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GRADE 2 (2023-24)

Note for parents: Worksheets are for reinforcement with sample questions on the topics covered.
Kindly avoid taking printouts of this worksheet and help your child to solve the worksheet in a

Q1. Remplis le tiret avec le présent du verbe AVOIR. Fill in the blank with the present
tense of verb AVOIR

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ________________________________

6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________

8. _______________________________

Q2. Remets dans l’ordre. Rearrange jumbled words in the correct order to make a

1. as/ cahiers/ Tu / des


2. avons/ un/ Nous/ livre


3. Lampe/ Ils /une / ont


4. avez/ un/ taille-crayon/ Vous


Q3. Ecris le sens en français. Write the meanings in French.

1. Fingers _______________________

2. Neck ________________________

3. Foot ________________________

4. Leg _________________________

5. Hair __________________________

6. Arm __________________________

Q4. Traduis les phrases en Français . Translate the sentences to French.

5. He has a cat.


6. We have some cars.


7. She has a sister.


8. You have a notebook (informal)


9. They have some oranges. (Masculine plural)


Q5. Regarde l’image et fais une phrase en utilisant le verbe avoir. Look at the picture
and make one sentence using the verb avoir.
Ex : Elle a un crayon / Il a un crayon. / Ils ont un crayon.

____ _________________________________________________



Q6. Complete les mots. Complete the words.

La t__m __ t e la __ r a __ s e La ____o___ r__

La p ___ c __ e les r ___ i __ i n s la c a __ o t ___ e

Q7. Mettez l’article indéfini. Put article indéfini.

(un , une , des)

1. __________ gommes 3. __________ règle

2. __________livres 4. __________ escargots

Q8 .Ecris en francais. Write the number name in French.

1. 29 __________________________________

2. 15 __________________________________

3. 31 __________________________________

4. 21 _________________________________

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