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PRATIC’ABLE Les modaux : can et could / Vocabulaire : rédiger une lettre

N° 465 / All English. Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 / 4,60 €

La presse internationale en V.O. pour progresser en anglais



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Organisé par

Sous le haut patronage de Mme

Muriel Pénicaud, Ministre du Travail
édito sommaire N° 465 / Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
 facile A2-B1  moyen B2-C1  diicile C1-C2
Pour faciliter le repérage et la compréhension, les mots traduits sont surlignés dans tous les
articles du magazine.

RÉDACTRICE EN CHEF Grand angle ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
On parle d'eux ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

À la une
A new world order?  C1-C2 2018 was the year Europe stood up to Trump
QUARTZ (US) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2018 experienced many unexpected develop- Faced with Trump’s ofensives, European leaders are leading a counter-
ments internationally. Old established alliances attack.
threatened to fall apart, while others formed. The
transatlantic relationship took a bit of a beating.  B2-C1 China’s Way to Global Power THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ...................... 9
The unpredictable American president, Donald U.S. global leadership challenged by Xi Jinping’s China.
Trump, has never sought to hide his aversion to
the European Union, seeing it as the commercial  A2-B1 Sur le vif .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
“enemy” of his country. Since his election, these
feelings have been expressed in a series of strong Société
measures, such as removing the U.S. from the  B2-C1 How Brexit could change the face of rural Britain
Paris Climate Accord, and the establishment of THE ECONOMIST (UK) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
steep tariffs on European aluminium and steel. How do British farmers view the post-Brexit landscape?
When Washington withdrew from the Iranian
Nuclear Deal, it was the last straw, ending the  B2-C1 The Supreme Court’s Class Photos THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ............. 15
historically friendly alliance – and the very high The historic tradition of the “class photo” of the American Supreme Court’s
proiled “bromance” between Macon and Trump justices.
in the media. The most recent upset in this tur-
moil is the downgrading, by the Trump adminis-
tration, of the diplomatic status of the European PRATIC’ABLE ................................................................................................................................. 17
Union to a mere international organisation. Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler
comme un anglophone
And if there is someone set to gain from all this, Ecrire une lettre / Les modeaux can et could / Soignez votre orthographe /
it would be China’s president, Xi Jinping, who, Jeux de mots
since coming to power in 2013, has been work-
ing steadfastly on China’s international proile.
His “Belt and Road Initiative”, a series of rail,  A2-B1 À 360° ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
road and sea links between Asia, Europe and
Africa has allowed him to forge new alliances Enjeux
and solidify his country’s economic power. Some  C1-C2 Billboards: a booming ad medium THE ECONOMIST (UK) .............................. 22
European countries, offended by Donald Trump, The rise of large publicity panels in the United States.
are beginning to view Xi Jinping, with his mas-
sive investment in infrastructure worldwide, as Culture
a new ally... Can China surpass its commercial  B2-C1 Clint Eastwood on drug drama The Mule USA TODAY (US) ........................ 24
rival, the United States? The American actor-director talks about his latest movie.
Happy Reading!  B2-C1 I predict a Riley THE GUARDIAN (UK) .................................................................................................................. 27
A multisensorial exhibition curated by the English rock band Kaiser Chiefs.
Rejoignez-nous sur et suivez-nous sur et sur
 A2-B1 Les échos ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29

 B2-C1
BONUS Gut bacteria may ofer a treatment for autism
THE ECONOMIST (UK) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
L. reuteri, a promising small intestinal bacteria.
L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3
de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.  B2-C1 Why is the octopus smart as heck? THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) ........... 32
pour améliorer votre compréhension
The octopus: one of the world’s smartest animals.
Tous les articles du magazine sont lus par des
anglophones sur le CD (ou les MP3) de lecture Les sorties .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Retrouvez le reportage vidéo
Le dessin ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
lié à l’ article sur vocable.fr

Photo de couverture : SIPA; Istock; Doug Mills/The New York Times

Grand L’actualité en images


(Andrew MacColl/REX/Shutterstock/SIPA)
Burns Night supper tradition
These women are part of a lantern procession that took place in Dumfries, Scotland, to
commemorate Burns Night last year. Robert Burns, born in Scotland, on January 25, 1759, is
the country’s national bard. He wrote numerous poems addressing political and civil issues.
Every year on this date, he is celebrated throughout the country with parades and
processions. Men wear kilts while women wear tartan skirts or dresses. Scots also hold a
Burns supper, with friends and family, which traditionally centres on the entrance of the
haggis to the sound of bagpipes. The host then reads “Address to a Haggis,” an ode
celebrating the Scottish dish, written by Robert Burns.
bard poet / to address to deal with, to focus on / tartan Scottish fabric pattern of a clan, family / to hold, held, held to organise /
to centre on (GB), to center on (US) to be based on, be about / haggis traditional Scottish dish of sheep’s or calf’ boiled in a bag
made from the animal’s stomach / bagpipe woodwind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form
of a bag / host person who looks after guests at a social event / address speech / dish food prepared in a particular way.

4 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019

On parle d'eux… Retrouvez le fil d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

Ceux qui font l'actu

Bernie Sanders
Democratic Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders
is facing allegations of sexism and pay dis-
crimination that allegedly occurred during his
unsuccessful 2016 Democratic primary run.
Earlier this month, more than two dozen fe-
male staff members from his campaign signed
a letter seeking a meeting with him and his top
advisers to address the issue of “sexual vio-
lence and harassment on the 2016 campaign”.
A former staffer complained that she made
$2,400 a month while a younger male staffer
she was managing made $5,000 a month. “I
certainly apologize to any woman who felt she
was not treated appropriately and, of course, if
I run we will do better next time,” Bernie Sand-

(Kathryn Gamble/The New York Times)

ers told CNN.
to face to be confronted by / allegedly supposedly / to occur to
happen, take place / unsuccessful did not win, lost (the election) /
primary a preliminary election by voters of a political party to select
a candidate for oice / run candidacy / staf member, stafer
member of the (election) team / to seek, sought, sought here to
try to obtain / adviser counsellor / to address here, to deal with /
harassment persistent torment / to complain here, to ile a formal
complaint, criticise / to apologize (US) = to apologise (GB) to say
sorry (for).


Jacob Zuma Elizabeth Warren David Cameron

Former South African president Jacob Zuma Democratic Massachusetts senator Elizabeth UK former prime minister, David Cameron,
is to record an album of apartheid-era Warren has released a video to announce has been barred from Parliament after failing
struggle songs. The announcement has that she is entering the 2020 presidential race. to renew his pass. While he was one of the
provoked a political row, his opponents She became the irst major candidate to 400 former politicians still allowed to use the
claiming that the project was a taxpayer- declare her intentions to run for presidency House of Commons’ subsidised facilities –
funded waste of money. Jacob Zuma, who and to enter what is likely to be a crowded including a part-funded food and drink bar –
was elected President of South Africa in 2009, Democratic primary. The 69-year-old senator with a security pass, he is now no longer
was forced out last year amid multiple fraud is well-known for her critiques of big banks allowed to enter Parliament itself.
scandals. The album will be recorded in front and corporations. In the past, she has
of a live audience in April and released later in denounced Trump as a “wannabe tyrant.” to bar (from) to prohibit, not allow (access to) / to fail
to not to do sth / to allow sb to to permit/enable sb to /
the year. House of Commons lower house of Parliament in the
race electoral campaign (as a presidential candidate) /
to run, ran, run for (US) = to stand, stood, stood for UK / subsidised (GB) = subsidized (US) government
former ex / apartheid-era period of apartheid /
(GB) to present oneself as a candidate for election / to inanced reduced prices / facility building or service
struggle song song about the ight against apartheid /
be likely to to be probable to, risk being / crowded with provided for a particular purpose / part-funded
announcement notiication / row argument, dispute /
many candidates / corporation large business partially inancially supported.
opponent rival, adversary / to claim to airm /
taxpayer-funded inanced by taxes paid by citizens / enterprise / wannabe would-be, aspiring.
waste careless or unnecessary use / to force out to
eject, to ask to resign, to ire / amid in the context of /
audience public / to release here, to make available,
put on the market.

VOCABLEDu 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 •5

À la une I Géopolitique I
In 2017, the U.S. accounted for 51.1% of NATO’s
As of June 2017, only six nations met NATO
combined GDP and 71.7% of its combined spending standards (2% of their GDP): the U.S.,
defense expenditure. Greece, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Poland and

German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks

with U.S. President Donald Trump, seated,
during the G7 Leaders Summit in La
Malbaie, Quebec, Canada, on June 9, 2018.
(Jesco Denzel/German Federal Government via AP/SIPA)



Europe changes tactics in dealing with Trump
April 2018, marked the occasion of Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to the U.S. capital, Washington D.C., where he was greeted
with great fanfare by Donald Trump. A few months later, during the French centenary commemorations of 11 November, relations
between the two leaders seemed to turn sour – as did transatlantic relations in general. Faced with diplomatic and commercial
ofensives from Trump, Europe led a counter-attack!

6 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture


On the Advanced recording, meet Ivor Davies, a European cultural actor from Sheield, England,
the city whose mayor stood up to Trump!
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

O ne of 2018’s most memorable

political photographs came to us
courtesy of the G7 Leaders Summit in
Canada. The picture captured European
that has impacted European aluminum and
steel producers; cozied up to Putin’s Russia;
praised the UK’s withdrawal from the EU;
and called the bloc one of his “greatest foes.”
6. Now, European leaders are changing track.
Both French president Emmanuel Macron
and German chancellor Angela Merkel have
and other world leaders standing across a His position towards the continent has large- repeatedly stated that the EU can no longer
table from a seated, unimpressed-looking ly been one of benign neglect or outright count on the US to ensure European secu-
Donald Trump. After two years of Euro- hostility, mixed in with jarring moments of rity. After Macron did so in an interview [in
pean leaders trying—and mostly failing—to praise and admiration.  November], Trump, who
forge a good relationship with the US previously enjoyed a good
president, 2018 was the year they inally 4. This dual approach is not Trump's position rapport with the French
started to stand up to him.  new to US diplomacy.
While Barack Obama spoke
towards the president, sent out a series
of aggressive tweets about
2. Since Trump’s election in November 2016, passionately about the continent has France. In response, Ma-
Europeans have grappled with the new dy- strength of the transatlan- largely been one cron more or less ignored
namic he has brought to the transatlantic
relationship, given his lack of interest for (and
tic relationship, and re-
mained commit ted to
of benign neglect him, stating during an in-
terview, “I do not do policy
sometimes open hostility towards) European American defense obliga- or outright or diplomacy by tweets.” 
affairs during his campaign for president. At tions under NATO, he also hostility.
irst, many European leaders believed that famously called Europeans 7. In an August editorial in
creating a bond with Trump would ulti- “free riders” and made Asia Handelsblatt, German for-
mately pay off. It did not. In the last year, relations a focus during his two terms. And eign minister Heiko Maas criticized “the
they have instead coalesced around a broad before Obama, George W. Bush regularly ever-changing whims of the American
strategy to protect themselves from the castigated EU members for not investing President” and called for Europe to “reas-
whims of a global superpower and its fa- enough into their defense budgets, while sess” its relationship with the US. Several
mously mercurial president.  spending his second term trying to repair European nations have called for an in-
the European relations that had faltered creased investment in sovereign defense
CHANGES IN THE TRANSAT- during the Iraq War.  spending, and Germany and France have
LANTIC RELATIONSHIP both renewed calls to form a united Euro- >>>
3. Trump has made a concerted effort since 5. But Trump has brought this type of diplo-
2016 to disengage from the transatlantic matic hedging to new extremes. Initially,
relationship. He pulled the US out of the there was “this idea that…you could cultivate 6. to ight, fought, fought back to counterattack,
Paris Agreement on climate change and the a relationship with him, throw him a military defend oneself / to change track to take a diferent
stance towards / to state to declare / to count on to rely
Iran nuclear deal; repeatedly criticized NATO parade or something, and he would be daz- on / to ensure to guarantee, make sure / rapport
and threatened to cut back US defense spend- zled by the baubles,” says Jeremy Shapiro, the relationship.
ing in Europe. He started a global trade war research director of the European Council on 7. ever-changing which constantly change / to reassess
Foreign Relations. “I think in the course of to re-evaluate, reconsider /

1. ... came to us courtesy of... taken at, coming from... / this year, slowly and progressively…people
to capture to take a photo, here, to show / unimpressed- stopped believing in that at all.” 
looking here, with an air of indiference / to fail not to
succeed / to forge to create, establish / to stand, stood,
stood up to to resist, to not be overpowered by. SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
aluminum (US) = aluminium (GB) / steel hard metal
2. to grapple with to struggle with, get to grips with / made of iron and carbon / to cozy up to sb (US) = to cosy
given in view of / lack absence / bond connection /
ultimately in the end, eventually / to pay, paid, paid of
up to sb (GB) make friends with / to praise to applaud (ig.)
/ withdrawal exit / bloc here, European Union / foe enemy,
Les phrasal verbs
to be beneicial / to coalesce to combine, unite / whim / benign neglect non-interference that is intended to (verbes à particule) ne
capricious idea / famously well-known for being... /
mercurial unstable, volatile.
beneit someone or something more than continual attention sont pas toujours
would / outright complete / jarring troubling, disturbing.
3. to pull out to withdraw, leave / Paris Agreement on
faciles à saisir !
4. dual double / to be committed to to be loyal to, to
climate change accord established in Paris within the adhere to the values of / free rider freeloader, sb who who Ne pas confondre :
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change takes things from others without paying for them or giving to stand up se lever
/ Iran nuclear deal agreement on the Iranian nuclear anything in return / focus here, priority / term period in to stand up to someone (§ 1)
program reached in Vienna on 14 July 2015 / repeatedly oice / to castigate to criticise vehemently / to falter to afronter, tenir tête à quelqu'un
again and again, many times / NATO = North Atlantic become unsteady, weaken.
Treaty Organisation / to threaten to menace / to cut, to stand up for someone défendre
5. hedging equivocation, (here, to hedge one’s bets to quelqu'un
cut, cut back to reduce / defense spending (GB) =
follow two opposing strategies in protecting one’s
defence spending (US) expenses for the military / to stand someone up faire faux
interests) / to throw, threw, thrown here, to organise /
dazzled impressed, attracted / bauble decoration, here, bond, poser un lapin à quelqu'un
ceremony, pomp, magniicent display.

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 •7

À la une I Géopolitique I ETATS-UNIS / EUROPE I  C2
Découvrez un extrait de la conférence de presse d’Emmanuel Macron et
de Donald Trump lors du séjour du président américain à Paris les 10 et
11 novembre derniers, et testez votre compréhension sur

U.S. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron during a U.S. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron inside
joint news conference in the East Room of The White House, April 24, 2018. the Élysée Palace in Paris, November 10, 2018. (Tom Brenner/ The New York Times)
(Doug Mills/The New York Times)

>>> pean army, something EU members have 9. They will need this leverage if they hope to makes no sense to sow division among
tried, and failed, to turn into reality for extract any concessions from the US, Shapiro countries with whom one has generally
years. After Trump reimposed US sanctions says. “The usual way you would deal with the friendly relations [...], and when their collec-
on Iran, European inance ministers an- American ally is to appeal to the strategic tive support might be needed in other con-
nounced in late September that they would value of the relationship, the cultural ties, the texts,” writes international affairs professor
develop a inancial strategy to allow Euro- longstanding sense that ‘We’re in this to- Stephen M. Walt. 
pean companies to keep doing business with gether,'” he explains. “None of that was work-
Iran while avoiding secondary sanctions ing with Donald Trump. So then you have to AN OPPORTUNITY FOR EUROPE?
from US regulators. The Trump administra- confront him from a position of strength.”  11. Alina Polyakova, a fellow at the Brookings
tion has hit back hard. Secretary of state Institution, says that a US retreat poses an
Mike Pompeo said he was “disturbed and 10. Trump may want to reimagine the trans- opportunity for Europe. “Europe has a great
indeed deeply disappointed” by European atlantic relationship to better beneit the US, capacity for … political leverage that they’re
attempts to bypass US sanctions.  but his approach appears to be driven by the not using at all,” she says. “As the US poten-
idea that a splintered, weaker Europe is pref- tially takes a step back from having this role
WHAT’S NEXT? erable to a uniied one. This ultimately risks as the shining beacon of Western liberal de-
8. Observers say Europe can, and should, do hurting the US, as Europe has sought to mocracy, that could be an opportunity for
more to protect its sovereign interests. As circumvent American authority on trade Europe to step in.” That’s what European
Mark Leonard, the director of the European issues and has drawn closer to China in the leaders seem to have decided to do, as they go
Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) writes, process. “Playing ‘divide and rule’ is a good head-to-head with the US over secondary
“In order to have a strong transatlantic alli- idea when dealing with real enemies, but it sanctions, trade, climate change, and defense
ance, the EU will need to develop the tools to spending. As Shapiro explains, “They’re es-
[...] stand up for its own interests.”  sentially saying: Don’t take us for granted.” l
9. leverage means of pressure, strategic advantage to
accomplish sth / to extract to obtain / to appeal to to call
upon / tie link, connection / longstanding existing for a long
time / sense feeling, idea / We’re in this together we are all to make, made, made no sense to be absurd / to sow,
in the same boat / to confront to face up to, deal with. sowed, sowed or sown division to create discord.
to avoid to escape, evade / regulators here, authorities / 11. fellow academic research position at a university /
10. to drive, drove, driven to motivate / splintered
administration government / to hit, hit, hit back to retreat withdrawal / to pose to constitute / to take, took,
fragmented, divided / to seek, sought, sought to to try
retaliate / Secretary of state (US) equivalent of the taken a step back to remove itself from the position of /
to, attempt to / to circumvent to avoid, get around / to
minister of foreign afairs / disturbed troubled, concerned shining beacon here, one that leads the way / to go, went,
draw, drew, drawn closer to to become more friendly
/ disappointed discouraged, dissatisied / attempt gone head-to-head with to take up an opposing position
with, allied to / in the process at the same time, while
efort, tentative / to bypass to get round, circumvent. towards / essentially basically / to take sb for granted to
doing this / divide and rule create division to rule more
8. to stand, stood, stood up for to defend. efectively / expect sb or sth to be available to serve in some way without
thanks or recognition; to value sb or sth too lightly.

8 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
À la une I Géopolitique I CHINE I  B2-C1
Xi Jinping has been serving as general secretary of the Communist Party of China since 2012
and as the president of China since 2013. Born in Beijing in 1953, he is the son of revolutionary
veteran Xi Zhongxun, one of the Communist Party’s founding fathers. In 2018, China
approved the removal of the two-term limit on the presidency, efectively allowing Xi Jinping
to remain in power for life.


A new world order forged by China

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets the press

after the Leaders’ Roundtable Summit at
the Belt and Road Forum for International
Cooperation in Beijing, May 15, 2017. (SIPA)

Since Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, China has embarked on vast projects aimed at inluence, directing investment to woo gov-
extending its inluence worldwide, while reinforcing its economic and inancial ties ernments that control vital assets. 
internationally – most notably with the famous “Belt and Road Initiative”. Can the
Chinese giant steal the limelight from the United States and in so doing, redeine the 3. A traditional ally of the United States,
rules of international commerce? Egypt controls the Suez Canal, a vital ship-
ping passage where a threat to access could

impede China’s movement around the globe.
In constructing a central piece of the futur-
nder a merciless sun, a dozen SECURING VITAL ASSETS istic capital, China is ingratiating itself with
Chinese construction workers 2. The presence of Chinese labor and largesse the canal’s ultimate gatekeeper, President
survey an empty expanse of desert, prepar- on the sands of Egypt is a testament to Chi- Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, while rendering his
ing to transform it into the heart of a new na’s global aspirations. After centuries of grandest visions dependent on friendly rela-
Egyptian capital. The workers are employed weakness and isolation, China is reclaiming tions with Beijing. 
by China’s largest construction conglomerate what its leaders regard as its natural destiny
through a $3 billion contract from an Egyp- — supremacy in Asia, and respect around the 4. China’s reach for commercial expansion
tian company, with inancing from Chinese planet. Through the ventures in Egypt and along with diplomatic inluence guides an
banks. They are erecting a thicket of 21 elsewhere, China is exploiting its formidable array of Chinese undertakings, from rail >>>
skyscrapers, one as tall as the Empire State economic clout to expand its geopolitical
to direct to target / to woo to court, solicit.
3. shipping maritime transport / threat menace / to
2. to secure to ensure, guarantee / asset here, resource /
impede to obstruct / to ingratiate oneself with to
labor (US) = labour (GB) work, here, workers / largesse
make a friend of / ultimate supreme, here, controlling, key
1. merciless without pity, relentless / construction generosity / to be a testament to sth to bear witness to
/ gatekeeper guardian, controller / grand grandiose,
worker builder / to survey here, to observe, assess / / global international / weakness lack of strength,
expanse stretch / through by way of / billion thousand fragility / to reclaim to restore, recover, get back / to
million / thicket here, group / skyscraper very tall regard to consider / venture project / clout inluence, 4. reach here, endeavour, quest / array variety, series /
modern building. power / undertaking enterprise, project /

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 •9

À la une I Géopolitique I CHINE I  B2-C1

According to the US-China Economic and Security Review

Commission, China’s military power could match America’s
by 2050.

Chinese surveyors working at the future site of the central business district in Beijing demands consideration commensu-
Cairo, August 2018. (Bryan Denton/The New York Times)
rate with its stature. 

7. In the telling of the ruling Communist

Party, China’s modern history is the story of
Chinese mastery degraded by colonial de-
pravity. China is the land that invented the
compass, gunpowder, paper and printing,
amassing stupendous wealth while Europe
was still backward. Then came centuries of
humiliation — Britain’s proiting from forc-
ing opium on the populace, Japanese brutal-
ity, demeaning lectures about human rights
from hypocritical Americans. Now, China is
intent on securing its own fate. 

8. “China wants to be a great power in the

world,” said Paul Heer, a former chief national
intelligence oficer in East Asia for the United
States, who now teaches at George Washington
University. “They think the rest of the world
>>> networks and highways taking shape across resources, often from countries forsaken by owes them recognition, and a return to what
Africa and Latin America to ports and power the West as pariah states like Iran, Sudan the Chinese see as their rightful place.” 
stations being constructed in Eastern Europe and Myanmar. In foreign policy, China pur-
and South Asia. In Southeast Asia, Chinese sued a sole obsession — peeling off diplo- 9. Nowhere are China’s designs clearer than
entrepreneurs are engineering a crop of web matic recognition of Taiwan, the self-govern- in Asia. China has overtaken the United
companies just as China projects growing ing island that Beijing claims as its territory. States as the leading trading partner with
military power in the South China Sea.  Even as China skirmished with neighbors Asian nations while pushing back against
over contested islands, it accepted the domi- American naval primacy in the South China
5. Little more than a decade ago, China’s nance of the U.S. Navy. Those days are over. Sea. China is disrupting American alliances
forays beyond its borders were mainly about in the region, from Japan to Singapore to
bringing home energy, minerals and other CHINA’S “RIGHTFUL PLACE” Australia. Beyond its backyard, China’s ambi-
6. Under the muscular leadership of Presi- tions are boundless. It celebrates its Belt and
dent Xi Jinping, China has cast off previous
highway (US) = motorway (GB) major road / to take, restraints, rejecting deference to a U.S.-
took, taken shape to form, develop / power station
building where electricity is produced / to engineer here, dominated global order as an impediment to to demand to insist upon, require / commensurate with
to put in place / crop here, generation / to project to fulil national revival. In matters of commerce and in accordance with.
its ambition of. national security, China is competing with 7. in the telling of way of telling the story / ruling in
5. foray incursion / border frontier / power / mastery control, supreme skill or knowledge /
the United States, even in traditional Amer- depravity deprivation / compass instrument with a
ican spheres of inluence. From a Chinese magnetised needle to ind north, south, east or west /
perspective, this reordering is merely an gunpowder mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and
overdue reversion to historical reality as sulfur used in ireworks / stupendous phenomenal,
prodigious / backward behind, retrograde / from forcing
opium on the populace ref to the Opium Wars in the
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE mid-19th century involving China and the British Empire
over the British trade of opium and China’s sovereignty /
to forsake, forsook, forsaken to abandon / to pursue populace population / demeaning humiliating, humbling
Notez où se trouve to follow / sole only one / to peel of here, to eradicate / / lecture sermon / to be intent on to be determined to /
self-governing autonomous / to claim to assert as one’s
l'accent tonique : own, one’s right to / to skirmish to conduct a minor
to secure one’s own fate to take control of one’s destiny.
SUBSTANTIF VERBE military battle / Navy naval forces. 8. intelligence information (espionage) / chief oicer
director / to owe to have a moral obligation to render/ofer.
projects (§ 4) to project 6. rightful legitimate / muscular energetic, powerful / to
cast, cast, cast of to get rid of / restraint constraint, 9. design here, intention / to overtake, took, taken to
D'autres exemples : surpass / leading principal / trading partner commercial
reserve / impediment obstacle / revival renaissance,
produce to produce renewal / reordering here, new order of things / merely partner (trade commerce, business) / to push back
record to record simply / overdue long awaited, that should have against to oppose / primacy superiority / to disrupt
protest to protest happened before / reversion return / here, to destabilise / backyard territory, area, region /
boundless unlimited, ininite /

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Over the past four decades, economic growth in China has been
10 times faster than in the United States, and it is still more
than twice as fast.

Road Initiative, a vast collection of infra- Projects that China helped inance in the last
structure projects around the world, as the decade with grants, loans and investments
means of recreating the Silk Road, the trails
navigated in ancient times by merchants Belt and Road countries
are shaded.
carrying goods between Asia and Europe. 
Europe Asia

10. “Xi Jinping is leading a China that has

inluences in all corners of the globe,” said
Zhang Baohui, a professor of international
relations at Lingnan University in Hong
Kong. “The 2008 inancial crisis in the West
was the turning point for China. Beijing South
started to embrace a triumphal mindset,
and pursued global leadership with new

(N.Y. Times News Service)

conidence on the back of the West’s per-
ceived laws.” 
Pipelines and other Bridges, roads and Power plants —
41 elements of oil and
gas infrastructure are
203 railways are creating
new ways for China
199 nuclear, natural gas,
coal and renewables
11. For the Western powers whose order has helping China secure to move its goods — are giving China
valuable resources. around the world. new markets for its
prevailed since the end of World War II, domestic companies.
China poses a foundational challenge. The THE NEW YORK TIMES

United States and its victorious allies erected 12. China’s challenge to the Western-domi-
institutions that were — at least rhetorically nated order is ampliied by the reality that The Belt and
— designed to keep the peace by promoting
trade and fair competition. The World Bank
its primary architect, the United States, is
now led by an avowed nationalist. As Presi-
Road Initiative
and the International Monetary Fund have dent Donald Trump wages a trade war and
dispensed aid with conditions, though fre- derides international cooperation, he has The Belt and Road Initiative is a
quently drawing accusations that they have generated doubts about the perseverance of development strategy adopted by the
Chinese government in order to connect
failed to comply with their standards on the liberal democratic philosophy the United Asia, Africa and Europe, which includes
protecting human rights and the rule of law. States has long championed. Xi has sought numerous infrastructure projects around
China’s investments come with no such to ill the vacuum. He has cast himself as the the world. It was unveiled by Chinese
strictures. China bankrolls autocrats who leader of the rules-based international trad- President Xi Jinping in September 2013.
control geopolitically valuable real estate. ing system.  Often described as a new silk road, the
China demands only that its companies gain Belt and Road is geographically
a piece of the action while recipients eschew 13. In an interview, Gen. Ahmed Zaki Abdeen, structured along overland routes for road
criticizing Beijing.  who heads the Egyptian state-owned com- and rail transportation (“belt”) and sea
routes (“road”) stretching from
pany overseeing the new Egyptian capital, South-east Asia to Eastern Europe and
railed against U.S. reluctance to invest in his Africa. It includes 71 countries and is
Silk Road ancient network of trade routes that connected country. “Stop talking to us about human expected to cost an estimated US$4–8
the East and West / trail path, track, way / to navigate to rights,” he said. “Come and do business with trillion. With this initiative, Chinese irms
travel over, to ind one’s way in / ancient very old, of are engaging in construction work across
antiquity / goods merchandise.
us. The Chinese are coming — they are seek-
ing win-win situations. Welcome to the the globe on a massive scale. So far, they
10. corner here, area / turning point here signiicant
moment in time / to embrace to adopt / mindset way of Chinese.” l have secured more than $340bn in
thinking / conidence self-assurance / on the back of on construction contracts in the countries
the basis of / law fault, defect. that have joined the project.
12. primary principal, main / avowed openly declared /
11. to prevail to dominate / foundational fundamental, to wage a war to engage in an armed struggle, here, to act belt band of leather or other material worn around
here, historic / fair competition equitable in a hostile way / to deride to mock, ridicule, / to the waist, here metaphorical for transport corridors
competitiveness / to dispense to provide / to draw, champion to defend, support, promote / to seek, / to connect to link / to unveil to reveal / silk
drew, drawn accusations that... to be accused of / to sought, sought to look for, here to try (to do) / to ill to road ancient trade route between China and the
fail here, to omit, neglect / to comply with to respect, occupy / vacuum void denigrate / to cast, cast, cast Mediterranean / overland route here,
conform to / standard principle / rule of law the oneself as to present oneself as. infrastructure for road travel / rail transportation
authority of the law, here rules of conduct / stricture infrastructure for travel by train / to stretch to
restriction, constraint / bankroll inances / valuable 13. Gen. = General / to head to preside over, direct, lead / extend, go (from...to) / trillion one thousand
precious / real estate property / to gain a piece of the state-owned public, nationalised / to oversee, saw, billion / to engage in to become involved in / on a
action to obtain a portion, share of the monetary gains or seen to supervise, be in charge of / to rail against to massive scale a very big project / to secure to
other beneits produced by some venture or activity / criticise vehemently / reluctance reticence / win-win obtain / bn = billion thousand million.
recipient beneiciary / to eschew to avoid. proitable for all parties concerned.

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 11

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Brèves d

le chifre de la quinzaine

(Hazel Thompson/The New York Times)

(Royal Mail)
Design mistake This is the new minimum wage
Last month, British postal service, Royal Mail, had to apologise to customers for that came into efect in New York
early this month. Most of the city’s
a mistake on a stamp to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day. When companies that employ more than
Royal Mail posted a picture of the forthcoming limited-edition stamp on Twitter, 10 workers now have to pay their
whose caption read, “D-Day: Allied soldiers and medics wade ashore,” customers workers a minimum of $15 an hour
immediately spotted the mistake: the image that Royal Mail used for the stamp – a $2 increase. The increase will
showed American troops on a beach in Dutch New Guinea (today part of Indone- mostly beneit workers paid hourly,
including more than one million
sia) instead of Normandy! Royal Mail faced a serious backlash, with many cus- fast-food employees and more
tomers complaining that the mistake was disrespectful to veterans. They apolo- than 25,000 staf at the city’s two
gised and announced that the error was caught in time to make the required airports.
correction for the rollout in June. minimum wage minimum hourly rate of
mistake error / Royal Mail British postal service / to apologise (GB), to apologize (US) to say sorry / stamp adhesive pay / to come, came, come into efect
paper on an envelope to show that postage has been paid / forthcoming about to come out / caption words written under to become law / early at the beginning of
a picture / medic (GB) doctor / to wade to walk through water / ashore to the shore, ie, the land / to spot to detect / / increase augmentation, rise / mostly
troop here, soldier / to face here, to be subjected to / backlash strong negative reaction / to complain to criticise / principally.
disrespectful showing no respect / veteran former combattant / rollout introduction onto the market, launch.

Irish passports
The department of foreign
affairs in Dublin has revealed
that a record number of Brits
are currently applying for Irish (Istock)
passports. In 2018, almost
200,000 Irish passport
applications were received
Nasty scare
from the UK, among which In Perth, multiple police oicers were sent to
84,855 were from Northern respond to an emergency call by a concerned
Ireland and 98,544 were from passerby who reported having heard a toddler
Great Britain. These numbers screaming and a man repeatedly shouting
“Why don’t you die?” while walking outside a
represent a 2% and a 22%
(George Sweeney/REX/SIPA)

suburban house. When they arrived at the

increase respectively, house, police oicers found a screaming man
compared with 2017. The Irish with a “serious fear” of spiders...
government had to hire new
nasty scare frightening disturbance / emergency
staff in its passport office to call uphone call to emergency services / concerned
cope with this increase in worried, alarmed / passerby person walking past / to
demand. report to signal, here alert / toddler very young child
who has just started to walk / to scream to cry, shout
currently at present, at the moment / to apply for to request, ask oicially / application formal request / to hire to as if in distress / repeatedly again and again,
employ / staf employees, personnel / to cope with to deal with, manage. continually / to shout to cry out / suburban in a
residential area outside a big city / spider arachnid.

12 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019

Société I Brexit I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1
Ivor Davies of Sheield, England, talks to us on the Advanced recording, with a
brief recap on the Basic, about Brexit, Article 50 and the years that led up to the
current state of afairs.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)



Agriculture in post-Brexit Britain

Nearly three-quarters of British land is

used for farming. (Istock)

With only two months to go to the oicial exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the farming sector, which
depends heavily on subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), stands to lose signiicant funding. Last September,
Agriculture Minister, Michael Gove, submitted an “ecological” bill to reform the criteria for farming subsidies in the future. How
do British farmers view the Post-Brexit landscape?

2 018 was a testing year for Britain’s

150,000 or so farmers. A summer heat-
wave scorched the broccoli and cauliflower
crops. Before that, freezing conditions held up
on his farm in the 1920s, has learned to live with.
Brexit is different. 

2. In most sectors of the economy, the govern-

about £3.1bn a year. After Brexit those payments
will end. The Treasury has promised to pay farm-
ers the equivalent of the CAP subsidies until the
end of the parliament, due in 2022. After that, the
sowing, and scythed through the lambing sea- ment is doing its best to maintain continuity payments will be phased out and replaced by a
son. On Pant-y-Beiliau farm, in Wales’s Usk after Britain leaves the European Union next new system that the government is drawing up.
Valley, the Trumper family was anticipating a March. But in agriculture, it promises big chang- Its design will determine the future of British
bumper year from their lock of a thousand ewes. es. Michael Gove, the secretary for the environ- farming, and the face of the countryside. 
In the end they lost about 5% of their newborns ment, food and rural affairs, has pledged a
to the knackermen. But the extremes of weath- shake-up regardless of whatever deal the govern- 4. Agriculture makes up only about 0.5% of
er are something that Maurice Trumper, born ment eventually reaches with Brussels.  Britain’s economy. But it employs almost half a
million people, or 1.5% of the working population,
UNDER THE CAP a igure which rises to 4.1% in Wales and 5.7% in
1. testing diicult / or so about, approximately /
heatwave period of extremely hot weather / to scorch to 3. Under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy Northern Ireland. It supports other industries, >>>
burn, here, to dry out with intense heat / caulilower (CAP), British farmers receive subsidies worth
variety of white cabbage / crop agricultural plant / to
hold, held, held up to delay / sowing planting of seeds / about approximately / bn = billion (one thousand
to scythe to cut into, here, to interrupt, to reduce the time 2. to pledge to promise / shake-up complete million) / (the) Treasury ministry of inance / to phase
available for / to lamb to help the birth of lambs (baby reorganisation / regardless of whatever... no matter out to progressively stop / to replace to substitute / to
sheep) / farm land used for agricultural production / what... / deal agreement / eventually in the end / to draw, drew, drawn up to create, to establish / design
Wales country which is part of the UK (capital: Cardif) / reach to conclude. model, structure / countryside rural areas.
to anticipate to forecast, to predict / bumper 4. to make, made, made up to represent / almost
exceptionally abundant / lock group of animals / ewe 3. under subject to / (the) Common Agricultural
Policy agricultural policy of the EU / worth with a value nearly / working active / igure number / to rise, rose,
female sheep / knackerman person who works in an risen to go up, to increase / to support to provide for, to
abattoir. of... /
help /

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>>> contributing most of the raw materials for the er says that his 500-acre farm receives about heavy investment
food and drink business, for instance. And per- £36,000 a year in CAP payments: “We are to- in technology
haps no industry has a greater physical impact tally dependent on that to survive.”  such as drones
on the country. Nearly three-quarters of British and high-tech
land is used for farming.  8. Ministers have yet to reveal the details of the greenhouses. In Brit-
system that will replace direct payments. But it ain, there is plenty of
5. Under the CAP, most subsidies are given out seems that farmers will face a choice: either seek potential for improve-
according to the acreage of a farm, in what are government payments for creating public goods, ment. 
known as direct pay- or focus on eficiency in
ments. The rest are allo-
cated for the work that
Some farmers are order to survive without
subsidies. One govern-
11. Back in the Usk Val-
ley, farmers wait to
farmers do to look after excited by the ment adviser says farm- learn their fate. Ag-
the environment. British prospect of being paid ers will have ive years or ricultural policy
farmers have long argued for their maintenance so to shape up. Those that has been devolved
that the system is unjust
and ineficient, reward-
of the countryside. don’t “will come a cropper
and go bankrupt.” 
to the govern-
ments of Scot-
ing rich landowners for land, Wales and
the size of their holdings and failing properly to HOPE AND FEAR Northern Ire-
recognise farmers’ stewardship of the landscape.  9. Some farmers are excited by the prospect of land, which
being paid for their maintenance of the coun- might choose
NEW FORMULA AFTER BREXIT tryside. Yet small farms may not have the where- to continue di-
6. So the government is seizing the opportunity withal to compete for the payments that Mr rectly prop- British Secretary of State for
that Brexit presents to lip the formula. In future, Gove has in mind. Many voted for Brexit as a ping up farms if Environment, Food and Rural Afairs
Michael Gove. (SIPA)
subsidies will be awarded for delivering “public protest against the bureaucracy involved in ap- they do not like
goods”. The most important of these, Mr Gove plying for EU subsidies. The replacement system the look of Mr Gove’s new system. As one Welsh
says, is “environmental protection and enhance- may be no less cumbersome. Nor is it clear that oficial says, the local coal and steel industries
ment”, such as planting woods, restoring peat there is much more scope for diversiication. were virtually wiped out in the 1980s. In some
bogs or maintaining hedgerows. Mr Gove has Two-thirds of farmers have already gone into areas, farming, “a social anchor to communities”,
won plaudits from environmentalists for his other lines of business, such as solar energy and is all they have left. l
apparent devotion to their cause; he calls himself bed-and-breakfast; a quarter make more money
a “romantic” about the countryside.  from this than farming.  heavy considerable / greenhouse glass structure for the
cultivation of plants / plenty of a lot of.
7. Although the CAP is unpopular, iddling with 10. Mr Gove has also talked up the potential of 11. to learn, learnt or learned, learnt or learned to
the system provokes nervousness. The subsidies technology. On small farms, like that of Gary know / fate destiny / to devolve to decentralise / to prop
up to support sth to stop it from falling down / look
make up 61% of farm income in England; in Ryan in Monmouthshire, gizmos like Moocall, appearance, here, structure / virtually almost, practically
Wales and Northern Ireland the igure is over a sensor stuck on a cow’s tail to alert a farmer / to be wiped out to be destroyed / anchor heavy piece
80%. Small, upland livestock farms tend to be before calving, improve eficiency. Government of metal used to secure a boat at sea, here, pillar of
stablility and security / [it] is all they have left [it] is the
particularly reliant on the subsidies. Mr Trump- aides point to the Netherlands, a country of only only thing which remains.
17m people that is nevertheless the world’s sec-
ond-largest agricultural exporter, thanks to
raw material basic material which is then converted into
goods in a production process / business industry / for
instance for example. SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
8. to face to be confronted with / either... or one or other
5. to give, gave, given out to distribute, to allocate / of two things / to seek, sought, sought to ask for / to
according to depending on / acreage size, area of land
measured in acres (1 acre= 4,047 m²) / to allocate to
focus on to concentrate on / adviser consultant / to Dans cet article, les
shape up to improve one’s performance to meet a
give, to distribute / to look after to take care of, here, to standard / to come, came, come a cropper to fail badly / trois mots "could"
protect, to preserve / long for a long time / to argue to
airm, to say / ineicient not managed efectively / to
to go, went, gone bankrupt to become inancially "may" et "might"
reward to recompense / landowner person who
ruined. indiquent une
possesses land / holding property / to fail to to not do 9. fear apprehension, worry / prospect possibility / yet
however / wherewithal means / to compete to be in
possibilité :
sth / properly correctly, appropriately, fairly / to
recognise to appreciate, to acknowledge / stewardship competition with one another / in mind as an idea/a plan "How Brexit could change the face
management / landscape countryside, environment. / to be involved in to be required / to apply for to make of rural Britain" (titre)
a formal request for / cumbersome complex / scope " ... small farms may not have the
6. to seize to take / to lip to change / to deliver to opportunity / line of business type of commercial
provide / enhancement improvement / such as like (for wherewithal to compete for the
example) / peat bog wetland of decomposing vegetation payments ..." (§ 9)
/ hedgerow row of bushes around a ield / plaudits 10. to talk up to speak in favour of, to promote / that
here, the one / gizmo gadget / sensor detector / to stick,
" ... the replacement system may be
praise, expression of approval. no less cumbersome ... " (§ 9)
stuck, stuck to attach / tail elongated posterior part of
7. although even if / to iddle with to play around with, an animal / to calve to give birth to a young cow / to " ... the governments of Scotland,
here, to change / nervousness anxiety, unease / income improve to make better, to ameliorate / aide consultant / Wales and Northern Ireland, which
revenue / over more than / upland in an area of high to point to to refer to, to cite as an example / (the) might choose to continue directly
elevation / livestock farm animals / to tend to to have a Netherlands Holland / nevertheless all the same / propping up farms ..." (§ 11)
tendency to / reliant (on) dependent. thanks to because of /

14 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
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The Supreme Court group photo taken in 1894.
I Tradition I ETATS-UNIS (C.M. Bell via Library of Congress via The New York Times)

Découvrez le reportage vidéo sur le quotidien
des juges de la Cour Suprême et testez votre
compréhension sur

e New York Times)

ber 30, 2018. (Doug Mills/Th
up pho to in Washington, Novem Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. (SIPA)
The Supreme Court gro



A group photo of the Supreme Court justices
Brett Kavanaugh joined the U.S. Supreme Court in October. The Court is responsible for ruling on major issues concerning the
American Constitution. On this occasion, the nine justices of the Supreme Court gathered in front of the cameras for an oicial
“class photo”. A New York Times journalist explains this historic tradition.

J ustice Brett Kavanaugh stood in the back

row, on the far right, beaming. Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg, recovering from a fall, sat in
had just recalled. It was the latest installment of
an awkward and illuminating tradition at the
Supreme Court: the group photographs prepared
ber, the justices took their places, in strict order
of seniority, and tried to smile for the cameras. 

front of him, grimacing. Off to her right, Justice when a new justice joins the court. Last Novem- 2. About a dozen news photographers were there
Stephen Breyer appeared to chuckle at a joke he to document the occasion, supervised by a court >>>
installment (US) = instalment (GB) episode /
1. justice judge / to stand, stood, stood to be positioned awkward diicult, uncomfortable / illuminating seniority number of years in service.
/ row line / far right extreme right / to beam to smile revealing / photograph photo /
2. news photographer press photographer / to
radiantly / to recover to return to a normal state of health document to record / occasion event / court oicial
after an illness / of not far from / to appear to seem / to court employee/representative /
chuckle to laugh /

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>>> oficial with a stopwatch. “It’s a tradition that all photograph for which color ilm was not used,” JUST MINUTES TO CAPTURE
the photographers in town look forward to get- the notes said, “and the result is the first to HISTORY
ting a crack at,” said Doug Mills, a photographer combine each of the justices’ individual choices, 7. The news photographers have to work fast.
for The New York Times, “because it’s a histori- from several poses, into a single image.”  Decades ago, they were allowed three minutes,
cal picture no matter what.”  but Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who was
NEW FACES IN OLD PLACES not known for his patience, thought that too
PHOTOSHOPPING THE JUSTICES 5. The Supreme Court is resistant to change. For generous. He gave the photographers two min-
3. A Supreme Court photographer also takes the past 50 years, the elements of the group utes. Last November, Kathleen Arberg, the
pictures. Until recently, the justices voted on photographs have been identical. They are taken court’s public information oficer, used a stop-
which of those would be the oficial photograph. in the court’s east conference room, in front of watch to count down the allotted 120 seconds.
“It is not clear when the justices began voting red velvet drapes. Some traditions are older. Since The main thing photographers want in those
for their preferred pose, but the process goes at 1899, the justices have arranged themselves in two minutes is a formal group portrait in which
least as far back as the Taft court” in the 1920s, order of seniority. These days, that means the the justices look at the camera.  
Franz Jantzen, one of the court’s photographers, chief justice is seated in the middle, with his four
wrote in 2015 in The Journal of Supreme Court longest-serving colleagues seated at his sides. 8. “The tough part is that most of the time their
History. If there were 5-4 splits, they have not The four more junior justices stand, with the heads are turned and they’re talking to each
been reported.  newest on the far right.  other,” said Bob Daugherty, a retired Associated
Press photographer. “You like the animated stuff,
4. The 2017 oficial photograph, according to 6. The irst group photograph of the justices in but you do want something where the faces are
notes to an exhibit at the court, included an in- their robes was taken in 1867, by Alexander identiiable in a group shot.” That can be hard to
novation. It looks like a class photo, but it is a Gardner. The justices have assembled 52 more achieve, particularly if Justice Clarence Thomas
composite. “This is the irst oficial color group times since then, generally whenever a new is in characteristically gregarious form. “Our
member joined. In 2003, after the justices had nemesis is Thomas, because he’ll start laughing
been together for nine years without a change and joking with whoever is next to him,” said
stopwatch watch for measuring the exact duration of
time of sth / to look forward to to be enthusiastic about, in personnel, they added a bonus sitting.  Dennis Brack, who photographed the justices for
to await with anticipation / to get, got, got a crack at to many years for Black Star Publishing Co. There
try, to have a go / no matter what whatever happens. were other challenges, Brack said. “Our biggest
3. to Photoshop to touch up/improve a photo with nonfan was Thurgood Marshall,” he said. “His
solution was to go to sleep.” l
software / to go, went, gone as far back as to date back several numerous.
to as many years ago as / Taft court Supreme Court from 5. velvet velours, soft voluptuous fabric / drape curtain /
1921-1930 when William Howard Taft was Chief Justice / to arrange to organise / chief justice chief judge of the
5-4 split division of 5 votes against 4 in a legal decision. Supreme Court / to serve to work, to perform duties.
4. according to as stated/reported by... / exhibit 7. decade period of ten years / to allow to authorize, here,
6. to assemble to come together / sitting photo session. to give / public information oicer communications
exhibition, exposition /
coordinator / to count down to count numbers in reverse
order to zero / allotted appointed, scheduled / main
8. tough diicult, hard / retired no longer working
because of old age / stuf things / shot photo / to
achieve to accomplish / challenge diiculty, obstacle.


JEUNES " ... a tradition that all

the photographers look
forward to getting a
crack at ... " (§ 2)
Notez l'utilisation du gérondif (-ing)
et non de l'ininitif (to do) dans

cette expression :
05 65 77 10 47 to look forward to doing something
www.verdiehello.com attendre avec impatience l'occasion
de faire quelque chose
On le trouve également dans des
destinations expressions telles que :
humaines I look forward to meeting you,
hearing from you, seeing you, etc.

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Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler comme un Anglais…


Ecrire une lettre

Que vous ayez l’intention d’envoyer une lettre de motivation
à une grande entreprise new-yorkaise ou de déclarer votre

lamme à votre beau correspondant australien, cette page
est faite pour vous !

Vocabulaire clé
addressee, recipient parcel colis
destinataire pen stylo
anger colère pen friend correspondant
annoucement faire-part postcard carte postale
break-up letter, Dear John postman facteur Retrouvez cette fiche de vocabulaire lue sur le
letter lettre de rupture private privé CD lecture et son commentaire sur la partie
conirmation letter lettre de basique du CD conversation.
receive recevoir
conirmation reference letter lettre de CD audio ou téléchargement MP3
conirmation of receipt accusé recommandation
de réception registered recommandé
convincing convaincant reminder letter lettre de relance Expressions à retenir
correspondence scathing letter lettre d’insulte
correspondance Dear Sir or Madam Madame, Monsieur,
send envoyer
cover letter lettre de motivation To whom it may concern Madame, Monsieur, (très formel)
sender expéditeur
enclosed joint I’m writing to conirm my application. Je vous écris pour
signature signature
envelope enveloppe conirmer ma candidature.
spelling orthographe
epistolary épistolaire I am delighted to inform you that you have been selected.
stamp timbre J’ai le plaisir de vous informer que vous avez été sélectioné.
express oneself s’exprimer
stationery papier à lettre I regret to inform you that your application was rejected. J’ai
feelings sentiments
subject objet le regret de vous informer que votre candidature a été rejetée.
greetings card carte de vœux
tear déchirer Please ind enclosed the documents you required. Merci de
indent alinéa
thank-you letter lettre de bien vouloir trouver ci-joint les documents demandés.
inspiration inspiration remerciement An answer at your earliest convenience would be much
letter lettre write écrire appreciated. Une réponse rapide de votre part nous obligerait.
letter of intent lettre d’intention writing écriture Yours sincerely / yours faithfully Salutations respectueuses
love letter lettre d’amour rejection letter lettre de refus Best regards Bien à vous, cordialement
oicial oiciel complaint letter lettre de Looking forward to hearing from you. Dans l’attente d’un
paragraph paragraphe réclamation retour de votre part.

Bon à savoir Testez-vous

Dans une lettre formelle rédigée en anglais, on trouvera en général Trouvez un équivalent des mots de liaison de
l’adresse de l’expéditeur en haut à droite et celle du destinataire, en
dessous, sur le côté gauche de la page. C’est l’inverse du modèle français. la première liste dans la seconde :
La date se trouvera également à droite, quelques lignes sous les adresses. 1- First of all a- Therefore, thus
Vous pouvez écrire une date de diférentes manières. Par exemple 2- In addition to this b- To sum up / (to put it) in a nutshell
pour le 28 mai 2019, vous pourrez écrire : 28th May, 2019 ; May 28th, 2019 ; 3- That is why c- Also
28 May 2019 ; May 28, 2019 ; 28/05/19 (GB) et 05/28/19 (US). Les jours et 4- However d- Furthemore
les mois en anglais prennent toujours une majuscule (ce qui n’est pas le 5- For example e- Nevertheless, still, yet
cas en français). Pour un jour précis, on écrira on May 28, 2019, mais in May 6- Indeed f- Actually
(pour parler seulement du mois).
7- All in all g- To begin with
Les Anglo-Saxons sont très friands de cartes de vœux. En envoyer, pour 8- Besides h- For instance
Noël, la Saint Valentin et autres grands événements fait vraiment partie
de la tradition. Ne pas en envoyer vous ferait passer pour quelqu’un SOLUTIONS : 1-g ; 2-d ; 3-a ; 4-e ; 5-h ; 6-f ; 7-b ; 8-c.

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 17

PRATIC’ABLE / Grammaire


Les modaux can et could

Piqûre de rappel
Les mêmes modaux ont des fonctions
1 Indiquez si la fonction de can dans ces phrases
multiples. correspond à (a) ou (b) de la piqûre de rappel.
Comparez les fonctions de can et could : 1. Europe can, and should, do more to protect its sovereign interests. (___)
(a) can = is/are able to 2. You want something where the faces are identiiable in a group shot.
(b) can = it sometimes happens that That can be hard to achieve. (___)

(c) could = was/were able to 3. Providers can deliver ads for cofee when it is cold and izzy drinks when
it is warm. (___)
(d) could = possible action or consequence
4. Billboards can be programmed to show ads for allergy medication
when the air is full of pollen. (___)
5. The speakers are arranged so visitors can weave in and out, creating an
2 Indiquez si la fonction de could dans immersive experience. (___)
ces phrases correspond à (c) ou (d) 6. Visitors can peruse his collection and make a claim on anything in the
de la piqûre de rappel.
collection. (___)
1. The discussion is about how Brexit could change
7. Intestinal bacteria can have dramatic efects on their nervous systems. (___)
the face of rural Britain. (___)
8. Cuttleish can scare of predators by forming eyespots on their bodies. (___)
2. That could be an opportunity for Europe to step
in. (___) SOLUTIONS : 1.a, 2.b, 3.a, 4.a, 5.a, 6.a, 7.b, 8.a

3. A threat to access the Suez Canal could impede

China’s movement around the globe. (___)
4. About half a billion years ago, their ancestors
could load chambers in the shell with gas to loat
up and down in the ocean. (___)
5. Now the animals could start exploring places
that had been of-limits to their shelled
ancestors. (___)
6. Octopuses could slip into rocky crevices, for
example, to hunt for prey. (___)
7. He wasn’t the guy who went of and did a lot of
wild things, but he could have been. (___)
8. Eastwood could also personally understand the
character’s predicament and choices. (___)
9. But then we realised we could take it anywhere we
wanted to, within reason. (___)
10. The mice had their faeces collected regularly, so
that their bacteria could be tracked. (___)
11. The mouse could go either into a chamber
where there was an empty wire cup or into one
where there was a similar cup containing an
unfamiliar mouse. (___)

Retrouvez Yves Cotten sur et-compagnie.blogspot.fr

SOLUTIONS : 1.d, 2.d, 3.d, 4.c, 5.c, 6.c, 7.d, 8.c, 9.c, 10.c, 11.c

18 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019

/ Prononciation Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

Soignez votre orthographe

Le saviez-vous ?
1 Corrigez les 10 fautes d’orthographe ou de ponctuation cachées The photograph came to us
dans ce texte.
courtesy of the G7 Leaders
Under a mercyless sun, a dozen Chinese construction workers survey an Summit in Canada.
(article “2018 was the year Europe
empty expense of dessert, preparing to transform it in to the heart of a new stood up to Trump” §1)
Egyptian capitol. The workers are employed by Chinas’ largest construction “Courtesy” [le “ou” se prononce
comme le “er” de “her”] se traduit
conglommerate through a $3 billion contract from an Egyptian company,
par “courtoisie” :
with inancing from Chinese banks. They are erecting a thickset of 21 He had the courtesy to apologize
skyscrappers, one has tall as the Empire State Building. il a eu la courtoisie de s’excuser.
Mais d’autres traductions sont
SOLUTIONS : merciless, expanse, desert, into, capital, China’s, conglomerate, thicket, skyscrapers, as possibles :
Will you do me the courtesy of
accompanying me? auriez-vous
2 Tendez l'oreille l’obligeance de m’accompagner?

Trouvez les mots qui se prononcent de la même manière mais qui ne s’écrivent An exchange of courtesies un
pas de la même façon. échange de politesses
Pour vous aider, ces mots commencent par p, b, y, w, s, e ou t. The wine is courtesy of the

 .................... / ....................  pulled (e.g. a car or a boat)

restaurant le vin est ofert par la
similar to a frog direction

 .................... / ....................  used to make furniture

Illustrations by courtesy of the
the conditional of will
National Gallery illustrations

 .................... / ....................  a surface you can write on

reproduites avec l’aimable
not interested
autorisation de la National Gallery

what he/she does with A courtesy bus une navette

 .................... / ....................  take hold of

his/her eyes
A courtesy car une voiture
scattered seeds  .................... /....................  stitched together gracieusement mise à la
disposition d’un client
a female sheep  .................... / ....................  not me A courtesy call une visite de
lean forwards in A courtesy card une carte
reverence  .................... / ....................  branch of a tree privilège (utilisable dans les
hôtels, banques etc)
the glass of a window  .................... /....................  acute discomfort

put into categories  .................... /....................  past tense of to seek

sur www.vocable.fr
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
pane / pain, sort / sought
SOLUTIONS : toad / towed , would / wood, bored / board, sees / seize, sowed / sewed, ewe / you, bow / bough, générale sur notre site internet !

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 19

PRATIC’ABLE / Vocabulaire www.vocable.fr

Jeux de mots
Le vocabulaire à trouver dans les deux exercices ci-dessous provient de l’article “How Brexit could change
the face of rural Britain” (page 13).
A retenir
1 En préparation pour le Brexit, parlons agriculture ! 5 mots à mémoriser dans ce
Complétez ces phrases en formant des “phrasal verbs” à partir des numéro
verbes suivants + une préposition.
drawing shape given
held wiped look makes to smile sourire
phased beaming rayonnant, avec un grand
+ out up out up out up after up
to laugh rire
1. Freezing conditions .................. ...... sowing. to chuckle rire, glousser
2. The payments will be ...................... ...... and replaced by a new system. to joke rigoler
3. The government is .......................... ...... a new system.
4. Agriculture .................. ...... only about 0.5% of Britain’s economy.
L'expression idiomatique
5. Most subsidies are .................. ...... according to the acreage of a farm.
6. The rest are allocated for the work that farmers do to .................. ...... the “Billboard owners are also making hay
from the location data that are pouring of
environment. people’s smartphones.” (voir page 22 § 3)
7. One adviser says farmers will have ive years or so to .................. ...... . to make hay faner, faire les foins (sens
propre), profiter d’une occasion (sens
8. The local coal and steel industries were virtually .................. ...... in the iguratif)
1980s. make hay while the sun shines
(proverbe) battre le fer pendant qu’il est
8. wiped out
SOLUTIONS : 1. held up 2. phased out 3. drawing up 4. makes up 5. given out 6. look after 7. shape up

2 Allons à la campagne !
Traduisez ces mots pour compléter la grille et découvrir le mot clé représenté par les cases bleues.
1. propriété, ferme 2
2. période de l’agnelage 4
3. faucher
5 6 7
4. animaux d’élevage
5. tourbières
6. vache
7. agriculture
8. queue 10
9. haies 11

10. serres
11. bois
12. produits agricoles

mot clé : la campagne  countryside

SOLUTIONS : 1. holding 2. lambing season 3. scythe 4. livestock 5. peat bogs 6. cow 7. farming 8. tail 9. hedgerows 10. greenhouses 11. wood 12. crops

Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : Louer/acheter un appartement

20 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019

À 360°
Le tour du monde en V.O.
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr

Pigeon war
The Spanish city of Cádiz has pledged to
remove 5,000 pigeons after a local
federation of hoteliers complained that the
numerous birds were “menacing” tourists
and ultimately harming tourism in the city.
Cádiz’s council has decided to solve the
problem by relocating 5,000 of its 8,000

pigeons. The birds will be trapped, given
health checks and released near the town
of Riba-Roja de Túria, close to Valencia.
to pledge to promise, commit to do / to complain to
criticise, to ind fault with / ultimately in the end / to
harm to damage, be detrimental to / council local
authority, municipality / to trap to catch, capture /
health check medical examination / to release
here, to liberate, set free.

New home
The Central European University will relocate from Budapest to Vienna in Sep-
tember 2019. Founded by the Hungarian-American philanthropist George Soros
in 1991, the university, which teaches in English, is highly ranked internationally
and regarded as one of the best in the region. It has 1,300 graduate and masters
students. The decision follows an 18-month legal battle between the university
and Hungary’s far-right prime minister, Viktor Orban, who engaged in this battle
as part of a broader war against foreign interference. George Soros has become

Orban’s number one political target over the past few years.
to relocate to move to a new place / to be highly ranked to be at a top level in the classiication / to regard to consider
/ graduate here, with a diploma from university / far-right extreme-right / to engage in to become involved in / as
part of within the framework of / interference intervention / target person or thing sth is aimed at. Cycles for
No-kill eggs In Kilis, a small Turkish city on the border
with Syria, a scheme aimed at creating a
The world’s irst no-kill eggs – the irst to be sold from liveable environment for Syrian refugees
hens reared without killing male chicks – have hit enables the city’s children to get a free
supermarket shelves in Berlin. Bearing the seal bicycle, but only if they meet three
“respeggt,” the eggs were produced using a process requirements: maintaining strong grades,
devised by German scientists – the patented promising to ride for an hour a day... and
“Seleggt” process – to determine a chick’s sex before getting a smoking relative to quit! The
it hatches (nine days after the egg has been fertilised). Syrian civil war has doubled Kilis’s
They are sold by German supermarket Rewe Group. An population to 260,000 since 2016.
estimated 4-6 billion male chicks are culled globally
every year because they serve no economic purpose. cycle = bicycle, bike / border frontier / scheme
programme / to be aimed at to have as an objective
hen female chicken / to rear to raise, bring up / chick baby / liveable nice/pleasant to live in / to enable to
chicken / to hit, hit, hit here, to arrive in / shelf (plur. shelves) make possible / requirement condition, criteria / to
here, supermarket section, department, aisle / to bear, bore, maintain to keep up, hold on to / grade mark / to
borne the seal to be stamped / to devise to invent, conceive / ride, rode, ridden here to sit on and pedal / relative
patented copyrighted / to hatch to emerge from an egg / to cull member of the family / to quit, quitted or quit to

to select, here to kill a selected portion of / globally worldwide / stop, give up, cease (smoking).
to serve no purpose not to have any usefulness.

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 21

Enjeux I Economie I ETATS-UNIS I  C2

Advertising for J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens on a giant LED screen in Times Square, New York, December 2015. (SIPA)

"Programmatic" publicity (billboard publicity board in a public place / medium means of communication)
Large publicity panels, which have been part of the landscape of New York since the 19th century, are as popular as ever in the
United States. Along with the development of smartphones and ‘tracking’ technology, big business has also rediscovered the
advantages of this physical type of advertising.

P edestrians strolling down 8th Ave-

nue in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen
neighbourhood will be struck by the cast-
limestone façade of the Hearst Magazine
ture is a vast digital screen transmitting
advertisements from BuzzFeed, ESPN and
Vice. This blend of history and modernity is
emblematic of the outdoor-advertising busi-
been losing ground to online ads for years; only
billboards, dating back to the 1800s, and TV
ads are holding their own. Such out-of-home
(OOH) advertising, as it is known, is expected
Building. Commissioned by William Ran- ness itself, which, despite being one of the to grow by 3.4% in 2018, and digital out-of-home
dolph Hearst in 1926, the 40,000-square- foot world’s oldest forms of marketing is embrac- (DOOH) advertising, which includes the LCD
(3,716-square-metre) art deco building is ing digital technologies.  screens found in airports and shopping malls,
adorned with luted columns and statues and by 16%. Such ads draw viewers’ attention from
topped by a 600-foot (183-metre) glass and 2. Most forms of conventional advertising— phones and cannot be skipped or blocked, un-
steel skyscraper. Another conspicuous fea- print, radio and broadcast television—have like ads online. 

1. pedestrian person on foot / to stroll to walk casually / feature element / digital electronic / screen TV monitor to lose, lost, lost ground to sufer a loss, to lose
to be struck to be impressed / cast-limestone type of / BuzzFeed American news and entertainment website / popularity / to date back to to date from, to start / to
calcium carbonate sedimentary rock mixed with cement / ESPN = Entertainment Sport Programming hold, held, held one’s own to resist / to be expected to
to commission to oicially ask sb to create sth / square Network US sports TV channel / Vice US media company to be predicted to / LCD screen (= Liquid Crystal
foot (pl. feet) 1 ft² (square foot) = 0.09m² / to be / blend combination / outdoor outside / to embrace to Display) electronic screen / shopping mall shopping
adorned with to be decorated with / luted ornamental adopt/accept enthusiastically. centre / to draw, drew, drawn attention to attract
vertical lines / to top to put at the top of sth / steel strong 2. print here, paper / broadcast television terrestrial attention / to skip to avoid.
metal made of iron and carbon / skyscraper very tall television /
modern building / conspicuous remarkable /

22 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Retrouvez plus d’infos dans la newsletter Vocable www.vocable.fr/newsletter

ADAPTABILITY ers to select, purchase and place ads in minutes,

3. Billboard owners are also making hay from rather than days or weeks. Industry boosters
the location data that are pouring off people’s say outdoor ads will increasingly be bought
smartphones. Information about their owners’ like online ones, based on audience and views

whereabouts and online browsing gets aggre- as well as location. 
gated and anonymised by car-
riers and data vendors and sold 5. That is possible because bill-
to media owners. They then use DOOH board owners claim to be able
these data to work out when
providers can to measure how well their ads
different demographic groups— are working, even though no 4 pages d’informations sur
“business travellers”, say—walk deliver ads for
by their ads. That knowledge is coffee when it
“click-through” rates are in-
volved. Data irms can tell ad- les séjours linguistiques
added to insights into trafic, is cold and fizzy vertisers how many people
weather and other external data
to produce highly relevant ads.
drinks when it walk past individual advertise-
ments at particular times of the
DOOH providers can deliver is warm. day. Advertisers can estimate
ads for coffee when it is cold and how many individuals exposed
izzy drinks when it is warm. to an ad for a Louis Vuitton
Billboards can be programmed to show ads for handbag then go on to visit a nearby shop (or
allergy medication when the air is full of pollen. website) and buy the product. Such metrics
make outdoor ads more data-driven, auto-
“PROGRAMMATIC” ADVERTISING mated and measurable, argues Michael Proven-
4. Such targeting works particularly well when zano, co-founder of Vistar Media, an ad-tech
it is accompanied by “programmatic” advertis- irm in New York.
ing methods, a term that describes the use of
data to automate and improve ads. In the past FAVOURED BY THE TECH GIANTS
year billboard owners such as Clear Channel 6. As the outdoor-ad industry becomes more data-
and JCDecaux have launched programmatic driven, tech giants are among those to see more
platforms which allow brands and media buy- value in it. Netlix recently acquired a string of
billboards along Hollywood’s Sunset Strip, where
it will start advertising its ilms and TV shows.
3. to make, made, made hay from sth to turn sth to one’s
advantage / location data information about the Tech irms, among them Apple and Google, are
geographic situation / to pour of to emit in large quantities / heavy buyers of OOH ads, accounting for 25 of
whereabouts location, situation / online browsing online the top 100 OOH ad spenders in America. 
activity / carrier operator / to work out to determine, to
establish / insights here, information / traic here, internet
activity / relevant pertinent / to deliver here, to propose / 7. The outdoor-ad revolution is not problem-free. • Comment sélectionner un
izzy drink soft drink, soda / medication medicine. The collection of mobile-phone data raises pri- organisme et comment
4. targeting act of focusing on a speciic group / to
automate to make automatic / to allow to enable /
vacy concerns. And criticisms of the online-ad
business for being opaque, and occasionally
a-t-il obtenu un label de
brand trademark /
fraudulent, may also be lobbed at the OOH busi- qualité ? L’Unosel vous
ness as it becomes bigger and more complex. l conseille
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE booster promoter / view act of seeing sth / location
• Ils sont partis : des
geographical situation. parents, enseignants,
Vous savez sûrement 5. to claim to declare, to say / click-through rate =
(CTR) number of users who click on a link to visit a web
salariés témoignent
qu'il y a plusieurs page / to involve to include, to take into account /
façons dans un texte advertiser company which advertises a product / nearby
écrit d'annoncer des
in close proximity / metrics data / data-driven
determined by data analysis / to argue to assert, to say /
Disponible gratuitement :
exemples : ad-tech irm company specialised in advertising
• sur vocable.fr/horsserie
for example, e.g., such as, for
6. to favour (GB), to favor (US) to prefer / string series, • sur simple demande au
Mais saviez-vous que "say" peut
succession / Sunset Strip part of Sunset Boulevard which
goes though West Hollywood in Los Angeles / heavy here,
01 44 37 97 97
également vouloir dire par exemple? big / to account for to represent / ad spender here,
publicity budget.
Dans cet article, on peut lire (§ 3) :
7. ... is not problem-free ... is not without diiculties / to
"when diferent demographic raise to bring to attention / privacy conidentiality /
groups - “business travellers", say concern preoccupation / fraudulent dishonest / to lob Union Nationale des Organisations

- walk by their ads" to throw.

de Séjours Educatifs, Linguistiques
et de Formation en Langues

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 23

Culture I Cinéma I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1


Clint Eastwood talks about directing
and starring in his latest film
about the drug trade
Clint Eastwood is back. In his latest ilm,
The Mule – in cinemas from 23 January –
the emblematic director also plays the
star role of Earl Stone, a man in his
eighties who becomes a drug mule for a
Mexican cartel in order to save his
failing business. It’s the irst time since
Gran Torino (2009) that Clint
Eastwood is both behind and in front
of the camera. At the age of 88 he is
as impressive as ever.

24 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture.

SUPPLÉMENT VIDÉO Clint Eastwood selected filmography

Découvrez la bande annonce du Play Misty for Me (1971) Mystic River (2003) Gran Torino (2008)
film et testez votre
compréhension sur
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) Million Dollar Baby (2004) Invictus (2009)
www.vocable.fr/videos-anglais Unforgiven (1992) Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) Sully (2016)

Clint Eastwood as Earl Stone and Alison Eastwood as Iris in The Mule. (Claire Folger / 2018 Warner Bros.

Entertainment Inc., Imperative Entertainment, LLC, and BRON Creative USA, Corp.)

ne positive about being Clint Eastwood, 90-Year-Old Drug Mule.” It chronicled how Leo says. “Pretty soon, he’s in high cotton, getting paid
Oscar-winning director: Make a mov- Sharp, a Detroit horticulturalist and World War an enormous amount of money to transfer this
ie about men in the twilight of their lives – like, II veteran, ran into inancial trouble with his material. It’s an enormous amount of money that
say, the world’s oldest drug courier – and you al- lower business and wound up transporting kilos he’s able to spend helping people, but he’s really
ways have a really good option as your star.  of narcotics from Mexico.  into criminal activity.”  >>>
2. Still, Eastwood didn’t initially think of himself 4. In The Mule, lonely and cash-strapped Earl
pretty soon very quickly / to be in high cotton to
to star in The Mule until a fellow producer sug- Stone (Eastwood) is estranged from his ex-wife prosper inancially, to be rich.
gested he’d be the best man for the job. “All of a Mary (Dianne Wiest) and daughter Iris (real-life
sudden, I started thinking, 'Well, it might be kind daughter Alison Eastwood) – though he has a
of fun to play a guy who was even older than me,' better relationship with his granddaughter Ginny
” Eastwood, 88, recalls with a chuckle during an (Taissa Farmiga). He’s facing foreclosure on his SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
exclusive interview, his irst for the movie.  daylily farm when he accidentally and unknow-
ingly gets involved in an illegal but well-paying Dans le film de Clint
INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY operation. “Then it’s, ‘Maybe if I tried it one more Eastwood figure
3. His newest ilm – Eastwood directs and stars time I could afford to do this and that,' " Eastwood l’expression "men in the
for the irst time since 2009’s Gran Torino – is
inspired by the true story told in a 2014 New York
twilight of their lives" (§ 1)
3. to chronicle to relate, recount / to run, ran, run into twilight le crépuscule (le soir), l'aube
Times Magazine article: “The Sinaloa Cartel’s to come up against, to be confronted by / trouble naissante (le matin)
diiculties, problems / to wind, wound, wound up to end (en vieil anglais "twi" voulait dire
up, inish up, here to ind oneself.
"demi" et "twixt" est une
1. director ilmmaker / twilight evening, sunset / courier 4. cash-strapped lacking in money, in inancial diiculty / contraction de "betwixt" ou
carrier, traicker. to be estranged from not to be in contact with, to have "between")
2. still here, however / to star to have the principal role / ceased communication with / though although / to face
in the twilight dans la semi-
fellow colleague / all of a sudden suddenly, at that to be confronted by, here, to risk / foreclosure seizure of
property for nonpayment / daylily Hemerocallis, type of
obscurité ou la pénombre
moment / kind of in a way, sort of / chuckle small low
laugh. lily / unknowingly without knowledge, without realising / twilight world un monde nébuleux

to get involved (in) to become part of a venture / to twilight zone une zone floue
aford to have enough money for /

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 25

Culture I Cinéma I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1

>>> 5. That ties into the parallel story of Colin Bates, and help those who needed it. “He was able to get the ilmmaker would visit as a child. “He wasn’t
the DEA agent played by Bradley Cooper who’s his farm out of hock and live a rather odd life.”  the guy who went off and did a lot of wild things,
charged with chasing down Stone and ending but he could have been, if he was of a different
this traficking ring. Eastwood’s supporting cast 7. While “doing things that most men his age nature,” Eastwood says. “He worked as an older
includes Michael Pena and Laurence Fishburne would not be doing” as a “wealthy knight of the man, he moved like an older man, and I tried to
as government operatives, Ignacio Serricchio as roads,” Stone also tries to mend relationships with emulate his walk and talk and everything else.” 
Stone’s cartel handler and Andy Garcia as a cartel his family before it’s too late, Eastwood adds. “All
boss.  of these factors it in to make it a character that's 9. But Eastwood could also personally understand
got complications, just like everybody does in real the character’s predicament and choices because
A ROBIN HOOD-LIKE CHARACTER life. Sometimes people wander astray and then “I'm fairly far along in life,” he says. Stone’s illegal
6. Stone’s story is different from Sharp’s, mainly they try to reinstate feelings, and it's very difi- work “becomes a savior for him, but morally, it's
because “we don't know what he incurred when cult.”  collapsing. So on one hand, life’s coming up, and
he was on the road doing all these trips,” Eastwood the other hand, it’s going down. And one of these
says. One detail that the ilmmaker did hook into: PERSONAL MOTIVES days, he has to pay the piper on it and face the fact
Sharp was making so much money that he be- 8. Eastwood patterned his character partly off his that he’s been doing the wrong thing.” l
came a Robin Hood-like character who would stop own grandfather, who owned a chicken farm that
...who went of and did... who embarked on... / wild
5. to tie into to connect with, merge with / DEA = Drug to get, got, got (sth) out of hock to resolve the inancial extravagant, far-fetched, crazy / to emulate to imitate.
Enforcement Administration American federal agency, part problems, pay of one’s debts / odd strange, curious. 9. predicament diicult situation / fairly quite, rather /
of the Department of Justice, whose mission is to uphold the 7. wealthy rich / knight medieval horseman / to mend to be far along in life to be elderly, old / savior (US) =
laws concerning the illegal use, selling and traicking of drugs / to ix, repair, here, rectify, amend / to add to say / to it in saviour (GB) means of being saved, way out (of trouble),
traicking ring drug network / supporting cast secondary to contribute to / to wander astray to go away (from solution / to collapse to fall apart, here, it’s collapsing...
roles / operative agent / handler (operations) supervisor. their loved ones), or to take a less desirable direction / to it is descending into immorality / on (the) one hand... on
6. Robin Hood famous English outlaw who stole from the reinstate to re-connect. the other hand in one sense… in contrast, however / to
rich and gave to the poor / mainly principally, mostly / to pay the piper to sufer the consequences.
8. to pattern to model / of here, inspired by / to own to
incur to sustain, be subjected to / ilmmaker person in possess /
charge of making a ilm / to hook into to focus on, highlight /



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26 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Culture I Exposition I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1



Artwork and music (ref. to the song
by the Kaiser Chiefs I Predict A Riot and the
artist Bridget Riley)
The York Art Gallery is hosting a unique exhibition
(on until March) that explores the frontiers
between ine art and music. On this occasion, rock
group the Kaiser Chiefs have been invited to select
a soundtrack to accompany the paintings. This
article ofers a tour of the multisensorial
exhibition that attempts to please both the eyes
and ears.

P laying guitar in front of 10,000 people

is something I stopped being nervous
about a long time ago,” says Simon Rix, the bass-
ist in long-running Leeds indie band Kaiser
dium in a cavalcade of Hells Angels, singing
Pinball Wizard on the back of a motorbike. Nah,
says Rix. “Spoiler alert: I was miming. Ricky had
to do it live but beforehand the rest of us were
The indie rock band Kaiser Chiefs. (Dani Beck)
ise was pretty simple: “Pick the work and choose
music to accompany it,” says Mistry, who jacked >>>

to pick to choose / to jack in (inf.) to give up /

Chiefs. “But this is different.” He’s talking about just having a drink with the Spice Girls. Trying
the band’s irst ever art show, which opened in to ind David Beckham was my main task. I did
December at York Art Gallery. He curated the ind him, we had a chat. I asked him to come to
exhibition alongside the band’s drummer Vijay Leeds [United] – obviously.” 
Mistry, and the pair are feeling the pressure.  SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
2. “Is it as stressful as the Olympics?” asks Mis- MUSIC
try, who joined shortly after the Kaiser Chiefs 3. When the band were irst approached to cu-
"When we catch up on
played in the London 2012 closing ceremony, rate a show in York, back in June 2017, the prem-
the phone a few days
when singer Ricky Wilson arrived in the sta- later, ..." (§ 4)
To catch up est une expression à la
cavalcade procession / Hells Angels motorcycle club mode, une invitation à reprendre
1. long-running which has existed for a long time / indie founded in 1948 (whose members ride Harley-Davidson contact, très utile lorsque l’on est
independent rock / irst ever very irst / art show art motorbikes) considered as an organised crime syndicate in pressé et que l’on n'a pas le temps
exhibition / to curate to organise / exhibition exposition the US / Pinball Wizard 1969 song by The Who / spoiler
advance warning of information which will reveal
d’entamer une conversation.
/ alongside together with / drummer person who plays
the drums in a group (percussion instruments) / pair here, important details about a story / to mime to pretend to Par exemple, si on rencontre un ami
duo / pressure stress. sing at the same time as a recorded song / beforehand dans la rue on peut lui dire :
before, earlier / to have a chat to have a conversation /
2. stressful causing stress / to join to become a member "Oh hi! Nice to see you. Can't stop. I've
Leeds [United] = Leeds United Football Club /
(here, of the group) / got a dental appointment. Catch up
obviously clearly, of course.
3. artwork works of art / premise principle, idea / with you later!"

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 27

Culture Une suggestion ? Ecrivez-nous sur monavis@vocable.fr

>>> in a career as a scientist for the rock’n’roll life.

“But then we realised we could take it anywhere
we wanted to, within reason.” 

4. Of the ive Kaiser Chiefs, only Wilson has a

formal background in art, having studied and
then taught graphic design in Leeds. But he is
not here today, having long moved down to
London to sit next to Kylie Minogue as a judge
on The Voice. When we catch up on the phone
a few days later, he cheerfully admits to having
left Rix and Mistry to it once the call came from
York last year. “I don’t want to sound patronising
but I think it’s amazing what Vijay and Simon
have done,” he says. “Let’s face it, we are all in
our extremely late 30s – we are in our 40s – and
isn’t it great that Simon, who has always just
been Simon, has discovered this new part of his
life and is discovering the artistic world?” He
and Rix have been friends since they were 16. 

THE HEADLINER The Forty Part Motet (A reworking of “Spem in Alium,”by Thomas Tallis 1556), by Janet Cardif, 2001. (Fondation
d’entreprise Hermès, Tokyo, 2009. Photo by Atsushi Nakamichi / Nacása & Partners Inc. Courtesy of the Fondation d'entreprise Hermès, 2009)
5. For a mainstream band, the Chiefs have
ended up curating a decidedly esoteric exhibi- so visitors can weave in and out, creating an Bridget Riley’s abstract Study 4 for Painting
tion. Rix pushed for a loan of a big-name piece immersive experience. The work does not trav- With Two Verticals; the Kinks’ “Village Green
of sound art to accompany paintings from the el easily: it comes with a “tone meister” who Preservation Society” is the soundtrack for
gallery’s own collection. “I’ve been viewing it a came to York to check the acoustics before Car- Lowry’s The Bandstand, Peel Park, Salford; Talk-
bit like a festival,” he says, and you need a head- diff gave the band the nod.  ing Heads’ “Love – Building on Fire” plays from
liner. “You need the Foo headphones hung next to Turner’s The Dormi-
Fighters. Well. Janet Car- THE “SILENT GIG” tory and Transept of Fountain’s Abbey. Super
diff is the Foo Fighters.”  For a mainstream 7. On the other end of Rix’s Furry Animals, Mercury Rev and the Cure also
band, the Chiefs fantasy art festival is what feature. 
6. Rix had seen – or rather, is being billed as “the silent
heard - Cardiff’s Forty Part have ended up gig”. Continuing the festi- NOT A KAISER CHIEFS SHOW
Motet on one of his art curating a decidedly val analogy, he says this is 9. The band have invited their friend, artist
mini-breaks and wanted to esoteric exhibition. probably “the guy who Roger Miles, to reprise his interactive installa-
bring it to Yorkshire. It is might not turn up. It’s Pete tion, The Bureau of Found Audio Objects. Oper-
the sound of a 40-part choir Doherty. Might be good. ating like a lost property ofice, visitors can pe-
singing Thomas Tallis’s “Spem in Alium” in Might be on heroin.” When we meet, it is this ruse his collection and make a claim on anything
harmony, with each voice part playing through element of the show that Rix seems most nerv- in his vinyl collection. The best bids, made in
an individual speaker. The speakers are arranged ous about. The idea is to give visitors the feeling writing, will win a Kaiser Chiefs album. It’s one
of being on stage in a band without the music, of the only obvious Kaiser Chiefs bits of the
using light and colour and projected lyrics.  show. “We are happy we didn’t go down the
within reason provided it is reasonable.
Kaiser Chiefs route, because although that does
4. background experience, training / graphic design
profession of preparing text/images for visual 8. Not Kaiser Chiefs lyrics though, says Mistry, have an appeal it is a limited one,” acknowl-
communication / to catch, caught, caught up here, to who has taken the lead choosing music to match edges Mistry. “This is something that everyone
speak / cheerfully happily / to leave, left, left sb to it the works taken from York Art Gallery’s archives. can experience and learn and really enjoy it
rather than having to be a fan to enjoy.” l
to allow sb to do sth (without interfering) / patronising
(GB) = patronizing (US) condescending / amazing Julia Holter’s “Sea Calls Me Home” accompanies
fantastic, incredible / let’s face it let’s be honest.
5. headliner best-known group in a show / mainstream
which appeals to the mass market/general public / to end to weave, wove, woven in and out to move in and out / soundtrack accompanying music / headphones
up to inally do sth / decidedly distinctly / to push for to immersive completely stimulating, in total immersion / electronic device worn over the ears to listen to sth / to
put pressure on (to obtain sth) / loan object which is given to travel to move from one place to another / tone feature to be included.
temporarily / big-name famous / piece of art work of art quality of sound / meister master, here, audio engineer / 9. to reprise to do again / lost property oice place
/ to view to consider / Foo Fighters American rock band to give, gave, given sb the nod to give sb approval. where lost objects are kept / to peruse to look through /
(formed in 1994) / Janet Cardif Canadian artist who 7. gig concert / to bill as to present as / guy man / to to make, made, made a claim on sth to ask for sth / bid
creates sound installations. turn up to come / stage raised platform in a theatre/ request / bit part / to go, went, gone down a route to
6. mini-break short holiday, weekend away / choir group arena / lyrics words (of a song). follow a particular course / appeal attraction / to
of singers / Spem in Alium 40-part Renaissance motet 8. to take, took, taken the lead to take charge / to acknowledge to admit, to recognise.
(sacred choral music) / speaker electric device connected match to associate, to put together /
to a hi-i or computer which sound comes out of /

28 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
Brèves de culture
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Break visitor
The world’s most visited museum,
the Louvre, broke all ticket oice
records in 2018, helped by the
success of Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s
video for their song “Apeshit,”
viewed more than 150m times
online. “Apeshit” was shot in the
museum last summer and featured
some of its key works, including

Jacques-Louis David’s masterpiece,
The Consecration of the Emperor
Napoleon and the Coronation of
Brexit page-turners Empress Joséphine. More than 10.2
million people visited the Louvre last
year – a 25% increase.
In the United Kingdom, books tackling Brexit are proving extremely popular. Re-
cent bestsellers include How to be Right … in a World Gone Wrong, a non-iction to break, broke, broken a record to beat
a record formerly set / ticket oice sales
book from radio presenter James O’Brien, and Jonathan Coe’s latest novel, Middle oice, entrance desk / to shoot, shot, shot
England. Apollo, publishers of Heroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain by Fin- to ilm / to feature to appear, to be present
on / work piece of art / masterpiece piece
tan O'Toole, another popular title, said that more than 17,000 copies had sold in the of work worthy of a master, one’s greatest
irst four weeks after its publication in November. Publishers appear to have decided achievement.
to follow this unexpected trend: The Friends of Harry Perkins, sequel to a popular
1982 novel, will be published on 28 March – the day before “Brexit Day” – by Scrib-
ner, who has pitched it as “the deinitive post-Brexit thriller”.
page-turner compelling read / to tackle to deal with / to prove to turn out to be / to go, went, gone wrong to turn out
badly, not to function correctly / publisher company (or person) that prepares and sells books / copy here, book / unexpected
surprising, unanticipated / trend general tendency, fashion / sequel follow-up, second part / to pitch to present a product,
promote / deinitive done with authority, conclusive.

(University of Saint Andrews)

Dangerous challenge
The movie Birdbox, released on Netlix
last month, launched a new trend.
Birdbox tells the story of a mother
(Sandra Bullock) and her two children
as they navigate a post-apocalyptic
world while blindfolded in order to Missing hand
avoid seeing supernatural creatures. A
Students of the University of St
social media challenge has spread from
Andrews, located in Scotland, have
the movie, with people sharing images
been asked for help to ind the
and videos of themselves performing
missing “lucky” hand of the statue
everyday tasks while wearing a
of St Andrews, which disappeared
blindfold, both on Twitter and YouTube.
decades ago. The university plans
Netlix even issued a warning statement

to restore the statue and put it on

on Twitter.
public display.
to navigate to ind one’s way, to deal with / to blindfold to cover one’s eyes with a cloth / supernatural paranormal / to to be located to be situated / lucky here,
spread, spread, spread to develop, propagate / to perform to carry out, do / everyday task daily, normal / to issue to that brings good luck, fortune / to be put on
pronounce, deliver, publish / warning statement declaration of caution. public display to be exhibited to the public.

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 29

Découverte I Médecine I ETATS-UNIS I  B2-C1



New research into autism reveals possible new solutions
Scientists have recently discovered that the intestine is the ‘second brain’ in humans. A team of
American researchers have ofered another proof, following a series of experiments, that
demonstrates the link between the intestinal tract and behaviour issues. They have isolated a
promising small intestinal bacteria that could help to treat autism.

A utism affects people’s social behav-

iour and communication, and may
impair their ability to learn things. All this is
well known. Less familiar to most, though, are
3. A study just published in Neuron suggests
that it is. In it, Mauro Costa-Mattioli of Baylor
College of Medicine, in Texas, and his col-
leagues demonstrate that introducing a
the gastrointestinal problems associated with particular bacterium into the guts of mice
the condition. The intestines of children with that display autistic symptoms can abol-
autism often harbour bacteria different from ish some of those symptoms. The bug
those in the guts of the neurotypical. As a in question is Lactobacillus reuteri. It
consequence, such people are more than three is commonly found in healthy diges-
times as likely as others are to develop serious tive systems and helps regulate
alimentary-canal disorders at some point in acidity levels. And it is also easily
their lives.  obtainable for use as a probiotic
from health-food shops. 
2. Unfortunate though this is, the upset gut
loras of autistic people are seen by some in- 4. Dr Costa-Mattioli and his team
vestigators as the key to the condition—and to irst reported L. reuteri’s effects on
treating it. Recent research has shown that autism in 2016, after conducting experi-
altering animals’ intestinal bacteria can have ments with obese female mice. These ani-
dramatic effects on their nervous systems. mals have a tendency to give birth to offspring
Ameliorating autism by tinkering with the with autistic traits familiar from people—un-
ecology of the gut might thus be a fruitful line willingness to socialise, repetitive behaviour
of inquiry.  and unwillingness to communicate. The re-
searchers noted that the guts of both the obese
mothers and their young were bereft of L. reu-
teri. They wondered what effect transplanting
1. behaviour conduct, comportment / to impair here, to
limit / ability capacity, aptitude / though however /
condition syndrome / to harbour to hold, to have / 3. college university / mouse (pl. mice) / to display to
neurotypical here, people not alicted with autism / present, exhibit / to abolish to make disappear / bug
such those (with autism) / likely susceptible of / here, bacteria / commonly ordinarily, generally / healthy
alimentary canal digestive system / disorder syndrome well balanced, in good condition / level amount / health
/ at some point at any given time. food food that is good for the body, healthy.
2. unfortunate unlucky, regrettable, / upset here, 4. to report to describe, explain, relate / to conduct to
abnormal / to see, saw, seen to perceive, consider / carry out / experiment scientiic test / ofspring (inv.)
investigator researcher / dramatic spectacular, children / trait characteristic, symptom / unwillingness
considerable / to tinker with here, to modify / ecology refusal / to socialise to interact / both each one, the two
here, lora / thus in this way, as a result / fruitful that (of them) / to be bereft of to lack, be without / to
produces good results, worthwhile / line area, here strand wonder to ask oneself, speculate /
/ inquiry here, research, study.

30 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
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these bugs into the animals might have. They regularly, so that their bacteria could be tracked.
found, when they did so to the offspring, that And, at the age of seven weeks, they were given SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
the youngsters’ autism-like traits vanished.  two sorts of social tests. 
"the guts of both the
LATEST EXPERIMENTS 8. The irst test involved putting each experi- obese mothers and
5. That led to the latest experiments, on mice thatmental mouse into a perspex container from their young were bereft
have autistic symptoms induced in four other, which it could go either into a chamber where of L. reuteri" (§ 4)
different ways. Some were genetically edited to there was an empty wire cup or into one where
En anglais ancien, bereft était le
be autistic. Some were exposed to valproic acid, there was a similar cup containing an unfamil- participe passé du verbe to bereave
a drug used to treat bipolar dis- iar mouse. Subject mice were (priver quelqu'un de quelque chose de
order and migraines that is left in the container for ten
known to induce autism in fe- L. reuteri proved minutes and were monitored
valeur). De nos jours on l'utilise
uniquement comme adjectif, comme
tuses. Some had their guts able to abolish to see how long they spent dans l'exemple ci-dessus ou dans des
cleared of all bacteria. And some autistic with the empty cup and with expressions telles que :
belonged to a strain called the other mouse. The second bereft of hope désespéré
BTBR, individuals of which dis- behaviour even test placed a mouse in an arena he is bereft of reason il a perdu la
play autism-like traits that have in those mice
where another, unfamiliar
En anglais moderne on utilise
no known cause.  which had guts mouse was already present.
An observer then noted how
bereaved dans le sens de endeuillé ou
6. Martina Sgritta, one of Dr otherwise often over the course of ten
et bereavement dans le sens de perte :
Costa-Mattioli’s colleagues, devoid of minutes the two mice touched, a sad bereavement une perte cruelle
analysed the bacteria in the microbes. sniffed, groomed and crawled in his bereavement dans son deuil
guts of all of these animals. on one another.  owing to a recent bereavement en
She found that, while the ge- raison d'un deuil récent
netically engineered mice and the BTBR mice MORE SOCIABLE WITH L. REUTERI
had, as expected, reduced levels of L. reuteri, 9. In both tests, all the mice that had had their
and those with bacteria-free guts were water laced with L. reuteri, regardless of how
(obviously) free of the bug altogether, the their autism had been induced, were more so- which already had normal levels of the bug.
valproic-acid mice had normal amounts ciable than equivalents that had been drinking That suggests boosting levels of this bacterial
of the bacterium.  unlaced water. In the irst, they spent twice as species is shaping behaviour all by itself. 
much time with the mouse under the wire cup.
L. REUTERI WATER In the second, they engaged in many more 11. The crucial aspect of this work is L. reuteri’s
7. This last result was unexpect- social interactions with the unfamiliar mouse. wide availability—an availability approved by
ed, but the team carried on regard- regulators such as America’s Food and Drug
less. They arranged for between 10. The team’s initial hypothesis had been that Administration. This existing approval, wich
seven and 15 mice of each of the four the supplementary L. reuteri were somehow means L. reuteri poses no known health hazard,
types to have, starting at the age of changing the gut lora of the mice exposed to simpliies the process of organising clinical
three weeks, their drinking water laced them into something more normal. But they trials. Clearly, autism in people is more compli-
with L. reuteri. Equivalent numbers of each weren’t. Indeed L. reuteri proved able to abolish cated than a mere willingness to associate with
type continued to be given ordinary water autistic behaviour even in those mice which others. And getting too excited about a mouse
as a control. During the course of the ex- had guts otherwise devoid of microbes—as well trial is usually a mistake. But in Dr Costa-
periment the mice had their faeces collected as in those with valproic-acid-induced autism, Mattioli’s view, his results would justify em-
barking on at least preliminary trials intended
to determine whether L. reuteri has positive
so here, this / youngster young person or animal / -like so that in order that / to track to monitor, study, here, to
effects on people with autism, and might thus
characteristic of... / to vanish to disappear. measure. be worth pursuing. l
5. latest most recent / to lead, led, led to to cause, to 8. to involve to comprise / perspex plexiglass, clear hard
result in / to induce to provoke, create / way manner / to plastic / either... or one or other of two things / chamber
edit here, to modify, programme / drug medication, here, compartment / empty unoccupied / wire here, made
medicine / to clear to clean out (ig.), to eliminate / to from metal in the form of thin lexible threads / cup goblet / species (inv.) group of living organisms / to shape to
belong to to be part of / strain type, variety. to monitor here, to observe, study / how long how much determine, inluence.
6. while although / to engineer here, to modify / as time passed / to spend, spent, spent to pass (time), devote 11. work here, research, study / wide general /
expected unsurprisingly / -free exempt from, without / / arena space, area / how often how many times, at what availability accessibility / approval approbation,
obviously evidently, here, of course, understandably / frequency / to snif to smell / to groom here, to care for, look authorisation / to pose to constitute / hazard danger /
altogether totally, completely / amount concentration. after / to crawl on one another to move over. trial clinical test / mere simple / to associate here, to
9. to engage in to take an interest in, to participate in, to interact / to get, got, got excited about to become
7. to carry on to continue / regardless in spite of that,
become involved in. enthusiastic about / mistake error / in sb’s view in sb’s
irrespective of that / to arrange for to make
opinion / to embark on to begin, enter into / at least as a
arrangements for, plan, work out / drinking water clean 10. somehow in some way / to change into to transform
minimum / to be intended to to have the objective of /
drinkable water / to lace with to add / control group to into / indeed actually, in fact / to prove to turn out to be /
whether if (or not) / to be worth (+ ger.) to merit / to
act as a standard of comparison / during/over the even here, even more surprisingly / otherwise here,
pursue here, to follow up, investigate.
course of while the experiment took place / faeces initially / to be devoid of to be without, exempt from / as
excrement / well as and also /

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 31

Découverte I Zoologie I ROYAUME-UNI I  B2-C1


Why is the octopus
so intelligent?
Monkeys, dolphins, and even elephants are among the most
intelligent animals on earth. But there is another to add to the
list: the octopus. It is a species gifted with an incredible
intelligence, and capable of impressive exploits. For example,
Inky the octopus recently managed to escape from the National
Aquarium of New Zealand. However, this intelligence has had a
disconcerting efect on specialists of animal cognition and our
article explains why.

T o demonstrate how smart an oc-

topus can be, Piero Amodio points
to a YouTube video. It shows an octopus
pulling two halves of a coconut shell to-
crows and parrots. But all the scientiic
theories fail when it comes to cephalopods,
a group that includes octopuses, squid and
cuttleish. Despite feats of creativity, they
nitive skills that help an animal thrive.
That may include the ability to come up
with solutions to the problem of inding
food, for example, or a knack for planning
gether to hide inside. Later the animal lack some hallmarks of intelligence seen for some challenge in the future. Intelli-
stacks the shells together like nesting in other species.  gent animals don’t rely on ixed responses
bowls — and carts them away. “It suggests to survive — they can invent new behav-
the octopus is carrying these tools around WHAT IS ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE? iors on the ly. 
because it has some understanding they 3. “It’s an apparent paradox that’s been
may be useful in the future,” said Amodio, largely overlooked in the past,” Amodio 4. To measure animal intelligence, scien-
a graduate student studying animal intel- said. He and ive other experts on animal tists observe creatures in the wild — watch-
ligence at the University of Cambridge in intelligence explore this paradox in a paper ing a dolphin stick a sponge on its beak to
Britain.  published this month in the journal Trends avoid getting cuts from sharp rocks and
in Ecology and Evolution . For scientists coral, for example. Or they bring animals
2.But his amazement is mixed with puz- who study animal behavior, intelligence into the lab and offer them puzzles to solve,
zlement. For decades, researchers have is not about acing a calculus test or taking such as rewarding crows when they learn
studied how certain animals evolved to be a car apart and putting it back together. to rip paper into strips of just the right size.
intelligent, among them apes, elephants, Intelligence comprises sophisticated cog- Only a few species stand out in these stud-
dolphins and even some birds, such as

skill aptitude / to thrive, thrived or throve, thrived or

1. to point to to indicate with one’s inger / to pull crow black bird / parrot brightly coloured tropical bird / to thriven to lourish / ability capacity / knack talent / to
together to unite together / coconut large round fruit fail to not succeed / squid sea creature with a long body rely on to depend on / on the ly spontaneously.
with a hard brown hairy exterior and white lesh / shell and tentacles / cuttleish cephalopod mollusc with a 4. wild living in its natural habitat / to stick, stuck, stuck
hard outer covering / to stack to pile / nesting bowl set hard internal shell / feat accomplishment, achievement / to put / sponge porous aquatic animal / to avoid to stop /
of bowls which it inside each other / to cart to take, to to lack to not have / hallmark distinctive characteristic / sharp pointed / to solve to ind the solution to / to
carry / tool utensil, object / graduate student student species group of living organisms. reward to give sth in recognition of accomplishments or
working on a Master’s degree or PhD. 3. to overlook to ignore, to neglect / paper article, study eforts / to rip to tear / strip long narrow piece of paper /
2. amazement great surprise / puzzlement perplexity / / trend general tendency / behavior (US) = behaviour size dimension / to stand, stood, stood out to be
researcher scientist who investigates a subject / ape primate / (GB) conduct / to ace to get an excellent mark in / distinct from others /

32 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019  facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  diicile C1-C2
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Theory of mind and adaptablity go arm in arm…
even when they are eight!
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3 (sur abonnement)

6. Together, these forces appear to have half a billion years ago, their snaillike an-
encouraged the development of bigger, cestors evolved to use their shells as a
more powerful brains. Smart animals also buoyancy device. They could load cham-
tend to live for a long time, and it’s possible bers in the shell with gas to loat up and
that bigger brains drove the evolution of down in the ocean. About 275 million years
longevity. It takes years for juveniles to ago, the ancestor of today’s cephalopods
develop these complex organs, during lost the external shell. It’s not clear why,
which time they need help from adults to but it must have been liberating. Now the
get enough food.  animals could start explor-
ing places that had been
WHAT ABOUT Cephalopods off-limits to their shelled
CEPHALOPODS? ancestors. Octopuses could
7. Cephalopods behave in behave in ways slip into rocky crevices, for
ways that certainly suggest
they’re highly intelligent.
that certainly example, to hunt for prey. 

An octopus named Inky, for suggest 10.

On the other hand, los-
example, made a notorious they’re highly ing their shells left cephalo-
escape recently from the
National Aquarium of New intelligent. pods quite vulnerable to
hungry predators. This
Zealand, exiting his enclo- threat may have driven
sure and slithering into a cephalopods to become
floor drain and, apparently, out to sea. masters of disguise and escape. They did so
Cuttleish can scare off predators by form- by evolving big brains. Yet intelligence is
ing eyespots on their bodies in order to look not the perfect solution for cephalopods,
like giant ish. But they only use this trick Amodio suggested. Sooner or later, they get
against predators that rely on vision to ind eaten. Natural selection has turned them
ies, and by comparing them, scientists have prey. If a predator that depends on smell into a paradox: a short-lived, intelligent
identiied some shared factors. The animals shows up, the cuttleish are smart enough animal. l
have big brains relative to their body size, just to lee. 
they live for a long time, and they can form
long-lasting social bonds. Those similari- 8.Another feature that cephalopods share 9. billion thousand million / snaillike which resemble a
ties have led to some promising explana- with other smart animals is a relatively big snail / buoyancy device lotation object / to load to ill /
of-limits inaccessible / to slip to quickly move (easily
tions for how certain animals evolved to brain. But that’s where the similarities ap- and smoothly) / to hunt for to look for.
be smart.  pear to end. Most of the neurons that do the 10. on the other hand in contrast, however / threat
computing, for example, are in the octopus’ danger.
INTELLIGENCE HYPOTHESES arms. Most strikingly, cephalopods die
5.One is known as the ecological intelli- young. Some may live as long as two years,
gence hypothesis. It holds that intelligence while others only last a few months. Nor do
evolves as an adaptation for inding food. cephalopods form social bonds. 
While some animals have a reliable food
supply, others have to cope with unpredict- EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
ability. Other researchers have argued for 9.Amodio and his colleagues think the
what’s known as the social intelligence evolutionary history of cephalopods may
hypothesis: smarter animals “cooperate explain this intelligence paradox. About Notez la prononciation
and learn from other members of the same et l'accent tonique :
species,” Amadio said.  hypothesis (singulier) prononcé
6. to appear to seem / to drive, drove, driven to have comme [high + poth + a + ssiss]
an impact on, to cause. hypotheses (pluriel) prononcé
shared common / brain encephalon organ / long- 7. notorious infamous / enclosure cage / to slither to comme [high + poth + a + sseez]
lasting durable, which last a long time / bond link, move, to slide / loor drain water evacuation ixture in the Comme :
connection / to lead, led, led to result in / explanation loor / eyespot mark which resembles an eye / trick
analysis (singulier) prononcé
interpretation. technique, strategy / prey victim of attack / to lee, led,
led to escape. comme [a + nal + a + ssiss]
5. to hold, held, held to airm, to defend / reliable
analyses (singulier) prononcé
dependable / supply provisions / to cope with to deal 8. feature characteristic / to share to have in common /
with, to live with / unpredictability uncertainty / to to do the computing to calculate, to do the reasoning / comme [a + nal + a + sseez]
argue for to present arguments in favour of. strikingly remarkably.

VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019 • 33

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De Barry Jenkins
Harlem, années 1970. Tish et Fonny, dont les familles
sont voisines, ont grandi ensemble. À 19 ans, elle est
vendeuse dans un grand magasin. Lui, à 23 ans, est
artiste. Ils sont tombés amoureux sans même s’en
rendre compte. Alors qu’ils viennent d’apprendre
qu’ils vont avoir un bébé et s’apprêtent à s’installer
ensemble, Fonny est arrêté, accusé de viol par une
immigrée cubaine. Commence alors pour Tish et sa
famille un long périple pour prouver l’innocence de
Fonny... Après Moonlight, le réalisateur oscarisé Barry
Jenkins adapte un roman de James Baldwin. Si Beale
Street pouvait parler est un ilm extrêmement BD
lumineux et poétique. Son esthétique joyeuse et
colorée et son rythme lent, contemplatif, sont mis au GRASSKINGS (TOME 1)
service de l’histoire d’amour entre Tish et Fonsy. Le De Matt Kindt & Tyler Jenkins
ilm pointe les faiblesses d’un système favorisant la Le Grass Kingdom, petit village de
reproduction des injustices raciales et sociales, mais mobil-homes situé au in fond des
États-Unis, a ses propres lois. Fondé
c’est avant tout une ode à l’amour et à la famille.
par une communauté de marginaux
En salle le 30 janvier. rêvant d’une vie paisible et isolée, il
Avec Kiki Layne, Stephan James, Colman Domingo, Regina King. est régi par trois frères au passé
tumultueux – dont Robert,
alcoolique, toujours très afecté par
SÉRIE LIVRE la disparition de sa ille des années
plus tôt. Lorsqu’une jeune femme
SECRET MÉDICAL ANGLETERRE : BREXIT ET d’un village voisin vient trouver
De Dan Sefton CONSÉQUENCES refuge dans le Royaume, une guerre
Cath, inirmière dévouée, perd son De Serge Enderlin
s’amorce entre les deux villages. Le
emploi après avoir dénoncé les Dans ce petit livre, le journaliste Serge
premier tome de cette bande-
conditions de soins de ses patients. Enderlin, correspondant du quotidien
dessinée à mi-chemin entre le polar
Elle décide alors d’usurper Le Temps à Londres de 1998 et 2003,
noir et la fable sociale, écrit par Matt
l’identité d’une amie, médecin tente de saisir l’âme de l’Angleterre et
Kindt et somptueusement illustré à
urgentiste, et de commencer une de ses habitants à l’aune du Brexit.
l’aquarelle par Tyler Jenkins, nous
nouvelle carrière à Édimbourg. Aux informations historiques,
fait entrer dans un univers unique et
Cette série médicale aux allures de sociologiques et économiques se
thriller, portée par l’interprétation mêlent souvenirs personnels de
de Jodie Whittaker (la nouvelle l’auteur, petites anecdotes, poésie et Éditions Futuropolis - 22€
Doctor Who !), est d’une eicacité humour, faisant de cet ouvrage une
redoutable. lecture plaisante et accessible.
À voir sur Arte le 31 janvier et le 7 Éditions Nevicata - 9€
février à 20h55.

Cette exposition présente la plus grande collection privée d’objets Star
Wars d’Europe – costumes originaux, maquettes de vaisseaux spatiaux...
Présentée par Daniel Prada, un fan espagnol qui a passé plus de trente
ans à rassembler ces pièces, l’exposition a été conçue comme un véritable
voyage immersif au cœur de la saga de George Lucas !
Centre Expo Lafayette-Drouot
44, rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris.
Jusqu’au 31 mars 2019.

34 • VOCABLE Du 24 janvier au 6 février 2019

I Décryptage I ETATS-UNIS

defendant accused, suspect.

At the beginning of the month, Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives eight years after
losing power when the congresspeople, freshly elected in the last midterm elections, took the oath of oice. A
record 102 women were sworn into the House, 35 of whom were elected for the irst time in November,
including the irst Native American women, the irst Muslim women, and the youngest woman to be elected
to Congress. Nancy Pelosi has reclaimed her former title as speaker of the House, which she held in 2007 – she
was the irst woman to hold it –, before handing over her gavel when the Republicans won the House in 2011.
“I put on a suit of armor, eat nails for breakfast,” CNN quoted her as saying about her new position.
to regain to recover, take back / House of Representatives the lower House in the United States Congress / congresspeople member of Congress / freshly recently, newly /
midterm elections (US) general elections in the US that are held near the midpoint of the four-year presidential term. All 435 seats in the US House of Representatives, and the full
terms for 33 or 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate are up for election / oath of oice the text for swearing in to the elected position / to be sworn in(to) to take the pledge / to reclaim
to restore, recover, get back / speaker of the House leader of the House of Representatives / to hand over to give back / gavel judicial hammer / suit of armor (US) = suit of
armour (GB) metaphorical for a protection from attack / nail a small metal spike with a head used for fastening / to quote to cite.

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