Antipolis
> Eudokma : European Doctoral School on Knowledge and
> PhD in Corporate Finance
> Knowledge Technology and organisation PhD in Management
> Executive PhD in Project and Programme Management
Formation Executive
Formation Continue pour Cadres et Dirigeants
Les Programmes Skema Business School








Esdhem SKEMA
Campus Sophia-Antipolis
60 rue Dostoevski - CS 30085
06902 Sophia-Antipolis
Tel : +33(0)4 93 95 44 44
Campus Lille
Avenue Willy Brandt
59777 Euralille - France
Tel : +33(0)3 20 21 59 62
Campus Paris La dfense
Ple Universitaire Lonard De Vinci
Esplanade Mona Lisa Courbevoie
92916 Paris La Dfense Cedex - France
Tel : +33(0)1 41 16 74 61
Skema Business School
Programme enseign en franais Lille et en franais/anglais Paris.
En alternance, compatible avec une activit professionnelle.
Auditeur Interne, Auditeur Externe, Consultant, Responsable
dAudit Spcialis (informatique, marketing), Contrleur
de Gestion, Contrleur de Gestion Industrielle, Charg de
Consolidation, Expert-Comptable, Responsable Administratif
et Financier
- Permettre aux auditeurs de dvelopper une comprhension
proactive et multipolaire de laudit interne et externe,
du contrle de gestion et des systmes dinformation,
en anticipation des changements de lenvironnement
conomique global.
- Fournir aux auditeurs un set complexe de connaissances,
doutils et de comptences et la capacit de les employer
de manire comptitive, an quils deviennent des leaders
responsables, capables de gnrer une performance
- Dvelopper la capacit de rexion critique et dinnovation
de nos auditeurs, pour leur permettre dappliquer leurs
connaissances et leur expertise technique la solution
des problmes managriaux spciques la nouvelle
- Aider les auditeurs dvelopper leurs capacits de
gestionnaires et de recherche applique an quils
deviennent des agents de changement des organisations,
de la profession, et de lenvironnement global des affaires.
- Prparation aux principales certications internationales
dans les domaines de laudit, du contrle de gestion et des
systmes dinformation.
- Pourcentage important dintervenants extrieurs.
- Un rythme propos permettant une mise en pratique
immdiate des connaissances acquises et linsertion dans
le monde professionnel (3 jours de formation tous les 15
jours, le reste du temps en entreprise - pour Lille ; 1 semaine
de formation par mois, le reste du temps en entreprise -
pour Paris).
- Liens avec les associations professionnelles et la recherche
- Certications professionnelles : la formation intgre
la prparation aux principales certications dans les
domaines de laudit, du contrle de gestion et des
systmes dinformation (au choix : Certicate in Business
Accounting et Advanced Diploma in Management
Accounting de CIMA, Diplme Professionnel de lAudit
Interne de lIFACI, certicat CISA de lISACA Certied
Information Systems Auditor, attestation daptitudes SAP).
Deloitte, Ernst&Young, Finaref, KPMG, Yves Saint Laurent
Beaut, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Warner Music, La Redoute,
Technip, Dexia, Crdit Local, Runica, Valo Management
Services, Crdit Lyonnais, AREVA, LOral, 3 Suisses France,
Altdia, Arcelor Mittal, Stainless Europe,
Prparation et laboration des comptes, tablissement et
suivi des budgets, reporting et tablissement de tableaux
de bord, certication-rvision des comptes, missions de
consulting, mise en en place dun systme de contrle et
daudit interne,
Octobre & fvrier
Cre en 1995, cette formation prpare aux diffrents mtiers, de laudit/expertise comptable, du contrle de
gestion et du consulting.
> Sur le campus de Lille , un partenariat avec lUniversit de Lille 2 permet, aprs slection par luniversit, dtre
admis en Master CCA 2
anne et de prparer un double diplme sur 18 mois, incluant la formation SKEMA en
12 mois en alternance et le Master CCA validant les quivalences de 5 uv du DSCG.
> A lissue de la formation, les auditeurs peuvent galement passer deux semestres lUniversit de Laval
(Canada) an dobtenir un MBA en comptabilit.
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
Le Mastre Spcialis Audit Contrle de
Gestion et Systmes dInformation ma t trs
bnque sur plusieurs points.
Dune manire gnrale, jai pu trouver des
rponses adquates aux problmes rencontrs
dans mon travail quotidien de Contrleur de
Gestion, notamment grce aux aspects suivants :
- la qualit des intervenants : ils sont pour la
majorit des professionnels trs comptents et trs
lcoute des problmes des tudiants.
- la qualit du contenu des cours : ils traitent de
sujets concrets et proposent des outils de gestion,
daudit et de contrle trs intressants.
- le dveloppement dune expertise : la thse
professionnelle ma forc me plonger dans
un domaine prcis et important du contrle de
gestion, me permettant dacqurir une comptence
renforce dans le calcul et lanalyse des cots.
Dautres atouts majeurs sont noter, parmi lesquels
la dispense de certains cours en anglais et la
possibilit de dcouvrir des systmes dinformation
trs recherchs par les entreprises.
Diplm MS Audit Contrle de Gestion et Systmes
Actuellement Financial Project Manager - FRENCH
WINE PARADOX - Shanghai - Chine
Management de la performance
Nouvelles tendances en contrle de gestion
Audit Interne
Contrle de Gestion et SI
Business Object
Contrle de gestion et dveloppement durable
Evaluation et pilotage des actifs immatriels
Systmes dInformation et apprentissage organisationnel
Management par la valeur et innovation
Projet managrial et applications dcisionnelles
Simulation de gestion
Mthodologie de la recherche
Thse professionnelle
Stage ou exprience en entreprise
Dveloppement personnel et professionnel et prparation au TOEIC
Audit Interne (en franais)
Audit externe / expertise comptable
Contrle de Gestion (en anglais)
Systmes dInformation (en franais)
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 465
Directeurs du programme
Lille : Yves LEVANT
Paris : Anne-Laure BERNAERT
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
Frais de scolarit
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms
SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale tudiante
sont comprises dans ces frais.
Programme enseign Sophia-Antipolis en franais/anglais.
Temps complet.
Les mtiers de la Gestion de Patrimoine regroupent 3 types de
postes :
- Les gestionnaires de patrimoine ou conseillers patrimoniaux de
Rseaux bancaire et dassurance qui sont en contact direct avec
la clientle. Outre des connaissances techniques, ils doivent
possder de relles capacits commerciales et tre en mesure
dvaluer et dorganiser lensemble des ressources et emplois
prsents et futurs dun particulier, en vue den optimiser le
patrimoine familial.
- Les conseillers nanciers qui, dans les banques rseau,
les cabinets indpendants ou les compagnies dassurance
spcialises, ont en charge la gestion de portefeuilles des clients.
Leur rle : suivre, grer les avoirs nanciers des clients en
respectant les contraintes de gestion dnies avec leurs clients
selon des mandats de gestion.
- Les quipes dingnierie patrimoniale : partir dune comptence
initiale trs pointue (juriste, scaliste, gestionnaire de
portefeuilles, spcialiste de lingnierie nancire...) et avec
la connaissance de lensemble des domaines dexpertises de
la Gestion de Patrimoine, lingnieur patrimonial propose la
clientle des optimisations scales ou successorales.
Ce spcialiste intgre lensemble des dimensions, conomiques,
juridiques et scales an de rpondre aux attentes de la clientle
haut de gamme.
Dans un environnement conomique et nancier en volution
permanente, les mtiers de la Banque et de lAssurance sadaptent
un march toujours plus exigeant.
Ce programme, cr en 1992, forme des conseillers en gestion
spcialiss. Il rpond aux besoins des tablissements nanciers,
des cabinets de conseil, des compagnies dassurance, des experts
comptables, la recherche de cadres en gestion de patrimoine de
haut niveau.
Cette ncessit de former des tudiants et des professionnels, doit
sappuyer sur un programme de formation centr sur la relation
client haut de gamme et dot dune ouverture internationale,
aujourdhui indispensable. La gestion de patrimoine recouvre ainsi
un grand nombre dexpertises principalement :
- Gestion de portefeuille
- Ingnierie juridique et scale
- Techniques de lassurance-vie
- Immobilier
- Macro conomie
- Droit de la famille, rgimes matrimoniaux et successions
- Fiscalit nationale, internationale, personnes physiques
et morales, structures droit tranger
Cette formation donne la comptence juridique approprie,
cest--dire la possibilit lgale de faire des actes juridiques. Elle
conduit galement la comptence ncessaire pour exercer la
responsabilit de Conseiller en Investissement Financier ainsi qu
la certication AMF 2010.
Ce programme est accrdit galement en Formation continue
diplmante auprs des Grandes Ecoles : le BADGE en Gestion de
Patrimoine par capitalisation, le seul en France pour la Gestion de
Lorganisation des enseignements laisse une large place aux
travaux pratiques, raliss avec des quipements pdagogiques
performants :
- Une salle des marchs cole permet aux tudiants doprer sur
lensemble des grands marchs internationaux et de mettre en
uvre les concepts et mthodes de gestion nancire acquis
pendant le programme.
- Une cellule de diagnostic daide au conseil patrimonial et des
tudes de cas, partir de logiciels spcialiss, permettant aux
tudiants de simuler des entretiens et des analyses patrimoniales.
- Une salle de cours ddie au programme est entirement quipe
par notre partenaire : AMUNDI Asset Management.
- Pour rpondre aux besoins du march, le contenu de la formation
est valid chaque anne par un Comit de programme regroupant
nos partenaires, dirigeants des tablissements bancaires et
nanciers : ALLIANZ France, Crdit Agricole Provence Cte dAzur,
AMUNDI ASSET Management, Banque de Gestion Edmond de
ROTHSCHILD, SwissLife France, Ernst & Young ainsi que des
Prsidents de lOrdre des Experts Comptables, de la Chambre des
Notaires des Alpes-Maritimes, de la FNAIM, des reprsentants des
Gestionnaires de patrimoine Indpendants.
Suivant les missions effectues par nos tudiants, en France ou
ltranger, les activits exerces sont trs varies.
Exemples de thses professionnelles prsentes en 2011-2012 :
Les niches scales en France, la clientle de non rsident, assurance
vie et clause bnciaire, successions, dons et libralits, le mcnat
dentreprise, gestion de la clientle haut de gamme en Grande-
Bretagne, cration dun cabinet dindpendant.
RENTRE : Octobre
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
ALLIANZ France, Banque Rothschild Monaco,
Barclays, BNP Paribas, CFM Monaco, AMUNDI Asset
Management, Crdit Agricole Provence Cte dAzur
et le de France, Crdit du Nord, Crdit Suisse, CIC,
HSBC Monaco, LCL Paris, Socit Gnrale Private
Banking, SwissLife, Cabinet indpendant Genve,
Cabinet indpendant Moscou
Diplm en 2009 dun Master In Management
avec une spcialisation en Finance dentreprise
SKEMA et fort dune premire exprience de
stage russi en tant que Conseiller en Patrimoine
Financier chez BNP - Paribas, jai intgr le MS
IGI en septembre 2009. Dans lenvironnement
conomique, nancier et scal actuel, les mtiers
de la gestion de patrimoine demandent davoir
des comptences dans de multiples domaines :
scalit, droit, analyse nancire, comptabilit
Lenseignement du mastre, valid chaque anne
par les banques et assureurs partenaires et dispens
par des spcialistes en activit, ma permis de
dvelopper mes connaissances dans ces domaines
et dobtenir un diplme reconnu par les plus
grandes entreprises de la profession.
Suite la priode de stage professionnel, jai
intgr les quipes de la gestion prive dAllianz en
tant quexpert patrimonial. Ma mission ce poste
consiste raliser des tudes patrimoniales et des
allocations dactifs lattention dune clientle haut
de gamme. Elle consiste galement assurer une
veille juridique et scale et diffuser lexpertise
patrimoniale au sein des quipes commerciales.
Mathieu FORANO
Expert Patrimonial au sein du Ple Patrimonial
Agents Gnraux pour la rgion Paris - Nord Est
chez ALLIANZ. Diplm - Promotion 2010
Allianz Banque a pour vocation doffrir la
clientle patrimoniale dAllianz France des produits
et services bancaires haut de gamme compltant la
gamme des services dassurances que proposent
les rseaux dAllianz France, et en particulier les
spcialistes du patrimoine que sont les conseillers
dAllianz Finance Conseil.
Le partenariat avec le mastre IGIP de SKEMA est un
atout prcieux nous permettant de slectionner des
prols de grande qualit pour des postes dexperts
en gestion de patrimoine ou en conseil de banque
La qualit du cursus des tudiants de SKEMA nous
assurent de pouvoir faire entirement conance la
comptence et au professionnalisme de ces jeunes .
Le cursus bilingue anglais et franais est
particulirement apprciable dans un groupe
multinational comme Allianz, qui offre terme ces
jeunes diplms des opportunits de carrire dans
les diffrentes implantations du groupe.
Directeur Gnral Allianz Banque
Intgration : Analyse juridique - Sminaire dintgration scalit gnrale - Notions de
bases de lanalyse nancire - Finance de marchs
Assurance Vie : Droit et scalit - Epargne salariale
Assurance Prvoyance : La retraite en France - Assurance Prvoyance
Immobilier : Utilisation de la SCI - Les diffrents produits immobiliers
Fiscalit Gnrale : Fiscalit Gnrale nationale et internationale, ISF...
Analyse Juridique et Fiscale : Rgimes matrimoniaux et dmembrement - Les
successions - Droit des socits - Statut du dirigeant : rgime social, juridique et
scal - Approche globale des professions librales - Gestion de portefeuille - Produits
structurs (Marchs nanciers et stratgie dinvestissement)
Analyse Financire : Gestion nancire - Analyse juridique et transmission
Fiscalit internationale des personnes morales - Finance de march international
- Change et nance internationale - Transmission/Structure de droit tranger -
Approche globale des non-rsidents - Macroconomie - Limmobilier - Niches scales
Techniques managriales - Les mtiers de la banque - Assurance-vie : aspects
pratiques - Approche clients et prospects - Approche globale de la gestion de
patrimoine - Prsentation logiciel patrimonial
Etude de cas : Droit interne - Etude de cas et scalit - Analyse des marchs et
scalit - Ingnierie patrimoniale
Responsabilit et conseil - Conformit et dontologie - Sminaires et rencontres - En
complment des cours magistraux, lorganisation des enseignements du programme
intgre des sminaires de synthse et des contacts directs entre nos tudiants et nos
Comprendre, lire et prsenter en anglais des textes simples mais techniques.
Prsentation des mtiers de la gestion de patrimoine, entretiens dembauche avec
les DRH spcialiss des banques et assurances (BNP Paribas, CA, ALLIANZ, Crdit du
Nord, Socit Gnrale, SwissLife) ; approche patrimoniale des professions librales
et approche patrimoniale des non rsidents
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 462
Directeur du programme
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
Frais de scolarit : 13.965
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale
tudiante sont comprises dans ces frais.
Programme enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit professionnelle.
Direction Internet, Consultant e-commerce, Directeur de clientle,
Web marketer, Ingnieur commercial NTIC, Chef de projet,
Responsable Marketing Direct, Responsable chier, Responsable
plan marketing numrique, Responsable CRM, Community mana-
ger, Responsable de sites marchands, Responsable afliation,
Responsable partenariat web, Trafc manager...
Construire les comptences pour le commerce de demain !
La n de la frontire entre le e-commerce et le commerce est deve-
nue une ralit. Lre du commerce connect sinstalle vritable-
ment. La complmentarit des supports et des canaux de commer-
cialisation est une exigence pour saisir toutes les opportunits de
Dans un tel contexte multi canal, le consommateur modie
radicalement son comportement dachat ainsi que sa relation aux
marques ! Ces volutions impactent un rythme toujours plus sou-
tenu les modles conomiques des entreprises, obligeant celles-ci
repenser leurs stratgies commerciales et leurs pratiques de la
relation client.
Devenir lun des acteurs de ce business connect cest tre capable
de dtecter, comprendre et imaginer avant les autres de nouvelles
formes de commerce et les nouveaux usages marketing des inno-
vations numriques .
Il vous faudra tout la fois possder de solides capacits dana-
lyse stratgique, les fondamentaux de la relation client et du mar-
keting digital et matriser les leviers de lconomie numrique.
E-commerce ou Commerce connect : Les 10 mtiers les plus
demands aujourdhui nexistaient pas il y a quelques annes
les 10 prochains nexistent pas encore.
Venez inventer le vtre !
Lobjectif du Mastre (MS) spcialis Marketing Direct et
Commerce Electronique est de vous accompagner dans cette
volution des comptences et de vous permettre dacqurir les
connaissances utiles cette conomie numrique.
Le programme conu en collaboration avec des experts du e-com-
merce et de la relation client se veut au plus prs des volutions
des comptences attendues dans ces activits.
Le programme a pour objectif de :
- Former des cadres de haut niveau recruts par les entreprises la
pointe du Marketing et du Marketing Relationnel.
- Former des collaborateurs performants, utilisateurs conrms des
technologies de linformation et du travail collaboratif.
- Matriser lenvironnement commercial multicanal permettant la
dnition et la mise en uvre des stratgies de la relation client :
Marketing Direct, Analyse de Donnes, CRM, Commerce connect,
E-Business, Vente Distance, M Marketing, Social mdia, Big data
et M commerce
- Dans ce programme, les auditeurs acquirent les connaissances
thoriques du Marketing direct et des stratgies du e-commerce,
revisitent les fondamentaux du marketing et se familiarisent avec
les dernires innovations.
- Ils dveloppent au cours de cette formation les comptences
danalyse, le sens de lanticipation et la capacit de transposer
les dernires innovations et volutions technologiques dans les
stratgies commerciales des entreprises.
Accrditations et certications acadmiques et professionnelles,
liens avec les associations professionnelles, spcicits diverses
(salle des marchs, etc).
Le lien avec les acteurs professionnels de ces mtiers et de ces
lires , caractre diffrenciant de ce mastre, permet de dvelop-
per lemployabilit des auditeurs.
Mais le MS MDCE possde dautres points forts :
- Une formation associant professionnels la pointe du dveloppe-
ment du e-commerce et des travaux des enseignants-chercheurs
de ce domaine
- Un programme en phase avec les innovations et tendances du
commerce digital et du web marketing
- Un apprentissage qui associe enseignement acadmique la
conduite de projets en relation avec des problmatiques propo-
ses par des entreprises de rfrence.
- Liens avec les associations et la recherche : DMEF (Direct Marke-
ting Educational Foundation - USA) ; CMD (Cercle du Marketing
Direct) ; Salon VAD Conext ; AFM (Association Franaise du Mar-
keting) ; FEVAD (Fdration des entreprises de Vente Distance) ;
ADETEM ( Association Nationale de Maketing ) ; EMOTA (Euro-
pean distance Selling Trade Association)
- Certications professionnelles : Certicat Informatique Dcision-
nelle et Data Mining dlivr par SAS et SKEMA.
Octobre et fvrier
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
Quelques exemples de sujets de thse
professionnelle :
- Audit de sites marchands
- Cration site marchand
- Animation dune communaut de clients
- Animateurs de rseaux sociaux pour une marque
- Mise en place de convergence de canaux
de distribution
- Dveloppement du social media
- Dveloppement du SEO pour un site marchand
- Search Marketing Management
- Responsable Promotion digitale...
Groupe 3 Suisses, Groupe La Redoute, Eto - Groupe
Publicis, Microsoft, Auchan , IBM France, Decathlon,
Conoga, Codis, Ebay France, Orange Distribution,
La Poste Courrier, Neomarketing, Adspring, Xerox,
Phildar, Pictime, Euratechnologies...
Aujourdhui, la relation client doit
sapprhender en prenant en compte les volutions
marketing dans un univers digital, technique,
toujours plus rapide, que lon soit pure player
ou retailler. Le Ms MDCE ma permis daborder
ces volutions rcentes lors de cours dispenss
par des intervenants de milieu professionnel
ou des professeurs trs imprgns du monde
de lentreprise. Pendant une anne, raison
dune semaine par mois, nous nous retrouvons
plongs dans lunivers du commerce connect.
Les acquisitions se font grce aux projets concrets
que nous avons la chance de grer : notamment
une mission de consulting auprs de start up,
et la gestion dun site web en live ! Le plus
de ce Mastre ? Des promotions dauditeurs de
gnration X et Y ! Qui senrichissent mutuellement
des comportements trs web des uns et des
expriences professionnelles des autres. Il ny a pas
dge pour se former, se professionnaliser et largir
son domaine de comptence ! Dans le MS MDCE
cela se passe en plus dans une ambiance la fois
professionnelle et conviviale.
Rgine GARRIC ADVIELLE -Promo 2013
Responsable Marketing relation client,
RougeGorge Lingerie
La force du programme est dtre en prise directe
avec le besoin des entreprises en matire de
comptences en marketing client (online et off line).
Le cycle forme des multi spcialistes de la relation
client. Lobjectif est de permettre aux tudiants de
bien apprhender les volutions technologiques
pour les mettre au service des stratgies marketing.
Limplication des auditeurs est exceptionnelle et il
existe un vritable esprit de corps entre eux. Une
vraie communaut dexperts !

Directeur executif ETO groupe Publicis
Les fondamentaux du marketing relationnel, Droit de la consommation et droit
internet, Les dispositifs juridiques des nouvelles formes de commerce
Commerce connect et digitalisation des points de vente, Cross canal et MD
aujourdhui, Stratgies e-commerce, Social Shopping , Users Experience ,
Animation commerciale e-commerce, Les stratgies de gestion de trafc SEO,
Les stratgies de cration de trafc : rfrencement payant et trafc management
BDD et gestion de chiers clients, Analyse des donnes, Le compte dexploitation
du web, SAS Datamining, Les BIG DATA, Le web analytics
Stratgie des entreprises en rseau
M commerce : les nouveaux modles conomiques
Globalisation et conomie numrique
E-commerce et dveloppement durable
Prsentation de cas de stratgies dentreprises
Gestion de projet en e-commerce : les mthodes AGILE
Projet e-commerce
Projet Euratechnologies
Stratgie mailing et e mailing Brief agence et choix des plateformes
E mailing
Les fondamentaux techniques du web
Research Method , prparation Thse professionnelle
Sminaire dintgration
Dveloppement des comptences professionnelles (confrences, associations
professionnelles, visites dentreprises, rencontres de dirigeants.. )
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 465
Directrice du programme
Depuis 2009, Euratechnologies sest associ
SKEMA et plus particulirement au MS Marketing
Direct Commerce Electronique.
Ce partenariat permet aux tudiants dtre face
des problmatiques dentreprises innovantes et en
croissance rapide, mais aussi face des crateurs
dentreprises sensibles limplication des tudiants.
La qualit reconnue de la formation SKEMA dans
le marketing Digital permet nos entreprises
de bncier de comptences afrmes et
stratgiques, voire dterminantes pour leur
dveloppement online.
Responsable Dveloppement Euratechnologies.
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
Frais de scolarit : 13.965
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale
tudiante sont comprises dans ces frais.
Programme enseign Lille en franais et anglais.
Compatible avec une activit professionnelle.
Supply Chain Manager, International Logistic Manager,
Direction des achats, Directeur de logistique, Directeur de
production, Acheteur, Directeur des Achats, Acheteur Grande
Distribution, Acheteur Transports Internationaux, Directeur
dentrept, Consultant organisa-tion, Directeur qualit,
Ingnieur assurance qualit, Auditeur, Consultant, Risk
Lobjectif principal est de favoriser le dveloppement
dynamique des comptences managriales et entrepre-
neuriales des participants, an de leur permettre dlargir
leur expertise, et dexercer des fonctions de management
et de leadership en gestion des oprations, supply chain et
pilotage de la performance, en environnement multiculturel
et international.
Trois dimensions essentielles caractrisent les comptences
dun Manager de la chane logistique et achats : les con-
naissances acquises, les caractristiques personnelles,
lexprience et la capacit dapprendre apprendre.
Accrditations professionnelles, liens avec les associations
Spcicits du programme :
- Ce programme alterne semaines de cours avec des
professionnels la pointe de leurs domaines et stages
rmunrs dans le secteur de votre choix.
- Le programme est structur suivant lapproche processus
du modle SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference
Model), standard international dvelopp par le Supply
Chain Council (SCC).
- Lensemble des certications proposes, ainsi que
lintervention des associations professionnelles dans ce
programme vous permettront dobtenir une reconnaissance
des recruteurs nationaux et internationaux et reprsentent
un rel atout pour votre carrire.
Certications professionnelles :
Dans la perspective de concilier haut niveau acadmique et
professionnalisation ce programme propose aux auditeurs
qui le souhaitent des connexions avec des certications et
diplmes professionnels en particulier : la prparation au
BASICS (Basics of Supply Chain Management) de lAPICS

The Association for Operations Management ; la prparation
aux Green Belt, Lean - Six Sigma, la certication au niveau
fondation de la mthodologie de gestion de projet

Liens avec les associations professionnelles et la recherche :
- SKEMA Business School a tiss des liens troits avec les
associations professionnelles nationales et internationales,
en particulier au plan du dveloppement des standards
internationaux et de la recherche.
- SKEMA Business School est investie dans : Supply Chain
Council (SCOR), APICS

The Association for Operations

Management, Association Franaise pour la Logistique
(ASLOG), Compagnie des Dirigeants et Acheteurs de
France (CDAF), CPIM de France, APM Group (PRINCE2

Octobre et fvrier
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
En suivant ce programme, les tudiants sont
amens :
- Dnir les stratgies Achats : sourcing,
construction des gammes, rdaction des
appels doffre, ngociation des prix et
conditions dachats avec les fournisseurs
- Piloter, analyser et optimiser les ux de la
Chane Logistique, analyser les processus
et les procdures, laborer des prvisions,
amliorer la performance.
Exemples de sujets de thse professionnelle :
- Comment diminuer les cots, et les stocks
tout en optimisant le service client ?
- Gestion de la performance fournisseur.
- Amlioration et prospective de tendance
du MRP II.
Alcan, Assystem brime, Auchan, Bridgestone/
Firestone, Cadbury, Cap gemini, Carrefour,
Castorama, logistique (Kingsher), Crdit
Agricole, EDF-GDF, Framatome (Areva), IBM
Global, Legrand, Lyonnaise Des Eaux, Nissan
Europe, Nocibe Parfumerie, La Poste, Quelle
France, La Redoute, SNCF, 3 Suisses France
Aprs dix ans comme coordinateur transport,
je souhaitais voluer sur le plan professionnel :
javais envie de rebooster ma carrire. De plus,
jai toujours gard en tte lide de travailler
linternational. En attendant de partir, je gre
dsormais la planication de la production en
tant que Mill Order Planning Co-Ordinator. La
formation SKEMA Business School fut pour moi
une exprience enrichissante tous les niveaux : je
me rappelle de lesprit dquipe et de la cohsion
du groupe ainsi form mais aussi de la qualit de
lenseignement : des professeurs universitaires et
des professionnels reconnus dans le monde de la
Autre atout de la formation : des certications
comme Prince 2, Six Sigma Green Belt, Scor Model
et aussi le BASICS, toutes trs utiles dans le milieu
de la Supply Chain .
Fabien SIMEONI, Diplm du MS Management de
la Chane logistique-Achats, Mill Order Planning Co-
Ordinator, Stora Enso
Directeur du programme
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
Frais de scolarit : 15 965
Planication, Stratgie de la chaine logistique & SCOR Model
S&OP & BPM Process + Sales & Marketing
Production Planning (Basics certication of Supply Chain Management)
Lean six sigma Management
Risk Management
Supply Relationship Management
Transport & distribution
Affectation des ressources de livraisons
Stratgie et Marketing Achats
Ngociation dAchat
Sustainable SCM and Ethical Purchasing
Management des systmes dinformation
Gestion de Projets (Prince 2

Management dquipes et Comptences Sociales
Supply Chain Audit & Purchasing audit (ASLOG)
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 464
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale
tudiante sont comprises dans ces frais.
Programme enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit professionnelle.
Chef de projets, assistant chef de programme ou de
portefeuille, assistant PMO, consultant en gestion de projet,
de programme ou de portefeuille, ingnieur planning,
Contrleur nancier, Responsable qualit projet.
Le programme permet toute personne dacqurir la bote
outils indispensable en gestion de projets et de programmes
pour :
- Faire voluer sa carrire et largir son primtre dactivits.
- Se reconvertir.
- Se perfectionner.
- Grer la complexit et le changement.
Le programme permettra aux participants de mettre en
perspective les pratiques utilises dans les organisations par
rapport aux pratiques de rfrence en gestion de projet et de
Ils deviendront les leviers incontournables pour amliorer la
performance globale de lorganisation.
- Le programme est dispens en alternance sur la base
dune semaine de cours et de trois semaines en entreprise
pour une mise en pratique immdiate des connaissances
- Les participants vivront dans un environnement
international et multiculturel au sein de leur promotion.
- Des tudes de cas, des simulations et des retours
dexprience exposs par des professionnels de diffrentes
industries compltent lenseignement dispens.
- Les participants sont forms pour passer les certications
internationales PMI


et MSP

SKEMA Business School est centre PMI

Global Registered
Education Provider (R.E.P. No 1435) et PRINCE2


Accredited Training Organisation (ATO).
Les auditeurs dveloppent leurs connaissances et savoir-
faire en travaillant sur des projets rels en entreprise durant
le stage quils ont effectuer pendant le programme.
Une thse professionnelle est associe ce stage en
entreprise. Le corps professoral attache une attention
particulire sur la qualit de ce travail personnel et sur
ladquation de ce travail avec les besoins des organisations.
Parmi les sujets abords gurent notamment : le
dploiement de la technique de la valeur acquise dans
lindustrie aronautique, le rle des comptences
interpersonnelles en gestion de projet, la mise en place dun
rfrentiel de gestion de projet dans le domaine des armes,
la mise uvre de la mthode ABC costing dans une socit
Airbus, Alstom Transport, General Electric Healthcare,
Thomson Reuters, Compagnie des wagons lits, Valeo,
Lacoste, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Gemalto, NQI, Maltem,
Innovateam, Wynnesystems, Thals, PCubed, Toyota,
Renault, Bombardier, Dassault, Veolia, GDF SUEZ, Areva,
SNCF, Air Liquide, Accenture, Altran, BNP Paribas, Caisse
dEpargne, Cegos, Dcathlon, Delphi, Eurogiciel, Eurogroup
Consulting, Michael Page, Faurecia, IBM, Aroports de Paris,
RENTRES : Octobre & fvrier
PRINCE2 est une marque
dpose d AXELOS Limited
MSP est une marque
dpose d AXELOS Limited
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
La formation Management Projets et
Programmes de SKEMA offre non seulement un
panel de mthodes et doutils ncessaires tout
chef de projet mais aussi participe activement au
dveloppement personnel.
Lutilisation des bonnes pratiques des standards
internationaux comme PRINCE2

et PMI

ma permis
de garder sous contrle tous les diffrents projets
dont javais la gestion.
Le rseau multiculturel, les changes avec des
professionnels et les tudes de cas mont permis
damliorer ma matrise de la complexit des
environnements multiculturels
Les expertises mtiers transmises par SKEMA ont
t les leviers pour atteindre un poste de chef de
projet organisationnel chez ATOS.
Aujourdhui, ma mission principale est dinstaurer
et/ou daccompagner les entreprises dans la mise en
uvre de la gestion de projets et programmes.
Matthieu LOUIS - Diplm MS Management Projets
et Programmes
Comme tudiante du MS en Management
des Projets et Programmes, je dois dire que ce
programme fournit aux tudiants un grand nombre
davantages qui les aideront dans leur carrire
Un apprentissage actif : lalternance trois
semaines en entreprise, une en cours favorise un
apprentissage actif des connaissances outils et
mthodes associes la gestion de projets et de
programmes. Les tudiants mettent immdiatement
en uvre les connaissances acquises. Cet
apprentissage actif est renforc par les changes
quont les tudiants entre eux lorsquils se
retrouvent en cours. Les diffrences de pratiques
des organisations sont discutes et cela renforce
lapproche oprationnelle du programme. Des
tudes de cas viennent renforcer cet apprentissage.
Un rseau multiculturel : le programme rassemble
des tudiants dune quinzaine de pays diffrents.
Cela fournit une grande richesse dans les changes
et les enseignements qui favorisent la matrise des
environnements multiculturels.
Des CV reconnus internationalement : le programme
forme les tudiants aux principales certications
la gestion de projet reconnues de par le monde et
leur permet de les passer. Les organisations sont
assures avec ce programme de recruter des cadres
matrisant les standards internationaux.
Elena VASILYEVA - Diplme MS Management
Projets et Programmes
Planication et Microsoft Project
Organiser des projets : outils et techniques pour russir un projet
Certication de gestion de projets amricaine : PMI

Certication de gestion de projets britannique : PRINCE2

Certication de gestion de programmes britannique : MSP


Comptences en leadership et dveloppement personnel
Management dquipes virtuelles et multiculturelles
Grer les parties prenantes et inuencer le paysage social
Marketing de projet
Gestion de programmes et de portefeuilles
Modles de maturit (OPM3, CMMI)
Performance de projet et tableaux de bord
Conduite du changement
Analyse nancire & processus dinvestissement
Management stratgique des projets complexes
Business Plan et Business Models
Curriculum vitae, lettre de motivation, prparation aux entretiens de recrutement
Mthodologies pour la thse professionnelle
Rdaction de la thse professionnelle
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 455
Directeur du programme
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
Frais de scolarit : 15 965
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms SKEMA Alumni
et la Scurit Sociale tudiante sont comprises dans ces frais.
(Co-accrditation Conservatoire national des arts et mtiers - SKEMA Business School).
Programme enseign pour moiti Paris (campus Cnam Paris et Fontainebleau)
et Sophia-Antipolis en franais/anglais. Temps complet.
Ce programme vise former les spcialistes de lhtellerie de
demain capables de sadapter un environnement touristique
complexe avec une vision innovante et prospective. Les mtiers
et les fonctions viss sont :
- Directeur dhtel, cadres de grandes chanes htelires
dimension internationale (directeur dtablissement,
directeur marketing, banqueting, etc.).
- Directeurs ou cadres en charge de lencadrement dquipe
dans le secteur rceptif de clientle internationale
(tourisme daffaires, vnementiels), ainsi que des
compagnies ariennes, des tour-oprateurs ou des rseaux
dagences de voyages.
- Directeur de salon, gestionnaire de sites dexposition,
organisateur de manifestations commerciales (foires,
salons et congrs).
- Cadres auprs dorganismes internationaux et nationaux
vocation touristique ou ayant une dimension touristique
- Consultants, experts, formateurs.
Ce programme vise former des professionnels franais
et trangers aux spcicits de lhtellerie internationale,
secteur en volution permanente, entre mondialisation et
concurrence internationale, diversication des clientles
et dmatrialisation des ux. Il permettra aux futurs
managers ou cadres de structures htelires et de groupes
structurs dapprhender ces ralits conomiques et
techniques: contraintes managriales et nancires,
diffrenciation des produits notamment par la qualit
environnementale du service, technologisation de la relation
avec clients et distributeurs et volution de lexprience des
Ce Mastre bilingue permet de renforcer ses comptences
professionnelles :
- en gestion : organisation et gestion des entreprises de
service, back ofce - front ofce, gestion comptable,
gestion nancire, contrle de gestion, gestion des
achats, cadre juridique et scal des entreprises htelires,
gestion des ressources humaines, gestion de projet ou de
produit touristique, marketing des services, prospection,
vente et distribution, conception de loffre touristique,
communication touristique, mthodologie de projet de
recherche applique au tourisme, management stratgique
des projets touristiques, marketing stratgique de
lhtellerie, stratgie nancire et contrle de gestion,
stratgie gnrale et direction dentreprise,
- en tourisme : gestion des structures htelires et des
resorts, matrise de lorganisation et des destinations en
tourisme international, prospective du tourisme mondial,
dveloppement de projets durables (tourisme, socit
et patrimoine), techniques de vente et de lobbying,
informatique de gestion et commerce lectronique, mise
en place et mesure des rsultats dun projet stratgique,
conduite dune mission professionnelle, management de
projets, management des structures daccueil, informatique
de gestion et commerce lectronique, spcialits
sectorielles : vnements, hospitality, offres touristiques,
- en management des activits de service : art de la relation
client, management de la diversit culturelle, art de la
ngociation et sens du rsultat, tiquette et comportement
social, capacit lanimation touristique, capacit
la mobilisation des clients et des quipes, langues et
cultures des grands marchs touristiques, sociabilit
(sduire, inuencer, convaincre), capacits cratives et
innovation, autonomie et mobilit internationale, matrise
du management dquipes internationales, leadership
dentreprise (commandement, rseau), capacit de prise de
risque et de dcision stratgique.
Cette formation associe des professionnels reconnus du
secteur lexcellence acadmique et permet une approche :
- globale et novatrice sur lensemble des composantes du
tourisme international, sur lensemble des moyens daction
et des ressources, sur les mthodologies de management
et organisation des structures rceptives ou de conception
de systmes qualit satisfaisant les souhaits et les
exigences des diffrentes parties prenantes,
- intgre au niveau des stratgies de dveloppement
- concrte car lenseignement sera assur par des
experts universitaires ou de bureaux dtudes, par
des reprsentants des collectivits, des organisations
professionnelles ou des entreprises,
- internationale, par les enseignants, le recrutement des
candidats, et les situations prsentes dans les cours,
- ouverte sur les volutions et les ressources de demain par
lintervention de cadres de grandes entreprises dans les
diffrents domaines concerns.
RENTRE : Octobre
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700 - Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700 - Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
Le projet en entreprise dure tout au long de la
formation. Il se termine par une soutenance et un
rapport de stage qui conduit la rdaction de la
thse professionnelle. La mission en entreprise
se droule, en France ou ltranger, dans
lentreprise dorigine des tudiants ou dans un
autre organisme pour les tudiants non salaris.
Le ou les thmes abords dans ce projet sont
directement en lien avec le management de projet
dhtellerie internationale. Le stage peut conduire
la rdaction dun rapport technique qui est
intgr la Thse Professionnelle ; cette thse est
un mmoire de recherche sur une problmatique
lie lhtellerie dans un contexte international.
Accor, Club Mditerrane, Pierre et vacances,
Disneyland Paris, Carlson Wagonlit travel, Deloitte,
Centre national de formation de la fonction publique
territoriale (CNFPT), CCI Paris, CCI Seine et Marne, CCI
Nice Cte dAzur, CCI Isre, Foires, salons, congrs
et vnements de France (FSCEF), Syndicat national
des agences de voyage (SNAV), Union des mtiers
de lindustrie et de lhtellerie (UMIH), Syndicat des
Hteliers de Cannes et Nice , Mairie de Paris, Conseil
gnral de Seine et Marne, Conseil rgional Rhne-
Alpes, Mairie de Grenoble, Conseil gnral des Alpes
Maritimes, Communaut dagglomration de Sophia-
Antipolis, Mairie de Nice, Fairmont, Mandarin Oriental,
Radisson, Socit des Bains de Mer de Monaco, htels
Relais et Chteaux, Starwood, htels indpendants,
Socits dorganisation et management dvnement
telles que MCI, etc. Des dbouchs sont aussi possibles
avec des organisations territoriales institutionnelles.
Ce Mastre Spcialis est soutenu par
lInstitut Franais du Tourisme (IFT),
rseau de Ples dexcellence vocation
internationale en matire de recherche
et de formation dans les mtiers du
Stratgies et politiques touristiques en France
Montage et gestion des projets touristiques
Les grandes organisations
Instruments techniques de gouvernance touristique
Htellerie internationale : offre et stratgies des acteurs
Management htelier
Gestion nancire et relations avec les propritaires
Nouvelles technologies, rservations et cohrence tarifaire
Marketing Htelier
Qualit et dveloppement durable
Mission en entreprise
Thse Professionnelle
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 400
De formation htelire, je souhaitais intgrer un mastre me
permettant de mieux apprhender un territoire. La richesse des intervenants,
des confrences et des visites ma permis de dvelopper une vision plus
globale. Une vritable plonge au cur des enjeux du tourisme, du produit
premier aux plus belles russites de lhtellerie et de la restauration. Chaque
visite et surtout chaque rencontre tait riche en apprentissage. Une superbe
exprience entre la Cte dAzur et Paris Ile de France !
Marion MANDUCHER - Diplme MS MIH, yield manager Fairmont Hotel,
Jai choisi le Mastre Spcialis pour la richesse de points de vue quil
apporte : SKEMA propose un enseignement de qualit, reconnu, complt
par la pdagogie et la culture du CNAM. Les intervenants que nous
avons rencontrs nous permettent davoir la vision de professionnels au
plus prs de la ralit du terrain. Le petit groupe dlves, aux parcours
diffrents, nous a permis de bncier dun programme adapt, interactif,
Olga HIPEAU - Diplme MS MIH, sales coordinator, Sotel New York
Les mtiers de lHtellerie ont beaucoup volu depuis une dizaines
dannes, notamment par lmergence de nouvelles clientles
internationales et lutilisation des nouvelles technologies dinformation.
Les groupes hteliers ont un besoin important de recruter des cadres venus
dhorizons diffrents, ouverts et maitrisant ces nouveaux outils, la gestion de
la relation client comme les langues trangres. Ces besoins sont amplis
par la mobilit professionnelle propose aux jeunes collaborateurs,
notamment dans les nouveaux marchs du tourisme international. Ce
Mastre Spcialis, co-accrdit par le Cnam et SKEMA
est dans ce contexte trs pertinent.
Yves LACHERET - Directeur Marketing et Distribution Accor France
Reprsentant du Groupe ACCOR au conseil dadministration de lInstitut
Franais du Tourisme
Directeurs du programme
Programme SKEMA : Frdric DIMANCHE
Programme Cnam : Brice DUTHION
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms
SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale tudiante
sont comprises dans ces frais.
Frais de scolarit : 13.965
Programme enseign Sophia-Antipolis en franais.
Temps complet.
Consultant pour un cabinet spcialis DD : stratgie DD,
innovation business modles, accompagnement de
Charg innovation DD en entreprise : structuration et accom-
pagnement dune dmarche transversale DD, pilotage de
projets DD innovants, ingnieur R&D;
Cration dentreprise et accompagnement de projets entre-
preneuriaux : savoir identier des niches de march DD
innovantes, savoir incuber un projet innovant DD.
De plus en plus dtudes montrent que linnovation durable
est indispensable pour la prennit et la cration de valeur
dans les entreprises. Ce thme, qui dstabilise souvent les
dirigeants, est pourtant au cur des enjeux de demain. Ce
sont les clefs de cette innovation durable, intrinsquement
lie la transformation de lentreprise, que le programme
transmet aux tudiants. Innovation et nouveaux business
modles sont au cur de lenseignement, pour permettre
aux tudiants de crer ou daccompagner des organisations
ou des territoires alliant efcience et durabilit.
- Un programme compltement revisit, n dune rexion
en profondeur sur les besoins mergeants des entreprises
- Une comptence croise unique, alliant innovation,
nouveaux business modles et entreprenariat (au sens
large du terme : cration dentreprises ou mise en place de
projet innovant au sein dune structure existante)
- Des liens trs forts avec des initiatives innovantes sur
le territoire, auxquelles les tudiants sont amens
- Une forte reconnaissance par le monde professionnel
- Appui au dveloppement dun fonds damorage thique
et solidaire pour les entrepreneurs, pour une association
de dveloppement conomique
- Co-cration et innovation frugale dans une start up de
- Ingnieur innovation durable, dpartement R&D dune
entreprise de matriel lectrique
- Charge de mission dans un programme daccompagne-
ment RSE destin aux PME
- Charge de mission innovation et construction durable
dans un cabinet spcialis DD
- Lintgration dune dmarche RSE aux premiers stades de
la cration dune entreprise est-elle un facteur contributif
son succs et sa prennisation ?
- Le dveloppement des impacts positifs de linnovation
frugale par le biais de linnovation ouverte
- La comprhension des enjeux stratgiques du DD par les
dirigeants de PME passe-t-il par un outil de sensibilisation
ddi ?
Vinci, GDF Suez, Lyonnaise des Eaux, Amadeus, PME
souhaitant structurer leurs dmarches DD et RSE, CCI PACA
et CCI Nice Cte dAzur, WWF, PricewatehouseCoopers, Ernst
and Young, Graines de Changement, Utopies, ...
RENTRE : Octobre
Ancieenneemennt : MMannaagemment t Straattgiqque du Dveloppement Durable
Le mastre volue dun programme gnraliste, vers un programme ax sur une comprhension profonde de la nalit de
lentreprise, de ses enjeux stratgiques, et de sa capacit se transformer, au travers des nouveaux business modles, au
service de la comptitivit et du dveloppement durable.
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
Etant issue dune cole dingnieur, avec une
spcialisation en management environnemental, jai
ressenti ensuite le besoin daller encore plus loin.
Le MS Business Modles Durables a t pour
moi une vritable ouverture desprit, un vrai
pas en avant permettant dasseoir encore plus
mon projet professionnel et ma maturit face
des sujets complexes. Dans un monde o les
ressources samenuisent, il faut repenser le mode de
fonctionnement des organisations. Cest ainsi que
lconomie de la fonctionnalit, lconomie de la
circularit, les bonnes pratiques de Responsabilit
Sociale des Entreprises prennent tout leur sens !
Grce au bagage acquis, jai pu tre convaincante
lors de mon stage et tre embauche lissue de
Hlne COSSIC - Promotion 2012 - 2013
Ingnieur chez Barjane

Mon anne, ralise dans le cadre dun CIF
(Cong Individuel de Formation), a t la fois
laboutissement dun processus dvolution et de
qute de sens professionnels et personnels mais
galement le dbut dune nouvelle aventure puisque
jy ai rencontr ma future associe.
Le MS Business Modles Durables ma apport
une vision transverse, une hauteur de vue et des
comptences directement mobilisables pour
apprhender toute la richesse et la complexit
du dveloppement durable. La diversit dge,
de formation, dexpriences des tudiants
mle la multiplicit des enseignements (cas
pratiques, stages, missions collectives, thse
professionnelle, ) font de cette formation un
cursus complet. Nous sortons de cette anne prts
accompagner les entreprises et les organisations
dans leur changement et volutions de pratiques.
En nous incitant voir les choses autrement et
repenser les business modles, ce Mastre ouvre le
champ des possibles.
Corinne TRIBOLET - Promotion 2012 2013
Cratrice dentreprise
Directrice du programme
Laurence BERLIE
La structure dtaille du programme pourra tre consulte sur le site web :
Module 1 : Le monde daujourdhui versus le monde de demain :
Comment inscrire son dveloppement dans un avenir durable ?
I - Comment apprhender la complexit et lincertitude accrue du
monde dans lequel nous vivons ? Quelles leons en tirer pour crer
de nouveaux espaces de cration de valeur ?
- Le DD : histoire et concepts
- Comprendre les enjeux environnementaux, sociaux, conomiques et
organisationnels dun monde en forte mutation
- Prospective : quoi sert-elle ? Savoir couter les signaux faibles.
- Economie de lenvironnement
I I - Comment le droit et les normes faonnent lentreprise
- Droit de lenvironnement : grenelles et aprs ; droit europen ;
veille juridique
- Gouvernance et reporting DD
- ISO 26000 et gestion des parties prenantes
Module 2 : Stratgie, innovation et nouveaux business modles
Stratgie et DD : Intgrer le DD au cur du processus de cration de valeur
Monter et grer un projet DD : quelles diffrences ; comment grer un
projet multi-acteurs ? Comment grer un projet de manire agile ?
Mthode pour guider linnovateur : la mthode ISMA360 *
Innover sur les business models : comment mettre de nouveaux
modles au service de la cration de valeur conomique et socitale ?
Sminaire : cration dune activit nouvelle fonde sur les business
modles innovants, et accompagn par ISMA360
La mobilit durable : quels enjeux et quelles rponses systmiques ?
(sminaire de lADEME)
Analyse de cycle de vie et co conception
Ecodesign et co-efcience
Linnovation inverse : que peut-on apprendre des pays mergeants ?
Partenariats ONG-entreprises et public-priv : des outils pour la
fertilisation croise et la maximisation des ressources ddies au DD
Entreprises et territoires : comment crer de la valeur et de linnovation
dans un territoire ?
* ISMA360 Marque dpose SKEMA Business School Auteur Dominique Vian
Module 3 : Promouvoir son projet DD en interne et en externe
Sminaire sur lentreprise collaborative
Quand et comment introduire un projet innovant ?
La maturit de lentreprise face aux rponses innovantes
Sminaire daccompagnement du changement sur les projets innovants
Financements lis linnovation et au DD
Valorisation conomique des dmarches RSE, valorisation de
Marketing durable
Communication durable et responsable
Savoir pitcher pour convaincre : comment convaincre avec les bons mots
Avoir la bonne attitude pour convaincre : thtre et ngociation
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications.
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 450
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms
SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale tudiante
sont comprises dans ces frais.
Frais de scolarit : 13.965
Programme enseign Lille en franais.
Compatible avec une activit professionnelle.
Juriste-scaliste intgr au sein du dpartement juridique
et scal ou du service comptabilit dune entreprise,
collaborateur de cabinets dexpertise comptable, daudit ou
davocats, chargs de mission pour les questions juridiques
et scales au sein dorganismes professionnels.
En cas daccs la profession davocat, de notaire ou
dexpert-comptable, possibilit de spcialisation en Droit
Il sagit de mettre en harmonie les besoins profonds
et concrets des entreprises et les meilleurs enseignements
et outils pdagogiques an de donner :
- Aux participants du Mastre Spcialis (MS), les
connaissances et la culture ncessaires la comprhension
de la Gestion Fiscale par une formation diplmante de haut
- Aux entreprises, tudes et cabinets, la possibilit de
disposer de collaborateurs aux comptences renforces,
et de rencontrer trs tt de futurs collaborateurs dj
imprgns de leur mtier.
En dautres termes, le principal objectif du programme
est de donner aux participants un socle de connaissances
regroupant toute la matire scale concernant les
entreprises, an quils disposent de bases sufsamment
solides pour tre mme dapprhender les diffrents
aspects dune problmatique. Lassimilation de ces
connaissances est facilite par ltude de nombreux cas
concrets, les enseignants ayant tous une exprience
professionnelle, voire une notorit importante dans le
- Une formation diplmante complte et scalement
responsable pour transmettre les meilleures pratiques
dans le respect de la rglementation.
- Une formation trs professionnalisante car dispense par
des intervenants praticiens et donnant accs des stages
en entreprises ou cabinets avec perspectives dembauches.
- Assistance aux liales dun grand groupe en matire de
TVA, Douane et Fiscalit Indirecte.
- Assistance scale dans un cabinet davocats daffaires.
- Familiarisation avec la scalit luxembourgeoise et
tablissement des documents lgaux dans un cabinet
Exemples de thses professionnelles :
- Lintrt dimplanter une socit holding en Belgique.
- Llimination de la double imposition des ux
- Le Private Equity et lattrait scal du Luxembourg.
- Les problmatiques scales et comptables dun parc olien.
- Fiscalit et nances, deux stratgies fortement lies dans
les restructurations et le dveloppement des groupes.
Arc International, BNP Paribas, Caisse dEpargne, Castorama,
Chaintrier & Associes, Deloitte Luxembourg, EADS, Elis, Ernst
& Young France et Luxembourg, Etude Monassier & Associs,
Fidal, Groupe Auchan, KPMG Rgion Nord et Luxembourg,
Landwell & Associs, Leroy Merlin sige social, LVMH,
Ministre des Finances, Nexity, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Luxembourg, Rambaud Martel, Rexel Developpement,
Schneider Electric, 3 Suisses
RENTRE : Octobre
Contacts :
>tudiants franais :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : ou
>tudiants internationaux :
Etats Unis : +1.919.535.5700
Chine : +86 6260 8988
France : +33(0)
Jai intgr le Mastre Gestion Fiscale de
lEntreprise de SKEMA Business School an de
donner une orientation beaucoup plus business
mes tudes de droit et intgrer les grands cabinets
davocats daffaires. Aprs 5 ans de fac, il me fallait
un double cursus droit-affaires, non seulement pour
dvelopper une nouvelle expertise mais galement
apprendre grer un cabinet comme un vrai chef
dentreprise (dmarches commerciales avec les
clients, management dquipe).
Le premier avantage du Mastre est que les
enseignants sont issus de tous les mtiers ayant
trait la scalit (avocats, inspecteur des impts,
expert-comptable et notaires), ce qui permet davoir
une vision globale des enjeux de la matire et de
tisser des liens avec des professionnels reconnus.
Le mcanisme de lalternance (cours le vendredi
et samedi matin) est trs intressant galement
car il permet dappliquer concrtement en stage la
semaine ce que lon apprend en cours sans devoir
attendre la n de lanne scolaire.
Le souvenir le plus marquant de mon anne
SKEMA est lorsque nous nous sommes runis pour
une simulation de commission dpartementale des
impts directs et des taxes sur le chiffre daffaires.
Nous avons tous eu de vifs changes sur les
dossiers que nous avions traiter !
Grce ce Mastre et mon stage actuel au sein
du dpartement droit scal du cabinet GIDE
LOYRETTE NOUEL Paris, je me destine devenir
avocat daffaires et ouvrir mon propre cabinet dans
quelques annes.
Julien DEBELS - Diplm MS Gestion Fiscale de
Droit Fiscal :
Gnralits I (Aperu gnral de la Fiscalit)
Gnralits II (Approche de la Comptabilit dEntreprise)
Gnralits III (T.V.A.)
Impts locaux
Contrle Fiscal Contentieux
Mthodologie - Audit Fiscal
Culture Gnrale Fiscale
Simulation Commission des Impts ou Interlocution
Fiscalit Immobilire
- Les professionnels
- Les particuliers
Gestion Fiscale du Patrimoine
Fiscalit Internationale
International Taxation Case Studies*
La T.V.A. et le Commerce International
Cration, vie, transformation, disparition dune Entreprise
Fiscalit de Groupe, oprations de restructuration
Thse Professionnelle dont stage ou activit professionnelle
Total de crdits ECTS : 75 dont 30 pour la thse professionnelle
Total dheures : 400

* en anglais
Directrice du programme
Brigitte de FOUCHER
Ces informations sont donnes titre indicatif et sont susceptibles de modications
Aujourdhui les entreprises ont besoin de scalistes
non seulement experts des lois nationales, mais aussi
capables danticiper les volutions du mtier.
Le Mastre Spcialis en Gestion Fiscale de lEntreprise
comble cette lacune dans les offres de formation
destines aux scalistes dentreprise.
Ltendue du programme, qui inclut notamment la
rvision des fondamentaux et un puissant module
de scalit internationale, donne aux participants
la polyvalence dont ils ont besoin pour exercer avec
justesse leurs responsabilits quotidiennes.
Les problmatiques sont traites en profondeur, par des
enseignants de grande qualit, avec un souci permanent
de cohrence.
Une mention particulire est accorde aux modules
de mthodologie et de culture gnrale scale, qui
largissent encore la vision du monde de la scalit.
Les nombreuses interventions de praticiens assurent,
par ailleurs, ladaptation permanente aux besoins
concrets des entreprises.
Cest une formation idale pour des jeunes ou des
professionnels qui souhaitent voluer dans le domaine
du droit scal ou conrmer leurs talents.
Pour les entreprises, cest le moyen de former au
meilleur moment des collaborateurs souhaitant franchir
un nouveau cap dans leur carrire.

Directeur Fiscal
La cotisation vie lassociation des diplms
SKEMA Alumni et la Scurit Sociale tudiante
sont comprises dans ces frais.
Frais de scolarit : 13.965
Career opportunities
Internal and external auditing; consulting, specialised auditing
(IT, marketing), management controlling, industrial management
controlling, consolidation management, chartered accountancy,
administrative and nancial management.
Programme outline
This programme is designed to help participants develop an
in-depth understanding of audit, management control and
information systems, and of the dierent ways they contribute to
competitive advantage, wealth and the advancement of society.
The MSc provides students with a range of knowledge, tools
and skills and the ability to use them in a variety of operational
and entrepreneurial situations in order to become responsible
managers and contribute to sustainable development.
Students develop the ability to think analytically in order to
successfully apply their knowledge and technical expertise to the
solution of real business problems.
The programme supports and encourages students to develop
their individual managerial and research capabilities in order to
become key actors of change for their companies, profession and
the global business environment.
Why choose this programme
Preparation for the main national or international professional
certications in the elds of audit and management control
Lectures delivered mainly by international experts
Immediate practical application of the knowledge, tools and
skills thanks to the educational rhythm alternating one semester
of lectures (from September to December), and four months of full
internship in a company (from January to April), and then another
semester of lectures (from May to July); this rhythm takes into
account the specicity of big auditing rms.
In the Sophia Antipolis campus the programme is available in
apprenticeship system.
Links with professional bodies and research, at national and
international level (IFACI, DFCG, CIMA)
International certications. With a view to gaining the
high academic and professional levels this course includes
preparation for the main professional certications and diplomas
in the eld (the student must choose between the following:
CIMA Certicates Certicate in Business Accounting, Advanced
Diploma in Management Accounting, Internal Audit degree from
IFACI, CISA certicate in information system audit).
In-company projects and assignments
Preparation of management accounts
Planning, budgeting, and forecasting management reporting
for decision-making
Product and service costing
Information management
Project Appraisal
Project Management
Working Capital Control
The impact of the setting up of a new information system on
management control
The impact of the setting up of a new decisional data
processing on a management control system
The optimal organisation of software bricks within an
Partner companies
Accenture, BNP Paribas, Caisse dEpargne, Cap Gemini, Deloitte
France and Luxembourg, Ernst & Young, Galeries La Fayette,
Grant Thornton, KPMG France and Luxembourg, Mazars,
Pricewaterhousecoopers France and Luxembourg.
MSc Auditing,
Management Accounting
and Information Systems
Programme taught in English* at the Paris campus
and in French/English at the Sophia Antipolis campus
This MSc is accredited by the Confrence des Grandes Ecoles
Intake: September
* The Management Accounting professional specialisation is
offered in English, and is specic to the MSc in Paris. However
students can also choose a specialisation totally or partially
delivered in French (external auditing, internal auditing or
information systems), in this case a good level of French is
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Directors
Paris: Raluca Sandu
Sophia Antipolis: Maxime Peltier
Tuition fees
15 965
Programme structure
Welcome seminars (2 days)
Core modules
Management Control
Performance Management 20 2
New Trends in Management Control 30 4
Audit and International
Certification 30 4
Group Accounting 30 4
Internal Audit 30 3
Information Systems
Information Systems and Management Control 30 3
Decision Support Systems 30 4
Transversal modules
Globalisation 15 3
Research methodology 15 2
Project MAnagement 15 2
Valuation of Intangible Assets 15 2
Advanced Strategy 15 3
Value based Management and Innovation 15 2
Setting in professional situations
Business Project and Effective Decision Making 30 4
Management Simulation 30 4
Professional and Personal Development 10 2
Professional specialisation -
preparation for professional
certificates 1 choice from : 90 12
Internal Audit (French)
External Audit (French & English)
Management Control (English)
Information Systems (French)
Dissertation - 30
TOTAL 450 90
Lu Wang, class of 2012

Studying the MSc Auditing, Management Accounting

& Information Systems at SKEMA Business School is one
of the best choices I have made. The professors are highly
qualied and make the courses easy to understand. The
courses are useful and meaningful.
We also get practical information on how to develop our
careers by talking it over with these experienced teachers.
Thanks to the courses we are able to nd jobs more easily,
and I mean that for foreign students too.
I am now doing my internship in Paris at the Compagnie
Rgionale des Commissaires aux Compte de Paris. Im
in charge of researching different auditing standards in
European countries
Mathilde Carbonnelle, class of 2012

I have always been attracted by both management

accounting and audit, and the MSc programme in
SKEMA was exactly what I was looking for and expected.
The courses, but also the international aspect of the
programme, were two important criteria for my last year of
I have met very nice people on this MSc, and I have been
lucky to spend this year with students from many different
countries and cultures.
Courses were given by international teachers and
professionals, expert and competent, which denitely
improved my knowledge. The MSc allows us to follow
a specialisation, which was another chance to further
reinforce my skills before starting on the job market.
I am now doing my internship in an accounting & audit
rm, Cabinet Rougagnou-CGA, where I am working as a
junior auditor. This is a very good experience and a strong
basis for my thesis.
Sinthujaan Edmond - class of 2011

The quality of the teachers expertise and their

contributions means the MSc not only lives up to
but exceeds students expectations. Also, the MScs
combination of theory with its application has given me
practical experience. In the current economic climate,
companies prefer to hire people who have practical
experience. The MSc Auditing, Management Accounting
and Information Systems has given me the tools to start
my career, whatever the climate!
This SKEMA MSc is widely renowned; so much so that
a large number of students had already found work in
companies even before the end of the years studies.
These details are for information only and may be changed by the school
without prior notice.
Career opportunities
Financial managers
Treasury managers
Credit analysts
Business development managers
Internal auditors
Financial controllers
Programme outline
Careers in corporate nance are undergoing critical changes in
the global economy. Practitioners have to face new demands
and challenges, and become true business partners at decision
making levels.
The programme aims at providing participants with solid
technical knowledge and skills, as well as the transversal
competencies which are required to manage complex nancial
situations in an international environment. Special emphasis is
placed on innovative tools and practices.
Participants are trained on real life case studies, which focus
attention on business and the role of nancial management in
market/customer driven strategies.
Why choose this programme
The use of blended learning methods means that class time is
optimised for individualised guidance and discussion of the
practical application of theories.
Participants receive personalised instruction from teachers where
it is most needed.
Class sizes are kept relatively small, so participants can build
fruitful relationships with each other and develop a community
of best practices in their own eld of experience.
Furthermore the programme has an academic committee of
industry representatives and corporate partners who review the
programme every year so that its content is kept in line and
up-to-date with the needs of the market.
In-company projects and assignments
Implementation of a balanced scorecard for strategic
performance management in a multinational software company
Business development of new structured products on the
French market
Partner companies
EADS, Crdit du Nord,Thomson, Faurecia, Dell, Deloitte,
Ernst & Young
Jrmy Prats, class of 2012

After experiences working in banking nance, audit and

M&A, I wanted to formalise the knowledge I had gained by doing
the MSc in Corporate Financial Management.
The programme started by a quick, but necessary, review of the
basics of corporate nance and then went deeper and deeper
into the nancial techniques. The proportion of personal versus
teamwork was well balanced and the workload outside class
was manageable. Courses were relevant and teachers were
competent, available and highly involved.
On a personal perspective, the master gave me the key
competences to work in M&A, competences such as valuation
techniques or qualitative analysis of mergers.
I started a position within an M&A advisory rm, Greenlight
Partners, right after the end of the MSc. I am in charge of the
analysis and the documentation production related to merger and
acquisitions transactions.
Guillaume Pastor, Class of 2012

After an internship working in a key corporate accounts

department, I felt the need to add additional skills, particularly in
corporate nance. Thats why I chose this MSc at SKEMA.
This experience has enabled me to meet students from dierent
cultural backgrounds and develop a sound network as well as
better intercultural interaction skills.
The MSc can be divided in two parts: the rst semester focuses
on the theoretical aspects of corporate nance and associated
topics (international nancial management, nancial analysis,
etc.) whereas the second semester focuses more on the empirical
approach with a lot of group work on a broad array of elds
(nancial communication, company valuation, etc.) leading to
professional presentations.
I now feel ready to work in the nance environment thanks to the
dierent analytical and practical skills Ive acquired throughout
the year.
Im about to start my internship at Socit Gnrale Private
Banking in Monaco. Ill be assisting the international desk and
taking care of clients treasury, as well as marketing activities.
MSc Corporate
Financial Management
Programme taught in English at the Paris, Lille and Sophia Antipolis
Intakes: January & September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Directors
Lille: Sabine Masurel
Paris: Hiba Hajj Chehade
Sophia Antipolis: Devraj Basu
Programme structure
Core Finance
Assets Valuation 4
Financial Analysis 4
Financial Modelling with Excel 4
International Financial Economics 4
Corporate Finance
Corporate Risk Management 4
Long-term Financing 4
Corporate Restructuring 4
Reporting and Financial Communication 4
Banking Relations 4
Cross Border Mergers 2
Value Creation and
Performance Management 4
Business Skills
Globalisation 3
Strategy 3
SKEMA DNA: Ethics 2
Intangible Assets Valuation 2
Governance and Risk Management 2
Professional & Personal
Development - Dissertation
Personal Development 2
Research Methods & Statistical Methods 4
Dissertation 30
Tuition fees
15 965
Approximate course time not including individual and project
work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the
school without prior notice.
Claire Couson, class of 2012

After one years experience as a nancial analyst

in a rating agency, I decided to complete my academic
background with this MSc. The programme enabled me to
enhance my nancial skills but overall it provided me with a
better grasp to fully understand current nancial issues.
I have had the opportunity to gain knowledge from an
impressive mixture of professionals and academics in
corporate nance, all of them adding their own value to the
courses. They provided us with tools that we are all going
to use in our professional lives and taught us to behave as
responsible nance executives. Furthermore, professors were
highly involved in our learning experience.
The balance between group projects and self-studying was
adequate and I had the opportunity to meet fantastic people
sharing similar interests, professional ambitions and a taste
for celebration and conviviality.
I have already started my internship as an investment adviser
at a private bank in Monaco. I participate in the elaboration
of investment strategies for high net worth individuals. My
missions require me to have a transversal knowledge of
existing nancial products from the simplest bond or stock to
the most sophisticated hedging option - SKEMA has denitely
helped me in approaching these themes.
MSc Financial Markets
and Investments
Programme taught in English at the Paris,
Raleigh & Sophia Antipolis campuses
Career opportunities
Trader, broker, sales analyst, risk manager, controller, investment
Programme outline
The programme this year has been remodelled to take into
account the new normal. The programme educates students in a
personalised academic environment for success in a wide variety
of nance jobs. It gives students practical expertise in the key
areas of nance within the new post crisis (2008 and today again)
nancial environment in the elds of trading, risk management,
sales, investment advisory, sustainable nance Secondly,
it teaches these courses within a global macro-economic and
nancial environment with market-oriented courses that will
enable the students to become conscious of a new nancial
and economic environment including a key component that may
remain with them throughout their careers:
a stockpile of world debt.
The availability of Reuters and Bloomberg terminals with
existing live quotes and up-to-the-minute nancial information
from dierent exchanges allows students to follow and better
understand the correlation between geopolitics, economics and
the nancial markets.
The programmes objective is to prepare students to adjust to
an ever-changing volatile economic and nancial environment
by giving them regular access to experienced nancial specialists
who strive for a delicate balance between the importance of
strong academic skills and practical market experience.
Why choose this programme
Small, international classes mean students build fruitful
inter-cultural relationships with one another and their teachers.
Classes are taught by professors who have both strong academic
backgrounds and expert professional experience in nance. This
unique combination provides students with: an up-to-the minute
insiders perspective of the changing nancial arena, how these
changes play out, and how to react in the day-to-day world of
The teaching emphasises a hands-on, problem-solving
approach that means graduates can work productively from Day
One on the job. Graduates can be sure of future career mobility
because the Financial Markets and Investments MSc strikes the
right balance between technical skills and a global perspective.
The programme is developed constantly to ensure its
relevance to shifting global nancial markets. Classes are also
complemented by various talks given by full time, high-calibre
professionals from public and private institutions in the global
capital markets.
Throughout the year, students develop professional contacts,
get access to information from various resources, and learn from
each other. Indeed, one of the strongest assets of this programme
is the opportunity for cross-cultural interactions and learning. The
highly international make-up of classes will make it possible for
students to create a wide network of friends and colleagues.
In-company projects and assignments
Correlation between commodities and equities
Dividend swaps as a new asset class
Forward curve as a forecasting tool in the soft commodity
market and its Granger casualty test
Oil and natural gas correlation
To what extent does Islamic nance banking present a growing
stable and safe banking system?
Leveraged ETF: the real correlation with their index
Partner companies
HSBC, Calyon, BNP Paribas, SocGen, Commerzbank, EFG
Giovanna Arria - Class of 2011-2012

The MSc Financial Markets & Investments provides students

with a high quality of lectures especially thanks to experienced
professionals who share their experience. The course content gives
students great practice based on the study of real-world situations.
The emphasis on programming languages is also a must.
I highly recommend this master to anybody who wishes to broaden
their knowledge in nancial markets. Its a very good way of
learning theory and at the same time to practice it in the Bloomberg
Ive already reached my objective: Ive got a job in the Front Ofce;
Im starting work for Socit Gnrale in London within the credit
derivatives structuring team.
Pieter Coetzee - Class of 2012-13

We learned how markets act and react to whatever was

covered in class, and constant access to Bloomberg terminals and
daily issues of the FT ensured that we could observe it through
real-time practical examples.
We became accustomed to how the different asset classes, markets
and information releases interacted with each other, but more
importantly, we learned how to act on this information.
The wide variety of experienced professionals that came to present
the classes also presented a unique insight into what it is like inside
the markets at the moment.
Less than a month after handing in my thesis I received an offer to
join the J.P. Morgan graduate programme in Johannesburg on their
equity trading desk, an opportunity I previously could only dream
Intake: September
This programme is 10
in the 2013 Financial Times
international ranking of pre-experience Masters in Finance
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Directors
Paris: Charles-Henri Reuter
Raleigh: Gabriele Suder
Sophia Antipolis: Tarek Amyuni
Credits Semester
Advanced Strategy 3 S2
Derivatives Instruments 4 S1
Financial Crisis & Financial Markets' Governance 2 S1 or S2
Fixed Income Management 4 S2
Globalisation 3 S1
International Financial Economics 2 S1
Portfolio Management 4 S2
Professional & Personal Development 2 S1 & S2
Research Methods (1) & Critical Thinking 2 S1
Valuation & Financial Analysis 2 S1 or S2
VBA Programming 4 S1
ADVANCED CLASSES The core curriculum class is extended depending
on specialties common to three campuses with variation in approaches or classes turned to
Advanced Economics
Advanced International Financial Economics 2 S1 S1
Macro Economics Indicators 2 S2
Country Risk 2 S1 when elective S1
Commodities 2 S1
Mathematics and advanced mathematics
Financial Econometrics (Raleigh) 4 S1
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus (Sophia) 2 S1
Financial Statistics and Probabilities (Sophia) 2 S1
Statistics and Probabilities (Paris pre-schooling) 0 pre-school
Algebra, Calculus, etc. (Paris pre-schooling) 0 pre-school
Advanced Financial Mathematics (Paris) 2 S1
Specialties in market finance (extending the three classes above)
Volatility Analysis 2 S2
Structured Products 2 when elective S2 S2
Technical Analysis 2 when elective S2
Credit Risk (CDS) 2 when elective when elective S2
Specialties in compliance, banking risk, regulation
Financial Banking Risks 2 when elective S2
Advanced Financial Banking Risks 2 S2
Compliance and professional standards 2 S1 S2
US Environement
Community Service 4 S1 & S2
Introduction to US Socio-Political Environment 4 S1 & S2
Other Required Classes
Financial Modeling with Excel 2 pre-school S1
Advanced Valuation & Financial Analysis 2 S1
Research Methods (2): Empirical Investigation 2 S2
ELECTIVES (choices to be made from a panel of courses) Credits
Advanced Commodities, Advanced VBA Programming, Credit Risk (CDS), Exotic
Options, FX Derivatives Trading, Option Book Management, Quantitative Modeling
of the VaR, Quantitative Portfolio Management, Fixed Income Structured Products,
Structured Products (equity and FX structured products), Technical Analysis
2 S2
Derivatives and Diferential Calculus, Financial Modeling with Excel, Statistcs and
Probability, Financial Theory
no credits
Private Equity, Mergers and Acquisitions, Long Term Financing, Financial banking
risks, Private Banking, Country Risk, Credit Risk (CDS), Asset/Liability Management
2 S2















Approximate course time not including individual and project work: 400 h
> One-year MSc:
Paris & Sophia Antipolis campuses: 18 930
Raleigh campus: 20 930
> Two-year MSc option: 24 500
> Fast-Track MSc option: 22 965
Tuition fees
Career opportunities
By providing a well-rounded prole and a touch of dierentiation,
the MSc in International Marketing and Business Development
opens the door to a range of careers in marketing, sales and
business development: marketing research, trend agencies,
communication and events agencies, marketing, brand or
product managers, trade marketing or category managers,
sales and business development, key account managers,
purchasing... In an SME or start-up, graduates would be ideally
placed to become a sales and marketing manager with a strong
business development approach and especially suited to jobs in
international market development. Students have found jobs in
a variety of areas: consumer goods (Procter & Gamble, Danone,
Mondelez/Kraft, lOral, Red Bull, Campari), hi-tech (Microsoft,
Philips, Samsung), digital (Google, Facebook), retail (Carrefour,
Auchan, Leroy Merlin), B2B (Mane, Virbac, Hilti, Xerox), brand
agencies & consulting (Frost & Sullivan, The Brand Nation)
Programme outline
Students will achieve a broad understanding of the strategic
and operational aspects of marketing, combining an awareness
of business development objectives with an appreciation of
intangibles and the creative side. The core modules will integrate
new thinking on marketing. A range of options will allow students
to focus on more specic career orientations (web, retail, B2B,
communication etc.). The programme will integrate elements of
market intelligence, sustainable development and knowledge
management as well as cutting-edge insights into consumer
behaviour and social networks. It will also reach out to other
disciplines, such as sociology and anthropology to enrich
students understanding of how meaning and value are created.
Why choose this programme
Marketing and business development go hand in hand,
using innovation, creativity and agility to drive top-line growth
in companies. Tomorrows marketers must be able to create
value across borders and cultures in diverse and often turbulent
markets. They will have to combine a broad awareness of the
forces driving those markets as well as the ability to use analytics
and information to gain customer insight.
This programme challenges students with new ideas while
making application a watchword, thus preparing them to survive
in the fast-moving global knowledge economy.
Through specialisations, electives, projects and the
internship, students are able to tailor their prole or add a touch
of dierentiation.
The programme has strong links with companies who are keen
to recruit good candidates able to combine sound marketing
analysis with an interest for sales and business development and
an awareness of strategic issues.
Run on three dierent campuses, the programme seeks to reach
out to local specicities in the electives: tourism, luxury and
hi-tech in Sophia, retail and direct marketing in Lille
In-company projects and assignments
Students and faculty work with companies to get close to
market realities. Recent projects include: the launch of the new
kinectconsoles and trends in gaming (Microsoft); the market
for electrical vehicles (Peugeot); new services development
at Monaco Telecom; innovation in the baby foods market
(Bledina); the launch of the Gillette Fusion razor; repositioning
of Agns B in the Chinese market; competitive strategy in retail
(Auchan); strategic business development at Chteau Roubine
wine producer; Brands and social networks (The Brand Nation);
sustainable marketing policy (Codis); the strategic positioning
of an eco-designed range of products (Clayrtons)
Partner companies
Procter & Gamble, Danone, Auchan, Ferrero, ECS, Pepsico,
Mondelez/Kraft, Leroy Merlin, Caisse dEpargne, Frost & Sullivan,
Monaco Telecom, Philips
Maya Hanna, class of 2012-13, from Lebanon

IMBD Im Making Better Decisions!: A motto we students

came up with on the rst day here. Pursuing studies after almost
seven years of working experience in the hospitality and tourism
sector was not an easy decision. Yet doing this MSc has turned
out to be an enriching experience that has widened my knowledge
and deepened my understanding of the eld.
Students were put at the forefront, as professors made sure to
support all courses and theoretical material with cases studies
of day-to-day work. Projects were set for students so that we
would build teams to work together, to celebrate the (cultural)
dierences we have, to explore the cases, analyse thoroughly the
events and deliver added values for better results.
Through contacts made during one of the class projects with a
company, I was given the opportunity to continue the international
experience through my internship at Monaco Telecom.
I will be working closely with the head of Marketing in order to
develop new products targeting tourists and thus employing
my previous experience for a relevant and measurable outcome.
Again, SKEMA Business School is conrmed to be the right choice,
the right decision.
MSc International
Marketing and Business
Programme taught in English at the Lille, Paris and Sophia Antipolis
Intakes: January & September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Directors
Paris and Sophia Antipolis: Peter Spier
Lille: Anke Middelmann
Programme structure
6 Mandatory Courses 26
Understanding the Elusive Consumer 4
Strategic Brand Management 4
Gaining Market Insight 4
Product Management 4
Internationalisation of Markets and Organisations 4
Business Development 4
Research Methods & Critical Thinking 2
3 Core Courses 8
Globalisation 3
Advanced Strategy 3
Professional & Personal Development 2
4 Options * (4 credits each) to be chosen from: 16
Digital Marketing
Sales, Negotiation & Key
Account Management
BtoB Marketing and Key Account
Innovation & New Product
Retail Marketing
Sustainable Marketing
Advertising and Communication The Complete Negociatior
Corporate Communication Managing the Service Experience
5 Electives * ( 2 credits each) to be chosen from: 10
Introduction to Project
Corporate Communication
Essential Negotiation Skills Communicating in a Crisis
Luxury Goods Management Consumption Emotions
Sensory Marketing Creating a Marketing Concept
Perfect Pitch Quality Based Marketing
Multicultural Management Technology and Competition
New Trends in Consumption Persuasive Communication
International Buying Management CRM
BtoB Marketing
Managing Knowledge and
Corporate/NGO Partnerships Managing a Web Project
E-commerce Managing an Export Project
Creative Marketing: Specialty
Social Network Marketing
Information Goods and E-commerce
Decision-making Models in
Using SPSS
New Trends and Technologies
in Retailing
Dissertation 30
Approximative course time not including individual and project
work : 400 h
* Availability varies between campuses
Tuition fees
15 965
Felipe Batista, class of 2012-13, from Brazil

After obtaining a bachelor diploma in business

administration in Brazil, I decided to pursue a masters
degree in marketing in order to complete my studies. I
wanted to come to France for the worldwide recognised
level of its institutions and being at the heart of the
European Union business environment.
I chose SKEMA for two main reasons: the quality and
depth of the MSc International Marketing and Business
Development and the international nature of the school.
The courses were excellent, with teachers that are also
acting as professionals in dierent business areas,
allowing the programme to give a complete business
overview to students.
Living in Paris enriched my experience too. I made friends
with students from dierent parts of the world, and
learned from their dierent points of view.
At the end of the course, with help from the school, I
was able to nd an internship in digital marketing at a
technology startup in Paris named Capptain, which is my
eld of interest.















Career opportunities
This MSc cuts across a number of disciplines, presented in two
separate tracks: Strategic Event Management and Strategic
Tourism Management. Graduates of this MSc find work in a broad
range of supervisory, managerial and consulting positions in both
public and private sector tourism or event organisations, often
with a marketing and sales orientation. Within a relatively short
time span after graduating, Event Management alumni can be
expected to go on to managerial posts within conference centres,
international associations, professional conference organisers,
convention bureaux, exhibition organisers etc. Tourism Manage-
ment graduates can go on to positions in destination, hotel,
travel or distribution marketing and sales.
Some of the companies who employed recent graduates:
Major hotel chains (Marriott, Hilton, Starwood, Shangri La,
Gran Melia, Radisson Blu, Four Seasons, Accor, Mandarin
Oriental, Groupe Lucien Barrire, Socit de Bains de Mer)
Destination marketing organisations (Atout France, Mekong
River Commission, Nice Tourist Office),
Event and exhibition management agencies (MCI, Spice
Up, Lafayette Travel, Naseba, professional conference and
exhibition organisers around the world),
Cruise and yacht charter companies (Silversea Cruises),
eTravel companies (Amadeus, hotel.info, Xperteo, Fidelio) ,
Management consultancy (KPMG, Jones Lang LaSalle),
Travel management companies (American Express),
Tour operators ( TUI, Club Med, Bales Worldwide etc)
Hotel marketing companies ( Groupe Alain Ducasse,
Event management for non-tourism corporations and
professional associations (Mercedes Benz, Microsoft,
European Society of Cardiology, European Financial
Management Association, Crans Montana Forum etc),
Attractions and venues (National Trust, Chelsea Football Club,
Dubai World Trade Centre)
Airports (Nice Cte dAzur)
Programme outline
The MSc in Strategic Event Management and Tourism
Management gives students the tools, knowledge and attitudes
to succeed in business events and leisure tourism global
economic sectors of increasing importance.
The specic objectives of the course are to advance students
leadership skills, to develop understanding of strategy, gain a
thorough appreciation of the nature and characteristics of users
of business events and of leisure visitors, and to provide students
with the specialised management, marketing and knowledge
management tools to become leaders in this rapidly changing
The Strategic Event Management track is tailor-made for the
MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions/Events) or
Business Events industry following extensive consultation with
leading professionals in the eld. The track proles stakeholders
within the industry (corporate, government and association
clients, venues and event services and destinations) and
follows market trends. It also focuses on teaching specialist
strategic skills in the areas of management, nance, information
communication technology (ICT) and sales and marketing in the
events and meetings management profession.
The Strategic Tourism Management track is multidisciplinary
rather than built around specic areas such as travel or
hospitality. Global strategic tourism issues and techniques are
focused on, producing graduates who are able to choose from
a variety of careers in, and related to, tourism management and
marketing. Speciality areas cover tourism marketing, as well
as the application of ICT tools in leisure tourism marketing and
Why choose this programme
Students learn from renowned, international faculty with
relevant and extensive professional and academic experience,
who work using active learning methods the practical
application of theory.
SKEMA works closely with representatives from major
organisations in the field (such as ACTE, MPI, TTRA, SITE and
DMAI) and has a successful track record of placing interns within
the industry. Students regularly meet, and are taught by, expert
practising professionals who work locally and internationally.
Nowhere is more appropriate to the study of event or tourism
management than on the French Riviera, which has long been one
of the worlds principal destinations. Students are able to use
the location on the French Riviera La Cte dAzur as a living
laboratory while focusing on the regional strong points: event
tourism, luxury tourism and the use of new technologies in event
and tourism marketing.
In-company projects and internships
Throughout the year and as part of some of their course
assignments, students will be working on a number of practical
event or tourism projects. Following the end of their academic
studies, students are encouraged to carry out an internship.
In the past, Event Management students have had work
placements in a variety of business event related companies such
as Spice Up and the Grimaldi Forum, where students helped to
develop new markets and to organise and promote a agship
cultural event, respectively.Tourism Management students have
carried out internships in diverse institutions such as Shangri
La Hotels (yield management), Deloitte Touche (tourism market
research) and Aviatur (travel agency).
MSc Strategic Event
Management and
Tourism Management
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis campus
Intake: September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
The MSc is guided by an Advisory Board of
representatives from the following companies or
Accor Hotels, China National Convention Centre,
European Society of Cardiology, Hatfield House, MCI,
Tourism Australia, TTC International
Other partner organisations include:
Acropolis Centre Nice, Amadeus, American Express
Business Travel, Carlton Intercontinental Hotel Cannes,
Domaine de Terre Blanche Var, Grimaldi Forum
Monaco, Palais de la Mditerrane Nice, Palais des
Festivals Cannes, Radisson Blu Hotel Nice, Silversea
Cruises, Tourism Section of the Nice Cte dAzur Chamber
of Commerce
Coralie Deleage, class of 2012

This MSc has provided me with insight into the

tourism and event industries, with the right balance
between theoretical and practical knowledge.
We had lectures with outstanding teachers from all over
the world. Outside the classroom, we got hands-on
experience at events held on the French Riviera, and we
conducted site inspections and did consulting projects for
companies, as well as attending ITB Berlin, the worlds
largest tourism and travel fair. I also had the opportunity
to be an intern in one of the leading companies in the
event industry, MCI Group, a partner of SKEMA. The
internship gave me solid knowledge in my eld of
expertise, as well as an important professional network.
SKEMAs been a fantastic experience. Its been an intense
year and excellent preparation for the world of business.
It has opened new ways of thinking about my career and I
now feel ready to be a professional in the event industry.
Next month, I will start my rst job as abstract handling
and project assistant in the institutional division of MCI
Hlne Roudeix, class of 2012

The MSc in Strategic Event & Tourism Management

has taught me a lot for my future career. Especially since
students can choose which track they specialise in:
Tourism or Events.
The teaching team is fantastic! They have a lot of
experience in the industry, so they know what companies
are looking for in future employees. Guest lecturers come
from all over the world to share their valuable experience
with students. This gives an inside look into the industry,
contributing to the wealth of the MSc.
Students put theory into practice through practical
classes. I went on several site inspections, in addition
to working for and helping out a charity, named Enfance
Npal, in the Marketing Project class.
This MSc also helps students develop their skills,
particularly in teamwork and public speaking: two crucial
skills within our industry.
I will be doing a six-month internship at the Radisson
Blu Royal Hotel in Brussels, working in the Sales
and Marketing department. I will be dealing with the
organisation of events. Programme Director
Sophia Antipolis: Mady Keup
Programme structure
S1/S2 Credits
Mandatory courses 26
Fundamentals of the Events and Tourism
S1 4
Preparing for a Career in Events and Tourism S1 2
Visitor Behaviour S1 4
Visitor Economics S1 4
Distribution in Events and Tourism S2 4
Sales and Customer Relationship Marketing S2 4
Strategic Marketing in Events and Tourism S2 4
Track courses:
One track to be chosen, 5 courses
(4 credits each)
Event Management Track
The Business Events Industry Strategic
Meeting Management
Financial Management in Events
Facility Management
IT in Events
Project Management in Events
Tourism Management Track
Financial Management for Tourism
Sustainable Performance in Tourism
Hospitality Business Game
IT in Tourism
Revenue Management
Electives: 2 electives to be
chosen (2 credits each)
Sample electives:
Event Marketing
Destination Marketing
Team management
Negotiation Skills
Service Design in Tourism and Events
Luxury Marketing
International Management
Globalisation S1 3
Research Methods and Critical Thinking S1 2
Strategy S2 3
Coaching and MSc thesis
Professional Development S1 & S2 2
Dissertation 30
TOTAL S1 & S2 90
Approximate course time not including individual and project
work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the school
without prior notice.
Tuition fees
15 965
Career opportunities
The professional orientation of the MSc Luxury & Fashion
Management guarantees its relevance and ensures that students
are professionally operational by the end of the year.
The MSc Luxury & Fashion Management opens opportunities
to pursue careers in a wide range of fashion and luxury elds.
Whilst having a strong disciplinary base in international luxury
brand management, its range is such that graduates will be
able to work with specialists in other areas, getting involved
in creative, marketing or nance positions. Graduates can
go on to work in top level management, designing, sourcing,
merchandising, budgeting, advertising, global luxury or fashion
brand management as well as strategy.
Graduates of this MSc have the education and training to work in
a variety of organisations including: commercial and marketing
rms, consultancy and research, corporate luxury or fashion
Graduates take on roles that are essentially strategic, analytical,
marketing and planning.
Recent graduates have been recruited around the globe into a
wide range of elds by leading fashion or luxury institutions and
multinational corporations such as DHV, Rodriguez, Dassault,
LVMH, Baume & Mercier, Hermes, Jitrois, Caudalie, BETC Design,
Gucci Group.
Programme outline
The MSc Luxury and Fashion Management is international
in its orientation, reecting the industry itself:
internationalmanufacturing and distribution, cross-border
ownership, and global branding and communications.
This MSc recognises that design, trend-recognition and
marketing skills rather than production/manufacturing
skills are what make todays luxury and fashion rms
successful. These skills are the skills related to new product
development, marketing, strategic brand management and
communications delivery.
Motivated students are educated in an individualised
academic environment for success in the fast-moving
world of fashion and luxury. These skills are taught within
a global macro-economic and nancial environment along
with market-oriented courses. The programmes objective
is to enable students to achieve their career ambitions by:
giving students regular access to experienced fashion and
luxury specialists who have both strong academic skills and
practical in-company experience; improving and expanding
participating students career prospects by providing them
with training in fashion and luxury management as well as
understanding the issues in international trends and working
across cultures; for those who may be working or studying
outside the eld of art, fashion and luxury, this programme
will provide the opportunity for a change in career direction.
Why choose this programme
Professors have both strong academic backgrounds and relevant
expert professional experience in luxury and fashion. This mix of
the academic and the professional provides students with: an
insiders perspective of the constantly developing world of luxury
and fashion; how these developments play out over time; and the
savoir-faire to survive in the tough professional environment of
luxury and fashion.
The programme draws on the advantages of its locations:
on the south coast of France, with its long history in fashion and
luxury; in the rapidly developing Shanghai area; and in North
Carolina because of its close relationship with the renowned
College of Textile, North Carolina State University.
Local, national and international practising professionals
are called on to meet and teach students on the programme,
so students start to build their professional network before
Classes are complemented by various presentations and
seminars given by full time, leading professionals.
These practising professionals also act as consultants on the
programmes curriculum; their input means changes are made
continuously to the course of study to ensure relevance to shifting
international fashion and luxury markets.
The teaching emphasises an applied, problem-solving
approach that means graduates can work productively from the
rst day on the job, ensuring graduates future career mobility.
The obligatory internship period is the culmination of this
applied teaching method: in many cases this internship period
leads straight to a contract with that same company.
Small classes with a high international ratio mean students
build fruitful inter-cultural relationships with one another and
with their teachers; and students get the regular feedback that is
so vital for eective learning.
In-company projects and assignments
The use of celebrity endorsement in the luxury industry.
Asymmetry in multicultural luxury communication.
A comparative analysis of luxury brand communication in
India and China.
Protability of fashion shows.
The role and the place of children in advertising.
Richard Mille: From fantasy to legitimacy.
MSc Luxury and Fashion
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis
and Suzhou campuses
Intakes: January & September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Director
Ivan Coste-Manire
Programme structure
Courses - Semester 1
Globalisation 3
DPP (Professional & Personal Development) 1
International Marketing Strategies for Luxury &
Fashion Goods
Design and Innovation 4
Luxury and Fashion Products and Services
Integrated Luxury and Fashion Communication 4
Fashion & Brand Management 4
State of the Art in Fashion and Luxury 2
Elective: Regulatory Issues in the Luxury Industry 2
Research Methods and Critical Thinking 2
Courses - Semester 2
Advanced Strategy Seminar 3
DPP (Professional & Personal Development) 1
Value Management and Marketing 4
Pricing, Distribution & Retail in Luxury and Fashion 4
Consumers Trends and their Impact on Marketing
Finance and Accountability in Luxury and Fashion 4
Sustainable Development: Sustainable Value
Creation in the Luxury Industry
Elective: Advanced Advertising Strategies 2
Elective: Advanced Service Management in the Luxury
How to Build a Brand 2
Dissertation 30
Approximate course time not including individual and project
work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the
school without prior notice.
Tuition fees:
17 730
Partner companies
BETC Design
Baume & Mercier
Neemrana Hotels
Global Luxuria
Jaypee Group
Desert Palm Dubai
Richard Mille
Olivia Cartier, class of 2013

Doing the Luxury & Fashion Management MSc at SKEMA is

one of my very greatest achievements.
Living in the south of France has been a real luxury. These
past nine months have helped me understand French culture
and another mindset. In this globalised business world, those
who are able to adapt to cultural differences will boost their
companys success.
As a result of studying this MSc, I am now starting a luxury
business focused mainly on watches: rare time pieces, limited
editions less visible brands.
I am able to apply what Ive learned on the MSc to my own
business straight away. Ive also had help and support from the
programme director and a professor to start up my business.
If you, new students, know where you are heading, the MSc
Luxury & Fashion Management will help you understand what
luxury is all about, and how to create a luxury brand.
Cdric Laforge, class of 2012

Weve met and worked with professionals from many elds

of the luxury and fashion industries (Gucci, Cyrus Watches, PPR,
BETC Design, Baume & Mercier, RSW, Vertu, Nike, Elite Cars)
For me, with a passion for watchmaking, the two professionals
I appreciated above all were the former marketing director of
Rama Swiss Watch, and the CEO of Cyrus Watches.
Our professors highly skilled professionals shared their
experiences and their knowledge so that well be able to
manage in the running of daily operations in the most
demanding luxury and fashion companies anywhere in the
Ive started a great internship, which challenges me every day,
at Backes and Strauss, a luxury diamond watch company in
Geneva. The CEO acknowledged the great input that this MSc
brought me.
Frank Jourdet Bournazelle, Class of 2011

The MSc director and his professional team helped us

get access to the best fairs in France, Switzerland and Monaco
(Monaco Yacht Show, Luxepack, SIHH, BaselWorld, Top Marques
Monaco) in order to extend our knowledge of luxury as well as
expand our networks and maybe ultimately nd an internship or
a job; and this has worked for me!
Ive got my internship at Richard Mille in Paris. Im working in
the Global Marketing team with Richard Mille himself as well as
the CMO.
Career opportunities
The professional orientation of the MSc Global Luxury
Management guarantees its relevance and ensures that students
are professionally operational by the end of the year.
The MSc Global Luxury Management opens opportunities to
pursue careers in a wide range of fashion and luxury elds.
Whilst having a strong disciplinary base in international luxury
brand management, its range is such that graduates will be
able to work with specialists in other areas, getting involved
in creative, marketing or nance positions. Graduates can
go on to work in top level management, designing, sourcing,
merchandising, budgeting, advertising, global luxury or fashion
brand management as well as strategy.
Graduates of this MSc have the education and training to work in
a variety of organizations including: commercial and marketing
rms, consultancy and research, corporate luxury or fashion
Graduates take on roles that are essentially strategic, analytical,
marketing and planning.
Program outline
The MSc Global Luxury Management programs objective is to
enable students to achieve their career ambitions by:
> giving students regular access to experienced fashion and
luxury specialists who have both strong academic skills and
practical in-company experience;
> improving and expanding participating students career
prospects by providing them with training in fashion and luxury
management as well as understanding the issues in international
trends and working across cultures;
> for those who may be working or studying outside the eld
of art, or fashion and luxury, this program will provide the
opportunity for a change in career direction.
Why choose this program
The program draws on the advantages of its locations:
> In Raleigh - North Carolina
Global Luxury Management (GLM) is a unique academic
program oered as an option in the Master of Global Innovation
Management program at NC State Universitys Poole College of
Management in collaboration with the universitys College of
Textiles. Poole Colleges business programs are accredited by
AACSB International, the accrediting body for collegiate schools
of business, and the College of Textiles is highly regarded in the
Raleigh, North Carolinas capital city, is regularly named one
of the best places to live in the U.S., with active arts and
entertainment districts. It is part of the states Research Triangle
Park, home to some of the worlds leading technology companies.
- A thriving entrepreneurial community
- Access to high-end textile and experiential luxury enterprises,
which students will visit during the program.
> On the south coast of France, with its long history in fashion
and luxury. SKEMA Sophia Antipolis campus is located at the
heart of Europes best known science and technology park and
the French Riviera. The area oers not only natural beauty the
Mediterranean Sea and the Alps but also access to over 1,300
technology companies.
- European luxury trade fairs, drawing up to 14,000 executives,
oering networking opportunities
- Courses taught entirely in English by industry professionals with
signicant experience in the luxury market
- Close to Nice, Monaco, Cannes and Antibes
As the MSc Global Luxury Management is a dual program,
candidates will join American or French students, sometimes from
other programs, studying and living just like NC State students
and SKEMA students.
Professors, professional lecturers and teachers have excellent
backgrounds and students will have to work on concrete projects
for each class, which always makes the courses very attractive.
The mandatory internship period is the culmination of the
applied teaching method: in many cases this internship period
leads straight to a long-term contract with the very same company
where the internship was done.
Small classes with a high international ratio mean students
build fruitful inter-cultural relationships with one another and
with their teachers; and students get the regular feedback that is
so vital for eective learning.
MSc Global Luxury
Program taught in English at the NC State University, Raleigh (fall: from
August to December) and at the SKEMA Sophia Antipolis campus (spring: from
January to May).
NC State- SKEMA Business School Dual Degree
Year-start: August
Program Director
Raleigh, Sophia: Ivan Coste -Manire
Programme structure
Courses in Raleigh (Fall)
Creativity in Management
Managing the Growth Venture
Consumer Behavior
Global Textile Brand Managment
Global Textile & Apparel Business Dynamics
Courses at the Sophia campuses (Spring)
Advanced Strategy Seminar
Professional & Personal Development
Value Management and Marketing
Pricing, Distribution & Retail in Luxury and Fashion
Consumer Trends and their Impact on Marketing Strategies
Finance and Accounting in Luxury and Fashion
Sustainable Development: Sustainable Value Creation in
the Luxury Industry
Advanced Advertising Strategies
Advanced Service Management in the Luxury Industry
How to Build a Brand
Total teaching time not including project work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the
school without prior notice.
Tuition fees:
18 965
Mallorie Moore, class of 2013

I chose the Global Luxury Management MSc dual degree

between North Carolina State University and SKEMA Business School
because I wanted to build on my undergraduate degree in Fashion
and Textile Management and focus specically on the luxury industry.
SKEMAs strong global presence and reputation, as well as the
unique synergy between SKEMA and NC State, both led to my
decision to attend the Global Luxury Management dual degree
Studying in France has allowed me the opportunity to experience
luxury in a market rich in culture different than my own.
SKEMA has provided me the opportunity to connect with industry
experts and leaders who have opened my eyes to the opportunities
in the three very diverse luxury sectors. Both inside and outside
of the classroom, I am constantly immersed in the luxury industry
making my experience more than meaningful.
Ive accepted a marketing internship in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
with Peter Millar, a leading luxury lifestyle apparel brand. Peter Millar
was recently acquired by Richemont and is the rst American brand
to be acquired by the luxury goods holding company. The recent
acquisition is going to open new doors for the company, especially
in terms of a global presence, and I am thrilled to be a part of this
exciting time for the brand.
Quentin Pleinet, class of 2013
The MSc Global Luxury Management was a rich and intensive
After engineering-oriented studies at Iteem (a department of the
Ecole Centrale de Lille), I decided to specialise with this MSc.
It was a real opportunity to discover new cultures and see how
mine was perceived. Indeed, during the rst semester at North
Carolina State University, I learned to work with American people
and I discovered their vision of luxury. It was the same thing during
the second semester on the SKEMA campus with the Chinese and
European students working in teams on the different projects we had
to do.
Moreover, we were lucky to have many experienced guest speakers
from various places all around the globe (India, Brazil, China, U.S.,
etc.) who expanded our knowledge about what is really happening in
the luxury industry today and what the future trends are.
Now I feel ready to begin my professional career and I am happy to
say that I recently started my internship at Lepage, a prestigious
house in the luxury watch and jewellery sectors that works with the
major brands like Rolex, Bulgari, Chanel, Hublot, Jaeger-LeCoultre,
Chopard, etc.
Ellen Rohde - President, ELR Group, LLC
The Global Luxury Market continues to be a growth sector for all
businesses. New consumers, expanding markets, new techno-
logies... all create exciting career opportunities for todays graduates.
Most companies rank hiring and developing personnel talent as
one of their highest priorities for achieving their global growth
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Career opportunities
Web marketer, SEM manager, account manager,
project manager, product marketing manager, communication
manager, media planner, web analyst, traffi c manager,
community manager, quality and sales manager, business
developer, on-line marketing director, director e-commerce.
This programme goes across many domains of management
(communication, marketing, project management, sustainable
development, web-site, graphic design, brand and product
management) with expertise in internet, new technologies,
social networks and community management, web and mobile
In all sectors, graduates of the programme manage new product
launches, services, events and franchises; they also manage and
develop corporate and business websites and mobile services.
Some recent graduate examples include:
Marketing managers at LOreal and Elisabeth Arden;
communication manager at Nike; relationship management
analyst at Brown Brother Harriman; marketing and
communication manager at the Yachting Club of Monaco;
nancial project manager at Lenovo; sales director- Univers at
Decathlon; sales manager at Microsoft; event project manager
at the Martinez Palace Hotel (Cannes); radio media planner
at Lagardere Advertising; web-master at the Nice Cote dAzur
airport; quality and marketing manager at BMW (Cannes, France);
marketing coordinator at Porsche; research marketing and pricing
manager at Goodyear; e-marketing project manager at Canal +;
project manager - European websites at Sony Europe; project
manager - European websites at Oracle Toronto, Canada; sales
manager at Danone; marketing manager at the Hong Kong Trade
Development Council - Shanghai Branch Oce China.
Programme outline
This MSc produces graduates who are competent, practised
and experienced in three key areas the job market requires:
project management, new technologies and web-marketing, and
the development of new business ideas.Throughout the year,
students work on real life projects with companies from many di
erent areas.
This MSc provides skills in web-marketing - digital marketing and
project management in partnership with the PMI (Project
Management Institute). Students do the Google Adwords and
Google Analytics certications as well as project management
certications: CAPM or PMP of the PMI.
Over recent years students have done projects for companies
such as Amadeus, Orange, IBM, Dow AgroSciences, Air Cannes,
the Opera of Nice, Nike Projects included product launches,
website creation, web-marketing, events management,
Why choose this programme
The programme has strong partnerships and close links to
companies. These partnerships provide ve main benets:
Technical skills and knowledge
You will gain expertise in the creation of products, services
or events. Working on a real project for a company, you apply
managerial skills in marketing and web-marketing, on- and
o-line communication, business plans, legal issues, web-site
creation / design / management, CRM and e-CRM, e-commerce,
change management
Expertise in managing teams and communicating with
You work in teams with specic responsibilities and assignments.
You also manage company meetings and professional
presentations. Students acquire skills in team-working; this will
be of value to recruiters.
Creativity and capacity to develop new business ideas
The partner companies need for new ideas and creativity is the
main reason for working with students on projects.
Being coached by seven experts on your company project.
These experts are consultants or CEOs. They teach subjects
according to their area of expertise and then coach you on your
Professional and practical added value
By the end of the year, you will have had hands-on experience
with professional plans and frameworks such as: action plans
and activity reports to manage teams; communication, risk,
quality and business plans; project plans, and specication
plans. You will also have mastered tools to schedule and realise
the strategic analysis of a project.
MSc Web Marketing
and International
Project Management
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis campus
Intake: September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Marielle Felicio Marra, class of 2012

Now Ive completed the MSc, I can say I am very happy

with my experience at SKEMA Business School and the MSc
Our classes have been in line with the subjects and
strategies that todays business people need to know to
manage internet-related projects successfully.
On this MSc we learn by doing. This way, students can
better develop their skills not just by learning the theory,
but also by applying it through different projects.
Ive already got a job, which Ive started; Im working in
Canada in a company as social media and community
manager. Its great!!.
Apichaya Inprasit, class of 2012

I have learned many things doing the coursework

combined with the real project in a real company.
The professional coaching from SKEMA is really good too.
Moreover, Ive gained valuable international experience,
and my language skills have improved too.
In this globalised world, Ive found that the more
languages you know, the more opportunities you get.
Education is an investment in knowledge and your future.
With SKEMA, my return on investment has been even
better than expected.
Ive already got my internship. Its in marketing and
communication for six months at QuesCom nearby in
Sophia Antipolis. I will be working on Salesforce (a CRM
tool) and on web marketing especially to redesign a
website, Google Adwords, and social networks.
This opportunity will be a great start to my international
Programme director
Sophia Antipolis: Muriel Walas
Programme structure
Project Management & Consulting S1/S2 27
Project Management Fundamentals (PMI) S1 3
Project Management and Innovation S1 4
Managing Across Borders and Cultures S1 2
Project Consulting I S1 2
Advanced Project Management S2 4
Sustainable Project Management and Development S2 4
Project Consulting II S2 2
Elective course (recommended: CAPM) S2 2
Quality Project Management S2 2
Web-Marketing and E-Communication S1/S2 23
Web-Marketing and E-communication S1 4
Web Design Tools and Technics S1 3
Web-Marketing Consulting I S1 3
Social Network & Community Management S1 3
Corporate Design and Web-Site Management S2 4
Google Adwords and Analytics S2 2
Web-Marketing Consulting II S2 2
Elective course: Advanced Graphic Design and
Multimedia or Advanced Google Adwords
or other elective course
S2 2
International Business Developement
S1/S2 8
S2 3
S1 3
Research Methods
S1 2
Coaching and MSc Thesis
S1/S2 32
Personal Development S1/S2 2
Dissertation S2 30
TOTAL Credits (S1 + S2 + Project) 90
Approximate course time not including individual and project
work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the school
without prior notice.
Tuition fees
15 965
Career opportunities
With the SKEMA MSc in International Business, you will take a
decisive step in your international career.
Graduates are easily employable in a broad range of firms
and organisations from exporting SMEs and multinational
companies, b2b and b2c, to international government agencies
and NGOs. The hiring companies are from diverse sectors:
consulting, manufacturing, banking and insurance, and logistics.
An MSc IB graduate may work as an international product
manager, business operations manager, international business
development manager, export-area sales manager, international
sourcing manager, international purchaser, strategic consultant,
international project manager etc.
Programme outline
Our one-year multi-campus programme is designed for future
global business leaders, providing students with the necessary
general management and multicultural skills and knowledge.
Each semester, students can study at a dierent SKEMA campus
in Asia, Europe or America; this means students gain real
exposure and experience in dierent markets.
The same disciplines are taught in each campus, with strong
localisation relevant to the location. The autumn/fall semester
focuses on globalisation and the way that the region the
Americas, Asia, or Europe deals with globalisation. In the spring
semester, course content on each campus is totally specic to the
Our professors come from all around the globe. They are
entrepreneurs, innovators, research directors, CEOs, VPs of
marketing, directors of nance; and they have worldwide
reputations in their elds.
Classes are small enough to allow for close personal contact
with teachers and classmates. In recent years, MSc IB classes
have been made up of students of some 25, or so, countries.
This highly international class composition transforms projects
and team work into valuable cross-cultural working and learning
The teaching approach is applied and participatory: real projects
with businesses are carried out so students are operational,
employable managers by the end of the year.
Students on this MSc will understand the challenges and issues
associated with sharing knowledge and innovation across
borders and continents. The programme strikes the balance
between practical business applications and cutting-edge
research and ideas.
Core courses provide the knowledge to survive in the global
knowledge economy:
how industries change and rms compete
how markets should be managed and nancial decisions made
how to cope with diversity and legal issues.
All courses and tutorials are taught entirely in English, allowing
students to have a perfect command of the business and
technical terminology that is expected from international
commerce and trade managers in multinational companies.
Diversity, business sense, adaptability, the right mix of strategy
and hands-on... thats our global MSc programme.
Why choose this programme
Nowadays firms are often forced to go abroad to sell their
products and services. Also key inputs like raw materials,
components, human resources have to be obtained
internationally. Business is in a phase of unprecedented
internationalisation. This MSc will prepare you for it.
The programme is well suited to students with a broad range
of backgrounds, nationalities, qualifications and experience. The
international student make up on the programme precisely suits
the area of study, and team-work in these multi-cultural groups is
an application of international business in itself.
The international teaching staff have both strong academic
and professional experience and their teaching concentrates on
the application of theory to practical business situations.
International Business
Programme taught in English at the Raleigh, Sophia Antipolis and
Suzhou campuses
Masters of
Intakes: January & September
Why choose Doing Business in Europe
The formation of the Single European Market and its recent
enlargement meant that Europe became the largest trading bloc
in the world with a population of more than 540 million people,
making it a powerful competitive force in the global market.
The SEM has greatly enhanced market opportunities because
regional integration precedes and maintains the globalisation of
economies and firms.
Our programme is a unique opportunity for European and
non-European students to become specialists of this economic
area and to customise a global international learning programme
with a focus on how to commerce and trade with Europe. In
this, the understanding of its moves towards a unified market is
crucial: Many regions and trade agreements in the world strive
for a free and unbridled large internal market in the increasingly
interdependent and global economy. This specialisation track
with a large number of electives develops skills that will be vital
in a career in international management, in Europe, with Europe
and/or in similar regions of economic integration. This learning
experience encompasses a wide range of strategic and technical
knowledge in trade with and in Europe. Theoretical concepts are
always backed up with real-life experience and applications.
We are proud to announce that SKEMA Business School and its
professor Dr Gabriele Suder, PhD, expert in the field and author of
Doing Business in Europe (2007, 2011), has been awarded a Jean
Monnet Chair in European Integration. Such chair is attributed by
the European Union to selected higher education institutions and
its expert applicants with a recognised expertise, with an aim to
support and stimulate worldwide teaching, research and reflection
on European integration. Jean Monnet projects are selected on the
basis of their academic merit and following a process of rigorous
and independent peer review, and are run with strict respect for the
principle of academic autonomy and freedom. In this framework, Dr
Suders Doing Business in Europe contributions in this course are
supported by this chair, in line with the European and international
identity of this school.
Why choose Doing Business in China
One of this programmes principal strong points lies in its real
immersion in China at one of the countrys most important
science parks. Students thus benet from an exceptional
academic environment, studying alongside Chinese and Asian
students and learning from professors from all over the world
who are also professionals in their respective specialist areas.
The campus location also oers unbeatable opportunities for
internships and future employment.
There are also many SKEMA alumni in the region who can provide
contacts leading to internships or employment. Students
understanding and analysis of Chinese, Asian and foreign
companies in China is enhanced through the strategy course
where students conduct an audit of a companys sustainable
development. The course in Research Methods and Critical
Thinking culminates in a dissertation. The mandatory internship
gives students the advantage of learning by doing, and may even
kick start their career in marketing, supply chain management,
purchasing, management accounting, auditing, consulting
Why choose Doing Business in America
This programme oers total immersion in the US at Raleigh, one
of the countrys most important science parks and academic
centres. Students are based in Raleighs world-class academic
environment; they study with American students and learn from
professors who come from all over the world. The professors
are also practising professionals in their areas of expertise. This
learning experience encompasses a wide range of strategic and
technical knowledge in trade with and from the Americas (import-
export project, international market research study).
Theoretical concepts, in this integrative learning programme, are
always backed up with real-life experience and applications. The
campus location, close to some of the most prestigious US based
global companies also oers unbeatable opportunities for hands-
on projects, internships and future employment.
Partner companies
Groupe Accord
European Union
Chambers of Commerce
Eurada Brussels
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Vienna
International Business
Programme taught in English at the Lille, Raleigh, Sophia Antipolis and Suzhou campuses
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Directors
Sophia Antipolis: Renata Kaminska
Suzhou: Denis Boissin
Raleigh: Renata Kaminska
Tuition fees
15 965
Programme structure
First semester: all campuses
Globalization 3
Doing Business in the Americas/Asia/Europe 4
International Finance (Risk, Corporate, Trading) 4
Advanced Project Management 4
Internationalization Firms
(includes special project and International
Research Method 2
Country Risks 3
Professional & Personal Development 1
IB elective 1 2
IB elective 2 2
Examples of IB Electives:
Doing Business in the Hi-Tech Industry
Strategic Consulting, Executive Consulting
Introduction to Mergers & Acquisitions
Access to courses of other masters of science
Chinese language course (Suzhou campus)
TOTAL semester one 30
These details are for information only and may be changed by
the school without prior notice.
Sriram Nair, class of 2012

I chose SKEMA Business School because its well placed in

rankings as well as having a strong reputation around Europe,
and it is the only school with so many campuses, in France and
Ive found the professors to be very supportive and eager to
help and great motivators too. The teaching is relevant to the
world of business.
I am now prepared to enter the business world. I have gained
enough knowledge, condence and know-how to prove my
intellectual and professional self to the world.
I have already found an internship working in marketing in
Monaco with a company called Goldmund, a Swiss luxury audio
Pablo Martinez, class of 2011

Since my arrival here, I have been completely satised

with the academic and social environment. The MSc
International Business comprises a wide range of subjects
to provide a thorough understanding of the current global
business environment. However, what I like the most about the
programme is the diversity of my classmates. I have enjoyed
the social and academic interaction with people from dierent
cultural backgrounds.
During these months, I have built excellent relationships with
some faculty members, which has been very helpful when
I required references or assistance for job applications. In
addition, SKEMA sta have been a great support with my CV
and cover letter.
This has turned out to be a great experience. I have not only
obtained the expected academic knowledge but also enjoyed
life in France. The excellent climate and living oer an ideal
situation to relax during time o.
Now I am looking forward to re-starting my career. Ive already
got a job. Ill be working for Lloyds Banking in London as a
business specialist.
Second semester:
Option - doing business in europe
Sophia Antipolis campus
Advanced Strategy 3
Doing Business in Europe 4
Skemasim (Cross campus business game) 4
Business Law in Europe 4
Marketing Communication in Europe 3
International Human Resources 3
Sustainable Development and Innovation 2
Sustainable Finance 2
Professional and Personal Development 1
IB elective 1 2
IB elective 2 2
Examples of IB Electives:
Advanced Research Methods
Certification Project Management (CAPM)
Access to courses of other masters of science
TOTAL semester two 30
Dissertation 30
TOTAL MSc IB Doing Business in Europe 90
Second semester:
option - doing business in china
Suzhou campus - Mandatory courses
Advanced Strategy 3
Negociation 2
SKEMASIM (Cross campus business game) 2
Legal Issues in China 4
Marcom in China 3
Managing People in Multinational
Sustainable Innovation from a Business
Sustainable Finance 2
Doing Business in China 4
Chinese Language & Culture 4
Professional & Personal Development 1
TOTAL semester two 30
Dissertation 30
TOTAL MSc IB Doing Business in China 90
*All courses marked by an endnote in this brochure are co-supported by the Jean Monnet chair. Project Title: Corporate Europeanization: Applied Knowledge for Education,
Employment, Growth and Stability. A podcast based project. Grant Agreement/Decision number: 175609-LP-1-FR-AJM-CH.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Second semester:
Option - doing business in the usa
Raleigh campus
Advanced Strategy 3
Doing Business in the USA 4
North American Business Law 4
Managing Human Resources in the USA 3
Marketing Communication in the USA 3
Skemasim (Cross campus business game) 4
Sustainable Development and Innovation 4
Professional and Personal Development 1
IB elective 1 2
IB elective 2 2
Examples of IB electives:
Financial and Banking systems in the USA
Advanced Research Methods
Certification Project Management
Total semester two 30
Dissertation 30
TOTAL MSc IB Doing Business in the USA 90
Approximate course time not including individual and
project work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed
by the school without prior notice.
Entrepreneurship is the art of recognition and exploitation of
opportunities. Entrepreneurship is valuable within organisations
as well as in the establishment of new ventures. Discovering
entrepreneurial opportunities requires that individuals not only
possess knowledge, but that they also have the cognitive abilities
that allow them to value and exploit that knowledge.
Career opportunities
Entrepreneur, incubator advisor, executive consultant in
strategy and business development, business development
manager, business unit manager, marketing and sales manager
in innovative start-ups and existing companies, venture capital/
investment fund advisor, auditor.
Why choose this programme
The positioning of the programme dedicated to prepare future
entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to take advantage of new business
ISMA 360 methodology on marketing of innovation, a metho-
dology that helps change the rules of the game and open new
competitive spaces
The strong links with the local innovation system and its network
of entrepreneurs and partner incubators
The location in the heart of the Sophia Antipolis science park,
in connection with its competitive clusters
The support of the SKEMA incubator for students with an
entrepreneurial project
- Sophia Antipolis local incubators, Sophia Business Angels,
competitive clusters (Artemis-CARMA, Capenergies, Cercadis,
Telecom Valley), Reseau Entreprendre PACA
- Suzhou local incubators
- Partnership with the Master Innovation and Technological
Entrepreneurship (MNN) of the Tech de Monterrey (Mexico)
Programme outline
Eco-system of Innovation
The course is organised to discover what is under the surface of
innovation and the multiplicity of actors necessary to develop rich
innovative environments.
Identifying and Managing Entrepreneurial Opportunities
What do entrepreneurial opportunities look like? How do rms
discover and exploit these opportunities to create value and
sustain competitive advantage? This course provides the answers.
Entrepreneurial Finance
Funding is mainly in capital and the main issue for the entrepreneur
is capital raising and valuation of the project. Students learn to
navigate these tricky areas.
Strategic Marketing of Innovation
The course will present the specicities of the marketing of
innovation, and students will use a unique marketing method,
ISMA 360, developed at SKEMA, widely recognised as one of the
most advanced.
New Venture and Business Plan
This course will take the student from innovative idea creation to
early start-up activities and acquisition of the rst clients for a new
Advanced Strategy
Using case studies, emphasising strategic alliances, repositioning
and the management of opportunities, students will bridge the gap
between strategy-thinking and strategy-making.
Product Design
This course aims at giving essential knowledge on product-design:
principles, methodologies, tools, impacts on the innovation process,
information ow and cost ow. The course emphasises eco-design.
New Business Models for Sustainable Growth
The essence of a business model is in identifying what customers
really want, how they want it, and how the enterprise can organise
to best meet those needs and make a prot. This course deals with
those issues.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Students will be dealing with patents, trademarks and designs. In
order to get a good understanding of the practice of IP, students
will start at the very end: they will take on the role of IP portfolio
Entrepreneurial skills and leadership
During this course, students will explore how entrepreneurs make
decisions and investigate the values and belief systems that impact
entrepreneurial leadership and business processes.
Executive Consulting
This course is dedicated to transferring methods and tools of
executive consulting to the eld of strategy and organisation
management. Methods are based on a robust understanding of
strategic and organisational management theories.
Solutions-based Selling
The challenge for entrepreneurs is to dene a valuable selling
policy. Students will understand customer expectations in detail
and be able to propose solutions which are no longer a single
product or service but a solution designed to satisfy customer
Negotiation Skills
Students will be trained in innovative negotiation techniques and
management of interpersonal relationships..and they will gain
valuable negotiation practice.
MSc Entrepreneurship
& Innovation
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis (France) and Suzhou (China) campuses
Intakes: January & September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme structure
Semester 1 -
Credits Sophia Suzhou
Mandatory Courses
Globalisation 3 x x
Research Methods and Critical Thinking 2 x x
Managing Diversity 2 x x
Identifying and Managing Entrepreneurial Opportunities 2 x x
Chinese 1 x
Eco-system of Innovation 2 x x
New Business Models for Sustainable Growth /
Sustainable Innovation from a Business Perspective
2 x x
New Venture and Business Plan 4 x x
Entrepreneurial Finance 4 x x
Effectual Strategic Marketing 4 x x
Electives: 2 electives in the list below (1 elective in Suzhou)
Launching an Innovation Venture in France / China 2 / 3 x x
Creating Social Change Using the Power of Entrepreneurship 2 x
Open Innovation 2 x
Doing Business in China 3 x
Entrepreneurship Theories 2 x
Business Plan Competition "Challenge Jeunes Pousses" 2 x
Professional Personal Development 1 x
Programme Director
Sophia Antipolis and Suzhou:
Philippe Chereau
Tuition fees
15 965
Marjorie Limacher, class of 2012-13

It was an incredible international experience.

I did the rst semester in Sophia Antipolis in
France, where half of the class was overseas
students. I then went on the Chinese campus
in Suzhou, China, where most teachers were
Chinese. This dynamic environment helped me
to adopt the right behaviour while dealing with
various cultures. Adaptation and comprehensive
observation are key competences for any
entrepreneur who wants to understand market
Ive already got a permanent job. Its in Hong
Kong, Ill be working as a business development
manager for a company called Dining Concepts
Tim Levicki, class of 2011-12

The course is a great balance between theory

and practice, from classical scholarly studies
to face-to-face meetings and working projects
with entrepreneurs in Sophia Antipolis, world
renowned as an area of innovation.
Students from our year were provided with the
requisite tools to start our own rms and it is
evident that this years alumni will go on to
achieve international success.
I was able to enhance my sales skills with
certain modules, such as Solution Selling and
Entrepreneurial Finance as well as my soft skills
particularly communication. As the axiom its not
what you know, but who you know suggests,
networking is vital in business. Our MSc put us
in touch with entrepreneurs, who had already
founded their own ventures, and business
coaches. Within weeks of completing my studies
I took on a job in a senior commercial role as
area manager for Middle East & Africa at Rudolf
Wild, a German rm in the food industry. I was
able to utilise my new and augmented skills
intrapreneurship, negotiation, strategy, etc.
Although the course can be used to help start
your own enterprise, I found it really good for my
career path choice of working in a huge company
with a 1bn$ turnover.
Approximate course time not including individual and project work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the school without
prior notice.
Semester 2 -
Credits Sophia Suzhou
Mandatory Courses
Advanced Strategy 3 x x
Chinese 1 x
Solution-based Selling 2 x x
Negotiation Skills 2 x x
Entrepreneurial Skills and Leadership 2 x x
Innovation and New Product Development 4 x x
Intellectual Property 2 x x
Project Management 4 x x
Executive Consulting 3 x x
Start-up Support (partnership with incubators) 3 x x
Electives: 2 electives in the list below (1 elective in Suzhou)
Strategic Management of Innovation 2 x
Technology Creation in China 3 x
Doing Business in High-Tech 2 x
Entrepreneurial Mindset & Toolkit 3 x
Strategies for High-growth Business 2/3 x x
Social Entrepreneurship 2 x
Disruptive Innovation and the Power of Lead Users 2 x
Professional Personal Development 1 x x
Dissertation 30 x x
Career opportunities
Recruitment consultant, careers development consultant,
learning ocer, compensation and benets expert
HR manager, international mobility manager, HR audit
HR director, HR people development director
Programme outline
The MSc Human Resources Management programme is designed
to oer a solid expertise for specialists who have short or long
term career perspectives. With 400 hours of classes, students will
get the necessary cutting-edge skills to work as HR professionals
in companies or consulting rms both in France and abroad.
In the long term, they will be able to take on positions such as
director of Human Resources, advising company management
eectively in order to enhance organisational performance and
accompany strategy while remaining mindful of employees
In order to achieve this objective, the programme aims:
To provide participants with solid theoretical frameworks in
the elds which underlie HRM in order to allow them to anticipate
and to develop a transversal and strategic vision (Module 1).
To enhance students personal development and to develop
their managerial potential (Module 2).
To improve organisational performance and satisfy company
strategy while taking employees needs into account (Module 3).
To develop the capacity for critical analysis of the practices
implemented within a company in order to develop operational
skills, pragmatism, and a permanent quest for improvement
(Module 4).
To give students the opportunity to gain insight in other social
systems such as the British-American, continental European and
Asian systems (Module 5).
Why choose this programme
There are at least seven good reasons to choose this MSc:
The MSc uses a project-based pedagogical approach, with
some students alternating in-company experience and studies
and others working on consultancy projects for partner
The programme focuses particularly on the personal
development of participants and their values in order to
prepare them for a responsible and meaningful career in
Collaboration with local companies who contribute to the
programme design and who teach on the programme.
International faculty, both academics and professionals teach
on the programme and students come from all over the world.
Active network of 400 SKEMA MSc Human Resources
graduates who are called on to participate in meetings with
SKEMAs MSc students.
The programme addresses international aspects of human
resources management.
Strong links with professional and academic bodies in
HRM: Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources
Humaines (AGRH), Association Nationale des Directeurs des
Ressources Humaines (ANDRH), Club DRH Sophia, Institut
dAudit Social (IAS), Association pour le Dveloppement de
lEnseignement et de la Recherche sur la Responsabilit Sociale
de lEntreprise (ADERSE), Agence nationale pour lamlioration
des conditions de travail (ANACT).
In-company projects and assignments
These are rich and varied, and can be presented under two broad
Specialised assignments on some aspect of HR policy
(recruitment, training, studies on strategic workforce
planning, participation in setting up of HR management systems)
Broader, general assignments combining several dierent
aspects of HR policy (recruitment and/or training, remuneration
and/or SWP) or in relation with transverse projects (change
management consulting, diversity project manager...).
Partner companies
Adecco, Amadeus, Auchan, Bayer Schering, EDF, Henkel,
lOccitane, Valeo, Rexel, Orange, Otis, General Electric,
Accenture, LVMH, Crdit Agricole, SAP, IBM, Marineland, Thales,

Alize Marion-Wuillemin, class of 2013
This MSc waas aa reaal opppoortunnity to aapplly thhe thheoory too reeal,
professionaal coonteexts..
Both the professionnals s annd aacaaddemmics whooo tauughht thhee cl lassses
were very committeed. Theeir innputs ccoveredd all the ranngge of HHR. IIn
the Audit class, wee haad thhe oopppoortuunityy to wworrk wwith aa coomppanyy
based in Sophia too carry o out ann auddit inn accttual in-commmpa any
The emphasis put oon the inteernnaationnal dimmeens sionn waass also highly
motivating. Studyinng in aa claasss oof 21 stuudeen nts in wwhic chh hhalf of
them come from fooreiggn ccounntrriees wwas veryyy chhalle engiinng andd
helped us to open ourr miindss annd bee prrepa arredd forr woorrkinng inn thhis
globalised world!
Ive already got an intternsship p aat an IT coomp panyy baasedd in Lyon
called Agixis. Im wworkkingg in thee HR dep parttm men nt as s a jjuuniior
MSc Human Resources
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis campus
Academic year: eight months
Internship/dissertation period: four to six months
Intake: September

Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Director
Batrice Toustou
Mandatory courses
Transversal MSc courses 8
Globalisation 3
Strategy 3
Professional Development 2
SHRM mandatory courses 40
> Module 1: Human Resources Environment 12
Contemporary Societal Developments
Advanced Organisational Behaviours
Networks within Organisations
Psychology in the Workplace (including psycho-social risks)
> Module 2: Developing Skills in Human Relations 6
Team Management within CSR -leadership skills
Active Listening
Being Open to Diversity
> Module 3: Strategy for HRM 8
HRM Issues of Global Firms
Strategy for HRM
Management of Social Indicators
HR Audit (including class and coaching hours in small groups)
Advanced Organisations
> Module 4: Tools and Methods for the HR Function 11
HRM IT Systems/SAP
Compensation and Benefits Policies
Recruitment Techniques
Human Resources Development
> Module 5: Social Systems 3
Comparative Social Systems
Individual & Collective Relations (in French, not compulsory)
Elective courses 8
4 courses to be chosen among: Leadership and Ethics, French
Training Law (in French), Social Negotiations Practices, HRM
within Mergers and Acquisitions, HRM in the Supply Chain,
Advanced Excel, English for Management
Professional Thesis * 34
Dissertation 30
Research Methods 1 & 2 4
TOTAL credits (Courses: 60 + Thesis: 30) 90
Approximate course time not including individual and project
work: 400 h
Tuition fees
15 965
Anushree Ravindranath, class of 2013
Choosing this MSc is one of the best decisions
I have ever made. I learnt about it when I met the
schools international admission representative
in Bangalore, India. SKEMAs ranking, its multiple
campuses around the world and its strong
international culture appealed to me.
This MSc has provided a solid foundation in human
resource management by giving access to professors
with strong research backgrounds as well as industry
experts from diverse organisations. This fusion has
given me a more realistic understanding of human
resource management which will be an advantage in
my career.
The multi-cultural environment, teamwork based
assignments, support by the Careers Centre
counsellors and guidance by the MSc director,
Beatrice Toustou, and all my professors have made
my masters degree a truly splendid experience.
Among several offers, I have chosen to pursue an
internship for the next six months with Orange
Business Services in Paris as the HR international
assistant. I will be working with my manager based
in New York on HR projects that will be implemented
at various Orange offices around the world.
* Students must write an MSc dissertation on a
subject of personal interest or a field in which they
would like to work. The dissertation project gives
students the opportunity to become an expert in one
specific aspect of human resources management/
organisational behaviour.
Students are encouraged to choose a dissertation
project linked to their internship, thus demonstrating
expertise in a particular area of HR to any future
















Career opportunities
Consultant in information systems management
Consultant in operations management
Consultant in organisation
Auditor of information systems
Project manager for information systems projects
Programme outline
Jointly designed with SAP, Ernst & Young, Amadeus and PMI
France, the purpose of this programme is to train highly qualied
professionals in consulting and in information systems. Courses
on SAP will be held on the premises of SAP Labs France at Sophia
Antipolis. Ernst & Young courses (leader on the French market for
information systems auditing) will be taught by the rms senior
consultants and partners; they will address information systems
audit, and the legal, tax and security aspects of these systems.
Courses in project management will enable you to achieve a
professional certication in project management.
Why choose this programme
The content of this international programme has been dened
by some of the worlds most prominent players in consulting
and in information systems with reference to their recruitment
needs and those of their principal clients. Beyond being a course
oering a diploma of a high academic level, it is also enabling
participants to prepare for professional certications:


or PMP

Change management for option BC


for option ISM

Recognised internationally, these three certications, added
to the quality of the training given by industrial experts from
Ernst & Young, SAP, Amadeus and PMI France make this MSc a
springboard for a professional career in this eld. Finally, the
MSc in Business Consulting & Information Systems Management
benets from the competitive, high-tech and international
context of the Sophia Antipolis technology park. This environment
provides preferential access to leading-edge businesses,
consulting groups and industries.
In-company projects and assignments
Supply chain management (CMA CGM)
E-commerce (Salomon)
E-government (Conseil Gnral 06)
Project management (IBM)
IS audit (Ernst & Young)
IS consulting (Ernst & Young)
Project support engineer (SAP)
Software methodology (Amadeus)
Vincent Petit - Partner Ernst & Young

The course is intended to be as pragmatic as possible and

is largely taught by professionals from partner companies and
international organisations (SAP, Ernst & Young, Amadeus, PMI
France-Sud, IBM). The most advanced knowledge possible in the
eld of information systems can thus be delivered, whether at the
level of market leader SAP integrated software or methodologies
for project management and information systems.
This training will make it possible to eciently meet the
requirements of companies and consultancies in the area of
information systems, for integrated software suites, project
management and information system auditing. After obtaining
this master of science, students will thus be fully operational to
work in these professional areas.
Chang Courvalet, class of 2012-2013

This MScs combination of subject areas is hard to nd

among business schools. It is an interdisciplinary subject
combining business, management as well as the important
technical spects. Students get a broad perspective, relevant
knowledge and practised skills.
Since joining SKEMAs MSc Business Consulting & Information
Systems Management, many good things have happened to my
life: I have obtained my PMP certication before the end of the
course; and I have secured a position at Amadeus in their R&D
department to work on business intelligence.
The one-year SKEMA MSc has not only given me knowledge, but
also -and most importantly- the capacity to continually improve
myself as a qualied professional.
MSc Business Consulting
& Information Systems
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis campus
Intake: September
Founder Partners
Ernst & Young
Partner companies
Cap Gemini
Inventy Consulting
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Director
Sophia Antipolis: Corinne Hirzmann
Tuition fees
15 965
Semester Credits
Common Business Skills 6
Introduction to BC&ISM with privileged access to our partners S1 -
Strategy S1 3
Globalisation S1 3
Project Management Skills 14 to 16
Project Management Fundamentals with practice on MS Project S1 4
Professional Consulting Project with Companies of the region Using PMP Methodology S1 & S2 6
Certification: CAPM or PMP S2 2
Agile Methodology S2 2
Option (BC): Portfolio Management S2 2
Business Consulting Skills 17 to 29
Strategy & Organisation Consulting in SMEs S1 4
Business Process Management: Methodology
& its solutions on ERP (SAP), CRM, Supply Chain and PLM
S1 4
Innovation Management S2 2
Audit & Risk Management/ CobiT S1 4
Managing Change Effectively S2 3
Option (BC): IT Business Strategy S1 2
Option (BC): Communication Skills for Consultant S1 2
Option (BC): Cap Gemini Seminar S1 2
Option (BC): Knowlegde Management S2 2
Option (BC): Advanced Change Management (certification) S2 2
Option (BC): Lean Management Six Sigma S2 2
Information System Management Skills 7 to 21
Basic IT Technical Skills (Excel & Access) - MS Certification S1 2
Business Intelligence (BI)/Big Data S2 2
SAP Technical Fundamentals: SI Architecture and SI (SAP01) S1 3
Option (ISM): IT Technical Skills S1 2
Option (ISM): ITIL certification S1 4
Option (ISM): SAP Netweaver (SAPNW) & SAP In Memory Appliance (HANA100) S1 3
Option (ISM): SAP Administration Web Application Server ABAP (ADM100) S2 3
Option (ISM): SAP Solution Manager Operations and Configuration (SM100) S2 2
Professional Development & Dissertation
Professional Development S1 & S2 2
Research Method and Crtitical Thinking S1 2
Dissertation 30
Total teaching time not including project work: 400 h















Career opportunities
Graduates of this MSc have strong potential for recruitment in a
wide range of industries and sectors. The eld of purchasing and
supply chain oers a variety of possible assignments and jobs
ranging from generalist supply chain management, materials
management and project management to specialist purchasing,
procurement, demand planning, logistics & transportation, as
well as consulting positions.
Programme outline
The MSc in Supply Chain Management & Purchasing (SCMP)
provides a unique opportunity for acquiring a specialist
qualication in the area of purchasing, supply chain
management, combined with a generalised one in project
management. This MSc programme is designed for practising
professionals, mid-career managers and graduates seeking
specialised training in the complementary elds of purchasing,
supply chain management and project management at
managerial level.
Why choose this programme
There are at least seven good reasons to choose this MSc:
The MSc oers a dual competency in supply chain
management, and purchasing & project management.
Many internationally recognised certications are facilitated
within this MSc, thereby boosting participants careers.
Certications include preparation for the Supply Chain Council
SCOR S Certication (Supply Chain Operation Reference Model),
Certied Associate in Project Management (CAPM

) professional
certications of the Project Management Institute (PMI

). A
Lean Six Sigma yellow/green belt level course is also part of the
This MSc is accredited by the Confrence des Grandes Ecoles.
The MSc programme includes the Global MMOG/LE
certication & consulting project allowing participants to assess
the logistics performance of specic companies.
Collaboration with local companies who contribute to the
programme design and who teach on the programme.
International faculty, both academics and professionals teach
on the programme and students come from all over the world.
SKEMA Business School has developed many links with
professional bodies at national and international level, in
particular for the development of international standards and
research. SKEMA Business School is involved with: the Supply
Chain Council (SCOR), APICS

the Association for Operations

Management, Association Franaise pour la Logistique (ASLOG),
Compagnie des Dirigeants et Acheteurs de France (CDAF), CPIM
de France, Project Management Institute PMI

, APM Group
(PRINCE2, MSP), Major Projects Association (MPA), American
Society for Quality (ASQ) and the Six Sigma Institute.
Arnaud Dugeay, director of logistics, KONE France

I invited students from the SKEMA MSc in supply chain

management to undertake the MMOG/LE exercise at KONE. I
was pleasantly surprised by the output and the quality of the
recommendations made by the MSc students. Afterwards I took
the opportunity to invite one of the students to do an internship
in order to implement those recommendations. As a result of
which KONE has been able to identify key steps for making
its supply chain more socially responsible. Based on these
encouraging results, we decided the following year to undertake
the MMOG/LE audit again, in one of our sister companies.
Morgane Pladys, class of 2013

One of the added values of this MSc is that we had the

opportunity to apply all this knowledge during the second
semester by doing a supply chain audit in a company. It
was a real education for me and for all my team. It was very
interesting to interview those people in the key functions of the
supply chain, to assess the existing processes and to propose
recommendations and action plans. The rm was also very happy
with our work and oered us a job at the end of the audit. One of
our team took them up on the job oer.
What I really appreciated too is the personalised student follow-
up. The MSc director, Catherine Taupiac, places emphasis on
entering the job market and gives students a lot of help to nd a
job which matches their expectations.
During my internship at a private hospital, I worked as a project
manager developing a logistics platform for post-discharge
patients and management of medical purchases through an
information system.
As of October 2013, Morgane is working in nance, logistics and
administration at ACTED, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Maxime Van Der Voort, class of 2012

This MSc was an excellent way for me to specialise in a

dynamic eld.
The knowledge provided has proven to be very useful in order to
become fully operational in my new job. I am currently working
as a supplier quality specialist at Airbus GmbH in Hamburg,
Im using the skills I learned during my MSc course in my day to
day activities. For instance, the ability to use the SAP system was
one of the prerequisites for the position, so I am glad I could get
this training during the MSc.
MSc Supply Chain
Management and
Programme taught in English at the Sophia Antipolis campus.
This MSc is accredited by the Confrence des Grandes Ecoles
Intake: September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme structure
Programme Director
Sophia Antipolis: Catherine Taupiac
Tuition fees
15 965
Sophia campus
Academic year 8 months
dissertation period
4 to 6 months
8 months of classes
followed by 4/6 months in
a company
The MSc covers the whole span of supply chain activities
from planning, purchasing, receiving, production, storage to
delivery through nine compulsory courses, and six elective
courses and specic projects. It is designed with a progressive
shift from theory to practice. Specic courses are structured
around project-based learning, where students are immersed
in companies in order to deal with real life supply chains and
purchasing issues.
Semester 2 Credits
Mandatory courses 18
Supply Chain Information Technology
and Tools
Fundamentals of Production Planning 4
Transportation & International Logistics 3
Lean Manufacturing 3
Supply Chain Audit 5
Elective courses
4 courses to be chosen among:
SCOR-S Certification 2
Human Resource Management in the Supply Chain 2
Finance in the Value Chain 2
SCMP Community of Practice 2
Research Methods and Critical Thinking
Transversal courses 4
Personal and Professional Development 1
Strategy 3
TOTAL Semester 2 30
Dissertation 30
Approximative course time not including individual and project work: 450 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the school without prior notice.
Semester 1 Credits
Mandatory courses 20
Supply Chain Strategy and SCOR model 4
Risk Management in the Supply Chain
and Supply Chain Careers
Pre Requisites for Procurement and
Advanced Sourcing 4
Project Management Fundamentals
Practice of MS PROJECT
Elective courses
3 courses to be chosen among:
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) 2
Sustainable SCM and Ethics 2
Research Methods and Critical Thinking 2
Managerial and Communication Skills 2
Transversal courses 4
Globalisation 3
Personal & Professional Development 1
TOTAL Semester 1 30
Career opportunities
Project manager, assistant programme/portfolio manager,
PMO assistant, consultant in project, programme and portfolio
management, planning engineer, cost manager, quality assessor.
Programme outline
This programme is the only MSc in France in project management
and the only one with two major accreditations: one accreditation
with the CGE (Confrence des Grandes Ecoles) and the other,
called the GAC

, with the Project Management Institute

the United States. Worldwide there are only 80 programmes
that are GAC

accredited by PMI

. The learning objectives are

internationally recognised.
For students, the programme leads to full employability whatever
the organisation, the business, or the country.
For recruiters, this master is a guarantee that graduates are
Why choose this programme
An international programme taught by practitioners and
researchers in project and programme management.
Students can immediately apply the knowledge learned
during courses.
Students are trained for international certications in project
management (PMI


Personal and professional development, as well as team
and social competencies courses or workshops, develop the
managerial skills of students.
Operational tools and techniques currently in use within
organisations are taught.
Students work on lessons learned from real projects so as to
recognise bad practices in project management and to be able
to implement best practices.
Behavioural ground rules are explained to facilitate the
change management that is associated with project
In-company projects and assignments
During their internship, students develop their knowledge and
practical skills by working on real projects.
They assist project, programme or portfolio managers, develop
specic new tools and techniques, market new products or do
research on project management best practices.
Recruiting companies
Airbus, Alstom Transport, General Electric
Healthcare, Thomson Reuters, Compagnie des Wagons Lits,
Valeo, Lacoste, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Gemalto, NQI, Maltem,
Innovateam, Wynnesystems, PCubed.
Sessien Armel Quirino, class of 2013

I chose this MSc to receive state-of-the-art training and, after

my technical IT working experience and studies, I wanted to have
work opportunities in large business oriented projects.
I really appreciated the diversity of the teachers (ways of teaching,
personalities and professional backgrounds), their sharp skills, all
professionals and experts in their elds, who could provide rich
feedback drawing on their experience. Many teachers had PhDs
and we had the only PgMP and OPM3 certied trainers available in
I also enjoyed the human experience with my colleagues and
fellow students. There were so many different nationalities, cultural
backgrounds, different English accents...!
Group assignments were intense working experiences and a true
means to learning how to work in the globalised business world we
live in.
The progressive course structure is excellent. Courses later
in the year go deeper and deal with processes, projects and
organisational maturity models and provide useful inputs to
business transformation, organisation and strategy.
I now have the chance to apply some of those skills as a consultant
in global companies. Im working at Schneider-Electric, in charge of
a corporate portfolio of projects and activities, in the Information
Process and Organisation department.
Tanvi Gulati, class of 2012

Working on a number of tasks and projects with students

from many countries has given me experience of working in a
multicultural environment. I have moved from having a general
management perspective to a specic management perspective
and learnt various techniques like scheduling, planning, risk
analysis, scope management, leadership skills etc. which are
required for efcient project work in an organisation.
I am presently working in my internship as an assistant project
manager in Thomson Reuters and can see for myself that the
methods and techniques taught on the MSc are highly relevant to
actual project management work in the real world.
MSc Project and
Programme Management
& Business Development
Programme taught in English at the Lille and Paris campuses
Duration: 18 months
Intakes: February & September (Paris)
September (Lille)
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Director
Thierry Verlynde
Globalisation 3
Advanced Strategy 3
Business Intelligence and Project Management 2
Project Management & Standards

Foundation 4

(CAPM) 4
Organisation & Leadership
Team & Social Competencies / Multicultural
Organising Projects (tools and techniques) 4
Solving Complexity in Project Management
(based on lessons learned from real projects)
Strategy & Business Development
Business Plans and Business Models 2
Project Financing 4
Strategic Project Management 4
Maturity Models (OPM3, CMMi V 1.2) 4
Practice of Project Management
Microsoft Project and Operational Scheduling 4
Team & Social Competencies in Virtual Projects,
Leadership and the MBTI Test
Project Management and Sustainability 2
Contract & Claim Management 2
Project Communication & Project Configuration 2
Risk Management 2
Human Resources, Authority, Ethics &
Organisational Influences
Professional Development
CV, cover letters, individual and group Interviews 2
Professional thesis
Coaching for professional thesis 2
Dissertation 30
Approximate course time not including individual and project work:
550 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by the school
without prior notice.
Tuition fees
15 965
Why chosse this programme
Graduates can expect to nd employment in a wide range of
businesses as:
business analysts and consultants
project analysts or industry economists in government and
private sector organisations
policy advisors
Students who are inclined to quantitative studies can also expect
to nd employment as researchers in economic think-tanks or be
admitted to doctoral graduate programmes
Programme outline
The MSc in Business and Economics will oer students a critical
analysis of fundamental subjects such as macroeconomics,
microeconomics, statistics, econometrics, and some more
specic ones, such as industrial organisation, nance,
international economics, and economics of knowledge. In
addition, it provides an ample portfolio from which to choose
elective courses. In particular, students can decide to focus on
nance, management, or international business.
Applicants are not required to have prior training in economics.
However, students who already have a good background in
economics, statistics and econometrics can ask the director of
the MSc to replace one or more compulsory courses with those
oered by other SKEMA MSc programmes.
Why choose this programme
This is a high-quality and highly selective programme oered by
SKEMA on its Sophia Antipolis campus. Students can expect to
gain a signicant edge in getting a job that requires analytical
thinking. Furthermore, interacting with outstanding faculty (all
professors have PhDs of well-known national and international
institutions) will facilitate building up an excellent professional
The programme helps students develop gradually the capacity
to apply economic concepts and methods to their work and by
enhancing their understanding of the economic forces shaping
the business environment. A solid basis in economics and its
applications are an invaluable asset for solving problems in all
areas of management. It is not designed, however, to just teach
students a sequence of abstract concepts. Indeed, a particular
emphasis will be given to the management of knowledge as a way
to succeed in the chosen career.
An important feature of the programme is that it trains
participants in quantitative techniques that are highly valued
on the job market: database handling; descriptive statistics
(including statistical inference); regression analysis (ordinary
least squares and maximum likelihood techniques); causal
inference in policy evaluation (treatment eect models,
regression discontinuity design); big data analytics. For example,
public policies and rms strategies are elaborated on the
basis of data taken by means of polls, surveys, and databanks.
Investment trends, consumer demand, and companies stock
market values are constructed applying quantitative and
statistical techniques to large databases.
In-company projects and assignments
During this master programme students will be required to do an
in-company assignment such as:
> Analysis of the rm (subcontracting, outsourcing, international
fragmentation, choice of location, productivity threshold and
export strategy)
> Market analysis (market size, customer behaviour, technology
performance, and rms competitiveness)
> Industry analysis (barriers to entry, barriers to growth)
> Country analysis (legal rules, policy environment, nancial
conditions, country risk, country costs advantage, economic
trends and business opportunities)
> Policy analysis (competition, regulatory, banking, labour,
industrial policies) and implications for doing business
Visiting professors from foreign institutions
Visiting professors from prestigious foreign institutions, including
the Federal Reserve Bank, North Carolina State University,
Michigan State University, and Sant Anna Institute for Advanced
Studies, are invited on a regular basis to teach in the MSc. The
programme is meant to give students not only a wider view of
economics and business, but also to build students networks to
expand their career opportunities.
Jean-Luc Gaard, director of the Research on Innovation
and Competition Department (OFCE ), and director of the
Department of Economics at SKEMA

This programme is a real opportunity to master the most

elaborate analytical tools and acquire a double expertise
in management and in applied economics. It also provides
students with a prociency in the analysis of industries and of
the economic environment of large companies, national and
international institutions. These professional skills are taught in an
international environment and in partnership with OFCE (Economic
Research Centre of Science Po - Paris) and its different departments
(Analysis and Forecasting, Economics of Globalisation, Research
and Research on Innovation and Competition) located in Paris and
in Sophia Antipolis. So students will be in frequent direct contact
with researchers and analysts of the OFCE and will have a direct
view on studies dealing with public policy evaluation as well as
with company strategy in elds such as energy, automobile, banks
or electronics.
MSc Business and
Programme taught in English at the Paris campus
Intake: September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme Director
Paris: Jean-Luc Gaard
Tuition fees
15 965
Programme structure
Semester 1
Mandatory courses 30
Business Economics 5
Macroeconomics for Business 5
Economics of Information 5
International Economics and Growth 5
International Financial Economics 5
Econometrics 5
Semester 2
Mandatory Courses 24
Behavioural Economics 5
Industrial Organisation 5
Corporate Finance 5
Applied Econometrics 5
Big Data Analytics 4
Electives: Three courses (2 credits each) 6
Corporate Risk Management 2
Corporate Restructuring 2
Internationalisation of the Firm 2
Country Risk Management 2
Information Goods and e-commerce 2
Technology and Competition 2
Dissertation 30
Dissertation 30
Pauline Quinebiche, class of 2012

Doing the MSc Business & Economics, I gained a

strong background in economics, sector-specific strategy
and company strategy analysis thanks to the quality of
teaching and the professors encouragement. At the end of
the academic year, I began a six-month internship within
the Economic Research Department of Natixis. Using the
knowledge and analytical tools acquired at SKEMA as well
as guidance from the Natixis team, I was able to carry out
a study into the banking system in the euro area. After this
rewarding experience, I obtained a job as an economist to
work on the emerging Asia area. This job is challenging as
I must acquire knowledge daily and produce analyses for
clients and investors. I follow macroeconomic indicators
(such as inflation, GDP growth), fiscal and monetary
policies. Furthermore, data collection and its treatment is a
crucial task to add value to the analysis I conduct along with
my colleagues. Beyond the Asia area, by participating in
monthly meetings, Im developing a global economic view,
which enables me to adjust my forecasts regarding growth
in emerging Asian countries.
Approximative course time not including individual
and project work: 400 h
These details are for information only and may be changed by
the school without prior notice.
Career opportunities
Opens vast job opportunities in a wide variety of elds in
international business, executive consulting, or national security:
> strategic analyst
> strategy consultant for large and small businesses
> knowledge and information manager
> organisation and quality manager
> manager of information security and systems...
Why choose this programme
> The MSc International Strategy & Inuence is the only
programme of its kind combining international corporate strategy
and competitive intelligence
> Designed by expert academics together with leading strategic
consultants and competitive intelligence specialists
> Courses taught by senior executives in the eld of strategic
consulting and competitive intelligence from leading companies
and other organisations in this area
> Course content covers cutting edge knowledge, methods and
tools in these elds
> All content is backed up with real life in-company consulting
projects and competitive intelligence projects.
Programme outline
The MSc International Strategy & Inuence provides students with
strategic management and competitive intelligence knowledge
and methods.
This MSc is designed to train students in:
> handling the challenges of strategic management of rms
operating in a globalised environment
> the skills and knowledge to develop strategies drawing on
competitive intelligence methods
> legal methods of inuence
> the execution of strategies for the organisation of knowledge
and skills in using information as a strategic asset
> designing the right organisation and the appropriate managerial
structure to operate corporate strategy in the global economy.
Designed by experts for experts
The academic content of MSc International Strategy & Inuence
has been designed by SKEMAs experts and leading organisations
of strategic consulting and competitive intelligence, including:
Boston Consulting Group, Capgemini Consulting, Institut National
des Hautes tudes de la Scurit et de la Justice (INHESJ).

Alice Guilhon, SKEMA dean, professor of the
Competitive Intelligence course on this MSc

This MSc in International Strategy and Inuence is a

high-level programme designed to train students to the
challenges of development and strategic management of rms
operating in an international and globalised environment.

Even though models of corporate strategy are well known today,
it has become clear that they need to evolve so that businesses
can compete on an equal footing with their competitors on the
international scene.

The aim of the MSc International Strategy & Inuence is to provide
students with the skills and knowledge to develop strategies
drawing on competitive intelligence methods. Students will
be trained in (legal) methods of inuence and taught how to
execute strategies based on the organisation of knowledge and
appropriate skills in using information as a strategic asset.

Social capital and dissemination of strategic information are at
the heart of the development and the conduct of international
strategies. Similarly, designing the right organisation and the
appropriate managerial structure is at the heart of corporate
MSc International
Strategy & Influence
Programme taught in English at the Paris campus
Optional INHESJ specialisation taught in French
Intake: September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Tuition fees: 15 965















Programme structure
Semester 1 -
Credits Description
Mandatory Courses
Globalisation 3 Understand the multi-faceted dimensions of global strategy risks
Research Methods (1): case studies 2 Qualitative research methods to analyse professional management issues
Strategic analysis from a competitive intelligence
The role of competitive intelligence and influence in the development of a
firms strategy in the context of international business
Digital economy and innovation 4
Challenges and opportunities introduced by digitalsation on examples of
successful as well as unsuccessful business practices
Strategy & Business models 2 Matching business model with strategic posture for firm's performance
Competitive intelligence 4
The different cultural and contextual approaches and methods of competitive
intelligence in firms and states
Multicultural management 4
The impact of culture in shaping different cultural mindsets and attitudes, and
how these influence strategic business and corporate organisation
Sociology of organisations, information infusion/
The challenges of monitoring and dissemination of strategic information
according to organizational configurations
Hot topics in strategy - the academic view 2 Academic scholars will provide students with state-of-the-art research outputs
on strategy and strategic management, while consultants will introduce their
latest practices used in strategic consulting
Hot topics in strategy - the consultant view 2
Professional & Personal Development 1
Semester 2 -
Mandatory Courses
Knowledge management and leadership 4
Knowledge Management as a new step in the management development in
the Knowledge Economy
Influence and international negotiation 4
How to organise in the workplace and at the State level an influence strategy
or operation to protect the competitiveness of the organisation
Social networking 4
Social networking as a strategic management practice for knowledge sharing
and influence
Research Method (2): empirics 2 Quantitative research methods to analyse professional management issues
Advanced strategy 3 Advanced knowledge on growth strategy formulation and evaluation
Challenges of normalisation 4
The strategic role of standards, the world organization that sets them and
the related key issues for firms.
Strategic management of innovation 4
Innovation management from a strategic perspective, considering that
innovation is an essential means for a firm to achieve strategic goals
Elective Track Strategic Consulting 4 > only full track allowed
Advanced strategic models 1 Theories, methodologies and tools of strategic consulting
Strategic consulting 1
Transferring methods and tools of executive Consulting in the field of
strategy and organisation management
Preparing for consulting jobs 1 The skills and attitudes to be a consultant and develop in the job
Risk analysis 1 Corporate strategy from a risk management perspective
Elective Track Scurit Economique -
Taught in French by LInstitut National des Hautes Etudes de la Scurit et de
la Justice - >only full track allowed
Nouveaux risques et nouveaux dfis 1
Dans un monde global, les acteurs conomiques font face un march
caractris par lhyperconcurrence. Dans ce contexte, la protection et la
matrise de linformation stratgique constituent un enjeu majeur. Face
la multiplication des risques et des menaces, lentreprise doit dvelopper
une culture de la scurit et de la sret pour protger efficacement ses
personnels, son infrastructure et ses actifs immatriels
Scurit conomique 1
Web 3.0 - Internet: menaces ou atouts pour
Gestion de crise 1
Visite direction suret groupe industriel franais NA
Professional & Personal Development 1
Dissertation 30
First year programme outline
One-year general international management programme that
prepares students for an MSc at SKEMA Business School. This
programme is open to students from France and abroad who have
an initial three-year university degree.
This programme aims to:
Enable students with a three-year university degree to meet
entrance requirements for an MSc at SKEMA
Bring non-business graduates up to speed with business
Consolidate knowledge for business graduates
Give an integrated vision of the rm in its environment
Explore the international dimensions of business in a global
knowledge economy
Give students necessary in-company work experience
Improve students English language level before taking on an
MSc taught in English.
The rst year of the Two-year MSc is worth a total of 60 credits
and is taught over one year.
The rst year programme consists of two semesters in class, or
one semester in class plus a six-month in-company placement.
Semester 1: September - 2014
This is an academic semester covering core business studies
subjects. The courses of study on the Sophia, Suzhou and Raleigh
campuses are all very similar. They are, however, localised to the
European, Chinese and North American perspectives concerning:
courses taught, local professors, and specic courses (languages,
culture). This localisation is relevant to the continent/campus.
Semester 2: January - 2015
There are two options:
1) Second part of the academic semester covering core business
studies subjects
2) In-company placement
Students will be able to gain valuable in-company experience
through an internship and will gain practical knowledge of
management, and be able to conrm their specialisation.
Bringing non-business graduates up to speed:
For non-business graduates, intensive pre-sessional seminars will
be offered to bring them up to speed in business fundamentals.
Said Ibrahimov, Two-year MSc 2010-12

The reason I chose SKEMA was for the reputation of its

MSc programmes, especially the MSc in Financial Markets
& Investments, now ranked 12th worldwide by the FT. The
opportunities oered by SKEMAs extensive international network
as well as its US and China campuses also attracted me to this
I must also note the high quality of the teaching on the Two-year
MSc. The international professors always listen to students; they
are available and willing to help us so that students progress.
The course content has inuenced me positively in my ambitions
and career goals.
At SKEMA Business School I have met people from all over the
world, which has given me access to the real meaning of diversity,
all in an ideal setting enjoying the weather and the beaches on
the French Riviera.
I would strongly recommend SKEMA and the Two-year MSc.
Two-year MSc
The first year
Programme taught in English at the Paris, Sophia Antipolis, Raleigh and
Suzhou campuses.
Intake: September
Admission contacts
French students International students
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
USA: +1.919.535.5700 - China: +86. 6260 8988
France: +33(0) or +33(0)
admissionspostgraduate@skema.edu internationalprograms@skema.edu
www.skema-bs.fr - www.skema.edu - www.skema-bs.cn
Programme structure*:
Semester 1 (30 credits)
Mandatory courses
Management Accounting
Corporate Finance
Economics of Innovation
Strategy 1
E-learning CK, SKEMA, Online electives,
Distance learning
Sustainable Performance Management
Business Game Operations and SI
Languages French, English or Chinese
(depending on campus)
Intercultural Management in Asia
(China campus)
History & Culture (NCSU & SKEMA)
(US campus)
Professional and Personal Development

Programme Director
Pascal Vidal
Tuition fees
Two-year MSc
22 965
To validate the first year of the Two-year MSc programme and progress to the final year specialisation, a student must:
> Obtain 60 ECTS credits
> Obtain a GPA of 12/20 minimum
> Reach a TOEFL score of 560 points

Optional Semester 2 (30 credits)
International in-company placement
+ on-line elective
Students will be able to gain valuable in-company
experience through an internship thus gaining practical
knowledge of management and being able to confirm their
choice of specialisation.
Second year: MSc specialisation
The choice for the MSc specialisation must be taken before starting the Two-year MSc
Semester 2 (30 credits)
Mandatory courses
History and Culture
Economics of Globalisation
Risk & Crisis Management
Management of Human Capital &
Leadership: Diversity, Ethics, Complexity,
Virtual Teams
Business Model & Business Plan
E-learning CK, SKEMA, Online electives,
Distance learning,
Languages French, English or Chinese
(depending on campus)
Doing Business with China or Social
Aspects of Business (China campus)
Doing Business with USA
Doing Business with China
(US campus)
Professional and Personal Development
*These details are for information only and may be changed by the school without prior notice.

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