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I From N4essiah

Revelation l¡:15. l9:6. l6 Ceorge Frideric Handel


Hal - le- lu-jahl Ha¡ - le- lu-jahl llal- le - lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jahl Hal- le lu-jah,

Hal - le- lu-jahl Hal - le- lu-jahl Hal- le - lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jahl Hal - le lu-jah,

Hal - le- lu-jah! Hal - le- lu-.iahl Hal- le - lu-.iahl Hal-le-lu'jahl Hal - le lu-jah,

Bass a- #,
Hal - le- lu-jahl Hal - le- lu-jahl Hal-le - lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jahl Hal - le lu-.iah,

Hal - le- lu-jah. Hal - le- lu-.,ah. Hal-le - lu-jah, Hal-le- lu- jah. Ilal - le - lu - jah. lbr rhe Lord

Ilal - l§- lu-jah, Ha¡ - le- lu- jah. Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal - le lu- jah, for the Lord

Hal - le- lu-jah, Hal - le- Iu- jah, Hal-le- ¡u-jah. Hal-le- ¡u- jah, Hal - le lu- jah, for the Lord

Hal - le- lu-jah, Hal " le- lu'.iah. Hal-¡e - lu-jah, llal-le-lu- jah, Ha¡ - le - lu - jah. for the Lord

God Om'ni - po-tent re¡gn - eth, Hal-le - lu- jah, Halle- lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah,

Cod Om- ni - po-tent reign - eth. Hal-le- lu-.iah, Ha¡-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, for the Lord

t' Jl-t

CodOm-ni - po-lent reign - eth. Hal-le- lu-jah, tlal-le- lu-jah, Ilal-¡e - lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, for the Lord


CodOm-ni - po-tent reign - cth, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-lc - lu-.iah, llal¡e-lu-jah. fbr úe Lord

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Hal-¡e- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah. Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, for the Lord

Cod -ni - po-tent .e¡gn - eth, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah. Hal-le- lu-jah. llal-le-lu-jah,


Cod Om-ni - po-tent reign - eth, Halle- lu-jah, Ilal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lujah, Hal- le-


Cod Om-ni - po-tent reign - eth. Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah,

Cod On1-ni po- tent re¡gn eth, Hal- le - lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu

llal- le - luia\yal-le- ¡u - jah, Hal - le - lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah, Hal - le- lu

lu-jah, Hal - Ie - lu- jah,Hal-le lu jah, Hal - Ie - lu-jah, for the Lord


¡lal- le - lu- jah, for thc Lord


ja¡, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal - le lu - jah, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal-le- lu - jah, Hal- le- lu- jah,

jah. Hal-le- lu-jah,Hal¡e lu jah. Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal- le - lu - jah,


Cod Om - ri po- tenl rcrgn eth, Hal-le- lu- jah, Hal- le- lu - jah, Hal- le- lu- jah,

Cod Om - ni po- lent rcrSn eth. Hal-le - lu - jah, Hal-le- lu-jah,

Public Domain


Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-lu-jah. Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah.Hal le lu jah Ha¡

tbr the Lord (;od 'nt po - tent r§r8ll eth. Hal- le- lu-jah,

T, rñ§ l_ r
lbr the Lord Cod Om - ni po - tenl rcrgn eth Hal -


Hal-le - lu-jah, Hal-le - lu- jah, Hal-le - lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah,Hal- l€ - lu-jah, HaL le -


le - lu - jah! I hc King- dom of this world is be - come the King- dom of our Lord and of His

Hal- le - lu jah! The King-dom of this world is -be - come the King- dom of our Lord and of His

le lu- jah! The Kirg- dom ol- this world is be - come lhe King-dom of our Lord and of His

luj4lllalle - lu-jahl The King- dom of this world is be - come lhe King-dom of our Lord and of His



Christ. and of His Christ.

Chr¡st. and of His Chr¡sr,

Christ. and of H¡s Chrisl and He shall re¡gn for ev - €r and ev

Chrisl, and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ev-er and ev - er tbr ev- er and ev - er. and He shall

Public Domain


and He shall reign for


and He shall reign for ev - er and ev er, forev-er, and ev-er, for ev - er and

ef. and He shall reign for ev - €r and ev and He shall reign forev-er and


reign, and He shall reign for ev-er, for ev-er and ev-er, for ev-er and ev-er for ev - er, fotev-er and


er, King of K¡ngs, and Lord of Lords,

,- -1r ---
i-r z___--'l I
ev- er, King of Kings and Lord of Lords

T, F

for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah, for ev- er and


for ev- er and ev- er. Hal-le-lu-jah. Hal-le - lu-jah, for ev- er and


King of Kings, and Lord of


for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah,


Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-iah. for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah,


Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah, fbr ev- er and ev- er. Ilal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah,

Public Donlain



Lords, King of Kings.

forev-er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-

for ev- er a¡d ev- er. Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le - lu-jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-


forev-er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le- ¡u-jah, for ev- er and ev- er, Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal-le-


and Lord of Lords, and Lord of Lords. and tle shall reign, and

lu-jah. King of K¡ngs and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign, and He shall


lu-jah. Kingof Kings and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign, and He shall reign,

¡u-jah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for er and ev


He shall reign for €r and ev er. for ev-er and ev-er,

relgn for ev er and ov er. K¡ng of Kings for ev- er and ev-er, and Lord of

and H€ shall reign for ev er and ev King of Kings and Lord of

ll ffi
and He shall reign for ev- er and ev - er, King of Kings, for ev-er and ev-er, and Lord of

Public Domain

S, J,-¡t--a-- .U-a

Hal-lelu-iah, Hal{e- lu:¡ah, and He shall re¡gn for ev - er, for ev- er and ev - er King of Kings, and Lord of

Lords, Hal-l€lu-jah, Halle-lu-jah, and He shall reign for ey-er and ev - er, King of Kings, and Lord of

Lords, and He shall r€¡gn for ev - er, for ev- er and ev - er, King of Kings, ard Lord of

Lords, Hal-le¡u-iah, Halle- lu-jah, and He shall reign for ev - er, for ev- er and ev _ er, K¡ng of Kings, and Lord of


a a

Lords. King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ev- er and ev - er, King of

Lords, King of K¡ngs, and Lord of Lords. and H€ shall reign for sv- er and ev er- for ev- el and


Lords, King of Kings. and Lord of Lords, and He shall r€ign for ev- er and ev er, tbr ev- er and

Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall re¡gn for ev - er, for ev_ er and ev - er, for ev- er and



Kings and Lord of Lords, Hal-le-lu- jahl Hal-le- lu-jahl Hat{e-¡u-jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal - le - lu - jah!


ev- er, for ev-er and ev-er. Hal-le-lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le- lu-jahl Hal- le - lu - jah!

ev- er, for ev-er and ev- er, Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal-le-lu-jah! Hal-le- lu-jahl Hal- le - lu - jahl

u. |-r-
ev- er, for ev-er a¡d ev- er, Hal-le-lu- jah! Hal-le- lu-jahl Hal-le-lu-jahl Hal-le- lu-jah! Hal - le - lu - jahl

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