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(450) 672-7364
900 Riverside Drive Saint-Lambert Qubec J4P 3P2



Voici les objectifs du programme : faire acqurir des habilets techniques prcises et spcialises relatives aux ordinateurs (quipement, logiciels) et prparer les tudiants dispenser de lassistance technique des clients utilisateurs; faire acqurir les attitudes, les aptitudes et les connaissances techniques qui permettent dinteragir efficacement auprs de clients demandeurs de services; favoriser le dveloppement de la comptence communiquer en anglais ou en franais avec la clientle.

Ce programme vise former des spcialistes en soutien technique, des techniciens en support informatique, et des analystes en centre dassistance technique. Lun des objectifs principaux est doffrir une formation qui vise prparer les tudiants crire des examens de certifications reconnues telles que CompTIA A+ et Network+, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP), et Help Desk Analyst de HDI, et dlargir ainsi lventail des emplois accessibles aux diplms.

Le programme Spcialiste en soutien des technologies de linformation vise principalement les candidats qui nont quune connaissance de base des ordinateurs. Ce programme est conu pour rpondre aux besoins des personnes qui aiment travailler en quipe tout en sintressant de trs prs aux cts techniques des ordinateurs. La gamme particulire des habilets quil offre permettra certaines personnes de se dmarquer, de passer des postes plus levs et, ventuellement, des postes de direction. Les candidats doivent dtenir un diplme de 5e Secondaire, sintresser la technique et ses applications ainsi quaux aspects pratiques de ce programme dtudes. tant donn que le travail dans un Centre dassistance technique requiert de lhabilet communiquer, ce programme conviendra en particulier aux personnes qui aiment interagir avec le public.

Les candidats devront possder un diplme dtudes secondaires du Qubec ou une formation juge suffisante par le Collge pour un succs potentiel dans ce programme. Ils devront aussi rencontrer les critres dadmission au programme dAttestation dtudes collgiales (AEC). Les candidats admis possderont une connaissance fonctionnelle de langlais et du franais, plus particulirement en ce qui concerne la communication orale. Une connaissance de base du systme dexploitation Windows serait un atout. Les candidats devront soumettre un curriculum vitae (CV) et seront sujets une entrevue pralablement ladmission afin de vrifier leurs connaissances. Sil y a lieu, les candidats devront suivre des cours dappoint.


The goals of this Program are to provide students with specific, specialized technical skills in the areas of computer hardware, software and support; develop interpersonal skills and specific techniques and abilities which enhance the ability to provide effective customer support and service; foster the development of communication skills in both English and French.

This Program will prepare students for employment in positions such as Technical Support Specialist, IT Support Technician, and Help Desk Analyst. To increase the opportunities for employment, a major goal of the Program will be to prepare students to complete widely accepted certifications including CompTIAs A+ and Network+, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP), and Help Desk Analyst from HDI.

The Information Technology (IT) Support Specialist Program is primarily oriented towards those who have only a basic knowledge of computers. This Program is designed for individuals who are interested in working with other people but also have a strong technical interest in computers. The specific skills sets offered through this Program will allow certain individuals to distinguish themselves from the competition and advance to mid-level and, eventually, managerial positions. Prospective candidates will have completed their Quebec Diploma of Secondary Studies or have received instruction deemed sufficient by the College. They will be technically oriented and comfortable with the hands-on, practical nature of the program. Since the Help Desk profession requires good interpersonal skills, this Program will be of particular interest to individuals who enjoy working with the public.

Students must have a Quebec Diploma of Secondary Studies or have received instruction deemed sufficient by the College for potential success in the program, as well as meet the admission criteria for admission to an Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC) Program. Students must be functionally bilingual (French and English), particularly in their oral communication skills. A working knowledge of the Windows environment would be an asset. Prospective candidates will be asked to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) and may be interviewed prior to admission to the Program to verify their qualifications. Potential candidates may be required to take an appropriate remedial course(s).

CRITRES DADMISSION Attestation dtudes Collgiales (AEC)

Vous tes ligible au programme dAttestation dtudes Collgiales (AEC) si vous tes soit citoyen canadien ou rsident permanent ou tes le dtenteur dun Visa tudiant valide, et si vous possdez: Un diplme dtudes secondaires OU Un diplme dtudes collgiales ou universitaires OU Une formation incomplte dans un programme dtudes secondaires, jumele dune lettre de recommandation dun employeur qui atteste quil serait bnfique pour vous de poursuivre des tudes postsecondaires.


Vous rencontrez une des trois conditions suivantes: Vous avez termin vos tudes depuis au moins deux sessions conscutives ou une anne scolaire (12 mois). Vous tes vis par une entente conclue entre le collge et un employeur, ou par une entente conclue entre le collge et un programme gouvernemental (EMPLOI-QUBEC). Vous avez complt une anne ou plus dtudes postsecondaires chelonnes sur une priode dun an ou plus.

ADMISSION CRITERIA Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC)

You are eligible to register in an Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC) program if you are a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident or the holder of a valid Student Visa, and if you have the following: A Diploma of High School Studies OR A College Diploma or a University Degree OR A partial high school program, coupled with a recommendation from a current or former employer that you would benefit from pursuing your education at the post-secondary level. AND

You meet one of the following three conditions: You have not been a full-time student for at least two consecutive terms or one school year within the last 12 months. You are part of an agreement between the college and an employer, or you are sponsored within the terms of a government program (EMPLOI-QUBEC). You have completed at least one year of post-secondary studies spread over a period of one year or more.

Dbut du programme: Priode de stage: Schedule: automne 2012 les 6 dernires semaines du lundi au vendredi (9h00 16h00)

410-021-LA 410-022-LA 602-003-LA ou 604-004-LA 420-883-LA 420-884-LA 420-885-LA 420-886-LA 420-887-LA 420-888-LA 420-889-LA 420-890-LA 420-891-LA 420-892-LA 420-893-LA

Titre de cours
Introduction au soutien technique Techniques de communication, du service la clientle et de travail dquipe dans un environnement de soutien technique Langue seconde pour le centre de soutien technique

45 heures 75 heures 60 heures

Meilleures pratiques dusage en rsolution de problmes et services de soutien technique Introduction au matriel informatique Introduction aux systmes dexploitation Introduction aux rseaux informatiques Gestion des serveurs Linux et Microsoft Installation, configuration et optimisation des systmes dexploitation client Dploiement et dpannage pour les systmes dexploitation client Offrir le soutien technique pour Microsoft Word / mthode de doigt Offrir le soutien technique pour Microsoft Excel Offrir le soutien technique pour Microsoft PowerPoint & Outlook Stage soutien technique Total

60 heures 75 heures 45 heures 75 heures 90 heures 60 heures 60 heures 75 heures 60 heures 75 heures 180 heures 1035 heures

Demande dadmission (nouvel tudiant) Inscription (105.00$ par semestre x 2 semestres) Stationnement Cadenas pour casier Livres Cl USB Divers (papier, crayon, etc.) *Les frais peuvent varier selon votre statut de rsident au Qubec **Montant approximatif 30.00 $ 210.00 $ * 110.00 $ ** 10.00 $ ** 1,300.00 $ ** 25.00 $ ** 40.00 $ **

Veuillez notez que labandon ou lchec dun cours pourrait changer votre statut dtudiant(e) et vous occasionner des frais de scolarit (par exemple 2.00$ par heure de cours et des frais dinscriptions de 25.00$). Aussi, labandon ou lchec de(s) cours au sein de votre programme dattestation, pourrait vous occasionner un dlai ou vous empcher de complter avec succs votre programme dtudes tel que prvu puisque le Collge ne peut garantir de continuer offrir ce programme lors de sessions subsquentes. Dans le but de nous assurer que nos finissants rpondent aux exigences du march du travail, le Collge se rserve le droit de modifier, au besoin, des portions du programme.

Anticipated start date: Internship dates: Schedule: Fall 2012 The last 6 weeks Monday to Friday (9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.)

410-021-LA 410-022-LA 420-883-LA 602-003-LA Or 604-003-LA 420-884-LA 420-885-LA 420-886-LA 420-887-LA 420-888-LA 420-889-LA 420-890-LA 420-891-LA 420-892-LA 420-893-LA

Course Title
An Introduction to Technical Support Communication, Customer Service, and Teamwork Skills for Technical Support Best Practices in Problem Solving and Technical Support Operations Second Language Skills for the Help Desk

45 75 60 60

Computer Hardware Fundamentals Computer Software Fundamentals Computer Networking Fundamentals Microsoft and Linux Server Management Installing, Configuring, and Optimizing Client Operating Systems Deploying and Troubleshooting Client Operating Systems. Providing Technical Support for Microsoft Word / Keyboarding Skills Providing Technical Support for Microsoft Excel Providing Technical Support for Microsoft PowerPoint & Outlook Internship Technical Support Total

75 45 75 90 60 60 75 60 75 180 1035

Application Fee (new student) Registration Fee ($105.00 per semester x 2 semesters) Parking Lock for locker Books USB Key Miscellaneous (paper, pens, etc.) *Fee may vary depending upon Qubec Residency Status **Fees are approximate $30.00 $210.00* $110.00** $10.00** $1,300.00** $25.00** $40.00**

Please note that if you choose to withdraw from a course(s) or if you fail a course(s), it may affect your student status and you may have to pay tuition fees (Example - $2.00 per course hour and a $25.00 registration fee). Also, by withdrawing from a course(s) or failing a course(s) within your Attestation program, it may make it difficult or impossible for you to continue with your program at that time, it may delay you in the completion of your program, or it may hinder your opportunity to complete the program as the College cannot guarantee that the program will continue to be offered in the future. Information and fees are subject to change. In order to more fully ensure that our graduates are competitive in the market place, the College reserves the right to modify portions of this program at any time.



DESCRIPTION: Ce cours munira les tudiants dune solide comprhension des lments de base qui constituent le soutien technique. Les sujets suivants y sont adresss: les rles et responsabilits dun spcialiste en soutien technique, les services offerts par un centre de soutien technique, la technologie et les outils utiliss en soutien technique, la mtrologie informatique, les accords sur les niveaux de service (SLAs), le processus de signalisation progressive et linfogrance. Ce cours examinera aussi lthique et les tendances en soutien technique. TECHNIQUES DE COMMUNICATION, DU SERVICE LA CLIENTLE ET DU TRAVAIL DQUIPE DANS UN ENVIRONNMENT DE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE Pr-requis: Aucun 410-022-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours a t conu de manire permettre aux tudiants dacqurir les concepts fondamentaux en communication, en service la clientle et au travail dquipe. Il permet ltudiant de dvelopper les connaissances et les comptences spcifiques ncessaires pour une communication efficace et le service la clientle tant en situation face face quau tlphone. Les tudiants dvelopperont aussi les comptences leurs permettant de contribuer de faon importante au sein dun environnement de soutien technique. MEILLEURES PRATIQUES DUSAGE EN RSOLUTION DE PROBLMES ET SERVICES DE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE Pr-requis: 410-021-LA, 420-890-LA 420-883-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours aidera les tudiants comprendre ce quest lapproche systmatique a la solution de problmes et rvisera les techniques les plus utilises dans les centres dassistance technique pour rpondre un problme pose par un client. Les lments et les politiques dun centre dassistance technique tels que la gestion des connaissances, du changement et des ressources y seront prsents. Les tudiants auront loccasion de mettre en pratique les notions et techniques des solutions de problmes apprises en classe. LANGUE SECONDE POUR LE CENTRE DE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE Pr-requis: Aucun 602-003-LA/604-003-LA

DESCRIPTION: Pour russir une carrire en centre dassistance technique au Qubec, il est primordial de pouvoir servir des clients en franais et en anglais. Ce cours est offert soit en franais ou en anglais; il est conu de manire permettre aux tudiants dacqurir dans les deux langues officielles une connaissance du vocabulaire et de la terminologie utilis dans un centre dassistance technique afin quils puissent y travailler efficacement. Les tudiants auront lopportunit daffter leur connaissance de leur langue seconde grce des exercices crits et oraux pertinents leur programme dtudes.



DESCRIPTION: Le but de ce cours est doffrir aux tudiants une connaissance dtaille du matriel informatique sousjacent ncessaire pour un soutien technique complet de lordinateur personnel. Les sujets suivants y seront adresss: mmoire dordinateurs et mdias de sauvegarde; composantes de la carte mre; bloc dalimentation; unit centrale; mthodes de refroidissement; mmoire; crans; cartes adaptateurs; imprimantes; outils; ainsi que les procdures scuritaires et environnementales relies linstallation et llimination du matriel informatique et ses priphriques. INTRODUCTION AUX SYSTMES DEXPLOITATION Pr-requis: Aucun 420-885-LA

DESCRIPTION: Le but de ce cours est doffrir aux tudiants une connaissance dtaille des logiciels informatique sous-jacent ncessaire pour un soutien technique complet de lordinateur personnel. Les sujets suivants y seront adresss: systmes dexploitation courants; structure de rpertoire; installations de systmes dexploitation; squence damorage; services de dmarrage; interfaces utilisateurs; commandes; services de systmes dexploitation; ainsi que les problmes usuels de logiciels. INTRODUCTION AUX RSEAUX INFORMATIQUES Pr-requis: 420-884-LA, 420-885-LA 420-886-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours dintroduction est conu pour donner une vue densemble des concepts et standards de rseautique et de permettre aux tudiants dacqurir des comptences de bases relies linstallation et la configuration de dispositifs de rseautique usuels. GESTION DES SERVEURS LINUX ET MICROSOFT Pr-requis: 420-886-LA 420-887-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours offre une introduction aux serveurs Windows et Linux. Les tudiants y apprendront les principes fondamentaux de la gestion de serveurs et travailleront avec des fichiers et des dossiers partags et des stratgies de groupes. INSTALLATION, CONFIGURATION ET OPTIMISATION DES SYSTMES DEXPLOITATION CLIEN Pr-requis: 420-886-LA 420-888-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours offre aux tudiants lopportunit dutiliser des mthodes varies pour linstallation et la configuration de systme dexploitation client, ainsi que pour la configuration de contrles daccs et de paramtres de scurit. Ils pourront aussi monter des systmes coupe-feu Windows et des accs distance, monter des connections rseaux, et offrir le dpannage pour ceux-ci. On retrouve aussi au plan de cours la configuration dun centre multimdia Windows et autres applications prdfinies, le montage dunits mobiles ainsi que loptimisation de la performance et la fiabilit du systme.



DESCRIPTION: Ce cours offre aux tudiants lopportunit dutiliser des mthodes varies pour: dployer un systme dexploitation client; configurer et grer des stratgies de groupe; effectuer du dpannage pour les configurations de scurit informatique; faire de la mise jour en scurit informatique; monter des authentifications, des autorisations et des chiffrements; effectuer du dpannage pour les problmes de rseautique, de connectivit et daccs distance pour les clients; faire un suivi des vnements et effectuer du dpannage pour des problmes de performance. OFFRIR LE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE POUR MICROSOSFT WORD/ / MTHODE DE DOIGT Pr-requis: Aucun 420-890-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours permet aux tudiants doffrir un soutien efficace aux utilisateurs de Microsoft Word et de perfectionner leur mthode de doigt. Ce cours pratique a pour but de permettre ltudiant dacqurir une connaissance avance de Word et de le prparer prendre lexamen Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) pour Microsoft Word. OFFRIR LE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE POUR MICROSOFT EXCEL Pr-requis: Aucun 420-891-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours permet aux tudiants doffrir un soutien efficace aux utilisateurs de Microsoft Excel. Ce cours pratique a pour but de permettre ltudiant dacqurir une connaissance avance dExcel et de le prparer prendre lexamen Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) de Microsoft Excel. OFFRIR LE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE POUR MICROSOFT POWERPOINT ET OUTLOOK Pr-requis: Aucun 420-892-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours permet aux tudiants doffrir un soutien efficace aux utilisateurs de Microsoft PowerPoint et Outlook. Ce cours pratique a pour but de permettre ltudiant dacqurir une connaissance avance de PowerPoint et Outlook et de le prparer prendre lexamen Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) pour Microsoft PowerPoint et Outlook STAGE SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE Pr-requis: 410-022-LA, 420-883-LA, 420-888-LA, 420-889-LA, 420-890-LA, 420-891-LA, 420-892-LA, 602-003-LA or 604-003-LA 420-893-LA

DESCRIPTION: Ce cours de stage comprend deux composantes. La premire partie est une tape prparatoire qui consiste amener les tudiants faire du rseautage, faire des appels froid, et tenir un journal de bord de leurs activits de recherche demploi. Ces activits sont suivies de prs par le superviseur de stage. La deuxime partie du cours est le stage pratique, qui est la composante finale du programme Spcialiste en soutien des technologies de linformation. Le stage a pour but doffrir aux tudiants lopportunit de mettre en pratique les connaissances et comptences acquises au cours du programme dans un environnement rel. Nous nous attendons ce que les tudiants complte leur stage au sein dun environnement de soutien technique fonctionnel.


DESCRIPTION: The course will provide students with a sound understanding of the basic elements that make up technical support including: roles and responsibilities of a technical support specialist, services offered by a Help Desk, technology and tools used in technical support, metrics, service level agreements (SLAs), the escalation process, and outsourcing. This course will also examine ethical issues and trends in technical support. COMMUNICATION, CUSTOMER SERVICE, AND TEAMWORK SKILLS FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT Pre-requisite: None 410-022-LA

DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide students with the basic concepts of communication, customer service, and teamwork. It then permits the students to develop specific skills and competencies necessary for effective communication and customer service both by telephone and in person. Students will also develop the skills necessary to become a valuable team member within a Help Desk environment. BEST PRACTICES IN PROBLEM SOLVING AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OPERATIONS Pre-requisite: 410-021-LA, 420-890-LA 420-883-LA

DESCRIPTION: The course will provide students with an understanding of a systematic approach to problem solving, and review commonly used techniques in the Help Desk environment for responding to customer problems. Technical support issues and practices such as knowledge management, managing change and asset management will be covered. Student will have the opportunity for hands-on practice of problem solving techniques and skills. SECOND LANGUAGE SKILLS FOR THE HELPDESK Pre-requisite: None 602-003-LA/604-003-LA

DESCRIPTION: The ability to function in both English and French is essential to a successful career in the Help Desk industry in Quebec. This course, which is offered in either French or English, is designed to provide the student with the necessary vocabulary and terminology to function effectively in the Help Desk environment. Students will have the opportunity to refine their language skills through written and oral exercises related to their program in their second language.



DESCRIPTION: This course is intended to provide students with detailed knowledge of the underlying computer hardware that is required for comprehensive PC technical support. The following topics are covered: storage devices and backup media; motherboard components; power supplies; CPUs; cooling methods; memory; display devices; adapter cards; printers; tools; and safety and environmental procedures related to the installation and disposal of computer hardware and peripherals. COMPUTER SOFTWARE FUNDAMENTALS Pre-requisite: None 420-885-LA

DESCRIPTION: This course is intended to provide students with detailed knowledge of the underlying computer software that is required for comprehensive PC technical support. The following topics are covered: common operating systems; directory structures; operating system installations; boot sequences; startup utilities; user interfaces; commands; systems utilities; and common software issues. COMPUTER NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS Pre-requisites: 420-884-LA, 420-885-LA 420-886-LA

DESCRIPTION: This is an introductory course designed to provide an overview of networking concepts and standards and to allow students to acquire some basic skills regarding the installation and configuration of common networking devices. MICROSOFT AND LINUX SERVER MANAGEMENT Pre-requisite: 420-886-LA 420-887-LA

DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with an introduction to Windows and Linux servers. Students will learn the fundamentals of server administration including working with shared files and folders and defining user, group, and policy settings. INSTALLING, CONFIGURING, AND OPTIMIZING CLIENT OPERATING SYSTEMS Pre-requisites: 420-886-LA 420-888-LA

DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with an the opportunity to use a varying methods to: install and configure a client operating system, configure user access control and security settings, set up and troubleshoot network connections, Windows Firewall, and remote access, configure Windows Media Center, and other built-in applications, set up mobile devices, and optimize system performance and reliability.



DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with the opportunity to use varying methods to: deploy a Windows client operating system on a network; configure and manage group policies; troubleshoot security settings and install security updates; set up authentication, authorization, and encryption; troubleshoot network issues, client connectivity, and remote access; and monitor events and troubleshoot performance issues. PROVIDING TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MICROSOFT WORD / KEYBOARDING SKILLS Pre-requisite: None 420-890-LA

DESCRIPTION: The course will enable students to provide effective customer support for Microsoft Word and develop their keyboarding skills. This hands-on course is designed to provide an advanced understanding of Word and prepares students for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam for Microsoft Word. PROVIDING TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MICROSOFT EXCEL Pre-requisite: None 420-891-LA

DESCRIPTION: The course will enable students to provide effective customer support for Microsoft Excel. This handson course is designed to provide an advanced understanding of the Excel program and prepares students for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam for Microsoft Excel. PROVIDING TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MICROSOFT POWERPOINT AND OUTLOOK Pre-requisite: None 420-892-LA

DESCRIPTION: The course will enable students to provide effective customer support for Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook. This hands-on course is designed to provide an advanced understanding of PowerPoint and Outlook and prepares students for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam for Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook. INTERNSHIP TECHNICAL SUPPORT Pre-requisite: 410-022-LA, 420-883-LA, 420-888-LA, 420-889-LA, 420-890-LA, 420-891-LA, 420-892-LA, 602-003-LA or 604-003-LA 420-893-LA

DESCRIPTION: The internship course consists of two main components. The first component deals with internship preparation, and is designed to prepare students to network, cold call, and track their employment search activities. These activities are closely monitored by the Internship Supervisor. The second component of the course is the internship, which is the final component of the Information Technology Support Specialist Program and is designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and competencies that they have developed throughout the program in a real-life setting. Students will be expected to complete their internship within a functional technical support environment.

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