1905-12-28 PDF

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«k4,—;» k »,
- * l j l *3>W* f-

r -,j » aad *e*»«a «t« at* j

< WMt Ht ft*Jf « « ! * * Vat* ,

iU Oawrt»**.i

£J»* light tnd fuel. Iff you Haw ncrer nstd

hi* ^radoatiBf tt ' 1(1*1* • * * • < * * **T*f
gia for Goofing pnrpoae« try, it moA yon «ill *rrt*mj at Fort
b* pleased. The Company * will furnivh and (W »> KM
cotes*) UP** ****
_ ,;:/»•*"" all utensil* necessary to use g u for^fupt i or tow otfMW * t M R <**•*-
A gas range ia economical and convenient.
W *« ?
<ta£ ..•
M* t;«i!

por ee< .ttj:h*

sy *si?t$3a on i
fipUM »nd tint
~ " h i u » »>^aAM»«M» «.« kill '
from pr*a<Hit«tlon of bill. tort »«imi>J to b# i A"<"' *
p»a}\ tl#"wu tol4 t
fjbtii» Ui* men oat. hr r- ^ - 4,

I%Wfc School Boy «tCo|l«te. Tt •

> « f t v a TiiUloo •toaki! • ^

Stici, of Hfmrd brok»r,k>mAwtiii)ik>s»in\ R tMit*f siwww.

OiM in f
i th»
h Amemto
A atud tttouf: <\>
- nou »* i 1 coajmlM'.or.t J offlcor*: fcnt.
«, I t U dm jttV
m Mid lb« ' "Pit Op t 4 t K , t » 6 C fc
p Tb»»» «r» bul four mu«lc»l ntualxt»- n> [flpao 'aBfjnrt indeed, tb*
ftont t«t trtsjr uoiioeu lc',> j-ciar k m ' ({• ^ (bur fto+t,. •.
talMd him to h*» D M of tb» tjtfc*t a»j» w**v* liA-.i
nut aftvr « Un Aij-f irw*4.'J
tUa, iuiBttitfu I f " BetSflae you j ^ t ,»(*>,»
W«> tbo*» who A NEW baton w» §>j« t'ao alitm, %M iw«r^
uplift rfth. AQEXT rc»R TH R NEW J1 , i u Unprorrment In tb* taoml* of j «*» tfftcuo«f you. Ten «rft not UMK' wai haard"
fa Irriul. t r tWi cflniHW. - Uojrt waj<? tt<>r»r
r. a* g M . . \V»1«U Uw tana bad j^sse fnJTBtfd U« tsfl ttw bif
Of Ib* r*wgt>€Kl (W JDUtriat fSta*ang«r .-t j tu«£f> tn Win. tttto orarbMM bun <t>«
mafalnf !• | (ho I»4!*u*. t "Wkmt tt p nigh « caM «(tun'
Bis «o- {o*id« ot »t#ty <t«r»
i l o JDMWM t M r mralu»bl» tfl{ (&• eoaoty
^r"i " l i f " Mjra. bw x. Tbo/ll tw f» "Bst rtian't
Bt. P«u). uwlby."
Bttlw !»»*
hu»lD««i, nod OUBH t IC be U*4 tittfn HOT*/ IUMWU! ^ B»ast» cr.t * «*<«•» a;i.- , s- jr.,
officer b*<2 town tan«W i t '
T6» turn k t b t «^ t t«ant »w«r with tit* nut»«f
w«aMA •ally
a*«|i> £•«•»*!,!. i _ , , ...

Uwt ftw*wri
*_ber 8>a*» A * fMrttwiMr «Uf«ws«* j

Mai bar maiT to un»'r»e»»t r •« ' *.^ t ', I ' D n'3'-«P MJ h a (» IMtd **•* ancBUeat* to tbi lady. To* -
*T***v w fjtw nrMwi wvfv vvpiv for
»atf *MU*
;,<lrt|j*«by y a r o o n * from th« com aaif 1 hiuta't tV>ij t» It I * * Aa*t aalty «t>d IMT Jmitwod
Ult. i i
I h ! t t «>• "Ail rlgU'." i r n ti.i >•,•»,<
Sw* bold :jlMtr own -Yigiiv York CJ'j* aud 11 f o w <lo»ta oth*!- • '> , .Vjt«' or « •»..-." _ .
M»t|» u4KMtfott« with mtiiv ^dlTbloni and uiea walk nro.ujd i ' u t , * •«••, i -*•*
ttdtvtton* tmlldlng t o Sail tl>: pro.ict ^ ijirrm»«<j;ij tu'ii t» . r*i ' -
l u w h a t t b w tb* b*)»drop* tor t b * vartoa* articlw," s > r»- . ., , . • ",vot u 1 - , r
Wnflnt t 3 L i l L j JU t f
pUaiL M It tttke»,Uu¥V pa-k-iicB ami la- •o m / , r ^ i r U c » t » Vi» * SMUI 1 u.*,.» UHiHf"-"."'"'* ' <
f t t n j t y t o pott uufttaag in Cm *<«,»• .11 U ! m r . , r a ^ ^ ^ o f w i u u t t > i 8 , , j u , , , , ' o*"1"1,
poatOffleP. i t l d J dorft PWMUMI M i Of 'qurjtaj.l , ' ' !! '•'•"•If"'- I «•" K'» 7 « I>H »A*«nwi!l|yoii-l>)fy'.
Lir" n ' f |» ijjK i, *vj»T' i
Ma^^btcsiL 6tvoi n a ^1* plains tttt^l «YC^IV 'W>»^V*» tfV*1' 'r"-"'- ">-tt •- ^-^-^^ «*t i \ . ^ JA^.*X^MI»J^ fc*/^. r*4^ c.^%
tlJ (?<
ootn;ipUcstrtd Icttrr boi for praclical} J i "'„ w?»n . , . « , J ™ *«.'«!• » „ ' ' I"""'1' ' l ( " s l " '' f ' ' • er*nl'1n t 1 1 "
purpoM*. . , It u w , ^ ^ * i i ,.' l
And of conrw bft mnarkod that that i drAl thaw ou* tint \ . N t [-.,.« Ufc, r ff)f (>,.r , [, u v , ,,..
vaa ioat like a Trocuo.-N«w Vork ltop#d»u'itfi !<•»•». U M T l m i ! )
lo Hiia out «,o r*-»»»u «liy. 1 o«
r •Woing. Wb*w it htia nadr I U M k a 4 Tnm. t k « «ar to bo thfc Iwrter, ami it I.u4 be , rtld Net « ,1 n ' »'-
r*Mi>Ui3-ia-We2ttalti*te bbejrt 'f pirti: -r. 7-.— T i ~ , -s-ir-.- snfr • J .;- — mt \ ijit
• fi«imrtuu t op»*lty ot book, briui«oc> oo Wltbetforco toM n a»>d «tory u'
torantJtiojpi. or* ln»'«id. IU«J- b-.tijwu t>i > iti in •• a a • •."
• *We«6j»i S3 Jr tii-i j f ' ' v'|
Uw c«t«btatad Wvltb proacbor, Ctuitr -l» it to liti a •cnpptmf m«idiT' j Aail «litn lijfjr bnd aui'R«<) it? c •„ U
' 1 talaot of company aod gw*tai n u Bran*, who dared publicly in «x • k 4*." "Ti)>C» «fi»t I'm "r.ilt.if (•> You ,
i daltd aixl WOLD »1 im1 v.'rT<< T-*fciiJ..
aa *atoft*»nn^nl. Tbia britfbi praa*
p bl» thankfalnow for Jenny Ltad'i "Dui I ahall lx> court tanrtlfttoa 0.0J ^ j , , w n y
,«Anetiaa,wUi'b* loltow«d on Monday b f f t
baantffat t r f • member 0 / bt> Imprtoonod for *WMus on o^i-er." Thotsp«o;> l(/jt'>i froo man 10 ua^ "<*fOi»1 U n i n " K i ' - l i i l u M l f b » CfHUrao *"•*»•*• * . » . « . . . ,*
*" " - " 9,r tb* B*t.ccagiwgaaoa, ^ BiniUacad Cairi'U»t "Not at *1L I, promlw to tsulus no a (jueer In
a * if fli»l«4 up , ! * • n ' t * <••» U * « t « » U i * t i l i i / j - . i J I *
' **Th# CSAHBV atandlnf on the •tet>» of tlui>ulplt, cotnpUlot a^itlnat you; and I preiuto* look tbat«<i«h "Yft*. irlr, you ifi<rr flRcl I'm &nt tfrt ' tn&i&f Ut SdinS 4uvaJ ioattEia«-*;y*tt In
Ami uwl- <>b\j h\f la my *q# Von art ottlj * ^ ' h * * 4 » y . ' * 'a t>9]««l«M tMHUI)k
L»^ r aikad .Hbtptttcbtc wbeUur a. KMif. 4r- balf tli* coapnuy la bJdtDjt l^bjud t b i . dad til* tn »"j4r. -_. iiv\ lean, mat Ui« tUa. <if j!»i** 1 1k5e ««*• fx'jbn* fr«B)« MBlrieal ]
iiuiyia«yprodo»d)B th7 ^ j - J t one of Jenny Uoit'k cvi.-vrt*
j t t l ,|tM proTokW n o r *
woald f» tn bcoroa, "Sir," rtplit ! Ur _wltn«nH'». Strip off." A <.'b»..rfn» Liar. [ 1
ttracuk "a Christian wIJ) i»o to'b' trcn "I ahoU best you. «lr. * t «i# «sd of i
"Bp#»l(!D« wf liJin." M ! 1 the trvlbfiii I
wbwtiTfr ba din, bat a fo:>| reai ir.« 1 "Oh, g / t a •»tr« out At Uirt. \ man. ''I tttxi tHvjFt oa* *h(f otbvr t-i? '
tool «r«n oa .the pulpit steps/ !.'»•«: -R# tiwtid too* «tti)taf *f a ahlp. < i.^j
y no* Ui4> apber
Us or a. •-i 1 ' . 3 r .;=« f j r y »r . ' fit to - » .
V«a, -:-t*i-iii

Kw-Xwk. Hnfefoolt Bllna. Tfcs J

•r id I««U4a«( wbp > a -
kit 17 £
•»IJ 1 . i t .
u> ••"t'» tit If t* Wl
•x-o. t» a wrtd.tr, )
ta a:> « ' « ^ ..' ,i-. i, ,»ai i»;i ta- r'i a*
, tfa**tt<« pWUtJrp* ot Tflld- bl* Ui» & b>3, &;cnul bii s t ; . , n act «p ,j XA Vswf n
irlped hit Ur-a with It. itade uie of , M « fti r \itoitn »ti4^!«it for two w**k«. O« -OS* £*1.'
apoon an4 f£>r)c poored oot wtn» awl
AT THE SEflT cUakad gia«**." roll* of U»a;p«r. *ad tfca pair ot F *

tmt, BudJne trWdifnr babtt i i

(few in 1 to all rtfdtonc*, Nothing wtil
•tMBfi* sroirtli qnlekcr tbas a tottdM- *»!
qr to hnet tor flaw*, to rtjoie* In tb*
Xl«w ; * Erto oaJo»*ly, Wu • oof which ahray* baa trbca b*. got oa bu f«*t o^ata. 1 , but
hi* noa* i i tlir mtid and ramty took* boy la gsx&d assd aha*] Itatv it^amu^^^ «-fc**d#ws» for
i ii op. TbedlrortloBtowhich w« look In- deal W* wast t> qtitt «afe|^'bini; might
dleataa tba ilftr afto. and pwfftrirbti ara ttiu
alway* looainjt tor nmefhtat to erlt-
idM^ far tbt-aooXad aad'tbe «d)r, 1 xtMtil* ot CoGfmat a - and! ttttec*;
who- ar* -afway* anaptdoaa, *bo In- «t«
to* at tba wont m» of oth- fortj*{^tiL'
Wi*Bt 4MB '

tls- <W sot

*a db-jraM*

tlfeal MM
toekTsHk*to?£*w Y*r*
Stew Tori r,Jb*,ivj
i ' t u asked
. and women get along ssrprls- Fiber* Ma* r*vnd< $ *
/weJl coosldtrlns bow mttch tbe ,w«*ft.br«.,-** Heaty
NERVXT ' f: ~ ^^&
i know about tbe womea and bow
the women taapcct about tbe
i tbe Atcblaon. Globe.
A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL Thee* *t» * yeoak petsosi asosad
Wlio waa • a » T a 7 » t o — ' — ^
waows* iff !***•*< Ltetemat.1
. ta*
"- v»

Flowers and trees,

- 'J'^
blossoms and
, > - nU'-T-'-a i,
By* 33. 1IEATT.
' *re*i»crr, all over Paris—some of it Is its
"Uss tflas F,alrldgn • U«b| W S f i t * '-
tmmlcipal gardening, some private wor
taste, but no spot Is too smallrtoo <>b- It fca«,nup«Tf4 « w«rt . ^ _ dtstaac* wktek Wh* ba*
^.Vo; abe pats tt on pretty ktttl- MMrjr expected to *vere*aset««i
•cure, too mesn, to escape the uuKcr- CHAPTKtt XI- . . . . . . UMUV « • * . ; toft* fatrlc Town Topic*.,,. -,
*iioii» wist flfly WlMts, U n l i t %mmm 1
aal gterncry and flowers.' Continue^ looked It. and IbrAw « i toman would bam mctadet ftf
1 saw no me but Ullev ; In tb« n t t -' THE OUTCOMS. "t " m
» « P ^ h d at more. Pike's ennrlna* *t mm
A tr«rd a1«ut m? uncU'i wlH. Nonr
The ricb Indiana farmer who l« beli)BLfonml, It tr«« for uir,Hi next of moat Jnst bate pas Kntcker-**Did yon give yoar wm$* from a trail rep* and bad beenttaslted^acdUwtnwsje
farad.*«d *It»li unlit , paMW^a,, m^)Mi ^
tntlns his automobile "uTpuifi^walfr k i o ^ o tnke biit Iriferl""of sauBlUlMW- of MO dTinJtk, aftlnit 0S.< expensive fdncslioirf •> -
••Ion. lint 1 dcinjrrd to On no, and my ami im-ktd myself ~*j Booker—"Xo; but he gsv* me oa*,"— •*«« rtee of a cllll more than 100 feet Ueatenant Ilk* csrrled hi*
•ud HID lil* corn shelter" may nut There I remained llfo I of Ctat. » (poor**! aad resolute spirit tot* tit* batth
wife miproTfd of tlie dd«>. We bolli in n>nfc New York Bun.
tuufr. ™j-. WJfefcoacJked^tt t
ton «lobi\ but Isn't *e pr«e- would l»B lnilfCf-nt. MraUn'bllr, I «(• me In • roW of CAUSE AND EFFECT. emotional of ontook. York he wrote to hi*: fatksr:
lohlVr wh*t-I Had IcAnicil from tin- In Class & ' The aklmnUlk obtained en.
Ural! frrwl n lar«e reword for tlie B[il»t*U*i)- "It u rominr." I t&mgitt; ~ detectJre ot ib? condition of KnmnW per pound of butter wa» 224 and 2a* K«ty-"Ob t muvTcr, X iritb ny. . "If'IamdesUaed'tofali.aMyai
«|nn of BniniHl Klerfwnoil, ntid tbrJ>1II» teetli, • • I mliuilttd ber. Her fa(« **u ^Bet io tbe cUmber. himself it It Us be ttk* Wolfe's, to sleep la th* ai
: and abe wlil«pered that It ipounds respectively for the twe .waa Bobbr." •1 work. Generation sfter genera- Tlctory."
were polled tluotiKltotit Die nHuilry. •n'Mr. brr liasil*) trembled, tier rottm lie merciful If be -were to die classes*' At.ordwsry priees of feedi Motber->'Why. dearr
A European rdltor who has brrn In Ut forefathers hare reaped tbe Uebadbiswlah. With bla aid)
Co Ililnti nrut on until a r«tal day I that *he hoped and Kitty—-1 'Cos the* I'd be a. UT - « « » t of sea birds' eggs-it "mas in c b
T*t CBttot Stain JMW returned, borne « ensbed te
to crltlcUe us, states the I<onU\llle It tiot Tliiir»cln.v. It hml hnpi><wJ
pra/«4lie would ffi# repviiTan't.' '. """••
destroyed by, n higher tbkn a uuiuau ca4ve*rPt»s
.1 did not snare ln-r hope that I'leef- cents, cheaper by tb» cows prodnclng
•tae blood." •
l l 1 a t h e ft0
I» L " *aln« cliffs o f Eaat
ranted hi* soldiers:
"Pnah-Oo, mr *ca*e teBowar
Courier-Journal. One of Ilia fault! tlint on (lie very drfy on wlilf-li my
lie Jlnds I* tliat "tUo Americans rat undo net III* dMitli my iirilfywrly at-
wood would die In prison. It \<ai my rich milk than by {How ylelOltig milk
Judge—Samuel Fleet wood was dead!
"KKbanir crful my wife1, wlah tbat be should he brought to trial
band npou uiy arm. "What is the and fonnd guilt/: after .that I should low in boftta'fat." ' ' r
! pen to •: ; -
' Tromlse me. Jack, that yon wlB i r t
. • lYorkiblre that you can see the Aa he waa carried, dy&g, o
dimmer." at bla best. There are three field ha tttmed hi* head towai
exactly what ii put before'Warn." lonn ire wn« dnr, and lil» l>niitlon taw*
rrrn lmd'*i>iit It to my l)«iilt on tlic
Which hclpajo jtiplaln why European /revloua night. TUui tltpre wni toniy
"He died quite peacefully, sir," said
' ' ""' b» content that be sbonld die before
"Nothing—nothing." I ' stammered. (be Just sentence of the law wns rar* A STOCK.
use sne
go to tbe doga Jiiat because I har*t>»
fused you.", ' '
atretch*! of cllffi-,t Mempton. 8pee- seen* of battle, what* the Itat
*on and Buckton-leased by different Stripes were being ran un In trl
tooki t>rt rich Jo America. ^ . j r n l l t a conildcrulile »nui. But I.»a»
e Inspector,, "wltli n wnlle upou bis
"What nbonld he tn« mWIUf} Jint at ibeuirlton ray Imixora. cut Thi
Instead ot wearing j o n m l t out ana
•••• -"©bniibair, of coqn* not"
Xf: ' ' '" V Hffll &>
tangi of "dimmers," add here, year He made one* great effort t* 1
• ' • " f««f. tb* harveat of eggs of rssor- failed, gave a radiant smile at
In'Orbfi "TfieTxpennei at» ble wish melted Into thin air; It* wan".
lips. He must have been In a fliieer
In point of fart
destroyed by, n higher tbkn a uuiuau
order, bein
i &$ abep
ca4ve*rPt»s. etc., 1B moitii>Mhem-ffoin- FOOD FOB THB
> tJSBft, olUsnd rulllemot. puffin and klttlwake. plred>
anamiby another sea-bird," is resped.
tbat tb
A tlriklnc Instance of heredity It tfij own' regular expetiaea, ami the paua«i>: I bean! bit ,fOotftrp* .IllCtf pen to pen, yon wlllynndMt better to
*' «s*aassssM*sMaB*>

. , It Is said William WUklnson In twenty

afforded In Fraud* Kossuth, the Him- for Hie fnntrftl, wlilrh, not out .State of wind after what bn did, Jo any,
Involuntarily mf band waod»r<i*d '!*• Judge—Samuel Fleet wood was dead!
s "He died quite peacefully, sir," said use sneb a cratr as i« shown in that IJ*ntenant.A-"Were then any. llosa
- years baa taken no fewer than 000,000 In IMS, when a group ot 1

one en
garlan statesman, who baa been ulrlv- of ©Mentation, but of reipect, I bad ward the poctrt wbl*b eoutiluwt tlw cut This crate 1* of tbe knock-down at th* Judge's receptloaJ" -
., eggs from the cliffs with his own
almost with lilfftlast breatb, 'I go to
rltuc tnd tbe cvnl. " " " the Inspector,, "wltli n wnlle upou bis X4entensnt B-r"Yes, and h* fed than schooners Joined tbett ftre to tl
Lr.ff to enlarge til* country's liberties ittndo-Ituponlop, reuialnisl \in<J*frny*rt. lips. He must have been In a fliieer order, being hinged atboth ends ad " r bands. . - .-i tb* other Teasels which were be*
may b
Tbe Mccounl) for nil then* hat) cone in, '•l took tbe liberty of foiiow tbat tb* animals m»y'P* driven in at -wltb daugbtera." - Translated , * « ;'• Ur. Clark, a well-known Yorkiblr* Fort Hudson, Admiral Schley, t
* s bit* fatbrr, lb» famous patriot, • nd 1 Kiolred to Ol«cbnrs<t tbnn on
etrove for Us Independence. With blui Friday. It hml ever bwrv « In bit of .Join » » beloved wlfer "
wif», ilr.-'»ald Ibe de&tlr*. jtt«|f|r .State of wind after what bn did, Jo any, one en* end out at tu« other. Ilandle*
open fb* dour, "th* J t o i l i e A . > t * r almost with lilfftlast breatb, 'I go to may be slipped Into th* iron loops Or
Tafcs Trom Xeggendorfar Blaettar.;
. Batnrallit and hlmaelf an expert ama- young man, waa in temporary
Jt t*nr cUIT-cllmber, ssys: _
pre»«lnr.** ^ ' - > ' « f '" -'.•^V» : .Join » » beloved wlfer "
tot,' Isrgely rests Ibe peace of Auitro-Uua- mine to pay wbat I owed In ca*l) In-
*trtil of by check. Tlio bllli *woiin»ed "DM he make no further confession r*
"Leire i*,~ t-tiiM to faf \ "DM he make no further confession r*
1 asked, coufounded by tbe news. .
VJSOit BAD - 7K> W O i l B L ^ -
She-"! wish, I oonM Indoee yon to
mead,- Ther*- was. b* says, -1
>' "Ttm climber wears round bis waist "Korty IIT* Yean Under tb* ria,
' • stoat leather strap, to which are at* most no bn***, "a*d | a * abjM

trie most hopeful aspect of recent drvd

to a mtm of between flrt ind al« hun-
mrandi, and on ibe Thorwltjr 1 asked, coufounded by tbe news. .
obeyed, wlthw Wftt.- »»jj«t<
me. f tarnrtPwYbe JeWtR r " l b f l | « r e be did, sir," replied the
Inspector; ftberclergyinan will produce
l*ease_yonr^tt»ntlons to ma/'L
' H ^ X '
- Ucbed two pieces ot webbing passing hung llstleesly. n*,gr*at Wlu
round tbe thighs from front to back. amok*'from sabx* guns a»d rot
refer (ft I drew out ot tlie bank, by
revelation* is the demonstration of check, 000 tlioiiMnil poomla. Part of r " l b f l | « r e be did, sir," replied the
"Aft lMpHrt.nl riHtlcr.
dele^tlre. ^kilami '• it at the tuntiFxt, which umst, To thla a n faatened two iron eyelets tlons increased the dlfflcnlty ot
'through which the rope Is knotted. It ing sl^nalt. aad.aI(hoaghL tb* qi
Inspector; ftberclergyinan will produce
.of- tbat, pubut .opinion "lb« *«tt« money I Intended ta give » r ! held on him. When he left luev
to_ -'"It tbos Impoaslbl* to fall oat, even master reported that on* WM
t domlnator ot wff»-t»Wttnl Ktwlw'a-wertdlns (roUf ~" ahoula tb* wearer become insensible. he added that be wa* unable to
declms <vtn"» Oeatary .'tbe preparation of Ythlcb would
at the tuntiFxt, which umst, fhlm." l-iald, |ook» V Before making a descent an Iron crow atajd.lt ittatiise.thtrA.vM ,taa

held on him. When he left luev , »lr," said th*

a aecAnd rope fattened to It tl)e>
'•'end of which bangs loosely down the Th* action was cooUnned until

to_ Kteetwood'*
I* an end of' the
' cUff. .This la called the guide-rope, gun of tbe enemy bad ceased
^ud.ll wed by tbe climber to assist him Th*% th* ship dropped down .
I.,, ^ _,__i_ and.Jq former.position, sad after and
my ,«t?pW. anil return to young Schley- mad* a visit to Ai
a a*. fhlm." l-iald, |ook»i*^mmm&.
bfiny bouw.J
Varragnt to'report Farrsgnt «
edge the the quarter-deck, and after respi
rO*oC down the to tb* young nun's salute, be si
1 U'kiMl cases pfe- - "Captain. ^ro« begin early in
loa of. We disobey e*4*M. DM you tw.tbi
gle ddT*a nst*rlnr;fof «e*rty a » hour to
hero Wiitaome- splks st- draw from-actfamt"
O.Jb «woke within uck Io the This waa a Wow. for Captain 1
op* which liad felt tbat Us action waa ei
iROprllkelEe ISM dlMptirorD.11, bad long outcrtalucd t»> Mr, s nA boldly creditable,.. He stammered, som
i,1"/ . ,~. mm f % of a Bbo»t, ami worn to a ak^leton. they beloDgt* t ; rft places about the smoke and the dUBct
want her;
atrrom tlio counter to the faultier, who When be*cm>ld aprak be MW, in a ^ l . HOMJIP,!1 I Mid. "I am t then the Chester practically reading, signals.
took; It Into the. niittfifter's room, I was vole* we coold hardly bear, it t a n tbe reply. ' > ace Ot the "1 don't want any ot this '
to exeyclso nn mithorliy which prnp^rlyj 1
A rauch-nuiterVd prdupccllve bride- not aHrtjrlafd nt tuti iJwtnll«n.from ao faint: *Sl7 name ta Satnoet Klect- belong* to tn> wife.'!. ,- - -,;- ">•< ( "Ah, yea, very appropriate lndfed,* cliff.' Vriuio u««.m...« »-. climber Is business In ray squadron," ta
ordinary cttitoni, tbe rlierk li»tn« the wood. I bare «onw to gl** rojraelf commented tbe vltltor. "Ihey aie s< beld by one man only, who sIU on tbe Admiral, quickly, "about falling
«rooi« ateurrd ^ liuntrr'n UctliMi In- target I bud ever flrnwn, Tbr eit»liler -Indeed, air," «be inld, raUlnr bor
up for tbt; wuriicr or Mr. Wllruot, nt my f^cf ^llh aly nunekncmi, ,j; whlto and.cleaii, tbey look as If they cliff, top wltb bis feet firmly planted in algnats." 1
loturtied, Jttkcd, Iww i, WMild,JAkdibf> Ua»oM)»b«..JUd*«., WUtfe,..,%»*,-, 1»« ittb> b^t % ^ f,had , h ^ n t r e o t e d t o a ' b a t b ^ v e r j two hqlM duf for the purpose. ThT* The young man went on to e
tutrK upon tliff itg'lorinntrlmaiiy, rv-" htoiiry, nnd paid tt to me.' t ittqiitrett «wooried7»n<l'we ci<J|ed In the "doctor, mntaell*. If you >wlll reentd your -^t-, 'man"wcars round hl« itatat "a'-broia tbat it baa befit impasslbls.to.iai
~Ut«ir*tb«° Ualt|more Amtrlcun. Tbe If tbe mntintfen w«i In. and Win In- wbo gave It a* hit opinion tbat the "'•?> Itiny catabllabincnt «t anikid." • Welli not exactly that, but if yop belt of strong padded leather, round tbellgnairand that'sTnce lwrtr* 1
the rope, »o that tbe given order* to destroy tbe cits'
formed that w wa*. A» he did not v
tuUtake WM aitrlbutetl to »ha<mt- come out to thnke hand* wltb nie. or man wa* dying.. We restored him to 'Da iron dlscliargo me, alrf,slw will, tape note of the pen and th< •whtch H passed
felt sore tbat be was tq retir!
iniudednenf, but more than Ilkrly It •end me nil Invitation to coma Intn hi*
hi* aen»e#. an<l the Inspector aaked him a«li(\l, with n placid «mtl<\ - , ! amount of bedding It contains, yot jrelgbt falls up«n bis loins."
when that duty waa done.
Itbekufifuhtithtbadrald. 'Yen.* ho - If It •win ber purpose to-nneff. w » will nndentand why the plgt loo) Naturally, accidents-fatal Accidents
"W«« merely due to ntrltivoluntury re> rooTBTt nnettideil that he wna too hwy t ^ Tb*Admiral merely lurlted hi
site «ticr*eOpil. "I dlachnfge' yon.'.' L "white and clean. A pig Is generally •-happen to the moBt expert ond care- his cabins- When the. door was
v'ertiou to the primitive Idea that tbo to we rnr>; hut when I left the tuink •lie careful." said the inspector; 'what* asjd,_wlth a wrathful look. L ."_ - ~ I considered, a dirty animal, but that 11 yon shoot anything io. ful of these ogg bunteri, but fortunate- upon them. Farragat_sa!d, ami
lover ti tbe hunter and- the tu*ld be I w»» not aultft ple«»eil.—l-majr-me* ever yuu'Say-may bv brought In ev]«- •*Xot suddenly ni'd Itnmcdratclyr nfr'T in a large-ineasure-beeauae be Is -no>- oayY" ly" they aWnira-In one caae, throngfr •"IllTeTconiured'you, slfrotflbi
(Ion that I fleet*! to rn-clvo payment
t l la tlie fame. for my check la sovereigns, Tb# »«••
dence tg*,ln*\ you." 'I am aware of "Yc«, suddenly,nhd Imn^cdlntcly." 'l\ properly cared for" Bumibot—"I don't know. .The tbe slipping of a aheopahanU loop, tht trr-deck for wbat appeared to
It,' s*w: Fleelwood, and repeated, '1 ''lint It is almost dark. 'sir. and to be "Yes, I notice there Is a largp amonn: or tbe party hain't Rot back yet M - rope which supportedthecllmber broke disregard of-my_«irder«. I nov
ton for tbt« wna thftf I thought It
Secretary Hoot (old tbe International would pirate ray wife If I g»re her
murdsreA Wm.' lie tried to- say morj, (hnut from yonr bonce ao, abruptly' ot good straw In their pens. Do yoi New York Evening Slalt - T
and to Ills horror he saw he was Hans- mend you and your officers an
bnt be h j d n t l h e strength; so,, acting TCoiUd mln my reputatton."' _" ' keep thtni snpplled like tbla all o: lag by a single strand, hut with mar- for doing what yon believed to-b
aaultary convention tbat tbe cause of the money for Eunice's trou*»enn In upon the; doctor1* kdvlce, we removed the time, Mr. Farmer}" vellous self-posiejsion and daring tbe In tbe circumstances. Do It
"Yoir shall leave1 my house, t NOTHING' DOIN*.
war wat the mutual failure to ipnre* gold. I did not Intend to give tt to him to a rttom, where he coujd Ui at- "Yea; that Is the Intention. Of man swong himself off Into spare to-
ber on thin day. but on Friday or 8atnr- tended to. Vhcq» he signed; bhi " row.*; X, sski* VAfler tomorrow son course after It has remained In tbi "What do you think of the poIillcaV' I ward tlio guide-rope,- Once, twice, be whenever, In your judgment,- It
elate and understand jmtloiif. At day., .At- thfr flrat- Musn thfr tneatlati
suteweat^ jmVUA UieUnspecUw..,_ shall not Bleep In ltKnother J< -"- < * pen. for awhile It JIM to be renjovet situation?" queried tbe cigar dmmtnwf " Called Uvjeach It-The third time be easary to carry out your concep
-"SwiVttatHmctulratFd -wlml of «J»i»»; r l l l t t token aoTrkraod-tbcn -we-teft jdm : and- more; supplied. They greatlyen "^"flo-Tiot—csre vjnpresa~scn; clutched tt, and as be did so tb* ahiplc dnty.t' , . ^
ter lawyvr baa dlicowred tbe 'ewtuce trivial, but It will be presently seen the doctor.". one 'joy their clean," dry," comfortable bed sir," replied the dignified panenfcer^ strand tbat had held him from tbe -INCIDENT OF A SEA FI(
o t martial dltcord. Ilia imnawn ta no that they -are of great Importance. . "How tone sgo did this occur**1 1 "I forget nothliif'thnt hns, occurred. and as they are a quiet'kind of pip "Pardonflne," rejoined the c. * jaws of death snapped. A few mln- This strange incident of a grea
On the road home, with the money asked, draWUu; a deep breath of reliefs H j l my opinion that ynu-nrc'uot n_fll they trill eat and tben go and. Ui didn't know you were a married (man." iites later he had climbed the guide battle Is told by Commander \l
l e u Important. H« aay«, "(Jet oe- ss»ocl«to for tuy wife or my daughter," down." ». ^-Chicago Kews, — v- ^ *•;
feeling that I WO*_JIOW aate from \ ~ i rope band over hand Into aafety.-MIn of one ot tbe Chinese warships.
~«Mlnttd." Tbe lnternatloudl conveu- In my- pocket, I met Mr. Morllock: suspicion. "In point of cbumctor, air?" neapolls
he scowled i t me and named on. This "X thought tbat plge as a -genera Battle ot tbe Ysla, between tl
ttoao, ifrtemtnti and dltcuatloni b»v« did not aurpfta* me, bnt before reach' "In point of evvrrtblnB:" thing; were uneasy, never satuned «n< THB TVAY IT HAPPENED.^V nese and Japanese- fleets In 189
"Two boor* by my watch a* I left "That Is n shocking thins to any to equalling tot somttb^njt^moreV' ob "Did you cut down tbls. cherry treat
Joiui been regarded as ot tbe blgbett Ing my' hmu*-to- whlcn 1 did not go lit? station to come to you*"- -- — OF PIKE'S PEAK.- the Chicago Dally News: "Abo
fttvirtnoui ;wouian," »tio »ald, alowly serf ed tb* visilor. I demand the truth." sUd 3
tint to tne cultUutlon ot pltaaaut re*. direct having something to say to a "Did tbe oubappy man send for me?" *" " with marked emphasis. , "But I ii!JMt-_m«zJ^tne^a«eJ»l*_loin! lngton, sternly, ' ' '*.
time tbe Cbtb Ynen boldly, it
TrhBt-foolhardlljvnore- down-
iav«- kinds of pigs, aodparttcalarlj If thoj "BarlfttftvUiargtlBad^Been readlui Japanese squadron's line. Juv
follow had come, with other officer*, to y are «ot fed itgnUrly. and' ejwvgb, ot about the ixeJT, packer*, ' happened no one seems to kna
fVred—*• Ae pauanl,
my home on tlie morning ot the mnr- It ahall b« paid,** I «ald. •'altbongh filiQ glided awn.v, lenrlus me In'n their quartan ar* uncomfortable "•Dad." asked be, "do I get Immn apparently abe was struck bet
l g bg ^ I; U l f ri
the criminal gme hlmwlt up ot bin state ot th»A bltlerp»r~ri'aeutmont ot-act-**—Once^ln-»-whllt- JtftUf-I confew?" wefer-Une-by-a-beary-sliell-*
nll l()n lr
" * * »Pl>«»rcil In t t t her for her' Impudent word*. they will get on an industrious moot ten-Inch or a tblrteen-lncb. Be
atepH fntther. I MW* Iwth of tbesejneti own freVwill Instead of being appro- ftnt '1. would not -watte' further tlu>» and tarn their bedding tjottomilffe up
lienilcd.." ' • THEN HE JUMPED. It may, she took a heary list ai
|, about « hundred years nio, looking «ft»r._«n*. My fears' awoke:
-jttatM too, Chrlitlan ltp«Utcr. Vot' the ring- and the fatfO cord were* in "Spoken- tike a gcn'tkinau-bttarfng
upV)U: bef. It. was ncccasnry tbat t •id.;then It Is tin*.to throw It on
should ascertain' without delay wba\ and give them a fresh supply." • •
The <iock struck 12. ,, . V fatally Injured, ber commandet
my poctcti they bad norcj left my poa- pardon, sir." "Ab," obaeried tbe yonng 8hl Cben. a most conrsgeonu. a
«pW' «t that tlmB were, for the the jacket contained which tbe cleqrjv- TT^-f ahonjd think It -would take 1 Is time to think ot going.". most obstinate officer, resolved 1
teiilon. - 'When 1 saw yon this morning with J A i f t a U ^ d
- trade, manJmdJettJue^JjnfeiiUoJUX^pur^ Ijgrgg-vmoimt 10" keep, th*itt"Wip|m6tt io avenge himself, and charged
Ke'pVrts.of the world, In ble frane or mind. What did tht* In the middle ot a &p*ecb: the lit the BOS, nnd opened the packet.' <^J aBd-tben nochgood straw too^ Dow woman.- ' 4- - SlUtary can the largest of th* enemy's s i
-The.jOrat^nUig WhlcH attracted me. J t pay to, tjse. ao .much as yot)., art r . i e , the first mll-
. with peopkTunknown to clrlllaa* earnest conference of Mr. Mortfcxk find question I was about to axk was Inju- "Yes." t- _ -nli oioatlmporl| tending to !•*!%__
dicious.- ------ - •- — , i. .doing for thla pnrpQ«eL Mr^ Farmer.'. the West "A hurricane of projectiles fro
*," u d ' b y ipMthods" which dhJTnot "I tcpe^ron are arapU tbl^eeS; Ittrv exploi
t Hke and twenty
eofifiocllona between ihem'antt tbe lack • "Welt, sir,** said tbe detective, taking la It not a m a t * ot matwlall 8om< In 1816 J beavy and machine (ana swep
nndcr tb*7ouJ|ervation of the or- of cordiality I,hail observed In Ibf up the en*. <*l don't mind adtnlttiaa farmers teed the. stcaw-td their stock,. ' " •'" FOUND, A t ' LAS*. explore -the' source
whlbKthe plfs dojwt h&tt touch bed
men' . Later he crossed upon bis ship: Tbe list becam
greetings of "the: townspeople? ~ * that I wartfeevw «notfaer track." - "What a, snpetb iooklng ' 'ot t i e ) tie tertltory bsnded pronounced, and Just before
B. JloWnson,6f filmtra, X. Y.,.wha dingy**—
pnbllc knew 'was that, at Mx wife noticed that 1 wa* mentally Ttomptca.hy Mr.'Moniockr
ie •Ba'oj'i' tells jthe.".foUQWlngr
'^ l i ! ' » ' , ' • . i,«!"i t J J n i t r f B U t * borne to his tatended vicitm t
commodities "were "disturbed, *rid~abef made tender refer* "In a manMrTvTiipeafciaf, ,»lr." r R< ;thl f i t M % I i I roUed- over- and tbes-pmaged
on.ai inlnUjor who is n friend oT at. be
•were . constrained
enne> to It. I felt that«? manner "was first pat th* Idea loto my bead! t o n
as I'replied to her, affec- Would Meter goes* I t and t and danKert,
first into the depths. Hbetigat
self ss the sank, her'serews n
tionate Inquiries, ' , * .- ^"iUe tbla clcnrymaml* not.a»i l t w In tbealr, end c*rrytag:dow» all
aiwhafh^ka, s - ^,-
..All that 1 aas^deterlbcA.ibotspUce Bntliadjraesseait Mr! itorHocit, tteliete, he incline*; that. Including ber cbtef engtoeer, H
art' the taowhrg. of thl*,' Thowday. I uatlnx me and aawe. wxrahl bare h> vis, shut np In tbe engtn* room.
Bnbtnson, •' **Ai few of her crew clang to one of.th
kti&'lE'e: high, seas,-there w»a home toefar* noon^/A* tbe day crlmlnatea w:» was J» wheae matte- dsiya ago a. man at a llttie dtaner pro-
waned ,tny] perturbation Increased; I nanfr fchU|i*rlBca ha4 caused me to be Ur Ufe baoy* kept pa tbe brU
•pv/nH not-shake W iipresage «f- tossing rece^Tcd as faad beta on that Aornlas pttunded the tallowing. 'Why ta * tin TOU. U r ^ B a c U r ^ It;* wtre drifted by th*.'tid*toW)
•vlT. locking th* door ot my •titdv. I Hut the daagrr wai IMW nnoTfed In cma tied to * dor* taU like, death r know arnatUttcTaUnx coast," where tWry'wW resent
14b* path** also endeavored to cheat the glfcun which the tbfht at Saend neefwDod** admis. answer wss,;necanee It I* ,' liBck*VT-**wlikb. i « i jnnk- ' " ' V '
n>pN*a«l me bjr arraiurtnir tb* *c- ajon. be waa »ow«fte«s to wttf out kit
m*0*rflQit* a bit.wttb. tbe r*c*
'*^-JhOttwabl* and cmata 1* lie naM on the tellowliur ilay wicked spit* ssautt BM. ,
» t * foniiilof onl ibe taon-* 1 b*a K- ''irow «a» neetwMd.* 1 «sk*a,
ceftefl far toy cbeck. ! flld not sne- "whet, you left IM stattstf: HHterr o n * (TcnJas •
cesAi tbimgbQut rey talk dr*a4 po*sl> "tan*, air. ' flaktef1 rksk^- V*tr
_ , U1RM pns*Htf4'|bMia*lrea In (bmt- Z «ae(«r ttM. 'A'
J l ttuu alukpt: « y mtnta were slrnnrto
U V u2b pitch of. Icspukn: w(tl> *
-p,'- AN I D £ A l RESTING

aatp tss i caw» vha> 34, and

vtetvale ar 4t*S«V * • • «**<!»r «T ,
tbe somsnh a*'ftataan psafc * • *
ratals sttSMil * » searec I *•• -

nanxd Oyd*,
Bare ao hutcaa-jAdj teari* resMk tta
top.. Heavy saow l a / aB abwst, aft*
«fj> sotdters bartssg «Uy BgM snrsnUa
and no ahoe* mse ttsckiags, we war*
to t s t m f
4T* i-'-lAiflaswh tbe mottatala Is a s leaver

Is has deSed «s«y a later sapterer. Ta*

to scale its saowy tld**
rise to the slang cxpraahw ot
light complex,
Pea* or tmatr LARQCST IN THE tTATC
distance which Pike had e o n *
irelty thl<*,"«-. UtU- rtenlly expected to orsrtws* la oa» daiy
waa nfty milts, aad the clttsb to the
Be&utiful and Accessible
Indeed the spectacle of one of summit would hat* included ftait 8fty ItN. Nt'W JliRHEV _
)UE. egg hunters suspended at more. Pike's ejrpcrlefK* of moastalsa
~ • " V ""«»' 'ram a frail rope and had been limited, aid tb* traasparaaqr . MI1.1is rnoM ct.UAtir.TH. i Mitt» I W I M ,NKW.M*K
re jour m «a
" . r i n g peadolam-Uks against.. the of tbe atmospbera) Lad deceived trim, \ \ MIU» IXOM NOW >UHK
«u itot* of & clUt tnort ttun KM) ft#t Lieutenant Plk» carried his berot«
w«ui"" t b e hailgt7 te hoftb<> t w k
" » and resolute spirit leto the battle-Held, On Main Line Pennsylvania R a i l r o a d
"rough ih« least emotional of oulook, York be wrote to hir father;
. "If I am destineoTto fall, may my fall Why lots JB these Cemeteries commend Themselves to
Bat io tbe climber himself It it his be like Wolfe's, to itleep in the arms or
toy's work, tteneratlon after genera- flctory."
Uon bis forefathers bars reaped the Ue bad his wUh. With his sides and CaUrtkla.WBeretheBpanisD held sway
tlqttltlea In Egypt, and tbe Corernment Heads of Families, and Investors
be a UT My. fiirrctt of sea llrds' e«s~»t "ruia In cheat crashed tu by an explwioji. ho ID tb<> days "before the tirlngo came." haa tltowed fAUW) |MT year for ek*
•lie Mood." Father Juntpero 8 « r a lano>d*t » • » • ptM**v- Becreatly the rwuIl**»fTr ob- BECAUSK p l « » , T j ^ *
ralUed his soldiers: « « h C»m«t«rr. the iiwwSiV fimn wKttM wrfl-V»ep-W»-"-ptop«nw*-p»r»
It l l on tb* frowning cliffs o f East "Push'on, my*rsTe fellawsr terey, which Is on tbe n&y of the same tained were placed, on exhibition in the
p*maliy-be«ullft»»»» NO KXfRNSC TO KOT OWNIKKS
'Tortiblre Uist you can se» the As he wss carried, dying, off tbe name, on June a, 17TO, more than alt -BKCAUBK such a l u i n n l i r . not t.junJ in any oiK*t i t » n w i r , « « « i « lot
at TOO -wlH t«t < "cllmmpr" at bis best. Tbere are three Held be turned his head toward tbe yetrs before the signing of the Dce> ' owner* l h « u h . riounji WU.I. UK MAlNTAINHI) t'KKMANENTI.Y
liuae I hive !»• stretches of cliffs—at Slempton. Bpee- scene of battle, where, the Stara and liration of Independence. Tb*| tttlt- AS BKAUTIr-Ul. PAKK8 AJ»T«5M THK 1NCOMK FROM TIIK
ton and Burkton-leased by different 8trlpea were being run up In triumph. slonary priest preached to th« Indian* C/VLK O f L O T O HAS W8KN EXHAU8TK0. - , - J...
gangs of "climniers," and here, year lie made one, great effort to speak, ami founded tbe mission church, of S t a
after year, tbe harvest of eggs or raior- tailed, gare a' radiant smile and ex- Carlos, whloh is still in excellent pres>
blll and guillemot, pufflu and klttlwake. plredi " '-.»; erratlon. Many relics of Spanish rule - LOTS SHOULD BE PURCHASED HOfV -
and luaiif another sea-bird, irreaped. are to be seen at Monterey, such as
ANIMALS tbi> old custom house, tbe Jill, etc. BKCAUSK KORK ADVANTAOKa ARK" oVl'KRRP TO LOT
It Is laid Wllllaia Wilkinson In twenty
then t o ; lloni years has tsken no fewer than 000,000 THE "NELSON" ACT. llesldfs being the capital of tbe 8psn- nUVKKS ir a n«w Mod«m l l »i» Cemtuiy lh»n in TKoiS"»»l*M)*htd'
V •"• man* »t*rs scd, in most «*»». no pnnrinSen ro*jt f « i<»*r««<i«l <•**
esgs from the cliffs with bis own In 1863, when a group of mortar Jsh proTlnce, Montewy waa an Impor- without «stt« «v->*n«« lu l»t owittm TIIRRI'. ARK A OKKATKK
nd ha fed them bands. - . : schooners Joined their Ore to that of tant -whaling nation, wany of those
the other vessels which were besieging grrat mammali being found lu Mou* OP LOTS AKK A t . W A y S l . O W K R AND TKKMS MOKK-
tar Blastter. Mr. Clark, a well known Yorkiblre Port Hudson, Admiral Sctaley, then a terey Bay. The walk leading from ta«
natnrallit and himself an expert ama- young man, waa in temporary com- street to the main door of Han Carlos ADVANTAOKOU5 ' •
teur cliff-climber, says: BKCAUBK Ilf. is most uni«iu>» «nd KVIUtY ONK SHOULD ANTIC-
WOBSB. - msndi There wss, be says, - Io hla mission church Is paved with Ike *>r- IPATK THK INKVITAUI.K 1IY MAKIN1 <k CHOICE NOW OK
"Tbe climber wears round hla waist "Forty-flTa Years Under the Flag," al- tebrae and other bones af whale*. The
.Induct yon to A r i N A L RK8TINO PLACK
a stout leather strap, to which are at- most no breese, and the slgnslfisgs accompanying photograph, made at
tached two pieces of webbing pssslng hung listlessly. The great volume of
round tbe thighs from front to back. smoke'from ships' guns sod fortlBca. composition aud present condition o t
the end of August last, show* the
To this are fastened two iron eyelets tlons Increased the dlffleitlty of read* this remarkable parfment-ScIentlfic
M." — CMctio through which the rope is knotted. It ing slvtials, and although the quarter- American. BECAUtS ihsy af* sure *o (tititase In valu* and e»n b* (rt.ich«st<t NOW
Is thus impossible to fall out, eren ma ster reporttd that one was flying, M i M I N t T U t . or I.OWB8T VRICB and«p"«h« « O 8 T ADVAM-
should the wearer become insensible. be added that he waa unable to under.
BECAUSK ths pfor«"l»s are ACCRBIIOI.K TO 4 000.000 f&OH-«.
Before making s descent an Iron crow- stand.lt .JheegMit >thrre. was too, little.
-•bae Ts driven lutollhe'top' ntlheVclUt wlud to~~b!ow ihe^daga utii.
is way •woman and a second rope fastened to It, the
The action was continued until every
reopen." end of which haugs loosely down the gun of the enemy had ceased firing.
cliff. This Is called the guide-rope, Ttiot^ the -ship dropped down .to Its Tbe great steel arch bridge designed
tt« "annnldwa
and Is uied by tbe climber to assist him former position, and after anchoring, to carry tbe northern extension ot the
- -~- -—-;;-*"-ii—i—*•'-_ ^"voAimkntj a n d t o young Bchley made a visit to Admiral Ruodeola Itallwaya across tbe «ort«
return to Farragut to report Farragnt was o » - J>f_ibe i Zsmbest J'Jver just j below tbe
the . __ d. . *
quarter-deck', and. .. - „ .
after responding it famous VfAtA«>tal
f<n.Aita Victoria S*ntlslFalls t»t
in flAlllh
South Afrkw,

edge the to the young man's salute, be said: wss opened to trafflc on Kept 3,1W3. pk* novBM I T T « » *ionx u or
down tbe MUM MOX, HMtXTtT rOCKD tar
"Captain, yon begin early in life to The COO-foot span ot tbe Zambesi arclt I B B avuta f r •ft*.
cases pre- disobey orders. * Did you tee that slg> ranks It among the Urge ateel arch
ion ot th"e
nal flying for nearly an hour to wltfe bridge* ot the world. TA ibla f«ttvm
gle drives of Intereit Is added tbe novelty that l/juvre, and a writer ID HIM llluWra-"
draw from • action T"
tlon, of ParU, describe* tbciti *« fol-
spike »t- This was n blow, for Captain ftchley the, bridge was erected thousands of lows: "Tbn dilef rmturf of the oillro
iiclt in the had felt that his action was entirely mile* from its place of manufacture
ope' which creditable. He stammered something
about the smoke and tbo difficulty oi
nt-pl*eei Teadlnjf signals, slid in*Inl<n*tire oi u>>, .
pracilcRlly "I don't want any of this Nelson ltti|>t'iwd r««n(s. It Is an unforiuu4iH> T
ace of the business in my squadron." said tht fitrt Itiitt mi n larg* proi«rUor» ot fhw
cliff. Vihile ...,..—
, climber is I.-'HMI ritad» whirl* have lM>»>n rroalwl In
Admiral, quickly, "about falling to set
held !>y ono man only, who Bit* on the h
gnals.; ' : j in-intt >»ar no altempt at
cliff top with his feet (Irmly planted In The young! mnn went on to explain i tree planting I n s l«-*i> inndc.
two hqlei, dug for. the nurpjose Thft ta|^id|iJ^ItJtt '
mnn ^'il 'fii!rwafiP«' the signal, aii(l that'stupe^ lieTInd"l!«»n' I d l e r ' s i>l*n of mtupulgn T*r *•*
belt of strong padded leather, round given orders to destroy the elttldel he Ntltlly as wrll a s fur lirntily it t« of
•whtrli •|«-passed-'tlie-rpne, -so- that the felt sure' that he was to Votlrle only ini|«>r{»M<*. »*(-iMul by a l»rjg rrntL no
jfeltfht falls upon bis loins." when that duty was done.; Jlijiilit, Imt sf<-'iii't <inlr. to tb« liulldlng
The Admiral merely Iuvlted him Into Racists Chat* of tinnH. ut tli« rosdif ||iriiisi.|riis T'» «'*"
Naturally, accldeats-fatal.Accidents
•-happen to the most expert and care- bis cabin. When the door'was closed AT wlwt w# p1<»»» tirnlcfiil nlmdrs In <itir tortid »iiriiini<r».
wt aujthlngto upon them, Farragot said, smilingly;. w i |(|d IliflllMI'C i f J l> > |\riivl4» wlniilirrnkn In nur tj>mii'v»t*

now. ,Tbe real

ful of tbeso cBgliunters, but fortunate-
Hy thcy^ifrnlTK—ItronB-ca*erth"rooitbr "I have censureu youTilfi^n the quan"
the slipping of a sheopsbanU loop, tin trr-deck for what appeared to be a
S - I srhonls, tlm pre»*-ll«» l»»l* Tunis wriit»irs"s>iit"nj «»rTe"iffirpiirp«»»-»,
. - - J |>lt. tin- |.l»tf»ri(i and tdlift k; their mmsarr, wliWh forests »»rv»
_ , limUlullotis (list mark Hit Ifl lbp|r lsr«»r m<-a«ur<>, ntws of tr»«-«
ot back. y«t M - rope which supported thccllmber broke disregard of-my-jirdeirs. I now com-
and to Ills hbrforbe »aw he was bang-
mend you and your oQIcera and men rl«lli»vl i>r««rr»« of iimiiklnd. yrt all •long lli» hlKliwsys are as iir'<-l«u« In
for doing what you believed to be rlglt "tti»«f are more »r less ilcpciwlfiit ni«"ii tlM-lr mlulon of t>ra<-ti<al ultllly »• In
V ' '1 las by a single strand, but with mar-
In the circumstances. Do it again
Tcllous self-possession and dnring the whenever, in your .judgment, it Is Dec- 11* fndlllles of Intirmiirtr liplm't-n Hint of simple bt-iiutr.
man swung himself off Into spaco to- e.stary to carry out your conception of tin' iteopl*. fn fact, 11 Is an undrnla. Most of our tcwl r»ad» o f iJ'-Ing
of tbe pollilcn) tile frnlli Hint HtlllHlluii n»nu» Inlxir m«d» slmpljr by Impravlng oM ones.
cigar drum men" ward the guide-rope.- Once, twice, be
failed tOJcacb, It--liic third time he lit VIIIIP form, and lalwr l« <li» attlllty 7tiese InltiT sra oftcti w^ll «li«'l«l.
era an opinion T« j|inri> tlitnjrs fnmriitir*-1» plai-*, *h4 Ibangh DnrhsTps la » titt lit mlir* fssb-
cd paMenger. clutched it, andus h* did so -tU« sSnelc.
etraud that had held him from the -INCIDENT OP A SEA FIGHT. VIKW OF ZAJinKMI AH011 isitiDOB DUKIM; K«K<:THIN. its «>fHc|pniy il*jwnda up'in tti" »»«• luii. In a considerable tirc'iioriion of
al tbec. u.—4 nith wlil>h ihfy are motH. No «a- rases the nork of road lm!>ro»*m"«t
• married man.'. laws of death snapped. A few min- This strange Incident of a great naval
utes later he had climbed the guide: battle is told by Commander McGlffln, and In a port of tbe world wlikh iwl lion It a lironi!" Maine tit Xnpir Awn. lion b»s e*w yet built U"od matU snd prufos dfnirurllre Io tlm Jr«'s- lu wUI-
rnliig tit sJI'Tlng Hie l*f el of lb* rosii-
ropo hand over hand Into safety.-Mln- of one of the Chinese warships. Io th'a many years ago had bwn reached I lie wife of King r)iiin»<li <!nl, t\lio rvgreltM It Bflrrwonl. No ™i/iiniiiilty
neapolls Times. Battle of the Ytin, tetween the Chi- only by a few Intrepid explorers. llred some :i.VK.i jrmr* *&, Thl« *Is; lit possession of-f'HXl'ruads wwiW lt« IHKI-SO Ibat wbst wss formerly s well
nese and Japanese- fleets In lKMreayi ttie was prert-nlml Wy Iho klng.lu lil». willing!fc»surrender thrta «l»n lu? r«. shaded stret<rh of mud or 4os»-bt«>uiet,
bla chorry trice! •paymetit «f- tlielr cost *tA nisltitfn- a toad*In* alreicU .:«(:.,..iaarsda»,-
said Mr. Wash'
DlSCOVEHEn OF PIKE'S PEAK. the Chicago Dally News: "Aboatfthli
time tbe Chlb Yuen boldly. If aomc-f
I HK'UXM IBIDSJ wife, «nd It has r^rnnlriMl for
at it d^pll) «f »l«4jr-f
sner, Of all th* expenditures m»«l» i<y Thi>r« list ,b»«i» ;mu<-b (sin, but also
ecent-totb ot CotO g '«ggr*g«iKd bodies or liy• Oo»ff;i»ro*'8t loss, and toe k>«» should be re-
d l •-—An engliiie«lng_curlo«Uyf jirtliiLigjMt J l B j n i t J j L l _
Tbecn'naSint" 4feke, at one time Consul tTHa«mnl, . unique in this country, and to bare but tli<! past y<Fsr the' Inlwirtrx i'iH|»K>~>3~ni~ SKVIIIIUS lUAtinfM^AioKOO^t"^* b K t ! f
well known naturalist and friend .of Japanese Squadron's line. Just what one paralM rxample in Europe, is tbr tlx- cxcuvallon lirnuslit llio KtM>J<? <o produc.es «hV «r«>»iwt {emit slid tn« In. «tli«*^-a»«i» **4itlrely » * r««ds ate
Io I get lmmu I bl t mind the exploits of happened no one seems to know, but plpe-srch lirldge ' over the Sudbury light, Tin? figure »«» iaiut. hui tint_ gri'SlMt »aUsf»«tloii to. lh» «rfat»«t rasde or old rotfls sr* itrslxlitenol Aad
h apparently she was struck below ths «i«ml>»r ot iwopl*. KtwyrHidy use* llie laid «»t anew, In which t»"-r« ar# no
nivrr. which carries Ilosttin's wal»r fat-ad wa's mls.»lng HoMrcrrr.uli l
highway*; ih« rich ruau nttA l>i«f,"!»«•» ^ f i i t r t
ten-Inch or a thlrteen-lncb. Be that as supply. Tbe span is eighty feet, and
it may. she took a heavy list, and tbus tbe steel pipe, seven and one-luit feet ei<f»ratr<l VP' iv «f tl>» K»r, tbo white awrir»ml ilw blsfk, Km »iew -roadbed, w|i» all It* value for
was only y thirty four y ? > l i luma snd tti« blind, .women snd <li)l- truejlw, Is unatlrafilKr and unroot-
fatally Injured, her commander. Tang dren. ih»-firflier..iB»"trs<l**ma». IU» forlstii* at all sraaons.
young mtnf "«__ at the Battle of Tork. Canada, ghl Chen, a most conrageons. albeit a Ibe area" of liic-arroiiills. it !» oiily - '
•oruibli* to •u|>(»>k? Hut Hi" UI-M.I Uwyn:, doctor, l»o#si, honlpr'-all, of Tbe con of plai.lln« tf'M Is a mer»""'
most obstinate officer, resolved a t least
laid the •Mr*otuslly-li» fum«>. On (lie. i * 4 W m
to svenge himself, and ihsr'ged one of lit and enjoy ttit'tiiMslbs/'of gnod roads
military ca the largest of t i e enemy's ships. In- Hwatatue-«re-'«-»r*eiHr».'iiawM:oi JiulMlng. The work ana "bother" aiw
qtleftt, and Iwlilml'her.ar'e"l wbvrtwr they abound. The wasjoi) jllgtit-*ery sUghi, if atbmded fai"at'
most Import tending Io ram.__ .
pld thinker." (' • Itsry eiplo "A hurrtcanc of projediles from both cl*d lions whlcli WfiJM.brortgh lliw.fl.rVf roads of .any country ar# lh# foontalir t U proper lirot. Tb««o»t ««iJ labor «C
nt Pike and twenty at tb« tlln at !>a«t SWiCr fr*t» l«>fur» h>4ds of trade and oofflmrrre; th^f are maintaining: th* tr»»s after they «r»
InlSlG nesvy and machine guna awept down tli« avenues ortr which pas* tbn main jiUutfd are prictlcsll/ nil, and th* be*-
J ? \ aplore
p -the' source Christ.
LAST. .( ',' men w upon bis ship: Tbe list became more SKrB<'J«* tnt th« disseminstlon of
U t e f h * crossed pronounced, and Juat before getting
lu« woman Mr* , ot tbe h d d home to bis Intended 'victim his ship in diameter, rises five and on* half f»et "In addition Io tin* ntflly the ilJin- knowledge anil tbe Increase of Juttlil- *nceot resales are afrsr. Io toe tarta-^
iatlon last may be culled for to pwt
tbe above tbe horizontal LI the centre. Tlir ursbi vxle »«» (»iiml u n M lu griln- gtntr, s * well as lh» sujoy weals of so- Into «-rr«-t OIT rvontltntlonal sm«ad-
larsctcr h«l rolled over snd then plunged, bows pressure on the abutments when Ibe Hf, Tbi« *tooe U ot grml'talue. >Ime
clsl Intercourse Is rdraiWfa—Thejr px«- ment Just adopted, It will b« watt If
first, into tbe depths. She Minted her- pipe is filled with water Is very (treat, It glrrs us tlic 'Jrji unit ot (lu> f*»I-
self s s (be sunk, her screws whirling and la resisted by a mass of concrete deans 200* ymr« l<rforc nur o » » rtt, vide the inraos for ihtperforwance of the pUnllng of <r*«* is reeogabMA
In tbe-air. and carrying down all hands. forty reel thick behind wen abutment. Further, the r<HiiniU»\on l u * found public duly; ot reacting schools tta snd provided for as an Integral a«4 «•>
) be the
Becord'U Including her chief engineer, Mr. rur- Across the curved lop runs a hsod 'Koudonrou*' or property dewls en- church** aad local markets orafaippln* »(-DtUI part of lh« k K I o r i t ;5,|
vis, shut up In the engine room. Seres railed foot-bridge. The steel of \h»graved on stone which sri» Tdjuo y»«r« r«ii»<s on railways. - Wlir, abouW the.
of her crew clung to one of the circu- pipe la tbe arrbed portion Is live- old, bronc rnnpti, m*gnillcetiH) ibatnl United ytatc*. whlclt baa »tt«ln«l so-
lar life buoys kept on the bridge and eighths of an Inch in thickness. prtmafr oral all other natWoj In Tlw Age «f *la«ara
snd dating back -VKW yrars bffori* Hw wealth aiid io a. arosid-ivW^ Iflflttewe Ifofessor J. W, BpeiKer ^
w«re drifted by the tide toward the
Christian er*. add ollirr rcitf* of n la conm«rea,aa4 «ilSm*Of tittiiMtt tin- sge of «h* Valla of XU«ara,<
eoasf where they w*re rescued by 'a
the Forbklded City of Tibet. past ago trhkll art* "f liom«a»(lral(Ie to tat*t upo«;*Jp-fl»k 1)M srlll bled Its Oai.fnn, and that Of U»» rlraf f
nk. baa 10.000 people. value." -dtlMM I* It J*.fMt?, jagAMattii <ba» WO year*. Us- tUM* that t» I"
••Stories told by these m*n rsry so er*st of tb« C«nsdlao fait (U
alt djnpts much as to be nnrelUbhf, bot »U a»Tee • v a l l a * awS SO«S CNsM. ] pnson desires •hoe) w M m r a t B t e . D t t h 4
to 4* th*»
do ur^^ his «t«e ™ incident: Cptsln ?«»« bad • d e r a i l young martkd .w«m*i>, iiefc- The latest adjunct to gist* tMveltls*-
eted •» "smart," fra»e *AwttA m sim-to the staa* umbrdla, wWri» Is corttni Ut#.*lM«ijg»>d,ro»4» « • Ifc* taort !«»• I M l t b t m i t W M t
quiteobi»aais U t l l » s « » »
T eren wttb W. *.«ier. ple form of restcto*. whkte tb*r P*»e- witk ^stflt" aptuVffom.gJa**, . Thewi i t ttctaff » th# HI* *t»th# peo-
«h» ship sunk. Ca»t»i« T « f c tie* jrhen ««Jllfd lit tfadr wlsUf h w t ' Of t/WPttjt - tfU
swl», w a s g r t t . r * Ins qnrters; After * bjmt dsyTs not
or some.MMll pJsee ot (assl tkfjr «T1M baatJSvc UISM **«*)
b**a rtmgk to (hey tide imM, h*»»ttsl « • * • tituh,
hi * ^ «D str«a*t ! k^
*avaa»*,i *t
^OllfFOID OITIfBI, -fee; taay aay »*».<f»
•flRMf IK <fc§ <(wrtiiwB(w4i 4&
y g p a f ttt t *
lAvaaae, Oiaaftra.I.J
aMy aUU ta a aiaaiiiai |*oflt by a«at "Teaia ef taltar a t *
a j a K * f f *\%0 t*aHHl aMMtftf lsV ^tta#
Tvnnm. O n s Dollar • Ttmrnr. k ; a a d e a a k e «k«aka H Per aaariy m e tsBBtartte ta*
I M «*» CrmgfVr* * M t « #
to ue M atede wbew Oraafrfri wat ta— ef iaaa far the Wmttpm
otftaally laid out IbkM akoakt have MMfcr «f
m tmmt. waick u kwnra taA d««c«SM>i us Telephonl
OMkf aioay aadi aid* ef the tin* — j . J^_ o*»ui}»T.S«J«n**."*l*<lliiU*offii. i i
~ WCoinn fttifetr on U» thirty-.J«
flW* *v SCCMlf j y w t H I W—« .^t^wmr.wv^-
<h* town, tottowiag - n o aanr, a* UAUm,
; «B« taudnd lMatjr>Ukn» ! « , ota JOest - • - • ; - \ i «P'«U»«J_ a . ni
' Atxu M i l bt ligntd or oocompauitd bt ourvea, or •arfaaea netdia* fnaa * a it. iwutrifl, ••>»'»-on* « . t » r v
the writers namt a* a guanntt* of fifty (set la eU»w iBterrMiaf law* tataacfe VmmOmm
t«M haotni airU->l("S,' bto Uuao L. Beef, VeaJ, Lamb, Mutton, Pork and Pi L o t i o n of Fife Alarm Bo«7aT I s.t u «i., ««t,i.
good faith. Tht Orient will print pUtpttof, a parkway (or p!»e*»W drlriaf. la (Mag tho . *TT—i. . l i t ; • < • ! , *Mht i . al*.. X
tommunieation* on any nthjtct of Oo aueb a parkway our floeat wtHmrw
0»ntralinttrttt to th* ptopU ot Cran- would bsm b m loeated. the aroun
At Wajs;*
:«rt la rrtaea toe * » B S
aad wther tmmt^attU. mad l» g w f x y a 10-
ar I, tfem s, toer i. —Caive'a Livers and Sweetbreads— n ! \ MiiitMjr Kaakm a«4 »
it a, am* «. M ID.
fnrdbut the* not tttTsiw assusn «*»> " tomimm U, U *£!»*•»«•»
ntponiBnUtt for opinion* which mag ilwayt tk«8« tmm tbe nwr ewt l a w Buwlio* ooaiiniiM to b* *
be expressed fora fn»a> th» fwrbway. Bo»t boo«M ti faaa raartJag tbe New Tart atarset AH O. LiWKKKCI.
lUaiUd elm and aepmad dwign thoek
Jumt Hfoxv Wktec ••oa*»m«»at for t i n •>,
frss* ttwwa, there «e a wMe
THURSDAY. OECEMBE1 Z8. 1105s* the only balldlngt ttlovMl t*t •f SMtmiaJ far taw ettcka, ***•». Halibut, Cod, Bluetlah, Weakfish, Fresh fwwl hj Pnewkwt Ltttsfi ft

theperkw*r aod lb«riw,and thaa* |ITWIIl0 a**rl*tiav Ivwfgt
le>afet*ar satjsaBtfc^aV^aaf.ff^asslfll ^flMlAMft
UawVaw«F^PK^^"«Wa%nf ^***W1IMW¥ of Maw •un »rarad» i* ksea. '
pUlpant.' a^i Spanish
Jsbbirr. eusplj iMackere), Batterfish, porgiee, Sea B.M.V
ooly In %Y/mnA loaatiooa. Ro** a aasll, bera, aaatlai aad atber waafA , amlntltnU. rl. fa, t" Tb* h»wUa«t (<*•« h s * « t
l*«t FrtdMv night the Township
Oominltte* met to b<'ar objections to
•rraagMBeot would fttroiah *iewa < •wttk mrtmtkmmVt tHaree w«rk hi
•KMting pwtlae el M» froote of h
of tea aboT*>«tat*d wrll ot s>rl Flounders, Fluke.
I «WSI*M sbsll «»pnw tor Ml* >t
ABOUT TOWN •luoibt form. lfl*int thrsw
Ru**H. urn Thandsy ol«bi
work or material* imc la tbe Imprave- "Tbe ateM
««• well k»pi lawM loaCMd of H DVT OF
m<Mit of Willow strert, W>et En
and burtie ao4 ot»>er bank yard cearesv are woe* aad HARD AND SOFT CLAMS- N**« ThunJty th«
Plnor. fVntrni avtn)ll>.PIrUfl*ld ttrret, dtceratad wltb prteta or prsaaed wait.
••a at preani.
Bwkdv Plei* nni Norman Plans. Jfi
W* am writing to tugg-t thai an«t.
Oa* ef the taeat aetabW faaa, «MMU
asetal etleka, la the oa* af oartad
All Delicacies in Sea Food rlu>ioo» with i h t EUSXIMI
CwrU, Th* suoint t l VL
objection* wet* flled.brt th»Graafonl
«* « H » «a ef>«ng»cn«at am etU) a t ta Bs\tw oao* »iluefH t » Soft Shell Crabe, fellows ' ' - • - < • - « -
H«*lty Co , by Qro»e Hackett, Mk»d
fMalnl*. lo tome eaete wllb ao daau** uarte Aatawarta TWa faa hi a W ta KOSELLE
that th* angles of tbe Mferal tt th* iewtb KstMlasjtoa coileetion. The
to th* ptnpMly tsmlfed and la other Syracuse. Psttemn . 171
imerwotlons on the o*w work be ma-
a w by damage wbloh would be atBwther-ef-peart atieka give aa exosl- B*«Kis . . § . 1*4
eadamlvd. Thin matter will b» t*k*fi 'Z>« Hard Crabs and Lobsters, Live and Cooked' ' Prank Jones h vljltinc
l«aat panly eoaapeoaated for lo tbe ad-leat eapertaalty far artkttla aarrtag «StS»r 1T1
up In the SpriDR time. at FalrlrigU Villa.-•'
ded beauty ot. ibe Mlgbborbood. In aad alee far eJetw agMla*yWtw«lata'
* The Firfrnt!iirff.-Ret'.Af-
oaoy M M > fery deep lota n a r
The TOWD Father* on Friday nigh therlmraodtbeeattlafloffof tbe raa C. will meet tonghi.
j>«ld themselves for their **r»le*t to of each by a parkway aulgbt be looked Mrs John 11. Thompson is visiting
«th«'Township during thi» pAM ele upon aa poaaibU.
Application for Sewer friends at li«inf*tca<t. X. v, j Tot«> . 778
month*. Mr. Rankln altvndnd 4" Down the rirar there er* fln* nppor Assessment Commis- • ~ Miss Millie Bodger, (, vl ^,, n ™ maa j 01UNKOHD
mftvilnpaand if ~t *°* 'rtr hi* Christ tuoltiM. From Coloott»oue along the Tke kwtew sioners Sadie O. Heleker at Ewt.Orange,-; B tM
» .. 1W
mM; Mr IfortnngoUWfor 47 m«*t- w«eUrly bank to Mortb .a»«co«. th b#B
^aetwlag . q y * • bww the heal) to _ lUIXtCK I* hftrfiby tlYM that apnikatloa vili Miss Ortt.c^' G.arllnr^ of TTackej.
i tfr* aiid vr. Woodllnirdn>w the smal and under ae a Awat ef tkeaka aa«toaef a ' mad* to th* < Ireslt Ctmrt of am ''oonty ol Crunii"1 IB*
town It-visiting Miss Effo Z HsnV.'
J ' « t ld t iumrf—180S, M 4h*
Court Cranfuitl I.tul,-pomlfnt Order
errlooKty, It Is mighty small pay for a turd uritcU eraeainf. apd A «Uan light, a pur* lighten' oroamraul light and an up-to-date la •jrnlahed by 161
»«n Inrgc nmcuni of work that (be rlvw hi the-If III at' Wettotvelte. - . „ „ . tomxk* u • • . . „ _ Of Forestern, *|jl bold h «fi«;ial mm,r-
artitlimen of the Township Oonirolt- On the weeterly hank the perk
ttey art> i* taistrt la berag allewad at
»M> rwi'ivcd Th» anfiial time spent way oftiltd tetin at Mr. Ommwcll' act before taeat aa« at the oa* te fluak
U w nxt sod «MOM
i tal«nl M W In tb* Towo-
of «oo>
»iftot Vfllon, DsiDfil|j
I'uited Electric- Company af New Jersey.
avimaa to Ar* For very reasonable rat«* th«y give aleotricity for beat and power. Coma and
The Town,«hlp Cotntnfti'?* «ill mwt i TulMl
at routing" by no mean* covort the ind ran down the rivar to the «nd nf th far the prtvOatje gtvatad. Tbeitlrliai i i n n i i m i,ifwi, frOOl MWJIMD
Monday evening. i X c w lVBr's Daj-j;
whole limn employed In the trans- rowoablp. We umlerttand Mr. H*«* la -bew dte iMtsT *» thaak ler aa aud> 3S3.1, Ifawmaassai) tb* nwoacUon MH> their station. It will cont you nothing. Talk to orjrsnUo for the year IBCfl.
laitnh-Alao to **Uin*te «ml Cbrlttrnat at the Chi
action of th« tiaslnma of th«i Town ilmedy pJapnln, *o<* aa Improtsnwnl ear* er aaf tuftt er g m they 1km —' tteaaat tldr of 7era*t "natters over aad you may a»ve money. Joseph Ehrhurt;'proprietor of th»
• T O D * nottiwrlir aboni Th» P 8un
ship, Each meeting of the Committee aoroashla property, " * titr [UH>i f«*t, on tb» TELEPHONE: . STAT10M AMD OFFICES: " - Otntral Hotel gav« to each customer
-fivotvM various lt«mt «f special «om - Tbe towa aright es< aoeh *»lu* In tb* to aet aalr isMfnmL Banil I tan MX» *B Christmas Day,a hab'lsomA'porket^ Cbiwiros* -»i»reis««»-*»f» -t
•^wdndandflftr tut,
mltu-e work requiring morn or leas Riverside-Parkway e r t o (Ind that tl at « • patooe aa4 at atn*t from a point nilUITH 254. . IUWETH, «W JEIHT book. -..- • '"•".--'- • - - . . _i'h»f*l last biiiht 3upeni
tt to' IUIMIUW BorlKrl? H )-'o»l«r read a papor from
p*rMnitl attention on th* part of thrwuld afford to •ofwbolkhaga aad boy
(Vejjaatotaaaahother eaa prop-
R O S E L L E . - L YONS F A R M S . Hon F. W. perk announce* that hi> r,'tr,nn>.:»-ot nntlfclsloricalof
Oomnlltepmen all through the week nroptrty to auka It oaatlaow*,for ti p of CrsiJo w to tfa* Coua-
•C fkaaMaf far aanw gnat Wishes to secure a respectable coloreJ of t n o - h e
»od then, the Township Oommltb* •nia-ht Had toaae of the toate eaaiialiB h h # e per-OsMd.DM.to.im.
BOMQHO B. HOBTON. iff* family ns inretakera for hla houj"-; i n
tnan must have hi* ear open at allabonlntdflsabK ITear* ac*v »Htui» Cbal man. 'itn tbit m wsrml.
aiac aaoh time Alden street.
Drnea to various odmpTalnU HUf «t this Urn boweteV K Mtllw any'plae,
thtogs at* not done aod klcke If they hot to oall auaatloatoa •totake i t the " MOVED UPSTAIRS..
XEONAHD SAUEE __. - „ - . - , Church la«t Sundsy
K iiiii ff!end» ot iha
p y *(4raine<l
we, with aot a little abut* on tbe aide. past tn order that It a*y be eorreotea aa
Venlr, the lot of the town father U far «a pta«lble*betore:u ROSO aay farther
* altogether pleasant. Oranford aod
"%\*t people thereof are to be ooogra-
* jjated that they are aarvedao w«U Note..
^_^ w*ttWtttdl*>
aaQTf aaattla aaNatT aatjNwtafa* M
tsajnttfe I t la a thaataaaaalana-
A Wtmt Bi»«ll»r'* Chaas-o T*"« Waa
• • t tiara o f t&evmomt.
•iWHhln two d*jr» tftcr ibt second
iatr family moved to the fourth floor
Jl BOOTS, SHOES • RUBBERS afternoon will be repeated by request twat prugratn *»er prMMaUd
Beit Sunday afternoon. runs eaUrtaimntiDt. Afur
The Ladies' Entertulnmi'nt Com- nl tbepkporby HupMriotaml
mittee of the flolf Club nil) be "At'h«r» KM a reailioc of «
aar af a|rlag thaaka, a CMaaaa tufll* (heir acqnalnta&cet were circulating 122 BROAD STREET ELIZABETH IV. Borne" at the, Club House New Yrar'* Jiwpb Pbilip. fulkivttl Wy
Engineer. Qoo. P. ^all of A l W y . a ttaae whaalh* th* report Uiat tbe bead of the family • Day from 3 to 6 o'clock. lh* pastor, by a hymu.
a.aad oeonnaaaa lait Friday N. .T. aad bto AtatotaAt. Lottto Haag- >a«feealBV*a,awt bad bja tabu? reduced and bail moved AGENT FOR W I,. DOUGLAS S3-60 SHOW..''?.--£* recitation* by Hiase* F»n|
tajto^bS;Opera Douiie Block
* woman k»t her ltftthroqgfe Ul i^ ^; ;. ^ ^ H>
H * > ttli * np two Bigot* ti? cut down exiictunnt. •nd Miriam f o w l aad Ur
quartat. la tSa lMitiwortb Oflo« 9m 9 Attar' that It dMo't fake'long for the . lijjig^jind. RIM ntnve* yes-Chriatmu Carole by the p
brougb hit effort to aato tbr BuUdlM «n.d a n waking aumya fur tb-Kathaitae A. Cari taOaa- aua*a wife to btar «rbat other people •• Jterday, wfclle the new hnntlnft appara-
followed by a teriM of mo»i
nan from bar folly, adds tq the at*the waur main, toteral Unea tad U» bad heard. Bbe Indtguantly deuled tbe t u t was bring Installcil Hint ran>uUr«l th»iiuclii>n<*
ready long list of deaths due more or rcaetvolr. wbloh wUltw built la tbe
- leeato-tbe tirade «roeslB« at Union Sprlei,aiMpboWgll*gfaaii ttikra HV Vkfeary, ttnssMfy for sosuv yeua
avenue. While it may properly be fortbf opening of new ttreata, wbjeb a wtll kaowa tazManBiat af l<rma,
_ Was Osattwaa, •Johatoall rtabt^sja-saia., -tt
i nalt that *« niov&l upstairs; It's
.Ity motlrs was not at all crsd-
If you want it Good, ' 0 . Alvln Hyatt, Amerlnt'* Greatest lor.
Hall,January3, Admission; Adulm,
g trno ».
lrncr.o! tha, nwm pn which
held that the woman, waa entirely to wben completed « n t Bpriag will make Maam, had aktaaad aa eagia far auoat- IB oenU). ChlldrpD, i s cont«.
I hadn't Intended to tell any- ifu from SHOU Olau* yhlct
blame, having refuted to use the tuh dlreet ooaawsdoat with Sooamlt Ma* bsgeaaday wfcaa a a e U atlarta awa body about It, but, slnco John's roputa- The Democrats hold n primary U<it triliuled by Altwrt Tutcb wti
way for foot paaaeagera, yet bad their aor. Bprlogtoid Bo«4 tM Orange Wb* dst edd jeb* abeat ouae la.
not been a grade creating at Union
arenue,abe wouldnot biive tried to go
, Oraafotd, .
^otoSbaUwroaa.^ kaatoeMdtbe
"Oaoto aatd
tloa aaa business own Is at stake I ire
Fve got to own up, T\> moved to
er«r ftt area with the family <m tho tblrd
floor. J)artng *J1 thoau inonths tbat \nt
Get it at Thursday night, »!pctlnK tn County
Committed: Paul A. Altry from th« well.
Fftst District, nnd John Jloody from
8 Cl*u»,

that way. Ttwire abould b* ao oppor

houte oa W£ atroM oppottte the tM*1am~w*w the "•Mat" jayfolly B**d below t&«m they toruientca tfca
tunlty tor Ignorant or careleat people
lo place their own and other «U«w la
Konllwotth | M Md will tak* pom away, l a e aa«t ttote be taet Mr. Vick- life out or me nnd myfflrlaby cloanini? O U R
ton Iramedlataly alMr January tet aty M tot**! at hUa rather queerly, how* on my Tvasb day, Tboy took
RfD BL.QQB. The Township Committee will mwt jk. E Churuh Sunday Schot
tonight ^o"close "up* b'usinrits.lof lh« 'liU'\ j'ltty r.-.^ht.~"Ttni clnirpb
jeopardy, but jutt ao lone aa to* parUenlar pains with tholr rugs. Tho year and thefl«o«l)ear of the TOWB- «,\ anil iminy pretontfl wora
ThlabulUlotbM baaareroedeledaad but aaht ao*aag. A few 4aye later appearance ot my newly washed
urade crotatng la maintained, the
deoorated aeeordlng to Mr. Shatt-
the taaManatot aktaaea aa ewi aad
a gaeee ta take elothee on the line w»s tbe elffnal for
JF YOU HAVEN'T FAVORED US - ahip as well, which U now I* the aumc «* follow
4aag»r Will be present. We know
oroaa'a wlabea and _to_ nombend _ W tho odlendar y««r., .-_' 1 :„ VoluoMry Mis* L.
that tbe railroad official* are aniiout bto bat them to bang tbolr rugs out of their
One of the prettiest Christmas trees Itnuitation...'. Blano
to do away with the expense aad dan
among th* moat elaborate oa th» la atate atrplecity own back window* and give them a
good batting. By the tin* tboso nigs
^ > O U ARE MlSSJNG^A TREAT In town l» that put up and trlmmnd ltwitatian..,.'., i
B*r ot the present Union avtnutoroet- war* ttnovattd my clothos wero r«uay ' by mine host Hess of the Orsnford .. .'.....By'thr*
ina at ara the people ot Oranford, and ^ e W t Fatty wUI take place Tf Ha all the waae ta yaa.-' ktlrtaa
It does aaem that relief ahould be at the KtttM*orth Ian, Sunday •nm
tt F« Mta ta aaa SM (aet eb tor tbe tube again. Week sftcr weak BETTER OOMMENGE TODAY. . Hotel The'lighting-Is 'done by a
i , Aoi
t protested. TAt janitor's' sympathy special eleptrlc outflt with ooloted
found before more Una ara art aaorl Ing for wKiob. oooatloo aa elaborate waa finally- enlisted la my behalf, but R»pit«tion,.,.'..,..... .v AM
bulbs-giving A Aplnoded effect.
floed menu baa beta prepared. K good aot even he could change the pro- ll^itstion \\

u i « l atlma samara.
am* I* tspeetad, and all arc cordially gramme for btatlng tbooe rugs. After
Invttad to wa.tob tbeoW y « r out am tfiniiiralgg la* tana "eaitbwai*- the aaBtclag at the hands of. my anemias
CHOICE MEATS, PISH, BUTTER, EGGS UNO Thieves stole a whip and robo from Two Songs,. ..By JJis* Julia;-]
Dr. J. U ?erklns last nleht. Dr. Per-.Biseitalion. . i . .>, .,:• .-.VieUw
i are-«xpwts~ea aawkt the tftfomlneT ° ' the; aew year. '" kins havlDR left bfsrrTk In froflter hi* neciistlaa:7v;v*.•*;•;•'. 7; vViida'
. it la said in Japan It U son 4ca*aal«teaaya«kMHteldteaV far a whole ystr t determined uv>on re-
a** "to CatmWar ta taete who Mage. The only way to get It WHS to offlee for a short time, and upon his Rucltation.
altered' no uucommoa trick ta Mew J. 8. Towaamd, • rtpreeenta^lw
rtnaw of smoke ta aoeeatata, the tram th* Hlnger tavlaji maobiae "Co. the am M baea*. U w eatahwtam waa tseve upstairs. We moved, and now I
« e » | at a page, wbtoh waa bate tbe satisfaction of giving their
D. D. IRVING, return found his whip and robe mlst- Recitation.
llHT. S o clew to the *Hak thieves have IPcitstion... Louli K

thMath thtfeetaad Cllsabttb, wma la town fueeday, b aaUdpatlea la th* bot- sltthea a cats of spotted measles by
third thM«gb both, fcxtft etas* log under ooaatdaratlon UM Waalag
aatfermsrt *re eatfllted with becoming of twenty-am ot tat Btfoa 4* Hlrteb
i h
h J i below tbe Hat thtking my nn over them"—Nsv,-
No. i, Opera House Block, ytt been found. - RociUtion
TbeChrlitmas exercises Of Trinity Rooitatton.,:."........Frpdn
page, ao aa to to- Tel- 93. '
a* expert laamoke Mowing that they bouaMtor taw amployeeaaf tbattac-
_ _ aaeaM follow on (0PP< DEPOT.) Episcopal Church Sunday School will
• • a aot ooJy^ble to awJtlply tbe nnav be held tonight Tbere:»!ll be recita-
ha* af riagtNihat made, but aotnaUy wry lAttor taeaa eatchworda
'naattiilet.' guardtoaa. Uont and the singing of Carols by
._ Manager JVW, t . Wettlawa of the ' «V«S«*UUIT Rat»e«. ' Orowtk ait tke WU
The .ianrwataiJa-Vaatea -s\eeer4lagtotht Invariable -enstom-ot • • * • » • - • - • » - • - » » a «> » • • ••«•=
Keollworta' OorponOoa, B H opaaea waaJa favor for oaa- "been decorated w l t i T g W for. eacK"! The hslr B-^srlllta-pJl
r , t t l i deajutd, propotedtoabi a aew Baal BataM Offloe attoattft,K th# Poke of Ittcbmond'a family, It la aolai. Next Sunday morning tber* n o t j
t h k to tta oldaat ante* « prescribed Jhtt the_eldest sou nntMlie
wtte by faming the abarartara
bto arowaf «f |
• » • atnaia of moka.
J.r4a tbe-bulldlag Jttowa aaiha'Jtfat
Iron," adjourning th* Van Oouft
Mr. A. ffjathanaon who for *OBM
aUtat ton of the eldest soa sliall ~l>c
It eajae ta awaa a prom' named after Ring Charles II., to whom
haaitagaeehMtaefadlc- they owe ao much. Tbe same principle
', tfet> thyaslag w«t« at a line of la preserved In Lord Salisbury's family,.
Kierbilwopt^inn,;! L
-"r-V" <if «L-ln, nf, r.ithrr,
called, which grow la
' * %£t\. Sunday mornlnR W. 8.8tep- places uodcr tbe sst&e co
- aont pet dog "Buster" WM shot by a the oxlh oo tbe Unier eadi
, " waldent of Central avenue, severely papillae do not lie oa th
'^K\ Urn* pa»t baabaen la th* fontat boat-
peat at Moniatowa If, . / . will retttin whtf* tb* eldest son* are named James,
after Jamet I., who testow-ed tbe earl-
K.enNworth. H. J. ._ .woundtaglhe.
tits akin, but are sunk in
wMn^ ? h! «W*Vr '5° doi'pty Into It,'more deipiy
to KenUwortk, Uu» Iwgtnplng of th» muter 00 Central avenue until ftlimds Is longer, so that long hair
at the wagaa «f Oordiaa. klag «f Mew fear. dom of Salisbury and viscounty of
•Oa, aar.- aha i r a h m Oraaboro* on tbt original founder of r~l airy rooms and bath; open plambrnej - notified him when, he went to a deep sac. The number a
Aaunxbwof obUdraa la towa a » up) aagaawttat **pf tht boos*,—London Graphic. V JL electrio ligbt; steam he.it; poswsaiog the rescue of bis Injured pet He de- papillae ot coors? taries '<
alokwlth the , g
tagar. •'hew awoat ef all convenience*; conserratorieo; car- clares that he will take legal proceed- with different people, bat f
AaalataaM Hal r riage hoQscj grounds are handsomely laid. ings „ ••".-' .'•••: Tldsal 1* constant and o
h «Jkt eert of and cannot bt incretse<l ao<
JK*mr «ke ka«t with Ua twnrt tatu he -"Kelp! Help!" cried the m»n who Special convenience for riding and driving ^Craoford Council, Jr. O: C. A. M.can the number of one's I
PK8 tiweAdtorit.aaathaa.taa Ik* tnvetlsg | a t •* .fit awa** Ml waa beta* robbed. parties for suppers, etc. ~ . elected offlcera.latt.Thuwday night as
S e n a te a laam mahtaia Mkt Auaa> il tat »tr a a» "Cb Toumlf," said the hlffhiray- anl
--Jte ft * plllse; coniwjocntly tf U x n
•ktat, laea JM aaek wha, "Ait —CUISINE ANO SERVICE UNCXCCLLKO.—' 0 _« "CounciUo;i";~-Wllfl
«Mk er aaae. a lee* « • • a tetf la « . don't ne«d any tatlsttnoe." „ vice-councillor, M: O. IseDtnao; pals* tberccan-b* 00 hair,
at flat aatai anl «4aataa} t e • ate. ThsalB
ADDRESS put'counclllor, Cbartes Shafer;:.te- the number of these p*pt
" eraaie to jwttween tireerlta'dioow neither: oe-
Jlba-STbaa 1 aaw eld BWywa aad
Mt wU* at Jflatua a «cna>te «f ya«» H. 0, 0. Schmidt. _ H. J. SorilngMcretary.W.E ...Betohardt; •taut. »o that o i s Idea of
S u m . Uvld Piers, I l e r wnj warden.] their number t>r ellpplnr th
> khe waa bUtlsg and coau»g_wtt»
• » » » • • • » • • • ) • ; conductor. George Wai-J tie alwndsned. Th* gtoi
»» *! t »: ; L Kk-hard Sor- { dopends rsther on tb
y 4 l sll tbe papillae, brrt t b
k # * «ther 4ay l la eoert ah* ^eatphxrad btfor*' W8S.
i tradttknR ttttt m that Benjamin TRV
|UlB,<aM aaw postmaster general
HARRY Oa tbe *gsmU ot Moot 1
1=011 '''-:%$ BS beiroxa la tb* -WCM
f e . ^«ar|tott
>htn» la af IW* when Horse blankets and Lap boilt for AliAlntets who haaa
tafeao by * s1*na oo t b
aoatauatar adTortlied b«T8 lost their way In the
* M t Ma away and tfut lK «6e P * « Irish n»t Ian* a m p M l eeeoptee all
: call far their letters at
S She Foetal Jonratl of
l a attMBaaaa af aoand tn-
the rooai. uid t u coowla
pertotw. B»«jr«tfai;a»J«
pa carried up b j porter* rr
iaa that Beaton had- w» •Ix. Tbetfftrk*f joantro
rteanlnl H,6,|PWERS,r
•• j . vast ^w

.. .;.*zzfi.;-

^.o.io.;•'*:•=•;•. .

ban Fn.lv "M>nut« »

: THE Cl
«n*» to M a l a * taw Cawfeet. w OCttMl wr-linkl * t Ul#
SUCKD truer; Tfc»
l i e U Hewitt *lfa*«pt t * *•*« QUALITY QUALITY
STOfiE. STORE, j : - *
•ufeaa litfci ju*i '••'»» »
uniwh mtune w>4 Day of Kwntril, *BJ Vorfc to tah* *W

At tiw Krt<Ig« Wiittt last night Mr*., GENERAL BANKIf*A«»

I * lit b* \i\tyn
! \ Military fcmsbro mid Uatww wiil Uu '*
»r> U-i=»t) ; r l ' * t i ! J Hut »<HM»a to
[ » l ,ID1
. •mrft**<l; n i l to ti*r Jiiid tfitA 14 $ « « IMW
m**»U» U»if* <*W • * • ' . » „ , f I u t U |ji.tt J 1 c«. T.> t^MutJwra it
for *k» »<M» fnj*» au.l , , . | w i m j s »l f u . n . > - e , n t »«.»,i«i (|,«
Novelties. ccnTiricATCsor '

th« Uttiitaful J*.l» uf , ...,,, i o i .f ih»fl<m«i.|.v«fcUttb(«» Iwckr
fered by l fu*J«Dt Lilt»l! fur bwU aea-i.,. jst M ,j JIV U a j a »r,ists»<l li* Tti«i •«•
aw «nraj{» •• IMM. ;f. . ;. I^M.a.unn, u , ^ ) , ' , ^ |ft>t i 1 j.'k4, 1 .toi Holiday <itH« !«u Of CREDIT.
Tbfc bavtieg tttat h » r / t Jrt prt npto <fci olb»t .atdt, • rrutllrj »fcd ill*)***
nml t)l«l.
ABOUT TOWN ir.gform. !rt*>o« throw «r»<j|hl in J uvJj. Tbsv wowaa fall lo iho fMueJ
fto«,ll» l»a» Thursday ot«bt «>ife*» J»«r-; :.•!<:«• to ifa* track, lfc» M»otknt'«f. ttuj
Patronize tutnif atul »uv«. vouiacli mottev.
Ml'j Helen Wllb'i'i*
at Buffalo » o - ' ;ii'» ictvail car."" Ti>»I>t*ly"w»»"torfi
|i-lu»iooi with the Eii*!>V«ih Ciub
Hl«t Elbe I Jones Is i ndi|p i>rt *> Th» »<xiie» ai Bj»»i!» wen
lussels in I f mmiy pwpiii waitiftif tottk* lh» 10 <l
il'-tt r-;>
17» 178
tain to N«a York, ncaocg tkrm h*t Toys, Sleighs Dolls* Carriages
151 !r It th-nU, tK« wolp«n'« Mriploy
H,I i* bd| [*D#sl »<i q»icltiy Utat ft v Wagons (Jaincs, Autocyclei Air .
l't \t i i.i r> »iu-. ibm t » o li««a had IH Rifles, Handkcrchiefs, J^lpj^nc . WORK..
l » ' ,'ott4sii.'it..ia:iiifth-»)»ortWM#'-.4( li«a*.
will meet tonpU I"
Um brellus. QloveSj Neck wear
Mrs Juhn II. Thmppson is visitluff i
ICl nuti iii» life. Itf.i ht Bound Ikwk. H»
had b**o toi w«r«l iiHBlhuin ebu
Aprons. Baskets, Leather Bags
friends at H«mr*tca.t. N. V | Total*.,, "80S
in ttiv day tim'f i t the. Uuioa »Veou» Pocket '-.'-Books, Writing Paper
PA^feO. Hel«kerat Eiwt.OrftDge;; U.tM. ; . . . .
cm»iug »'d hnil proifd taiihful aod
^tlii'init in ttii» »*ry Wyiiijf" pcsattioo,
Burnt Leather, Holiday Ribbons. WANTED AT ONCE!
Mis?. Offtr?' n.fltiiiifi" of TTflckftif'9-
town la irlaltlnR Miss Elt* 7. H«nV. '• " IHI> tuotlier wti<ws iupporl ha w«« mid
Court Cranfurjl I,rid.-pemknt Onler. wba IB l«ft in want by hia ucliir:#ljr
Al.l. <MKH)5 A N D
Of Forestern, will bolrt n t(^,-\a\ iii,.(,t-
rB(f Tuesday, Jnnimrj'U ! win. «
The Town,Khlp Commiti'oe «ill mwi i Tutn!«., 712 7S3 • 6 > 1 hfp«l ib«t a EutMtnntial turn tnnj t *
Monday evening. tNVw Year's l)»yi;|
to organize for the year tflOfl. I
Chrlstmai at the Churches,. ; -••---/v-«F«¥.---- •';••••
Joseph Ehrhnrt; 'proprHor of th« I
Ontral Hotel gavn to ?aoh r i.isomor Tlio PreabjrUirian SumUf m:h
ub Christmas Day.a liainisomn wicker Cbii*lmaa--»x«Feit«ia-w4f» -bold in
»bap»l l u t Superir.fcMul*nt N,
- -• "'•'•'iOBrwood'-NolsSs;"-""'-1"":"'""
Major VVIoslow wa» trtated W «
very piciuant surprise oa Hatutdn|'•"ot
FRED G. aa llncoln avenu*.
Mn, I'Anton,
p last week, wheu hU broiU<-r,
It. i'o«!4f t«*d a paper from Sscta Can* he had not «««n tvr

si <,! tha Rruwth
itaUacheri i thr last 19 y m i s came to ipeod tho PRACTICAL CARRIAGE PAINTING ROBERT RINDELL.
famil tbtt WAS warmly huI!Ja)» with him aud bin family.
Alden street
* 'The "cBnriV w v glvr-B St the j parent* Kill fr!end« of th» Kbolan who Northern h'ew Vuik. sut) i* oao of tb*
leading citizen* of the locality In
;-^_V:J .„; AN& REPAIRING: tehigh Coal, Lumber
Church la«t Sunday with Hit
afternoon will bo repeated by request brat program s»«r prwoateJ at a ebriit- which he re*l<if,»,
The Qar«uoo<l Matmer chor will hold
B«lt Sunday afternoon. eaUrtaintmint, Att»r th» funding
The Ladles' Entcrtulnmont Corn- uf tbe.p»p«r by Huportotiyulent-Fo«Ur, an entrrtatnmPitt and <lattce at. Btit»" RUBBER TIRES AT SHORT NOTICES.
Hall on noxthatiudny fl»«nlu}{. "fhirto LIME, LATH. PLAHTEn V.T
mlttwof the Oolf Club will be "At'hero «M a tiaiiiag of .oonptur* liy
will bo a chorut of (0 oblldreo after
Homo" at tho Club House Sew War's .Ii*jpli Philip. folluwiMl by prayor by
Day from 3 to 6 o'clock. ttw piutor, by » hjrtnu. Th«r» • * » which pte«cat# will be iliitributtp orricc; WALNUT A v•»•;«:
nwiUtlOD* by Kfissen Kmioie Alilrioh rrom a lorKe U«t- Uanclug trill tol.
n tho Opera DOUHP Block «nj Mirl»m Tow! and lh» «lnging of 42 North Avenue, Ww3tfl«ldr N. Ji, UAXmiW, tif.n .r-r,*^
ChristmM Carol* by the primary e\nm Tbo eDtartalntnPot held i t the
terday, wkllo the BPW hrntlnff appn'ra- followed by a M>rie* of mo»io({ picture*
school boutw) on Monday evening Wat
tua was being installed. Hint nantuttrcl thentulifnc* with Imigb- a grand nucceta 'Ihere wan
C. Alvln Hyatt, Amerini's <!re«to»t
Hall, January 3, A(!mMslon: Adults, e.<im«r.ntth'*.n<ym..9n which »ttra hunt
andslngiuR, after wliloh each,
•rt'oefved a box of cuuHy ittiil N. A. BARNETT, WHEN THE
98 centa. Children,
Tho Democrats held a prim 11 ry last
sifl* from 8»nt« Claun which w#r« Oit At tlm noiuiic I'runHry hcl<l on North Avenue, CranfQrd, HI* J-
Thursday y Dlght, *|ectlnK tn Ouinty
liulfd by Allwrt Tuwh whu
ianC.Thursday cvenlnR (it tht«Bon)u({h UNEXPECTED
Committed: Paul A. Abry b h well.
from tho
Hull, Mr. C. D; Cktiiilftlgh was
to Mircwl liiniwlt an County C
F l n t District, and John Jloody frnm
•:.'• 'i'h'» iSi'ri*
iJAlPpHNS * .
SlfH. Humiiol OiikciAiin, Uljo IIIIH
Tho Township Committee will mwt M, E Uhuruh Sunday Kchuul w»r» hold.
tonight to close up buslneSjilof thi* 'llu v^ lay r.'./ht.^ Tftp chnrob v u cro**d
l»*n11 (ukticnt at the K.IUalpj'jh (iciioi-
ill llot|'ttal;for. n muhbt>r nf week*1
Rubber Tires for Wagons and Automobiles'
year and the fl«enl )eat of the Towti- c.l anil in my pr.'wnlji wnra ilidribtilml. , Flr-
.hii* ii-Uit«<"i.t'i.)!'!f ik'.Hi'.vter,1:. M!tk>%
ehip as well, which IM now J*-th« same The* folli
Voluntary. . ...!.. MIMU. It. Mai»l«ll ly oun-'l.'
M the calendar;ycAr. ;
Mf"~l;h.iil'.-» trotuicunn iimi • MISF
One of the prettiest Christmas trees
limitation. .. Muriol flic* Woiley wem- unitetl In •Bxp.«rt !iur
In town Is that put up and trlmm«d \ . «•

lU-ilutlorr . . . . . . . B y ' t h r e * lilt.!* Oirla wairimony on lru>t Thursday <«vi;nluR Your firat ili'-'ljilu n what
by mine host Hess of the Crunfonl
Hotel The lighting i» done by a
Itfcitaliot). ...Anita
nt the renidenco of Mnj-'ir Wlnslnw.
Me. Mleheali. Bln;u, a former; n-
M. A. BARNETT, WORTH AVENUE. • funk »i'li<>tt
•pedal electric outft.t with colored
I t " r i t a t i o n , . , . " . . . . . . . . . . A I * t a Kjoluiark ilfiit. l)iit now of -Brooklyn fepeut o 'I'll. r. ?
bu)b»-f[!vlng a splnnded effect.
St. PajilVM. B. Church,
Thta'cs stole a whip and robo from
Two8mg»,. .By M i a Julia Ham'a
Wilma Judd (iay lant week cnllluj{ on fncndfl in tbe
Borough. '•—;•• GCKll* IHIUIAI1O in
avt-Dii" 1'ittilf Telephone
Dr. J. L. PerklnB last night. Dr. Per- •:...• Ea«tman . «r
. :-'_Jb»- Borough Council «!li hold -a •for I llnrrl<i
' kinsha*Sn^left hf«"rfklnrroBl,of'hN o"; . . • , . ••.•';"l'.',°;;;VtI6»""Thj;jrtWn rvgu'u bicetiug oa ue*t.""Tiieailay,
offlce for a short time, and upon his Ilocitalion Cburicy Mott at tue Burough UiiUoa aouih ' wThBlUall'.y.wfCbri»«iaii K*(
return found his whip and robe miss- Recitation Mildred Kie» will bo tb» p<ii!o<'n txtniitn lojjli" tftl O \HDINfJ,
lug, fto clew to the Menlc thlavei hare R-oit»tioa Louli Kuhi»Dji;hmit ' for fa'flllic* »
ilr. tiamuel Dlcker»otr baa resigned tK"nd»» School at 3 p in , ili«i» will tw
yet been foupd. •. ' • Becitation '•• .'Marae'ltfl Hes« his pasulou wnh tua Aeutiau Co, f, S3 NortJi
The Christmas exercl«e» 6f Trinity gr««ttci(» from ohi Ifi*nda'nfid- »n . jul»
lu X
Episcopal Church Sunday School will K9ott»Uoa...........,..Rj'«rl 8qmaer!C EST, Oo« <>r
City. Night" att!jc4,hrg%nn\u'g ot '«o o'clock, MB till itJ \ t l
be held tonight. .Tbere:»!ll be reclta-
. tlon» and the singing of Carols by 'f bb Boaid of Education will bold a Kill b« bald In th« ttcnifir.
Ort>wih of tli* B a b . regular luonttily ineetlug at Jcfferiou 00 tb» neM ^M* icifrn:
OB nvtbi/iK rr»m
been decorated with gifts for eacT
gcholat. Next Sunday morning thew .aothins- moxo *s Isotiel DtOfht <>r Centre Mfeoi;
Pt «L-tnt or, ntlitr, paptUta. a» Oify'-itt
UK» ieiuiai.-'i fiuru ii if lieiu vliil to bet Mr.-ltllyj
csillccj,. which grow In their, proper
l a s t Sunday mornlnnW. S.Step- place!)
MV* pet dog •'Buster" wa9 shot by a th
p under ttie ( m e condlUoas' a» Uuiher at liarifonl, Conn.
h Q III on the linger
tho cad* The
g cad*. The hair Mr. Jowph Daun Is fpendiog, tbe
„, III! tut inti
• resident of Central avenue, severely papillae do not lie on the >art«ce ott wiek at hi* old home In Huzleton,
All Vi
•ounjllng the animal which 1 »V In ibe ttra «tln, but aro ionic more or l««a Penn. iotil«l ,.lr.-
Into it, more dejply a* the hi hair
Butter on Central avenue until ftlenda is looser, t o that long b a i n adhere in Mn Elviti Marsh of Cedar street
. - uotlfled him when he went to a deep sac. Tbe number of these hair lueerJuy wlih her inottier at & cwrtaln n, . 1 .11 ! > « ' «
the rescue of hlf Injured pot He de- papillae ot courts, varies <*on*idorably A S U t V S t L T B t ' < . ' . . » ' . ' • - l l < - 1' 111
clares that lie will take I-Ral proceed- •with different people, bat tor each Indi- in Krlly accompalrsed by «udi tad lu

vidual is conatant and uac&ac£*&ble his futherai<d »Sster spent Chiifttmas home to hU in. i< > <n I-1'
and cannot b* increased any cion> than tf befoT*
night bttorm lli.« >.,!« i- ^,.J: lii" l " a.( >
I•I> .O
• • I- I
, . ( < j H j ^ . i " . / , , , , . . , / j f , , , „ M ^ |'
fonl Council, Jr 0 U A M can tho number of one's auger nail*. In Brooklyn at a tnthfhuw
bUnA* .»«i il,.- urtt i.,.«i, ' ^ ' f , j
T h d
^ected officer, .a«t Thursday n1(lh« 1 be HallSigual Co treated allth'ir 11
The number of bain depend* on the pa- Ing at at ,tr»akr,*i .-.niaitnl « M ' « ^ ' ( l | , . i « * .-« l U 1,'i.ti »J-AI « « IHK '
follows. Councillor. William h e n - pillae: consequently tf there ar« no pa- band* to cigar? on Fr.day oUaat w«ek
* K ' } jJ" ' ' * _ , l * ,' '•*'''• • ' • * »l»»BI»r » J i n n l j I'HIUl (II,IU«J1|IJJ« IltlJH i A now fIv|wrlnx«tba«rM>'-i I.
Z , vice councillor. M O Isenman- pillae there c i n be no lialr. Uortovcr. Mr. Alfred Stoklf of Second *r>-aar
-, Cbarle? Shafer, r^ i tte n u m b « - of tbe»e papUU* Is eon- «[/.-nt Christmas in Brooklyn
" I » l t » - » B H t l i ' t « - l '-JI*IW"ly. ||.,u»U.i» ,>f » ,1 f»» I.IM »«fp«.(.n| !
"Why, It c-<ii!.'-t •*• >'•>•» l i i a u - / w , I i ,, q l Jt J j - ^n,in,: l . t f i , v |i*T> i!«- <l'fk j
/ ! J » , , | b < ot

...Ar}, W. E Belnhardt:j l t u L „ xbit the Idea of tncressiag
Harvey Hklilman «r>nt Mucday and B « y o u w u i t > < > « l i k e l l « i ^ r t / - , , ^ , , , , , , , , , ^ , , , , , „ „ , •rc.
travld Pjersrn, warden.] tieir number by dipping tbe bair muat
"" ' be abandoned. Tbe growtli of t i e Monday with frieeds a t Elizabetb- Itrfttfaj." . Vk * f t\ A t ti k * • rail ju.il Ibajxwtattjr te»J|#$'
I (i»p<rads rather on the w-e.ll 1 ttoogtit you h«J gi.ra u(. brt- Zw'viMvf^J^Zl'r'nni"'* * * .fl •

of all tap faplllje, but tn«y ere coa.First Methodist Episcopal Church CHAN*
etltnsnt part* ot iWa ami ahire 1U
l!ie In both sood asd erJI daya. Rev L.H. llovam, tnti<i*. •taaatlMT^anodMBrebaw*.- J tUv k rmil ^ ^ Wt Ofeu # DIEDKICH KKB1
-AM yoa ilk*.- a , cr,w<
SuLd*y, D e c 31,1903. 10:30 Preach- C«ttnUf*i
Oa tte 'OTIC t c-f Ifaot lilaac ^^ Cre A BMUtu« « a « bratfbt aad tl«>
ing by (be pa»:or. Subject; -Tb» fcats&t a««*ruine<l. It «raa fouo4 to ti;»}*I rtali. Kroui u«-ar »wl far
biel.c^t N-Jrooaj !a tbe -rtotH. It w»»
{milt for Ai^icttis whs t u a p b e e i oTer- Cbfisttoaa V k f of Sntato and M a n / ' tw tweaty*alo» toetie* •Mctiyr"
tak.-.n by a st.'-ra «n tb^won>mlt or *Tva> tat," atjtf f i x oiptala ruefully,

E-STBjK «£• p e s t IrWi

bsvo b ' t ti»!r iray In tlw aaowe. A ob**rv*wf by the folkrUiBjf Mfffk**'.
larje tamp t*J octnp!« ail th» Soar of I.ti Preaeblug by Dr. aeorge P.,
V a > that a n u tbe rooai. a i d e » CODUIO tvwtr-rwo thp Pre#byterlao~ "
perjooa. Gv«t7 «th* aod KIOB* bad to
wanu and fear* to i d b t fr f T *
tw carried up by pertw* frojfi fTiaio* Chapel. Mr, W, P. Selwt <rf I
ite kh

i- _ - * " -;H^:nJ

"I*| US! * J S >>i

ii I"I-
ROSE OF UfE. Bo Inw*!- pt reowltif •«• froe
smM)jTtbe. wrlMo-do faitilk-s «r!wr#
be ri<!t«J. h» *o«siH out BI'JM IVrfcSn*
a little wpo.n,ii «f tve-aod-.ttilrty, * ! »
I ail !ic>'3 srrnstoracJ to lisrd work and
povtrty »!l ln'r life, awl who felt muff ChUi
* * hitsifj dee-> of —\ heaifc
cr.itcful fur hntifrsT'-TOtirTMingbt In .1^. B B J I « « I M i» t b T w T B ^ i .
lite 4rw •buubrii ni. at thin late <!ay l>.v such a •Brtlw* s»jtm w*J<* ngiis: "Fre* l«««I WtWie*.1****.!
M n o f I luvr. an'i w irsati ««. Jfilm Mfwr**. Mlit, • ' '•. ••• " •>••• . : ' f - ' ' • * »

,•*** Sold I kt.mr, had lifrii «<• aciRr.iomfd t« im* *wm* t» im tm Intprovetneat Th* Isuiy it wh»l w« »o»>W,«B
•inK ami raring that •he wn« IKI- orer thateirttopii where one « B t » ' She traews w i a t t s A> wbets»»« I »• t u c w b a t . • • - • . : •-.. ' • ' - ' '"•"
to citp tip tin- hntiit firn in John »blir*<J ao<t M v e i maulcortst attrsd Sh* «e*r« ht* p*t *o*n sad ab«'s »3«*1
|i » \V n,S . 1 - . T.n f. Muor?'s rouif<>r!.iK? li'irne.' Mr. Slonre to bim at the MiBe time for fifty cents «ood tat*tiuh • . •.••'-'.
f|#l"it.(t -.lun S thonah! it iW-.t in let hiT <lo as'en* •Jiw ban, wfekhT. lucky, tttt f*«
^nwreO 'Tti« irrrld'a son'oa (••I for a 1ln<-, In HIP hope tbn't riAvir ri.KNTY .or ..btft fspefifui treatment and tbe maxfane* ] » » * < » • » « » « ? « «*» •«* 'ree
Th« ««»» l» Worthy urn nt. tt :*Sistp>
lb yftut* to l i rj» •!u> noiild i;rni]u,tl!y row Into taking It in Impossible for «vbe» _ (alary. Tha man who watciw* you , ^ « i « v a l e f c W g « t to be
per- •cocfkinsr: ' • • -^"::^t^
Jt» dark .ii.crml* iijmn ji.g things easier mid i-njoylut; life a little sod t«r TiXf ev loo niujJTdayllitht.'-<', (One silently know* your value, and yvur -with toe litigious. One eaa imagine Us i » n u to ban »U « n«r*' mort»3
wire. Tli*» plan npp*'/m-il to have iniifbt as well wf It U possible to vjery reticence and tiserve may lay the tbe barber saying:
c o u l d * r t n h - • • •' . . . ,-'*• • ' • • i - v ^ *
It* paiiOl )« vh.trnmg about )ou Bb« Ulk» tu b l a f*7tr. her aavery Jautft-
From every moon. fulled, however, anil e vcrrtliliig swuird iiavV too mticl* fruli «lr. . Daylight foundation of a warmer feeling tor "flair -taste, *dr-*r a dtapoMc**?"— Uino out s>t hi* jeUac ao rtadjr aa* ^ l
T*ir» cries of a Uuuitan>j lover*, In a mud.lif. . • , ilocs not meatrthe direct glare" of the you. Xew York Prew. X *
A thousand V.iuli,
iTiii. niid ^/liealthy person it not o s e There. 1* no longer any question as to He has^i* suspicioM of .what »h». l»
tl'ho Vrara of all the (nrgolten, ICIlia Kjm tired and nori-hcarted t s -•oaun'a capacity for - 1/US|B»»»; . jb* ; I
Wba k i w * d m *»m, ••• - •fie "went to hcrTfrrffl to change net „ b i n e w e * fletoadd darknea*. ";';•'. • :
' " But tne^il ti'''eiWai'ai[T«a» 'B»Br<»l i$S
And the journeying ytara that have van- dress that nflfnioon. Imt it was" a g*ej ..,\Vhi;tlicr the liouae furnlahtng If rich only (jUMtlon 1* of endurance. There bat. _ • . . •. • • ,.:''^S
hl '~ r drying clay, and >he had (lie »atl«fae- or yfrnn does' not matter In the feast. 1» a ftsclnation about earning and C U M Bad MswaHt-fwUira SHHI I M I H I Shs brlns* his old Jacket wb«a dinner i s ii ^|-R»JflW**is*wsJty *ajr« « a t «g>e »fl*r-
Hire left on you
tlon of knowing ttint ulie had a kins 'VArtf Are mansions In wblrh one feels spending one's own money. Women - '.Cvnt «/n»,iiy> Dran—Cura* ended, . • • -..'' ..,"--?; $W(iMk••»«•*#* ttere eoterej « t»pii»l
The witneaa, each «f iti pain. III* •Hpttr* and plp». not fwxntUtMr v• |ttt|h«; t c j # w csartw of rtiUidftphia
Ancient, yet new, line of Know-while clothes Dipping In /gloomy, and Ibcre are cottage botn«* save more than formerly. Th* man- - • th# match, ' " . . . " ; ;= -"-' , a U(tl« vUl of »twot «%!it y«r*. tear-
Rn many live* have }ou livcil; the- brepw. that make one sing from HgbltMH of ager of tbe woman's department of A awcet b«sth ia pn«!eas. . And wh»n on ih« louni* b e t * fsirly « - • . ' '
,*<« mil)- a »Ur heart. 4 . .. y one of the trust companies told me ; Uull's Anti-Belth Wafers win e o n bad tended " . :
( •-••....-..-;.--. 1st lafewsnus a fex t n t t w whetM
llnth veered in the Sijria to make you There was a scampering tbat the gain In her department for tbo brutb a&d b*4 tast* {asUttthjr. Belching itimtti0tSati been erutJiesl by a b*»ty
The wonder yon ire! ninl the (ircMeil her lips lianl Let the light Into the room*,;.tet and bad ta»U Indicate offenaire brntb, On, avnira may sneer attotha
8h« a«L> out her besktt darn »nd t»;
maniac* To tb*> atteadattt wto tell«
Ami this ii the iirire of your beauty: for she knew that the cIr 1R that «talr«vays ond,ps«*iig*» are. Bright year 10(M was 4000 account*, and a which i* due to atomaeh trouble.
Mull's Antt-B«kh Wafers purify the relation. , '"?-. th* CM? tbe little girl eipi*,ts»<l that
Your wild suui ia thronged Ing anny from Inr: itti n* the garden outside. Hluin tttol'dlra bank account 1* tbe rule rather than tomach and atop belchinf, by abaorbiug
But what htif so sweet u that nice,
cosr chat? • : :„ nhejlplrra to have the datura **fii
With the phantom! o( )"y unfulfilled tbe exception with working women.
'iliat btiuty hath •wrongrd, ^ ~ - rolled down lief ilicrka rciiKious llglil" a s . you would the
Thl* means that the next generation of ind onl cases tha* ariM from uodlteiled (nod, And what d«» llmatter If soon convtr-
by supplying tM digestive organs with - satlon: ' -
With th* Paris? of all were! bctrayali, own room. pl'iguc, ; Sur ttlMtiug tlie <*** at Erst, imt
Tbe sho*U of dr*ire, working women will be bel'.tr Informed natural solrtnU for food. Inaenalbly turns to a new winter h*t!
There wa* KmiPthUiJf on the bed, Im: on finance, leu* Improvident, more valu- They reUete «e» 6r esr sickness and —Chicago News, - ' «w of th» treat di«r*»» ot IU
T»n bite n( old flune. and. Ihc dull It
fi<*/'•••-••-•-'•••••-•••«••• >••;•.-••;•
1AUAXKAH OViSlOli'OF OU able audwniiiifl'iiil t>e,tt?r "n-ases!.;: L ; nautes. of,«ny kind.
- Ther ijulck'r core te«!»eh«, correct tne
—Chulu U. 1). Jtoberla, in Tli» Crnlurf. her eyesj^itb•tlii»-eorner-of-iie|~| ~"TriVf6uT"wor»r (nflrmillea thai af- Ministers Late Risers. ( " " f nature'"to"e»£-the''br'iijn of them
blifck silk dress wnf Tho difference between men and ... 'ect of exreaairt eat|ng or drinking.
ill effec
"Ministers Is the latest rlseis. Doc-
flict the female ore ludoclllty, •iftSder, women tn business will, adjust Itself. They will destroy a tobacco, whisky or roterm, tastruotrisU ao4 bandage
carefully iprcad out upon (he counter ]c«l(iuiy mid alllliii-aa. Without any A man begin* life with the,fixed Idea on loo breath Inauntlf. tors comes next," said the cook, •- . projmr«l aci) a ne»t optntloi
pane, and a *Hp of paper with scum doubt thrm four InSrniltle* are found that upon bl* success In bustneaa de- acute Tbey atop fermentation ii> the stomach, She was entertaining the maids from ^ptittortBtd, the cbll4 t u t e l y as
writing on It was tucked lulo a fold indifeiition, cramp*, eohe, gas in the next door, As_she bustled about gcV;
Ellta picked up the paper and read: III seven or eight out of every ten pends all other good gift*.' It I* a lad. •tornnch and intntines, disttnded. sb-
women, .and it I t , from tbcaa that domen,'ntarttmrn, bad oomplnrion. Abff ting the tea. and cake read} ahe.tslked
THE "Krom Clara, Lu and Itcrtle, will". -(irl»i>« tha Inferlorliy1 of women to der which he must climb to reach all spell* or any other affliction arising from inccBsantly. like i machine. The mai'di" •
that Is roost desirable. In life. A woman may lake the dog botae with yen."
their love." m diseased stnmach. • listened, their eyes fixed on the colla- The littlewi*s »y*» Widened. "Ob.1
men." rarely achieves auccesa ID business un- We know Mull's Antl-Belcb Wafers.will
STEPMOTHER AT Tbe nstoolehe-d woman cotild on))'
glance from the paper to the dress, «'n(
'i'lip.v ernrlous word* are out ot the til after she has turned down a tear* do this, and we "aotyou to know It.
mouth of one Kalbara Ekken, a fain- stained page whereon la recorded her
from the dr>>* to the paper. One, two Piw Jfipnlieao iiiorallat, who wrote a
tion that each moment grew more
Rrr.ciAr. drrrit.—The regular price • ol tempting under her hand.
•lie expialneJ, -It slo'l mine! I Jta
founfl It. an' 1 think jou «ogbter t»k
Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers is SOe. * box. but "Some ministers don't rl«e till .!0.'\ .. t»re of i f •-
and then three heads popped out fron happiest hours. It she enters upon a to introduce it to thousands of sufferers
behind the., bedroom floor..and In an work to Inat'mct women. In. tjbt..-jwrjijr business career before, the chances are we will serntf two (2) boxes upon, receipt oj nho aald. "There's hardly one of then, % f \ A B d o S »he went, leaving, the <fe
B y IXION. Uipy abould'Ko, wblcb haa"Ju»t been ten to one that iha will relinquish It "iz. andsthis adrrrtisement, or we wiuthat ybu'll find up by 8. J4lne.«ir halK"; '?'-? b tlwlr custody. -,
other moment three pairs of nnna wen s.end you a sample free for this coupon. pant Is-(heir average hour. •- ' • t« /l -Tli»ti» a very pfetry story. »nJ on
around lillin, and three voice* wen Tpiiblisiml TiySlf." Murray, under the without a shadow of regret to take up "You. BOO, they don't have" rio office.'. * ;- which sfaould t « r«ad to ctiiU.-rn a t
asking her If she liked It. title, "Women and Wltdoin of Japan." tho'vocation for which the divine plan
A FREE BOX. 130 to go to at a certain time. •'They have i •^ to folk* generally.
T wat certain that some- "Out did you really give It to ml Kalba'ra Kkken, duo feari, wa« a ml* originally Intended her—motherhood. 12303
no early appointments that must ho

n logultt. Ho la peculiarly anx'oua that '. Thv: men and women of the ia'.vi
thing was wrong In tlie younelvcsl" said KHta, In ostonlab One of tlio most cultured women I Bend' this coupon with your name kept. They have no cleriia'that tbey • ^ will b« Mad to ouo auotber if tbe IK>J
household' of John Moorr. tuent. ivomen ibould realize that they bare have ever known,, ono who represent* and address and druggint's name for,.*
no brnlna id iprnk of, ; free box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers,! must look after. Consequence is. they " *nd jtlrls of today are taught to
HI* beloved wife. >vho had "Ofconrne we did,'' MldMi. "W« —Tfrthe worda of the wl»e: Who waf to me the highest type tbat can bo at- cure for atom»ch trouble, to . become the latest rUIn' class of men ' luoaldertte of dumb animals and »y
beta tbo presiding divinity bought It with our own money, an< tained by education, travel and culture,' on earth. , -; fatbeUc with their affllctiona;
ur the house for little tnoro than a made It ourselves,." Ibe worn mi nt the bottom of thlaJ— said to me recently: "If 1 bsd my life MULL'S OnApn Tomo Co., 328 Third
' rhlltfdelpbla l*rc«a. 'I've worked around conelderablo In
ruontb, was surely In no amiable mood. "But then you know we bad tin to lire over, I should marry and became Ave., Rock Island. 111. 1
my time. I've -had forty-seven • places, - THK BEAtTItfL'L NACTtlXS.
By the way she slammed flie sonp into dressmaker to cut and "plan It for u s * the mother of sons and daughters.''' Otxt rullAdttmt and Writ* Plainly. all told. Some has) been with doctors,
the dial) and made (ho audt By, It was tald Clara.' • WIVES AND BECnETB. " ^ " Women learn -patience, forbearance, ,. of the most beautiful sbells >
some, with business men and eleven t&o snail Utnllyla th»t »f the aa
evident that she was not a little flus- "And what aftlme we bad keeping 11 ™~Aa"lniibniirt and wife.ate one,~<lie/ economy and discretion In a business - Sold nt alt druggists.- toe", 'per boa. - with ministers. The ministers is tho
trated. Blio showed r.o tucrcjr for tbt> from you." «faid Bertie. "We cami •hould liavn no aecreta one from an- life. They are better fitted to be help- tiluf, with Its delicate pearly tints ai
There la an agitation In Glasgow, best to live with,. They aro so con-
.washboard, that trembled and groaned near (polling it by bustling It away s< other, dedat-ca the Newark Adver- meeta and comrades when they marry, Scotland, to have umbrella atandi pro- siderate and generous and they have
tinder the iwlft tuccetilon of rub-dubi many time* when we thought w» ti»er. A wlfo cab sever rightly and and I heartily agree with the Eastern vided on the platform ot the electric such'',perfect dlnposldoiia. If' theV'
that were brought to bear upon It, heard you coming." •afoly do anytblnt; which *he would profeasor who said tbat If tber»' wero street cars. would only.,Kc(t quit of this laiy-babit1:
and paid so attention to the quantities "But-I-thtrngbt-yon did not like not tikir to toll him. Though It may no community of Interest as, repre- orioafln' ,away jhe morning ;ini|k^f|;
of water that were being epbtshed Elba. "I imagined ^f*fn.l. tajhertop:trltlal .to be.. wort)! sented by, children or imslueM, any There .nre- more ducks In Chlnn, and Xbex*<rbb'a clans"without•fttfaulf/^".'v
t>TW"tl»'"1BjJ"or'1ne:i'ub;"running in iprnking of, IVut «IV«"ali6uHl have ndlh- liBnie^-i^pir-wo^ffnimr'MtMn^itt" more are eaten, than tn ail thBTtst of • . ' . - - : . ; . - . . - — • . •..-,'• ~~'~:^~T. ,'i{.,»i4;'v._,t
jj> ctreamt
ctreams acroaa the kitchen floor. tho world. N. Y.-62
• * * > . i t « ^ | |
' er'a, nl«o* - «nil_" five y e a r * , ,•'- :•:•'• •• ... '••'• •'.'•
For the earnest worker, whether man Laurence Hutton W#s "Tha Bbv.&Ss
•'s£"*^'' ••*»—••- Mrs. Wlnfllow's BoothtaffSyruptorOhlldren : The ''tar*.(tfl
or woman, ti>er« 1* success. There i i teet>lnR,sottenstheituma,ndueeatnflainina»

no sex in business, and 'the woman tion.allayspaln.cnreawlndcolle.aile.abQttle;. jior, onoe'-'aM
who receives a man's salary should, an his wajr trj
and I ttrink does, expect to do just as mond rientltul sales are the. rule ia the dia- Ifork, and. be|
market. ds summer ou
much-work ana do It at well as a man,
-Klleabotli Beerljr Jamos, In the 8 t TIso's OureU the. best medicine, we ever uwd jlenliacatlbfl^i .
Louis Globe-Democrat. ..,;•'.... for nil affections of throat and lungs,—WB, iJaulte^plJrN . • • • • ' -
°~iss0 O. EHOSHT, Vanbttftn. Ind.. Fab. 10, 1900, *Mr,Hu.«pn 1 •

The tvlfe'a day- off. "'•: No one seems to be in demand.
to hare thought of that commodity
AH slus and quajitic* of diamonds seem tod Noticed "J

A <lu«j»n»«Kl Cuw f o e Pit**,

ae eon83ed--l)
fefferson wcrit'..T.,.
•t but one man in this community, and Itchlnxr, Blind, DleedlnK, Frotrudlng Files. >ln« Mr. Hutton on the.ba'cK
bMives»toH3eraantow«r'"It-dawne* I)niKRI»t»«f« aiiihottiMwlto n<t«n<l mooe-y It
y r timo in -mjf ».„.. tuo (liould do no us a matter of duty. upon mo lifter I lmd been married Tnzo Olnt moot fails to euro in 6 to It days. We. Laurence claims."to bo. b«t,>e'3 thfi-; jfrall texture. These lovely shells :
Ins' me. when tliero nre a tbotisnnd know Ju«t l n w he dreaded Kolng Into twelvd: year»i" he.aald, -'that every- «ffer«(I tor sate at nearly all the a
Many German women's clubi are now wy." Ho wan Riven the pick of th».; Side; resort*, hut ore trot fouod, • »
oud otio Ihliigi hapiiMiitijs' nndcr your tbe House. Upon rnicrlng the ulttlns FltKXClI one In my household" had n day oft producing cooking boxes, j o u s e . • • ' . ' • ' " • ' .' •'•' ,. ' • " '}'•'';'•'.-'•"- ••'.:-'~::.\

nose every day. that you Imvo no room be wa* nurprlaed to find his wlf« <t» very rare rates, on oar coast. TI
to nay, no milliners arc con- except my wife. I always had Sun- ere tmtlve* ot the seas of warm cl
ryea or enra for!" fald Ktlza, brnndlitli- nnd dnttsbtera talking nnd laughing to the comparatively day*, the children hiul Saturdays and

theiniclvo* utca uiid nf <Se«p vtraters. BecanM
Inc the soap In the nir. teethe". . •••-.
tn Immcdlatv Sunday* tree from school, nud tho
"Why, Kl!«a, Ellen! what U the.mat- Kllin rose ns lie entered, nnd S°1»R 1'oquent i Among theare itylea thnt
madi> cooki hnd Thuridnj-B. One day It
their frallBHs. they are seldom foi
tcr?" risked Mr. Moore! I to him,' anlil: • • Inimvntlom
' , iu,,Riiuitl-J>iil«,l* tUo u«e< pt sUicJUii' .lti.per.fvct,-cp0*'.1!??. * * ***** n i U :
came into -my inlrni tLnt j a an otlier- ;iieltig" iu'ot'*j »r lei* VrSck'eaY'e*'- *Wpi
"Matternvougb; I ahoatd'tlilht;:! A" •••t lia w H w n Tery^wlehwViifoiinf bttt felti, which tllvldo fnvo}' with clotii WIHO Justly managed household my
tnnn with no o.vci nt nil could nee the«o dear children of -youm Imv« nnd Tor thl* rt-ason an nnbltmls
.felt*, nnd tlio nppcnrancD of lomcwhat wife did not havo n wholo dny or a AND CONSIDER THE tlieclicpn Is exceedingly valoa
what Hip nintter 1», when those three taken in* In hnnd, nnd will. 1 hope, broader brlnn.thnu wcrin'aliown earlier part of a day which she could cnll her Thete sbell* beioag to the fem
daughter* of your* upend their time mnko n bettor woman of me." In the aeflton. Some of the capcllnca .very own. So I sat down nnd talked and, «o far as known, bave no ol
Ihu.nplug oji thejiltttio and dolns fancy _ ".yoimeedonly buyout nntural aclf,"_ wrthrhefrand "qitterTigood TtiiS" tban" to proteet-lti«. -*SS». w
work In.nrc-parlor,-while I am In the «ntd her husband, na he atooped nnd «»• ilojMMileil__n_HJiin__tjie«i. . _ '.
In rough felt ot a. light iiencock-tiltie| ,deal-otJirgulnB-Dn_bi!r_part, rfQr_ibo_
U l t b b i h
shndo turns up In llutcs behind r
.Ts~"5 mnoh douteatlcnted womnn, wo FACT Tte- fiautlloi 111 &*n~tbe~sn5
"But.lt Is nil your.own fault, Ellxn. • Ncvi>r nftcr Hint lime did EiljinIhlnk waves over tlio brow In front. ' The decided that onco every week the fam- of much romance and conjecture.
Von Unow T that I don't wnut you to Hint she was one too innny. If ollioi ..waa supposed to bate tb* powci
wnsli. for • can afford to pay for »tep-mothera- would RIVC atep-chlldres crown is ot medium height nud flat ily should fish for Itself while my wlfo pumping. air Into or out nt l u a
liaving It done." . : n chance to love them, there-would be topped, and him bands of bluo velvet went shopping or visiting or anything no tbat i t mlgnt fioat or sink at '
"Suppose you enn? and If I cnh.uve lew enunp for complaint.—New Yorli folded nrouml it. An ostrich feather HUO wanted to; do without bothering
of the aamo color is attached, behind her head about tho dinner or the cl)ll and, frbm Hi • posltlcn .tvbsjn »«
a dollar! Intend to ilo It." Weekly, . " ,_ • tiling, with the open part above
"But vuat baa Hint to tlo with tin to n velvet bnudcau so that Its tipdrentathome. The plnn -works like a
curls over (ho edgo of tho brim, nud charm. Wo have lots of fun, too, try »urtac> of the water, was. Uumgt
cin«r . ^ Wh»r«.Mr, Rooasrelt flunteii lit* COTOII '•• Wit, tnsfead. of smim, tstchln
n blue osprey sweeps round from the lug to ibon" her how much better we . That In Addressing Mrs, P^nkhsun yon ^brewi? iii» "tUe, JEsbatite ftelf. Aso
"A'(0»d deal.' Why can't they wash The cou.rRl.uc was u"<mo on the llftti. buck of the crown to tho ••front... can:run things without her."—Phlla; BIS confiding yonr private ilia to a. woman
v ml great -i-roltiug 'pfBlries wlilcb. ;- AubUicr, "ais'b tunieVi tip bebtud but dclpUla Record.' -— a. l o m u whoM 'experience with wo-, rp:*!lrJ'-ttHraghttwntofrna»-U>e
Oie.tr o w n c l o i b c a ? " • -'.-..•.•••'••/—• - """" ' Its baving'isany dittsffAs or i
"Why, brcatise It I" not necessary. I trelclrfd north from our camp toward not In flutes, Is n cnpcllne ot biscuit- man's disease* covers.» great many years.
ts\\* chambers In t i e »h*U. begin
auppose. Clara and I.u nre like thelrM ho Wichita Mountains nnil toutli to colored cloth felt blocked lu one with You can talk freely to a woman when It
ward tlu> lied Itlver. 'i'hrro wns * la revolting to relate your private tronblea ia the; centre anA gyowlug rego'
'.-other—not strong; nnd a» lSrrtle I? n circular bmidenu inerenilug In width to a. man—besides' s> man does not nnder- iwfer in .spiral tana. Thi* was
not yet out of school, she could hardly crtnln clement of risk In the gallops, toward tho bnck. Tho low-domed or atand—simply because he la a man. tvan^-1 for by supposing tbat' tbe
be expected to ilatho washlnif," jocttuae the wholo country \va« om bnslu crown and tliree-fourths of the
to prairie-dog town, the prnlrlt Many women suffer in-alienee and drift along owl a r H incmscd tn size and
"Th.t 1» rlglit; John Moore: Stand brim nr« titrctched over with o'.lvc from bad to worse, knowing toll well that they ,-t^K-.its erlxjn^i hoo»e wnbdnnsr i
up foryour daughter*, no matter what dogs bring so humorous that tho'ucM Krcon velvet, leaving only A! border ot ought to have immediate usaUUnoe, buta natural ':lrtw'''!cf«*ded'."|jtfa'rtfta and gr«
'•ecomM of your poor . wlf*W.- «ald .owns and the nhnudoned towns \vcr( felt"yUlb'le on the upper side.'" At the '"' Fur bats are decidedly fnshlonabl' modesty lmpela them to shrink from exposing them- i Utfft computttient t<> aecomnjt
UM. t>esinnliiK to cob. "The fact contlnuotis wjjb. one auother In everj base ot the crown ts n tightly twisted this" year. ••..- • •elves to the questions and probably examinations of itsv.janrtter tihtB. This pro««», < .
tbo bn»lncB« Is, I am one too tunny llreclloni^ Practically' every run w» torsndeot the same velvet. Between A haudsome cape-wrap ot yellow floaJlir,.produced a .;
even their family physician. I t la nnneeessary.
n tbe house. I feel It every hour. For lind Wat, through theso pralrle-do| -thi^crown-.jattd:jl^ the. clotb^.waa_ahtt;red..ou Jhn.JhPHlders, Without money or price you oaot consult a woman .
wk iow.ii»,--rlirTcI:ow«h>nSl'lyrl>y"««e'V;i'
mnnod me. nnd tried to keen nwav nml wnshpi'ilg. Rut nn xfftftlvfftywrny brim Is a plump fit three- olive green and had" sleeves so fnshlonsd thai whow knowledge from actnsJ'experience ia graat. ^
' ihj to tbia OUT5-W
orn me as much ri poEslWe. 1 won't scatlcrtsl out, the wonderfully qnlci ostrich tip*., lttlibon velvet to utstcir ibey seemed a part ot the capo. ' AIra, Plnkhnm's) Stnndlas IovltatloDt fer* in I<l» tmuUfol
i can't atapd It!" Is nrrnuged In n ensende ot loops fall- Violets and mauves aro prepared to
cow poulcj, brought up In this couutr) IHK from tho bnudcau behind. TV* rhambfTtJ csutktt. a>
'There ft some mistake," Faldj good and spending all their time nmon( make a big bid for favor, nutLwonder Women suffering from any torn of female weak-
Tho deep pluk inscribed under the ful schBmcs or gradations are ncblevcd; ness are Invited to promptly communicate with Hra.' VGI-A Mwr norr itmlt'.j B U I M W ol
John Moore. "I am turo the the pratrle-doc towns, were nb!e, eve* n;u»o IHnVham at Lynn.-Mass, AU Utter* are received,
rwoaltl do nothing to hurt .vnnr while running' nt 'headlqne. spec(l..t< ; of Ktntuetto on this seaton's with violets, grays, pluks and gray' A* < « •* ft urutynt roil
|si!i^iMi»4^-^0OKbt-tb«T rjultellVed you. avoid tho holes with, it cleverness thaj~ .Color <!*rd I». adopted; fqr.-a amntt b l u e s . • ' . - : • • • • •--••;-• : ••--.-:.••...-. I.-..,.-,,,-.; opened, read and answered by women only. A [ A n lh> k » nsHed W»,
1 I t b h h woman can freely talk of her private Illness to a T^t jt»tb &«*r tempi*. rwbW.jaa tin
" * ' ] ' ; i ^ e e r iip, Ell*a.-dear. and I promise was simply innrvclous. During our ca pel I no in rough felt trimmed with
A youthful long coat of squirrel waa woman; thus has been eaUblUhed toe eternal gi«f tbec (ro» Heana Wi<t> * 4MS*
t o do all In my power to make you hunt but one horse stepped In a holoj sntiti,' ostrlcjh. trpa ,nnd algreite to BO toll as to suggest shirring under eonfldeneebetween Mrs. Ptnkhamand the women
||^ai>py,ilf:.t.Lba<l tlmeX"would go up he turned a complete nintch. A broad piece ot the satin 'Is tho capo-like collnr. but It Is probable ot America which has never been broken. Out Tt!i l W st leoxtbi «rt in*.
%f»na iMtve a talk wlthufce girls now. though neither ho nor bin V l thine oatgruaa chrll Lf Ufa
that 1 ho fur wns rippled rather thaa ot the vast volume, of experience which in*
•tint I must wait until to-Dlght." hurt. Stunted mcsqultc bushes srevt tlpa nre arranged lu poufs aurmountait shirred. has to draw from* It Is more than possible
Ijstte-Jttstcd his wife, oad left the hetv and there tn the grass, nnd tlior* by nlgrctte, aud cue of these ts placed that she-haa gained the very knowledge
on the left side of the crown, and the Comparatively tew women. It Is that will help yonr case. She aska noth-
^fcoiwewith n heavy heaH: They had was cactus.—From 'A Wolf Hunt Ii H
feared, wear tho_hlgh-necked woolen a^^sM^l|Tirars_COSVKB8iOJ
...M|>e*nlii)arrled nbi^it a momb, nmlthls Oklahoma."; by Theodore itoosevclt, other against .the brim. A tow ot tbe uudorwcnr-warranted by this chilly Ing In return except your good- will,andher'
l " a | h l i jbe flr*t time that Ellia^had been lu Scrlbner'a; new capeltaea havo the brim turned ;
advice,-hsji relieved thousand*. Surely any 'fijt irtrty • of'yoaog &<>»'•*• viatt
^ ^ ^ ^ j f t ' v a H ^ i i i i p M * : " , - — • • • • " :
. .'•.;.;•
up in frout nnd. pressed down In tbe dampness of this ' climate, so thin woman, rich or poor, ia very fooltah If she ™ktti»wte*l>!«r«*i te:S«w Eagtaod]
J nape of the. neek behind, contrary to gulmpea arestUl In cr4e.r. . \ does not take advantage o l thlsjjjneroaa
i4 ^gSU'.:Moore'a first wife bad been ..a Rp&y- ja;:>'WtIrtierX»i>4"' aa' tb
| t * l»dylike little creature, who Bats M Wlr» VTnlkan. the rule followed this season. How- The smartest of Informalflanneland offer ot Co., aaalatanoe. — Lydia K.*?lnkham
f.|SiS>*t;E«««''-'C««»ty ha» «««»•
i of about as* much conseqnence. as A graceful exhibition ot -wire-walk-, far they will take remains to be seen. •Ilk blouics this year are called aim- Medleme FoUowtuc
Ziynn. Maaa.'
we pablUh two Iqt- " As yon sate*, I wrote yoa thatsy tot/tot
'•'•jmate to her bmband a* a doll ing was given by a number of rat» at Oue of these wodel* Is In creamy ply p shirts,r and are built on the plan id I motbavs u o pa
opsraitrosrl SaM *J* '.'At loeoM'liorae lo Atcwbar:
^Iflay^been.,-'' : ;,-;?,:';.::.;.-•.;'.:.. SHgo yctterday afternoon. . ">•— tinted felt, lined, so to speak, with ot tho linen shirtwaists worn y t J U y r t l t O " * "' ' ""Litr.'.:WbSM!*y» ;r>n*»'
||SJi^i|)i'*etted''an4:cared for her ten- An excise officer, who was cycling ostrich fantber* sewn flat against the riding habit*. Tbey are made almost •boIJte^ ia the o!d
; 4 c l y f aid If lie wa* disappointed in % tbe town hall, happened to look up brim and trimmed outside with vel- without fulness,- and uav* one or two,
l i t p j i i v U k l o g moreTiniereft "In her and saw an enormous rat ruakinc Hs vet a«il a paradise tall, the whole to patch pockets high on the fronts. Sntanj *rttr>* aMotiatMVi
!4l^toii^]tlbi^Khe;'.:jieTer:.^or^ way along *n overhead electric wire. match the felt. Another ts ot deep Some ot the dull fig abadea, light H^UJM'**&'?*>**•' : '*? : * * • •
'(B* died »hen the three- girl*, He pointed it-out to the town l\aif purple cloth felt. This has the earn* olive*, dark olives, copper gteeus and ^apdre&seHsi rates of ursV
and your noMdy * - « n . Maiy |i^*^i!^:«iBrt*«erf not ai
t o e ^ t n e r IdoiUed, wwe very official* and they watched nearly ISO arrangement of ostrich feathera under- verdigris used sparingly on such con- t i i s i d B CtaStol Bhmt^SS
of the rats pa«« along nntll they wcreJ , neath, but the crown Is encircled by trast* a« njordore brown, navy blue,
hidden from sight by a loty- flour mill. a wreath ot large relvet rote* shaded elephant gray and, oven certain eim- ti at IVMttier wBl<
.Hswter^.wtitl >i»*^P\.! .nousv The rat* used their tails :.s the pro- from light insuvo to dark violet, closed wi«en a audleiae hat b«n
numbeir:i)fy(Nir»rbat»he, paihetlc tones ot violet, create Kaults ta natarlnctohealth, ao
feitloinalvcalkVr on the lofty wire utes by « satin bow.-MIUlaery Trada Re- not, only original, but i n the highest
Wi balaticlng poJe, an4 although tbey, view. - / d g r e , artiatlcaUy pleasing:.
were Trttcb^d for more than aoayardt
tS* matter, rji^#«re»#t^K^«W^-i4Jonaon;
, ^^vf<x^^^m{^0,^ j^ii^o^^fl^'^tni-^vfr'Wh:
> feonM not to
o bet «wn ,grp».B«iie. y
capalile «f to*)* fwukUT b« ceutctt upon ts Ihsftln »l C
- £ ^.-,*v .-„


f «J4)*»fitU s I
Dispels colds OB^
To refresh, headaches whm
Todeansethe bilious or con-
*hM system, stipated;
•10 AVOIU T i m
Effectually For men, women 1
»s y te
«ay*. 'bat «a* i t u r
tsrfJ a and Gently; andchftdren; •4
ta •!>* !»«*« (/tarter of PbUadeJjjlsia
a bi:U> gui of abeat c'ght
itifi in t>»r armu a fcx trrt'w who**
ttit<rt<8>lli%& been CTU*2i«d I j b "f .
To tbv allfuaiiit vto it'dt
III* little $itl FXi-UorJ tt»t
to bate the <lwlv% "fix
is only Acts best* on
rroeal of t t * law* fgf lui-
f . u ^ t,
on© Genuine the kidneys
of tb* ercit i):*trr«* «f xbr
tbfT fSnalljr p«tm«pd «be:r
for debt ana tfttt by a
cTitjr c t <>u* vutt. AuJ 1 csnlti UH j
THE "UTT1.U TH1S0H" Syrup of Figs; an4 l i v e r ,
W i
jirtroJorta, Ins!
•-•"•A--wT»t«r-i»"tU».-l)«U(ti«Wr »i>e«.k*.
flume* la politic*, both la th* accom- ct the "little thlus* of luMMtkrefiuc'' to get Sts bene- stomach and
rS jre produced acil n o t cjwration t>;i*bta«nt of end* befieemmjidctlrabl* I that lutau to much vue way «r tli*
the iiM Lijjrlj a» in Atntttniry tawu nm-tUjjit. and lu ;uttier. Tbe *>iu«akltig ilo*»r, for *N 41 ficial effects bowels;
4u;li larger nutter* as dunuadiai John 1 ample, which get§"(»» the iscr^r*, can
V the dog honie with you."
C. ¥tt"soot from fUuiiag •< • candl-, be quisled by a fMtbur dlpixnt in
date ef rue AtroirtlonUtii- agslrut'• I-ta-1 ©tl and appUi^l to 1J* htngefr. Alwoya buy tbe grauioa-Manufactured by
Tb* little vnt"» eye* Oldened. "On.** coin ID ISO*. Whltttrr at Vme tlm* in- . iy litti*
•tip np'.alufJ, "it ain't tclse! I }e«t tended to go to Coogrcw, and had laid ; germ, c»u Im uuid« luitoacuUt* l>y ruh>
fuand It. an' I think juu ougbter take Wi t-latn-«rlth.6rNitpw!mi-*lt»g»i.-lty."; bln» with a »pllt lnn»u
t-ire of It." .•--.—_ W t a t dftcrr^ 1 MaLi" » a i a«kt<I. j ward» wl»li a mile wUSUtts ou a
And o 3 tbe went, having, tb* dog WT»»n h t Wa* about t«a8tj«T*."" «**>;« ou • ctn>rt* w . r o p tbouia b*
l> their cuttody. .-, Mr. rickarfl, "Whlttlw »*p«l- i doited with fullnV « r l b . nud afU-r-
' That t« B tery pretty itery. and one w l i i t can be A i l e d notblof le«i I. wanla rat)b«l n l i h twualue. M b »
wulch should \'t nail to children and tb»n • eoumtlon. II« had M**u • feWlllw furnlturo furnlt ' la ir
la folk* generally. • taubblng with ttroug ialt
Tbw men ami wonien ef tbe 'utulc rather gay young Quaker, aud n m
will t>« fclnd to oi.? another if the bey* Very auibltlou*. But h» faced t i n KEUOSENE:
snd girl* of to-day are taught to be tb* tt*« to whlvb he thould Eeroteue U reallj nsn-eiplotlve tf eSynrpolFigsy
tuudderale of dumb aotmali « a l »yn»- devote til* life, and In tb* leva of .tjod oted with laiiiinon pfWilfUCH-. oud dnifiristo. The full name of the eomp»pf~
tatbebc with their affilctkiat. •ad of U * fellow nun be *jpou«cd an ck'aulug ptuptrtln areuot h»
unpopular cau*« thai meant the de- •tood^ For cleaijing uAtbtuba, Klnc ot FIR S y r u p C o . — la always printed on the e front
THK BEAfTIKCL NACT1LCS. feat of hi* political aniblikin*. Alwsy* porc»Uln, It lui* uo rival,"and th»
a politician." t e ncrlftced hi* own i
of ev^ry package. Price Fifty Cents per bottk.
Ouc of tbe most beautiful *be!l* of hope* of political'preferment to hi* re- jsrea»l«*t kitchen •Ink 1* made clean
tiio *nall fmui'T 1« tliat »f tbe tiau HgtoBl conviction*." and wbolvtotue after a Imth In th*
I Ham* oil. Applj^ thi- oil »t uiglit, n»t)>
lilur, with it* delkata pearly tlat* and "And b» did BOTlb*e hi* gaiety?" tilng tbt^Ujgty )I1BCC* bard, l u th* 'I bo Kni<» i* ff '/.••iiu&tu, lit tbe
So, ha rtcfrvend It. Tbere'liad been morning run tb« *lnk dt>', and let till A Mwd. ~ , CBMtVIl Vt i, ttnft Uet^iraU'd with
ranning tbrougb hli writing* a (train iiot water run through itnttl fWfry It I* tw>4 t o Binv* »K»tn*t * l n a ntui 8«g* '--—.i. iif a lien which
of peuliuiim. A ucw note of cheerful- TeitUjB of the oil ban vatiUhed; An In tru- hrf n, <wc«t wt*Uirr tt)»t ttntutnn
«o*»54Bn>.n4(h. Ihe change I uicutlon. old dutt-clogged clot k ln'glveli • ttatb hart t
He had a iHtrd tattle to flgbt; aud b* of kero«pii(! In a •Muple way, lijr h u m h i * minv,
fought It out bravely. Anil hi* buuy- Tbe wild Wrd tlkkt n o t ! l i « - » H f<oin
In aut4ititf' f#«bWa...lti»rt I .tvitai ,friri*
in t*«I ltvcre«t»ii wllii hi* lojailj"Xn wltli oil. l u f> f*w The mlnt-flullttl KMltl uf m y l>r*x^t
doty.-' • : . . • • • ' • ' • • time the totlan will !»• litavj rmtr'ii fti**-.
What ttm* tlii' w
What wind* on Itnlr ).••)-
Th» yoon« people went «way wltb a dint and tbe worki vriU be rivsn mid wlnKit lag.
new light on tbe character of Wblttlcr, Aix4,*ll tlm lnn))*.t fill wltli m*.
and more than ever adwlrtr* of bl* nv
'life svA Trtrlt-rYotttU't Companion. • «f «nit)4
'ltihn msj• »util« i i t <«»
Tor /thq weekly cleaning out of • IIuI III* w nd*' U'u l,iu»|i, nn4 Id*
THE iwiiiii. m
ftitili uff
l U the
«ot. of fnn for 1
• ft tai-v
i Witt y* nn lil0Utvii« oft*
and .thick rag will
.bould to.cjtcli J, ,„„„ mi(, „„ Alt fnilwiijr iini't.ijfi 1 * ill A I LAS
U I, fo:io W «! by
n i , l t w , 0B ,» tbe
T« «ha!l mil
In** 1
l»i:h for l
Wllli lt»<! »nt.l >if n l.llr Kill S-
frail tpjtuw. These loieljr »b*lU aif
I any
nfTi-feil for »a!e at nfarty all the »»«
•Me fr«ur:s, but afB'trot foowl, f
• hllnil*
in very rar? i-anw, on osr coa*t. j plnc<> oii tr trsy I *»H
tit i- lutlri-s of tbe aras o f warm cilta- ; Bhake ami fold np,»H MM cover* t lo *filr>iin* nit'
«tci (»r.d ut ilwp waterf. Be«u»« of 1 and-cover th* bid anil large.pl»re« vt
- fiirnltnie -after ducting wllh du»t Tor ' I . . . II..V.

their frallnrts. they are a*!doai fooud

lu perfect coodiiloo". the «dge* naually i tbvet*. li'ill up 'unit SIMI iiint* ant) i
III'IUB mor* •**"'Iwif t'rack'ifil e*1^htpjwil. | carry out of thn Tomn )o be »|iali"Xi, ;
nnd for tbU rt-a«on an unbl*n>l»li«J
aiiiilturn Is • •KWIHOBU; " l o a b t e ' wall*'with a clean broum covered AVJUJ
•i'hfSf nhrll* iielouB to the' f*mate, facing eaeb otber.on Eacbj a clean du»ler. ehtii.ihe wlwl'twi MI<1 !
and, «o fur • • kuown, ba»p no other boldahl* right foot lu bin right Uand, j *priukle one »trlp of carpet with clean. .
" b« .«fs» b l h and n caudle. In a holder, lii bla left I drainert. tea Va«<!». Hw«ip tbe corpet
hand."."''." • . ' j with B long-bnintled c»rpt-t wb!*k to. i
IXfr uautilui ba» L*»ni!i<rtn!i}ecT -not. O n e ceiull* 1« burning, the otheT-H i: ward on* *ldt', •prluUlliig and i«w|> HARD TO PHOTOGRAPH DEAF.
and tbs trick Is to llsht the ieo \ lug In atrip* till the, whole I» dean." - V - — • • * * ? • ! ! • II Miir
of raach rtmrnscv »nd conjecture. It end candle from tbe Dr»t. I afterward »w*i>plug the wooden wr- Their Infirmity CI»«U Third Hard,
. I ' *•>>•!)
nxm »uppo»«I to bate the power of l(..lbjr;. M M . " ixn* IIHUIII, tula taiucuutita .
pumping air Into or oat of It* «btH. good i t doe* not* lonk va»r. and It 1* • I rounding* with a h*lr broom. Tli« Fl«t« Cftprattlon. Cllll l**t*f IMM • » * U U l Mtlfl*.
(i U —miH ! ' . " • I* U * < « 4 H 4 la
d « ! inorb dtfflcult than It look*, i open Ui« window* ami leave the d'KJl "Tlint l*ij't » S«"l pklnre," «a!«l lh"
m tUat it might fioat or tick at wilt.
r.nJ, frbni It* poslticn trL*n awlm-
It I* pretty bard to keep your balance closed for du«t to «eltl«. pbotutraphrr, »lih »u Mr >A ttixtlony Bi>Klt'r>i IIM> 11 tfiiy.. !ii!r l MOWMIUII OMI ll<^> u ^ k t » •!!
l oa on* knee, c»peci»ily the-left kaee, Wtrile welting prepare all the thlngi "Tli* mail • « « ileal.'1 - • ror IIH'K IMMI (H tii« tlur- ucar I)H< l»»iti-i TOUiTT AND WOMEW* MCCUL UUC*
tiling. with the open part nbore the that have been - remurtd resdy to ri* , "How can that inOrmlly affect (lie lw.,k Tljr l.)<-4 !• id 11 Hi" n«U. H"l)>i r «t a l * •• ilnucliu, W u e l t • Iwt,
of the -water, K M thotrgfct to aud It 1* hard for many people to do Trtat th* tat «•»*•( brtmtllM* Prw..
requiring t-xactnet* or dell- place, Th# ilu*t »he»t» may now bt 'plctur«?"«*k>-i| • rlnHcrr. . ' Itulf reflected. .b»*t»U» I" niiiMj " " t«t n, f«•!•• c«»f«iif -' •«ar««, D I M , J
f.ill, iu»r*.iil of swim, catching tb* removed carefully, *li«k.ett In the opef . "It *lv<» bio fjiai at«-nr-t-, f.Iiaiiifil
br«(H- I" the Eaotltifc* rtett. AsstUer the left hiiml. l;alt froin !t« «ii|ii«ii»«i rival. Vf-ry
"ail'' foUl^d'iltid-tutt- ftw*y*.-.v .*-...~..;.,-. .,i
*H^r*tr.l tftoaftrf- ctiiBe-'fr<>3*~ tlt*-< fact '::
lJU»r nr»t VU9 ElglieWt 11iiri|t*,"W.f» j 'JVaf' "pcriuii* lioVo iim\ , ilijrcii.lilr i
«f its b.ivinK'i:<any dittallte* or
cbonih?rft lu the
*idewi*c, and will bare to let your
right foot, and perbap* evfii tbe candle, dow*. door franif", etc., aud after rub- j wheu plBl'i?<l bi'funr a taatmu. Tin )
Wng the furniture, the wooden *lt with Ihelr lieailip ilH-';tWor«iir<» nil*
1 ii'i'isli tli" *'iiiiil'jyni?iit of iiiii iilii'jii
cvlro. - ' •. •' SOUTHERN
Jn the c«-a£r» fixd Crowing regularly go, andcatcb youriclf'a* brat you tun.
I'fi-r IT rpiral form. TUia wa». a o Xow isEsald not «Ie»ctil>o tbl«
• o'liS^l for by »uppo*ing tbat'tte ani- If It were ISSblutely nece»*ary to n»« j a damp Now
trick I ronmllng* tboulil lie
rubber, dry du*t«; «»«
gone over fjebroWK upllftpil,a» If wailluK Uir th'
'oiiinioul ii> l<mk f'1 asnuL tl'-mrnliy
t>9*1n*$* <'«n«ui II* Cilf«'t.
»l'K*l»;'(lt"»llvtut»«lh''y<'»:<i>/it»Mi!iti( ^RAILWAY
« lighted candle, *plll «rc»»« shout, clean
. - . . • tliM
. . window
- • - • mx! I tuppo'v.'that" I* vihitt ill"/ an' »a!t «*iu*sj|^r|lo!i';f tti-M'Bf. *ni»r«W^{ji7^n
trwl a< ;t Increased tn *iie and out- InK (or. l!ut '.vi.ll iiflcr I h a w g l u t MS t'> cuf»l itcufti*"*!, *»'! thnt ]• \i<jt ,»vngl(
and posiibly burn jourtrlf or l e t Or* The w*ek'» duly '»«» been done to tin fD&ai'raaiw'il"*. D'.afo'W l< <>»>j*»<tbx »n •
to yonr chthr* or the botwe. Tbe trick bedrttoiu,—J>ew Havcii Ktghtcr. rbc «fil<-r fii bniie, tb'ir niu«l<< t<:
lro.ii ir»wi?rd aad fu»p (o f-liK. Ca',.n 1 wallll"!! 'jf III" JBU'"I(I4 l!l»llt« Oft
will tte *afer, (bongti Jmt ,n« difficult
IHUT" *ayd !!;<> J^ut ii::in
\ Il*jr.c4:«;r bu!U. Tt'.s procew. nften zud arautlng, tf other thir.fi are *uh-
flDAlly prodoced a &tltut«4l for the csii'JIeii.
i ni( t!(»'>
pkniiaul!' I »STui)t again,.
. ,_..._. ' I t _F«r_ *xamp|e, on? boy m»y try to -, IAKJK pieaitan
w letter or » cjx& fo""ih'e^gltig^ Jj._.>...:_^.:Oi,'.Kai-«_U'',
Is to W<%
let* la i.l» LenUtifal
JThii 1* coioparatiiely «»y.~1Vl«n you
1 1 " ' • ' " ' " ^J*- assume * bf»nilnj( 'MRXlCOANDCALir
| bate ma«tered It,'try exthanging,
Tlte rhimbfrcJ c*»ttiw. carflf. which you will find rery diffl- i i 1 will trl<»bnt
t ' - • f«jajitpnauc»i to ht- only aiwufamit** • Kill ifii« <!(••< ll-inliK'l l>';ll«r> lir Hut Intnl
* ,^.n,,r«nrrl,jlli»l tilt
i calt ( . " •'• • Tottl Frulll. r»lt«-- On?-n»lf ponnd or, n flxt'fl tlatp. KOBP of the 4«vlfe»
tin j Or'on* hoy may try to flip a J-Sng~a batter, oueholf pound iugsr <whit». !
s th, v«-y toone.one, of coum1—<3i or off -the cr»atn«>J. tbr<-e<juMrter* poasd Dour. <ii*jnl tliui. In f»i t, iIK- mor» 'l< i»l ^ lif«K<l«l«, "V. Coam*fl> IH« iuHiwr Ub..t
& Kill •t'amll/yi'< f',r ror •
I v'- tram I!r*rt3 '•' fiBger. or to write o u t card, three-Quarter* pout^l"ffUlt,' ODfitjaar- n»««' I I«IUO«JII<<- Ui «haiin BJJT Kill*- N«r Y01* and St.
lo the other'* hind. j tet p«tlnd.nut». Ore rgg». AVb«n adtV i'"\ into a ]'>)ful »>nu tb* aw?
r « f » U » / M t T n l u tWIf M
luK f B». tLrw *fSA tlue. Uttr tt littll ]>Iv facial iitiim,',ti Dr-cuMf. l i e
'I""* oatgrutia flcittr, «»Tlriklii)K rnr.«fnl»g flour or*r i Il»r«-i>Ifcjc alnajii f<^r /iirther lo<!r-;t-
JapaRffe paprrt *ay that th* I( ^nii* orrfM,fhv> Mta. • . VawMtl,ft,P
war tn-5,lrnpoH«J ea city m l - t t e fruit. I!ak« !n a moderate o*«r>. ] ?'"°"i*- k o f_Wtttl.tr they I ml^ifd a lr»'ii!,ev*ry-
«*P'U.n. j i i ««..«•, « * * grefctr* Hi fl<iir<«r>rit, » . T ,
.'•-.Pumpkin' 'Vif*~-i'atr, cut
TVUITT1ERS CONVEHSIO^- uiitr a.ke.l Mr.
- Tli* 1ft lorn, you know, J
A party of >oo3* p » p > . rHHic* ^^
* historic place*, In .\>w t^iUtxJi *pint j ir tl,*ui be
f'n day l a -Whittlfr Ijsnd." a* tbe »J--' «B TheUfe S«v«arof
- ••!•«<#. - ' and two voii* of milk; Hue » d<ep p.« j
Sorted durin--. : t « winter by dog p«u with rich cru»f. (Ill with tci? , LeruStn'* BIOS'*'
perWaDsst pottofilcii ba* turi> aud bake nlowiy. The Ij/B&on co-jJity wane
t y the Caoadlan *o> . Cbic.kVn o? Terfcey i'ritteT*—6*p» tL* _Ure««t pro(irl»-t/>r* of
la lbe£klnx<!jL^ Th<
tho;iii«* ** Kort Mcrher*)9, In tb* It pv*f*a*m^cvicr an
Arctic cJrcJe. SSOO inll« trom OJtaw* key from the tw'«'« *n4 cut into piece* area c/f 3^0 airei", or Uit'ft'mr time*
ay artlrie* associated with the and SOXi mitt* nurlh o* EdmontDB, th* »lx/iit Li);f on iucii !UV k «IMJ «n* a&d n
life .atnj n v i .
the»e rajilt*! «Tthe Mir prurliire of AibwU. ta'f inclie* long. Th* pi*«» Jwfel *'.I
cl»»*t«r, fc*tr*»2rS!y be "perfect in titspev .
O w biiiioo »lz hundred »t>4 tweet* tie wjlb »a!i and x>"\WT, difi later f(i!- *od, the tounl
the -r».'ilten g»!Soa* of coffee arc Araak to trr bt{lrr, tuniini; well «ti AS) »Wr»,
tte fi-ited 8ta|M every y*»r,. • u i fry In il<-ef>, Lnl fat otrtti •
brotfn. Ur«tu or brown «a tell 1 b*r »<«<!», tb« county
to Alwrb tb* greai* Wbeo *U *r¥
At»b«U la fMtd (n J*Tg» o««sUti« icur. »r»siJi;* en a foMefl itapfcis, gar-
fa T«r>oB» part* «f tlotjsry. with canify attJ «vrt*.

tb* path, your light Urald* but>l>l*K *>• |
f«r illnatf, Auat MirthaT"

la* »«m* Thou<*

tnu *r*rj Dt»rn!oc and thauga joo
•tar tb* lhtl* wbll* l a i l r t oa btr ana.
yuu had alway* to a»lr ih* *aus* <ja»*
ito». - B e ^ i fordinu*r. Annl l U r t o a "
Kb* Ju*t ttood milling »t Jtm, *tiJ
you took tb* llttl* niilt* baiki-t pr«uJ
IT Vary atralgM ao.l proj.»r you wero
ot. you walked down tb* t«rilii> paili —
»bnul<J«r» bark. t o » out, light braid*
FJnspiro Slat* Incufostor*
hud «aU1. end yea i
cIM no!, aliliouj;!! fiuyi'. 3 our line' N<*w *
itfi'ri:'' A i) ri"' Brii oil eri'.'" : Stilt ,.. A full line of the bent brim Jtt of canned vegetable?, fruitiC jelli**; etc....,
yon !.,!,* ajii)'Vr^table Cutt«r*
ili, Wii* Wt-itM Washing Machinal,
. (Juy." you ».ild ^r.mlj, Bnrl
lil» •tick awl foll'>u«>1 Ttm
tli* wlda luttb tirfw»*n Spray- Pump*. H. M. & J. F. Dopemus,
tb* y )au Wi'Ul. IUTOH tli»
Ulaw lk» Uvru •ioi>|>lnj a ruin
Ih* wsl*r to <-(xil rciur (li]»!in.1 HELLO
far* mirl watdi thr r!|>[>li>a Bpirllin'; TRADING STAMPS GIVEN,
In lh» Minshti.o Cur lo il f.l dl .mil n Ji'nd evcr.ytriing for; BPOO jjng and; Roaring all kind*
f*r1»iill». all rrmly foe n vlnnl;», hut
y<H> >h mk .Tftur lifa.l rfpr^M (ncl\. "No of Poultry. Pigeons and Pot "Stock,.
«t)'k« at tot* tlinii, fiuy!" Tlun Rlnnit
A .U K Lf.tSFEWKn,
!tb* w:d* •u&n)' road mi'1 In i t the
•>tli*r Aunt MnnlmV throng!) Hi* lit-
I^odcin Directory.
A Z U H U I - O D U I , So. 12«, F., »mJ M, A.
tl» whit* E»'» H>»1 VIIS «IWHT< «t>i>n
far y*n. Excelsior Wire & Poultry Supply Co., rnwu «arl> Moudsy night; IJ«I(J» ItoonW'
Masonic Hall IlulldinK. Jnho II. Cnirtwell cry u»«l fi<Kir(iin(; Slablet. ROSELLE 1PARK, N. J.
Tba "nther Aunt MartKn" waa tb* W M. ; wrN. Or»y, B*cmtarj', -Bottler of -
MMt wnndrrful p*r«an. }tA) knew.
Sv»n B«W, •nmnlrun, wli«n .rour o\m
Dept. 2D. lsoerMBKRT - OIIBKR or
Court Cranford !<&• l t ^ . mefU
AiljoiniriK Opera !loue«,
-' T H E </
!ltt>» girl brine* .mil ro»«» iml you Wiry TwwHy eoch month. I<oi!gB rwmi
J»nr f»ti» lo tlii'lr fr»Kr«u1 dfjitti* a n i W. V. flUSS. PROP. a6 a 28 Vesey St. HEW YORK CHY. H»ll Uuildlog, J. Z. Mmilb, Cblef
'OHb ... A>>p Jeruy GEORGE BEQH TEL.
«I»M yciir «Tr«, you can a»* tin1 "(ithw A»c*HUU.Cranfor1 Council No.
* • • • • • • » • » » - • - » - < • » • > » • » - • " » - • • » »•••;•' jl* Hmt and third TUM<IOJ». Lodge BREWING GO'S
Ann* Vfirilm" «» JOU'IIMX! tr> *m her,
l»*r lit'/* rnp nn lirr crs.v mrl«. *un>1- and rla*p*(l / » u tight la a*r 1
"Nn*oiilo_H«ai buildlnic. Berl«:l«T Dr Robert Wakefiejd,
jns'hvr ro»ivqf>-tti» j.-iHtn sun- Imi-rt.vp.1 Order UEt> Mf.i.. Toiialuku Dentist. 348 MflPLtWOOO AVSSUtV
that li>nc nun. Tim twit hnm k « 4 »f«Uin IMT hrMtl. «n« a* *ta* Tribe No. S4t. mewU «»ory XUM<l»y «lcep,
tod(»: room, MlUor blocU.; .ttacbem, IjU- OfTlce Hours: All order* (rlvan: prompt attention. '.. „__
klaatd /on and «li»i>»d 7*11 «l»»* j»u to Sir GHIbtrt tleiivtrv at retideoo** 00 rtoalpt «t
"fid (b* l'tmh»». nml a uliowtr fait tut Kara <JI*I>I>!B» »• j*ur *«1<1 Eli.ift at Ul*o, tvfltrward lord Ju»- ward Fiillur; Chief otitooordi.A. J. Grutm.
Junior Order UntolAKHiuCANMKCHAN S-l^I A.'M. postal.
(Jrprp«Hi ailfntly, You ics,CrsiifordCuoncll>'o.(W; uieotsJlr.t.an.l 1--5 l». M. Wed., &-12 A. M.
doirn tht n s w i r r^lli ih'iptV-TiHie^dAy*-***!* tnoutU in-iU^l -Mi'ii *

!o vhtra, her nrrn* full (>f liy til wiim aid dry aad «»iBfy la ilnil CburlMO. Bbafer Oiunclllor; « . t . Masonic Building,
' pink lilocunmi. tli* waltoil. aW'Cfll>*rti*t»*>*d*U» book, whl?H lUoitbart, H«oty.
your llltla bad, aha f i s i *t*Ju. a fr*«ltM»«h* p«bli»h«r,
for you. "Did you taajl th* l»li*r, ditr)" ib» Cranford, N.J.
rttj-.wen • raUnion «T
i*rr rum* dny* whrn ton did nlilt|>«ri>ri aollly, aid fc*«au»* you Tb* eJaVmu took H
ifffr the rtxiM, ntxl rnn lihl In lortd li*r d*«rly.and b M i u t ak* i«!|»l
(rtax trlun Aunt Murtlm v»)l- b* uohipjv tf at* kmw abftul tk* !»•
tt ta»»»a**»t\aii«.»iMl»«.
Th*t was tbe airfsl ll:a» «( nnrtont letter ym 6*i"i1». <&• •inall
3 t«««t dl»db*dlmw asd 11* drwd-
tbiak 14 Nor
•% i M * u » .
Wtoo It m i aflwaoeB ajul yen war*
of ptayloj «Wi any or MllliiS to
latrr boat ind tb* •«» abun* la
Bow that Uttl* ward ktt«»ta4 y*u la
tka dayi Hist, f»llow«a! It pffti

La tli* lunbaaai itMllas

l>f»w*K> lh* ht>Hy»»ck»; It

|*ar u d
•*»«*•« •
taa*BU« all. t l » ICE Vox IVran Cord THE ORIGINAL LAUN
Cranfqrtf, N j .
(iildau b*om* 1br»ugh iha thrcufh tb* 1r«lUa«d laarn; it aUred
kt»utbt», yon *at ou Ui* pnrcli
>oor 11 Ui* chair, Yonr frofk w»»
at yau wbiw you-Cunt, joiui^K, f»»» DRY IN CRANFORD.
downward. In tb* long, (jul»Mloj (itaa.
tb*MaJ bid
&« anler of th* llttlt whllr •Inutla; year Th* d.l*lM n»«d*d It; tk* Mrs* « « « <1M »•• thtak
W « I « I hln»a« ih* eay. Too war* It; yon *ar*d • • lea(«r *TMI t* play •awr tw b« The best work and most
j *>MnHad proud »ntl hunllful i t
y»» m«)nd and roikafl and rotktd.
wtth Uuy. .;
Ton wan itafalj**, k«t Ataat i>*ra
NewJersey Central ••V HHSTCIASSACCIIMMODATIOHS. careful treatment of goods.
Work called tor and dellmed.
A n t Dor* Mood In tb* oji«n (losrniy LARGE PLEA SANT ROOTS.
Ti«aw»l.*tii»rr«OT D«c. 1.1W5'. Sallatactlon Guaranteed.
• tettar In b*r btnd lad 9f*t y*«
"LM BM t«k* It, Anut Deri." y»u
NEW xonu. ffar.term*
Wo Sinsr,
apply to! ..-.',..',[',',...'.'.-<-).,..••,
g«.aW.. ^ ?» .JOSEPH ERHARDt Prot>. A Cttf
*riftBtlB( n|i from yom- li*M» I. '
tt win flu* for * little gld U latter, *w*pt d e w a a t n a n , u u ! J tr»u I U Iu*. * U). 4 W, } 0*. t » , » B 7 M,
w»ik down to t!i« i>o«ln(Tlot «ll aloa*. bl* on* *»*n theui !« ^k ««', 1014,11*4 P.M. Bundaj* *5» 8H
Joe* at thoiieh ah* war* »rona tip. Tou woold tak Ur. of
WOT*, M. :H»|. »•«.•»». « »• * M JOHN DOYLE,
Aunt Dorn •till looked iloubttnl. ' "U klr N*l»»ti .n'*T*r langhad at ,T«M. I . -. . - ,,,•» »*.<_ The Burkely Hotel,
*)• • »«fj Hnpullaiit UUer," >ht mid, That « . . «hi ywilud blm. U."tild j u ^ FrtBt«! at Bwi*a tu 1«B; thla
Bbd th*i> all h*r rave >Teo( t>luk Uke la* no; laiiiB~poW~ai~yoa"1I—ft a Ur*a7*yB»ayB»pocoti»c^'* Wb«a-*-a'»flt-o"w»
: •jr« i- -ufu SANITARY r>LUMBIN&.1&A\ .
< l». I «7. » 10. « «1.» M. •» »• • «• t est Location FITTING). STBAM.HOTWATBftANP

M M lu bar bell. aniloui m i l . Case* at hi* • « < • d.w-i.itar >M*t OTM a clilmuey it 1* a
t«B looked IIIKI |inuil*r*d. irhll* all around yo« wklrr*4 .ad, ] U * O» prepilrtor ali&ll h*T« w«altl> IM III,»11. WOT. U W P.U.U« mdt. BuuUcy.
est Appointments HOT AIR HEATINQ. TIN OOP ft IB
sraatj ! «o<\ 'oagi Hf«." JLncJont ballof* admit 1 »• » It • S7.'» « W • ' » H * M u 4a l 47 4 i i
"* \\
4 Ilk* tUugtil tk* . naaaktWf »f
mill*' i Veil \hat'th« ttoak pnrto»t»d bulldlns* est Service AND SHBBT IRON WORK
aVatl aad aitfbt. RICH4DSON * BOTSTON CO.
"Supposr aa laponant agajiat Illgbtulng. It 1* a.hoiy-.Unl .Vllrntiiw
ad rfc»B «))• Uiiiilseii atulu aid
lo*(. \Tuuld It ratttsr •t«n If *a*
for Baitun, H«thl«h»m
amt U> «rt«la ««rman town* the ar- r t m a k - » W . 80") A. U. 11>, » »i, l» 14 Of Any Hotel in Elizabetli FURNACeS AND RAKO C*
',-), anil yeu «*ut d»nu b«lw««a th* uot Unon ?" you aaliad, rWil of the aterka. bcralJ* of spriug. u U | I'. U . » a n d « . » « . A- » . »>'• I1
4j±o«U«, carry lag Ui» lattor ptwiidly Aftarwant, rrtjta you bad \>**m |»ut>La rtmi. *nwMinc*U with Joyou* b!*«t« by rur Wllaatbai'r* and B f i » a t o n - i oi. Broad St. TIUPH0SE20A ~ " GRAMC50.B.
' y*ur haud ^., v .. . H w v . . K H H , Us^ »rnH*^nftiXT on- tlu*. towar. \VhAt ia
AttOt l3at« w i t u»t ui»rrl»J lib* Auni hid »»ui«thSttS tile* and «••! to tliluk. j«*«iuto la *hat vVblch MicUeiii\">»yi of
utbi. 8«* w«« i bttutltu! priuc***. ;vu ui*J« It «l»arer,
4 i t m .day a tally i>ilae« >«juld
i th* awallow vmy- t>*" applted to th« J. C. 17. RANKIN. E. K. ADAMS,
Mr, N*li»u IlilniU t»ltli a*»*r n J »t*rU. "U» Ua* taksa uot *u\y our • F u r - A t U l i U o C i l j - a U i . » . , » » l.'.M.s
'•« and *b* nould gn a\ray njlb Ului WtaJ uuill ,ien ItiJ <ult« BcUlitJ. (Ail kcnbo..but • l « y » , > u» * • » • . • ' • •
wbttn li* tlld »j>*«k h* had I «,u**r. fba- L<Sttod* go *tl!> further. Tlity
" For l*>u« Htaucl-. A»uiirj l'.rk. I'l. P W Lehigh Valley Coal
»nil • « « l w t » t«lnt» -8»u, t i l l , *• M.,M«J.l)aiik
i«>l«f««r, r Kill* calaa In bl* *«!•*, *liltr *4«rk* a* <b* tnr«rnctl*tt of ri«-oulj, ISii. e M. JOi.•»» W I*.
I* M.
M SuuOoj
S O j »U8
»U8. t
4«K<I Ihalr utmost (iurpU vliu* •'It might har* mad* a dlt«r*a««, a pat-ind *«qla. la that &i*taznurpb,o*«i- Kindling Wood 300 UNION AVENUE,
»t waa from tli* book * • • r*a< M / ti**t dHf«*a**," h» •»!*. •apacity Ibty b»»* (or uilailoo to
«a Bund*/*. Ton hail look*<l aad Tliaa n l u b i aaw k*« b m a i f y*» •*ai<cb tb* bottom of ir*lli for tlif «s\ila
V<!. but y o u l u d n*T*r •«•» tl>* pur- o 1*1 I* bold back ta* Man tiiat wiuld cf" newborn laTtnta. In the -whole of •C. U. BraT - Cranford. N J
'riau. All tU» MIL* jou ku«<r hid toiat b« »o«k / c a r aMul lu als \ut uertbero »c«l «*otral Utrtuauy tbajr V; FrW. a «*n. Uauutr. Ooo't Vw. Ae«nt
yt «a tbaui autt n c i * jrstii. Tar •«***i*d It hard.
'i Hi*/ MliJJit luok dlff«»ul from
' — -1—\ott--w«r«-'u»ti*lly
"1 am t«ry . j t t t i t u l w y s i i ' s r
bar* their b i t f trcll*. Uatnburc. too,
Ua.l -&»?•• jflttW
E A. Q!Dorinell,
me." h* Kidlaid (ia «l«, M u ; , . ta tb t m %.•» orlgio lu
«ud you *il»w that giotl lit' rrer« a n i l >\it±t lit;. is gr, Tti\fcb M[»'Miinl9 th* iteilt, jolutlf J
TliHlad tb*lr suntlu, «n<i 70D -V«.l HiMi Mr. N*U»u
fwblrfdou to c» tlovtti Is/ tbt koin* «j«lu
»»• »^u aisV:*: with th»*pM«eck. aa Uie fiprorlte Wr4 •
m i l . u j ;j t[ Jmio. g(«S<l»a» of iBHterulty.—Fr»p«h 1
Violio and Mandolin Instructor, House, Sign, and
/ou anOdaul/ f*K llml you you tat u;>
EngvUiart. I Fresco Painting, SACE3 1SD RiKQZS.
l>*»;Jt U;tu. niUl* Ouj raa ptuUuf bi-
pupils for.,:?. • . Plain and Oecoratlv* - •
1YltV31im!i» a s s .
iuut Dgi-a w»a waitluj; V*twt*a lit, Cna cf ti* lattruotora of a blf &»*--{ •II Work Cuarante*.
»UiIIn itwtruotTotr. For terms, np-
tid thtn It l»»in»eu*d-l«>w wm»Jty k>4 tl» way to a small BO*.
Ur, N*ls9!i k*r (ace, nbifh bad kMU Enllias nlUi prU» BI be did «o. ' T i
Paper Hanging Miller Block,
Uuf trai In th* Tratcur. wltll* *uJ *nxloii(, innr *iu!>Uitl/ a traot to el)ovr>jou a i«r*> *p*c!«a of ttt»- 1 ply to i>r aiKlrcas
— A S D DIHUEH IK— Tel. Q« J.
your frock; tiita you baautiftil l>tnt. .. ?• . Ua." liald.he. ' !
"Ob:" nil* »>"iJ .awl Ji*M *m k*n Tho bostW/KhSch irai a burnUhed JLSSE WHEELER,
bor*. hajuli and then droi'i'^l tlirui «i»Ji.- brua, TTHb a Mil bead pnJ red lcgn. 1*7 ' Glass. Oil, Paint, Varnishes
W«» tbaflr»t">«tWr-«*<: that. V». With Mil Krwt ByliiL" l«»l> Ur. Na* partly blddaa vnder n alour. The la- . 1 So'tth Av*.,
"la a teir^3' polntlnc to a whit* •94 wa* *ut ur l!>* high rait itt'1 i« tb> atnirtor sd«>af*3 hit (lns«r ilowly. >
Crntifonl, X. J.
and Wall Paper. JOJSN MARIBN,
j|f,'jio v Aoirn Hw atraam Hat' path tif*td* her.' huMiug Ittr biaat T*« bMtla iralteJ. watchful and la- i
Cranford, - Hew Jersey
catft 4* »»<* barked and llakaj tight In t>o(h hit »wn,
o f 'fc hla jr««t ruufh toocu*.
"Dor*. Tiara, my d»«r««i gr!:" fcf
fa«t«n- <*!<! h'.fl;»iO.T, "ta h trn* that ymv,
tiBplil. TOe'flnj**1 ttmoit totirtM tbo •
scd to«o-puff,e cloud of l}h>« |
aioti out and nnilcr tmtt et 1
and ihadow- wrot** It It trn* that It waa >•»' thl* anob* eb» >wttl* itwat a rapid re- j
"What vemld »ft«r allT':
T t m j « aiajB»*?«!l «<at »f tk* t»rt
•*Ha\ that)ra»rT*lou«5"tb* te>rm*t-
aa »*ct jr*a *a«14 *»* a*aatft«>*a vith or aatd. " i t d tb»Jirssl* ratral *a«
Goy ' t m n t i n 9 a u ta th* VLM a'J «n!t r«ff.-tif«T paff—wni Cr» gun attar FOR RENT
T*n * i » r «na—nlnuttpa ta"t»entj l o th* mitral* CARTING AND J.L.BAUER,
with On*: Tit) No v«al*r h * l * ealliS^tl:* bo«V»r- Ranging l(i pric* from $5.00
a it* fatty b*«t t» Ia!*a *f «hlm- d!«r. !.. i f
mariag c^raaa.
• to 812-00 par rnontl), acciird-
injj tolocstiou. Alter to tutt. (Ml Engineer and S m
Out rf thrvaraw • ( y«ar • » • .rea
I yaur"fro«i taw tk* »W» i«o« «{*«, a*4 Anat liejr<
U<joW wlilrh, c» c«ita«* with tbt
•ul*l» setot* iba « « » • 4**rn faat'MMn tao »«r»*D«» airj has tba, <»jrt3ttts ppoyasrty ef ttrro- Ji T. KAN AN B,
and «Bl jtTratt wtllltta*. SJt* bna a llttl* lojtiato « Cor. Ooulovardi and 20th St., 348 MAPLEwOOD AVENUE,
wtite baii»t ea b « ana. " KEMIAVORTH, N . J . Main Office,

A •>!!.•*

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