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"Biology and control of Rhizoctonia solani on rapeseed : A Review"

P.R. Verma
Phytoprotection, vol. 77, n° 3, 1996, p. 99-111.

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Article de synthèse I Review article

Biology and control of Rhizoctonia solani

on rapeseed : A review
Prithwi R. Verma
Received 1996-02-07; acceptée! 1996-12-28

Rhizoctonia solani AG2-1 is the principal pathogen causing damping-off and

seedling and mature plant root rot (brown girdling root rot) in oilseed râpe and
canola (Brassica napus and B. râpa) in western Canada and the United States;
AG4 isolâtes mainly attack adult plants and cause basai stem rot. Seedling
infection by AG2-1 is favoured by cool weather atthe time of planting, whereas
warm weather late in the growing season is more conducive for infection of
mature plants by AG4 isolâtes. Survey data show that disease development
is favoured by high soil moisture, low levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium and high levels of copper in fine-textured soils. Moderate résistance
in condiment mustard (Sinapis alba) and some other species appears to be
genetically controlled and should be utilised in breeding programmes. Car-
boxin and iprodione in mixtures with insecticide gamma-HCH are recommend-
ed in Canada as seed treatments to control damping-off and seedling root rot,
but do not control brown girdling root rot.
Verma, P.R. 1996. Biologie du Rhizoctonia solani sur le colza et moyens de
lutte. PHYTOPROTECTION 77 : 99-111.
Le Rhizoctonia solani AG2-1 est le principal agent pathogène causant la fonte
des semis chez les plantules et les plantes matures (dessèchement prématuré
des pieds) sur le colza et le canola {Brassica napus et B. râpa) dans l'Ouest
canadien et aux États-Unis; les isolats du groupe AG4 affectent surtout les
plantes adultes en causant le rhizoetone commun. L'infection des plantules par
AG2-1 est favorisée par les températures fraîches au moment du semis, alors
que les températures chaudes survenant tard au cours de la saison de crois-
sance favorisent davantage l'infection des plantes matures par les isolats de
AG4. Des données d'enquête montrent que le développement de la maladie
est favorisé par une humidité du sol élevée, de bas niveaux d'azote, de
phosphore et de potassium, ainsi que par des teneurs élevées en cuivre dans
les sols à texture fine. Une résistance modérée chez la moutarde {Sinapis alba)
et quelques autres espèces semblables semble être d'origine génétique et elle
devrait être utilisée dans des programmes d'amélioration génétique. La car-
boxine et l'iprodione en mélange avec des insecticides gamma-HCH sont
homologués au Canada comme traitements de semence afin de réprimer la
fonte des semis et la pourriture racinaire des plantules, mais ce traitement ne
réprime pas le dessèchement prématuré des pieds.

1. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Centre, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 0X2

INTRODUCTION losses of 30% were attributed to this dis-
ease in surveys conducted in the Peace
The oilseed Brassicaspecies [B. napus L, River région in 1983 and 1984 (Sippell et
B. râpa L, and B. juncea (L.) Czern. and al. 1985a).
Coss.] and condiment mustard (Sinapis
alba L), represent annual revenues of THE CAUSAL AGENTS
over a billion dollars to the Canadian
economy. An important disease of oil- Rhizoctonia solani Kùhn [teleomorph :
seed râpe and canola (B. napus and B. Thanatephorus cucumeris (A.B. Frank)
râpa) caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kùhn Donk] infects many members of the Bras-
is distributed Worldwide, and poses an sicaceae (Akhtar 1969; Benson 1973;
économie threat to canola crops in the Chauhan and Saksena 1974; Flentje et al.
prairie régions of western Canada (Ellis 1963; Gupta 1985; Henis et al. 1978; Hom-
1983; Kataria and Verma 1992). The ma and Ishii 1984; Huber et al. 1992;
population of R. solani that infects oil- Johnson et al. 1992; Kataria and Verma
seed râpe and canola is mainly composed 1992; Keyworth and Dow 1960; Mah-
of anastomosis groups (AGs) AG2-1 and mood and Iqbal 1982; Verma and Kataria
AG4 which cause pre- and post-emer- 1990; Weber 1987; Williams and Walker
gence damping-off, seedling root rot and 1966). R. solani is the principal causal
basai stem or foot rot (brown girdling agent of damping-off and seedling and
root rot) ofadult plants (Gugel étal. 1987; adult plant root rot of rapeseed in west-
Kaminski and Verma 1985; Yitbarek et al. ern Canada, but Fusarium spp. and Py-
1987). thium spp. also are frequently associated
with root rot in that région (Acharya et al.
THE DISEASES 1984; Berkenkamp and Degenhardt 1974;
Caïman and Tewari 1987; Caïman et al.
1986; Gugel et al. 1987; Kaminski and
Pre- and post-emergence damping-off,
Verma 1985; Pétrie 1973; Pétrie and Van-
and root rot of seedlings and adult plants terpool 1966, 1970; Sippell et al, 1985b;
are serious in oilseed râpe in western Vanterpool 1960, 1963, 1974; Yitbarek et
Canada (Berkenkamp 1972; Berkenkamp al. 1987). In Finland, damping-off due to
and Vaartnou 1972; Ellis 1983; Rimmer R. solani occurred in 90% of spring râpe
and Platford 1982; Sippell et al. 1985b). (B. napus and B. râpa) fields surveyed
Although disease severity varies with during 1981-82 (Tahvonen et al. 1984).
région and weather at planting time, a Several brassicaceous weeds, including
majority of rapeseed crops in western bail mustard [Nesliapaniculatad.) Desv.],
Canada are affected to some extent each stinkweed (Thlaspi arvense L) and shep-
year. Root rot incidence has generally herd's purse [Capsella bursa-pastoris{L.)
been low in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Medic], also are affected by the brown
(Pétrie and Vanterpool 1970; Rimmer and root rot caused by R. solani. Besides root
Platford 1982), but serious in Alberta. and collar rot, R. solani also causes a
Incidence of 80-100% with major losses severe leaf blight of oilseed râpe and
of plant stands were recorded in the Peace mustard in India. Diseased leaves devel-
River région (lat. 55-57° N, long. 117- op brownish patches with chlorotic mar-
§ 120°W) of Alberta (Ellis 1983; Sippell et gins and abscise prematurely (Chauhan
Z. al. 1985a,b). The prédominant type of and Saksena 1974; Gupta 1985). The leaf
" root rot in the Peace River région is called blight phase of R. solani has not been
P brown girdling root rot due to the pro- reported from temperate countrïes.
j| duction of large, sunken light brown le-
p sions on the tap root and latéral roots.
S Girdled plants are left with only a short
o stub of the tap root and are vulnérable to THE PATHOGEN
£ desiccation and lodging. Brown girdling
O root rot commonly results in poor pod Characterization of R. solani
> development, pod sterility, shrivelled populations
o. seed, low seed weight, lodging and un- Isolâtes of R. solani from field soils and
even ripening of plants. Annual yield diseased seedlings and adult plants of

VERMA : Rhizoctonia solani ON RAPESEED

rapeseed in western Canada hâve been AG4 isolâtes from rapeseed were 0.34
characterized into anastomosis groups and 0.51 mm h 1 , respectively, at 18°C
(AGs) by pairing (hyphal fusion) with (Hwang et al. 1986; Kaminski and Verma
known tester isolâtes of the pathogen. 1985).
Among the 83 isolâtes of R. solani ob-
Growth rates of isolâtes within AG2-1
tained f r o m rapeseed plants in
and AG4 differed slightly but significant-
Saskatchewan, 48% were assigned to
ly and différences between the two AGs
AG2-1, and 50% to AG4, and the remain-
were large (Kaminski and Verma 1985).
ing 2% did not anastomose with any AG
Isolâtes of AG2-1 grew at 2°C but not at
tester (Kaminski and Verma 1985). Among
36°C and optimally at 24°C, whereas AG4
69 isolâtes from rapeseed in west central
isolâtes did not grow at 2°C, grew slowly
Alberta, 41% belonged to AG2-2, 32% to
at 36°C and optimally at 26°C. Tempér-
AG2-1, and 14% to AG4; the remaining
atures in the range of 18-30°C supported
13% were not assignable to any AG tester
luxuriant growth of both AGs, and AG4
(Hwang et al. 1986). Gugel et al. (1987)
isolâtes had a higher growth rate than
found that ail 68 R. solani isolâtes ob-
AG2-1 isolâtes at thèse températures.
tained from rapeseed plants in the Peace
River région of Alberta belonged to AG2- Virulence of R. solani isolâtes
1, but those from soils of that région were Virulence of isolâtes differed consider-
59% AG2-1, 25% AG4, and 16% other ably and was influenced by their source.
AGs. Populations of R. solani in soil of Isolâtes of AG2-1 from seedlings and adult
Saskatchewan rapeseed fields belonged rapeseed plants were generally more
to AG2-1 (36%), AG2-2 (6%), AG3 (4%), virulent than those of AG2-2 and AG4,
AG4 (53%), and AG5 (2%) (Yitbarek et al. but virulence differed markedly among
1987). The AG4 isolâtes were detected in isolâtes of the same AG (Gugel et al.
soils of ail textures, but AG2-1 isolâtes 1987; Kaminski and Verma 1985; Yitbarek
were confined to loam, silty clay loam, 1987; Yitbarek et al. 1987). Isolâtes from
and silty clay soils. In thèse surveys, seedlings and adult plants were more
isolâtes from field-infected seedlings virulent than those of the same AG from
belonged to AG2-1 and AG4, with fré- soil. Isolâtes of AG2-1 and AG4 from
quences of 94 and 6%, respectively. seedlings were more virulent than iso-
Among isolâtes from adult plants, 69% lâtes from adult plants. In tests on agar
were AG2-1, 29% were AG4 and 2% were média, soil isolâtes induced less severe
AG2-2 (Yitbarek 1987; Yitbarek et al. 1987). disease in hypocotyls and radicles than
Ail R. solani isolâtes from rapeseed in did isolâtes from seedlings and adult
Indiana (U.S.A.) belonged to AG2-1 (Hu- plants, and seedling isolâtes prevented
ber et al. 1992). seed germination more than the isolâtes
from adult plants (Yitbarek 1987; Yitbarek
Cultural characteristics et al. 1987). Soil isolâtes of R. solani AG9
The isolâtes of R. solani from diseased were reported as mildly pathogenic on
rapeseed plants varied in growth rate, canola seedlings (Yang et al. 1996).
hyphal coloration and sclerotial forma-
tion. Colonies of AG2-1 on potato dex- AG2-1 isolâtes are the chief causal
trose agar (PDA) were light brown to agents of pre- and post-emergence damp-
brown, with concentric zones of ap- ing-off and seedling root rot in rapeseed
pressed and aerial mycélium. Sclerotia production areas of western Canada, and
were produced in various sizes and num- in the state of Indiana in the United States
bers, and were distributed in the zones of (Huber et al. 1992; Yitbarek et al. 1987).
aerial mycelia. The AG2-2 isolâtes had AG4 isolâtes mainly attack adult plants
sparse, brown appressed mycelia. Col- and cause basai stem rot late in the grow-
onies of AG4 on PDA were almost white ing season. AG2-2 isolâtes, although
at first, but later turned brown-grey with pathogenic on rapeseed seedlings, are
a leathery, appressed or mealy textured not as prévalent and wide-spread as
mycélium, and formed few, minute, light AG2-1 and AG4 isolâtes in rapeseed fields
brown sclerotia that were embedded in (Gugel et al. 1987; Hwang et al. 1986;
the agar, mostly around the inoculum Kaminski and Verma 1985; Yitbarek et al.
dise. Mean growth rates of AG2-1 and 1987).

Infection process pérature. A t a l l inoculum densitiestested
The séquence of events in the infection (1400-22 800 viable propagules L 1 soil-
process was f o u n d to be similar in sus- less potting mix) in the 7:8°C and 7:12°C
ceptible and résistant hosts (Yang et al. régimes, and at the lower inoculum den-
1992a). Infection cushions were f o r m e d sities in the 7:18°C régime the AG2-1 iso-
on hypocotyls of both susceptible and late caused more damping-off than the
résistant hosts, but were more fréquent isolate of AG4. In contrast, the isolate of
and f o r m e d earlier on suscepts. In hypo- AG4 caused more damping-off than the
cotyls of the susceptible cv. Westar, hy- isolate of AG2-1 at ail inoculum densities
phal g r o w t h and infection cushions were in the 26:35°C régime, and at the lower
observed w i t h i n 24 h after inoculation, inoculum densities in the 12:18°C and
and parenchyma cell macération was 19:25°C régimes. The t w o isolâtes caused
f o u n d w i t h i n 2 d. In contrast, in résistant a similar incidence of damping-off at the
cv. Arda, infection cushions did not occur higher inoculum densities in the 7:18°C,
until 48-72 h, and cell macération required 12:18°C, and 19:25°C régimes.
3 d. Infection was more rapid and deeper
in susceptible than in résistant hosts. In Effects of soil température on virulence
ail tissues of 'Arda 1 , hyphae grew more of AG2-1 and AG4 isolâtes were f o u n d
slowly, branched less frequently, orient- also in field experiments. W h e n rape-
ed irregularly, and were confined largely seed was planted early before the soil
to the parenchymatous tissue of the cor- w a r m e d to 15°C, AG2-1 caused more
tex. Hyphae were not observed in endo- damping-off than did AG4, while d a m p -
dermis or vascular tissues 5 d after inoc- ing-off due to AG4 increased as the soil
ulation (Yang 1989; Yang et al. 1992b). w a r m e d to 20°C (Teo et al. 1988; Yitbarek
The f o r m a t i o n of infection cushions on 1987). The influence of soil température
susceptible cv. Westar was similar t o t h a t on virulence was also reflected in the
on radish (Raphanus sativus L.) in which f requency with which thèse t w o AGs were
the hyphae g r e w parallel to the longitu- isolated f r o m diseased seedlings and
dinal axis of the hypocotyl, but on résis- mature plants (Yitbarek et al. 1987). Iso-
tant cv. Arda they were similar to that on lâtes f r o m seedlings were almost ail AG2-
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in w h i c h 1, whereas AG4 were isolated almost five
hyphal g r o w t h was less regular (Dodman t i m e s m o r e f r e q u e n t l y f r o m mature plants
et al. 1968). than f r o m seedlings.
Effects of température on R. solani
Factors affecting disease isolâtes in rapeseed were similar t o t h o s e
development for radish in w h i c h pre-emergence damp-
Incidence and severity of pre- and post- ing-off was more severe at 26°C than at
emergence damping-off and root rot in 15, 20, 22, or 30°C, and 6000-10 000
rapeseed fields is influenced by weather propagules k g 1 soil were required to induce
and soil c o n d i t i o n s and by i n o c u l u m 20-80% disease incidence at 15°C, c o m -
density of the anastomosis groups of R. pared with only 500-1500 propagules kg 1
solani in the soil. Seedling infection by soil at 26°C (Benson and Baker 1974). In
AG2-1 isolâtes isfavoured b y c o o l weath- Japanese radish (R. sativus) AG2-1 was
er after planting, whereas w a r m weather isolated m o s t f r e q u e n t l y f r o m plants
g favours infection of mature plants by AG4 g r o w n in winter; plants g r o w n at other
£ isolâtes (Teo et al. 1988). times of the year w h e n conditions were
warmer yielded more AG4 isolâtes. AG2-1
~ Night/day air t e m p é r a t u r e s , isolate,
and AG4 isolâtes also showed m a x i m u m
r*» inoculum density, and ail possible inter-
virulence at low and high températures,
§ actions a m o n g thèse factors significantly
respectively (Homma and Ishii 1984).
F affect incidence of pre-emergence d a m p -
uu ing-off in rapeseed g r o w n in soilless Results of field tests in Saskatchewan
O potting mix (Yitbarek 1987; Yitbarek et al. showed no consistent effect of soil mois-
£ 1988). In gênerai, incidence o f d a m p i n g - ture on AG2-1 or AG4-induced pre-emer-
P off caused by AG2-1 and AG4 isolâtes gence damping-off in rapeseed (Teo et
j increased progressively w i t h increased al. 1988; Yitbarek 1987). In the Peace
°- inoculum density, but virulence of both River région of Alberta, however, sur-
isolâtes was affected principally by t e m - veys of b r o w n girdling root rot f r o m 1983

VERMA : Rhizoctonia solani ON RAPESEED

through 1985 showed that disease devel- nigra. Significant différences in the lev-
opment was favoured by high rainfall els ofsusceptibility/resistancetopre-and
and high soil moisture (Sippell et al. post émergence damping-off occurred
1985a). Disease incidence and severity among cultivars within the Brassica spe-
were highest in 1983, intermediate in cies (Kataria et al. 1993).
1984, and lowest in 1985, which coincid-
ed with declining annual rainfall from In another growth chamber study none
318 mm in 1983, to 288 mm in 1984, and of 122 cultivars/lines of B. râpa, B. napus,
161 mm in 1985. Thèse surveys also B. juncea, B. nigra, B. tourneforti7 Gouan,
recorded higher root rot severity in fields B. carinata, B. oleracea var. capitata L,
with low levels of nitrogen, phosphorus B. oleracea var. botrytis L, S. alba,
and potassium, and in fine-textured soils R. sativus and Camelina sativa L. evalu-
with high levels of copper. ated were immune to AG2-1 although
différences were found in susceptibility
among and within gênera and species
(Yang and Verma 1992). Among 11 spe-
cies tested, ail eight lines of S. alba and
CONTROL MEASURES one line of C. sativa consistently exhibit-
ed elevated résistance to R. solani, indi-
cating that moderate résistance was ge-
Plant résistance netically controlled and could be utilized
Screening plant lines for résistance in breeding programmes. Although in-
AH rapeseed or canola cultivars currently terspecific crosses between S. alba and
grown in Canada are susceptible to the Brassica spp. oilseed crops are very
R. solani (Acharya et al. 1984; Yang 1989; difficult to obtain, it may be possible to
Yang and Verma 1992). Using a mixture transfer the résistance to R. solani from
of 35 isolâtes of R. solani, not character- S. alba to other commercial Brassica
ized into anastomosis groups, Acharya et species. SuccessfuI transfer of beet cyst
al. (1984) evaluated 300 B. napus and B. nematode résistance from S. alba to B.
râpa génotypes in a growth chamber, napus (Van Lelivelt étal. 1989), and inter-
and found 10 lines, five from each of the specific hybridization between B. juncea
two species, that were significantly more and S. alba (Mohapatra and Bajaj 1987),
résistant to R. solani than commercial and between B. napus and S. alba (Ripley
cultivars. Ail 10 lines were later found to and Arnison 1990) by means of embryo
be highly susceptible to a rapeseed iso- rescue strengthen this possibility.
lateof AG2-1 (Yang 1989). Harrison(1987)
evaluated over 200 accessions of B. râpa Effect of host âge
and B. napus in a naturally-infested field Rapeseed plants can be infected by iso-
nursery and found significant différences lâtes of R. solani AG2-1 and AG4 at ail
in disease severity among the accessions. growth stages but acquire some résis-
tance with âge. Percent disease ratings
In order to identify résistant génotypes of nine rapeseed and mustard cultivars
within the oilseed brassicas and their close inoculated at 0, 3 and 5 wk after planting
allies, growth chamber studies were ini- showed that the older the plant at the
tiated to screen germplasm against an time of inoculation, the lower the disease
isolate of R. solani AG2-1. Results of a ratings; différences in disease ratings
test involving 16 cultivars of six Brassica between 3 and 5 wk were highly signif-
species showed that pre-emergence icant (Yang and Verma 1992). Gugel et
damping-off was most severe in B. cari- al. (1987) also studied effects of âge of
nata Braun, B. râpa, B. oleracea L. and host at inoculation, anastomosis group
B. napus, and least severe in B. juncea (AG2-1 and AG4), and inoculum level (1,
and B. nigra (L.) Koch; lower pre-emer- 2, or 3 R. solani infested rapeseed seeds
gence damping-off in B. juncea and B. plant 1 ). Increasing plant âge significant-
nigra may be related to faster émergence ly declined percent disease severity for
of seedlings in thèse than the other four both AGs of R. solani, especially AG2-1.
species. Although ail six species suffered Also increasing inoculum level from 1 to
severe post-emergence seedling root rot, 3 infested seeds plant 1 significantly in-
damage was greater in B. juncea and B. creased percent disease ratings.

Effect of bean endochitinase gène the growth of infection cushions (Bate-
in transgenic rapeseed man 1970). A thicker cuticle increases
Rapeseed plants containing high consti- résistance to this mechanical force, re-
tutive levels of bean endochitinase are duces frequency and delays pénétration
more résistant to infection by R. solani, by the pathogen, and thus allows more
than are plants that lack the chimeric time for mobilization of host défenses.
chitinase gène (Broglie et al. 1991). The
enzyme endochitinase inhibited R. solani Brassica napus and S. alba plants ac-
growth in vitro and induced morpholog- quire some résistance to R. solani AG2-1
ical changes in the mycelia including with âge (Gugel et al. 1987; Yang and
swelling and disruption of hyphal tips. Verma 1992), In a study determining
différences in cuticle thickness and mor-
In transgenic plants, ftso/ar?/'penetrat- phology of epicuticular wax, (Yang et al.
ed the host cuticle and epidermis, and 1992a) found that 1-wk-old seedlings of
colonization, while normally restricted to susceptible B. napus showed no obvious
the cortex, sometimes occurred in the cuticle layer, but at 3 wk a cuticle was
xylem vessels. Vacuolization and lysis of présent with a concomitant increase
hyphal cells, and reduced fungal bio- in résistance to R. solani. Résistant
mass were common in transgenic plants, 3-wk-old S. alba seedlings had much less
and correlated with chitin dégradation disease and a significantly thicker cuticle
(Benhamou et al. 1993). Constitutive ex- layer than B. napus plants of the same
pression of the bean endochitinase gène âge. Thèse results suggest that the cu-
was considered partly responsible for ob- ticle plays an important rôle in the résis-
served protection against R. solani (Ben- tance of S. alba and older plants of B.
hamou et al. 1993). napus to infection by R. solani. Similar
Transgenic canola cv. Westar contain- results hâve been reported in bean plants
ing the endochitinase gène (Broglie et al. (Stockwell and Hanchey 1983).
1991) did notcontrol pre-and post-emer- Hypocotyl surfaces from 3-wk-old
gencedamping-offandseedlingandadult plants of susceptible B. napus contained
plant root rot induced by AG2-1 in the more amorphous layer of two types of
growth chamber or in the field (Verma, wax crystals than did those of résistant S.
unpublished data). Transgenic canola alba (Yang et al. 1992a). Fewer wax
may require both chitinase and gluca- deposits on S. alba, a résistant species,
nase to be résistant against any fungal suggests that wax may not be important
pathogens including R. solani. in affording résistance to R. solani hypo-
Antimicrobial compounds and cotyl rot at the seedling stage. This is not
phytoalexins in agreement with observation in rice in
Camelina sativa is moderately résistant which a positive corrélation beîtween
to R. solani AG2-1 (Yang 1989; Yang and résistance to R. solani and wax concen-
Verma 1992), possibly due to the prés- tration was reported (Massaquoi and Rush
ence of antimicrobial compounds in the 1987).
roots (Conn et al. 1994). Four antimicro-
bial compounds, capable of inhibiting Host calcium content and
mycelial growth of R. solani isolâtes were résistance
extracted and purified from C. sativa roots. Calcification of host cell walls was report-
Of the four compounds, 10-methylsulfi- ed to be a mechanism of résistance to R.
nyldecylisothiocyanate and methyl 1- solani in some crops (Vidhyasekaran
methylindole-3-carboxylate were pro- 1988). Besides affecting pectin metabo-
duced in C. sativa roots only, while the lism and cell membrane permeability in
phytoalexins, camalexin and methoxyca- the host, calcification decreasesthe avail-
malexin were produced in roots, stems, ability of certain micronutrients required
leaves and siliquae (Conn et al. 1987, by pathogens. In bean, lésion délimita-
1994). tion and résistance of older plants result-
ed from increased calcium pectate accu-
Rôle of the plant cuticle mulation in and around developing lé-
Cuticle pénétration by R. solani is prob- sions, because polygalacturonase pro-
ably due to mechanical force created by duced by the pathogen was incapable of

VER MA : Rhizoctonia solani ON RAPESEED

hydrolysing calcium pectate (Bateman [(2/?S3/?S-2/?S-3Sfî;-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-

1964). He considered that R. solani was cyclopropyl-1(1/-/-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-
not able to destroy ail calcium pectate in 2-ol], fenpropimorph [4-[3-[4-(1,1-dime-
beans by producing oxalic acid. Howev- thylethyl)phenyl]-2-methylpropyl]-2,6-
er, enhanced résistance in older crucifer (cis)-dimethylmorpholine], furmecyclox
plants was not associated with the in- [methyl A/-cyclohexyl-2,5-dimethylfuran-
creased calcium content of the host. More 3-carbohydroxamate], iprodione [3-(3,5-
calcium oxalate crystals were found on dichlorophenyl)-A/-isopropyl-2,4-dioxo-
hypocotyls of the susceptible B. napus imidazolidine-1-carboxamide], pencycuron
cv. Westar than on hypocotyls of résis- [N-(4-chlorophenyl)-methyl-N-cyclopen-
tant S. albacv. Arda, and C. sativa; 1-wk- tyl-N'-phenylurea], and tolclofos-methyl
old plants had more calcium oxalate than [0-2,6-dichloro-p-tolyl O, O-dimethyl
did 3-wk-old plants (Yang et al. 1993). phosphorothioate] applied as seed treat-
Total calcium content did not differ in ments, at several rates, each controlled
non-infected hypocotyl tissues of the pre-emergence damping-off in one culti-
three plant gênera, and did not increase va r each of B. râpa, B. napus, B. juncea,
with increasing âge of plant tissue. Pro- B. nigra, B. carinata and R oleracea (Ka-
duction of oxalic acid in culture and the taria et al. 1993). The level of control at
formation of calcium oxalate crystals in the lower rates of fungicides, however,
infected tissues suggests that calcium in differed among the Brassica species.
plant cells is sequestered by oxalic acid Against damping-off, benodanil, furme-
produced by R. solani. However, calcium cyclox, iprodione and tolclofos-methyl
content of the host is not associated with provided high levels of control for ail
résistance in S. alba and C. sativa. Fac- Brassica species, carboxin, cyproconazole
tors, including phytoalexins that inhibit and fenpropimorph were less effective in
growth ofthe pathogen and prevent oxalic B. oleracea,and cyproconazole gave poorer
acid production may hâve a greater rôle control in B. râpa than in the other five
in generic and age-related résistance. species. Against post-emergence seed-
Crucifers résistant to R. solani produce ling root rot, furmecyclox provided good
larger amounts and différent kinds of control in ail six Brassica species, beno-
phytoalexins and antimicrobial com- danil, iprodione and tolclofos-methyl were
pounds than do susceptible crucifers most effective in B. napus and B. juncea,
(Conn étal. 1987,1994;Tewari étal. 1988). and cyproconazole gave moderate con-
trol in B. napus and poor control in the
Chemical control other five species tested.
Lack of adéquate genetic résistance to R.
solani in the current cultivars of rapeseed In another growth chamber tests,
and canola, and absence of cultural cyproconazole at 0.1 g a.i. kg 1 seed, and
methods for suppressing the pathogen each of the seven other fungicides at 3 g
in the field, prompted redirection of re- a.i. kg 1 seed, provided almost complète
search towards chemical control. Sys- control of pre-emergence damping-off in
tematic screening of fungicides against ail four cultivars of each of B. juncea, B.
R. solani damping-off and seedling root napus and B. râpa with little or no différ-
rot was initiated at the Agriculture and ence in the level of control among culti-
Agri-Food Canada Research Centre at vars or fungicides (Kataria et al. 1993).
Saskatoon (lat. 52°07' N, long. 106°38' W) Against post-emergence seedling root rot,
in 1988. efficacy of ail eight fungicides, however,
varied among cultivars within species,
Efficacy of seed treatments and there was a significant cultivar x
to control R. solani AG2-1-induced fungicide interaction with most treat-
damping-off and seedling root rot ments. Furmecyclox, pencycuron, tolclo-
in cultivars of Brassica spp. fos-methyl and iprodione provided ex-
In tests in a growth chamber, using soil- cellent control of root rot, benodanil and
less mix infested with an isolate of R. fenpropimorph provided moderate con-
solani AG2-1, benodanil [2-jodobenzanil- trol, and carboxin and cyproconazole gave
ide], carboxin [5,6-dihydro-2 methyl-1,4- poor control in ail cultivars of the three
oxathiine-3-carboxanilide],cyproconazole species.

Since the six Brassica species differed crops, it is ineffective against AG4 iso-
considerably in seed weight and the lâtes, and thus would be of limited ben-
number of seeds per gram (Kataria and efit in western Canada, where the plants
Verma 1990), the amount of fungicide are infected by both AG2-1 and AG4 iso-
applied per seed was also différent for lâtes (Kataria et al. 1991b).
each species. Thus différences in the
level of disease control in différent Bras- Interaction of fungicide and
sica species may be due partly to différ- insecticide treatments
ences in the amount of fungicide applied Carboxin and iprodione, widely used to
per seed. In addition, since R. solani control R. solani in canola in western
AG2-1 differs in its capacity to form func- Canada, normally are applied to seeds in
tional infection cushions on différent rape- formulations with the insecticide gam-
seed and mustard species (Yang et al. ma-HCH [1a,2a,3/3,4a,5a,6/3-hexachloro-
1992b), fungicides may provide greater cyclohexane]. Effectiveness of the insec-
disease control on a relatively résistant ticide against flea beetles (Phyllotretaspp.
cultivar/species, where R. solani can only [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae]), the prin-
form a few and less well organised infec- cipal target insect, decreases rapidly dur-
tion cushions (Hofman and Jongebloed ing the week following seedling émer-
1988). gence (Westcott 1985). Systemic granu-
lar formulations of carbofuran [2,3-dihy-
Control, especially of post-emergence dro-2,2-dimethylbenzofuran-7-yl methyl
root rot, depended largely on the type of carbamate] or terbufos [5-tert-butylthio-
fungicides used for treating seed. Cypro- methyl 0,0-diethyl phosphoro dithioate]
conazole almost completely controlled are applied in the seed furrow to extend
pre-emergence damping-off, but gave the period of protection.
poor control of post-emergence root rot,
possibly because it is translocated rapid- In tests in a growth chamber, évalua-
ly in the stem and foliage, and does not tion of four insecticides, cloethocarb [2-
remain in the root région long enough to (2-chloro-1-methoxyethoxy)-phenyl me-
control root rot (Cotterill ef al. 1989). thylcarbamate], gamma-HCH, carbofuran
Carboxin, though effective against pre- and terbufos, alone and in combination
emergence damping-off, also gave poor with five fungicides (carboxin, cyprocon-
control against root rot, perhaps because azole, furmecyclox, iprodione and tolclo-
it is readily oxidised to non fungitoxic fos-methyl) against R. solani AG2-1 in
sulfoxide in plant tissues and loses its canola cv. Westar (B. napus), Kataria and
effectiveness a few weeks after applica- Verma (1993) found that cloethocarb and
tion (Briggs et al. 1974; Lyr et al. 1974; carbofuran alone increasedthe incidence
Snel and Edgington 1970). of damping-off and, when used in com-
bination with fungicides, lowered the level
Furmecyclox provided excellent con- of control of both damping-off and root
trol of both pre-emergence damping-off rot. Gamma-HCH and terbufos decreased
and post-emergence root rot in ail Bras- the incidence of damping-off, and terbu-
sica species, presumably owing to its fos also reduced seedling root rot. Com-
metabolic stability in the root tissue and bined treatments with gamma-HCH and
intrinsically strong activity against R. terbufos gave better control than either
solani (Huppatz et al. 1983; Martin and gamma-HCH or terbufos alone. Disease
Torres 1986). Tolclofos-methyl and ipro- control by fungicides was enhanced by
dione also gave excellent control of both the use of either gamma-HCH or terbufos
damping-off and root rot in différent together with fungicide treatments.
Brassica species and cultivars because
they both possess a strong fungitoxic Maximum disease control with insec-
activity (Kataria et al. 1991 a,b), show ticide-fungicide combinations was
little or no acropetal mobility, and can achieved when terbufos granules were
accumulate in sufficient amounts in and added at the time of seeding with fungi-
around the roots and hypocotyls (Lyr cide + gamma-HCH-treated seed. Add-
1987). Although pencycuron is effective ing terbufos granules to the treated seed
against damping-off and root rot caused 1-4 wk before seeding resulted in a con-
by R. solani AG2-1 isolâtes in Brassica sidérable loss of efficacy of each of the

VER MA : Rhizoctonia solani ON RAPESEED

five fungicide + gamma-HCH seed treat- trol against R. solani and interacted ad-
ments. Although the level of disease ditively with fungicides and gamma-HCH.
control by gamma-HCH and terbufos was Accordingly, the maximum disease con-
considerably lower than the control by trol was achieved when a fungicide was
any one of the five tested fungicides, it is used in combination with both gamma-
significant that thèse two insecticides HCH and terbufos, and when terbufos
used in canola for the control of flea granules were applied at the time of
beetles, also offer some control against seeding the pots. Adding terbufos gran-
R. solani AG2-1-induced damping-off and ules to the treated seed 1-4 wk before
root rot. seeding reduced efficacy of each of the
five fungicide + gamma-HCH seed treat-
Carbofuran and cloethocarb increased
ments tested. Prior storage of canola
disease incidence and lowered the effica-
seeds with terbufos granules impairs seed
cy of fungicides. The disease-controlling
germination, retards seedling émergence,
potential of gamma-HCH was also an-
and prédisposes the seeds and young
nulled when used in combination with
seedlings to attack by microorganisms in
carbofuran. The observed antagonism
soil (Askew and Romanow 1983; McKen-
of carbofuran and cloethocarb with ter-
zie et al. 1987). Thèse factors could hâve
bufos and with fungicides was perhaps
rendered the seedlings more vulnérable
due to the increased disease severity
to damping-off and root rot caused by R.
induced by carbofuran and cloethocarb
solani in this study.
(Hofman and Bollen 1987; Ruppel and
Hecker 1982). Therefore, though carbo- The studies of Kataria and Verma (1993)
furan and cloethocarb possess good sys- were conducted in a growth chamber and
temic activity in the control of flea beetles with soilless potting mix, so it is difficult
in canola (Romanow and Askew 1984; to extrapolate the results to field condi-
Wise 1989),ourresultsindicatethatthese tions. Nevertheless, the results under-
insecticides are not suitable components scored the potential to improve control
in a fungicide-insecticide mixture for the of canola damping-off and seedling root
control of R solani m canola (Kataria and rot by developing combinations of insec-
Verma 1993). ticide and fungicide. Field studies are
required to verify and quantify the bén-
Gamma-HCH provides some control éficiai effects of combining fungicide and
of damping-off in canola because its insecticide so that the usefulness of their
aqueous solution and vapours are fungi- interactions can be predicted and utilized
static to R. so/an/(Richardson and Miller for efficient control of disease and insect
1960). Hence, depending on the amount pests.
of insecticide applied, gamma-HCH can
affect fungal growth in soil at an appré- In western Canada, seed treatments
ciable distance from treated seed. Effec- with commercial formulations such as
tiveness of a mixture of gamma-HCH and carbothiin 4.5% + thiram 9% + lindane
seed dressing fungicides in controlling 67.5%, iprodione 16.7% + lindane 50%,
damping-off pathogens including R. and thiabendazole 1.6% + thiram 4.8% +
solani has also been reported in peas lindane 40% are effective against damp-
(Richardson 1960). ing-off and seedling root rot, but do not
provide long-term control against the
Terbufos alone or in combination with mature plant root rot and brown girdling
fungicides, provided substantial control root rot. Slow release fungicide granules
against damping-off and root rot in cano- might provide long-term disease control
la (Kataria and Verma 1993). Its activity, against root rot.
however, decreases after seedling émer-
gence, presumably due to its absorption Biological control
by organic matter in the soilless mix, Few studies hâve investigated the use of
rapid translocation to the foliage, or bio- biocontrol agents to control damping-off
logical oxidationtolesstoxiccompounds and root rot in rapeseed/canola. In B.
(Chapman and Harris 1980). Of the gran- napus fields in Pakistan (Iqbal et al. 1977)
ular insecticides recommended in west- observed that vesicular arbuscular-
ern Canada forflea beetle control in cano- mycorrhizal plants suppressed root in-
la, only terbufos improved disease con- fection by R. solani, and Akhtar (1969)

obtained substantial control of damping- Benhamou, N., K. Broglie, I. Chet, and R.
off in mustard plants grown in the soil Broglie. 1993. Cytology of infection of 35S-
amended with Trichoderma harzianum. bean chitinase transgenic canola plants by
Harman et al. (1980) also obtained sub- Rhizoctonia solani: cytochemical aspects
of chitin breakdown in vivo. Plant J. 4 :
stantial control of damping-off in radish
plants in the soil amended with T. hama- Benson, D.M. 1973. Epidemiology of Rhizoc-
tum. Gugel et al. (1986) found that an tonia solani damping-off in radish. Phyto-
indigenous population of non-pathogen- pathology 63 : 1214 (Abstract).
ic binucleate Hhizoctonia suppressed Benson, D.M., and R. Baker. 1974. Epidemi-
damping-off and root rot of canolacaused ology of Rhizoctonia solanipre-emergence
by R. solani AG2-1 and AG4 in growth damping-off of radish : inoculum potential
chamber and field tests. Dahiya and and disease potential interaction. Phyto-
Woods (1987) isolated a strain of pathology 64 : 957-962.
Pseudomonas fluorescens that produced Berkenkamp, B. 1972. Diseases of rapeseed
in central and northern Alberta in 1971.
three antibiotics (pyocyanin, pyrrolnitrin
Can. Plant Dis. Surv. 52 : 62-63.
and phenazine carboxamide) inhibitory Berkenkamp, B., and K. Degenhardt. 1974.
to R. solani; treating canola seed with P. Diseases of rapeseed in central and north-
fluorescens controlled damping-off in ern Alberta in 1972. Can. Plant Dis. Surv.
infested peat-mix soil. Reddy et al. (1994) 54 : 35-36.
evaluated seven bacterial strains (five of Berkenkamp, B., and H. Vaartnou. 1972. Fungi
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ing barley. Pestic. Sci. 5 : 599-607.
escens (63-49 and U-14) that were effec- Broglie, K., I. Chet, M. Holliday, R. Cressman,
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VERMA : Rhizoctonia solani ON RAPESEED

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