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Sb.: Solutions ye id endo tos document

Fr.: Solutions a la fin du document
En.: Solutions at the end of the document
Ru.: Решения в конце документа
Pt.: Solucoes no final do documento
Eo.: Solvoj fine de la dokumento

Exercice 1:
Sb.: Dehte ia optional endens pro adjectives/nomens/verbs querkwe est possible
Fr.: Mettez les terminiaisons facultatives pour adjectifs/substantifs/verbes partout ou c'est possible
En.: Put the optional endings for the adjectives/nouns/verbs wherever possible
Ru.: добавляйте везде, где возможно, необязательные окончания для
Pt.: Coloque os finais opcionais para os adjetivos/substantivos/verbos onde for possivel
Eo.: Aldonu la nedevigajn finaĵojn por adjektivoj/substantivojn/verboj ĉie kie eblas

Tod narn est vreht in oin iom awst poems ios Edda, id Atlakviða. Tod texte, aundwoi script ye id Xt
secule, hat conserven meis vafayi-ye quem id Songv im Nibelungs ia auwal data ios legend, ed est
possible, ab id, endervide quosmed historic wakyas ex id Vt secule hant ghohdt gehne tod. In 437, i
Burgunds pagen in id region os Worms bihnt marloubihn ed part-ye exterminen ab i Huns; irswo
roys nehce. I survivers pagent tun do "Burgundia", ed un document ex in-kap id VIt secule, id Lex
Burgundionum, hat conserven ia nams iren prever roys: ta sont takriban ia sams trohft in id Songv
im Nibelungs ed in ia scandinav textes. Oik yars serter, Attila mehrt unte un noct spenden con un
samlyohg quas nam, Hildico, kwecto deict un germanic origin. Id legend hat pact inter ta dwo facts
un yinkwa : Hildico hat nicen Attila kay kwines id nehc sienen braters, iom burgund roys.
Seighi est nisbatan aisic auncovehre ia origins tos legend, meis moliet sayge quosmed hant wardhen
ta quos heroy est Siegfried. Eet is tienjien-ye un mythic ses quos meinyun symbolisiet successive-
ye id sigh os luce uper temos (katu protie iom ogvi), dind id revanche iom forcen os khitert
(Siegfrieds nehc) ? Kwe leit de popular basma qui habiet biht un legendar heroy ? Autah tarikhent ta
narns - kam tod ios nehc iom burgund roys - tsay in senst analyse ex historic wakyas ? Tehrbmos
wey vide ter id echo iom cruoric kanaats inter Brunhild (franceois : Brunehaut), iam esor ios roy
Austrasias Sigebert, ed Fredegonde ? Est Siegfried is cherusc teution Arminius, quos sigh uper ia
roman legions os Varus habiet est presentet sub id mythic forme uns katu protiev un ogvi ?
Oin ject kwehct wassic : in vasya versions, Siegfried estwert is daiwer iom burgund roys; eysghi
legend proe-wierdhit definitive-ye tik ye uno moment kun id legend irs nehc eet ja gnoht, yani ye id
VIt secule in meroveching zaman.

Exercice 2:
Sb.: Conjuget ia verbs in rudh do id prev tid
Fr.: Conjuguez les verbes en rouge au passe
En.: Conjugate the verbs in red in the past tense
Ru.: Спрягайте глаголы в красном в прошедшее время
Pt.: Conjugue os verbos em vermelho para o preterito
Eo.: Konjugaciu la verbojn en ruĝo en la is-tempo
Dien 22 Januar 1946 buit sulen id Respublic Mahabad, sub protection ios Soviet Union, bet tod Stat
collab ja pos oino yar. In 2005 udbrehg nov troubles in Mahabad, pos id maurdh os un studyent, ed
id Irani askar neic dwogimtia alyen anghens.

Exercice 3:
Sb.: Dahte ia prev participes tom verbs in rudh
Fr.: Donnez les participes passés de ces verbes en rouge
En.: Give the past participles of the verbs in red
Ru.: Давайте причастия прошедшего времени глаголов с красном
Pt.: De os participios passados dos verbos em vermelho
Eo.: Donu la pasintajn participojn de la verboj en ruĝo

Pos dakus ud sien parents id education uns curtese ritter, Siegfried (Sîvrît) gwaht Worms kay
prehsce ter Kriemhild, iam swester iom burgund roys (Gunther, Gernot, Giselher), de quas beauteit
is hat kleu. Recogneih yant sien arriven do Worms af Hagen, oin iom vassals iom roys, qui
mehmeiht quosmed is hat lambhen id kuzd im Nibelungs ed id Tarnkappe (trakh quod invisibleiht),
quosmed is hat invulnerableih-se nigviend-ye do id cruor uns ogvi is hieb just gvehn, Siegfried ne
biht lakin admitt ad se presente tay quam is lieubhti pre hehlpus iens Burgunds ad uperwehnde iens
Saxons ed iens Danskens. Un wesno bihti tun conclud inter Gunther ed Siegfried: so mehghsiet ei
suner gospoti sien swester Kriemhild, sei is hehlpt iom ad kriges Brunhild (Brünhild; norren :
Brynhildr), iam schildmaid qua regnet uper Island. Dank id Tarnkappe, Siegfried se substituet sieni
prient ed sehlt ia spehrds qua Brunhild impont sienims prohgs. Un double wehden bihti tun celebre
in Worms, bet iter dehlct Siegfried intervene kay uperwaldhe Brunhild iam rebell novstu; unte id
vreikst, is raubht ud iam ayso yeusmen ed ays ring, qua is neprabh-ye uperdaht Kriemhild. Poskwo
reict is sien vatan con sien esor.
Dec yars serter, Siegfried ed Kriemhild reike Worms quer un violent faydh mox udbrehct inter bo
rayns. Brunhild kalt sienu nanander un slougu - en Island, Siegfried hieb-se sameih uni vassal
Gunther - bet ia bihti tayceih quando Kriemhild ay deict id yeusmen ed id ringo qua buir raubh ud
iam unte id nuptial noct, ed sa accuset iam in public ob esus ia "samlyogh" Siegfrieds. Humilye,
Brunhild mimehnti de kwines, ed Hagen promitt hehlpe iam. Sib uddreughus ke iaswo Kriemhild ei
deict id saul stet quer Siegfried hat reman vulnerable, so organiset, con Gunthers dehbhen, un
saydpartie do id Odenwald ed gaddar-ye neict Siegfried. Ant id nayvo sienios mann, Kriemhild
heult sien haines contra iens maurdhers. Yed ia dehlgiet intizare unte long yars pre ghehde kwines.
Tod desire accepteihti iam id prehscen Etzels (Attila), roy im Huns. Ia gwaht Hunland ed snumpt
Etzel quay gehnt un son, Ortlieb. Bet ia ne hat myehrs Siegfried, ed sib udprehct ud Etzel kem
invitet iens burgund roys. Nespekent Hagens warnens, toy accepte id invitation, ed kwohryent ir
itner esdi ias nigvas ios Danube ibs hant mehld id fat quod menacet iens. Arrive do Etzelburg,
iesmen bihnt gostpreim ab iomswo Etzel, bet hol in Kriemhilds wekwos ed sulouk ibs isnaht ad
remane nastraj; Hagen de ingant exaspere Kriemhild med sien insolent gurur. Quan is mantht ies
ambikwols iom Burgunds buir massacre, is tehmt id cap os Kriemhilds yun son, ed ia katus
udbrehge. Ia sensta six aventures relate long-ye id heroyic resistence ies Burgunds oppone ibs
repeteih hajoums iren peinds. Fin-ye etileikwnt gwiv ye id burgund gon tik Gunther ed Hagen.
Vinec ep ir roig ab Dietrich von Bern (Theodericus os Verona), bihnt gvehn ab Kriemhild, quaswo
biht neic af Hildebrand, Dietrichs vassal. Im rar survivers tik etileikwt riudes diu i mortus.

Exercice 4:
Sb.: Neudte (ed declinet sei necessar !) instet “X” id 3t person zamihr au definiht article “is/ia/id/el”
Fr.: Utilisez (et declinez si necessaire) au lieu de “X” le pronom personnel de la 3° personne ou
l'article defini “is/ia/id/el”
En.: Use (and decline if necessary !) in place of “X” the third person pronoun and definite article
Ru.: Замените ≪Х≫ на местонмение тертьего лица и определённый артикль ≪is/ia/id/el≫ (и
склоняйте, если нужно !)
Pt.: Use (e decline se necessario) no lugar de “X” o pronome pessoal da 3° pessoa e o artigo
definido “is/ia/id/el”
Eo.: Uzu (kaj deklinaciu se necese) anstataŭ X la triapersonan personan pronomon kaj difinan
artikolon “is/ia/id/el”

Uper X TCP protocol, different complexer protocols daughent pro X functionment om certain
services behandet ep Internet. Leit mathalan de X SMTP protocol pro Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol quod, kam dict ab sieno nam, est un communicationsprotocol quod permitt X transfer X
blixbrevs do X servers os messaging. Maght kathalika lites de protocols permittend X smyehren om
datias ex neuder do neuder (saygen "par ad par", peer-to-peer auti P2P).
Leit, dar skauner, de X HTTP protocol pro "HyperTexte Transfer Protocol", nuden webbrowsers
kay accedde X servers mathmounend data. X HTTP protocol buit concept ab Tim Berners-Lee in
1990 menxu X orbiet in X CERN, quo X beuwt X magn inventor X Wiswenweb.

Exercice 5 :
Sb.: Transcripte tod texte do SPT
Fr.: Transcrivez ce texte en SPT
En.: Transcribe this text into SPT
Ru.: Расшифруйте этот текст в SPT
Pt.: Transcreva este texto para SPT
Eo.: Transkribu tiun tekston per la SPT

Id "Ramsund grehven" habiet esen tyicen circum 1030 ed depinct :

1. Sigurd qui seddt nogwo claus id ogwn pehkwnd id ogvikerd, ex Fafnir, pro sien foster-pater
Regin, qui est Fafnirs brater. Id kerd ne est lakin bad mustaur, ed kun Sigurd touchet id, is preusti se
ed sneict sien fingher do sien stohm. Geusus ogviaserng, is bipretet id avenkan.
2. I avs sayge Regin niet gwupes sien promiss os reconciliation sontern peitsiet nices Sigurd, quo
iom pussiret ad zanchoue Regin.
3. Regin est mortu nieb si wi cap, eys kovachalats quommed is reforgit Sigurds einso sont skedhen
ambh iom.
4. Sigurds ekwo Grani biht bekladen med id ogvikuzd.
5. Prever wakya kun Sigurd gvohn Fafnir.

Solution os exercice 1 :

Tod narnum esti vrehtum in oino iom awsten poems ios Edda, id Atlakviða. Tod texte, aundwoi
scripto ye id Xt secule, hat conserven meis vafayi-ye quem id Songvum im Nibelungs ia auwala data
ios legend, ed esti possible, ab id, endervide quosmed historic wakyas ex id Vt secule hant ghohdto
gehne tod. In 437, i Burgunds pagen in id regionum os Worms bihnti marloubihni ed part-ye
exterminen ab i Huns; irswo roys nehcent. I survivers pagent tun do "Burgundia", ed un
documentum ex in-kap id VIt secule, id Lex Burgundionum, hat conserven ia nams iren prever roys:
ta sonti takriban ia sams trohfta in id Songvum im Nibelungs ed in ia scandinava textes. Oika yars
serter, Attila mehrti unte uno nocto spenden con unu samlyohgu quas namo, Hildico, kwecto deicti
uno germanic origino. Id legend hat pacto inter ta dwo facts uno yinkwa : Hildico hat nicen Attila
kay kwines id nehco sienen braters, iom burgunden roys.
Seighi esti nisbatan aisic auncovehre ia origins tos legend, meis moliet sayge quosmed hant
wardhen ta quos heroyos esti Siegfried. Eet is tienjien-ye uno mythic seso quos meinyuno
symbolisiet successive-ye id sighum os luce uper temos (katu protie iom ogvi), dind id revanche
iom forcen os khitert (Siegfrieds nehco) ? Kwe leitti de populara basma qui habiet bihtum uno
legendaro heroyo ? Autah tarikhent ta narns - kam tod ios nehcios iom burgunden roys - tsay in
senstum analyse ex historic wakyas ? Tehrbmos wey vide ter id echo iom cruoric kanaats inter
Brunhild (franceois : Brunehaut), iam esoru ios royios Austrasias Sigebert, ed Fredegonde ? Esti
Siegfried is cherusco teutionos Arminius, quos sighum uper ia romana legions os Varus habiet esto
presentet sub id mythic forme uns katu protiev unum ogvi ?
Oino jecto kwehcti wassic : in vasya versions, Siegfried estwert is daiwer iom burgunden roys;
eysghi legend proe-wierdhit definitive-ye tik ye uno momento kun id legend irs nehcios eet ja
gnohto, yani ye id VIto secule in meroveching zamano.

Solution os exercice 2 :

Dien 22 Januar 1946 buit sulen id Respublic Mahabad, sub protection ios Soviet Union, bet tod Stat
collieb/collapsit ja pos oino yar. In 2005 udbrohg nov troubles in Mahabad, pos id maurdh os un
studyent, ed id Irani askar nic dwogimtia alyen anghens.

Solution os exercice 3 :

Pos dakus ud sien parents id education uns curtese ritter, Siegfried (Sîvrît) gwaht Worms kay
prehsce ter Kriemhild, iam swester iom burgund roys (Gunther, Gernot, Giselher), de quas beauteit
is hat klut/klun. Recogniht/recognihn yant sien arriven do Worms af Hagen, oin iom vassals iom
roys, qui mehmeiht quosmed is hat lambht/lambhen id kuzd im Nibelungs ed id Tarnkappe (trakh
quod invisibleiht), quosmed is hat invulnerabliht/invulnerablihn-se nigviend-ye do id cruor uns ogvi
is hieb just gvohnt/gvohnen, Siegfried ne biht lakin admiss/admitten ad se presente tay quam is
lieubhti pre hehlpus iens Burgunds ad uperwehnde iens Saxons ed iens Danskens. Un wesno bihti
tun conclus/concluden inter Gunther ed Siegfried: so mehghsiet ei suner gospoti sien swester
Kriemhild, sei is hehlpt iom ad kriges Brunhild (Brünhild; norren : Brynhildr), iam schildmaid qua
regnet uper Island. Dank id Tarnkappe, Siegfried se substituet sieni prient ed sehlt ia spehrds qua
Brunhild impont sienims prohgs. Un double wehden bihti tun celebret/celebren in Worms, bet iter
dehlct Siegfried intervene kay uperwaldhe Brunhild iam rebell novstu; unte id vreikst, is raubht ud
iam ayso yeusmen ed ays ring, qua is neprabh-ye uperdaht Kriemhild. Poskwo reict is sien vatan
con sien esor.
Dec yars serter, Siegfried ed Kriemhild reike Worms quer un violent faydh mox udbrehct inter bo
rayns. Brunhild kalt sienu nanander un slougu - en Island, Siegfried hieb-se samiht/samihn uni
vassal Gunther - bet ia bihti tayciht/taycihn quando Kriemhild ay deict id yeusmen ed id ringo qua
buir raubht/raubhen ud iam unte id nuptial noct, ed sa accuset iam in public ob esus ia "samlyogh"
Siegfrieds. Humilyet/humilyen, Brunhild mimehnti de kwines, ed Hagen promitt hehlpe iam. Sib
uddreughus ke iaswo Kriemhild ei deict id saul stet quer Siegfried hat remant/remanen vulnerable,
so organiset, con Gunthers dehbhen, un saydpartie do id Odenwald ed gaddar-ye neict Siegfried.
Ant id nayvo sienios mann, Kriemhild heult sien haines contra iens maurdhers. Yed ia dehlgiet
intizare unte long yars pre ghehde kwines.
Tod desire accepteihti iam id prehscen Etzels (Attila), roy im Huns. Ia gwaht Hunland ed snumpt
Etzel quay gehnt un son, Ortlieb. Bet ia ne hat myohrst/myohrsen Siegfried, ed sib udprehct ud
Etzel kem invitet iens burgund roys. Nespekent Hagens warnens, toy accepte id invitation, ed
kwohryent ir itner esdi ias nigvas ios Danube ibs hant mohldt/mohlden id fat quod menacet iens.
Arrivet/arriven do Etzelburg, iesmen bihnt gostprimt/gostprimen ab iomswo Etzel, bet hol in
Kriemhilds wekwos ed sulouk ibs isnaht ad remane nastraj; Hagen de ingant exaspere Kriemhild
med sien insolent gurur. Quan is mantht ies ambikwols iom Burgunds buir massacret/massacren, is
tehmt id cap os Kriemhilds yun son, ed ia katus udbrehge. Ia sensta six aventures relate long-ye id
heroyic resistence ies Burgunds oppone ibs repetiht/repetihn hajoums iren peinds. Fin-ye etileikwnt
gwiv ye id burgund gon tik Gunther ed Hagen. Vict/vicen ep ir roig ab Dietrich von Bern
(Theodericus os Verona), bihnt gvohnt/gvohnen ab Kriemhild, quaswo biht nict/nicen af
Hildebrand, Dietrichs vassal. Im rar survivers tik etileikwt riudes diu i mortus.

Solution os exercice 4 :

Uper id TCP protocol, different complexer protocols daughent pro id functionment om certain
services behandet ep Internet. Leit mathalan de id SMTP protocol pro Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol quod, kam dict ab sieno nam, est un communicationsprotocol quod permitt id transfer iom
blixbrevs do ia servers os messaging. Maght kathalika lites de protocols permittend id smyehren om
datias ex neuder do neuder (saygen "par ad par", peer-to-peer auti P2P).
Leit, dar skauner, de id HTTP protocol pro "HyperTexte Transfer Protocol", nuden webbrowsers
kay accedde ia servers mathmounend data. Id HTTP protocol buit concept ab Tim Berners-Lee in
1990 menxu is orbiet in id CERN, quo iom beuwt iom magn inventor ios Wiswenweb.

Solution os exercice 5 :

{id ramsUnd grE:vën habyEt Ezën tyItsën tsIrkum mil trIdjim ed dëpinkt :
1. sigUrd ki sed(t) nOgwo klAos id Ogun pE:kund id Ogvikërd, eks fAfnir, pro syen fOstër-
pAtër rëdjIn, ki est fAfnirs brAtër. id kerd në lakIn bad mustAor, ed kun sigUrd tU:tcët id, is
prÖsti së ed sneykt syen fIngër do syen sto:m. DjÖzus ogvyAzërng, is biprEtët id avënkAn.
2. i avs saydj rëdjIn nyet gwüps syen promIs os rëkontsilyatyOn sOntërn peytsyEt nItsës
sigUrd, kwo yom pusIrt ad dzantcU : rëgIn.
3. rëgIn est mOrtu nyeb syen wi kap, eys kovatcalAts kwOmëd is rëfOrdjit sigUrds Eynso sont
skEdën amb yom.
4. sigUrds Ekwo grAni bi:t bëklAdën med id ogvikUdzd
5. prEvër wAkya kun sigUrd gvo:n fAfnir.}

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