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Prospects and Challenges for Sustainable Sanitation in Developed Nations: A

Critical Review

Article  in  Environmental Reviews · June 2014

DOI: 10.1139/er-2013-0082

26 992

1 author:

Edwin Brands
University of Minnesota Morris


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Prospects and challenges for sustainable sanitation in
developed nations: a critical review
Edwin Brands
Environ. Rev. Downloaded from nrcresearchpress.com by UNIV OF MINNESOTA AT MORRIS on 05/21/14

Abstract: Serious sanitation challenges are not confined to developing nations. Infrastructure costs, nutrient losses and related
ubiquitous surface water impairments, energy demands, and sludge disposal problems have led many to question the long-term
sustainability of conventional centralized sanitation in developed nations. Such concerns have resulted in the development of
a body of literature and practices aimed at making sanitation more sustainable. This paper has two major aims: (i) provide a
representative multidisciplinary (including engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences) synthesis of literature on sustain-
able sanitation in developed nations over the past 15 years, and (ii) raise consciousness of sustainable sanitation approaches in
regions and disciplines where this area of inquiry has at least partly been neglected. Literature included in the review was
identified by searching the ISI Web of Knowledge and by “mining” key review papers that already synthesized literature on
topics such as ecological sanitation, excreta as fertilizer, and wastewater reuse. The sustainability challenges faced by conven-
tional sanitation are discussed first, followed by a review of efforts in two major areas of sustainable sanitation: (i) incremental
improvements to conventional centralized sanitation, and (ii) source separation and decentralization (SSD). Based on the
literature review, there does not appear to be a perfect solution to the sanitation challenges (e.g., water use and pollution,
greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient and micropollutant releases) faced by society. Compared with SSD, there is a much broader
knowledge base on the construction, operation, and maintenance of conventional sanitation systems. And there are significant
opportunities for incremental improvements (e.g., reduction of water, energy use), but also significant drawbacks such as the
costs of maintaining ageing infrastructure and the mixing of domestic, storm, and industrial effluents. On the other hand, SSD
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is conceptually promising, and significant progress has been made over the last two decades in basic research and in exploring
various SSD models. But SSD is still in its relative infancy: literature and pilot projects are regionally limited and significant
logistical, behavioral, regulatory, and other challenges remain. Contributions that meaningfully address sanitation “software”
or social perspectives are, therefore, urgently needed from social science fields including economics, policy, and behavioral
psychology. Progress toward achieving sustainable sanitation can be aided by addressing four major areas: (i) defining sustain-
ability goals and benchmarks, (ii) raising societal awareness of sanitation problems, (iii) broadening the societal and geographical
scope of the research, and (iv) more thoroughly exploring barriers to adapting or changing sanitation systems.

Key words: sanitation, source separation, developed nations, sustainability.

Résumé : Les problèmes sanitaires graves ne sont pas confinés aux pays en développement. Les coûts en infrastructures, les
pertes de nutriments et les dégradations des eaux de surface ubiquistes qui leurs sont reliées, ainsi que les demandes en énergie
et les problèmes d’élimination des boues résiduelles, en ont conduit plus d’un à s’interroger sur la durabilité à long terme des
traitements sanitaires centralisés dans les pays développés. De telles préoccupations ont engendré une abondante littérature des
pratiques visant à rendre l’assainissement plus durable. Cette revue vise deux objectifs principaux : (i) présenter une synthèse
multidisciplinaire de la littérature (incluant l’ingénierie, les sciences naturelles et les sciences sociales) sur l’assainissement
durable dans les pays développés au cours des 15 dernières années, et (ii) une sensibilisation aux approches d’assainissement
durable dans les régions et les disciplines où ce champ de recherche a été au moins partiellement négligé. L’auteur a identifié la
littérature citée en parcourant le ISI Web of Knowledge et en suivant la piste de revues ayant déjà synthétisé la littérature sur des
sujets tels que l’assainissement écologique, les excréments et les fertilisants ainsi que la recyclage de l’eau. On discute d’abord
les défis à la durabilité posés par l’assainissement conventionnel, avant de revoir les efforts dans deux secteurs majeurs de
l’assainissement sanitaire : (i) améliorations progressives à l’assainissement centralisé conventionnel, et (ii) séparation à la
source et décentralisation (SSD). Sur la base de cette revue de la littérature, il ne semble pas y avoir de solution parfaite aux défis
de l’assainissement (p. ex. l’utilisation de l’eau et la pollution, l’émission de gaz à effets de serre, le relâchement de nutriments
et de micropolluants). Comparativement à la SSD, on retrouve une base de connaissances beaucoup plus étendue sur la
construction, la gestion et l’entretien des systèmes d’assainissement conventionnels. Mais il y a d’importantes opportunités
d’améliorations progressives (p. ex. réduction de l’utilisation de l’eau et de l’énergie), mais également des désavantages comme
les coûts pour maintenir des infrastructures âgées et le mélange des effluents domestiques, des égouts de surface ainsi
qu’industriels. D’autre part, la SSD est conceptuellement prometteuse et des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés au cours des
deux dernières décennies en terme de recherche de base et d’exploration de divers modèles de SSD. Mais la SSD n’en est qu’à ses
tout débuts : la littérature et les projets pilotes sont régionalement limités et il reste beaucoup à faire en terme de logistique, de
comportement et autres défis à relever. Il y a donc un urgent besoin pour des contributions visant de façon significative les
“logiciels” ou perspectives sociales, provenant des champs des sciences sociales incluant l’économie, la réglementation et la

Received 17 December 2013. Accepted 4 April 2014.

E. Brands. Environmental Studies Program, University of Minnesota Morris, 600 East 4th Street, Morris, MN 56267, USA.
E-mail for correspondence: ebrands@umn.edu.

Environ. Rev. 22: 1–18 (2014) dx.doi.org/10.1139/er-2013-0082 Published at www.nrcresearchpress.com/er on 7 April 2014.
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psychologie du comportement. On pourra assurer le progrès vers l’assainissement durable en s’adressant à quatre champs
majeurs : (i) définir les objectifs et les références, (ii) soulever la conscience sociale au sujet de l’assainissement, (iii) élargir la
portée de la recherche sociétale et géographique, et (iv) en explorer plus à fond les barrières à l’adaptation ou aux changements
des systèmes d’assainissement. [Traduit par la Rédaction]

Mots-clés : assainissement, séparation à la source, pays développés, durabilité.

1. Introduction daunting sustainability challenges of our time (Boyle et al. 2010;

Guest et al. 2009; Rockström et al. 2009; Galloway et al. 2008;
Sanitation and sustainable sanitation
Childers et al. 2011; Schwarzenbach et al. 2010; Focazio et al. 2008).
To address contemporary sanitation dilemmas, we must con-
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There are increasing efforts to bring sanitation into an inte-

sider the involved technologies and institutions; linkages to food,
grated urban water management (IUWM) framework to increase
nutrient, water, and carbon cycles; environmental impacts; social
communication and cooperation among often separately man-
and cultural dimensions; questions of governance; and the roles
aged drinking water, wastewater, and storm water systems and
of myriad stakeholders in the process of sanitation (van Vliet et al.
reconnect with the absorptive capacities of local and regional
2011). Common definitions (see, for example, the Oxford English
environments (Mitchell 2006; Burn et al. 2012). IUWM and other
Dictionary, Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary, or Collins
holistic approaches to water management were at least in part
American English Dictionary) refer to sanitation as the process of
inspired by the seminal work of Wolman (1965) on re-examining
promoting human health by keeping places clean and hygienic,
the city as an organism with metabolic flows of materials, water,
particularly by providing a wastewater treatment system and
energy, and nutrients. But despite these efforts, conventional san-
clean water supply. They leave out the regulation and financing of
itation has often been operated as if it is simply a part of the urban
such systems, the interactions between various sanitation stake-
drainage system — a way to get rid of unneeded or unwanted
holders, and the fact that valuable resources are contained in
wastes (van Vliet 1996; Butler and Davies 2011; Beck 2013).
excreta. Source separation and decentralization (SSD) is a rela-
This paper has three major aims: (i) provide a representative
tively new sanitation paradigm that offers more efficient recovery
multidisciplinary (including engineering, natural sciences, and
of valuable resources from human excreta without copious use of
water. In part because both SSD and wastewater reclamation pro- social sciences) synthesis of literature on sustainable sanitation in
grams require at least the perception of more interaction with our developed nations over the past 15 years, (ii) evaluate progress and
challenges for achieving sustainable sanitation in developed na-
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excreta, recent work in these areas underscores the importance of

social science perspectives and multidisciplinary cooperation in tions, and (iii) raise consciousness of sustainable sanitation ap-
order for continued progress to be made in the area of sustainable proaches in regions and disciplines where this area of inquiry has
sanitation. at least partly been neglected. First, the process of conventional
Sustainable sanitation can be defined as a means of cycling sanitation is reviewed, and challenges for the long-term sustain-
human excrement that has no net negative impact — or even a ability of conventional sanitation are discussed. Then the two
positive impact — on local and global resources. Can sustainable major thrusts to achieve sustainable sanitation are addressed:
sanitation be achieved via incremental improvements upon con- (i) incremental improvements to conventional sanitation, or waste-
ventional sanitation? Or is it only possible via a paradigm shift? water treatment as renewable resource recovery, and (ii) the adop-
Varis and Somlyódy (1997) note that, if implemented perfectly, tion of a new sanitation paradigm of SSD. Following a section
conventional urban sanitation could be sustainable. This would emphasizing the importance of social science contributions to
require high-skilled labor, steady capital investments within a stable sustainable sanitation efforts, the paper concludes with a discus-
socio-economic situation, closed material cycles, self-sufficient en- sion of four major areas for future work to help maintain momen-
ergy production, and no harmful releases to the environment. On tum for sustainable sanitation: (i) defining sustainability goals and
the other hand, Butler and Parkinson (1997) argue that wastewater benchmarks, (ii) raising societal awareness of sanitation prob-
treatment cannot be sustainable because it is a stopgap measure lems, (iii) broadening the societal and geographical scope of re-
for dealing with overconsumption. Similarly, Bracken et al. (2006) search, and (iv) more thoroughly exploring barriers to adapting or
contend that the modern wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) changing sanitation systems.
and accompanying infrastructure, like the Roman Cloaca Max-
ima, is an emergency solution.
2. Methods
Chen and Beck (1997) distinguish between strong sustainability, Most of the articles and book chapters selected for inclusion
which allows for no deterioration of the natural environment, were identified through two major strategies: (i) by searching the
and weak sustainability, which “…allows an inferior quality of the Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection, and (ii) by “min-
natural environment to be passed on, provided this loss is offset ing” key review papers that already synthesized literature on topics
by an increase in other stock, such as roads, infrastructure…” such as ecological sanitation, excreta as fertilizer, and wastewater
(p. 100). They assert that weak sustainability is not an appropriate reuse. Several sets of keywords such as sustainable + sanitation
guide for freshwater resource management. Judging whether a and human + urine + fertilizer were used in the search process
particular approach to sanitation is sustainable (strong or weak) (additional search terms included energy recovery + wastewater,
requires the establishment of sustainability benchmarks, which wastewater + micropollutants, economics + sanitation, wastewa-
to some degree may be context dependent but should be linked to ter + reuse, and many others; several of the initial search terms
the major sustainability challenges identified below. can be found in the section headings below). This initial set of
Whereas sanitation issues in many developing nations are fo- results was then narrowed by selecting only those articles that
cused on providing access to some form of improved sanitation, were relevant to human sanitation, written by authors from de-
major concerns with sanitation in highly urbanized developed veloped nations, and focused on developed country contexts
nations center on the impacts of conventional centralized sanita- (some minor exceptions were made to the developed country fo-
tion, which is the most prevalent approach in these nations. Wa- cus; for example, because okra is commonly cultivated in some
ter and energy use; releases of reactive nitrogen, phosphorus, developed nations, work done on urine-fertilized okra cultivation
pharmaceuticals, and other micropollutants; and greenhouse gas in Nigeria was included). Table 1 illustrates the selection process
emissions link conventional centralized sanitation to many of the for the keywords human + urine + fertilizer. After this initial

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Table 1. Selection process for articles using Thomson Reuters Web of combined or partially combined and susceptible to overflows dur-
Science. ing precipitation events. Conventional sanitation sends a signifi-
Database cant proportion of nutrients downstream into the atmosphere or
into landfills, with only a small proportion recycled back to
Web of agriculture. Nutrients must then be replaced by external inputs.
Science core Because there are direct links between treatment plant and storm-
Selection criteria collection SCI-EXP SSCI water effluents and surface waters, aquatic organisms and hu-
Keywords: human + urine + fertilizer 89 87 3 mans in downstream cities are also at risk of exposure to trace
Relevant to human sanitation 73 71 3 amounts of pharmaceuticals and personal care products from up-
Developed nation in country/territory field 50 49 2 stream cities’ effluent (Ternes et al. 2004; Werner et al. 2009).
Study done in developed nation context 46 45 1
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Note: SCI-EXP, Science Citation Index-Expanded; SSCI, Social Sciences Cita-

3.1. Wastewater
tion Index. Wastewater (or sewage) is a combination of domestic (Table 2),
commercial, and industrial effluents and often inflow/infiltration.
It can generally be described as a large volume of water containing
selection process, the list of identified articles was further nar- low concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus and organic mat-
rowed, as even after the selection process there were articles that ter (chemical and biological oxygen demand), and trace concen-
were not immediately relevant to the paper’s focus, or whose trations of numerous industrial, household, and other trace or
inclusion would result in unnecessary redundancy. micropollutants (Butler and Davies 2011). Domestic wastewater
The second step in literature selection consisted of adding rel- itself is a combination of greywater (shower, bath, sink) and ex-
evant articles from the citations of those reviewed in step 1. Once creta (feces and urine), and contributes mainly nontoxic wastes
these articles were located and summarized, a general outline was (organic matter, nutrients, pathogens), whereas industry is the
constructed based on the clustering of articles into two general most common source of toxic substances (e.g., metals, volatile
categories (source separation vs. incremental changes to conven- organic compounds) in wastewater (Bitton 2011). In conventional
tional sanitation), and then into subcategories (e.g., water recovery, sanitation, wastewater is most commonly treated at one central-
energy recovery, economics) within the two general categories. In ized plant, a series of distributed centralized plants (e.g., New
the process of writing the individual paper sections, it was occa- York City), or a combination of upstream water reclamation
sionally necessary to locate, consult, and include additional refer- plants and downstream solids processing plants (e.g., Los Angeles)
ences to provide context or to provide important details such as (Tchobanoglous and Leverenz 2013). It should be noted that waste-
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the composition of wastewater or the proportion of nutrients water flow rates and contaminant concentrations are not con-
that could be recovered using various wastewater treatment stant and exhibit significant diurnal fluctuations (such as during
methods. Finally, Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater morning showers and toilet flushes) and other temporal varia-
Management (edited by Larsen et al. 2013) was published and be- tions that must be taken into account in system design and ad-
came available during the writing of this paper, and several chap- justments at the treatment plant (Butler and Davies 2011).
ters from this comprehensive volume are cited throughout. The
overarching goal of the paper was to produce a representative 3.2. Wastewater treatment
rather than comprehensive review of the sustainable sanitation Wastewater systems (Fig. 2) begin with sewer connections be-
literature. It is acknowledged that the search process discussed tween households, industry, and institutions and sewer main
above likely provides only a broad overview of the sustainable pipes, although industrial plants often have their own treatment
sanitation knowledge developed in the past 15 years. or pretreatment processes. As it enters the treatment plant, waste-
To investigate assertions by authors of several papers (e.g., Van water is initially run through a screen with 1 cm or smaller open-
Vliet et al. 2011) that the sanitation literature is dominated by ings to remove large floating debris. As the flow of the stream is
natural sciences and engineering disciplines, the process de- slowed, a series of holding chambers allow successively smaller
scribed in step 1 above was conducted separately on the Social sinkable solids to settle, at which point they are removed from the
Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and the Science Citation Index- process as grit and primary sludge. Biological treatment is the
Expanded (SCI-EXP). A brief analysis of results of two keyword most common method of reducing organic matter concentrations
searches appears to support the idea that social sciences are rela- in wastewater (secondary treatment). Aerobic activated sludge
tively underrepresented when it comes to sanitation and sustain- systems are the most common and consist of aerated basins in
able sanitation. A search for the keywords sustainable + sanitation which aerobic bacteria and other microorganisms are suspended
in SCI-EXP (2002–2013) yielded 283 results, whereas an identical and encouraged to grow, binding up the majority of the organic
search in the SSCI yielded 102 results. A more extreme case is matter in biomass (new microorganisms). Next, wastewater flows
illustrated by the results of searching the keywords human + into the secondary clarifier where microorganism-rich activated
urine + fertilizer, in which the SCI-EXP search yielded 87 results, sludge settles to the bottom and is partially recycled back into the
and the SSCI search yielded only three (Table 1). aeration tanks. Phosphorus may be removed during primary
treatment via chemical precipitation or during secondary treat-
3. Conventional sanitation ment via biological precipitation; in either case, unless a separate
Conventional sanitation is typically described beginning at the phosphorus removal process is implemented, precipitated phos-
point of excretion or discharge of wastes into the sewer pipes and phorus ends up in sludge. Nitrogen is most often removed biolog-
ending with the discharge of effluent from WWTPs. However, ically via nitrification (ammonia¡nitrate) and denitrification
sanitation is linked to many processes upstream from the toilet (nitrate¡nitrogen gas released to atmosphere). In some cases,
and downstream from the treatment plant outfall (Fig. 1, Werner advanced treatment (e.g., reverse osmosis, distillation, electrodi-
et al. 2009). In other words, the quality of the influent wastewater alysis, ion exchange, ultra filtration) is necessary to remove dis-
is intimately linked to the substances we consume (e.g., food, solved inorganic, organic contaminants, or pathogens remaining
detergents, pharmaceuticals, personal care products) and those in secondary effluent. In some European nations, 4th step treat-
substances produced and consumed as part of our industrial soci- ment is being considered for the purpose of targeting micropollut-
ety (e.g., metals, acids, solvents, organic pollutants). Figure 1 de- ants such as pharmaceuticals. Disinfection (to eliminate remaining
picts a system in which stormwater and sewage are separated, but microorganisms prior to discharge) via chlorine, ozone, ultravio-
many wastewater systems in the United States and Europe are let radiation, or other methods is often the final treatment step.

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Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of conventional sanitation. Arrows are nonquantitative representations of resource (water, nutrients, organic
matter) flows associated with conventional sanitation and connected processes. Adapted from Werner et al. (2009), with permission from
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Table 2. Typical major components of untreated domestic wastewater. pipe connecting private buildings and industries to the public
Concentration (mg/L) sewers (US EPA 2010a).
Despite recent innovations in pipe repair technologies, there is
Contaminants High Medium Low a growing backlog of necessary repairs to existing systems. The US
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 350 190 110 EPA (2008) estimated capital investment needs at nearly $300 bil-
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 800 430 250 lion over the next two decades for wastewater and stormwater
Organic nitrogen 25 15 8 infrastructure. Many older cities in the United States and Europe
Ammonia-nitrogen 45 25 12 have combined sewer systems that carry both wastewater and
Total nitrogen 70 40 20 stormwater, resulting in thousands of combined sewer overflows
Total phosphorus 12 7 4 annually — over 900 permitted combined sewer overflows out-
Total solids 1230 720 390 falls still exist in New York State alone (NYDEC 2013). The total
Suspended solids 400 210 120 value of wastewater infrastructure is difficult to estimate because
Chlorides 90 50 30 of continual updates, repairs, and expansions and because bene-
Sulfate 50 30 20 fits to and impacts on receiving waters, air, and land are difficult
Oil and grease 100 90 50 to quantify (Maurer 2013; Guest et al. 2009).
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) >400 100–400 <100
Total coliform (No./100 mL) 107–1010 107–109 106–108 4. Sustainability challenges for conventional
Cryptosporidium oocysts (No./100 mL) 10−1–102 10−1–101 10−1–100
Note: From Tchobanouglous et al. (2003), Table 3-15 with permission from
McGraw Hill Inc. 4.1. Conflicting objectives
Conflict among changing objectives is one of the overarching
sustainability challenges for conventional sanitation. The first ob-
Additional processes (such as infiltration, land application, and jective is protecting and maintaining (human) community health;
filtering via constructed wetlands) may help polish wastewater a second objective, environmental protection, came somewhat
before it is discharged into surface waters (Tchobanoglous et al. later (1960s and after); and a third objective, resource recovery and
2003; US EPA 2004a). sustainability, is the most recent (Butler and Parkinson 1997;
Delleur 2003). The first objective has, in large part, been met by
3.3. Wastewater infrastructure conventional sanitation. However, if human excreta continue to
About 16 000 wastewater treatment systems serve approxi- be viewed as “…worthless waste to be disposed of…” and the
mately 70% of the US population, with the remainder served by design of wastewater treatment infrastructure continues to re-
decentralized systems such as septic tanks (US EPA 2010a; flect this view, achieving the second and especially the third ob-
Tchobanoglous and Leverenz 2013). In Europe, the proportion of jective will be daunting (Bracken et al. 2006, p. 225). A significant
the population connected to wastewater treatment facilities shift will be necessary to overcome this “urine blindness” and
ranges from 7% (Macedonia) to 99% (UK), with the majority of fully embrace the ecological sanitation era (Drangert 1998; Ashley
nations between 50% and 80% connected (Eurostat 2011). In the et al. 2011).
United States alone, there are over 740 000 miles of pipes and Most historical human settlements and even modern urban
more than 12 million manhole fixtures associated with public areas in developed nations (e.g., Paris until the early 20th century)
wastewater systems, and another 500 000 miles of lateral sewer recycled a significant proportion of human excreta and derived

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Fig. 2. Typical aerobic wastewater treatment system, representative of many wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) found in Europe and the
United States, although many other configurations exist. Adapted from Tchobanoglous et al. (2003), with permission from McGraw Hill Inc.
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nutrients and organic matter back into agricultural systems The precise composition of sludge or biosolids is rarely known,
(Ashley et al. 2011; Barles 2007). However, excreta disposal and and human health risks associated with land application of bio-
recycling methods (e.g., night soil collection) of this period did not solids are believed to be low. However, health impacts of biosolids
prevent pollution of local waters or propagation of devastating application have been reported. In one study, up to 25% of people
waterborne diseases. The installation of sewers and centralized living near sites where Class B biosolids were spread had serious
WWTPs was a major driving force in reducing mortality in and Staphylococcus aureus infections, which contributed to the deaths of
increasing the general viability of urban areas (Melosi 2008). For two of the 48 individuals in the study (Lewis and Gattie 2002). The
example, Ferrie and Troesken (2008) attribute up to half of the US National Research Council (2002) recommended establish-
60% reduction in mortality in Chicago between 1850 and 1925 to ment of a tracking system for health effects of exposure to land
water purification efforts. On the other hand, waterborne sewer- applied biosolids, but such a mechanism appears not to have been
age contributed to many problems (such as eutrophication of re- developed.
ceiving waters and copious use of water) and effectively ended In Europe the proportion of sludge or digested sludge diverted
cycling of organic matter and nutrients back to agriculture. to agriculture varies from zero (Slovakia, Slovenia, the Nether-
The history of phosphorus reuse in Linköping, Sweden (Table 3), lands) to 75% (Cyprus) and nearly 100% (Bulgaria, Iceland, Malta)
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illustrates the shift in emphasis from recycling nutrients (1870 with the majority of European nations applying between 10% and
and 1900) to protecting public health via waterborne sewerage 60% of sludge to agricultural lands (Eurostat 2011). The US EPA
(1950) to protecting public health and water quality (1975 and (2012) estimates 50% of biosolids generated in the United States
2000). Phosphorus reuse declined precipitously from 85% in 1870 are applied to agricultural lands. Aside from spreading on ag-
to only 5% in 1950 with flush toilet implementation. Reuse of ricultural lands, other options for dealing with sludge include
phosphorus slowly recovered to approximately 20% in 2000 after incineration, landfilling, energy recovery, composting, and use of
construction of a sewage treatment plant in the 1960s allowed for incineration ash in concrete and brick (Wang et al. 2008). Discov-
capture of the majority of phosphorus from wastewater. The late ery of elevated concentrations of brominated fire retardants and
1980s sludge boycott by farmers, however, largely thwarted ef- metals in sludge-applied soils in Sweden fueled an active contro-
forts to reuse the majority of phosphorus contained in sewage versy and subsequent refusal by many farmers to apply sludge to
sludge (Neset et al. 2010). their fields. This significantly restricted the use of sludge in Swed-
ish agriculture (Bengtsson and Tillman 2004).
4.2. The weight of wastewater
Xu et al. (2010) classify sanitation as one of several interrelated 4.4. Nutrient losses
urban infrastructure gigaton problems (along with climate Approximately 25 Tg/year of reactive nitrogen is consumed in
change, energy and water shortages, water contamination, and food by humans; virtually all of this is excreted and lost to the air,
food security) in need of significant attention. Compared with soil, or water (Galloway et al. 2008). There is no shortage of ni-
other urban waste streams, wastewater is by far the largest by trogen on earth, but this is not the case with phosphorus. Current
weight: four studies of major cities in the 1990s all found that rates of extraction of nonrenewable phosphate rock are forecast
wastewater comprised 90% or more of total urban wastes (Table 4). to peak by 2035 and effectively exhaust currently known reser-
Developed nations generate a population weighted average of 185 voirs in the next 8–10 decades (Cordell et al. 2011). Increasing
L/capita/day of wastewater (Friedler et al. 2013; US Census Bureau scarcity will likely drive up the price of phosphorus (van Vurren
2013). In the United States, 120 billion L/day of treated municipal et al. 2010). In addition to dramatic improvements in the effi-
wastewater (TMWW) are discharged, 45 billion L of which are ciency of phosphorus use in agriculture and food systems, nearly
discharged into oceans or estuaries (National Research Council 100% recycling in various waste streams (including human excreta
2012). and wastewater) will eventually be required to ensure adequate
phosphorus supplies (Cordell et al. 2011). Despite significant re-
4.3. Sewage sludge and biosolids ductions in effluent nutrient concentrations since the mid 20th
All conventional WWTPs produce sludge and must find some century, wastewater is still an important contributor to eutrophi-
means of reuse or disposal. Dumping of sludge into oceans was cation of lakes, rivers, estuaries, and hypoxic zones at the mouths
phased out by the early 1990s in the United States (via the Marine of many major rivers worldwide (Jarvie et al. 2006; Robertson
Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 and subsequent and Saad 2011; Saeck et al. 2013; Rabalais et al. 2002; Diaz and
amendments) and in Europe via involvement in the Helsinki Con- Rosenberg 2008).
vention and other international agreements (Copeland 2010). In
the United States, digested sewage sludge, or biosolids, is catego- 4.5. Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions
rized either as Class A (no detectable pathogens) or Class B Wastewater accounts for approximately 3% of total US energy
(treated, but detectable pathogens remain). Only Class A biosolids demand; approximately 0.6 Kw/h are required to treat one cubic
may be used as fertilizer in lawns or gardens (Tchobanoglous et al. meter of wastewater, one half of which is required for aeration
2003). basins in aerobic treatment plants (McCarty et al. 2011; US EPA

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Table 3. Phosphorus reuse and loss in Linköping, Sweden, 1870–2000.

Reuse Loss
Year Sanitation method Plant fertilizer Animal feed Hydrosphere Landfill
1870 No sewage, urine collection 70% 15% 14% 0%
1900 No sewage, urine collection 61% 7% 32% 0%
1950 WC, no treatment, urine collection 5% 0% 85% 10%
1975 WC, treatment, sludge as fertilizer 15% 0% 10% 75%
2000 WC, treatment, sludge boycott 20%* 0% 3% 75%
Note: Plant fertilizer in 1870 and 1900 came largely from source-separated urine, whereas plant fertilizer in 1970
and 2000 is a product of sludge via the phosphorus removal unit at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).
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WC, water closet. Data is from Neset et al. 2010.

*70% of the fertilizer in 2000 was used for the energy forest (fuel wood).

Table 4. Wastewater (WW) as a proportion (by weight) of four major cities’ wastes.
Solid Air Total WW %
City Year(s) WW waste emissions weight of total Reference
Hong Kong 1997 102 2 4.8 109 94% Warren-Rhodes and Koenig 2001
Sydney 1990 128 0.8 9.3 138 93% Newman 1999
Toronto 1999 157 0.3 16 174 91% Sahely et al. 2003
Vienna 1990s 144 3 7 154 94% Hendricks et al. 2000
Note: Values for wastewater, solid waste, and air emissions are in tons per capita per year (t/capita/year). Data sources are listed in
the table.

2006). Greenhouse gas emissions associated with wastewater and 4.7. Human health risks
WWTPs occur in all phases of the wastewater process, including Human health risks associated with conventional sanitation
methane emissions from anaerobic decomposition in sewers and systems include (i) pathogen acquisition from direct contact with
sludge, nitrous oxide emissions from nitrification/denitrification, water near wastewater outfalls from systems with primary treat-
carbon dioxide emissions associated with fossil fuel based energy ment only, (ii) pathogen acquisition from ingestion of food that
For personal use only.

consumed in wastewater pumping and treatment and transporta- has been irrigated or fertilized with sewage-derived products,
tion of sludge (Kampschreur et al. 2009; Yusuf et al. 2012; Listowski (iii) inhalation of bacteria and toxics as dust from fields on which
et al. 2011). biosolids have been spread, (iv) ingestion of heavy metal rich
vegetables grown on land irrigated with wastewater products,
4.6. Toxics, metals, and micropollutants (v) inhalation of volatiles and dust from WWTPs, and (vi) reduced
Sewage sludge (or biosolids following treatment) and treated effectiveness of antibiotics due to proliferation of antibiotic resis-
wastewater are the two main sanitation-related sources of toxics, tance genes and antibiotic resistant bacteria (Lewis and Gattie
heavy metals, and micropollutants (␮g/L or lower concentration)
2002; Arora et al. 2008; Cui et al. 2005; Pachepsky et al. 2011;
(Kümmerer 2013; Remy and Jekel 2008; Toze 2006). Wastewater
LaPara et al. 2011; Sterrit and Lester 1980).
treatment processes (such as activated sludge) may remove up to
85% of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (Kasprzk- 5. Wastewater treatment as renewable resource
Hordern et al. 2009). However, Radjenović et al. (2009) found that
most pharmaceutically active compounds were still detected in recovery
sludge applied to farmland and that none of the pharmaceutically Resource recovery from combined wastewater streams does not
active compounds detected in untreated sludge were degraded fit the definition of Chen and Beck (1997) of strong sustainability,
during sludge digestion. Numerous wastewater micropollutants but such practices may meet the threshold of weak sustainability
are frequently detected in WWTP effluents and surface waters in that resource recovery makes conventional sanitation less un-
downstream from WWTP outfalls (Kolpin et al. 2002; Writer et al. sustainable. The literature on making incremental improvements
2013). These include bisphenol A (plasticizer), caffeine (stimulant), to existing WWTPs differs fundamentally from the source separa-
carbamazepine (anti-seizure), codeine (analgesic), fluoxetine tion literature in that the discussion is focused on recovering
(antidepressant) ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory), triclosan (anti- energy, nutrients, and water from commingled, rather than source-
microbial), tetracycline (antibiotic), tri(2-chloroethyl) phosphate separated wastewater streams. Although these three areas are
(fire retardant), and warfarin (anticoagulant). presented below in distinct sections, there are trade-offs between
Partial removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, chemical consump-
from the wastewater stream has been achieved but requires one tion, and the quantity and quality of recovered resources (Foley
or more of the following: increasing hydraulic retention time et al. 2010). Besides energy, nutrients, and water there are many
(e.g., via holding ponds), physical (e.g., sorption) or chemical (e.g., other resources (e.g., metals, biopolymers) that could be recov-
oxidation) methods, or advanced biotechnology (e.g., membrane ered from wastewater and byproducts; however, “a complete list
bioreactor), all of which increase capital costs and possibly the of potentially recoverable products and feedstocks does not cur-
footprint of the WWTP by adding a fourth treatment step (Brandt rently exist” (Water Environment Research Foundation 2011, p. 6).
et al. 2013; Basile et al. 2011). Metals (copper, lead, zinc) tend to
accumulate in agricultural soils amended with biosolids or irri- 5.1. Energy recovery
gated with wastewater. They may be taken up by food crops and Approaches to improving the energy balance in wastewater
other biota and significantly alter soil microbial communities treatment include (i) improving efficiency of treatment plant tech-
(Alloway and Jackson 1991; Kalavrouziotis and Koukoulakis 2012; nology (the US EPA (2010b) provides a comprehensive evaluation
Kelly et al. 1999). Biosolids may also contain and release additional of existing and emerging technologies for reducing energy use in
toxics that were not present in the original sludge, including en- pumping, aeration, treatment, and solids processing at WWTPs),
dotoxins from gram negative bacteria and volatiles such as am- (ii) generating energy from the wastewater stream via methane
monia and sulfides (Lewis and Gattie 2002). recovery, (iii) recovering latent heat for use in heating and cooling

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buildings, (iv) reusing wastewater as fertilizer (i.e., nutrient recov- energy is required to accomplish nitrogen recovery in duckweed
ery) to reduce fossil fuel use in extracting and producing nitrogen ponds than is required for nitrogen removal via conventional
and phosphorus fertilizers, (v) switch to anaerobic treatment pro- nitrification-denitrification (Mulder 2003). However, a much larger
cesses, (vi) move to smaller decentralized treatment plants to re- area is needed to remove an equivalent amount of nitrogen, and
duce energy needed to pump wastewater up-gradient for reuse, duckweed ponds would likely not be active year-round in cold
and (vii) reduce the volume of water entering the WWTP (as well as climates.
demand for potable water) by installing water conserving fixtures
(according to Proença et al. (2011) such an approach in Florianopo- 5.3. Water conservation and reclamation
lis, Brazil, could result in saving up to 4 GWh of electricity annu- Numerous means of conserving water exist in society and gen-
ally, enough to power more than 1200 dwellings) (Guest et al. erally fall into three major categories: (i) substitution, (ii) reducing
2009; McCarty et al. 2011). water use, and (iii) reclaiming and reusing water. The term substi-
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Given currently widely installed aerobic treatment technolo- tution refers to such practices as rainwater and stormwater har-
gies, onsite generation (from methane) of one fourth to one half of vesting for use in toilet flushing or irrigation (Grant et al. 2012).
energy requirements may be possible. There is significant un- Water use reduction may be accomplished by improving water
tapped potential here: of the more than 500 US WWTPs of suffi- system efficiency (i.e., repairing leaks), improving water use effi-
cient size to employ combined heat and power generation, only ciency (e.g., low flow fixtures), or by eliminating water use cate-
approximately 20% generate electricity or heat from onsite meth- gories (e.g., replacement of irrigated turf grass in arid regions)
ane (US EPA 2007; McCarty et al. 2011). According to Rittmann (Grant et al. 2012). Over the past several decades, numerous
(2013) anaerobic processes (32%–92% efficient), however, are much national (e.g., US EPA’s Water Sense program, Germany’s Blue
more efficient generators of energy from wastewater than aerobic Angel, Australia’s Smart WaterMark) and local government pro-
processes (7%–20% efficient). But due to the costs of retrofitting grams (e.g., San Antonio, Texas, USA, and Sydney, Australia),
existing aerobic plants, such an approach is likely only viable in across developed nations have encouraged the use of low flow
new construction scenarios (McCarty et al. 2011). plumbing fixtures. Results of these efforts include reductions in
demand from public water supplies, significant water savings,
5.2. Nutrient recovery and reductions in volume flowing through sewage pipes to
Nutrient recovery in conventional WWTPs is determined and WWTPs. Water savings is a desirable outcome, but frequent re-
limited by existing treatment systems, available technologies, ductions below the minimum designed flow capacity over the
quality and concentration influent, and space and capital to ex- long term may damage sewer pipes, resulting, for example, in
pand or modify the WWTP. It should be noted that nutrient re- increased sedimentation, corrosion, odor, and spikes in pollutant
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covery from wastewater is not the same as and typically requires concentrations when high flow events wash sediments from the
additional steps beyond nutrient removal, which has been the bottom of pipes (Larsen and Gujer 2013; Butler and Davies 2011).
focus of nutrient control measures over the past several decades. Benefits of reclaiming and reusing TMWW include mainte-
Processes exist for nutrient removal and recovery at all stages in nance of regional and local hydrologic cycles, maintenance and
the wastewater cycle: wastewater, concentrated wastewater, sludge, restoration of biodiversity, reduction or prevention of effluent
incinerated sewage sludge, and primary treated effluent (Mulder discharge into surface waters, recycling of valuable nutrients and
2003; Stark 2004; Water Environment Research Foundation 2011). organic matter, and reduction of the overall human footprint
Discussions of the sustainability of such processes involve bal- (Grant et al. 2012; Guest et al. 2009; Levine and Asano 2004;
ancing several interrelated factors: (i) nutrient removal or recov- National Research Council 2012; Toze 2006). Water reuse in the
ery efficiency, (ii) energy requirements, (iii) cost effectiveness, United States totals less than 1% of total water use, but TMWW
(iv) emissions, and (v) chemical consumption (e.g., magnesium reuse has the potential to account for more than 25% of domestic
used for struvite precipitation). Land area required to complete supply (Grant et al. 2012; National Research Council 2012). The US
removal and recovery and purity of the final product(s) (e.g., pres- EPA (2004b) estimated in 2002 that US water reuse was growing by
ence of metals or toxics) are also important considerations. 15% annually. If de facto reuse (communities downstream from
Cordell et al. (2011) report on two additional commercial-scale other urban areas) is considered, water reuse comprises a much
methods of recovering phosphorus from wastewater and byprod- more significant proportion of domestic and total water supply in
ucts: (i) the Ostara fluidized bed reactor (Pearl Process) which the United States (National Research Council 2012). Some 21 mil-
has been implemented in Portland, Oregon, USA (and elsewhere), lion m3 of TMWW is reused daily in 43 nations; more than one
and recovers approximately 90% of phosphorus from the waste- third of this volume is accounted for by the United States alone.
water stream, and (ii) the partnership between Dutch company Reused TMWW accounts for more than 10% of the water demand
N.V. Sliberwerking Nord-Brabant (SNB) and Thermophos Interna- in five nations (Kuwait, Israel, Cyprus, Qatar, and Singapore), all
tional, in which phosphorus is recovered from sewage sludge ash. of which are nations with extreme water scarcity (Jimenez and
Both processes are cost effective and result in high quality products Asano 2008).
but are also capital and energy intensive. In the case of Portland, Applications for water reuse include nonpotable and two types
the product is Crystal Green struvite, magnesium ammonium of potable: indirect (reuse following infiltration or groundwater
phosphate (MgNH4PO4·6H2O), which removes both phosphorus injection/recharge) and direct (reuse immediately after wastewa-
and nitrogen from the wastewater stream. Potassium magnesium ter treatment). Nonpotable uses include industrial cooling and
phosphate (KMgPO4·6H2O, KMG), an alternative form of struvite process water, agriculture and landscape irrigation, and ground-
may be precipitated if most nitrogen has already been removed water recharge and saltwater intrusion protection; notable exam-
via biological nutrient removal (Wilsenach et al. 2007). ples of these practices in the United States include the Orange
Besides precipitation from wastewater, and recovery from County (California) Water District and the Upper Occoquan (Vir-
sludge or ash, there are also methods for recovering nitrogen as ginia) Sewage Authority (Guest et al. 2009; National Research
ammonia from wastewater (Ammonia Recovery Process), and re- Council 2012). Windhoek, Namibia, has the longest running direct
covering nutrients in general from biomass (algae or duckweed) potable reuse program worldwide (National Research Council
grown in treatment ponds (Water Environment Research Federation 2012; Guest et al. 2009). No direct potable reuse projects are oper-
2011; Mulder 2003). Duckweed ponds’ nitrogen removal efficiency ational in the United States. Whereas most major European cities
is nearly identical to that of activated sludge with conventional (more than 2000 as of 2005) have indirect potable water projects
nitrification-denitrification (approximately 75%). Nutrients may in place, there are very few direct potable projects (Bixio et al.
be recovered and reused from harvested biomass, and much less 2006).

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Fig. 3. Attitudes toward various uses of recycled wastewater in three developed nations. Values are the proportions of the sampled
population who agree with, are willing to use water for, or who answered yes or probably yes for specific uses noted, respectively, in the three
studies noted below. *Kantanoleon et al. (2007) describe this category more broadly as “sport field irrigation.” †The percentage is an average of
two categories: animal crops (20%) and industrial crops (23%).
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Recent studies of urban populations in Australia, Greece, Israel, between waste or residue water and surface water bodies, and
and the southeastern United States indicate that wastewater reuse most of the water entering human settlements is recycled/recharged
is more acceptable when (i) there is low probability of direct con- (Fig. 4, Langergraber and Muellegger 2005; Larsen et al. 2009; Wang
tact with the wastewater, (ii) wastewater is not used directly on et al. 2006; Werner et al. 2009). Of course, under the existing food
food or to augment the potable water supply, and (iii) people have system, additional nutrients besides those recovered from human
the opportunity to reuse their own wastewater, i.e., not from a excreta would still be required to ensure an adequate food supply.
common treatment plant (Fig. 3, Escobar 2010; Dolnicar and
Schäfer 2009; Kantanoleon et al. 2007; Khan and Gerrard 2006; 6.1. SSD models
Friedler et al. 2006; Robinson et al. 2005). The significantly lower There are many possible configurations of SSD systems, ranging
interest in wastewater reuse reported in the study in Greece may from self-contained onsite systems to neighborhood-scale treat-
be due to fear of toxins that cannot be removed by wastewater ment centres to hybrid systems in which some functions (separa-
treatment technologies or general mistrust of public authorities tion, collection, storage of urine) are performed onsite and others
(Kantanoleon et al. 2007). Hartley (2006) also finds that public (e.g., greywater treatment) at centralized locations (Magid et al.
trust and transparency are vital to the success of TMWW reuse 2006; Hellström et al. 2008; Langergraber and Muellegger 2005;
projects. Werner et al. 2009; Larsen et al. 2009; Tchobanoglous and Leverenz
2013; Vinnerås and Jönsson 2013). Magid et al. (2006) evaluate
6. Source separation and decentralization (SSD) several options for combining source separation and existing cen-
SSD is the latest designation for alternative sanitation concepts, tralized facilities (Figs. 5a–5c) for increasing cycling of organic
which have been discussed in the peer-reviewed literature since matter and nutrients from the town of Hillerød, Denmark, back to
the early 2000s as ecological sanitation (eco-san) and also as de- the countryside. They find that although implementing a combi-
centralized sanitation and reuse, or DESAR (Esrey 2002; Lens et al. nation of the alternatives would cost more than the current sys-
2001; Larsen et al. 2013). The most widely cited source of the term tem, energy gained in the process would more than make up for
ecological sanitation appears to be the Swedish International De- added costs. Tilley (2013) argues that dividing sanitation systems
velopment Cooperation Agency’s report titled Ecological Sanitation, into functional groups comprised of stakeholders, technologies,
which was focused on developing nations (Esrey et al. 1998). Re- and functions may be an effective way to conceptualize decentral-
search on applying SSD in developed nations ensued and groups ized systems (Table 5).
(such as the Netherlands’ Foundation for Applied Water Research)
have coined terms (e.g., Niewe Sanitatie, or New Sanitation) to 6.2. User interface
help broaden societal discussions of sanitation and alternatives to In conventional sanitation, the user interface normally repre-
conventional sanitation (Swart and Palsma 2013). sents the only connection between users and the sanitation sys-
The basic premise of SSD is that valuable resources in human tem. When using conventional fixtures, smell and visibility of and
excreta can be best recovered by keeping waste streams separate contact with excreta is extremely limited, and attempts have been
and minimizing or eliminating the use of water as a waste trans- made to replicate this experience with urine separating toilets
port vehicle (Larsen et al. 2009). In so doing, industrial effluents that operate much like conventional flush toilets. Source separat-
and domestic excreta are not mixed and domestic blackwater, ing toilets also include composting (dry and wet) and vacuum
kitchen waste, and greywater are to varying degrees also stored models, which may be directly attached to individual compost
and treated separately. Nutrient cycles are closed (i.e., recon- chambers and urine storage tanks, or to larger piping and col-
nected with agriculture), organic matter is recovered or processed lection systems. There is no specific set of technologies that fits
into energy, and soil quality is maintained; there is no connection exclusively within the paradigm of SSD; Langergraber and

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Fig. 4. Conceptual diagram of ecological sanitation/source separation and decentralization. Arrows are nonquantitative representations of
resource (water, nutrients, organic matter) flows associated with sanitation and connected processes. Adapted from Werner et al. (2009), with
permission from Elsevier.
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Muellegger (2005) stress that sanitation technologies themselves trients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (Table 6, Friedler
are not sustainable per se, but rather only in relation to how they et al. 2013). Greywater may be further divided into light greywater
are used in their immediate environment, which includes hu- (water from showers, baths, and wash basins) and dark greywa-
mans and our preferences about cost, fixture design, and aesthet- ter (mainly kitchen waste) (Friedler 2008).
ics. Although toilets and urinals may seem as though they are
among the simpler components of sanitation systems, there does 6.4.1. Source-separated urine
not yet appear to be a widely accepted urine-separating model (the Of the fertilizer products that can be derived from human ex-
Roediger NoMIx toilet looks and operates much like a standard creta, stored urine is by far the most studied to-date as it contains
flush toilet except that a urine collecting basin is installed in the
an estimated 60%–90% of excreted nutrients, can easily be sepa-
front of the toilet; this toilet is no longer being manufactured).
rated, and is in most cases sterile following 6 months’ storage
6.3. Collection, storage, and conveyance (Jönsson and Vinnerås 2013; Winker et al. 2009; Kirchmann and
For storing and conveying source-separated urine, Larsen et al. Pettersson 1995). The long storage time is recommended because
(2009) argue that although it is possible to install separate pipes urine may be cross-contaminated with fecal matter during collec-
for centralized urine collection, on site decentralized technolo- tion in urine separating toilets, and infected individuals may also
gies are the most feasible for treating and storing separated urine pass helminth (e.g., Ascaris) eggs via urine (Decrey et al. 2011;
for three reasons: (i) some type of source separating technology is Stenström 2013). Pathogen survival in urine is enhanced by dilu-
already necessary on site, (ii) significant improvements have been tion with water and diminished by higher temperature, higher
made lately in source separating technologies, and (iii) wastewater
pH, and longer storage time (Chandran et al. 2009; Höglund et al.
professionals have expressed low interest in investing in treat-
2002; Nordin et al. 2009; Vinnerås et al. 2008). In stored urine, urea
ment technologies for source-separated urine at the WWTP. If
feces are separated at the toilet and stored separately from urine decomposes to ammonia over a period of weeks, reaching an
and greywater, they must also be conveyed and treated separately; approximate pH of 9 (Liu et al. 2008; Kirchmann and Pettersson
whereas blackwater can be transported via sewer pipes, feces 1995). Storage time recommendations for inactivating pathogens
alone cannot and must be transported via truck or vacuum system in undiluted urine range from weeks (bacteria) to months (vi-
(Tilley 2013). ruses) at temperatures of at least 15 °C (Orumwense et al. 2013;
Chandran et al. 2009; Höglund et al. 2002). To prevent loss of
6.4. Treatment of and fertilizer products from source- ammonia-nitrogen to the atmosphere, care must be taken to com-
separated streams
pletely seal urine storage tanks and to immediately incorporate
Domestic wastewater is comprised of three main waste streams:
urine into soil in which it is applied (Kirchmann and Pettersson
(i) urine, which contains approximately 80% of the nitrogen, 45% of
the phosphorus, and 70% of the potassium loads; (ii) feces, which 1995).
contains the majority of heavy metals in excreta, lower amounts Nutrients may also be recovered from urine via concentration/
of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and most of the micro- evaporation or precipitation as struvite following hydrolysis of
bial load; and (iii) greywater, which despite being highly diluted urea to ammonia (Kabdaşli et al. 2013; Ganrot et al. 2009). Advan-
has the majority of the chemical and biological oxygen demand tages of struvite over liquid urine include increased concentration
total organic carbon, and sulfur but is relatively poor in macronu- (due to reduced volume and mass), the absence of nearly all micropo-

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Fig. 5. Representative source separation and decentralization (SSD) models that incorporate existing infrastructure. (a) Greywater and feces
are transported via sewer pipe to sewage plant. Urine is collected and transported to larger storage tanks for later use in agriculture. Kitchen
waste is collected and transported to biogas plant for treatment and energy recovery. (b) Greywater is transported via sewer to sewage plant.
Kitchen waste, urine, and feces are stored locally and transported to biogas plant for treatment and energy recovery. (c) Greywater is
separated into liquid (infiltrated) and solids (trucked to sewage plant). Urine is collected and stored for use in garden. Kitchen waste and feces
are composted for use in garden. Redrawn from Magid et al. (2006), with permission from Elsevier.
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Table 5. Functional groups for describing sanitation systems.

Group Stakeholders Technologies Key functions
User interface Homeowner Toilets (urine separating), urinals, taps, Determine volume, concentration, and
appliances composition of products requiring
storage and treatment
Collection and Homeowner Pipes, storage tanks Hold intermediate products, hygienization
storage (of urine)
Conveyance Public utility or private enterprise Pipes, trucks Move products between sanitation “nodes”
Treatment Homeowner, public utility, or private Filtration, sedimentation, precipitation Change characteristics of products (e.g.,
enterprise dehydration, disinfection)
Use and Public utility and (or) private Solid spreading equipment, pelletizer, urine Distribute products (e.g., urine as
disposal enterprise applicator, incinerator, biogas plant fertilizer)
Note: Summarized from Tilley (2013).

llutants (pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting compounds, and 6.4.2. Blackwater and feces
heavy metals), and, following exposure to low humidity and ultravi- Blackwater tends to be more challenging to sanitize and reuse
olet radiation, the effective elimination of any remaining pathogens than urine because feces (or urine + feces) are more diverse in
(Ronteltap et al. 2007; Decrey et al. 2011; Escher et al. 2006). Despite composition (largely water, organic matter, and microorganisms)
the significant progress made on source-separated urine, Karak and than urine, and fecal composition varies according to diet,
Bhattacharyya (2011) urge further investigations of fate and transport amount of water present, climate, and other variables (Otterpohl
of pharmaceuticals and byproducts and of pathogens in urine, a and Buzie 2013). High storage/process temperatures and long re-
subject that remains understudied. tention times diminish survival of pathogens, as do low humidity,

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Table 6. Selected compounds in urine, feces, and greywater. with chlorine or UV disinfection) and xenobiotics removal via
Compound Urine Feces Greywater adsorbtion and biodegradation (Jefferson and Jeffrey 2013).

Water (%) 95 77 >99 6.5. Reuse and disposal

Total suspended solids (g) — 22 19
6.5.1. Human excreta as fertilizer
Biological oxygen demand (g) 5.8 12 19
Chemical oxygen demand (g) 13 31 51 Research on staple food crops and vegetables including maize,
Total organic carbon (g) 4.3 3.5 8.4 sorghum, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, okra, sweet pep-
Total nitrogen (g) 11 1.5 0.9 per, and spinach indicates that use of urine as fertilizer results in
Total Phosphorus (g) 0.93 0.6 0.5 yields and overall produce quality that is comparable with or
Potassium (g) 2.6 0.9 0.3 better than that achieved via use of mineral fertilizers (Pradhan
Sulfur (g) 1.3 0.61 2.9 et al. 2010; Germer et al. 2011; Pradhan et al. 2007; Pearson et al.
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Lead (␮g) 2 20 — 2008; Heinonen-Tanski et al. 2007; Apan-Idiok et al. 2012; Shrestha
Copper (␮g) 103 1110 — et al. 2013; Kutu et al. 2010). Supplementing urine with wood ash
Mercury (␮g) 1.9 8.3 — may further improve yields in beets; however, for some crops
Zinc (␮g) 46 11 — (such as sorghum) additional supplements of potassium and phos-
Note: Values are averages of data reported in Friedler et al. (2013), Tables 17.3 phorus may be required to optimize yields (Pradhan et al. 2010;
and 17.5. Germer et al. 2011). Use of high rates of urine as fertilizer may
result in increased soil pH and salinity and may not be recom-
dehydration of solids, and high alkalinity (Austin and Cloete 2008; mended for salt sensitive crops such as carrots (Pearson et al. 2008;
Nordin et al. 2009). Winker et al. (2009) classify concentrated Tidaker et al. 2007; Germer et al. 2011). Potential multi-year im-
urine and struvite as products that are somewhat known, whereas pacts of urine fertilizer on soils, nitogen, phosphorus, microflora,
fertilizer products derived from the solid phase are all classified as crop yield, and organic matter appear to remain unexamined.
unknown (or relatively understudied) and include liquid and solid Although urine contains most of the pharmaceutically active
organic substances such as digestate, compost, and treated and compounds and natural estrogens and androgens in human ex-
untreated sludge. creta (Khan and Nicell 2010; Liu et al. 2009), few studies have
Blackwater and feces may be treated by such “high-tech” meth- examined fate and transport issues associated with micropollut-
ods as continuous stirred bioreactors, upflow anaerobic sludge ants in urine used as fertilizer. In their greenhouse study, Winker
blankets, and such “low-tech” methods as composting, vermicom- et al. (2010) examined the fates of ibuprofen and carbamezipine
posting, Terra Preta sanitization, dehydration, and pasteurization applied in spiked urine to soil in which ryegrass was grown.
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(Udert and Jenni 2013; Otterpohl and Buzie 2013). Membrane pro- Whereas more than one third of the applied carbamazepine was
cesses (reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration) are appro- found in aerial plant growth, ibuprofen completely biodegraded
priate for treating blackwater from which most solids have been in soil within 3 months and was not detected in plant tissues.
removed, but pretreatment is necessary; with this process can Studies on the use of urine plus composted feces as fertilizer
come a number of challenges, including maintaining consistent indicate comparable and in some cases superior performance to
flow and cleaning membranes and filters clogged or damaged by that of urine alone; however, issues surrounding pathogen intro-
large particles (Leslie and Bradford-Hartke 2013). duction into the food supply via composted feces require further
examination (Shrestha et al. 2013; Kutu et al. 2010). The use of
6.4.3. Greywater composted feces alone does not provide sufficient available nutri-
Greywater is characterized by highly variable concentrations of ents to compete with either urine or mineral fertilizer on plant
contaminants (including surfactants, greases, oils, and various yield and biomass (Mnkeni and Austin 2009). Several relative un-
xenobiotics and pathogens) of generally low biodegradability, knowns surround the use of composted feces as a fertilizer or soil
with biological oxygen demand ranging from 5–900 mg/L, and conditioner in field experiments; these include pathogen survival
comprises the lion’s share (60%–70% by volume) of domestic in composted feces and in crops grown in compost-amended soils,
wastewater (Travis et al. 2010; Jefferson and Jeffrey 2013; Friedler long-term impacts of application of composted feces to soils, and
2004). Under current water use patterns, the supply of greywater the fate and transport of micropollutants present in composted
is much greater than the potential demand (use in toilet flushing feces.
or garden watering) (Friedler 2004). Direct reuse of greywater
without appropriate treatment may compromise human health 6.5.2. Biogas production from human excreta
due to contamination with fecal matter (e.g., from showers and Though biogas production is an important part of most SSD
bathing) and kitchen waste, and the risks to human health and models, there has been much less published research on this topic
environment associated with greywater use are not well studied than on the use of excreta in agriculture. In developing nations
(Maimon et al. 2010). Pathogens found in greywater may include there are hundreds of thousands of small-scale anaerobic biogas
coliforms, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, digesters utilizing both human and animal excreta and crop re-
and Legionella (Jefferson and Jeffrey 2013). Xenobiotics found in siduals, but this is not the case in developed nations. The over-
greywater are typically components of personal care products and whelming majority of biomass in the United States is made up of
include surfactants, fragrances, parabens, and biocides. Some of crop and timber residuals and switchgrass; approximately five-
the more persistent xenobiotics include tonalide and UV filters, fold more biomass is available in animal excreta than in wastewa-
both of which have been shown to be potent endocrine disrupters ter. Biomass in wastewater or excreta makes up less than 1% of the
in multiple species (Leal et al. 2010). total biomass available in the United States, but biogas produced
Environmental impacts of direct greywater reuse may include from excreta could be an important local source of energy
alteration of soil properties (such as hydraulic conductivity), con- (Milbrandt 2005). In their recent study, Appels et al. (2011) indicate
tamination of groundwater through leaching, reduction in plant that sewage sludge (a significant proportion of which is human
growth through alternation of soil or the propagation of chemi- feces) has the highest energy density of any biomass feedstock
cals (e.g., borax) that are poisonous to plants introduced in grey- worldwide. As noted above, there are some WWTPs that generate
water (Leal et al. 2010; Maimon et al. 2010). Given its highly diverse and utilize methane onsite, but this is limited due to the prepon-
and variable nature, and depending upon the desired end use for derance of aerobic treatment systems that convert only a small
reclaimed greywater, treatment may require organics and patho- proportion of organics into methane. A major focus in Europe has
gen removal (via membrane bioreactor or vertical flow reed beds been to develop and commercialize biogas plants for the purpose

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of treating and recovering energy from food waste and separated Fig. 6. User perceptions (percent of users with positive attitude) of
municipal solid waste; more recently, there have been efforts to urine separating compared with conventional toilets. Weighted
establish biogas plants that are co-digesters of animal excreta, average values below were calculated from data reported by Lienert
crop residues, and human excreta or biosolids (Nichols 2004; and Larsen (2010, Fig. 1A–D) who compiled responses from
Nielsen et al. 2009). 33 studies (total n = 2270) of urine source separation projects.

6.6. Pilot studies on SSD

Many of the early pilot studies on SSD-related concepts were
done in small ecovillages in northern Europe; however, there
have now been several urban case studies on SSD published as
well. The bulk of the case studies described in the literature are
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concentrated in only a few nations, most notably in Sweden,

which is recognized as the pioneer and leader in SSD implemen-
tation, with over 120 000 urine diverting (UD) systems installed,
most of which practice dry fecal sanitation (Vinnerås and Jönsson
2013). Germany, Switzerland, Australia, and the Netherlands
are also actively researching and implementing SSD projects
(Londong 2013; Gardner and Sharma 2013; Boller 2013; Mitchell
2006). Pilot projects have been implemented in individual homes,
villages, universities, museums, and other workplaces. According
to reports in the published literature, some projects have failed
prior to implementation and some have failed following imple- by Lienert and Larsen (2010) also addressed public and farmer
mentation, but most projects mentioned have achieved at least attitudes toward urine fertilizer, and indicate that in comparison
some measure of success (van Vliet et al. 2011; Fittschen and to farmers, urine separating toilet users had a much more positive
Niemeczynowicz 1997). Most SSD projects involve UD, but several attitude toward urine fertilizer.
other types of projects exist, including ecovillages (e.g., Toarp
Ecovillage, Sweden) installing dry composting toilet systems, of- 7. Wanted: social science perspectives
fice buildings (GTZ headquarters, Eshbon, Germany) installing UD To successfully adopt, finance, install, operate, and maintain
toilets, and farmers who are contracted to collect urine, blackwa- decentralized sanitation systems or retrofit existing sanitation
For personal use only.

ter, and sludge from households (Tanum, Sweden) (Werner et al. systems, the enthusiastic participation of numerous stakeholders
2009; Fittschen and Niemeczynowicz 1997; Vinnerås and Jönsson (e.g., end users, water resource professionals, designers, manufac-
2013). turers, utility managers, farmers, local, regional, and national
Challenges associated with many if not most of the pilot source- politicians) is required. The importance of a fundamental shift in
separating projects appear to be related to user behavior, educa- the way society conceives of sanitation and the input of social
tion about the use and maintenance of decentralized sanitation science perspectives, therefore, cannot be understated. However,
technologies (for example, how often and how much bulking as van Vliet et al. (2011) assert, the literature on sustainable sani-
agent to add to composting toilets, how to clean urine separating tation is dominated by engineering and natural science perspec-
toilets and avoid struvite scaling and blockage of valves and tives and as evidenced by the literature search conducted in
pipes), unforeseen technical difficulties, fixture and system de- preparing this paper: “…sanitation has so far only scarcely been
sign, planning and fit between dwellings and installed sanitation addressed…from a social science perspective” (p. 798). Jewitt
systems, and ownership and buy-in (Hanaeus et al. 1997; Fittschen (2011) argues “…greater emphasis on sanitation “software” in dif-
and Niemeczynowicz 1997; Otterpohl et al. 1997; Langergraber ferent geographical contexts is urgently needed if local human
and Muellegger 2005; Boller 2013). With the notable exception of waste management preferences are to be understood and appro-
the work summarized by Lienert and Larsen (2010), articles detail- priate solutions are to be found…” (p. 620). User acceptance and
ing case studies are largely descriptive and difficult to compare attitudes toward sanitation (e.g., TMWW reuse or alternative toi-
across cases because of diverse locations, technologies, and a lack lets) is but one of the important areas in need of attention: impor-
of common evaluative measures. tant questions concerning sanitation governance and financing,
Lienert and Larsen (2010) reviewed urine source separation proj- and mechanisms for innovation and transition from existing san-
ects implemented in seven European nations, including Austria, itation models must also be addressed. Van Vliet et al. (2011) sug-
Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, and gest evaluation based on a “modernized mixtures” approach in
Switzerland. Settings for the studies varied and included house- which systems are assessed on such variables as scale, consumer
holds and workplaces, but urine separating toilets were standard involvement, and degree of centralization in addition to physical/
in all of the studies. Of the participants in the studies, nearly 85% technical capabilities. Literature from three interrelated social
regarded urine separating toilets as a good idea, and nearly 80% science areas (emotions, regulation and innovation, and econom-
would welcome such toilets at work or in the home. Urine sepa- ics) in need of further inquiry is reviewed below.
rating toilets were rated higher in categories related to perception
of the toilet (design, hygiene, and smell) than on aspects of oper- 7.1. Behavioral psychology and sustainable sanitation
ating the toilet (flushing and cleaning): only 65% of participants The behavioral psychology literature suggests that the emotion
indicated a positive attitude for flushing, and only 53% for clean- of disgust has a significant influence on attitudes and perceptions
ing (Lienert and Larsen 2010, Fig. 6). Results for cleaning varied toward sanitation and excrement. Defined as a feeling of revul-
significantly among participants from different nations: 100% of sion associated with realized or perceived ingestion of offensive
participants from the Netherlands had a positive attitude toward contaminants, disgust becomes stronger with increasing proxim-
cleaning, compared with less than 60% of participants from other ity of offensive objects to the mouth. This association is not innate
nations. Also of note are significant differences between studies in but rather learned between the ages of 3–7 at about the time of
what Lienert and Larsen (2010) term behavior adequate for urine toilet training (Rozin et al. 2008). According to Rosenquist (2005),
separating toilets. For example, 100% of study participants in Ger- “…the natural reaction to the emotion of disgust…is avoidance
many but less than 60% of participants in Austria had a positive behavior, and…this includes both physical contact with excre-
attitude towards sitting to urinate. Some of the studies reviewed ment as well as the smell and sight of it” (p. 339). Changes in

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systems, technologies, or behaviors that result in decreasing the tem, and increased public and institutional awareness of on-site
actual or perceived distance between ourselves and our excre- treatment and SSD (Truffer et al. 2013). Potential reorientation of
ment (or that of others) may, therefore, trigger significant resis- contractual/legal responsibility and associated business models
tance (there is considerably more aversion to bodily odors for sanitation may be viewed as disruptive by existing publicly or
associated with strangers than to odors associated with close fam- privately owned WWTPs (Londong 2013; Truffer et al. 2013). With
ily members or oneself (Stevenson and Repacholi 2005; Rozin regard to agricultural use of human excreta in Europe, there
et al. 2008)), as Haslam (2012) explains “Despite its importance, are currently conflicting and inconsistent national and supra-
excretion is something that people rarely want to think about. national policies. For example, in Sweden the Baltic Sea Action
Instead we try to put the greatest possible physical and psycho- Plan encourages nutrient reduction to alleviate eutrophication,
logical distance between ourselves and our waste. We prize the but does not specifically support urine diversion (UD). Human
technologies we have invented for doing so, even if they are often feces and urine are not permitted for use in agriculture in Ger-
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taken for granted and hidden from view.” (p. 2). many (Londong 2013). And whereas European Union regulations
The intensity of disgust associated with sight or smell of excreta do not allow the use of human excreta on organic foodstuffs,
is not uniformly distributed across the population, and appears to Swedish national regulations permit the use of human urine as
be modulated by profession, parenting style, age, education, psy- fertilizer on organic farms (European Commission 1991; Fam and
chopathy, number of children, gender, and income (Templer et al. Mitchell 2012). The status of policies related to human excreta as
1984; Corgiat and Templer 2003; Ely et al. 2007). Corgiat et al. fertilizer is perhaps not unexpected given that there are also a
(1986) demonstrate that those employed in professions (e.g., nurs- variety of TMWW reuse (much more widely accepted and prac-
ing, farming) in which there is frequent interaction with excre- ticed) regulations and guidelines in Europe and within the United
ment (human or otherwise) tend to find excrement less disgusting. States (Bixio et al. 2006; Tchobanoglous et al. 2003).
Identifying relevant characteristics associated with “early
adopters” based on their life experiences and orientation toward 7.3. Economics of sanitation
excreta is an intriguing area for future work. In their study of There are a limited number of studies that delve into questions
Australians, Dolnicar and Schäfer (2009) found that “strong ac- of economics in the context of source separation. For example,
cepters” of recycled wastewater tended to be managers or admin- Anand and Apul (2011) compared for two existing University of
istrators that were older and more highly educated and watched Toledo buildings the modeled cost, energy, and global warming
more state-run television channels than average. Could some of potential of standard versus decentralized sanitation approaches.
the same characteristics of recycled wastewater accepters also be There were three options that outperformed standard toilet and
indicators of interest in or adoption of SSD-related technologies urinal fixtures: (i) low flow fixtures, (ii) rainwater harvesting plus
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and systems? And, even more importantly, could knowledge of low flow fixtures, and (iii) waterless composting toilets, which
such characteristics be beneficial in devising public education over a 50 year life cycle had the lowest energy demand, carbon
programs on sanitation? footprint, and cost. However, the analysis did not cover issues
Van Vliet et al. (2011) and van Vliet and Spaargaren (2010) assert (e.g., cost, disposal, transportation) with solids management that
that sanitation practices in which excreta become more visible (or would likely be the purview of those operating the composting
resensitized) have a steep yet not insurmountable challenge for toilets. Nakagawa et al. (2012) compared the costs and energy
adoption. Hegger and van Vliet (2010) argue that factors such as requirements associated with existing versus UD toilets in two
user involvement, functionality, and dependencies between users public toilet service areas in Japan. The UD toilet systems were
are important variables for analyzing sanitation innovations. The estimated to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus by 94% and 79%,
interaction between personal characteristics such as strength of respectively; the payback period for energy use for each was 0.3
disgust emotion and variables associated with innovative sanita- and 0.8 years and for cost was 2.8 and 12.6 years. The shorter
tion systems (e.g., citizen-driven vs. developer-driven, or high user payback period is due to 10–12 times more users per year at one of
involvement vs. low user involvement) may also be a fertile area the toilet service areas.
for further inquiry. Thibodeau et al. (2011) used an economic life cycle analysis
model to compare the costs of source separation systems and
7.2. Drivers of innovation and regulation conventional systems at three different scales: 500, 5000, and
Choices available to end users are, in large part, determined by 50 000 inhabitants. An inverse relationship was found between
innovation and regulation, which is a second major social science community scale and cost of implementing source separation (al-
area of emphasis within the context of sustainable sanitation. though this same relationship certainly exists for centralized sys-
Fam and Mitchell (2012) argue that “…in the adoption of new tems as well). The source-separating system cost 33%–118% more
sanitation concepts, other necessary components of the system than conventional systems; Thiboudeau et al. indicate that reduc-
include new regulatory structures, institutional arrangements as ing the flow through vacuum toilet systems or implementing a
well as the development of infrastructural capacity to collect, volume reduction technology could narrow the cost gap between
store, transport and reuse urine in agriculture” (p. 9). conventional and source-separating systems. Larsen et al. (2009)
Development of such capacity requires powerful drivers, one of argue that although there may not be economy of scale in SSD,
which appears to be applicable to all developed nations: the im- there could be economy of numbers — referring to the mass
pending age of replacement for centralized wastewater infra- production of decentralized technologies. One national-level
structure that was installed over the past 150 years (Baird 2011; study of selected developed nations indicated that per capita
Swart and Palsma 2013). Other drivers for exploring alternative investments of US$260–680 (for communities with existing
modes of sanitation vary widely across nations and depend in part systems) or US$640–2170 (for communities without sanitation sys-
upon resource scarcity (water, phosphorus), pollution problems tems) would be necessary to provide decentralized systems with
such as eutrophication, and societal awareness of sustainability comparable performance to conventional systems (Maurer et al.
issues (Vinnerås and Jönsson 2013; Swart and Palsma 2013; Gardner 2006).
and Sharma 2013). In the context of conventional sanitation, the provision of
Further improvements and expansion of on-site treatment sys- wastewater treatment has historically been significantly under-
tems to support SSD will require institutional and regulatory valued, and utilities struggle to recover the full costs of capital,
changes, industry changes to support new business models (e.g., operation, maintenance, and other services, which is a significant
inclusion of marketing, installation, repair of on-site technolo- threat to their overall sustainability (see, for example, Renzetti
gies), integration of technologies into the whole-house water sys- and Kushner (2004) who document the understatement of water

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and sewage utility services by 18%–55% in Niagara, Ontario, Can- specific populations attached to an institution (e.g., university) or
ada). One of the fundamental hurdles for adopting SSD or other end-users participating in pilot studies with decentralized sanita-
alternative sanitation approaches is high cost of capital, opera- tion technologies, with some surveys of farmers and case studies
tion, and maintenance compared with that of conventional sani- on wastewater professionals (see, for example, Lienert and Larsen
tation. However, Maurer (2013) argues that estimating the full cost 2010; Lienert et al. 2006; Schosseler et al. 2007). An understanding
or value of wastewater infrastructure is difficult because it has of current prevailing attitudes in broader society is necessary to
grown “organically” over time, which makes it difficult to deter- determine (i) the level of acceptability of a range of sanitation
mine what a comparable cost for decentralized technology would approaches and technologies, and (ii) the characteristics of those
be. Furthermore, economies (from denser population) and disec- more or less likely to accept changes.
onomies (larger pipes needed for larger flows) of scale and uncer- Significant educational efforts are needed to raise awareness
tainty about future capacity needs are additional variables that of sanitation as being at the nexus of many global challenges.
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may only be accurately balanced in the context of a specific urban Developed nations’ outreach agencies including US Agency for
geography. International Development (http://www.usaid.gov/what-we-do/water-
and-sanitation) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
8. Conclusions Zusammenarbeit (http://www.giz.de/en/ourservices/sustainable_
Both SSD and conventional sanitation present significant op- infrastructure.html) are working to improve sanitation in devel-
portunities and challenges when it comes to achieving sustain- oping nations. However, similar efforts to improve upon current
able sanitation. But comprehensive comparisons of conventional approaches to domestic sanitation appear to be lacking. Effective
sanitation and SSD are difficult for several reasons, including the age-appropriate and culturally sensitive strategies are required to
absence of full-scale urban implementations of SSD and narrower raise public consciousness of existing sanitation issues, how exist-
system boundaries for research on and discussion of conventional ing and alternative sanitation systems work, and how our behav-
sanitation than for SSD. In addition, SSD duplicates some func- ior and consumption patterns are ultimately linked to sanitation
tions of conventional sanitation but also provides added function- system influents, the design of sanitation systems, and the prod-
ality (e.g., fertilizer products) as well as issues (e.g., transport of ucts derived from such systems.
fecal matter without the use of water, multiple potential human Benchmarks and goals, broadening of the research scope, and
contact points) not present in conventional sanitation (Winker educational initiatives may shape and be shaped by a more com-
et al. 2009; Tilley 2013; Stenström 2013). There are also issues (such plete understanding of the major factors opposing or favoring
as pharmaceuticals and personal care products) that neither ap- change in the context of sanitation. It is important to build on
proach to sanitation fully addresses, and for which additional work such as that of Larsen and Lienert (2003) who argue, for
For personal use only.

strategies (such as re-examining prescription and consumption example, that convincing wastewater professionals of the prom-
habits or redesigning pharmaceuticals and personal care products ise of urine source separation is integral to diffusing this technol-
via “green chemistry”) may be necessary (Kümmerer 2013). To ogy throughout society. Views of water professionals and other
facilitate the comparison of various sanitation system configura- key stakeholders are likely to be influenced to varying degrees by
tions, and to track progress toward sustainable sanitation, a com- water and other resource scarcities, real or perceived additional
prehensive set of sustainability benchmarks and goals (e.g., costs, and overcoming societal taboos toward discussing sanita-
nutrient and energy recovery, economic viability, water quality tion. But drivers and barriers may differ depending upon locally
protection, and many others) is needed. available resources and stakeholder perspectives as well as the
Analytical tools (such as risk analysis, life cycle analysis, urban scale of analysis or application (e.g., household, neighborhood,
metabolic studies, and multi-criteria decision analysis (e.g., village, city) (Jönsson et al. 2010; Meinzinger et al. 2010; Rosemarin
Lienert et al. 2011)) may be employed to establish goals and bench- 2006).
marks, and to evaluate SSD, conventional sanitation, and hybrid
sanitation models. But the prospective success of such efforts de- Acknowledgements
pends, in large part, upon effective multidisciplinary cooperation. The author is grateful for the work of two anonymous reviewers
Much of the progress thus far on SSD is owed to intentionally whose comments helped focus and streamline the paper, as well
transdisciplinary multi-year efforts such as the 2000–2006 Swiss as the contributions of Meaghan Young-Stephens, Clement Loo,
Novaquatis project (http://www.novaquatis.eawag.ch/index_EN) and Andreana Saunders to earlier drafts of this paper.
on urine source separation, which included teams devoted to user
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